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Gloucester Journal

Date of Article: 08/07/1723
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes and W. Dicey 
Address: Chronicle Court, Queen Street, Aberdeen
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 66
No Pages: 6
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G1oucester Journal With the most Material News, Foreign and Domestic, to be continued Weekly A General Representation of Revealed Religion ; la which, the chief Prejudices that have been entertain'd a- gainst it, are examin'd, & c. By Thomas Rymer. Two Discourses : The first, Of Preaching Christ. The second, Of Particular and Experimental Preaching. By John Jennings. Price 6d. A Sermon Preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on the 29th of Mav, Also a familiar' DiscoUrse upon the Doctrine of the holy . Trinity, and the use and Impor- tance of it : In a Sermon preach'd upon Trinity Sunday, at the Parish Church of St. Austin. By Daniel Waterland, D. D, Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. State, are to attend him. M. le Coq, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of. Poland, arrived here last Night from London. LOND O N, July 2. The Customs of England and Scotland being put under the Management of one Commission, the same pased the Great Seal last Saturday, ap- ponttng the following Gentlemen to be Com- missioners, viz. Sir Walter Young, Sir John Stan- ley, Barts. Thomas Walker, Esq; Sir Charles Peers, Knt. Robert Baylis, Esq; sir John Evelyn Bart. Thomas Maynard, Esq; Sir James Camp- bell, Bart.; Humphry Brent, John Cambell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, George Drummond, John Hill, Esqrs.—- Tho. Brian, Esq is appointed Secretary to those in Commission for Scotland THURSDAY's POST- From the- London Gazette, ' July 2, MONDAY, July 8, 1723 The London Weekly Bill of Mortality. From Tuesday June I8, to Tuesday June 25, ABortive Aged Apoplexy Asthma Cancer Childbed Chrisoms Colick Consumption Convulsion Dropsie evil Fever French- Pox Gout Grief Griping in the Guts Horshoehead Jaundies Looseness Measles' Mortification Palsie Plurisie Rheumatism Rickets Risng of the Lights Rupture- St. Anthonys Fire Small- Pox Spotted fever Stilborn Stoppage i'th' Stomach Suddenly Teeth Thrush Tissick CASUALTIES. Cut their Throats ( being Distracted) 2. Drowned. i, one at St; Dunstan at Stepney, and one at St. Margaret in Westminster. Kill'd accidentally by a Cart 1. Christen'd 247. Buried 5- 09. Increased in the Burials this Week, 42. BOOKS publish'd in LONDON, since our last. " Mahometism fully explain'd : Containing many surpri- zing Passages, not to be found in any other Author, Viz. 1. The Previous Disposition to, and the Method of, the Creation, & c. Price 5s. Treatises upon several Subjects; written by John Norris, M. A. Price bd. in Calf 5 s. An Answer to the Remarks of Mr. John Norman of Ports mouth, on a Sermon preach'd at Petersfield, June 17, 1722-. Wherein the Apostplical Institution of Episcopacy is Vin- dicated from his Exceptions; and the Nature, of Church Communion, and our Obligation to maintain it explain'd. By William Louth, B. D. ' ' Hanover, July, 2: N. S. YEsterday his Majesty, the King of Prussia, and the whole Court came from Herenhausen to the Palace here The King of Prussia intends to set out To- - morrow morning for Berlin.— His Majesty has fixed Monday next for his Departure for Pyrmont, whither the Right Hon. the Lord Townshend and the Lord Carteret, his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of 392 3 The Circuits appointed for the Midsummer Assizes, are as follow. Norfolk Circuit. ld. Chief Justice Fratt, Mr. Juftice Fortescue Aland. Bucks, Tuesday July Buckingham. Bedford, Thursday July 2j, at Bedford. Huntingdon, Saturday July 27, at Huntingdon. Cambridge, Monday July 19, at the Castle of Cambridge. Suffolk, Thursday August 1, at Bury St. Edmonds. Norfolk, Monday August f, at the Castle of Norwich City of Norwich, the same Day at the new Hall of the said City. Home Circuit. Ld. Chief Justice King, Mr. Justice Powys. Hertford, Monday July 22, at the Town of Hertford. Essex, Wednesday July 24, at Chelmsford. Kent Monday July 29, at Maidstone. Sussex, Thursday August 1, at Lewes. Surry, Monday August 5, at Kingston upon Thames. Oxford Circuit. Ld. Chief