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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 04/08/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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The Continuation of the, Life of HENRY VI. King of ENGLAND. October 8. At which Parliament Richard Duke of York made his Claim to the Crown, publishing his Pedigree then on this sort, namely, that Lionel, third Son Of King Edward III. had issue Philippe his Daugh- ter, who was married to Edmond Mortimer, Earl of March, who had Issue Roger Earl of March, who had Issue Edmond Earl of March, Roger, Ann and Elea- nor; which said Edmond, Roger and Eleanor, died without Issue, and Ann the Heir of that House, was married to Richard, Earl of Cambridge, ( the Son of Edmund, Duke of York, fifth Son to King Edward III ) which said Earl of Cambridge had Richard, now Duke of York. He also alledged, that the Descen- dant of John of Gaunt, fourth Son and younger Bro. ther to Lionel, had hitherto holden the Crown of England unjust for that himself, the said Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, was the lawful Heir, be. ing the Son of Richard, Earl of Cambridge, and Ann aforesaid. Whilst this weighty ControVersy, to whom the Crown of Right belonged, was under Debate, a Crown which hung for an Ornament in the middle of the Roof of the Room, where the Knights and Bur. gesses met to consult, and also the Crown, which for like cause stood upon the highest Tower of Dover. Castle, both fell suddenly, which were vulgarly con- strued to be of ill portent to King Henry. The Con. clusion of the Parliament concerning the Crown, was, That Henry should enjoy it during Life, and then it should remain to Richard, Duke of York, and his Heirs; and King Henry's Heirs to be for ever exclud. ed. Whereupon the Duke was proclaimed Heir Ap. parent; but this while the Queen was gathering For. ces, in the North, resolving, if possible, to maintain the Possession of a Crown, and to secure it for her Son. The Duke of York therefore with an Army marcheth against her, and near unto Wakefield both Hosts join Battle, where the Queen at length gained the Victory. The Duke himself with divers Men of Account were slain in the Fight, and the Earl of Salis- bury was taken Prisoner, and Beheaded. And now Edward, Earl of March, the Son of Richard, Duke of York, takes upon him to maintain the Quarrel, and at Mortimer's Cross, near Ludlow, he set upon the Queen's Army, At which Time there appeared three Suns, which suddenly joined into one. The Battles maintained themselves with great Fury, but in the End March obtained the Victory. There were taken Sir Owen Teder or Tudor ( Father to Jasper, Earl of Pembroke) whom Earl Edward caused to be Beheaded ; Taken also were, Sir John Scudamor and his two Sons, and other Persons of Rank. A. D. 1461 Both Armies met and engaged in Fight at St. Albans, where the Queen's side won the Day, and recovered the King, whom the Yorkists had brought along with them from London. Howbeit the Londoners stood wholly for the Earl of March ( whose Presence and Carriage made amiable among the Peo. ple, especially Women) and at his Return to London from the Fight, proclaimed him King of England King Henry's Wife was Margaret, the Daughter of Reynate, King of Jerusalem, Sicily and Arragon' Duke of Anjou and Lorrain. King Henry's Issue was only Edward. He was a Prince free from Pride, given much to Prayer; well read in the Scriptures, charitable, so chast and modest, that when certain young Women presented themselves before him in a Mask, with their Hair loose, and bare The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty nine Regicides. v Sir Purbeck Temple sworn. He depos'd, That at the time the King's Murder was contriving, there came some of the King's Ser. vants to his Father's, to engage the Deponent in a Defign of attempting the King's Efcape: That in or. der thereto, it was thought necessary to discover wh- ther the Usurper's Council tended : And the Deponent by giving some Money to Officers of the Painted.' Chamber, got in and plac'd himself in the Lobby of the House of Lords, where he could observe what i pass'd through a Hole in the Wall: That their Coun- cil being met, and Prayers over, there was News brought that the King was landed at Sir Robert Cot- ton's Stairs; whereupon Cromwel run to the Window and saw the King coming up the Garden; and when Cromwel return'd to the Board he look'd as white as the Wall, and said to the Board, My Masters, he is come, he is come, and