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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 22/08/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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r & L\ l t 2 947 ) THE Weekly Journal: oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1724. I 1 ii] 1 1 « . 1 k' The Confutation of some Popish Errors continu'd. SIR, IT is natural for Persons to puff themselves up with an Opinion of their own Deserts; this is the Product of impotent Pride, and what the Poets feign of Narcissus may be apply'd to all Mankind by Nature; and where there is so much Self Love, there is Self- Flattery, and this causes us to esteem our persons and Performances better than they are ; in this the Romish Church is an undeniable Instance,- as in many other Particulars, so in their Notions of Merit This Doctrine indeed may hold sometimes, with respect to Fellow Creatures, by our Diligence Kind, ness, or Charity we may merit their good Will, and, if need be, a suitable Return Tho' even in this Respect Self Love is apt to carry our Expectations be- yond what we really deserve; but however it be in this Case, and whatever we may deserve of our Fellow- Creatures, our best Services can never soar so high, or extend themselves so far, as to deserve any Share either in the Grace of God here, or in the Glory of Heaven hereafter. Yet such is the Pride of the Romans, that they say, they do, may, or can deserve both: Almost innu- merable are their Boastings on this Account, though they are all of them swelling Words of Vanity. Give me Leave to expose a few of their Luciferian Conceits, that this Bladder of Pride being discover'd, and prick'd, may prevent others from leaning therein, and sinking, by trusting thereto, into the Abyss cf endless Misery ; for of no less fatal Consequence is the persisting in this Opinion of the Papists. They say they may merit by every Action of Life, being in the Grace of God) so that by Eating, if with Thanksgiving, that Person deserveth the Crown cf eternal Life : Even of Sleep Grigory saith, Somnus Sanctorum non vacat Merito, i. e. The Sleep of the Saints is not without Merit. By their Prayers they pretend to deserve Pardon ; for thus they address themselves to their titular saints, O ye Virgins of God pray for us, that we may deserve to receive Pardon by you. And Aquinas prayeth, Grant me so to take the Body of thy only begotten Son Jesus Christ which he took of the Virgin Mary, that I may DESERVE to be incorporated into his mystical Body. For the resurrection unto Life, they desire it for their good Work's sake: And for Glo- rification, they desire it upon the same Account; praying in this Form, viz.. Grant that in the Day of Judgment, being set at thy Right Hand, we may deserve 10 hear from Thee, Come ye Blessed, See. But above all most impious and impudent was the Speech of Domi- nick the Fryer to his Fellows when their Legs were scratch'd with Thorns, Now, says he, our Sins are cleansed with Blood. ( Price Threc- Half- PenceJ Thus by their own Works or Sufferings they desire to merit all Things, contrary to the Tenor of the holy Scriptures, and the Dispositions and desires of holy, humble Christians, whose Aims and Endea- vours are, or should be, to be as careful to avoid Sin, and as constant and diligent in the Performance of Duty, as if they were to be justify'd and saved by their own personal Righteousness; yet in Point of Justification and eternal Life, to renounce all, and to rely as entirely on the Righteousness of Christ, and the Grace of the Gospel, as if they had done nothing at all ; and blessed are they who are found thus doing, and thus trusting. Whosoever depends to be justify'd by his own Work, thereby quits any Right to claim by Grace; for so the Apostle faith, Gal. v 4 Whosoever of you are justify'd by the Law, ye are fallen from Grace and to such Christ died in vain: Therefore the Apostle assures the Ephesians, Chap. ii. g. By Grace ye are saved thro Faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the Gift of God ; not of Works, left any Man should boast ; And Titus iii. 5- not by Works of Righteousness which we have done, but according to his Mercy he hath saved us. And great Reason is there for this Doctrine, for our best Works are very imperfect, and we ought to do more, much more, in a Way of Duty, than we do, and therefore we have great Occasion when we have done all, to say. We are unprofitable Servants, and humbly to own, that whatever good Works we do, ( if we do any that deserve the Name) are not our own, but pro- ceed from the Spirit of God ; for we are not suffi- cient of ourselves to think any thing, but our Suffi- ciency is of God, 2 Cor. iii. 5. Therefore as the Sea is not beholden to the Brook that hath its Water from thence, tho' the Streams run thither again ; so if we be righteous, what give we unto God, or what reeeiveth he at our Hands ? Job xxxv. 7. Therefore let us be far from dreaming of our own Merits, but rather say with Bernard, when he made an humble Application to Christ, I will speak of thy Righteousness only, because it is mine, thou art made Righ. teousness unto me from the Lord, shall I fear lest that one Righteousness should not suffice us both ; it is no: that short Covering whereof the Prophet speak'th which cannot cover two; thy Righteousness is everlasting Righteousness, and shall cloth both thee and me with the same. la the Life of the same Bernard it is storied, That when he was now even at the last Act of his Life, he seem'd to