The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 28/07/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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c 229^ ) THE weekly journal oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. Saturday, JULY 28, 1722, A Memorial for the FIRST of AUGUST. cobities, who had ever refused the Abjuration Oath till this critical Juncture : But the good of the Cause, having made perjury necessary, they made no scruple Of Swearing. The Army was now new modell'd for the Pretender's Service, and no Officer could keep his Commission, but who would promise to do Duty where- ever they were commanded, without asking Questions. There were the preparations at Home, and to Com- pleat the Scheme, the French King
had sent no less than 40000 Men to the Sea- side ( under Pretence of car- rying on the Fortifications of Mardyk ) who were ready to joyn them, at what Time our Ministry should agree to give the dreadful Signal! And if those Achitophles had not been divided in their Council a- bour the point of Time, the Pretender had immedi- ately been wafted over at the head of that Army, and set upon the Throne before the Queen's Death; and that the Populace, whom they had already debauch'd in their Principles, might not be ignorant of the grand Design ; they put Bungey in the Church, with Instructions to preach up the unlimited Doctrine
of Passive Obedience, in Opposition to that Resistance which had brought about the Revolution ; and to assert that Hereditary and Unalienable Right of Princes, by which the Pretender laid Claim to the Crown. This was the unhappy State of the Nation at that Time, and England and France being united in the same Design; the Armies, the Fleets, and the Treasure of both Nations, were undoubtedly at the Devotion of our Jacobite Ministry, till that Design could be ac- complish'd; but in such and sad Circumstances, who could expect any thing less than swift Destruction, or conceive the least Hope that ever the Protestant Suc cession should take Place in these Kingdoms ? Surely they who remember the Transactions of that Time, and are sensible of the great Danger we were then in ; dare not ascribe so wonderful a Deliverance t0 any other Cause, than the good Providence of that God who governs the World. For Who do we think it was, that divided our Enemies in Council, and prevented their Agreement to give the fatal Signal to the French Army at Mardyke ? for although they all design'd the same thing ; yet one being ( through Fear,) for postponing it till the Queen's Death, and the other for doing it immediately j it created such Discord among
them, that they discover- ed their Treasonable Design to the Queen, by accus- ing each other with it before her Face: And seeing the unavoidable Ruin she was brought into by their wicked Council's ; she died with Grief, and declared, That they broke her Heart. Who can we think it was that preserved such a Re- gency to that Time, as was entirely in the Interest of the House of Hanover, notwithstanding those Mini- sters did attempt, by a Motion in Parliament, to bring in a Bill that should leave it in their Power to destroy that Security But that Motion was happily lost upon putting it to the QuestiOn, even by a Majority of their own
Creatures Who can we think it was, that at the Queen's De- mise, did so greatly intimidate the French King, that he sent immediate Assurances to Hanover to no regency here ; That he would give no disturbance to the Kings peaceable Accession to the Crown ? Who do we think it was, that in the following Year took the French King out of the World, while he was again engaged in the Pretender's Cause, in Con- D 15 junction THE FIRST of AUGUST being so near at hand, I could by no Means let slip so fair an Opportu- nity to congratulate my Countrymen and Fellow Protestants, upon the Re- turn of that happy Day, and joyn
with each loyal Subject to celebrate his Majesty's Accession to the Crown of Great- Britain. But I believe I cannot take a better Method to make some Protestants sensible of their present Happiness, than by laying before them a Description of some of those Projects and wicked Schemes, that were laid to destroy us, by a Jacobite Ministry, at the Close of the last Reign. From whence it will appear, that our Deliverance upon the FIRST of AUGUST 1714. was not inferior to that of the 5th of November 1688. And that both were brought to pass by a most wonderful Series of Divine Provi- dence. In order to this, I shall begin my
