The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
Date of Article: 17/10/1723
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Nottingham Mercury & OR, A GENERAL VIEW OF THE Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN BEING A Weekly Account of News Thursday, oct 17, 1723 NOTTINGHAM: Printed by JOHN CoLLYER, at the HeN - CROSS. Where is to be sold best Snuff, made only of the Leaf or the
fa 3 Goods Imported and Exported at London, IMPORTED. Linnens, & c. 6} 4J? Ells Linnen, 141 Doz. Bridges Thread, 8ao Yds Lace, 11200 tUs German Linnen, 41* 00 old Sheets, 6JO Reams Paper, 400 Cambricks, 5 J 4 Ticks, 6720 Yards Diaper, 717 Doz. of whited- brown Thread, 54001. Linnen Yarn, 760 1. Sister's Thread, 2111 Doz. Incle, 600 Doz. Twist, zit s Yds. of Damask, 580 Lawns, 2 J 00 Ells of Holland Duck, 30 Ton Hemp, 600 C. Flax, 3600 Ells Canvas, certain Tapes, from Bridges, Bremen, Holland, & c. Liquids. ' 4116 Casks, 418 Chests, 4 Baskets, 14 Hampers Wine, 24 Pipes Lem- mon Juice, 6i Gallons
Orange Flower Water, 4287 G^ sons oil, 7 Tons, 6776 Gallons Brandy, j jto Gallons of Rum, 36 Gallons ( geneva, 68 Badkets Spaw water' 180I. of Oil of Bays, 1 Aum of Rhenidh Wine, 4 Gallons of Rosa Solis from Leghorn, Cadiz, Bologn, Holland, Antegoa, Jamaica, & c. Spices. 21001. of Nutmegs; 69 0 C. Ginger, from Holland, Jamaica, & c. Fruits, & c. $ 821. of Pistochi Nuts. 91 Callons 0lives, 83C. Almonds, 28 C, Ju- niper Berries, from Scanderoon, & c. ; Foreign Corn^**— 7 Seeds, Weeds, & c. jcoC. Rice, 40 Hogdheads Tobacco, 8210 casks Sugar, 11ool. Garden- • Seed, « 4C « Grass- Seed, 70 Bundles • Twigs,, 8001.
Fennel Seed, from Virginia, Jamaica, & c, from September 23, to Sep t, 30. EXPORTED.. Woollen Munufacture. Stuffs 8109 Double Bays 210 yards Flannel < jic » Dozens Hose ^ aj Pair of Blankets it Certain Apparel Minikin Bays 61 Yards of Dimity 4< Double Dozens, 91S Long Cloths 6 Kersies S " S Single Dozens ' *> o Single Bays J Spanish Cloths 61 Perpets $ 4° Serges * Goads of Cotton 45 » o Rugs 67 Short Cloths Coverlets , Fustians ' 45 Wool Cloth 41 ol. to the Straits, Oporto, Hambro, Rotterdam, Rode- Island, New- York, Berbadoes, & c. Metals. S 200 Ounces foreign Gold, 8414( 5 oun- ce* foreign Silver, 96
Fodder Lead, JOG C. Tin, 14C. Brass, 6C. and a half of Pewter, 5 C. and a half of Cooper, to Hambro, Holland, & c. Corn. 6180 Quarters Wheat, 8 Tons, 4 Hog- sheads, and s Barrels of Beer, roo Quarters Pease, 50 Quarters Beans, to Lisbon, Portugal, & c. wrought Leather, Silks, Iron, & c 72 C. wrought Iron, 1 C. and a half Clockwork, 6 Tons wrought Iron Hoops,, 4t 1. wrought Silks, 10 1, wrought Leather, to Lisbon, Ham- bro., & c. Haberdashery, 91 C. Haberdashery, jo Doz. Castors ' « Doz. of Felts, to Hasbro, Ber, badoes, & C. \
The Nottingham Mercury, & c Christened Males, 200. Females, Buried Males, 310 Females 288. Decreased in the Burials this Week SATURDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening Post October 10, ACapuchin Fryar at Tauris writes Word to another at Aleppo, that the Europeans at Isaphan have had such a bad time on it under the Usurpation of Meriweis that his Brother may with a safe Conscience sing their Requiem, or Rest for their Souls; for he says, a Jew and an Indian, arriv'd directly from Isaphan, brings an Account, that Meriweis having arrested Mr. Scoser, Captain of a Dutch Company, he kill'd himself with Opium
after three Days Imprisonment; and that Me- riweis has cut off the Heads of the French Consul and two Captains, one English, and the other Dutch He adds, from the Report of others, that all the Europeans are massacred, except some who fled to Bander- Abassi. LONDON, October 10. On Tuesday Night two Highwaymen were apprehended near Bristow Causeway, and comitted to the Marshalsea. ' Tis said they have confess'd that their Gang consisted of 16, and all out that Night, but that those who murder'd Mr. Hayes Servant do not belong to them. Sir Constantine Phipps Died yesterday in the Afternoon about two of the
