The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 22/12/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1722. be a better Piece of Policy for a crown'd Head to rule his Subjects with a Sceptre of Gold, than a Rod of Iron ; he had better engage them by Love, than en- slave them by Fear; for tho' this may seem to add some Sparklings to Majesty, and to brighten the Crown of Sovereignty, yet it leaves it more tottering,. and more unfixt and unsetled upon their Heads. There is such a Virulency mixt with Fear, such a Tincture of Hatred in it, that was a Body pull'd, and haled, and scar'd into Obedience, yet with all this would not the Soul be conquer'd, the
Slave would still watch an Opportunity for shaking off the Yoke of Tyranny, which always is the Effect of a despotick arbitrary Power. ( And truly thus much I must own, that when Sub- jects are so miserable as to live under a tyrannical Government, it is no Crime to depose the Tyrant ; but then on the other Hand, it must be acknowledg'd that Men who lift up their Hands against the Lord's Anointed, altho' he is a good, just, and merciful Prince, are liable to this Malediction of the Apostle, They that resist, shall receive to themselves Damnation. But yet in spite of God and Man, how many turbu- lent, discontented People, in
Defiance to Hell, have sow'd Sedition, and rais'd Rebellion against the best of Kings that ever rul'd in England ? What Plots and Conspiracies have been form'd to bring in an Inunda- tion of Popery, for drowning the Church of England, which professes the purest Doctrine upon Earth ? And what Perjury has been us'd to overturn the best Con- stitution of any in the World, and to entail Slavery and Idolatry upon themselves and Posterity for ever ? Witness how the Papists took up Arms against the pious King Edward the Sixth, for signing the Act for receiving the Sacrament in both Kinds of Bread and Wine. Witness the Papists
hellish Contrivances for murdering the glorious Queen Elizabeth but that Fate and Fortune conspiring which should serve her most, no papistick Malice could touch her precious Life whcih she resign'd ( after a long Reign) to the irre- versible Decrees of Nature by a natural Death. And witness the Papists most damnable Gunpower Plot, hatch'd by Rome and Hell against the peacable King James the First, for destroying him, his Parliament, and other good Subjects at one fatal Blow. ( Price Three Half Pence ) hAving lately perus'd the Histories of those Na- tions which are under a a monarchial or kingly Government, in Europe,
Asia, and Africa, - it is my Observation that none of ' em have been guiltless of Regicide, or Murder of Kings, espe- cially if they have prov'd tyrannical, whence we may gather, that it would These are Papists ! who will always be plotting and contriving Mischief against a Protestant Government, through the Instigation of bloody minded Jesuits, and other popish Priests, from whom our Kingdom will never be free, unless we nail their private Parts to a Tree, and there let ' em remain till they die with Hunger, as they do in Denmark and Sweden, whither they will not go, as dreading this Sort of Punishment worse than hanging. As the
Papists are mortal Ene- mies to them they erroneously call Hereticks, who can blame the Government for laying extraordinary Taxes upon ' em ? Or if they were pleas'd to shut up the publick Chappels of Romish Ambassadors, since the Ministers of Great Britain are not allow'd any in their Countries? Under the Pretence of hearing Mass mumbled to them by a brawny- back lecherous Fryer, in a Language they do not most of them understand', here they cabal, study Mischief, and incense new Converts to disturb the Peace and Quiet of the whole Realm. These are the Papists I say again ; but as it is a Principle of their Church,
and a fundamental Article of their Religion, to be our eternal and implacable Enemies, we must expect Fire and Faggot from their Hands if ever they should be successful in their Villany, but God avert it, and let us always be on our Guard against them. However, I am in a great- er Admiration, when I consider how Protestants can be fo barbarous, cruel, and inhumane to themselves and Fellow. Creatures, in conspiring to destroy that Church of which they pretend to be Members, by endeavouring to bring in a popish Impostor for its Defender. To accomplilh this vile Action, how have they been perjur'd to the best of Princes ? But
these are such Sort of Protestants, who basely think to cover their Villany under Ambiguities and secret Evasions; who Scruple not to trifle with the Words of a most solemn Oath ; nay, at the very time taking it were fully determin'd to break it. Thus this is that direct Sort of Wickedness which no Words can sufficiently aggravate ; ' tis such as an honest Heathen would tremble at the Thought of, and such therefore, as will always be consider'd by every wise and good Man with the utmost Detestation and Abhorrence. However, this Villany was very rife among the Jacks and Tories in the Reign of King William, tho he was so good
and gracious as to expose his own most precious Life, on which the Good of Europe, de- pended, for the rescuing Great Britain and Ireland out of the Jaws of Popery and arbitrary Power. The same Treason is also perpetrated against King George, under whose Government there is no Tyranny, no Persecution for Religion, no Incroachment upon our Laws; but he governs according to Equity, Truth, Justice, and Mercy. However, these ingrateful and infatuated Wretches by false and groundless Pretences will strive to alienate the Hearts of his Majesty's Sub. jects from their sworn Duty and Allegiance, create in , the Minds of
innocent and well meaning People a Disaffection to his Person and Government, and warm them at last into an Insurrection ; by these means they prepare the way for a popish King , who, whe- B J6 ther