Account of Time, at the Death of Prince George of Denmark j because till that fatal Day, no evil Councellors could ever get Access to the Queen : But no sooner had she lost that Guardian Angel, but she was caught by the cunning Craftiness of those wicked Men, who had long lain in wait to deceive her. They soon took Advantage from the Weakness of her Sex, to draw her into such Measures as did naturally lead on to the Ruin of her- self and Kingdoms. It then plainly appeared that the Prince was that secret good Genius, to whom Great- Britain was indebted for the Steadiness of her former Councils ; his Name did then
become dear to all Pro- testants, and the Memorial of his abundant Goodness will descend to all Generations. In his Time, this Nation was in its Meridian Height of Glory; it was then the Illustrious MARLBOROUGH fought our Battles Abroad, and the noble GODOLPHIN did, with the utmost Juftice and Probity, managed our Treasures at Home. We were, then the Dread and Admiration of the whole World, and in view of a glorious Peace to crown our Victories ; but when that great Spirit left us, how suddenly was all our Sun shine eclipsed. and all the Glories of a successful War most shamefully resign'd to the Triumphs of a
vanquished Enemy ? No sooner did a Male Admini- stration take Place, but our IMMORTAL HEROE Was scandalously discharged of his great Trust, and his Person rudely intreated : The same Fate befell the Noble GODOLPHIN, and with him fell the most faithful Ministry that Great- Britain had ever seen. And now every Treaty with our faithful Allies was treacherously broken, our new Ministers betrayed them in all their Councils, and the wretched Scene was closed with a seperate and destructive Treaty of Peace with France and that the French King and the Preten- might make a sure Judgment or what they finally intended ;
they turn'd all true Protestants out of their Places, and fill'd them up with none but profess'd Ja- ( Price Three Half pence)
junction with those English Traytors, who afterwards raised the Rebellion ? . , _ Who do we think it was, that so nearly cut off all the Royal Line of Bourbon, that the Regent of France is at present, the next in Succession to the Crown ? And for that Reason, is obliged to court our Friend- And Lastly, who do we think could give such Suc- cess to the Quadruple Alliance, that the Emperor, the French and Spanish Kings, are thereby become Guaran- tees for our protestant Succession ? By which Means a11 Europe is now in profound Peace ; and the Ballance of Power ( which our Jacobite Ministry lost) is once more return'd to
Great Britain, as to its natural Center. I say, who can we imagine could bring all these wonderful things to pass; but that Almighty Power which governs the World, and turneth the Hearts of Princes to do whatever pleaseth him best? And who now can doubt but that it was the same good Provi- dence, who gave us such a King as justly merits the Title of Defender of the Faith! and his unwearied En- deavours to unite and strengthen the Protestant Inte- rest at Home and Abroad, is a noble Proof of his Piety to God, and Good Will towards Men, and it is not only we, that have Cause to rejoyce for his Accession to the Throne, but
our Posterity shall likewise celebrate the FIRST of AUGUST with gladness of Heart, and Protestants yet unborn, shall rise up on that Day, and the IMMORTAL WILLIAM BLESSED ! for leav- ing Great- Britain that glorious LEGACY. I am not now writing to Jacobites ( who although many of them call themselves Protestants, are yet Strangers to the true Principles of that Profession,) but I am writing to all such Protestants, who before King GEORGE came to the Crown, were sensible of, and justly terrified with the Danger that their Religious and Civil Rights were then in, and who at his coming did receive him as their Guardian
Angel, to such I say, who then made the Heaven: ring with loud Shouts of Applause, and could never speak of him, but with such transports of Joy, that were too great for Words to express ? He was then esteemed as their great Deliverer, the Father of Protestants, and a Man after God's own Heart ! These were then the gloricus epithets they bestowed upon him, and these were the genuine Fruits of their first Love. Now this great Prince is still the same, and has never discovered the least Sha- dow of turning from any of those Godlike Virtues, which have always possest his generous Soul. But yet, alas ! how many of those
Subjects have since chang- ed their Zeal for his Person, into luke Warmness ? How can we justify, or rather, how can we sufficiently bewail the Unhappiness of those Protestants who have sufFered themselves to be so far wheedled and cajoll'd by the Jacobites, that when any publick Occasion calls for their highest and warmest Expressions of Love and Loyalty ; they shew themselves cold and indiffe- rent in their Behaviour ? Their Hearts are almost fro- zen, and their Tongues do utter a strange Language ; and we see in them a sad Proof, That Evil Communica- tions, do as naturally corrupt good Principles, as good Manners.
