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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 01/08/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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w 2929 j t H E O R, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, AUGUST I, 1724. loon '** ft K SIR, fInding through the whole Course of your Papers an undaunted Spirit that vigorously proclaims an unshaken Zeal for the Protestant Religion, and a just and commendable Detestation of all Roman Attempts against it, I hope the following Ac- count ( as I find it in Bi- shop Burnet's History of the five great Crises, un- der which the whole Procestant Religion was brought, will not be unacceptable to your Readers, in order to raise an hearty, though not an equal, Tribute of Praise to that Almighty Being, who has with his own Right Hand preserv'd it under the most frightful Appearances of humane Inundations. The first Crisis, says thar learned Prelate, was, when Charles the 5th had subdu'd the Smalcaldick league, which had been the Bulwark of the Protestant Religion, by defeating the Duke of Saxons , and getting him and the Landgrave of Hesse into his Hands. Upon that De- feat all submitted to the Emperor, only the Town of Magdeburgh stood our. The Emperor should either not have trusted Maurice, or have us'd him better: But he us'd him so ill, that getting the Electorate, he made himself sure of the Army; then entering into an Alliance with France and some of the Princes of the Empire, he made so quick a Turn upon the Emperor, thac he had almost surpriz'd him at Inchsprucht, and of a sudden overturn'd all that Design which the Emperor had been labouring for many Years to bring to Perfection. This ended in the Edict of Passau, which settled the Peace of Ger- many for that time. The Second Crisis was towards the End of Queen Mary's Reign, when the Protestant Religion seem'd extinguish'd in England, and the two Cardinals of Lorain and Granvel, the then chief Ministers of France and Spain, design'd a Peace, purely that their Masters might be at Leisure to extirpate Heresy, which Was then spreading in both their Dominions. But after the Scheme was form'd, Queen Mary dy'd, and was succeeded by Queen Elizabeth in England-, soon afrer that the King of France was accidentally kill'd, which afFected that Kingdom with a long Minority, and a Civil War; and the Netherlands felt from thence, and from England, such Encouragement, that they made the longest and bravest Resistance that is to be found in History. The Third Crisis lasted from 1585 to 1589: Then began the League of France: The Prince of Parma Was victorious in the Netherlands, the Prince of Orange murder'd, the States under great Distractions, and Spain engag'd in a Design of dethroning Queen Elizabeth, and putting the Queen of Scotland in her Place. To this End there was for some Years pre- paring the greatest Fleet the World had ever seen, which wa « afterwards christned, The Invincible Arma- da all Europe was amaz'd, and Various Conjectures ( Price Three. Half- Pence.? were made about the Design of such vast Preparations. At last it was discover'd by one of Walsinghams Spies, a Priest: All his chief Spies were Priests for it was a constant Maxim with him That an active, vicious Priest was the best Spy in the World By one of these Intelligencers he had an Account, That the King of Spain had fix'd upon a Resolution relating to his Fleet, but that it was not communicated t0 any of his Ministers in foreign Courts: That indeed the King himself had writ a Letter about it to the Pope, but that Letter was not enter'd in any Office. Upon this; one was sent to Venice, from whence the Corres- pondence with Rome was held. At Rome one of the Pope's chief Confidents had a Mistress, to whom 20000 Crowns was given for a Sight and Copy of that Letter, which was sent over soon after Christmas, in the Year 1586; the Substance of it being to ac- quaint the Pope of the King of Spain's Design to de- stroy Queen Elizabeth, and advance the Queen of Scots to the Throne, it prov'd fatal to that unhappy Princess, the chiefest Occassion of her unfortunate End, being the Spanish Preparations to conquer eng- land. under Pretence of setting her upon the Throne.' But notwithstanding she was mov'd out of the Way, the Court of England had very good Reason to believe, that if the King of Spain's Fleet was in a Condition to conquer England, it was not the Death of the Queen of Scots that would make him desist It was generally concluded, that whatever his Pro- fession was, his real Design was to conquer it for him- self; and therefore immediate Orders were given to fit out a Fleet with all possible Expedition: But the Affairs of the Navy were at that time in so bad a Condition, and the Nation so very ill provided against such an Invasion, that tho' there were then twenty good Ships upon the Stocks, it was impossible to put them in a Readiness to serve that Summer, that is in the Year 1587, when the Spaniards had design'd the Invasion ; so that unless by some extraordinary Con- duct was found practicable to put off the Attempt for that Year, there was no Strength ready to resist so great a Fleet. When almost every Body despair'd of diverting the present Execution of that formidable Attempt, a Merchant of London, to the general agree- able Surprize, undertook it. He was Well acquainted with the State of the Revenue of Spain, with all their