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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 29/12/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1722. mErcy and Justice are al- low'd to be the Attri- butes of the almighty King of Kings, whose Throne is fixt from all Eternity in the Empyrcan, or supreamest Heaven above. So as Crown'd Heads in this World are God's Vicegerents up- on Earth, they are in- vested with the aforesaid Attributes for the Terror of wicked Doers; but tho' their Royal Prerogative can sign the Dead- Warrant for the Execution of all Cri- minals under Condemnation, yet such is their Cle- mency sometimes, that they grant a Person a Pardon, from the Hopes they expect of his Amendment of Life for the future : And therefore it is usual at the Coronation of our English Kings, to have, among the " Regalia, the Curtena, or pointless Sword, carried by the sword of Justice, as a signification that Mercy ought to be mingled with the Power of putting to Death. Now if ever Mercy was graciously extended in this Nation, it could never yet be better exemplify'd than in this Reign ; for what Indignities and more aggra- Vating Crimes could ever be offer'd to his present Ma- jesty by raising Rebellions, fomenting Infurrections, printing treasonable Pamphlets, publishing seditious Libels, and singing virulent Ballads about the Streets, and yet but a few suffer'd Death, or were otherwise corporally punish'd ? Here is now no Endeavour us'd to raise Money without a Parliament, as in the Reign of King Charles I. nor shutting up the Exchequer, as in the Reign of King Charles II. yet base minded Men are contriving most horrid Plots and Conspiracies against the best of Sovereigns, with as little impunity as Traytors can expect from offended Majesty. Alas 1 what impudent Exclamations did the High Church Mob make for bringing to condign Punishiment Derwentwa- ter, Kenmure. Parson Paul, Shepherd, Matthews and a few more treasonable Wretches ! when indeed no Man of Sense could say no otherwise, than that they had their just Deserts, and that more Mercy was ex- tended to the Rebels in England and Scotland, than in the Time of King James II. whose whole Reign was a continu'd Scene of Blood, and the Blood of Hun- dreds which his bloody Emisaries, Jefferies and Kirk spilt unjusty in the West, will loudly cry against their Souls at the last Day. But such is the cursed Infatuation of the Jacks and Tories now, that they prefer popish Massacres before Protestant Clemency ; the King's wise Justice in put- ting Traytor to Desth, they falfly count tyrannical; and his Mercy extended towards the Enemies of his Government, they ingratefully affirm to be an Act of Fear, not of meer Grace and Goodness. Thus the ( Price Three Half Pence ) Pretenders Bigots buoy up themselves that Layer will not come to the Hangman's Share, giving out ( though the Time of Execution is respited but to the 2oth of January) that the vile Traytor has a Pardon for 99 Years which if it is so, and he grudges to be harm'd then, ' tis great Pity that he should not make his Exit at Tyburn before New- Year's Day. I am, SIR ' ' Dec 34. yoUr humble- Servant, 1722 BRITANNICUS. The Continuation of the Life of HENrY the VIII. King of ENGLAND. And lastly, his so intolerable Pride, as no less than 1200 for his Retinue, 80 Waggons for his Carriage, and 60 Mules for Sumpter Horses, attended him into France, when he went thither Ambassador; but sic transit gloria mundi. He built White- hall and and Hamp- ton court. A prodigal and merry- concerted Noble- man, having lately sold a Mannor of an hundred te- nements, came ruffling into rhe Court in a new Suit, saying, Am not I a mighty Man that bear an hundred Houses on my Back? Which Cardinal Wolsey hear- ing, said, You might have better employ'd it in pay- ing your Debts: Truth, my Lord, said the Noble. man, you say well, for my Father owed my master, your Father, Three Half- pence for a Calf's head, hold, here is Two pence for it. But now whilst the Matter of the King's Marriage hung in Suspence, the space of two Years, it happen'd that Dr. Cranmer said; That the King's Cause would easily be determined by the Law of God; which the King herein of, put the Doctor upon the Work; who thereupon penned a Treatise, therein proving by Scripture, general Coun- cils, ancient and modern Writers, that the Bishop of Rome had no Authority to dispence with the Word of God, so as contrary thereunto, to grant Liberty for a Man to marry his Brother's Wife. This he pre- sented to the King, which when the King had well read, he demanded of the Doctor if he would abide by what he had writ ? That I will said he, by God's Grace, even before the Pope himself, if your Majesty shall so appoint. Marry, quoth the King to him, you shall go And accordingly the K; ng sent Thomas Bullen, Earl of Wiltshire, Dr. Canmes, and other Di- vines, to the Pope, who was then at Bononia. But when the Dsy of Audience was come, and Cranmer prepared to defend what he had writ, on the sudden all was interrupted by an unmannerly Spaniel of the Earl's, which seeing the Servus Sexvorum put forth his Foot to be kiss'd, got his great Toe in his Mouth, ' tis said. But be it so or not, yet this is sure, that there was no Conclusion of the Matter