Clock. The Dutch are sending Forty Ships this Year to the East- Indies, and the English Twenty, and both Companies have assurance that the Em- peror will be prevail'd upon to recall his Patent to the Flanderkins. The River Thames is so low on Account of the dry Season that People frequently ride over it on Horseback at Twickenham, the like whereof has not been known. We have another Report that four of the French Ruffians are taken at Lisle, and a fith at Amiens who stabb'd himself. FOREIGN
/ / 4) FOREIGN NEWS. Algiers, August 11. We have had a very poor Harvest, which is the Reason that the Corn bears an Extraordinary Price. The Oil sells likewise at a very dear Rate; so that without some Supply from a- broad, we cannot but be in great Want next Winter. Some Persons here are of Opinion, that if this Port were blocked up, which might be effected with six Men of War, the Town would be reduc'd to great Extremities, and consequently necessitated to clap up a reasonable Peace with the Dutch, which cannot be hoped without it. MONDAY'S POST. From the British Journal, LONDON, October 12. THey write
from Rhode Island, Aug. 15. That Captain Schrogham, from Honduras, laden with Logwood for Bristol, was put in there. for Provisions who in his Passage, was taken on the Coast of Jamaica by a Spanish Pyrate of Porterricco, carrying ten Guns, and 100 Men, who plunder'd him of most of his Cargo, to the Value ot 7 or 800 1 together with all his Clothes, which oblig'd him to go to Jamaica, and upon Bills of Credit, to purchase another Cargo, to buy Logwood at Honduras. From the London Journal, LONDoN, October 12. The Winter approaching and the Season for Action being over, all seems to be quiet in Italy. The Pontiff
has been encouraged by a certain Court to hope that his Nuncio will be admitted to the Congress of Cam- bray, but many doubt of it. The French Minister's Servant that was sei- zed there with the Sweating Sickness, is dead of it; but not one more has died of it there, which is ascribed to a wonderful Medicine, that pro- vokes the Patients to a greater Sweat, and cures them. They write from Constantinople, ( the Metropolis of Turkey) that a seal- ed Letter has been delivered to the Russian Resident, in order to be dis- patched to Moscow; which it is apprehended will not be well relished there, in regard the Aga of the Janizaries
had Orders at the same time to repair forthwith to the Army, which, ' tis said, will consist of more than 100000 Men, after Tartars have joined it. By a Person lately come from Calais there is an Account, that Mr. Sea- bright's Servant is pretty well recover'd of his Wounds; but he does not confirm the Account we have had in the Paris Letter, and afterwards in the Dutch Prints, that Four of the Ruffians were apprehended at Dunkirk: And he contradicts the Report of tbe Woman's Son being taken into Custo- dy, who lets out the Post Chaises at Calais; but adds, that a Woman and a Boy were taken up on Suspicion, on whom a
Watch and some Linnen, supposed \
supposed to belong to some of the unhappy Gentlemen that were murder'd, were found. They write from Lisbon, that a milignant Fever, occflfion'd ( as the Physicians supposed by the excessive Heats, has carried off a great nr- my Persons there: But they hoped the Rains, which usually faH St tr. ls oc:- son of the Year, would restore the Health of that Kingdom. The Redemption of Dutch Captives at Algiers runs very high, for no less than 2300 Pieces of Eight have been refuded for one Master of a Ship. From St. James's Evening Post, October 12. Rome ( the Metropolis of all Italy) Sept. 21. Some Days ago a Rabbi, who is
about 80 Years of Age, and highly esteem'd by the Jewish Nation, was brought hither from Anona. He calls himself Emanuel, says he is of the Tribe of David, and is acknowledged by his Companions as King of the Hebrews. The Pope has order'd him to be examin'd in a publick Manner; and that he should have the Liberty to defend himself, on Pur- pose that the Jews may have no Reason against the Tribunal of Inquisition. Paris, ( the Metropolis of all France) Oct. 16. M. the Duke of Orleans has agreed to lend his Company of Italian Comedians to the King of Great- Britain ; and they will accordingly go over against the Time of
