The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 08/09/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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wmm Being tbe freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. OR, British Gazetteer. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 8, 1722. S I R, Should not have enter. tain'd my Readers with any Subject of Divinity, but that ( as I observ'd in a former Letter.) the Jacobite Priests having in- terwoven their political DoCtrines with Religion; it is become necessary to set Christianity in its own native Light ; and when Men see what it truly is in it self, they will soon be able to distinguish between the Doctrines of that, and the Commandments of Men. And this being done to my Hand by the inimitable Pen of the Bi- shop of Hereford-, I shall proceed, as I
promised, in transcribing some farther Part of his Answer to the Committee, beginning at page 285. ' These following Points I recommend to all Christi- ans, as well as to all Protestants; it is essential to the the very notion of the Kingdom of Christ, that He alone be King in it. The Subjection of his People to him ' alone as King, is so far from being the Way to re- duce his Kingdom to a meer State of Anarchy and Confusion, that it is tbe only Method of preserving it from com- ing to such a State ; when his Laws and his Directi- ons are left behind him, they are observ d by his Disciples, then his Kingdom is in its Glory and its greatest
Order. When the Authority of Men, and humane Directions are submitted to, without judg- ing of them by his own Rules, this destroys the Order of Christ's Kingdom, consider'd as his; and reduces it truly and literally to the worst State of Anarchy and Confusion, as far as he is concern'd: Of Anarchy, by destroying the Rule of him, who a- lone has a Right to it; and of Confusion, by bringing in other and foreign Authority, in part, into his Place. This Method I grant, promotes the Order and Rule of those humane Kingdoms which are introduc'd into his, and mixt with it when ever the Authority of some Men over others in Religion is set
up ; but it truly ' destroys the Order and Rule of Christ's Kingdom as such ; and in the nicest of all the imaginary Order of it, leaves Christ's Kingdom as much as it can, in a meer Stare of Anarchy and Confusion. And here is the Foundation of the Mistake. Because this Me- thod is seen to procure an outward Decorum of , Appearances amongst Men call'd Christians; there. for; Men are apt to esteem it the way to Order in Christ's Kingdom: Whereas, it is in Truth only the Order of the Kingdoms of Men. under the Cover of his sacred Name, that is consulted by it; and, on the contrary, the Order of his Kingdom, consider'd as his, is
ruin'd and destroy'd by it. Again, . The Order which Christ lays the great Stress upon in his Kingdom, is an internal Order: The Govern- ment of Men's Lives by Faith, working by Love. The Order of Charity and Humility ; of preserving one ano- ther in Love ; of forbearing and forgiving one another Of making all reasonable Allowances ; and compassionating one another's Infirmities. And the Confusion which he most of all guards against in his Kingdom, is the ( Price Three Half. Pence) Confusion arising from the Dominion of Men, and hu- mane Authority in Religion, trampling upon the Con- sciences of his Subjects: The Confusion
of Uncharita- bleness, Hatred, Malice, Revenge, Tyranny. Op- pression, though it be attended with all that Dread and Horror, which keeps every Tongue in the pro- foundest Silence and Submission ; and though it af- frightens Men into all the Instances of outward Sub- jection, and preserves unviolated, all the Forms of eternal Order and Decency. ' The Inquisition it self is Anarchy and Confusion in his Eyes ; tho in the Eyes of Men it is Government, and Peace, and Quiet, and Order ' self. The Uniformity procur'd by it, is not an Uniformity in his Kingdom ; but in the Kingdom of the Inquisitors, and of those men who govern by it:
And the Anarchy and Confu- sion avoided by it, is the Government of Christ him. self; and the Practice of what he esteems the most beautiful and orderly in his own Kingdom. The Uniformity gain'd and supported by it, is the Unifor- mity of Persecutors Atheists and Hypocrites ; the Uni- formity of Gesture , Sounds, Cringings Bowings Vocifera- tions, Dresses Ornaments , and of every thing that can amuse the Eye and the Ear, and dissipate the Under- standing the Confusion kept off by it is the Great, and one would think detestable Confusion arising from Christians worshipping One God in Spirit, and in Truth ; from their
preserving a close and immediate Regard to Christ himself; and taking their Notions of his Reli- gion from him alone ; the Confusion of Honesty and Sin. cerity in inquiries after Religion-, of Charity and Hu- mility in bearing with one another's differences and of every thing truly lovely and desirable : And the Anarchy which alone is kept at a Distance by it, is the Anarchy which Men are apt to esteem and declare to be every where, where themselves do not absolute- ly govern. ' I have chosen to instance in the Inquisition because it is an Engine set upon purpose to preserVe the King- dom of Christ, from a meer State of Anarchy
and Con- fusion. because if external Order procur'd by the Au- thority of Man in Matters of conscience and Religion be the Order and good Estate of Christ's Kingdom This Methd is truly the most desirable of any yet thought of, as it is the most Effectual for the End intended ; and because it does indeed answer that End by establishing Peace and Order; if Solitude and Silence procured by Terrors ; if Poverty and Distress scarcity of People, mean and spiritless Dispositions, spiritual Bigottry and worldly Slavery, be the Peace and Order aim'd at by Christ ; and I have chosen this Instance for another Reason likewise, viz because
the Argument holds equally good in all Instances of a like sort in whatever Degree, tho' never so distant; they approach to it, and because many will see plainly in this Instance, what they will not so easily at first fee in those of a lesser sort. I am, Sept. 1. SIR, 1722. Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood.
