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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 10/11/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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THE C 2387") British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1O, 1722. S I R, At a Time when another Spirit of Rebellion has possess'd the reprobate Minds of our Jacobites, and many of his Ma- jesty's Subjects have been unwarily seduced by their sophistical Reason. ing to joyn with them in such Measures, as gave Birth and Strength to the present unnatural Con- spiracy; and when the most solemn Oaths have had so little Influence over the Conduct of many Men: It cannot be improper to awaken in their Minds a due Sense of the Guilt of Perjury In doing which, I am beholden to a cele- brated Author. It is a melancholy Consideration, that there should be several among us so hardened and deluded, as to think an Oath a proper Subject for a Jest ; and to make this, which is one of the most solemn Acts of Religion, an Occasion of Mirth. Yet, such is the Depravations of our Manners at present, that nothing is more frequent than to hear profligate Men ridicu- ling, to the best of their Abilities, these sacred Pledges of their Duty and Allegiance, and endeavour, ing to be witty upon themselves, for daring to pre- varicate with God and Man. A poor Conceit of their own, or a Quotation out of Hudibras, shall make them treat with Levity, an Obligation wherein their Safety and Welfare are concern'd both as to this World and the next. Raillery of this Nature, is enough to make the Hearer tremble ; as these Miscreants seem to glory in the Profession of their Impiety, there is no Man who has any Regard to his Duty, or even to his Re- putation, that can appear in their Defence; but if there are others of a more serious turn, who joyn with deliberately in these Religious Professions of Loyalty to our Sovereign, with any private Salvoes or Evasi- ons, they would do well to consider those Maxims, in which all Casuists are agreed, who have gain'd any Esteem for their Learning, Jugment, or Morality . These have unanimously determined, that an Oath is always to be taken in the Sense of that Authority which imposes it ; and that those, whose Hearts do not concur with their Lips in the form of these pub. lick Protestations, or who have any mental Reserves, or who take an Oath against their Consciences upon any Motive whatever ; or with a Design to break it, or repent of it, are guilty of Perjury : Any of these, or the like Circumstances instead of alleviating the Crime, make it more heinous as they are premeditated ( which it is the chief Design of an Oath to prevent) and the most flagrant Instances of insencerity ro Men and irreverence to their Maker : For this Reason, the Perjury of a Man, who takes an Oath with an Inten- tion to keep it, and is afterwards seduced to the Vio- lation of it, ( tho' a Crime not to be thought of, with, out the greatest Horror) is yet, in some Respects not quite so black as the Perjury abovemention'd. It is indeed, a very unhappy Token of the great Corruption of our Manners, that there should be any so inconside- ( Price Three Half. Pence:) rate among us, as to sacrifice the standing and essential Duties of Morality to the Views of Politicks, or that cannot perceive that Perjury is a deadly Sin. But it is our Misfortune to live in an Age when such wild and unnatural Doctrines have prevail'd among some of of our fellow Subjects, that if One looks into their Schemes of Government, they seem according as they are in the Humour, to believe that a Sovereign is not to be restrain'd by his Coronation Oath, or his People by their Oaths of Allegiance, or to represent them in a plainer Light; in some Reigns they are both for a Power and an Obedience thac is unlimited, and in others are for retrenching within the narrowed Bounds, both the Authority of the Prince and the Allegiance of the Subject. But more of this in my next. Nov. 6. 1722. Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood, The Continuation of the Life of HENRY the 7th. King of ENGLAND That every Man of Reason might well understand thac the said Henry needed nor to have taken these Courses against him, had been a feign'd Person. That the Truth, his manifest Cause, had moved the King of France, and Durchess of Burgundy, his dear Auut, to yield him their Assistance. That now, because the Kings of Scotland were wont to support them who were spoiled and bereft of the said Kingdom of Eng- land, and for that he the said King James had given clear Signs that he was of the like Noble Quality and Temper with his Ancestors, he so distressed a Prince came to put himself into his Hands, desiring his aid to recover his Realms, promising faithfully, that when his Kingdoms were regained, he would gratefully do him all the Pleasure that should lie in his utmost Power. The King of Scots was so influenced with this Im- postor's Words, amicably Person, princely Deport- ment, Recommendations of Princes, his Aids from the Irish, and assured hope of Aid in England, that he honourably received him, as if he had been the very Richard Duke of York, and gave his Consent that this pretended Duke should marry the Lady