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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 25/08/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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Being the freshest advices Foreign and Domestick. Saturday, AUGUST 25, 1722 THERE is no Man of Observation can be igno- rant that the present dis- affection of those who call themselves Protest- ants, is owing to the In- dustry of the Priests and Jesuits who came over at the Close of the last Reign, at which Time they were not only con- nived at, but secretly en- encouraged by that Mini- stry, to instill such Principles into the Minds of the common People, as disposed them to embrace the No- tion of the Pretender's Hereditary Right to the Crown; and to esteem that wretched Principle as superiour to all Regard for the Protestant Religion, or the most so- lemn Engagement of Oaths. Now ' tis impossible that any Man of common Sense could be brought to believe that a Roman Catholick can have any Right to govern a Protestant Nation, or that the solemn Oaths they have taken to defend the Right of King GEORGE against such a one, is not binding: I say, ' tis impossible that many Men, who profess themselves Members of the Church of England, could believe such Wicked Absurdires; if they did but know what those Principles are, upon which that Pro- testant Church is founded: And therefore as all the Evils which flow from the Principles of the Jacobite Priests, do spring from that Fountain of Ignorance, in which they immerse their Disciples; so I think the best Way to cure them of their Ignorance, is to set before them the true Principles of the Protestant Re- ligion as it stands in Opposition to the Idolations Church of Rome : And when that is once well under, stood by its Professors, it cannot fail of making them good Subjects and good Christians; for without the latter, the former is of little worth. And I think there are no Arguments can contribute so much to that purpose, as those which the Bishop of Hereford made made Use of in Answer to the Represen- tation of a Committe of rhe Lower House of Convo- cation; in which Answer he has set the Principles of the Protestant Church of England in so clear and strong a Light that every Man WHO reads it, must see and be convinced, that they are agreeable to the revealed Will of God, unless he be prejudiced by the monstrous Vices or Envy, Hatred and Malice. And therefore I would recommend the serious Perusal of that whole work to all professed Protestants, because I shall tran- scribe no more of it ( in this and some following Let- ters) than those Pages which contain some of the Bi- shop's general Answers to the Committees Arguments, and his excellent Observations thereupon. His first general Answer is as follows, in pag. 278. ' The World has now seen from my Defence, un- der the first Head of the Charge against me, that I have denied to the Church no Governors, but what are in Effect absolute Governors over the Consciences and ' Religion of Christ's People: That I have denied no Censures but such as pretend to be decisive and to af- fect the Condition of Christians, with Respect to the ( Price three Half pence) Favour of God and eternal Salvaion, not the Right of judging an open notorious Sinner to be unworthy of the solemn Tokens of Church Communion, but the Right of judging, censuring and punishing the Ser- vants of another Master in quite another Sense: That I have denied no Authority but that to which hu- mane Governors would have Christians Absolutely and indispensably bound to submit their Conduct ; none but that which is declared to oblige them, either to Profession, or to Silence AGAINST their own Consciences; that is, no Authority but what is per- fectly inconsistent with the supreme Authority of Christ himself in his own Kingdom ; no Authority but what this Reformed Church of England has it self thrown OfF and upon the Opposition t0 which it is intirely founded. ' The World hAS seen from my Defence, under the second Head of the Charge against me, that I have excluded the Temporal Powers from any Right to incourage true Religion, or discourage the contrary in that Sense only, in which it would be injurious to true Religion to grant it, and wholly Foreign to, and inconsistent with the Office of the Civil Magistrate as such. ' It has now appeared, that I have excluded Christ from Direction in his Kingdom, in those Particulars only, in which it has pleased him to exclude him. self; and in that Sense, in which these worthy Persons, together with all Protestants, constantiy themselves exclude him. ' I leave it therefore to the World to judge, whe- ther, I have by my Doctrine reduc'd the Church and King- dom of Christ to a mecr State of Anarch and Confusion, in any Sense but that, in which all Christians, and all Members of this Church, and all who have re- form'd from the Usurpations of Popery, if they will be consistent with themselves must do it: All Christi- ans, if they will continue firm to their Profession, and be the Disciples of Christ and not of Men ; and all Protestants of this Church particularly, if they will not deny the Right their Predecessors had to de- part from former Governors, and to disregard the Cen- sures and ' thunders of those who were set over them ; or if they will not disown the Right of this Church to be what it now is : And, in what I have taught, particularly about Church Authority, whether I have done any more towards Reducing the Church of Christ to a meer State of Anarchy and Confusion, than the Doctrine of Christ himself has done : any more than the first Principles of this