The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 15/12/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
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Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1722 ALL Vice has such an in- herent Deformity in its very Nature , that ' tis justly detestable in the Sight of God and good Men: But Perjury is a Crime of so transendant an Height, so unparal- lell'd in itself, so dan- gerous in its Conse- qences, and of so large and destructive an Extent, that that Man must have confounded all the Distinictions between Virtue and Vice must have abandon'd himself, to every Conside- ration of a just omnipotent God, who takes Cognizance of his Actions, in order to a future Retribution, before he can allow himself
deliberately to commit it ; much less to justifie, or repeat a Crime that is, at once, a solemn mocking and despising the tremendous Majesty of Heaven, a drawing God, who is very faithfulness itself, and the original Author and God of all Truth, into a Confederacy of deceiving ; is a Violation of the stricktest Bonds of humane Affairs ; a breaking through the sacred Tyes of Society ; a rendring all Securities given to a Government void and ineffectual; and did it universally obtain amongst Mankind, all mutual Trust and Confidence must in a short Time be dissolv'd, and all Commerce be de- stroy'd , all civil Controversies left in the
most per- plex'd Confusion imaginable; and the World itself be little less than a Den of Thieves and Robbers. The Patrons of this Wickedness are such as Mr. Layer, and others of his wicked Accomplices, who have a Salvo as an Excuse for their Practice ; they weakly imagine they may swear to a Lie with their Lips, provided they have any Regard for Truth in their Hearts: This subtle Distinction was invented by their dear Friends the Jesuits, designedly to evade the Force of the Oaths enacted for a Security to the Government. Accordingly, they swear to his present Majesty as King in Possession only, and would have us believe,
thac when they abjur'd the Pretender's Right to these Kingdoms, they meant only to renounce his legal Right, but not his hereditary or divine Right. Thus by the Assistance of mental Reservation, is the awful Name of God made cheap and contemp. tible, and the. sacred Institution of an Oath prostitu- ted to the basest Designs and Purposes; our Laws are likewise in the most shameful Manner abus'd, and even Religion itself made a Pretext to shelter the most exorbitant Impiety of Traytors. Such One would have thought, that such Villains had been sufficiently discourag'd from pursuing any longer a Design in which they had so
ill succeeded ; but Insurrections, we see, are what we must always ex- pect from those that are animated by popish Maxims, unless they are timely prevented by cutting them off Price Three Half Pence; With the Sword of Justice, which daily cries out for Vengeance on those flagrant Offenders who have no Hope's of enslaving us but in the Destruction of our present happy Establishment, were it not for those who have Virtue and Courage enough to stand up in the defence of it. I am, SIR., Dec. 11 1722. Your Humble Servant, BRITANNICUS. The Continuation of the Tryal of King HENRY 8 th of England. Whereupon Cardinal
Campejus was sent over into England, with whom Cardinal Woolsey was joyned in Commission; These Cardinals had a Place ordain- ed them in the Black fryars, in London, for the keep- ing of their Court in Judicature. , To which Court the King and Queen were summoned to appear per- sonally, which accordingly they did, having several Seats prepared for them. When the Court was sat, the Cryer called King Henry to appear, who' forth, with answered here : Then was the Queen called who made no Answer it all, but presently rose up and going to the King, fell on her Knees' at his Feet, and in the Audience of the People,
said unto him, ' Sir, I desire you to take some pity upon me, and do me justice and Right; I am a poor Woman, a Stranger, born out of your Dominions, having here no indiffer- ent Council, and less Assurance of Friendship. Alas! ' Wherein have I offended, or what Cause of Displea- ' sure have I given you, that you thus intend to put ' me away ? I take God to Be my Judge, I have been ' to you a true and humble' Wife, ever conformable ' to your Will and Pleasure, never Gain saying any ' thing wherein you took Delight: Without all ' Grudge or discontented Countenance, I have loved ' all them that loved you, howsoever their
Affection ' have been towards me. I have born you Children ' and have been your Wife now these twenty Years ' Of my Virginity and Marriage- Bed, I make God ' and your own Conscience the Judge, and if it other. ' wise be proved, I am content to be put from you ' with shame. The King your Father, in his time ' for Wisdom, was known to be a second Solomon, ' and Ferdinand of Spain, my Father, recounted the ' wisest among their Kings; could they in this Match ' be so far over seen, or are there now more wife and ' more learned Men than at that time were ? Surely ' it seems wonderful to me, that my Marriage after ' twenty
Years, should be thus called in Question, ' with new Invention against me, who never intend- ' ed but honestly. Alas! Sir, I see that I am wrong. ' ed, having no Council to speak for me. but such as ' are your Subjects, and cannot be indifferent upon ' my part; therefore I most humbly beseech you, ' even in Charity to stay this Course, until I may have ' Advice and Council from Spain ; if not, your ' Grace's Pleasure be done. Then rising, and mak- ing low Obeisance to the King, she departed the Court ; and though the Crier called her to ceme into the Court, as she was going away, yet she went on, bidding her Attendant to go
