The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 24/11/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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.( 2399 ) THE Weekly Journal: OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1722. A MEMORIAL for all Disaffected and Luke- warm Subjects. SIR, IN my last Letter I de- scrib'd the desperate Con- dition of those Men who turn Rebels after they have taken the Oaths to King GEORGE, and it appears by those Ar- guments which I there made use of, that PER- JURY, by the common Sense of Mankind, the Reason of the Thing, and from the whole Tenour of Christianity, is a Crime of so flagitious a Nature, that it cannot be too carefully avoided by him who retains the
Sacred Name of a Christian. The Virtue of the ancient Athenians is very remark, able in the Case of Euripides : This great Tragick Poet, tho' famous for the Morality of his Plays, had intro. duc'd a Person, who, being reminded of an Oach he had taken, replied, ( in the very Language of our Ja- cobites,) I swore with my Mouth, hut not with my Heart: The Impiety of this Sentiment set the Audience in an Uproar; made Socrates ( tho an intimate Friend of the Poet) go out of the Theatre with Indignation; and gave so great Offence, that he was publickly accused, and brought upon his Trial, as one who had suggested an Evasion of
what they thought the most holy and indissoluble Bond of humane Society. So jealous were these virtuous Heathens of any, the smallest Hint, that might open a way to Perjury; And here it highly imports us to consider, that we do not only break our Oath of Allegiance by actual Rebellion, but by all those other Methods which have a natural and manifest Tendency to it. The Guile may lye upon a Man, where the Penalty cannot take hold of him. Those who speak irreverently of the Person to whom they have sworn Allegiance; who endeavour to alienate from him the Hearts of his Sub- jects; or to inspire the People with
Disaffection to his Government, cannot be thought to be true to the Oath they have taken: And as for those, who by con. certed Falshoods and Defamations endeavour to blem- ish his Character, or weaken his Authority, they incur the complicated Guilt both of Slander and Perjury: The moral Crime is compleated in such Offenders, and there are only accidental Circumstances wanting, to work it up for the Cognizance of the Law. Nor it it sufficient for a Christian, who has given these solemn Assurances to his Princes, to forbear the doing him any Evil, unless at the same time he do him all the Good he can in his proper Station of
Life. Loyalty is of an active Nature, and ought to disco- ver it self in all the Instances of Zeal and Affection to our Sovereign: And if we carefully examine the Duty of that Allegiance which we pledge to his Majesty, by the Oaths that are tender'd to us, we shall find, that we do not only renounce, refuse, and abjure any Alle- giance or Obedience to the Pretender, but swear to defend ( Price Three Hilf- Pence )' King George to the utmost of our Power, against all traite- rous Conspiracies and Attempts whatsoever and to disclose and make known to his Majesy, all Treasons and traiterous Conspiracies, which we shall know to be
against him. Therefore, as among those who have bound them- selves by these sacred Obligations, the actual Traitor or Rebel is guilty of Perjury in the Eye of the Law; so the secret Promoter, or Well Wisher of the Cause, is so before the Tribunal of Conscience: And tho' it may seem hard to pronounce the Man who is indolent, or indifferent in the Cause of his Prince, to be abso- lutely perjur'd ; yet I must affirm, that he ( who at such a time as this remains unactive) falls very short of that Allegiance which he has sworn to King GEORGE, because, by his Oath, he is oblig'd defend him to the utmost of his Power. Further;
Indolence and Indifference cannot but be Very criminal, when it is conversant about such Things as are so far from being of an indifferent Na- ture, that they are of the highest Importance to our selves, and our Country. Indeed, if it be indifferent to us whether we are free Subjects, or Slaves; whe- ther if our Prince be of our own Religion, or of one that obliges him to extirpate it; we are in the right to give our selves no Trouble about the present unparal- lell'd Conspiracy But when the whole Community is shaken, and the safety of the Publick endanger'd ; the Appearance of a careless Behaviour, or an affected In- dolence, must
arise, either from a blockish Stupidity, or horrid Perfidiousness: But I leave the wretched Choice to themselves. Our Obligation to be active at this time, appears from the very nature of Civil Government; Which is an Institution whereby we are all confederated for our mutual Defence and Security. Therefore, ( without considering the Obligation of those Oaths of Allegi- ance which we have taken to our Sovereign) when we profess a State of Neutrality in times of publick Dan- ger, we desert the common Interest of our Fellow. Subjects; and act with an Independance to that Con- stitution into which we are incorporated. The Indif ferent are not properly a Part of the Community, but are rather like dead Limbs, which are an Incumbrance to the Body natural, and hurtful to the Body politick. Solon, the great Law giver of the Athenians, condemn'd all those who sate idle in times of publick Danger, as Aliens to the Community, and therefore to be cut off from it as unprofitable Members. Upon the whole, we may be assur'd, that in a Nation which is tied down by such religious and solemn Engagements, the Peoples Loyalty will keep pace with cheir Morality and that in proportion as they are sincere Christians, they will be faithful Subjects. I am, Nov. 19. 1722. S I
R, Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY the 7th. King of ENGLAND. A. D. 1 fcS, Edmond de la Pole Earl of Suffolk, willfully slew a common Person in his Fury , for which King Henry caused him to be arraigned ; the Fact he was persuaded to confess, and had Pardon. But the
Earl, a Prince of the Blood, this Mother being Sis- ter to Edward IV. held himself difgrac'd, by having been seen at the King's Bench Bar a Prisoner, there- fore in Discontent fled to his Aunt, the Dutchess of Burgundy ; but within a while after he returned into England, and the Year following ( his Spirit not be. ing yet laid) fled again, after he had first complotted to disturb the King's peace. Whereupon King Henry applied himself to his wonted Art for learning the se- crets of his Enemies, employing Sir Robert Curson to feign himself a Friend to Pole, thereby to get himself into his Bosom, for the finding out of his secret De- signs and
Correspondents. Many great Persons for Pole's cause, were committed to Prison ; some were put to Death, as Sir James Tyrrel, and Sir John Wind- ham, who lost their Heads on Tower Hill, and three other Persons, who were executed in other Places. And the more to disanimate de la Pole's Complices and Favourers, King Henry had procured from Pope Alexander the Sixth, an Excommunication, and Curse against Pople, Sir Robert Curson, and five other Per- sons, by special Name, and generally all others that should aid the Earl against the King. Sir Robert Cur- son was named on purpose to make de la Pole secure of
him. Neither did the King leave here ; for he so prevailed with the Pope, as he decreed by Bull, That no Person should afterward have Privilege of Sanctu- ary, who had once taken the same and came forth again ; and that if any Sanctuary Man should after- wards commit any Murder, Robbery, Sacrilege, Trea- son. he should by Lay force, be drawn thence to suffer due Punishment. And now Suffolk perceiving himself strip'd of all future Hope of endamaging the King, he put himself into the Grace and Protection of Philip King of Spain, with whom he remained in Ba- nishment, till King Philip was driven by Tempest. into England ;
at which time King Henry prevailed with him to deliver Pole into his Hands, upon Pro- mise that he would spare his Life. And accordingly at Philip's return home, Pole was sent into England, and then committed to the Tower. King Henry thus seCured of this Hazard bestowed his Ages care in ga- thering of Money, tho' by some such ways as seemed none of the justest. Empson and Dudley, Two Lawyers, were his In- struments for the bringing in of Money to fill his Ex- chequer. These called the Richer sort of Subjects in- to Question for the breach of old penal Laws, long before discontinued and forgotten. The Courses they took
in the Execution of their Employment, was for one of them to out law Persons privately, and then to seize their Estates, forcing them to chargeable Compo- sitions With the King, and heavy Bribes to them- selves. Another detestable Practice of theirs, was to have false Jurors, who would never give in any Verdict a- gainst their Patrons Empson and Dudley, insomuch that, If any stood out in Law, these Sons of Belial squared the Destiny of their Causes : By these means many honest: and worthy Subjects were rigorously fined, imprisoned, or otherwise afficted. But the King falling sick of a consuming Disease, by the means of
good Counsel, he inclined to grant to all Men gene- ral Pardons, certain only excepted ; and ordained that all such Money's should be restored as had been un. justly levied by his Officers. He died A. D. 1509, April 22. ' *• His Wife was Elizabeth, eldest Daughter of King Edward IV. who;, died 1533. His Issue by her was. Arthur, who died at Ludlow., 1502, aged fifteen Years, and was buried in the Ca- thedral Church of St. Mary's in Worcester; Henry, who succeeded him in the Throne; Henry Edm. Duke of Somerset was born 1495, and died at Bishop Hat- field ,1499. Margaret was born 1489. and at the Age of fourteen was
married to James IV. King of Scotland and after his Death unto Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus, to whom she bare Margaret, who married Mat- thew Steward, Earl of Lenox, and had by him Henry Lord Darnly, who married Mary Queen of Scots, by whom he had King James VI. To be continu'd. t The Continuation of the Trial of William Ireland Thomas Pickcring, & c. ' » L. C J. You have a Religion that can give Dispen- sations for Oaths, Sacraments, Protestations and fals- hoods. Oates. My Lord, this Whitebread has an Authority from Rome to grant Military Commissions, and here are the Seals of the Office in Court, with which
he hath sealed some hundreds of Commissions; they call them Patents. L. C. J. Are not you Provincial of the Jesuits, Mr. Whitebread ? Whitebread. I cannot deny that, my Lord. L. C. J. Then Oates has spoken more than three true Words. Who were the Commissions seal'd by Oates. The Commissions for the general Officers were sign'd by Joannes Paulus de Oliva, General of the Order; but those to inferior Officers by the Pro- vincial. L. C. J. Can you name any one Person he hath seal'd a Commission to ? Oates. He seal'd one to Sir John Gage of Sussex, Which I deliver'd myself. L. C. J. Did you see Ashby's Instructions?
