The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
Date of Article: 05/03/1724
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T H E - Nottingham Mercury; O R, A GENERAL VIEW O F T H E Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN BEING A Weekly Account of NEWS. Thursday, March 5. 1723- 4, N 0TTiNghAM Printed by JOHN COLLYER, at the HEN CROSS. Where is to be sold Sir Tho. Parkyns's Method for hiring and recording of Servants, with a Limitation of their Wages, Price 6d. Also two Books lately printed in Scotland, viz. Durham on the Canticles, and the unsearchable Riches of Christ. Price or the Mercury Three Half- pence. ) ' — rn^ amh
New BOOKS published in London since our last Catalogue AScheme for an Act of Parliament f'c the better regulating Servants, and ascertaining their Wages, and lessening the future Growth of the Poor and Vagrants of the Kingdom. Humbly offered to the Confederation of of the Parliament of Great- Britain. Free Thoughts concerning the wrong Notions of many Divines about the Use of Reason in Print of Religion. translated from the French Original lately published in Holland. A Sermon preaceed before the Right Honour able the House of Lords at the Abbey Church, Westminster, on Thursday Jan, 30, 1723- 4. The Reports of
that Reverend and Learned Judge, Sir Henry Hobart The Fifth Edition. The Game of Quadrille: Or, Ombre by Four with its established Laws and Rules, as it is now played at the French Court. & c. * The 2d. Edit. of Mr. Gildon's Art of poetry, in 6 Parts, t. Of the Na- ture, Use, excellence, Rise and Progress of Poetry, & c. 1. Of the Use and Necessity of Things in Poetry. 3. of the Manner, Rules and Art of compo- sing Epigrams, Pastoral Odes, & c. A general Treatise of Morality, formed upon the Principles of Natural Reason only, & c. By Richard Fiddes, D. D. Antiquities sacred and profane : Or a Collection of curious and critical
Dissertations on the Old and New Testament. Necessary for all who desire to have a thorough Knowledge of the holy Scriptures, & c. A Vindication of the late Bishop Burnet, from the Calumnies and Aspersi- ons of a Libel entitled, A Specimen of some free and impartial Remarks, & c. Occasioned by Dr. Burnet's History of his own Times. A Letter to Dr Freind, on the Bill now depending for the Inspection of Druggs and medicinal Compostions in Apothecaries, Chymists, and Druggist shops. ATreatise on the Religious Observation of Lord's Day, according to the express Words of the Fourth Commandment. Prices of Goods at
Bear- Key, London, on Wednesday last. Wheat from Barley from Rye from Beans from Oats from Pease from Pale Malt from Brown Dit. from
The Nottingham Mercury, & c. The London BILL of Mortality. christened Males, 208. Females, 207. in all [ Buried Males, 315 Females 296. in all Increased in the Burials this Week . Bankrupts. William Davey, of Basing- Lane, London, Broker. Tho- mas Allen, now or late of the Parish of St. Michael Wood- street, Lon- don, Broker and Stock Jobber. Thomas Waller, late of East- Dearham in the County or Norfolk, Worsted Weaver. Henry Hewel, late of Ni- cholas Lane, London, Merchant, Richard Boswell jun. of Stratford near Bow, in the County of Essex, Coal- Merchant. Richard Pearkes, of Bedford street, Covent- Garden, Lace
Man. Jonathan James and Ed- ward Lynn, late of Vauxhall, in the County of Surrey, Timber Mer- chants, and Partners. Nicholas Daniel, of Fleet- street, London, Vint- ner. Richard Woolley, late of Highgate, in the County of Middlesex, Broker and Chapman. Job Fabian, of the Parish of St. Clement's Danes, in the County of Middlesex, Apothecary. SATURDAY'S pOST. From St. James's Evening Post, LONDON, February 27. SI R Felix Feast. Knt. one of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, being dead, we hear that Edward Bellamy, Esq; Alderman of Billingsgate Ward, is propos'd by the Whiggs, and Sir John Williams by the
Tories, to succeed him in that Office. On Friday last a Servant of Mr. Wood, a Coachman in the Hay Market, as he was driving through Acton overturn'd his Coach with four Persons in it, in the Brook at the Bottom of that Town ; on occasion of which Accident, several of the Neighbourhood ran to their Assistance, and some got up on the Side of the Coach to help out the Passengers, who were all saved; but when the poor Coachman was enquired after, he was found drowned under the Coach, which the Horses had eis ther dragg'd, or the Water rolled over him. A Common Hall will be held on Thursday the 5th of march next, for