Charge, and all that they could raise ; he knew all their Funds were so exhausted. that it was im- possible for them to victual, and fit out their Fleet, but by their Credit in the Bank of Genoa: He under- took therefore to write to all the Places of Trade,' and get such Remittances made upon that Bank as should bring it so entirely into his Hands, that there should be no Money current there, equal to the great - Occasion of victualling the Spanish Fleet. He reckon'd the keeping such a Treasure dead in his Hands till the Season of victualling was over would be a loss of 40000 1 and at that Rate he propos'd to save Eng- land: He manag'd the Matter with so much Secrecy and Success, that the Spaniards coold not get out their Fleet that Year : At so small a Price, and with so skillful a Management, was the Nation secur'd at that Time, .19 R This II V M'" » W M ( 2 9 3 ° ) This Story, says the Bishop, is so coherent in itself, and agrees so well with the State of Affairs at that Time, that it is highly credible ; but besides, he had it from two Children of the famous Boyle, Earl of Cork, a Person very eminent in the Affairs of Ireland in those Days, who assur'd him that their Father had asserted it to them for Truth. , This Part of the Crisis had a favourable Turn in relation to England and by that Means to the Pro- testant Religion in general ; as to the other Parts of it, it is well known how the Armada miscarried; soon after which the Duke of Guise and not long after King Henry III. of France, were stabb'd; when Henry IV. succeeding, and breaking the League, the great Designs of Spain fell to the Ground ; so happily did this Third Crisis pass over, I should now proceed to give some Account of the Fourth and Fifth grand Crises of the Protestant Re- ligion, in which an immediate Hand of the infinitely Great and Good Author of it no less eminently ap- pear'd but as it cannot be contain'd within the usual Compass of a Letter, I shall defer it till another Opportunity. I am, Sir, Your humble Servant PHILO PROT. The Continuation of the Life of Charles II. King of ENGLAND. Next Day after this Engagement, the Duke of York put out his bloody Flag twice upon sight of the Dutch, but was as often prevented from engaging them by thick Fogs and Mists, which gave the Dutch Opportunity to retreat; and so no more considerable Action was perform'd this Year. The States being thus pressed ( in all Probability) above the Strength of so small a Republick ; having the French on the one Side, the Bishop of Munster on the other, by Land, and the English by Sea, to deal with, were not able to suppress the Tumults and Insolences of the exasperated People. The Burghers got the Prince of Orange created Stadt- holder, which was afterwards confirm'd by the States. And at the Hague, not long after, the People hal'd out of Prison the Ruart van Putten, and his Brother De Witt who had been condemn'd to lose their Dig- nities and be banish'd for some Designs against the Prince, and barbarously murder'd them, dragging their, Bodies through the Streets, hanging them on the Gallows by the Heels, and afterwards inhu- manly tearing and cutting them to pieces' This Year was the Earl of Essex sent into Ireland, to succeed the Lord John Berkley, as Lieutenant of that Kingdom. The Lord Keeper of England, Bridg- man, now aged and infirm, having resign'd his Place, the Earl of Shaftsbury was made Chancellor of Eng- land, and Thomas Lord Clifford Lord High Trea- surer. Towards the beginning of December, the Duke of Richmond, who had been this Year sent Ambassador extraordinary into Sweden, died in his Calash, as he was upon his Return to Elsenore, from being aboard of the Yarmouth Frigate. No other Reason could be given for the Suddenness of his Death, but the ex- treme Coldness of that piercing Air, to which his Body was not accustomed. The time of Prorogation being expir'd, the Parlia. ment met again ; and upon the Removal of Sir Ed- Ward Turner, their Speaker, to be Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Sir Job Charleton was made Speaker; but he shortly after falling sick, Edward Seymour, Esq; succeeded. This Session of Parlia- ment voted the King a Supply of 18 Months Asses- ment, not exceeding 70000 1. a Month, but began to be dissatisfy'd with the King's Indulgence and Tole- ration to Dissenters; tho' his Majesty, by a gracious Answer to an Address of theirs, endeavour'd to re- move that Scruple. A. D. 1673. To prevent Dangers which might happen from Popish Recusants ( Romish Emissaries being at that time, and for some Years past having been, more than ordinarily busy to seduce the King's good Subjects, and having been too successful, espe- cially among the Great Ones) ! t was enacted, That all, as well Peers as Commoners, that shall bear any Office, civil or military, or shall receive any Pay Salary, Fee or Wages, by reason of any grant or Patent from his Majesty, or shall have any Place of Command from or under the King, or be of his Houshold, or in his Service, or the Duke 0f York's to take the following Oath in open Court viz. I A. B do declare That I do believe that there is not any Tran- substantiation in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper or in the Elements of Bread and Wine, at or after Consecra- tion thereof, & c. The Island of Tobago was this Year taken by the English from the Dutch, in Exchange whereof the Dutch took St. Helena from the English ; which might