The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 01/12/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1722. IT must be the greatest Satisfaction imaginable to every Loyal Subject in the present Circum- stance of Affairs, to see the Addresses which dai- ly come up to his Majes- ty, from every Part of his British Dominions, 10 express their utmost Ab- horrence and Detesta- tion of the late horrid Conspiracy form'd against his Majesty's Person, Government, Royal Family, and depriving us of our holy Religion and Liberties for ever. But among the many Addresses sent to Court, none can be more grateful than those presented by a
large Body of Men, whose Interest in their Country is con- siderable, and whose Influence over the Minds of the People is very great. Such are the Addresses of both Houses of Parliament ; of the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury, in Convocation assembled ; of the Mi- nisters and elders of the Church of Scotland ; of our own Protestant Dissenting Ministers; and of our two famous Universities ; for these last learned Bodies are not so infatuated ( however they have been misrepre. sented by ill designing Persons) as to believe, that their Religion could be safe under the Government of a po- pish Pretender, or that a Romish
Bigot would protect them in the Enjoyment of their Ecclesiastical and Ci- vil Rights ; they are sensible that they must bid adieu to Deanaries. Wardenships, Principalities and Fellow- ships, to make way for lazy Monks, begging Fryers, brawny Jesuits, and other Spawn of the Church of Rome. I cannot here forbear taking Notice of an Address which was formerly presented by a few Priests to a Swedish King, whereby my Readers may see the Usage which Ecclesiasticks must expect, when a bigotted Prince of a different Religion wields the Sceptre. The Subject of it is this. Amand, King of Sweden, by his Tyranny having enrag'd
his Subjects against him they rose and drove him out of his Kingdom, and call'd in Olaus a pious Prince, to reign in his stead. This Olaus was a Christian, who took care that the Christian Faith should be preach'd in his Dominions; and to that end, call'd in some few Priests, who setling at Upsal form'd a Convent, or kind of little University. Mean while the Heathens of that City began to inveigh against the CHristians as having interrupted their Sacrifices, for they had a miraculous Idol at Upsal, to which they sa- crific'd humane Creatures; and the Agents of Amand fomented these Discontents so dexterously, that they at last won
those infatuated Priests to their Party, who preach'd up the Doctrine of Artand's hereditary and in. defeasible Right. At length, but too late, opening their Eyes, and seeing their Folly. they presented a kind of Address to Olaus. wherein they signified. It was with Shame and Confusion that they approach'd his Throne; and confess'd, that joining with his Ene- mies, they had us'd their utmost Arts to bring in a bigottod Pretender; but had they compass'd their Ends, price Three Half Pence. they acknowledge that the heathen Tyrant would not have protected the Christian Religion, or that he would maintain them ( as he did; in the
Enjoyment of their Property; but would have trampled on their holy Scriptures ; the Priests of the Idols' would have taken Possession of what they then had ; and for their being instrumental in putring the Crown on the Tyrant's Head, would be the Favour of being the last sacrific'd to the Idol. Full of these Sentiments they begg'd leave to approach the Throne of their Christian Prince, to assure him that their future Doctrines should in some Measure attone for their past. In neglecting the Business of true Pastors, and the Concern of Souls, they had busied their Heads with Politicks, a Fault which they never more would be guilty of;
but in Conscience they thought themselves oblig'd to set the Minds of those People to rights, whom they had led astray, and to remove the dangerous Notions which they had inculcated in the Youth committed to their Care. This done, they would always content them, selves with preaching the pure Christian faith, and carefully instructing his Subjects in it, always remem- bring that they had nothing to do with the Kingdom of this World. I am, Nov. 17. S I R, 17: 2. Your mcft fiuriMc Servsnr," October Greenwood. Elizabeth died in her Childhood, Mary firft Mar- ried to old Lewis the Twelfth, King of France, and after his Death, re married to that Famous Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk. And Catharine, who died young.
