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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News

Date of Article: 19/03/1724
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T H E Nottingham Mercury; oR, A GENERAL V I E. W j oF THE Affairs of Europe, , But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN:, BEING A j Weekly Account of NEWS. Thursday, March 19, 1723- 4. . NOTTiNgHAM: Printed by JOHN COLLyER, at the HEN- CROSS Where is to be sold Sir Tho. Parkyns's Method for hiring and recording of, Servants, with a Limitation of their Wages, Price 6d. Also two books lately printed in Scotland, viz. Durham on the Canticles, and the unsearchable Riches of Christ. Price of the Mercury Three Half- Pence 2 [ The most material BOOKS Published in London since our last Catalogue. ATreatise of the Spleen, its Description and History, Uses and Diseases, particularly the Vapours, with their Remedy ; being a Lecture read at the Royal College of Physicians London, 1722. To which is added some anatomical Observations in the Dissection of an Elephant, illustrated with 17 Copper plates. By William Stukely, M. D. A farther Vindication of Christ's Divinity: In Answer to a pamphlet, en- titled, Observations on Dr. Waterland's 2d Defence, By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. An Historical Essay on the Rise and Progress of the Small- Pox. By Will. Clinch, M. D. An Epistle to Mr. Handel, upon his Opera's of Flavins and Julius Cesar. Bankrupts since our last. thomas Webb, of the City of Oxford Painter- Strainer thomas Rivers, of Basinghall- Street, London, Baker. John Wattlington, late of the Parish of Cripplegate London, Brewer. William Scothan, lata of the Parish of St. James Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, Bricklayer. John Smith, of King's- Linn, in the County of Norfolk, Salesman. prices of Goods at Bear- Key, London, on Wednesday last. Old Wheat from 28 to 34. new Ditto 27 to 33. Rye 17 to 19. Old Beans from 22 to 24. New ditto 21 to 23. Coals in the Pool from 23 s. to 25 s. Rape- Seed fine 10 Z, to II I. Oats 13 to 17, Pease 28 to 32. Barley 20 to 23. Hops old 2 /. 10 s. to 50/. New Ditto ' 3 /. to 6 I. Brown Malt 24 to 26. Pale ditto 28 to 30. Distiller's Malt 17 to 22. Salt per Wey or Tunn 8 l to 8 /. 5s. The The Nottingham Mercury, & c. The London BILL of Mortality. Christened Males, 203. Females, 213. in all Buried Males, 288. Females 273. in all ——— 561. Decreased in the Burials this Week 50. ' From St. James's Evening- Post, LONDON, March it. AT the General Council on Monday last, it was Resolv'd, that the Convocation should be farther Prorogu'd to the 15th of May next. Yesterday the Lord Mayor issued out his Precepts to the several Li- very Companies of this City, for them to send their respective Books to Guildhall, so be examined at the Scrutiny on the late Ele& ion for bheng It's thought 1000 bad Votes will be found on both Sides. We hear the Lord Carnwath is shortly to wait upoa the King to re- turn him Thanks for the Mark of his Royal Clemency towards him and his Family, in allowing them, for their Support, a Pcnfion out of hit Estate forfeited to the Government. Letters from Paris this Day say, that the Pope, Innocent the i? th, iytd oa the 7th Instant N. S. aged 68 Years, 9 Months, in the the 3d Year ot his Pontificate. The Marriage of the Duke of Orleans with one of the Princefles of Baden, Daugh- ter to Prince Lewis of Baden is publickly declared. The Commons read a Bill the first time for the Relief of Insolveat Debtors. The Call of the House is deferr'd to next Thursday. To be LeT, ' AT Barnby Dun, three Miles from Doncaster, the Seat of the late Roger Grego- ry, Esq; and such Part of the estate as he had in his own Possession at his sease. consisting of a goed Hall, Malt House, Dove Coat, Barns, Stables, and other Convenient Out Buildings, with large Orchards, Gardens, Yards, Foldsteads and Common Right to good Commons, and stinted Pastures, together with the Tyth of Corn, Hay, and all other Tyths and about an hundred Acres of Land Arable. Mea- dow or Pasture; the whole being above the Yearly Value of two hundred Pounds. enquire of Mr. Simpson any Saturday at Doncaster, FOREIGN 4) F0reign NEwS PETERSBURG, ( A new Town and Fortress near the shore of the Finick Gulf in the Baltick Sea.) Feb 22. Some Days since the Emperor went to the Prison, where Rockentin the jeweller is confined and sent for the Heer Nazzins, a Lutheran Minister, to move his Con- science His Imperial Majesty publickly assured him, that it he would own the Fact, he would pardon him, and