himself to be presented before the Tri- bunal Seat of God, where Satan stood np against him, heaping up many dreadful Accusations; and when he had said all he could, the holy Man answer'd him confidently, I confess I am not worthy neither by my own Merit may I possess the Kingdom of Heaven but my Lord Jesus christ by a double Right, is possessing it - that is, as the Inheritance of hit Father, and by the Merit of his Passion and being himself content with the one, he hath given the other unto me by whose Right claiming, as in his Right, unto myself I shall not be confounded. And thus the Righteousness of Christ really and truly merits that for every one Believer, which poor vain glorious Papists fancy ( for it is no more) their own imperfect Works merit for them. How sinful is this doctrine! How dangerous their Condition ( j U who u I. - I If who teach it ! Yet they go a higher round of Pre- sumption, not only pretending to merit by what they do, but to do more than is requir'd of them, the Examination of which Point will be the Business of the next Letter from Croydon Aug 18, MITHRIDATES. 1724. The Tryal of Edward Fitz- Harris, esq, for High- Treason, in making and publishing a seditious Libel, in Easter and Trinity Terms, 33 Car. il. 1681; WEdnesday the 27th of April 1681, the Grand Jury for the County of Middlesex were sworn. And after Mr. Justice Jones had given the Charge, Mr. Attorney desir'd, that some of the Grand- Jury, Who serv'd for the hundreds of Edmonton and Gore, might be present at the Swearing of the Witnesses on an Indictment against Edward Fitz- Harris, a Pri- soner in the Tower, which was granted : And the Grand- Jury having some Scruples about finding the Bill, Mr. Justice Jones directed them to attend the next Day, when the Court would be full. Thursday the 28- h of April, the Grand Jury came to the Bar, and Mr. Michaei Godfrey, ( Brother to Sir Edmund Bury) who was Foreman of the Jury, desir'd, that before they proceeded upon the Indict- ment, that Fitz- Harris might be examin'd about his Brother's Death, of which he suppos'd he knew much, and mov'd the Court t0 grant an Habeas Corpus to fetch up Fitz Harris: Then he deliver'd in a Paper in Behalf of himself and the rest of the Grand - Jury ; importing, that the Day before, they heard Sir William Waller, and others, sworn in Court, in order co their giving Evidence against Fitz Harris, who in the late Parliament at Oxford was impeach'd by the House of Commons, in the Name of them- selves and of all the Commons of England, of whom the Grand Jury were Part, They therefore desir'd the Opinion of the Court, whether it were lawful and safe for them ( in case an IndiCtment of the said Fitz Harris should be brought before them) to pro- ceed to examine Witnesses in Reference to the said Indictment, or any Ways meddle with it, notwith- standing the Act impeachment, and the Votes of the House of Commons up in it the Lord Chief Justice answer'd, That as to the Impeachment of the Commons, which was not re- ceiv'd by the Lords, and the Vote of the Commons, that he shou'd not be try'd by any inferior Court, they were bound by their Oaths to enquire, if any such Indictment was exhibited to them, and ought not to take Notice of any such Impeachment offer'd to the Lords, or of any such Votes in the House of Commons, if any such there were, for they could not excuse them who were sworn to enquire of the Matters given them in charge; and if they had Evi- dence enough given them to satisfy them that the Indictment was true, they were to find it ; and the Court ought to proceed upon it according to Justice ; and that this was the Opinion of all the Judges of England, who had assembled and debated this Matter. Then the Grand Jury withdrew, and found the Bill. Friday, the 29th of April, 1681, Sir Thomas Stringer, the King's Serjeant, mov'd for an Habeas Corpus to bring up the Body of Fitz Harris, to be examin'd by the Court about the Death of Sir E. God- frey, which was granted. Saturday the 30th of April, Mr. Serjeant Stringer inform'd che Court that Fitz Harris attended, and de- fir'd he might be examin'd of Sir E. Godfrey before he was arraign'd, but the Courc directed he should be arraign'd first, Mr. Fitz Harris acquainted the Court, That he had been close Prisoner for ten Weeks, not having been permitted to see any one, and desir'd he might ad- vise with his Friends. Mrs. Fitz- Harris put a Plea into her Husband's Hand, and desir'd him to plead to the Jurisdiction of the Court: And Mr. Fitz- Harris desir'd it might be read by the Clerk ; but was told by the Court, he must first hear the Indictment read, and plead after- wards. Then the Indictment was read ; after which Fitz Harris again offer'd his Plea, which the Court direct- ed to be read, but said they did not allow it. The Plea set forth, That the Prisoner, at a Parlia- ment held at Oxford the 21st of March, in the 33d Year of the King, was impeach'd for the aforesaid Treason, and therefore pray'd the Judgment of the Court, whether he could be compell'd to answer this Indictment averring, that the Treason for which he was indicted, was the same Treson for which he was impeach'd; and that the said Impeachment still remain'd in its full Force. The Chief Justice acquainted the Prisoner, That they did not use to receive such a Plea without a Council's Hand to it: Whereupon the Prisoner de- sir'd Council might be assign'd him ; and the Court assign'd Sir Francis Winnington, Mr. Williams, Mr. Pollexsen, and Mr. Wallop ; and told the Priso- ner he would do well