Baron Montague, Mr. Baron Gilbert. Berks, Wednesday July 31, at Wallingford. Oxon, Saturday August 3, at Oxford. Gloucester, Thursday August 8, at Gloucester. City cf Gloucster, the same day at the City of Gloucester. Monmouth, tuesday August 13, at Monmouth. Hereford, Thursday August if, at Hereford. Salop, Tuesday August 20, at Salop. Stafford, Saturday August 24, at Stafford. Worcester, Thursday August 29, at Worcester. Northern Circuit. Mr. Justice Tracy, Mr. Justice Price. City of York, Saturday July 27, at the Guildhall of the same City. York, Monday July 29, at the Castle of York. Durham, Wednesd. August 7, at the Castle of Durham Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, Monday August n, at the Guildhall of the same Town. Northumberland, the same day at the Castle of New- castle upon Tyne. Cumberland, Tuesday Aug. 20, at the City of Carlisle Westmorland, Saturday August 24, at Appleby. Lancaster, Thursday August 29, at the Castle of Lancaster. Midland Circuit. Mr. Justice Dormer, Mr. Justice Denton. Northampton, Tuesday July 23, at Northampton. Rutland, Friday July 26, at Oakham. Lincoln, Monday July 29, at the Castle of Lincoln. City of Lincoln, the same day at the City of Lincoln Nottingham, Thurfday August 1, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham, friday August t, at the Town of Nottingham. Derby, Saturday August 3, at Derby. Leicester, Wednesday Aug. 7, at the Castle of Leicester Borough of Leicester, Thurfday August 8, at the Borough of Leicester. City of Coventry, Saturday August 10, at the City of Coventry. Warwick, the same day at Warwick. Western Circuit. Mr. Justice Eyre, Mr. Baron Page. Southampton, Tuesday July 23,. ac the Castle of Winchester. Wilts, Friday July at New Sarum, Dorset, Wednesday July 31) at Dorchester. Cornwal, Wednesday August 7, at Bodmyn. City of Exon, Tuesday August 13, at the Guildhall of the City of Exon. Devon, the same day at the Castle of Exon. Somerset, Tuesday August 20, at Bridgwater. City of Bristol, Saturday August 24, at the Guild- hall of the City of Bristol. From the Evening - Post, July 2. Maga, June 8. The Dutch Ship call'd the King of Spain, C. Valk Master, the Crew of which consisted of 35 Men, was on the 4th Instant at- tack'd by two Corsairs of Algiers, one of 90 the f other of 40 Guns, nine Leagues off of this Port, the Engagement was very obstinate, it began ac six in the morning, and continued till half an Hour after Twelve, during wh'ch time the Ene- my boarded her four times, and were every time forc'd out again with Loss, at last the Dutch Ship by some Accident took Fire, which oblig'd the Captain, with 22 of his men, to betake them- selves to their Long Boat, with which they got safe to Marvella, where, because in their hasty Escape from the Ship, they could not take with them their Cirtificate of Health, the Magistrates will oblige them to perform Quarantain, tho' the Captain, and 6 of his men are wounded, where- upon they have sent Complaints to the Governor of the Province, and are waiting his Answer. Gibraltar, June 11. The remaining Part of hi$ Majesty's Present to the Emperor of Morocco, on Occasion of the Peace lately made,, having been receiv'd at Tetuan by Mr. Hatfield the Bri- tish Consul the end of April last, and sent up to the Emperor, he immediately order'd such British. Subjects, as were Captives, to be deliver'd to Mr. Hatfield ; and renew'd his Orders to his Cruisers not to molest any British Ship. The Captives so re- leas'd, being the Survivors of the Crew of the Ship Mary, are Wm. Warren, Edw. Slaughter, Richard Howell, and Samuel Blake. They were brought over hither in a Sloop Yesterday, and they will by the first Opportunity proceed to England. Vienna, June 23. The Emperor has assigned to the two Sons of Prince Ragotzki 13000 Florins of the Sicilian Revenues; of which, the Eldest is to have 7000, and the Youngest 6000; more- over ' tis his Imperial Majesty's Pleasure, that the first shall be stiled Marquis of St. Charles, and the other Marquis of Sr. Elizabeth, Names of their Imperial Majesties. LONDON, July 2. A subterraneous Fire was lately discover'd to burn in a Wood at North Cray in Bexley in Kent, and the Roots of Trees suppos'd to be the chief ^ Pabulum that fed it: However that be, the same was observ'd to spread so very much ( there