allow him a Person to live in this Country, or else give him a Sum of Money to go elsewhere: but rockentin still affirming that he was innocent, and had no hand in the Robbery of the Diamond Buckle formerly mentioned; his Majesty caus ed him to receive 15 Strokes of the Knouse in his Presence, which he en- dured with Reaolution, still protesting that he was innocent. However the Heer Brinning Super Intendant of Riga, who has been every Day to visit him, to persuade him to own the Fact, has so far wrought upon his Conscience, that at length, upon the 18th Instant he cont'd he was himself the Robber, and told him where he buried the Buckle in his own House. We are told, that the Super Intendant had Orders to „ peat the Promise of Pardon from the Emperor, if he would confess and that thereupon he own'd it. LONDON, March 12. On Friday last William Mason of Spittle Fields' Esq; presented his Book to the King, intituled, The Case of the Unfortunate truly stated and was introduced by the Lords of the Bedchamber, and had the Ho- nour to kiss his Majesty's Hand. The Purport of the Book is to shew how inhumane it is in a Christian Kingdom to starve Men to Death for Debt within Stone Walls, or drive them out of their native Country- by which the Revenues of the Crown are lessened, and the Riches of the Na- tion carried out of the Land annually; and by Artificers coine Abroad Trade in time will suffer: And in Case of a War, other Nations will have it in their Power to bring the King of England's own Subjects to fight against him: And how the Parishes are burdened more then they need to be, had every Man that fails Liberty to work for his Family His Majesty having pleased to appoint his Grace Peregrine Duke of Ancaster Lord Great Chamberlain of England, to be Lieutenant of the County of Lincoln : His Grace has taken the Oaths appointed to be tak cn instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. The Marquess de poco- Bueno the Spanish Minister, having had Au- dience of his Majesty, has presented a Letter from the Catholick King Lewis, notifying to his Majesty his Accession to the Crown, At the r. ' ' same f y > same time the Marquess delivered Credentials from his said Catholick Majesty. Monday last the King in Council issued an Order, requiring and com- manding John Berrisford of London, Wheeler Robert Dewksberty of London, Labourer, and Thomas James of Enfield in the County of Mid- dlesex, charged upon Oath with shooting at the Keepers of Enfield Chase in the Month of October last, to surrender themselves respectively with- in 40 Days after the 10th Instant, to one of the Judges of the King's Bench, or to one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, to answer for the said Offences by them commuted, in Breach of an Act of Parliament made last Sessions, intituled, An Act for the more effectual punishing wicked and evil disposed Persons going armed in Disguise, and doing Injuries and Violences to the Persons and Properties of his Majesty's Subjects, and for the more speedy bringing the Offenders to justice. Dublin, ( The Metropolis of ireland) March 3, This Morning died suddenly Dr. John Evans, Lord Bishop of Meath. The Parliament which stood prorogu'd to the 7th Instant1 is farther prorogu'd to the 27th- of August. ; m0NDAy' P0sT. From the British Journal, LONdON, March 14. ON Monday last in the Afternoon the listed Recruits in the Savoy," who were to supply the Garrisons of port Mahon and Gibraltar, ( in Number about 274) mutinied, on Account of several Apprentices that were amongst them: The Turnkey for Misbehaviour was committed to Newgate; but in few Hours at r he was discharged v and the fact being examined into by the Lord Carpenter, Colonel Guy, and other Officers, several who were Apprentices were discharged, and particular Direction was given that the others might receive n0 Abuses; and each of them had a Present of a Guinea, a Rugs Coat, Hat, Shoes, See. From the London Journal, LONdON, March 14. We hear from Spittle- Fields, that the Weavers hare wrought a lar- ger Quantity of stripped Lustring this Season than ever was made there before, the Demand for such Goods, being exceeding great. They add that their. Spring Trade is begun in a very agreeable Manner, and that they have the Prospect of a most flourishing one for the ensuing Seafon. Last Week a Man was brought from the Gatehouse, Westminster, to Newgate, to be try'd for Horse stealing, the Prosecution being carried on against him by his own Farher. Our Letters from Norwich advise, That a few Days ago one John Walker, a Shoemaker from Lynn, was