The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 19/09/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 4
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lzogm U K, . British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1724. > JS itn-' The Confutation of / oms Popijh Errors continn'd. SIR, HITHERTO the Ro- mish Church has been above Ground, tho not above Board, at we use to say; but with what Clue shall I trace those hidden Caverns; which they have feign'd to be the Receptacles of depar- ted Souls ? How shall I follow them in those Re- gions which are no less obscure than doleful ? Something like what I have read to be reported by one Haytonus, an ancient Traveller, of a Country he saw, as he says, in the Kingdom of
Georgia, which he would not have believ'd, if he had not seen it, [ I desire the same Liberty] call'd Hamsen, of three Days Journey about, cover'd over with palpable Darkness, wherein some desolate People dwell; for those who inhabited upon the Borders of it, might hear the neighing of Horses, crowing of Cocks, howling of Dogs, and other Noises, but no Man could go in to them without Loss of himself. How fabulous soever this Story is, it may serVe to represent the no less fabulous Stories of the Papists, concerning their Limbus Patrum, and Purgatory which are so much in the dark, thac I should despair of making any
Discovery of them, were it not for a Thread of their own spinning, by which, not the milky, but a gloomy Way is to be explored ; and to be particular he ein, let me treat of their Limbus Patrum, and of their purgatory, according to their distinct Notions of them The First of these they feign to be the Receptacle of the Souls of the Patriarchs, and other Believers of the Old Testament. Their Purgatory is the feign'd Place where the Souls of such as have not their Sins fully purg'd in this Life, are shut up, tortur'd, and purify'd; concerning which, we have this Comfort, that it is not more gloomy, dolorous, and terrify- ing in the Notion of it,
then it is fictious and ground- less in the Nature of it. However, to discover further the Errors of the Church of Rome, its necessary to pry into those pre- tended gloomy Caverns, these Receptacles of Dark- ness, Horror, and Pain ; in which Attempt I shall endeavour to shew something of what their deluded Imaginations, and deluding Insinuations, have im- pos'd on their ignorant and too credulous Followers; with the Cause and Design of this Doctrine, and then prove that it is altogether false and groundless; of these in their Order. To begin with their Limbus Patrum, concerning which they vary much in their Opinions : One of
their Doctors saith, " Whether it be the same Place in which the Souls of Infants who depart out of this Life without Baptism are receiv'd or not, Di- vines do doubt; neither is their anything to be pronoune'd of so doubtful a Matter." Yet others ( Price three- Half- Pence J of them undertake to be more positive in this Case, and say, that into this Limbus the holy Fathers before the coming of Christ did descend ; but now the Chil- dren which depart without Baptism are detained there; so that with these, the feigned place which was Limbus Patrum under the Law, is Limbus Infantum under the Gospel; and their Belief of this has fill'd
them with so much Pity and compassion to these poor Infants, that in order to their being carred to a better Place than the fore mention'd, in Cases of Ex- tremity they dispence with their Gravity and Mo- desty, and condescend to baptize them in the Birth, while they are partly in the World, and partly in the Womb : This is a certain Truth, but Shame forbids me to say any more of ir. Neither are the agreed concerning the Locality of their Limbus -, some of them affirming it to be Hell itself; but the greater Part say that it is a Region above it; and if so, then their generally receiv'd Opinion, that Christ descended into Hell in order to
deliver the Fathers of the Old Testament is as much to the Purpose, as to say, that a Prince went into America to deliver such as were shut up in the Inquisition in Spain; however, they agree to assert that before Christ's Passion, none of the Old Testa- ment Believers went to Heaven; but this is a bold Assertion, since there is nothing in the Word of God to ground this Doctrine upon;,. but contrary wise, the Scripture faith expresly concerning Elijah that that he went up to Heaven, which may by unde- niable Consequence be prov'd of all the rest of the Old Testament Believers ; for the Lord Jesus Christ was in the Decree of God