Reform'd Church of England have, any more than all, who have writ against Popery, with any Degree of Reputation and Success. have constantly done : And therefore as I have now a greater Pleasure, in the serious Review of what I have preach'd, after so severe an Examination of it, than I had in the Preaching of it : So I am content to bear all the Reproach it can entitle me to, and to suffer under those Censures, which must at the end af- fect even the great Author and Finisher of our Faith himself and all who have, in the seVeral Ages of the Church; asserted His Supemacy ; and all who, in these latter Ages particularly, either first founded, or have since defended the Church of England by gloriously opposing themselves to the Tyranny and Usurpations of a Church. which claim'd this very Au- thority OVER the Conduct of Men in Matters of con and Religion, which I have I thank God sincerely My next Letter shall give you the Bishop's particu- lar Observations upon the whole Controversy, be- tween him and the Committee. I am, SIR, Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood. August 2o 1722. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD IV. King of ENGLAND. The Lord Montacute, having mustered 6000 Men in the Name of King Edward, and brought them For. ward almost to Nottingham, drew them back again, alledging King Edward's ungratefulness to his Friends. Every one cryed now, a King Henry ; a Warwick, a Warwick; and indeed all so applauded the Passage now on foot, that King Edward was forced to fly be. yond the Seas. His Queen Elizabeth stole out of the Tower, and took Sanctuary in Westminster, where she was delivered of a Son, which without all Pomp was there also baptized by the Name of Edward. Other sanctuaries were also full of Edward's Friends j and now the Kentish Men took the Opportunity to rob, spoil, and do much harm about London, and some in London it self; and more would have done, had not the Earl of Warwick come in to their Rescue which increased his Name that was great enough be. fore. On 0ctober 6. the said Earl entred the Tower, wherein King Henry had been detained Prisoner al- most the space of Nine Years, whom he released, and restored to him the Title of King, and forthwith con. veyed him thro' London to the Bishop's Palace, where a pompuous Court was kept till the 13th of the same Month, on which Day Henry went Crowned to St. Paul's, the Earl of Warwick bearing his Train, and Earl of Oxford the Swoid, the People Crying, God save King Henry November 26. following, a certain Par- liament was begun at Westminfter, wherein King Ed- was declared a Traytor to his Country, an Usurper of the Crown, and had all his Goods confiscated ; the like Judgment passed against his Adherents, John Tiprose, Earl of Worcester, was beheaded. All the Statutes made by King Edward were revoked. The Crowns of England and France were entailed to King Henry, and his Heirs Male, and for want of such, unto George Duke of Clarence ; and the Earl of War- wick was made Governor of the Land in those turbu- lent Times. But King Edward having received some Aids from the Duke of Burgundy, and the Promises of more in England, landed at Ravenspur in Yorkshire. At his first Arrival, he seemed to lay aside his Claim to the Crown, pretending only to his Rights, as a pri- vate Person ; howbeit, when he had possessed himself of York, and got his Friends about him, he then marched in a hostile Manner till he came near to the City of Warwick, where his Brother Clarence brought in to his Assistance 4000 Men. And Clarence reconci. led to King Edward, sought to draw in Warwick; which end he sent Messengers to him to the Town of Warwick, where he then lay ; but Warwick had the Messengers go tell the Duke from him, That he had rather be an Earl, and always like himself, than a perjured Duke ; and that e'er his Oath should be falsified. as the Duke's apparently was, he would lay down his Life at his Enemies Foot, which he doubted not would be bought very dear. This stout Resolution made Edward more wary, therefore he hastens forward to obtain London, whi- ther when he was come, the Citizens set open their Gates to him. And now peaceable Henry becomes Prisoner again to King Edward ; who hearing of War- wick's advance towards London, draws forth his For. ces to meet him ; and upon him Gladmore, near Bar- net, on Easter- Day in the Morning, the King's and Earl's Hosts joined Battle, the best of the Day for a while being Warwick's; but at length, through the fogginess ond darkness of the Air, the Starsembroider- ed on the Earl of Oxford's Mens Coats, who were in the left Wing of the Battle, were mistaken for the Sun which King Edward's Men wore; in which Er- ror Warwick's Battallion let's fly at their own Fellows" that were in great forwardness of gaining the Victory and they not knowing the Cause of the Error, judged themselves betrayed ; whereupon the Earl of Oxford with 800 Men, quitted the Field : Which great War- wick perceiving, he couragiously animated his Men and furiously rushed into the midst of his Enemies Battle, so far, that he could not be rescued; where valiantly fighting, he was slain. Marquis Montacute making forward to relieve him, was also slain, where by ended that bloody Day's Task. On King Edward's Part died the Lord Cromwel, Lord Bourchier, Lord Barnes, Sir John Lisle. On the other Part, the Earl of Warwick, and his Brother, John Nevil, Marquist Montacute. On both sides ten Thousand, most of which were buried upon the same Plain, where after wards a Chappel was built. In this same Year and within few Weeks after this, was a Battle fought at Tewksbuty, betwixt King