If I did not see it, I should have thought it impossi- ble for any Protestant to be led from his Duty to King GEORGE, by the Fallacious and Inconsistent Rea- sonings of the Jacobites; for can I possibly be so hap. py under the Government of a Papist, as I am under a Protestant King ? It is a very short Question to ask my own Heart, and it requires neither Wit nor Learn- ing to answer ir ; and he that has any value for his Religion, will wonder how it was ever possible for him to make a Question for it. Therefore let our Adver- saries dress up their Arguments with never so much Wit and Sophistry ; yet when we put but this impor- tant
Question to our selves ; all Doubts and Scruples which they can raise in our Minds, will immediately vanish. And if I cannot be so happy under a Popish King, ( which this Nation well knows by woful Ex- perience) as I am under a Protestant ? then surely I must think it my Duty to love and honour such a King, under whose Government I enjoy all that is dear and valuable to me, as I am a Christian or an Englishman ? It: us always remember that as the Pre- tender's Happiness cannot consist in any thing less than our Ruin, ( on Account of his Religion, as i have prov'd in the Memorial for the 1oth of June) so 0n the contrary, the
Happiness of King GEORGE does con- sist only in our Happiness and Prosperity. For as he is a Protestant, it is impossible for him to have any Interests in view, but what are equally for our Benefit This is so self evident, that whoever shall consider the force of this Argument as he ought, and has any value for his dear Religion and Liberty, will soon find what infinite Cause he has to thank God for giving us such a King, thac is not only inclined by Nature to do us good ; but whole Interest also engages him to promote the Happiness of his Subjects. I say, he, who consi- ders these things as he ought, and remember how lately he
was delivered out of the House of Bondage, by his Ma- jesty's Accession to the Crown, cannot fail to celebrate the FIRST of AUGUST, with great Joy and Glad, ness of Heart. Therefore let all Protestants assemble and unite on this great Day, to shew forth their Love and Loyalty to the best of Kings. Let this laudable Custom be to Protestants, like the Laws of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be alter'd ; because none can be offended at our Rejoycing, but those who are Ene- mies to the King, and the Protestent Succession; and if this be an Offence, we cannot help it, it is such a- one as is taken by them, but not given by
us. For sure ly, if Protestants should cease to rejoyce on that Day; the very Stones would cry out against: them, and bit- terly reproach them with Ingratitude. I am, SIR, July Your most humble Servant,' 1722. OCTOBER GREENWOOD. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY VI K; ng of ENGLAND. Howbeit their pretence in taking Arms, was only for the Reformation of the State, professing that they meant all Honour and Obedience to the King; which King Henry and his Friends, chiefly the Duke of So- merset, could not believe : Therefore an Army was prepared, and also advanced against the Yorkists. But before the Armies
came to engage in Fight, by such that secretly favoured the Duke of York, the King ' u as perswaded to a Reconciliation, and that Somerset should be commanded Prisoner to his own House. Which done, and York having dissolved his Army, he came to the King, making great Complaints against Somerset ; who hearing thereof, presented himself to the King against his Accuser, answering York Face to Face, and in plain Terms accused him of highest Trea- son, as having conspired to depose the King, and to take the Sovereignty upon himself. Whereupon York was for a Time put under restraint, till in Sr. Paul's Church in