as a Lamb slain from be- fore the Foundation of the World, by whose Obe- dience and meritorious Sufferings, and by his only, the justice of God is fully satisfy'd for all them thac believe in him in a true and saving Manner, as did the Old Testament Saints ; they had an Eye to him thro' their legal tipical Sacrifices, and by his Blood they were wash'd from their Sins, and not only so, but celestial Glory, and all the blessed Concomitants thereof were dearly purchased for them at the same Time, ( decretally I mean) so that the Obedience and Sufferings of Christ which then were to be perform'd and accomplish'd, were of as great
Efficacy to the Faithful under the Old Testament, as they are to Believers under the New, whereby they were com- pleatly redeemed, not only from the Punishment of Sense, but from that of Privation or Loss also, so that they were not detain'd as in a Prison, and shut out of Heaven till the Assention of Christ, but were immediately receiv'd thither. This might be farther made appear, but ( that I may keep within the Bounds of a Letter) I procceed to consider their Purgatory, which Belarmine de- scribeth thus, That it is a certain Place in which, as in a Prison, those Souls are purged after this Life, which were not fully purged in this
Life : The first Inventer of this Conceit was Pope Gregory I. who saith, That for cercain light Faults there is a Purga- tory Fire prepar'd before the Day of Judgment; and in the Behalf of those miserable souls that are suppos'd to be there tormented. Sir Thomas Moor drew up the following Petition. 10 A To IK - u
SIR, IHave been married about two Years to a young Woman that is every Way agreeable to my Tem- per, but only the is given to be a little too super- stitious. The Truth is, she was determin'd in her Choice of me by the Prediction of a Fortune- teller. Without thinking myself more oblig'd t0 him, than in good Reason I should, I may safely say, without the Guilt of Superstition, that I shall like him for the lucky Accident of having caused my good For- tune, by foretelling it, the longest Day I have to live. She would be the best natur'd Creature in the World, most certainly, if her Mind was not haunted by Spi- rits, Stories of which take
up most of her Conver- sation by Dayj and make her waken me a Nights very frequently. I laugh'd at these little Tales of hers at first. but not being able to get her out of them, I indulg'd her in the relating them, which she has continu'd to do, so wittily, and so prettily, that tho I know, according to right Reason, I ought not to be terrify'd with such Tales, I am brought to tremble at the tumbling of a Saltseller, and dream myself into Apprehenisions, when I am awake and, tho' I know the Frailty of it, I cannot help it for my Life. If my Wife could be once cured of this Way of Thinking, I am sure I should be well again soon after.— She has
been for these three Months last counting all our Hours by a Death Watch, and has made me almost sick with the re- peated Fears, that she, who so often speaks of her own Death upon Account of an Accident that is but a mere jest in itself, should die in good Earnest.— This splenetick Cast of her Temper having had an Effect on me, who sympathize with her in every thing, throws a Gown over our Hours, which would otherwise pass as delightfully by us, as any Couple upon Earth. Pray give her some better Reasons than I am able to instill into her, to arm and fortify her Mind against these little Surprizes of Supersti- tion, and
you will make her the best Wife in the World, who studies to be, and it, EASY to me in every Case, but this alone, in which she is rather to be lamented than reproved, that she is not able to be otherwise than UNEASY to her ownself. Your humble Servant, MARK DOCILE. Last Saturday his Excellency the Marquis de Pozzo Bueno, the Spanish Ambassador, went to Windsor, and notified to the Court the Death of King Lewis of Spain, and the Re- accession of King Philip to the Throne of the Spanish Monarchy. The same Day his Excellency Count Staremberg, the Imperial Ambassador, and his Consort, were at Windsor to wait
