The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 01/09/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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n British Gazetteer. Being tbe freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. SIR, since it is chiefly the com- mon People of the Church of England, who are ig- norant of the Principles upon which that Church was fourded ; and since many of them, who yet read such Papers as this, may not be able to pur- chase the Bishop of Here- ford's Answer TO the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation for which tbe Protestant Principles, whereon the Re- formation of this Church was founded, are fully justi- fied. and set in a clear Light.) I say, since it if likely that many such have never seen that excellent Book I think it will be in Act of
Charity to convey to them, some of the most material Parts of It in this Manner; and I hope it will have the desired Effect upon all such who dare act the MAN so far, as to vouchsafe it a se- rious and unprejudiced Perusal And if they will but be it the Trouble to examine the Bishop's Doctrines with tbe Scriptures they will soon get rid of that galling Yoke which the Jacobite Priests have laid upon them, and have made them their Slaves and Tools to to bring about their ambitious and cruel Designs a- gainst the Religions and Civil Right of Mankind. And that Man who once comes to see the Harmony, the Beauty and Loveliness of the
Protestant Religion, can never more be seduced to embrace such Principles as tend to destroy it, and ' tis owing wholly to the want of that Knowledge, that so many profess'd Protestants have turn'd Rebels to King GEORGE, and brought themselves to untimely Ends: therefore methinks the very Danger they run themselves into, in pursuing and executing the Schemes of the Jacobite Priests, should of itself be a sufficient Viriw to prevail with them, to examine whether the Principles they act upon, be strictly agreeable to that holy Religion they profess, or the common Notion they have of Justice and Ho- nesty, as it relates to their
keeping or breaking a so- lemn Oath. Having premised thus much, I shall make good my promise in my last Letter, by transcribing Part of the Bishop's particular Observations upen the whole Con. troversy between him and the Conmmittee, as follows Page 280. ' Having thus given a general Answer to the gene- ral Argument of the' Committee, I cannot perswade myself to leave so important a Matter thus but must add a few particular Observations, to lead the ' World the better to judge what is here advanc'd and claim'd on their Part as well as what is condemn'd on mine. And 1st, I cannot forbear to observe that the church of
Rome is the only Christian ChUrch that we know of which claims expressly the Autho- rity here. in effect. claim'd by the Committee, viz An Authority over the Conduct of Men, in Matters of Conscience and Religion That is, an Authority, UNDER which God has put the Conduct of Men in Matters of Conscience and Religion ; or. such an Authority as can by Right oblige Christians either to the Profession of whatever is determined by it; Or ( Price Three Half pence) to silence under the Burthen of such Determinations. 1 The Church of Rome I say, is the only Church which claims such an Authority consequently, the church of Rome
alone receives Benefit from this Claim of a Committee of Protestant Divines of the Church of England : And consequently, such Claims made by the Members of any other Church, opposite to the Church of Rome, are, in reality and in their Effect, highly injurious to the true interest of that Church, which cannot stand upon the same maxims; and the same Foundaton with its greatest Adversary. And cer- tainly therefore, it is an Argument of Affection and ' not of Enmity, to the Church of England, to resist and oppose all such Claims. ' '' 2dly, It is not only to be wonder'd at, but really ' to be lamented, that a Body of Christian Divines
should here represent the Kingdom of Christ in a mere State of Anarchy and Confusion If Christ himself be alone King in it, and esteem that State, a State of total dissorder in the Church, in which the first and solemn Directions of Christ himself are the Rules to all his Subjects. This is the End of all that I have taught to recall Men to his Words, and his instructi- ons, and his Authority ; if therefore Christ himself has left no Directions for his Subjects commanding them to regard the Authority of others of his Subjects above, and more than his own Directions as I am perswadad all will in Words allow that he has not, then he has done
the same towards the Reducing his own Kingdom to a State of Anarchy and Confusion which I have, and which therefore I would hope, can be no Crime. ' 3dly, But alas ! All this proceeds from our poor worldly Notions of Order, Decency Rule Subordinati- on, Superiority, and inferiority ; as disagreeable gene- rally to the Will and Design of God and of Christ, as the World it self is, from which they are all taken and when once the Fancy of Men has in- dulged iteslf upon this Head It is found tO be infinite without Bounds, and without End In some Places, for Instance, if all Christians do not say their Prayers at the same particular
Minute, whenever the Warning is given them, whatever their Employment or Disposition at that Time be If all do not fast abstain from Flesh at the same Time of the Year. and upon the same days of the Week ; if some Congregations of Christians com- memorate the Nativity or Resurrection of Christ, or the Martyrdom or good Actions of any Saint on a Day different from others, or if some Christians kneel when others stand, Or stand when others kneel, or are so weak as to scruple anything that others, of a stronger make, can swollow and digest without feeling; all this in all the infinite variety is call'd and judg'd as heinous and
an unpardonable Breach of the Order of CHrist's Church 4thly It is in a particular Manner worthy of the Consideration of Protestants that the Roman Ca- tholicks make very great Use of this Argument, viz. That the Protestants, by putting the Scripture into the Hands of the Laity, profess to make them the Judges of what they are to receive as Religion. with- out which Principle none could have gone off from the Romish Church : That this Reduces the Church of Christ to a state of Anarchy and Confusion and breaks through all that Order which is establish'd in it, and destroys all the Subordination of some Chri- stians 1 tj I J?
