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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 12/09/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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C 39S5 ) THE journal O R, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1724. The Confutation of fome Popijh Errors continu'd. SIR., WHILE I am considering the growing Enormities of the Church of Rome, their Corruption in Doc- trine, and the Deceitful- ness and Vileness of their Practices, that awful Ex- pression of Francis Spira very often recurrs to my Mind, Viz. Man knows the Beginning of Sin, but who bounds the Issue thereof. Surely Sin is of a very incroaching, spreading, and infatuating Nature ; whi- ther will spiritual Pride, earthly Grandeur, Cove- tousness, Lust, and Revenge, carry those who are given up thereto? Take a Survey of the horrid and fatal Effects of these in the Romish Church that whited Sepulchre fill'd with Putrifaction and Destruction, altho' it ap- pears not unto too many poor deluded Persons, who follow their pernicious Guides, till they fall therein, and are there suffocated and destroy'd : This is a cer- tain Truth, altho' it be a very melancholy one. Be- hold the growing Covetousness, and aspiring Arro- gance of the Romish Synagogue ! See how she ad- vances her Crest against the Gospel and Sceptre of Christ! First, They teach that good Works are meritorious; then, that Persons may perform more good Works than are requir'd of them; and that these Works of Supererogation are deposited in the Treasury of their Church, and day from thence be dispensed, by the Pope, to those who stand in need of them. From whence proceeds another God provoking and Christ dishonouring Doctrine, which is, that out of this Treasure of good Works, deposited as aforesaid in their Church, Indulgences, and Pardons, may be had for such as neglect the Duties requir'd of them, or whose Crimes render them obnoxious to the Wrath of the just and holy God. The two former Doctrines just mention'd, have, in some Measure, been discover'd and confuted : The Popish Doctrine and Practice concerning Indulgences and Pardons comes under Consideration at this time And here let me attempt to shew how the ancient Discipline of the Church was perverted and corrupt- ed to introduce them, and what their present Doc- trine and Practice is for the maintaining and dispen- sing of them, and then discover the exceeding Sin- fulness of it, which must needs appear horrible to every one who views it in a Gospel Light. For the first of these, namely, to shew what an- cient Discipline of the Church was corrupted and perverted to introduce these Popish Pardons and In- dulgences ; and this was the Censure of Penance in- flicted by the Church on notorious Offenders; yet after such Censures were past, when Signs of true and hearty Repentance appear'd, the Church did ei- ther mitigate or remit the Penance enjoin'd. ( Price Three Half- pence.) . But Covetousness and Pride did by Decrees, and in length of Time, so corrupt this Church Discipline, that at length it wholly perverted the same; and then sprung up this Luciferian Axiom, That Penance did satisfy God's Justice ( which at first was design'd t0 humble, under a Sense of Sin, and to bring - he Offender to Repentance,) whereupon Redemptions and Commutations began to be of Use among them, which soon, for Lucre's sake were entertain'd so far, that a Man for Money might redeem the whole pe- nitential Satisfaftion enjoin'd and requir'd by the Church, by procuring the same to be answer'd for, and supply'd out of their Church- Treasury ; so that the Romish Church hath scarce the Shadow; or at most but the Shadow, of it left; some ridiculous Fopperies and Shews of Religion being all that is to be seen in it. Buchardus saith many Things concerning the Way and Manner of their redeeming their pretended Sa- tisfactions; as that they are permitted to redeem their Fastings by saying a certain Number of Psalms, in the saying whereof such and such Postures of the Body are requir'd and enjoyn'd ; and rich Persons who Cannot say Psalms, may redeem their Penance by Alms, & c. whereby considerable Sums were daily given to the Romish Clergy, which soon grew so acceptable to them, and others so much desired to be Sharers therein, that many times Indulgences granted by preceeding Popes, were revok'd by their Successors to oblige those to whem they had been formerly granted, to obtain them again, by a fresh and more expensive Purchase of them. Thus are these poor deluded People oftentimes imposed on in their Life time; yet fuch Impostitons do not satisfy the Avarice of the Church of Rome, therefore they say that if a Man in his Life- time have bought many Pardons, yet by Offences com. mitted afterwards, fresh Guilt is contracted, therefore there is a Necessity that fresh Pardons be granted them on their Death Beds, and these Pardons are so much the dearer, because they give a certain and speedy Passage into Heaven; which Pardons are for- mal Instruments in Writing, sealed and confirmed with leaden Bulls, as tho' poor Sinners were to deal with the great and holy God by Letters Patent under the Popes Hand, who