The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 29/08/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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1 ) THE Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1724. Allifr The Confutation of some Popish Errors continu'd. SIR., SOME, like Laodicea, boasts herself to be rich, and encreas'd with Goods, which would be an un- deniable Truth, if all that which glisters with them were that Gold try'd in the Fire which the Scripture makes men. tion of. What a Vast Fund of spiritual Com- modities, or rather super- stitious Fopperies, have they raised ? Such as voluntary Poverty, Fastings, Vows of canonical Obedience, Masses, Pilgrimages, Whippings, and other Maceracions of their Bodies, more indeed
than are requir'd of them, by Means whereof they would be rich indeed, if they could get them accepted in the Court of Heaven ; but alas! for want of this, their pretended spiritual Treasure is of no greater Worth, than so much useless Lum- ber, which serves only to be an Incumbrance to those on whom it is impos'd. Whatever Traffick then they may make of it on a temporal Account, which is indeed by far too great, they, like Laodicea, are spiritually wretched, and mi- serable, and poor, and blind, and naked ; nor will they by all their Paint and Varnish, tho' never so art- fully laid, be able in the least to hide the same from the
penetrating Eye of the omniscient God, not by their gaudy Shews, and swelling Words, to blind the Eyes of chose whose Minds are enlightned to discern the defiling Nature of Sin, the Holiness of the Law of God, and the Purity and Spirituality of the Grace of the Gospel : These are better taught than to sup- pose that the Duties perform'd by others, supposing those Things to be Duties which Papists call so, ( which cannot be granted of many of them) yet, I say, supposing them to be Duties, they cannot satisfy either for the Omissions or Commissions of those who perform them : And as to others who are delu- ded to trust in
them, they can no more excuse their Neglects, or make Atonement for their Sins, than the constant Meals of a healthy Person can support the languishing Body of another, who neglects or refuseth his necessary Food. Ic is altogether impossible in the nature of Things, thac Gold should purchase Grace, or that which is equivalent to it; for if it could, they who are rich in Temporals, ( let their Omissions or Commissions be what they will) would not be poor in Spirituals: But the Church of Rome is not more deficient in sup- plying the latter, than their constant Demands under the Pretence of it, are successful to the draining the
Purses of those poor deluded Persons who daily feed the growing Ambition and Avarice of the Romish Clergy, And this is really the Bottom of the Matter; and it is with a Design and Desire that the Disco- Very hereof may be of some good Use that I insist ( Price Three- Half- Pence ) thereon namely, to let us see how we may expect to be impos'd on again, should Popery, which Hea- ven forbid I be again establish'd among us. This may teach us likewise to be thankful for, and diligently to improve our present Deliverance from it. With this View it is that an Enquiry into, and a Discovery of, the Popish Tenet of their Works of
Supererogation is attempted : They say, that a Man may not only by his good Works merit Salvation himself, but that their Church may also dispose of the Superfluity of them, rhe Surplusage I should have said, to satisfy for the Defects of others; and that these good Works of their Church may be dispos'd of by the Pope, his Prelates, and their Priests, for the spiritual Advantage of others; altho' their own temporal Advantage is all that is design'd or aim'd at by them, which is always to the Loss of their deluded Votaries; for they have no more Benefit than the Woman mention'd in the Gospel had, who, altho' she spent all she had
on Physicians, was not at all bettered by them, but rather grew worse. To prevent, if possible, other Persons from being seduc'd by this pestilent Doctrine of transferring Po- pish Works of Supererogation from one to another, let me proceed to prove the Fallacy of it, and the fatal Consequences which inevitably follow those who trust thereto. The Erroneousness of this Doctrine will evidently appear, if we consider the Extensiveness and Spiri- tuality of the Law of God : id. The Extensiveness of the Law; and here we are to understand that there is a Synecdoche in every one of the Commands; so that whatever the Law of God
commands, it for- bids the contrary; and whatsoever it forbids, the contray Duties are thereby requir'd; so likewise whatsoever it commands or forbids in one Kind, ic commands or forbids all of the same Kind, and ail the Degrees of it, and the Causes, Occasions, and Furtherances thereunto, each of which are of the Nature of the Duty, or Sin, which by Name is commanded or forbidden Hence the Psalmist saith, The Commandment is exceeding broad. If this Exten- siveness of the Law were duly consider'd by proud conceited Papists, they would be convinc'd that it is impossible for them to extend their good Works be- yond the
