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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News

Date of Article: 07/11/1723
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Nottingham Mercury: O r, A GENERAL VIEW OF THE — Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN:) BEING A ^ Weekly Account of News. —— Thuraday, November 7. 1723. NOTTINGHAM: Printed by JOHN COLLYER, at the HEN- cROSs. Where is to be sold the best Tobacco Snuff, made only of the Leaf of the choicest sweet scented Tobacco.' at 4d. the Ounce. Also the best plain Spa- nish at 6d the Ounce. Where all sorts of Books are bound, Gilt, and Letter'd price of the Mercury Three Half Pence. ( 2 ) Goods Imported and Exported at London, from October 15. to 0ct. 22. EXPORTED.. I IMPORTED. Linnens, & c. $ 45 Ells Linnen, 114 Doz. Bridges Thread, $ 91 Yds Lace, ziozo ells german Linnen, 6o « oo old Sheets, 160 Reams Paper, 140 Cambricks, 354 Ticks, 760Z Yards Diaper, 87 1 Doz. of whited- brown Thread, 4$ ool. Linnen Yarn, < 07 1. Sister's Thread, I| ZI Doz. Incle, 960 Doz. Twist, $ 6* 2 Yds. of Damask, 805 Lawns, 1050 Ells of Holland Duck, 45 Ton Hemp, 516 C. Flax, 8100 Ells Canvas, certain Tapes, from Bridges, Bremen, Holland, & c. Liquids. 1164 Casks, 841 Chests, 6 Baskets, 36 Hampers Wine, 30 Pipes Lem- mon Juice, 46 Gallons Orange Flower- Water, 748Z Gallons Oil, 5 Tons, 459s Gallons Brandy, 9510 Gallons of Rum, r4 Gallons Geneva, 86 Baskets Spaw- water' 2. to 1. of Oil of Bays, 4 Aums of Rhenish Wine, 7 Gallons of Solis, from Leghorn, Cadiz, Bologn, Holland, Antegoa, Jamaica, & c. Spices. 20J. 0I. of Nutmegs, 541 C. Ginger, from Holland, Jamaica, & c. Fruits, & c. 826 1. of Pistochi Nuts. Gallons Olives, 4oC. Almonds, s* C, Ju- niper Berries, from Scanderoon, & c. Foreign Corn, drugs, Seeds, Weeds, & c. < 90 C. Rice, 60 Hogaheads Tobacco, 6776 Caaks Sugar, 8ziol. Garden- Seed, 4C. Graas- Seed, 66 Bundles Twigs, 8jo 1. Fennel Seed, from Virginia, Jamaica, woollen Manufacture. Stuffs ' Double Bays Yards Flannel Dozens Hose Pair of Blankets Certain Apparel Minikin Bays Yards of Dimity Double Dozens, Long Cloths Kersies Single Dozens Single Bays Spanish Cloths Perpets Serges Goads of Cotton Rugs Short Cloths Coverlets Fustians Wool- Cloth to the Straits, Rotterdam, Rode- island, New- York, Berbadoes, & c. Metals. 6zoe> Ounces foreign Gold, 64814 oun- ce/ foreign Silver, 69 Fodder Lead, 7yo C. Tin, 16C. Brass, 4C. a* d a half of Pewter, r C. and a half of Cooper, to Hambro, Holland, & cc. Corn. j 180 Quarters Wheat, j Tons, 7 Hog: sheads, , and 4 Barrels of Beer, no Quarters Pease, z8 Quarters Beans, to Lisbon, Portugal, Sec. Wrought Leather, Silks, Iron, 4* C. wrought Iron, $ C. and a half Clockwork, 8 Tons wrought Iron Hoops, 141. wrought Silks, 40 1 wrought Leather, to Lisbon, Ham- bro, & c. Haberdashery, iz C. Haberdashery, 60 Doz, Castors 61 Doz. of Felts, t9 Hambro, Ber, badoes, & c. The Nottingham Mercury, & c. The London BILL of Mortality; Christened Males, 174. Females, 161. in all —- 335-. Buried Males, 278. Females 259. in all 537. Decreased in the Burials this Week —— 26. SATURDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening Post, London Oct. 31. YEsterday was the Anniversary of the Birth- Day of the Prince of Wales, when his Royal Highness entered into the 41st Year of his Age: On which Occasion he was complimented in the Morning by the Lord justices, and by a great Number of the Nobility and Persons of Distinction. The Day was with ringing of Bells and other Rejoycings: At One in the Afternoon the Guns were fired ar the Tower- and at Night there were Bonfires and Illuminations in divers Places' and fine Ball at Liecester House. ' The same Day the Prince gave a Purse to be distributed amongst the poor of St- Anne's Parish. Yesterday at three in the Afternoon died his House in Lincoln's Inn Fields, Sir James Montague, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Last Night