through Covetousness with feigned Words, maketh Merchandize of the Souls,' Bodies, and Estates of his deluded Votaries; but while he no less presumptuously, than vainly,- pro- miseth them Liberty, he thereby makes himself seven- fold more the Servant of Sin, Satan, and his own Corruptions, than are those poor Creatures who are deluded by him. This Dostrine is directly Anti christian, and the very reverse to that which is contain'd in our Bibles, which in the whole Tenour of them set forth the blessed Jesus as the only Saviour, and which en- courage and invite poor lost Sinners to an humble, penitent, and fiducial Dependance on his Righteous- ness and Blood, for the Pardon of all their Sins, and for their Acceptance with the holy God, whose Justice neither is, nor can be appeas'd any other Way ; so that the Pope, nor all the swelling Treasure, or pretended Authority of the Romish Church, cannot be in the least available on this Account: And with Horror and Detestation we should behold the Dishonour that is hereby done to the Holiness and Justice of God, and the Contempt that is hereby offer'd to the all- sufficient Merit of Christ, and the compleat Satis- faction of the dear Redeemer, which he hath given for the Sins of ail true penitent Believers How traiterous is the Attempt! whereby the Pope and the Romish Church usurps the regal Authority of Christ, by their pretending to pardon Sins, not only decla- ritively, but absolutely, in which Sense none can pardon Sins but God only ; so that the Man of Sin as God. sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God, 1 Thes. ii. 4. Of the same vile Nature is the Romish Doctrine that their Priests have Power to enjoin Penances to take away Sins, since ( as hath been hinted before) the Blood of Christ, and that only taketh away all Sin Nor doth the Pope any less derogate from the plenary satisfaction made by Christ, by his delegating his Priests to dispence of the Superfluity of the Saints Merits to be our Satisfaction , as tho what all the Power and Merits of Christ could not do, the very Superfluity of the Saints Merits could procure for us. Alas! that any should trust on these Merits, or on the Pardons grounded on, and granted from them, on which bruised Reed whosoever leaneth, it will certainly go into his Hand and cause an incurable Maim, where he expected a Support for these Par- dons are rather a Mittimus to Hell than a Pasport to Heaven; and how will poor deluded Creatures la- ment, when ( too late) they find their fatal Mistake, not only by having their vain Hopes disappointed, but far worse than what they feared inflicted on them, and that they are past even a Possibility of Recovery. Shall we not pity such poor Souls? Shall we not pray for them, that God would in Mercy deliver them from the fatal Influence of Popish Delulion ? Shall we not bless God that we are not carried away by the Anti christian Floods, either of Popish Super- stition, or Popish Persecution, which at this Day carry almost all before them in Popish Countries. And how justly might this have been our Case ? Shall we not adore the long suffering Goodness of God, in that he has not yet given us up to those De- lusions and that Ruin which too many infatuated Persons are choosing for themselves, and which rhey seem to be fond of ? Shall we not, according to out Capacities, do what we can to prevent the spreadirig of this contagious Madness ? May rhe foregoing Hints be improv'd for the forti. fying us against any Manner of Trust to, or Depen- dance upon, Popish Indulgences and Pardons, which are of such God- dishonouring and Soul destroying Consequence, and whereby they that trust to them will sink lower than their feigned Limbus Patrum, or Purgatory, which will next be treated of by r 2966 ) Croydon Sept, 8, 1714. MITHRIDATES, The Continuation of the Life of Charles II. King of ENGLAND. After which the Lord Chance1lor, by his Majesty's Command, acquainted the two Houses, that his Ma- jesty had thought fit, in the present Conjuncture of Affairs, to prorogue them to the first of August fol- lowing, and so keep them in Call by short Proroga- tions; his Majesty not knowing how soon he MIGht have need of their further Service and Assistance; but that his Majesty's Intention was, they should not meet till towards Winter, unless there were Oc- casion for their assembling sooner, of which he would give them timely Notice by Proclamation: And ac- cordingly the Parliament was prorogu'd till the first day of August. Good Part of the next Session was taken up in preparing a Bill for raising Money to disband the Army ; wherein the Commons were so distrustful of the King that the Money was by the Bill order'd to be paid into the Chamber of London, and not into the Exchequer; Sir Gilbert Gerard, Colonel Birch, and Colonel Whitly, three of their own Members being appoin'ed Commissioners for paying off thecff Soldiers ; and in drawing up Articles nf r„, , ment against the Earl of Danby which was occasion'd by some Clashings between him and Mr Montague, who had been Ambassador in France, and was then a Member of the House of . This Story having been told by this lord himself in his Volume of Letters printed soon after