made by the Pope) therefore King Henry resolv'd to cut the Gor- dian knot himself without more ado; and withal be- gan to call in question what Authority the Pope had in his Dominions ; which being afterward debated in Parliament, an Act pass'd against his usurp'd Autho- rity of Supremacy, and all Persons were prohibited from appealing or making any Payment to Rome, and the King's Marriage with the Queen Katharine dissolv'd and that from thenceforth she should be 16 C call'd Call'd Princess Dowager. The Parliament made it ap- pear, that in forty Years last past, the Court of Rome had received from this Kingdom 160000 Pounds for Investitures of Biihops. Whilst the Divorce was under Debate, one Eliza- beth Barton ( commonly call'd the holy Maid of Kent) made a Votaress in Canterbury, was taught by Book- ing, a Monk, to counterfeit many Trances; and in the same, to utter many pious Expressions, to the Re- buke of Sin ; under which she was heard the more freely against the Doctrine of Luther, and the Scrip- tures Translation then desir'd by many. Also giving forth from God and his Saints, by sundry pretended Revelations, That if the King proceeded in his Di- vorce and second Marriage, he could not Reign in his Realm one Month after, nor rest in his Favour one Hour. But the Impostorism being detected, she and seven of her Complices were executed at Tyburn, for Treason, and others of them fin'd and imprison'd. A. D. 1533, and Nov. 14. was King Henry mar. ry'd with Anne Bullen, Marchioness of Pembroke, ( solemnly so created at Windsor the Year before) Daughter of Sir Thomas Bullen, Earl of Wiltshire; and June 1. she was crowned at Westminster; and on September 7, following, she bare into the World that most excellent Princess Elizabeth, A. D. 1534 And A. D. 1535, January 29, she was again deli- ver'd of a Child, but that was dead : Not had the Queen her self long to live, for she was accused of Incest and Adultery with her own Brother George Rochford. who was beheaded for this Fact on Tower hill. And May 18, 1536, this Queen was brought upon a Scaffold erected on the Green within the Tower, where, in the Presence of many Noblemen, the Lord Mayor, and others, she said : ' Good Chris- tian People, I am come hither to die, for according ' to the Law, and by the Law, I am judged to Death, ' and therefore will speak nothing against it : I come ' hither to accuse no Man. nor to speak any thing of ' that I am accused of, and condemned for. As for ' mine own Offences, God knoweth them, and unto ' God I remit them, beseeching him to have Mercy ' upon my Soul and if any Person will meddle in my ' Cause, I desire them to judge the best: And so I ' take my leave of the World, and of you all, and do ' heartily beseech you to pray for me, and I beseech ' Jesus save my Sovereign and Master the King, long ' to live and reign over you, the most godliest, noblest ' and gentlest Prince that is.' These Words she utter- ed with a smiling Countenance ; which, done, she kneeled down, and with a servent Spirit said, To Jesus i commend my Soul, Lord Jesus receive my Soul: And re- peating these Words very oft, suddenly with a Sword the Executioner severed her Head from her Body, which were buried in the Choire of the Chappel in the Tower. ' Tis said, that the Lord Rochford, the Queen's Brother, coming to her Bed- side to sollicite a Suit, leaned thereupon to whisper her in the Ear, which the Spials gave forth that he did so to kiss the Queen. Most probable it is, that the Crimes which this Queen was charged withal, were Matters con- trived by Popish Instruments, because she gave great encouragement unto many. more publickly, and with boldness. to profess the Reformed Religion, and pro- cu ed a Toleration for the Protestant Divines. More- over, that this Queen's Death was rather sought for than merited by her, seems also very probable, be- cause that the next Day after her Death, the King was married unto the Lady Jane Seymour, Daughter of John Seymour. Knight, who in october 1537. bare to the King a Son, who was named Edward and suc ceeded his Father ; but with that Birth' sufferred Death herself in the Travel. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of William Ireland Thomas Pickering, for High- Treason. The Chief Justice demanding of the Jury, if they should be long out, they answer'd, they should not be long ; and having withdrawn, after a very short Recess return'd, and brought Ireland, Picketing and Grove in Guilty: Then the Court adjourn'd' till rhe Afternoon, when the Prisoners were brought into Court again- It being demanded of the Prisoners severally, what they had to say, why Judgment should not be given against them to die according to Law ; and none of them of- fering any thing material, the Court order'd them to be tied up After which Mr. Recorder made a speech to them, wherein he is not less severe upon the Je- suits Principles than the Lord Chief Justice had been in summing up the Evidence, and among other ex- pressions has this, That the Prisoners Design was so horrid that nothing but a Conclave of Devils in Hell, or a college of such Jesuits as theirs upon Earth, could have thought of it. 1 Mr. Recorder having concluded his Speech pro nounc'd the usual Sentence in Cases of High Treason upon the Prisoners Ireland, Pickering, and Grove and then they were remanded to Newgate and the Court broke up. The End of this Trial. Articles of Impeachment of High Treason. and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors, against Thomas Earl of Danby, Lord High Treasurer of England', which were deliverd into the House of Lords, in the Name 0f the Commons of England, by Sir Henry Capel, Decemb 13. 