was inter'd in the Chappel in Stretton's Grounds, West- minster, a Person of such prodigious Parts, and eminent Gravity, than there were eighteen men to carry his Corpse on a Bier, which tho' it was made for that purpose, it was apprehended, would break before they, got to the Chappel ; The Grave was with Steps at each End, it being im- possible to let it down with Ropes. The Corpse and Coffin are reproted to have weigh'd 17 hundred Weight, and were of so exorbitant a Bulk, 1 not being able to get them out at the Door, they were forc'd to take the Sashes down, and let them by Tackles out at the Windows. - _ FOREIGN < 4 > FOREIGN NEWS. petersbourgh, ( a new Town and Fortress founded by the Muscovites in 1703.) Oct, 5. The Czar's Conquests in Persia are new Jo well je* cured as to be in a Condition, to bafle all Insults and Enterprises which Meriweis may form against them; besides, that our governour there, after having recei- ved another Reinforcement, and join'd the Sophi's Armyt which consists of 40000 Men, will be enabled to venture a Battle with Meryweis. The Designs ef the Turks in the present Juncture, seem only to send Assistance to Meryweis. and not to come immediately to an open Rupture with us. Paris, ( The Metropolis of France) Nov, 3. They write from Madrid, that the King of Spain has ordered 9 Men of War to be built in his Yard's in the Provinces of Biscay and Guipuscoa; and that his Catholiek Majesty has made the Marquis de S, Michael a Lord of his Bed- chamber, in Reward for the new Settlement he has made in the Philippines, of 240 Leagues in Circumference 5 for building four Forts at his own Expence; for reparing six of the Missionaries Churches, and building three new ones. The youngest Princess of Conti went to Versailles on the 22d of last Month, being the first time of her appearing at Court fmce her Retreat to the Convent of Port Royal ; ' tis suppos'd she was sent for thither to consent to an Accommodation of Differences between herself and the Prince her Husband : She had the Honour of visiting the King, his Ma- jesty received her very graciously, and had a long Conference with her in the Presence of the Duke of Orleans ; and ' tis generally believed she will shortly be reconciled to her Husband the Prince of Conti, LONdoN, october 31. Monday last died at his Seat in Fair Lane near Seven Oak in Kent, in the 70th Year of his Age, the Right Honourable Christopher Vane, Ba- ron Barnard of Barnard Castle in the Bishoprick of Durham, who was created a Baron july 8. 1699, by King William III. of Glorious Memo- ry. The Vanes, his Ancestors, were anciently a Family in Wales, and from thence settled in Kent, where they have continued many Years. The first of them mentioned in History wAs Sir Henry Vane, knighted by the Black Prince at the Siege of Boulogne, whose Brother John left two Sons, Henry, from whom the Deceased Lord descended, and Richard, from whom descended the present Earl of Westmorland. Sir Henry Vane, who was Grandfather to our Lord Barnard was in the Time of King Charles I. Ambassadour Extraordinary, first to the States of Holland, and after to the King of Sweden and at his Return Home was made first Comptroller, and then Treasurer of the Houshold to his Majesty, and af- terwards Secretary of State. Sir Henry Vane, his Lordship's Father, was made Treasurer of the Navy by Patent for Life, by King Charles I f 7 J and in the Dutch Wars, his Fees at 4d per Pound ammounted to no less than 20 or 300001. per Ann. which he looked upon as too much for a private Subject, and very generoucly gave up his Patent to the then Par- liament, desiring but 20001. per Annum for an Agent he had bred up to the whoce Buisness, and the Remainder to go to the Publick. This was done, and the Method of the whole Salary has continued ever since in that Office. The Deceased married the Lady Elizabeth, eldest Daughter to Gilbert Earl of Clare, and Sister to John Duke of Newcastle, by