being no moisture in the Ground this dry Season to give a Check to its Progress) that the Inhabitants there abouts were put in a great Consternation there- by, and for several days together many Waggons were employ'd to carry Water from Bexley River to extinguish it. The vance so laudable an Undertaking, have order'd two new Barracks to be erected, and a proper Number of Troops to march thither, for the En- couragement and Protection of those who shall be employ'd in the Execution of the Design. Yesterday a great Quantity of damaged Wines • was staved at the Custom house Key. We hear the late Lord Bolinbroke designs to spend the Remainder of the Summer, in as pri- vate a manner as possible. at Lidyard in Cheshire, where his Father the Lord Viscount St. John will also reside, at a Seat he has there,' till the meet- ing of the Parliament, when he has hopes of get- ting his Attainder revers'd , Our merchants have Advice that the John and Thomas, Capt. Wood, from Burlington to North Bergin, was lately lost in her Passage thither. Also that the Betthsua, Capt. Fry, bound to Ja- maica, was lost at Berbuda to the Northward of Antegoa. Likewise that the Mary of Limerick, bound from Ireland to England, was cast away on the 23d last past, off of the Isle of Man, and of all the Souls that were on Board, two men only were saved. Letters from Rhode Island, dated the 2f th of April, advise, that one of their Sloops had lately caught a Whale of a prodigious Size, which was reckon'd worth 8001. including the Blubber. From Stanley's Letter, July 2. They write from Rochester, that Yesterday was Sen night came down thither a Conge de Elire for Electing the Bishop of Carlisle to the See of Ro- chester, upon which a Chapter was held at the Cathedral the' same Day, 1 and his Lordship was Elected accordingly, , Tis added, hid Lorddhip is suddenly expected there to be Installed, and that a great number of the Citizens are determin'd to meet him at Gravesend. On Tuesday last Dr. Christopher Packe of St. Albons was admitted a Fellow to the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. This Day the Parliament met, and was further prorogued by the Lords Justices to the 12th of Au- gust next. The focol. Prize drawn last Week fell to Count Starrenburg, the Imperial Ambassador ac this Court, who has been Complimented by the Drums and Trumpets of the Guards on thar Ac- count, we hear his Excellency goes suddenly to Hannover. The 1000I. Prize drawn on Saturday last falls to Mr. Searle, Deputy Accomptant of the Gene- ral Post- Office. . The Affair of the Declaration of the 2 Sheriffs being appointed for this Day, the Hall was as much crowded to hear the Issue thereof as on Midsummer- day. The present Sheriffs signified, that upon Examination of the Pole Books, and Computations of the Numbers, they saw no rea- son to depart from the Declaration of Sir John Williams, and Mr. Lockwood, upon which some hundreds for the other Side called for the Numbers; of the Pole, which were also demanded by the Aldermen, but positively resisted, which occasi- The Poll at the Election of a Lecturer at St. Clement Danes ended on Saturday last, when the Rev. Mr. Peters was declar'd to have a consider- able majority.' On Wednesday last died Sir Richard Reinolds of Lalam in the County of Middlesex, Bart. He hath left an Estate of about 30001. per Annum, and, as we hear, 40' or 5o0oo I. in ready money. He died in a manner suddenly, being taken ill as he was coming to London in his Coach, upon which he was drove back, and expir'd in half an Hour after his Return home. Last Week four Footpads robb'd a man upon Bentley- Green near Farnham, and afterwards tred a Pistol at his head, which they thought had done his Business, but observing him to stir, they were charging again in order to dispatch him more effectually ; in the mean time he got up, and with great Difficulty made off and raised the Country. After a long Pursuit they were found among some Bushes. Being carried before a Magistrate, they were committed to Winchefter Goal, and carried thither in a Cart. One of the Number confess'd he had been in the Gang but a Fortnight, and that they had robb'd a Gentle- man and his Servant in the County of Kent, and murder'd both of them ; so that ' tis supposed he will be admitted an Evidence for convicting his Comrades. Prizes in the State Lottery since our last, Numb. <$ 0340 5ool. 69469 100I. J409 ioool. 