the Death of Montague, must not be omitted By those Letters it plainly appears, that a Bargain was made at the Court of France, for an annual Sum of Money to be paid to the King of Great Britain, to induce him to sit still, and not interrupt the French King in the Progress of his Arms in Flanders. Mr. Montague, who haggled for the King at the Court of France, always insisted upon 300000I per Annum during the War, and demanded also Millions ot Livres at the Conclusion of the Peace His Arguments at that Court were, that the King was unable to support his Affairs with a less Sum than loooool. per Annum ; That France might very well agree to his Demand, since the Encrease of Power by the Conquests ( which Was absolutely ow- ing to the King's sitting still) Was vastly great and the Addition of Revenne not less than 6 Millions of Livres per Annum. But it seems a French Minister at London had got the King to consent to 2 Millions of Livres, which, as Mr. Montague argues, in wri- ting to the King and to the Lord Treasurer, was 12000l. less than the 200000I. he insisted on, and was sure he could have obtain'd, besides 4 Millions of Livres at the End of the War, which the King let drop. This is the main Substance of those Letters, which seem to be publish'd only to shew that Mr Montague was deeper in that Negotiation than the Lord treasurer, whose Letters shew him indeed to be in the Secret, but against the French, and ignorant of the King's Contract. And he seems to lay some Stress and Glory upon the Money's not being paid to him, but to Mr. Chiffinch, who every Body knows was the King's Closet keeper, and one whom the King much confided in. Mr. Montague who had desir'd to be Secretary of State, finding himself opposed in it by the Lord Treasurer came privately over in August, 1678, and got himself chosen a Member of Parliament. The King was displeas'd with his Conduct, and MON- tague found himself in Danger, which at first he endeavour'd to avoid by Flight, but unable to endure the stormy Weather his Ship was attack'd with in Margate Road, he came a shore, and afterwards en- deavour'd to get off at Dover, but was stopt by the Officers, which oblig'd him to come to London; and finally, the King having sent a message to the House of Commons, Dec. 19, accusing him of Correspon- dence with the Popes Nuncio at Paris, and having order'd his Papers to be seiz'd, Mr. Montague on that Occasion told the House, He had in his Cu- stody' several papers which he conceiv'd might " tend very much to the Safety of his Majesty's " Person, and the PreserVation of the Kingdom." A Committee was thereupon immediately order'd to fetch the Writings to the House; and Mr Mon- rague shew'd the Letters from the Lord treasurer, relating to the Bargains abovesaid, especially two, one whereof had a Postscipt of the King's own Hand. This Letter is writ by my Order C K. wherein a Demand was made for ( 6o0oool. per Annum for three Years, to be paid by France to the King, upon the Allies accepting the Terms of Peace of- fer'd by France, because ( says that Letter ) it will probably be two or three years before the Parliament will be in Humour to give any Supplies. The Indignation that an english Parliament must necessarily have upon this Discovery, may well be suppos'd to create a Flame that was not easy to be extinguish'd. Montague had the Art to turn the Blow upon the Lord Treasurer, who thereupon re- tir'd, but a Bill of Attainder being brought against him in the next Parliament, he surrender'd himself, and produc'd the King's Pardon, but in vain, for he was committed to the Tower, where he lay many Years, . To be continu'd this Day Fortnight, \ ( 2 9 ^ 7 ) The Rev. Mr. Edward Parker, is made Prebendary of Hamilton in the Church of Southwell, in the Coun- ty of Nottingham and Diocese of York, in the room of the Rev. Mr. Fenton, deceas'd: The Rev. Mr. John Colson, is nominated to the Vicarage of Chalk, in the County of Kent, vacant by the Death of the late Incumbent Friday 7- Night Mr. Dix of the Queen's Arms Ta- vern in Newgate street, claim'd his benefit of 2000 I before the Commissioners at Guild hall, as most of those have done that had large Prizes. Sunday Night the Archbishop of Ardmagh's Coach was overturn'd at the End of Salisbury Court in Fleet street whereby one of his Lordship's Shoulder Bones was dislocated, which was set by Mr. Holloway the Surgeon. On Saturday Night died at his Scat at Biddesden, near Andover, Lieutenant General John Richmond Web, late Governor of the Isle of Wight, and Mem- ber in this present Parliament for Ludgeshall in the County of Wilts. Letters from South- Carolina inform us., that the Council there had presented. by the Hands of Arthur Middleton, Esq their President, a most dutiful Ad- dress to Francis Nicholson, Esq; their Governor ; which his Excellency had receiv'd very kindly. On Saturday last in the Evening the Morocco Am bassador arrived at the Buoy in the Nore, and went on board his Majesty's Ship Southampton, along with Sir Charles Wager, and were receiv'd with a Salute of twenty one Guns. Captain Delgarnoe weigh'd and set Sail immediately, and Sir Charles Wager ac- companied his Excellency on board two Miles below the