whom he has Issue two Sons, viz. Gilbert Vane, Efq; now Lord Barnard, who succeeds to the Honour, and an Estate of 10 or 12000I. per Annum and married Mary, Daughter to Morgan Randyl, Esq; of Chilworth in Surry, and William, who married Lucy, Daughter to William Joliffe, Esq; of Carse- mell in Staffordshire ; also one Daughter named Grace. We hear that Mr. Murray in Covent- Garden, who about three Months since drew the Picture of Queen Philippa Mother of the Black Princess, and Foundress of Queen's College in Oxford, and which is since placed up in the Hall of that College, has lately finish'd a fine Whole- Length Pic- ture of Robert de Eaglefield, the Confessor of the said Queen, in the Priest's Habit of that Time, who contributed largely to the Foundation of that College, and is esteem'd a Co- Founder with her. Which Picture is shortly to be sent down and placed up in the aforesaid Hall, next the said Queen's Picture. MONDAy's POST, From the British Journal, LONDON, November 2. N Friday last Week, as the Lord Chancellor was hearing Causes at his House in Lincolns Inn Fields, a Rogue had the Boldness to steal away the Porters Staff, headed with Silver, from behind the Door, and carried it off undiscover'd. On Tuesday Night about 12 o'Clock, when the Company were gone home from the Lord Mayor's Feast at Fishmonger's Hall, a Fire happened in a little Room, where they sat making Coffee. It was happily extin- guish'd before it came to a Head. From our Portsmouth Letters of the 29th Instant. " According to my Promife I now send you an Account of some of the *• Loffes of the Smugglers here this last Fortnight. " On the 14th Instant four Hogsheads of Wine were taken at Wicklam " by Mr. Clapp; but ' tis believ'd he will not make this appear to be a good Seizure; nor the five Hogsheads seiz'd by him at Titchfield the last' Day of September: The team taken at the same time has been return- « c / ( ed. Tis difficult being on the Square with the Smuglers when they have room to bring any thing to a Tryal. " Two Wherries, with two Hogsheads of Wine in each, were taken in " the Harbour the 17th Instant. About the same time another Wherry " was seiz'd with five or six Anchors of Brandy in it. Eight Anchors of Brandy were found conceal'd in the House of a " small Dealer in that Liquor at Gosport the 18th ^ and the Penalty of " keeping it in an unentred Place, will equal the Loss of the Brandy. " Three or four Anchors of Brandy were taken at so many several Houses " there about the same time. " The Beginning of last Week five Anchors of Brandy, and one of Wine, <! were seized in one House at Gosport, and three Anchors of Brandy in " another, besides two or three Anchors picked up at others. " Last Saturday two Hogsheads of Wine were brought to the Custom- " House, that were taken in Titchfield. " In fine, never was the Smuggling Buisiness ( especially what concerns ft Brandy under so many Discouragements here as now. From the London Journal, LONDON, Nov. 2. We have an Account from the West of England and other Parts, that several Persons who have been Nonjurors all his Majesty's Reign, have now taken the Oaths to the Government, pursuant to the late Act. On Wednesday last the Committee of Shipping of the South Sea Com- pany, appointed the following Ships out of many, for a voyage to Gui- nea and Buenos Ayres, viz, the Essex, Capt Smith ; the Syria, Capt. Williams ; the Levantine, Capt. Thomas, and the Assiento Capt. Tyzar. The Person mention'd in the last, to be of a vast bulk, was Mr. George Martin, a noted Brewer in Westminster, who died in the 40th Year of his Age ; he was judged to be the fattest Man in England, and was got to such a Bulk, that he thought he had the Dropsy; so that the Day be- fore he died he was cut several Inches in to be tap'd, but it was all through Fat, which choaked him. On Monday last his Body was interred in the Chappel in Stretton's Grounds, Westminster. His Coffin was