on his Majesty. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales went to Windsor last Sunday, accompany'd his Majesty to the Chapel Royal, and return'd to Richmond in the Evening. Sunday last his Excellency the Count de Broglio, Ambassador of France, went to Windsor to confer with the Ministers of State. Mrs. Trefusis, Widow of Samuel Trefusis, Esq; late of the County of Cornwall, and Daughter of James Craggs, Esq; Sen. late Post master General, was marry'd some Days ago to Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart Kt. of the Shire for the County of Cambridge. ' Tis said, the Court will go into Mourning for three Months on occasion of
the Death of the late King of Spain: Monday one of his Majesty's Messengers set out for Spain, with Dispatches to his Excellency Colonel Stanhope, his Majesty's Minister at chat Court. Last Week several Servants were hired for the Lord Glenorchy, his Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Denmark ; and they are to be transported this Week to Copenhagen. Monday Stephen Pointz, Esq; his Majesty's En- voy Extraordinary to the Court of Sweden, set out for Gottenburg, attended by Mr Speare and Mr. Brighter, two of hit Majesty's Messengers in Ordi- nary. m) We hear the St. Quintin, Capt. Bird, newly ar- riv'd from Buenos
Ayres, harh on board 15505 Hides, besides Silver and other, Commodities. On Sunday last the Right Hon. the Lord Lechmere and his Lady set out for the Bath. The Rev. Dr. Ingram, Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, is made a Prebendary of Windsor, in the room of Dr. Browne, deceased Monday his Majesty's Ship Dover, Capt Cayley was paid off at Deptford ; the Hon. Mr. Hamilton the id Lieutenant, Brother to the Lord Belhaven was left ashoar at Lisbon, being in the highest degree of a Consumption, and is under the Care of a famous Italian Physician, who perform'd a surprizing Cure upon the Lord Vere,
Commander of the Lyme Galley who was far gone in the same Distemper. On Sunday Morning last, the Christian Chinese Noblemen, ( whom his Excellency the Marquis of Cortanza, Ambassador to the King of Sardinia, some Days ago presented to his Majesty at Windsor, and were most graciously receiv'd) came to the said Am- bassador's Chapel to perform their Devotions there" hearing Divine Service, and receiving the Sacrament' according to the Church of Rome. Extract of a Letter from Cardigan in South- Wales, dated Sept 11, 1724. Yesterday at the Assizes here, before Judge Vaughan, one Edward Williams, a Farmer,
was tryed for the Murder of his Wife, by giving her three Stabs in the Belly, she being big with Child at the same time, and was found guilty ; and at Ha- verford West, one Lewis Griffith, a Labourer, was found guilty of murdering his Sweetheart Alice Pugh ; they are to be executed on Wednesday the 23d Instant, and as we hear, are afterwards to be hang'd in Chains. They write from Cambridge, that the 3d Instant, the Rev, Mr. Butler was chosen Fellow of Bannet's College, by the unanimous Consent of all the Fellows present. On Tuesday last the Commissioners of the Lieu- tenancy, chose Mr. Alderman Baylis Colonel of the
Red Regiment of the City Militia, in the room of Sir Samuel Stanier, deceas'd. The same Day Francis Porteen, Esq; was sworn in Alderman of the Ward of Aldgate, in the room of the said deceas'd Knight. . His Majedy's Ship ' the Southampton proving not fit for the Sea, is come into Spithead, and the South. Sea Castle, a Ship of the same Force at Portsmouth, is ordered to be Commission'd, and to receive Capt. Delgarnoe and his Crew, as also the Morocco Am- bassador on board, and to transport his Excellency to Tetuan ; afterward to range the Coasts of Guinea in quest of the Pyrates, and thence to proceed to the Island of
Antegoa, the same Course as was ordered for the Southampton. Capt. Hedges, Commander of a South Sea Sloop, met in the Voyage with a Pyrate Scooner, which he fought for some time, and having kill'd the Captain, and several of the Men, it surrender'd to him. The Pyrate had taken and sent away two Prizes some time before, which Capt. Hedges was in hopes to find at the Port whither they were sent. The said Capt. Hedges Was reported to have been kill'd about two Years ago in Stepney Fields, having receiv'd a con- siderable Sum of Money, and thereupon abruptly left his Family. On Sunday last, four Persons having
