The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News
Date of Article: 06/06/1723
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nottingham: Printed by JOHN COLLIER, at the Hen- Cross Wljere ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in at two Shillings each Price of the Mercury Three Half- Pence. jJMfiBjfc Nottingham Mercury: O R, A general view OF THE Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GR. EAT- BRITAIN: - being a Weekly Account of News. Thursday, June 6. 1723.
2 Goods Imported and Exported at London, from May EXPOR IMPORTED. Linnens, & c. 560 Ells German Linnen, 82co Ells Linnen, 840\ aras Lace, jSc. Cam bricks, joo ticks, 420 Doz. Brid ges Thread, 61800.'. Linnen Yarn, 1000 Ells Barras, ij6o Doz. Twist, 270 Dozen incle, 11 bags Cotton, 9280). thrown Silk, from Leghorn, Antego, & c. Liquids. 32 Gallons Oil, 10 Tuns Almand Oil, 1178 Cases Wine, 88 Casks Wine Lees, 81 Baskets Spaw Wate-, 18 Tuns Brandy, 170 Gallons Rum, from Guina, Lisbon, & c. Spices. 67 C. Ginger, from Antego, & c. < Fruits, & c. 839 C. Pomgranate Peel, 206C. Figs, £ 1600 Lemmons, 1708I.
Pruues, 66 C. Juniper Berries, from Bour- deaux, Holland, & c. Foreign Corn, Drugs, Seeds Weeds, Sec. Rice, certain Plants and Seeds, 480 1. Cortex Peru, 6; o Casks Su- gar, 2 £ 3 Bags Tobaceo Dust, from Smirna, Jamaica, & c. Material Commodities for Dyers. < 5 C- Redwood, 4216C. Pimentos, $ 6501. Indigo, 7oCasks Painters Colours, from Holland, Jamaica & c. Pickles, & e. . Certain Pick'ls, from Januica, & c. C\ cn cr n. 3 r- r rt CU S* - t Ch t/ 5 D O- u » rt> O C to May 28, T E d. Woollen Manufacture. Long Cloths 81 Spanish Cloths Jd Stuffs 1400 Serges 100 minikin Bays 34i Double Bays — Certain Apparel 1680
Perpets 7800 Yds flannel iio Dozen hose 8 8 Double Dozens 61-. Says , ' o White Cloths 8; Kersies 4061. Wool Cloth 9870 Goads Cotton 16 Pieces of Linnen 38 Fustians 4 510 Yards Frieze 4200C. Coney Wool < 8 Dozen Cotton Wares 7zoo Groce Gartering 110 Short Cloths to the Straits, Leghorn, Hambro, Metals, 15710 Qunces Foreign Gold, 12000 ounces foreign Silver, 5910 Ounces of Pate, 8 C. Pewter, ,8C. Brass, 11 $ 5 C. Copperas, 6; Fodder of Lead, 100 C. of Letheridge Lead, Jo3C/ Tin, to Ostend, Rotterdam, Bremen, & c. Corn. J60 Quarters Wheat, syo Quarters Wheat- meal, 710 C. Bisket, 21 Hogsheads strong
Beer, 40 bushels Oatmeal, 371 Bushels Pease, 52 Quarters Oats, to the West Indies, East- indies, & c. W toughi Leather, Silks, iront & c. n6 C. wrought Iron,. 6^ 19!. Wrought Leather, 41 j 1. wrought Silks tot Pensilvania, Carolina,& c.