Nore; and at Sir Charles's coming off, there was a Discharge of one and twenty Guns more: Commo- dore Stewart also accompanied the Ambassador as far as Woolwich, on board the Charlotte Yacht. His Excellency hath carry'd with him a good Num- ber of large English Mastiffs, to be employ'd in the Diversions of the Emperor his Master. Letters from Venice say, that the Deputy Com- missioners of the Artillery saw the Trial of an Inven- tion for throwing Bombs, by a new sort of Match, the Fire whereof cannot be seen at Night, nor the Bomb in the Air, nor does it burst till Come to the intended Place. We hear from Loughborough in Leicestershire, that the great Plate was won there the first Instant by Borlace Warren, Esq; who gave an Entertainment to all the Ladies and Gentlemen in the Evening ; that the Day afrer the Lord Drogheda's Horse won the Galloway- Plate, that there was a great Appearance of Persons of Distinction of both Sexes without any Mif- chief but to one Person, who happen'd to break his Leg by a Fall from his Horse. -- ——— On Saturday last an Express arriv'd at Court from Madrid, with Advice, that Lewis King of Spain who upon the Resignation of his Father Philip V on the 16th of January last N. S. was advanc'd to the | Throne, dy'd of the Small Pox, in the Night between the 30th and 31st of Aug. N. S being to Days afrer his Catholick Majesty was first seiz'd with that Dis- temper. On Occasion of the Death of this young Prince, it may nor be improper to reprint the Genealogy of his Family, so far back as his Father King Philip is concern'd. Philip V. late King of Spain, Second Son of Lewis, late Dauphin of France, and of Mary Anne of Ba- Varia his Wife was born Dec. 19. N, S. 1683 and stiled Duke of Anjou, bearing the Arms of France with a Border Gules; till upon the Death of Charles II of Spain, which happen'd Nov. 1 1700 that Crown devolv'd by Right of Blood upon his Father the Dauphin as being the only Son of Mary Teresa, Daughter of Philip IV. Sister to charles II. ( both of Spain) and Wife of Lewis XIV of France. But Charles II. to prevent the Union of the two Crowns, as he gave out, did by his last Will appoint the said Duke of Anjou Universal Heir to the Spanish Mo- narchy ; which Will being accepted at thc Court of France, that young Prince, being then but seventeen Years of Age. was accordingly proclaim'd King of Spain by the Name of Philip V. in all the Countries depending upon the Monarchy; and setting out from Versailles Dec. 4. 1700, he arriv'd at Madrid Fsb 18. following. His former Wife was Mary Louise Gabrielle, Daughter of Victor Amadeus Duke of Savoy. now King of Sardinia, and of Anne, Daughter of Philip Duke of Orleans, by the princess Henrietta, Daugh- ter to King Charles I. of England. This Queen was born Sept. 17 i£! S marry'd Nov. 3. 1701 and died Feb 14 1714 leaving Issue, 1 Lewis Prince of the Asturia's. afterward King of Spain, now deCeas'd, born at Madrid Aug. 25. 1707. made Knght of the Order of the Holy Ghost Mar. 18 1717, and marry'd Nov 16 1721, to Madem selle de Montpensier, a Daughter of the late Duke of Orleans, born Dec 11. 1709. 2. Don Philip. Infante of Spain, born at Madrid June 7. 1712 since dead. And 3 Don Ferdinand, Infante of Spain, born at Ma- deid Sept. 23 1713. Before the Year 1714 was concluded, Kin'g Philip marry'd his present Queen, Elizabeth Farnese, only Daughter of Odoard Farnese, Heredirary Prince of Parma; which Princess was born Oct. 25. 1692, and has Had Issue. r. Don Carlos. Infante of Spain, born Jan. 10. 1716, and marry'd ( Nov. 26. 1722) to Philippe Eli- zabeth Mademoiselle de Beaujolois another Daugh- ter of the late Duke of Orleans, born Dec. 18 1714. 2. Don Francisco Infante of Spain, born Mar 21: 1717, and died at Madrid a Month after. 3. Anne Infanta of Spain, born Mar 31 1718 and marry'd ( Nov. 15. 1721J to Lewis XV. the present French King, who was born Feb 15. 1710. Boston in New England July 22, Last Week Mr. John Checkley's Trial came on at the Sessions here for publishing a Book wherein, the King's Title to the Crown was in EfFect deny'd ; and he was found guilty of the Indictment against him, and sentenc'd to pay 50 I and give Sureties for the Peace and his good Behaviour. The King of France's late Declaration against the Protestants is put in Execution wirh great Severity. A Pewterer, a Journeyman Taylor and a Scrivener of the Suburb of Sr. Anthony, in France, have been taken up for embracing the Protestant Religion, and are sent to some Prison, but where is not known. The Intendant of Rochele hearing that some Pro- testants had been interr'd in Gardens, sent for those who own'd them, and likewise for the Bearers, and forbid them to do the like for the future on Pain of being committed to the Gallies. He also sent for a Protestant who had sold a small Estate, and for the Notary who drew the Writings, tore the Writings in Pieces, and threatned to send the Protestant to Jail • but he was appeas'd upon the Protestant's assuring him that he intended to place the Purchase Money of the said Estate in the Publick Funds. On the 1st. Instant, M. Moisy an Artificer in Fireworks, who liv'd near the Barrier of Seve, being busy at 7 a clock in the Morning about his Fireworks, set Fire, thro' Carelesness to his Magazine of Powder, which blew up the whole House: He, together with his Wife, his Niece, two Workmen, and another Person, all perish'd by this Accident; their Limbs were all found scatter'd here and there; and the Fire having reach'd several tharched Houses in the Neighbourhood, it was put out with much Difficulty, by reason of the high Wind and the Scarcity of Water, notwithstand- ing all the Care of the Lieutenant General of Police, who was there in Person. Stafford, Sep'. 