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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 18/08/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. , SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1722. Opinion of his Priest for the Articles of his Faith It is forsaking the great Author of our Religion, and making him our Lord and Master, whom God design'd only as a Helper of our Faith. It is is wicked. at it is unreasonable, for them to presume to confine our Judgments to their fallible Interpretations of the scrip- tures j because every Man who knows any thing, knows also, that they themselves differ from each other in many material Points, and almost every new Book they publish, produces some Novel Doctrines in Con tradiction to what their brethren, or even themselves, have formerly taught. It is agreed on all sides, that there is no Infallibility in Man ; and why then should we act as if there was, by paying a blind Obedience to the Judgment of a Priest in the great concern another Life ? Do they plead the bible in behalf of what they would have us believe, then why not we search that Bible to see if those things are so ? Our Saviour ( although he was Truth itself bid the Jews search the SciPtures for that purpose . The Apostle says, The Scriptures are able to make us wise unto Salvation and the Bereans are commended as more noble than others, because they daily search'd the Scriptures, to see whether those things which the Apostles taught them were so. From all which, it is evident that our great Lawgiver and his Apostles, not only approved of, but did also command the reading and searching the Scriptures to ill Men wihout Di- stinction, whether Learned or Unlearned, Priests or laymen. ( But what then is the meaning of that incoherent Passage in the Dean of Chichester's Book. intituled A Vindication on tht Corporation and Test Act ? Wherein he says',* Tho the Reform claim'd use of the Scriptures as the undoubted Right of every Chri- stian, who was capable of using them yet tht Legislature had Sense enough to know, that to leave every Man to make the best of his Bible withont any further Direction or re- straint would naturally tendt o Confusion and fill the King- dom with the the wilde Conceits that Ignorance and Enthu- siasm could produce. Here we find a great Protestant Divine affirming that the Reformation claim'd the Use of the Scriptures, as the undoubted Right of every Christian ; while at the same Time he tells us that it was good Sense in the Legislature to restrain the free Use of them to pre—. vent Confusion. & c This I think may be truly call'd PROTESTANT POPERY as his great Antagonist has already call'd it. But in all my reading I could never yet find by what Law the Legislature did ever restrain the free Use of the Bible so any of the Laity since the Reformation : What the Dean says, plainly implies that there was such a Law made ; and therefore I think he would do well to tell us where it may be found, because ' tis expected that a Divine of his HIGH Character, should publish no Facts but such as are evidently true This Reverend Dean says. that if every Man be left to make the best of his Bible ( while yet he own the Reformation claim'd it as their undoubted Right) without any farther Direction or Restraint it would naturally tend to confusion, & c. But the Primitive Fathers of the Church seem to be of a different Opini- on : For St Chrysostome says. If Man wonld but be conver- sant in the Scriptures. and attend to them they would not only fall into errors themselves, but rescue those that 1 G. 5 are IN the Reign of Henry the 6th, when a Civil W » r was breaking was between the contending Houses of York and Lancaster, the King was obliged to re- call his Victorious Army from their Conquests in France to support him against a powerful Faction at Home, at which Time a French Officer scofflingly ask d an english Man, when they Would return again into France to whom the English Man return'd this serious and remarkable Answer When your Sins shall it greater and more grievous in the Sight if God than ours are now. Whoever that Englishman was, he discover'd in that Answer a right Apprehension of God's dealing with Mankind, is they are distinguished into National So. cieties ; and National Societies cannot possibly be re- warded or punished, as such ; but only in this World : And all Histories both sacred and prophane, are full of Instances wherein God has manifested the Righte- ousness of that Providence, by which he governs the World, in rewarding Religious, and punishing wicked Nations. God has at sundry Times and in divers Manners, shewed many visible Tokens of his good Providence to us in the Preservation of these Protestant Nations witness the many Deliverances we have had from Popery and Slavery since the Reformation, but more especially by the glorious Revolution in 1688 ; and the Accession of King GEORGE to the Crown on the first of August 1714. And those Deliverances are as much the infallible Marks of his paternal Care over us at the many Signs and Wonders which he wrought in conducing the Israelities frrm Egypt to the Land of Canaan were so many sure Proofs that THEY were then his peculiar People. And it appears from our own Histories, thar no publick Calamities ever befell us but at such Times as the Generality of the Nation had been remarkable for their Impiety. Therefore from what God has already done for us, We have greay reason to believe, that he will never suffer the Pretender or his Religion to return into these Protestant Nations, until our Sins shall be greater and grievous in his Sight, than the Jacobites are now. And indeed, that Immorality and Prophaneness