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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 20/10/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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OR, J British Gazetteer. [ reshest Advices Foreign and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1722 govern'd by these Principles, whether they care to own them in so many words or not. _ One would think indeed, that none but Mad- Men could ever act so contrary to Reason and so opposite to their own interests, ( I mean such who call them- selves Protestants) and therefore after a few, who have sin'd out of malicious wickedness, have been let Blood in the Jugular Vein ; I would advise such loyal Sub- jects, who are next Of Kin to the remaining Criminals, to Petition his Majesty for Leave t0 erect new Mad- Houses for such Convicts at Bromley in Kent, where they may. be kept from doing themselves, or any of his Majesty's good Subjects, more Majesty ; and where they will have the Annual Pleasure to heat the Bells Ring, as usual, on the 1oth of June. I am, Off. ii. SIR, 1722. Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood The Continuation of the Life of RICHARD lit King of ENGLAND. iv, . : • i His Wife was Ann the Daughter of Richard Nevill Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, ( firnamed the Make King; who was first married to Edward Prince of Wales 1483, Son to King Henry VI. and after his Death to this Usurper 1472. His Issue was Edward Earl of Salisbury created Prince of Wales, 1483, the Crown being also intailed to him by Parliament, but died before his Father. He founded a College it Middleham beyond York, and a Collegiate Chantry in London, called our Lady of Barking; He endowed Queen's College in Cam- bridge with 500 Marks of Yearly Revenue. He dis. forested the great Field of Whichwood, that King Edward had inclosed for his Game, and made some • Good Laws j and when divers Shires of England ' offered him Benevolence, he refused, saying, I had rather have your Hearts than your Money. This scoffing Rhime was divulged in Contempt of the Usurper Rich, and his Three principal Creatures. The Cat, the Rat, and Lovel the Dog, Rule all England under the Hog. The Cat and Rat meant of Catesbury and Ratcliff:, the Dog of Lovell, that Creature belonging to the Lord Lovell's Arms, and the Hog of King Richard, whose Cognisance it was. But William Collingbourn, who had been Sheriff ' of Wiltshire and Devonshire, was upon Tower- Hill Executed with all Extremity as Author thereof. The Usurper borrowed great Sums of Money of the City of London, but was cut off before the Pay day came. It may be more of his Quality have died in the City's Debt, Families of Lancaster and York United. A. D. Henry Earl of Richmond was Son to Mar- 1485. X garet Countess of Richmond and Derby, Daughter to John Duke of Somerset, Son of John Earl of Somerset, Son to John of Gaunt. Duke of Lancaster, 4th Son of Edward III. IN my last, I consider'd the Political faith of the Jacobites, as it regards Matters of Fact but I shall now consider it with Respect t0 those Doctrincs which it em- braces, and which are the Fundamental Points whereby they are distin- guish'd from those, whom they us'd to represent Enemies to the Consti- tution Church and State. How far their great Ar- ticles of Political Faith, with Respect to our Ecclesi- astical and Civil Government, are consistent with themselves and agreeable to Reason and Truth, may be seen in the following Parodoxes, which are the Essentials of a Jacobite's Creed, with Relation to po- litical Matter's. His first Fundamental Article is, . That the Church of England will be always in Dan- ger, till it has a Popish King for its Defender. 1 That for the Safety of the Church, no Subject should be tolerated in any Religion different from the Establish'd ; but that the Head of our Church may be of that Religion, which is most repugnant to it. 3. That the Protestant Religion could not but flou- rish under the Protection of one, who thinks himself obliged on pain of Damnation, to do all that lies in his Power for the Extirpation of it. 4. That we may safely rely upon the Promises of one, whose Religion allows him to make them, and at the same obliges him to break them. That a good Man should have a greatar Abhor, rence of Presbyterianism than of Popery, because the first is accounted Schism, but the latter is only Idolatry. 6. That more than ten Millions of People should rather chuse to fall into Slavery, than not acknowledge their Prince to be invested with an Hereditary and Indefealible Right of Oppression. 7 That we ought to profess the Doctrine of Passive Obedience till such Time as Nature rebel against Prin- ciple, that is, till we are put to the Necessity of practicing it. 8. That Papists never take up Arms, but to defend the Protestant Church with the utmost Hazard of their Lives and Fortunes. , 9 That there is an unwarrantable Faction in this Kingdom, consisting of a King, Lords, and Commons. ic. That the Legislature, when there is a Majority of Whigs in it, has not Power to make Laws. 11. That being govern'd by Laws that were made by our Representatives in Parliament, is a great in- fringment of the Liberties of the Subject. n. That no Nation in the World ought ro have a Prince imposed upon them, that is not of their own Religion, Great- Britain only excepted. I have borrowed most of these Articles from a great Author, and I cannot forbear observing that not withstanding these Articles appear