forward, and saying to 16 A him,
( a 4 i 8 ) him, this is no indifferent Court for me. When the King perceived that she was departed, he presently spake thus unto the Assembly; I will, quoth he, in her Ab- sence, declare before you all, that she hath been to me a moft true, obedient, and comfortable Wife, endued with all vertuous Qualities and Conditions, according to her Birth, and in Lowliness equals any of baser sort. Which said, Cardinal Wolsey humbly requested the King, that he would be pleased to de. clare before that honourable Assembly, whether he had been the Cause of this his intended Divorce, wherewith he was charged in the Opinions of the
People ? Whereupon the King said, My Lord Cardinal, I can well excuse you in this, and rather affirm, that you have been against me,- in attempting it thus far. Then by and by the Court was adjourn'd till May 28. fol- lowing. which time being come, the King's learned Council alledged many Reasons and Nikelihoods to prove, that Prince Arthur had Nuptial Knowledge of the Lady Katherine's body, as their being both of Years capable to explete the Act; he above Fifteen, she above Seventeen, and both laid in one Bed almost five Months together, & c. From Day to Day the Pleas proceeded, but no- thing was concluded touching
the Divorce, therefore the King sent the two Cardinals to perswade with the Queen, to put the whole Matter to himself, Which he said would be far better and more honour, able for her, than to stand the Tryal of the Law. These Legates accordingly repaired to her, she from amongst her Maids, at Work, came forth of an in- ner Room to them, having a Skein of white Thread about her Neck ; to whom she said, Alack, my Lords, I am very sorry to make you attend upon me. What is your will? Madam, quoth Wolsey we are come in good Will to knew your Graces Mind in this great Matter of your Marriage and to give you our Advice,
with the best Service we can. The Qa: en thanking them, said, That by order of Holy Church, she was espoused to the King, as his true Wife, and in thar Point she would abide till the_ Court of Rome ( which was privy to the Beginning,) had made thereof a final Determination and End The King then hopeless of his Queen's Consent, hasted his Lawyers to forward the Divorce, which daily they did; but when the Day appointed was came for the final Determination of the Matter in question, then Cardinal Campejus reserved it for the Pope himself to conclude. Which so inraged the Duke of Suffolk, that with a stern Countenance he
said. It was never merry in England, since we had any Cardinals amongst us. To be continu'd. A. Ireland. Because the Wednesday before my Bro- ther and Mother and I were invited out to Dinner and staid out all Night, and on Friday my Brother came home ; and on the Saturday he set out for Staf- fordshire. L C. J. Do you know Sarah Pain, Mr. Ireland Ireland- I do not know her. S. Pain. He knows, me very well; I have carried several Letters to him, foreign Letters and others L- C. J. They will deny any thing in the World Ireland. I profess'd I do not know, her; though she having been Mr. Groves Servant may, have brought me
Letters, Mrs. Eleanor Ireland, the Prisoner's Mother was call'd She depos'd, that her Son went out of Town the third of August, and did not return ' till a Fortnight before Michaelmas ; and that she and her Daughter lodg'd at the same House he us'd to lodge all the Time he was gone. Oates. My Lord, Mr. Ireland wrote a Letter, and dated it as from St. Omers, when I took my leave of him at his own Chamber, between the 12th and i4th of August in London ; and afterwards he came to Fenwick's Chamber, when I was there, which was at least a Fortnight or ten Days in August, I am sure : And whereas he says, he was the
Beginning of Sep- tember in Staffordshire, he was in Town the first of September, or second; for then I had twenty Shillings of him. Harrison appear'd; He depos'd, that he was Servant to Sir John South- cot; and that the first Time he saw Mr. Ireland was on the sth of August, when they met him at St. Alban's: That Sir John his Master went to meet my Lord Aston and his Lady there; and that they lay at the Bull at St- Alban's that Night, and the next Day set forwards together to my Lord Action's House at Tixwell in Staffordshire : That he was in Company of Mr. Ireland from the 5th of August to the 16th, when he parted with him at
Westchester, L. C. J You say you went out of Town on Sa- turday; did you stay at St. Alban's till Monday? Ireland. No : I went to my Lord Aston's at Stan- don in Hertfordshire on Saturday, where I staid ' till Monday, and then we went to St. Alban's to meet Sir John Southcot and his Lady. L. C- J You said you were all August in Stafford- shire ; and your own Witness says you were at West- chester. Ireland. In Staffordshire or thereabouts. L. C J. Why was not Sir John Southcot himself brought to testify this ? A. Ireland. I did it myself; I did not understand what. I should have done. Ireland. It is mere Chance she sent for those she
did; for they would not let me have one bit of Paper. L C J. Fellow, what Town was that in Stafford- shire ? Tell me quickly. Har. It was Tixwell by my Lord Aston's; and af- ter we had staid there three or four Days, we went to Nantwich, and so to Westchester. Mr- Charles Gifford was call'd. He depos'd, that he saw Mr. Ireland at Wolver. hampton a Day or two after Bartholomew- Day, and that he continued thereabouts till the 9th of Septem- ber, and that he could bring twenty more who saw him there. Ireland. My Lord, there is one William Bowdrel will testify the same, if I might send for him. L. C. J. Why han't you him here ?