40761 iool. 34979 i° ol. 4777* rool- 44917 fool. 49225- iool. 67336 1001.47137 iool. 13979 100!. 3,2j jy iool. 22858 200cl 29726 100I. 74867 iool. From the Whitehall Evening- Post, July 2. ' Hague, July 4. We have still reason to believe, that the projected India Company at Ostend will at last come to nothing, or at least be suspended for many Years to come, at the pressing Instances of two powerful Courts. A certain Prince wishes that what remains to be regulated concerning the Affairs of the North, may be referred to the De- termination of the Cambray Congress, as well as that important Work of the Quadruple Alliancc, which, as is suggested, establishes the Peace of Europe. Paris, July 7. ' Tis said a marriage is in Agita- tion between Count de Touse, and the Marchi- oness de Goudrin. Count Bissi, Nephew of the Cardinal of that Title, is dead of the Small- Pox. His Eminence the Cardinal du Bois, tho' he is pretty well recovered of his Illness, gave no Au- dience Yesfterday to the Foreign ministers. The Marquis de Arquin, Nephew of the late Queen Poland, is dead of the Small- Pox; and many other persons of Quality were ill of that Distemper, which is very fatal in the City and Subburbs. LONDON. July 2. Thev write from Dublin in Ireland, that a Pro- ject is going to be enter'd upon in good Eearnest, for rendering useful a large Tract of improveable Land, consisting of many thousand Acres, in the County of Mayo, Which has lain neglected many Years ; and that the Government, in order to ad Father aforesaid, was, for the same Offence, sen- tenc'd to pay a Fine of iool. and to find Secu- rities for his good Behaviour for 3 Years. Mr. Dalton and Mr. Palmer, for printing a Latine Book against the Trinity, appear'd on their Recognizance, and were continued. Mr. Wilkin, Bookseller, appear'd there, on Ac- count of a Book entitled, Jus Academicum, and was discharg'd. The same day Walter Jeffreys of Brecon, Esq; appear'd on his Recognizance, and was likewise discharg'd. There is Advice from Port Mahon, that two English men of War, with a large Quantity oi^ Provisions and Ammunition, are safely arriv'd there, after five Weeks Passage ; and that the Garrison, which has been augmented, live in perfect Amity with the Spaniards on that side. Last monday Evening 8 Convicts were brought from Ailesbury to Newgate, who with the Con- victs in Newgate, and those in the marshalsea, to the Number of about 70 were transported this morning. Prizes jn the State Lottery this Post, No. 4 5; f 12 iool. 31278 1000I. 4^ 29 100]. 30877 fool. 1 i8fz ioool. 349J0 100I. 30900 iool. 43791 10000I. 29627 Iool. 41307 iool. 622$'$' 1000I. 34471 100I. From the Whitehall Evening- Post. July 4. ' Tis advis'd from Berlin, that the King of Prussia is returned from Potsdam from Heren- hausen, and that his Majesty designs to go, before the end of next month, to the Frontiers of the e- ledor of Brandenburg and Royal Prussia, to re- view his Troops on that side, whose Number there exceeds 5oooo effective men. ' The Court of Vienna still uses Delays in grant- ing the Investiture of the Dutchies of Bremen and Vehrden. We are not a little surprized that the Court of France seconds so vigorously the Efforts of the Dutch against the Establishment of an In- dia Company in the Austrian Netherlands, be- cause by the Barrier Treaty the French are not to concern themselves about such matters. They write from Dresden., that 8ooo saxons are ready to march to Poland upon occasion. LONDON, July 4. Last Sunday Evening died of a Consumption, the Right Hon. Sir William St. Quintin of Scam- ston in the County of York, Bart, one of the Members in this present Parliament for the Town of Kingston upon Hull, one of the Vice Treasu- rers of Ireland, and of his Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council in that Kingdom. His Honour and Estate defcend to his Nephew William St. Quintin, Esq; Member of Parliament for Thirk in Yorkshire, who is now on his Travels. Yesterday John Thoroughgood, lately con- vided of Perjury in the Court of Common- Pleas, stood in the Pillory at Westminster- Hall- Gate, and was severely treated by the Populace, that he was forced to go and wash himself in the Thames. The same Day five Smuglers were try'd at the