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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News

Date of Article: 27/06/1723
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Nottingham O R GENERA OF THE Affairs of Europe But more particularly of GREAT- BRIT BEING A Weekly Account of Thursday, June 27. 1723 june 11, to june 18, 1723 ri 60 5? zi z 74 1 1 j intheGstts liquldfrot , W-' Cough oshume leprosie Livergrown Looseness Measles Mortification Palsie Plurisie Quinsie Rheumatism Rickets Rising of the Lights a- St.- Anthony's Fire 1 Scarlet Fever o Small Pox 7 j Spotted Fever o Stilborn 11 Stone 1 Stoppage i'th' Stomach 1 Suddenly 1 Surfeit o Teeth 29 Thrush o Tissick 2 Twisting of the Guts o Ulcers. 1 Water in the Head z _ Worms 1 L. j christened 377. buried 542. creased in the Burials this Week 17. ' CASUALTIeS a Horse running against him at Wandsworth in , save in Southwark) L Drowned in the River of dalen Bermondsey 2. Murder'd at St. Andrew Stifled in a Bog house at St. Mary in White- . out of a widow at St. Botolph without Al- at Bear- Key. ease 18 to 28. i arley 18 to 21 ps 2I. to 31. io « ; „ Malt 18 to 24 The Nottingham Mercury, From St James's Evening- Post, LONDON 20. SAndwich in Kent, June 14. Yesterday Morning the Wife of one Moor, a Fisherman of Faversham, coming to this Place with a young Child to visit her Sister, and being in Bed with her Child, about eight or nine, the Garret under which she lay, being over loaded with Malt, broke down upon her, and smother'd the Child, but the Mother was happily taken out alive. ^ Since our last No 58076, No 1849S, " No 37736, and No 33662, were each drawn a Prize of 500l and No 60529, No 40107, No 56341, No fz6 2, No61086, 5 6517, No 59691, No 18596, and No 46284 were each drawn a Prize of ico 1. 32 at 501. each, and 410 at 201. each, • from Jackson's Letter ot June 20. - Coventry, June 8. Friday last being a Day of the greatest Fair in the Year, in this City, very great Numbers ot People came to the fame, and there was so great a demand for the Manufacture Goods of the City, be- ing Yard wide Stuffs, which us'd to be sold for 31 32 and 33 s. per Piece, that the laid Goods were fooner than common bought up at 4 and 5s. per Piece more than they sold for last Year- to the great Joy of the ma- ny Manufacturers in this City, insomuch that some of them were known before ta exprefs any Duty or Loyalty to Kin; since his Accession to the Throne, were publickly heard pany, God bless King GEORGE and the King GFORGE f* fe to ENGLANd The Trade of Spittle Fields is al bers of Weavers both Papists and from France and Holland to settl appointed the Rev. Mr. Moore, late Bp. of Rochester to be his G; minated Sir John Williams Whiggs, Sir Richard Hopkins, ment in Hyde Park is now be bail'd out of the thro' the Window as ( 4) FOREIGN NEWS, paris, ( a rich and populous City, the Metropolis of all France, June 26. An Express which arriv'd here the 23d from Vienna, went immedi- ately for Mendon, where his Majesty still continues. We are allured the said Express brought the new Act of Investiture cf the Infant Don Carlos, Son his Catholick Majesty, to the Succession of the Dutchies of Tuscany, Parma, and Placenza, which having been approv'd of in Council, the Express return'd this Day for Cambray in his Way to Vien- na. Mean time ' tis apprehended that the Pope's Nuncio at that Congrefs, as also the Plenipotentiary of the Great Duke of Florence, will, in cafe any Article is contain'd in that Act prejudicial to their refpe& ive Powers,, protest against it. His Majesty, and the Duke of Orleans, frequently; take the Diversion of Hunting. Letters from Rome ( the Metropolis of all Italy) import, that the Pope is under some Apprehensions of an Attack from the Ottoman Grand Fleet, either in their sailing for Malta, or returning back; and that thereupon a Reinforcement was sent to Civitta Vecchia, and the Garrisons of the ther Frontiers were order'd to be recruited. LONDON, June 20. ' Yesterday the two Althoes, Father and Son, from Tenby in Pembroke- shire, mention'd last Week in this Paper as try'd for a Murder at last Here- ford Assizes, were brought to the King's bench Bar in Irons; when the of Law was argued, Whether as the Fact charged upon them was Pembrokeshire, the Tryal at Hereford was a good Tryal or Question was grounded upon some Privileges which are but which have been destroy'd long since by Sta- inconveniences arising From such pretended were Mr. Attorney- General, Mr. council; and for the prisoners, Mr. after many learned Arguments Judges condescended them- engthen