Catherine Gourdon, Daughter to the Earl of Huntley, which accordingly he did, and also prepared to invade lande England in his Quarrel, altho' there wanted not them, who with many Arguments advised the King to repute him for no other than a Cheat King Henry that he might be prepared for the Scots, called a Parliament, which granted 1 Tax to be gathered of Sixscore Thousand Pounds, the Levy of which Money kindled a dangerous Fire in Englard ; for when the King's Collectors came amongst the Cornish Men to receive their proportion of the Tax, they tumultuously assembled under the leading of one Thomas Flammock. a Lawyer, and Michael Joseph a Blacksmith of Bodnam; which Captains led their Rout towards Kent; and at Wells James Tuchet, Lord Audley, joined with them. From Wells they proceeded to Blackheath, where the King's Forces defeated them without much Labour; fifteen hundred Mr Serj Baldwyn and Mr. Finch open'd the Charge more fully, and shew'd the Nature and Course of the Evidence : Then the Witnesses were call'd, and first Titus Oates was sworn. Mr. Serj. Baldwyns. Pray Mr. Oates declare to the Court what Design there was of killing his Majesty and by whom. Mr. Oates. In December last the Prisoner White- bread was made Provincial of the Order of the Je- suits by the. General of the Jesuits at Rome after which Whitebread order'd Conyers a Jesuit to preach at St. Omers on Sr. Thomas a Canterbury's Day, which he did, and inveigh'd against the Oaths of' Supre- macy and Allegiance, as Antichristian and Devilish. In January Whitebread wrote Letters directed to Fa- ther Ashby at St. Omers, intimating a Design of as- sassinating the King : And afterwards Whitebread, be- ing at London, summon'd several Jesuits to appear at a Consult to be held in London the 24th of April, O.. S Upon which Summons nine went over from St Omers the Rector of Liege, Sir Thomas Preston, Marsh the Rector of Ghent, Williams Rector of Wot- ton, one Sir John Warner and two or three more; and and we were order'd to keep our selves close lest the THE Indictment sets forth. That the Prisoners, not having the Fear of God in their Hearts, or weighing the Duty of their Allegiance, & c. but intending to disturb the Peace of the Kingdom; and subvert the Religion establish'd, & c. did on the 24th Day of April, in the thirtieth Year of the King, at the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, in Com. Midd. traiterously Compass and Imagine to depose the said King, and put him to Death, and raise a Rebellion, & c. And to bring their said treasonable Designs to Effect, they the said Prisoners, together with other false Traitors unknown, did on the said 24th Day of April, in the Parish and County aforesaid, traiterously assemble themselves together, and then and there did consult and agree to put the said King to Death, and alter the Religion establish'd, and to bring in the Ro. mish Superstition : And to effeCt the same, they did afterwards ( viz) at the Day and Place aforesaid, traiterously consult and agree, that they the said Thomas Pickering and John Grove should kill and murther the said King : And that they the said White, Ireland, Fenwick, and other false Traitors unknown, should perform a certain Number of Masses for the Soul of the said Pickering, and should pay to the said Grove a certain Sum of Money : And that thereupon the said Pickering and Grove did undertake and pro- mise to the said other Traitors, that they would mur. der the King ; And that all the aforesaid Prisoners did, at the Day and Place aforesaid, plight their Faith to each other, and promise upon the Sacrament to con- ceal, and not to divulge their said Treasons: And that the said Pickering and Grove at the Day and Place aforesaid did trairerously procure Arms, { viz ) Muskets, Pistols, Swords, Daggers, & c. in order to kill the said King: And did at thc Day and Place aforesaid, and at divers other Times and Places lie in wait, and endeavour to kill their said Sovereign Lord the King : And that the said White, Ireland and Fen wick did at the Day and Place aforesaid perswade and excite four other Persons unknown to kill and murder Design should be suspected: Accordingly we did ap- pear at the consult the 24th of April, 0 S. The Con. sult was begun at the White Horse Tavern in the Strand, and there they met in several Rooms, and when a new Set came in, those that were there before retired. And John Cary was appointed to go their Procurator to Rome : From the, White- Horse they ad- journ'd into several Colloquies, or little Meetings: One of them at Mr. Sander's House, butting upon Wildhouse a second at Mr. Ireland's Lodging in Russel street; a third was at Mr. Harcourt's Lodging; and a fourth was at Mr. Grove's House. After they had debated the State of Religion and the King's Death, Mico, Secretary to the Society, and the Pro. vincial's Companion, by their Order drew up this Re- solve. ( viz ) That Pickering and Grove should go on in their Attempt to kill the King, and that Grove should have tyool. and Pickering josoo Masses for a Reward. Jury. We desire he may be ask'd, where he saw them sign it ? Oates. Whitebtead sign'd it at that part of the Con- sult, that was held at his Chamber; and so Ireland and Fenwick at their respective Chambers. I