Edward and the Martial Queen Margaret, the Defeat happening to the Queen on whose side Were slain John Lord Somerset, John Courtney Earl of Devonshire, Sir John Delves, Sir Edward Hampden, Sir Robert Wittinghim, and Sir John Lewkner, with three Hundred others. Amongst them them that fled, Prince Edward, King Henry's Son was one j him Sir Richard Crofts apprehended, and presented him to the King ; whom the King a while beheld with austere Countenance, at last de- manded of him, how he durst with Banner displayed, so presumptuously disturb his Realm ? To which the Prince answered, that what he did was to recover his Father's Kingdoms and his most rightful Inheritance. How darest thou then, added the Prince, which art his Subject, display thy Colours against him thy Liege Lord ? Which answer so moved King Edward, that he dashed the Prince on the Mouth with his Gantlet, and Richard Duke of Glocester, with some of the King's Servants most shamefully murdered him at the King's Feet. His Body was buried in the Monastery of the Blackfryers at Tewksbury. To be continu'd. The Tryal of Edward Coleman, Gent. for High- Trea- son, at the King's- Bench- Bar, on Wednesday the 17th of November, 30 Car. II. 1671. Mr Coleman having been arraign'd and pleaded Not Guilty the Saturday before, he was this Day brought to the King's Bench Bar again ; and the Jurors being call'd, Mr. Coleman made no Challenges; whereupon the following Jury was sworn, and charg'd with him, viz. Sir Reginald Foster, Bar. Sir Charles Lee, Edward Wilford, John Bathurst, Joshua Galliard, John Bifield, Esqrs. Simon Middleton, Henry Johnson, Charles Umfrevile, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Eaglesfield, william Bohee, Esqrs. The Indictment set forth, ' That the said Edward Coleman, as a false Traitor to his Majesty, not ha- ving the Fear of God before his Eyes, or weighing the Duty of his Allegiance, but contriving to disturb the Peace of the Kingdom, and destroy the true Re- ligion by Law establish'd, and to stir up Sedition and Rebellion, and bring the King to his Death, did on the ninth Day of September, in the 27th Year of the King, at the Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, maliciously and traiterous- ly Compass, Imagine, and Intend to raise Rebellion, and to depose and put the King to Death, & c. And to effect his said Treasons, did at the Day and Place aforesaid. traiterously contrive and write two Letters to Munsieur le Chese, then Servant and Confessor to the French King, to procure ( for himself and other false Traitors; of the said French King Aid and Assistance against his said Sovereign, in order to alter the true Religion establish'd in this Kingdom to the Romish Superstition, and subvert the Govern- ment of this Kingdom ; And that afterwards at the same Day and Place he did compose and write two other Letters to the said Monsieur le Chese to the same EfFect.- And the Indictment further sets forth, that afterwards the same Day he caus'd the said Let. ters to be sent beyond Sea to the said Monsieur le Chese : And that the said Edward Coleman wards viz. the first Day of December, in the said • 27th Year of the King, in the Parish of St. Margaret aforesaid, did receive a Letter from the said Monsieur le Chese, in Answer to one of the aforesaid Letters; and in the said Answer Aid and Assistance was pro. mis'd from the French King ; and that the said Ed- ward Coleman did traiterously read over, peruse and conceal the said Answer: And that the said Edward Coleman afterwards, viz. the 10th Day of Decem- ber, in the said 27th Year of the King, at the Parish of St. Margaret aforesaid, did reveal his said Trea- son to Monsieur Revigni, then Envoy from the said French King to his Majesty, and residing in the said Parish of St. Margaret aforesaid, and did traiterous- ly move and excite the said Envoy to partake in his said Treasons: And that he did afterwards, viz. the said tenth Day of December, write and send three other Letters to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, then re- siding in France, to solicit the said Monsieur le Chese to procure Aid and Assistance of the French King, as aforesaid. All which is laid to be against the King's Peace, his Crown and Dignity, & c. Mr. Recorder opened the Indictment. Mr. Serj. Maynard open'd the general Parts of the Evidence, and afterwards Mr. Attorney ( Sir William Jones,) opened the Evidence more particularly. After which Mr. Coleman said, it was hard he might not be allow'd Council, when Crimes were charg'd a. gainst him with such Skill and Advantage by great Men, and himself ignorant in these Matters; and hop'd his Lordship would be of Council for him, and not suffer him to be lost through his Ignorance in such Proceedings. He said, he observ'd the Premisses were strong and artificial, but he must deny the Conclusion; for he could safely and honestly say, he was not a Traitor. The Chief Justice answer'd, he was a better States- man than a Logician ; for they never deny the Con clusion: That he needed no Council, because the La- bour lay on the other side, who were to make out and prove their Charge; and that the Proof must be plain upon him, and then it would be in vain to deny the Conclusion. Mr. Coleman said, another Thing that seem'd most dreadful was, the violent Prejudices against every Man in England, who was a Roman Catholick; insomuch, that if one of that Persuasion, who was never so in- nocent, should appear at that Bar, Prejudice would so blass human Nature, that unless his Lordship lean'd ex- tremely on the Other side, Justice would hardly stand upright. After some other interlocutory Passages