SATURDAY, SEPTEMber, 1, 1722.
stians to others in it. Now, I would gladly know of this learned Body, what Answer we can make to this, if it be true, that to destroy the Authority of any chri- stians over the Conduct of others in Matters of Conscience and Confusion. is to break the Order of Christ's King- dom and to reduce it to a State of Anarchy and Confu- sion It is certain, that we Protestants of the Church of England have thrown off this Authority of former Church Governors, and absolutely denied it nor on- ly in them, but in all. Therefore, it is certain, that we have either been guilty of the great Crime of re- ducing the Church of Christ to a meer State of
Confusion or else, that the Denial of such an authority implies in it no such thing as is here laid to Its Charge ; and brings in no Confusion, but what it agreeable to the Will of Christ; and what it more acceptable to him than all the outward imaginary 0rder kept up by an Authority, destructive to the very Vitals of all Reli- gion. This, all Protestants, do indeed affirm in their Answers to the Romanists: And I am still proud to see, that there cannot be one Step taken towards the censuring or condemning my Doctrine, which does nor fall heavy, not upon the Ornaments and Circum- stantials, but upon the very Foundation of the Church of
England This shall be continued in my next. : ' august 25, I am, SIR, 1722 Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD IV. King of ENGLAND. . , Edmund, Duke of Somerset, the Prior of St. John's With many Knights and Esquires, were taken forth of Sanctuary, and executed at Tewksbury. Queen Mar- garet in this fatal Day of Battle, took into a religious House, from Whence she was taken and committed to sure and strait keeping; in which Condition she re- mained till such time as she was ransomed by her Fa- ther, Duke Renate. May 20, King Edward entred London; and in few
Days after the Crook, back'd Duke, of Glocester stabb'd harmless King Henry to the Heart. Whose murthered Body was on the Ascension Eve laid in an open Coffin, and conveyed to St. Paul's in Lon- don, where it rested uncovered one Day, and began, to bleed afresh; thence it was carried to the Blackfry- ers- Church, where it did bleed as before, then was buried at Chertsey in Surrey ; but King Henry VII, translated it to his Chapel of Windsor. A. D. 1474, was an Interview at Piquigny in France„ of the two Kings of England and France, where fall- ing into complimental Conference, Lewis told King Edward that he would one
Day invite him to Paris, there to Court fair French Ladies, with whom if he committed any Sin, Lewis merrily told him that Car- dinal Bourbon, should be his. Confessor, and to be sure his Penance should be the easier; for that Bourbon used to kiss fair Ladies himself. This was no sooner spoken, howsoever meant, but Edward was as forward of Thanks and Acceptance; which King Lewis obferv. ing, rounded Philip Comines his Bosom- Servant in the Ear, telling him flatly, That be lik'd not Edward's Forwardness to Paris, there had been too many Eng- lish Princes at that City already. After King Edward's Return into England, as
he was hunting in Arrow. Park belonging to Thomas Burdet, Esq with the Death of much Game he slew a white Buck, which the Esquire much fansied ; whereupon he wished the Horns in that Person's Belly that moved the King to kill that Buck For which Words he was accused and condemned of Treason, his Words being wrested, that he wished the Horns in the King's Belly, and was be- headed at Tyburn. A. D, 1478, George, Duke of Clarence, by the Pro- curement of his Brother Richard, Duke of Glocester, was accursed of Treason, and comitted to the Tower. His Accusation was, That he ha'd caused divers of his Servants
to inform the People that Mr. Burdet was wrongfully put to Death That upon purpose to ex- alt himself and Heirs to the Regal Dignity, he had most falsly published that the King his Brother was a Bastard, and therefore not capable to wear the Crown for which, and the like Crimes charged upon him he was in Parliament attainted of Treason and found Guilty, and on the Eleventh of March 1478, after HE had offered his Mass penny in the Tower, was drowned in a But of Malmsey, whose Body was buried it Tewks- bury. But the King was afterwards much grieved that he had consented to his Death; and would say when any Suit
for the Life of a condemned Person, 0 un fortunate Brother, for whofe life no Man would make & UA. D. 1483. King Edward fell into a dangerous and deadly Sickness, when calling for his Lords into his Prefence, and raising his faint Body on the Pillows he exhorted and required them all; for the Love that they had ever born unto him; for the Love that out Lord beareth unto us all, that from that time forward all Griefs forgotten, each of them would love other Which, saith he, I verily trust you will, if you thing regard either God or your King, Affinity or Kin- dred, your own Country, or your own Safety. Short- ly after which Words he