( ) King's reign for Three Shillings a Bushel, and at another time for Six- Pence the Bushel. The Life of HENRY VIII. King of ENGLAND. A D HEnry the Eighth was born at Greenwich, 1509. june 1491 His Youth was so train, ed up in Literature, that he was accounted the most learned Prince of Christendom. In A. D. 1509, and june he was Crowned at Westminster, together with his Queen Catherine the Relict of his Brother Arthur by William Warham Archbishop of Canter. His Counsellors he chose of the gravest Di- and wisest Nobility, with whom he not only bury often sat to the great encrease of his politick Expe- rience, but
would also yield his Authority to their Wisdoms. Empson and Dudley he caused to be imprisoned, then to be brought to their Tryal, and at last to lose their Hands. To regain the ancient Rights of Eng- land he first sent his Herald Clarencieux into France, roughly demanding the Dutchies of Normandy, Guyen, Main and Anjou, and with them the Crown of France : Then sent certain Nobles before him thither and afterwards followed himself, pitching his Tents before Terouanne; where he raised his Royal Standard of the Red Dragon, and begirt the City with a strait Siege- To which place MaXimi- lian the Emperor repaired, and to
the great Honour of Henry entred into his pay, wearing the Cross of St. George, with a Rose ( the King's Badge) as his faithful Soldier. The French attempting to relieve the Town with Victuals and Men, were so encoun- tred by King Henry, that many of their chiefest Captains were taken Prisoners, and Six of their Stand- ards won, and the rest of the Monsieurs of the Safe- guard of Life so posted away, that this conflict was called the Battle of Spurs; shortly after which the Town yielded unto the King. Then was the Siege removed to Tournay, which in short time was also surrendred to the King with Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling
for the Citizens Redemption, who to the Number of 80000, then took their Oaths to become his true Subjects, A. D. 1513- The safe keeping of this City, the King committed to Sir Edward Poy- nings Knight of the Garter, and ordained Thomas Woolsey Bishop of Tournay. Whilst King Henry was busy in France, his Lieu- tenant Thomas Earl of Surry marched against the Scots, who were entred into Northumberland, and at Flodden the Armies engaged in Fight, and the English won the Day. In this Battle King James of Scotland was slain, one Archbishop, two Bishops, two Abbots, twelve Earls, seventeen Lords, Knights and
Gentle, men a great Number, in all about eight Thousand were slain, and almost as many taken Prifoners in Anno Dom 1513 Sept. 9. A. D. 1514. By the Procurement of Pope Leo, a Peace was concluded betwixt the King of France and England, immediately after which, Mary, the Sister of King Henry was honourably conducted into France, where at Abbeville, Oct. 9. she was married unto old King Lewis, who died eighty two Days after the Mar- riage. A. D. 1517. by reason of the great Concourse oF Strangers at London to the Hindrance of Trade, and their Insolency towards the English, the Youth and vulgar sort of Citizens,
upon May Day assaulted these Strangers, doing much harm to their Houses, Substance, and same of their Persons ; for which riotous Offence John Lincoln the Initiator thereof was hang'd, and four hundred Men and Youths, with eleven Women were led in Ropes along the City in their Shirts, with Halters about their Necks to Westminster, where the King pardon'd their Offence, to the great rejoicing of the Londoners. A D. 1519. Was the City of Tournay deliver'd back to the French on these Conditions, That they should pay to King Henry six hundred thousand Crowns in twelve Years; that the Dauphin should marry the Lady
Mary, King Henry's young Daughter; which Marriage if it happen'd not to take Effect at the Years of Consent, then Tournay should be re- deliver'd to the English; that Cardinal Woolsey should have a thousand Marks paid him yearly for the Revenues of the said Bishoprick. A. D. 1521 Edward Stafford, Duke of Bucking- ham, was beheaded on Tower, hill, for imagining to destroy the King, and to enjoy the Crown himself Woolsey was the Duke's grand Adversary, because that the Duke had sometimes spoken certain Words to HIS Disgrace. About this time the Pope sent his Legates about, to Incite the Christian Princes to attempt
the Recovery of the Holy Land, sending Cardinal Com- pejus of this Errand into England. Which Cardinal and his Company being come to London, as they passed through Cheapside, the Sumpter- Mules cast their Carriages and Coffers on the Ground, out of which the Lids flying open, fell old Breeches, Boots and bro- ken Shoes, torn Stockings, tatter'd Rags, old Iron and Horse Shoes, broken Meat, Marrow- Bones, roasted Eggs, and Crusts of Bread, with such like Treasure To be continued. The Continuation of the Trial of William Ireland Thomas Pickering, & c. L. C. J. I don't know what you cannot get from ' St. Omers, but
that would be no Evidence in any Case. Fenwick. Does your Lordship think there is no Justice out of England ? It shall be sign'd by the Magistrates of the Town. L. C. J. The Law of England sends no Fact out of the Country to be try'd. Whitebread. May he be put to produce any two Witnesses that faw him at London at that time he mentions ? Oates. To show you that I was here, Father War- ner, Sir Thomas Preston, Father Williams, Sir John Warner, and one Nevil, came over with me; as did Hilsley, who was whip'd and turn'd out of the House : And Hilsley lost his Money by the Way, and Father Williams reimburs'd him.