between the Court and the Prisoner, Mr. Attorney desir'd to pro. ceed, and call his Witnesses, and Mr. Oates was sworn. He depos'd, that Mr. Coleman entertain'd one John Keins in his House, who was Confessor to the Deponent and others ; That the Deponent went to Mr Cole- man's to visit Keins; and Keins telling Mr. Coleman, that the Deponent was going to St. Omers, Mr. Cole- man said he would send a Letter by him, and he would leave it for him with Mr. Fenwick ( the Procurator of the Jesuites in London :) That accordingly the Depo- nent had a Letter at Mr. Fenwick's, and carried it to St. Omers, and was at the opening of it, and read it : That it was a Letter of News, and call'd Mr. Cole- man's Letter by the Fathers, but not subscrib'd by him : That Mr. Coleman desir'd the Fathers in the Letter to recommend him to his Kinsman Playford, and in the same Letter he call'd the King Tyrant, and said, that the Marriage between the Prince of Orange and the Lady Mary, the Duke of York's eldest Daughter, Would prove the Traitor and Tyrant's Ruine. To be continu'd. Some Days ago a Woman near Bagshot- Town in Surry, having two Nurse Children, going out a little Way upon some Occasion, an Adder in her Absence got into the Cradle where one of the Children, about four Months old, lay, and suckt out its Blood. The Nurse returning soon after, found the Child dead, and the Adder near it, which being cut to Pieces, voided near a Quart of Blood. Last Week the Lady Theodosie Bligth, Daughter of the Earl of Clarendon, was buried in the Abbey from the Jerusalem Chamber. C ) On Monday his Majesty designs to go to see the Camp on Salisbury Plain; on Wednesday he lies at the Duke of Bolton's ; on Thursday at Wilton, a Seat of the Earl of Pembroke's; and the next Night at the Bishop of Salisbury's ; the Prince, the Ld, Townshend, Mr. Walpole, & c. go along with his Ma- jesty. Mr. Vice- Chamberlain Coke goes away this Morning to make the necessary Preparations for His Majesty's Reception. About seventy Tide- Waiters are discharged for Neglect of Ducy ; and that several more of ' em will soon meet with the same Fate, besides some Land- Waiters, all for the same Offence Last Sunday the Rev. Mr. Oliver, some time Sub- Al- moner to her Majesty Queen Anne, was inducted into his Prebendary of St. Paul's with the usual Ceremo- nies the King's Messengers have Orders to fit up strong Rooms in their Houses for the better Security of such Prisoners as shall be committed to their Custody. On Saturday Morning at Three a- Clock died, at his House in Albemarle- Street, Capt. Very, Commander of a Troop in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Horse, now incamp'd at Hounslow. Last Wednesday his Corpse was carry'd from his late Dwelling House in Albemarle- street, to be interr'd at Hempstead in Hertfordshire. His Excellency Count Staremberg, the Emperor's Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary, has had a Private Audience of the Young Princesses at Ken. sington. M. Van Borselle, Envoy Extraordinary from the States General, has had private Audiences of Leave of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, in their several Apartments at Richmond. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint the Right Honourable William Earl of Essex to be Lord Lieu- tenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Hert- ford, in the room of the Rt. Hon. Earl Cowper. And also to appoint the Rev. Dr. Theophilus Bol- ton to be Ld. Bishop of Cloofert, in the Kingdom of Ireland, in the room of Dr. William Fitz Gerald, de- ceased. We hear that the Marchioness de Governer lately deceas'd, hath left 15001, to the French Hospital near Hoxton. The Dutchess Dowager of Marlborough hath settled Annuities on 5 favorite Servants, who were unpro. vided for by the late Duke her Husband. Last Tuesday Sir William Thompson's Lady is to be interr'd at Hampstead. One Crane, a Fencing. Master, is committed to Newgate for insulting two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, when he was under their Examination for misusing his Wife and Children. Monday His Majesty, accompany'd by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and attended by se- veral Noblemen and Persons of Distinction, review'd the four Troops of Horse- Guards, and the two Troops of Horse Grenadiers in Hide Park, who made so fine an Appearance, that we hear his Majesty was very well pleas'd therewith. When the Review was over, and His Majesty re. turn'd to Kensington, his Excellency Count Starem- berg the Imperial Ambassador, the Lord Townshend, Lord Cartaret, and other Persons of Quality, were sumptuously entertained at Dinner by the Earl Cado- gan, at his House in Piccadilly. Friday 7- Night the Right Honourable the Earl Ca- dogan, Master of the Ordnance, and several other Officers belonging thereunto, went down to Wool, wich, to make a Proof of the Great Guns and Mor- tars lately cast there. Capt. Soleguard is embark'd on Board the Beaver, Capt. Smith, now in the Downs, bound for New. York, in order to take the Command of the Grey- hound Man of War, in the room of Capt. Walrond, who was lately murther'd by the Spaniards, as for- merly mentioned. There is Advice from Barbadoes, that a Merchant Ship bound from thence to New- England, was attack- ed and the 3d of June last, by a Pyrate Sloop of four Guns and 40 Men, who after having taken out 14 Hogsheads of Rum, six Barrels of Sugar, a Box of English Goods, several Casks of Loaf- Sugar, a cons- derable derable Quantity of Pepper six Negroes, and some Money and Plate, suffered the Ship to pursue her Such Jews here as are Germans or Dutch are build- ing a