30 Car II. 1678. Art. 1. ' THAT he had traiterously assum'd Re- gal Power, in treating of Peace and. War with foreign Ministers, and giving Instructions to his Majesty's Ambassadors abroad, without commu- nicating the same to the Secretaries of State, or the Council. 2. That he endeavour'd to subvert the ancient Form of Government, and introduce an arbitrary Govern- ment; and to effect this, he procur'd an Army to be rais'd, on Pretence of a War with France; and in Act being pass'd for disbanding the same, he notwith- standing continu'd the Army, and applied the Money given for disbanding them, towards their Subsistence, and neglected to take Security of the Pay master of the Army, as the Act required. 3. That to prevent the Meetings of Parliament, he did negociate a Peace with the French King upon dis- advantageous Terms, and did endeavour to procure great Sums of Money of the French King to carry on his aforesaid traiterous DesignS and Purposes. 4 That he was popishly affected, and traiterously conceal'd the popish Plot, and suppress'd and discoun. cenanc'd the King's Evidence, which tended to the Destruction of the King, and the Protestant Religion. 5 That he had wasted the King's Treasure, in issu- ing Money for unnecessary Pensions and secret Ser- Vices, to the Value of 231602/ within two Years; and diverted one whole Branch of the Revenue to pri. vate Uses, without accounting for it, contrary to the Act which granted the same; and that he had re- mov'd two of his Majesty's Commissioners of that part of the Revenue for refusing to consent to these Proceedings, and to advance Money on that Branch of the Revenue for private Uses. 6. That he had procur'd to himself considerable Grants of Inheritance out of the ancient Revenue of the Crown, contrary to Act of Parliament. For all which they impeach the said Thomas Earl of Danby of High Treason, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors, See. And pray that he may be put to answer, and brought to Trial and Judgment there, upon ; and that he might be sequestred from Parlia- ment, and forthwith committed to safe Custody. Thursday, March 20 1678. Resolv'd Nemine contra- dicente, that a Message be sent to the Lords to remind them of the Impeachment against the Earl of Danby, and to desire he be forthwith committed to safe Cus- tody. And resolv'd, That a Committee should draw up farther Articles against him Saturday March 22. 1678. Resolv'd, that another Message be sent to the Lords to the same Effect as the former. , , March 25. 1679 A Message came from the Lords, - that they had sent to apprehend the Earl of Danby both to his House in Town, and at Wimbolton ; that the Usher of the black Rod return'd that he could not be found. To be continu'd. IFind a strange Change among our discontented Friends, the Jacobites and their Brethren of the High Party, within this Fortnight or three Weeks; past what the Occasion of it may be, that we must leave to time and to the Men of Penetration ; but the Case is this For a great While they did their utmost, as far as a good Stock of FACE would carry them out, to talk slightingly of the Plot, as of a Thing they pre. tended was in the Dark, that they could see nothing of it, and believed, that is to say, would have others be- lieve there was nothing in it, and such like. This Way of talking held them a great while, al- most as long as till the Counsellor as they called him, was ready to come to his Trial ; nor did they talk with much less Assurance, even to the Time of his But since his being try'd, and brought in Guilty, but especially since his having been twice repriev'd, I say, since this there is a strange Change among them, and they have done suggesting that there is n0 Plot, or no sufficient Proof of the Plot, and all their Dis- course runs now upon the scandalous Part, as they would call it, of People being Evidence against their Friends, meerly to saVe their own Lives; pretending that no Weight ought to be given to what such Peo- ple say ; that the Reason of their Evidence is a suffi- cient Bar against the Credit of it; and that no Man's Life ought to be taken away upon the Evidence of any Man, who, having been equally guilty, gives such Evidence only to save his own Life; and that such Men having been confess'd Traytors themselves, cannot be suppos'd to be honest Men, and therefore ought not to be believ'd against others. The Folly and Fallacy of this Way of talking re. quires a little to be laid open, and you cannot shew your Zeal and Fidelity to the present Governor bet- ter than by effectually exposing it at this time, which I shall assist you to do in a very few Word;. It would be a great Point gain'd indeed to the plot- ting Party, if it should be granted, that Traytors when deteected and discover'd, should not be allow'd to be Evidences against one another: Treason can ne- ver be effectually discover'd