his Arrival at London, where they continue four or five Months. From the Province of Languedos we have Advice, that a Spring has been found there which yields chrystallized Salt of the same Virtue with the Epsom Salt which is brought hither from England. Three Highwaymen have been lately committed to the Prifon of the Chatelet, who are said to have belong'd to the Gang which assasinated the Engliih Gentlemen near Calais. LONDON, October 12. Letters from France bring Advice, that such violent Storms of Rain and Hail have lately happen'd in Languedoc, which entirely ruined their Vintage, and at the same Time
destroy'd several People, and great Num- bers of Cattle. We have the following Account from Canterbury, viz; Laft Week a Gentleman's Servant having observ'd a poor Drover receive a Sum of Mo- ney, for some Cattle he had sold in the Market there, watched him out of the Town, and overtaking him on Horseback, the Drover being on Foot, fell into Discourse with, and offering to give him a Liftr the Dro- ver got up behind him : They rode about two Miles, when coming to a Lane that led to a Gentleman's House, the Footman told him, that be- ing his Master's he was obliged to turn off there ; upon which the Dro- ver
dismounted, in order to pursue his Journey. He WAS no sooner down, but
{ 6 ) but the Footman followed, and clapping a Pistol to bis Breast, swore he'd shoot him if he did not without the least Noise, deliver his Money ; the poor Fellow, in the utmost Fright, gave him all he had, and turning to go away, the Rogue shot him with two Bullets into the hinder part of his Head, and left him, as he thought for Dead; but before he expired which was about an Hour after, two Gentlemen came up, whom he was sensible enough to inform of his Case, and which Way the Villian took accordinlgy the Gentlemen pursued him, and found him just come into his Master's, where they apprehended him, and finding the
Money upon him, he confess'd the Fact, and was committed to Canterbury Goal, We have an Account from Scarborough in Yorkshire, that a Man being bit there by a mad Fox died soon after; notwithstanding all their Care- raving, howling and barking like a Fox. Thursday Evening, one Mrs. Ball who sells Milk on Brock- Green, as she was crossing the Road at Hammersmith, was rid over by the eldest Son of Mrs Ayres, who keeps the Goat Inn there, and died immediate- ly. The Occasion of this Sad Accident was by the said Ayre's riding a full Gallop, so that he could not stop his Horse. Boston, in New- England, Aug. 5 On the
19th past Capt. Woodside arrived here in a Brigantine from Barbadoes, in 22 Days, who reports, That the Island was very sickly when he sailed from thence; That Mr. Cox, the late President, who is prosecuted for Male Administration, had been' on his Tryal for several Days together, and about 700 Depositions had been taken already in Relation to that Affair, and many more still remained. On Tuesday last a Gentleman of Dullidge was robb'd in his Chaise near Stockwell by two Footpads, and three Gentlemen on Horseback coming by just as they had done their Work, and hearing what had happen'd, pursu'd ' em, and after a
Horse and Foot Chace of about half an Hour, took one of ' em at the Nine Elms, and the other near vaux Hall, and had them both committed to Prison. In less than an Hour after several Coaches were robb'd in the same Place by two Highwaymen. Our Neighbours the Dutch complain, and not without Reason; of the ill Success of their Whale- Fishery this Year, some of their Ships being re- turned without so much as one Whale, and none of them with their usual Cargoe. On Thursday Morning last died, at his Seat at Upland in Hertfordshire, the Right Honourable William Earl Cowper, Viscount Fordwich, Baron Cowper of