departed this Life, April the 9th, and was buried at Windsor in the New Chappel whose Foundacicn himself had laid. ' Tis said of him, ' that he was just and merciful in Peace, sharp and fierce in War, and that never any King was more familiar With his Subjects than he. ^ To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of Edward Coleman , for High Treason. That there was another Letter inclos'd in it to Fa- ther le Chese. which was superscrib'd by the same hand, but subscrib'd by nobody: That this Letter was written in Latin ( the other was in English and Thanks was given le Chese, in the Name of the whole Society, for the ten
thousand Pounds which was sent them into England, and assur'd him, it should be em- ploy'd to the Intent for which it was paid 1 Now this was his Answer to a Letter sent by le Chese. which had this Instruction in it, viz. That the ten thousand Pounds should be employed to cut off the King of England : This Letter from le Chese he also saw and read, and as he remember d, it was dated in the Month of August. L. C. J. To whom this Letter from le Chese di- rected? Oates. To Strange, who was provincial to the So- ciety in London. L. C. J. How came Mr. Coleman to answer it ? Oates. Strange having hurt his Hand, Mr. Coleman
Wrote it by his Directions ; and I carried this An- swer to le Chese, and it was wrote in the same Hand the Letter • of News was, but was not subscrib'd: When I gave to Chese the Letter, he ask'd me, how a Gentleman did ( by a French Name) whom I under- stood to be Mr. Coleman ? This Letter acknowledged the Receipt of the Letter from, le Chese, assur'd him all Endeavours should be us'd to cut off the Pro- testant Religion Root and Branch : I saw the Letter at St. Omers. L. C. J. How came you to see it ? Oates. I had a Patent from them t0 be of the Con- sult; Att. Gea I desire he may give an Account of the Consult; and
how far Mr. Coleman was privy to the murdering of the King. Oates. In the Month of April, O S. there was a Consult of the jesuites, held at the White- Horse Ta- vern in the Strand, where having agreed to send Fa- ther Cary Procurator to Rome, themselves to seVeral Clubs in Companies; some met at Wildhouse, some at Harcourt's Lodgings in Duke street, some in Ireland's Lodgings in Russel street, and some in Fenwick's Lodg- jngs in Drury lane: And it was resolv'd, that Picker- ing and Groves should go on, with the Design of assas- sinating the King by shooting, & c„ for which Groves was to have fifteen hundred Pounds,
and Pickering ( being a Religious) thirty thousand Masses. This solve was communicated to Mr. Coleman at Wild- house in my Hearing ; and in several Letters Mr. Cole- man has mention'd it, and particularly in a Letter to Ireland, which I saw and read, he desir'd the Duke might be trapan'd into this Plot to murder the King. L C. J.
L. C. J. How do you know it was Mr. Coleman's Oates. Because I saw Mr. Coleman take Copies of the Instructions, and this Letter was the same Hand, and the same with the News Letter I have mention'd before. Mr. Just. Wild. Did you hear Mr. Coleman say he agreed to the Design of assassinating the King by Pick- ering and Groves ? Oates. I heard him say at Wildhouse he thought it Was well contriv'd. Att. Gen. Do you know of any Rebellion to be rais'd in Ireland? Oates. In the Month of August there was a Consult between the jesuits, and the Benedine Monks at the Savoy ; and a Letter wis produc'd, written by Talbot, the
Titular Archbishop of Dublin, giving an Account, that the Pope's Legate, the Bishop of Cassay, had as- serted the Pope's Right to the Kingdom of Ireland ; and that the Irish were ripe for Rebellion; and that four Jesuites had contriv'd to dispatch the Duke of Or- mond ; and that Dr. Fogarthy was present at the Con- sult, and it was agreed to send him to Ireland to poi- son the Duke, if the four Jesuites did not succeed : And Mr. Coleman came to this Consult in the Savoy, and was very forward to have Fogarthy sent over to dispatch the Duke. And another Letter mention'd, that 40000 black Balls were provided to be sent t0 Ire- land
by the Popish Commissioners, for the Use of the Catholicks there. Mr. Coleman was the main Agent at this Consult, and a Week before their Consult I heard him tell Fenwick, that he had found a way to transmit the two hundred thousand Pounds for the carrying 0n the Rebellion in Ireland : He said it at Fenwick's Chamber in Drury- lane. To be continu'd. Stairs in the Rubbish ; four of whom were dead Two Boys in a Door twenty Yards off, were much hurt by the Concussion ; many Windows were broken there, by ; and some adjacent Houses shock'd. It happily fell out that the Grocer, his Wife and Children were all walk'd out.