Synagogue, in Shoemaker Row, near Aldgate ; they being ot the Tribe of Levi, differ it seems from Portuguese, who belong to the Tribe of Judah, in the Pronunciation of Hebrew and in other respects. At the late Assizes at Worcester, among other Ma- lefactors condemned to die, was a young Girl, not quite fourteen Years of Age, for dispatching her Grand Father by Poyson, being over perswaded to the Commission of that detestable unnatural Fact, by an aged Woman, who was likewise condemned. The Bank of England are daily delivering out Re. ceipts for the 10 per Cent, deposited for circulating Exchequer Bills. . An Address has been presented to the King by George Dodington, Esq; the High SherifF, Grand. Jury, and other Gentlemen at the Assizes held at Bridgwater, in the County of Somerset ; as also ano- ther by the Rt. Hon the Lord Viscount Gage, from the Mayor, Bailiffs. Common- Council, Burgesses, and other Inhabitants of the Corporation of Monmouth; both which His Majesty very graciously received Letters from Treves say, that there was such a vio- lent Storm not many Days since in the Territory of Bern Cassel, of Thunder and Lightning, with pro. digious Hail- stones, as did abundance of Damage to the Vines, and they are much afraid of a bad Vin- tage in all that Electorate, and Parts adjacent unless they have fairer Weather than they have had hither- to, to ripen the Grapes and other Fruits of the Earth. Letters from Rome of Aug 8. N. S. say, that Car- dinal Gualtieri return'd this Day from the Pretender's Spouse, whom he had conducted to Lucca. He re- ports that he left her under great Disorder of Body and Mind, and by what he could learn from her Dis- course, he apprehends that the Chevalier has used her unhandsomely ; and he scruplce not to say, that she has the Disease A la Mode: She told him that she was greatly deceived when she condescended to that un- happy Match, and instead of being Queen of England , ( which the Lord Mar and Ormond had made her be- lieve would be her Portion in less than 12 Months af- ter Marriage) she now found herself not only greatly abused, deceived, and betrayed by them, but also to wander up and down the World like a Vagabond without any other dependance, than such a bare and scantity Allowance from the Pope, as was far from sup. porting her Native Dignity She likewise complain'd of the Falshood of the aforesaid English Lords, because they had assured her that their Friends in England would punctually send her over an Allowance of 50,0001, per Annum, upon Account, as Pin Money, to commence from the Day of her Marriage, whereof she has never yet received any more than 500 I. remitted to her by Frank Scammony ( excepting 3oo Guineas which an English Gentleman had lately sent her from Naples) from all which Considerations ; but more es- pecially perceiving there is no Possibility of coming to the Crown of Great- Britain, she was resolv'd to retire next Winter into a Monastery, and spend her Days in Devotion The Cardinal was going to offer some Reasons to diswade her from such a Design, but she forbid it, and said, she should hence forward esteem them as her greatest Enemies, who should advise her other- wise Upon which News, the Chevalier immediately set out for Lucca with two Coaches and six Horses, in Hopes to perswade her to return with him ; but the Cardinal thinks it will be in vain. The Pope has held a Consistory upon this Occasion, but what was the Result of it we cannot learn yet. This causes many Speculation among our Politicians here ; and they are all very busy to find out a Remedy for the foul Disease. Monday began at Broadstreet the Recalls of the following Men of War, order'd for Payment between the 31st of October 1714, and the 1st of january 1722, viz. Newport. Jolly, Maidstone, Hound Sloop, Do- ver, Rye, Blenheim , Cornwal, Superbe, Hector, Charles Galley, Dunwich. Leostoff, Gosport, Yar- mouth, Capt. Ormond , Ludlow- Castle, Colchester, Sterling- Castle, Sweepstakes, and Success Storeship. Letters from Cadiz say. That his Britannick Ma- jesty's Ship the Winchester, bound for Lisbon, and Mr. Robert Weaver is appointed one of the clerks of the Treasury; in the Room of Mr. Isaac Webb deceased. On Saturday last the Earl of March eldest son to his Grace the Duke of Richmond, and Son in law to the Earl Cadogan, kiss'd the King's Hand for the Command of a Troop in the Duke of Bolton's Re- giment of Horse there being a Vacancy by the Death of Captain Vary; but we hear that Captain Percival, as eldest Captain, will succeed Capt Vary in the Command of his Troop, call'd the King's Troop, in the said Regiment, and that the Other cap- tains will be advanced according to their Seniority On Saturday last Sir Humphrey Cahoon, a Scotch Gentleman, took a Lodging at the Katherine- wheel Inn without Bishopsgate ; and next Morning about ten a Clock cut his own Throat with a Penknife, in so violent a Manner, that tho' the Assistance of a'ble Surgeons was called in, he died in the Space of Hour after. The Coroner's Inquest having sat upon the Body, brought in their Verdict Lunacy; it ap- pearing that for some time before he was disorder'd in his SenseS , We hear that his Royal Highness, the Prince, ac- companied by the Earls of Warwick, Scarborough and many others, will go to Paris, to see the Cere- mony of the French King's Coronation. A Regulation will soon be made amongst the State Messengers, an Account being ordered to be laid before the Lord Chamberlain, how each Messen- ger came by his Place, viz. Whether by FaVour or Purchase, and also their Qualification, & c. Wednesday the several Troops of Horse and Horse. Grenadier Guards incamp'd