Wingham in Kent, a Baronet and Fellow of the Royal Society. This Lord is descended from John Cowper of Strode in the County of Sus
sex who lived in the Time of Edward IV. William, one of his Ancestors, was first a Baronet of Scotland, and afterwards created a Baronet of Eng- land by King Charles I. He was the first of the Family that was possessed of Hertford Castle, where he ended his Daya in Peace, after he had been imprisoned in Ely House in Holborn for his Loyalty to King Charles I, " together with his Son John, who died in that Imprisonment, but left a Sen viz. Sir William Cowper, who married Sarah Daughter to Samuel Holled of London, Merchant, and was Father to William Earl Cowper. ' The deceased was a Member of Parliament for Hertford so
long ago as the Year 1697, and King William, of Glorious Memory, made him one of his Council Learned in the Law, as did Queen Anne in 1702. In 1706, her Majesty created him a Baron, and advanced him to be Lord High Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, and admitted him into her Privy Council. In 1706 she appointed him one of the Com- missioners for treating of an Union with Scotland. In 1707 he was con- stituted the First Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. In 1709 he was chose one of the Trustees of the Brief for the Poor Palatines, and 1712 one of the Governors of the Charter House. Upon the
Death of Queen Anne he met the other Lords ot the Council at St James's, signed the Pro- clamation of King George, was constituted one of the Lords of the Regen- cy and was deputed by the rest of them to remove the late Lord Boling- broke, and Seal up his Office. The Day after his Majefty first arrived at his Royal Palace of St. James's, he was pleafed to make him Lord High Chancellor of Great- Britain, and Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire; and in a Week after he took his Seat in his Majesty's most Honourable Privy- Council. In January 1715 King George made him Cuflos Rotulorum of Hertford. In May following he was
appointed one of the Commifiioneri for finishing St. Paul's Cathedral, He was in the Year following appointed Lord High Steward of England for the Tryal of the Earl of Winton, and other Noblemen of Scotland 5 and also for that of the Earl of Oxford, in whose Impeachment no Lord express'd a greater Zeal; for he declared against consulting the Judges whether the Articles were High- Treason, and challenged all the Lawyers in England to disprove his Arguments. But what Motives afterwards influenced that eloquent Nobleman to abate of his Zeal in other Impeach- ments equally just and necessary, was best known to his
Lordship. We shall only add, that King George created him an Earl in March 1718 ; and that his Lordship married two Wives, viz. 1. Judith, only Daughter and Heir to Robt. Booth of London, Merchant, by whom he had Issue only one Son, who died in his Infancy. 2. Mary eldest Daughter to
{ « ) to John Clavering of. Chepwell in the Bishoprick of Durham, Esq ; by whom he hath issue two Sons and two Daughters, viz. William Lord Viscount Fordwiche ( now Earl Cowper) born in and Spencer, the Lady Sarah asd the Lady Anne. The last Letters from Philadelphia and New- York give an Account of a most violent Storm at both those Plaees, which has done much Mischief, particularly at the latter; where it raged so much, that it has broke up all the Wharfs from one end of the City to the other, and drove most of the Vessels ashore, several of which were broke to pieces. The Waters ri- ling higher in the City than was
ever known before, abundance of Damage has been done to the Sugars and other Goods in Merchants Cellars-, and had not the Storm abated before the next High- Water, ' tis believed all the Houses by the Water- side would have been destroyed. The Pirate Sloop, which Capt. Solgard carried in there, was obliged to cut her Masts and afterwards drove away. Several Houses were uncovered in the City and much other Damage done Ships entred inward at the Custom- House, viz. The Russia Merchant, from Setten5 Richard and Benjamin, from Ma- ryland;' Antegoa Merchant, from Antegoa; Hester, from New- england 5