Oates I read them, and did then and always give it as my Judgment, that it was safer to poison the King, than to pistol or stab him And I have this farther to say against Grove, that he went about to gather Peter Pence, as he told me at my Lodging in Cockpit. Alley. Grove. Did I ever see you at your Lodging? L C. J. Why don't you know Mr Oates? Oates. MyLord, I will convince him, that he is very well acquainted with me. In December last I him at the Provincial's lodgings, of whom I went to take my leave before I went to St. Omers, and then Grove lent me eight Shillings. L. C. J. How came you to lend Money to a Man you were
not acquainted with ? Grove. I knew I should go along with him to the Coach, and then I should have it again. L. C J. And did he pay it you ? Grove. No: Mr. Fenwick did, I think. L. C J. Then Mr Oates was known to you all he was no Stranger to you, as you would have us be- lieve. Oates, My Lord, we were in company too, when one brought us a Note of what was done in the House of Commons turn'd into Burlesque ; ( for whatever was done in the Parliament the Council, or Westminster. Hall, they us'd to Burlesque, and then turn it into French, and send it to the French King :) And we were together at the Red Posts in Wild
street, when he told me, that he and three Irishmen set fire to Southwark, and that he had four hundred Pounds for that Service, and the Irishmen two hundred a piece. L C J. Were you acquainted with Mr. Oates, Mr. Fenwick ? Oates. He was my Father Confessor, my Lord. Fenwick. I believe he never made a Confession in his Life : Indeed I have been in his Company several times; and I believe I did pay Grove the eight Shil- lings for him. L. C. J. Did Mr. Oates ever pay you again ? Fenwick. No": He never was so honest. L. C- J. Who had you it again of then ? Fenwick. I believe I had it again, but not of Mr. Oates My Lord, I
have done more than this for him : He came once to me in a wretched poor Condi- tion and said he must turn again, and betake himself to his Ministry to get Bread, for he had eaten nothing in two Days, and I gave him five Shillings to relieve his present Necessity- Oates. My Lord, I was never In such Straits; I was order'd by the Provincial to be taken care of by the Procurator, and I never receiv'd so little as five Shil- lings from Mr. Fenwick, but I have receiv'd twenty, and thirty, and forty Shillings at a time of him. Whitebread. He has sworn he was present at several Consultations in April and May, but from November till June he
was constantly at St. Omers. Fenwick. We can bring an authentick Writing from St. Omers, under the Seal of the College, and testi- fied by all in the College, that he was there all that time. To be continu'd- Saturday
Saturday last was presented to his Majesty the follow- ing Humble Address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled. 2M- OI J Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your Majesty's most dutiful and faithful Subjects; the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,. and Commons, in Parliament assembled, being deeply affected with the Sense of those many Blessings, which we have constantly enjoy'd, and hope long to enjoy, under Your Majesty's most just and gracious Govern- ment; and being thoroughly convinced, that our re- ligious and civil Rights, as well as the very Being of the
British Name and Constitution, do, under God, entirely depend upon the Preservation of Your Ma. jesty's sacred Person, and of the Protestant Succession, as settled by Law in Your Royal Line, are filled with the utmost Astonishment and Indignation at the un- exampled Presumption and Arrogance of the Preten- der to your Dominions, in daring to offer such an In- dignity to Your Majesty, and the British Nation, as to declare to Your Subjects, and all foreign Princes and States, that he finds himself in a Condition to offer Terms to Your Majesty, and even to capitulate with You, for the abolute Surrender of the Religion and
Liberties of a free Nation. However great the Infatuation of his Advisers may be, we are sensible nothing could have raised his and their Hopes to so extravagant a Degree of Presump- tion, but repeated Encouragements and Assurances from the Conspirators at home, founded on the most injurious and gross Misrepresentations of the Inclina- lions and Affections of Your Majesty's Subjects, and a rash Conclusion, that because some, from whom it ought least to have been expected, had broke through the solemn Restraint of reiterated Oaths, in order to raise themselves on the Ruins of their Country ; there- fore the whole Body
of the Nation was ripe for the same fatal Defection, and ready to exchange the mild and legal Government of a most indulgent Prince, for the boundless Rage of an attainted Fugitive, bred up in Maxims of Tyranny and Superstition. But we Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Sub. jects resolve, by a steady and constant Adherence to Your Government, to wipe off this Stain and Imputa. tion from the Name of Britons ; and to convince the Populace further shew'd their Abhorrence of the Pre- tender and his vain Attempts, by having a Gibbet, on one part of which hung a Baby of Clouts, and on the other Part a Trowel, the Emblem