which reigns among the Generality of those unhappy Men; have made some of them ( who retain a Sense of Reli- gion) confess that they seem like Men abandon'd by God. and infatuated to their own Destruction; and that the Evils which overtake them, are at so many just judgments for their prophane neglect of the sabbath, and their bigotted and wilful Ignorance of the Scrip- tures They suffer designing Priests to impose their own Interpretations upon them, and they receive what they offer with such an implicit Faith ; that it is im- Possible to make some of them believe that they have any Right to judge for themselves. or to examine Whether the Doctrines of their Priests are agreeable to the Divine Laws How unhappy is that Man who consults only the ( Price Three Half pence ) are deceived; and the Scripture would instruct Men both in Opinions and a good Life. St. Hierome says, That infinite Evils arise from the Ig- norance of the Scriptures, and that from that Cause the most Part of Heresies have come. And Dr Tillotson says, There is doubt, but Men of Wit and Confidence will always make a shift to say something for any thing ; and some way or other blanch over the blackest and most absurd things in the World, and he leaves it to the Judgment of Mankind, whither any thing be more unerason. able than to tell Men in effect, that tis fit they should under. stand but little of Religion, and that God has published a very dangerous Book with which it is not safe for the Laity to be familiarly acquainted Let the most ordinary Capa- city judge of this Usage and Dealing with the Souls of Men ; and say whither they be not greatly abused: For it toucheth Men in the common Rights of humane Nature which belong to them as much as the Light of Heaven, and the very Air we breath in. The Bishop of Bangor ( now Hereford) was defending the Noble Principles of Gospel Liberty, upon which ourfore Fathers carried on the Reformation; and having proved that the Authority which some of our modern High Priests have late claim'd, was inconsist- ent with these Principles ; and that they had usurped such a Power to which none have a Right but the di- vine Legislator: I say, while he was desending those noble Principles upon which this Protestant Church of England was founded: The Dean of Chichester, in Conjunction with some of his Brethren, were pleased to be angry with him, for telling the Laity such Truths, as ( when believed) would let them free from that spiritual Yoke of Bondage, with which the Jaco- bite Priests have kept them bound for many Years. But methinks, if the Bishop had been mistaken in his Opinion, or his Arguments had been but weak ( neither of which can be granted,) yet one would ima- gine, that the very Design itself, ( being for Gospel Liberty,) should have been sufficient to have screen'd him from the Anger of all Christians, but more ef- pecially from all that Hatred and Malice, which was express'd against him in the Writings' of Protestant Clergymen, whose Temporal, as well as Spiritual Inte- tests were first built upon, and have ever since been supported by those noble Principles which he has taught, and which are the same as were taught by Christ and his Apostles, and that noble Army of Mar- tyrs, whom God did inspire with Wisdom and Cou- rage to begin the Reformation of this Protestant Church; and that at a Time, when she resembled nothing but the World's orginal Chaos, without any regular Form, and Void, and Darkness, covered her pri- mitive Face. I am, SIR, August. 1722. Your most humble Servant OCTOBER GREENWOOD. with them, nor far from Banbury where the Northern Men had gone off with the worst, had not John Clap- ham, Esq; a Servant of Warwick's displayed hi Co- lours wirt the White Bear, and from an eminent Place cried a Warwick, a Warwick; whereat the Welshmen, fearing indeed that Warwick had been come betook themselves to flight, leaving their General the Earl of Pembroke and his Brother in the Field, who vali- antly fighting were incompassed and taken. The Earl with his Brother Sir Richard Herbert, were brought to Banbury, where with ten other Gentlemen they lost their Heads, Coniers and Clapham being their Judges 1469. From hence the Northern Men under the Conduct of Robin of Riddisdale, hasted to the King's Mannor of Grafton, where the Queen's Father then lay whom' with his Son John they suddenly surprized, and Northampton struck off their Heads. The king this while having prepared a mighty Army, marched to wards Warwick's Company, and at Wolaey pitched his Tents, the Enemy lying at a Distance, in readiness for Battle; but by meditation of Friends, a peace was intreated. When the King resting secure, was by politick Warwick surprized in the dead of the Night, and carried Prisoner to Warwick Castle, from whence he was by Night conveyed to Middleham Castle in Yorkshire, where under Custody of the Earl's Brother, George Nevil, Archbishop of York, he was retained ; but the Bishop granting him Liberty to ride a Hunting in the Forests and Parks, he fairly made his Escape. Warwick hereupon rages, but seeing no Remedy, he made Use of necessity, and gave forth that himself so caused it, having Power to make Kings and to unmake them. Nor did he nor Clarence leave off here, but procured a Rebellion in Lincolnshire, where Sir Robert Wells, an expert Soldier, with thirty thousand Commons disturbed the Country, and in every Place proclaimed King Henry. At Stanford, Wells set upon the King's Forces ( not staying for War- wick's coming) where was performed a most bloody fight, till at length Sir Robert being taken, the Lin- colnshire Men, casting away their Coats, all run away. In regard whereof, this Battle was called the Battle of Lost Coat- Fields. Wells with many others were put to Death. 