Whitebread. My Lord, he might know that two such came to Town, but he was not with them. L. C. J Have you any other Circumstance, Mr. Oates, to prove that you was here ? Oates. My Lord, I lay at Grove's House; and Strange the late Provincial lay there then, and a flaxen hair'd Gentleman. Grove. Strange has lain at my House, but I can make it appear by all the House, that he did not lie there either in April, or May. L. C. J. If you can prove, that Mr. Oates was not in England, in April, or May, you have made a great Defence for yourselves; in the mean time if you have no more Questions to ask Mr. Oates, let him sit down,
and have some Refreshment. Then Mr. Bedlow was sworn. He depos'd, That he was formerly a Lieutenant in Flanders, but for five Years last past he had been employ'd by the Society of Jesuits, and the English Monks at Paris, to carry Letters to and from Eng- land, France, Spain and Flanders; and that he was employ'd by Harcourt and Coleman to communicate the Letters he brought over to the Popish Party in England. That in the Beginning of August last there was a close Consult at Harcourt's Chamber, to which the Deponent was not admitted, but that he understood by Pritchard, it was concerning a Design to kill the
King; and that Pickering and Grove having fail'd them, they had hir'd four Ruffians to go to Windsor, and kill the King there. That the latter end of August the Deponent was at Harcourt's Chamber, where were also Ireland, Pritchard, Pickering and Grove, Fogarthy and Har- court; and there it was resolv'd, that since the Ruf- fians had miss'd of killing the King at Windsor, Pickering and Grove should go on, and Conyers should be join'd with them, and they should go down and assassinate the King at New Market, in his Morn- ing Walks; and that Grove was more forward than the rest, and said, since it could not be done clandes tinely, it should be done openly, and that those that fell would have the Glory to die in a good Cause: And Grove, if he escap'd, was to have fifteen hun- dred Pounds, and to be a continual Favourite, and respected as a Great Person by all the Church; « nd Pickering was to have so many Masses said for him. as
the Catholicks had of effecting their Designs in Ire- land: This Letter was enclos'd in another, sign'd by Whitebread, Ireland, and Fenwick ; ( which I also saw) wherein they gave God Thanks, that he was pleas'd to prosper their Designs in Ireland ; and they add, that they would not leave a Stone unturn'd, to root out that abominable Heresy out of that Kingdom. About the 21sft of August there was a Consult, where Fenwick was present, and did consent to the Contri- vance of the Duke of Ormond's Death, and the Re- bellion in Ireland ; and he approv'd of the four Je- suits, who were sent to kill him ; and he also con. sented, that if
the four good Fathers did not effect the Business, Fogarthy should be sent to the Archbi- shop of Dublin : And, my Lord Whitebread did con- sent to this Conspiracy, as appears by their Books of Entry. L, C J. You would do well to shew us your Book, Mr. Whitebread. Whitebread. We never kept any. Oates. My Lord, the Consult did ; and this Book was kept by the Superiour, and never open'd but at the Consult, and therein all the Passages were re- gistred. Bedlow. My Lord, all the Consults did keep Books, and Mr. Langhorn was the Person that registred all into one. L. C. J. If a hundred Witnesses swear it, they will deny it.
James Bedlow was sworn. He depos'd, that several Priests and Jesuits us'd to resort to his Brother, when he came from beyond Sea: And that the Deponent had receiv'd many score Pounds of them for his Brother, fifty or three, score Pounds at a Time, but the Deponent said he knew nothing of the Plot himself; tho' indeed he had heard his Brother mention the Prisoners Names, and had heard other Priests enquire after them of him. L C. J. The Use the King's Council make of this Evidence is to shew, that his Brother was conversant about their Affairs. To bs continu'd. S I R, IHave sent you the Speech of Father Scammony,
sometime Prolocutor of the Black Assembly at new Rome, now a Prisoner in the Castle of St. Angelo. AS when the Prince of Darkness justly fell, From highest Regions to the lowest Hell, the sense of former Glories to retain, Inspir'd the Fiend, his Station to regain; Advanc d his Head, and in imperious Tone, Summon'd the lesser Devils round his Throne. So Rome's black Champion, second Son of Pride, Once Prolocutor of the sooty Tribe,, In haughty Accent, and Majestick Air, He sterted up and eas'd the burth'ned Chair, Disclos'd his poyson'd Portals, silence broke, And as the Serpent tempted him he spoke. Fathers ! have
pity on our cruel Fate, And wail with me our Churches sinking State ; See how our holy Tribes are in disgrace, And Hereticks usurp the regal Place : The sacred Heir of Britain's Royal Crown, Like Cain is forc'd to wander up and down ; And were he not by Churches Bounty fed. Is like to starve to Death for want of Bread. See how his Kingdoms he attempts to gain, And scents the Sulphur on the liquid Main j Fiercely the Hero flys with nimble Wing, Beyond the Reach of Cadogan or Byng, In Naval Feats like to his Royal Sire, Singly can bor'd a Ship although on fire Assaults the Foe with Courage truly bold, And though he mark'd