The Nottingham Mercury, & c. SATURDAY'S POST. From the Whitehall Evening- Post LONDON May 30. ASpecial Commission of Oyer and Terminer is issued out for trying the Persons commonly call'd the Berkshire Blacks, on Thursday next at Reading; near Forty Men, reputed to be of that disorderly Gang, being now in Custody in Newgate, the Gatehouse, or in the Hands ot Messengers. On Tuesday last the Duke of Norfolk was admitted to Bail, himself in 200001. and his four Sureties in 10000l. each; the Lord North and Grey in the same Manner Mr. Dennys Kelly and Mr. Cockran in 40001. each, and their Sureties in 2000
1. each; Mr. Bois, who was in Newgate, in 10001. and his Sureties in 5001. each. The Lord Bolinbroke's Pardon having pass'd the Seals, this Day Mr. Brinsden set out for France with it, to deliver the same to his Lordship. From Jackson's Letter of May the 30. The Bp. of Rochester's Goods at Bromley are exposing to sale, and at the same Time we are told that considerable Collections are carrying 0n for him, among the Party, and that a Lady of high Distinction ( among others) has sent him 1000 1. We hear that Dr. Freind will also be suddenly admitted to Bail out of the Tower. South- Sea Stock is now at 10o exclusive of the
new Addition 6 1 qr. per Cent, to the great Satisfaction of the unfortunate Projectors. P. S. ' Tis talk'd the late Lord Bollingbroke is arriv'd, and has kiss'd his Majesty's Hand. From
From St. James's Evening post May 3o. Vienna, ( a very rich City, the Metropolis of all Germany) May 22.' It is said that his Imperial Majesty is determined to tolerate the Hun- garian Protestants in the free and peaceable Enjoyment of their Privi- leges, provided that for the future their Children be brought up in the Roman- Catholick Religion ; but ' tis added, that in case that Condition be not acceptable to them, they shall have Leave to sell their Houses Lands, and effects, and depart, the Hungarian Kingdom. They write from Montpellier, ( A large City of france) that at a Place call'd Pinan, about a Leagne distant from that City,
they had discover'd a Tomb, in which were two Urns and fifty Medals of very fine Gold, all stamp'd with the Head of the Emperor Adrian, from whence'tis con- cluded, that this is the Tomb of that Emperor, who dy'd in the Year of Christ 139. This is the Emperor who stil'd himself Restittutor Britannia, having been over in Britain some time LONDoN, May 30. Mr. Swathfager, Secretary to the Earl of Orrery, who was in Custody of Mr. Bill the Messenger in Stretton Grounds, was on Monday Night admitted to Bail. Himself enter'd into a Recognizance of jcol. and his two Sureties in 2501. each » Dr. Woodhouse, an eminent Physician
at Berkhamstead in Hertford- shire, is lately Dead, Orders are issued for all Officers to hold themselves ready for an In- campment; and the usual Directions are given for the proper Stores, and a light Train of Artillery. We hear that Riddlesden the Attorney, formerly transported, and since his Return convicted of a Misdemeanor, is admitted to Bail in oidtr to, Transport himself at his own Expence. MONDAy'S POST. From the- British journal, LONDON, June r. oN Wednesday last a Soldier of the Scotch Guards, in his Return from the Guard at Leicester- House,: over- against the old Admiralty- Office, knock'd down a Corn-
Chandler with the Butt End of his Musket, and fractur'd his Skull so, that he died soon after : His Officer being made acquainted with it, sent him Prisoner to the Savoy and being afterwards carried; before a Magistrate, he was committed to Newgate." On Monday last some Sheets of a Latin Book, wrote by Michael Ser- vetus, a Frenchman, against the Trinity, were seiz'd at a House in Gos- well Street, where the Book was printing; the Printer was taken, up, and is
( r) is continued in close Custody. This Book is look'd upon as Heretical and at the Instance of Calvin, the Author, With his Books, were burnt at Ge- neva in the Year 1553. The House of Commons having address'd his Majesty that he would be graciously pleas'd to confer some Dignity in the Church, upon the Ho- nourable and Reverend Mr. Ingram their Chaplain; His Majesty com- manded Mr. Comptroller to acquaint them that he would do so. There are two ships ready to sail for Hamburgh, with his Majesty's Baggage; from whence it is to be convey'd by Land to Herrenhausen, near Hannover. Tis said there will be an
Interview between the Kings of Great Britain, Prussia, Sweden, and Denmark. We are toid, the Bishop will not be discharg'd from the Tower, till he purposes to leave the Kingdom, and then one of his Majesty's Yatchts will attend him. From the London Journal, LONDON. June The Person that some time since lost his Pocket Book at the South Sea House, with Notes to the Value of 700!. among which w: re 1 jcl. in Bank Notes, and who advertized the Loss, received lately c Letter from the Person that had them, wherein he advised him, that he was a young Gentleman not yet come to his Estte, but as soon as he was he would