now we are doing that great that the whole Nation will be full of, therefore I desire you to let us resolve here what Answer we shall give the King when he comes before us ; for the first Question that he will ask us will be, by what Authority we try him. To which no Answer was return'd suddenly, but at length Mr. Marren the Prisoner rose up. and said, In the Name of the Commons in Parliament assembled, and all the good People of England, which none contradicted ; and ac- cordingly when they came to the Court in Westmin. ster- Hall, the Deponent heard the King ask them the very same Question that Cromwel had suppos'd he would. Solicit. Gen. The Prisoner confesses his Hand was to the Warrant for executing the King, but says he did not do it traiterously; I conceive he means it was justifiable. Marten. My Lord, the Commission was in the Name of the Commons assembled in Parliament; and what a Matter is it for one of the Commissioners to say, let it be acted by the good People of England ? And, my Lord, we acted by the then Supreme Au- thority, and which was so reputed both at Home and Abroad ( though your Lordship may think they were not a House of Commons:) And I fuppose he that gives Obedience to the Authority in being di Facto, whether de Jure or no, may be deem'd of a peaceable Disposition, and is far from being a Traitor. That the Statute of Henry VII, indemnifies those who take Arms for a King de Facto : And if the Supreme Officer de Facto may justify a War. I presume the Supreme Authority of England may justify such a Judicature, though it be but an Authority de Facto; and though it be objected, that it was but a third Estate, and a small Parcel of that, yet it was all that was extant. And I have heard Lawyers say, that where Commons are appurtenant to a Tenement, and the Tenement is burnt down, so that only a small Stick remains, the Commons belong to that one Piece as if the whole Tenement were standing. And the King was not then such a King whose Peace, Crown and Dignity were concern'd in publick Matters, he was not then in the Execution of his Offices, but a Prisoner. And I had then, as I have now, peaceable Inclination) and Resolution to submit to the Government that God has set over me. And I think his present Ma- jesty has the best Title under Heaven, for be was call'd in by the Representative Body of the Nation, and during my Life, ( long or short) I shall pay obe- dience to him. I confess I did adhere to the Parlia- ment's Army heartily, and my Life is at the Kings Mercy, and if he pleases to give it me, I shall have a double Obligation to him: And I desire the Jury would remember, tho' the Prosecution be in the Name of the King, it is as much the Interest of his Crown that the Innocent be acquitted, as that the Nocent be condemn'd. To be continu'd. The Breasts laid out, he immediately rose up and with these Words; Fie, fie, for Shame, forsooth ye are to To be continu'd. In a Parliament holden at Coventry, the Duke of York, Earls of March, Salisbury, Warwick, Rutland, and others, were attainted of High- Treason, and had their whole Estates confiscated. But on July 9, 1460, at Northampton, was the fatal Battle, where Henry Forces were utterly broken and vanquished, through the Treachery of the Lord Grey of Ruthen, who quit- ted his place, and fled to the Yorkists. The Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Shrewsbury, Viscount Beaumont, Lord Egrimond, valiant Sir William Lucy, with ma. ny other of the King's Friends were slain, and the King himself fell a Prey into his Enemies Hands, who carried him to London, where a Parliament begun The following humble Address the Honourable the Sub- Governor, Deputy- governor, and Directors of the South- Sea Company, was presented to his Ma- jesty at Kensington on Wednesday 7. Night last ; To the KING's most excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Sub- jects, the South- Sea Company, humbly beg Leave to approach Your Royal Presence, to express our detestation and Abhorrence of their wicked Designs, who, notwithstanding the great Clemency and Mercy Your Majesty had shewn to so many notorious Tray- tors after the late Rebellion, are so Undutiful, Base, and Ungrateful, as to attempt new Disturbances in these Kingdoms. The Enemies of Your Majesty's Government might probably take Encouragement in their Designs from the Anxiety and Uneasiness, which the particular Losses of many of Your Subjects in this Company had given us, and might hope to work up and inflame our Divisions to such a Degree, as to lead