electing 1 new Sheriff in the room of Sir Felix Feast, Knt. deceas'd. Yesterday the Commons in a Committee resolv'd that the Duties on Coffee Tea and Chocolate, shall after the 14th of June next determine, and that the said Duties be raised by way of Excise, to be appropriated to the same uses, & c. went thro' Part of the Bill to explain and amend that of obliging Persons to take the Oaths & c. Foreign
I 4 > FOREIGN NEWS PETERSBURG, ( A new Town and Fortress founded by the Muscovites in 1703, near the Shore, of the Finick Gulf in the Baltick Sea.) Feb. 2. On the 24th past, the Executions foimeily mentioned were effectedr the Fiscal General Nesterhof was broke alive upon the Wheel for his Crimes and Misdemeanors; in which suffering Condition he continued for above a Quarter of an Hour; during which, time 4 0- ther Delinquents were beheaded with an Ax: When this was over, the said Fifcal General's Head was cut off, and afterwards set upon a Spike. Then the Turn came to the other Delinquents, ten of whom
being Clerks received 50 Knuts each; others had their Nostrils slit, and were sent to the Gallies. . Hague, ( A pleasant Village in Holland,) Feb.- 29. The Elector of Ba- varia having caused a considerable Sum of Money to be remitted hither to pay off Part of the Interedt he owes to this State, and havmg promis- ed to pay the Remainder more regularly for the future, the Sale of his Jewels are therefore put off; several disorderly lewd Persons having made a Practice for some Weeks past to do Mischsef. in the Streets at Night with their drawn Knives, cutting and wounding People in the Face; also knocking at Persons Doors, and
cutting those who came to open them; Guards and Watchmen are therefore placed as soon as it is dark at proper Stations about the Town, with Orders to patrole for the Secu- rity of the Inhabitants, atd to apprehend the said diforderly Perfons, and bring them to publick Justice; to which good End the Magistrates have newly made a publick Declaration, promising 100 Ducatoons Re- ward to those who shall apprehend any of the said Criminal Persons. Kingsale, Feb. 13. On Wednesday the 12th Instant, one of our large Boats met about 7 Leagues off the old Head, the King William of Lon- don about 460 Tuns, Nehemiah Winter,
Commander, from Buenos Ayres in the River Plate, belonging to the South- Sea Company, in a most miserable Condition, having lost all all her Masts but her Mizen, without Bread, Water, or any thing but a little Beef on board; on No- tice whereof, Capt. John Keeffe, our principal Merchant, immediately sent off the ablest and moft skilfull Pilot in this Town, with all the Sai- lors and Boats he could get, and sent Provision and Liquor to refresh and comfort the poor disabled and dispirited Men: And tho' the Wind was to the Northward all the time, which blows directly out of this Har- bour, yet wiah the Sails, & c. which Capt, Keeffe
sent off, they brought her Yesterday and anchored her at the Harbour- Mouth, and this Morn- ing moored her safely at the lower Cove. When the Boat first met her,
she had but a small Span for her main Mast, a Top- gallant Sail for her Main- Sail, and her Fore- Tope- Sail on the Stump of her Fore- Mast for a Fore- Sail, tumbling thus in the Ocean. In which Condition the was for 20 Days before distress'd ; they hoppen'd to have some Indian Com design'd for the Hogs, which they eat instead of Bread : Her Steerage and upper Works were all Stove Such another Wreck never was seen in this Port: She has been about two Years out. Her Cargoe consists chiefly of Bull Hides, and has a good Quantity of plate and Guld on board, It's Beyond Dispute, that Capt. Keeffe's timely Assistance and
Supply, ( under God) saved Ship, Cargoe, and Mens Lives, which they acknowledge. on Saturday Night last, betwixt the Hours of seven and eight, a Shoe maker, a Parson's Green, in his Return home from Fulham or Chelsea, was set upon by some Foot- Pads, who, after knocking him down, stuck him with a Knife in at one Ear, and out at the other; then cut his Throat in such a Manner, as made most People, who afterwards saw the Body, believe it was perform'd by some Butcher; They robb'd him of a Silver Watch, and some small Quantity of Silver in Money. On Sunday an idle sort: of a Fellow, a Butcher, was taken up at