( » 3 3 4 ) The Continuation of the Life ofEDWARD the 4th, King ofENGLAND. In the Beginning of his Reign he used to sit in Per- son certain Days together in his Court of Kings- Bench to see Justice and Equity done His Wife was Elizabeth, the Daughter of Richard Woodville Earl Rivers, by his Wife Jaquelana Dutchess of Bedford, the Daughter of Peter Earl of St Paul His Issue were two Sons. Edward Prince of Wales, Born in the Sanctuary of Westminster, November 4, 1471 and Richard Duke of York. And seven Daughters, Eliza, beth born at Westminster February 11, 1466 Mar. ried with Henry VII. Cicely married unto John
Vis- count Wells, and buried at Quarena in the Isle of Wight. Anne was married unto Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk. Bridget was veiled a Nun in the Nunnery of Dartford in Kent. Mary died in the Tower of Greenwich 1481, and was buried at Wind- sor. Margaret died an Infant. Catherine Was mar- ried to William Courtney, Earl of Devonshire and Lord Oakhampton. His Concubines were Elizabeth Lucy and three others which were of three several Hu- mours. as himself would say. One the Merriest, which was Shore's Wife, another the Wittiest, and the third the Holiest, for she had wholly devoted herself to his Bed and her
Beads. His base Issue were Arthur sir- named Plantaginet, and Elizabeth. He ordained Penal Statutes against excessive Pride In Apparel, especially against long piked Shooes then worn, which had grown to such an extreme, that the Pikes in their Toes were turned upwards, and with Silver Chains or Silk laces tied to the Knee. He gave some Cotswold Sheep to Henry of Castile, and John of Arragon, 1465, which hath been accounted one of the greatest Prejudices that ever happened to England; One Walker, a substantial Citizen of London, was beheaded in Smithfield, for only saying to his Child, That he would make him Heir
of the Crown, meaning his House which had that Sign. In the fallen Estate of King Henry, many of the Nobles that had taken Part with Henry, were put to fly for their Lives into Foreign Countries ; and a. mongst the rest Henry Holland, Duke of Excester and Earl of Huntingdon, Son to the Lady Elizabeth se- cond Daughter of John of Gaunt, and Husband to the Sister of King Edwaid IV. was constrained to live in Exile, in miserable Want and Penury. For, saith Philip Comines, I once saw the Duke of ExCester on foot bare leg'd after the Duke of Burgundy's Coach and Train, begging an Alms for God's sake ; but being known what
he was, Burgundy gave him a small Pension for his Maintenance. The noble Art and Mystery of Printing was found out in Germany by a Knight, called John Guttenberghe, and brought into England by William Caxton, a Mercer of London, who first practiced the same in the Abbey of Westminster, Anno Dom, 1471, EDWARD V. A. D. EDward, the eldest Son of King Edward the • 485. 4th, being a Child but of about twelve Years of Age when his Father died, Was committed to the Government of his Uncle Sir Anthony Wood- ville, a Right Honourable Person, with whom were joined other of the Queen's Friends. But Richard Duke
of Glocester was much discontented that they should have the keeping of him secure, whom he de- signed to destroy, that thereby the Crown might be- come his This bloody Man therefore, the better to effect his wicked purposes, did every where represent the Queen's Kindred to be Enemies to the ancient No- bility, and that they would abuse the King's Name to their undoing. With which and the like Suggesti- ons, he wrought upon the Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Hastings ( that had formerly born no great Good Will to the Queen's Friends) to join with him utterly to remove from the King's Company all his Mother's
Fnends, under the Name of the ancient No- bles Enemies, To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of Edward Coleman for High- Treason. Att. Gen. Do you know any thing of transmitting Money to the Ruffians at Windsor ? Oates. The same Night the Consult was Dr Fo- garthy procurd four Ruffians, and sent them to Wind- sor as had been agreed and the next Day there were eighty Pounds provided for them by Harcourt Rector of London, who acted for the provincial in his Absence : And Mr. Coleman met this Harcourt at Wild house ( having first call'd at his Lodgings ask'd, what Care was taken for those four Gentlemen
that went the last Night to Windsor, and Harcourt told him eighty Pounds were provided, and the Mes- senger was there, who was to carry it; whereupon Mr. Coleman gave the Messlenger a Guinea to hasten his journey : I saw the Money lying before Mr Har- court upon the Table; the most Part of it was in Gui- neas. Recorder. Do you remember Mr. Coleman's dis- course with Ashby ? Oates. In July last, Ashby being come over from White the Provincial ( who was then in Flanders) brought over Instructions to the Conspirators at Lon. don, to propose ten thousand Pounds to Sir George Wakeman to poison the King, in case