Ireland- My Sister has done what she could to bring them. L. C, J. Mr. Grove, what say you for yourself ? Grove. My Lord, Mr. Oates never lay at my House, nor did I ever receive the Sacrament at Wildhouse, as he deposes; and if I had my Witnesses here, I could prove it., L- C J. What say you Mr. Pickering ? You rely upon your Masses. , Pickering. I never saw Oates before; and for Bed- low I never was in his Company in my Life L. C. J. Well, have you any Witness? Pickering. I have not had time to send for any. To be continued. The Continuation of the Trial of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, & c. for High- Treason.
Ireland- I do as much as I can ; I name them that can testify L. C. J. If naming them should serve, you must have a Law made on purpose for you. Ireland. Then there is no Help for Innocence- Recorder. To save him this Labour, the King's Evidence will prove he was then in Town. Sarah Pain, Grove's Maid, was sworn She depos'd, That she saw Ireland at the Door of his Lodging ( which was at a Scrivener's in Fetter. Lane) about the Time the King went to Windsor. L- C. J- Sir Thomas Doleman, when did the King go to Windsor. Sir Thomas Doleman. About the icth of August. L. C- J. How Jong have you known him. Pain. My
Lord, he often came to our House, when I liv'd at Mr. Grove's: He was the Man that broke open the Packets of Letters, which my Master carried about afterwards; and he seal'd all the Packets which went beyond Sea- Irelaid- Then I must call the People where I lodg'd to prove I was out of Town all August. Mrs. Anne Ireland was call'd. L. C. J. What can you say concerning your Bro- ther's being out of Town in August ? Anne Ireland. He set out for Staffordshire on Sa- turday the third of August. L. C. J. How do you remember that it was Just the third of August ? „
I C W9 J Admiralty Office, December Extract of a Letter to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, from Captain Harris, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships at Jamaica. From on Board His Majesty's Ship the Falkland, in Port- Royal Harbour in Jamaica, Sept. 8. 1722. On the 18th past, about Eight in the Morning," we had a very violent Hurricane, which held all the Day, so that of about thirty Sail of Merchant Ships, but two are left Swimming, and but one Sloop of many that were in this Harbour, is sav'd. The Island in general has suffered very much, many of their Houses, Mills, & c. blown down ; and I do not hear of
any that have escaped being much dama- ged : One third Part of Port Royal is intirely de- stroyed, and many Families lost by the Sea breaking into it. His Majesty's Ships here, viz. this Ship, the Swallow, Weymouth , and Happy Sloop, are safer, but we have lost all our Masts, and parted most of our Cables; our Boats are all gone, as are most of thofe belonging to the Town, which hinders us very much in looking for our Rafts of Masts, &:. We have got all our Anchors again, and our - Ships into proper Births, and moored, the Launceston, Adventure, and Mermaid, are at Sea. The Naval storehouse is blown down : I have People
there clearing away the Rub- bish, and securing the Stores in the best manner they can in the Victualling Storehouse, which stands with- out great Damage. When we can get our Rafts toge. ther, we shall endeavour to fix Jury Masts for the Swallow and Weymouth, to carry them Home. I shall be getting this Ship masted, and fitted for Sea as soon as possible. The Storm made the Happy Sloop complain fo much, that the Captain was obliged to clear his Decks of all his Guns, & c. to preserve her from foundering ; but as we have got Masts for them of some of the Sloops that were lost, we hope we shall get her fit for Sea next
Week. An Act having been passed in the last Sessions, for supplying the City of Westminster, and Parts adjacent, with Water, the Company established for that pur- pose, who has obtained a Charter from his Majesty, and they are now beginning that Work, which will be of such Service to the Publick. The Dutchess of Marlborough being come to Town, appeared last Sunday at Court, for the first Time since the Decease of the Duke her Consort. The King's Yatcht from Dublin to Chester met with a violent Storm at Sea, in which the_ Guns were thrown overboard, and the Vessel was drove into Scotland ; Dr. Hort, Bishop of
Leighlin and Fernes, Mr. Maddox, Secretary to the Lords Justices of Ire- land, Dr. Berkely, an Irish Dean, together with seve- ral other Persons of Distinction, were on Board, who are now on the Road to London. Last Tuesday Sir William Thompson set out for Ipswich, on some Affairs relating to that Corporation, of which he is Recorder. The late Lord Widdrington having Petitioned the Honourable House of Commons, setting forth that his real and personal Estate, to the Value of above 100,000 1. being forfeited by his Attainder, has been sold for the Use of the Publick, that for seven Years past, he has contracted several Debts
for the necessary Subsistance of himself and his Family, and praying a further Relief ( than that formerly granted.) for the Support - of his Family, and the Difcharge of his Debts, & c. The House was Yesterday pleased to Vote that the said late Lord should have an Allowance of 12000 I. out of his Forfeited Estates. On Saturday last, there was a Cabinet Council held at St. James's; present his Majesty and the Prince. _ The Right Honourable the Lord Arundel of Tre- rice took the Oaths and his Seat in the Hcufe of Peers the latter End of last Week, as being of Age, but not . as renouncing the Errors of Popery, as was inserted