4. This Day Thomas Earl of Maccles- field Lord High Chancellor of Greer Britain was unani- mously chosen Lord High Steward of this Borough, in the room of the Lord viscount Chetwynd, to the great Joy of the Inhabitants, which was testify'd in a very extraordi- nary Manner by the Ringing of Bells Bonfires & c In the Evening there was a very numerous Appearance of the Gentlemen of the Town to meet Francis Elde, Esq; who stands candidate for Member of Parliament at the ensuing Election for this Borough) when Long Life Health and prosperity to the new Lord High Steward and his Son the Lord Parker, and several Loyal Healths, were drank, with I i k m w; \ 1 1 V. i 3 / < T % ( 2 9 6 8 ) with Huzzas and Acclamations, end the Night concluded with the utmost Demonstrations 0f Joy, for the happy Change in the Government of this Corporation. SIR, YOu find that the Citizens, who have been a long time injuriously misrepresented as a plod- ding Generation of People, have as brisk Imagina- tions, in their way, as any of the quickist Wits that inhabit the Temple, or any courtly part of the Town beyond the Bar. Their Fancies all run upon Wheels, but they are substantial ones, and, since the Lottery has been set up, they all seem to turn upon that great and important Primum Mobile, the Wheel of Fortune. They are so clever in their Devices, that they have formed several, great Streets in London into Courses, and fix'd a convenient Market just at hand, where a Man may purchase a Racer, at any Hour of the Day, to try his Luck upon, and scower away into a large Estate, between sun and sun. In fine, the Scene of Newmarket is shifted to Cheapside, and Smithfield translated into Exchange- Alley. As ill a Figure as the top Citizens have been said to make on Horseback, with all their Pageants about them on a Lord Mayor's Day, yet, to do them Justice, now they are become serious in Horsemanship and have turned Play into a Trade, you cannot imagine what expert Jockies the veriest Apprentices in the whole City make. Our News Papers have lately diverted us with strange Accounts of very slow beasts call'd Asses, that have been brought up to be very nimble and swift of Foot, and of Cows that have been turn'd into Gallopers for the Sport of our ingenious Brethren that have running Heads in the Country: We have very far overmatch'd them here in Town, for we have Exchange Bears, and Exchange Bulls, that will mount a Titt as cleverly as if they were born to it. They will purchase you a Nagg for Three Half Crowns and court him but a mere Jade if he wins the Rider a Match by which he gets less than a Thousand Pounds. Guild- Hall is the Goal they run to, and it one of your City Racers comes in at the Crisis, or Nick of Time, as we call it ( for we run the whole Twelve Hours by lucky Minutes) there are two Charity Boys ( properly so called) that hold up their Hands, proclaim the Prize and bid the Man that has run the Course of Fortune, like an experienc'd tradesman, be happy all his Life after, without plodding on in the dull drudging Road of his Penny taking and Penny saving Ancestors. I don't doubt but that when Bartholomew Fair was put to so early a Period, you deplored the Accident, because, lasting a little longer the odd Mirth of the People that frequented it would have furnish'd you with Materials in your Way, without going far from your Neighbourhood. But this Bull and Bear Fair, in the City, will be of long Continuance, and will make you ample Amends for it, if you will but come and see it: Whenever I see the Wheel go round, and the Racers are by at the Twirling of it, my Ima- gination represents it to me like the flying Chariots, and Machines, for young Travellers in Smithfield, in which, methinks, I see an Apprentice seated over the Head of a Common Council Man ; a Suburb Haberdasher cf Small- Wares mounted two or three Stones higher in Fortune's Wheel than a grave Alder- man with a gold Chain about his Neck; a Sempstress that looks more lofty than a Lady Mayoress ; and a Vintner swelling with 5oo 1. that he got by one Leg of an Horse, whose whole Carcass, with all its Limbs, cost but Seven and Sixpence. But I am now going to do quite wrong, I am giving you a Description which I had rather you should come and take. I dare say it will prove a divercing Entertainment to you. I am of the Mule- Kind in Trade, and some- times bellow in the Alley like a Bull, upon the Fall, and sometimes dance like a Bear, upon the Rise of Stocks: You shall be welcome to take a secure Stand in my Den, from whence you may see all the Diver- sion ; you will be presently directed to it if you ask any one out of the many Thousands of City- Jockies that you