committed to the castle there • for fer assaulting and dangerously wounding the Wife of Mr. Joseph Terry, it seems he went into the House, and taking up the Fire Pan did in a cruel manner beat the said Mrs Terry, breaking her Arm and wound- ing her on the Head in such a cruel manner, that her Life is despaired of. He likewise assaulted the Servant Maid, whom he would have dis- patched had she not fled for it: What makes this more amazing is, that it was done without any Provocation. These Letters inform us that he pretends Distractions but if the Woman dies, how far that will help him, Time will discover. Two Boys, one of ' em about 12 Years of Age, are committed to New- Prison from High- Gate, for breaking open a Gentleman's House in that Place, when the Family was at London, and taking thence Plate and other Things of a considerable Value, one of them had bought a Pair of Boots and Pistols, and was just hiring a Horse to go in Quest of other Adventures, when the Warrant came which stopt his Journey. A few Days Ego a Gentleman's Gardener, near London, produced a Cucumber in Covent- Garden, of this Month's Growth, which was 5 In- ches round 5 ' tis said he refused a Guinea that was offered for ir. The Seizers of India Goods continue their Method of plundering Hous- es that are furnished with those Sorts of Silks, for last Week they stripi a Gentleman's House in Cannon- street. The Gentlemen at Paris, appointed by the Government there to pro- vide that City with Flesh, have sent to their Agent here to buy up and export a great Number ot Oxen for their Uses but the Commissioners of the Customs not being satisfied with the Locality of it, have put a stop for the present to that Trade, We hear, that Mr. Elkin, the Hamburgher, who has been for some Years in this City retained on the Scheme for the Establishment of a Greenland Fishery, will, as soon as it takes Place be entrusted with the principal Management of that Affair. * From St. James's Evening Post, March 14. Zurich, March 9 Two Deputies of Genva lately arrived here, have represented to the Members of the Council, That whenever the Magis- trates of Geneva sent a Judge and Deputies to St. Victor, the Inhabit- ants of the Place, besides the Peasants of the adjacent Villages under the juriadiction of that City, were always accustomed to appear in Arms, and pay them Honour; which being lately practis'd, the Court of Turin has taken it amiss, and carry'd off the Commanding Officer Prisoner to Chamberry, upon which the Regency of Geneva first address'd them- selves to the Commandant of Camberry, to obtain, the release of the Officcr a Officer; but finding it a fruitless Attempt, they afterwards sent a letter to the Court of Turin, complaining of this Infringment upon their Pro- perties, and the People's Liberties; which Letter had been return'd them unopen'd: This extarordinary Accident oblig'd the Magistrates of Geneva to entreat the two Cantons, Zurich and Bern, as Guarantees, to stand by them with their powerful Assistance upon this emergent Occasion. LONDON, March 14. Yesterday the following Lords and Gentlemen, viz. The Rt Hon the Earl of Sutherland. William Owen, Esq. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Viscount Gage. Thomas Morgan of Ruperra, Esq.. Sir. Arthur Owen, Bart. Walter Bagenal, Esq. Sir. Nicholas Carew, Bart. Richard Lloyd, Esq. William Morgan of Tredegar, Esq. James Nasmith, Esq, Thomas Masters, Esq Roger Lorr, Esq. Being the Stewards elected for the Year ensuing to the Society of Anti- ent Britons, established in Honour of Her Royal Highness's Biith- day, and the Principality of Wales, had the Honour, ( accompanied by the Rt. Rev. William Lord Bishop of Bangor, Almoner to their Royal Highnesses, and the Society) to wait on His Royal Highness their President, intro- duced by the Rt. Hon the Lord Clinton, the Lord of the Bed- chamber in waiting, when the Lord Sutherland, in the Name of the Society, Ad- dressed himself in these Words; The Stewards elected for the year ensuing, by the Society establish'd in honour so her Royal Highness's Birth- Day, and the Principality of Wales beg Leave with the profoundest Respect, to return your Royal Highness their hearty Thanks and Acknowledgments for the Hon- our you are pleased to do them, in being their President. We are all Britons, and as we are all Partakers of tbe Blessings of his Majesty's Reign; though we are not all Natives of your Royal Highnesses Principality of Wales: are thought it our Duty to incorporate our selves into one Society, in Honour of Her Royal Highness, and the Principality; that