unwary People from their Allegiance But vain were their Thoughts, if they imagin'd that We, who at no Time forgot that Your Majesty had greatly commiserated and relieved us, Should act inconsistently, as by resenting Mischiefs, which Your Majesty neither caused, nor could possibly prevent, to contribute to and assist in Measures that can only tend to the Destruction of all Property ; the Preservation of which, depends upon Your peaceable Enjoyment of the Throne. Your Majesty's sacred and inviolable Regard to cur Laws and Religion, makes it the universal Duty of Your whole People to render your Government easy, and to defend against all Traiterous Conspiracies. But Your strict and constant Regard to publick Faith, makes it more immediately the Duty of those Subjects, whose Estates are engaged in the publick Funds; and particularly of this Corporation, interested in so great a Share of the whole National Debts : And we should have been wanting to our own Intreest and Preserva- tion, as well as Duty to Your Majesty and our Country, if we had not taken the first Opportunity of convin- cing the World of the Folly and Weakness of their Expectations, who thought our Divisions proceeded from, or could be raised up to a Disaffection to Your Majesty. And it is with the greatest Pleasure and Sa- tisfaction, that we can now assure Your Majesty, that to this End we have agreed with the Bank of England for the Sale of 200,000, per Ann. of our Fund, for our mutual Accommodation; whereby all our unhap. py Differences are amicably determined ; this Society is enabled to discharge their heavy and pressing Debts with Honour ; the Bank have enlarg'd their Capital, and made their Foundation surer; and both Compa- nies will mutually help each other, and unite to sup- port Publick Credit. And we beg Leave further to assure Your Majesty, That we shall be always ready to do every Thing for the Publick Service, that can be expected from good and faithful Subjects; and to consent, if it be agree- able to Your Majesty, that in any just and Parliamen- tary Method, confident with the Security of our pre- sent Fund, we may be enabled to convert some rea- sonable Proportion of our Capital into Annuities, Re- deemable by Parliament, Transferable and Payable by the South Sea Company. And in such Case, and in regard of the Advantage which has already accrued to the Publick, by the greatest Part of the absolute Annuities being made Redeemable, and by the Benefit which the Publick will have in a few Years from the great Increase of the sinking Fund, by the Reduction of the Interest of our whole Debt to 4I. per Cent. We humbly hope and beseech Your Majesty, that You will be graciously pleased still t0 Protect us, and in Your own good Time recommend us to Your Parlia- ment for further Relief, in relation to the Two Mil. lions, Part of the heavy Premium we were to pay to the Publick by the late Scheme, the fatal Execution of which has brought such Calamity upon us- That the Divine Wisdom may continue to inspire and conduct Your Councils, That Your Royal Prero- gative may be ever supported by Your Subjects, as their Liberty, and LawS, Property and Religion are defended by Your Majesty; That you may have con- tinual Victory over Your Enemies be Great and Tri- umphant Abroad, Loved and Honoured at Home That a long Series of Blessings on Your Majesty, and your faithful Subjects, may attend Your Reign, and that Your Crown may for ever flourish in Your Illu- strious Family, are our continual Prayers. To which Address his Majesty was pleased to give the following most gracious Answer. ICannot but be very well pleased With this seasonable De- claration of the Zeal, Fidelity and Affection of this Great Body of my good Subjects. I am fully persuaded, That my Enemies will find them. selves mistaken. who look upon the Discontents of the un- happy Sufferers in the South Sea Project, as Disaffection to my Person and Government: And you do but Justice in be- lieving, that I did neither cause nor had it in my Power to prevent the Mischiefs that have happen d. I hear with Pleasure, That this Company and the Bank of England are come to that Temper and good Agreement, which was absolutely necessary for their mutual Interest and the Publick Credit. I have been all along sensibly affected with the great Losses and Sufferings of so many unhappy People, and saw with Concern all Methods proposed for their Relief, disap- pointed and rendred ineffectual: And as the great Bulk of the Capital is found to be a weight upon it self and Detri- mental