pay him the Value of the Bank Notes, of which he had been obliged to make life, with interest, and that in the mean time he had the Honour to return him the Bills and Notes for the other 55ol. We hear, that in the Coinage Bill there is a Clause, enacting, That whosoever shall sell any foreign Lottery Tickets here after the 1st of Juy 1723 are to forteit 200I. which is said to be owing to Foreigners deduct- ing 20 or 30 per Cent out of the Prizes. the Papists Bill we hear it is enacted, That all Persons in England, Wales and Berwick upon Tweed, above the Age of 18 who have not ta- ken the Oaths, and shall neglect or refuse to take
the same before Christ- mas 1723, areobliged to register their Names and Estates before Lady- Day 1724. Those in Scotland who neglect to do the same before Lady- 1724, are, before the 24th of June 1724 to register their estates. if any Person shall neglect or refuse to comply with this Act, with- in the Times limited; every Person is to forfeit his; or her Estate, if not register'd as the Act directs; two Thirds to his Majesty., and the other- Third to such Perfon, being a Protestant, as shall sue for the same. Per- sons beyond 4Sea are allowed ' 6 Months after their Return into Great- Bri- tain to register their Estates . ; . . David
( 6) David Boyce, esq. who was some time ago committed to Newgate by the High Honourable the Lord Townshend for treasonable practices, was, on Tuesday last, bail'd ( by Order of Council) by Habeas Corpus before Judge Powys, himself in 1000I. and his two sureties in 500J. each. A Barbers Boy in Little- Britain, went last Week with a Supersedeas and a fiat, to Mr. Barns the Filazers, in Chancery Line, The Fiat be- ing raz. d and altered, Mr. Barnes had Notice of it before they came, the Boy was immediately carry'd before Mr. Justice Tracy, who com- mitted him to the Fleet. The Roguery appeared to be done in Newgate
. by one sauders or Wellam ( two Persons that have formerly been exalted to the wooden ruff) who were brought in Irons on this Day Sev'night from Newgate to the Common- Pleas Bar at Westminster, but would confess no- thing to the court. The Court made a Rule, that the Boy should be kept in close Custody in the Fleet Prison, and that Saunders and Wellam should be brought the first Day of next Term by Habeas Corpus to the Court ; and that an Attachment shall go against Richard Brain who ap- red to be concerned in the fact. On Monday Morning last a Gentleman was found between Hammer- smith and Turnham
Green, with his Throat cut from Ear to Ear. As he had no money about him, ' tis thought to have been done by Foot Pads. We hear, that an information has been given against one Larchin, a nOTORIOUS strumpet and Procuress about Town, for decoying several Maid Servants from their Masters, in order to become Prostitutes. Last Week a Gentlewoman who had an India Gown on, was assaulted by some Fellows in Cornhill ; and, we are inform'd, that she was fright- , to that Degree that she soon after miscarried. ' tis remarkable, that there is much more Coffee sold here in Town than the Quantity fairly imported. From St.
James's Evening- Post, June 1. Cologn, ( One of, the chief Cites of Germany, the metropolis of the Circle of the lower Rhine) June 4. We are assured that the King of Great- Britain has invited Baron Baron Bruner, chief Physician to the Elector Palatine, to come to Hanover, to consult with him touching his Health. Hague, ( In Holland, the pleasantest, largest, and finest Village in Chris- tendom) June 6. M de Ayrolles, the British Minister, has presented to the States- General a Memorial, desiring their High Mightiness will be pleased to order the necessary Guards to escort his Britannick Majesty on his Arrival here to the Frontier,
the King designing to depart from London on Tuesday next.
< 7> • LONDON, June 1. We hear from Northampton, that a Person near Eighty Years old, was lately cut there for the Stone after the new Method by George Stevenson, Surgeon at the said Town, and notwithstanding his great Age, outliv'd the operation, which was ingeniously perform'd before several credita- ble Persons of that Neighbourhood, The Report of Dr. Freind's being admitted to Bail proves a Mistake ; but it is taken for granted that he will soon be bail'd. Yesterday Morning the Right Honourable the Lord Middleton, Lord High Chancellor of ireland, set out for that Kingdom, with nu- ny other Persons of Distinction, and