thro' mistake, his Lordship being a Protestant. On Monday last, Mr George Barnardiston, one of the Attorneys of the Sheriff's Court, was sworn in Clerk of the- Vintners Company, in the Room of Mr. Ainge, who has resign'd. Thursday 7- Night the South- Sea Company paid into the Exchequer 5 00,0001. being Part of the Million they borrow'd The Bodies of a Servant maid and a Girl seven years old, who were unfortunately lost in the late Fire in Maiden- Lane, Covent- Garden; of which an Account was given in our former, were found in the Ruins on Saturday last very much burnt. It is fear'd that another Servant Maid hath also
perish'd by this sad Accident, she being still missing. The Breshau Meichanc Ship belonging to London which escaped the late Hurricane at Jamaica, and sail'd thence a few Days after the Ship which brought the first News of that dreadful Accident, is arrived here, and brings an Account, that the Inhabitants were in danger of perishing for want of ProVisions. Sunday last died at Whitehall Anne Dutchess of Richmond, who had been first married to Henry Lord Bellasis ofWorlaby. She was the eldest Daughter sf Francis late Lord Brudenel, and Sister to the present Earl of Cardigan. The Duke of Richmond came to Town the same
Day from his Seat at Goodwood in Sussex; but not soon enough to see his Lady alive. Monday the Corpse of the late Dutchess of Somer- set, together wich those of her two Sons, ( viZ. the Lord Charles Seymour, who died in 1710, aged 13 and the Lord PierCy, who died in 1721, aged 26, and had been both interr'd in Weftminster- Abby) west carried down to Salisbury, to be deposited in a stately Vault belonging to her Noble Family in that Cathe- dral. Mr. Ogden of the new Play- house in Lincoln's Inn Fields, who was lately committed to Newgate for treasonable Words, and is still in Custody of the Keep- er of the said Prison,
is by the Justices at Hick's- Hall charged with a fresh Warrant of High- Treason. Sunday last being the first Day of the Mourning for the Dutchess Dowager of Orleans, there was a numerous Courc at St. James's, who accompanied his Majesty to the Chapel, where the Rev. Dr. Baker preached, and the Rt. Hon the Earl of Ferrers carried the Sword of State. On Monday last, two Robberies Were committed between Winchester and Southampton by two High- waymen, Who were the same Day taken at South- ampton, and put into the Bridewel there, in order to be sent to Winchester Ga0l. Captain Packingham, a Prisoner in
Newgate on a Charge of altering Army- Debentures, is given over by the Physicians. On Friday 7- Night Mr. Pickard, a Scale Maker in Woodstreet, who had been complain'd of by the Mi- nister of a Parish for causing a Disturbance in the Church, and was bound over, was brought before the Court at the Old. Baily, reprimanded, and discharged. They write from Paris, that the Price of Bread rising there, the Magistrates took care that the Bakers should make full Weight, and a Very rich one of thac City having been found deficient, he has been fined 3000 Livres, and his Shop shut up for six Month's, in Example which we hope will
be followed by other Ci- ties. We hear that several of the Inhabitants of Castle- Baynard Ward have met to consult of the properest Way for putting a Stop to the Proceedings of their Common- Council Men, who on all Occasions are much above advising with their Principals and Elec- tors, and ' tis hop'd that in their next Election they will have some Regard to the Abilities, Circumstan- Ces and Loyalty of the Persons whom they chuse. On Saturday last a Carman and shoemaker's Boy in Fleet- street falling out, the former threw the latter upon the Stones and broke his Leg From Boston in New- England, Oct. 15, We have the
following Account of General Philips's Proceed- ings at Canso in Nova Scotia. His Excellency General Philips arrived at Canso the latter- end of August. 1721. exposing himself to the greatest Danger, as well from the rudeness of the Place, it not affording proper Necessaries, as from the Insults of the Indians who have not come in and made their Submission. The latter end of March, 1722. his Excellency sent Major Cosby in His Majesty's Schooner William Au- gustus to Annopolis- Royal with Dispatches for that Garrison, and with Orders to put into the Harbour, and to speak with the French and Indians inhabiting ! the
C 24^ 0" j Mr. READ, Dec 1722 COnsidering how many Villains we have in this, Nation by what Name soever distinguish'd whe- ther Papists, Jacobites, Tories, or High Churchmen, that can defie Heaven, by being perjur'd in breaking the solemn Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, which they have taken to King GEORGE, I desire you ( at the Desire of several of your Readers) to insert the. following Song, set to the Tune, A Turncoat is a cun- ning Man, in your next Journal, whereby, you will much oblige your humble Servant. ... ' B. R. I. WHen GEORGE attended first the Throne. I did Allegiance swear, To be most faithful to
His Crown, Whilst he did govern here. A Traytor is a Man who'll lose His Freedom, and Salvation ; His Villany will ne'er refuse To ruin this poor Nation. II. I also vow'd Supremacy, Altho' my Heart did hope A base Impostor soon wou'd be Our King, by means of Pope. A Traytor is a Man who'll take Most solemn Oaths to Heaven; But all his solemn Oaths will break, As to damn'd Perjury given. III. Tho' the Pretender I abjur'd. Good to him was my Will, But James by many not endur'd, Must be a Vagarant stil. A Traytor is a Man who'll cry, By ev'ry roguish Action, How soon he may at Tyburn die, To please a cursed Faction. IV To