but by those that are guilty of Treason ; and why if one Traytor be catch'd in the Snare may he not give a Light to the Discovery of those that come after him? Set a Thief to catch a Thief is a Maxim in Civil Government, and to bring Rogues to detect and discover one another has been the Practice of all Nations ; nay, in foreign Coun- tries they put them to the Torture to sorce them to it I remember what Dr. Oates reply'd to one of the Plotters upon his Trial, against whom he was an Evi- dence, and who objected against his being to be be- liev'd, because, said the Prisoner, he was by his own Confession as great a Rogue as any of them ; Ay, says the Dr. but then I was an honest Man in your Account; / Was no Rogue in your Esteem till I turn'd honest Man in- deed and discover d those that were really Rogues, and would have ruin'd their Country. So that the Case really alters, while these Men con- tinue in a Confederacy with Traytors, they are really Criminals, and ought not to be credited ; but when they come off from that Knot, the Species of the Man's Principles is alter'd, and he is no more a Traytor, and therefore is suppos'd to speak Truth j nor does the Motive of his giving Evidence alter the Truth of what he says one way or other, as I shall shew here, after by many Examples. Besides, it is very rarely that any Man is cast by the single Evidence of one Man ; one Man indeed may give the first Light to a Discovery, and give a Clue to the Government, by which they trace it on to a more compleat Information ; but when others are detected, farther Particulars are entred into, the Government get farther Light, and the Evidence of the Man objected against is confirm'd ; for one Disco- Verer enters into one Part, and one into another, and often without being suffer'd to converse with one ano- ther they give concurring Evidence of Facts: This is a Testimony even to Demonstration that they are both sincere ; and how should this be if they had not been both guilty? If then the Sincerity of their Discove- ries appears by the Agreement of the Particulars, what Objection is their having been both Rogue's, to the Truth of their Evidence ? I must own. I think it ra- ther adds to the Force of it; for had they not been both guilty, and consequently both Confederates in the Treason, they could not have made so ample A Discovery. For Example, As the two Elders who falsly accus'd Susannah fully detected the falshood of their Evidence by disagreeing in the Particulars which Daniel put them on the Trial by, so I must say, had they agreed in their Account of what Tree it was under which the Lady had been leud with them, they had gain'd universal Credit, and Susannah had been given up for a Whore by all that had read her Story, even to this Day. I shall take an Occasion farther to expose the Weak- ness of this Pretence, from the Law of Nations, and the Custom of all Christian Governors in the World, but I have not room for it here. I am Dec 24. 1722. SIR. Your Humble Servant, The New Convert. Last Week the Lord Muscary, eldest Son to the Earl of Clencarty, and Commander of his Maje- sty's Ship Solebay, was married to Mrs. Player of Pall- Mall, a Fortune of 30000 1. Wednesday 7- Night the Countess Dowager of Tha- net's Coachman was kill'd by a Kick from an unruly Horse, at his Lady's Stables in Queen Square, West- minster. Wednesday 7 Night last about 9 a. CIock, Sir George Saville of Rufford in the County of Nottingham, Bart. Heir Male to the late Marquis of Hali- fax, was married at St. James's Church by the Reve- rend Dr. Clark, to Mrs. Mary Pratt, only Child of John Pratt of the City of Dublin, Esq; and Vice- Treasurer of the Kingdom of Ireland. Stephen Pointz, Esq; private Secretary to the Lord Visct. Townshend, is made a Commissioner of the Excise, in the room of Marmaduke Wivell, deceas'd, and not joint Treasurer of that Revenue, as his been published. There is Advice that the Catherine, Capt. Hewer, from Virginia to London, hath lately run- ashore in Beach. Bay, Bristol Channel, We have a remarkable Account from Norfolk, that a young Woman there lately cut her own Throat ; whose Mother dream'd that she saw her do it but a Fortnight before the Tragical Accident happen'd. Col. Anstruther is declared duly elected for th « Burghs of Anstruther, Sec, Some days since died, in a very advanced Age, the Reverend and Learned Dr. John Covell, Master of Christ College, Cambridge, and Chancellor of the Church of York; His Grace the Archbishop of that Provine, has conferr'd that Dignity on the Reverend Dr. Waterland, for his very learned Defence of the truly Christian and Orthodox Faith against the modern Arians and Socinians. William Owen, Esq; Son of Sir Arthur Owen, Bart, is elected Member of Parliament for the Town of Pembroke, in the Room of Brigadier Ferrers, de- ceased. We hear that the Duke of Newcastle will be ap. pointed Lord Lieutenant of the Kingdom of Ireland} in the room of the Duke of Grafton; and that the Duke of Dorset will succeed the Duke of Newcastle as Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold. On Thursday 7- Night last a lamentable Misfortune happen'd at Hackwood Park in Hampshire, a Seat of the Duke of Bolton's, where the Keepers apprehend- ng that some Deer- stealers were in the