Pickering and Grove did not kill him ; and Mr. Coleman waited on Mr. Ashby ( who was ill of the Gout) and read these Instructions, and copied them out, and transmitted them to several of the Conspirators; and Mr. Cole- man said, he thought Sir George Wakeman would scarce take ten thousand Pounds, and thought five thousand Pounds more ought to be added to it, that they might be sure to have it done. This he said at the Provincial's Chamber at Wild- house, where Mr, Ashby lodg'd, ' till he went to the Bath. L. C. J. To what purpose should Coleman take Copies of these Instructions ? Oates. It was to send to the
Conspirators, to en- courage Contributions in England, by showing them what was done abroad; and by this means some thousands of Pounds were rais'd here. L. C. J. Did any one ask Mr. Coleman, why he took Copies of these Instructions ? Oates. Ashby said, he had best make haste, and communicate these things , and Mr. Coleman answer. ed, he would make haste with his Copies, and dispatch them away that Night. Recorder. Was not Mr. Coleman to be one of the Secretaries of State? Oates. The Day for our Consult in April, 0. S. I was at Mr. Langhorn's Chamber in the Temple, and among several other Commissions
( which we call'd Patents) I saw one for Mr. Coleman, sign'd by the Ge- neral of the Society of Jesus, Joaonet Paulus D'Oliva I believe I have seen for things in this Hand, and we all took it to be his, and knew the Seal, which had the Letters J. H. S. upon it. ThisCommission Mr. Cole- man receiv'd and open'd at Mr. Fenwick's Chamber, when I was present, and he said, it was a very good Exchange. E. C. J. Were you acquainted with Mr. Langhorn. Oates. He had two Sons in Spain, from whom I brought Letters to their Father in November, 1677. and Mr. Langhorn receiv'd me very kindly at his Chambers in the Temple on that
Account, but was not willing any Jesuites should come to his House, because his Wife was a Protestant I was at his Chamber several Times, and was order'd by me Provincial to carry him a Summary of the Results Particulars of Consults at the White- Horse and at Wildhouse. L. C. J. When did you see the Commissions. Oates. In the Month of April, O. S. I heart they were come ; and having a Curiosity to see them, shew'd them to me, knowing I was privy to their Concerns. I read the Letters, giving an Account their being sent, at St. Omers in January before. L. C. J. What Time did you come over to the Consult ? Oates. I
receiv'd a Summons to come to the con- sult in April, and accordingly nine of us came over all Jesuites ?
Last Week the Princess of Wales and tbe three Young Princesses went to visit the Tower, after which they took Water to Greenwich, where they were En- tained ar Dinner by Sir John Jennings, and in the Evening returned Home. The King and the three young Princesses will re- turn to the Palace of St. James's abouc the Middle of next Month. The Kingston Man of War, having on Board his Grace the Duke of Portland, arrived the 28th past at Torbay, in his Way to Jamaica, Monday the Earl Cadogan was in Hide- Park, and passed through the Line, buc no Exercifes were per- formed by the Forces there. Next Tuesday the
Household Goods of Sir John Fellows, and John Gore, Esq; late DirectorS; that are in Town, will be sold by Cant at the South- Sea Houes. the Account formerly published in this Paper of Capt. Chaloner Ogle's taking the three Pyrate Ships on the Coast of Africa, hath been confirmed by an and there will be sent two Ships with Cannon and Warlike Stores for those Settlements. Three Frigats are go: ready to receive on board Artificers and others for Peopling the Islands of St. Vincent and St. Lucia, the Propriety of his Grace the Duke of Montague. Norwich, Sept 1. On Tuesday last came on the Election of a Sheriff of this City for
the Year ensuing, when the Poll stood thus. Alderman Weld . 1402. Mr. Paull — 1377. But a Scrutiny being demanded by the Friends of Mr. Paull. who is a Gentleman well affected to the pre- Express from the said Captain to the Admiralty- Of- fice: And another Letter from thence of the 24th of April mentions fome farther Particulars; among which are the following, viz. That they took the whole Gang, none escaping : That according to the King's Commission under the Great Seal of the High Court of Admiralty, the said Prisoners were Try'd : Capt Ogle prosecuted, Capt. Mungo Heard- man, who was named in the Commission
next to Capt. Ogle, sate as President, and General Phipps, the two chief Merchants, the Secretary, and the 1st and 2d Lieutenant of the Weymouth, that was re- turned from the Windward Cruise, made up the re- quisite Number of 7 ; 74 out of 160 were sentenc'd to Death, of which 51 were Executed on the Coast, two referr'd to the King's Mercy, and 20 upon their humble Petitions, were reprieved by the Court's Cle- mency, who indentur'd to dig in the Mines there for seven Years. 17 were return'd to the Marshalsea for want of sufficient Evidence, tho' suspected to be Rogues; the rest appearing to be forc'd Men, and not any