a great Retinue. His Majesty has graciously order'd several Thousands of the Book en- tituled, the seaman's Monitor, to be distributed among the Officers and Sailors in the Sea Service, and for the more effectual answering his Ma- jesty's pious intention in causing them to be distributed, the are all bound as the Soldiers Monitors were, that were given to the Officers and Soldiers last Summer. This Week an Ass foaled a Colt in Highgate with two Heads, two Bo- dies, and four Legs, from the Middle forwards, and behind two Legs and one Body, as common. The Ass is dead, but the Colt is to be seen at Mr. Hardings, Ass Man, in
Highgate. On Thursday last the Lady Charlotte Darcy, Sister to the late Earl of Holderness, was married to Wesby Esq; of Ramfield in Yorkshire. The same Day the Sessions began at the 0ld- Baily, when among other Tryals, Joseph Chapman was found Guilty of Horse stealing James Wha- ley was round Guilty of Manslaughter, for stabbing Peter Alman with a Penknife. A young Man was try'd for a Rape and acquitted. Yesterday two Persons were try'd upon two Indictments on the the highway, and were both acquitted. William Parsons was found Guilty of three Indictments for Horse- stealing John Tyrrel alias Tenant, and
William Tyrrell Father and Son, were try'd upon two Indictments for Horse- stealing, the Father found Guilty of both, and the Son acquitted. William Hawksworth, a Soldier, was found Guilty of the Murder of John Ransom, by breaking his Skull with the Butt end of his Musket over- a- gainst the Admiralty- Office on Wednesday last. His Majesty having been graciously pleased to pardon Henry St. John, the late Lord Viscount Bolinbroke, for Offences commuted against his Majesty, the proper Instruments for that Purpose pass'd the Seals on Tu- esday last. Tis said he will wait upon his Majesty at his landing in Hol- land, to make his
due Acknowledgments for this special Instance of his Royal
( S ) Royal Mercy;, and that in the next session ot Parliament a Bill will be bought in to reverse his Attainder to restore him to his Honours and in- state, and to sender turn capable of inheriting those of his Father, tis to be hoped this w; ll give his Lordship an Opportunity to answer the Ex- pedition which the Author of the examiner formerly rais'd in his Admi- sers, when he gave them the following Character. 4 Methinks I behold 1 the younger Cat0 in Mr St. John. All that love of his Country, that Contempt of Danger, and Greatness of Soul, of whom it is said, tWAS not for honour or Riches, nor rashly or by Chance that he engaged
himself ' in the Affairs of State ; but be undertook the Service of the publick, as ' the ' proper Business of an honest Man; and therefore he thought himself obliged ' to be as diligent for the good of That, as a Bee for the Preservation of her ' Hive. last Week the Rt. Hon. the Lord Lovat gain'd his Appeal before the House of Peers without Divison, against the eldest Son of Alexander Mack- enzie of fraserdale, which is the third Appeal he has gain'd on the Sub- ject of the Grant the King gave him of the Estate of his Forefathers ; by which 1o Degrees or Interlocutories of the Lords of Session in Scotland have been reversed by the
Judgment of the House of Peers. Last Thursday Walter Jeffreys, of Brecon, Esq who had been taken in- to custody by some of his Majesty's Messengers the i ft Day cf March laJt, WJS admitted to Bail, himself in 1000l. and his two Sureties in jccl. Wednesday Evening, a Porter belonging to a Tavern behind the Roy- al Exchange, was seized for cursing his Majesty, committed to the Comp- ter, and next Day before the Lord Mayor, who bound him over to the sessions. Thursday last the princess Amelia enter'd into the 12th Year of her Age, as did the princess Carolina ( who was born the same Day of the Month) in her 1oth Year;
and their Highnesses, together with the Prince and princess, were complimented thereupon. Thursday last his Royal Highness came to the Meuse near Charing- Cross, where he continued with many Lords of his Court above an Hour, viewing the several Setts of Horses there, belonging to himself and Hous- hold, particularly those last presented by his Prussian Majesty and at the same time the Princess walked for some time in the Mall in St. James's- 1 at On Monday Night last the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chancellor fell sick of a pluretick Fever, and has been extremely ill, but ' twas Yesterday hop'd that his Lordship was out of
Danger. v Count
( f J Count Staremberg, the Count de Cocq, the Barons Solenthal and Sparre, Ministerrs of the Emperor, Poland, Denmark, and Sweden, are prepa- ting to follow his Majesty to Germany. . ^ The Rev. Mr. Araon Thampson, who was formerly admitted to Bail, is now discharged from his Recognizance. From Jackson's LETTER, of June the 1st. I should have mentioned in my last, that the Claims of the Lord So- - merville, and the Lord colvin of Colross, two Scotch Peerages, were allowed last Monday by the House of Lords. They write from Plymouth, that divers homeward- bound Merchant Ships were seen hovering at the Mouth