Park, alarm'd the House, calling all the Servants to their Assistance among the rest the Confectioner to the Family ran to their Aid. When one of the Park keepers mistaking him for a Thief, discharged the Blunderbuss against him, loaded With sixteen Balls, which tore the unhap- py Person all to pieces. Friday 7- Night a Servant belonging to Mrs Saun- ders, a Brewer at Fulham, being detected in robbing his Mistress, and order'd to depart the House went immediately and bought a Two penny Cord and hang'd himself On r im On Saturday Night the King was at the Opera in the Hay market, where the throng of Coaches and Chairs was so great, that his Majesty was for some Time obstructed in his passage back to St. Jame's. On Tuesday the 8th of January the York- BuildingS Company will begin to pay the half Year's Annuities due to Christmas, and will continue to pay the same. eVery Tuesday and thursday from 10 in the Forenoon to one At a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Temple Mills Brass- Works on the 20th instant, it was agreed that some Persons be appointed to attend the Managers, to desire them to appoint a General Meet- ing at Pewterers- Hall within a Month next ensuing, and then to lay before the Proprietors an Account or the Suit in Chancery. George Lewis Schelde, Esq; ( Son to his Majesty's Secretary for Hanover.) is appointed one of the Com- missioners of the Salt Office, in the Room of Tho- mas Milner Esq; who hath resign'd. On Saturday last the Report of the Malefactors condemn'd- last SessiOns, was made to the King in Council, when the two following were order'd for Execution, viz. Edmund Neal, and William Pincher, both for the Highway. On Saturday last a Somersetshire Gentlemen ( sup- posed to be disordered with Liquor) was seized by one of His Majesty's Messengers, and carried before the Board of Green Cloth , and afterwards com- mitted to the Gatehouse, for using unmannerly and very disrespectful Language to one of the Yeomen of the Guard, in the Guard Room at St. James's; on ac- count of his Wearing the King's Livery ; but His Ma. jesty being humbly besought on his behalf, was pleas- ed to pardon the Offence ; and last Night he was dis- charged. Several Robberies have been lately committed near Hampstead, and upon the Essex Road ; and on Saturday last Mr. Jonathan Wild took the fol- lowing Persons on Account thereof, v z. John Junks, alias Levee, Joseph Blake, alias Blueskin, Richard Okely, Matthew Flood, Edward Pollard, and some others, who, as we hear, had robb'd several Persons, particularly one Mr. Young, and Mr. Cope of their Gold Watches. Tuesday being a solemn Festival, His Majesty, as Sovereign, and the other Knights Companions of the Garter, wore the Collar belonging to that most Noble Order, the Officers at Arms attending in their proper Habits; when his Majesty, accompanied with their Royal Highnesses, went to the Chappel Royal at St. James's, the Right Honourable the Earl of Orkney Carried the Sword of State, and Dr. Reignolds, Lord Bishop of Bangor preach'd an excellent Sermon on that Occasion. Friday 7 Night the Wife of Mr. Newman of the Old- Jewry, one of the Common- Council Men for thas Precinct in Coleman- Street Ward, having been unhappily disorder'd in her Senses for some Time, hang'd herself with her Girdle at a Tenter- Hook in a Room up two Pair of Stairs, while her Husband was at the Wardmote to choose Common- Council. Men. The Coroners Inquest having sate on the Bo- dy next Day, brought in their Verdict, Lunacy. Captain Stewart, alias Richard Henly, alias Butler, was on Friday last removed from the Gatehouses Westminister, ( where one of His Majesty's Messenger, had put him for better Security) to Newgate, by a Commitment of the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend, for Felony, in stealing a Pair of Breeches. The Contest that hath been so long depending between the Provincial Kings of Arms and John Warburton, Esq; Somerset Herald, about the Right of Publishing Coats of Arms on the Margin of the Maps of the English Counties, See. was lately deter- mined in Favour of the latter. And on Thursday the 13th the said Mr. Warburton deliver'd a Scheme of Proposals to that Corporation of Heralds for their undertaking to perform the Funerals of the Nobility and Gentry, in a more rich, decent, and less expen- sive Manner , than hath been hitherto done, and which was received with general Approbation. Mr. Deputy Turner having been undeservedly left out at the last Election of Common Council- Men for the Ward of Farringdon Without, Mr. Vincent is made Deputy in his Stead. The following Verses were made by the ingenious Inventor of the Machine, or Gun, call d the Defence, No Monument of Brass or Stone, * No Obelisk, nor Shrine, nor Tomb, Victorious MARLBOROUH needs ; Venlo, Ruremond, and Liege, Limberg, SCHELLENBERG, BLENHEIM RAMELLIES, AUDENARD, Bouchain SCHELD, HILDESHEIM Bethune, Doway MONS , Bon, Huy., Lille, Tournay, Will tell all Ages yet to come, « , These Towns He Took Those Battles Won : BRITANNIA's Bosom is the Hero's Urn One Day last Week a Gentleman and his Wife pas- sing along the Street, a Weaver insulted her for wear~ ing a printed Linnen Gown, and tore one of the Sleeves off; upon which the Gentleman ran him thro' the Body, but the Wound