of his Pedigree over it was written in Capital Letters, The Warming Pan Bastard's Declaration. Besides which, the Preten- der's last March in Scotland was beat on a Warming Pan ; and the People every where express'd their Sa- tisfaction by loud Shouts and Huzzas. Tuesday last was presented to his Majesty the follow- ing Humble Address of the Protestant Dissenting Mi- nisters, of the three Denominations, in and about:- the Cities of London and Westminster. May it please your Majesty, We have so often return'd Thanks to Almighty God, for Your Majesty's peaceably Settlement: upon the British Throne, and so heartily
pray'd for the Continuance of Your happy Government, that we must, of all People, be the most inconsistent with our- selves, if we should no be very sensibly affected with the Kindness of Divine Providence, in discovering the vile Designs of those, who in Defiance of all, even the most sacred Engagements, have been, and are still fighting against their own Happiness, and striving to make themselves and the whole Nation miserable. It grieves us that our native Country should produce such Mongers of Ingratitude and Perfidiousness. We are at a loss to express how much we abhor their Prac- tices r And as for the Principles
that lead into them, we cannot but account them as foolish as they are im- pious. To imagine that a Protestant Kingdom should flou- rish under the Influence of Popish Counsels, or our religious and civil Liberties be best secur'd, by sacri- ficing them to the avowed Enemies of both, are Ab- surdities too gross to be digested, by any that know the Value of either. We assure Your Majesty, that we, as Ministers of the Gospel of Peace, are fully determin'd, always to recommend Loyalty and Fidelity to Your Majesty and Your Government. And it is no small Satisfaction to us, that we are engag'd with a People so well dispos'd in this
Respect, as the Body of Protestant Dissenters Of whom we can with Safety declare, that in all Parts World, that those wicked Designs formed against Your Majesty's sacred Person and Government, which the Insolence of this Declaration proves to be most real, while it affects to treat them as imaginary, are indeed impracticable against a Prince relying on, and support- ed by the Vigour and Duty of i Britifli Parliament, and the Affections of his People. f And we beg leave in most solemn Manner to assure Your Majesty, That neither the impotent Menace of foreign Assitance, nor the utmost Efforts of domestick Traytors, shall ever
deter us from standing by Your Majesty with our Lives and Fortunes, and supporting yoUr Majesty's most just Title to the Crown of these Realms, against the Pretender, and all his open and secret Abettors, both at home and abroad. Majesty, as their only Rightful and Lawful Sove- reign, and are very sensible of the many Blessings of Your auspicious Reign, which is not only just and equal at home, but glorious abroad, through the ren- der Concern which Your Majesty upon all Occasions is pleas'd to discover, for the Liberties of Europe and for our Protestant Brethren in foreign Parts. And we please ourselves with the Hopes,
that the restless Attempts of a disappointed Party, to make their Country a Scene of Blood, by bringing in upon us a Popish Pretender, will contribute to the fixing Your Majesty the firmer, if possible, upon the Throne, and will endear You the more to all Your People, and the better secure to them and their Posterity, the hap- py Establishment of the Protestant Succession. Inclination ( Great Sir) as Well as duty, will lead us to continue our ardent Prayers, that Your Ma- jesty's invaluable Life may be long preserv'd that Your Counsels may be prosper'd ; to the full Detection of the traiterous Designs of Your Enemies, and the
strengthning of our common Security ; and that the Crown may flourish in Your Majesty's Royal House In all succeeding Ages. His MAJESTY'S most gracious Answer. I Thank you for this Loyal and Dutiful address, your steady and constant adherence and Affection to my Per- son and Government, give you. a most just Title to my Pro- tection, on which you may always depend. The William and Anne Captain Newton, bound from Petersburg to Leghorn, was lately lost in her Passage thither. ' On Saturday last died at Fulham, Colonel Withers Son to the late Sir William Withers, Knight and Al- derman. The His MAJESTY'S most
Gracious Answer IMy Lords and Gentlemen, Give you many Thanks for the just Resentment you have expressed against the Indignity offered to Me and the British nation. I shall continue to Protect and Support my good People in the full Enjoyment of their Religion . Liberties, and Proper- ty against all that endeavour to subject them to Ty- ranny and Superstition On Tuesday last, pursuant to the Resolution of the lords and Commons, a printed Copy of the Pretender's Declaration, was burnt at the Royal Exchange, by the Hands of the Common Hangman; Humphry Parsons, and Francis Child, Esqrs; Sheriffs attending in their
own proper Persons ( according to the Order of both Houses of Parliament to see the same executed. The as well as the Streets, were crowded with spectators, and aS s00n as the declaration was set on fire, th ere were the most universal Acclamations of long live King George, no Pretender, & c. and the
C ) The Election for Coventry was made void, on Ac- count of the notorious and outrageous Riots, Tumults and Seditions that were at it; seven of the principal Contrivers and Promoters of which were order'd to be taken into the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms at- tending the House; and one William Wells being guilty of the said Offences, and also of uttering sed- tious and scandalous Words against the Government, was order'd to be committed Prisoner to the Gate- house. . - An English Pink, laden with Corn for Alicant, was lately lost off of Calais, and but one Man saved. On Sunday next will be two Sermons preach'd at the