( 2 4 * 4 ) ther they will or not; will either forcibly reconcile them to the word of Superstitions and Tyranny ; or, by the Assistance of a Court of Inquisition, will reduce them to this miserable Dilemma, . either to confess themselves Hereticks, or else to undergo the severest Punishments the most ingenuous Tormentors can in- fliCt. But before we come under these unhappy Cir- cumstances, it is the hearty Utinam of every honest Man, that his Majesty would be pleas'd to lay aside his unparrallell'd Clemency for a while, and brandish the Sword of Justice amidst our Enemies, whom Mer- cy hitherto cannot make loyal. I am, SIR.,
Dec 17. 1722. Your Humble Servant, BRITANNICUS. The Continuation of the Tryal of King HENRY 8th, of England. And Cardinal Wolsey, tho' he sought to excuse him- self herein, as not having sufficient Authority, yet did he fall under the King's high Displeasure. The first Step of this great Prelate's Fall, was his Dislike of the King's Affection unto Ann Bullen, a Gentlewoman nothing favourable to his Pontifical Pomp, nor no great Follower of the Ceremonies of those Times - of Popery ; which moved the Cardinal to write unto the Pope, to defer the judgment of Divorce, till he had wrought the King's Mind in another Mould. Which
was not done so secretly, but it came to the King's Ear, and proved to his Ruin. For first the Broad Seal was taken from him, and some of his Bishopricks ; his House and Furniture seized upon ; and shortly after, he was suddenly Arrested by the Earl of Nor- thumberland at Cawood Castle, ( for arrogant Words against the King importing a desire of Revenge) from whence he was conveyed toward London; in which Journey, at Leicester Abby, he ended his Life, by taking an over great Quantity of a ConfeCtion, to break Wind from off his Stomach. So ended this haughty Cardinal, who was born at Ipswich, his Father a good honest
Butcher, himself a good Philoso- pher and Orator. His Education in his Youth was at Magdalen College in Oxford, his first Preferment was from the Lord Marquis of Dorset who bestowed a Benefice upon him. Then Sir John Naphant prefer- red him to King Henry the Seventh, ( Fox, Bishop of Winchester, being also Wolsey's great Friend) which King having urgent Business with Maximilian, the Emperor, he sent this his Chaplain to him Post, who posted again back before he was thought to be there ; and withal, concluded some Points forgot in his Di- rections, to the high Content of his Sovereign, for the which he bestowed upon
him the Deanry of Lin- coln ; after which he was preferred to be the King's Almoner, then one of his Council, then Bishop of Tournay, then Bishop of Lincoln, then Archbishop of York, whereby he became, as it were, three bishops at once ; then was made Priest, Cardinal, and Legate de Latere, then Lord Chancellor, and Bishop of Winchester, and in commendam, the Abby of St. Albans was bestowed upon him. And with them the Cardinal held in Farm, the Episcopal Sees of Bath and Wells, Worcester and Hereford, enjoyed by Strangers Incumbents, not residing in the Realm. This Prelate raised to this Greatness, was attended
with so many Officers and Servants as is incredible. And being Ambassador to the Emperor at Brussels, he was there waited upon by many English Nobles, and served at the Table by his Servitors on their Knees. Insatiable he was to get, but Princely in bestowing ; lofty to his Enemies, and not easily reconciled' which hasten'd his Fall when he began. The Grudges against this Cardinal were not only for the especial Favour he stood in with the King, and great Stroke he bare at the Council- Table ; but for his intolerable Pillagings, who to patch up his Pride in the raising of his New Colleges at Oxford and Ipswich, sup. pressed
Forty Monasteries of good Fame, converting all their Goods and Moveables to his own Use. As also that he emptied the Land of Twelve score Thousand Pounds, inforced by him from the King which he employed to relieve and ransom the Pope then in Prison, to the impoverishing of his Majesty's coffers. " » ' To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Trial of William Ireland Thomas Pickering, & c. for High. Treason L. C. J. You might have mov'd the Court when you came at first, and they would have given you an Order to send for any, Ireland. We desire but a little time to make . our Proof. L- C. J' The Jury must not eat or drink,
till then give a VerdiCt. ' Grove. Please to ask Mrs. York my Sister, if ever she saw Mr. Oates at my House. York. No, my Lord, I did not. Mr. Just. Atkins. Nor I neither ; might he not be there for all that? Oates. My Lord, I was in a Disguise, and went by another Name. Ireland. Tho' we have no more Witnesses here yet we have Witnesses to prove we have more Wit- nesses. I. C J. And those Witnesses can prove you have more Witnesses, and so in infinitum. Ireland. We can go no further than we can go and can give no Answer to what we did not know would be prov'd against us: My Lord, Sir Denny Ashburnham promis'd to be
here to testify concern, ing Mr. Oates. Sir Denny Ashburnham appear'd. He depos'd, That he receiv'd a Letter that Morn- ing with a Copy of an Indictment against Mr. Oates for Perjury, which he had shewn Mr. Attorney: That he knew Mr. Oates in his Youth, and then he was not a Person of that Credit to be depended upon- and had the Discovery of the Plot depended on his single Testimony, he should have doubted of it, but Mr. Oates's Testimony was so corroborated, he said, by concurring Evidence, he was now convinc'd of the Truth of it. L. C J. What was in the IndiCtment ? Sir Den. Ashb. That he did swear the Peace
against a Man, and also depos'd, that there were some Wit. nesses, that would prove a certain Fact ; but when they came they would not testify it, and so he was forsworn: There was no Proceeding upon the In, diCtment. L. C. J. Have you any more Witnesses ? Ireland. Here are my Sister and my Mother can tell how our Relations were plunder'd for siding with the King. . L. C. J. No ; it was for being Papists, and you went to the King for Shelter. Ireland. I had an Uncle kill'd in the King's Service; besides the Pendrels and the Giffords, who are my near Relations, were instrumental in saving the King at the Fight at Worcester.