will see there, for Your humble Servant, URSA MAJOR, Windsor, Sept. On the 5th instant the King. dined at the Earl of Orkney's at Cleveden about 7 Miles from hence, attended by divers of the No- bility and Gentry. At his Return hither in the ev- ning, this Town Was all illuminated, and he was re- ceived here with loud Acclamations of joy as he had been in the leveral Villages through which he pass'd A few Days ago died the Rev. Dr. Brown Rec- tor of Sr. Margaret Pattens in Little Towet street and Prebendary of Windsor. CC| On Sunday Morning the Lady Parker, Wife of the Right Hon the Lord Parker, eldest Son of the Lord High Chancellor, was brought to Bed of a Son The Right Hon the Lord Craven's Horse, Badger won the King's Plate at Oxford having been before Very successful at that sport in several other Places The Revd. Mr. Richard Jackson, Jun is presented to the Vicarage of Kingsbury in Warwickshire, in the Diocese ot Litchfield and Coventry. And The Revd. Mr. Norton is presented to the Rectory of Blabey in the County of Leiceister and Diocese of Lincoln. Last Week Capt. Farnborough, one of the Gen- tlemen Pensioners to his Majesty, having been in waiting at Windsor, and going home to his House at Oakingham, had the Misfortune of a Fall from his Horse, by which he was so much bruis'd, that he hath been speechless ever since, and his Recovery is despair'd of. We have Advice from Dartmouth of the 7th In- stant, that the Day before the Providence, Capt. james Scarvil, of and for Arundel in Sussex and laden with Wheat, sprung a Leak nine Leagues off the Stert; the Men immediately ply'd the pump, and did the utmost to save the Ship ; but the water came in so fast upon them, that it was found impracticable; upon which the Master, Mate, two Men and a boy, came off in their Boat, and saw her sink soon after; but the Weather being fair and calm, they got safe into Dart- mouth Harbour. Wednesday died Thomas Blunden of Hampstead, Esq, about Eleven in the Morning: He was the truest of Friends, as well as the best of Husbands; Enemies he had none, but what his strict Regard to Piety and Virtue had procured him: A more upright Magistrate, or a more hearty Friend to the present happy Establishment, he has not left behind him in England. Mr. Crawford, his Majesty's Resident at the French Court, lies so very ill at Fontainebleau, that the last Dispatches from England were deliver'd to him in his Bed. The 10th of the next Month is fix'd for the Prince and Princess of Wales's coming from Richmond to Leicester- House. , , We hear from Sarum that several of the Kings Officers seiz'd there last Week at the Warehouses of several Grocers, Apothecaries, & c. Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa Nuts to the Value of 1000 1 Our Letters from Edinburgh mention. that the principal Inhabitants of that City had resolved. to undertake and be at the Charge of making a Park to the Southward of the Town ; as also a Canal in the middle thereof, and that a Plan of St James's Park is taking in order to perform the said Work after the Model thereof. On Tuesday his Majesty's Ship Rose, a Fifth Rate, of lo Guns, lately rebuilt, was launched at Wool- wich. , Newcastle, Aug. 30. Last Thursday was held the Anniversary Feast of the Sons of the Clergy, on which Occasion a Sermon was preach'd suitable there- to, and the Collection for charitable Uses amounted to no I. . Edinburgh Sept t. On Wednesday last dy'd the Lord Montgomery, eldest Son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Eglington. , P , Hertford, Sept 7. This Day the Rt. Hon. the earl of Cadogan review'd the 2d Troop of Horse Gre- nadier Guards, commanded by the Hon. Col. Berk- ley. when his Lordship saw them exercise, and ex- press'd great Satisfaction with the Troop in general, but particularly at tbe Choice of the RecrUits both of Men and horses; after which his Lordship dined at the Bell, where the Mayor and Aldermen in their Formalities waited on his Lordship and Col. Berkley, and presented them with the Freedom of the Corpo- ration. His Lordship made a large Present to the poor Debtors. The Evening concluded with ringing of Bells, Illuminations, Musick, and a Ball. Last Tuesday his Majesty dined at Windsor at the Duke of St. Albans's, Captain of the Band of Pen- sioners. Mr. Miller, formerly Steward to Sir Stephen Fox, who sometime ago gave a Gift of 5oo I. to the Charity School of the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, hath, we hear, lately made a Present of 300 I. more to the said Parish, towards building a fine Vestry Room We hear a fine Key is making at Bewley near South- ampton, fit for Ships of 8oo Tuns to come close to ; also Warehouses ; and that several Houses will be built there by his Grace the Duke of Montague for the Encouragement of Trade. Last Thursday Morning a French Cook, lately taken into the Service of the Countess of Holderness, being disorder'd in his Senses. cut his own Throat, and afterwards threw himself out into the Street from a Window three Pair of Stairs high, at Scomberg House in Pall Mall. Last Thursday about Noon, John Sheppard, the Malefactor, who made his Escape from the Condemn'd Hold of Newgate, on Monday the 31st of