Fulham, on suspicion of tho Murder and Robbery, and Confined in the Cage, or Round House, all Night-, but being examined the next day before a Magistrate, he was discharg'd. There is to be added to this Relation something so remarkable in the Case of the Widow- of the murder'd Pe- son, as is not to be parallel'd in Story, for which Account we have a very good Authority, viz. That the has had in all four Husbonds, every one of which came by violent Deaths; her first Husband being executed for Robbing on the Highway; her second shot to Death in Hyde- Park, about 11 Years since, for Desertion, he being a Foot Soldier ;
her third a Waterman, drowned by the oversetting of his Boat in the Thames; and her fourth and last Husband murder'd in the Manner as above men- tion'd. Mr, John Gilks of Clerkenwell is a notable Instance of Conjugal a Af- fection, or Provident Care, in marrying his second Wife Elizabeth Fish- er in the Morning, and burying his former Wife in the Evening of the same Day. An Agent is said to be arrived from Paris, with a Commission from the French Court to treat about the Purchase of Powys- House in Great Ormond- street, for the ordinary Residence of the Ambassadors of France. On Sunday Night, an Irish Gentleman of
Gray's inn, being disorder'd in his Senses, came into a Coffee House near Lincoln's Inn Back Gate where
where he insulted the People, throwing the Candlesticks and Dishes a- bout the Room ; and ' tis thought would have kill'd the Master of the house, it he had not been secured and carry'd before Mr. Justice Hun- gerford who committed him to New Prison. M0 nDAy S P 0 ST. From the British Journal, LONdON, February 22. ON Wednesday Night, between Seven and Eight a- Clock, one Lou- is Houssar, a French Man, a Barber in Lothbury, cut his Wife's Throat in swan Yard in Bishopsgate- Street, and was seized this Morn- ing at one Mrs. herne's a Widow in Prince's- Street, to whom he was ei- ther marry'd, or upon the Point of
marrying5 and having passed in the Neighbourhood for a single Man, took this Method to prevent being troubled with his former Wife, to whom he had been married for seve- ral Years He had hid himself in a Coal- Hole; and when taken, a Ra- zor all over bloody was found in his Pocket. From the London Journal, LONDON, Feb. 29. Last Week a Letter from an unknown Hand, with the Sum of Twen- ty Five rounds, was sent to a Widdow Woman in Gulston Square, White Chappel; the Letter signifying; that the Person that had sent it was in- debted to her Husband in that Sum, and desiring Notice might be giv- en in the publick
Prints that she had received the same. On Wednesday last was put up to Sale by Cant or Auction, at the South- Sea House, the following Estates of some of trie late Directors, viz. The Estate of Robert Chester, Esq; situate at Abbots Rooting, Netswel and Roydon in the County of Essex, Lot the 1st, put up at 100l. and sold for 1131. to Mr. Springham. ' Lot the 2d, put up at 280 1. and sold for 2911. to Mr. Say. Lot the 3d, put up at 1400I. and sold for 1465 1. to mr. Fordham. His Estate at Wansted, in the County of Essex, put up at 900 1. and sold for 12901. to Mr. Jacobs. % And his Estate in the Parishes of Hundson and
Stevenage in the Coun- ty of Hertford, Part belonging to Sir Robert Chaplain Bart. Let the 1st, put up at 100 1. and sold for 117 1. to Mr. Fordham. Lot the 3d, put up at 801. and sold for 811. to Mr. Hignal. The Estate of Ambrose Page in the several Parishes of Thunder- sley, Barking, Mayland, and Sudminster, in the County of Essex. Lot the 2d, put up at 501. and sold for a 1ool, to Mr. Page, From St. James's Evening Post, Feb. 29 Rome, ( The Metropolis of all Italy ) Feb. 12, Every Soul here, from the highest to the lowest, is astonished at the News of King Philip's Re- signation