carried it from one Company to another, and saw them sign it: And soon after the Consult I return'd to St Omers. In May cams over Whitebread, Cary and Mico to St. Omers, and having given an Account how the Plot proceeded in England, Whitehead order'd me to come for England, and kill Dr. Tongue a Divine, who had translated a Book out of French, call'd the Jesuits Morals. The 13 of June, O. S. I left St- Omers, and the 15th arrived at Dover, where I set Fenwick, who was come thither to send some Lads to St. Omers. We came for London together, and by the Way the Coach was search'd, and the Searchers took a Box of Fenwick's full of Beads, Crucifixes, Images, and such Trumpery: And Fenwick said, if they had search'd his Pockets, they had found such Letters as might have cost him his Life- To be continu'd. SIR, of the Rebels were taken, and the Takers had their Prisoners Goods granted them. James Lord Audley was led from Newgate to Tower Hill, in a Coat of his Armories, painted on a Paper revers'd and torn, where he was executed. Flammock and the Smith were Quartered. Memora- bly strange was the Comfort that the Smith cheared himself withal, as he was drawing to his Execution, to wit, That yet he hoped that by this means his Name and Memory should be overlasting The King's care was now to order the War against Scotland, Whither he sent the Earl of Surry with an Army to invade the Scotch B0rders, as they had lately done the English. The Earl pursued the Revenge with great Vehemency ; but in short Time, by the King of Spain's Mediation, a Truce was concluded betwixt the two Nations,. Politick King- Henry un- easy in these Scottish Wars, meditated the Means of putting a determinate End to them. He wisely fore- saw that the Marriage of his elder. Daughter with that King, would produce a perpetual Peace; but the bringing that about so as that it might be the scots Request, was the Difficulty. It happen'd, that an Ambassador ( Peter Hyalas by Name) came lately from Ferdinand and Isabella. King and Queen of Spain, to treat of the Marriage between Catherine their second Daughter, and Prince Arthur, the King's Son. The Friendship which Ferdinand express'd, Induc'd Henry to make Use of his Ambassador, who was a very able Man, to serve his Purpose with Scotland : and ha- ving open'd his Mind to him, he willing undertook the Mediation of a Peace, and immediately made a Journey to Scotland, where he brought King James to such a Temper, that Fox, Bishop of Durham a Man of Wisdom also, being sent by Henry to back it, made the Truce, as we have said. To be continued. The Tryal of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, John Grove, Thomas White alias Whitebread, and John Fenwick, for High- Treason, at the Sessions- House in the Old Bailey, London, the seventeenth of December, 30 Car. II. 1678. their faid Sovereign Lord the King, against the Duty of their Allegiance, the King's Peace, & c ^ To which Indictment the Prisoners severallv plead- ed Not Guilty. The Jurors being call'd, and the Prisoners challeng- ing none of them, the following Gentlemen were sworn, viz. Sir William Roberts, Bar-. Sir Philip Matthews, Bar. Sir Charles Lee, Knt. Edward Wilford, John Foster, Joshua Galliard John Byfield, Thomas Egglesfield, Thomas Johnson, John Pulford, Thomas Earnsby, esqrs Richard Wheeler, Gent SIR, ' Nov. 6. 1722 IT is almost impossible for Man that is capable of making any Observation, upon publick Things, to converse among some sort of People, without see- ing the little empty Subtilties by which they would insinuate Principles of Disloyalty and Dissaffection among the Common People; and it is with no small Satisfaction that Gcod Men observe how those Subtil- ties begin every Day to work with less Effect than other in the Nation; the People themselves detect them even by common Reasoning, and those who have any Degree of Reasoning Light above others daily expose them. Green Oak Boughs, White Roses, and Forehead- Patches, have lost their Operation, the People grow Sick of and are surfeited with their Shiboleths ; High- Church loses Ground among the people ; how should it be otherwise ? Do they not see that the High. Church and Papists are all upon one foot ? Are they not found Plotting together for the Pretender, and is the Discovery of no Use to us ? I met with an honest Countryman the Other Day, a violent Oaken Bough Man, and upon a little Dis- course I found him quite alter'd, quite a new Man ; I ask'd him the Reason of his happy Conversion ; Oh ! says he, I am frighted ; I thought our High- Church had been the only Champions for Religion, and that Presbyterians and Phanaticks were our most dangerous Enemies; but now I find High- Church and Papists all Plot together against the Governour, and that the High Church Men, nay, not the Clergy excepted, are for Popery ; I am frighted, I have no more to say to them, I have done with all their Di- stinction e'en let them keep it that have it ; I'll med- dle no more, The like of this I have met with among several o- thers; let the Bishop now in Bonds, or any other of the Gentlemen who call themselves Protestants, and have dipp'd their Hands in Treason, consider of it if they think fit, the Reflection would be of great Use to them: Their being decected