to the Publick ; whenever you apply to parliament for Relief, in regard to the Two Millions upon the Conditions mention'd in your Address, you shall have my Recommenda- tion and Consent to the Parliament's taking it into Consider- ation. They write from Rochester, That a Bill of Indict- ment was preferr'd to the Grand Jury, at the Assizes held there for the County of Kent, against Charles Curtis, for a Riot, pursuant to the Statute of the First of the King. The Grand Jury consisting of 15, five of whom were taken out of Court, to make up that Number, ten only appearing of those return'd upon the Pannel by the Sheriff, eleven were for find- ing the said Bill; but the Assent of twelve being ne- cessary towards finding all Bills of Indictment, and the other four not complying, three of whom were of the Number of those taken out of Court, the Wit- nesses to the said Bill of Indictment were examin'd, and their Evidence appear'd to the whole Court to be so full and clear against the said Curtis, that the Judge declar'd his Satisfaction therein. Notwithstand- ing which, the said Four still persisting in their former Resolution, no Return was made by the Grand Jury of the faid Bill of Indictment : Upon which the Judge thought fit to admit the said Curtis to Bail, himself in 1000 I. and his Sureties 500 1. each, for his Appearance at the next Assizes for the said County, at which he may, and probably will, be in- dicted for the said Offence, On Saturday a Fire happened at the Green- man near Black Heath, which consumed to the Value of about 2001. Several Gentlemen who were at play at Dice Continued the same, notwithstanding the Danger they were in, and would not give over till the Fire burst out into Room upon them. On Saturday Morning last, Mr. Kelly with his Wife, Daughter of the Lady Bellew. who is Sister to the Earl of Strafford, were apprehended, together with the said Lady Bellew, at their Apartment at the Cock pit, Whitehall, adjoining to the Duke of Roxburghe's Office, as they were going for France, and their Goods, which were pack'd up to be sent on board, were also seiz'd by the King's Messengers ; the Vessel was likewise stopp'd in the River; and several Persons were on Sunday examin'd before a Committee of Council at the Cockpit in relation to that Affair, and four or five discharged. The Vessel which had on board the Goods, & c. is under a Guard of Soldiers at the Tower- Wharf. And we hear the Messengers have brought away all the Papers of what kind soever they could find on board. We hear that on Sunday there were two Committees of Council on this Affair at the Cockpit, and on Monday another, after which Mr Kelly was sent to the Tower. Meantime a Guard is placed upon the said Kelly's Lodgings, His Majesty has ordered 10000 little Books called the Soldiers Monitor, & c. Composed by Dr. Woodward, to be distributed among the Soldiery. Last Monday a noted Vagrant, who begs elegantly both in Latin and English. and calls himself Rex Medi- corum or King of the Beggars, was committed by Justice Hewet to the House of Correction at Clerken- well, where it seems there are now two Monarchs of that sort beating Hemp, besides a Poor distracted Crea- ture who calls herself the Queen of Tuttle Fields. A Letter from Rochelle is positive, that an English Man of War has taken near St. Domingo a Pyrate Sloop of 14 Guns and 150 Men. Monday died in Childbed, of her 8th Child, at her House in Arlington street, the Lady Clifton, and Wife to the Lord Clifton, and Daughter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is so well recover'd of his late Indisposition. as to be present on Sunday last at Kensington Chapel ; at which Time the Sermon before his Majesty and their Royal High- nesses was preach'd by the Reverend Mr. Clagett. On Sunday last came on the Election of a President of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxon, in the room of Dr. Harwar, deceas'd. Of the three Candidates for- merly mention'd in this Paper, Mr. Lydall had 25 Voices out of the whole Society of actual Fellows, Dr. Butler 20, and Dr. Grandorge 14. Consequently the two first were return'd to the 13 Senior Fellows, ( according to the Constitution of that College) where, of Dr. Butler had seven Voices, and Mr. Lydall six. The Bishop of Winchester, as Visitor, confirms the Election of Dr. Butler. On Friday 7 Night the Assizes for the County of Surry ended at Kingston upon Thames; the follow ing received Sentence of Death, viz. John Wheeler, for Robbing on the Highway ; Nathaniel Daily, and Elizabeth