two Yards f Inches long, an Ell and a half wide, and 3 Foot 2 Inches deep. It has been published by some, that there was 18 Men to carry his Body on a Bier, which though it was made for that purpofe, it was apprehended would break before they get to the ChappeL From St. James's Evening Post, November 2, Rome, ( the Metropolis of all Italy,) Oct. 16. Cardinal Alberoni re- ceives frequent Visits from the Persons of Distinction who are in his Inte- rest; and, ' tis said, the Pope has declar'd. that he will give him the Hat in the first Consistory after the Holidays. The Cardinal Vicar has caused a Decree to be published against Whores that live in the Streets near the Quirinal, and others of the Pope's Palaces, enjoyning them under severe Penalties to depart immediately, and get Lodgings elswhere. But pas- Quin takes the Liberty to say, That if this Order be not suppress'd, the Pope's Domesticks will seldom be in Call when he wants them. Florence, ( One of the chief of Italy) 0ct. 12. The Great Duke of Tus- cany, who was thought to be in a good Way, is relaps'd so dangerously, that publick Prayers for him are renew'd,. The Hereditary Prince his Son, held an extraordinary Councill t'other Day, which lasted till a 11 at Night, and the Princesses were present. The foreign Ministers have fre- quent Conferences together, under Pretence of Meetings for Mirth and Pleasure. ' Tis said that the Princess Eleonora has determin'd to be mar- ried to a neighbouring Prince; and that her Confessor has managed the whole Intrigue. Coppenhagen, ( the Metropolis of the K of Denmark) Oct 26. Satur- day last the Queen was happily deliver'd of a Princess; which was imme- diately proclaimed to the People by the Sound of Trumpets, by the ring- ing of Bells in all our Churches, by a tripple Discharge of the Cannon from our Ramparts. On Sunday, the young Princess was baptiz'd in the Queen's Bed- Chamber by M. Lamurich; Chaplain to the Court, and na- med Christiana Amelia, the King standing Godfather, and the Margravine of Culmbach Godmother. The Ceremony was perform'd in Presence of the whole Royal Family, and of all the Colledges, who for that Purpose bad Orders to repair in a Body to the Anti- Chamber, That Day the King was complimented upon the Occasion by the Nobility foreign Mi- nisters, and all other Persons of Distinction. Hambourg, { one of the Chief Cities of Denmark,) Oct. 26. inst now ' tis reported that an Express from the British Minister at Stockholm is gone through this City for Gohre, to inform his Britannick Majesty, that the General Diet of the States of Sweden is at length broke up. The Czar's Resident here says, he has News that an Express is arriv'd at Petersburg from Astracan, with Advice, that the Czar's Forces on the Persian Fron- tiers had surpriz'd and entirely routed Meri Weis's Army kill'd 6000 Men taken several Prisoners, and that the scatter'd Remains of the Rebels Army was rallied behind a River on the Georgian Frontiers. LONDON, November 2: Some Days ago two of the King's Messengers, having Orders to search for Letters on Board a small Vessel at Gravesend, bound for France in searching an old Frenchman that was returning to that Kingdom, found .! seven - — - * '( 9) seven hundred and eighty odd Guineas quilted in a Broad Leather Belt- round his Middle, and next his Skin, which they carried to the Custom House. Some Persons of Distinction which arriv'd in Town on Thusday last from Calais, have brought an Account, that a remarkable Accident hap- pened at a small Village, called Beaulieu, situate on the Road between Calais and Paris; where a Captain and private Gentleman of the French King's Guards happened to set up at an Inn in the Evening of November < j. N. S. Having taken to their Chamber, they supp'd, and going to Bed, one of the Maid Servants inform'd them that there were seven dan- gerous Ruffians in the House, who would assuredly murder and rob them before they went out.: In