1470. Upon this Defeat Clarence and War- wick fled into France, thinking to take sanctuary at Callais; but there the Lord Vawclear whom War- wick had substituted his Deputy, denied them admit- tance, bidding them Defiance with his Great Guns; for which good Service King Edward made Vawclear himself Governour of Callais. But tho' the Lords were rejected, yet were they with great Respect re- ceived at the French Court: K'ng Lewis furnishing them wirh Aids, which efFected, they set sail and landed at Dartmouth ; from whence Warwick marched towards London, proclaimed Henry King, and com- manding all from sixteen to sixty upon a great Penalty to take up Arms against the Usurper Edward Duke of York. And incredible it was to see the Confluence of them which came armed to him, who a little before applauded and approved none but King Edward The Bastard Falconbridge in the West, and Earl of Pem- broke in Wales, every where proclaimed King Henry also. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD IV, King of ENGLAND. On May 16. 1465, was this Lady, whom Edward had accepted to be his Queen, Crowned at Westmin- ster with all due Celebrations. Her Father Sir Rich- ard Woodvills was created Lord Rivers, and made High Constable of England. Her Son Thomas Grey was created Marquiss of Dorset, and her other Rela- tions preferred. But this Marriage of the King did sorely disgust the Earl of Warwick, who had courted the Duke of Savoy's Daughter for King Edward, that he turned his AfFection from him to Henry, contriv- ing all he could King Edward's Deposition. He wrought upon George Duke of Clarence the King's Brother, to favour his Designments, the Duke being the easier wrought upon, by Reason he had before took Offence against his Brother about his Marriage, and preferring his Wife's Kindred. Then did War- wick by his Agents stir up a Commotion in the North, one Robert Huldren first heading a Rabble of about Fifteen Thousand, and he being put to Death. Sir John Coniers undertook the leading of them, march, ing with them toward London ; Proclaiming, that King Edward was neither a just Prince to God, nor a profitable Prince to the Commonwealth. Against these Rebels the King sent an Army that engaged The Remainder of the Tryals of the twenty nine Regicides. William Heveningham acknowledg'd his sitting in the High Court of Justice, but said they were under a Force, and the Army were become their Masters but yet he had the Courage to deny the signing the Warrant for summoning the Court, and that Other Warrant for the King's Execution, and had protested against it, and desir'd the Court would intercede for him to the King and Parliament., Then the Jury withdrew, and after a short Time brought in their Verdict, that John Downs, Vincent Potter, Augustine Garland, Simon Meyne, James Temple, Peter Temple, Thomas Wayte, and William Heveningham were Guilty. . After which Waller, Fleetwood, Hacker, Axtel Hulet. Pennington, Marten, Millington, Titchburne Roe, Tilburne, Smith, and Harvey, were brought to the c * the Bar to receive Sentence With those already at the Bar : And it having been demanded of Sir Hardress Waller, and the rest severally, what they had to say why Judgment should not pass upon theen : And none of them offering any Thing material in Point of Law for arresting Judgment; but throwing themselves upon the King's Mercy, or laying hold on the Bene- fit; of the Proclamation; the Lord Chif Baron pro- ceeded to make a Speech to the Prisoners before sen- tence : He told them, That altho' he was to pass Sen- tence of Death upon them all, yet as to all but three execution was to be suspended till another Act of Par- liament should pass for that Purpose. As to Mr He- veningham, one of the three, he thought no Order would suddenly be given for his Execution neither ; but as to Axtel and Hacker, he told them there was no room for them to hope for Mercy. And having again reminded the Prisoners of their Oaths of Allegiance, and that it had been enacted, That neither People collectively or representatively had any or coercive Power over the person of the King. He shew'd them that by i Jac. cap. i. The Lords and Commons ( representing the whole Body of the Kingdom) did declare and acknowledge an hum- ble and natural Liege Obedience to the King as Su- preme, his Heirs and Sucessors, and in the Name of themselves and all the People did submit themselves until the last drop of their Blood should be spent in the Defence of the King and his Royal Posterity: And therefore did acknowledge themselves and all the Peo- ple of England, as far as they could represent them to be bound to his imperial Crown, & c. And that when they took the Oaths of Allegiance, wherein they oblig'd themselves to defend the King, his Crown and Dignity, that was not to be under- stood against the Pope, as some would construe it, but again all Men, for the words were, Or otherwise. That as they did in the Oath acknowledge the King to be Supreme, consequently there could be no such Thing, no Power co- ordinate with him : That in no less than ten several Statutes the Crown of England is call'd an imperial Crown, That in 24 H 8 c. 12. it is called an imperial Crown, and said that it was subject to not but God Almighty, and so, 16 Rich. 1. & c. That the King of Poland indeed takes an Oath with a Condition that if he do not govern according to such Rules, the People shall be freed from their Allegiance : But the King of England is King before he takes his Coronation Oath, and he does not take it upon any Condition, or is accountable to any but God for his Actions. That the Law says The King can do no Wrong : Not but that the King may have the Imbecilities and Infirmities of other Men, but the King in his single Person can do no Wrong, such as will make him obnoxious to the Laws; but if the the King command one to beat me. or disseize me of my Land, I have a Remedy against such a one tho' none against the King • The Law preserves the Person of the King untouch'd; but what is done unlawfully by his Ministers, there is a Remedy against his Ministers for : That the King in our Law Books is stil'd Caput Relpublicae Salus populi, The Lieutenatt of God, & c. and - that there was never such a Blow given the Church of England and the Pro. testant Religion as this ; That the Spencers Treason, that the King might be compell'd to yield to the Peo- ples Demands had been condemn'd by two Acts of Parliament That he did not press this as if the King might do what he would, but to shew them that the Person of the King was not to be touch'd ; He ob- serv'd that the Prisoners were Persons of good Educa. tion, and advis. d them not to continue obstinate, ra- ther than take Shame to themselves; and after some further Exhortations, he pronounc'd Sentence upon all of them as Traitors, except Heveningham, who receiv'd Sentence on the 19th of October The End of the Tryals of the Regicides. Mr. Adlord Bowde, Post Master of Hertford, also Surveyor of Houfes for the said Town and Part of that county, having died suddenly some Days since in his Chair as he was smoaking his Pipe, is succeeded, as Surveyor, by Mr. Thomas Toller. We hear that the to 0001 Prize drawn in the State Lottery, fell to the Countess of Darlington, Neice to the Dutchess of Kendall, and not Mr. Atkins as we formerly mention'd. W ) Some Days ago a Very great Storm of Rain and Lightning, and Thunder, happen'd in the farthest Part of the County of Essex near Dedham, which was so violent, that a prodigious deal of Damage was done to the Corn, a great deal of which is quite Spoil'd And at Stratford near Stoke, on the Edge of Suffolk a Man was struck Dead with the Lightning; at Cole- chester it broke into a House, the Family being at Dinner, it struck them all Speechless and Senseless, and they continued so for fome time ; and one of them being a Woman, it was thought was quite kill'd, but she is not yet Dead, tho' there is very small Hopes of her Life ; it demolished great Part of the House, and broke down a piece of a Stone. Wall which was very thick. On the 27th Instant begins at the Pay Office in Broad- Street, the Recalls of his Majesty's Men of War, paid in the Treasuryship of Richard Hampden, Esq; between the 1st of January 1719, and 17th of November 1720. They write from Edinburgh, that Lieut. Moody and Capt. Chiefly quarreling, a Challenge was sent, but the former not meeting, the latter Caned him, upon which Moody ran Chiefly into the Body ; after which the last drew his Sword, and wounded the other, and both are since dead of their Wounds. Mr. Hutchins. Mr. Bynam, and Mr. Molloy, three of the King's Messengers. are discharg'd by an Order of Council, the two first for letting Mr. Kelly, alias Johnson, an Irish Officer in General Dillon's Regi- ment, formerly seiz'd in Bury- Street, to destroy his Paper's, and other Failures of their Duty ; and the last for letting Sample make his Escape. We hear that the said Sample confess'd before he made his Escape, that an Insurrection was intended in London on the 2d Instant, in case the Funeral of the late Duke of Marlborough had been perform'd as it was first intended ; and that the same Day some poi- son'd Attack was to have been convey'd into the King's Cellars, by means of him the said Sample. The Beginning of last Week, the directors of the Bank and South Sea Company waited on the Lord Chancellor, the Lord President, and Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, to whose Arbitration the Difference between the two Companies, respecting the 60000 I. on the Subscriptions for supporting Publick Credit, & c was submitted ; and we that Matter is in a fair Way of being terminated very soon. Letters from Bodmyn in Cornwal, advise , That on the 5th Instant William Kempthorne of Falmouth was Hang'd there, for Robbing the Houses of several Persons in that Town, and afterwards setting them on Fire, to prevent his being discover'd, bv which they lost several thousand Pounds; which Facts he confess'd after his Condemnation. They write from Boston in New England, July i. That a Pytate Brigantine, whereof one Low was Commander, had taken 13 Sail of Vessels out of Port Rosemary, belonging to Marble- Head : and had made a Pyrate Ship of a Scooner that he took at the said Port. Thomas Railton, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justi- ces of the Peace for Westminster, discharg'd last Week out of the Gatehouse several poor Prisoners for Debt, by paying the Debts of some, and the Prison- Fees of others, who had made up Matters with their Creditors. On Saturday Morning died Mr Isaac Webb, one of the Clerks of the Treasury. The same Day one Roch was committed to New- gate by Virtue of a Warrant from the Rt. Hon. the Lord Cartaret, one of His Majesty's principal Secre- taries of state. on suspicion of Piracy and Murther, Last Week Mr. Minshull, a Bookseller, in Ship Yard near Temple Bar, was taken up by One of the King's Messengers, for publishing a Book, call'd, an Essay upon a Civil Government The Wife of Butler the Smith in Shoe Lane, who kill'd Nathaniel Boyte the Bailiff by running a red hot Iron in his Breast, and who is now in Newgate for that Fact is fallen into Distraction, so that Mon- day Morning she cut her own Throat very dangerously. but, as ' tis thought not mortally; notwithstanding which the poor Wretch