have prov'd of very bad Consequence to the English East India Trade, had it not been retaken by Captain Monday, with three Dutch East India Mer- chant Men besides, which fully paid the Charges of its Reprizal. For this good Service Captain Monday was knighted. The Dutch this Year were first at Sea, and attempt- ed a Vain Project of stopping up those narrow Channels that gave Entry to the River of Thames. Prince Rupert, who commanded the English Fleet, put out to encounter them ; but they' retreating to their own Shore, the Prince stood to the Westward, that he might join the French and part of the English Fleets, This being shortly after done, the whole Fleet made toward the Coast of Holland ; and the Prince finding them before Schonvelt, secured by their Banks and the Shallowness of the Water, on the 28 h of May detach'd a Squadron of 35 small Frigats to provoke them to an Engagement. The Dutch, contrary to Expectation, came forth in good Order, and engaged. The French and English, emulous for Honour, fought with extraordinary Eagerness, and somewhat entan gled each other; but at length, after a sharp Dispute, the magnanimous Prince forced the Enemy to run, and followed them as far as the Sands and Water did permit, till Night put an End to the Conflict, and the Dutch regain'd their Station. The English lost but a few common Seamen, and not one Ship ; Captains slain, were Fowles, Finch, Tempest, and Woorden: On the Dutch Side were kill'd Vice Admiral Schram, Rear- Admiral Vlugh, and six Captains more. They lost considerably in Men, but only one Ship, which was nam'd the Deventer. On the 4th of June happen'd another Engagement, wherein no great Execution was done on either Side, it being manag'd at great Distance, and most part in the Night- time. And that the Series of this Year's Warlike Actions may be continu'd without Interruption, on the 10th of August both Fleets met again at Sea, and gave the last Stroke to this War. The Dutch being about the Goree, got the Wind of the English, and bore briskly down upon them ; the Fight was obstinate and bloody on both Sides, especially between Sir Ed- ward Sprague and Van Trump; but the French ma- king as if they stood off for the Wind, did it in Rea- lity that they might have the Conveniency of being Spectators. Prince Rupert and De Ruyter, who had been engaged together all Day, finding themselves at Distance from their respective Squadrons, stood back again to their Assistance ; and De Ruyter, designing to have cut off the blue Squadron from the rest of the Fleet, was so smartly charg'd by the Prince, that he was fain to give way ; so that had the French made Use of the Wind they had, the Dutch had certainly sustain'd far greater Loss than they did, and not so easily drawn off by favour of the Night. In this Engagement, Sir Edward Sprague, as he was shifting from one Ship to another, had his Long- boat by a random shot shiver'd to pieces under him, and so to the Grief and Regret of all that knew him, was drown'd ; his Ship, strangely disabled, was by his valiant Second the Earl of Ossory, brought off. Cap- tain NeeVe was slain, Reeves and Heywood died of their Wounds, and Marcel only, of the French, was kill'd. The Loss of common Seamen was not very great on the English Side. The Dutch lost two Flag- Officers, several Captains, and about 1000 common Seamen; To be continu'd this Day Fortnight, C 2 9 3 1 ) Having receiv'd several Copies of Verses to be in- serted in our next Journal, on his Majesty's Accession to the Crown, to avoid affronting any of our loving and loyal Correspondents, we have resolv'd in the Choice t0 go by seniority, and serve them first that came first; which happen'd to be our Friend Britannus, whose subsequent Lines he assures us, if not so witty, are as well meant, as the best of them. N. B. We us'd the same Method upon a like Occa- sion, on a different Subject. which we hope will ex- cuse us to Philomathy and Philo Musus. On the First of August, 1724. being the Anniversary of his Majesty's most happy Accession to the Crown. OThou from whom soft Numbers flow, As learned Bards Productions shew, Who thy bright Influence dost impart, That Nature polishes with Art, Grant that an honest, willing Swain Delightful Numbers may attain ; Whilst he a glorious Theme pursues, That gives the most exalted Views, Kindly assist his feeble Muse. Britons, your present Hours employ, In Mirth sincere, and loyal Joy ; See, the great Day's return'd again, When GEORGE did Britain's Crown obtain ; Let Hautboys, Drums, and Trumpets sound, Whilst ecchoing Hills and Vales rebound The Monarch's Health the Nation round. What tho' some vip'rous, miscreant Elves, Foes to their Country, King, and Selves, Presum'd in Absence of their Lord, In breach of Honour, Trust and Word, ( As Vapours, when the Sun's away, Poison the Night, but fly the Day,) To form a most pernicious Scheme, Which, with a Nation's Fate did teem, And Ruin caus'd wheree'er it came, To the Projectors endless Shame ; Yet Britain since has rais'd her Head, And found a Remedy with Speed ; Great GEORGE has Chang'd the shocking Scene, And made the troubled State serene ; Such matchless Ministers has chose, In Spight of Britain's British Foes Who such unequall'd Skill have shown, That all the dismal Views ate flown, So that there's nothing left to write on, To raise the extravagant True Briton, Then Britons. with a chearful Air. Depend ON Heav'n and GEORGE's Care, And you'll