Parish Church of St. Mary, White Chappel; that in the Morning by the most Reverend Father in God, William Lord Archbishop of York ; and that in the Afternoon by the Reverend. Dr. John Rogers, Rector of St. Clement- Danes. On Sunday 7- Night next will be opened the New Chappel of Ease to St. Andrew's Parish, near Red. Lion- street. On Tuesday last, James Barber, Son to a Widow Gentlewoman belonging to the young Dutchess of Marlborough, was kill'd by a Cart loaded with Coal, passing through Scotland Yard. Wednesday Morning, about four of the Clock, a Fire began in the White Lion Tavern in Cornhill, in the
Occupation of Mr. Jackson a Quaker, which consumed the same, together with all the Furniture, as also two Houses adjoyning; what is very remarkable, these Houses were the only only ones that escap'd the dread. ful Conflagration in 1666. Thursday began to be paid at the Pay- office Broad- street, the Seamens Tickets on the List of Arrears. On Wednesday, the 14th Instant, George Cressener, Esq; an eminent Grocer of London, who died at Bath, was carried out of Town to be interr'd with his Ances- tors, at Earls Colne, in the County of Essex, near which Place he had a considerable Estate. He was descended from the
ancient Family of Cressener, which had their Residence at a Place so call'd, near Clare, about the time of the Conquest, and has continu'd without In- terruption in the neighbouring Parts ever since. They had formerly great Possessions in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, and married the Heiresses of several noble Fa. milies- He has left Issue by Maria Anna his Wife, ( Daughter of Nath. Payler, of Nun- Monckton, in the County of York, Esq;) three Sons, and two Daughters, the Eldest married to Sam. Tuffnell of Langleys in Essex Esq; the other unmarried. They write from Cambridge, that the Foundations lately laid there with so
much Expence and Trouble, are going to be taken up, it being found out at last, that the Building to be erected thereon, will be a Nu- sance to Caius College. N. B. We are inform'd by Persons newly arriv'd from Cambridge, that Caius College stands just: where it did before the first Stone of the said Foundation was laid. John Pulteney, Esq; is elected a Representative of the Borough of Heydon in Yorkshire, in room of William Pulteney, Esq; who made his Election for Preston in Lancashire. The Carolina, Capt. Bond, from Jamaica to Lon- don, lately' mention'd to have been in a violent Storm off of Cuba, and or which our
Merchants were in great Pain, is safely arrived. We are inform'd from Bergen in Germany, that a Man has lately been taken up there for marrying seven Wives, and murdering them one after another. On Tuesday last there was a General Court of the Royal African Company, held at their House in Lea- den- Hall Street, where the Minutes of the last Gene- ral Court being read, a Representation was laid before them, in which the Court of Assistants acquainted them that they had considered of the most effectual Means for raising the Credit of the Company, and car- rying on their Trade, which was set forth in different Articles,
relating to the Call they thought necessary to be made, the Dividend which they judged proper to declare, the Offers that had been made the Court of Assistants, by several of the Borrowers upon Stock, After some Debates, the Representation being a third time read over, each individual Article was con- sider'd, and it was unanimously resolved, That a call of ; per Cent, be made upon every Share or NOMINAL Hundred Pound Stock, and 2 per Cent, of this Money be paid in on or before the iSth December next and the other Payment of 3 per Cent, on or before the first of March following. Resolved, Nemine Contradicente, That
such of the Proprietors who will pay in their whole Call 0 before the 20th Day of December, shall be allow'd Difcount of 2 per Cent for their Prompt Payment " It was then debated, and the Question being put it was resolv'd that a Dividend of One and half per Cent, be declared, the One half payable at Midsum- mer next, the other half at Christmass; which upon Computation of what_ Money has been paid in since the Ingraftment, and is now called in, is at the Rate of 5 per Cent, per Annum. Lastly, This General Court came into a Resolution vigorously to carry on their Trade, and resolved to supply whatever Money shall be
thought necessary Several Ships are arrived at Newcastle from Russia and the Fleet are all on the Coast, we expect to heat of their coming in by the next Letters. Letters from Abingdon say, that notwithstanding the great Treat made there the last Month by Robert Hucks, Esq; the Corporation have thought fit, Up0n the Death of Mr. Setwood, an Apothecary, Grandfa- ther to the said Mr Hucks, who was a Capital Bur- gess, and one of the Governours of the Hospital, to choose into those Places two Friends of Sir John D'Oy- ly, who is a Petitioner in Parliament against the said Mr. Hucks. Last Week a Mandamus was granted by
the Court of King's Bench, directed to the University of Cam- bridge for restoring the Reverend Dr Bently to his Degrees. And we hear that the same will be sent '' as soon as ever Dr. Snape the Vice. Chancellor is arrived there, that he may have the Satisfaction of executing it himself, and of beginning his Vice- chancellorship with such an eminent Act of Justice. Tho' a Report has been spread Abroad, that the Reverend Mr. Johnson, so deservedly esteem'd and admir'd for frequent Cures in the most difficult and deplorable Cases in Surgery, is dead; we think fit, for the Benefit of all Persons who have Occasion for his Advice or