Limits of it. This will appear more fully, if we consider the Spirituality of the Commandments. The Law is so spiritual, thac it takes Notice of, and condemns for, an unclean, revengeful, covetous, or ambitious Thought, as well as for the Actions that proceed therefrom: And let this be observ'd, by how much the more spiritual the Sin is, by so much the more deadly it is in the Nature of it. So for the Perfor. mance of Duties, the holy spiritual Law of God takes Notice of the Manner of performing them, as well as of the Matter of them ; here Pride of Heart, or so much as a vain Thought, is as a dead Fly, that will cause our best Services
to be displeasing to, and rejected by, the holy God, if they be not persumed with the Merits of Jesus Christ. The Consideration and Belief hereof no doubt it was thar made Austin cry out( O lord.' wash thou my Tears of Repentance, 19 X For I ' » ! f ill I If J jA
f 2954 ) For our Sins are not to be atoned, nor our Neglect made up, either by our future Services, or by the good Works of others ; the Blood of Christ, and thac alone, is of Efficacy hereto ; for we have Redemp- tion thro' his Blood, and his alone, even the Forgive- ness of Sins. Of what Use then are the Popish pretended Works of Supererogation ? Verily to deceive and destroy those who continue to trust thereto. The wise Vir- gins knew they had no Oil to spare; they could not transfer of their Grace, nor of their good Works, the genuine product of it, to others. I confess, I see not how a Christian, who receives all that he is, and
that he has that is good, from the God of Grace, can do more than his Duty ; or which is ail one, how he can return more by way of Obedience, than he has receiv'd in a way of Grace ; but on the contrary, the most diligent, the most fruitful, and the most useful Christian, has abundant Reason to acknow- ledge with David O Lord, all Things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee : And this is sufficient to silence the Popish vain- glorious Boast of their Works of Supererogation. To this may be added, the Answer that our Sa- viour gave to one of the captious Questions which one of the Pharisees. who was a Lawyer, put
to him, querying of him, Master, which is the great Com- mandment in the Law ? In answer whereto Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind: This is the first and great Commandment; And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself. These two very comprehensive Commands contain one whole Law of God ; and so our Saviour tells us, That on those two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets By these Commands, whatsoever we are capable of, whereby the Honour and Glory of God, or the Good of our Neighbour
may be promoted, is made out Duty : For if we are thus superlatively, thus fer- vently, and thus extensively to love God, and thus sincerely and truly to love our Neighbour, how is it possible we should be capable of any Service more than is our Duty ? For certain it is, that if the gra- cious God gives us any Ability or Opportunity of glorifying him, or of doing any Good to our Neigh- bour, it immediately becomes our Duty to do it and if so, we are so far from performing Works of Supererogation, as Papists boast, that we have Reason to acknowledge, we often come short of the Matter of our Duty, oft in the Manner of our
Performance of it, and very often in both. But here I perceive it may be necessary to answer and remove an Objection which may be made to what has been said : Some may object, If we apply our worldly Estates or Goods to charitable Uses, when we may otherwise dispose of them, is not this more than is requir'd of us ? So for several Acts of Self- denial, Offices of Goodwill, such as Counsel, Encouragement, & c. may we not do more in these Cases than strictly is requir'd ? In answer hereto, let if be consider'd, that we are but Stewards of our worldly Goods, nor of our En- dowments, either of our Bodies or Minds; these are
the manifold Graces or Favours of God, and we must certainly be accountable for them to our great Lord, to whom we owe all the Good that we either are, or have, and all should be employ'd to his Glory, and for our own Good, and the Good of others. Here indeed is the Difficulty, rightly to distribute and dis- pose of the same ; and certainly he is a rare Person, and hard to be found, who rightly performs this Duty; and they that would do so, have need con- stantly and earnestly to beg of God that Wisdom and Grace which is profitable to direct and assist in the Performance of it; For let it be observ'd. that what- ever we perform
or bestow unnecesarily, it causeth a Defect in some necessary Duty : From hence the following Dilemma is produc'd, viz. Either those Popish Performances, which they Call Works of Su- pererogation, are Duties which God requires, or they are not; if they are requir'd, they are so ' far from being Works of Supererogation, that the best Man living comes short in his Obedience to them, as hath been shewn : If they are not Duties which God re- quires, then they are Performances that he will not accept; for the great and holy God can be pleas'd with nothing but what is agreeable to his own re- vealed Will, which is the Rule of our
