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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News

Date of Article: 08/08/1723
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NOTTINGHAM: Printed by JOhn cO LlYe R, at the hEn- cROSS. Where is to be sold the best Tobacco Snuff, made only of the Leaf of the choicest sweet scented Tobacco at 4d the Ounce. Also the best plain Spa- nish at 6d the Ounce. Where all sorts of Books are bound, Gilt and Letter'd - — i." Price of the Mercury Three Halfpence. THe . Nottingham Mercury: ok, $ GENERAL VIEW OF The Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN: BEING A Weekly Account of News. Thursday, August 8. 1723. Linnens, & c. 4158 Cambricks, 8306o Ells of Lin- nen, z J Bags Cotton, 18o0l. Sisters Thread, 511 Doz. Incle, 5o3 Doz. Twill, 150 J. thrown Silk, Linnen Yarn, z 14 Yards Lace, 36 Reams Paper, C. Twine, of Packthread, 85 Ells Tapestry, 6 Rolls of Painted Canvas, Ticks 59 Doz- Bridges Thread, certain Worstead Tapes, 6oy Doz. whited brown Thread, 57 Pieces Muslin, 16 o Ells Holland Duck, 4i6 lawns 3411 Ells Hessens, from Turkey, Flanders, Holland, New- England, & c. Liquids. 27 Hampers, 399 Casks Wine, 6 Tons Brandy, 119 Gallons Rum,, ' 51 Tons Oil 70 Baskets Spaw Wa ter, i j Tons Lemon Juice, ; Gal- lons Cordial Water, gallons Ge- neva, 16 Gallons Rosa Solis from leghorn,- Genoa, dantzicK, Bo- logne, Holland Berbadoes, & c. Spices. 1 iSc; 1. Nutmegs, 370 C Ginger irol. Cinnamon, from Holland Berba does, & c. t Fruits, & c. 447000 Lemmons ( and Oranges. 585 Chests ditto 4pgo C. Currants from . Zant, & c. . Foreign Corn, Drugs, Seeds, Weeds & c. 5 5 C. Rice, 691 Casks Sugar, 91 Hog- Hogsheads Tobacco, s, ol. Verim Celli from- Leghorn, Antegoa, Ber- badoes, & c. " Material Commodities for Diers. 8 Tons Fustic, 40 Tons Logwood, from Zant, & e. Goods Imported and Exported at London, from July 23 to july exP ORTE D. IMPORTED. woollen Manufacture. Coney Wool Cotton Wool Certain Apparel Certain Rugs cloth Shreds Double Bays Dozens Hose Double Dozens, Pennistones, Goods of Cotton Kersies Long Cloths Minikin Bays Perpets Single Bays Short Cloths Serges Stuffs Spanish Cloths- Blankets Yards Frize Yards Wool- Cloth Yards Flannel to the Straits, Lisbon, Spain, Nor- way, & c. Metals, 4100 Ounces foreign Gold, 41000 Ounce/ foreign Silver, 1040 Ounces Plate, 61, C. Tin, ijC. szooi. Brass, 310 C. Pewter, 51 C. Copper, to Venice, Flanders, Bermudas, , Corn. 570 Quarters Wheat, ro Quarters Wheat Meal, z\ Builiels Peafe j Tons, j Kilderkins, Cask Beer, 5 Quarters Oats, 50 C. Bisket • te Lifbon, 8cc. Wrought Leather, Silks, Iron, & c. 480I. wrought Leather, 10C830 tons wrought lion, 760I. wrought Silks* 1 j C. Clockwork, to Holland, & c. London ABortive Aged Apoplexy Asthma Canker Cancer Childbed Chin Cough Chrisoms Colick Consumption Convulsion Dropsie Evil Fever French Pox Flux ' C 3 ) bill of Mortality, from July 16, x Gout i 7 i Griping in the Guts zz 1 Headmouldshot I j Hooping Cough i o Horshoehead I 9 Jaundies J 6 Imposthume z o Lethargy o 2 Lunatick o z Looseness o J 5 Measles 4 167 Mortification 7 1J Palsie 1 o Plurisie o 60 Quinsie 1 t Rheumatism • o Rickets 1 to July ti, 1723. Rising of the Lights Rupture St. Anthony's Fire Small Pox Spotted fever Stilborn Stone Stoppage i'th' Stomach Suddenly Surfeit Teeth Thrush Tissick twisting of the Guts Vomiting " Water in the Head Worms Christened 329. Buried 529. Increased in the Burials this Week 55. CASUALTIES. Drowned 4. Two at St. Dunstan at Stepney, One at St. Mary at Isling- ton, and One at St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey. Found dead at St. Botolph without Aldgate 1. Hang'd himself at St. Dunstan at Stepney i. Overlaid 2. > SATURDAY'S POST. From St James's Evening- Post, LONDON, August 1. THEY Write from Wherwell vulgarly call'd Hortill, in the County of Southamp* ton, that the Wife of one Richard Gilding of that Place, aged about 38 Years, has slept Several times Since michaelmas last, a Fortnight together, and