his Nose, he won the hold True Sign of Royal Issue and Renown The same the Valour, and the same the Wound. This, this is He who will our Church advance, And make us petty Tyrants as in France: The fierce Phaniticks he will doom to Jails, Or make them bow before our Sacred Rails; That spawn of Rebels he will keep in awe, Who turn the Toleration into Law. The reigning Monarch prejudice our Cause, Confines us all within the bounds of Law ; He clips our Wings lest we too high should soar, Would have us honest Prelates and no more; He lets the Conventicles to increase Then they disturb our Holy Church her Peace
Yet such as these by him are counted just, And none but Whigs he puts in Posts of trust; Whilst sacred Priesthood is esteem'd a jest, And Levi's Tribe more wicked than the Rest, This so torments me, that I can't endure The Pain, but am resolv'd to find a Cure, So said he breath'd awhile, and chaf'd and fum'd, At length the vile Harangue he re assum'd ; First I advise to lay a Plot most deep, 7 And take the Oaths we never mean to keep, > As means to lull the weary Prince asleep. ^ Then cry up Churches danger very loud, To draw a Mob from the unthinking Cloud, Train up some Troops of old Hybernian breed As fittest Tools to
act a bloody Deed ; Surprize the Bank, and make it in our Power By Stratagem, or force to have the Tower; And that we may immortalize our Names, We'll set the Royal Palace all in Flames j Lastly the noble Project to compleat We'll kill the reigning Monarch in his Seat; Destroy the whole of his increasing Train, > Or else like Hydra they will shoot again, > And cause our Loyal labours to be vain ^ Intomb their Ashes in the Silver Thames, And strait proclaim our rightful Master James. He spoke, the Traytros did his Speech applaud And swore he was a Son of honest Laud; The black Assembly lik'd the horrid Deed, Resolv'd that
Britain's mighty Prince should Bleed The dark Divan dissolv'd with Pleasure, when Contenting Devils whispered Amen. Britannicus. ' We have an Account, that the Ship William and James, Captain Reed, from Archangel, is sunk at Luth The as at twelve pence apiece would amount to fifteen hundred Pounds. L. C. J. What do you say to Whitebread ? Bedlow. They use to say he was very active in the Plot, but I know it not. L C. J, That is no Evidence against him ; what do you say of Fenwick? Bedlow. No more than I have said of Whitebread ; I only know him by Sight. Ireland. Can you bring any one to testify you ever saw me at
Harcourt's Chamber ? . L. C. J. You must be corrected for that; you shall not abuse the King's Evidence. Mr. Just. Atkins. Take off his Credit by Proof if you can, but you must not give ill Language. Ireland. My Lord, I will bring twenty Witnesses to prove I was in Staffordshire all the Month of Au- gust: And Bedlow says he was familiar with me, I desire therefore he may specify the Place and the Com- pany where. _ . > Bedlow. I don't say there was any Familiarity be- tween us; but 1 have seen you several times at le Faire's in Somerset- House, with other Priests and Je- suits, and particularly with Seignior Perrare. L. C. J. Do you
know le Faire and Perrare ? Ireland. Yes : But I never saw Bedlow in their Company in Somerset House in my Life, above once or twice. L. C. J. Where is that le Faire? You would do well to produce him. Bedlow. My Lord, he is in the Proclamation, and is run away : And my Lord, I have something fur- ther, that is material j when the Discourse was about killing the King at New- Market, there was also a Design of killing several other Noble Perfons talk'd of; Knight was to kill the Earl of Shaftsbury, Pritch- ard the Duke of Buckingham, Oneile the Earl of Os- sory, and Obrian the Duke of Ormond. Oates. My Lord, I omitted the
Design against the Duke of Ormond. In January last there came Let- ters to London, from Archbishop Talbot, which be. ing perus'd by Fenwick, Ireland and Whitebread, were communicated to the Fathers at St Omers: These Letters gave an Account of the fair Prospect
r 2408 ) The Ship Capt. William Mantle from Aull, was lately lost near Gottenbourg. Darcy Dawes, Esq; Son to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of York, is shortly to be married to Mrs Sarah Roundle of York, a very great Fortune, as We formerly mention'd ; and a Bill is now depending in Parliament to enable him to make a Marriage- Settle- ment upon her, notwithstanding his Minority, On the 22d Instant arrived off of Dover the Vene- tian Galley from Zant, William Jesse, Commander, in eight Days from Gibraltar ; which Ship was some time since reported to be overset and lost at Zant aforementioned. , Last Week died Dr. Arthur