so very ridiculous in themselves and so contrary to the Sense and Reason of Mankind; yet. the present Behaviour of our ja- cobites is a sure Proof that their Actions are wholly ( Price Three Half. Pence ) october the 30th A. D. iyji, was Henry Crowned at Westminster. Then the better to secure his Estate he shut up the Earl of Warwick, the only son and Heir of George Duke of Clarence, in the Tower of Lon- don. Then instituted a Guard for his Person, consist- ing of a Number of choice Archers, with allotment of Fees and Maintenance under a a peculiar Captain, by the Name of Yeomen of the Guard, for him and his Successors. November the Seventh was a Parliament assembled at Westminster, at the Sitting whereof Rich, ard the late Usurper was attainted, and with him ma- ny of the Nobility and Gentry. Free Pardon was also given to all such ( saving the Persons excepted by Name) as should presently submit themselves to the King's Mercy. Reversed also were all former Acts hurtful either to the King or his Friends, and the Crown was established upon the King and his Heirs forever. Next the King assumed into his Council those two Renowned Agents in advancing his Fortunes, John Morton and Richard Fox. A. D- 1486, and January the eighteenth he mar. ried the Lady Elizabeth, eldest Daughter of King Ed- ward IV. to the utter Abolishments of all Hostilities between the two Houses of York and Lancaster. But there wanted not some Malecontents, who essayed to disturb these serene Days; for the Lord Lovell, one of the late Usurper's Creatures, with Sir Humphrey Stafford and his Brother, assembled Forces against the King ; which, upon but the News of any Army com- ing against them, dispersed themselves Sir Hum- phrey was taken out of Sanctuary, and executed at Tyburn. When this Storm was over, the White Rose of York Faction raiced another, procuring one Lambert Sym- nel, to personate one of King Edward's Son. Which Puppet Lambert they conveyed into Ireland, where the Irish adhered to him, and in Christ- Church in Dublin crowned him King of England. And into Ireland the Dutchess Dowager of Burgundy, Sister to Edward the fourth, sent this Impostor two thousand Soldiers under the Conduct of Colonel Swart, These with Irish and some English joined to them, landed rc in Lancashire at the Pile of Fowdray; thence they took their March through Yorkshire, so toward New- ark, every where as rhey came proclaiming their new King. Not far from Newark, and near to a little Village called Stoke, the King with his Army en- countered them, where the Fight continued doubtful for about three Hours; but at last the Victory fell to King Henry. On Lambert's Part were slain, the Earl of Lincoln, the Lord Lovell, Sir Thomas Brough- ton, Colonel Swart, and Maurice Fitz- Thomas, with four thousand Soldiers On the King's side fell not any Man of Honour but almost half his Van Guard was slain, so that the Garland was dipp'd in Blood. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of Edward Coleman, for High Treason. Another Letter from Mons. le Chese was read ; wherein Mr. Coleman mentions the Letter he sent the 29th of September, and tells him, the Parliament drawing 011, he had sent him a Cypher, which he should write in, when he had any thing of Impor- tance ; and when any thing was to be imparted, thac he did not think fit to trust to a Cypher, he should write it in Juice of Lemon between the Lines: He goes on, and has these Expressions, We have here a mighty Work upon our Hands, no less than the Conversion of three Kingdoms, and by that perhaps the utter subduing of a pestilent Heresy, which has domineer'd over a great Part of this Northern World a long Time : There never such hopes of Success since the Death of our Queen Mary as now in our Days, when God has given us a Prince, who is become ( may if ay a Miracle) zealous of being the Author and Instrument of so glorious a Work ; and that which we rely on next to Providence and the Favour of my Master the Duke, is the mighty Mind of his most Christian Majesty, whose generous Soul inclines him to great Undertakings' Then he goes on and shows, That they were a little unhappy in havirg Mons. Rouvigny his Majesty's Mini- ster at this Court, in that they dare not communicate to him the most material Part of their Design ( i. e the Business of Religion, Rouvigny being a Protestant That had he been a Minister, who would have taken their Case to Heart, and represented it justly to his most Christian Majesty, he did not doubt he would have assisted them with such a Supply of Money as would have put their mutual Interests out of Danger for the Time to come : But wanting those Advana- ges, he was afraid they should lose ground the next Sessions, rather than gain any Thing. Mr. Attorney having concluded his Evidence Mr. Coleman desir'd Mr. Oates might be ask'd, what Days of the Months of April or May he was with him ? Oates. It was within a Day or two, or three, after the Consult; you came to the Provincial's Chamber and Mico, and Strange the old Provincial, and Keins your Companion, were there; Coleman What Day in August do you say I was at the Savoy ? Oates. I cannot charge my Memory with the par- ticular Day of the Month, but I believe it was about the 21st of August, O. S. L. C. J. He charges you expresly with being at Wild- house in August, when the eighty Pounds were sent to the Assassines at Windsor, and> that you gave a Guinea to expedite the Matter, but it is hard for a Man to be precise to the Day of the Month. Coleman. I never saw either