Duty. There- fore these Performances are so far from meriting Reward, either for those who perform them, or those who purchase them, that both the one and the 0ther may expect that Question to be put to them ( and let them answer it if they can) Who hath required these Things at your Hands. 1 Thus much for the Popish Doctrine of Works of Supererogation. What their, if possible, yet viler Doctrine and Practice, concerning their Indulgences, is, will next be discover'd by ' Croydon, Aug, 25, 1724. MithriDaTEs; The Continuation of the Life of Charles II. King of ENGLAND. . A. D. 1677. April the 16th. His Majesty in his Royal
Robes, with the usual Solemnities, came into the House of Lords, whither the House of Com- mons being call'd, several Bills were passed; amongst others, an Act for raising the Sum of 58,978l 5! 2 d. •!-• for the speedy building of 30 Ships of War another for an additional Fxcise upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors for 3 Years; another for erecting a Judicature to determine Differences, touching Houses burnt and demolish'd by the late dreadful Fire in Southwark; another for taking away the Writ De Haeritico comburendo See and then both Houses adjourn'd to the 21st of May following. This Month the Duke of Newcastle, and Earl
of Danby Lord High Treasurer of England, were in- stall'd Knights of the Garter at Windsor. May the 21st. Both Houses, according to their last Adjournment, met again at Westminster, his Ma- jesty having before by Proclamation requir'd all the Members to be present, in order to the debating Mat. ters of great Importance. In this Session the House of Commons made an Address to his Majesty, That he would be pleas'd, for the Security of the Na. tion, and repressing the growing Greatness of France, to enter into some Leagues propos'd by them in their Address; to which, on the 28th of the same Month, he gave them his Answer
at the Banquetting House: His Majesty farther told them, That it was his Plea- sure the House should be adjourn'd to the 16th of July following ; and that if he intended they should sit again before Winter, he would give them Notice by his Proclamation. Accordingly both Houses were adjourn'd till the 16th of July ensuing. August the 4th. His Grace the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, began his Journey for that Kingdom. And now his Majesty thinking fit to put a Stop to the French victorious Proceedings in Flanders, be- thought himself of entring into Alliances with some Princes and States abroad, and began to raise
Forces for that Purpose; of whom the Year following will afford more Matter of Discourse. October 9. The Prince of Orange landed at Har- wich and went directly from thence to New- Market in his Majesty's Coaches that attended his Highness there. Sunday, Nov. 4. The Marriage between her High- ness the Lady Mary, the Duke of York's eldest Daughter, and his Highness the Prince of Orange. Was privately celebrated at Sr. James's by the Bishop of London, in Presence of his Majesty, their Royal Highnesses, and some of the chiefest of the Nobi- lity : And on Wednesday following Royal high- ness the Dutchess of York was
brought to Bed of a Son, who was christned by the Name of Charles, but died in December following. . . Nov. 11. About 9 of the Clock in the Morning, their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Orange departed frcm Whitehall, in order to their embarking in the Yatchts appointed to transport their Hignnesses to Holland ; his Majesty and his Royal Highness ha
—" J " . V ving accompany'd them to Erith, where their High- nesses went on board. The Parliament, pursuant to their last Adjournment, having met at Westminster, receiv'd an Intimation from the King, That his Majesty had Matters of very great Importance to communicate to both Houses, in order to the Satisfaction of their late Ad- dresses for the Preservation of Flanders; but Matters not then being ripe enough, it was his Majesty's Pleasure they should be adjourn'd till the 28th of the same Month, and accordingly they were ad- journ'd. At the prefix'd Time they met again, and the King in a gracious Speech acquainted both
Houses to this Purpose, That according to his Promise to them, that he would do somewhat for their Satisfaction before they met again, he had made Alliances with Holland for the Preservation of Flanders, which if seconded by plentiful Supplies from them, and due Care from the Spaniard for their own Preservation, might be able by Arms to restore such an honourable Peace to Christendom, as might not be in the Power of one Prince alone to disturb, which he had endeavour'd to do by a fair Treaty : That he had married his Niece to the Prince of Orange, and so engag'd himself to maintain his Interest. And having laid before
them the Expences he had been at, and what an actual War would needs require, with very pressing Conside- rations, bis Majesty demanded of them answerable Supplies. March 20; Amongst other Bills in Parliament, there passed an Act for railing Money by Poll and otherwise, to enable his Majesty to enter into an actual War against the French King ; with a Prohi- bition of all French, Commodities. A. D. 1678. Many of the Forces raised by his Majesty since September last, being already in Flan- ders, and more going over daily; his Majesty, that he might put himself in a Posture of acting by Sea as well as by Land, caused a