threatens to destroy her self effectually upon the first Opportunity. C 2318 ) Mr. Cockran and Mr. Smith having been Examin'd by a Committee of Council on Wednesday last, the last was committed to the Tower next Morning for High Treason, and the last Bail'd out of Custody, himself in 40001 Sureties in the Sum. Friday 7- Niggt a Person was taken in the city and committed to the Custody of a Messenger Tis said, that four more were seiz'd and committed to the Custody of Mr. Crawford, a Messenger, and that a Centinel is set before his House for the farther Secu- rity of his Prisoners. Thursday 7- Night died the Rev. Dr Jonas Warley, ( formerly of Clare- Hall, Cambridge) Arch deacon of Colchester, Prebendary of Kentish- Town in the Cathe- dral of St. Paul, and Rector of Witham in Essex ; all in the Gift of the Bishop of London. His Lordship hath made the Rev. Dr King, Master of the Charter- House, Arch- deacon of Colchester; the Rev Mr. Oli- ver, Rector of St. Mary Abchurch, Prebendary of St. Paul's ; and the Rev. Mr. George Sayer ( Son to a Proctor of Doctor's Commons; Rector of Witham. On Saturday Night, Mrs. Mist and another Gentle- woman who accompanied her from Dorsetshire, and had been taken up by Messengers, were examin'd at the Cockpit, and order'd to be admitted to Bail. By a Letter in Town from an Officer on Board the Swallow Man of War there is Advice, that so great a Treasure was found in the three Pyrate Ships that were taken on the Coast of Guinea by the said Man of War, as formerly mention'd, that it was believ'd they should be able to divide twelve Pounds Weight of Gold Dust per Man, each Share being computed worth about 5001. We hear that last Saturday the Duke of Roxborough, and the Lord Townshend went to the Tower, and were near half an Hour with Cochian, Esq; a Young Gentleman, who was last Tuesday 7. Night brought to Town in Custody from Scotland, and con- fined in the Room where the late Earl of Derwentwa- ter was kept ; no- body must see or speak with him, nor with Captain Kelley, who grows Very pen- sive, and being much troubled with the Hippo, and Fits, ( as is given out) sollicits leave, that one of the two Warders that guard him, may be look'd up with him at Nights. Last Sunday Major General Comptor ( Lieutenant of the Tower) came thither and staid a while The Earl of Carlisle, Constable of the Tower, is shortly expected here again from the North of England: Colonel D'Oyly, Deputy Governor, is still in Oxfordshire for the Recovery of his Health. ' His Grace the late Duke of Marlborough's Coat of Arms, the Crest being a Spread Eagle, with a large Crown above it, is affixed on the backside of his late Dwelling House, in St. James's Park, last Friday her Grace the Dutchess dismissed her Groom of the Chamber, the Reason not known. The Jersey Ships, that were under Quarantain near our Coast, are discharged, except one at Standgate. Creek We hear that the Lady Wentworth hath Notice to quit her Lodgings at the Cockpit, for suffering Cap- tain Kelly to meet there with his Associates. We hear that a Letter was wrote to a certain noble Duke, desiring his Grace to desist from appearing at the Funeral of the late Duke of Marlborough, nor to send his Coach and Six, which Request was comply'd with. Her Grace the Dutchess of Ormond being insulted by a rude Person, who kept a scandalous drinking Brothel adjoining to the Wall of her Grace's House at Chelsea, Complaint was made thereof to Sir Hans Sloane, the Ground Landlord, who immediately made the Fellow depart the Premises, and demolish'd the Ken. Dr. Mangeys SPEECH in the Name of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, spoke to the Lord Bishop of that Diocese, upon his first Arrival in the said City, on Thursday the 12th of July, 1722. My Lord, IAM, in the Name of my Brethren, to bid you wel Come int0 this your Country. and to wish you the long Possession and happy Administration of this Dio- cese, and County Palatine. It is with Satisfaction that we behold you vested with a double Character and can pay Respect and Duty to you, both as our Spiri- tual and Civil Superiour. His Majesty, with a good Grace, and great Justice bestows this Branch of ancient Regalia, upon one whose Services to himself have been so many and eminent, and who by Descent from Noble Blood AND an Entail of Noble Qualities, is so well qualify'd to manage the Rights, and to support the Dignity of so high a Station. But, My Lord, your Revenues and jurisdiction are not the only Subject of our Congratulations but we must likewise add to these, what must be much dearer to you in your Spiritual Capacity , the good Order and Regularity of your Diocese. We may venture to assure your Lordship, ( and to the steddy Vigilance of your two immediate Predecessors it is owing) that in this See there are as few Defectst0' supply ; as few Tares of Heresie and false Doctrince to weed out as few Abuses deserving Episcopal Correction, as in any other of the Kingdom, Your Lordship comes now to preside over a Laity, well affected to our excellent Church, and your Epis- copal Character over a Clergy Orthodox, and strictly conformable with our Canons, Articles, and Rubricks and over a Chapter who hath hitherto been so happy' as neither to feel the Censure, nor incur the Displea- sure of their Visitor. Since our Erection, our Body hath never had any Contests or Disputes of Right with their Diocesans: There have been no Attempts for unbounded Power on their side, nor any Struggles for unstatuable Ex- emption and Independency on ours; but we have all along lived in perfect Amity and Correspondence with them as our Patrons and Spiritual Fathers at home, as our Guardians and Protectors at Court Such hath