be better than you were. On this auspicious Day defy All Sorrow, and yourselves apply, To form a faultless Harmony ; With duteous and unsigned Mirth, Honour Illustrious GEORGE's Worth ; By a just Celebration shew, You've a just Sense of what you owe; Had not the GlorioUS Brunswick come, The Christian Charity of Rome, Faggot and Fire had been our Doom; ' Tis to his seasonable Time, We owe the Freedom of our Clime That our Estates and Lives are ours, Not sacrific'd to Roman Pow'rs, That now no foreign Force can harm us, And none but native Rogues alarm us, Which, whensoe'er th' attempt, we hope, They'll meet their just Desert — a Rope. Then fill a large capacious Bowl, To cheer each hearty British Soul; The King, the Prince, and Princess toast, And long may we their Prefence boast; May they each annual Circle see, Pregnant with new Felicity; May on each younger Branch's Head, Kind Heav'n peculiar Favours shed ; May Wealth and Trade still more revive, And every HONEST BRITON thrive, While ' spite of trUE ones we unite, To make our Duty our Delight. The Short Allowance Lists of his Majesty's Ships undermention'd, on which Payments were made in the Year 1710, will begin to be recalled on ihe 10th. of August next, at the Pay Office in Broadstreet, viz. Assistance, Royal Anne, Adventure, Anglesea, Royal Anne Galley, Assurance, Antelope, Advice Prize, Blast Bomb, Boyne, Bredah, Burford, Berwick, Col- chester, Canterbury, Carcass Bomb Chatham, Cruizer, Charles Galley, Cambridge, Chichester, Centurion, Crown, Coventry, Cornwall, Dover, Dunkirk's Prize, Defiance. Dunkirk, Drake Sloop, Dartmouth, Delicia Hospital, Experiment, Elizabeth, Essex, Edgar, Firme, Furnance Bomb, Fowey, Fortune Storeship Faulcon, Granado Bomb, Gosport, Grafton, Glascow, St. George, Humber, Hampton Court, Hunter, Hawke Fireship, Hare, Hector, Jersey, John and Jane Ten- der, Ipswich, Kent, Kingston, Lark, Litchfield Le- nox. Looe, Mary, Milford, Marvelous Tender, Mon- mouth, Medway, Monk, Martha Hospital, Monk's Prize, Newcastle, Nottingham, Newarke, Newport, Northumberland, Nonsuch, Nightingale, Royal Oak, Oxford, Pool, Panther, Portland, Phoenix, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Postillion Sloop, Pembrooke, Ranelaugh, Richard and John Tender, Rye, Revenge, Russel, Rose, Sorlings, Smirna Factor Hospital, Society Pink, Success Storeship, Salamander Bomb, Sweepstakes, Salisbury Prize, Suffolk Hagboat, Saphire, Sheerness, Swallow, Sterling Castle, Swiftsure, Salisbury, Sun- derland, Little Sarah, Royal Sovereign, Swallow Prize, Tyger, Tartar, Tilbury, Torbay, Vulture Fireship, Woolwich, Weymouth, Weazel Sloop, Warspight, Winchelsea, Worcester, and York. Among all that has been publish'd concerning the Exaltation of his present Holiness Benedict XIII. we think the following Piece none of the least remarka- ble, Viz. Extract of a Dedication of P. Dominic Viva, to Cardi- nal Ursini the present Pope, from the second Edition of a Theological Treatise printed in the year 1709; the former Edition whereof was publish'd 1705. " Nescit enim magna mens angustis Termi- nis contrahi, & eo altius assurgere se putat, quo plurium Bono consulit. QUAE dum mecum reputo, Eminentissime; Princeps, dumque vel Dignitatem tuam, vel Rerum a Te gestarum Amplitudinem, Animo complector, non sine aliquo fortasse Numinis afflatu, sic statuendum censeo ; Te, qui nunc Libros de Anni Sancti Jubilaeo privatis Auspiciis ad publi- cam Utilitatem Foro committi imperas, post quin- que Lustra Pontificia Auctoritate Diploma de Anno Sancto indicendo promulgaturum. Augurem me vere Assertorem probant, tum maxima tua in Christianam Rem merita, & c. At the End of the Dedication is this Anagram' Vincentius Maria Ursinus Dominicanus. En Oraculem : Vir mirus scando in Vaticannum sine Nisu: ' Your Great Mind, says the Dedicator, scorns to be confined within narrow Bounds; but soars the high- er, in proportion to the Number of those it would serve. Which while I confider with myself, Most Eminent Prince, and reflect either upon Your Real Dignity, or upon the Great Things You have done, I fancy ' tis not without the Spirit of Divination I conclude, that in the space of five Lustra we shall see You, who have been the Private Occasion of printing a Book concerning the Jubilee of the Holy Year, publish a Bull, by Papal Authority for the Observation of it. Nor can I doubt but Your high Desert of the Christian Church will prove me a true prophet herein. * A Lustrum among the Romans generally took in the Space of five Years; but some Authors will have it to signify also three Years. On On Saturday last Benjamin Brightwell, and Francis Brightwell, Brothers by Nature, and as they stand charg'd, Brothers also in Iniquity, were committed to Newgate by Justice GifFord, for assaulting Mr. John Pargiter on the Highway, near Hampstead, and ta- king from him about 6 s. in Money: Lieutenant Colonel Whitshead of Brigadier Mon- day's Regiment in Ireland, is lately dead there. We have Advice from Dublin of the 18th Instant, that on the 18th of May last in the Night Time, 11 Persons With their Faces black'd and arm'd with Guns and Pistols, did break open and enter several Houses in the Town of Dunnyree near Logrea in the County of Gallway, in search for one William Degannon a Weaver, who had lately inform'd against some Per- sons in the Town of Logrea, for Brewing privately contrary to the Act about Excise, and so defrauding his Majesty of the Duties ; and having found the said Degannon, forcibly carry'd him to the Wood of Keil- brack, and there cut out his Tongue, put out his Eyes, and cut off one of his Ears; meerly on Account, as is suppos'd, of the Information he had given on Behalf of his Majesty. That hereupon then Excellen- cies the Lords Justices of Ireland had publish'd a Pro- clamation for discovering and apprehending the said Offenders, with a Reward of 50 I. for each of the two first that shall be taken and convicted, and 201. for each of the others. On Sunday about 5 in the Morning died Sir John Fellows, Bart, late Sub Governor of the South Sea Company. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Providence, Capt. Dean, bound from Stockholm to Lyn, was lately lost on the Coast of Norway, The Reverend and Learned Mr. Woolston, the Author of the Free Gifts to the Clergy, and of other curious Theological Dissertations in Latin and English, is gone to Cambridge, to take his Degree of Doctor of Divinity in that University. Mr. Purney, Ordinary of the Chapel in Newgate, lies at the point of Death. His Majesty designing to go to Windsor next Tuesday to reside for some time there, and divert himself with Stag Hunting ; several fine Horses fit for that Sport were brought last Week for his Majesty's Use, and added to his Stand of Hunting Horses. The Inhabitants of St. Mary Whitechapel have bought a Piece of Ground, near Goodman's Fields, to make a Workhouse to employ their able Poor, ac- cording to a late Act of Parliament. They write from Norwich, that some Days ago one John Jephson, was try'd and convicted at the County Sessions, and sentenc'd to stand three Times in the Pillory, for going about the Country begging with a Counterfeit Brief for Sufferers by Fire. On Thursday were open'd at the Bank, the Books of Subscription, for the Circulation of Exchequer Bills, which Circulation is to operate for one Year, com- mencing on Monday next. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint the Hon. Mr. Finch, now his Envoy Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary at the Court of Sweden, to go in the same Character to the States General of the United Pro- vinces. And his Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint Ste- phen Poyntz, Esq; to succeed Mr. Finch, as his En. Voy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the King of Sweden. Mark Thurston of the Inner- Temple, Esq; is made one of the Masters in Chancery, in the room of John Borret, Esq; deceas'd. On the 22d ult. the Assizes ended at Hertford, before the Lord Chief Justice King and Mr. Justice Dormer, which prov'd to be a Maiden Assizes, as they call it, none having receiv'd Sentence of Death ; in which Case, according to the old Custom, the Sheriff presents the Judges and Officers of the Court with White Gloves, or leaves an Equivalent in Mo- ney among the latter. The Governors of Sr. Bartholomew's Hospital have made Choice of the Reverend Mr. Hare, Lecturer at St. Margaret's Lothbury, to be one of the Readers at Christ's Church in Newgate- street, in the room of Mr. David Powell, deceas'd. SOUND O YE HARPS! SOUND OUT IN STATE, TEMIR THE GREAT WHO, WITH HIS SWORD, OF BRIGHT, RESISTLESS STEEL, MAKES ALL, WHO MEAN HIM HARM, AND THOSE, WHO WRONG HIM, FEEL THE STRENGTH OF THAT RIGHT ARM CLEAVING, BETWIXT BOTH eYEs ' SUCH AS AGAINST HIM RISE, ' WHAT FAME HE WON BY DEEDS NEW DONE, BEFORE THE SUN; BAJAZET, LATE, IN HIS FATE, FOUND. Tamerlane answer'd her in like Form; but with a great deal of Gallantry and Politeness; in Letters of Amethysts, upon a Ground of Green Velvet. FIVE BATTLES FOUGHT, AND DEARLY BOUGHT, THY TAMIR WON; AND IN THE BLOODY FIELD, HAS FORC'D ALL FOES TO YIELD, REDUCING CROWNS, AND LAND, BY HIS TRIUMTHANT HAND: YET NEVER GAIN'D I CONQUEST YET SO JOYFUL, AND SO DEAR TO ME, AS WHEN I CONQUER'D THEE. O! KARASIN! THY WOES ARE MY WORST FOES. BUT GENTLE BE; FOR LOVE OF THEE KEEPS ME ALIVE. York, July Four Men have receiv'd Sentence of Death at the Assizes here, two for Horse stealing, and two Dragoons of Col. Churchill's Regiment for Murdering an Old Woman, who kept an Alehouse; they got Drunk, beat the Old Woman's Son, and bruised him such Manner, that he was near 20 Times trepan'd in the Head. The Judges go this Afternoon to visit the Earl of Carlisle. Last Saturday the Earl of Exeter and his new mar- ried Lady, arriv'd at Burleigh, his Lordship's Seat, being met by above 2000 Horse and Foot, among whom was a great Number of Clergy and Gentlemen of Note, a splendid Entertainment was provided for all the Company, and great Rejoycings were made on that Occasion, The Times appointed for holding the next General Session of Peace, and the next Session of Jail Delivery for the County of Middlesex are altered : The Session at Hicks's- Hall, which was to have begun on Monday the 31st of August, will begin on Monday the 1oth of August next ; and the Session at the Old Baily. which was to have begun on Thursday the 3d of September, will begin on Wednesday the 12th of August next. , Some malicious Person or Persons having cut ana spoiled several young Oaks belonging to Edward Bat- hurst of Crondal, in the County of Southampton, Esq; and shot a black Mare of his in the Shoulder, stabb'd his Coach Horse in the hinder Leg, and stuck a Mare- Colt of his Servant's in the Shoulder, his Majesty hath promised his most gracious Pardon to any one of the Persons concerned, who shall discover his Accomplices For our