the Proceedings at the the same Reason, were by Order, viz. the Lord Chief e, and Mr. Justice For- 11 agreed that the to be brought up r " \ Hospital, Richard brocas, Esq; Alderman of the Ward of Farringdon Within, was unanimously chosen President of the said House, in the room of Sir William Stewart, deceased; and ' tis thought Mr. Brocss will be succeeded as Treasurer of St. Bartholomew's, by Mr. Witham of Fleet- street. We have Advice from Lisbon, ( the Metropolis of Portugal) that the Heats were so excessive there, that abundance of the inhabitant's shelter'd themselves in Cellars and Vaults. Several Persons brought Yesterday before the Lord Chitf judtice King in the Court of Common- Pleas, concern'd, as it appear'd, in contriving 4 false Affidavit, were ordered into Custody. MONDAY'S POST. From the British Journal, LONDON, June 22, ON Monday last, between three and four in the Afternoon, a violent Fire brokeout at a Cotton Warehouse in Billiter- Lane, near Leaden- Hall Market, in which were consumed three Houses, and some others da- mag'd; among the former was the line House of Colonel Porteen's, some time since occupied by Sir Randolph Knipe. The greatest Loss by that melancholly Accident is, that near half a Score large and stately Ware- houses, with vast Quantities of valuable Goods in them, were reduc'd to Ashes; among which were about ? co Bales of Silk: The Damage, in the whole, ' tis thought will amount to ioo, cool. a considerable Part cf which will fall upon the two Companies of Assurance. Several Persons are dangerously wounded by the falling of the Walls and some kill'd. Of the latter Number is a young Man, who next Morning survey the Ruins, got upon a Wall which — as usual, taking Advantage of Things of great Value; which tj ing, several of the Inhabitants secured on Suspicion of such P in the Fact, is committed to casion'd by a Fellow ing a lighted The African pen'd had the E Conflagration Hospital, 3" tributed tc Company The next Morning, early, another Fire broke out. in Brown's- Gardens. • near Monmouth- Street which coneum'd the Houee in which the new Coi- nage for America was stamp'd, and two others, with several Stables. There happen'd another Fire at a baker's House in Mincing Lane the same Day, but it was soon extinguish'd: As was a fourth, which broke eur the same Afternoon at Lambeth. , Her Royal Highness is said to be with Child. Yesterday a Pardon came down to the Crown Office for Captain Hen- ry, who some Months since was try'd at Nottingham, for the Murder of Mr. Barugh upon the Road. Several Persons of the Family of the Pendrill's, Giffard's, Whitgraves's, Yates's, and Kempson's, are exempted from the Tax 011 Papifts and Non- jurors, in Regard to the Fidelity and eminent Services of their Ancestors, in the preservation of his late Majesty King Charles If. and their own constant, loyal, and dutiful Obedience to his present Majesty. . A Dutch Ship of 2.4 Guns, named the King of Spain, bound from Bar- celona for Amsterdam, was lately attack'd by two Algerine Men of War of 40 Guns each off Maravella, with whom she maintained a Fight for upwards of four Hours; when they finding themselves without Hopes of escaping, and their Powder near spent, consented to blow up their Ship with what Powder they had left; and out 56 Men, only 25 were sav- ed which were taken up by the Algerines, and carried away for Slaves. They write from Philadelphia March- 27. that they had Advices from Maryland, That on the 23d and 24th of February last, a terrible Storm of Wind and Rain happened in Somersetshire in that Country, which caused a verv great innundation ; whereby about 100o Head of Cuttle were drowned and several Store- houses, with the ere wash'd away by the Sea. At Mr. Sotre the Collector, Mr. ey were passing in a Boat from directed out of Chancery, in Alexander Urquhart, Esq; Plain- try'd in the Justice King, y one Wether- 19, was by'the the Plain- or eight eminent ( 7 ) eminent Council on both Sides, and a great many Witncfies examined; so that the Tryal lasted till Two a- Clock the next Morning j when the. Jury brought in a Verdict in favour of the Plaintiff, upon borh Miles,, with 32,0001. Damage. We hear that Sir George Calwall and Compa- ny will appeal to the House of Lords. From St. James's Evening- Post, June Vienna, ( one of the strongest Cities in Christendom, the Metropolis ( full Germany) June 9. Last Week a Decree of the Emperor was pnbiilli'd. with Sound of Trumpet, forbidding the giving of Alms to any Beggar who pretends to have been ruin'd by the Fire at Buda, because his Impe- rial