of the Witnesses till I was before the Council ; and as to their Testimony they do not swear to the same Fact. L. C. J. If one swears to the ' poisoning, and the other to the Design of shooting or stabbing the KING, These are but two Ways of effecting the same Thing ( viz ) the King's Death ; and then there is your own Undertaking in the Letter under your Hand. Coleman. There are very extravagant Expressions in the Letter, but I hope there are Expressions in it that shew I had no Design to kill the King. L. C J. No : Your Design was for the Conversion of three Kingdoms, and therefore you press the King of France to use his Power, Aid and Assistance to sub- vert our Religion, which is the Thing you are charg'd with. Coleman Consider the Contexture and Connexion of Things, and you will find my Design to be to make the King and the Duke as great as could be: And it cannot be imagin'd, that the Duke would employ any ( which was the Thing I solicited for) to the Prejudice of the King ; and I hope neither the Law of England, or the Jury, will construe my Undertakings to be treasonable : How can what was design'd for the In. terest of the King and Duke be Treason ? L. C. J. Might not you use the Duke of York's Name for a Colour to drive on the Catholick Cause? you thought to get 100000 I. Advance Money and a Pension for yourself, and to be made Secreatary of State hereafter. If you will make any Defence, call your Witnesses; but for these inconsequential Discourses, they signify nothing. Then Mr. Coleman demanded of Mr. Boatman, if he was not in Warwickshire in August. Boatman. He was there all August to the best of my Remembrance, but I am not certain what Time he came to London. Coleman. I have no more Witnesses, and have no- thing further to say. Then Mr. Solicitor, Sir Francis Winnington, sum'd up the Evidence for the King ; and as to Mr. Cole- man's Defence, in which he says his Design was to make his Majesty great, he answer'd, that the contrary was manifest; for the Jesuits, who lov'd Tyranny' aways adhered to those Persons, who were greatest in Power: That when the House of Austria were in their Greatness, and like to arrive at universal Monar- chy, then the Jesuits adher'd to that House; but since the French King had grown powerful, they had de- clin'd the Interest of the Austrian Family, and pro- moted the Counsels of France, believing that would become the universal Monarch. To be continu'd. . Wood, Esq; is about to build an House and other Conveniences near the Seven Dials, for the Coining of new Brass Money for the Plantations, which purpose a patent pass'd the Seals sometime since in his Favour. ^ r. v. Cambray Cambray, Oct. 17 His Excellency the Lord Whit- worth and his Lady set out from Paris the 11th In- stant, and arrived the 14th at Perone ; the 15th in the Morning they left that Place on their Journey hi- ther, and in passing by Metz en Coture, a small Vil- lage four Leagues from hence, their Excellencies found a Detachment of the Marshalsey with an Officer at their Head, who received them Sword in Hand, and escorted them to a Place within half a League of this City, where they din'd with his Excellency the Lord Polwarth: M. du Laurier, the King's Governour of Cambray, went with his Lady to receive the Lord and Lady Whitworth, and between 3 and four a- Clock in the Afternoon their Excellencies continued their Jour, ney hither : A Detachment of Horse belonging to this Garrison, with a Captain and Lieutenant ac their Head, were drawn up within ten Paces of the House where they din'd ; and having saluted them en passant, escorted them to the Distance of a Quarter of a League from this City, where Parr of the Lord WhitWorth's Equipage were waiting, and his Excellency having changed Coaches there , the March proceeded in the following Order; 1. A Detachment of Horse ; his Excellency's Swiss on Horseback; the Under Gentleman of the Horse ; two Led Horses with rich Furniture and Capari- sons, with his Excellency's Arms embroidered ; the Gentleman of the Horse ; two Pages ; the Steward ; his Excellency, and on his Left- Hand M. du Lau- rier, in a Coach finely carved, painted, and gilt, drawn by six Danish black Horses ; the Lady Whit- worth; and on her Left- Hand Madame du Lau- lier, in a gilt Berlin drawn by six Holstein Horses; M. Sutton, Secretary to the Embassy, in his Coach, two Secretaries in a gilt Chaise drawn by six black Holstein Horses; a travelling Berlin drawn hy six Horses, followed by two Post- Chaises, in which were the Ambassador's Domesticks ; two Valets de Chambre on Horseback ; the rest of the Cavalry Sword in Hand, the Trumpets sounding a March. His Excellency drawing near to this City, a Sig- nal was made, and he was saluted by forty eight Great Guns. The Guards were under Arms through all the Streets he passed, the Drums beating, and Crowds of Spectators thronging to see his Entry. At his Excellency's alighting at his Hotel, he found there the Officers of the Garrison, the Clergy, and Magistrates in a Body attending his Arrival ; they paid their Compliments on that Occasion, and also presented him the Wine of Honour, which his Ex cellency presently caused to be distributed. His Ex- cellency also sent his Secretaries to the rest of the Foreign Ministers to notify his Arrival ; they imme. diately came to visit his Excellency, and were revi- sed by him the same Evening. The Body of Samuel Hayward, Esq; Deputy of Cordwainers Ward, after lying in State at Sadlers. Hall, Cheapside, was last Monday Night interr'd at St. Stephen's