these dangerous Circumstances the Gentlemen consulted what was proper to be done, and finding no possibility of get' ting out of the House without meeting their Fate, came to a Resolution, * ro force there Way out, Vi & Armis, & c. Whereupon they loaded two Pistols each, came down Stairs, and were going our, when the Villi* ans, who were at Supper, get up to oppose them: The Captain dischar- ged both his Pistols in an Instant; as did likewise his Companion, which killed four of them on the Spot; the other three fell on their Knees, and begged their Lives, who, together with the Master of the Inn and his Wife, were secured, and committed to Prison. The African Company received Advice by an Express last Night from Portsmouth, that his Majesty's Ship the Centurion, cruising off the Coast of Guinea, has taken a French and English Pirate, the first commanded by Capt. Rotier of 30 Guns and 100 Men, and the other by, Capt Burges, with immenae Riches, which will bring into every individual Man of his Crew, 500 1 for each Share. A little Boy about six Years old, on Tuesday last, going to see one N Mr. Standish a Tanner, in Long- Lane, Southwark, a Dog, belonging to Mr. Standish, flew upon the Child, as he was entering the Yard, tore the Skin off from his Forehead backward to the Pole of his Neck, hurt him under the Eye, and hit one of his Ears off, by which unfortunate Accident the Childs Life is despair'd of. Thursday last seven of the Persons commonly call'd, the Berkshire Blacks, were brought up in a Waggon to this Town, by a Habeas Corpus, from Winchester Goal, being all in Irons, and link'd together by an Iron Chain, and guarded by a Detachment of the Duke of Bolton's Blue Guards, They were first carry'd to the Cockpit while their Excellencies were sitting in Council, and order'd to proceed from thence to Weftminster- Hall; and the Grand Jury for Middlesex having found Bills' of Indictment against them them for Felonies, they were araign'd at the King's Bench Bar, and all pleaded, Not Guilty. Mr. Attorney General having moved the Court, that a Day might be set for their Tryal, Wednesday Sev'night the 13th Instant, was accordingly appointed for it. Then the Court committed them to Newgate,' whither they were carry'd in the same Waggon, and under the same Guard. The same Day the report of the four Malefactors condemned last Sessions at the Old- Baily, was made to their Excellencies in Council at the Cock- pit, White- hall, when the three following were order'd for Execution, which is to be on Wednedday next, viz James White For returning from Trandportation Richard Whiteing and James Magie alias Mackay, for robbing Charles Sannderdon, Esq, living in Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, of a great Quantity of Plate, / ohn Whitbotn, who was condemn'd for stealing a Tankard out of the Dwdlingheufe of Mr. Geo, Newton, is reprieved, and we hear will ob- tain the Benefit of Tranfyntation. From the Devices in Wiltshire we are inform'd, that some Days ago a Tradesmans Wife of that Place, was deliver'd of a Monster, after a Labour of four Days, which had one Body, but two Breasts; an Head of an exorbitant size., the Eyes distorted, two Teeth, a flat Appearance of a Face in the Nape of the Neck, four Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet, with Fingers and Toes on each. But what is most remarkablcis, that the Part to which the Face pointed was Male, the other Female : The Male had Nails on the Fingers and Toes, which the Female had not. THURSDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening post, November 5. DANTZICK, ( a Principal City of Poland) October 24: M. Erd- man, the Russian Commissary here, is very buisy in finding out Seamen that are experienced in the Spanish Seas, whom after strict Examination he takes into his Master's Service, and sends them to Petersburg, advancing them some Months Pay. Geneva, ( A strong City of Italy, the Metropolis of the