to consider, left a Plea of this Nature should be more fatal to him than he expected; and told him, they would give him Time till Tues- day next, to advise what Plea he would rely upon, and in the mean time Things should stand as they were. The Prisoner desir'd his Wife and his Council might have Access to him, which was granted; but the Court told Mrs Fitz Harris, that she must submit to be search'd when she went to her Husband, and his Keeper must be present when she was with him. Then the Prisoner desir'd longer Time to prepare his Plea, but was told by the Court, if they would insist upon it, he ought to plead presently; and the Time they had condescended to allow him was an un- usual Favour: However, upon the Prisoners Impor- tunity, the Court did consent, that if the Prisoner deliver'd a Copy of his plea to Mr. Attorney on Tuesday, he should have till Wednesday to put it in. Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower desir'd the Court would make a Rule for the Prisoner's Wise and Council to come to him. for his Discharge, and this was directed to be made Part of the Rule. then the Prisoner was carry'd into the little Room belonging to the Court of King's Bench, and examin'd by the chief Justice, & c. about the Murder of Sir E Godfrey; after which he was remanded to the Tower. Monday the 2d of May, the Council assign'd the Prifoner, mov'd, thac che Rule made for their at- tending the Prisoner might be mended, it seeming doubtful whether they might be with him alone; whereupon the Court declar'd, they intended they should be with him alone. The Prisoner's Council also mov'd, that the Time for pleading might be enlarg'd ; and that they might have a Copy of the Indictment : The Court refus'd to give farther Time; and as to a Copy of the In- dictment, Mr. Justice Dolben said, It had been al- ways deny'd in Cases of Treason and Felony: Indeed some Heads out of the Indictment had been some- times granted, to enable the Party to suiC his Plea to the Charge, as was done in Wittipole's Case, upon a Plea of Autre fois acquit. Mr. Williams said, in the Case of King and Tho- mas wherein he was Council, Thomas was indicted of Murder in one County, and found guilty of Man- slaughter, and was afterwards indicted for the same Murder in another County; and, upon alledging as in this Case, that it was impossible to plead without, they had a Copy of both Indictments; but the Court seeming averse to the granting a Copy, Mr. Williams and Mr. Wallop desir'd that other Council might be assign'd in their Rooms: The Courc answer'd, they could not discharge them, they being assign d at the Request of the Prisoner: And the Court added Sir George Treby and Mr. Smith to the Council already assign'd, at the Prisoner's Importunity ; as also a Solicitor to go between the Prisoner and his coun- cil. To be continu'd this Day Fortnight." T « \ To C. J. T. L. C R. w. E. H. E. S. R. M. B. E. L. B. L. S. D. D. K. P N. V. H. R. E. E. C. L. T. L. B E. S W. T. K. R L. S. R. E. L. C. B. E. E. M. E. W. and others whcm it may con- cern. The humble Petition of W. R. J. O L. W. L L. J. A. A. N. M. D. S. A. B V. C N. W. Z. A. ti. y. X. C. D. W. U. E F. T. & c. SHEWETH, THAT Jews, Turks. Hereticks, and Schisma- ticks, even the most dangerous of Hereticks and Schismaticks, viz. Papists and Jacobites, as well as Sectaries and Seperatists of all sorts, do enjoy a Toleration to exercise what they apprehend to be the best Religion, or at least are connived at, as if they were entituled to such a Toleration and are not at all let, hindred, molested, or discouraged in the free Use of Worshiping God after their own way. For the Tax laid upon Papists is most certainly no Let, Hin- drance, Molestation or discouragement to such End and Purpose, but only a very reasonable Means, which the Parliament of Great Britain in their great wis- dom have thought proper to make Use of, in order to compensate for the Losses sustained on Account of the last Rebellion, and to prevent another from breaking out in haste in Favour of a Popish and abjur'd Im- postor, who. if he were invested with sufficient Power, would infallbly introduce and establish Popery and Superstition, and Tyranny and Slavery among us, in the room of Liberty and Property, and the pure and undefiled Religion of Protestants, which are the Birth- Right of Britons, and entail unavoidable and irre- trievable Misery on us and our latest Posterity. That even Atheists are not under any Restraints by our Laws but such as any Infidel who is endued with common Discretion, may with abundance of Easiness bear withal Wherefore your humble Petitioners, who endea- vour to live up to the Rules of Piety and Honesty, and are generally esteem'd to be Men of Probity and Integrity, notwithstanding the unreasonable Con- tempt and Obloquy, sherewith they are sometimes treated by Papists and Jacobites, that despair of ma- king Proselytes of them, by Oppressors and Sharpers that would fain enrich themselves with their Substance through Fraud and Rapine, by profane Libertines that fail of debauching them, and by some others that are either so weak, or so knavish, as to aid and abett such maliciously wicked Monsters and over- grown Villains that calumniate them upon any of the Accounts above mention'd, and who were at all Times firmly attach'd to the Protestant Succession, and arc constantly well affected to the present Go- vernment in Church and State, do most earnestly en- treat you, on Behalf of themselves and others, whose Minds are season'd with the same excellent