Violence prov'd against them, otherwise than by being taken on Board the Pyrate that engaged the King's Ship, were acquitted Eight were hung in Chains on the highest Hills about Cape Coast Castle, being very conspicuous to the Ships passing by, and one hung in like manner at each of the African Com- pany's Settlements on the Gold Coast. A great many Young Men are imprison'd in the Castle of Leicester, for engaging themselves to make a Disturbance in that Town in Favour of the Preten- der. Sunday Mr. Coward, an Attorney near the Bath, was married at the Duke of Chandos's Chappel at Cannons, to Mrs Seagrave,
a celebrated Beauty, and a Lady of considerable Fortune, in Gracechurch. Street. The Army in Hide. Park decamps the 24' b Instant. The Duke of Mountague is agreeing with a good Number of Artificers to go over and settle on the Islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, lately grant- ed to his Grace by the Crown j four Ministers, several Surgeons and Apothecaries are going already, sent Government we must defer the Issue thereof to our next The Coroner's Inquest have sate on the Body of the Child, who died soon after it was found stript by Gray's Inn Wall, but were unable to give a Verdict, none appearing to own the Child, and
there being no Evidence how it came by its Death ; how- ever, ' tis generally concluded, the unhappy Infant was willfully murder'd, because he might be an Heir to some Estate, or that he might be born of Parents asham'd to own him, so thought it necessary to re- move him out of the World They are very busie in repairing and strengthening the Goal of Newgate, and particularly that misera- ble Dungeon call'd the Condemn'd Hold Last Saturday Night an unknown Person very de- cently dressed, being out of his way as it thought, came to Mark- lane, and having had several Falls, the Watchmen took him up, and carried him to
their Watch- House in Tower- street, where he dyed some Hours after On Sunday last, the Lord Townshend, Carteret, and others of the Ministry, were entertained at Din- ner by the Duke of Newcastle, at his Seat at Clare- mont in Surrey The same Day a Fire happened at Chelsea ; which burnt one House, and damaged the two adjoining. Mr. John Markwick, Keeper of Clerkenwell New Prison, who succeeded his Brother in that Office some few Months ago died on Saturday last Several more Tide. Waiters belonging to the Cu- stom- House, besides those already mentioned, have been examined before the Board of
Commissioners and discharg'd, for certain Defaults in the Execution of their Office ; and last Week one of the Surveyors of the River, and a Riding Officer at Gravesend, un- derwent the same Fate. Some Days ago the Justices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster, met at the Court- House in St Martin's le Grand, where they had not met for some Years past ) While the Court was Sitting, and the Chairman making a Speech, an Of- ficer took Notice of a Woman that wis then sing- ing seditious Ballads in that Street, who thereupon was charg'd in Custody of a Constable of that Li- berty. And afterwards the said
Constable was com- mitted to Goal for suffering her to make her escape but before the Court broke up, was admitted to Bail himself in 200 I and his two Sureties in 100 1. each to answer for the said Neglect of Duty at the next General Quarter- sessions to be held at Westminster. A LIST of HORSE MATCHES to be run at Newmarket in October 17 Octob. Stone jib. LORD Hillsborough's Witty Gelding 8 Stone 4 Pound, against Col. Pitt's Chanter . 91 They are to start a second time within two Hours after the first —- — Match the same Weight Course and Money. 4 The King's Plate to be run for by 6 Years old Horses, 3 Heats —
? Lord Milsingtown's Grey Gelding against Mr. Newlan's Bay Mare 5 Mr. Colyars's Chestnut Colt, against Mr. Panton's Grey Colt, the lowest Horse to carry 8 Stone and a half, the highest 3 lb. above $ 8 Mr Panton's Molly against Mr. Morgan's Beau is The Noblemens Contribution Money to be run for by 5 Years old Horses, Run or Pay 13 A Galloway Plate for 5 Year old Galloways, 3 Heats, the highest Weight 21 Lord Drogheda's Chanter, against Mr. Panton's CHilders, Run or Pay - 13 Mr. Colyer's Simpleton, against Mr. Morgan's Ruffler 16 Mr. Colyer's Pig, 8 Stone 5 lb. against Mr. Panton's Grey Colt, 8 Stone and a half 39
Mr. Colyer's Yellow Jack, against Mr. Cotton's Grey Ovinton, give and take 8 Stone £ 8 lb. the Highest, Grey Ovinton 4 Pound Above 29 Mr. Panton's Molly, 9 Stone and a half against Mr. Frampton's Miss Wassop 8 Stone, from the 4 Mile House to the Ditch Lord Hillsborough's Bay Sparke, against Col, Pitt's Merry Pintle -
Salisbury, September 1. Wednesday all the Country round came in and rode out to meet his Ma- jesty The Mayor, Recorder and all the Companies in Town with their flags and Streamers usher'd his Majesty into Town with loud Huzzas, while the Bells rung and the Flags were display'd on every Church, particularly a very fine Streamer on the Lofty Spire of the Cathedral. At Night there were prodigious Illuminations- All the Corporations kissed the Hands of the King and the Prince, and presented the King with 100 Guineas, and the Prince with 50. Next Day the King and Prince went to view the Camp, Where was a vast