does not prove Mortal Letters from Cadiz inform us, that an Advise is ar- rived there from Vera Cruz, with the News, that in this last Port are arrived the Quick silver Ship's. The Lady of the Honourable George Townshend Esq; Brother to the Ld. Viscount of that Name, lies dangerously ill, having Miscarried. On Sunday, between Five and Six in the Evening, Mr. Burnam, a Butcher in Little Wildstreet, passing thro' the Mall in St. James's Park, was set upon by two Foot- pads, who demanded his Money ; and be. caus'e he refused to comply, they beat him in a most barbarous Manner ; but the Butcher calling out Thieves, the Rogues made their Escape. Tuesday four Centinels of the Foot Guards were whipt in St. James's Park for several Misdemeanors. Two Warders that were placed upon the Bishop of Rochester, now Prisoner in the Tower, are, by Order of the Governor, confin'd in the Ward Room, for suffering ( contrary to their Instructions) the said Bi- shop's Servants, who constantly attend him there, to converse with his Lordship's Son in- Law Mr. Mor- rice's Servant, without one of them being present, Mr. Hawkins, one of the oldest Ingineers in the Tower, is, with others of that Profession, going over to Jamaica, to repair the Damage done to the Fortifi- cations in that Island by the late Hurricane. By the last Letters from New- England we have re- ceived the following Advice.'. Boston, Nov. 5. On Wednesday Night last a Scooner lying at the Long Wharf, laden and ready to sail, was burnt by the Carelesness of the Men, whereby one Man was burnt to Death, and another so much Hurt that his Life was despair'd of. ' . We hear from the Eastward, that one Pangus, an Indian Prisoner and an Interpreter, and a Chief of the Mohawks, ( who with several others went from thence to satisfy themselves of the Reasons of the In- dian War) had been at Norridgiwock, but that the Indians had, before they came, deserted that Place, and left an Inscription on their Pagan Church, where- in they desired the English not to burn it, least they should burn those belonging to the English when they had the like Opportunity. ; We have Advice from Canso, that a French Man of War, lately come from France to Cape Britton, had brought a Present from the Crown of France to the Eastern Indians, who, by the Direction of the Go- Vernor of Cape Briton, sent a Depuration to receive the same Governor Philips of Annapolis Royal ha- ving had Information thereof, order'd Captain South- wark to lie in wait for those Indian Rebels in the Gut of Canso, which he continued to do for two of three Days with French Colours hoisted ; at laft the Indian Messengers came along side of him, without apprenhension of Danger, when the said Captain at- tack'd them, killing 13, and taking 4 Prisoners. We hear that a certain Physician having discover'd an absolute and infallible Cure for Ruptures, had the Honour of communicating his Secret to his Majesty who made him a Present of 500l. and bestow'd the Honour of Knighthood upon him. ^ r Hi?) At Rome they seem to be under Apprehension, that they shall shortly have Business for another Con- clave of Cardinals. ' On Monday last a Boat belonging to One Richards, a Customhouse Waterman, brought a Bale of Linnen, VAlue 80 I. to be put on Board a Ship, which was refused to be taken in ; the Boy not knowing what to do, went home to acquaint his Master therewith, but in the Interim the Goods were stolen. On Monday last the following ships passed by Grave- send for the River, the Betty, Capt. Lamb, Recovery, Capt. Russel, Bond, Capt. Long, all three from An- tegoa; Elizabeth, Capt Dumerick from St. Christo- phers, Chester and Adams, Capt. Bull from Antegoa ; Edward and Mary, Capt. Neal from Sevile, Phenix, Capt. Odele from Petersburgh, Sea Flower, Capt. Hicks from St. Sebastian, Sea Flower, Capt. Camell from Arch. Angel, Fortunes Adventure, Capt. Arinton from Petersburg, Duke of Charos, Capt. Knight from Calais; and on the next Day the Elizabeth, Capt. Lamper from Jersey, William and George, Capt. Harper from Stockholm, Cartaren, Capt. Barman from Bremen. The Highwaymen and Foot- Pads about this City are very industrious in contriving and executing new Methods of Robbery. One Night of last Week a Brewer's Clerk returning from Hackney, was just at his coming out of that Town, frightned with the Ap- parition of a Ghost in a shroud, which rose with a large Stick in one Hand just before him. So unexpect- ed a Sight, made him fix his Eyes full upon it, regard- less of every thing else Mean while two of the Gang got our of a Ditch, where they lay concealed, knock'd him down and robb'd him of 10 Guineas, after which the Spectre came in for his Share of the Plunder. Last Monday a young Man was sent to Newgate for committing a Rape upon a Girl of nine Years old. Last Saturday the Dorchester and Taunton Stage- Coaches were robbed on Bagshot Heath by two High- waymen, who not only plunder'd the Passengers of what Money and other Valuable things they had about them, but robbed likewise the Crib of the Coach, of what Geese and Turkeys were bringing to Town, design'd for Presents ; they took also a Box full of old Plate belonging to a Goldsmith in the Country. the Coroners Inquest sate upon the Body, at the Coopers Arms in Golden Lane; and the