Principles, and whose Resolutions are never to abandon them, that laying aside all fierce Malice, and unbecoming Savageness. and all sinister Intentions, at this critical Juncture of Time, when the Enemies of our Happi- ness are big with Expectations from Home and Cam- bray, conceiv'd of his new politick Holiness, who diverts not himself of Grandeur without Cause, nor saves his Money to no Purpose ; you will graciously be pleased to permit them to enjoy the free Use of letting their Light shine before Men, and of shewing their Religion, their Loyalty and Affection to God, to their King and their fellow Subjects upon all just and necessary Occasions, and in such a Man- ner as they are in Duty bound to do, pursuant to their Vows and Oaths, according to their several Professions and Callings, without any Let, Hinderance. Molesta- tion, Discouragement or Restraint. in Defence of their Country, their Rights and Properties. and in Opposi- tion to the Devil, the Pope and the Pretender, and all their Agents, their secret and open Abettors. And your Petitioners shall ever pray, & c The Ships called the Anne and Judith being both In Company near the Banks of Newfoundland about the End of July, were met by a Pirate who had kept in Sight or them two Days; apon the Pirate's Coming up with them, the two Captains agreed to stand by one another, and prepar'd to defend themselves, knocking down their Cabins, and clearing their Ships as well as they could, ( the Judith had 2o Men and the Anne 16) on which the Pirate stood from them, and they some time made after her, by which Means they freed themselves from further Acquaintance with him. Capt. Kerr, Commander of the Prince Frederick, reports, that about the Middle of July, in the lati- tude of 26 Degrees North, he came in Sight of a Ship, who gave him Chase, but being before the Wind the Ship rowled and did not gain on him, yet she follow'd eight or nine Days keeping in Sight, and the j> th Day came so near, that Capt. Kerr perceiv'd them to hoist a black Flag ; but that Evening having a brisk Gale of Wind, the Captain crowded so much Sail, that the next Morning he could not see his trouble- some Companion. The Mines discover'd sometime ago by a Gentle- man in Wales, as formerly mention'd, upon an estate not worth above 40I. per Ann. produce after the Rate of 20,000 I. per Ann. Profit, and in all Appear- ance are like to continue many Years. We are inform'd, that General Nicholson, Gover- nor of South Carolina, hath, petition'd to come home for six Months, but is not sent for to answer any Com- plaints made against him. Last Sunday in the Evening a certain Whipmaker, living near Fleet ditch, follow'd a Gentlewoman home from Covent- Ga'den Church to Dr. Chamber- lain's in King- ftreet, nearly adjoining, and when she got out of the Coach, went into the House with her, and being ask'd abont his Business, said he was in Love with the Lady; but upon examining into the Nature of his Amours, they found some powerful Love Arguments about him, being two Pistols loaded, the one in his Breast, and the other in his Pocket, upon which the Lover was carry'd before one of his Majesty's Justice of the Peace who committed him to Bridewell. Monday Sir Charles Wager and Sir John Norris, with other of the Wardens and Assistants of the Tri- nity- House of Deptford, Strond, met at Greenwich, concerning the erecting of three Light Houses in a Triangular Manner, upon the Casket Rocks near the Isle of Alderney, where the Dragon Man of War was formerly lost. Mrs. White and Mrs. Holland, Servants to the Prince and Princess, who were lately bit by mad Dogs, at Richmond, having been dipt in the Salt- Wa- ter, and other proper Remedies apply'd, are now per- fectly recover'd. They write from Berwick upon Tweed, that the Corpse of the Earl of Marchmount was removed from his late Dwelling- House there, to Redbrayes in Scot- land, to be interr'd amongst his Ancestors They write from York, that the 3d Instant his Majesty's Plate of too Guineas was won by a Horse nam'd True Blue, belonging to Robert Honywood, Esq; nine run for if. The 4 h the plate of 30I. was won by Sir William Lowther's Bay Horse, Surly, three run for it. The 5th, a Plate of 40 I. was won by Mr. Ovington's Chesnut Mare Roxana. five run for it. The 6th, the Ladies 60 I. Gold Cup was won by Capt. Appleyard's Grey Horse, Pilot, 13 run for it. The 7 h, a Plate of 201. Value was won by Mr. Kitchingham's Grey Mare, four Galloways run for it. His Majesty's Plate of 100 Guineas was run for at Hambleton the 1st of August by 16 Mares, and won by Mr. Panton's. They write from Hampton, that one Watson a Scotchman being disorder'd in his Senses shot himself And at Chichester, one Murray being in the like Condition, threw himself out of a Window ard died on the Spot. The Morocco Ambassador's Baggage and several of his Servants have been sent to the buoy in the Nore. to be put on board his Majesty's Ship the Southampton: and when the said Ship comes round to Portsmouth,. his Excellency goes thither by Land to embark for Tetuan, extract extract of a letter from Cullemstock, Aug. 8 1724. .1 was Yesterday at Tiverton with Mr. Hodges Mr. Hichock, and same others, to search for Bayley, the Captain of the Mob, Marshal, and some others of the chief of the Rogues, whom Warrants were out to apprehend. We had the Assistance of a Ser- geant, Seven Soldiers, and Three Constables, to search the Town, with a Search- Warrant, and two other Warrants from three Justices to take them up; but we were in great Danger of our Lives, being