Pickering My Father was kill'd in the King's Party. L. C. J. Why do you fall off from your Father's Virtue? Pickering. I have not time to produce my Wit. nesses. 1 Grove. As I have a Soul to save, I know nothing of the Matter charg'd against me. Then the Lord Chief Justice sum'd up the Evidence and directed the Jury, that tho' Oates and Bedlow were mistaken in thc point of time, and Ireland was out of Town in August, yet this did not entirely de- stroy their Testimony ; the Substance of their Evi- dence might be true, tho' they had sworn falsly in this Circumstance ; indeed, he said, it might invali- date the Credibility of their
Testimony if tt aP- pear'd Ireland was really out of Town in August; but he left it to them, whether they would believe the King's three Witnesses, who had fworn he was in Town, or the others, who swore he was not But added, that he thought it impossible for any Men to frame such a Story as the King's Witnesses had told ; or for any one to disbelieve it when it WaS told ; and that nothing was plainer, than that there was a Conspiracy to bring in Popery, and de- stroy the Protestant Religion Nor was it, he said, at all difficult to believe, That these Priests, who had debauch'd Men's Understandings, overturn'd all Morals, and
destroy'd all Divinity, were engaged in ' Wi
f 24231 j such a Design ; whole Humility was such, that they trod upon the Necks of Emperors ; their Charity such as to kill Princes, and their Vow of Poverty such as to covet Kingdoms : That they had rendred all Con- verse with them impracticable, for they knew no Sin, but what might be indulg'd, no Offence too big for 1 Pardon ; and the blackest often accounted meritori- ous; and said, if Sacraments could not bind them, what Obligations or Covenants between Man and Man could After having inveigh'd very se- verely, against the Principles and Practices of the Pa- pists, he concluded, that the Matter was as plain and
notorious as could be, that there was an Intention of bringing in Popery by a cruel and bloody way; and he thought Mr. Oates rather justified by the testimo- ny offer'd against him; than discredited. To be continued. Letters from Genoa of Nov. 27. O. S. say, that Captain Scot sailed from Gibraltar the 31st of last Month with a Squadron of His Britannick Ma- jesty's Men of War under his Command. Ar- riving on this Coast, he sent Captain Steuart in the Winchester to look into por to Speccia , and the Lord Vere Beauclair in the Lime to to Leghorne for Intelligence, Himself in the Dragon' with the Leopard commanded by Captain
Medley' proceeded for this Place, where he arrived the Twenty second in the Afternoon. He immedi- ately discovered, that the Revolution, a Ship in the Pretender's Service, lay in the Inner Mole, but so surrounded with other Ships , that he could not come to Anchor near her. He went to the Pratick House, on Pretence of getting Pratick, but with a Design to send to Mr- Davenant, His Britan- nick Majesty's Envoy , to come to him, that he might receive from him what Information he could concerning that Ship. Mr. Davenant acquainted him, that Monro, her Captain, lay ashore dangerously ill of some Wounds he had lately received,
and that other Officers nam'd Gardiner, Fordes, and French, lodg'd In the same House with him. The Gates being upon shutting, Capt. Scott had just Time to tell Mr. Dave- nant, he had Orders to seize that ship ; that as soon as he could get ba. k to his own Ship, he would go about the seizing of her, that he might depend upon her being in his Possession in half an Hour; and therefore that the Persons before- mentioned might not have an Opportunity of making their Escape when they should hear of her being seized, he de- sired him, as soon as the Gates should be shut, to go to the Doge, and demand in His Britannick Ma jesty's Name, that they might be immediately se- cured. His Majesty having certain Information of their being Traytors and Rebels, and given Or- ders, that they should be demanded from the Go- vernment of any Place where they might happen to be. The Ship was seized without the least Noise or Disturbance, with her Crew consisting of 58 Per- sons The Doge answer'd Mr. Davenant, That he could noc comply with his Demand, without the Con. sent of the Senate and Grand Council, which he would call the next Morning. The Senate not co- ming then to a Resolution, Captain Scott renewed the same Demand in the
Afternoon the 23d, and like- wise demanded the Sails and Powder belonging to the Revolution, which had been carried ashore ; for she was designed to have been careened and re. fitted. The latter Demand was granted , but the Senate having not yet come to a Determination on the former, Fordes has retired to a Foreign Mi- nister's House, and Gadiner, Monro, and French; to a Convent of Dominicans. Captain Scott intends to refit the Revolution, and as soon as she shall be in Readiness for the Sea, to send one of the British Men of War Home with her, putting her Crew on Board that Man of War; Last Wednesday a notable