King's- Bench Bar, and received Sentence of Transportation for five Years. On ons much Censure, because the like has not been known ; however a Scrutiny was demanded and granted. The Lord Mayor and Court of Alder- men met afterwards, and upon reading an Affi- davit of Mr. Falkinham, who was a Supervisor of the Poll Books, That Sir Richard Hopkins and Mr. Feast had a majority of above 50 each, Voted the aforesaid Declaration illegal, and a Breach of the Rights and Priviledges of the Citi- zens, and order'd the Recorder to publish the same from the Hustings, and resolv'd to proceed on Tuesday. SATURDAY's POST. From the Evening- Post, July 4. THEY write from Brussels July 5. That the late Bishop of Rochester arriv'd there last Thursday, and set out this Day for the Spaw, in- tending to drink the Waters of that Place. — Yesterday he walked in several Parts of this City, which drew such a Concourse of People about him, that they almost crushed one another to Death. Hamburg, July 6. Letters from Petersburg say, the Emperor of Russia designs to have this Sum- mer an Army of 800oo Men in Persia, to oppose the Rebels in that Country if they should attempt any thing. The, Commission the Turkish Am- bassador, who lately arriv'd at Moscow, is en- trusted with,, is still kept very secret 5 however fome think a Treaty is likely to be set on Foot for dividing the whole Kingdom of Persia, be- tween the Porte, his Russian Majesty, and Miri- weys, and settle there a new Form of Govern-, ment both as to Temporal and Spiritual matters. Paris, July 7. Here is Advice from Cambray, that our Plenipotentiaries declared to those of the. Emperor and Great- Britain, that the King of Spain approves the Draught of the Act of Inve- stiture for the States of Parma and Placentia, as alter'd by his Imperial Majesty, upon which the Imperial Plenipotentiary dispatched an Express to Vienna, to acquaint that Court with this De- claration. LONDON, July 4. Yesterday being the last Day of the Term, the Duke of Norfolk, the Lords North and Grey, and Orrery, & c. appear'd on their Recogni- zances, Mr. Gaylard, for a Paragraph in a Weekly Paper formerly printed by him, was sentenc'd to pay a Fine of yol. to suffer 6 months Imprison- ment, and to find Securities for his good Behaviour for 3 Years. Mr. Samuel Redmayn, for publishing a Libel, entitled, The Advantages of the Hanover Succession, was sentenc'd to pay a Fine of 300 I. to suffer one Years Imprisonment, and to find Securities for his good Behaviour for 3 Years. Mr. Richard Phillips, sen. for printing a Libel entitled, The 2d Part of the Advantages of the Hano- ver Succession, was sentenc'd to pay a Fine of 300l. to suffer one Years Imprisonment, and to find Se- curities for his good Behaviour for 3 Years. Mr. Richard Phillips, jun, Apprentice to his Monday, [ 395 ] .,' v * " 3 - ? July 8; his Majesty's Brother, is also arriv'd at Pyrmont by this Time, and will continue there till his Majesty comes away, LONDON, July 6. Yesterday the two Althoes. Father and Son, were executed at St. Thomas's Watering, not far from the Turnpike in Deptford Road. The father own'd his first knocking his deceased Nephew from his Horse, as an Instance of his resenting an Injury done him, without any intent to Murder or Maim; and the Son own'd, that when down he throatled him, and did believe that this Vio- lence might Occasion his Death. A Scaffolds reCted- near the Place of Execution Unfortunately fell down, by which many Persons were griev- ously wounded and maimed. The Bodies of the' Malefactors were brought away in two Hearses, i to be interred this Evening at St. Georges in SouthWark. They write from Brussels, that the late Bishop of Rochester was arrived there, and talk'd of hiring a House to pass the Winter in, after his return from Aix- la- Chapelle.' A Treaty of Marriage is on Foot between John Holt, Esq; ( Nephew to the late Lord Chief. Justice Holt) and the Lady Jane Wharton, Sister to the Duke of that Name.' Dy'd lately at the Bach, Sir John WilIiams, Kt. and- Baronet, of Pengethly in Herefordshire, a throughly accomphsh'd Gentleman; of an unble- mish'd Character, both as to Principles and Morals?' a singular lover of his Country, and singularly belov'd by it, having many Years faithfully serv'd in Parliament of aforesaid County. He was Eldest Son to Sir Thomas Williams of Gwerne-. vedt in Brecknockshire, created Bart. by King Charles the II. in the 26th Year of his Reign which Honour descends regularly to David Wil- liams Esq; the only surviving Son of Sir Edward Williams Kt. Son to the aforesaid Sir Thomas, and Member of Parliament many Years for the aforesaid County of Brecon Prizes in the State Lottery this Post, Numb, 50712, 6003/. 