mobb'd by many Hundreds, who call'd us the worst Names Hell cou'd invent, tho' I told them that I look'd for a Robber or House breaker, we were pelted with Stones, and had our Lives threatned several Times. I would have had the Constables have read the Pro- clamation, but they were afraid. Thus we were mobb'd all thro' the Town to the Red Lyon, the Captain's Quarters. The Captain, with the other Officers and Soldiers, accompany'd us out of Town, where the Mob pelted us with Stones, and us'd the same hellish Language as before: One of our Com- pany was much hurt in the Head with a Stone, and I myself was wounded in the Leg, just below my Knee, through the double of my Boot: We both lost much Blood, and my Leg is still swoll'n, and very bad. This was done in Defiance of the Military Power, who gave all possible Assistance wich their Swords, but us'd no Fire Arms. The Captain ad- vising us to make the best of our Way, took his Leave, after which we were purs'd by above an hun- dred more of the Mob for a Mile or two, many of them running before us, and pelting uj through the Hedges as wc past by. so that it was an extraordinary Mercy that we escap'd with our Lives. The Rogues we went in Search of, being preadvis'd of our com- ing, absconded. If any thing further material hap- pens, you may depend upon the best Intelligence I can procure. SIR, Yours, & c. Yesterday 7 Night last the New Commission of Lieutenancy for this City was open'd at Guild- hall, when the Aldermen following were chosen Colonels of the six Regiments of City Train'd- Bands, viz. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Knt. Colonel of the Blue ; Sir Samuel Stannier, Knt. Colonel of the Red; Sir William Humphreys, Bart. Colonel of the Green; Sir Charles Piers, Knt. Colonel of the Yellow ; Sir Gerrard Conyers, Knt. Colonel of the Orange; and Sir John Eyles, Bart. Colonel of the White. At the same Time Colonel Boddington was re- chosen Muster Master, and Mr. Smart Clerk to the Lieutenancy. And Mr. Dobbins was chosen Messenger, in the room of Mr. Bird, who resign'd by reason of his great Age. Extract of a Letter from Virginia of June 9. • This Day arriv'd in the York River, the Ship John and Marv, from Guinea, Capt. John Jones, Commander and sole Owner, who having on the 4th Instant spoke with Capt. Yoe of his Majesty's Ship Enterprize, then Cruising about 15 Leagues East from the Capes of Virginia, and being assur'd by him, that there were no Pyrates on the Coast, stood in that Night for the Capes, and at five next Morning, being about five Leagues off of Shore, was attack'd by a Ship under English Colours, and commanded on Board, where he found the Ship to be a Spanish Guarde de Coast, commanded by one Don Benito, and said to be commission'd by the Governor of Cuba, to whom also the Ship belongs; she was mann'd with about <?:> Spaniards, 14 or 15 English and Irish, and 18 Frenchmen, had 6 Guns mounted, and 6 more in the Hold fitted with Carriages and ready to mount. Capt. Jones was detain'd Prisoner, and his Ship in Possession of the Pyrates, from the 5th till the 8th ; during which Time they took also a Brigantine, call'd the Prudent Hannah of Boston, Tho. Mousell Master, and the Godolphin of Topsham, Theodore Bare, Master, both laden and bound for Virginia, the former they sent away, together with the Mate and three Men, under the Command of a Spanish Officer and crew the same Day she was taken, the latter they off with them, putting the Master and all the aboard Capt. Jones's Ship; they plunder'd Capt Jones of 36 of his choicest Slaves, all of them Men with a very valuable Slave, which had been his own servant for several Years ; they also took away all the gold and Duft he had purchased on the Coast of guinea all his Cloaths, the Remains of his outward Cargoe, four great Guns, all his small arms about 400 Gallons of Rum, most of his Books and Papers, and a great deal of Provisions and Stores r » that he computes his Loss to be upwards of 1500 1 Sterling. Capt. Yoe of his Majesty's Ship Enterprize being inform d of this Disaster, is gone in quest of the aforesaid Spanish Guard de Coast, or rather Pyrate but whether he will have the good Fortune to meet with him is uncertain. Irs remarkable, that several of those Runegado Irish, who after the Cessation of Arms, between Great- Britain and Spain, Infested the Coast of Virginia in Vessels, commissioned by the Governor of St. Augustine, are now on board this Spanish Ship, especially one Richard Holland who goes by the Title of English Captain on board. ' At the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, and Sessions of the Peace held for the County of Middlesex at Hicks's- Hall in St. John- street, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, being the 13th, 14th, and 15th 0f this Instant August, the several Persons under nam'd were convicted of the several Offences hereafter mention'd, and receiv'd Judgment and Sentence thereupon as follows. ' John Collier for Petty Larceny, in cutting off the Hair of a Horse's Main, was order'd to be whipt at a Cart's Tail, from the Castle Ale House in Kentish Town, to the furthermost Bull Ale- House there, and all the Way back again, till his Body be bloody j and the same was last Monday executed accordingly. Thomas Rigals for cursing his Majesty ; being very poor, and nor able to pay a Fine, was committed to the House of Correction at Clerkenwell, and there to be kept to hard Labour for one Month, and then to receive the Correction of the House. Mary Johnson for assaulting and