that on the 26 of May she fell asleep, and did not awake till Wednesday the 3d of July; when she arose it appear'd to her but like a Night's Sleep, and she went about her Business as usual, but found herself a little weak. They write from Paris, that 8 Reapers travelling 4 Leagues from that City met a Wolf, which coming towards them, a large Dog belonging to one of them fell upon him, but was soon kill'd The Reapers attempting to succour the Dog, the Wolf quitted him- and flying at his Master, tore away part of his Face, but at last they kill'd him with their Sickles, after he had wounded another of them. The King this Day entring into the 10th Year of his Reign, we had suitable re- joicings on that Occasion, fOreIGN ( 4 ) FOREIGN NEWS. Prague, ( a very large stately City, one of the chief of Germany) july 21. On the 14th their Imperial Majesties, followed by their whole Coiut, repair'd to the Park of Bubenetich, to take the Diversion of Shuot- ing. The Emperor was mounted on a Horse very richly caparilon'd. The Empress, with the Arch- dutchess Maria Teresa, was in a magnificent Coach drawn by 6 fine Horses, being the same Coach that was made here to be us'd at the Entry of their Imperial Majesties. All the Miniflers were on Horsback with very splendid Equipages. This illustrious Com- pany took their Diversion in a very pleasant Island lying in the m'dft of a large Lake in the Park, to which they were carried in finall Veftels of different Forms and Bigness, built for that Purpose, and beautified with variety ot Ornaments; Great Numbers of Ducks, and other wild Fowl, were shot on this Occasion; and in the Evening the Court return'd to the Castle ot Haratchin. Madrid, ( The chief City of Spain) July 20. The 14 th Instant at Night, M. Ham. Secretary of the States General at this Court, was assaulted in his House by his own Coachman, and five other Assassins; He had in his Custody the King of Spain's Picture set with Diamonds worth tooo Pistoles, which had been delivered to him by the Marquess de Grimeldo, in order to be sent as a Present from his Catholick Majesty to' M Colster. who Ambassador here from the States, and return'd to Holland some Months ago The Assassins gave him two mortal Wounds with Ponyards, intend- ing, after they had dispatch'd him, to rob the House 5 but they had not time to do it, for the Servant- Maid immediately calling out to the King's Guards, who have their Quarters close by, they fore'd into the House, and seiz'd the Coachman, the rest having made their Escape. On the 7th M. Ham died of his Wounds. Hague, ( The pleasantest, largest, and finest Village in Christendom, of the Low Countries, and Earldom of Holland) Aug. 7. Letters from Swis- serland, & c. bring an Account of violent Heats, and of several late vio- lent St0rms in those Part's. One happen'd at Geneva the 2 jth ult at Night, the most terrible they ever knew ; for tho' it was but of half an hour's Duration, it toie up a great Number ot Trees by the Roots, and the Hail spoilt half of the Grapes. Another happen'd the Night before at Nuremberg, mixed with Thunder, Lightning, and Hail- Stones so big, that some of them were a pound weight; a great Number of Churches and Houses were very much damag'd, and the Fruits of the Earth suffer'd not a little. LONDON, 5 LONDON, August 1 Last We$: k Dr. West, an eminent Physician of this City, was married to the Widdow of Mr. Grantham, late one of the Commissioners of the forfeited Estates, and a Member of Parliament. This Lady is said to be a Fortune of 700!. per Annum. And ' tis added, that as the Doctor is her third Husband, so the Lady is his third Wife. On Monday last the Dutchess of Ormond set out of Town for the Coun- try Seat oi the Earl of Arran, her Brother- in- Law 5 and it is faid that a great Number of Tradesmen and others conducted her as far as Staines. On Tuesday last the Lord Bishop of London confirm'd feveral Hundred young Persons at the Cathedral of St. Pauls his Lordship confirm'd alfo great