Concourse of People, and at Night they Supp'd in Publick. In short not one in a Hun- dred, who before had by the Industry of Ill minded Persons been prevailed on to think amiss of his Ma- jesty, but were entirely satisfied and rejoyccd at the Sight of him. Wednesday 7- Night when the King and the Prince of Wales entered Salisbury, the Mayor, Aldermen, & c. in their Formalities received them at the Gate, the Recorder congratulated them on their Arrival in a handsome Speech. and the Bishop and Clergy of that Diocese presented his Majesty with a very Loyal and Dutiful addresses, and at the same time his Lordship made the
following Speech to the King. YOur Majesty having been pleased to honour this Part of your Kingdom with your Royal Pre- sence, we beg Leave upon th'S Occasion to present our most humble Duty, and to express our Part of the common Joy which seems so great and so univer- sal, that we trust that your Majesty's Enemies who have been plotting against your Government, did not expect any Succour from hence, or at least will find none, should they attempt to put their wicked Pro. jects in Execution. Give us Leave, Sir, upon this Occasion, to express our utmost Indignation, that neither the Justice, nor Wisdom , nor
Clemency, nor the good Success of your Majesty's Reign, nor the frequent signal Inter- positions of Providence in its Favour, have yet been able to hinder wicked Men from sowing Discontents, by vile Misrepresentations, Lies, and Slanders, among your Subjects, and from forming Plots in Consequence of them, to ruin your Majesty's Government, and the Religious and Civil Rights of their Native Coun- try. We do not much wonder that those of the Roman Communion among us ( notwithstanding the Tran- quility they enjoy) should no more be Friends to the Government of your Majesty, than they were to that of Queen
Elizabeth, or King William, two of your most glorious Predecessors, because your Majesty is now what they were in their Times, the Great Pre- server of this Church, and Bulwark of the Reforma- tion ; and the only visible Means, under God, to hinder Popish Tyranny from oppressing all Europe. But it is matter of Amazement, that any Members of this Church should venture to perjure themselves, to hazard their own Lives, and to involve their na- tive Country in all ihe Blood and Misery that must attend a Rebellion, only to bring in a Popish Preten- der to be Guardian and Protector of a Protestant Church. This Church has hitherto
been esteem'd the Glory Of the Reformation, and the great Support of it ; and we trust in God, that it will ever continue so under the Protection of your Majesty, and of your Royal Posterity. But we dread to think how she must become vile and contemptible, and the Scorn of all the World, if her own Sons concur to destroy her, by calling in a pretended Protector from Rome ; one who must esteem her Articles to be Heretical ; her Communion to be Schismatical ; her Clergy to be without Holy Orders and only perjur'd Deceivers; her People to be in the Way of Damnation ; and her whole Religion to be a Crime worse than High
Treason or Witchcraft. This is the Opinion which they have of us at Rome and such must be the Guardian of our Church, if we should ever be so unhappy as to have one from thence • the very Thoughts of which must be so affrighting to all that love her, that we cannot but hope, that your Majesty's Enemies vainly deceive themselves in the Opinion of their Numbers, and that the Discontents, which they have raised, cannot hold long, when Men think of the Consequences of them ; as we are satis- fied they cannot hold, unless God, as a Punishment for our other great Sins and Provocations, suffer us to be infatuated, in order to
bring utter Destruction upon our selves. , The Jews were once so foolish as to desire to shake off the Government of a Person, who after a long Administration, cou'd appeal to them, Whose Ox have I taken, or whose Ass have I taken ? But we do not read thac they were ever so much out of their Wits, as when they had a King of their own Religion, they would hazard all the Evils of a Rebellion,, only to procure one from among the Philistines. I am afraid, Sir, that my Zeal has made me tres- pass too much upon your Majesty's Patience ; but the meaning of all this is to let your Majesty see, that we think our selves bound to seek
the Prosperity of your Government, not only out of the Duty that we owe to your Majesty as our Sovereign, and a wise and good Prince, but also because our own dearest Interests are so link'd with it, that they must stand or fall toge- ther. We shall therefore make it our constant Prayer to God, that he would be pleased to continue both your Person and Government under his gracious Pro- tection ; that as he has hitherto made all Opposition both at Home and from Abroad to fall before you, so He wou'd be pleased at last to bless you with the Conquest of the Hearts of all your Subjects, the most desirable Victory to a Prince so