Walbrook. On the first Day of the Session of this present Par- liament, the Right Reverend Dr. Bowers, Bishop of Chichester, was introduced into the House of Peers. We hear that John Phinlinson, a Yorkshire Man, lately Clerk at Madam Cholmley's Brewhouse in Southwark, has run away with a considerable Sum of Money belonging to the said Brewhouse. Greenock, October 1. Upon his Majesty's Orders transmitted by the Commissioners of the Customs to this as well as to other Ports, for securing the St. Pe- ter a French Vessel, taken pyratically by Philip Roche and others, who murdered the Master Pierre Tar- toue and all her Crew ; a small Brigantine now in this Harbour answering in her Make and Cargoe the De. scription given in the Advices sent with those Orders, the Custom House Officers here procured a Warrant from a justice of Peace, and this Day seiz'd her with five Men on board. The Vessel proving to be the same so taken pyratically by Roche and . his Accom- plices, is secured for the Use of the Owners, and the five Men are sent Prisoners to Glasgow. Capt. Testard, eldest Son to the famous Broker of that Name, died lately of a Fever at his House in Bush- Yard. Great Commotions have happened last Week in Westminster Hall, concerning the Choice of a Speaker to the Footmen attending the Members of Parliament we hear, that after many Debates and broken Heads the Election is fallen on a Welshman in the Country Interest. The Lords Footmen have likewise chose their Con- stable, an Office of great Antiquity and Authority, who has Power to collect all Forfeitures of the Gen. tlemen of the Shoulder. Knot, and to determine all Differences which happen among them Sunday last the Reverend Mr. Gilbert Preach'd be- fore the King and the Royal Family at St. James's. Monday the D. of Somerset came to Town with a great Retinue from New- Market. We hear that Thursday 7- Night the Royal African Company receiv'd the unwelcome News that two of their Ships have been taken by the Pyrates on the Coast of Guinea, Letters from Lisbon of the 9th of September, N. S,' give an Account of three monstrous Births which lately happen'd there, the like of which perhaps was never heard of; the first was a beautiful young Lady, Rich, and the only Child of her Parents, who suffered a large Water Dog to lye with her, by which she con. ceived, and was delivered of three Monsters, which had Shoulders, Claws, and Head, like a Dog, and from the Middle downward like a Man. Another Woman was also delivered of three Monsters, two dead, and one alive, their Heads and the fore parts of their Bodies like Monkeys, with a long bushy Tail ; that which came alive was stifled in a Pan of hot Wa- ter. their Pictures were drawn and set up to publick view. A third Woman was deliver'd of a dead Child, whose Back was gnaw'd by five Serpent, which came alive into the World with it, and leap'd up and down the Room, which so frighted the Midwife and others present, as made them run out ; but the Husband took Courage and enter'd the Room with a Stick and destroy'd them. Col. Codrington, one of the Representatives of the City of Bath, being dead ; we hear Robert Gay, Esq; is gone down to stand Candidate to succeed him. The Reverend Mr. Ingram, Brother to the Lord Irwin, is appointed Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. Orders are sent to Portsmouth for his Majesty's Ships the Yarmouth and Nassau to be cleaned and fitted out for the Channel Service. The Corpse of the late Lord Hinchinbrook is to be brought up from the Bath, and interr'd on Wednes- day next at Barnwell near Oundle in Northampshire. Thursday 7. Night the Right Honourable the Earl Cadogan went to the Camp in Hyde- Park, and having walked from the Right to the Left, and found every Thing in good Order, his Lordship gave a Guinea to every Company in the three Regiments there. Last Wednesday 7. Night his Majesty was pleased to stand Godfather in Person at the Countess of Sunder- land's, at the Christening of her Son born since the Death of the late Earl her Husband, and named him George: The other Godfather being the Right Ho- nourable the Earl of Sunderland, and her Grace the Durchess of Monmouth Godmother. The same Day Mrs. Katherine Walpole, eldest Daughter to the Right Honourable Robert Wal- pole. Esq; died at the Bath. One of the State- Prisoners having lost his Appetite since his close Confinement, preposterously endeavours to retrieve it by frequent eating of green Figs and Quails. Ormes the nonjuring Parson who absolv'd the Tray- tor Shepherd at Tyburn, is remov'd from Jewen Street, to his old House again in Trinity- Court in Aldersgate- Street. On the 24th Instant will begin to be recalled at the pay Office in Broadstreet, the following Men of War paid since the ift of January, 1721, viz. York, Fal- mouth, Dursley Galley, Dolphin, Rye, Royal Anne Galley, Griffin, Worcester, Windsor, Thunder- Bomb, Furnace, Hynd, York, Falmouth, Queensborough, Esther, Panther, Kingston, Thomas and Mary, Dub- lin, Drake, Winchelsea, Shark and Loo. Tuesday were open'd at the Bank, the Transfer Books of all the Annuities transferrable there. On Saturday last Capt. Mariott, who kill'd Capt. Scroggs in a Duel in Tothill- Fields, and was himself , dangerously dangerously wounded, died of his Wounds at House in Moorfields where his Surgeon had him under Cure. The Coroner's Inquest have sate on the Body of the said Gentleman, but have nor finish'd their Enquiry ; he has left behind him a Wife and seven Children On Monday last a Servant of Mr. Mist, Master