carry on our Plots we cry'd In Danger was the Church ; When Romish Church we defy'd, To leave ours in the Lurch. A Traytor is a Man who'd be Like other Knaves in Fashion; And to compleat his Villany, Wou'd murder Kings in Passion; r V. ' but now almighty Providence We see's on GEORGE's side ; And always to be his Defence, Doth really take a Pride. Let Layer then Example be, From loving the Pretender, For Traytors you may plainly see; : Heav'n votes GEORGE our Defender A Cause is depending in the House of Lords be- tween the Marquis of Annandal, and the Marchioness Dowager of Annandale, his Mother in
Law. the Dutchess at Richmond is to be interr'd in Westminster Abbey : The Earls of Berkeley Cardi- gan, Cadogan, and Westmoreland, go into Mourning for her Grace ;. On Tuesday about two in the Afternoon Mr. Crawford one of the King's Messengers was dispatch'd with a Warrant to the Lieutenant of the Tower for respiting . the Execution of Christopher Layer esq till Saturday the 22d instant. At the same Time another Messenger was dispatch'd to the Sheriffs, of London and Middlesex, with a Let- ter from the Lord Viscount Townshend, signifying his Majesty's Pleasure as above, and to their suspend- ing, the Preparations
for the Execution. 1 . The said CounsellOr's Wife and Sister were with him when the Reprieve came to the Tower; and we hear the former was to agreeably surpriz'd at it, that she swoon'd away for joy. His Majesty hath been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable William Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of the County of Hertford ; his Lordship on Tuesday took the Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegance and Supremacy. The last Letters from Port- Royal say, that the Name of one of the Ships which perish'd in the late Hurricane was not known. A Gentleman Passenger, who had on his Finger a costly Ring,
was thrown on Shoar; and the rest were wafted into narrow Holes in the Rocks. Two Ships of the Brasil Fleet are arrived at Lisbon. The said Fleet set sail from Bahia on the iotb of Sep. Cember last, under Convoy of three Men of War. Mr. Roebuck, Clerk to Mr. Smelt, Secretary to the Office of Ordnance, succeeds Mr. Whitaker, deceased, in his Place of Clerk of the Deliveries. The South Sea Company having petitioned for the Remission of the Two Millions due from that Com- pany to the Government, the said Affair is like to be determin'd entirely in their Favour. 0" the 7th instant came on the Election of a Bur- gess for the
Borough of Dunwich in the County of Suffolk, in the Room of Edward Vernon, Esq; who hath made his Election to serve for penryn in Corn- wal ; the Candidates being Sir John Ward, knt. and Alderman of London, and Charles Long, Esq; and the former was elected by a great Majority. Thursday was held the Annual Feast of the Sons of the clergy, on which Occasion the Rev. Dr. St. John preached before them, and Mr. Purcell's Te Deum and Jubilate, with an Anthemn compos'd by Mr. Green, was vocally and instrumentally perform'd at Divine Service. On Saturday last a Soldier, pursuant to the Sen. tence of a Court. Martial for
certain Misdemeanours, ran the Gauntlet in St. James's. Park: At the same time, another Soldier that was ordered to undergo the like Punishment, had it remitted at the Head of the Battalion appointed to whip him, in Consideration of its being his first Fault. They write from New York, Oct. I. That Capt. Greenock was arriv'd there in a Scooner from Virgi- nia, with Advice, that about 200 Negroes near the Mouth of Rastahanack River in that Colony, had got together in a Body, all arm'd, with Intent to have fallen upon the white People when at Church; but their villainous Design being discover'd, they thought it their best Way to fly
into the Woods ; so that only 5 of them were taken. , We have Advice from Dublin, that the Willum and James, Capt Basnett from St. Christopher's, which arrived there in a very bad Condition, is run upon her Anchors and bulg'd. ., Friday 7 Night a Brewer's Boat going down with Drink, to Gravesend, was overset at Woolwich, and one of the Royal Exchange Watermen drownd. Captain the Coast of Nova Scotia ; the Major returned the Beginning of May to Canso, and brought with him several of the Indian Chiefs, whom his. Excellency re- ceived in - a friendly Manner, and entertained at his oWn great Expence Before the ArriVal
of the King's Presents, , which they received from the General's Hands with profound Respect, shewing all Marks of Concern for the Depredations Committed at Canso, and assuring his Excellency that they were prompted, to that Mischief by the French Incendiaries. Soon after, his Execellency, to his great Surprize, received, an Account of Robberies and Murders committed by some of those Very Indians his Excellency had treated with so much Candour, which had so little Effect up- on their brutish and treacherous Tempers, that seven Days after their Departure from his Excellency,' they took 14 Sail of deck'd Fishing Vessels
and Crews. Up- on which his Excellency fitted out Capt. Eliot, and Capt. Robertson, Capt. Broadstreet, and Capt. Jeph- son. Capt. Eliot retook seven' deck'd Vessels, and killed Twenty two Indians, and released the Captives,; Capt. Robertson retook two deck'd Vessels. and killed five Indians, Capt. Broadstreet retook three deck'd Vessels, and Captain Jephson kill'd one Indian.- Thus his Excellency prosecuted the indians with the utmost Vigour; and what adds to the Glory of the above', mentioned successful Actions is, that all the Vessels and Captives were retook and set at Liberty without any Ransom paid to the Indian
Rebels, and there was no Commerce held with them in his Excellency's Go- vernment.