Race was run. between a Running Footman of the Imperial Ambassador, and a Highlander in the Service of the Marquis of Twee- dale, for 50 Guineas. They set out at Ten in the Forenoon from St James's Palace, and ran to the Red Lyon Inn at Brentford and back again. The Highlander beat the German ; oo Yards. The Race, which is near 10 Miles, was perform'd in an Hour and a half and five Minutes. Charles Town , South- Carolina; Septem. 15 We have such continual hard Rains, with some Gales of Wind, as was never known here before, which lasted three Days and three Nights, without any In. termission, and raised the
River 2; to 20 Foot. We have not heard from the Country, but are apprehen- sive there must be great Damage done to the Crops. Boston in New- England, Oct. 22 On Tuesday last died here one of the Heads of the Five Nations of Indians, who lately arrived here from Albany, and on Friday he was very decently and honourably interr'd, six Gentlemen, Officers of the Militia, were Pall. Bearers, a fine Sword lying on the Corpse, which was followed by the Gentlemen of His Majesty's Council, and the Officers of the Militia, and a Mul- titude of Spectators. Saturday last being the Anniversary of His Ma- jesty's Coronation, the Guns at
Castle William, & c. were discharged on so joyful an Occasion- The following humble Address of the Mayor, Recor- der, Aldermen, Bailiffs; Capital Burgesses, Common- Council, Inhabitants, and Burgesses of the ancient and loyal Corporation of Lancaster, has been pre- sented to His Majesty by Sir Thomas Lowther Bart. one of their Representatives in Parliament ; intro. duc'd by the Rr. Hon. the Lord Vifcount Town- shend; one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State; Most Gracious Sovereign: WE Your most dutiful and loyal Subjects, ap- proach Your Majesty with most Grateful Hearts, to acknowledge the many and
invaluable Blessings we have enjoyed under Your auspicious Go- Vernment; and more particularly at this Time to pay our Tribute of the most unfeigned Thanks for the great Care and wise Measures which Your Majesty has taken to detect and disappoint the dark and treasonable Designs of the Enemies to our Peace and Prosperity. We cannot enough admire Your Majesty's great Wisdom and Vigilance in the Good and Happiness of Your Kingdoms, to Which ( under God) we owe the Discovery of this Hellish Conspiracy, form'd in Favour of a Popish Pretender, against Your Majesty's Sacred Person, and for the fatal
Subversion of our happy Constitution, our Religion, Laws, and Liber- ties, nor sufficiently express our Abhorrence of so de- testable a Design, and our Indignation against those who have been so abandoned as to engage in it, in Defiance of all Obligations both Divine and Hu- mane Our Duty to Your Majesty ( the Bell of Princes) no less than our own Interests and Welfare will ever firmly engage us, to the utmost of our Powers, in the Support and Maintenance of Your Majesty's Just and Undoubted Right the Imperial Crown of this Realm, and to Pray ( as we fervently do) that the Al- mighty may continue You under His most
powerful Protection , against all Conspiracies and Attempts whatsoever, and that Your Reign over us may be long and happy, and Your Royal Descendants rule af- terwards to the latest Generations. Colonel Read of the First Regiment of FoOt Guards is dangerously ill. They write from Weymouth, that they have had there Very stormy Weather, and such violent Wester- ly Winds, and Winds at S. South West, that have forced into Portland Road several Dutch Doggers bound to Bourdeaux; and some small Coasters bourd to the West, but the Wind was much abated when i the Letters came away: There was lately seized upon
the Coast of Sussex a Gentleman who goes by the Name of Capt. Stewart; who privately landed there in his Return from France, ; and he is now in the Custody of a Messenger. Thurfday 7- Night the Party of Colonel Fane's Troop of Horse Grenadiers, quarter'd at Maidstone in Kent, mutinied, on Account of one of the Troop- cers being Picketted for a Misdemeanor, the Party consisting of upwards of Forty Men, exclusive of those absent and sick, being drawn out in order tO go to Exercise, threw down their Arms and Accoutrements
ments, as one Man : Captain Hide, the commanding Officer, demanded the Reason for this extraordinary Proceeding, when they one and all declared for his Majesty, the Prince, and the rest of the Royal Family ; but said their Resentments arose from the Punish- ment inflicted on their Brother Trooper : The Drums hereupon beat to Arms, but they refused to return to their Duty, and retired to their Quarters, leaving their Arms, & c. in the Field. Captain Hide imme- diately dispatch'd an Express to Town, with an Ac- count of what had happen'd ; And the same Night got four of the Mutineers secured, who named three others more