Readers Entertainment, we shall present them with an uncommon Piece of poetry written by Karasin, the Favourite Mistress of Tamerlane the Great, bv way of Congratulation, after his Success against Bajazet. It was compos'd in Form of a Lo- zange, the Letters of which were Brilliant Diamonds Upon a Ground of Crimson Velvet. The Words the Order, and the Figure, are exactly as in the' Original. Note, The Wit of the Lady's Poetry lay in its Shape and fine Cloaths ; where a Lady's Wit often lies in other Countries, besides Tartary. - ('*'* 1 A R. p J » u . C, t » I offeiii fOEl Ces s as they be apprehended an conVicted And Mr. Bathurst hath promised a Reward of 10 1. to any that shall make the same Discovery. Sir Bryan Broughton, Member of Parliament, is Very ill at Bath of a Dropsy and Jaundice. This Day being the Anniversary of his Majesty's most happy Accession to the Throne, will be observ'd with the Guns firing and all other possible Demon- strations of Loyalty and joy, there being the greatest Preparations made for that purpose that ever were known on any Occasion of the like Nature; his Ma. jesty will receive the Complements of the Foreign Mi nisters, the Ministers of State, the Nobility and Gen- try at Kensington, where at Night there will be a most magnificent Ball. There will be an admirable Fire- work at the Royal Exchange, and the Loyal Society design to exert their utmost Endeavours to approve themselves both Loyal and good Subjects, and while they are doing Honour to his Majesty will take Care to do no Injury to their Neighbours, to the great Mortification of a certain Sett of People, who can never be merry without being mad, never drink a Health to the C h without doing Service to the Devil, and never conclude their Hollowing without deserving an Halter. This Day also Mr. Dogget's annual Livery will be row'd for by six young Watermen lately out of their Time. We hear that Mr. Curtis, a Person eminent among the Quakers for his Piety to his Maker, his Loyalty to his King and Honesty to his Neighbour, lies dan- gerously ill of a Fever and Rheumatism. The Installment of the new Knights of the Garter at Windsor on Tuesday last was perform'd with the utmost Magnificence : There were present the fol- lowing Knights of the Order; Dukes of Grafton, Rutland, Dorset, Newcastle, and Earl of Lincoln. The Feast on that Occasion was extraordinary splen- did and sumptuous; the Concourse of Nobility and Gentry vastly great : And some Pickpockets having found Means of getting into the Hall among the il- lustrious Company, impov'd the Opportunity in stealing divers Things of great Value. There is Advicc, that the Providence, Capt Dean, bound from Stockholm for Lyn, was lately lost on the Coast of Norway. We hear, that his Majesty has been pleased to no- minate the Right Reverend Dr. Boulter Bishop of Bristol, and Dean of Christ church in Oxford, to the Archbishoprick of Armagh : And That the Rev. Dr Bradshaw, Cannon of Christ- church, is to succeed Dr Boulter in the Bishoprick of Bristol and Deanry of Christ charch. Wednesday Morning, the Centinel who drank the Pretender's Health by the Title of King James the 3d, was drumm'd out of the Regiment of Guards. Mr. Norloe, Baker to his Majesty's Houshold, died some Day since, at his House in Scotland Yard. B0st0n in New England, June 54. Saturday the 20th Instant, his Honour our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief, was pleas'd to Prorogue the Great and General Court or Assembly of this Province to Wednesday the 5th of August next, having first given his Assent to the following Acts, viz. An Act for apportioning and assessing a Tax of fourteen Thousand Prunds. An Act for granting unto his Majesty several Rates and Duties of Impost and Tunnage of Shipping. An Act in Addition to the Act for holding special Courts of Assize and Genera! Goal Delivery. On the 30th of April last, Capt. Josiah Winslow, went out from the Garrison on St. George's River with 17 Men in two Whale- boats, hoping to meet with some Indians, and in returning to the Garrison next Day, they met with too many of them, for the In- dians way laid them, and fired upon them, and im- mediately came out in about 30 Canoes and attack'd them very furiously, Capt. Winslow fought them with great Courage and Resolution, and kill'd several of the Enemy, at last finding themselves over- power'd with Number, they endeavour'd to Land, but the Indians having got Ambuscades on each side of the River they were all cut off, except three, who made their Escape- The said Capt. Window and his Ser- jeant, and six more English were among the Slain1 with six Indians tha assisted them against the Enemy and the three that got off were likewise Indians Yesterday 7 Night the Assizes ended at Chelmsford for the county of Essex, before the Lord Chief Justice King, and Mr. Justice Dormer. It is obser- vable, that 38 Causes were enter'd, Whereof 28 were try'd, the like having never been known there before except once when they try'd 30. At the said Assizes one Lambert a Labourer receiv'd Sentence of Death for Crimes of dreadful Guilt, in Killing one Samford, an old Man living at Clare Briton in that County, stealing from him 23 and a Cheese, and afterwards setting Fire to the House and burning the Man in it, so that all they could find of him next Day, was a Piece of his Skull, some of his Ribs, and one Foot in a Shoe A Woman Ser- vant that liv'd in the House being it seems gone out