aforesaid Account of his Dream being sworn to, as taken from himself and confirm'd by undeniable Circumstances, they brought in their Verdict, Accidental and Unfortu- nate Death. It is said, he had met with many Losses, which are thought to have disturb'd his Mind, and occasion d such frightful Dreams, The humble Address of all the Papists, and perjured Protestants in Great Britain, in behalf of them- selves and those of their Brethren, whether Martyrs or confessors in their Cause. To James III. at present residing at the Court of Rome, and under the Direction of that Infallible Church. May it please you, dread Sir, BY Principle and Inclination we are so firmly at- tack'd to your Highness, that we apprehend we need no other Proof of our Zeal and Affection for your Person and Interest. You will therefore permit us, with the utmost Freedom, to represent to you Matters of such COnsequence as may serve to recon- cile you to an irrevocable State of Exile. The Dis- appointment of your best concerted Schemes, give your Enemies but too just Occasion for Insult and Tri- umph over us, as pursuing the Dreams of our heated Imagination-. Nor can we possibly hope to guard Our selves against the Imputations of Folly and Dis- traction, whilst our Affairs are intrusted in the ma- nagement of those, whose best Judgment is distin- guish'd by a witless Libel, their Courage only re- markable in the Rear of a Mob, and the greatest In- stance of Heroism and Magnanimity in their Lives; has appear'd at Tyburn, the Pillory, and the Cart's Tail. Heav'n knows how zealously we were em- bark'd in your Cause, how unwearied our Applica- tions have been in spight of all the Arguments of Power to deter us, or of Reason to convince us. We have, ' tis true, many of us, frequently, and in a so- lemn Manner abjur'd you, and all your Right or Pre- tentions to these Dominions. We have call'd God to witness, that We have had no mental Equivocations or Reservations in your Favour ; this we have pro- fess'd to do willingly and freely ; nor are we in any Pain about our Souls, being well assur'd. that you; who have, such an interest in Heaven's Vicegerent; will take all due Care of them, and not suffer us to fail of any Blessings within the Verge of your Church. We take this Opportunity to return you Thanks for your late wise and over- kind Declaration, wherein; for the establishing Our Happiness, and settling the Peace of Europe, you discover how sincerely you are inclin'd to exchange your present Ease and Tranqui- lity for the weighty Care and Fatigues of a Crowns The Arguments you have made use of to convince 0thers, however just in themselves, do not seem well calculated to obtain their design'd EfFect. The present Possessor of the Crown of these Kingdoms, is, in the Judgement of his Enemies, allow'd to be a great Prince, who by the Mildness, Clemency, and Equity of his Government, has gain'd the Hearts of his best Sub- jects, The Priests and the People are daily sending their Duty and Allegiance to him, and on all publick Occasions of Joy we are every where mortify'd with loud and numerous Acclamations of Long live King GEORGE! We had almost forgot to observe to you, that Hereticks are obstinate ; and such is the Native of the northern Heresy, in particular, at this Day, that they are resolv'd to believe nothing till they have Reason for it, nor will the most pathetick Speeches in your Favour captivate their Hearts, whilst they feel themselves happy under the present Administration; Unless you Cou'd produce that powerful Argument , which a late Monarch stil'd, ratio ultima Regum. We wou'd not, by what we have said, have any one to imagine that we are not perfectly satisfy'd in your Capacity for Government, having given us suCh strong Proof as yOu have done, of the Steadiness of your Counsels. and your warlike Genius so signally display'd in the North. The Wisdom and skill. that has appear'd in every Event of your Life your Artful On Saturday last three Bailiff, were committed Pri- soners to the Fleet, by the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor, for a Contempt of the High Court of Chancery, in arresting Mr. Cureton an Attorney of Symond's Inn, as he was going out of the said Court, at the Suit of Sir Humphrey Mackworth for 70l. and the said Sir Humphrey was order'd to dis- continue all further Proceedings upon that Writ, and to pay the Costs. On Wednesday last Mr. Earbury, a Nonjuring Clergyman, the reputed Author of The Monthly Advi- ces from Parnassus, for the Month of November, was seized at his House in East street near Red Lion Square, by Mr. Squire the Messenger, and taken into Custody. Mr. Bingley, taken at Deal with Mr. Neyno, who was lately drown'd in endeavouring to make his Escape, was on Wednefday laft, by a Commitment from one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, remov'd fiom the King's Messenger's House who had him in Custody, into Newgate. On Christmas Day Mr. Erle, a noted Apothecary in St. John street, having been at Church in the Morn- ing, cut his Throat in the Afternoon : He had been Melancholly for a Fortnight before, which is thought in the Neighbourhood, to have proceeded from his having bought an Estate to which there was no good Title, On Sunday last was Sev'night, Mr. Charles