instrumental in raising the Mutiny ; which last were sent Prisoners under a Guard to Lon- don, where they arrived at three of the Clock last Sunday Morning, and were committed to the Mar- shalsea in Soho ; and the same Night Orders were sent to Maidstone for bringing more of them to Town. Madam Vaughan, Mother. in Law to Thomas Strangeways, Esq; Knight of the Shire of Dorset ; as also to Watkin Wynn, Esq; Knight of the Shire of Denblgh, died lately at her House in St. James's- Street, much lamented. An Officer of the Foot Guards is put into the Room with Mr. James Plunket, soon to be try'd for High- Treason, who is
relieved every six Hours by a- nother Officer, On Tuesday last, Mr. Squire, His Majesty's Mes- senger seized by a Warrant from my Lord Cartaret, the whole Impression of the Advices from Parnassus, for the Month of November, at Mr. Aris's, Printer in Creed- Lane. Monday the several Persons in the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons, on account of the late Tumults and Riots at Coven- try, were discharged, paying their Fees. The Bishop of Leighlin and Fernes being arrived in Town from Ireland, has been to wait on His Maje. sty, by whom he was most graciously received- On Saturday Night the
Cause between the Marchio- ness Dowager ot Annandale, Appellant, and the Mar- quiss her Son in Law, Respondent, was after a long hearing Determined that she should have all Left her by the Will of the Deceased Marquis her Husband. We hear, that His Majesty has made a Present of 500 Guineas to Sir Richard Steele on account of the Dedication to the Play of the Conscious Lovers. On Saturday last George Keckwich, a Clerk at the South- Sea House, who had been committed to New. gate upon Suspicion of being concerned in a fraudu- lent Transfer of South- Sea Stock, was admitted to Bail. Mr. Ogden, the
Comedian, is double- Iron'd in Newgate, being charged with High Treason ; each Player of the New House allows him half a Day's Pay in a Week towards his Subsistence, Edinburgh, Dec 10. Yesterday being the Lord's- Day, an Exhortation by the Commission of the Ge- neral Assembly to Duty and Loyalty was read in all the Churches of this City, pursuant to an Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh for that Effect. The Reve- rend Mr. William Mitchel Moderator of the late Ge- neral Assembly, and Commission thereof, read the same from the Pulpit of the High Church, after the Forenoon's Sermon- Last Week Mr. George
Drummond, Lord Dean of Guild, set out for London, in Order to solicite the Parliament, ( as is said.' for extending the two Pennies Duty on the Pint of Ale, brewed in the Suburbs as well as in the City of Edinburgh. The following Address having been transmitted by SIR Nicholas Lawes, Governour of Jamaica, to the Right Hon. the Lord Carteret, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, has by him been pre. sented to His Majesty, who was pleas'd to receive it Very graciously. To the King's most Excellent Majesty, The humble Address of the Governour and Council of Jamaica. • Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your
Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Sub. jects the Governour and Council of Jamaica having under Consideration the unhappy State and Condition of this Your Majesty's Island do humbly beg Leave to represent to Your Majesty, the deplora- ble Circumstances we are reduced to by a dreadful Storm which happen'd ON the 28th of August LAST The Violence of it is inexpressible. It has thrown down and shatter'd all our Houses to such a Degree that for some Time we were exposed to the Extremity of the Weather. It has blown down Part of your Majesty's Fortifications, dismounted the Guns de- stroyed the Carriages, and damaged
most of the Pow- der in the Magazines, and the Fire- Arms: And the Calamity has been so general, and the Loss sustain'd so great throughout the Island, thst the poor Inhibi- tans are utterly unable to put themselves into a Po- sture of Defence without some Aid and Assistance Therefore we fly to Your Majesty, as the Father of our Country, for Succour and Relief in this our di- stress ; and humbly beseech Your Majesty to send us such Aids of Guns, Carriages, Fire- Arms, and Am- munition, and such a Number of Ships of War, as Your Majesty in Your great Wisdom shall think neces- sary ; and we shall endeavour to repair the
Breaches made in the Fortifications, with all possible Dispatch. The tender Regard Your Majesty has always shewn to all Your Subjects, and the happy Influences we have felt under Your auspicious Reign, makes us pre. sume to apply in this Manner, not doubting of Relief from Your great Goodness. We humbly beg Leave to repeat to Your Majesty the Assurance of our Zeal and Affection for Your sacred Person and Government; and that we shall always, to the utmost of our Power, endeavour to promote Your Majesty's Service and In- terest. Passed the Council, Nicholas Lawes, Sept. 13, 1722 Jos. Maxwell, Cl. Concil. To the