of the Channel; among ' em four tall Shps suppos'd to be India Ships : The arrival of these and many more is soon expected, the Wind being come about to the Westward. We hear the Lord Frederick Howard, and three others of the Family of the Duke ot Norfolk were Bail each in 10000l. for the said Duke, who was himself bound in 2cocol. That the Earls of Strafford, Scarfdale, and Litchfield, and the Lord Gower, were Bail in the same Sums for the Lord North and Grey. That General Stewart, and another Gentleman were Bail for Mr. Dennis Kelley, and the Duke of Montrose for Mr. Cockram This Day the South- Sea Directors
agreed to pay off all their Midsum- mer Bonds 1720 at Midsummer next, unless the Proprietors will conti- nue them at 4 per Cent. ' We hear the following Promotions will be made in the Church, viz. Dr. Bradford Bishop of Carlisle, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of West- minster. Dr. Waugh succeeds Dr. Bishop of Carlisle. Dr. Frankland, Brother of Sir Thomas Frankland, Dean of Gloucester, in the room of Dr. Waugh. Dr. Herbert. Prebendary of Westminster, in the room of Dr. Bradford, who held that Prebend in Commendam. Dr. Brad- shaw, Prebendary of Canterbury, removed from thence to be Canon of Christ Church, in the
room of Dr. Hammond, Deceas'd. And Dr. John Clark, Brother to Dr. Clark of St. James's, succeeds Dr. Bradshaw as Prebendary of Canterbury. The late Bishop of Rochester has re- newed all his Leases in his Diocess, and thereby raised upwards of 800 I. Part of his Goods at Bromley were sold for 4001. and the reft are bro't to the Deanery to be sold with his Goods there. - He has an Estate in Land in Hampshire or Berkshire, but of what value I cannot be certain, some say ijoi per Annum,' and others but 80.— A Yatcht is order'd by the Government to attend him at the Tower Stairs the 25th Instant, to car- ry him where he
thinks fit — His Deprivation from his Bishoprick and Deanery, takes Place this Day. B The
The second Son of the Lord Viscount Townshend is likely to be chosen Member of Parliament for Yarmouth, in Norfolk, in the room of his Brother the Lord Lynn. The Report mentioned in my last of the late Lord Bolinbroke's arrival proves a Mistake. The reason given by some People for pardoning the said late Lord, is that he has been very serviceable to his Country, in discovering the Intrigues of the late Conspirators abroad. Sir Robert Chaplin, Sir William Chapman, and Mr. Tillyard, three of the late South- Sea Directors, having conformed 10 the Terms ot the Act of Parliament, have receiv'd their respective allowances out of
their E- states, and we hear are dischargcd. ThuRSDAy'S POST. From the Evening Post, LONDON, June 4. His Majesty has been pleased to direct Letters Patents to pass the great Sea, for creating Robert Walpole Esq; Son of the Rt. Hon. Robert Wal- pole Esq; Chancellor of his majesty's exchequer, & c. a peer of Great Bii- tain, by the Name, Style and Title of baron Walpole of Walpole in the county of Norfolk. Tne Preamble to his Lordship's Patent, is as follows, rObert Walpole, our beloved and trusty Councillor, first Lord Com- missioner of our Treasury and Chancellor oi our Exchequer, having, highly deserv'd our Favours,
by great Services to us, our Family, and the Nation, we were minded to raise him to the Degree of a Peer. But he be- ing better satisfy'd with deserving Titles, than possessing of them, we have been pleas'd to confer 0n the Son the Honour due to the Father, and create Robert Walpole, Junior a Peer. A young Gentleman whose natu- ral parts are very promising, who after having improv'd in all Learning a good Education can afford, and is now in his Travels acquiring the Knowledge ot what ever deserves to be observ'd, and has moreover a Pat- tern at Home, from whom he may learn whatever may still be wanting, Tis not to be
doubted, but by imitating his Father, the Honours he now receives from the Merits of his Father, will be transmitted by him to his Posterity with the Addition of his own, wherefore, we have been pleas'd to confer on this hopeful Gentleman, a Title in the same County from whence first came the Name and Family of the Walpoles, which in the very beginning of our Royal Predecessors of the Name of Edward, settled 111 the County of Norfolk, and Was esteem'd, and respected there as on eof the most Honourable. Be it known therefore. His Majesty having been pleas'd to order a Conge d'elire to pass the Seals, for electing Dr.