of a Wharf in Scotland Yard, as he was driving his Waggon in he said Yard, fell off of the Shafts and the Wheel going over him, he died on the Spot Next day the Coroner's inquest having sate on the Body, brought in their Verdict, Accidental Death, The same Day, as a Woman was passing through Devereux- Court in the Temple, with a Male- Infant about two Months old, in- her Arms, one Belcher a Chairman that usually plies there, joakingly ask'd her if she would sell it ; she answer'd, Yes : He ask'd her for how much; she said 51. He bid her 50 s Up- on which she struck the Bargain, and deliver'd him the Child, and afterwards march'd off without Hay- ing for the Money, and hath not been heard of since. We hear the Officers of the Parish have thought fit to concern themselves in the Matter so far, that the. Merry Chairman was oblig'd to give Security, and put the Child to Nurse. N. B. He hath no child by his Wife On Tuesday last the Earls or Exeter and Tankerville were introdUc'd into the House of Peers, and took their Places accordingly. The same Day the Grenadiers of St. Clement s Grounds, having drawn up in Covent- Garden, march- ed thro' the City to Bakers Hall in Thames- Street, being newly rebuilt, where they were splendidly en- tertain'd at Dinner by their Commander Capt. Spear- ing. We are inform'd that the Hon. Colonel Lumley, the British Envoy Extraordinary at Lisbon , hath caused a Vessel to be seiz'd in that Port, having on, Board great Quantities of Arms, and several Officers bound for England. The Close of last Week died Mr. Turton, Coroner for the City and Liberty of Westminster. Robert Gaye, Esq ; Surgeon in Hatton Garden, stands Candidate for the Borough of Leskard in Corn- wall, in the room of Edw. Elliot, Esq; deceased. Counsellor Lear is to be Try'd upon one Indict- ment for High Treason, in Inlisting Men for the Service of the Pretender at Rumford in Essex, and on. another for receiving Letters from the Pretender's own Hands at Rome, to bring to England. There is a Talk of Incorporating a certain Num- ber of Men in every Company throughout the Army. Wednesday rhe House of Lords order'd, That the Lord Bishop of Gloucester be desir'd to preach before their Lordships on the 5th of November next- Our Merchants have Advice, that a Ship from Lon- don, Capt. Young, was lately burnt at Park- Gate near Chester. On Saturday last one of the Hutted Tents in Hyde- Park took Fire accidentally in the dead Time of the Night, and was burnt down, which caused a con- siderable Alarm in the Camp, and four or five of the: adjoyning Tents Were pull'd down to prevent further Mischief. Some Days since one Anthony Joice was committed to the Gatehouse, Westminster, on the Oath of one Elizabeth Green, for assaulting, beating and bruising her in a gross Manner, and on suspicion of being a Romish Priest. There is a Centinel constantly posted before the Houses of Mr. Crawford, and Mr. Squire, two Messengers in Manchester- Court, where ' tis said there are a great Number of State Prisoners. Wednesday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to that most necessary Bill for suspending the Habeas Corpus Act at this Juncture, entituled, " An Act to impower his Majesty to secure and detain such Persons as his Majesty shall suspect are conspiring against his Person and Government. To be in Force till Oct. 24, 1723 We hear that a Warrant was lately issued for ap- prehending Sir Henry Gorering Bart, of Heighdon in Sussex, who was a Member of Queen Anne's last Par- liament for Steyning, but that when it came to be serv'd he was gone to France, where he may be time enough to see a Ceremony which perhaps he vainly dreamt of seeing at Home. • « h « There are to be new Elections for Stamford, in the room of the present Earl of Exeter Wiltshire. Robert Hyde, Esq; deceased. ' Suffolk Sir Robert Davers deceased. Oxford. City Sir john Walter deceased. Buckingham , Alexander Denton, Esq; since Judge. Bramber, William Charles Van Hulse, Esq, deceased Huntingdonshire, Lord Hinchinbrook deceased Bath, Cot. Codrington deceased. Leskard Edward Elliot, Esq; deceased. Cambridge, Town Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart has made his Election for the County: Borrougbrigg, Conyers Darcy, Esq; who has made his Election for Richmond Eastlow, Horace Walpole, Esq who has made his Election for great Yarmouth On Tuesday one of his Majesty's Meffengers' was dispatch'd Express to the Hague. , We are credibly inform'd; that a certain Widow In the Neighbourhood of Lincoln's- Inn back Gate, much admired for her great Wit and Beauty, was Yesterday married to an eminent Brandy Merchant, to the no small Surprize and Grief of her many Admirers, who know nor how to behave themselves in their present rejected Circumstances. ; ' , , . , Horatio Walpole, Esq; Brother to the Right Ho: nourable Robert Walpole, Esq; is confined to his Bed by Sickness. Wednesday began at the South Sea House, the Sale by Auction, of the remaining part of the Estate late of Richard Holditch a Director. Thursday the Books for Transferring Bank Stock; were open'd at the Bank. We hear the Marquis of Blandford is hourly expected in Town from France, having been at Rheims, to see the Ceremony of the young French King's Coronation, and that soon after his arrival, is to be introduc'd in. to the House of Peers in that Quality. . > D. M. . a SERENISSIMI PRINCIPIS, JOANNIS MALBVRII, HEROIS PII, FORTIS, FELICIS, S. [ Tymbo Siste gradum. Hoc Magnus colitur per saeculi Malburius; Galli Terror, & Orbis