signation of the Crown of Spain. Tuesday last the Apostolical Surviv- ors of the Works held a Court, in which they resolved to cover all the Steps of that called the Sancta Scala, or Holy Stair Case, with Boards, it being so much worn in many Places who it is of white Marble) by the continual rubbing of those who crawl up and down up~> n their Knees. that otherwise it is very probable it will run to ruin, and be of no Ver- the to the Devotees who frequent it, and have a Notion, That these are the very Steps by which CHRIST ascended to Pilate's House. And the late English Cardinal Howard, who however was of another O- pinion
himself, observed that this was so strongly believed by the Vul- gar, that he said it would be almost impossible to take those Stairs away without giving them great Offence. They are 28 in Number, and those who take the Trouble to clamber them obtain Indulgences for 3 Years at every Step. Madrid, ( The Metropolis of Spain.) Feb. 15. On the 9th Instant the Royal Standard was set up for the Proclamation of King Lewis I. of Spain. The Count d'Altamira, Chief Governor of this City, perform- ing the Functions of Great Standard Bearer, in Quality of Duke of St. Lucar le Grand, went to the Square of the Palace, attended by all the
dignified Clergy of this City, the Grandees of the Kingdom, & c. who were invited and preceded by our 4 Heralds at Arms. The King being arrived in the chief Balcony of the Palace, and the Infantes in another near it, the King at Arms got upon a Stage erected for the Purpose, an i cried out three Times, Silence. Then the Count d'Altimiia flourished the Standard of Castille three times round his Head, saying with a loud Voice, Castille, Castille, Castille, for our Lord the King Lewis I whom God preserve ; to which the People answered, Amen, adding three times Long may he live, The same Proclamation bring made in other Places
by the same Train, the Standard was carry'd to the Town- House, and fixed to one of the Balconies, over which was placed the King's Picture under a magnificent Canopy, to be exposed a whole Week to the Eyes of the People. In the Evening all the Nobiiity were regaled at the House of the Count d' Altimara, and the Night concluded with Fireworks, Bonfires, Illuminations, and other Marks of Joy in all the Streets of this City. Paris, ( The Metropolis of France.) March 4. On Ash Wednesday the King had Ashes sprinkled on him by the Cardinal de Roiiia, Grand Al- moner of France. One of the Protestants who was taken up lately
coming out of the Dutch Ambassador's Chappel, was obliged to sign a bond, that he would never be seen there again. A Damsel was lately banish'd
8; , banish'd for Quietism, who was very far from being suspected of such a Crime, because she had spent most Of her Days in Gaming. The In- dia Company is so much favoured by the Government, that their Stock is got up from 1700 to 2210, and considerable Sums of Money are gi- ven for the refusal of it at 2400 any time this Month, which is some- what like the Humor of the Adventures of Mississipi in the Street Quin- campoix; and some People are not without their Fears, that the Hotel de Soissons, which is now the Stock Jobbers Alley, will have the same Fate. LON DO N, February 29. A Marriage Treaty is concluded
between William Aislaby, Esq; Mem- ber of Parliamtnt for Rippon, and the Lady Cecil, Sister to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Exeter. At the Sessions at Hick's Hall on Tuesday last, a Person living near St. Katherine's was convicted of a common Nusance in letting the Soil of his Vault run down the Street, to the great Annoyance of his Neighbours. He was fined 5 1. and ordered to be imprisoned till it was paid. Last Week an old Man of above 80 Years of Age, in the Parish of Isleworth, was robbed by a Soldier of Thirty. Shillings, which he had with Difficulty saved for the Payment of his Rent; the Rogue entred his House at Noon- Day,
and- when he had committed the Robbery, found the old Man in his Chair, who after some struggling found Means to come at his Knife, and to cut the Rope wherewith he was ty'd; ac- quainting the Neighbours with what had pass'd, whilst the Fellow was yet in View, he was immediately pursued and taken, and is since com- mitted to Newgate. Several Sacks of Coffee and Pepper were a few Days ago, and seized near Cock Lane end, in a Suffolk Waggon, by Mr. Rainsdon, a Custom- House Officer. Tis said those Goods came from Ostend, and belonged to a noted Smugler of this City, who by such clandestine Practices, and