Letters from the Town of Ipswich in Nova Scotia, of the 22d of June last, give the following Account, viz. A Shallop of this Place with two Men in her, Viz. Lieutenant Jacob Titson, and his Brother Daniel Titson riding at Anchor near Damaris Cove, six Indi- ans came off in three Canoes, and having boarded the Vessel bound the Men Hand and Foot; then two Indi- ans went ashore, and the other rifled the Shallop ; one Of the Brothrs perceiving a Knife on the Cuddy, rolled himself to it, and having cut himself and his Brother loose, they encounter'd the four Indians, and threw them over board, and then sailed to their intend- ed Port
one of the two Brothers was dangeroufly ill of a Wound in his Back. Warrants are sign'd at the Treasury for the Exche- quer to pay five Years Interest due on Army Deben- tures. On Sunday Morning the Hon. George Carpenter, Son to the Ld. Capenter, was married to the only Daughter of Mr. Petty, an eminent Citizen, by the Ld. Bishop of Norwich. Eight loyal Addresses have been transmitted from Ireland to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Ld Lieu- tenant of that Kingdom, and have by him been pre- sented to His Majesty. On Saturday last the Rc Hon. Simon Ld. Viscount Harcourt was sworn of His Majesty's most Honoura- ble
Privy- Council, and took his Place at the Board ac- cordingly. His Majesty has been pleased to grant him a Pension of 4000 1. per Annum payable at the Exche- quer, and has given Orders for his being summoned to the Committee of Council in the some Manner as the late Ld. Sommers was, at the Beginning of His Majesty's Reign. Tuesday was Publish'd His Majesty's Proclama- tion, declaring, that the Parliament shall Sit to do Business on the 9th of October next. Mr. John Trotter is made one of the Warders of the Tower, in the room of Mr Richard Ballard, who being grown old, hath obtained Leave of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of
Carlisle to dispose of his Place. Monday Morning died a Pensioner of the Charter. House, who had been 53 Years in that Hospital. The Stewards of the Clergymens Sons Feast for the present Year, have engag'd the Rev. Dr. Pawlet St. John, Chaplain to her late Majesty Queen Anne, to Preach before them in December next Friday 7- Night last several of the King's Messengers were sent to the Bishop of Rochester's House at Brom- ley in Kent, which they searched very diligently, and brought away a great Number of Papers; John Mor- rice, Esq; the High Bailiff of Westminster and his Wife, Daughter to the Bishop, being in the
House. Last Friday 7 Night a Cabinet Council was held at Kensington, His Majesty and the Prince being present. The same Day there was a Commitre of Council at the Cockpit at Whitehall. And at the same Time Francis Atterbury, Lord Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of Westminster, was committed Prisoner to his Majesty's Tower of London for High- Treason His Lordship went in his own Coach, round by Holbourn, Lon- don Wall, & c. attended by a Messenger, and Colonel Williamson of the Guards. The Bishop of Rochester Was again examined by a Committee of Council at Whitehall on Saturday last and remanded to the
Tower. His Chaplain, a Valet de Chambre, and a Footman are allowed to attend him, but no Body else is permitted to see him. _ ' Tis said, that several Letters or his own Hand Writing tho signed by Fictitious Names, have been intercepted, by which the Government has made some important Discoveries. Monday a Detachment of 60 Men from the Camp in Hide Park, under Captain Kingsey and Captain Williams, march'd thro the City to reinforce the Gar- rison in the Tower. Monday a great Number of Papers from the Se- cretaries, and War Offices, had the Sign Manual from his Majesty at Kensington Robert SIR, Croydon.
Aug. 21, 1722. IN my last I gave you some Account of the Causes of the Disorders that are too common amongst us. I forbear to mention the Reasons from whom, or means whereby they had their Original: But instead of this would attempt to shew how they may be' reformed. One great Step towards this, may ( if they please) be effected by the Clergy: The eyes of the People are ordinarily much upon them ; and their Doctrines and Examples are ( at least in civil Affairs) very influen- tial of the Affections and Conventions of their Hear- ers ; and very sad will it be indeed, if these golden Opportunities are neglected or
misimproved. May they with a Zeal becoming their Duty, and the Trust reposed in them, inoculate the Duties of Piety toward God, and of Subjection and Loyalty to their Sovereign King GEORGE; may they encourge ( by their Preaching and Practice) those that are pious and peace- able, and use their Authority, in warning the unruly, the uneasie and disaffected among them I do not say that they should thunder out their Anathema's against them ; but acquaint them as God in alwise and gracious Pro- Vidence hath placed our present Sovereign on the Throne ; So no Power on Earth should dare to attempt to reverse what is
done in Heaven and that therefore they should be subject not only for Wrath, but for Con- science Sake, studying to be quiet and to mind their own Business. And if this be enforced by the sweet and powerful Motives of Conformity of Life and Con- versation to the same, we may rationally expect that the Hearts of many of their People, would be bowed ( as one Man,) s0 that hearty and unfeigned Loyalty which is their Duty, especially if Persons vested with civil Authority; exert the same to the carrying on the the same noble Design. of promoting the Honour, and preserving the Peace of his Majesty and his Kingdoms, which