Majesty has taken Measures for relieving those who were itai Suffer-' ers in that Calamity. Venice, ( one of the noblest Cities of Italy) june They write from Cre- mona, that the German Horse that are in Quarters near that Place, have suffer'd very much by the Drought, that they were to go three Leagues to water their Horses, and that the River Oglip was dry'd up. Hanover, ( a strong City of Germany) June 27 His Britannick Majesty arriv'd the 22d Instant, at Ten a Clock at Night, in good Health at Her- renhausen, welcom'd with joyful Acclamations of an infinite Number of People through all the Places on his Passage hither. His Royal Highness - Prince Frederick set out to meet his Majesty at some Distance from hence, and his Majesty receiv'd and embraced his Royal Highness with great • Tenderness and Affection. His Majesty designs to set out in a few Days to drink the Waters at Pyrmont, Paris, June 26. The Report we had about the Death of the Elector of Cologn docs not prove true; for Letters of the 20th Instant from Bon say, that tho' he was fo bad on the 16th, that he was believ'd to be dead, he is since much recover'd. They write from Chartres, that last Week Lightning fell upon the little Town of Chateaudun, by which above 300 Houses were consum'd to Ashes. Last Week a Highwayman was broke • alive upon the Wheel at the Place of Execution in this City, by Sentence of the Grand Provost: Before his Execution he discovered several of his - Comrades. The Actions are sunk under 1000, and the Liquidations to 1 8 Livres, LONDON, June 23. On Thursday last Dr. Middleton, Author of a Book, entitled, Biblothe- ca Cantabrigiensis Ordinandi Methodus quodam, was brought to the King's- Bench Bar, Westminfter, fin'd 501. and order'd to find Securities for his Behaviour for the Space of one Year, for a Contempt of that Court of the said Book .. ^ On ( 8 ) On Tuesday last a Court Martial was held at the Horse- Guards, for try ing the two Serjeants, Downy and Ware, who were taken up on the loth Instant at an Alehouse in King- street, Westminster, and charg'd with drinking the Pretender's Health ; but the Evidence against them not mak- ing good the said Charge, having mistaken their Words, they were ac- quitted. Yesterday Dr. Freind was carried from the Tower to the King's Bench, Westminster, and admitted to Bail, four other eminent Physicians being bound for him, by Recognizances in 2occl. each. Yesterday General Tatton riding out in Hyde- Park was thrown by his Horse, and so much hurt by the fall, that he was carried home in a Chair, and remain'd Speechless for some time, but was afterwards some- thing better. We hear the last Accident was occasion'd by his taking some Papers out of his Pocket, at the Rustling of which in the Wind, the Horse give a sudden Start The Rt. Hon. the Lord Lechmere, Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lan- caster, has presented the Rev. Mr. Rider, who marry'd his Lordship's Sis- ter, to two. good Livings in his Lordship's Gift, viz one at Hertford Town, and another at Hartingford Bury, not far from it. An Express is arriv'd from Edinburg with Advice, that on the 13th In- — start the peers of Scotland met, in Obedience to his Majesty's Royal Pro- clamation of the 28th of April last. at the palace of Holy- Rood House, to nominate and chuse a peer of Scotland to sit and vote in the British House of Peers, in the Room of James Earl of Bute deceas'd ; and that the Right Honourable John Earl of Rothes being nominated accordingly, was elected without Opposition. The long depending Cause between Dr. Bently and the University of Cambridge, was heard Yesterday at the Kings Bench Bar at Westmin- ster, when it appear'd that the Doctor had been degraded, upon a Charge of Contumacy of two kinds; the first for not appearing in the Consistory when required and the latter for contemptible Words, utter'd by him a- gainst Mr. Vice Chancellor: The most considerable Council weie retain- ed 0n both Sides of the Question and after many. Hours Argument on the one Part to justify, and 0n the other to invalidate the Proceedings a- gainst him; it did not appear by the Return that he was legally sum- moned in the first Case, and therefore it was argued that he could- not be guilty of the Contempt to the University as a Body Corporate; but if he had been convicted of all charged against him, such a Procedure would hardly have receiv'd any Sanction from the Court; for the Lord Chief Justice and others the judges, were very clear and just in giving their Opinions
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