in a Conspiracy a. gainst a Protestant Government, in Conjunction with, and in Behalf of Popery, is such a monstrous, un- couth, and unintelligible thing. that it confounds the People, amazes them, and in the end, frights them out of their Jacobite Notions, opens their Eyes, and brings them to see how they have been deluded before, how they have been led to assist Popery and lift up their Hand against the very Church they be. liev'd they had been upholding. Thus gross Delusions serve at last to open the very Eyes they were design'd to close ; the stronger the Imposition, the sooner the Discovery: In secret and subtil Frauds innocent People may be a long time cheated; but when the Deceivers grow too bold, and lay on their Coverings too thick, and yet too slightly and too open, the Disguise discloses it self without any Help : High Church might have carried the Peo. ple a great Way, and Dissaffection to the Governour might have been carried so high, as to have led them into a Thousand Extravagancies, had not Popery ap- pear'd at the Bottom of it; But when it came to be known that the Mass and the Crucifix was in the Game ; that the Pope was turn'd up Trump; and that the Church of England was to truckle to the Tyranny of ROM E, there needed no more to be said, the Plot blow d up it self; the Mine sprung backward, and the People were alarm'd immediately ; the Work was done it self, and the very Plot against King GEORGE, has turn'd Thousands of People to King GEORGE, and Convinc'd them that the whole Protestant Interest defends upon the Establish- ment of the present Governour ; that there is no- thing beyond it but Popery ; nothing but civil and religious Ruin and Destruction : that the first Step beyond the present Royal Cause, and the Establish- ment, is a Leap in the Dark, a Cast diwn the Preci- pice into the Gulph of Popish Tyranny. O monstrous High Church ! whether wer't thou carrying us ? Whether wast thou precipitating thy self? and how has thy Madness brought thy most di- stracted Sons to their Senses again, to the utter Confu- sion of all those; headstrong Agents who manag'd thee before ! Sir Your humble Servant, A New Convert. Mr. Attorney General hath filed in Information against Mr. Phillips the Printer, for printing The Se- cond Part of the Advantages accruing to England by the Hanover Succession & c. and he is to be try'd thereupon in the Sitting; after term at Guild Hall. One Day last Week a very deplorable Accident hap- pen'd near Gray's Inn Lane: A young Woman whose Friends lived in very good Reputation, was un- fortunately debauch'd, and got with Child, but was so ingenuous as to confess it to her Mother, begging Forgiveness, and promising an Amendment of Life - but the Mother flying out into a Rage, acquainted her with in, and they resolv'd to turn her out of their House; accordingly a Day was appointed, but the very Morning that the poor Girl was to have been turned ont to the wide World. , she hang'd herself and ' tis very much fear'd, that both the Father and Mother will go distracted Upon it. Loyal Addresses from all Parts are daily presented to the King, and amongst others, there has been one signed by the Magistrates and Common Council of Perth in Scotland, where the Pretender was with his Army during the late Rebellion. The Regiment now in Ireland, which belonged to the late Brigadier Ferrers, has been given to Colonel Tyrrel. Last Sunday the Rev. Dr. Lockier preached before the Ring and their Royal Highnesses at St. James's - the Lord St. John carried the Sword of State ; and the Earl of Albemarle, Colonel in the second Regi. ment of Guards, commanded the Detachment then upon Duty. Tuesday there was a Sale at the South Sea House, of Raw Silk chiefly belonging to Mr. Gibbon, and two or three others of the late Directors, the whole being appraised at 20,000 I. Sir William Barker, Bart, of Ipswich, is chose withont Opposition, Knight of the Shire for Suffolk, in the room of Sir Robert Divers, Bart, deceased. Capt. Norbery having resign'd his Command of, the Chatham Man of War, by Reason of his ill State of Health, the same is given to Captain Caley. Capt. Caleb Wade is made Master Intendant Of his Majesty's Dock- Yard at Portsmouth, in the room of Mr. David Bartlet, deceas'd. A few Days ago the Royal Society received a Pre- sent from the King of Denmark's Library, of several curious Pieces in Manuscript, done by that learned Astronomer Tycko- Brahe, which, we hear, will be printed in their Philosophical Transactions. Sunday last being the Anniversary of the Birth of King William, of Glorious Memory, as Mouday was of his happy Landing', as well as of the signal Deliverance of and Parliament from the Gun. powder Plot, the same were observed by the Firing of the Artillery, Ringing of Bells Fireworks, Illumi- nations, & c. Mr. Colston, the Bishop of Salisbury's Chaplain, preach'd at St. James's Cappel; the Bishop of Gloucester preach'd before the House of Lords; Dr. Burscough before the House of Commons, and Mr. Carter at St. Paul's, before the Lord Mayor, & c. They write from Limerick. October the 21st, That a Popish Priest that lies confin'd there, attempted an Escape, by seizing the Keeper's Hanger, ( as he went to view the Prisoners at Night, in order to lock ' em up.) and with the Stoke he made at him, broke the Hanger short on his Head, afterward's cut the Keeper's Wife's Nose off with the remaining Part, but finding he had not dispatch'd him, endeavour'd to cut his Throat with his knife, which he had almost effected, when a Grenadier of the Royal Regiment interrupted him in his villanous Design. Tis said he is since turn'd Evidence for the King, and seems resolv'd to impeach a Number of Gentlemen of the same Perswasion. There is a Report that a Lottery for 500000 1. will be fet on foot before the breaking up of the Parlia. The Candidates for the Borough of Bramber in Sussex, are the Ld. Frederick Howard, and david Pol- bill, Esq; in the room of Charles Van Hulse, Esq deceased. The Rt. Hon the Earl of Derby hath appointed Mr Robert Parsons to succeed Mr. Teel, deceased, as one of the Yeomen of the Guards Mr. ) Mr. Robinson is appointed Head Keeper of the View Goal erected for the County of Surrey, near St. George's Church, Southwark. Monday one Kent was brought up Prisoner from the Town of Battle, to the Fleet, under a Guard of Soldiers, on Suspicion of his being an Owler of that Name who had made his Escape from the said Prison some time ago- Last Tuesday there was a General Court ot the Royal African Company, held at their House in Lea- denhall- Street, when and where a Representation was read, which set forth, That the Court of Assistants had ' taken care to secure the Advantage of supplying the South- Sea Company with those Negroes which by Virtue of the Assiento Treaty, they are oblig'd to supply the Spaniards with, and the Payment of these Negroes was to be made in Bills of Exchange in London, payable sixty Days after Sight. Then fol- low'd an Account of what Ships they had been oblig'd to fit out ; what Number of Artificers, Workmen, Writers, and others, to send over to their several Plantations; what new Forts to build, besides re- pairing most of the old ones, and what Plantations to remove to other Places, both for the Convenience of Trade, and the Health of those whom they em- ploy'd in those Parts of the World. An Estimate of the several Sums of Money which had been disburs'd, were then laid before the Company, by which it ap. pear'd, that to carry on the Trade, and to pay extra, ordinary Charges, the Court of Assistants had been oblig'd to advance the Sum of 20,000 1. and to bor- 50,000 1. more upon their own Credit. The Repre- sentation concluded with an Estimate of the Damages they had suffered by the Pyrates, and of the Value of their Stock in Africa, in the West Indies, and in the Warehouses in London. The late Election of Members of Parliament for the City and Liberty of Westminster being declared void we hear the L. Carpenter, and Charles Montague Esq; Son to the Lord Chief Baron Montague, Esq; and Ne- phew to the late L. Hallifax, who serv'd for the City and Liberty of Westminster in divers Sessions of Parlia- ment, will stand Candidates for the next ensuing Election. On Tuesday Morning Mr. Dobyns and Bramber cut three more Persons for the Stone, after the new Method, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital : There were then present Mr. Kelloway, Mr. Green, Mr. Gay, Mr. Serjeant Dickens, Mr. Bull, Mr. Willett, Mr. Santhill, and several other eminent Physicians and Surgeons. The Convocation is prorogued by the King's Writ to the 23d of January next. On Sunday last a sad Accident happen'd at Stratford near Bow, where a Gentlewoman, of a pretty tollera- ble Size, being in a Hackney- Coach, lean'd out over the Door to give some Instructions to the Driver, when the Coach overset, tho' upon even Ground, and the Gentlewoman was so bruised on the Head by the Fall, that we hear, she is since dead. Richard Goddard, Esq; is elected Knight of the Shire for the County of Wilts, in the room of Robert Hide, Esq; deceas'd. Wednesday the Grand Inquest for the County of Middlesex was sworn at Westminister Hall, with the usual Form. Colonel Cadogan, Brother to the Right Honoura. ble the Earl Cadogan, is elected Member of Parlia- ment for Newport in the Isle of Wight, in the room of the Earl of March, eldest Son to the Duke of Rich- mond, who being chofen for the said Borough of New- port and for the City of Chichester, hath Made his Ele- ction to serve for the latter. We hear that for the Ease of his Majesty's Protestant Subjects, a Tax will be laid both upon the Roman Ca- tholickt and the Jews, who, having no Land, have for several Years past, got themselves excused from such Assessments. Noel, Esq; is elected Member of Parliament for the Borough of Stamford in the County of Lincoln in the room of the Honourable Brownlow Cecil Esq- now Earl of Exeter; call'd up to the House of Peers. Robert D'Oyly, Esq; Deputy- Governor of the Tower hath resign'd the Place in Favour of Colonel Williamson, Aid- de- Camp to the Earl Cadogan who accordingly succeeds him therein. Essex, Tilubury. juxta Clare. Nov, 4- 1722 Mr. READ, AS you are a Fr e id to the present Government. I desire you to insert in your next Journal, the follwing POEM on the Discovery of the PLOT in which you will oblige your Constant Reader and Friend, Yours, To His most Excellent Majesty King GEORGE. Great SIR, PErmit the meanest of the inspir'd Train To ring in