we may lay hold of every Opportunity of shewing our Zeal and Affection for His Majestys Person and family, and praying that after HIS Majestys Reign, Tour Royal Highness and your Issue, may govern these Kingdoms to latest Posterity. Which His Royal Highness receiv, d very graciously, and gave them the Honour to kiss his Hand. Afterwards they waited on Her Royal High- nefs, introduced by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Grantham, her Chamber- lain, who likewide received them very graciously, and gave them the same Honour of kissing Her Hand, and at the same time was plealed to declare the Society was very' acceptable to her; after which they pro- ceeded to Mr. Williams's at St. James's, where they had ordered a very splendid Entertainment, and after Dinner drank several loyal Healths splendid. ( 8 V - Letters from New- England advise, that the Assembly of the Repr sentatives of that Province had chosen Elisha Cook, Esq; to be Joint Agent with Jeremiah Dummer, esq, who both togetHer are to be fully impower'd to appear at the Court ot Great Britain in Behalf of that Province, for the Defence and Prolongation of their Charter Privileges, and the Liberties of his Majesty's Subjects there. The Treaty of Marriage, mention'd in one of our former, will be con- aummated in a few Days, between the Lord- Walpole add Mrs. Rolls, the late Colonel Rolls's Daughter, the Greet Devonshire Fortune, said to be worth above 150,0001. Last Wednsday the Assizes ended at Salisbury, when five persons re- ceiv'd Sentence ot Death, three for Burglary, one for Horse- Stealing, and one for the Highway. - Her Grace tbe Dutchess of Montague has left Montpellier, and is tra- velling homeward by easy Journeys, through France to Calais. Tis faid that her Royal Highness the Princeis of Wales lately pur- chased a Pair of Ear- Rings of Moses Marcus, which are scarce to be match- ed either for Beauty or Largeness. The Bill impowering the College of Physicians to search the Goodness the Goodneas of Drugs, & c. we hear imports, That four Persons to be chosen annually by the President and Fellows of the College, or any three of them, calling to their Assistance the Wardens of the Mystery of Apotechartes- n the City of London, or one of them, shall and may have free and full Power, and lawful Authority, from Time to Time, as such Cenfors, or any three of them shall think meet, to enter into the House, Ship, of any Apotei- hary, or other Person who shall sell any, Me dicines Drugs, Waters, Oils or Compositions used for Medicines with- in the City of London and Suburbs thereof, or within feven Miles Cir- cuit of the said City, and then and thereto examine the fsid Medicines, and all such as the said Censors, or any three of tfjem, upon every fuch Examination, shall adjudge not meet to be used in Medicine for the Health of Man's Body; the said Censors shall and may, from time to time take, burn or otherwise destroy. From Jackson's LETTER. Yesterday the Lords read the mutiny Bill a 2d time, and committed it for Monday, and upon a Motion of the Ld. North and Grey, order'd the Lords to be summoned : Read also a 3d time, and passed a Bill for explaining the Laws concerning the Tryal and admission of tbe Ordina- ry Lords of the Session in Scotland. v v / The Commons passed the Physician's Bill and the Rye Harbour Bill, and order'd the Report for Launceston in Cornwall, whereby Dr. Friend, the sitting Member, is voted not duly elected, be received on Tuesday. The Coffee and Tea Bill was read a 2d time, and there being a Clause in it, impowering the Officers of Excise to search any House at any Hour of the Night, and any Part thereof with a constable: Asd that those who sell Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate shall he obliged to enter into a Book, to be inspected by the Officers the Names of Persons to whom they fell any, and what Quantity. Debates arose for and against committing the Bill, which lasted seven Hours; However the Bill was committed with- out dividing for Wednesday next. Permits are to be made by the Deal- ers in Coffee, Tea, & c.. as in Brandy. In the Debates it was computed that 8o0o Family's deal in Coffee, & c Within the Bills of Mortality. This Day the Commons passed St. Martins and St Botolph's Church. Bills, also the Yarmouth Pier and Brentford, Road Bills, and order'd the insolvent Debtors Bill and Reading on Monday. The Scrutiny for Sheriffs is continued, end great Numbers of false Pollers appear, particularly 80 only in the Joyners Company for Sir john Williams. The Election for Town Clerks of London comes on next Thursday. ' NOTTINGHAM March 18, 1724. On Friday last Sir Littleton Powis, Judge of Assize came in here, be- ing met ( as usual) by the High Sheriff ( John Richards Esq;) attended by a good Number of Gentleman on Horseback, tho' a very- rainy Day.