in Hyde Park, were mu- ster'd. The Reverend Mr. Edmunds is made Rector of Hardwick in the County of Bucks, in the room of the Rev. Dr. Wood, deceased, Author of the New Institute of the Civil Law. The Living, of about 400 I. a Year, is the Gift of New College in Oxford. On Tuesday Rice Howel was committed to New. gate, for being a common Gamester, and for insult- ing the High Constable of Holborn Division, when he Was searching Belsize House for Gamesters. By Letters from South Carolina, dated June 17. we are inform'd, that the Assembly of that Province have past an Act for incorporating Charles Town by the Name of Charles City, which is to be govern'd by a Mayor, six Aldermen, 12 Common- Council Men, a Recorder, and Town Clerk ; and that they have made Choice of Abel Kettleby, Esq; Member of Parlia- ment for the Borough of Ludlow, for their Recorder; and William Gibbon, Esq; their first Mayor. The Board of General Officers appointed to enquire inro the Half Pay Officers residing in London and Westminster, have already discover'd many Frauds and Abulcs ; Monies having been paid for some, who have been deceased several Years. Wednesday Night the Lord Chief justice King, and Mr, Baron Gilbert, return'd from the Northern Circuit. By the Death of Sir William Thompson's Lady, an Estate of 8ool. per Ann. which was her Jointure, de- volves to Sir William Blacker, Bart. We hear, the Soldiers of the Scotch Guards, were taken up and Imprison'd in the Savoy on the In- formation of Muiphey, are set at Liberty. They write from Portsmouth, that the Deputy Governor, Colonel Hawker, is making great Prepara- tions to receive his Majesty, who has promised to take a View of the Fortifications and Harbour A large Detachment from the Gamp at Hounslow. is to lye 0n the Western Road, to Escorte his Majesty. The Dukes of Newcastle, Argyle. Wharton, and Bolton, accompany his Majesty to Salisbury. Thursday began again at the Office of the London- Assurance Company, the Sale of the Shares of such of their Proprietors as neglected to pay the Call of 3 per Cent, pursuant to the Act of Parliament. England, and Dursley- Galley bound for the Strights are both in that Bay. They write from Genoa, that his Britannick Ma jesty's Ship the Lime, commanded by the Lord Vere, came hither from Leghorne on the 9th Instant and the same Day sail'd for Port- Mahon. r 2525 j hear the Rev Mr Knaggs, Lecturer of St. Giles in the Fields, lies dangerously ill. The Rev. Mr. Blomer who had the Living of St. Clements Danes for three Years, has quitted the same to the Rev. Mr. Blackwell The Rev Dr Bell and Dr. Rogers, joynt Lectu- rers of the said Church, have resign'd, and the Rev. Mr Peters, Curate there, stands a Candidate for the LectureshiP. They have cover'd in the Chapel that is building ( at the Charge of my Lord Harley) at Cavendish Square, Marybone. His Majesty's Ship the Winchester at Portsmouth, which is to sail to the West Indies, has embarked abundance of ProVisions for the King's Ships, which are cruizing in those Seas upon the Pyrates. The pensioners of Chelsea- College who attended at the funeral of the late Duke of Marlborough, will be allowed for Life 61. each. The Three Brothers from Newfoundland, is ar- rived at Pool, the Master whereof reports, that the pyrates have lately taken on the Banks about 18 Sail of Ships The last Packet Boat from Lisbon brought over near 100,000 Moyedores. Several Swissers of the Reformed Religion are ar- rived here, designing to go and settle in New- York, having for that end agreed with Captain Wilson, who is bound thither, and is to have 6I. for the Passage of each of them. John Lord St. John of Bletshoe is arrived from the East Indies, and was expected in Town last Night. He went out upon the Voyage on board the Marl- borough, Capt. Mickelfield, April 29, 1721, and is come back in the said Ship. His Lordship succeeds his Brother the Lord Rowland, who died some Months since, aged 27 ; which Lord Rowland succeeded his elder Brother the Lord William, who also died about two Years since, aged 28. The present Lord is near 29 Years of Age, and delights much in Navigation, Several Gentlemen went down to Dover, to congratu. late his Lordship upon his Arrival, and to inform him of his Brother's Death ; also a great Number of his Tennants and Servants were there in Readiness to at- tend him to Town. Letters from Breslaw Aug 11 say, The Princess Hedwig Eliza. Wife of Prince Jam. Sobieski, eldest Son of the late King of Poland died the 10th at Olau in Silesia, after a long Sickness, in the 51st Year of her Age. As Philip- William, late Elector Palacin of the House of Newbourg Was her Father, so Elzabeth- Amelia of the Family of Hesse Daimstad was her Mother, She was born the 18th of July 1673. and on the 25th of Match. 1691. she wis married to the Prince Royal of Poland, who was born at Paris the 2d of Novem. 1667. By him she had, 1. Maria- Leopoldina, who was born the 3d of Jan. 1693. and died the 12th of July 1695. 2. Maria Casimir, born the 20th of Jan. 1695.3. Maria Charlotta, born the 15th of November 1697- 4- John born the 1st of Octob 1699, and died in July 1700. 5 Maria Clementina born in 1701. married to the Che- Valier de St. George. 6. Mary Magdalen born the 4th 0f Aug: 1704. and died suddenly after she was Bapti- zed. The Brothers and Sisters of the Deceased are 1. Charles Philip, the present Elector Palatin. born the 4th of novem. 1661. 2. Alexander Sigismond Bishop of Augsburg born the 16th of April 1662. 3. Francis Lewis Elector of Trier:, Bishop of Breslau, born the 24th of July 1664 4 Mary Anne. Queen- Dowager of Spain, born the 28th of Octob. 1667. 