dangerously beat- ing another Woman, being poor, and not able to pay a Fine was committed to the House of Correcti- on aforesaid, to be kept to Labour for three Weeks. Christian French, for the like Offence, was com- mitted to the same Place, to be kept to Labour for, a Week. Elizabeth Marsh, for keeping a disorderly House, being very poor, and not able to pay a Fine, was committed to the House of Correction for two Months to hard Labour. John Banbury, for assaulting and dangerously wounding one Thomas North, was fin'd 101, and committed to his Majesty's Jail of Newgate, tHere to remain without Bail for six Months, and until he pay the said Fine, and then to find sufficient Sureties for his good Behaviour for twelve Months. Yesterday 7 Night last the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when six Perfons receiv'd Sentence of Death, viz. Joseph Ward and Robert Colthurst for the Highway, Anthony Upton and John Shepherd for Felony and Burglary, Stephen Fowles for Shoplifting, and a Woman, Frances Sands, for stealing between 30 and 40 1. in Mo- ney out of a Club Box. Nine Persons were burnt in the Hand, four of them for marrying a second Wife, while their first were living, and about 30 were or- der'd for Transportation. , The Trial of Lewis Hussar, the French Barber, for the Murther of his Wife, upon the second Appeal of Solomon Rondeau, Brother to the Deceased ( the first being set aside by Order of the Court is put off till next Sessions, upon the Prayer of the Prisoner, and is fix d to be try'd then. , John Mackfedere for assaulting Mr. Jacomb, was fined 20 Marks, to suffer 12 Months Imprisonment and to find Sureties for his good Behaviour for three John and Mary Armstrong for putting off Cop- per Pieces for Six- pences, were fined each three Marks Francis and Benjamin Brightwell, tWo Soldiers who were try'd for a Robbery on the Highway near Hampstead, were both acquitted, it appearing very plainly, that they were innocent. One Mr. Heaton hath discover'd a certain Vege- table of Grass, of the Growth of Great- Britain, for the making of Womens Hats, much finer than those of Leghorn,' Burmudas, & c. and having made Application to his Majesty for a Patent, for securing to himself the Profits of the said Invention, for the Term of 14 Years. The Subject Matter of his Petition was referr'd to his Majesty's Attorney Ge- neral, who hath made a Report in Favour of the Petitioner ; but we are inform'd, some Persons are about entering a Caveat against a Patent for the said Invention. On Wednesday Night last one Asgill was com- mitted to the Gatehouse, Westminster, by three of his Majesty's Juftices of the Peace, for extorting Mo- ney from several Perfons by telling them they were indicted in the Crown- Office, and under Pretence of doing them Service. Letters from Rome of July 29, say. The Pretender lately waited on his Holiness with his Son, who be- ing but six Years of Age, and not knowing what it was to kiss the Pope's Foot, made some Difficulty at first of complying with that Cermony, but at last he did ; and then he ask'd the Pope if he had a Mind to hear him play upon tbe Violin. With all my Heart, said the Pope. But then, faid the young Fiddler, you must dance, or else I will not play. The holy Father, in pure Complaisance to him, pretended to dance, and made three or four Steps, which so animated the Musician that he play'd upon the Violin a good while, so well for a Child of his Age, that the Pope was charm'd with him, and gave him a Purse of 5o Lewid'ors. Wednesday Morning Mr. Lewis, the Blacksmith, belonging to Chrift's Hospital, hang'd himself in his own Bed- Chamber in his House near that Place. He was observ'd to have been melancholly and uneasy for some Days before ; and has left four young children, who are now destitute both of Father and Mother. Wednesday the Lords of the Treasury adjourn'd for Three Weeks. O11 Monday last began the Drawing of the State- Lottery, when a Prize of 5001, came up against Number 31771, as first drawn Yesterday 7- Night a Certificate in the Lottery 1723, for 52I. 10 s. was stopp'd at Mr. Spence's Office in the Exchequer, wherein we hear 4 of the Commissio- ners Hands were so exactly counterfeited, that it could hardly be distinguish'd without comparing it with the Checque, since which, two Persons have been taken into Custody for the said Felony, whereof one who had been Proclaimer at drawing the Lottery, was on Wednesday Night committed to Newgate, and the other to New Prison; On Monday, Sept. the 14th a Foot Match is to be run four Miles on Hounslow Heath, between Tho. mas Butler and William Mawbone, for 100 Guineas. Play or Pay. Dublin, Aug. 11. On Sunday Evening the Master of a Vessel from Cork happening to quarrel with one of his Men, they fought on the Custom house Key, and both tumbled into the River : The Sailor was sav'd, but the Master, notwithstanding all the Endea- vours used to prevent it, was drown'd. The Bill preferr'd against Bowen the Perriwig- Maker of Russel street, Covent Garden, for uttering treasonable Words against his Majesty, was returned Ignoramus. Thursday 7. Night a young Man on Board the Lon- don, just arriv'd from Jamaica, and lying at Wool, wich, in leaping from the Ship into the Boat unfor- tunately fell into the River and was drowned. A Conge de Elire is actually passing in Ireland, for electing the Rt. Rev. Dr. Boulter, Bishop of Bristol, into the Archbishoprick of Ardmagh in the room of his Grace Dr. Thomas Lindsay deceased. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales being within two Months of her Time, she and her Royal Consort are expected at Leicester- House very speedily. The three young PrinCesses, Anne, Carolina, and Amelia, continue at the Royal Palace at Kensington. Maidenhead, August 18. This Day about half an Hour after Eleven of the Clock in the Morning we had one of the most terrible Storms that, I am apt to believe, has been known for a considerable Time It was one of the clearest and most beautiful Morn- ings that I have ever beheld for above an Hour and half after Sun rising, when it began to Lighten and Thunder extremely, which lasted with little Inter- mission for something more than two Hours; upon which follow'd a Storm of Hail. At soon as ever I could conveniently get out of the House I gathered some of the Hail Stones; one of which, after they had been in the House a considerable Time, and was wasted no small Quantity, I measur'd, and found it to be near five Inches round. Some of the Stones were of a globular Figure and smooth, others of them were long and very ragged and sharp pointed. They were as hard as Ice How far the Storm extended itself I cannot yet learn, nor what Mischief It has done; bu: it must certainly have destroy'd a great deal of Corn as far at it reached, had it been on the Ground. I suppose it has done a great deal of Mis- chief to the Windows, tho' those of the House where I am did not much suffer by it, because the Wind was favourable, and the Stones did not fall very thick. During the Storm the Air was considerably colder than before ; for I observed that the Spirits in . he Thermometer, which before it were almost ten De- grees above temperate were sunk almost 10 De- grees below it. This Alteration or the Air, and In- tenseness of the Cold, was, I reckon the Occasion of the stone being so very hard and condensed into such large ones; , otherwise they would have fallen in large Drops of rain, or small Particles of Snow or Hail, and those a great deal softer. 1 have for a considera- ble Number of them by, but whether the Place be cool enough to preserve them any time I cannot tell. We hear that on Sunday last M. Fryer, only Son of Sir John Fryer, Bart, died at Whowell, the Seat of the Family, in Hampshire Wednesday one Julian, a Negroe Boy. who is scarce arriv'd at the Age of 14, was committed t0 Newgate by Sir Francis Forbes, for Crimes of a most heinous Nature, viz. 1st, robbing his Mistress Madam Turner of Sunbury in Middlesex, of between 20 and 30 Guineas, and then willfully setting Fire to her House, which was consumed in less than three Hours Time, and Jewels, Plate, See. to the Value of above 200001. lost, besides the Family narrowly escaping with their Lives on the 8th Inftant. He confessed the Facts be- fore Sir Francis, together wirh the Circumstances and Manner of committing them, and said the Devil prompted him by appearing several Times to him; he had been entertained in the Family about five Years. A Warrant is gone to Kingston upon Thames, for the Execution of the six following Malefactors there this Day, viz. John Summers, James Ed- wards, Thomas Vasage, and Thomas Eades, for House- breaking, John Cross for the Highway. and Samuel Claye for Felony. The other six condemn'd Malefactors are repriev'd, in order to be tansported. When his Majesty arrived at his Palace of Wind- sor on Friday 7- Night, the Towns People express'd their Joy by ringing of Bells, Bonefires, and other Illuminations; The next Day the Mayor, Recorder, Town Clerk. and other Principal Officers of the Borough, waited upon his Majesty, in their Forma- lities, and congratulated him upon his honouring them with his Royal Presence, and they were all very graciously receiv'd. His Majesty dined last Sunday at Windsor in Pub- lick, when 12 Persons of Quality had the Honour to dine with him ; and a great Number of Country People came thither, and were admitted to see his Majesty at Dinner. We are very unwilling to nip young buds; but we can't help advising our promising Correspondents, Philo. Musus and Philo- mathy, & c. to ripen their Judg- ment by a little more Experience before they enter. tain n U I in fi a V V r i tain the Publick with their poetical Productions. It's unpardonable to pretend to write Verses before they can spell. If there is any honest Gentleman near them that will preach upon that Subject, Tarry at Jericho till your Beards are grown, ' twill be very proper for them to hear him with Attention. They are also advis'd to pay Postage hereafter, otherwise the Favour design'd for us will not be receiv'd. Mediocribus esse Poetis Non Homines, non Di, non concessere Columnae. Bankrupts since our last List. James Punter, of Whitechappel, in che County of MiddleseX, Victualler, Robert Cooper, late of Charing Cross, in the Coun- ty of Middlesex, Mercer. Samuel Cowper, late of Bread- street, London, Haberdasher. SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom. House, since our last. The Rose from Petersburg; Richard from Virgin'a; John and Robert from Maryland ; Judith, and Chester and Adams, both from Barbadoes; Prosperity from Sc. Christopher's; and Beckford, and Neptune, both from Jamaica. The Mary from Oporto j Macham from Antegoa, and Judith from Maryland. The Brothers from Venice ; Tyger from Leghorn ; Amelia and Lady Ann both from Bremen ; Fortune from Hambro Prince Frederick from Ostend ; En. deavour from Norway ; Nathaniel and John from Riga; Marygold from Northcopen ; Phoenix and Hampton Courc both from Rotterdam ; Prince Fre- derick from Barbadoes; Anne from Maryland ; Ri- chard