been up the River with a Gun to shoot Sea Gulls, in their Return home the Boat overset in Chelsea Reach, whereby two of them lost their Lives, viz Mr. Bourne, a Deputed King's Waiter at the Custom House, and Mr. Lynes, who kept the Naked Boy Alehouse at Mill Bank: The last could have swam, and might in all Proba- bility have saved his Life, but was prevented by ha- ving on a Pair of Boots. The other two saved their Lives, the one by swimming to Shoar. and the other by cleaving to the Boat till Help came. The Bodies of Mr. Bourne and Mr. Lynes have not yet been found. The
nit. m The Execution of John Sheppard cannot be so soon as was expected, because both the Recorder and his Deputy, by one of whom the Warrant must be sign'd, happen to be at Bath. Mean time he is visited in the Condemn'd Hold by two Clergymen, who generally officiate in the Absence of the Ordinary, and on Sun- day he was carry'd ap to the Chappel in Newgate, where was a vast Concourse of People to see him. He has confess'd that two Days before he was re- taken,, he came from Finchley into Bishopsgate street, drank at several publick Houses, and in the Evening came into Smithfield, pick'd two Pockets in the
Cloysters of Christ's Hospital, and from thence pass'd under Newgate down to the Old Bailey into Fleet street, where he robb'd the Shop of Mr. Martin a Watch- maker, against St. Bride's Church, of three Silver Watches, by fixing a Nail- Piercer into the Door Post, tying the Knocker fast to it with Packthread, and cutting out a Pane of Glass, by which Means he took the Watches out of the Window, and tho' a Boy saw him do it, he could not get out to pursue him. One of these Watches he pawn'd for a Guinea and an half, and the two others were taken upon him at Finchley. Tis said that Page the Butcher was his Accomplice in
this Robbery, tho' Sheppard will not own if. We hear that on Saturday Night the Keepers found a small File conceal'd in a Bible which was sent him for his Preparations. And on Wednesday they went into the Condemn'd Hold and found two Files, a Chissel, and a Hammer, hid in the bottom of a matted Chair, with which he had begun to file his Irons, who when he perceiv'd his last Effort to escape thus discovered and frustrated, his wicked and obdurate Heart began to relent, and he shed abun- dance of Tears; he was carried up to an Apartment call'd the Castle, in the Body of the Goal, a Place of equal, if not superior Strength
to the Condemn'd- Hold, and there Chain'd down to the Floor. His Majesty's Ship the Enterprize from Virginia is order'd to be paid off at Plymouth ; and his Majesty's Ship Tryal Sloop from Gibraltar, at Deptford. On Tuesday af a Court Martial, a private Centinel in the Third Regiment of Guards was sentenc'd to be whipt two Guard Days twice through the Battallion, upon the Parade each Day, with the Halberts reversed and carry'd before him for making a Riot in his Quarters, insulting of his Landlord, and threatning to swear Treason against him unless he would give him Money. At the same time another Centinel was sentenc'd
to undergo the same Punishment, for disobeying Orders, and abusing his Serjeant. One Austin Richardson, late an Inhabitant of Swan Alley in Goswel Street, being committed for Debt to the Poultry Compter, has since been charged with clipping the Coin, by an Accomplice of his in the Marshalsea, upon which he is said in Irons. The Lady of rhe Lord Chief Baron Eyre, who dy'd lately near Salisbury, is to be interr'd with very great Pomp next Monday in the Cathedral of that City, by Mr. Roome the Undertaker in Fleetstreet. On Thursday last Mr. Cogghill's Horse won the 50 I, Plate at Odsey in Hertfordshire, and the 14 Stone
Plate of 40 Guineas was won by Mr. Edward Tea's Horse. Dublin, Sept. 5 The Building of Newport in the County of Mayo, goes on with great Expedition, the Sessions House is almost finish'd, and the other pub- lick Edifices, are in great Forwardness. The Barracks stand on an Eminence to command the Town, from whence the Regularity of the Buildings, and the Port afford a Pleasant Prospect. The latter will be as commodious for Shipping as can be desir'd The Town stands in a healthful Air, is furnish'd with great Plenty of Fish and other Food ; several Fami- lies who are gone thither from hence, thrive very Bristol Sept. io.