Numbers Yesterday, and is to do the same there on Saturday next. The same Day one Anne Wilson cut her own Throat with a Razor quite thro' the Windpipe She was observ'd to be out of order for feveral Days, Yesterday the Coroner's Inquest sat upon the Body, brought in their Ver- dict Lunacy. The Jews in this City have received repeated Advices from thofe o£ their Fraternity in Bohemia, that their most considerable Men have been admitted at Prague to the Presence of their Imperial Majesties, and have offer'd as an acknowledgment of their great Priviliges they enjoy, two Purses, the one of joo and the other of 300 Golden Ducats to their Imperial Majesties. And we hear by the last Post from naples, that great Damage is- done by the Vesuvius spewing out out of its Vulcanoes great Quantities of Cin- ders, and other combustible and bituminous matter, and that fome of the neighbouring Villages have felt some shocks of an Earthquake. The Correspondence between his Majesty's Garrison at Gibraltar and the Ports of Barbary is no longer obstructed by any apprehension of Infection there, which was for some time suspected. How ridiculous soever the Account may be, it is certain that two Per- sons, a Man and a Woman, went, some Days since, to be let Blood, to a House of great Practice that Way, in St. Ann's Parish, Westminstier-, when it appear'd, that they had agreed, by previous mutual Contrast, to drink each a Glass of the other's Blood , and both being bled; did, with- out any Hesitation or appearance of Disaster, or Reluctance, perform the same. Cargo of the Dolphin and Asia from Smirna, and Duke of Cambridge from Scanderoon, hourly expected, viz. 718 Bales of Silk, 331 ditto of Goats Hair, 430 ditto Gauls, 18 ditto Worm- Seeds, 18 ditto Mastick, ? ditto Roman Vitterol, 42 ditto Carvedants, loco Sacks of Grogram Yarn, and several other valueable Goods. From From Lambeth we hear, that a Woman miscarried there last Monday Night of 5 Children, and three false Conceptions. Letters from Antegoa of May 4 say, that on the jth of that Month arrived there his Majesty's Ship Winchelsea, the Captain whereof being inform'd that some Pyrates were landed on the Island 0f Tobago, went in Pursuit of them ; and coming near the Shore, one Huggins, who was forc'd into their Service, waved his Hat for the Man of War to land some Men, which being done, they seiz'd Capt Fin, Commander of the Py- rate Ship, and seven others, with four Negro Slaves, who were all asleep. They found some Treasure about them, and brought ' em to AntegOa, 2rd Capt. Fin and four others have been executed, and the said Fin hang'd in Chains. It seems that while Fin and the others were ashore at Tobago, the rest ran away with the Ship. This Day being the 1st ot August, the glorious Anniversary of his Ma- jesty's happy and peaceable Accession to the Throne, the same was observ'd with the utmost Solemnity ; their Royal Highnesses receiv'd the Compli- ments of a numerous Concourse of Nobility, & c. as also did their High- nesses the young Princesses; the Honourable Artillery Company perform'd an Exercise in Honour of the Day; Mr. Doggets Annuity was rowed for as usual; the Guns were fir'd, and all other Signals of Rejoycing were in the Camp in Hyde- Park and the Evening concluded with Fire- works and other Illuminations at the Royal- Exchange, & c. MONDAY'S PoST. From the British Journal, LONDON, August 3, WINCHESTER, July 26. The Assizes here ended this Day, when the five following Persons received Sentence of Death ; viz. Ed- ward Godwin, alias Wade, John Neads, and John Darker for robbing on the Highway ; William Smith for Burglary and Felony, and William Ray for stealing two Mares. It is said that Darker and Ray will be re- prieved. On Thursday last being the 1st of August, it is an Annual Custom for six of the Scholars of Harrow on the Hill; which are determined by casting of Lot) to meet and shoot with Aarrows for a Silver Aarrow, ( which is giVen by the Master of the School it was gain'd by