19513, 1.00 I. 1189, 100 /. 19713, I CO 13 5- 14, ico I. 6607, 1O001 69^ 85", 100/ 4005- 0, j000 I. 695: 85, 100 I. 19057,100/. 70004, look 6596, 100 I. From the Whitehall Evening- Post, July 6. Hamburg, July 6. Advices from Sweden relate, that the States of that Kingdom, after mature and te- dious Deliberation, have agreed to grant the Duke ef Holstein the Title of Royal Highness, and withal a yearly Pension for his Maintenance, as also the Arrears due to the Holstein Regiments which were formerly in the Service of Sweden. Paris, July 10. Last Tuesday 6 young Officers being over heated with Liquor, attacked and wounded, by way of Frolick, several Persons they met in St. Martin s- street, three of them were seized and imprisoned. Ano- ther rigorous Edict has been published against the Indian Calicoes, to the Mortification of the Ladies, who had large Quantities by them. LONDON, July 6. On Sunday last George Rook, Esq; eldest Son to the late Sir George Rook, Knt. and Admiral, came of Age ! On On Saturday last, Sir Francis Anderton, of Lostock- hall in Lancashire, took the Oaths before the Barons of the Exchequer; so that he hath qualify'd himself to take Possession of his Estate, which was depending before the Commissioners. At a General Court holden Yesterday by the Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital Mr. Witham of Fleet- street was chosen Trea- surer of the said Hospital. The Marquis of Blandford, Grandson to the late Duke of Marlborough, is shortly expeCted home from his Travels in Italy and other Coun- tries, the last Letters leaving him at Geneva. Mr. Mist, who was last Week taken into Custo- ty by a Messenger; and afterwards examined at the Cokpit, in reunion to his Journal of the 22d of last month's since secur'd by the Lord Chief Justice Pratt's Tip- staff, by Vertue of an Escape Warrant Our Merchants have Advice, that the Crown, Capt. Massingham, bound from St. Ubes to Riga, was lately lost off of Newcastle. John Woldrige, Esq; is appointed Collector of the Port at Plymouth, in the room of Mr. Morris deceas'd. The Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; have presented the Rev. Mr. Theophilus de l'Angle, one of the Prebends of that Church, to the Living of Tenderden near Ashford in Kent, vacant by the Death of the Rev. Mr. Rob. Turner. They have, also, elected the Rev. ; Mr. John Francis to becone of the Masters of the King's School in Canterbury, so room of the Rev. Mr. William Burroughs, lately chosen Master of the Free- School at Hampton. From Stanley's Letter, July 4. They write from Chester, that about a Fort- night ago, the Rev. Mr.' Henchman, School- master of that Place, discover'd, in an old rui- nous Building call'd the Chapter- house, the Body of Hugh Lupus, first Earl of Chester who was Nephew to William the Conquest, and came over with him at the Conquest. The Body was found to have been first Wrapt in Leather, and then incloas'd in a stone- Coffin. The Scull and all the Bones were very fresh and in the right Position ; and what is more remarkable,. the String which ty'd the Ancles together, was whole and entire, altho' it is more than 630 Years since the Interment of the Body. .. This Day the Court of Aldermen met again, and red several Affidavits relating to the Affair of the Sheriffs, and are to proceed to morrow,— Mean time we hear 7 ACtions for great Sums are enter'd by divers eminent Citizens', against the present Sheriffs, for infringing on their Rights and Privileges. , A Patent has passed the Seals, appointing Percy Kirk, Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons, to be House- keeper to his Majesty at Whitehall. MONDAY's POST. , From the Evening- Post, July 6. Hanover, July 9. THE King of Great- Britain is now at Pyr- mont, and has already begun to drink ths Waters, ' tis reckon'd that the Bishop of Osnaburg C 3 The Assize of Bread made of Wheat, & c. in London. lb. i/ r. A peny Loaf to weigh Coo ' by Averdupois,. or ^ oo Common Weight A Two- peny Loaf lb. A Six- peny Loaf A Twelve- peny Loaf An Eighteen- peny Loaf The halfpeny Loaf to weigh half weight of the Peny Loaf. The Price of CORN, & c. at Bear- Key. 06 10 3 5 20 White, Wheaten, Houshold. White, Wheaten, Houshold. Wheaten, Houshold, Wheaten, Houshold, Wheaten, Houshold. From Stanley's Letter, July 6. This Letter informs us, That on the 3oth of June, N. S. in the Afternoon, the Emperor and Emperess, with the two young Arch- Duchesses, made their publick Entry into Prague, most part of the Officers of the Crown of Bohemia, Mini- sters and Counsellors, and the Nobility of the Country were oblig'd to ride in Coaches, by rea- son of the abundance of Rain which fell at that time : Their Retinue was so numerous, that they did not reach the Royal Castle till past 7 in the Evening. The Coronation of the Emperor was fixed for the 3d of July, and that of the Empress for the 9th of September, at which last Ceremony the States and Nobility of Silesia are invited to assist by Circular Letters. LONDON, July 6. Yesterday. about Noon, Mr Sheriff Parsons came to Guildhall, and declar'd that he persisted in his Declaration of Sir John Williams and Mr. Lockwood, hereupon about 3 in the Afternoon the Recorder came upon the Hustings, and after a fine Speech, enumerating the several Instances of the arbitrary and partial Proceedings of the Sheriffs, and telling the Citizens that the Court of Aldermen, having consider'd of the Affair, and finding Sir Richard Hopkins and Mr. Feast had the Majority, had order'd him to declare them, which he did together with the Number of the Poll, viz. Sir Richard Hopkins 3248 I Sir John Williams 3 188 Felix Feast, Esq, 3244 I Rich. Lockwood, Esq- 3191 The same Day Philip Roche was try'd by the Court of Admiralty at the Old Bailey, and con- victed of Piracy, in carrying away the St. Peter of Nantz, and murdering the Captain named Peter Tartoue. Hampton Mason was also tryed for Feloniously burning the Hampton and Elizabeth, on the Coast of Suffolk after running ashoar, and selling the Cargo. But in his Defence producing a Letter ordering him to run the said Goods, and proving that he was ashoar when the Ship took Fire, he was acquitted. s. Wheat per Quarter 26 Rye from 17 Barley from 16 Price of CORN at Gloucester. Wheat a Bushel Barley Oats ADVERTISEMENT. To be Let or Sold, AVery convenient new- built House, sit for at tleman, lying in Grace- Lane, in the City of cester, near the Swan back Gate. Enquire of Mr. bert Clark near the said Place. i Gloucester : Printed by R. Raikes and W. Dicey, in the South- gate Street ; where Advertisement; taken in; as also by the Men that carry this News. No Letters will be accepted, unless Postal paid. On which Occasion a very great Entertainment was made at the Feathers Tavern in Cheapside. Sir John Norris, who attended his Majesty to Hano- ver, is returned from thence, and was present at the Ad- miralty Board on Thursday last. Letters from Dartmouth dated the 2d Instant, tell us that the Bonetta, Capt. Proctor, came in there that Day from cruizing in the Channel, and brings an Account of a French Ship from Alevandria having the Penitence on board, which is not suffered to come into any of their Ports, and has caution'd all Ships and Boats he met with to avoid going on board her. Mr. Hart, formerly Partner with Mr. Taylor, a Go- vernor of Bridewell, was well in Health on Tuesday Night last, and found dead in the Bed next Morning. The Night that Rejoicings were made at Batterseas upon the Arrival of the late Lord Bolingbroke, the Furze on the Common took Fire, and the same spread between 6 and 7 Acres. Capt. Massey was also try'd and convicted for seizing the Ship call'd the Gambia Castle, but the Evidence for him deposing he was a Madman, and had never done one Rational Act, the Jury recommended him to Mercy. Bankrupts since our last, List, viz.. Robert Curtis, of the Burrough of Southward, Poulterer. Richard Bax, of Dover, in Kent, Malster and Brewer. Richard Baker, of the Parish of Wolverhampton in Staffordshire, Chapman. This day S. Sea Stock was 102 1 qr'. for the o- pening. Bank 117 1 8th? India 134 1 half, for the opening. African 12 qr. Royal Exchange Assurance 4 one 8th. London Assurance $ 7 8ths. York Buildings 9. • '
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