would be for the Welfare and Satisfaction of loyal and well- deposed Christians; and to be one of that Number, is the earnest Desire, and highest Ambi. tion of MITHRIDATES. Wiggan, Aug 22. Last Night between Seven and Eight, a dismal Misfortune happen'd at this Place. A Grocer's Apprentice going for some Soap up Stairs with a Light in his Hand, unfortunately set Fire to three or four Barrels of Gunpowder ; he was blown into the Air, and six Persons overwhelm'd below
C 3 Robert D'Oily, Esq; Deputy- Governor of the Tower, is very ill. The Transfer Books for Bank Stock will be shut from Wednesday the 19th of September next, till Fri- day the 19th or October following Friday 7 Night one Thomas Oxford, vulgarly call'd the King of the Beggars, was committed to Newgate, being charged with a Robbery on the Highway near Highgate. Last Week Daniel Pulteney, Esq; one of the Lords of the Admiralty, set out for Paris with a Commission from this Court, relating; as we hear, to the Island of St Lucia in America, granted to his Grace the D. of Mountague, and claimed by the French. Friday 7 Night
dyed at his House in Greville. Street in Hatton- Garden, Dr. Tho. Manningham Bishop of Chichester, ( as was mention'd in our last) who was Consecrated the 13th of November 1709. being before Treasurer of that Church, Dean of Wind- for and REGISter of the most Noble- Order of the Gar- ter, and Rector of St. Andrew's Holborn, ( in which Church he was interr'd laft Thursday) and a Fel- low of Sion College. He had been Chaplain in Or- dinary to King William and Queen Mary, and to the late Queen, and was in her Reign chose a Member of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. He was one of those
Honest Bishops that signed he Declaration put out by their Lordships in 1715. against the then Unnatural Rebellion. Monday Morning the Lord Chief Baron Mounta- gue, and his Son set out from his Lordship's Seat at Great Ealing, for the Bath. We hear that a certain Lady whose Husband is now a close Prisoner. lately received a Present from Italy of a Bologna Lap Dog. which came with the more Difficulty to her Ladyship. because it was directed to her under the Fictious Name of Madam Jones. Capt. Kelly continues closely confin'd in the Tower, where he is like to continue for some time longer. At the last Assizes held at the
City of Lincoln, two Persons receiv'd Sentence of Death; The first was a Woman for murdering her Husband, by running him into the Eye with a Knife, which went out of the hinder part of his Scull ; for which she was burnt to Death a Stake : The other was one Armstrong, a mischievous Fellow, who cutting down a Bank in the Washes of Lincolnshire, which was rais'd for a Fence against any Inundations of the Sea, the Waves broke in at a high Tide, and most impetuously drown'd a great Trail of Land, and abundance of Cattle ; but above all, the Waters overthrew five Towns, and de- stroy'd a great many Men, Women, and
Children, before the merciless Fury of the Waves was asswag'd. Tuesday his Majesty, and the Prince, set out for Salisbury, 40 Setts of Horses being hired for their Retinue : The King treats himself at Portsmouth, General Maccartney having made an Offer of doing it, but his Majesty would not permit him. The following lnscription prepared for the Mausolaeum of the late Duke of Marlborough, in the Ancient Languages of Rome and Britain, claims a Place in our Paper. POSTERITATI Quis & quantus fuit D. Johannes Churchill Malburiae Dux & Sacri Rom. Imperii Princeps, Viator sic habeto. Fortitudinis, Clementiae, Concilii, Fidei
fama floruit Illustrissimorum Imperatorum in primis ponendus, Nemo ei in acie restitir, Nullam Urbem obsessam nisi victam dimisit, Semper seconda fortuna pugnavit. Patriam magno tyrannidis metu liberavit, Ex Germania curctaq ; Europa servitutem profligavit • Nisi Exauctoratus fuisset. * ' Ad portas Parisiorum de summa Imperii dimicasset Et Gallia Inimicitiae perveteris poenas Britannia: dedisset Decimo sexto die Junii 1722, Laboribus Confectus _ Diem obiit supremum Sibi Relinquens nobile nomen, Haeredibus rem amplam, Heroibus virtutis Exemplar Omnibus Desiderium sui. ,330 ) Thus englished. To Posterity, so brave
and excellent a Man as his Grace John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough and Prince of the holy Roman Empire, let every Passenger esteem. As he flourishes by the Fame of Fortitude Clemency, Council, and Fidelity, he. ought to be placed in the chiefest Admiration of the most illustri- ous Emperors. No Enemy could ever best him Battle; nor did see ever besiege any City without taking it ; he always fought with prosperous Success He deliver'd his Country from the great Fear of Ty'ranny and banisht Slavery out of Germany and all Europe and had he not been put out of Office, he had fought for universal Monarchy to the very
Gates of Paris and the ancient Hatred of France had never vexed Britain. Being wearied with his Labours, he dy'd on Friday the Sixteenth of June 1722, leaving to himself a noble Name ; an ample Fortune to his Heirs - the Example of Virtue to Heroes; and the Desire of him to all Mankind. Os Nerth os Cyngor Llwyddiant btr Os Dyall wir Filwriaeth Allussaeth gadw yn ymplith Ny welfaest byth farwolaeth. 1. e. If to be Loyal, Wise and Brave, And all that's Great and Good besid, Could but Insure Men from the Grave, Great Marlborouga had never dy'd. Posuit Britannus. The following is a Letter from an Officer late of the King