being thereby enabled to under- sell the fair and honest Trader, has amas- sed up great Riches: But as a watchful Eye is kept on him, it is not doubted but we shall soon have Occasion to point him out more partial larly, if he continues in this collusive manner. From our Portsmouth Letters of Feb. 25. Last Wednesday Morning 5 Hogsheads of French Claret was found hidden in a light Vessel up at Fareham; and ( through the Imprudence < of the Master) the Vessel seized, and it is believed will become for- « feit. The Circumstances that happened at the seizing of the said Wine, « are too remarkable to be omitted. Some Officers
of the Excise were the first that found it out; one of whom having sufficient Authority, seized
seized it marked Hogshead as usual, and left another to look af- ter it a little while. A neighbouring Officer of the Customs being in- formed of this, immediately repaired to the Place with 2 or 3 Dragoons; and looking on the former Seizure as not valid, seized it himself, turn- ed away the Person who WAS with it. This had like to have occasi- * oned fatal Consequnces: For the other Officers coming to claim their ' Seizure, and the Dragoons refusing to let them come on Board, a Quar- rel ensued ; and notwithstanding the Soldiers threatned them with Death, if they boarded the Ship, a bold Man amongst them ventur- ed to do it;
upon this one of the draggoons struck with all his strength at his Head with a Handapike: but he evaded the Blow, and got a- * board. The Soldier now drew both his Pistols, presented them at him, ' and swore he would shoot him, if he did not retire, upon which the ' Man laid hold of them, wrested them both out of his Hands, fired 4 them off'into the Water, and then returned them to him again. Ano- * ther Dragoon had now got his Pistols out at him ; and whilst he was * managing of him, the first knocked him down with a Handspike, and * he lay as dead for some Minutes. The other Officers came on board. ' but the Soldiers
forced them all out with great Violence, and kept Pos- * session of the Wine, and the Custom- House Officer brought it thither. * But Affidavits have been made of the whole Matter, and sent up to ' the Commissioners of the Customs, they have awarded the Seizure * to the Excise Officer. But the Seizure of the Vessel, which was for- * got by this, remains to the other, who likewise made a Seizure of 6 * Hogsheads two Days ago. ' Our two Aldermen Members of Parliament are comedown for three ' Weeks We hear that the Goldsmiths and the Bankers in Lombard- Street, and other Parts of London and Westminster, have
prepared a Writing to be laid before the Parliament, under the Title of, The Case of the Bankers and Goldsmiths of these Cities, with respect to the Foreign Money cur- rent by Courtefy in this Kingdom, setting forth, The Hardships they sustain by being generally put to the Necessity of taking the same in Payment, in regard the Bank always refuses to do it, and in regard ma- ny of these Peices of Coin are deficient in Weight, and praying there- fore, that a Law be made, either to oblige the Bank either to receive such foreign Money, or to prohibit the Circulation thereof in Great- Britain. Yesterday the Court met at Sessions House
in the Old- Bailey, accord- ing to their Adjournment, when several Prisoners in Newgate exhibit- B ed
e io) ed a Complaint against some Persons called Partners, employed by the Turnkeys, who had offered the Debtors some Abuses, of which they made Affidavit. The Court ordered, that they should be brought down the next Sessions, and have the Liberty of applying to the Grand Jury of London, and prefer such Bills against them as should be thought ne- cessary ; and the Court at the same time ordered that Saunders, one of the Partners, should have no Authority in the said Goal for the future; then the Court adjourned the Sessions to Monday the twenty third of March next. We hear that the Honourable Mr. Townshend,