been our Happiness, My Lord, for near two Centuries; and we hope for the Continu- ance of it under your Lordship's gentle and wise Administration. We promise ourselves, that a double Portion of that Beneficent Spirit with which our ever honour'd Patron Lord CREWE was blessed, and with which he made all about him happy, rests now upon your Lordship : And we have nothing greater to wish you in this World, than that you may meet with the same Returns of Affection and Respect from all Ranks of Men, and the like Measure of Health, Long Life, and Prosperity from Divine Pro. vidence. The East India Company have order'd the follow- ing Ships to be fitted out for India with all convenient speed, viz. the Cambridge, Captain Daniel Small; Princess Anne, Captain Lahorne ; Cardigan, Captain Gleg; Cardonnel, Captain Mawson, Sarum, Captain Newton ; Essex, Captain Sammers; Montague, Capt. Gordon ; Barrington, Captain Hunter, Prince Au- gustus, Captain Reeves ; Craggs, Captain Grantham ; the three last are bound for Moccoa. Mr. Holwell, Gentleman to the late Earl Stanhope; Mr. Tyson, of the King's Wardrobe ; and Mr, Crew, a Messenger Extraordinary ; are appointed Messen- gers in Ordinary to his Majesty, in the room of Mr Hutchins, Mr. Bynam, and Mr. Molloy, dischargd as mention'd before. Last Saturday Sir George Caswall, Knt. was mar- ried to Mrs. Milburne, a Lady of a good Fortune. Mr. Samuel Towers is appointed Yeoman of the Wine Cellar to his Royal Highness, in the room of Mr. Nogle, lately deceased. SIR, Croydon, Aug 13, 1722 FElix qui potuit Rerum cognoscere Causas, holds true in many Cases; and it is in Axiom with Physi- cians, that the Disease once known the Cure is half effected. That we have many ( too too many) disaf- fected Persons amongst us is plainly evident; hopes that the Discovery of the Causes of such Uneasi- ness may be conducive to the Cure of it, give me leave to say, that the Neglect of Duty to God is the gene- ral Cause of the Disorders that are found among Men; for how is it possible, that while the divine Legislator is slighted that human ones should be regarded as they ought: The Allegiance due to our Sovereign on the Throne cannot be duly paid by those who refuse to u • C 2319 ; pay that Allegiance as they ought to the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. From hence proceeds all the At- tempts that are made by corrupt and diseffected Per- sons, to render us uneasie under his present Majesty's auspicious Government, this is done by creating cause- less Jealousies which being instill'd by a Pretence of Love to the Nation, and the Welfare of it; the bale- ful Infection is taken in by the unthinking Multitude; the Want of Trade is the general Complaint of lazy sluggish Fellows, and the Want of Money the Grie- vance of extravagant Spenthrifts; the former sort of Persons think they have Sagacity enough to govern a Kingdom, tho1 in their own Affairs they have not e- nough to make a Button; and from their own Igno- rance or Sloth and Carelessness proceeds that want of Business ( for the most part) that is so great a Grie- vance to this sort of People. The other sort may be found profoundly stupid over a Mug of Ale, or per- haps a Glass of Geneva on which Liquor they sorded- ly spend their slender ( tho' too large) Fortunes; and waste that precious Time in which they might amend them, while ( for Intelligence) they pore so long on a publick News Paper ( in which they think themselves as quick sighted as the Lynx.) till they become as blind is Beetles in their own Affairs. Nor are the Ballad- singing Tribe any thing less prejudicial to the Publick, who by disloyal and seditious Libels spread the fatal Infection among the unthinking Plebeians. The seve- ral sorts of Persons before mentioned are to the Body Politick is a Wen is to a natural one, and are so far from being their Country's Honour, that they are no other thin the Pudenda of it. With what Medicines these peccant Humours are to be purged, may be the Subject of another Letter from MITHRIDATES. His Majesty will Review the four Troops of Guards, and the two Troops of Grenadiers in Hyde Park on Monday next, if the Weather permits ; the necessary Orders being given for that purpose. On Tuesday Night last three reputed Gamesters were seiz'd by the proper Officers at King George's Head without Temple Bar, viz. Thomas Adley, Alex. Butler, and William Maddocks, who being carry'd before three of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, were committed to the Gatehouse. Maddocks was Wednesday admitted to Bail. One Mendoz, a Jew, was also seiz'd, and bail'd before Commitment. Se- Veral other Gamesters got out at the Top of the House, and climbing ever other Houses made their Escape. The same Day one John Bradshaw was committed to the aforesaid Goal, by Charles de la Faye, Esq; being charg'd on Oath with uttering the following Expressions, viz. That he would set all to Rights, and set King James upon the Throne ; and crying out, King James for Ever ! Mr Isaac Fabre, Director of the second Lottery of Groningen and the Ommelands, hath impowered Messieurs Matthew West, Goldsmith, and Isaac Bar- but, Merchant, to dispose of 10, ooo Tickets in Eng- land and from the Profits arising out of the said Lot- tery on Account of Tickets disposed of here, 5oo 1. Sterling are to be distributed to the Poor in London, viz 25ol. to the English, and 250 1. to the French Protestants, or in Proportion of what shall be disposed of. , Some Persons are seized upon Suspicion of murder- ing James Brett, Esq; late Secretary to the Duke of Kent; two of whom are committed to Newgate. On Tuesday one Tomkins, a young Man of about 19 Years old, who had deserted from