good and mer- ciful ; and that your Majesty and your Royal Poste- rity may from Age to Age make this Church and Kingdom happy, in a legal, wise, and religious Go- vernment; and that you may mutually be made hap- py in an obedient, dutiful, and afFectionate People. To which His Majesty was pleased to return the fol- lowing most Gracious Answer. I I Take very kindly these Expressions of your Zeal and af- fection to my Person and Government : and do assure you, that the Church, as by Law established, shall always have my Protection and Encouragement. And then the Bishop and Clergy had the Honour to kiss His
Majesty's Hand. His Majesty was pleased to give Orders for dis- charging out of the County Goal of Wiltshire, and out of that of the City of Salisbury, all such Crimi- nals as were represented to be proper Objects of his Royal Clemency, and also for releasing at his own Expence all the Prisoners for Debt in those Goals, viz. To release all the Debtors in the Town Prison To release all the Debtors in the County Prison According to the Accounts of their Debts given in. His Majesty was graciously pleased likewise to or- der to be given in at Salisbury : To the Workhouse To the Poor of the three Town Parishes To the Poor belonging
to the Close To the Poor of Fisherton Anges To the Cathedral To the Foundation for Clergymens Wi- dows. 100 0 0 Wednesday 7 Night and Thursday, his Majesty and his Royal Highness dined at the Bishop's Palace, where a Magnificent Entertainment was provided, but it was the King's Pleasure it should be at his own Charge. On the first Night there were four Ta- bles, 15 Dishes twice covered upon each, four Re- moves, and a fine Desert. The Entertainment was as Rich next Day, and Wines in abundance were given to all Comers. There was a noble Appearance of the best Gentlemen in the County to Welcome his Ma jesty, and the Concourse of the common People was vastly great. When
When hiS Majesty had gone through the City of Winchester, at his coming out upon the Downs, he WAS met by the Lord Bishop, the Dean and Prebenda- ries of the Church, the Warden and Fellows of the College. and Others of the Clergy ; where the Bishop addressed himself to his Majesty in the following Speech. Most Gracious Sovereign, IBeg Leave in my own Name, and in the Name of my Brethren of your Majesty's Cathedral Church, and your College of Winchester, and the rest of my Brethren, to congratulate your Majesty's safe and much desired Passage through your ancient City of Winchester; and to express the
great Sense we have of the Honour that is done us even by this transient Vi- sit, how much higher soever we had suffered our Hopes to run; An honour in which we take the more Satisfaction, because it has been always found where ever your Majesty goes you raise the Affections of your Subjects, and give them new desires of your Prosperity. It is with the utmost Concern and Abhorrence that we Reflect on the late traiterous Conspiracies which have been carried on against your Majesty's sacred Person and Government, and we adore the good Pro- vidence of God, who has enabled your Majesty so far to penetrate into these
wicked Designs, as to have pre- vented, we trust, the Execution of their Designs, which could not have taken Effect, but in the utter Ruin of this Church and Kingdom, and the entire Overthrow of the Protestant Interest in Europe. May that merciful God who hath hitherto pre. served your Majesty, be still your Defender and Keeper, and continue to us and our Posterity the Blessings we now enjoy under your Majesty's most auspicious Government, by lengthening your Reign, and Upholding a constant Succession of Princes in your Royal House. We beseech God to give your Majesty a prosperous Journey, and a safe Return to
your own Palace. His Majesty's most Gracious Answer. IThank you for the Affection and Concern you express for my Person and Government; and you may depend upon my having a constant Regard to the Welfare of the Church as by Law Established. After which the Bishop and Clergy had the Honour to kiss his Majesty's Hand. His Majesty and the Prince being prevailed on to stop at Winchester, did not get to Portsmouth till five in the Afternoon on Friday , being at- tended by the Dukes of Grafton, Richmond and New- castle, Count Bothmar, Lord Viscount Townshend, Lord Carteret and others of the Nobility. When his
Majesty arrived he was saluted by a Treble Discharge of all the Guns of the Garrison and Men of War in the Harbour, and when he entered the Yard, he was received by Sir John Norris and Sir Charles Wager, Lords of the Admiralty, and the Representatives for that Borough in Parliament, by several Commissio- ners of the Navy, and all the Officers of the Yard. His Majesty having view'd all the Stores, went on Board the Canterbury Man of War, whose Deck was lined wich Red Bayes, and there view'd the Lancaster, which because the Tide did not then serve, was not launched till next Day. His Majesty was pleased to confer