Honourable the Commons of Great- Britain in Parliament assembled. The humble Petition of the Persons whose Names are here, under subscribed, in behalf of themselves and others, who have Stock allowed them in the South Sea Com- pany in respect of their several Interests in the Redeemable Debts and Funds, Sheweth, THAT your Petitioners finding that the Provi- sions hitherto made for their Relief, have prov'd ineffectual think themselves obliged, in Consideration of the Greatness as well as Inequality of their Suffer- ings, to become Suitors to this Honourable House, for some particular Relief in behalf of themselves
and the many innocent Persons whose Fortunes were involuntarily involv'd in the South- sea Company. _ Your Petitioners are too sensibly affected with their own Losses and Hardships, not to have a tender Re- gard for the Misfortunes of others ; nor do your Pe- titioners hereby seek any Restitution from the said Company. But from the late generous Remittance by the Par- liament of above Five Millions to the South- Sea Company, founded ( as your Petitioners humbly con- ceive,) on the Unreasonableness of exacting the Per- formance of so unfortunate a Contract, your Petition, ers have Grounds to hope, that the same
indulgent Disposition will extend itself to the Remittance of the remaining Part of the Premium reserved to the Publick. .1 And your Petitioners conceiving, that the greatest Sufferers have the justest and fairest Pretence to the greatest Relief, do beg Leave to lay before this Hon- ourable House the unhappy State of their Case, with regard to the several Persons whose particular Interests are engaged in the said Company. The Old Proprietors of the said Company not withstanding they had stipulated to pay above 4,000,0001. whether your Petitioners Debts were subscribed or not, for each 1001. Original Debt have ( now the
Additions are made) ' Capital Stock ; whereas the utmost your Petitioners are allow'd for the like 100 1. Original Debt, amounts to no more than 48 1. 17 s. 9 d. Stock. As to the 1st Subscribers of Long Annuities, they have for each 100 1. per Annum in Stock, 1
and in Bonds 575 1, The second Subscribers of such Annuities have in Stock 1444 1. 8s. 10d. Where- as your Petitioners have for their 100l. per Annum, only in Stock 977 1 - It would be easy to shew the like Inequality be- tween your Petitioners and the several Money Sub. scribers and the Borrowers; but the same is not in- sisted on, in Regard they voluntarily engaged them- selves, and have not therefore ( as your Petitioners humbly conceive) so just a Claim to your Favour as Government Creditors, to whom former Parliaments have paid the tenderest Regard. j Your Petitioners also crave Leave, to observe, That by
remitting the Two Millions to the said Company in General, the Old Proprietors, whose Property ( as before is shewn) is so greatly increased, and the New Proprietor who have purchased Stock at easy Rates, equall and promiscuously partake of the Benefit thereof with your Suffering Petitioners; and many of your Petitioners, whose Exigencies And Necessities have constrained them to part with the Little Stock that hath been allowed them, will receive no Benefit 11 Your Petitioners also beg Leave to observe, That besides the before mention'd Remittance already ob- tain'd by the said Company from Parliament, the said
Company hath gained between 7 and 8 Millions from your Petitioners, unless this Honourable House should in tender Regard to your Petitioners particular and very disproportioned Losses, be induced to appropriate the remaining Part of the Premium to the sole Benefit of your Petitioners, under which Circumstance your Petitioners will be far greater Sufferers than any others. Mrs. Crane, the Midwife, who Laid her Royal Highness of the last young Prince, is sent for to Town, to be ready to serve her Royal Highness in the same Capacity. To- morrow there will be Two Charity Sermons Preached at St. Sepulchre's, that in the
Morning by the Lord Arch- Bishop of York, and that in the Af- ternoon by Dr. Lupton. The Fire which broke out last Tuesday at Seven in the Evening in Maiden Lane in Queenstreet, Cheap- side, burnt violently till Twelve, in Which time se- veral Houses were consumed- Two or three Firemen, we hear, fell down with an entire Floor into the Flames but were immediately taken out again, and no Body perished in ' em. ' Tis said that it was at last extinguish'd by the Invention of a German, which at once smother'd the whole Fire. The Concord, Capt. Frese, from Barbadoes, bound for Dublin, is lost off of the Mull, West of Scotland.