Proclamation to be pub- lish'd the beginning of this Year, strictly charging all Seamen, his Subjects, who had listed themselves in the Service of foreign Princes or States, forth- with to withdraw and return home; and that none for the future should presume, without Permission from his Majesty, to engage in any such Service. About this Time at Bruges in Flanders, happen'd a great Disorder, occasion'd by a rude Action of a Burgher, who in time of a Procession, struck a Dutch Captain with a lighted Torch over the Face, because he did not uncover himself so soon as the Towns- men would have had him ; this occasion'd
presently the drawing of many Swords; and the English being falsly accus'd of the Tumult, some Soldiers were kill'd in the Streets ; but by the Care of the Magi- ftrates and Officers, the Stir being quieted, and the Truth of the Matter discover'd, the Magistrates of the Town imprison'd and punish'd some of the Au- thors of the Tumult; and to testify their Trouble at the Accident, magnificently treated the English Of- ficers and Soldiers, and publish'd a Placart in their Justification. charging all Persons to use the said Sol- diers with all Kindness and Civility. ) On Saturday April 13. a Woman of Swansey was brought to Bed of a dead
Female Child, which had two perfect Heads and Necks upon one Body, with all the Parts of each Head exact, and the Members cf the Body perfect. The Parliament, pursuant to the last Prorogation, having met the 23d of May. and continu'd sitting till the 15th of July following; his Majesty that Day in his Robes came into the House of Lord', and there gave his Royal Assent to several Acts, amongst which to ore for raising Money for disband- ing of the Army, a great Part of which was now in Flanders; another for granting an Additional Duty to hiS Majesty upon Wines for three Years; a Third for burying in Woollen ; and a Fourth
for the Relief and Discharge of poor distressed Prisoners for Debt. • I If Upon second Thoughts, being extremely unwilling to disoblige our Friend Philo- Musus, we have ventur'd to insert the following, as the most agreeable of what came to our Hands; especially, as it seem'd a Com- plement to one of the fair Sex, for whom we are am- bitious, upon every Occasion, to shew all imaginable Deference and Respect. We thought fit to make some few Alterations, which perhaps our Friend may think altogether unnecessary, if not for the worse; however, leaving that to his Candour, he is desir'd to let us know his Age in downright
English, because, as he has express'd himself, it has occasion'd a Dispute. STREPHON's Description of SyLVIA. TH E Nymph who now commands my Heart, Is amiable in every Part, Her Beauty's most Divine- Oft has Aurora blush'd with Shame To see th' incomparable Dame, Her brightest Beams outshine. Attractive Curls of golden Hair, Adorn the lovely, charming Fair, And form a splendid Crown ; Her Locks in curious Tresses wove, Do fatal Nets of Cupid prove. To every Looker on. Her Eyes like glittering Stars appear, Bright as the Sun. as Crystal clear, And dart resistless Rays, That do irevitably fly, To wound the Heart,
and charm the Eye, Of all that dare to gaze. Her Cheeks are like the blushing Morn, When Rays from Phoebus first adorn Our azure Canopy ; Or like some artful Rosie Bed, With Lawns most exquisitely spread, Delightful to the Eye. Her tempting ruby Lips appear, Like Onyx stain'd with Cinnabar, But, beyond Thought, more bright; A Kiss from which whoe'er can take, Must, tho' a Stock, or Stone, awake, To Raptures of Delight. From her sweet Breath more Fragrance flyS, Than from the Phoenix Obsequies, Or the most sov'reign Balms; More odoriferous Perfumes, Than Egypt's Spice, or Arab's Gums, Or Eden's blooming
Palms. To be continu'd this Day Fortnight; Some Deer Stealers have lately kill'd a Brace of Bucks in Richmond Park, and on the beginning of last Week five of them made another Attempt, but the Keepers being prepar'd, attack'd them; they fought desperately, firing at one another several Times, at last the Rogues were overcome, and two were taken but the other three made their Escape. Several of the new Minters are in Custody for riot- ous and disorderly Practices. On Sunday last the King and Prince nf Wales were pleas'd to dine with the Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain, at his Apartment. at Windsor Castle, and several
of the Nobility and persons of Distinction, had the Honour to dine with his Majesty and Royal Highness. Last Monday one Moses Ouseman, and Lazarus Hy- ams, two reputed Jews, were commit ed to New. gate by Sir Francis Forbes, for stealing out of the House of William Farmer, and William Glement, ome hundred and ninety Pounds, odd Money, and the of them said when taken, that an English Man being pursu'd, threw the Money down and then ran away, and he only took it uP, which looks as if he was an old Practitioner. . A LIST / in : t.