Assistance, to inform the Publick, that he is arriv'd in good Health, at his House in Or- mond- Street, near Red- Lyon- Square. We have receiv'd this farther Account, of a fresher Date than what was mention'd concerning the Loss of the English and Dutch Ships, at the Cape of Good Hope, viz- that by the Activity of the Offi- cers and Mariners belonging to the Nightingale, a Ship bound to the East- Indies, the foreign Silver, and most of the Merchandizes were saved. The Addison, which lay near the Rocks, where the Dutch Ships were at Anchor, was entirely lost, with them ; but the Chandos, which happily lay near the Town, was
stranded on the Sands, and most of the Men and Goods • were saved ; and Mr. Gilbert the Captain was left there to take Care of them ; but his two Brothers, who were in rhe said Ship, are daily expected here by way of Holland. Application being made to the Dutch Governor of the Cape, to secure the Money 1 and Effects saved out of the English Ships; he propos- ed to have them lock'd up under two Keys; one of them to be kept by himself, and the other by the' English Officers t But while this Affair was in sus- pence, three Sloops belonging to the English Company, and bound to the Indies, fortunately arrived at the Cape, and
took in the Money and Goods to convey all to the Factory to which they were consign'd- . , Colonel Robert D'Oyley, late Deputy- Governor of the Tower, ( who some Days ago was thought to be on the mending Hand) died on Saturday last at his Brother Sir John D'Oyley's Seat in Oxfordshire. Monday last Colonel Williamson, Aid de Camp to the Earl Cadogan, in Favour of whom the said Colo- nel Robert D'Oyley hath resign'd, was sworn in Depu- ty- Governor of the Tower in his room. , i On Sunday Night last, the Duke of Queensberry'S Son was baptized by the Archbishop of York; the Earl of Rochester ( Father to the
Dutchess) and the Lord Carleton being God- Fathers. M'l,
C- s'iai ) Declaration of the Pretender for that Bad. and de- livered it to Mr. Lynch, who read Part of it. This Evidence was confirm'd by Mr Layer's confession be- fore the Lord a of the Council, soon after his being taken into Custody. It likewise appear'd that Layer had at several Times given Lynch Money to encourage him in the Under, taking. It appear'd by another Evidence, that Mr. Layer met Mr Plunket, who was a Serjeant of the Invalids , in Lincolns Inn Fields , and having had some smalL Acquaintance with him formerly told him of the General Design aforesaid, and propos'd to him to engage in it, who. after making some
Difficulties. consented : He was to inlist Men for the Pretender, and procure as many old Soldiers as he could. who were to discipline the Mob, and put them in Order when there should be a Rising j and as an Encourage- ment. Layer also gave him several Sums of Money. About lo: Soldiers out of the Camp ( if they could get them) were to come out of the camp singly, or two or three together, to prevent Suspicion, without Arms, and to meet at a Place appointed, where Arms loaden were to be ready for them, in order to go from thence to surprize the Tower, and it Was propos'd to begin the Insurrection about the Time when the
Camp was to break up, at Nine of the Clock of a certain Night to be fix'd, and the Wafch Word was to be, This Morning. Mr. Layer pretended, that the late Duke of Ormond, General Dillon, and others, were to come over in a Ship, and put themselves at the Head of the Rebels. It appear'd by another Evidence, that Mr. Layer left two Bundles of Papers seal'd up, with Mrs. Ma- son which were afterwards seiz'd by His Majesty's Messengers; many of which Papers were read in Court, and among them was a Scheme of the intended Plot and also several Letters from the Adherents of the Pretender at Rome, particularly from Sir
William Ellis, by the Name of Eustace Jones to Mr Layer, by the Name of Mr Fountain, encouraging him to proceed in the Business of the Manufactury, as the Letters termed it, and also to employ as many Workmen as they could get, which, bv the Pretender's Cypher ( found among those Paper;) appears to be Soldiers. There were also among the said Papers, about ten blank Promissory Notes in the Pretender's Name, in order to raise Money to carry on the Rebellion. which Mr. Layer confess'd before the Lords of the Council that he received from the Pretender 0r his Adherents at Rome. It was proved that the Prisoner had
been at Rome, and was introduced to the Pretender, and by him kindly received ; this also appetr'd by Mr. Layer's Confession, who own'd, that he had been ac Rome, and had two Audience; of the Pretender in the Spring of this Year, whom he desir'd to stand Godfather, and his Spouse Godmother, by their Proxies, to his Child, and he nam'd the Proxies that did stand accordingly. Several Witnesses were called in Behalf of Mr Layer, one of which said, that Part of the money, Mr. Plunket received from Mr. Layer, was only lent The Lord North and Grey was Witness for the prisoner. The Judge then summing up the Evidence,