George, an East- India Ship, which was cast away near Madras; dated at Madras Feb, a, 1721 2, AFter a fatiguing and unhealthy Passage, we ar- rived safe at our consign'd Port, where we nar- rowly miss'd being cut off by the treacherous Inhabitants. Being disappointed, and not getting our Lading there, our Orders were to proceed to Madras, which we per- form'd by the 17th of May 1721, having buried 14 of our People We tarried there till the 13th of No. vember, our Ship fully laden, and our Captain having his Dispatches, and coming on Board to weigh An- chor for England, the Wind and Sea was so very great, prevented
his Endeavour, he being like to be Drown'd in the Boat; the Wind increasing to a vio- lent Storm, insomuch that between Nine and Ten at Night, on the 14th ditto, we were unfortunately cast away; but by the Providence of the Almighty, eight out of Fifty two got ashoar upon broken Pie- ces of the Wreck, but very much cut and bruised. Day light appearing, we found ourselves upon a small Island, which the Rapidness of the Water had sepa- rated from the Main, that we could no ways get off from ; we were there till the 17th ditto, hoping the Waters would abate ; on which Day the MOORS came down, stript us of what Cloaths we
had found on the Sea side, and carried us into the Country, imprisoned us : While in Prison, they murder'd our fourth Mate as he and I were asleep together, and by a Majority of Votes, let me live, being the only sur- viving Officer that belong'd to the Ship All Thoughts then being frustrated of ever getting clear of them, Length of Time offe'r'd a joyful Opportunity of con- veying a Letter to the Honourable Governour of Ma- dras, which, when he received, he issued out his Or- ders for a Party of Soldiers, & c. consisting of above three Hundred People, under the Command of Capt. Sutherland, to go to our Relief, which they effectu ally executed, burnt their Town, and kill'd unknown Numbers of their People ; and after three Days March, we got safe to Madras, where I was kindly received. . The Convocations of Canterbury and York, which stood Prorogued to the 31st of this Instant August are further Prorogued to the 12th of October next. On Sunday last died Colonel Markham, an Half Pay Officer. . ,, The Bisbop of London is much indispofed by short- ness of Breath. The Admiralty received on Saturday an Express from Capt, Ogle, with the Particulars of the taking
Ic kensington, Aug. 27, 1722 Send you the following Verses, which you may have in your Paper, so as to meet and divert the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Retinue in the Coun- Ad Regem Australes Britanniae suae Partes & Copias in aesti- vis autumno visentem. Sol redit, Antaci frendent renovataque Tellus Rursus nostra ridet, regius hospes adest. sic mare non refluum, jam Gallica regna reliqui, Et Dominum expectans. littora nostra premit. Bellica Gens hilares lustrantem cernito Regem ; Praemia dat mentis largus utraque manu. Hoc duce sprevessent fera Casaris Arma Britanni, Pulsa vigore foret Roma velusta su0. Conjugis
in gremio Divos tu nomine Princeps Ergo cola, Romae, Segnis sed Arma licet. The meaning in English is, Soon as the Royal Traveller sets out, the Sun re- turns before his Time to attend him, and our Oppo- sites in the Southern Latitude are displeased, but Eng. land begins again to look verdant, and feels a second Spring by Phoebus's Warmth. Just so the Sea forgets to ebb and flow, the Gallic Strand is deserted by Nep- tune, whose Waters ran high upon the British Shore to welcome their great Master. The Gentlemen of Honour that are brought up to Arms have Reason to rejoice at the good Fortune they have to pass in
Re- view before a Prince, who is equally a good judge, and a generous Rewarder of Merit, had the old Britons even led on in Caesar's Time by such a Hero, then Al- bion had despised his Efforts, and old Rome herself been baffled by the Courage and Resolution of so war- like a Leader: Seeing then it is so, Perkin Warbeck may even set down content, and be happy enough, if he pleases, in praying to his wooden Gods, and killing his Doxy, the two only Things that either modern Rome, or he were ever good for. _ On Monday Night a Child about four Years old, was found stript of his Cloaths at the Dead Wall be. hind Grays.
Inn He told the People, that his Friends liv'd in Soho ; that a Woman stript him, who gave him a Piece of Cake. A Barber's Apprentice in Bed- ford- Row took the Child to Bed with him that Night, who died before the Morning, the Body being much swell'd. Mr Brown, 4 Nonjuring Clergyman, is taken into Custody of a Messenger, as are also several others. This Week the Chambers of a Roman- Catholick Barrister at Law in Grays Inn, were searched for Papers, himself being absent in the Country. Humphrey Parsons, Esq; one of the Aldermen and Sheriffs of this City for the Year ensuing, is, with his Lady, set out for France, to
see the Ceremony of the French King's Coronation. We hear, that soon after the Coronation of the French King, the Duke of Queensbury will be sent to France, in the Quality of Ambassador Extraordi- nary, to compliment the young Monarch thereupon. On Wednesday the yth of September next, the Westminster Troop of Horse- Militia will Parade well mounted on Horseback, with all their Accoutrements, in Lincolns Inn Fields. Last Monday the Kingston Man of War, having on Board the Duke of Portland, sailed from Portsmouth, for his Grace's Government of Jamaica accompanied by the Elizabeth, and a Dutch Man of War. Mr.