Mr. Cross, a Brewer's Son, and Nephew to Sir Thomas Cross Bart. There was a great Appear- ance on this Occasion. Two Malefactors receiv'd Sentence of Death at Maidstone Assizes; but we hear thar they are both repriev'd. On Wednesday last died the Daughter of Sir John Bennet, Judge of the martials- Court she was married to the Lord Visc. Lisburn. We 7 T ' We hear from Wiltshire, that an old Batchelor in that County el about seventy Years of Age, who had been a hearty Man all his Life- time, ventur'd lately upon the State of Matrimony but however, in a Week al- ter the Celebration ot the Nuptials, he gave up the Ghost ; whether this was occasion'd by Excess of Grief or Joy, our Letters do not say. On Tuesday last a young Woman, a Servant in this City, of about 18, attempted to drown her self in a Pond upon Epping Forrest; but there not being Water enough, she cut her Throat, and died immediately after she was found. . ' From the London Journal, LONDON, August 3. The Pyrates in the West- Indies are as numerous as ever; they have late- ly plundered the Sarah and Mary of Liverpool, and taken four New- Eng- gland Ships, barbarously using the Captain ot one them, by cutting off his Ears and obliging him to eat them. Last Week a certain Justice of the Peace was stopt in his Chariot near Woolwich, by a Custom house Officer who took from him two Hundred Pounds worth of East- India Goods, which his Worship was conveying from, an East India Man newly arriv d. It has been lately resolv'd in the Common Council of this City to erect a noble House in petty France, with a spacious Entrance by the way of Broad- strect, for the future Residence of the Lord Mayors, and that the Sum of three thousand Pounds ( deposited with them in the South Sea Times, by a certain Person in part of the Purchase of the Ground there in order to build a Square) should be assigned towards this Building. They are setting up an Engine at the Tower, to go by Water, for the boarding of Gun Barrels, which was formerly done abroad. On Monday last, being the last Day of drawing the Lottery, Major Brazier of Chelsea, came to Exchange Alley, and bought a single Ticket for 25 Guineas and a half, upon a strong Fancy that it would prove a for- tunate one, the Success answered his Imagination, for by the time he was got home, News was brought him of its being drawn a Prize of 20coI, About a Week ago the Church Wardens and other Officers of a certain Parish in this Citv, went in four Coaches to the Green- Man at Layton- stone, accompany'd with their Wives and other Women, and feasted there very plentifully at the Expence of the Parish; but before they parted a Quarrel happen'd between the Senior Church- Warden and some of the Company upon the Score of the Reckoning, which amounting to some Pounds, they threatned to lay the Affair before the Parish as a matter of great Corruption. A Mercer in Ludgate- hill has lately recovered three hundred Pounds of a neighbouring County for a Robbery therein, whereby he lost that Sum. A few Days ago died at the Bath, after a lingering Indisposition, the Lady of John Tyson, Esq; of Hackney, Daughter of Sir Casesar Child. A poor Woman crossing Moor fields, was lately attack'd by two Fel- lows in the middle of the Day, who, under Pretence of struggling with her for a Kiss, robbed her to the value of three Pounds in Money and Goods. From St. James's Evening- Post, Aug. r. Naples, ( One of the chief Cities of Italy) July i Mount Vesuvius cea- sing to rage at present, and the Weather being become fair, we have now a Prospect of a very plentiful Harvest. Ratisbon, ( Avery large, rich, and strong City of Germany) July 29. It has been whisper'd for some Days among the Ministers of the Diet, that his Majesty has transmitted a new Resolution from Prague, forbidding his Commissioners to have any Correspondence with the Minister of Brun- swick or his Adherents 5 which, if it be true, as most of the Ministers seem to believe, ' tis likely to occasion great Disputes, his Majesty