- On Saturday was Commission Day for the County of the Town, but there was no Buisiness worth mentioning. On Monday Morning as his Lordship was going into the County Hall, and a great Crowd of People following him, a Tracing or two that supported the Floor, broke and fell in, and several People fell in with it about 3 Yards into the Cellar under- neath, some of whem were a little bruised, but one Filingham was pres- ty much hurt, the Skin and Flesh of one Leg bring stript up from the Bone,, and thought to be in Danger: This occasioned a great consterna- tion in the Court; some apprehending the whole Hall might fall, others crying out Fire, & c. which made several People get out at the Windows ; but the Consternation being soon over, the Court proceeded to Buisiness, however his Lordship told the Grand Jury and Gentleman, he would lay a Fine of 20001. on the County, for not providing better Hall, not doubting but if they built a new one, or get the well repaired, but on their Petition, his Majesty would remit the fine. H The f 10 ) The Court then went on the Tryal of the following Fellons, viz. ' I James Edgely for Fellony in stealing a Mare, some Shirts and o- ther Linnen, of which he was found guilty 2. Ralph Purvis for stealing a Mare and found guilty. 3. Peter Hamen for stealing a Mare, and found guilty. 4. Joseph Robinson for stealing a Mare, found guilty. These a received Sentence of Death, but afterwards his Lordship gave the 3 last a Reprieve, and order'd them to be transported to some of his Majesty's Plantations abroad, for 14 Years; so that only the 1st who has been an old Horse Stealer is ordered to be executed. 5. Tho. Flanagin, convicted of stealing Ten Pounds 111 Money. To be transported for 7 Years. 6. Samuel Wilson, for stealing Ten Sheep. To be transported for 7 Years. 7. John Collier, for stealing 56 Pounds. Burnt in the Hand? 8 Daniel Tutin, in two Indictments for stealing Deer, sheep, & c. To be transported for 7 Years. ' 9 Henry Jermin, for stealing one Rabbit out of Bestwuk- Park. To be imprison'd one Year, and find Security for his good Behaviour one Year after. 10. Mary Steevens try'd on Suspicion of murdering her Bastard Child,. Acquitted. , P. S. The Gentlemen of the County, have order'd a spatious New Hall to be built forthwith. From Fox's Letter of the 14th Instant. Dr. Evans Bp of Meath, be- ing dead, one of the Duke of Grafton's Chaplains is like to succced him, and it's said the Duke is to have a very considerable Place at Court, and that the Duke of Dorset is to be made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. And they talk of making a new Commission for the Admiralty. They write from Paris, that there will be a great struggle at Rome a- bout the Choice of a new Pope, and that the Emperor makes Interest for Cardinal Albani. and the French and Spaniards for another Perfou. THURSDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening Post, LONDON, March 17. WE have Advice from Naples, that the burning Mount Etna in Si- cily , has thrown out such a prodigious Quantity of sulpherous Matter, and burning Pummice- Stones, attended with such a terrible Noise t h at the Inhabitants thereabouts have been oblig'd to leave their Habitation On Sunday last a small Passage Boat between White Fryers Stairs and - Bull Wharf Stairs, having ten passengers in it, overset, by which unfor- tunate Accident one Perfon was drowned. From ( 11 ) From JACKSON'S LETTER. The Bill to explain and amend the Act of last Scession, obliging Per- form to take the Oaths, enacts, That nothing in the said Act shall ex- tend to oblige any Woman to take, & c. nor any other Person who had only an Interest in Lands & c. in Reverison Sec.' or in Mongages, or by way of Security, or money not in Possession, or had only an EstAte in Trust for others, or as Tenants or Farmers by LeaAe, whereby twO thirds or more of the yearly Value were reserved; or who had not between the 27th of May and the 25th of December, 1723 any Lands & c. of the clear yearly Value of 101. or upwards, whereof they or TruSTees were in Receipt of the Rent or Profits, or had before 1723 sakeN the Oaths 11 either House of Parliament, or in some Court of Record, & c. every SUich Person is indemnified and discharg'd from any Penalties,. & c. There was Yesterday several Hours Debate in the HouSe of