Lucy, from Malaga; John and Sarah, from Oporto; Two Brothers, from Norway ; Hannah, from Hudson- Bay. Clear'd out. The Kitty, for Sevil; Mary, for France; Clement, for Flanders; John and Ifaac, Greenwith both for Holland; Grown for Streights ; Otava for Canary 5 Margaret for Madera; Marlborough for Holland; James for Ire- land ; Rose in June for Sound ; Anne and Elizabeth for Norway ; Young Johns Goodwill for Maryland. From Jackson's LETTER, october 12. 4 By a Mail from France we have these Particulars; The Marquis de Camillac is by Permission returned from his Exile. The Portugueze Envoy at Paris has receiv'd
a remittance of 100,000 Livres for the Expenee of a Feast, on Account of the Birth of a third in- tant, ot whom the Queen of Portugal was lately bro't to Bed. Newport in Rhode Island July 19. This Day Twenty- six of the Py. rates taken by his Majesty's Ship, Greyhound, were executed here, and most of ' em said something at the Place of Execution, tending to warn all young Persons from being guilty of the Crimes that bro't them to this un- timely End. Their black Flag, with the Portraiture of Death, having an Hour Glass in one Hand, and a Dart in the other, at the End of which was the Form of a Heart with three Drops of Blood
falling from it, was affixed
< 9y „ affixed to one Corner of the Gallows: this Flag called old Roger, and often used to say they would live and dye under it. Yesterday Geo. Wilson, a Papist, who was do often mentioned in Layers Tryal to be reccomended by Plunket an; l others to Layer and some more of the Conspirators. and who has absconded in Disguise for near 9 Months, was apprehended by 2 of the King's Messengers early in the Morn, in his Bed, and was eximin'd Yesterday by the Secretary of State, and confron- ted by Mathew Plunket. We hear that the Right Rev. Dr. Oatley, Lord Bifliop of St. Davids is dead We had this Day 2 Lisbon Mails,
which make no mention of the Con- tinuance of the malignant Fever there, which makes it believ'd that the same is ceased. By a Holland Mail just arrived, we learn that the Emperour of China is dead 5 and that there are great Disputes between his 3 Sons for the Suc- cession, the youngest: whereof sides with the jesuites in Favour of Christia- nity. That the Georgians were marched against Meryweis, and had en- tirely defeated his Army : That the Duke of Tuscany was much recover'd: That the King Of Great Britain is return'd to the Gore from Berlin, and has resolv'd to act in Concert with the States- General, against the
Ostend India Company. On Sunday the 6th Instant died at his Seat in Northamptonshire the Hon Thomas Wentworth, Esq, Representative in Parliament, of the Borough of Higham- Ferrers, Brother to the Earl of Rockingham, Grand- fon to Thomas, and Heir to William, Earls of Strafford. He was eminent for his steady Adherence for the Interest for the Country ; tho' none had greater Abilities, or more Integrity to serve it in a publick Station, yet remembring the dying Instructions of his immortal Granfather, he chose rather a private Life, the Duties of which he exemplarily discharg'd. He was an unbyass'd Patriot, a most
affectionate Husband, a moft generous and indulgent Father, and of unwearied Application in the Service of his i Relations and Friends, which Qualities aded to his Concern for the establi- shed Religion, and his extensive Charity make him umverfally lamented, and a mighty Loss to the Clergy and Poor of this Realm. ThuRSD Ay'S POST. From St. James's Evening Post, Oa. lj. pETERSBOURG, ( a new Town and Fortress founded by the mUs- covue: in 1703 near the Shoar of the Finnick Gulf in tth Baltick Sea) 24, The 6th instant being the Birth- Day of the Princess Nathalia J5 the