Manning, His Majesty's Envoy in Swisserland, is shortly expected here from thence by the Way of France. Wednesday there was Advice, that five Regiments from Ireland were arrived near Bristol. They write from Andover, that the Forces encamp'd near that Town, among them Col. Pocock's Regiment from Bristol, were march'd to join the Camp on Salis- bury Plain, where his Majesty was expected as Ye- sterday. On the 5th of September the Commissioners sit at their Office in Crutched- Fryers, to receive Proposals from such Persons as are willing to contract to make out the three Pirate Ships formerly mention'd, on the
Coast of Africa, commanded by Captain Roberts, and when the said Express came away, they were trying the said Pirates at Cape Coast some of the Particulars were, that Roberts's Ship, and the next largest, fought for some Time Very desperately, in which Roberts lost his Leg ; but as to the third Ship, all the Men had deserted ; the whole Prize taken, a. mounted to but 3000 1. in Gold. Several Ships had been taken by the said Pirates, who had left Pledges for their Ransom. On Monday Morning Capt. Napper went to Graves- end, in order to set Sail for Gibraltar, to take Pos- session of his Places there, of Deputy Paymaster,
De- puty- Storekeeper, & c. We are inform'd from Lancaster, that the Cause betwixt the King and the Bishop of Chester, about the Wardenship of Manchester, and the Archbishop's Right of granting the same Degrees as the University do, was try'd at the Assize there, and a general Ver- dict found for the King; but the Judge having al. low'd a Bill of Exceptions, that Matter still remains to be determined in Westminfter- Hall. The Bishop, before the Tryal, mov'd for a Jury to be struck by the Prothonotary because the High Sheriff was an Half. Pay Officer, and the Under- sheriff was Sollicitor in the Cause for the King ; but this Motion
was not granted. Letters from Battel inform us, that Lieut. Burnet and Lieut. Jekyll were sent with Detachments from the Camps on the Coast of Sussex, to suppress a new Gang of Smugglers in Arms, headed by Norwood, Humphreys, and Biggs ; they were so closely pursued, that the Soldiers found a good Supper prepar'd for the Rioters, who were just gone off, by Information from some of the Gang ; so they only took a few Horses, and Brandy. The Reverend Mr. Pigot, Vicar of Rachdale in Lan- cashire, departed to a better World a few Weeks ago, aged almost an Hundred Years ; and yet of that Vi- gour, that he was able to
perform all the Parts of his Function, and preach'd every Sunday, till within a few of his Death. We hear, that Col. Churchill is made Governor of Plymouth, in the room of Charles Trelawney, Esq who has resigned. And Major General Evans suc- ceeds Colonel Churchill as Governor of Chelsea Hospi- tal. Tuesday last several Gamesters were taken up by the City Constables in Bartholomew Fair, some of whom were bound over to Sessions, and others committed to Prison by Sir Francis Forbes. His Majesty has been pleased to send a Conge d'Es- lire to the Chapter of Chichester for electing Dr. Bowers one of his Majesty's
Chaplains, Bishop of that See. The first Day of this Month was so remarkably Fair after a Glut of at least 30 Days wet Weather, that were it only in respect to that glorious Anniversary, we could not refuse to insert the following Epigram sent us on that Occasion. Inprimum Augusti Diem triginta pluviosos serenum." Mense pluit toto ! Sed Phaebus mersa refovit Augusti primo prata calore die. Aeolus & Phoebus & Mars tibi Magni Georgi Se servire favent, flamine, luce, tuba, lnvide quid frendes ? Domine tu disce parere Nam frustra renues, Numina Magna vetant In English thus After a whole Month's Rain the Sun began afresh on
the 1st of August to invigorate the Earth with his ge- nial Warmth. ' Tis plain, that whoever they be that preside over the Winds, the Seasons, and the Events of War, do all take pleasure in attending our Great King : - Why then envious Rebel, dost thou still continue to frown and look displeased ? Thou hadst better by far learn to obey thy Sovereign. ' Tis in vain to rebel, for the Gods are against thee. N. B Let the Critic be sure that he is well acquaint- with the best Authors before he presume tO censure the Phrase. Aeolus & c. se favent servire
out of His Majesty's Hemp Ground a Quantity of Tow and Hemp Girth Lines, and Twine of all sorts, as shall be directed at the King's Yard at Woolwich. _ General Maccartney, Governor of Portsmouth, is gone down thither, to give the necessary Orders relating to his Majesty's Reception in that Garrison. Sir John Norris, Kt. Admiral of the Blue, and Sir Charles Wager, Kt Vice- Admiral of the Red, are like- wise gone down to Portsmouth to attend his Majesty upon his Arrival, and to give proper Orders on that Occasion to the Men of War lying at Spithead. _ The Lancaster Man of War, an 80 Gun Ship, is to be launch'd there on
Friday next, when ' tis belived his Majesty will be present. They write from Norwich the 27th of Aug. that they were then in great Hurry and Confusion in that City, on Account of the Choice of a Sheriff that was to come on next Day. That several Counties had been ransack'd for absent Freemen: That above 50 were expected there from London in one Company, to give their Votes on that Occasion : That 30 or 40 had that Day been sent to Goal by one Party, and presently bail'd out by the other, not for Debt, but, as ' tis said. for illegal Notes that they were trick'd into, & c. and that the contending Parties were enraged against one