Amor. Caesar Huic Diadema ; suos Huic Anna Triumphos Debuit; Huic Pacem Belgica Mota suam. Graecia Miltiadas nunc jactet ; Roma Camillos: Anglia Malburio vincit Utramque Suo. j To the Sacred Memory of the most Serene Prince John Duke of Marlborough, the pious, strong, and prosperous Hero. STir not a Step ; Great Marlb'rough in his Tomb Shall be ador'd thro' Time's revolving Womb; This Dread of France, and Darling of Mankind The Diadem did on the Emp'ror bind. Queen ANNE her Triumphs to this Chief did owe, And Peace, which made the Dutch to Lewis bow; Greece of their greac Miltiades did boast, Rome of Camillus, when before his Host ; But England overcomes them both in Fame, By Marlb'rough, which Eternal makes his Name. IN PAR DUCUM SINE PARI. Hoc super Herculeas, age, fer. Pia Fama, Columnas; Quale Poetarum saecula nulla eanunt. Eugenius Phoenix ! Phoonix Malburius! Adde; Saecula Phoenices Nostra Tulere Duos! Anglicus; heu! vixit. Dolet Orbis; & Ille Superstes ; Ingemit. Ast Lauros Fata perire negant. Goudale, IV. Eidus, Abr. Wieling, Sept. cla la cc xxii. Upon the Chief of Dukes without his Peer OH ! pious Fame come on, oh .' hither bring What Poets in no Ages yet could sing. And on Herculean Columns quickly place The Phoenix Marlborough, who Mars did grace; And also add tbe glorious brave Eugene, To shew two Phoenics in our Age were seen. , Ah he hath liv'd. Now grieves the World and he That is surviving sorrowful you'll see, But yet his Laurels ne'er will fading be. Gondale, IV Ides of Abr. Wieling, Sept. 1722. I. V. D. -—— Bankrupts since our last. Thomas Chamberlain, of Leadenhall- Street, Lon- don, Vintner: Benjamin Nicholas, of London Wall, near Moor- gate, London, Peruke maker. Matthew Greaver, late of Manchester, in the Coun- ty of Lancaster, Merchant. Last Friday 7- Night the Lords Spiritual and Tempo- ral presented a most humble Address to his Majesty, which is as follows. - Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Sub. jects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, humbly return Your Majesty the Thanks of this House for Your Majesty's most gracious Speech from the Throne, and for communi- cating to Your Parliament the dangerous Designs formed, and still Carrying on, against Your Majesty's most sacred Person and Government, in Favour of a Popish Pretender. • We cannot sufficiently express our Detestation and Abhorrence thereof or our just Indignation against all such as have, by ' any Means whatsoever, traite- rously endeavoured to alienate the Affections of Your Majesty's good Subjects, or by maliciously fomenting any of their late Discontents, however occasioned, to raise them to a Spirit of Rebellion. We think our selVes in Duty - bound, on this Occa. sion, to declare our Very great Satisfaction in the wise Measures taken by Your Majesty, which, by the Blessing of God, have hitherto disappointed the trea- sonable Projects of all Your Enemies, and happily preferred the Peace and Tranquillity of the Kingdom. Could the Enemies of our Peace have procur- ed a Foreign Force to invade us , and by such Assistance. a Rebellion to have been raised in the Heart of Your Kingdom, though we assure ourselves so desperate an Attempt must have ended in their own Destruction, it is not yet to be doubted, but that the City of London, whose Wealth and Influence have been so constantly employed in opposing Popery and Arbitrary Power, would have felt the utmost Efforts of their Fury, and the Kingdom been made a Scene of Bloodshed and Confusion. Such of Your Majesty's good Subjects, as may have been unwarily misled at so critical a Juncture, must now plainly discern the Difference, between those great Calamities, from which, by the Blessing of God, they have been hitherto preserv'd, and the imaginary Dangers with Which they have been industriously amused. We cannot but acknowledged, with most grateful Hearts, the Inestimable Blessings we have enjoy'd under Your Majesty's Government during the whole Course of your Reign ; and return Your Majesty our most unfeigned Thanks for Your Majesty's most Gra. cious Declaration, on which we entirely depend, that Your Majesty will steadily adhere to our Constitution in Church and State, and Continue to make the Laws of the Realm the Rule and Pleasure of all Your Acti- ons. And we humbly beg Leave to assure Your Ma- jesty of our most unshaken Fidelity. and that we will, to the utmost of our Power, on all Occasions, stand by and assist Your Majesty against all Your Enemies whatsoever. both at Home and Abroad, in Main- tenance of Your Majesty's Undoubted Right and Ti- tle to the Imperial Crown of this Realm. His Majesty's moft gracious Anfwer. My Lords. TThank you for this Loyal and Dutiful Address St seasonable a Mark of your Zeal and Affection will be of til! gnatcft Service at this Critical Juncture, and lay Me under the strictest Obligation to use the Confidence you repose in Me to no other Ends,' than the Preservation of the Pub lick Tranquility and of the Rights and Liberties of My People On Thursday laft Sir Wm Scawen died at Cashalton in Surrey, after a long Illness. The same Day Dr. Sacheverel was visited by seve- ral eminent Physicians, being dangeroufly ill of • Complication of Distempers, MR READ, KNowing you to be well attach'd to His Maje- sty's Interest and Government, I'm sensible the following Poetical Piece cannot bs ungrateful to you therefore I request the Favour of you to insert it in your To Morrow's Weekly- Journal, wherein you'll not oblige only me, but also many of your Readers