August, was apprehended and taken, by the Officers and Turn- keys of that Prison, at the Town of Finchley, near Highgate, in Company with one William Page, an Apprentice to a Butcher in Clare- Market : The last patiently surrender'd, and Sheppard took to the Hedges, where being closely pursued and discover'd, and Pistols presented to his Head, he begg'd them, for God's Sake, not to shoot him on the spot, trembled, was in great Agony, and submitted. There were found upon him two Silver Watches, a large Knife, and a Chisel, and a Knife only upon his Companion ; they were both disguised in Butchers Blue Frocks, and Woollen Aprons. Being brought to Town, Shep- pard was immediately carried to Newgate, loaded with heavy Irons, and put into the Condemn'd- Hold, and chain'd. William Page was carried before Sir Francis Forbes, examined, and committed to New- gate, with Orders to be double Iron'd, and to be kept from Sheppard, and he was accordingly put into the Castle, and his Friends are not permitted to see him. In the Evening a Divine and several Gentlemen went into the condemn'd Hold to Sheppard, who seem'd compos'd and chearful, and acknowledg'd the manner of his Escape, viz. That having got out of the Condemn'd Hold, he took Coach at the Corner of the Old Bailey, ( along with a Person, whom he re- fus'd to Name) went to Black- Fryers Stairs, and from thence by Water to the Horse- Ferry, at Westminster, and came in the middle of the Night to Clare Market, where he met his Companion, and there disguis'd themselves in the manner above mention'd. From thence they rambled to a Relation of Page's, within seven Miles of Northampton, where they were enter- tain'd a few Days, and growing uneasy at their not being able to make Satisfaction for their Board, re- turned towards London. He has hinted in dark Terms, that he hath committed Robberies since his Escape, and denies that he was ever married to the Woman who assisted him therein, and who is now in the Compter for the same, declaring that he found her a common Strumpet in Drurv- Lane, and that she hath been the Cause of all his Misfortunes and Misery ; he takes great Pains to excuse his Companion Page of being any ways privy to his Crimes, whom he says only generously accompanied him after his Escape; ' tis thought that his Execution will be on Monday next. Extract of a letter from the Lord Whitworth's House at Cambray dated Sept. II.- N. S ' This Morning Count St. Estevan receiv'd an EX- press with the News of the Death of the young f m j King of Spain, which, no doubt, will give a new Turn to Affairs here. Notwithstanding the severe Edicts against the Protestants in France, the 9 tii& great Numbers in this Country that continue to serve God in their own Way, being neither terrified with the Apprehensions Of Chains or Gallies, above fifty Persons received the Holy Sacrament this Day at our House; and every Week some or other of the Reform'd of both Sexes come, some of them twenty and thirty Miles, to serve God, and many of them Persons of Character 8c:. At the Lottery at Guildhall No 28935 came up Yesterday a Prize of 10000 1. being the highest Prize in the Lottery. We hear that some Gentlemen coming from France; and stopping at a certain noted Inn, not seven Miles off the King's Head in Margate, their Landlord had the Civility to demand of them 16s. for a Gallon of Brandy, 2 s. 6 d. for only boiling a Leg of Mutton and Cabbage, and 6 d. for a Tea- kettle of Water; and insisted so very strenuoufly on his Demands, that rather than abate any thing, he thought fit to follow the Gentlemen three Mile, who were so well pleas'd with their Treatment, that they were resolv'd to have their Landlord's Company so far before they would discharge him, and now publish it that all persons who are desirous of the same kind Usage, may know where to find it. Since the seizing of Fonseca, by Order of the Go- vernment, as a Spreader of false News, the Club as used to meet daily at Charing Cross, to concert Mea- sures for Vending Lies and Scandal thro' the King- dom. to prejudice the Minds of the People against the Government, is adjourn'd from thence into the City, and have taken new Measures. viz. One of their Agents has a Commission for scraping the Jails in Middlesex and Surrey of their Commitments; another has a Warrant for searching the Ale houses and Gin shops for such as dye of excessive Drink- ing : A Person is porsed at the Savoy to take up de- serters; and another in the park to watch the Mo- tions of the Guards, and their military Punishments; a Third lends a kind Hand in Reverend Matters; and the more important Affairs, as Armaments Invasions, Presents to the Chevalier, &.-. are committed to the Care of a very able Person ; Deaths, Marriages, Births, and Miscarriages, are all under proper Care and Order, for the more expeditious dispatch of so laudable an Undertaking. We hear that the noted M-. Newsham of Cloth- Fair. London, has lately, at the Fires both in Chis- well street and Whitechapel, as well as other Places, given such extraordinary Proof of the wonderful Usefulness, and expedition Efficacy of his unparallel'd Water Engines, that some of the principal Inhabi- tants about those Parts have agreed to purchase some of him by Subscription ; several of them being Eye- Witnesses, that when none of the common squirting Engines could come near enough to be of any service, but were rather a cumbersome Hindrance, Mr. New- sham's perform'd to Admiration : So that it is reason. able to believe, in a small time there will be Very little Call for any others. Bankrupts since our last List. Lemuel Liddard, late of London, Merchant. Henry Croasdell, of rhe Hay- Market, in the Court- ty of Middlesex, Innholder. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom- House, since our last. The Royal- Vineyard from Calais; Amity from Gottenbro'; Severn from Maryland ; Hampshire from New England; William and Sarah from St. Christo- pher's; and Charles from Barbadoes. The John and Mary, for Calais ; Dunkirk Packet, and Dunkirk, both for Dunkirk; Robert and Mary, and Prince- Frederick, both for Ostend ; Speedwell, St. Peter, and Hope, all from Norway ; Betty, for St. Christophers ; Francis and Rachel, for Maryland ; Julian, and Loyal Judith, both for Nevis; Boston. Merchant, for New England, The The Cinque- Port, for Riga; Burgundy, for Roan ; Fanney and Peggey, for Narva ; Dickey, for Stock- holm ; John, and Prince George, both for Ostend Marques for Amsterdam ; Yarmouth, Judith, and Robert and Ann. all for Norway ; Townsend, and Richmond, both for Rotterdam ; St. Peter, for New- port; Pease, for New. England. The Princess Anne from East India; Providence from Dunkirk; Nathaniel and John, and Mary and Elizabeth both from Riga; and Anne and Elizabeth, and Princess both from Norway ; London from Rot- terdam, and Jane from Maryland. The Betty from Rotterdam, and Leah from Bologne. The William and Mary from Ostend. Christned Cltar'd Out. The Samuel and Sarah for Portugal. The Henry and Mary, and Mead both for Portu- gal; Thomaftn for Lisbon; Neptune for Dunkirk ; Mary, and Katherine both for France; Johannes for Hambro ; Pearl for Holland, and Friendihip for Nor- way The Swan, and Granada both for the S: re'ghts, and Samuel for New. York. The Elizabeth for Spain, and Lake for Oporto. The Britania for Holland ; Diligence fi r Ireland; Gray Frigate, St. Johans for Norway; and Property for New England. The Jofeph and Robert for Seville; Tyger for Spain ; Forrune for Mallaga ; Anne for Africa; and the Friendihip for France. CASUALTIES. Drowned in the River of Thames 2, one busied at St. Giles's in the Fields, and one at St. ( Catherine by the Tower. Executed I. Kiil'd with a Faggot- Stick at St. Leonard in Shoreditch I. Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock'was 117 1 8 th. Ditto Annuities 1.6. India 14?, Bank 132 1 8th. Ditto Circulation 5 8 hs per Cent. Prem. African 8 5 3 hi. York Buildings 6 3 4ths. Ditto Subscrip. tioii ; 8 I. Civil List Annuity 106. Royal Exchange Assurances 5. London Assurance 7 7 8ths per Share. Million Bank Ic8. Army Debentuies 1 1 half, per Cent. Disc. South Sea Bonds 1 I. 2" s. Prem India Bonds 1 1. 13 s. Prem. Welsh Copper 33 s. 20 1. Prizes 1723, middle Course, 19 1. 16 s. Blanks 1723, ps. Government's Tickets jyi. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. REaD, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Constantinople. Aug. 6. We have been alarmed here for some Days past by a Rebellion of the Grand Seignior's Slaves against their Governor and Guards, whom they drove into the Bagnio, near the Arsesal, where they threatned to burn them alive, if they are not more favourably treated than they have been for some time past. The Grand Vizier sent several Of- ficers to hear, and make a Report of their Complaints, buc they would not tell them their GrieVances ; so that the Vizier was forc'd to wait upon them him- self. As soon as he arriv'd, the Slaves open'd the Gates of the Bagnio, and told him their Complaints, which he acknowledg'd to be Very just, and order'd the Bagnio to be regulated upon the old Footing : But after he had appeas'd the Riot, he caus'd some of the Ringleaders to be apprehended and strangled, for a Warning to the others. Rome, Aug. Last Week the Pretender had an Interview with Cardinal Paulucci, Secretary of State, which occasions various Reflections; for his Eminency waited for him without the Gate of Pio, where he took him into his Coach, and gave him an airing for several Hours. ADVERTISEMENTS. This is to satisfy the P U B LICK. THAT whereas in the Great Wet Dock near Dept- ford, on every High Spring Tide much Mud settleth which in Time would make it incommodious for re- ceiving of large Ships: I therefore applying to Mr New- sham, the noted Engineer in Cloth Fair, London he has now made me a Machine of his own Invention, that will take up Mud without letting the Water out of the Dock and is not to be prejudic'd by Timber under Water but will sink it to any Depth requir'd, and by the Help of one Horse bring up a vast Quantity of Mud, which it throws into Barges that are laid to the Side of the Ma- chine ; and is to be seen every Day at work in the said Wet Dock N. B In Justice to the said Mr. Newsham's Ingenuity, and for the Benefit of the Publick, I publish this Advertisement. Richard Metcalfe.
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