Fi ; LIST of his Majesty's Commissioners of Lieutenancy for the City of London, By Com- mission under the Broad Seal of Great- Britain, dated the 24th Day of July, 1724, and open'd on Friday the 14th Instant, at Guild- Hall. The Rt. Hon. Sir Peter Delme Kt. Lord Mayor, and the Lord Mayor for the Time being. f 2956 ) Sir Samuel Garrard Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Kt. Sir Samuel Stanier, Kt Sir William Humfreys, Kt. and Bart. Aldermen. Bart. Sir Charles Peers, Kt; Sir John Ward, Kt. Sir John Fryer, Bart. Sir Gerard Conyers, Kt. Sir William Thomson, Kt. Recorder', and the Recorder for the Time being. Aldermen. Sir Thomas Scawen,
Kt. Richard Brocas, Esq; Sir George Merttins, Kt. Sir Francis Forbes, Kt. Sir John Eyles, Bart. Sir Edward Becher, Kt. Sir Harcourt Master, Kt. Robert Baylis, Esq; Sir Randolph Knipe, Kt. Humphry Parsons, Esq; Francis Child. Esq; Richard Levett, Esq; William Billers, Esq; Edward Bellamy, Esq; Sir John Williams, Kt. Sir Richard Hopkins, Kt. And the Aldermen for the Time being. I K N Sir Charles Cox, Sir Peter Eaton, Sir Edward Gould, Sir Nathaniel Gould, Sir Richard Houblon, Sir Roger Hudson, Sir William JollifF, ESQUIRE G H T S. Sir Philip Jackson, Sir George Ludlam, Sir John Lock, Sir Joseph Martin, Sir John Tash, Sir
Isaac Tillard. Robert Atkins Robert Atwood Samuel Acton Samuel Buckley John Barnard William Barnsley Robert Bristow John Baker Samuel Ball Jofeph Bell Thomas Boddington Joseph Beachcroft Peter Burrell Bryan Benson John Badcock Humphry Bell Robert Burchall Richard Chiswell Bartholomew Clarke Thomas Clarke Barrington Eaton Henry Emmett John Edwards John Fuller Zachary Foxall Kenelm Fawkener John Francis Fauquier John Fryer dead Peter Foster James Fisher Thomas Guy Thomas Gibson Peter Godfrey Robert Gower Thomas Gouge Henry Greenaway Thomas Gearing John Hanger. John Heathcote
Henry Heathcote John Hopkins Edmund Halsey John Harris Henry Hankey S. Alexander CleeVe James Church William Clayron Richard Chauncy John Cartlitch John Cleeve Richard Carey John Carbonnel Richard Coope James Colebrooke Dilillers Carbonnel David Cooke Thomas Corbett Thomas Cooke Robert Cady Josiah Diston Paul Docminique Richard Ducane John Dodson Joseph Eyles Thomas Emerson Henry Mertins Daniel Midwinter Thomas Martin Robert Norris John Nicholas John Newman Samuel Newey Thomas Newman John Olmius William Proctor James Porten William Parrott Francis Porten Robert Pitman
John Peachy William Pomeroy Charles Polhill Nathaniel Phillips John Peers David Petty John Rudge Moses Raper Ralph Radcliffe Samuel Holden Matthew Howard John Hatley Francis Hole Benjamin Henshaw John Heron John Hanbury Richard Hodgson John Hasell, jun. Thomas Hollis John Harris, Distiller William Jenkins Thomas Jourdan John Jenkns Jerome Knapp John Kenrick Anthony Kingsley Samuel Keynton Robert Kendall Robert Knaplock John Lordell John London John Lade John Lloyd, Merchant Christopher Lethieulier Robert Lovick Daniel Lock John Lloyd, Brewer Crispe Lock Richard Ladbrooke Robert
Mitchell Humphry Morice Thomas Malyn Samuel Marsh Jeremiah Murden Richard Marsh Benjamin Mee Nathaniel Micklethwalte Matthew Raper, Samuel Rowe Gabriel Smyth Thomas Stiles John Shipman James Seamer John Salter William Smith Robert Southwood John Sprint Edward Sedley Samuel Smith James Steward Charles Savage, jun Horatio Townshend Samuel Trench Nathaniel Turner Anthony Tournay William Thompson Humphry Thayer Edmund Trench John Thompson James Townsend Samuel Tattem Henry Tombes Jofeph Townsend William Townsend John Ward of Surry street Samuel Westall Samuel
Webb John Wood Thomas Windmills John Wowen John Williams Thomas Walter Mark Warkman John Young. Note, That all the Aldermen are of the Quorum. John Smart, Clerk. James Boddington, Muster- Master. William Dobison, Messenger, Mr. Richardson, Deputy Clerk in the Signet Office, IS dead. They write from Dartmouth, Aug. u, That the Tide Surveyor of the Custom in that Port, was chosen Mayor of that Corporation. Ellswick in Northumberland, Aug 1 J. Monday last being the AnniVersary of the Florists Feast, the Mayor and SherifF of Newcastle honour'd the Society ( con- sisting of 100 in Number,) with their
Company, and Variety of Carnations, Melons, with other Flowers and Fruits, were produc'd, but the largest and finest of all by William Davison, Esq; of Beamish ; and it was agreed, that for the future, whoever produces the best in the Kind, shall have a Piece of Plate for a Re- ward and Encouragement. Last Week a Girl, and a Child which was in het Arms, were ran over by a Coach at Tottenham Fair. The Child was kill'd, and the Girl's Arm broke. They write from Bath, that the Highwayman who has long infested the Road between that City and Bristol, and robbed almost every Coach that passed, was apprehended last Week