Col. Lowther's Company, in the 2d Regiment of Guards, was shot to Death in Hyde- Park, pursuant to the Sentence of a Court Martial. A Detachment of 700 Men from the three Regiments was drawn up in View of the Execu- tion The Rev. Dr. King, Master of the Charter- House, attended the Prisoner in his last Moments, who was in a high Fever. Wednesday was publish'd a Proclamation, offering 1000l. Reward for apprehending one Thomas Cart, a Nonjuring Clergyman, Information being given against him for High- Treason. All the Domesticks of the late Duke of Marlborough are gone to Windsor, except Captain Read, Gentle- man of the Horse, and two or three inferiour Servants who are left at his late Grace's Dwelling House in St. James's Park. By the last Advices from New- England, we have the following Account from Dierfield, a Town which trades frequently with the Indians, that a most ter rible Storm of Thunder, Lightning and Rain happen, ed there the 11th of June last, and after that a great Hail, which desftroy'd many Acres of Flax, besides other incredible Damage, most of the Hail Stones being bigger than Musket Bullets, to the inexpressible Terror of the Inhabitants. The Plain underneath a Place called the Sugar Loaf looked like Acres of Ground ploughed up, and all the old Trees and great Rocks were washed down upon the Plain. His Excellency Count Starenbergh, the Emperor's Minister Plenipotentiary, keeps a magnificent Table at his House in Kingstreet, St. James's. His Lady, who is a Princess by Birth, is near her Lying- in. Commissions and Instructions are preparing for three Men of War, who are to sail for the Coast of Africa, impowering them to punish such Pyrates as shall be taken during their stay on that Coast. The Beginning of last Week an Elderly Person whose Name is Towers, was taken up in Moorfields, and carried before D'Oyly Michel for attempting to commit the unnatural and detestable Sin of Sodomy on the Body of a Youth that lives thereabouts, and was committed to New Prison in Clerkenwell, by a War- rant under the Hand and Seal of the aforesaid Justice, but has since given in Bail. Sunday last at Noon, M. Wallenrodt the Prussian Envoy at this Court, received the agreeable News that the Queen of Prussia was happily delivered of a Prince ; upon which he went immediately to Kensington with his Master's Letter of Notification to his Majesty; and from thence he went to Richmond to notify the same to the Prince and Princess of Wales, and to in- vite them to stand Godfather and Godmother. The News of this Birth has given great Joy to the Royal Family Mr. Maddison, the Alderman of Lincolns inn- Fields, who lies for Transportation, for buying Stol'n Books, is at the Point of Death, in Newgate. Wednesday William Haitby, alias Broughton, alias Odell, was committed to Newgate by justice Hewet, for forging a Note of 141. under the Hand of a Gen- tleman at Boston in Lincolnshire, and for counterfeit- ing the Stamp of the General Post Office to a Letter. We hear that by the last Letters from Ireland Sir Gu- stavus Hume received the Melancholly News that his Eldest Son about 18 Years of Age, fell from his Horse as he was Hunting, and lost his Life. We hear that the South Sea Company's Ship which was ready to sail for that Part of the World with a very rich Cargo, is for the present, countermanded. Joseph Gascoigne, Esq; Member of Parliament for the Borough of Wareham, has presented in the behalf of himself, the Mayor, capital Burgesses, Assistants and Freeholders of the abovesaid Place, an Address to his Majesty, which he receiv'd very graciously. Letters from Malta say, that before Abdy Aga, Captain Bashaw of the Ottoman Fleet, left these Seas with his five Sultana's, to sail for Tunis, he sent our Great Master the following Letter : Notice is hereby given to the Magistrate, and the Heads of the Isle of Malta, to their Chiefs in Senate, to all the Chiefs of the Nations of the Messias, and whether French, Venetian, or others, That we are expressy sent here by the Sultan, Lord of the Uni- verse, and the Assylum of the World, to demand all the Slaves belonging either to private Persons, or to. St. John, to the Number of 6000 in all, who are under their bad Government; that being delivered unto us, they may go and present themselves before his illustrious and august Throne And as this is his Will and Command, he has taken up Arms and very expresly order'd us to give you Notice of this at our Arrival, by way of Letter ; and in case you should make any Difficulty of it, you shall be made to repent your Refusal. You are to send your An- swer to this Letter to us at Tunis. On Monday last Capt. Halstead, who was taken up at Greenwich, was admitted to Bail. John Cotton, Jun. Esq; is likewise admitted to Bail, and Mr. Jep his Chiplain is discharged. Letters f ape ) Letters from Rome say, that the Pretender being now by the Absence of Madam de St. George in as be- witch'd a a State of Widowhood as he is of Royalty, the Ladies are so kind as to pay him now and then a Visit ; and the other Evening he treated the PrinCess of Piombino and her Daughter at a very splendid Sup- per, where was also the Prince Giustiniani. On Monday last Joseph Bailey, Hackney Coach- man, was convicted beiore the Commissioners, of assaulting and whipping one of his Majesty's Guards in Pall Mall, on the Day of the Duke of Marlbo- rough's Funeral; and his License was revoked for the said Offence. Last Thursday died the Lady Thompson, Wife to Sir William Thompson, Kt. Recorder of this City. Captain Balchen is appointed Commander of the Ipswich Man of War, now at Portsmouth, in the room of Capt Owen, lately deceased. Dr. Grey, Prebendary of Lincoln and Arch. Dea. con of Buckinghamshire, is lately dead On Wednesday last Henry Fenn, Esq; Nephew of the late Sir Stephen Fox. was marry'd to Mrs. An- drews, a young Lady of a very great Fortune. Thursday several Thousands of a little Book, en- titled, The Soldier's Monitor, composed by the late Dr. Josiah Woodward, was, by his Majesty's Command, distributed among the Soldirey in Hyde Park • to each Man a Book. The like Distribution will be made in the other Camps, Garrisons, and Chelsea Hospital. Our Merchants have Advice that the Rebecca Capt. Enderupe, from Stockholm for London, was lately lost off of Yarmouth Road. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland, which brings the following ' Advice from Moscow, that no authentick Account of the Czar's proceeding in the Expedition to the Caspian Sea can be given yet, so that ' tis concluded what has been already reported touching that Affair, was meer Supposition. Thursday last, John Mayne, Esq; of Wiltshire, was married at St Clements Church, to a Daughter of Mr Christopher Batt Merchant, at Kensington. The Workmen are now finishing the new Church in the Strand, viz. doing the Altar, setting up the Pulpit end paving it, which when done, will be rea- dy for Consecration. They are likewise working on the Altar and Pulpit of the new Chapel, by Lambs Conduit in Red Lion- Street, where they are setting up an Organ for the said Chaple, which ' tis thought will be open'd before Michaelmass. Bankrupt sinCe our last. Edward Coging, late of Stepney, in the County of Middlesex, Victualler. 1 Last Thursday Night the Corpse of Colonel Wal pole's Lady was interr'd in the Abbey from the Jerusa- lem Chamber. On Wednesday Morning the Lady Anne Bridge, man, Daughter of the Earl of Bradford, was brought to Bed of a daughter. The Messenger of the Press hath had his Authority extended, by a Warrant under his Majesty's Sign Ma- nuel. A Court Martial has sate on the Horse- Grenadier who assaulted the Earl of Albermarle in Hide Park Camp ; no Judgment hath as yet been given in the Matter the Report being to be first made to his Ma- esty. they write from Turin, that the King of Sardinia having some Demands of Importance upon his Allies to facilitate his Pretensions, has prohibited the Ex- portation of all Silk out of his Dominion, to preju- dice Trade of that Commodity. - Bartholomew Fair being near at hand, we under, stand that the famous Mr. Pinkethman. and no less fa- mous Mr. Miller are pleas'd to entertain all Gentle- men, Ladies ard others. with the diverting Play call'd. The Distressed Beauty. or, The London Prentice at their great Booth in Smithfield- Rounds ; where the abovementioned Persons will perform what is new and uncommon, to give their Audience entire Satiss- faction. Christned Males 175. Females 158. In all' 355 Buried Males * 1 y. Females In all 430 increaS'd in the Burials this Week 36. CASUALTIES; Drown'd 5. One in Bridewel- Dock, buried at. St Ann in Black- Fryers ; three at St. Dunstan's at Step- ney, and one at St. John at Wapping. Kill'd with a Hot Iron at St. Andrew in Holborn ( buried at St Giles's without Cripplegate) 1. Overlaid 1, ADVERTISEMENTS. Just published in French, and speedily will be pub lished in English, with some more Particularities than in the French Original. The SPIRIT of the French REFU- GEES manifested : Being an Apology in Favour of the English and French Proselytes 5 and particularly of JOHN BAPTIST DENIS: Shewing the Sub- ject and the just Reasons which forced him to with draw himself from the Churches of the French Refu- gees in London, after having frequented them for up- wards of fourteen Years. And submitted to the Judg- ment of the whole Equitable and Generous English Nation, and to all such as are Men of Honour among the French Refugees. By the said JOHN BAPTIST DENIS, Minister, and L. L. B. naturaliz'd here, for- merly Priest, Prebendary of the Chapel of our Lady of Dom. Germain ( Diocese of Toul in Lorrain) Curate of Germe, and two other Villages annex'd unto it, and afterwards chaplain and Secretary to the Bishop of Meaux, now Cardinal de Bissy. Sold by Mr. Frarin, Broker, at the upper- end of Princess- Street, behind the Wall, St. Anne's Church, Soho. Mrs. Nutt, at the Royal Exchange. Mr. Mayeux, ac the Sign of the Bell in Spittle- Fields. This Day is publish'd, The Second Part of Whipping Tom; or, A Rod for a Proud Lady. Bundled up in five Fee- ling Discourses, both serious and Merry, in order to touch the Fair Sex to the Quick I: The modern Vanity of taking poisonous Snuff II. Drinking Debilita- ting Tea. III. Walking in Scarlet Cloaks. IV. Wear- ing the Screen for Great Bellies, call'd Hoop Petti- coats. V. Unnecessary Toilets- The whole inter mix'd with Recipe's for curing the Womens Evil, and Inoculating Youth and Beauty upon old disfigur'd Beaux and Ladies Also a POEM, entitled the Vir- gin's Dream : and a SATYR, of the Rise and Fall of Pride, & c. Written by the Author of the First Part Printed for Sam. Briscoe, at the Bell Savage on Lud. gate. Hill; also at the Sun against John's Coffee- House in Swithen's Alley in Cornhill, Price 1, Where may be had, The 6th Edition of the First Part of Whipping- Tom. Also the 3d Edition of An Account of the Robberies committed by William Hawkins in the several Streets of London Westminster, in Company with Wilson, Wright, Butler Fox and others not taken, with the Names of the Persons they robb'd, and the Time and Places where all the said Robberies were committed Written by William Hawkins, Brother to John Haw- kins that robb'd the Bristol Mail. Price 1 s. LONDON, Printed and Sold by J. R E A D, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. 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