the Honour of Knighthood on Isaac Townshend, Esq; Commissioner of the Yard. Jacob Ackworth, Esq; Surveyor, and Thomas Rudge, Esq; Merchant, at whose House he was pleased to dine. The same Eve- ning his Majesty and the Prince set out for the E. of Scarborough's Seat at Stanstead where curious Fire- works were prepared to be let ofF for their Diversion. Detachments of the Light Horse and Dragoons from Salisbury Plain attended his Majesty to Lippuck, where he was received by the Horse Guards and Gre- nadiers, and eight Detachments consisting of 4o Men, each were placed on the Road betwixt that Village
and Hounslow. On Saturday Night his Majesty ar- rived in Good Health ac Kensington, as did his Royal Highness at Richmond. His Majesty was graciously pleased in his Progress to extend his Charity very libe- rally to the Poor of several Places, and likewise to order Money for discharging Debtors out of the Goals his Majesty passed by As to the other particulars of his Majesty's Reception and Welcome, it was in a Word so Joyful and Hearty wherever he came, that ' tis not doubted it Will give his Majesty an Inclination to Honour other Parts of his British Dominions with his Presence, when the State of his Health and the
Publick Affairs will permit. When His Majesty had left Portsmouth on Friday 7 Night Gen. Maccartney set out for Bristol to meet the said Forces, and to give them the necessary Orders. His Majesty's Stay in the Yard at Portsmouth on Friday7- Night was but short, which prevented the ma- king an Experiment in his Presence of some new Im- provements, as was intended, such as Captain Cum- berland's Method of heating and making Plank of ten Inches Thickness so pliant , as to be work'd round the Bows of His Majesty's First Rate Men of War; which was perform'd next Day to the entire Satisfaction of such Noblemen and
Persons of Di- stinction as stay'd to see the Launching of the Lanca- ster Man of War. The Honourable Col. Robert D'Oyly, Governor of the Tower of London, who hath been very dange- rously indisposed, and lately removed from thence to his Native Air at Chislehampton in Oxfordshire, ( the Seat of his elder Brother the Honourable Sir John D' Oyly, Bart.) is in a fair Way of doing well, and likely soon to return to his Charge of that important Trust. The Bishop of Rochester ( Or. Atterbury) and Capt. Dennis Kelly, still remain in the same Places they first went to ; the Bishop in the House of the Gentleman Goaler, the other in one
of the Warder's, and are strictly look'd after. The five Regiments from Ireland are all arrived at Bristol, viz. Handaside's Whitman's, Howard's, and Hawley's ; at Chester Sir Charles Hotham's. Col. Howard's is quarter'd at the Bath. A great Quantity of Halfpence and Farthings newly coined, of the best English Copper, will be de- liver'd next Week at the Tower. The Regiments review'd upon Salisbury Plain were those of Horse of Lord Londonderry and General Wade ; Dragoons of General Evans and Brigadier Gore; and Foot of General Wills, Colonel Cadogan, Colonel Pocock, Brigadier Grove, Colonel Montague and Colonel
Clayton. Robert Corbett, of Lincoln's Inn, Esfq; is appointed Receiver- General of the whole County of Surry, William Theed, Esq; Receiver- General for half the said County, being lately dead. On Monday Night Capt. Shirley, Adjutant of the first Troop of Horse- Grenadiers, having gone to Bed well, was found the next Morning dead in his Bed They write from Scotland, that Mr. Combre, a Nonjuring Clergyman, has been taken up at Glasgow and committed to the Castle of Edinburg. On Tuesday a Detachment of near 3 o Men march'd from the Camp in Hide Park, to the Tower, under the Command of Colonel Jefferies, to relieve
the Garrison there. The Earl of Godolphin, and others of the Nobility design to go next Month to New market, where, as we are informed, the King, and his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, will have the Curiosity to see the Horse Races there The Lord Townshend and Lord Carteret, who at. tended his Majesty in his Progress, came to Town on Sunday Night, and his Grace the Duke of Rox- burgh, who likewise attended his Majesty. but stopt in Surry, at his Seat near Guildford, arrived last Tues- day Night. Col Negus and Sir William Thompson set out last Wednesday for Ipswich, to assist at the Choice of two Bailiffs for that
Town on this Day ; the contest being greater than has been known for 20 Years past. Wednesday Morning the Middlesex Troop of Militia rendezvouz'd in Lincolns Inn Fields , and after a March and an Exercise, return'd in the Evening to the same Place, to pay their Respects to the Duke of Newcastle , Ld. Lieutenant of the County. They did the same again on Thursday, His Majesty's Ship the Loo is Arrived at Portsmouth from Lisbon On .7
On Sunday Night last between 11 and 12 a- Clock, died suddenly Jacob Desbouvere, Esq; at his House in They write from Salisbury, Aug. 30. that they had very bad Weather for several Days before, so that the Price of some Corn rose one 4th per Quarter, but the Weather changing, it fell again as much the next Market. Day On Tuesday last the Lords of the Treasury met, after an Adjournment of nine or ten days. Wednesday the Rev. Mr. Thomas Bowers paid his Homage to His Majesty, as Lord Bishop of Chichester. in the room of Dr. Manningham, deceas d. _ ' Tis generally computed, that His Majesty in his late Progress