that Night to see a Child of hers, was not to return till next Day. _ The Fellow deny'd the Fact upOn his trial, but it was sufficiently prov'd upon him. The old Mans Daughter had visited her Father some time before, and would have given him some money but he refus'd it saying, he had ij in the House the like Sum of Money was found upon him when taken, as was also the Cheese. which being of a par- ticular Make, was swore to by the Person that sold it to the said Samford a little Time before. He also confess'd before the Justice that committed him, that he did enter the House, and take the Money, tho' he thought fit to deny it afterwards; and as the Consta- ble and another Man were carrying him to jail, they surpriz'd him into a Confession of the tragical Part of the Story in a Dialogue to this Effect. I am sorry for you, Lambert, said one. you'll certainly be hang'd, for they have found the Hedge- Stake with which you kill'd the old Man and ' twas all bloody. That's a Lie, answer'd he for it was not a Hedge Stake. But it was for all you deny it. No, it was not. but Only a Stick no bigger than the Handle of your whip, How coute that kill him? A little Matter will kill a Man if you hit him in the right Place under the Ear: How did you set Fire to the house? I bought a Half penny candle lighted myself home with one Half on't, and fir'd the House with the other. What made you commit such Villany ? The Devil, I think, made me do it. Bankrupt since our last List. John Mason, late of Dent, in the County of York, Hosier. William Parker, of the Parish of Andrew Hol- born, in the County of Middlesex Victualler. John Taylor, of Prince's- street. London, Chapman. John Hammond, of Charing. Cross, in the County of Middlesex, Vintner. William Smith, of Gosport, in the County of Southampton, Mercer. Christned Males J8?" Females 163 ( In all 346 Males Buried } females 205 all Decreased in the' Burials this Week 8. i In 394 CASUALTIES; Hang'd herself at St Botolph without Aldersgate 1. Kill'd by a Fail from a Scaffold, r. Overlaid 3. Threw himself out of a Window, ( being Lunatick) at St. Vedast Foster, 1. Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was 118 ; Sthr." Ditto Annuities 10; 1 half. India 146. Bark 132 1 4th. Ditto Circulation 5 S hs per Cent. Disc. African j2 7 8chs. Civil List Annuity 10;. York Buildings 8 3 4ths. Ditto Subfcription 48 1. Royal Exchange Assurance 54 1 half. London Assurance 7 7 8ths. Welsh Copper 3 3 Million Bank 107i Army Debentures I 1 half per Cent. Disc. South. Sea Bonds 18 s. Prem. India Bonds I 1. 17 s Prem. 20 I. Prizes 1723, middle Course, 1 1. per Cent. Disc. Blanks 1713,7 1. 91. Government's Tickets 11 1.9 s. FO- \ gn ( 2 9 3 4 ) Cambray, July 29. The Differences that still re- main to be adjusted between the Courts of the Em- peror and Spain, consist in the following Demands of his Catholick Majesty. t. That his Majesty will grant a full Amnesty and Restitution of their Estates to all the Spaniards that have espoused the Emperor's Party, only excluding the Counts de Oropesa and Ci- suentes, the Archbishop of Valencia, and the Prince of Cardana. 2. That in case the Emperor shall hap- pen to dye without Issue Male, the Kingdoms of Na- ples and Sicily, and the Austrian Netherlands, shall revert to the Spanish Monarchy. 3. That the Duke dom of Mantua shall be given to the Duke of Gua- stalla, as belonging to him of Right. 4. That the Pretensions of the Duke de Atri, Brother to the Car- dinal Acquaviva, and those of the Duke de la Miran- dola, shall be seriously consider'd. 5. That the King of Spain, as Duke of Burgundy, shall have an active and passive Vote in the Diet of the Empire at Ratis- bon; his Catholick Majesty obliging himself to con- tribute to all the Charges in case of a War with the Turks, and others that concern the Empire. This last Article, we are told, meets with the greatest Dif- ficulty, because the Emperor pretends to be the only Heir of the House of Burgundy. Milan, July 15. There has happen'd several Storms, with Thunder and Lightning, in these Parts ; and they write from Pavia, that the Thunder having fallen upon a Magazine of Hay, which was laid up in that Town, occasion'd a great Fire, which lasted for three Days together, the Damage whereof amounts to very great Sums. Hague, July 27. The Secretary of the Embassy of Spain has given Assurances to the Creditors of the Marquis de Monteleone, lately his Catholick Majesty's Ambassador here, that they need not be in fear of obtaining their just Demands ; for that the Court had resolv'd not only to pay the said Minister all his Arrears, but even to reimburse him the extraordinary Expences he has been at upon the King's Account.— The King of Great Britain has notify'd to this State, by his Minister residing here, that in Compliance with the earnest Desire of the Courts cf Vienna and Manheim, he had at last consented to recal the Heer Von Reck, who was deputed to the Palatinate on the part of the Evangelical Ministers at Ratisbon; being first assured. that the Grievances upon the score of Religion were well- nigh redress'd, and confiding in the Emperor's Word and Promise, that the Protes- tants shall have no farther Ground of Complaint. For which Notification their High Mightinesses have return'd his Majesty Thanks.