r 2 Captain Hunter'S Letter relating to the Portland Lights SIR, . THE Prince Augustus, Craggs and Barrington, found great Advantages by the Portland Lights, being three Days with the Wind at S. and W. s: W. that we could not see the Land ; and blowing extream hard, we tack'd, and stood off and on only by the Lights, and have brought them at times to bear N. and by E within two Leagues, and had it not been for the Lights, it might have proved of a dangerous Consequence t0 us Portland- Road, Dec. 5. 1722.. I am. & c. The News publish'd in several of the Papers, that they were ready to perish at Jamaica for want of Pro-
Vision, is utterly groundless; for within 48 Hours after the Hurricane, there arrived the Constantine, from Bristol, but last from Cork, and the Amity of Bristol from London, last from Cork, They are Shipping ofF here for Jamaica a great Quantity of Bricks, Tiles, Nails, and other Materials for Building, 10 repair the Houses, & c. which have suffered there by the late Hurricane. St. James's, December 10. An humble Address of the Mayor, Recorder, Al- dermen, Bailiffs, Capital Burgesses, Common Council, inhabitants and Burgesses of the COrporation of Lan- caster, has been presented to His Majesty by Sir Tho. Lowther Bart. one of
their Representatives in Parlia- ment, introduced by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Viscount Townshend, one of His Majesty's Principal Secreta- ries of State. An humble Address of the Bailiffs, Burgesses, and Commonalty of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk, has been presented to His Majesty by Sir William Thompson, and the Hon. Francis Negus, Esq; their Representatives in Parliament, introduced by his Grace Charles Duke of Grafton. An humble Address of the Bailiff, Aldermen, and Capital Burgesses of New Radnor, has been present. ed to His Majesty by Thomas Lewis, Junior. Esq; their RepresentatiVe in Parliament, introduced
by his Grace the Duke of Chandos, Ld. Lieutenant of the County of Radnor. Which Addresses His Majesty was pleased to re. ceive very graciously At the Court of St. James's the 11th Day of De- cember, 1722. PRESENT, The King's most Excellent Majesty in Council. Sheriffs appointed by His Majesty in Council for the Year ensuing, viz. Berks Walter Tyrell, of Stanford in the . Vale, Esq; Bedford, Robert Abbot, Esq; Bucks, John Fuller. Esq; Cumberland, Peter Brougham, Esq; Cantab & Hunt' Tho. Bendish, Esq; Devon, Hugh Stafford, of Pynes, Esq; Dorset, Rich. Henvill, esq; Derby, Henry Eyre, Esq; Ebor' Sir William
Wentworth, Barr Essex, Josias Kinsman, Esq; Gloucester, Thomas Warner, Esq} Hertford, John Sayer, Esq; Kent, William Glanvill, Esq; Leicester, Francis Edwards, Esq Lincoln, Sir John ThOrold, Bart. Monmouth, John Jones, of Pont y Gaytree, Esq; Northumb' Robert Mitford, of Mitford, Esq; Northampton, Edw. Hutchinson, Esq; Norfolk, Gresham Page, Esq; Nottingham, James Bancks, Esq; Oxford, Jenjamin Sweet, Esq; Rutland, Francis Browne. Esq; Stafford, Henry Goring, Esq; Southampton, James Venables, Esq; Surrey. John Neale, Esq; Sussex. John Mittell, of Waldron, Esq; Warwick, Thomas Webb, of Sherborn, Esq;
Worcester, francis Sheldon, Esq Rawse Freke, esq South. Wales, Henry Rumsey of Crickhowe esq; Francis Price, of Lanedy, Esq; James Griffiths, of Noyath, Esq Edward Evans, of Eglebuish Esq John Lort, of Prickeston, Esq; Giles Whitehall, of Presteign, Esq North. Wales. William Owen, Of Penrhos, Esq; Thomas Rowlands, of Nant, Esq; Thomas Hughes, of Northop, Esq: George Wynn, of Mould, Esq; David Lloyd, of Kef'nbodig, Esq; -- Charles Bright, of Hentre, Esq; His Majesty having been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable William Earl of Essex Lord Lieu, tenant of the County of Hereford ; hiS Lordship 0n
Tuesday took the Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy- SIR, AS your Weekly- Journal is for the promoting of Morality, as well as Loyalty to His Majesty, I thought what follows might be acceptable to you as Well as I'm sure it must be to your other Readers, f you please to give it a Place in your next. I am, SIR, Westminster, Dec. 14 Your Humble Servant, 1722. R. P. The Substance of a Speech made by Whitelock Bul- strode, Esq; to the Grand Jury, and other Juries of the County of Middlesex, at Westminster, Oct 4th, 1712. Shall now apply myself to speak to such Crimes, , which I find