and brought thither; where two Ladies swore positively a Robbery upon him, and to a Snuff Box, with some other Things that were taken in his Pockets: He was known to several of the Neighbours, and proves to be one that formerly kept a Shop in the West. He said, when taken, he was a dead Man, and most earnestly entreat- ed the Persons that surprised him, to shoot him through the Head. An humble Address of the Grand Jury at the Ge- neral Sessions of the Peace held for the Body of the Island of Barbadoes, the 9th, 10th, nth and 12' h of June, 1724. having been transmitted to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, has
been by him presented to, and graciously accepted by his Majesty. The same Grand Jury also presented a very respectful and dutiful Address to H. Worsely, Esq; their Governor. 11: his L
f 2 9 5 7 ) On Saturday there a General Council held at Windsor, Sir Philip York and Sir Clement Wearg, his Majesty's Attorney and Sollicitor General, and the Right Honourable Robert Southwell, Esq; Se- cretary of State for Ireland, attending according to Order. There was a Cabinet ( Council soon alter, when his Majesty was pleased to order, that of the six Malefactors condemn'd at the last Sessions, Jo- seph Ward for three Robberies on the Highway, Francis Upton and John Shepheard for Burglary and Felony, be executed on Friday the 4th of Sep. tember next ensuing, and another Warrant to be made out for that purpose ;
and that Robert Cole- thorpe, Stephen Fowles and Frances Sands be trans- ported to his Majesty's Plantations in America. The Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Tri- nity- House of Deptford Stround, are ereCting three light Houses, in a triangular Manner, upon the Ca ker Rocks near Alderney, in the British Channel. They design to finish and have Lights in them, by the thirtieth of October rext, O. S. so that from that time the Duties granted thereto will become payable. We hear, that there is a certain Person who makes it his Business to go about the Town, with a Parcel of Mustard Seed, and makes use of the Names of
the Masters of such and such Houses, or the Gentle- men that use them, and by that means extorts Mo- ney from their Servants; it is therefore thought proper to give this Notice of it. in order to prevent the Pub- lick from being any farther impos'd upon, and the Actor from reigning any longer in his Roguery. A Prosecution is order'd at the Expence of the Crown, against Abraham Davall, now in Custody, for feloniously counterfeiting a Certificate for 52I. 10 s. in the Lottery 1723. _ . „ Last Monday their Royal Highnesses, the Princess Anne and Princess Carolina, came to St. Paul's Ca- thedral, and heard the famous Mr. Handel, (
their Musick- Master) perform upon the Oigan; the Reve- rend Dr Hare Dean of Worcester attending on their Royal Highnesses during their Stay there. Francis Brightwell, a Foot Grenadier, who Was try'd at the last Sessions at the Old Baily for the High- way, and honourably acquitted, several Persons of Note appearing to his Reputation, dy'd last Sunday at his Lodgings in the Country. " He was a Person " of remarkable Sobriety, Justness, and Probity; " and also, extraordinary well accomplish'd with La- " tin and Greek Literature, and a good Skill in the " Roman Antiquities ; so that there was hardly such " another Grenadier in
the Universe, carrying a large *" Share of exquisite Learning under his Grenadier's " Cap, " this Character was confirm'd by several Colonels, Majors, Captains, & c. he was attended, du- ring his short Illness, by Sir Hans Sloane, one of his Majesty's Physicians; and the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of this City, mov'd with a just sense of the Sufferings of this unhappy Gentleman, requested the Officers, that had received his Prison Fees, to re- turn them, which was complied with accordingly. On Saturday Night last, a Marshal's Court Officer, going to execute a Writ against a poor Fellow, as he work'd at a Coal- Wharfe in the
Strand, a large Mas- tiffe, kept for the Security of the Yard, appear'd on the behalf of the Defendant; and the Bailiff disre- garding his loud and repeated Admonitions to desist, he fell upon him and his Retinue with great Fury, and tore two of them down to the Ground, they all the while crying out Vehemently for what themselves refuse all Mankind, viz Mercy, they were soon forc'd to quit the Yard; thus honest Towzer preserv'd his Client, by putting a Bite upon the Biters. They write from Margam in Glamorganshire, that last Week they had such a violent Storm of Rain and Hail there, that caus'd a great and sudden Inunda- tion ;