second Son to the Rt. ( Hon. the Lord Viscount Townshend, who was Captain of General Wade's Horse, is made Aid de Camp to his Majesty, with the Commission of a colonel, and the Promise of the 1st Company that shall be vacant in the Guards. THURSDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening- Post, LONDON, March 3. SUNDAY last, being St. David's Day, and the Birth- day of the Prin- cess of Wales, when her Royal Highness inter'd into the 40th Year of her Age, the Stewards of the Societies of ancient Britons, established in Honour of the said Anniversary, went and paid their Duty to their Royal Highnesses at Leicester-
House, ( being introduc'd by the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Albemarle) where they had a most gratious Recepti- on, and their Royal Highnesses were pleated to accept of the Leek. There also a very great Appearanc of Nobility and Gentry upon that Occasion. We hear that Sir Hans Sloane, President of the College of Physicians, still continues ill, with the Spitting of Blood. On Friday Night, the Prisoners on the Master's side of the King's. Bench Prison in Southwark, refus'd to be lock'd up, as usual, but in a Riotous Manner bid Defiance to the Keepers, and about three a Clock next Morning they set Fire to some Part of the
Goal, which alarm'd the Neighbourhood, and a great many Constables of the Borough came and kept Watch, to endeavour to prevent the Mischief that might ensuc 5 but they continu'd the Mutiny till Saturday about three in the After- noon, by which Time Assistance came in from Newgate, Marshalsea, and elsewhere; when this Posse enter'd in, the Mutineers stood Battle with them, having furnish'd themselves with Spades, Pitchforks, Clubs, & c. so that several were wounded on both sides; st laft they were over- power'd and several of the Ringleaders were put in Irons in the Dupge- 0n, and some others secur'd in another
( 11. Sir Orlando Bridgman, Bart, and Henry Parsons Esq; Brother to Mr. Alderman Parsons, are chosen for Lestwithiel in the room of the Mar- quess of Harrington, and the Ld Stanhope, who have accepted of Places We hear, that his Majesty was pleased to confer the Honour of Knight- hood the latter End of last Week, on John Darnel, Esq; and Moor Mo- lineux, This Day was published an Order of the House of Lords, wherein their Lordhips order and declare, That all written Protections are null and void; and that no Sherriff, Under- Sheriff, Deputy- Sheriff, Secon- dary, or other Officer, whose Duty it is to issue any legal
process, or to execute the same, or cause the same to be executed, shall receive or allow, or have any Regard to, or make an Entry in his Office, or pre- tended to be signed, by any Lord of that House: But that nothing there- in contained shall derogate from the ancient Privilege of the Lords oi Parliament, so as to expose any who are really their Servants, either about their Estates or Persons, to an Arrest. And this Order be forth- with printed and publifhed, affixed on the Doors belonging to their House and Westminster- Hall, to the end all Persons may the better take Notice of the same. From FOX'S LETTER, The King has
signed a Warrant for the half Pay Land Officers, but It being a Burthen to the Nation he ordered the Secretary of War to present no new Commissions to be signed till the half Pay Officers were provided for. The Commons past the Bill to reduce 5 per Cent, to 4, and went thro' the Bill about the Oaths in a Committee, and that Wo- men should not swear. i: ~ This Day a Committee of Lords heard Mr. Peer Williams argue as Council, for the Hon. Lumley Lloyd's Peerage. The Commons put off the Call of the House to Thursday the 12th of March ; and read a Pe- tition of the Merchants; praying, that the Commissioners of the
Customs, Excise, & c. may be obliged to take old Gold and Moydores in Payments, which is to be taken into Consideration this Day 7- Night. Ordered in a Bill for the Relief of insolvent Debtors. From Jackson's LETTER. The Commons received a Clause in the Malt Bill to enable his Majes- ty to give some Relief to such Officers as have been maimed in the Ser- vice, or by their long Services may be proper Objects of Compassion, or to their Widows and Children. The Leases of the Houses in Norfolk- Street, Surry- Street and Arun- del- Street, in the Strand, being almost expired, whereby a great Estate will acrue to the Duke of
Norfolk, his Grace has obtained a Bill in the House of Lords to impower him to grant Leases thereof for 61 Years.