ano- ther to such a Degree, that the Consequence of it was Very much dreaded. John Adaire was on Wednesday committed to the Gatehouse, Westminster, by Nathaniel Blackerby, Esq; on the Oaths of Cleophas Wood and Alexander Rosss, ( his two Sureties) for running away and not ap- pearing at the Quarter Sessions in January last, for which they were bound by Recognizance, he being then to receive and abide the Judgment of the Court, upon a Verdict against him as a common Gamester. Bankrupts since our last. Thomas Cork, of the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex Chapman. James
Francis, of the Parish of St. Mary White. chappel, in the County of Middlesex, Chapman. The Treasury is adjourn'd to the 3d of September ; their Lordships have order'd a considerable Sum of Money to be issued for finishing the fifty new Churches; Last Thursday Morning a Detachment of the Horse Guards and Grenadiers from the Camp in Hyde Park, cross'd the Thames at Putney and went for Portsmouth, to attend his Majesty in his Return home. Among a very great Concourse of People that met his Majesty in Windsor Forest on his Progress to the West, the Charity Children of the School of the late Earl of Ranelaugh's
Foundation, near Cranborn Lodge in the said Forest, with their Master at the Head of them, made their Appearance, to the Number of 40 Boys and Girls, all cloath'd in Green ; and as his Ma- jesty pass'd by Sandipt Gate, they made him a low Obeysance, and with one Voice cry'd our, God save the King ; which Testimony of their Duty his Majesty receiv'd very graciously. More News than ordinary occurring this Week, we must defer our Detection of the Cheats of Astrologers to our next. Christned Males 167. Females 178. In all 345. Buried Males 119. Females 212, In all 431 Increas'd in the Burials this Week 18. CASUALTIES.
Found Dead in the Street at St. Giles's in the Fields I. Kill'd by the overturning a Coach on Tower- Hill ( buried at St. Mary at Whitechappel) r. South- Sea Stock 89 3 8ths, 89 5 8ths, to 89 3 8ths. Bank 116 3 qrs. to 117. India 137. African 12 1 half, Unsubscrib'd Lottery Annuity 102. York Buildings 16 16 1 8th, is 1 half, to 1; y 8ths. Royal Exchange Assurance 5 1 q-. London Assurance to 5 3 qrs to 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. On Monday next will be Published BELSIZE- HOUSE . A Satyr Exposing, I. The Fops and Beaux who daily frequent that Academy. 2. The Characters of the Women whether Maid, Wife, or Widow; who make
this an Exchange for Assignation. 3. The Buffoonry of the Welsh Ambassador. 4. The Humours of his Customers in the several Apartments. With the Rakes Song on the Falshood of Woman : The Libertine's Song Ano- ther by a Rejected Virgin : And the Belize Ballad. Facit Indignatio versum. Juv. Sat. 1. Printed for T. Warner at the Black. Boy in pater no ster- Row. Price 3d. " This Day is publish'd, ( neatly Printed, Dedicated to the Col- lege of Physicians, and Company of Surgeons, and recom mended by many of them.) The most sure experimented Me- thod of curing the VENEREAL DISTEMPER, in all its va- rious
Appearances and Consequences. With the proper Re- medies for every Occasion thereof. Prescrib'd ; as the same are approved, and at this Day practic'd, by all the eminent Phy- sicians and Surgeons in Europe. Preliminary to which the Nature, Kinds, and Seat of the Disease, are unfolded; and the Parts of Generation, in both Sexes, liable to the Venereal In- juries, describ'd. The Whole being an Epitome of every Thing that has been materially and authentickiy wrote by all Authors, of our own and other Nations, upon this Subject. compil'd for the Use of Country Practitioners, and all young Physicians and Surgeons, as likewise
for Patients, to know whether they are or have been rightly manag'd in those Cures. By a regular Surgeon, who at Home and Abroad, has made' this Branch of the Profession his chief Practice for above to Years. The Second Edition, with many useful Additions, and valuable Prescriptions, among which are the Generative Drops prepar'd for King Charles, and King James the 2d. and the late Dr. Wall's fam'd Electuary and injection; as also that most noble and noted Medicine of the Author, to restore the whole Body and Parts weaken'd and abus'd by the Disease, or over Purging, & c. call'd Antipharmacum, or Nature's Universal
Cleanser and Strengthner, never till now made Publick; for the Receipt of which be was offer'd 15oo Pistoles, by a Physi- cian in France. London, Printed for, and Sold by Thomas Crouch, Bookseller, at the Bell, in Pater- Noster- Row, near Cheapside, Price Bound 2 s. 6 d. N. B. A Thousand of the First Edition of this Book, without the above Receipts, or other Additions, were Sold off a few years since, in less than Six Weeks time, and had then been Printed, again, but that some Affairs, call'd the Author Abroad. This Day is Publish'd. 1. Certain Trinitarians excus'd, for Deser- ting the Ministry of their Pastor in some Antiquaries,
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