London, before the chief of the Nobility, he took a solemn Oath to be a true, faithful, and obe- dient Subject unto King Henry. A. D. 1452, John Lord Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury of that Family, with an Army was sent to regain Gascoign. Bourdeaux herself yielded to this Great Soldier : Whence he went to relieve Castilion; but charging the Enemy upon much unequal Terms, was there slain in the Field, together with his Son the Viscount Lisle. After which Battle, when the Flames of intestine War began to flash out in England betwixt the two Families of York and Lancaster, the Martial Men of England were called Home out of
France, to maintain the Factions here At which Time a French Captain scoffing, asked an English Man, When they would return again into France ? To whom the English Man feeling and upon a true Ground answered, When your Sins shall be greater and more grievous in the sight of God than ours are now. A. D. 14 jj . the Queen was deliver- ed of a Son, who was named Edward. A. D. 1454, The Duke of York in despight of his Sacred Oath so publickly taken, raised Arms against the King, marching with his Forces towards London. Against whose coming King Henry prepared an Army, with which he advanced to St. Albans,
where a sharp Battle was fought, and the Royal Party worsted. on the King's side were slain the Duke of Somerfst, earls of Northumberland and Stafford, Lord Clifford,
sundry worthy knights and EsquireS. The King him- self was shot into the Neck with an Arrow, taken Prisoner, and conveyed back to London ; where in July immediately following, a Parliament was holden, the Precursor whereof was a Blazing Star, which ap- peared in june, extending its Beams to the South. The first popular Act of this Assembly, was to restore the Memory of Duke Humphry to Honour, declaring him to have been a true Subject to the King and Realm The next was to free the Yorkists from trea- son, as to their taking up of Arms. In this Parlia- ment the Duke of York created himself Protector of England; the Earl
of Salisbury, his great Confident, was made Lord Chancellor, and the Earl of Warwick ( Salisbury's Son) Captain of Callais. They spared as yet to touch King's Henry's Life, because the People did wonderfully esteem and reverence him for his Ho. iness, But that they ( the Yorkists.) might with the more facility uncrown, and at last kill him, they by degrees work'd out his ancient Counsellors, and placed of their own Creatures in their rooms And now the French, encouraged by our inward Divisions, landed at Sandwich Fifteen Thousand Men, where they did some Spoil, then departed. Another Part of them burned Foway, and
some other Towns in DeVonshire. A. D. hs8. The Lords met at London to com- pose all Quarrels, bringing with them great Troops of armed Attendants, which thro' the great Vigilancy and Providence of the then Mayor of London, God- frey Bullein ( Queen Ann Bullein's Ancestor) dutifully kept the King's Peace. This Meeting of the Lords ended in a Composure, though it continued but a short Time before both sides made Preparations for War; and at Blore- Heath they came to Battle, which was long and bloody ; but at length the worst of the Day fell to the King's side. Howbeit not long after, the King put the Yorkists to flight at
Ludlow, which Town was spoilcd to the bare Walls. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty. nine Regicides, A Stranger was call'd. He depos'd, that he heard Brandon the Hangman say he cut of the King's Head. The Prisoner desir'd the Jury might be withdrawn, and he might have a Fortnight's Time to produce other Witnesses ; but was told the Jury being charg'd with him, that could not be granted. Then the Chief. Baron having directed the Jury, they withdrew, and having continued together a considera- ble Time, they return'd and brought the Prisoner in Guilty. After which the Court adjourn'd. 0ctober 16.