of great Britain having declar'd that he will justify the Conduct of his Mi- nifies ' Tis not doubted but his Majesty and the other Princes and States of his Communion will take more vigorous Resolutions on this Occasion. Edinburgh, ( The chief City of Scotland) July 25. On Saturday the 6th Inftant, died John Falconer, D. D. very much lamented. He was a Gen- tleman well born, being a Defendant of the Lord Halkerton's Family. Ke was made Rector of Carnabie in Fife ; and there marry'd a Daughter of the Lord Dunkell, by whom he had two Sons. Hanover, ( a jirong City of Germany) Aug. 6. On the 4th the Bishop of Osnaburg arrived at Herrenhausen, and in the Evening there was a no- ble Entertainment, and a Ball. The Q. of Prussia returns from Berlin on Monday or Tuesday. Hague, August 8. On the 6th died here Baron Wastenaer, Keeper of the Seals, and Stadholder of Holland and West- Friesland, and President of the Council. & c. LONDON, August 3. On Wednesday last died the Lady Lisburn, Wife to the Lord Lisburn of the Kingdom of Ireland, at her Father Sir John Bennet's House in Es- sex Street. On Thursday Night about 10 a- Clock, the Wife of one keser, a Ger- man, living in Denmark- Court, near Exeter- Exchange in the Strand, having having left two small Children at home, took her third, which was a Girl of a year and a half old, in her Arms, to York- Stairs in York Buildings, after stripping her stark naked, threw her from the Terras Walk over the high Wall into the Thames, it being at the Time near high Water, after- wards getting upon the Wall, she threw herself in. It happily fell out that a Waterman was laying up his Boat hard by and another Person talk- ing with him, who heard them plunge, the Waterman leapt in at that in- stant, and having a Pole in his Hand, first reach'd the Child just before the Tyde had carry'd it under the Stone- Arch; the poor Infant crying Mammy when it was thrown in, and as soon as taken out. They saved the unfortunate Mother also, tho' against her Will: She appears to be dis- traded, is now under Means of Cure, and is an Object of Compassion, Mr. Baron Price's Lady is lately dead. Yesterday a Labourer, who work'd at a House near St. James's Palace,. now rebuilding, having drank an immoderate Quantity of Spirits, would jump, by way of Bravado, from the Top a Wall, which is raised nigh two stories, and by the Violence ol the shock, receiv'd much Damage, that he was carry'd in for dead to the Sutlers House of the Guards there j and his Life is despair'd of. Several of the most eminent Butchers in and about this City, believ- ing it their Duty to leave off' exercising their Trade on the Sabbath Day, have form'd themselves into a Society, in order to put the Laws in ex- ecution against others of their Profession, who shall be found offending contrary to the several Statutes made and provided in that Case. And that the said Society are resolv'd to take Notice of all Malecontents, but especially of them who presume to expose or sell contrary to Law; and in Contempt of the Society. They will not only be prosecuted upon the Statutes of ; Car. cap. i. and 29 Car. I cap. 7. but ( to their Sorrow) they will find that the Society will indict them in the Crown, for being dis- orderly Persons-, the Society having already had the Advicc ot Council that the same may and ought to be done. ' THURSDAY'S POST. From St. James's Evening Post, LONDON, August 6. YESTERDAY the Rt. Rev. Dr William Fleetwood, Bishop of Ely, departed this Life at Tottenham, in the County of Middlefer, in the 67th Year of his Age, after a long illness, occasioned by Apoplestick and Convulsive Fits. He had the Honour to be Chaplain both to King William and Queen Anne, was a Fellow of Eaton- College, and Rector ef St Faiths, near St. Paul's, till he was made Archdeacon, and Bishop of St. Asaph, in which See he succeeded Dr. William Beveridge, the 6th of June 1708. Upon the Death Dr. John Moor, which happen'd just on the Day before the Demise of Queen Anne, he