Richard Reynolds, Lord bishop of Bangor, into the See of Lincoln) the Election was accordingly made by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, on the 29th of May last. His
His Majesty has been pleas'd to order a Conge d'Elire to pass the Seals, for electing Dr. William Baker into the See of Bangor. His Majesty has been pleas'd to order a Conge d'Elire to pass the Seals, for electing Dr. Samuel Bradford, Lord Bishop of Carlifle, into thee See of Rochester and to be Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter West- minster. • His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint Humphrey Gore Esq-, Major General of his Forces, to be Governour of Kinsale and Charles Fort in the County of Cork, in Ireland. His Majesty has been pleas'd to order Letters to pass the Seals, for granting the Dignity of a Baronet of
Great- Britain to John Fredrick, of Westminster, Esq His Majesty's special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Deli- very for the Counry of Berks, are to be open'd at Reading on the 6th Instant, for the Tryal of several Persons ( call'd Blacks, from their hav- ing committed divers Crimes and Outrages with their Faces Black'd, or in other Disguises.) On which Occasion, Mr Baron Page, Mr. Baron Gil- bert, and Mr. Justice Denton, are to sit as Judges. And the Prosecution being carried on at his Majesty's Expence, Mr. Serjeant Cheshyre, one of his Majesty's Sergeants at Law, Mr. Willes one of his Majesty's Coun- sel at
Law, Mr. Wearg and Mr. Hayes Counsellors at Law, go thither as Counsel for his Majesty. Preparations are made for his Majesty's Reception at Schoonhoven. ' Tis said the King of Prussia, and the Bishop of Osnabrug, his Majesty's Brother, will meet the King on their Frontiers. Yesterday in the Evening, great Numbers of the Nobility and Gen- try went for Greenwich to take their leave of his Majesty. The Lord Viscount Townshend and Lord Carteret, attend his Majesty, to embark with him, as did also other Perfons of Quality and Distinction, • and several Foreign Envoys. Laft Wednesday the Earl of Findlater was sworn one of
the Lords of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint the Rt. Hon. Charles Earl cf Carlisle to be Constable of the Castle of Windsor, and Keeper of the Parks, Forests, and Warrens there. And also, Governour and , Captain of the Castle of Windsor, and the Forts and Fortifications thereunto belonging. From Jackson's Letter, of June the 4th. Since my last arriv'd a Holland and a French Mail, but without any material News. The Prince and Princess were last Saturday at Somer- tet House to view the stately Apartments there, and we hear Orders are given for repairing that Place for
their Royal Highnesses Residence during the Winter.-— The young Prince William who was inoculated for the
( 12 ) Small- Pox, is perfectly recover'd thereof. On Saturday last the Small- Pox was inoculated on the Lord Gage's Children. We have an Account from Barbadoes by the Sprigmore, newly arriv'd, that there is likely to be greatest Crop of Sugar that has been known in that inland, and that the Party Factions were ceased since the arrival of their new Govenour, Mr. Worsly, who made no distinction of Parties. We have also the good News of the arrival of the Eyles, Lyell, Princess Amelia, and the Fordwic'k, all four from the East- Indies, in Portland Road. These Report that five others were sail'd from St. Helena, so that they are
daily expected. The King set out Yesterday, between five and six in the Afternoon from St. James's, cross'd the Water to Lambeth, and at seven went on Board the Yatcht lor Greenwich, supp'd there, and fell down with the Tide below Woolwich, but was forc'd to stop there, the Wind being con- trary, blowing a fresh Gale P. S Several Coaches belonging to the Crown being gone to WooI- wich, ' tis suppos'd his Majesty will go by Land to Margate, to imbarkc there. its said the Marquis of Blandford and Lord Walpole will wait on the King at Hannover Nottingham, June 6 On Monday last as the London Wagon was coming out of
Mansfield, it was met by one that had the baggage of some soldiers that were matching Northward, and the Spldiers pricking the Carriers Horses to make them give way, caus'd them to run furiously on a Hill, whereby the Wagon was throWn, and a Woman that was in it had the Misfortune to have her Brains dash'd out by the Fall. Bank Stock 117. India 123. South- Sea S: ock ror. wHEReAs an Advertisment was put into the Nottingham Mercury, 0f the 5th of May last, relating to Dealers in Hose, and of some mark. s ing two Thread hose for three Threads, and selling them for such; from which several persons contrary to the
Intent and meaning of the Authors, seem t0 understand it, that same Dealers in Nottingham aforesaid, have been guilty of selling such for three Thread Hose, This is to'certify the Publick that the Authors of the aforsaid Advertisement did not design to insinuate that any in Nottingham were guilty of such vile Prac- tices, but that some knavish and evil designing Retailers of Hose abroad had, find they think they have just Reson to believe still have, such evil Designs and Veiws . NEw milch'd Ass, with a Foal but a Fortnight old to be soldt en- quire of the Printer of this Paper.