Goodwin, for House breaking; and Mary Crawford, and Rachel Taylor ( a notorious Offender living in the Mint) for picking Pockets. Two were order'd to be Whipt ; eight order'd for Transporta- tion : And Thomas Haynes, a Barber lately living in Joyner- Street by St. Thomas's Hospital in Southwark, was convicted upon two several Indictments, for at- tempting t0 commit the heinous Sin of Sodomy ; up- on which he is fin'd 20 Marks, order'd to stand twice in the Pillory ; and to suffer six Months Imprison- ment. An Express is shortly expected here from Madrid, with the King of Spain's Passports for the Yearly Trading English Ship which is ready to Sail for the Spanish West Indies, with a considerable Quantity of all sorts of Merchandizes wanted in those Parts. Last Friday 7 Night, a Countryman was brought to Town from Crouch- end near Hornsey, and com- mitted to Newgate, for having assaulted and almost kill'd his own Father, because he could not supply him with what Money he demanded. The Man that was last Week kill'd in a most bar- barous Manner, by one Ched a Warrener by Twit- tenham, proves to be the Drawer at the Red- Lion Inn at Hounslow- Last Saturday was committed to Newgate, one Anne Thacker, alias Thackwell, who murder'd her Female Infant, by throwing it into a House of Office, as mention'd in our last. / Extract of a Letter from Dover, A Man, living at the Sign of Balaam's- Ass in Dover, who has' a Child nine Years Old, which at his Birth had no passage for his Excrements, but what was made by a Surgeon, and altho' he has that Passage, he voids those Excrements but once in three or four Months com- monly, and the last Time it was eighteen Months be- tween ; about a Week or ten Days before he goes to Stool, he is very Sick, his Body swell'd to a prodigi. Bigness and vents much Wind, and what comes from him insufferable to Smell. He Eats three times a Day heartily, Sleeps well, and in no heat ; plays as Other Children, is sharp Witted. takes his Learning well ; and you can perccive no Difference in him, but that he is Lean, his Victuals not digesting as others does; it is the Opinion of some, that he has no Sto- mach for the first Digettion, but that his Food passes directly into his Belly. They write from Bombay, that a Quarrel happening between a Relation of the Earl of Sutherland and Co- lonel Dalrymple's Son, both Voluntiers they fought a Duel, in which the latter was killed, and the former was sentenced to Death by a Court Marshal but re- prieved till his Majesty's Pleasure be known ' Mr. Molesworth his Majesty's Envoy at Turin, Swis- ferland, & c. is dead. We hear that the Bishop of Hereford is to Solemnise the Rites of the Marriage betwixt the D. of Bridg- water and the D. of Bedford's Sister. His Majesty in Council has Ordered the Parliament to be further prorogued to the 4th of next Month We hear that the Ticket that Was drawn a Prize of 1o. 0ool. is in the Bank; it is not yet certainly known who it belongs to. On Monday last the William and Mary Yatch sailed for Rotterdam to bring over Baron Hartorp, the King's private Secretary. On the last Day of the Seals the Right Honoura. ble the Lord Chancellor order'd six persons into Custo- dy for Perjury or subornation of Perjuryj, in a Cause between one Corfield and Neudick. On Monday last their Royal Highnesses, being at- tended by a great many Persons of Quality, went to Mrs. Marriot's Great Room on Richmand Green where they diverted themselves near two Hours. Wednesday one Norman, a Master of a Ship, was committed to Newgate on a Charge of Sodomy. On Tuesday last George Glover stood in the Pillory in the Hay- market, pursuant to his Sentence it the late Sessions aT the Old Baily for Perjury, in making a false Affidavit before the Lord Chief Justice Pratt at the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, in Rela- tion to the Will of one John Hutchinson. Next Tuesday will be Sold by Cant, the Household Goods ofSir John Lambert, and Sir John Blunt. There is Advice from Genoa, that an English Ship bound to Genoa was arrived there from Port Mahon, after having met between Malaga and Cape Molines, several Spanish Men of War, who fired upon the Eng- lish Captain, because he refused to come onboard in pursuance of the Signal given him. Sir John Buckworth, Bart. has Leave to dispose of his Post in the First Regiment of Guards, he being upon going Abroad to Travel. Thursday 7. Night, came on at St. Alban's the Tryal of the two Highwaymen formerly mention'd to be taken there ; when they were both convicted : But an Argument