was by his prefent Ma- jesty translated to the Bishoprick of Ely; after which he joined with the B other 10J other honest Bishops in signing the Declaration against the Rebellion. As he was a Member of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, so no Bishop perhaps was more laborious and successful in propa- gating it at home. Ke was also one cf the Commissioners for finishing St. Paul's Cathedral, and the 70 new Churches. We shall not attempt to give his most excellent Character in this Paper, but hope the World will not fail to be obliged with it by these who had the Honour and hap- piness of his pious and learned Conversation. ' Tis thought he will be succeeded by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Green, now Bi~ shop of Norwich : and that the Rev. Dr. Bland, Master of Eaton School, will be nominated to the See of Norwich. Last Week a Fire happen'd at Cricklade in Wilts, by which we hear that near twenty Houses were burnt. It broke out in a Baker's Yard, but by what means is not known- ' Tis said there have been several un- accountable Fires lately in other Parts of the West of England On Saturday last died at Shaw near Newberry in Berkshire, Charles Bodvile Roberts, Earl of Radnor, Viscount Bodmin, Beron Roberts of Truro, and Baronet, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cornwall, and Privy Couniellor. He marry'd Elizabeth, Daughter and sole Heir to Sir John Cutler of the said City of London, Bart, but left no Children, so that the Honour and Estate falls, as we hear, to John Roberts, Esq Ne- phew to the Deceas'd on the 19th past, a Barnfull of Hay, belonging to Sir Henry Houghton ot Houghton- Tower in Lancashire, Bart, was set on Fire by the Litght- ning, and burnt to the Ground.' The Coinage ot new Six- Pences out of the South Sea Silver is now go- ing forward at the Royal Mint, great Quantities of which have been last Week deliver'd out and carry'd to the Bank. Thar Excellencies the Lords justices have order'd a Warrant for the Execution of Philip Roche, To- morrow se'nnight, at execution Dock. our Letters from Paris bring us an Account or the Death of the Cardinal du Bois, Prime Minister of France. His Eminence, who has long groan'd under a Complication of Chronical Distempers, was at length resolv'd to undergo the Operation, and to that end on Monday the 28th of july, O. S. that Prelate was brought from Meudon to the Castle of Versailles, and 0n Tuesday in the Afternoon the Operation was perform'd by M. de la Peroine in five Minutes and a half, but there being a Mor- tification in the Parts, he dy'd last Wednesday at Five in the Evening, just as they had taken off the first Apparel the Thunder has done a great deal of Mischief Abroad as well as here; from Prague in Bohemia they tell us that a Monk rirging a Bell there , was kill'd in the Church of St. Thomas, and his, Assistant by the same Clap, has utterly lost the Sense of Hearing. From % From the same Place, we hear that the Emperor is to be crown'd the 5th of November, and Empress the 12th. On Sunday a Man and his Wife living near White- chappel, being out in the Fields a drinking, the Man swell'd prodigiously and dy'd : Tis said he was poyson'd by his Wife. * The same Afternoon a Boy swinging upon some Pails at Mile End near a Pond, the same fell in, and the Boy was drowned. Last Saturday Morning a Man was run over in White chappel Road and kill'd. We bear from Shrewsbury, that on Thursday last being the Anniversa- ry of his Majesty King GEORGE's happy Accession to the Throne, it was usher'd in there by the ringing of Bells} and about Ten in the Morn- ing the Mayor of the Town, attended by several Persons of Quality and Distinction, and the Recorder, Town- Clerk, Aldermen, and Assistants, in their Formalities, the Wardens of Companies and their Colours and Streamers flying, and the Constables, together with Drums beating, and Musick playing before them, went in Procession to St Chadd's Church, where an excellent Sermon, suitable to