10) the czar's daughter, there was a numerous Court in his Garden, to Which- all the Foreign Ministers likewise repaired. The Persian Ambaccador. after having taken a Turn in the Walks, and observ'd every thing that was most curious, made his Honours to the Czar as he sate by a Grotto; and then he was conducted to the Czarina, who was sitting near a Foun- tain: After having taken off his Slippers, and made three low Bows, he moved on his Knees to kiss the Hem of her Majesty's Garment; and then, after having taken a few Steps backward, he made the following Com- pliment, I have Cause to thank- God for giving me
the Favour to see your Im- perial Majesty, and to congratulate you on the Birth- Day of the Princess your Daughter. Then the Empress, by the Mouth of her Great Chancellor, enquir'd after his Health; to which the Ambassador answer'd by a Com- pliment of Thanks, and retir'd after making three more Bowst * Rome, Sept. 27. Some Days ago a Polish Astrologer waited upon Car- dinal Alberoni, telling him in Latin, that he desir'd he would grant him a Moments Audience because he had extraordinary Matters to discover 10 him. What is the Buisness, said the Cardinal ? Sir, answer'd the Astrolo- ger, I have already remark'd
certain Signs in you of eminent Advance- ment, even before you was raised to the Dignity of first Minister of Spain; but the, Planets promise you much greater Things to come. This flatte- ring discourse, shook his Eminency's Firmness; he examin'd the Astrolo- ger, who stiles himfielf the Sincere; and after a great deal of further Talk, he suffer'd the Man to calculate his Nativity. He told him in a Prophe- tical Tone, that the that he should shortly recieve, , will be changed into a Tiara ; that like Julius 2d he would delight in War, and seek to maintain it during his Papacy, especially against the French.— At these Words his Eminency
politickly bid him hold his Tongue, andcatifed him to withdraw. The Pope being inform'd of these' sinister Predictions with Regard to himself, caused the poor Astrologer to be taken up designng to know of him if he can foretel Death, with all its Circumstances, inor- der to learn of him if, he shall die soon, and in what Manner? This Man as shortly to be try'd, that he may be treated according to his Deserts. Paris, Oct. 20. Several Physicians of this City are about petitioning the king to allow the Practice of inoculation there, in order to prevent the' bad Effects of the Small- Pox which continues to be very ripe in this Neigh- bourhood.
His Majesty continues at Versailles, and ' tis concuded will hardly reside any where else this Winter, taking great. Delight in that Palace. Letters from Rome import, that the Affair of Cardinal Albero- ni was to be fully determined next Week,; the Instrument for clearing Eminence of all Charges laid against him being finished, and only waits
( fir) waits for the pope's Approbation From Florence we have an Account • that the Grand Duke has still some Relics of his Distemper hanging a- bout him, but his Physicians have Hopes to preserve his Life till the go- vernment ot his Country is settled. LONDON, October 15. We hear a large and learned Account is going to the Prefix of the Motives which induced Mr. Moses Marcus, a young Gentleman educated among the Jewish Rabbiest to leave Judaism and embrace christianity. From Paris we ate advised, that the Small- Pox has been so fatal there, that People have a great Mind to try the Method of Inoculating ; and
notwithwith- standing that the Sorbonne has declared against it, there are many who are de- termin'd to make the Experiment. Last Week died of a lingring Illness, at his Seat in yorkshire, William late Lord Widdrington, who was attainted of High Treason after having been tak- en at Preston. His Corps is to be carry'd to Widdrinton- Castle in Northumber- land, to be interr'd. Several Persons of Quality being Bed- ridden, and otherwise incapable of attending at the Sessions to take the Oaths appointed by Law, we hear that the Justices of the Peace have determined to adjourn the Sessions's to the Houses of such Persons, to the