arising about a Point of Law, we hear that sentence did not pass upon them. Wednesday Morning about four a- Clock died Barbara Countess of Pembroke. She was, when the Earl of that Name, to whom she was second Wife, marry'd her, Widow to Richard Ld. Arundel of Trerice, and had Issue by my Ld. Pembroke, one Daughter, nam'd Bar- bara. ' Tis confirmed from Bristol, that the Reynolds of London, and the John and Henry of that Place, have been unhappily lost in their Passage. The Cadogan, an East India Ship, which returned Home two Days ago from China, has on board a con. siderable Quantity of Coffee, Tea. and other Effects the Particulars of which be published this Day Six or Seven Ships more are daily expected from several Parts of the East Indies. The News of the Loss of this Dartmouth and the King George, near Maderas is con- firmed. Wednesday being the Glorious First of August, on which King George entred into the 9th Year of his Reign, there was a numerous Court of the Nobility. Foreign Ministers, See. at Kensington, which was ren- dered the more Illustrious by the Presence of Royal Highnesses, to compliment his Majesty there- upon, and at Night there was a Fine Ball. The Guns of the Tower, & c- were fired at Noon. The Flags were displayed on the River, the Bells rang all Day on both Shores ; and the Evening concluded with Fireworks, Illuminations, Bonfire, & c. The same Day the Coat and Badge, given by the late Mr Dogget Annually for ever, was row'd for by six young Watermen out of their Times last Year, from London Bridge to Chelsea, and was won by a low Bridge Wa- terman. The Artillery likewise in Hyde- Park were fired three Times round ; and the Army being drawn out on the Front of the Line, made three Running fires from the Right Wing to the Left. The Ho- nourable Artillery Company perform'd also a fine exercise in Honour of the Day, SIR. ON Wednesday last, being the Day of his Ma. jesty's happy Accession to the Crown ; there was a Loyal Society assembled at the Bull- Head in upper Shadwell, Ratcliff High Way, where they drank to his Majesty's Health, the Prince and Princess of Wales, with the rest of that Illustrious Family, the Glorious and Immortal Memory of King William and the Duke of Marlborough; and all the Loyal Healths that could be thought of on that joyful Occasion There was a Bonfire with Illuminations, and a Bar- rel of Beer given by the Society to the Neighbourhood, who appeared about it in very great Numbers. And although such Demonstrations of Loyalty had been uncommon in these Parts, yet they were as well re. ceive'd and approved of by the Inhabitants round a- about as in any, the most loyal Part of the Kingdom, There was one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and the High Constable for that Hundred, who ho- noured the society with their Presence ; they drank King GEORGE's health out of the Widows to the spectators who return'd it with firing of Guns, and loud acclamations of Joy and that Loyal Society behaved themselves with that Decency and Sobriety, as is ever found among good Subjects and good Chri- stians your publishing of this, will very much o- blige SIR, Your most humble Servant, The Chairman of the Society. P. S. Tuesday the 18th Day of September next, being the happy Day of his Majesty's landing on the British Isles the Society design to meet again at the same House, where every Man is at Liberty to expend and drink what he pleases, and to be confin'd by no other rule than that of Sobriety. The Time of Meet- ing is at four o' th'Clock in the Afternoon. A Prosecution is commenced in the Exchequer, against a Victualler in the Strand, for using in his Business a greater quantity of Plate than the Law allows of. The other Day the Under- Sheriff of the County of Surrey, by Order of the Judges, went into the Mint, and served several Processes without the least Molesta- tion. Last Thursday a considerable Quantity of Forfeited Goods, as Palampores, French Alamodes, and Lute- strings, were ( for want of paying the Duty) eXpos'd to Sale at the Custom- House. The Royal African Company, whose Sale of Sugar, Elephant's Teeth, & c. was to commence last Thursday, have adjourn'd the same to the 8th Instant. Thursday last began the Recall at Broadstreet of his Majesty's Men of War ; viz. Orford, Barfleur, Ru- pert, and Thunderbolt. Bankrupts since our last. Daniel Greene, of Carrow. Abby, in the County of George Whately, of the City of Lichfield, in the County of the same City. Ironmonger. John Seward, late of Alton, in the County of South- ampton, Mercer, or