the Occasion, was preach'd by the Rev. Mr. Rider, inculcating the Duty of Loyalty in the strongest Terms after Sermon, the Mayor and the same Attendance proceeded to the Ab- by's fore Gate to proclaim the Fair, which happens Yearly to be kept on this Day, and afterwards returned to the Exchequer of the Town, where the Company were entertain'd with Cakes and Wine; abont six at Night a splendid Dinner was provided in the Town- Hall, consisting of a Brace of Bucks, and several Dishes of Fish, being a Present to the Mayor and Corporation; by the Rt Hon Henry Earl 0f Bradford, as an earnest of his great Regard and esteem for that loyal Corporation the Officers of Brigadier Stanwix's Regiment of Foot ( incamp'd here) were invited and din'd with the Mayor and Corporation, as did many Cler- gymen and Persons of Distinction and Honour: After Dinner, the usual loyal Healths were drank, viz. the King's, Prince and Princess's, the Regency's, the Lord Bradford's and Cadogan's, Bri- gidier Stanwixs's, Prosperity to the Corporation, and many other loyal Healths, at each Health a Valley was exactly well discharged by a Detachment of Grenadiers •, there was plenty of Wine and Punch pro- vided for the Company, and several Barrels of Ale given to the Populace, and the Evening was concluded with ringing of Bells, Bonefires, Musick, & c and every thing perform'd with great Exactness, Chearfulness, Peace, and good Order, both by Soldiery and Populace. - C 12.) They write from Brussels of August 6th, that the late Bishop of Ro- chester intends before the Summer is past to take a Progress into the Coun- try to view the most remarkable Curiosities, and and to acquaint himself with the Manners and Customs thereof. . Bank Stock 120. India 130. South Sea Stock 1o2. Nottingham, Aug. 8- The Assizes began here on' Thursday last, be- fore Mr. justice Dormer, arid Mr. justice Denton. An admirable' Ser- mon suited to the present times, was preach'd on that Occasion by the Rev. Mr. Bradford of Elton, which gain'd the Applause of all that heard it, and at the request of the Judges, High Sheriff, and Grand Jury , if will be printed. On Saturday one Jonathan Robinson was try'd for stealing two Heifers for which he was burnt in the Hand. But that which is most remarkarkable, was the Tryal of Mr. Margrave Attorney of East- Redford, in this County, for the Muider of John Flow- er of the fame Town. It appear'd upon the Tryal, - that they with some others, were drink- ing at the Rock Cellar in Redford, the 19th of July last, when some words happend between them, at which the Deceased seem'd to be disgusted, and afterwards going away, about two or three a- Clock in the Morning* as they pass'd over a field Mr. Margrave was observ'd to be on the Ground,, and John Flower the Deceaa'd hard by him, Mr. Margrave thinking Flow- er had thrown him down, got up and with a Cane which he had in his ' Hand ( which was shewn in Court) gave Flower three Blows, one of which breaking the hind part of his Head, a large Quantity of Blood issued from the Wound, thinking there was no manner of Danger from it, and Flow- er himself went about and drank Ale the next Day, which it's thought in- flam'd him, and caus'd the Wound with other Bruises to swell, and bro't on the Fever which carry'd him off He was found guilty of Manslaughter. ADVERTISEMENT. WHEREAS David Greenwood of Hurst in Heppenstall Parish near Hepton Bridge, beirg about twenty eight Years of Age, of a follow Com- pletion, in his own brown bushy Hair, in a brown Coat, and black Wastcoat, thick Leg'd but not swell'd, having deserted his Majesty's Service out of the Hon. Briga- dier Gore's Regiment of Dragoons, on Thursday the first of this instant Whoever can bring him to the three Crams in Doncaster, shall have two Guineas Reward and ail Charges. Note. He has with him a Wife and a Child, his Wife is in a striped Linnen Gown, lined with a spotted Linnen, black Stays, and a black Petticoat.
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