1660. Issac Pennington, Henry Mar- ten, Gilbert Millington, Robert Titchburne, Owen Roe, Robert Lilburne, Henry Smith. Edmund HarVey, John Downs, Vincent Potter, Augustine Garland, Si- mon Meyne, James Temple, Peter Temple, and Tho, Wayte, ( in all fiftien.) Were set to the Bar, and a Jury was charg'd with them all. Mr. Harvey, to save the Court any further Trouble, acknowledg'd, that he did sit in the High- Court of Justice, but said he did not sign the Warrant; And he call'd a Witness or two to shew that he us'd his En- deavours to prevent the Sentence against his Majesty, and what Concern he was under when it was
pass'd. And he tender'd a Petition, which he desir'd the Court would present to his Majesty, and interceed in rhe Behalf of him, his Wife, and thirteen Children: And the Court promis'd to present the Petition to his Majesty Isaac Pennington also acknowledg'd, that he sat in the High- Court of Justice, but said he was drawn in by others, and had no Malice to his Majesty; and that he absolutely refus'd t0 sign the Warrant for his Exe- CUtion, though much importun'd to do it. Henry Marten being call'd, said, he did not decline confessing the Matter of Fact, the Malice set aside ; and said, he did not do it malicously, murderously and
traiterously, as was said. Solicit. Gen. My Lord, he thinks a Man may Sen- sence the King to Death, and sign a warrant for his Execution, meekly, innocently, charitably, and ho- nestly. Marten. According to the little Understanding I have of the Law, there is no Fact that can be nam'd that is a Crime in itself but as it is circumstantiated. Council. Because he would wipe off the Malice, we shall prove that he did this very merrily, and was in great Sport at the Time of the signing the Warrant for the King's Execution. Marten. That does not imply Malice. Mr. Ewer sworn. He depos'd, That he waited on the Prifoner Mr. Marten to the
Painted- Chamber on the 29th of Janu- ary 1648, being the Day of signing the Warrant t That he saw a Parchment there with a great many Seals to it; and he saw Cromwel mark the Prisoner's Face with a Pen, and the Prisoner mark'd Cromwel's, but he did not see any of them see their Hands to the Parchment. To ' be continu'd, One Night last Week between Eight and Nine o'Clock, a Person coming through Three King Court in Lombard- Street, was stopt by two Street- Robbers, who clapt Pistols to his Breast, and robb'd him of 40 Guineas. A Boy came thro' at the same time, and cry'd Hey ! what are you going to rob the Man
? Upon which they threaten'd, if he spoke another Word, they would shoot him through the Head. They had before cau- tion'd the Person they robb'd, to talk with them like a Friend, if any body should happen to come by, or else they would shoot him. Monday the Coroner's Inquest sat upon the Body of John Goble, who hang'd himself on Sunday last at the Bear- Inn in Drury Lane, and brought in their Verdict Lunacy. He was Brother to the Woman that keeps the said Inn, and had formerly kept a Night House in Bow street, CoVent- Garden. ' Tis still discours'd, that the King and the Prince of Wales will go and view the Troops
encamp'd on Sa- lisbury- Plain, and proceed from thence to Winchester, to see the Palace, which was begun, but left unfinish'd, by King Charles II. Early on Sunday Morning a Custom House Officer made a Siezure of a large Quantity of Diamonds on board a Vessel at Greenwich, which some Jews had brought from Holland. On Sunday last died the Lady Dod, Relict of the late Lord Chief Baron Dod. Friday 7. Night the Seals ended, and next Day the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor set out for his Seat at Sherburn Castle in Oxfordshire. The next General Seal will be on the 15th of October. Last Week some of Count
staremberg, the Imperial Embassador's Domestick Servants arrived from Hol- land, with several Tons of Hungarian, Rhenish and Moselle Wines for his Excellency's Use, who is ex. pected very soon. The Prince Frederick. Capt. Kerr, hath brought Advice, that seven of the Pyrates taken by the Swallow Man of War, have been executed at Barbadoes, some Circumstances in their Case having made it necessary to try them there. Friday 7- Night a Foot Soldier and another Person were committed to the Poultry Compter by Sir Fran- cis Forbes, for stopping a Coach at the End of Lom- bard Street, with a Design, as is supposed, to
rob the Passengers. The South Sea Company lately dispatched an Ex- press to Madrid to demand the usual Schedule for their Annual Sh: p, which Is ready to sail for the Spanish West Indies very richly laden. Friday 7 Night the Lord Whitworth, the British Am- bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the Congress, set out for Paris in order to repair from thence to Cambray Sir Hans Sloan, Bart. M. D. President of the Col- lege of Physicians, is made Physician- General of the Army in the room of Dr Gibson Deceased. His Grace the Archbishop of- Dublin, is arrived at the Bath, to use the Waters for the Recovery of his
Health. The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury have contracted and agreed with the Bank of England for the circulating and exchanging of all Exchequer Bills 1