5 Dorothea So- phia Dutchess of Parma born July 12,1670 As the late Empress Mother was her Sister, so the present Emperor was her Nephew. She was espous'd to Prince james by Prince Theodore of Sultzbach his Proxy. The Empe- ror gaVe 5o cooo Florins for her Dowry, and 100000 for her Nupitial Charges besides 6ooo Florins per An. for her Maintenance, and 80000 per An. for the Main- tenance of the Prince. His Brother Prince Alexander, who died in November 1714. left his Estate betwixt his elder Brother the said Prince James, and his Mother the Queen of Poland. ' A violent Tempest of Thunder and Lightning hap- pen'd at Malta and at Goazza on the 28rh past, whereby three Persons were kill'd. Towards Noon, when the Sky clear'd up, three Sultana's were descried, bending their Course with full Sails directly towards that Island : Upon which the usual Signals were made, and all the Knights repaired immediately to the Grand Master's Palace. Mr. READ, August 23. 1722. THE Town being at present some what barren of News, if you have any room in your Paper, to insert what follows, you will oblige many of your constant Readers ; and in the mean Time, I rest your humble Servant unknown, S. C. NOT long since walking our to take the Air, near Moorfields, I saw a Paper hanging up at a door with this Superscription on it. Here liveth J C Student in Astrology and Physick, who ( by the Grace of God) resolveth all manner of Questions pertaining to that noble and sublime Art. He also caculateth Nativities, and cureth all manner of Diseases in the Bodies of Men Women and Chil- dren. Here is also Orum Potable and Elixer Salutis to be sold by J C I happened to know the Name that it was the same Person I formerly knew, I went in to see what Trade he drove, and found him in his Chamber reading a lit. tle Book : After the usual How d'ye's were over, thus we began our Discourse. Enquirer. Pray, Doctor, what Book is that you were reading in when I came in ? Doctor. Why, I'll tell you, this Book is the best Book in Astrology, in my Mind, that ever was wrote. I engage a Man need never have any other Book by him, and answer all Questions in Astrology, nay, and calculate Nativities too : And then for Palmestry and Physiognomy, here is your Cardiac, your Cephalick, your Venus Girdle, and I know not what: That you may, that you may see of what Nature Man is of, as well as if you were in his Guts. Enq. That's a brave Book indeed! but if did not write it self: Pray, who was the Author, or does he conceal his Name ? Doct. The Author was a Priest one John Indagine, a cunning Fellow I'll warrant you. Enq. John Indagine! I have read it, and repent the Time lost in doing so ; for I look'd upon it to be a foolish, idle Thing, not worth the Perusal of any Man, much more an Artist. Doct. That's because you did not understand it; why, I'll tell you, a hundred Men may read it, and read it again and never understand what is in it, un. less they were born to be Astrologers. Enq Well, but what think you of Ptolomy, Hermes, Argol, Regiomentanus, Leovitius, Firmicus. Guido, Bonatus, or such as these. Doct. Hang'em a Parcel of Outlandish Dogs, they were all for the Theory, there was none of ' em had any Practice, and I tell you one Years Practice is bet- ter than reading all the Books in the World : When first studied this Art, I was thinking Of your musty, rusty Fellows you speak of; and considering how I should do to get them in English : Who should come in to Drink, ( for berween you and I, I then sold a Cup of Ale) but an old Astrologer that used to drink often at my House ; and I up and told him that I was studying Astrology, and ask'd him where I might get Argol, for I had heard much talk of him : So Sir, says he to me, you may go buy Argol, and others, but when you have done, you will lay out your Money in vain : For I'll maintain it, there's more in Lilley's instruction, then in ' em all. Enq. Instruction, Inroduction you mean. Doa. Well Instruction, or Introduction, what's the Difference, ' tis all one to me : But as I was telling you, I took the old Man's Counsel, and bought the book, and in a Months Time, I could erect a Figure and Judgment too, as well as Lylley himself, for as I told you before, and Mr. Lilley says so too, an Astrologer must be born so, not made one. Here his Servant coming up interrupted us and told him there was a Gentlewoman below desired to speak with bim. Bid her walk up, says he to the Boy: And as for you. Sir, I desire you will be pleased to walk in the next Room till her Question be over ; so in the next Room went I, where by the help of a little Win- dow in the Partition, I could see the Woman entering into ( 2326 ) into the Doctor, and hear plainly their whole Dis- course, which take as followeth Woman. Sir, I am come to you about a small Matter: My Husband, poor Man; is very sick, and I am afraid will hardly live ; and it hath been always my Prayers, that I might die before him. Now, Sir, I am sure you can tell which of us will die first ? Dott. That's your Question, Whether you or your Husband will die first ? Pray sit down, I'll step into my Study and erect the Figure, and give Answer im- mediately. Wom. Thank you good Sir, . Here the Doctor withdrew into his Study, and after a little Time, returns with his Scheme in his Hand Doct. You say, Mistress, your Husband is sick, of what Distemper is he sick, I pray ? Wom. Truly, Sir, I believe it is a kind of a Con- sumption, and a Weakness in Nature, with a Pain in his Back : For I do protest to you, as I am an Honest Woman, I have had no Good from him as an Hus- band these two Months. And more, Sir, I am afraid he is a little troubled in