and Elizabeth, Friendship, Martin and Prosper- ous Anne all from Norway. The Leake from Malaga; George from Oporto; Junior from Calais ; Friends Adventure from Riga; Mary from Guernsey ; Goodfellow from Amsterdam ; Canewood from Barbadoes; Elizabeth from Ostend ; Prosperous Ann from Wylerg ; Friendly Society from Norway, and John and Isaac from Amsterdam The Ann and Catherine from Stockholm ; Abigail from Amsterdam; Conclusion from Rotterdam ; William and Deborah, and Blackrett both from Nor- Way, and London from Sweden. The Sunderland from Jamaica; Love and Plom- mer from Norway, and Passgrove from Barbadoes. Clear'd Out. The Betty for Portugal; Anne for France ; Duke Charoft for Calais ; St Peter for Flanders; Good. Intent for Holland ; Moore for Diep j and St. Chri- stopher for Pensilvania. The Priscilla for Spain ; Friends Goodwill for Flan- ders ; Happy Mary Magdalen for Cadiz; Duke Beau- mont for Calais ; John for France ; Mary for New. England ; Betty for France ; Two Brothers for Guern- sey ; Windsor for Holland ; Angel and Queen both for Norway. The sturdy for Madera ; Sarah for Africa and Hap- py Return for Hambro. The Charles and Margaret for Portugal ; Lady Anne for France; Triple Alliance, and Rose in June both for Sound, and St. Quintin for Norway. The Blessing and Anne for Madera; Providence for Dunkirk ; Roman Emperor for Ostend ; Mermaid for Ireland, and Charles and Mary for Jamaica. (" Males 183 > Females 1961 Christned Buried' " Males 253 ) Females 234 In all 4S7 V. In all 379 Decreased in the Burials this Week 137. Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was 1 17 1 4th. Ditto Annuities io< 5 14th. India r4y 1 half. Bank 1321 half. Ditto Circulation 1 half per Cent. Prem. African 9 3 Civil Lijl Annuity totf. York Buildings 7 1 half. Ditto Subscription 46 1. Royal Exchange Assurance 54. London Assurance 7 7 8ths Welsh Copper 33 s. Million Bank 107. Army Del bentures 1 1 8th per Cent. Difc; Squth Sea Bonds 1 I. 3 s. Prem. India Bonds 1 1; 18 s. Prem. ao 1 Prizes 1713, middle Course, 19 1. 16 j. Blanks xjzi' 7 1. 9 5. Government's Tickets ill. 19 j; ADVERTISEMENTS. By the Comedians from both Theatres. At Mr. Penkethman's Theatrical Booth: at the Horns Inn, in Smithfield, near Pye- Corner duriog the Time of Bartholomew- Fair, will be pre- sented a celebrated and entertaining Droll, call'd The Blind Beggar of Bednal- Green ; or, The Woman never vext; with the comical Humours of Sir Timothy Souse crown, and his Man Gudgeon. The Part of Sousecrown by Mr. Bridgewater ; the King, Mr. Hud- dy ; Rakish, Mr. Williams; Montfort, Mr. Roberts" Lady Westford, Mrs. Willis; Arabella, Mrs. Morgan' Widow, Mrs. Roberts; and Gudgeon by Mr. Butcher'. All the other Parts to the best Advantage. With se- Veral most surprising and inimitable Entertainments of Vaulting on the high Rope; Walking the slack Rope, and Tumbling ; by a select Crmpany of Eng- lish and Italian Performers, far superior to any that have ever appear'd in the Fairs. During the Time of Bartholomew Fair, the first Door on the Right Hand, leading to Mr. Penkethman's Booth. Will be shewn a most curious and sur- prizing PICTURE, invented by Mr. Penkethman, and painted by Tellemans of Antwerp and others; lately shewn at Richmond before their Royal High- nessess the Prince and Princesses of Wales, & c. to the entire Satisfaction of all the Nobility and Gentry present; representing the Royal Family from the King of Bohemia to this Time; as, The King and Queen of Bohemia; the Princess Sophia; his most Sacred Majesty King GEORGE; his Brother the Duke of York; the Queen of Prussia; their Royal High, nesses the Prince and princess ot Wales; their High- nesses Prince Frederick, and the young Princesses: The Nine Muses attending, and playing on several Instruments, in Honour of that August Assembly. With Hercules killing of Hydra ; St. George the fa- mous Champion of England, killing the Dragon; Cu- pid the God of Love, grinding his Arrows. All Moving and in Action, tho' painted on a Flat ; the like never seen in England before, and worthy to be seen by all who are Lovers of Art and Ingenuity, N P. This Picture is to be seen every Quarter of Hour, from 10 in the Morning till 11 at Night, at 2 s. 6 d. j s. 6 d. is. and 6 d; WILLIAM BARMBY, at the King's Arms behind St. Clement's Church in the Strand, the only Clergyman's Warehouse in England, that can furnish upon Sight, with Gowns and Cassocks, for Judges, Barristers, and Students; Livery- Gowns, and for Corporations: Likewise buys, sells changes, or furnishes by the Year : Also Bands, Roses, Black Cloth, Prunelloes, Princes Black Silks, and Bi- shops Square Caps. He has the Honour to work for fifteen Bishops. Where also the above- mention'd Goods are sold at reasonable Rates. N B. Any Gentlemen may be furnish'd with Gowns and Cassocks, for what Time they please, which will save them a great deal of Trouble in bringing their own up to Town. Blinds for Windows made of Wire, Gauze," Silk, Cane, See. either painted or plain, by William Rodwell, in Pater- Noster- Row, on the Right- Hand, next Cheapside: remov'd from the East- End of St. Paul's: Also all Sorts of Screens made, old Pictures clean'd and mended, all Sorts of Pictures bought and sold, and neatly framed; Stair- Cases, Closets, Pannels of Rooms, and Chimney- Pieces compleatly fitted up; with India Pictures Prints, or Paintings. Allow- ance to those who sell again. 1 H ifif LONDONPrinted and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in.
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