most flagrant amongst us, and which have a great Tendency to Ruin the Morals, and the little Vertue that is left us stil remaining in the Na- tion AS for Disorderly Houses, I mean, such Publick Houses, as suffer Men to sit Drinking in them ' till late at Night, or rather, early in the Morning, be those Taverns, Eating- Houses, or Ale- Houses. SUre- ly, these Houses were first instituted for publick meetings, to do Business in, and for Friends to meet for Conversation, and Refreshment; and not to sit Drinking in them six or seven Hours, toasting the Healths of others, ' till they have lost their own, and ev'n their Understandings also.
There is scarce a Session, but We find much Mis- chief done by these Midnight Debauchees- Ordinary Men, that get Drunk, in going Home in the Night, either Quarrel with Drunken Fellows like themselves Break one the others Heads, Lame a Limb; and often times Death ensues: Or are Pickt up by Mid- night Whores in the Streets, who Pick their pockets of the little Money that is left, and while so doing in exchange, give them a Disease, which they carry Home as a Present to their Wives; When brought before us, for these Male- Feasances, they offer in Ex- cuse, that they were Drunk. As if the Sin of Drunk- enness, should
palliate or excuse the Evils they do when Drunk; or, as if the committing one bad Sin; should attone for a Second that is worse. Gentlemen, and Men of Quality, that sit up late at Taverns, or Eating- Houses, stay often ' till two of three o'th Clock in a Morning, and sometimes later; being inflamed with Burgundy, and inspired with Madness, coming Red- hot into the Streets, they re- solve to do fome outragious Wickedness ; for they are above committing small Sins: They would fire some antient Church, if they could, or ( Nero like) some famous City : But being not able so to do, they are contented to commit the humble Sins of
killing the next Man they meet, tho' he should prove to be their dearest Friend. . .. We have had many instances Of this sort; Not long since, a certain Noble and with three others with him, about four of the Clock in the Morning, Ran a Gentleman through, who was going a Journey, whom they never saw before: The Wound happened not to be Mortal, and they escaped : But soon after one of these Midnight DeBauchees kill'd a Watchman JSfPi
man, for which he was fairly hang'd Winchurst and Burdet were lately hang'd, for killing Captain Falkner in the Street, whom they never saw before My next Head, is against Bawdy- Houses: A Word so broad, that the Name should not be so much as known, or mention'd in a Chriftian Country. less a Reproach, I must confess, both to the Eccesiastical and Civil Magistrate, that there are such Houses in being: especially in a Reformed Christian Country, where, by the Principles of our Religion, the Habit of Fornication, as well as Adultery, exclude Chris- tians from the Kingdom of Heaven. In popish Countries, where Fornication, by
the Principles of their Religion corrupted, and the Doc- trine of their Priests, is a Venial Sin ; the Reproach is not so great, if any. to the Magistrate; ' tis said, they are there tolerated, ( as it was with us in England, ' till the Reformation,) and a Tax set on them ; which is an open Allowance of them, but a great Scandal to Christianity, to that Religion . which has enjoyn'd the Purity of the Mind, Cleanness of Thought, and such a Chastity to the Eye, as to forbid an unchast Look. But in the Days of Popery, when the Power of the Church ran high, and the Lairy were stupidly ignorant, and the Priests of the Roman Church had entirely
the Ascendant over them, and lock'd up the Scriptures from them, in the learned Languages. and retail'd on. ly to them the Pater Noster and Ave Marie, and that in Latin, which the people did not understand ; I say, these Priests being prohibited Marriage, and subject, as other Men, to Fornication and Adulters, they u- surp'd the Cognisance of these two sins to themselves; that they might pardon one the other. with the more slight Penance and Punishment, and that privately, that the Laity might not know it ; and this they termed, pro Salute Animae My third Head relates to Play Houses. ' tis to be wish'd there were none in the
Kingdom, because of the great Evil they do to Mankind. These Poets, ev'n after they are dead, if their Plays survive them, by their vitious Plays, help Satan to ruin Mankind in this World, and utterly to destroy them in the next. What Reckoning what Accompt, will those witty unthinking Poets have to make for these great Evils at the dreadful Day of judgment! Let them remember the direful Woe our Saviour Pro- nounces against them which give Offence; that is, occasion Mankind to sin. These Plays being contra Bonos Mores both the Poets and the Actors are presentable; the Present they have not warranting them herein; and