Part of the Cargo, and all the Men, were saved. . Excract of a Letter from Salisbury, dated December 14. 1722. Yesterday was interr'd in our Cathedral Church, in an ancient Monument of the Family of the most Noble and Potent Prince Charles Duke of Somerset, & c & c. & c. the Body of the most Excellent Princess Elizabeth Dutchess of Somerset, & c a Lady most eminent, and always as highly distinguish'd by her most extraordinary Virtues and Accomplishments, as Illustrious by Birth and Alliances. Her Grace was Daughter and sole Heiress of the Right Honourable Joceline Earl of Northumberland, Baron Percy of Alnwick,
and Baron Lucy of Egremond, and Baron Poynings, Fitzpaine, Bryan and Latimer, and Lord of the Honours of Cockermouth, Petworth, & c Her Grace's Body was attended hither by her Daugh- ter, the Right Honourable the Lady Katherine Wynd- ham, Mr. Charles Wyndham, Grandson to their Gra- ces, together with the Right Honourable the Earl of Thomond, and Sir William Wyndham Bart, and others; the Funeral Ceremony was in every thing suitable to her Grace's great Quality, without any ostentatious Pomp. At the some time were deposited in that ancient noble Monument, the Bodies of two of their Graces Sons, viz. the
Right Honourable the Lord Charles Percy Seymour, their fourth Son, who died Anno 1721, and the Right Honourable the Lord Charles Seymour their fifth Son, who died Anno 1710, being removed hither from Westminster. Abbey, where they had been first Interr'd near the Monument of Anne, Dutchess of Somerset, Widow and Relict of the most Noble and Potent Prince Edward, Duke of Somerset, Uncle to Edward the Sixth, and Protector of England, dur- ing the Minority of that Prince. Thursday there was a General Court of the London Assurance Company, and Wednesday of the Royal Exchange Assurance. Bankrupts since
our last. William Greatorex, late of Hatfield, in the County of Hereford. Henry Bennet, late of West Smithfield, London, Victualler. Joseph Howard, of Stepney, alias Stebon- Heath, in the County of Middlesex, Baker. John Denton, of London, Blackwell Hill Factor. John Withers, of Black Heath, in the County 0f Kent, Match maker. Thomas Bradshaw, late of Salford, in the County of Lancaster, Chapman Extract of a Letter from Lisbon, dated Decem. 19: The Brazil Fleet will be in here to Morrow, for this Afternoon came in one of the Ships called the Santa Cruz, and one of the Men of War was this Morning in Sight Of the Bar, but
stood again to Sea, The Elizabeth, Capt. Pulestone, from London, and the Shriff, Capt. Curling, from Archangel, are arriv'd, as are several Vessels from Ireland, and Capt. Goday with Corn from Portsmouth, and the Tine; Crowns from Cows, with Corn, and some others, whose Names I have not learn'd As yet there is no News of the Prince Frederick, Capt. King, nor of the Revival, and others, which are expected in from London. Upon these Considerations, your Petitioners, who have fo deeply Tasted of the late destructive Scheme, do moft humbly hope, That this Hon- ourable House will think them the most deserv- ing Objects
of Compassion, and will be pleased to give them the remaining Part of the said Pre. mium or such other Relief as to your great Wi- dom shall seem meet, and will be pleased to in- terceed with his most Gracious Majesty for that Purpose. And your Petitioners shall ever Pray, & c. The Rev. Dr. Henry Lamb of Rumsey in Hamp- shire, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, is made Chaplain to the Right Hon. Nicholas Lord Lechmere, Baron of Evesham, and Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster. Sir Adolphus Oughton, and John Seal, Esq; are e- lected Members for Coventry, by a great Majority. We hear, that Sir
Thomas Clark is voted duly ele- cted for Hertford, in the room of Charles Caesar, Esq; sitting Member. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Seaflower, Capt. Tho. Payne, was lately lost at Canaries ; and that the Elizabeth, Capt. Whiteway, bound from Lon- don to Leith, founder'd at Sea ; but that all the Men were saved by a Ship bound to Burlington. Wednesday His Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills, viz. A Bill for granting an Aid to his Majesty by a Land tax to be raised in Great- Britain, for the Service of the Year 1723. A Bill for enabling Darcy Dawes, Esq; ( Son to his Grace
the Archbishop of York,) and Mrs. Sarah Roun- dell, to make Settlements upon their Inter Marriages the several Estates, notwithstanding their respe- tiVe Minorities. And two Naturalization Bills. Wednesday Night the Widow of the late Admiral Bembow was interr'd at Debtford . Richard Edgecomb, Esq; one of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Treasury, is dangerously ill. A sad Misfortune happened lately at Captain Lane's house at Bently in Staffordshire : Mr. Lane and his daughter being drying of Gun. Powdcr, the same Fire, blew up great Part of the House, and wounded the young Gentlewoman in such a manner, that her
Life is despair'd of; and Captain Lane has receiVed considerable Hurt himself. His Majesty hath been pleased to order a large Sum of Money to be distributed this Christmass amongst House keepers