End they may avoid the Penalties in= flicted by the Statute for neglect. We hear from Cambridge, That that part of the great Publick Building which is design'd for the Senate or Regent- House, is, ( by the generous Contributions of several great Personages and the Nobility ot that Uni- versity, and the great Care and Inspection of the Rev; Dr. Snape the Vice Chancellor) so far advanced, that it will probably be finish'd and open next Midsummer Commencement. And also, that on a Plan of Mr. Gibbs a new Colledge at King's will be begun early in the Spring. From fox's LETTER, october 15. We have Advice from Hanover, that
the King was come to the ghore in se- ven Days, having resolved to hunt 14 Days and then to return to England. His Majesty has assured the Dutch Ambassador that be will support the States in their Treaties made with the Emperor against the Austrian East India Com- party, and he does not doubt but that the Emperor will recall his Patent, ' Letters from Ratisbon assure that the Protestant Princes of the Empire have resolv'd to get the Grievances of the Protestants redresS'd, tho' it should occasion a War. This Day the Board of Green cloth met, and appointed all the servants that are to meet his Majesty in Holland, _ ""
C 12 ) They write from New- Market, that the Kings plate therw was won by Mr. How's Bay Mare Sophenisha, which was afterwards bo" t by the earl of halifax. p. S. . they write from Derby, that on Saturday last the inFAMOUS Clark that lately broke out of Goal there brought ' again to that Town, when he left Derby he took for Leicester and listed in Col. harrisson's Regiment of Foot, . and was sent as a Recruit to the Regiment then quartering about Leeds, and the Detachment going thro' Nottingham, he desir'd he might not go by the white Lyon, for a reason that ( we suppose) those who have read these Papers will ea- sily
guess; and being discover'd to be a Diserter, was taken into Custody as such, and the Regiment marching through Derby, carry'd him in Triumph though the Town, on one of their Amunition Waggons, where abundance of people were glad to see him return, but especially his old Landlord, where they left him to take his Winter Quarters, - and we hear he has promised to take a great deal of care of him. South Sea Stock nr. Bank 119. India 13y. Prices of Goods at Bear- Key, London. Peafe 22 to 38. Barley 18 to 20. Hops 21. 5 s. to 4 V. 10 5, Brown Malt 20 to 22s. Pale ditto 21 to 24. Diltillers Malt 13 to j Salt per Wey or fun 81.
to 81. 5; s. Old - Wheat from 24 to 28 New, ditto 20 to 24 Rye 1$ to 17 beans 20 to 24* Coals in the Pool from 22 s. to 2 J- s, Rape Seed fine 10 to 12. Oats 14 to 16 [ tHE Ever Greens in the Garden belonging formerly to William Pierrepont esq in Nottingham, consisting of very large Yews and strip'd Hollys in Pyramyds and round Headed Plants, are to be sold. Enquire of Moses Orme Gardener in Not- tingham. Dr. ROCK'S famous PLAISTER for the WORMS, Agues, & c. approved of by most Physicians in the City of LONDON. THIS Plaister being apply'd to the Pit of the Stomach,, speedily brings away and destroy all sorts of
Worm/, from the Bodies of Men, Women, and Children; it giver present Relief in the Cholick, Ptyiick OT shortness of Breath ; far any. violent Pain, stoppage of the Stomach of ever so long standing ; it cures the Heart hurn, trembling or fluttering of the Heart; it creates a full Appetite, and taker a- way a Pain in any part of the Body, or a bruise, strain, swelling, weakness in your v Childrens Backs, that proceeds from a Fall or inward weaknesses, or Rickets: For an Ague, or Fever, it is the best Plaister that ever was invented, and fo fafe, that Child of three Years old may have it apply'd without the least Danger. For the Benefit oF
the Poor, the said Plaister* with Directions, are sold four for one Shilling. Sold fey J. Collyer Printer in Nottingham, and by the Men that carry the Newd north. Accounts are daily receiv'd of abundance of Cures done by it,