On Saturday the 5th Instant Sir William Daines, Kt. dy'd here. We have lost in him a Magistrate. who by his Integrity, Prudence and Resolution, did great Service to this City on all Occasions. He was often chosen to represent it in Parliament, and twice without any Opposition an Honour that was never done any Man. here besides but being in an advanced Age, he declin'd the Tiaij the last Election: That unshaken Integrity, which always made him of so great Service to this Town was of the greatest Advantage to himself in his. j Illness, he having born that, and the near Prospect of his Death, with the same Composure and
Steadiness which always accompany'd him in his Life. He is universally regretted in his Family and in this City He has left the Rt Hon. the Lady Viscountess Bar- rington, one of his daughters, and Wife to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Viscount Barrington, his sole Execu- trix. On Wednesday last one Mrs. Carew who kept the Ship Alehouse by Rotherhith Wall, having a Car- penter at Work in repairing the Balcony of her House fronting the River, she went up to give some Direc- tions, and leaning over the uppermost Rail, it gave way and she fell down with it on the under Shore and died on the Spot. The Coroners Inquest have brought in
their Verdict Accidental Death ' Last Saturday dy'd at his Seat at Broughton in Staffordshire, Sir Bryan Broughton, Bart. Member of Parliament for Newcastle under Line. Last Tuesday dy'd at Brook Green near Hammer- smith Mr. Erlington, Clerk to Thomas Dummer, Esq; Deputy Master of the Great Wardrobe Yesterday was drawn at the Lottery at Guildhall No 37278 a Prize of yooo. I. but we do not as yet hear who has the good Fortune to claim it. It is said the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland will go for that Kingdom about the middle of next Month. Last Thursday was held a General Court of the Bank, when it was agreed to divide 3
per Cent. In. terest and Profit for the Half Year ending the 29th Instant, They write from Devonshire, that the HarVest there was so good and great, that Barley is sold from 16 to 18 d. per Bushel. and Wheat and Oats exceeding cheap; and as for Apples the oldest Man living never knew the like Plenty as is now in the West for 100 Miles in Length; and particularly at Exwick near the City of Exeter, such a Quantity were sold on the Trees for 9 1. as would make 120 Hogsheads of Cy- der by a modest Computation. On Tuesday last an Officer having a Writ against a poor Woman, pursu'd her into the Court before the Sardinian
Ambassador's House in Lincoln's Inn Fields, seiz'd her there, and would have carry'd her off; but upon her crying out for Help, a Servant or two came to her Assistance, and exchang'd some Blows with the Bailiffs; upon which Disturbance the Ambassador came out himself to enquire into the Matter, which prov'd fortunate to the Woman, for his Excellency was so kind as to pay the Debt, being 16 s. and 9 d, and also to give her some further Relief; but order'd the Bailiff to be carry'd before a Magistrate, who bound him over for the Insult committed within the Verge of the Ambassador's House. The Duke of Cambridge and Hallifax
larely arrived from Turkey, brought home very rich Cargoes valued at above 200000 J. among other Particulars, we hear there are 1377 Bales of RaW Silk. Having an Opportunity to converse with a Poet of some Rank, we thought proper to ask his Judg- ment concerning the learned Works which we have receiv'd from Apollodorus and Epimenides: He Was pleas'd to direct us to acquaint them, that tho' he could not certainly say what was meant by living in the Neighbourhood of Parnassus, yet he found that doing so gave a Person no more Title to be a Poet, than living near London did to be an Alder- man ; that there was
some Difference between Jin- gling and Rhiming, but a great deal more between Rhiming ard Poetry ; that tho' it was not to be expected to find any thing in a Weekly Paper with- out one Error, yet, on the other Hand, it was alto- gether inexcusable to put in any thing that had not one Excellence : That as to Noah's Flood, he has all due Regard to the Memory of it, but is by no Mans willing to be the Instrument of another in- undation I 1 | i| I H
( 2 9 7 6 ) undation of.. That as to Epimenides, he Would have him to take a Nap as long, as his Namesake, which perhaps may produce something ; but as to his Dream, at present, he humbly conceives there is no- thing in it but a Mountain of Matter, reducible to a Very small Molehill of Meaning. Edinburgh, Sept. 7. An extraordinary Accident has happen'd here which occasions much Talk and Speculation, Viz Margaret Dickson, under Sentence ' of Death for murdering her own Child, was on Wed- nesday last hang'd in the Grass Market; and being cut down, after she had hung the usual Time, her Body was convey'd to