about our End of the Town : In the mean time I re- main your most Humble Servant unknown, s c WHAT means the busit Rebels of this Age, In Plots and Treasons thus for to engage ? Infatuated to the last Degree ! They seem cut out for Hell's base Drudgery. This base Contrivance sure was hatch'd in Hell, Brought thence to Rome, where Sons of Belial dwells There to be polish'd by some Romish Sot, To equal, or exceed Gunpowder Plot, Destructive Monsters ' tis well known they are. That hatch most Mischief when they speak most fair, That poysonous Venom lodg'd Within their Breast, Would fain in some Religious Shape be drest ; So better to conceal their base Design, They'd have some Sanction from a Law Divine. If Lenity and Mercy won't take Place, Let Ax and Halter then decide the Case. The Mischiefs Villains pull on empty Pates May be exposed on some lofty Gates: But let us leave these Creatures for some time, And turn our Thoughts on something more sublime Behold with Pleasure this Cor'nation- Day, May Royal GEORGE with Peace his Sceptre sway ; May many Years be added to his Life, In Peace and Plenty free from Wrath and Strife ; Hail! happy Britons, under such a Prince, ( vince We know King GEORGE the World Will still con. His Loyal Subjects they shall ever find His Princely Heart benificent and kind ; The Prince and Princess, that illustr'ous Pair, Whose splendid Virtues so conspicuous are, Their Princely Actions call for loudest Praise; Who can but wish them many happy Days! The happy Offspring of this Royal Race'. We hope will in the British Throne take Place ; The happy Prospect of the British Nation, . With Princes Blest to the Third Generation. At the sessions held in the Old- Baily on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 10th, nth, and nch of this Instant October, the following Persons receiv'd Sentence of Death. William Marr, for robbing Mr. Paxton on the Highway of a Hat and Cane, value both 10 s. And for robbing Mary Sedgwick of a laced Hat, value 4s. Thomas Williams, for stealing out of the House of Thomas Holloway, a Silver Tankard, value 7 I. 1or. Samuel Molton, condemn'd for the same Fact as Thomas Williams. John Quin, for robbing Rebecca Cater in Oxendon. Street, of her Pocket, value 6 d. and 3 s. in Money Thomas Sly, and William Rudgate, two former Convicts were burnt in the Hand ; as also James Mat- tison, for stealing two half Guineas, and 8 s in Silver from his Master George Suttle; Jasper Cooper, for. stealing 47 Pair of Thread Stockings, value 61 15 s from Roger Broome j and Peter Blake, for marrying two Wives. _ Sir Charles Burton, Bart. and formerly a Bailiff's Follower, Mary Carter, William Young, William H lton, Mary Harris, Peter Mills, James Hopkins, James Pope and Matthew Dowling, a11 former Con- victs, to be Whipt. Anne Baxter, Robert Craft. Anne Low, Martha Anderton , alias Blacklock, Jane Barclay, Sarah Churchil, Lewis Burges, Abel Wild, John Alston, Thomas Williams. John Wedgwood, Susan Ware, and Thomas Glanister, a most notorious Offender for buying stoln Goods, to be Transported. William Bristow, a Black, to sufFer 11 Months Im. prisonment, for breaking open a Warehouse, except he will suffer himself to be transported before the Ex- piration of that Time. Sarah Turbat, a Hawker, to stand on the Pillory at Bow Lane End, Cheapside, and suffer six Months Im- prisonment, for cursing the King, THE This Day being the happy Anniversary of his Ma- jesty's Coronation, the same was usher'd in with ring- ing of Bells, Shops, being strickly kept, and all the other Demonstrations of Joy following, as usual. And in the Evening there will be Fire Works at the Royal- Exchange. Christen'd Males 199. Females 162. In all 361. Buried Males 177. Females 285. In all 562/ Decreased in the Burials this Week 13. CASUALTIES. Found Dead in a Ditch at St. Mary at Islington l! Overlaid 2. TADVERTISEMENTS. HE Water that was Sold next Door to the An- chor and Crown in Chandois Street, is now Sold at the Bible and Hand and Pen in Russel Court, Drury Lane, and no where else is Sold the Water that Cures all old sores, tho' of 30 Years continu- ance; takes away all mortified or proud Flesh, cleans the Bone, preserves the Sinews, and makes a perfect sound Cure, without any trouble, only this Water applied. Within these five Years it has cured a vast Number of the King's and Joint Evil, Fistula's, green Wounds, Strains and outward Bruises, but is not to be taken inwardly. One that had his Lip quite eat off, and anocher, part of her Nose eat off, was by this Water cured, and brought again to their right Form, they was given over by more than 10 Surgeons, and of more than 20 Years continuance. This Water dissolves Kernels, and all Swellings; and if the Limbs be dead and useless, penetrates and removes the Cause, and brings them again to their natural Perfection. It Cures sore Eyes of all kinds, when given over by Occulists. A maraculous Cure just done upon the Eye and both the Hands of a Youth, he had been under the care of, and given over by Sir Hans Sloan; Physician to his prefent Majesty, and several others of the most Learned. A Gentlewoman's two Breasts, that were eating off with an evilish and scorbutick Humour, was cured by it. It takes out Heats and Carbuncles. It is Sold from 6d. to 5 s. the Bottle. Any Person may be directed by the Author, to them thar have been cured by it for Satisfaction. THomas Finch , Butcher, hath hired Thomas Dewe of Honney Lane, Waltham Abbey Essex, at Waltham- Abbey Statue, and took one Shilling Earnest. This