loyal, tho not lofty, Strain; too long mistaken I withheld my due, And scarcely thought the horrid Treason true Could not believe the Wretches were so base,' So void of Honour, Honesty and Grace, As to destroy at once Your Royal Race. But now the Scenes of Villany appear As black as Hell, and yet as Truth most clear;' So sooty Saviours with Rebellion burn, And back to cursed Egypt would return ; Embrace a vile Impostor, and his Cause, The Chief of Traytors to your Crown and Laws. Arife, Great Monarch ! while You fit at Helm, 1 And crush the Traytors that disturb Your Realm ; Discharge Your Vengeance, let Your Pow'r be known1 And keep the Mitre underneath Your Crown ; ' The bold and vile Laudean Faction came, Who fain wou'd set Your Kingdom in a Flame: What can You fear ? You stand the most secure You have the People's Voice in Miniature. The sacred Fiat form'd, the great Design, To bless our Land in Your Illustrious Line, And Glorious William was the Instrument He drew the Plan of present Government; And yet how basely was the Hero us'd, Insulted first, and afterwards abus'd, Traduc'd, and slander'd, when in silent Grrve.' By wretched Monsters whom he came to save ? No Wonder, when their Hellish Projects fail, Against the best of Governments they rail; Pretend to Freedom, Property, and Laws, Yet clamour at the Mischiefs which they cause; Their boiling Blood's infected, so impure That nothing less than Corrosives can cure ; The Tribe are Traytors, by Your Laws accurst And swell with rooted Rancour till they burst; Despise Your Mercy, vilifie Your Grace, Wou'd set a spurious Traytor in Your Place: Wise Providence ordain'd You to regain The fading Glories of a Female Reign ; You are the Atlas to support our State, Who fain wou'd make unhappy Britain Great; The Scepter with so steddy Hand you sway, That none but Factious Rebels disobey Go on, Great Sir ! and be compteatly Great, And blast those Titans that attempt Your Seat; Confound their Councils, who oppose Your Reign, And cool their Rage, by Breathing of a Vein: And for the lesser Villains, may they be Exalted justly on the awful Tree ; Whilst every Loyal Subject shouts and sings. And pays the Best Subjection to the Best of KINGS Sic cecinnit On Sunday last between twelve and one, died . the Rev. Mr. Henry Shute. some time Chaplain in the Army in King William's Reign, who for his diligent Attendance on his Duty there, was by the said King, then Abroad, particularly recommended to the Queen for Preferment. He twas afterwards Curate to the late Bishop of Chichester while his Lordship was Mi- nister of St. Andrews Holborn, and for about 25 Years Lecturer of St. Mary's Whitechapel, which he resign'd a little before his Death. He was a hearty Lover of his Country, and for the Protestant Succession in the House of Hanover. He was a zealous Promoter of Charity Schools, and founded one for 40 Boys at Kil- mersdon in Somersetshire, his native Place, which he has liberally endowed for ever. itVwW nis, bless'd it, and put it on the King's Head with the usual Prayers and Ceremonies , and the Temporal and Spiritual Peers laid their Hands on it while the Arch- bishop recited the Coronation Collects. After this, the Archbishop led him by the Right Arm to the Throne erected in the Gallery. The six Heralds at Arms march'd first to the bottom of the Stairs, and then the Peers Spiritual and Temporal. The Duke of Villars with a Drawn Sword, supported by the two Ushers of the Chamber with their Ma. ces, march'd before the King, who had Charlemain's Crown on his Head, and held the Scepter and the Hand of Justice, being supported by the two Cap- tains of the Guards, and having the Train of his Royal Cloak born by Prince Charles of Lorrain Grand Equerry of France. The Keeper of the Seals followed the King, and after him went the Prince de Rohan, who officiated as Grand Master of the Houshold, with the Great Chamberlain of France on his Right, and the first Gentleman of the King's Bed. chamber on the Left. The six Scots Guards who attended the King, staid upon the Stairs which were nearest the Throne, three on each side. The Peers and Great Officers surrounded the Throne, and the two Captains of the Guards were placed upon the first Step of his Majesty's Chair of State- The King was seated in his Throne by the Archbishop of Rheims who still holding him by the Right Arm, recited the Prayers of Inthroning with the usual Ceremonies. Which when he had done, he put off his Mitre, made a low Bow to the King, and kiss'd him, saying, O King live for Ever. Then all the Peers kiss'd his Ma- jesty with the same Ceremonies, and taking their Pla. ces again, the Heralds at Arms ascended the Gallery, the Doors of the Church were set open, and the People enter'd in Shoals to see their Monarch in h s Glorious Throne, where he sate with that Majestick Grace which accompanies him in all his Actions, and endears him to the Hearts of all that behold him. The Church rang immediately with the joyful Acclamati- ons of the Multitude, which were follow'd with the Flourishes of Trumpets and Hautboys in the Choir. At the same time a great Number of Birds were let out of their Cages, the Regiments of French and Swis Guards which were drawn up in Battalia, < n the Square, and abouc the