Mind, because he often tells me of a Journey man of ours, that Lodgeth in our House ; for my Husband is a Shoemaker. Doct. Stay, let me see, here's Scorpio ascends, Taurus on the seventh, Venus in the sixth House: Yes, your Husband is sick, and because Aries is a Fiery Sign, he is sick of a Consumption, and I believe he will die of it. Wom. Oh ! dear Doctor, pray don't tell me so for a World. The Remainder in our next. The Lord Bishop of Chichester is dangerously ill. His Majesty's Ship the Falmouth sailed from Spit- head on Wednesday Morning last, with Recruits for Col. Cotton's Regiment at Gibraltar, and with several Artificers for that Garrison. On Tuesday last one Stewart, an Attorney's Clerk, was taken up and is in Custody of a Messenger, for corresponding, & c. as ' tis said, with Sample, who hath made his Escape. Another Person is brought up from Dorsetshire by Mr Gordon the Messenger, and is continued in his Custody, being charg'd with the same Crime. On Wednesday Night last about Ten a Clock, one Francis Drury, a young Hackney Coachman, in dri- ving a Servant Maid and two Children for Diversion, round Tower Hill, and turning short about, overset his Coach on the Ridge of the Counterscarp, so that both Coach and Horses tumbled down to the Rails; by which unhappy Accident the Coachman's Skull was broke, whereby he died upon the Spot. The Servant- Maid had her Arm broke, and was dan- gerously bruised Tursday the Coroner's Inquest ha- ving sat upon the Body of the Deceas'd, brought in their Verdict, Accidental Death. We hear the Parliament will sit to do Business about the latter- end of October. There are 105 Petitions lodg'd with Mr. Jodrell, Clerk to the House of Commons, complaining of Undue Elections, False Returns. & c. Captain Dennis Kelly in the Tower, will be Prose- cuted next Term at the King's. Bench Bar Westmin- ster, for High Treason. Leicester House is beautifying and fitting up for the Reception of the Prince and Princess, against the Winter. On Wednesday died at her Lodgings in Bowstreet, Covent Garden, Madam Nash, Daughter of Sir Henry Peachy, Bart, of the County of Sussex. His Majesty takes his own Plate and Linnen with him to Salisbury. Tuesday came Advice, that the five following East India Ships, homeward- bound, were arrived in the Downs richly laden, viz. Streatham, Capt. West- coat from Bengall; Francis, Capt. Newsham, from Bombay and Madrass; Marlborough, Capt. Maccles- field ; Heathcote, Capt. Tolson „ and Monmouth Capt. Kemist ; the three last from Madrass. The said Ships left the Addison, Capt. Hicks, at the Cape of Good Hope, and the James and Mary Capt. Aubone, at St. Helena, both likewise Home- ward bound. Atchabannies Addaties Alliballies Bastaes Bettellees ditto Oringal Carridarries Cherconnaes Chillaes Chints Moorees ditto Pattana Cossaes Coopees Cushtaes Chucklaes Cuttanees Doreas Doosooties Emerties Ginghams colour'd Gurrahs Humhums Jamwars Lacowries Longcloth ditto Blue Lungees Herba Moorees Mulmuls ditto flower'd Nillaes Peniascoes Photaes Romalls Shalbafts Sannoes ditto colour'd Sallampores Seersuckers Seerbetties Seerbands Sooseys Taffaties Bengal ditto striped ditto Herba Tanieebs ditto flower'd Terrindams 1. . 10800 Cotton Yarn 291800 Cowries 23600 Pepper 16400 Raw Silk Ben- gal. gr. 1. 251400 Redwood icooo Sago 609.00 Saltpetre 5700 Shellack 154000 Tea Bohea 16300 ditto Bing 12200 ditto Congon 145^ 0 ditto Hing l8oo ditto Peko 136300 ditto Singlo 39100 Tumerick China Ware 200 Chests ditto — 460 Bundles 1S191 ditto Silk Lungees 1870 Besides several Parcels of Goods, the Particulars whereof are not yet known. The Letter sinn'd by Mithridates, which, for want of room, will be inserted in our next. Christned Males 173. Females 162. In all 335. Buried Males 218. Females 19;, In all 41J. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 17. CASUALTIES. Cut his Throat ( being Lunatick) at St Martins in the Fields 1. Drown'd accidentally in the River of Thames 3. One at St. Olave in Southwark; and two at St. Mary at Rotherhith. South Sea Stock 90, 90 1 qr. to 90. Bank 116 1 qt. to 116 1 half. India 137. African 12 } qrs. Unsub. crib'd Lottery Annunity ioi 1 qr. York- Buildings 15 j qr. to 15 j 8ths. Royal Exchange Assurance J18th. London Assurance 5 5 8ths. ADVERTISEMENT. * t* A Gentleman that has travell'd speaks French perfectly, and has very good Acquaintaine at Paris, offers his Service in Quality of Governour or Companion to any Person of Quality, that is desirous of going to France to see the Coronation of the King there; may be spoken with, if you give Notice, by a Letter for P. R. at St. Clement's Coffee house in the Strand, or at the Rainbow Coffee house, Charing- Cross: Where, if any Nobleman or Gentleman want a good Valet de Chambre, that has all the Qualifications ne- cessary for travelling, or residing in England, he can also provide them to their Satisfaction, by sending a Letter for J. P. G. at the aforesaid Coffee- houses LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street; Where Advertisements are taken in It is confirm'd by the said Ships, that the Dart- mouth and King George Frigate were lost in the In- dies, with these further Particulars among others That it was in their Voyage from Batavia to Madras on the Coast of the Kingdom of Coromandel, about the Middle of November in the Night, being driven upon the Sands in a great Storm; that the former lost 12 Men, and the latter 38. The Pursers belonging the five East india ships afoe- mention'd, came to Town on Wednesday , and deliver'd in their invoyces to the Company, which it as follows:
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