Chapman. William Clark, late of Overbury, in the County of Worcester, Chapman. Thomas Clarkson, of Scarborough, in the County of York, Mercer. Dublin, July 21. This Morning as Part of the Hon. Col. Handyside's Regiment of Foot was exercising on Oxmantown Green, and firing in Platoons, Cornet Lawson, of the Hon. General Wyne's Regiment of horse, standing by to view them, was shot through the Body, under the left Shoulder, by some one that had loaded his Piece with Ball, contrary to Orders : The whole Platoon that then fir'd, were sent Prisoners, in order to find out the Person whose Piece was so loa- den. A Train of Artillery is to be sent from the Tower to Portsmouth, and the Fortifications of the Garrison are to be repair'd. On Wednesday Morning a Ribband Weaver in black Fryers hang'd himself for LoVe; Most of the Horse Keepers from pall Mall to the Abbey are resolv'd to build Scaffolding before their doors, to the first Story, against the Funeral of the late Duke of Marlborough- At the Funeral of the late Duke of Marlborough; a whole Piece of Armory is to be carry'd, which is now cleaning in the TOwer, and a Piece of Ordnance, the Officers of the said Ordnance to attend the same. And also 73 of the Out- Pensioners of Chelsea to walk in Gowns with his Grace's Arms before the Corpse. The Dean of Westminster hath appointed Dr. CroftS to compose an Anthem on that Occasion : The DeanS and Prebends are to walk in their Copes as upon a Coronation, and Dr. Croft in his Mantle ; and we hear the Choir of St. James's and St. Paul's are like, wise to attend . , We hear the Persons invited to the Funiral of the late Duke of Marlborough, are all the Dukes, Earls Viscounts, Bishops, and Barons of England, and the Sixteen Peers of Scotland, the Roman Catholick Lords and Minors excepted ; Five of the eldest Sons of Peers, viz. the Lord Finch, Lord Morpeth, Lord Harvey. Lord Parker, and Col. West. And Eight General Officers; viz. General Withers, General Willes, Ge- neral Lumley, General Kellam, General Maccartney; General Wightman. General Munden, and General Honywood. The Train of the Earl of Godolphin who is chief Mourner, is to be supported by Sir Robert Rich, Bart, and the Funeral will be perform'd upon the 9th of August. The Helmet which is to be carried on his Grace's Coffin in this Procession, is to lie between two Coro- nets, on his Imperial Coronet as Prince of Mindle- heim, and the other his Ducal one as Duke of Marl- borough The Corpse lies in State in a Room hung with black Velvet. The three Regiment; of Foot Gunrds are to receive the Corpse of the late Duke of Marlborough at Hide- Park Corner in the following Manner, viz. Upon the Approach of the open Chariot, the Officers are to strike their Pikes and Colours, and each Centinel to fix the Muzzle of hiS Musquet to the Ground, and lean his Head in a melancholly Posture on the Butt- End ; the Corpse being passed by, they are to Recover ReVerse their Arms, and March in solemn Procession to the Abbey. The Golden Medals struck for the Fu- neral, will be distributed among the Officers, and the Silver ones to the Soldiers. The Form of the Tickets, that are given out to invite the Company to his Grace the late Duke of Marlborough's Funeral. May it please your Lordship. YOU are desir'd to attend the Funeral of hiS Grace the late Duke of MARLBOROUGH, upon Thursday the 9th Day of August, which will pro- ceed from Marlborough House at 12 precisely ; and therefore you are requested to be there at 11 in the Forenoon, and to bring this Ticket with you. In the mean time, to send Notice to the Heralds Office near St. Paul's Cathedral, London ; before the 7th of August,.. whether you intend to be present, that due Care may be taken in the Cere- monial. After you come to the House thro' Pall- Mall, be pleas'd to send your Coach and Six into St. James's- Park thro the Horse Guards, where it will be rang'd in its proper Place. We hear that by a Letter which the late Duke of of Marlborough left in the Hands of the Right Ho- nourable Earl Cadogan, with orders not to open it till after his Grace's Decease, his Lordship is im- powered to dispose of a Sum amounting to about 60 Thousand Pounds which lies in the Bank of Amster- dam, to such and such Uses therein mentioned, and that a considerable Part thereof is to be appropriated for the Relief of the Widows of Subaltern Officers. All the Officers of the Troops are to appear in black Scarves, and the private Men in black Cravats of Cy- Press A
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