Church, made a Tripple Salvo with their Small Arms, and during the Uni- Versal Acclamations of Long live the King, the He- ralds at Arms threw among the People Gold and sil- ver Medals, which had on one Side the King's Effi- gies, with this Inscrption, Lud. XV Rex Christianissi- mus, and on the Reverse, the Figure of his Corona- tion, with these Word, Rex Caelesti Oleo Unctus, Remis iy 1722. Then Te Deum was sung by the whole Choir, during which the King's Musick plaid, all the Bells in the City were rung, and there were repeated Sal- voes of the Artillery. After singing the Mass, Epi- stle, and Gospels, the Spiritual Peers put on their Mirtes, the Temporal ones their Coronets, and the Duke of Orleans took off he King's Crown and laid it before him, but after the reading of the Gos- pel, he put it on the King's Head again. At the same time the Masters of the Ceremonies went down into the Choir, and being preceded by the Herald, made their Bows to the Altar, to the King, to Madame, to the Cardinals and Ambassadors. Then the Cardinal de Rohan Grand Almoner of France, preceded by the Masters of the Ceremonies, carried the King the Gospels to Kiss, which were covered with white Sattin. Afterwards the King at Arms and the Heralds took the Offerings out of the Cupboard of the Altar, and carried them upon red Sattin with Gold Fringe, to the four Knights of the Holy- Ghost, that were plac'd in the four highest Chairs in the Choir. The Offerings were a greai Vessel of Silver gilt, Loaves silver'd and gilt, a red Velvet Purse embroidered with Gold, in which were 13 Gold Coins with the same Effigies and Inscriptions as the Medals. These the four Knights, conducted by the Masters of the Cere- monies, carried to the King's Throne, and having approach'd it with three Reverences, invited his Ma- jesty to go to the Offering. The King accordingly march'd to the Altar pre- ceded by the Heralds at Arms, the Masters of the ceremonies Thursday 7- Night, Monday, and Wednesday, one Thomas Casey, Soldier in the first Regiment of Foot. Guards, Native of Ireland, and a concealed Roman Catholick, was whipp'd in Hide Park, pursuant to the Sentence pass'd upon him for some Misdemeanors, by a Court- Martial, and was afterwards drumm'd out of the Regiment with a Halter about his Neck. Last Saturday the Judges met at the Exchequer, and nominated 3 Gentlemen for each County in England, out of which one is to be appointed by his Majesty to stand for Sheriff in each Shire for the Year ensuing. The Inhabitants of the Town and County of Haver- ford- West, have presented, by their Representative Francis Edwards, Esq; a most humble and loyal Ad. dress to the King, which his Majesty most graciously receiv'd. The Citizens of Limerick have also trans- mitted another loyal Address hither, which his Grace the Duke of Grafton presented to his Majesty. Who Very graciously receiv'd it. Last Week , a Couple of Gentlemen being drinking at the spaw, who were dispos'd to make Sport with the Fellow who brews the Drink of that House, one seemingly took his leave of the other, which last staying behind somewhat longer, and seeming fear- ful to go over the Fields by himself, the aforesaid Brewer who is a Welshman, offer'd to conduct him safe, but e'er they had gone far, the Gentleman who first left his Friend starts out of a Ditch and demands their Money, which was offer'd by the Gentleman, who knew the Design, with a proviso he would saVe his Life. Now the Welshman bade him keep his Money, for he would fight the supposed Foot Pad, who broke his Head, however the Welshman being more enrag'd than before at the Sight of his Blood, he at last se- cur'd his Antagonist, and bound him over before a justice of Peace, to answer the Assault next Sessions. Bankrupts since our last. William Slee, late of London, Merchant.' Daniel Pill, of the City of Bristol, Grocer. Joseph Palmer, of the Parish of St. Martin in the County of Middlesex, Chapman. George Paterson. late of Russel Street, in the Parish oF St. Paul Covent- Garden, in the County Middlesex, Peruque- maker. The Conclusion of the King of France s Coronation, The Archbishop of Rheims having put some of the' Oyl out of the sacred Vial, into the Chalice of St. Rhemy, and mix'd it with the sacred Cream, the Li- tany was sung by four of the Bishops at the Altar, the King lying prostrace before it all the time upon purple Velvet seeded with Flowers de Lis, and the Archbi- shop in the same Posture on his Right. At the Sing- ing of that Verse Ut Obsequium, & c. they rose, and the Archbishop with his Mitre on his Head, and Cross in his Hand, repeated the three next Verses. The Bishops of Laon and Beauvais stood on each side of the King while the Litany was Singing, and when the Prayers which follow'd were ended, the Archbi- shop seated himself in a Chair, and the King kneeling before him, receiv'd the Unction upon the Crown of his Head, upon his Breast, upon and between his two Shoulders, and on the Joints of both Arms; after which the Archbishop and two Bishops closed the Openings of the King's Shirt and Wastecoat who thereupon rising up, receiv'd from the Great Cham- berlain the Tunick, the Dalmarick, and the Royal Cloak of Purple Velvet embroider'd with Flowers de lis of Gold lin'd and fac'd with