— They write from Urtecht, that they had bury'd there some Days ago a Woman who died at the Age of 101 Years com- pleat, and that her Corpse was carry'd to the Grave by eight of her Grandchildren. Paris, Aug 5. The Preamble to the King's Decla- ration touching Beggars and Vagrants, after observing with extreme Concern how much they have encreas'd since his Majesty's Accession, proposes those only as proper Objects for Relief, who are not in a Condition to gain their Livelihoods, by reason of Age or Infir- mities; and takes Notice, that the Motive of the se- vere Regulations contain'd in the Edict, is to hinder such as are able to earn their Bread by their Labour, from Begging, because they find perhaps charitable Persons, of whom they can get more than they are able to do by Working. Such idle People as these, says the Preamble, are the more to be punish'd, be- cause they take the Bread out of the Mouths of the real Poor, by making Use of the Charities design'd for them only ; in all which the publick Order is the more concern'd, because the criminal Sloth in which they live, deprives both the Towns and Countries of an infinite Number of Hands necessary for Husban- dry and Manufactures, and because that Dissoluteness and Debauchery which are the Consequenes of such Idleness, carry them insensibly to greater Crimes. WILLIAM BARMBY, at the King's Arms behind. St. Clement's Church in the Strand, the only Clergyman's Warehouse in England, that can furnish upon Sight, with Gowns and Cassocks, for Judges, Barristers, and Students; Livery- Gowns, and for Corporations: Likewise buys, sells, changes, or furnishes by the Year : Also Bands Roses, Black Cloth, Prunelloes, Princes Black Silks, and Bi- shops Square Caps. He has the Honour to work for fifteen Bishops. Where also the above mention'd Goods are sold at reasonable Rates. N B. Any Gentlemen may be furnish'd with Gowns and Cassocks, for what Time they please, which will save them a great deal of Trouble in bringing their own up to Town. Just Publish'd, in a neat Pocket Volume, Price bound it. 6 d. stich'd 1 s. * t* The Life and Actions of MOLL FLANDERS. Containing, her Birth and Education in Newgate; her Ambition to be a Gentlewoman; her being taken into a Gentleman's Family ; her being debauch'd by her Master's eldest Son, and married to the Younger; her Marriage to her own Brother , her going over with him to, and settling in Virginia ; her Return 10 England; her Mar- riage to an Highwayman, who pass'd for a Person of Qua- lity ; her being reduc'd, and turning Thief; her taking some Plate from an House on Fire; her turning Informer; her robbing in Man's Clothes ; a singular Adventure that happen'd to her at Bartholomew- Fair ; her being appre- hended, committed to Newgate, try'd, and cast for her Life: her obtaining Transportation ; her meeting with her Quality Husband in the same Condition ; her being trans- ported with him ; her second Settlement, and happy Success in Virginia, and Settlement in Ireland; her Estate, Penitence, Age, Death, Burial, Elegy, and Epitaph. Adorn'd with Cuts suitable to each Chapter. London. Printed and Sold by T. Read, behind the Sun- Tavern in Fleet- street. To prevent the Publick's being imposed upon by Counterfeits, The True Royal Chymical Washballs, which have been sold upwards of twenty Years, at the Cor- ner ot Pope's- Head- Alley, over- against the Royal- exchange in Cornhill, are still sold by John Lambert, Gloveseller, who is remov'd from thence, two Doors higher to the Sign of the Flower- de- luce, one Side Mr. Colson's, joining to the Union Coffee- house. These Balls have not the least Grain of Mercury, or any thing prejudicial ; but are highly recom- mended by those that use them for beautifying the Hands and Face, and making the Skin so soft and smooth as not to be paralleled by Wash, Powder, or Cosmetick, See. and is a real beautifier of the Skin, by taking off all Deformities, Tetters, Ringworms, Morphew, Sunburn, Scurf, Pimples, Pits or Redness of the Small pox, keeping it of a lasting and extreme Whiteness. It soon alters any rough Hands, and is admirable in shaving the Head, it not only gives an exquisite Sharpness to the Razor, but so comforts the Brain and Nerves as to prevent catching Cold, and is of a grateful and pleasant Scent. They are sold on y by Mr. Lambert, as above, and at Mr. King's Toy- Shop, in Westminster- Hall. Price One Shilling each, and Allowance by the Dozen. Beware ot' Counterfeits. Just publish'd Printed on a Fine Letter. A Short Way at once with Ve- real Cures. By which any Person may cure themfelves of a Gonorrhea, ° r a Glelt much easier, safer, better, privater, and a deal sooner by Dr. Cockburn's Method, without taking of Physick. than with. " A Person may " be soon and infallibly cured ( of a Gonorrhaea or " a Gleet) by this Method, without taking of physick: " But Practice does not fall so much into this Way, as it ' ( justly) deservcs, for fear of making too short Cures. Dr. Quincy Disp. Part 2. and 4. This Treatise is gi- ven Gratis up one Pair of Stairs at the Sign of the Anodyne Necklace for Childrens Teeth, next to the Rose Tavern without Temple- Bar; At Mrs. Garway's original Shop, the Sign of the Practical Scheme at the Cornhill- side Gate of the Royal Exchange; At Mr. Greg's, Bookseller, next to Northumberland. House, Charing Cross; And at R. Bradshaw's, ( the Author's Servant) next to the King's Head, in Crown- Street, right against Sutton Street- End, just by Soho Square. LONDON.- Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in.
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