Common- wealth of Geneva) 03, 4. We have received Advice from Florence, that the Great Duke of Tuscany is deadt and that his Son Prince John Gaston, is declared and acknowledged Great Duke and Successor to all the Titles of the late Duke his father. > - Hanover, ( A strong City of Germany, in the Dukedom of Brunswick) Nov. 5. The Lords Townshend and Carteret are to go hence before the King, in order to settle some Affairs at the Hague, and then join his Britannick Ma- jesty at Hellevoet- Sluys. B Paris ( 10 ) Paris. Nov. 10 On the 4th Instant, the most Christian King mounted the Great Horse for the first time. The Duke d'Aumont, first Gentleman of the Kings Bed Chamber Governor of the Boulonnois, and Colonel of a Regiment, one of the most accomplish'd Lords of the Court, died the 5th in the Evening, of the Small- Pox, after the Danger was thought to be over. He was about 30 years of Age , and had bury'd in the Last six Months, his Father, Mother, and Lady. He has left two young Sons ; to the elder of whom the King has given the Reversion of the Office of first Gentleman of his Majestys Bed- Cham* her. We daily hear of fresh Damage dene by the Storm in Languedoc the 25th of September. Among the rest it intirely carry'd away a Wood of Olive Trees. The King has made the Prince of Carignan a Lieutenant- General. LONDON, November 5. The Prize Boat which Col. Williamson, Governour of the Tower, givs annually as a Testimony of his Gratitude to the Glorious HERO of this Day, ( Nov. 4) who was, under God, the Instrument of our Deli- verance from Chains and Gallies, was row'd for upon the Thamest by eight Batchelors, Watermen of the Tower Liberties, who started at 10 a- Clock from Wapping New- Stairs, rowed thro' Bridge to Whitehall, and back again to the Tower Water- Gate; each Pair of Oars being distin- guish'd by their Caps, of Red, Blue, Black, and Yellow; and the first mention'd Colour won it, viz. Samuel Lecounts and Richard Wright, who afterwards went to the Tower and demanded the Prize, and had it deliver'd to them at the Parade; and were, with them that came in Second, triumphantly carry'd out in the said Boat upon Men's Shoul- ders, rowing in the Air. This Boat is distingued by a Crown on the Back- board, over the Letters W. R. and underneath the Words HAPPY RE- VOLUTION, On Saturday last the Coroners Inquest sat upon the Body of Thomas Onslow, Coachman to Colonel Scot, of the 3d Regiment of Guards, who was kill'd in Duke- Street, St. James's, by David Batee, a Soldier in the said Regiment, and brought in their Verdict, Wilful Murder,' We hear the Deceas'd was making Water under an Alehouse Window, and the 0- ther thinking he listen'd to his Conversation with a Woman within Doors, came out, quarrell'd with him, and with his Sword stabb'd him in the Belly. We hear the Place of principal Painter to his Majesty, vacant by the Death of Sir Godfrey Kneller, and which has 20o 1 a Year Salary, being in the Gift of the Duke of Newcastle, as Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold, is given- by his Grace to Gervase Esq; of St, James's Tyeftminifter. Last 11) Last Saturday died Mr. Roger Norton, Printer to his Majefty in the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Langaages. ' Tis said the French King has promised a Pardon and a Reward to any of the Murderers of the English Gentlemen who shall dilcover his Ac- complices. Last Night his Grace the Duke of Leeds arriv'd in London. The Famous Sally Salisbury lies dangerously ill of a Consumption in Newgate. The Right Reverend Benjamin Lord Bishop of Salisbury, hath purcha- sed the Library of Dr. Trimnel, late Bishop of Winchester. Sunday last her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales received the Holy Sacrament with great Devotion, in the Chappel at Leicefler- Houfe, where a Sermon is order'd to be preached every Sunday in the Forenoon till his Majesty's Arrival from Hannover. Last Saturday died at