the King's Procla- mation for suppresing of Vice Immorality and Pro- faneness, being directly against such Doings. These Plays are a NUsance to the Vertuous part of Mankind who happen to see them, and sink the Vicious deeper in the Mire of Destruction. Fourthly, My next Head is, touching Masque- rades, alias Balls. I can't help repeating, that these are a Scene of Lewdness, a Congress entirely to an unclean End : The Debauchery is there begun, and finish'd in the Neighbourhood. A dangerous, a very dangerous Step those virtuous Ladies take, who our of an impertinent Curiosity go there ! There, where Women, lewd Wo men, dress in Mens Habits, that they may vent their Obscenity more freely, and that to their own Sex : And where Men dress in the Female Habit, to give and receive a Flood of unclean, and, to them, luscious Conversation. Had Masquerades been in use at the Time of the Apostles, it wou'd have been impossible Christianity could have had any Success ; cou'd have gain'd any Ground, where those had been practis'd. One Mas- querade would have carry'd off more Christians from the Christian Faith and the Purity of a Christian Life, than the raising ten Men from the Dead would have kept in it. Fifthly, My last Head that' I am to
speak to, is, touching Gaming- Houses. ' ' Gaming Houses are prohibited by 33 Hen. 8 By that Act there is a Penalty on the Person that keeps such House, and so there is on the Person that uses it: And Dice Tables, Card Tables Bow- ling- Alleys, and Places of Bowling, are particularly prohibited by it ; and so are unlawful new GAMES then invented, or which should then after be invent- ed and found out. The Penalty is 40s. for having keeping, or suffering any such Game within any such House, Garden, Alley, or other Place ; and six Shil lings and Eightpence a Time For every Person that uses such Place. There is a strange
Spirit of Gaming runs through the whole World; we hear of the Excess of it in France, and Spain, in the West and East Indies- am told, that the Super- Cargo's that Trade from In- dia to China, will stay there, at one Sitting, the very Cloaths off their Backs. Where this will end God only knows. But if this Method of Gentleness and Tenderness of Bounty and Munificence, by a Gracious God to i Nation, will not prevail; then God takes what his Goodness calls, his strange Work, in hand, ( as being foreign to his Mind to rfflict his Creatures) and tries to reduce tha' People by Methods of Vindictive Ju- stice, whom Goodness had no
Power over to pe- swade. L0nDoN; Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street Where Advertisements are taken in. On Thursday Evening, thro' the Negligence of a Painter who had left his Charcoal Pot burning in the Organ Gallery, at St. Andrew's Church in Holbourn the Pews therein took Fire, but being happily disco- ver'd in time, the Flames were soon extinguish'd. Of late Years many People have believ'd that wrought Silks of the Persian, Chinese, and East In- dia Manufacture may be lawfully worn and us'd in Apparel and Furniture in this Kingdom, notwith- standing an Act of Parliament mads in the
11h and 12 Years of King William to the contrary, therefore this is to acquaint them, that all such Goods, if not made up before rh: 29th of September 1701, are liable to be siez'd as prohibited, and that the Persons that shall use or wear the same in Apparel or Furni- ture, are also liable to the Forfeiture of 100 Pounds. And in order hereto, effcftual Prov;( ion is made fo prosecuting all such Persons who shall be found of- fending against the abovesaid Act. Last Thursday Mr. Phillips and Mr. Gaylard Prin- ters, were try'd at Guild Hall, the former for printing The Benefit and Advantages of the Hanover Succession, & c. Part II And
the latter for printing a Libel under the Title of The Weekly Journal; OR. Saturday's Post, and were both found Guilty. Judgment will be given against them next Term. Bankrupts since our last. Thomas Shank of Fleet- street, London, Broker and Stockjobber. John Goodwin of Bawtry, in the County of York,' Malster. Thomas Mander, late of the City of Bristol Soap- maker. The Letter sign'd W. S. relating to the Oxfordshire Feast kept at Merchant Taylors Hall, coming too late to our Hands; shall be inserted in our next. CASUALTIES. Drown'd accidentally in the River of Thames at St. Saviours in Southwark t. Found dead ( a new.
born Fe- male Infant,) at St. Martin Ironmonger. Lane r. Kill'd accidentally by a Fall from a Cart at St. John at Hack- nuy r. Murder'd at St john at Wapping r.