Cearle, ' Gentleman's Steward, lodging in the new Buildings in Golden Lane near Barbican, being a Bed with his Wife, dreamt that some Rogues were breaking into his Room, with design to rob and murder him ; where- uPon he got out of Bed in his Sleep, crying out Thieves, Murder, and to avoid that meer visionary Danger, unfortunately run into a real one, by throw- ing himself out of a Window up two Pair of Stairs into the Yard, by which he was so much bruised; that he died the Sunday following, On Wednesday last LONDON: printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Where Advertisements are taken in. Designs, and resolute Dispatch, that Bravery and Mag- nanimity of Mind that has still run with you in your Undertakings, and your inviolable Attachment to the Catholick Church in which you was born and bred, give us the Proofs of your Descent and Origi. nal: And ' tis a particular Satisfaction to your suffer- ing Friends, that you assure ' em you will keep an exact Register of the Meanest of ' em, who, for your . Cause, are pillory'd, whip'd, or hang'd. The Reward, in this last Case, we apprehend you design for the Benefit of their Executors or Administrators. One of the most hardy Champions of your Cause is shortly to pay the last Tribute of Service he is ca- pable of, and to struggle with such a Fate as will be a sufficient Exercise for a Double Portion of Heroism, and need somewhat else to support him, besides an Expectation of a Double Portion of Justice in the next World, for the Merit of his Services in this : But you will have a particular Account of these Things transmitted to you by our good Friends and your faithful Gazetteers, Messieurs Mist and Sharp, who, with the utmost Peril and Hazard go on to give as much Life and Vigour to your Cause, as they are capable of j for which good Offices, we doubt not but you will send over some kind Indulgences and Blessings, as I have freely bestow'd mine Sign'd in . the Name, and by the Order of the whole Body. From my Convent, Dec. 11. 1722. Father Francis. Mr. Read, IT is very earnestly desir'd by the Friends of King GEORGE, and his good Government that you would insert the following Relation in your Journal, the Truth of which can be attested by several Wit- nesses of Credit and Reputation; viz. On the 29th of Nov. last the Oxfordshire Feast was kept at Merchant. Taylors Hall, where there was, byComputation, a. bout 500 Persons, amongst whom were Clergymen, Gentlemen, and others; and after Dinner, a certain Gentleman being at the upper Table, rose from his Seat and demanded Silence, then propos'd a Health to the Church and King, which was drank with three loud Huzza's; as also Prosperity to the City of Ox- ford, and to the two Members of Parliament, ( they being present) to the pious Memory of Queen Anne and the Lord Arran, & c. but no mention of King GEORGE Upon which, one at another Table stood up and demanding Silence, propos'd to drink to the immor- tal Memory of King William, and to all Lovers of Liberty ; but immediately, to the Surprize of Loyal Persons, many arose from their Seats and histed shouted, and palted the Person with Tobacco pipes and was not suffer'd to continue in the Hall, but was drove out with great Difficulty and Danger of being hurt or murder'd : And others for speaking in praiseof King William and King George, were treated in the same Manner, and told that they did not suffer such Healths to be drank, nor such Discourse amongst them there. By inserting this you will oblige many of their Friends, and amongst others Your Friend and Reader, W. S, Bankrupts since our last. James Jackson of Peckham, in the County of Sur- rey , Bricklayer. Richard Webb, late of Friday Street, London, Ware- house Man. William Warham, of Chancery- Lane, in the COUN- ty of Middlesex, Goldsmith. A General BILL of all the Burials, and Christnings this Year. According to the Report made to the King's most Excellent Majesty. By the Company of Parish- Clerks of London. The Diseases and Casualties this Year ABortive Aged Ague Apoplexy Asthma Bedridden Bleeding; Bloody- flux Bursten Cancer Canker Chicken Pox Childbed Chin- Cough Chrisoms Cholick Consumption, Convulsion Cough Diabetes Dropsie Evil Fever Fistula Flux French Pox Gout Gravel Grief Griping in the Guts Head- mould- shot Hooping Cough Horse shoe head The List of the Horse Matches to be run at New Market, which for want of room, shall be inserted in our next. The Poem sent us this Week, sign'd Britannicus, shall be inserted in our neXt. Jaundies Impostume Infants Inflamation Leprosie Lethargy Liver- grown Looseness Lunatick Malignant Fever Measles- Megrim Mortification Pain in the Head Palsie Plurisie Purples Quinsie Rash Rheumatism Rickets Rising of the Lights Rupture St. Anthony's Fire Scald Head Shingles Small Pox Sores and Ulcers Spleen Spotted- Fever Stilborn Stone Stoppage in the Stomach Strangury Suddenly Surfeit Swelling Teeth Thrush Tissick Twisting of the Guts Tympany Vapours Vomiting Water in the Head • Worms BRoken Leg Bruised Burnt Drowned Excessive Drinking Executed Found dead Frighted Kill'd by several accidents Kill'd with a Sword Kill'd with a Hot Iron Made away themselves Murdered Overlaid Poisoned Scalded Shot Stabb'd
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