Charlett, Master of Uni- Versity- College in Oxford. And we hear, that Mr. Dennison, tutor to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, and Mr. Cockman, are Candidates for the Mastership. Monday Mr. Ogden, one of the Actors at the Theatre in Lincolns Inn Fields, was committed to Newgate for Treasonable Words. William Owen, Esq; puts up for Member of Par- liament for the Town of Pembroke, in the room of Brigadier Ferrers, deceas'd. Mr. George Lewis Coke's ( Vice Camberlain,) only Son and Daughter, was inoculated the beginning of this Month by Mr. Amiand, Surgeon, and are both perfectly rccover'd. Letters from Turin of Nov. i
8. say, on the 15th In- stant a Challenge pass'd between the Inhabitants of the Gate de Palais in this City, and those of the Gate de Po, to meet out of the Town, and fight with flinging of Stones at each ether, where great Part of the Inhabitants were assembled to see the Action. Two Persons were killed upon the Spot, three others were mortally wounded, besides several that were slightly hurt. His Majesty arrived here the same Day, and immediately order'd two Detachments of Soldiers to march out, in order to prevent greater Mischief, which put an End to the Quarrel. Several Persons were taken up, and have since been
forced to inlist for Soldiers. The Weather continues very mild, and his Majesty and the Prince go frequently a Stag Hunt- ing near the Veneris. Tuesday Counsellor Layer was carried in a Coach from the Tower to the King's- Bench- Bar at Westmin- ster, when His Majesty's Council demanded Judg- ment against the Prisoner j upon which his Council mov'd in Arrest of Judgment, which lasted some time, but was over, rul'd by the Court. The Lord Chief Justice made an extraordinary Speech, setting forth the Heinousness of the Plot and Conspiracy against the King and the present Government ; and then gave Sentence, That he
should be carried to the Place from whence he came, and thence to be Drawn to the Place of Execution, and there to be Hang'd by the Neck, and while alive his Bowels to be taken out, and Burnt before his Face ; his Head to be separated from his Body ; to be Quarter'd, and his Quarters to be disposed of at His Majesty's Plea- sure. Wednesday being the last Day of the Term, several Persons appeared in the Court of King's- Bench, on their Recognizances, some of whom were discharg'd, viz, Mr- David Smith, a Gentleman of Scotland, Mr. Alexander, who was Clerk to Orme the Nonjuring Minister, and Mr. Bland, who was
concerned in Run- ning some Goods from on Board the Turkey Ship ; and the rest continued- Among the last was Mr. Thompson a Clergyman, one of the Persons that Mr. Layer desired might attend him during the time of his lying under Sentence of Death ; but the Court refus'd his Request, the said Mr. Thompson being taken into Custody upon a Suspicion of having Chri- sten'd one of Mr. Layer's Children, to whom the Pretender and his Spouse stood Godfather and God- mother by their Proxies. Mr. Layer's Council like- wise mov'd, That if he must suffer Death, it might be in Essex, in which County the Indicment was found
against him and where the Overt- Acts of which he is found Guilty, were committed : But the Council for the King objecting, That some of those Overt Acts were committed in Middlesex, the Court thereupon order'd his Execution at the usual Place in the said County, on Wednesday the 12th of Decem. ber next. The Court was pleased to indulge him so long a Time, upon his Council's representing That besides his own Affairs, he had several others in Hol- land, in which other Persons were concern'd to set- tle, before he left this World. On Thursday last in the Afternoon a Rule of the Court of King's Bench was deliver'd to the
Sheriffs of London and Middlesex for the Execution of the said Mr. Layer, on the Day abovemention'd. We hear that the said Gentleman's Head will be fixed on a Pole upon Aldgate, and that the Quarters are to be deliver'd to his Friends to be buried. The Rev. Dr. Moss Dean of Ely, and Mr Hawkins, attends Mr. Layer. Monday Morning between twelve and one, Mr West, the Master of Tom's Coffee- House, in Covent Garden, being in a high Fever, and light headed rose out of Bed from his Wife, who unfortunately hap- pened to be fast afleep, threw himself out of the back Window, and died upon the spot. Monday Morning died
Mr. Antrim, Watchmaker in Ordinary to his Majesty . From Brussels they write. That there is not the least Talk there now of establishing an East India Company. On Sunday Sir Robert Rich, Bart. one of the Gen. tlemen of the Bed- Chnmber to the Prince, and Mem- ber of Parliament, kiss'd the King's Hand for the Re- giment of Foot lately commanded by Brigadier Bowles, deceas'd. We hear that the Executors of the late Duke of Marlborough have lent the Government 700,000 1. at 3 per Cent Interest on the Land- Tax, being part of the ready Cash in their Hands. The Essex Roads were never known to be more in- fested with
Robbers than at present. The Garrison of the Tower consists now of 5oo Men. We hear that five Regiments lately arriv'd in this Kingdom from Ireland, are to return thither very soon. Several of Baron Sparre the Swedish Envoy's Ser- vants are arrived here from Stockholm, and his Ex. cellency is soon expected by the Way of France. Sir William Pole, Bart. Member of Parliament for Honiton lies Very ill. William Pargiter Fuller, Esq; a Representative of Petersfield, Hampshire, in the last Parliament, is dead. . Delves, Esq; eldest Son of Sir Thomas Delves, Bart, succeeds William Colemore, Esq; de- ceased, for the Town of