Musselburgh by her Friends, who live there, and where she also formerly resided, in order to be buried in that Parish, and also to save her from the Hands of the Surgeon Apprentices about Edinburgh. Upon her Arrival at Musselburgh, Ibe was found to have fome L fe in her, fipon which, her Friends being moved with natural Affection and Compassion, and using proper Means for her Reco- very, have, as we are inform'd, brought her to a pretty good State of Health. She deny'd to the last her being accessary to the Child's Death, otherwise than by not calling for Help when in travail. Last Sunday about 9 at Night, a young Man
lying over a Window in the Parliament Close, which was four Stories high, was toss'd over by a Servant Maid, which has very much endanger'd his Life ; however, if he recovers, no doubt he Will forgive her, because she did it but in Jest. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom House since our last. The Continuance from Stockholm, and Dolphin from Rotterdam. The Matthew and Francis from Malaga ; Grey- hound and prickett both from Lisbon; Edward from Stockholm; Hermans from Amsterdam ; Prince Cassimier . from Holland; Bellamount from Jamaica; Byam from Antegoa ; Friendship from Berbadoes, and Dove from New
England The Abigail fiom Bologn ; Dolphin from Riga; Abbott from Petersburg; John and Mary from Stock- holm; Mary from Norway ; Bridgman from Rotter- dam , William and Mary from Barbadoes; and Pro- sperous, and Phoenix, both from Carolina The Isaac and Peter from St Christopher's ; John Goodwill, and Mary and Susannah, both from Pe- tersburg ; Moore fron Diep, Beckenham from Opor- to ; Duke Charost from Calais ; Mercury from Rot. terdam; Coronation from Northbergen; and London from Norway. The Diamond from Barbary; Clapham from Leg- horn ; Granada from Diep; Dove from New- Eng- land ; and
Hammond from Maryland. Clear'd Out. The August for the Streights; Portugal for Canary ; Molly for Africa ; Ostend Packet for Ostend ; Mar- garet and Mary, and Mary both for Holland ; John and josiah for Ireland, and Hopewell for West Indies. The Recovery for Sound; Harrison for Virginia; Totness for New- England ; Carolina for Carolina, and King William for West Indies. The Samborne Galley for Leghorn; Robert and Mary for Maryland; Elizabeth for West Indies; and Harrisin for Virginia. The Mary for Jersey ; Sr. Michael for Flanders; Alice and Deborah for Hambro'; Mary for Ireland ; Samuel for Barbadoes; Betty for West-
Indies; and Brigett for Sound. The Dorothy for Spain ; Marlborough for France ; Hill for Ireland and West Indies; Thomas and Richard for Virginia; Love for Barbadoes; and the Welfare for Norway. 1 Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was Annuities 106 3 8ths. India 147. Bank ,,, Circulation 5 8; hs perCent. Prem: African « York Buildings 8. Ditto Subscription A7 Lift Annuity 106. Royal Exchange Assurance 5! London Assurance 7 7 8ths per Share, MillioN bank ,07. Army Debentures 1 , half per Cm " n-? South Sea Bonds 1 1. 5 s. Prem, India Bonds ,1 ' Prem. Welsh Copper 33 s. Sol. Prizes ' ' t/' le Course, 19 I. 16s. Blanks
1723, 7 oi Government's Tickets 13 1. ' 9Sl 6d- FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Paris, Sept. 13. King Philip's Answer of the 6th, Instant, to the Supplication of the Council of Castille is as follows: IHave seriously consider'd every thing that the Council does represent to me in this Supplica- tion, as well as in the former dated the 4th Instant Altho I was firmly determin'd never to leave my Retirement upon any Account whatsoever yet willing to condescend to the earnest Instances made to me by the Council in these two Supplications to resume and take upon me the Charge of the Go- vernment of this Monarchy, as its natural Sove- reign and
Proprietor; and yielding to their farther representing to me, That I am bound in Justice and Conscience to do it, I am resolv'd, out of the great Value and Esteem I have for the Advice of the Council, and in Consideration of the Zeal and constant Affection which is so conspicuous in the Members of it, to sacrifice myself to the general Welfare of this Monarchy, and the greater Ad. vantage of the Subjects thereof; the more still, considering the Obligation which the Council finds I am under as their natural Prince and Sovereign; reserving however to myself to leave the Govern- ment of this Monarchy to the Prince my eldest Son when
he comes to due Age and Capacity, provided always, there be not at that Time too great Incon- veniences that may hinder it. I agree likewise to the calling, as soon as possible, the Cortes, to re- cognize the Infante Don Ferdinand as Prince. They write from Castres in Languedoc, that about the Beginning of this Month there had happea'd a Fire which consum'd above 60 Houses. Schuffhausen, Sept. 3. The French Protestants in these Fronrier Provinces are so terrify'd at the rigo- rous Edict lately publish'd against them, that they endeavour to save themselves by passing thro' Moun- tains and Forests almoft impracticable into
the Coun- try of the Swiss Cantons, notwithstanding all the Frontiers of Dauphine are beset by the King's Troops. LONDON; Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in