Ermins. Then the King kneeling again before the Archbishop, receiv'd ' he 8th Unction on the Palms of both Hands, after which he gave his Majesty the Gloves, which he bless'd, together with the Ring, and put it upon the 4th Finger of the King's Right- Hand, took the Royal Scepter from the Altar, and put it into his Right. Hand, and the Hand of justice into his Left. Then the Keeper of the Seals, who officiated as Chancellor of France, went to the Altar, and turn- ing his Face to the Choir, call'd to all the Peers, ac- cording to their Rank, beginning with the Lay. Peers, and when they were all come up to the Altar, the ArChbishop took the Great Crown of Charlemain, which had been brought from the Abbey of St. Den Ceremonies the four Knights of the Holy Ghost, the Keeper of the Seals, the Constable with his drawn Sword, and the two Ushers of the Cham- ber with their Maces. The Spiritual Peers walk'd on his Right, and the Temporal on his Left, and he carried the Scepter and the Hand of Justice, being supported by the two Captains of the Life- Guards, and the six Scots Guards. He was followed by the Duke of Charost his Governour, and Prince Charles of Lorrain bore up his Train. Being come to the Altar, where the Archbishop was seated with his Face to the Choir, the King kneel'd, and having gi- ven the Scepter to the Marshal de Tesse and the Hand of Justice to the Marshal d' Huxelles. he received the Purse, the Loaves, and the Vessel full of Wine from those who carried them, and presented them to the Archbishop, kissing his Hand every time. After the Offering, the King took his Scepter again, and the Hand of Justice , re ascended his Throne with the same Ceremonies, when the Peers took their Places on the Right and Left, and the Assistant Master of the Ceremonies reconducted the four Knights of the Holy- Ghost to their Places The King's Chaplain having plac'd the Communion- Bread upon the High Altar, and the Archbishop ha- ving consecrated it, the King came from his Throne to the Altar in the same Order as when he went to make the Offerings ; and after he had perform'd his private Devotion under a Pavillion which was erect- ed near the High Altar, he came and kneel'd at the Foot of the said Altar, was absolv'd by the Archbi- shop, and receiv'd the Sacrament in both Kinds, the Napkin being held by the Cardinal de Rohan, Great Almoner of France, by the Bishop of Metz, his first Chaplain, and by the Dukes of Orleans and Char- tres. After the Communion the King putting on Charle- main's Crown again, the Archbishop took it off, and crown'd him with another which was lighter, and adorn'd with the richest Crown Jewels And Charle- main's Crown was carried before the King by the Marshal d'Estrees, when his Majesty retired to the Archbishop's Palace. ~ On Tuesday last the Rt. Hon. the Ld. Viscount Shannon was elected Member of Parliament for East. Grinstead, in the County of Sussex in the room of the Rt. Hon. Spencer Compton , Esq; ( Speaker to the House of Commons) who being chosen for the Bo- rough of East Grinstead , and for the Borough of Eye in Suffolk, and likewise chosen Knight of the Shire for the County of Sussex, hath made his Election to serve for the said County. We have the following Particulars of the Loss sustain'd by the Storm at the Cape of Good Hope, v z. That all the Men of the Addison were lost, except 70 ; all except two of the Nightingal, and that one only was saved out of the Chandois ; 400 of the Dutch, and the whole Crew of the French were likewise lost On Wednesday last the Corpse of Sir Marmaduke Wyvil, Bart, late one of the Commissioners of the Ex- cise, having lain in State in a most magnificent man. ner, at his Dwelling- House in Ormond- Street, was interr'd in the new Burying- Ground in Lambs Con- duit Fields. Also the same Evening, and some Part of Yester- day, the Corpse of Sir George Thorold, Bart, lay in State at his late Dwelling House in Bloomsbury, Square, and was carried out of Town to be interr'd in Lincolnshire; On Tuesday Counsellor Layer had a Copy of the Impannel of his Jury delivered ro him, to the end he may make such Enquiries of them as the Law allows. Yesterday William Mar and John Quin, two no- torious Highwaymen and Street Robbers, were execu- ted at Tyburn; the former of which hath made great Discoveries to the Ordinary of Newgate The Right Honourable Simon Lord Viscount Har- court is indisposed. We hear, that Peter Godfrey, Esq; one of the City Members lies dangerously ill. ADVERTISEMENTS. This Day is published, The comical Pilgrim or Travels of a Cynick Philosopher, thro' the most wicked Parts of the World; namely, England, Wales, Scotland, Ire- land, and Holland. With his merry Observations on the English Stage, Gaming Houses, Poets, Beaux, Women, Courtiers, Politicians, and Plotters. Welsh Clergy, Gentry, and Customs. Scotch Manners, Reli- gion, and Lawyers. Irish Ceremonies in their Marri- iges, Christnings, and Burials And Dutch Go. vernment, Policy, and Trade. Being a General Satyr on the Vice- and Follies of the Age, London, Print, ed for S. Briscoe, at the Bell Savage, Ludgate- Hill, and the Sun against John's Coffee House, Swithin's Alley, Cornhill. Price One Shilling Six- pence.
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