expended in charitable and other laudable Purposes, the Sum of 10,000 1- We hear that the Earl of Godolphin Will have the late Duke of Marlborough's Blue Garter. Count Staremberg, the Emperor's Minister, hath gi- ven Orders for his Equipages to be made, in order to his Publick Entry through this City. Wednesday began the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City of London, and County of Middlesex, Bills of Indictment were found against the following Persons, viz. John Dyer and Robert Wilkinson, for the Robbery and Murder of the Chelsea- College Pensioner : Matthias Brinsden. for the Murder of his Wife ;
Thomas Butler, for demo- lishing a Bailiff in Shoe Lane ; Philip Jones, and Eli- zabeth Jones, for uttering traiterous and seditiouS Words; and Mr. Norman, Master of a Ship, for Sodomy. We hear that Court will be mov'd on the Behalf of Captain Dennis Kelly, a Prisoner in the Tower. / On the 28ih of last August, one Sarah Godson, of the Town of Stafford was deliver'd of a most strange Birth, having ( tho' two Female Children) but one Head, with Hair upon it, four Ears, one Neck, four Shoulders, four Arms, four Hands, with four Fingers and Thumbs upon each Hand, and Nails ; one Breast, one Belly, two Backs, four Sides, four
Thighs, four Legs, four Feet, and five Toes upon each Foot, being Female ( as aforesaid) from the Navel downwards, very strait, and is intended to be shewn all over Eng. land. Bankrupts since our last. Thomas Bidole, of Thames street, London Fruiterer. Joseph Osborn. of St. James's Market, in the County of Middlesex, Fruiterer, Moses Langley, of Woodstreet, London, Diamond, cutter. Thomas Coalshurst, of the Parish of Stepney, in the County of Middlesex, Merchant. They write from Vienna, that on the 25th and 26th of last August, such a terrible Storm of Hail happen'd at Newstad, that four or five Leagues of the Country,
and particularly the Vineyards were almost ruin'd. The Stones were the Bigness of an Egg Last Week a Man being arrested in an Action of 500 1. and carried to the Officer's House in Fox Court, in Grays- Inn Lane, and out of Despair in Relation to his Wife and seven small Children, who he thought would be ruin'd by his Misfortune, he on Wednesday last cut his Throat from Ear to Ear, and ript himself up quite from thence to his very Belly, whereof he immediately died. On the 19th of Aug. we have Advice, that the Chevalier de St. George, after having tarry'd some Days at Lucca with the Princess his Spouse, went privately from
thence. Two Lords of great Distincti- on being come thither to confer with that Chevalier have been in Conference with Cardinal Gualtieri, who advis d them to take the same Route. Thursday Mr, Hallungius, Minister of the Duke of Saxe- Gotha ( thro whose House John Sample made his escape; sets out on his Return Home. . The Duke of Norfolk and his Family are going into Mourning for his Grace's Brother, the Abbot Howard, who died lately at Rome; where he had resided many Years. Letters from Ispahan by Yesterday's Mail say, That the Inhabitants have placed the Rebel Merivies in the royal Palace, that the English,
Dutch; Armenian and other Christians. were not molested, but that the turks had been roughly handled by him both in that city and Country. utI The two Persons condemn'd last Assizes at St. al- bans, and went by the Name of Luke Storey other Gascoign, were wrong ; for their right NAMES were John Brack and Joseph Brack, both Brothers More News than was expected occurring this week we are oblig'd to defer our Detection of the cheats of Astrologers to our next. Christned Males 173. Females 187. In all, 0 Buried Males 251. Females 240. In all ' Increased in the Burials this Week 60 ' CASUALTIES. ' Died of a Fright at St.
Andrew in Holborn 1 Drowned at St. Brides 1. Excessive Drinking 1. over- laid 1. Poisoned at St Brides 1. Threw herself out of a Window ( being Lunatick) at St. Giles without Cripplegate . rEAD'in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. e Advertisements are taken in ADVERTISEMENTS. At Penkethman's, and Bohems's GREAT BOOTH, In blue- Maid- Alley , ( during the Time of Southwark. Fair, will be presented a New Dramatick Enter- tainment, call'd ' i DISTRESS'D BEAUTY; Or, ' The LONDON- PRENTICE. The Part of the London- Prentice by Mr. Penkethman and his Comical Man Want Brains by Mr. Weathe- rel, jun. Achmet,
Mr. Oates. Haly, Mr. Parler. Selima, Mrs. Middleton. Zara, Mrs. Willis, AMURATH, Emperor of the Turks, by Mr. Boheme With several Entertainments of Dancing, both Serious and Comic by Mr. Newhouse, Mrs. Willis, Miss Francis, and Mr. Sandham's Son and Daughter, who never appear'd at any publick Place, but the Theatre. Singing by Mrs Willis ; particularly a Mimick SONG in Praise of a Country Life. N. B. There is a Passage through the Half- Moon Inn for the QUALITY.