Warwick. A Treaty of Marriage is concluded between his Grace the Duke of Manchester and the eldest Daugh- ter of the Duke of Montague. ' Tis said the Earl of Hertford, eldest Son to the Duke of Somerset, is, upon the Dutchess's Decease, a Baron of England, in Right of his Mother, who was Heir to the Baronies of Percy, Lucy, Poinings, Fitz Pain, Bryan, and Latimer, as being Daughter and Heir to Joceline Percy, the eleventh and last Earl of Northumberland. Her Grace was Widow and Re- lict of Henry Cavendish, Earl of Ogle, only Son and Heir to Henry, formerly Duke of Newcastle, when the Duke of Somerset marry'd her:
And hence, we suppose, it was, that the Lord Harley paid her Grace 2000 1. per Annum. ( not 4000.) during her Life, out of the Newcastle Estate which came by his Lady. The Hon. Fulwar Craven, Esq; and Sir Fulwar Skipwith, Bart. stand Candidates again for the City of Coventry. His Grace the Duke of Roxburgh hath presented to His Majefty an Address from the Commission of the late General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land ; wherein they testify the Abhorrence of the Traiterous Conspiracy form'd against His Majesty, in Favour of a Popish Pretender, bred up Maxims of Arbitrary Government, and a Vassal to the
Roman Antichrist, & r. , - , We have Advice from Cork of the Arrival of the William and Elizabeth, Capt. Basnet from St. Christo- pher's, bound for London, who has been missing considerable time ; She has on Board as Passengers two of the late Governour Colonel Smith's Sons . . His Majesty's Ship Panther, Captain Atkins is ar- rived at Cadiz for Newfoundland ; as is also the Drake Sloop, Capr. Lingen, from England
C H09 ) A New Tax of 1oo. coo j. is to be levied on the Roman Catholicks and Nonjurors, such as have Stocks in Trade, being to bear a Proportion as well as those who have Estates ; the Bill for it is presented to the House. We hear, that it appears by the Discovery of the Conspiracy, that the Sum of 100, oool, was remitted Annually out of this Kingdom, to the Pretender, and his Adherents, beyond Sea. On Monday an Habeas Corpus was moved for to bring up the Bishop of Rochester to the King's Bench Bar, Westminster, which Matter was learnedly Ar- gued by the Council for his Lordship and the King ; but the Court was of
Opinion that their Jurisdiction in this Affair was taken away by the late Act of Par- liament. Sir William Keate, Bart. is elected Member of Par- liament for the Borough of Warwick, in the room of William Colemore, jun. Esq; deceased. Robert Walpole, jun. Esq; Clerk of the Pells, is daily expected home from his Travels. The Tryal of Christopher Layer, Esq; is order'd to be publish'd by the Authority of the Court of King's Bench. Wednesday an Apprentice in the City was sent tyo Newgate by the Lord Mayor, for committing a Rape on a Girl in his Neighbourhood about 15 Years old. Last Tuesday died the Lady Carmarthen, who wis
delivered of a Still, born Child the same Morning that the Dutchess of Somerset, her Mother, died. The Sentence of Mr. Sharp, Printer of the Free- holders Journal, is put off to next Term- Monday Night last, the Corpse of Colonel Withers, deceased, after having lain that Day in State at his late Dwelling Houfe at Fulham, was interr'd in the Church- yard there, in the Tomb of the Alderman, his Father. The Pall was born by six Aldermen, viz. Sir Samuel Garrard, Sir Francis Forbes, Mr. Brocas, Mr. Child, Mr. Parsons, and Mr. Levett Wednesday one Mr. Howard, keeping a Chandlers. Shop, found under the rising Ground at the
lower End of Water- Lane, in Fleet, street, a very handsome Basket hilted Sword, lin'd with Buff, the Blade, which is as broad as our Lifeguard Mens Ammunition Swords, being gilt with Gold about nine Inches from the Hilt, on which was inchas'd the Effigies of a Man with an imperial Crown on his Head, and this treason- able Inscription. With this good Sword thy Cause I will maintain ; And for thy sake, O ! James,, will Breathe each Vein. On the Reverse was inchas'd a Man with an Imperial Crown, and sceptre in his Hand, with this treasonable Inscription ; viz, Vivat Jacobus tertius Magnae Britan- niae Rex. i. e. Let James the
Third King of Great Britain live. It is suppos'd to belong to one of the Pretender's Adherents, who being struck with Dread and Terror at Councillor Layer's approaching Fate on the Gal. lows, dropt it, to prevent his coming to the like un- timely End We hear that the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Ely has given the Rectory of Cottenham in Cam- bridgeshire, which is worth joo 1. a Year to his only Son, the Rev Mr. Charles Fleetwood, who does thereupon resign his Rectories in Hertfordshire. A new Writ is ordered for electing a Member for Dunwich, in the room of Edward Vernon, Esq; who has made his Election for Penryn.