Lords in a Committee on the Mutiny Bill, upon Amendment offer'd to reduce 100a of the Land Forces, and the Duke of Wharton, Lords North and Grey, Strafford, Bathhurst, & c. argued for it on Account of the present Tran- quility at Home and Abroad, and our Security from the Fleet. ' The Lords Townshend, Carteret, the Dukes of Newcaste, and Argyle, Lord Harcout, See. who spoke against it, said our Tranquility did arise from the Number of Forces being kept up by the Parliament, and that the Fleet altho' so usefull, was not our only Security since the Pretender had landed in Scotland with a Squadron vastly inferior to ours, and return- ed back again to Dunkirk; That the Spaniards when they intended a Descent, altho'a Storin scater'd their Fleet, yet they still found Means to land some Men in Scotland. Several Instances were given since his Majesties Accession to the Crown, of the Advantages taken of rebelling & c. when the Forces were reduced, and how expensive it was to send for Forces from Ireland and Holland. It was observed likewise, what great Armies the neighbouring Princes have compared to ours. All these Lords said they should be glad to have them reduc'd, and the keeping them up was but for a Year only, on a Division carried it against the Amendment, Yeas 22, Noes 77, then the Bill pass'd a third Time. This Day a Motion was made in the House of Lords to leave the Jews Clause out of the Bill of Oaths, but on a Division was carried in the Ne- gative, 62 against 22, then in a Committee alter'd the said Clause, viz. That the Jews shall take the Oath in the manner they do in the Courts of justice, The Commons voted out Dr. Freind, on a Division t8: against V I J gainst 102; and deferr'd the National Debt to Thursday. The whole Livery of the City is 8399. Not polled last Election for Sheriffs 2588. Polled and not on the Livery, for Sir John Williams, 677, for Alder- man Bellamy 529. south Sea Stock 117.- Bank 132. India 151. The most material goods Imported and Exported at the Port of London, from i Feb. 24 . to March 1. 1723- 4 [ Bearing Date with the Entry publish'd froM the Custom House Registerj Goods Imported. 48764 Kid- Skins, from Spain. 41655/. pot ashes from Holland. 2 jG C. Madder, from Holland. 726 Tons fustick, from Spain. 47 C. Gentian, from Hambro. 1 37 Tons of Iron, from stockholm, 83 Kegs of Sturgeon, from Dantvck 86975 Ells of Linnen, from Petersburg, 682 hogsheads of Tobacco, from America. 427 C Elephants Teeth, from Germany Goods Exported. 7507 quarters of Wheat, to Oporto, & c. 64 iC. bis- cuit Bread, to the Straits, & c, 123 C'. of Nails, to Virginia. 6i~) wrought Iron to the west Indies. 137 C. Shoes, to Barbadoes. 762 C. of Lead Shot, to Bilbao. 56 Fodder Lead, to Holland. Woollen Manufacture. H6c6 Tds flannel. 7908 Stuffs. 470 Dozen of Hose. 840 Doz. of Castors 326 doz, of Felts. To the Straits, lisbon, SPAIN, Germany, and east- indies, & c. AdVeRTiseMeNTS, the Cordial Stomachick Bitter Tincture, Prepared and Said by JOHN LYDE, Apothecary in Aldersgate- Street near Charter house- Yard, London. THIS Tincture having all the essential Parts of the Ingredients which make the Bitter- Draught ( so much in vogue) without the nauseous Impurities that are in that Medicine and being heighten'd with other Ingredients,'( which ren- erit more agreeable, as well as more effectual) strentghens the Stomach, by pro- curing a good and true Digestion : It preserves in a true state, and correct in a bad one those juices necessary for the seperation of- Nourishment, which when vitiat- ed, are productive of innumerable Diseases, as Cholick, head achs, Vapours, Faint- ness jaundice. Loathings, Sickness after eating, Over drousineds, Loss of Appe- tite, sour belching, and stinking Breath. It also relieves the Stomach after hard Drinking, or bad Liquors ; and by purifying the Blood, proves serviceable in the scurvy, and other cronick Cases ; and is likewise a preservative against Fevers, and all other infectious Distempers, nOTE: It may be taken 4 or 5 times a Day, 40 or ; ® Drops at a time, in a glass oi Wipe. Ale, Coffee. Tea. Spring- Water, Brandy, Punch, or any Li- quor you please. Its Tall and Smell are so agrerable, that it improves the Liquor you take it in. ' Tis sold at One Shilling the Bottle, by GILBERT BERESFoRD, grocer, in Nottingham.- AT JOSEPH HART'S near the Bridge- End in Nottingham, is kept bY a HertFordshire Gentleman, a Cyder Warehouse ; where gentlemen and others may be served with what Quantities they please of the best Cyder at reasonable Rates.
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