The Cordial Stomachick Bitter Tincture, Prepared and Said by JOHN LYDE, Apothecary in Aldersgate- Street, near Charter house- Yard, London. THIS Tincture having all the esseutial Parts of the Ingredients whit h make the Bitter~ Drauqht. ( so much in vogue) without the nauseous Impurities that are in that Medicine and being heighten'd with other Ingredients, ( which ren> tier it more agreeable, as well as more effectual) strentghens the Stomach; by pro- curing a good and true Digestion : It prefers in a the state, and corrects in a bad one, those Juices necessary for the seperation of Nourishment, which when vitiat- ed, are
productive of innumerable Diseases, as Cholicky Head- achs, Vapours, Faint- ness jaundice, Loathings, Sickness after Eating, Over- drousiness, Loss of Appe- tite, four Belching, and stinking Breath. It also relieves the Stomach after hard Drinking, or bad- Liquors; and by purifying the Blood, proves serviceable in the : Scurvy, and other cronick Cases; and is likewise a preservative against FeVers, and all other infectious Distempers. ; NOTE: It may be taken 4 or 5 times a Day, 40 or jo Drops at a time, in a Glass of Wine, Ale, Beer, Coffee, Tea, Springs Water, Brandy, Punch,- or any Li- quor you please. Its Taste and Smell are
so agreeable, that it improves the Liquor you take it in.. tis sold at One Shilling the Bottle, by GILBERT BERESFORD, groCer in Nottingham TO BE SOLD fIVE Dwelling Houses or Tenements, in Stony- Street in Nottingham, late the Estate of Mr. ABeL JOnES, deceased ; Particulars may be had of1 mr. STERROP, Attorney at Law in Nottingham. Goods Imported. 2726 Hides, from Russia. 1 327 Deer Skins, from Carolina. 6o0ooo l. pot Ashes from Sweden ' 145 C. Madder, f rom Holland., 264. Tons fustick, from Jamaica. 73C. Gentian, from Hambro\ 30GO Quarters of from Holland. 4500 Tin Plates, from Hambro\ - itj^ Tons of
iron from holland. 37 Kegs of Sturgeon, from Dantzick. 3<'> i870 Ells of Linnen, from Bremen. 147 Hogsheads of Tobacco, from the west- Indies. 219C. E- ephants Teeth, from Guinea. Goods Exported. 5 7 £> 7 bushels of Wheat, to France. 146 C. ' of Rifcuit B ead, to France. 123 C. of Nails, to Virginia. 167 Wrought Iron; to the West- - Indies. 17 3 C. Shoes, to Barbadoes. - jlG C. of Lead Shot, to Bilboa ' a. 5 6 Fodder Lead, to Holland. Woollen Manufacture. 46 5827 yards of Flan- nel. 1876 Stuffs. 44000 Dozen of Hose. 56 Doz. of Castors. 173 Doz. of felts. To the Strain, Lisbon, Spain, Germany, and East- indies, & c. ( 12 ) ol
- South Sea Stock 117. Bank 1 30. India 148. The most material Goods. Imported and Exported at the Port of London, from Feb. 1 o to Feb. 17: 1723- 4. [ Bearing Date with the Entry publish'd from the Custom- House register, & c. ]