The House of Lords is adjourn'd to Thursday next. Letters from the Hague say, that the Affair of a Stadholder, which is greatly perplex'd, took up the late Conferences, and caused warm Debates among the Deputies of the Towns. Mean while, the States of Holland cannot digest the very Name or Title of a Stadholder. No Answer has yet been remitted to the Letter sent by the States of Gelderland, which in strong Terms urges a Necessity of having a Stad- holder, which was the first Foundation of this State. Letters from Paris say, that ' tis reported, that cer. tain Potentates have desired that our Coin might be reduced to its
intrinsick Value, or near it j and it is not unlikely thac the Court will Consent to it, Q" der being already sent to all the King's Receivers to send such Sums as are in their Hands to the Treasury. on Pain of otherwise suffering the Loss which might happen by any Change in the Course of the Specie The Free Mason's Health. COme let us prepare, We Brothers that are Met together on merry Occasion; Let's drink, laugh and sing, Our Wine has a Spring, Til a Health to an accepted Mason.' The World is in pain, Our secret to gain , But still let them wonder and gaze on; Till they're shewn the Light, They'l ne'er know the Right, Word or
Sign of an accepted Mason, Tis this, and ' tis that, They cannot tell what, Why so many great Men in the Nation; Shou'd Aprons put on, To make themselves one, With a Free or an accepted Mason. IV. Great Kings, Dukes and Lords, Have laid by their Swords, This our Mistry to put a good Grace on,: And ne'er been asham'd, To hear themselves nam'd ; With a Free or an accepted Mason. V. Antiquities pride We have on our side, It makes each Man just in His Station ; There's nought but what's good To be understood, By a Free or an accepted Mason. VI. Then joyn Hand in Hand, T'each other firm stand, Let's be merry, and
put a bright Face on What mortal can boast, So noble a Toast, As a Free or an accepted Mason. Letters from Leith in Scotland say, That the Pa- pists, Jacobites, and Tories, when they are in Com- pany together, drink to a Bloody Christmass, and a New King, against the New Year. But ' tis hop'd they will miss of both Mr. READ, Nov. 28. 1722: WE are so well pleas'd with your last Journal, that our Recommendation of it to other Loyal Persons, we hope, will be a treat Benefit to unwary People at this juncture of Time, when Plots and Conspiracies are forming against the Best of Kings and Governments. It concerns all true
Protestants to promote the Interest of the Church of England, when the Papists, Jacobites, and other Enemies, are doing all they can against it. Tho' the Tories with for the Liberty of a certain Bishop and hit Friends, it is with, the greatest Satisfaction that We see good Subjects rejoice at the Parliament's impowering ' he King to imprison Traytors, and other suspicicus Wretches, till October next, bv which Time we hope to see the whole Nation thorowly purg'd of Rebellion and Treason ; in the mean time, all loyal Books would be very acceptable to King GEORGE's Friends, that by reading or hearing them, they may be af- fected
with an utter Abhorrence of such wicked Men, who would ruin their Native Country in Favour of a Popish Pretender, who longs for nothing more than the Destruction of all he deems Hereticks, with a ge- neral Massacre. Be pleas'd to give this a Place in your next Journal and you will oblige your humble Servants, and constant readers, B. B. . H. B, We
We hear, the Town of Cambridge are, by a Clause in the Land- Tax Bill, order'd to pay their Proportion of Arrears of the said Tax, as well as the Univer- sity. # The Resolution which we are inform'd the last Ge- neral Court of the South. Sea Company agreed unani- mously upon, appears to be intended to Support the Credit of their Stock against the Inconvenience a pub- lick Sale would have subjected it to, which Resolution is as follows, viz That the Court of Directors shall purchase with the Cash, to and for the Use of the said Company, all the South- Sea Stock of the late Directors, when and as of. ten as the Trustees, in
whom their Estates are vested by Act of Parliament, shall in pursuance of the said Act put up the same to Sale by Cant or Auction. Which Resolution will effectually prevent the Dis- credit such Publick Sale would otherwise have been to the Stock of the said Company. Josiah Diston, Esq; succeeds his Son Mr. Henry Diston, as Receiver- General for the County of Mid- dlesex and Liberties of Westminster. Thete are several Letters in Town from Lisbon, importing, that His Majesty's Ship the Dragon, Capt. Scot, was lately cast away off of Cadiz, and that all her Men perish'd. Sir John Humble's Lady is dangerously ill. The late
Dutchess of Somerset is to be interr'd on the beginning of next Week in Westminster- Abbey. A Proclamation was issued the 16th of this Instant November 1722, by the Lords Justices of Ireland, the Purport of which is as follows. Whereas Richard Neal, Pierce Cullen, and Francis Wise have been apprehended here for the Murder of Peter Tartove, Master of a French Ship belonging to Nantz, and all the Ships Crew, and being also inform- ed that Andrew Cullen, Brother of the said Pierce Cullen, another of the said Offenders, is Concealed somewhere in this Kingdom, and is supposed to be fled to some Place near Cashel in the