gave a Charge to the Jury, who withdrawing for about three quarters of an Hour, return'd into Court again, and gave in their Verdict, Guilty of High Treason. Then it being about four in the Morning, the Court broke up, and Layer was guarded back to the Tower again, from whence he will be brought n- xt Monday to the King's Bench Bar. to have Sentence of Death pass'd upon him, as is usual in Cases of High- Trea- son- • We hear from Derby, that the whole Town are in Tears for the Death of the most ingenious Mr. John Loombe, tht youngest of the two Brothers, who have lately set up a Manufacture in that Town for the
making Italian Fabricated Silk. An Art which had been for many Ages kept secret in some few of the States of thar Country ; by Means of which they have greatly enrich'd themselves in supplying other Coun- tries with so necessary a Manufacture, and which it hath cost this Kingdom. for it's own Part, some loo. oao 1. a Year in ready Money to purchase This ingenious Gentleman having spent some time in Italy. with M 11 II Mrs. Willis Housekeeper to the Navy Office is dead she was the Relict of Capt. Willis, Comman- der of the Royal Anne Galley. lost upon the Lizzard Rocks in carrying the Lord Belhaven to Barbadoes. On
Saturday last in the Morning died the Rev. Dr. Dobson President of Trinity College in Oxford ; and tis said he will be succeeded by the Reverend Mr. Edward Crank, late Fellow of that College. That Univesity must certainly have a very great Loss of so great a Man ( more especially the College pre- sided over) as being in Example of Learning, Piety, and Good Manners. ' An Account of what pass'd on the Tryal, Examinati- on of Counsellor Layer, & c.__ Wednesday, being the 21st D » y of November, 1722, and in the 9th Year of his Majesty's Reign, Mr. Christopher Layer was conducted in a Hackney Coach from the Tower of
Londonj under a Guard of Warders and a Detachment of the Foot. Guards to Westminster- Hall; where the Gentleman. Jaylor of the Tower delivering up his Prisoner to the Tipstaves of the Court of King's Bench, he Was pre- sently set t0 the Bar, in his Irons, which some time after were knockt off, that he might stand easie on his Tryal. Then an Impannel of the Jurors being call'd over by the Deputy SherifF of Essex, which contain'd above 100 Freeholders, who were shew'd one by one to the Prisoner, he challeng'd 34 of them, after which Ex- ceptions a select Jury being return'd, the Indictment was read to him, which set forth
as follows That whereas Christopher Layer of the County of Essex, Gent, not having the Fear of God before his Eyes, did through the Instigation of the Devil, most Wickedly, maliciously, and like a false Traytor, form in Concert with others, a most horrid Plot and Con- spiracy against his Majesty and his Government, by inlisting Men in the County of Essex, for the Pretender's Service, in order to stir up Rebel- lion in this Kingdom ; and also, that he had held a Correspondence with the Pretender, by carrying Let- ters, and other treasonable Papers to him Beyond Sea and from him to His Majesty's disaffected Subjects in this
Kingdom. Farthermore he was charg'd with the Commission of several Overt Acts, as that he and others were to seize the Tower of London and the Guards, to facilitate their Design of murdering his Majesty, and all the Royal Family, and to involve all hie Majesty's good Subjects by a general Massacre, there by to set a Popish Pretender on the British Throne. It appear'd by the Evidence for the King, that Mr. Lynch coming into England about April last, and happening into the Company of Dr. Murphy, his for. mer Acquaintance , was by him inform'd of the Design of an Insurrection in this Kingdom, in Fa- vour of the Pretender,
and finding the said Lynch inclinable to come into the same, propos'd to in- troduce him to a Person who had a considerable Share in the carrying it on, and accordingly soon after brought him into the Company of Mr. Layer at a Tavern in Holborn ; after which, Mr. Layer and Lynch had several Meetings at Taverns thereabouts, at which Meetings the said Design, and the Method of putting the same in Execution, was talk'd of, and Layer told the other that there were great Hopes of Success, many Persons of considerable Estates, and in the Army, being engag'd, and a General appointed .- That Earl Cadrgan was to be seiz'd,
and the Tower of London at the same time; afterwards the Bank of England, then His Majesty and the Prince of Wales ; and it being proposed to Lynch, that his Part of the Affair should be ( with such others as himself should appoint) to seize on the Person of Earl Cadogan, Ge- neral of the Army : Layer and Lynch went some time after to the Earl Cadogan's to view the House, Layer pretending he had an Estate to propose to his Lord, ship to buy ; and Lynch thinking that Enterprire practicable. undertook the Management of it : That on the 25th of August last they went together to the Lord North and Grey's in Essex, and, in the
Way, din'd at the Green- Man near Epping- Forest. when the Proposal of raising a Rebellion was again dis- coursed, and Layer produced a Paper, importing a
v r - 5 with great Expcnce and Hazard of his Person had made entirely Matter of this Valuable Art ; and in Conjunction with his Brother Mr Thomas Loombe had erected a large Fabrick in this Town, whereof some Hundred; or poor People, chiefly Women and Children, are now employ'd, and ir is be hoped will continue to be so by the surviving Brother, if this unspeakable Loss ( of his never too much to be lament- ed Partner) does not disable him from carrying on so great an Undertaking, which may, if duly encourag'd, be extended and made the most valuable Manufacture ever yet brought into Great- Britain. >° Letters from the