so that the Sheep and some other Cattle were carried down from the Hills to the lower Grounds bv the rapid Streams; the Waters flow'd into the Houses three or four Foot high, Part of the Lord Mansel's House was in Danger, and some of the Fur. niture carried away. On Saturday last his Majesty in Council was pleas'd to order that the Parliament which stands prorogued to Thursday the 17th of this Instant, shouid be far- ther prorogued to thursday the 24th of September next. Last Tuesday his Majesty, attended by divers of the Nobility and Gentry, went again out a shooting an the great Park and Forest at Windsor, and had
much Diversion, having killed two Brace and an half of Pheasants, and one Brace and half of Partridges. Mr. Fairchild, the celebrated Gardener at Hoxton, who has for many Years been collecting Foreign Grapes and other Rarities in the Gardening Way, has at this Time amongst his curious Collection a Bunch of Grapes that measures half a Yard in Length, and above an Ell in Circumference, and the Grape in Proportion as large, wh. ch far exceeds every thing ' of the like Nature in England. Wednesday Morning a Shopkeeper's Son near Cha- ring Cross was taken up by a Warrant from justice Blackerby, being accus'd upon
Oath with counterfeit- ing Lottery Certificates; and being examined touch- ing the Premises, he was committed to the custody of Mr Jones, the High Constable of Holbourn Division, for further Examination. About forty of the said counterfeit Certificates have been stopt at Mr. Spence's Office in the Exche- quer, made out for divers different Sums ; and ' tis to be fear'd, that there are many more Abroad. We are inform'd, that the Justices of the Peace for the City of Westminster and County of Middlesex, are about to suppress those publick and scandalous Nusances the Bear- Gardens On Monday Night last, betwixt the Hours of
Nine and Ten, the Corpse of a Man, quite naked, with his Throat cut from Ear to Ear, was found ly- ing in the Shoulder of Mutton- Fields ( as they are call'd) near Hackney, judg'd to be robb'd and mur- der'd in tha inhuman Manner ; and the rather, be- cause a Maid servant to a Brewer at Hoxton saw about that Time two ill looking Fellows cross the Fields in some Hurry and Precipitation ; ( the one with a bundle under his Arm) who are reasonably supposed to be the Perpetrators of this execrable Villany. Yesterday Morning died the Revd. Mr. Shepard, Curate and LeCturer of St. Edmond's the King in Lombard street, aged 63
Year : His Illness was oc- casion'd by a Fall from a Chaise. We hear from Limehouse, that Capt. Alexander Innes, lately arriv'd in the Tuscan- Galley from the Coast of Arquin, has brought with him, as a Present to his Majesty, from the King of Guinyho, a Wolf taken in the Desarts of Lower Lybia, which is allow'd by all that have seen it, to be a very curious Creature of its Kind. Yesterday 7 Night in the Evening Mr Alderman Barber was brought up to Town, in Custody of Mr. Crew, one of his Majesty's Messengers, having been seiz'd a Day or two before 0n the Coast of Sussex, as he was returning from his Travels beyond Sea.
This Day 7- Night he was examin'd at Windsor by hs Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and remanded into Custody; but on Tuesday last was admitted tO Bail. himself being bound by Recognizance in the Sum of Uoo 1 and his two Sureties Mr. Alderman Lever, and Mr. Alderman Brocas, in 1000 I. a- piece._ On Thursday Mr. Harman and Mr. Davis were by their Friends acquainted, that all the Endeavours us'd to save their Lives had prov'd ineffectual; the first of these unhappy Persons had a liberal Educa- rion bestow'd upon him in Emanuel College in the University of Cambridge, he became afterwards a Shop keeper, and liv'd in
good Credit and Repute in London. Mr Davis, who is said to be the natural Son of a Nobleman, deceas'd, had a good Education in Westminster School upon the Foundation; he serv'd an Apprenticeship to a Vintner, behiv'd well, and was at well esteem'd and their unhappy Fate is much lamented Mr. Walraven was bred a Watch- maker, and serv'd under the famous Mr. Tompion; he is said to be a most excellent Artist in that Way. and
( 3958 ) and that a large Part of the Reputation Mr. Tom- pion acquir'd, was owing to the great Skill and Ca- pacity, of this miserable Malefactor. Horne and Merry, the two other Criminals, who suffer'd with them, their Characters are too inconsiderable to de- serVe any Notice Yesterday they all shar'd their Fate at the usual Time and Place of Execution. Bankrupts since, our last List. Raphael Cardezo Monteyro, alias Abraham Car- dezo, late of Portugal, and now of London, Mer- chant.-, Francis Bawdewin, of Shrewsbury, in the County of Salop, Chapman. Charles Beswick of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, Glover.
ShIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom- House, since our last. The Sarah from Dantzick; Neptune from Dun- kirk; Margaret Galley from Amsterdam, Young Betty from Dublin ; Royal Exchange, and Ruby both from Nevis; St. Germances from New- England ; Providence from Antegoa, and Champion from Mary- land. The Catherine from Calais; William and Mary, and Edward and Elizabeth, both from Ostend; Ca- therine, Gray Frigate, and Vine, all from Norway ; Mary from Rotterdam; Princess Carolina, and Nor- thampton, both fom Virginia; Charming Nanny, and Prince and Princess, both from Carolina ; Martin and Hill fom
Montserrat; and Exchange from New. England. The Everton from NarVa; Charles from Bologn ; Richmond from Roan; Mary from Bilboa; Joyner from Lisbon ; Elizabeth from Hambro'; Britannia from Rotterdam ; Chandois from Dort; Prosperous,' Owners Adventure, St. Johannes, and Anne, all from Norway ; and the Sukey from Barbadoes. The Postilion from France ; Love from Barbadoes; Joseph and Mary, Lyon, and Abby, all from Nor- way. The Change from Narva; Roger and Mary from Stockholm; Seaford adventure fom Gottenbourg; Elizabeth from Konisbro'; Alice and Deborah from Bremen ; Delight from Rotterdam ;
Pearl from Anne and Jane, and Forward. all from Virginia j A, Lipgly, Godfrey. and Carr, all from Nor- way Clear'd Out. The Peter for Bilboa; thomas and Elizabeth for france . William and Mary for Ostend ; Mary for Hambro and Dolphin for Holland. The Priscilla tor Gibralar and Malaga; Mary for Bourdeaux; Providence for spain ; catherine for Dunkirk ; Greenwich for Holland, Warren for Ire- land; and Catherine and Anne for Norway. The Priscilla for the Streights; Nostra senora St. Joseph for Spain ; Antelope for Lisbon; Humphry, Elizabeth, and Winchester Merchant, all for France ; and Loyal Betty for Ireland, Madera, and
Jamaica. The Thomasin Gally, and Henry and Mary, both for Lisbon.; George and Nathaniel, and Lisbon Packet, both for France; Page for Holland; Eliza- beth for sound ; and Mary for Virginia. The Sea- flower for Virginia. LONDON.- Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. ADVERTISEMENTS. We are informed that several Petitions having been presented to the King for his Royal Grant of a tract of the Crown Lands, containing as much as ten large Counties, lying waste and uninhabited adjoining to New- England and facing the Sea, which Tract of Land is capable
of vast Improvement, rarely well furnished with fine Woods, Navigable Rivers, and safe Harbours for Shipping, and being situated under the Middle of the Temperate Zone between 44 and 47 Degrees of North Latitude, no Place is more healthful ; the Air extraordinary good- the Soil rich and fertile, and very apt for Corn Grass and every thing that grows in England : His Majesty is thereupon most graciously pleased, for the Encou- ragement of any industrious Persons desirous t0 settle themselves thereon, to grant as much of the said Land for ever, to every such Person as they with their Fa- milies shall be able to manage and
cultivate, and also to give his Royal Protection and other Advantages for their speedy settling and quiet Enjoyment thereof- none of the said Land will be granted to any but such who shall settle upon it. N. B. Those who are inclin'd to engage in this Affair, are desired to meet at the Crown, in Mitre. Court, within Aldgate. Blinds for Windows made of Wire, Gauze, Silk, Cane, See. either painted or plain, by William Rodwell, in Pater Noster- Row, on the Right- Hand, next Cheapside; remov'd from the East- End of St. Paul's: Also all Sorts of Screens made, old Pictures clean'd and mended, all Sorts of Pictures bought and sold, and
nearly framed; Stair- Cases; Closets, Pannels of Rooms, and Chimney- Pieces compleatly fitted up; with India Pictures, Prints, or Paintings. Allow- ance to those who sell again. WILLIAM BARMBY, at the King's Arms behind St. Clement's Church in the Strand, the only Clergyman's Warehouse in England, that can furnish upon Sight, with Gowns and Cassocks, for Judges, Barristers, and Students; Livery- Gowns, and for Corporations: Likewise buys, sells, changes, or furnishes by the Year: Also Bands, Roses, Black Cloth, Prunelloes, Princes Black Silks, and Bi- shops Square Caps. He has the Honour to work for fifteen
Bishops. Where also the above- mention'd Goods are sold at reasonable Rates. N B. Any Gentlemen may be furnish'd with Gowns and Cassocks, for what Time they please, which will save them a great deal of Trouble in bringing their own up to Town, CASUALTIES. drowned in the River of Thames, 2 Executed I Found dead ( an Infant) at St. Margaret in Westmin- ster, j. Hang'd themselves, j.