Most Gracious Sovereign, PErmit us to join with the rest of our Loyal Fel- low Subjects, in congratulating your Majesty upon the seasonable Detection of the late barbarous Conspiracy, contrived in Favour of a Popish Pretender, and to assure your Majesty, that we detest the Trea- chery and base Ingratitude of those who would sub- Vert that mild and gentle Government by which they have been pretected, and from which they have been protected and from which they have had so many unexampled proofs of Clemency and Tenderness. We have ( we own it with the greatest Thankful- ness to Heaven and your Majesty) found
You the Glorious Instrument of our Happiness Our Liber- ties, Religious and Civil, have been safe in your Hands. You hsve affected nothing more than to be the common Father of your People ; so that had we not bound by our most sacred Oaths, we should by our strongest Inclinations, support your Ma- jesty's Throne, and the Succession of the Crown in your illustrious Family. We can't enough admire the Divine Goodness, that we have a Protestant Prince who fills and adorns a Protestant Throne, and should have been amazed at their Stupidity, who imagine that their Religion can be safe. in the Hands of one, who thinks
himself obliged in Conscience to destroy it, had they not giv- en us too much Reason to conclude they had no Re- ligion at all ; who can mock the great God by offer- ing Prayers they don't desire should be heard, and taking Oaths they never intend to keep ; who would sacrifice the Peace of your Majesty's Kingdoms to their restless Ambition, write their Revenge in Cha- racters of Blood, and raise themselves upon the Ruins of all that is valuable to us as Englishmen and Pro- testants. Your Subjects with whom we are concerned, are unanimously hearty in your_ Majesty's Interest, and need no Spur to sacrifice their Lives and
Fortunes in Defence of your Person and Government. If they did, we are too sensible of the Benefit of our excel- lent Administration. of your tender Regard for the Protestant Religion both Here and Abroad, and our own most solemn Obligations, to neglect so important a Part of our Duty and Charge. We are justly astonished at the late traiterous and insolent Declaration of the Pretender; we are con- fident he can't boast of one among the many Thou- sands under our Care, that hath the least Inclination to his Interest. The Hand of God hath been so very conspicuous in your Majesty's repeated Preservation, that it calls us to
have a most tender Concern for his Honour, and the Interest of Religion. This therefore we shall study to promote in our several Places, being convinc'd that Religion is the best support of Government, and most likely to engage the Almighty to continue his Care of your Sacred person, to prosper and suc- ceed your Administrations, to disappoint and con- found all your Enemies Designs, and to fix the Crown in your Royal Family to the latest Posterity This hath been, and shall continue to be the Subject of our Daily Prayers. LONDON; Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers Where Advertisements are taken in.
CASUALTIES. Burnt to Death at St. Paul in Covent Garden i. drown'd accidentally 2 One at St. Olave in South- wark, and one at St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey. The following humble Address of the Protestant Dis- senting Ministers of the County of Devon, that usually assemble in the City of Exon, was presented to his Majesty on Friday last by the Reverend Mr Thomas Reynolds, accompany'd by the Reverend Mr. William Tong, being introduced by the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Townshend, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State: Which Address His Majesty was pleased to receive very graciously, and
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. long had the Honour to Kiss His Majesty's Hand. Found dead t. One ( a Child) at St. Mary At Hill and one ( a strange Woman) at st. Gabriel in Fenchurch Street. Hang'd himself ( being Lunatick) at St Mary at Whitechappel r. Overlaid t. To be LETT, fit The TEMPLE MEUSE within White- fry- ers Gateway in Fleet street, containing a Taphouse, four Rooms on a Floor, with ten Coach- Houses, and Sta- bling for about Sixty Horses; either the Whole, or in parcels. Enquire of Mr. John Browne, at his Lime- Wharf at White fryers Dock. To be Lett or Sold, * t* The Lease of a Farm, late Mr. Richard Gray's at the
Pinder of Wakefield at Grays- Inn- Lane End, consisting of a Tyle- Kiln Barns, Cow House. Sta- bling, & c. and several other Leases Enquire of Mr. John Martin, Distiller, in White- fryers- , AL L that are distressed to the last Degree with the French. Disease, or any Symptoms ot it and try'd Salivation, the Specifick, and Arcanum, Diet Drinks, with all the Mercurial slip SlopS tired with taking Medicines to no purpose, may a fair, speedy, cheap, and safe Cure.- A Clap ning of the Reins is cured in a few Days, withoUt drance of Business. and so private, that the most in- mate cannot take Notice of it. Note, Those that in the Country
may send and be furnish'd Doses for five Shillnigs, that Cure all Symptoms the French Disease, Rheumatism, or Scurvy, do you more Service in all the aforesaid Distempers than any twelve Doses sold in England. . To be spoke with at the Golden Ball in con Court in Fleet- street, almost over- against Lane. Advice in all Distempers Gratis —'