is therefore to give Notice to all Per- sons whatsoever, not to entertain the said Thomas Dewe at their Peril; and whomsoever shall secure the said Thomas Dewe, and bring him to Mr. Thomas Finch in Lumbard Street in the Mint, at the Sign of the Great Ox, shall have reasonable Charges allowed them. September, 15th 1722 " The Continuation of the Cheats of Astrologers. Enq: Let me see the Figure a little. I won- der how you could have the Impudence to tell her, her Husband should die first, when according to the Rules of Astrology, here are all the Signs imaginable that she will die first. Doct. You are but a Novice in our Art, I perceive, to go by Rules of Astrology ; I did so at first when I practic'd, and then I could never get my Bread by it. Why, look you, suppose she does die first, she'll never tell I am a salfe Prophet after she's dead surely ; but if I had told her she should die first, and if it should not have happen'd so, her Husband being a sickly Man, then she would have done me a world of Mis- chief among the Neighbours, as now she may do me a great deal of Good: For most of those that come to us, if the Answer suit not their Fancy, go Home dis satisfied, calling us Rogues, Cheats, and telling their Neighbours, we can answer a Question no more than the Post, and then away to another, and another Astrologer, till they find one that pleases them; then him they they cry up, and fill his House full of Custo- mers presently, though perhaps the first might speak truer than the last. Enq. You speak cunningly, but not honestly. But Just at this word, we heard a Man coming up in haste, so I whipt to mv old Place again, and thus I heard him bespeak the Doctor. Man. Sir, I under stand you are an able Man to find stol'n Goods, and I am exceedingly troubled about a Silver Tankard that was stolen out of our House Yesterday: Pray, Sir, tell me who stole it, and where is the Thief, that I may go with a Consta- ble and nap him. ' Doct. What, does your Master keep an Alehouse Friend ? Man. A Victualling House, and please you. Doct. And who do you suspect? Man. We cannot tell, for we ne'er mist it till Night. Doct. Stay here a while, Friend, I'll to my Study and do the best I can for you. Now, Friend, I have done my Endeavour for you ; And I tell you it will be a great deal of Trouble to get this Tankard; Sa- turn being retrograde in the second Aspect, afflicting the Lord of the second with a Partile Square. Man. Alas, Sir, I am undone then, my Master says I shall pay for it, if it be not got again. LONDONPrinted and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. The Sessions for the City London, will begin next Wednefday. . The next ensuing Sessions to be begin on the isch of December. Wednesday the Honourable House of Commons pre- sented a most Loyal Address to His Majesty, wherein they return'd humble Thanks for His Gracious Speech from the Throne, and congratulated his frustrating and disappointing the Designs of His Enemies, That it was the greatest Satisfaction to them, to see the Readiness of His Majesty's Good Friends and Allies, the States- General, to assist Him with a good Body of Forces, if there had been Occasion. That His Loyal Commons are determin'd, with the utmost Una- nimity and Zeal, to do every thing in their Power for the PreserVation of His Majesty's most Sacred Person ; and that they will enable Him effectually to suppress all remaining Spirit of Rebellion. That if there be any of His Majesty's Subjects who are so abandon'd as to be ready to exchange the Protestant Religion for Popery, and Liberty for Slavery, yet they hop'd the vigorous Resolutions of a Loyal and Dutiful Parliament would convince them of the Danger, as well as Folly, of such an Attempt } and shew the whole World, that the Generality, and best Part of His People, are so far from giving any Invi- tation to Foreign Powers to invade them, that they will, with their Lives and Fortunes, support His Ma- jesty against all His Enemies at Home and Abroad. Farthermore. they could not express too great an Ab- horrence of such unnatural Practices, nor too great an Indignation against those who would have made the Capital of this Flourishing Kingdom a Scene of Blood and Desolation. Doct. Heark you, Friend, give me a Shilling this Question. Man. Here it is, good Doctor. Doft. Now I'll tell you, I have a Secret in in Occult Philosophy to afflict a Thief, that ne'er a Man in Eng- land that knows but myself, so that the Thief shall either be apprehended, or make some Discovery of it himself, or it shall come out so by one or other that you shall have your Tankard again: But this will be a great Charge to me, and I cannot afford to do it under ten Shillings in Hand, and ten Shillings more when you have the Tankard. Man. I have not so much Money, but I'll give you five Shillings now in Hand, here take it, and tea Shillings more when the Tankard is found Doct. ' Tis indeed too little, but because you are Servant, I give you a Crown. Man. I thank you, Sir pray do it as soon as you can. I live at the Sign of the . Doct. Farewel Friend, ne'er fear, sleep quiet. And now out came I again. Enquirer. Doctor, what have you done ! Can any mortal Man or the Devil himself, perform what you have promis'd this Fellow ? Doct. I don't know, nor don't carey I shall never trouble my Head no more about it. Enq. Do you think, that if the Tankard be never found, the Fellow won't come for his five Shillings again ? The Remainder in our next.
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