his House in Petty- France, John Chamberlain^ Esq; Author of the State of Great- Britain, bearing his Name, and late- ly one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for Westminifter, as alfo Se- cretary to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty., From the Evening Post, November 5. Yesterday the Judges met at the Exchequer, and nominated the following Gentlemen tor one of them to be appointed by his Majesty, Sheriff for each County for the Year ensuing Derbyshire. Simon Degg, of Little Chester esq Sir Tho. Greisley, Bart. Rowland Oakover, Esq; Leicester. Richard Smith of Enderby. John Bletsoe. Thomas Skeffington, Esqrs Lincolnshire. Vincent Hamcoates, Esq; Sir Sam. Thorold, Bart. George Short Nottinghamshire' John Shaw, of Grinsley upon the Hill. John Heron, of Newark Richard Porter, Esqrs Rutlandshire. Geo. Brushfield. William Scot. Geo. Marston, Esqrs. , Staffordshire. William Robins, of Stafford. Fulk Hussey of Worley. Zachery Babington, Esqrs. Warwickshire. Sir Cloberry Holt, Bart. Charles Atherly. Henry Goff, Esqrs. yorkshire. John Boulter. Cholmley Turner . Hugh Cholmley of Whitby, Esqrs,' From Fox's Letter of November Last Night came in a Dutch Post, with Letters dated the 5th, firom Hannover, that the King and Queen of Prussia were on their Road to „ wai » . \ . \, . . ( 12 ) wait on his Majesty, and wish him a good Voyage to England. The Lords Townshend and Carteret are to go before to execute a Commission with the States General, of inviolable Friendship that he will asist them against the Enemies of their Trade to India. The Parliament cf Ireland are pressing a Bill for the Quakers. Affirmation, and another to qualify all protestant Dissenters for Offices, civil and Military, The Parliament will fit about the 10th of January. from jackson's LEtter, The Accounts by a Holland mail arriv'd Last night mention the tendency of every thing towards an open War, the russian having already begun Hostili- ties against some Turkish Troops in Georgia, On the other Hand ' tis advis'd from Constantinople, that Orders are sent to the Turkish Army on the fronti- ers of Persia tojoyn that of Meriweys and act against the Russians, ' they write from Dublin of the 26th past, that there was seiz'd at Younghall tin- Board an irish ship from Roan, several Priests with large sums of my, and great bundles of Papers with them, and that the priests were to be sent to Cork Goal, ^ South Sea Stock 111. bank 119. India On Saturday next will be Publish'd. ASermon preach'd at the Funeral of the Right Honourable Robert Lord LEXINGTON, the 2d of October, 1723. In the Parish Church of Kellham. By James Naish, A. M. late of Jesus College in Ox- ford, and Rector of Kellham. Nottingham, printed by j. Collyer, and sold by Benj. Farnworth in Newark. Where is to be sold,- Dr. ROCK'S famous PLAISTER for the WORMS, Agues, & c, approve of by most Physicians in the city of LONDON. THIS Plaister being apply'd to the Pit of the Stomach, speedily brings away and destroys all sorts of Worms, from the Bodies of Men, Women, and children; it give; present Relief in the Cholick, Ptysick or shoitness of Breath ; for any violent Pain, stoppage of the Stomach of ever fo long Handing ; it cures the Heart burn, trembling or fluttering of the Heart ; it creates a lost Appetite, and take/ a- way a Pain in any part of the Body, or a bruise, strain, swelling, weakness in yout Childrens Backs, that proceeds from a Fall or inward weaknesses, or Rickets): For an Ague, or Fever, it is the best Plaister that ever was invented, and so safe, that Child of three Years old may have it apply'd without the least Danger. For the Benefit of the Poor, the said Plaisters with Directions, are sold four for one Shilling. Sold by J. Collyer Printer in Nottingham, and by the Men that carry the News North, wards, Accounts are daily receiv'd of abundance of cures done by it,
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