Hague Nov. 19. Say, that the damage suffered by the Storm at the Cape of Good- Hope, is the greater, both because the Ships were the six best that belong'd to our Company , and because the Surprize was such that, very few of the People were sav'd. The Names of the Ships were, the Stantvastigheyd , with 208 Men; the Rotterdam with i- o5 ; the Lakeman with the like Number; the Schorse Lorrendrayer with 139 ; the Soetigheyd with 108; and the Hooker Gouda with 115- " 3 On Wednesday last died at his House in the Hay- Market, Mr. John Salt, senior, Purveyor to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, a hearty Lover
of the present Establishment, and a Gentleman of Angular gocd Character in all other Respects. Letters from Marseilles say, that the Health of this City, and the Neighbouring Places being perfectly re. stored, Orders are come to the Generals who have the Commend of the Troops, to level the Lines, and open the Passes, on the 25th of this Month ; after which our Merchants , will enjoy a free Commerce by Land with the whole Kingdom, and they are in Ex- pectation of the like free Communication by Sea with all the other Havens of France. Letters from the Palatinate give « n Account, that, 24 Articles of Grievances complained
of by the Protestants, it appears that no more than four are redressed, notwithstanding. the Elector Palati- ne's Minister had declared at the Court of Vien- na, that all things were redressed agreeably to the Treaty of Baden. The Evangelical Body receives every Day fresh Complaints of new Vexations of the Protestants in divers Parts, which clearly e- vinces how bent the Papists are to extirpate by lit- tle and little the Protestant Religion, notwithstand- ing its Toleration by the Treaty of Westphalia. It may be remark'd on this Occasion, that the Dutchy of Neubourg, on the other side the Danube, between Nuremberg and this City,
there remains only one old Woman who professes the Protestant Religion ; whereas 40 or 50 Years ago, of five Inhabitants in that Country, four might be reckon'd Protestants. Yesterday the Poll ended ac CoVent Garden for the City and Liberty of Westminster, when the Honour- able Lord Carpenter and Mr. Montague were declar'd duly elected for Members thereof by a great Majority. The same Day the Warrants for augmenting the Troops from 40 to 50 per Company, and the Guards from to 6a Men per Company, were issued out at the War Office. We hear that the Taunton Petitioners have declared they intend to withdraw
their Petition. A Ship commanded by Captain Elliot, from Dublin to Bristol, was lately lost on the Coast of Wales. Bankruprs since our last. William Baker of Rodlingfield, in the Cou. ity of Suffolk, Grocer. Samuel Bloss, late of the Parish of St. John Wap- ping. Marriner, and Merchant John Payne, of Potten , in the County of Bedford, Chapman. Daniel Markes, of Cheapside, London, Linnen Draper. Mary Lesingham, Spinster, of Tower- street, Lon- don, Milliner. LONDON: printed and Sold by j. READ, in White- Friars near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. CASUALTIES . Found Dead 2 one in the Street at St.
Dunstan's in the East and one in a Boghouse at St. Mary at White- Chappel. Overlaid . ! This Day is publish'd, ( neatly printed in a Pocket Volume) the 7th Edition, corrected. and enlarg'd to almost as much again. ( there having been sold near 1o, coo of the former Editions) of ONANIA; or, The heinous Sin of Self- Pollution, and all its frightful Consequences, in both Sexes consider'd; with Spiritual and Physical Advice, to those who have already injur'd themselves by this abominable Practice To which are added, divers remarkable Letters, from such Offenders to the Author, lamenting their Impotencies and Dis- eases thereby; as
also Letters from eminent Divines, in answer to a Case of Conscience relating thereto ; as likewise a Letter from a Lady to the Author, ( very curious) and another from a marry'd Man, concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed, with the Author's Answers; manifesting, ( from Scrip- ture) that a marry'd Couple may commit Whoredom between themselves: As also his Answers, as promis'd in the 5th Edi- tion, to the Letters of C. T. and Philalethes, urging the Ne- cessity of Self- Pollution ; and another surprizing Letter from a young marry'd Lady, who by this detestable Practice, became barren and diseased, and two
astonishing Cases, in a Letter from a Clergyman, of a young Man and a young Woman, who, to his own Knowledge, had so abused themselves there- by, that they died ; and three curious Casuistical Letters on that Subject, since, one sign'd Wil. Smith, and mother N. Pe- dagogus, and their Answers j and an Answer to a Letter, sub- scrib'd Dives, concerning his Son's Fornication, and Adultery, and of Impotency, by Self- Pollution, in Men, and Barrenness, and Other the strange Effects of that Practice, in Women, hardly ever till now taken Notice of, with seasonable Admo- nition to the Youth of the Nation, ( of both Sexes) and
those whose Tuition they are under, whether Parents, Guardians, Masters, or Mistresses. A very grave and learned Divine and Physician, having perus'd this Edition before it went to the Press, return'd it with his Opinion of it in these Words: ' This little Book ought to be read, by all Sorts of People, of both Sexes; of what Age, Degree, Profession, or Condition so- ever, guilty or not guilty of the Sin declaimed against in it. Sold by Thomas Crouch, Bookseller, at the Bell in Pater- Norter Row near Cheapside: Price stich'd is. Note, No more Additions will be made to this Book.