County of Tip- perary, We the Lords Justices and Council having a just Abhorrence to all such barbarous and inhumane Practices, and thinking it absolutely necessary that all due Encouragement should be given for the Discovery aud Apprehension of the said Andrew Cullen, do by this our Proclamation publish and declare, that we will give the necessary Orders for the Payment of the Sum of Fifty Pounds to such Person or Persons as shall within Six Months after the Date of this our Procla- mation, discover, take and apprehend the said Andrew Cullen so as he may be brought to Justice. This Day began the Scrutiny of the
Poll for West- minster, which will scarce be over before this Day 7. Night. We hear that an Act will speedily pass both Houses, for the more effectual preventing the Run- ning of Tobacco in North- Britain, which is an extra, ordinary Detriment to the Virginia Merchants. ' Tis reported, that a Bill will speedily be brought into the House, for granting further Encouragement to the British Manufactures of Sail Cloth, in order to support that Trade for the Service of the Navy. Yesterday being the Festival of St. Andrew, the tutelary Saint for Scotland, his Majesty was pleas'd to wear a Cross and the noble Order of the Thistle to the Honour
of the North- Britons; Bankrupts since our last. Elihu Bridoake, late of the Three Cranes, London, Victualler and Lighterman. William Powel late of London- Bridge, London, Haberdasher. Henry Steevens of Milk street, London, Cheesmon- ger. Thomas Smith of Newgate- Market, London, Poul- terer. Robert Reynoldson, of Botolph- Lane, London Wine- Cooper. John Guy, late of Fishstreet Hill, London, Vint- ner. Thomas Palmer of Oldstreet, the Parish of Crip- plegate, London, Plaisterer. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. John Ashly of St. Mary Hill,
London; . Cheese monger. CASUALTIES. Drowned in the River of Thames at St. Paul at Shad- well 2. Kill'd i. One by a Blow at St. Dunstan at Stepney, and one by a Cart at St. Martin in the Fields Overlaid 1. ADVERTISEMENTS. Concerning the famous GOUT- STONE. ALady afflicted with the GOUT off and on many Years, being some Time ago attack'd with a violent Fit, was easily perswaded on Thurs- day the nth nf October last, to car- ry in her Pocket. That GOUT STONE concerning which a Treatise has been promis'd to be given away at the Necklace without Temple- Bar. As soon as the Stone had acquir'd a tollerable
De- gree of Warmth by being in the Lady's Pocket ( which was in less than an Hour) it began to exert its Vir- tues, and to operate, whereupon the Lady sensibly perceived her Pains to dwindle away : The next Day its Operation was as if the Lady had taken some gentle Purgative Physick : The id and 3d Days it con. tinued the same, and no more; after which she was entirely easie, the GOUT being thereby carry'd off from her Stomach, where it had been grumbling some Time with some Symptoms of a Dropsy. The Lady has had no Pain since, being perfectly well, whereas before she was almost a Cripple. More Particulars of
this remarkable Matter of Fact, with Instances of several others cured of the GOUT by only carrying this Remedy about them, will be, inferred in the Treatise of this Method of Cure, which is now in the Press, and will in a few Days be pub- lish'd, and given Gratis up one pair of Stairs, at the Sign of the Anodyne Necklace for Children! Teeth, just by the Rose Tavern without Temple- Bar. Where ( when the Treatise is ready; the STONE itself will be also to be had. Note, The Introduction of a New Method of Writing a great deal in a little Time, viz. As much in one Minuete ( by any Watch) as usually takes up a long while, for the Use
of the Members of this new Parliament, ( already promised to the Publick) will be also ready to be given away much about the same Time. Published for Twenty Years past, with great Success, and Encouragement, The Fam'd ROYAL EYE- WATER. WHich has gain'd such singular Reputation since it was first Publish'd, as appears by the many Bene- fits it has wrought, and the great Quantities dispos'd of It is never known to fail of curing any red swell'd, or fore Eyes in 24 Hours: It strengthens weak and watry Eyes, and adds vi- gour and Briskness to the Sight, espccially where the Eye is natu- rally dim, or of too dull a Water. If
frequently used, it will keep your Eyes in constant good Temper, and preserve the Sight to an incredible Age, without giving the least Pain 0r Smart in the Application. In preferving the Eyes, and curing them afrer the Small- Pox, it has been found to be infallible. It is besides of that delicate Composition, that the nicest Person ot Quality may use it without Offcnce. Sold for la d. a Bottle at Mr. Crouch's at the Bell in Pater- noster- Row, Bookseller; and Mr. Huxley's, a Hatter, at the Black- Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet street ; and at Mr. Austen's a Hosier, at the Rainbow and Dove near Abchurch- Lane- end, in Cannon-
Street, where any Masters of Ships, or Others, who will take a Do- zean to sell again, shall have good allowances.