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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 21/07/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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OR, BRitish Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1722. s 1 R, Have already made it ap- pear, that God has left all Nations at Liberty, to make or Enact such Laws as they conceive will best secure the Obedience of the Subject to the Su- pream Power, and pre- serve the Perce of their several Communities. Now in all Monarchical Governments, we see the Oaths of Allegiance are required of those, who are admitted into any Place of Trust ; and so oft as they are threaten'd with Invasions from Abroad, or Insurrections at Home, in favour of a Pretender to the Crown ; so often have those Govern, ments imposed such an Oath upon the whole Com- munity, as they thought would effectually distinguish the true from the false Subject. And this being the Case of Great Britain, the Abjuration Oath was im. posed by an Act of Parliament for the same Purpose, and what makes that Law of greater Obligation to us, is, that it is made by our own Suffrage, ( a Privi- lege which few other Nations enjoy) therefore those Men who call it an unrighteous Imposition, stand self condemn'd, and its being a particular Hardship upon them, is owing to their Disaffection ; and is so far from proviog it unjust. that it proves it too abso lutely necessary, because it is certain thar no Govern- ment can possibly subsist, or be supported upon any other Principle of Self Preservation. Therefore so long as there be Men who retain any Sense of the Na- ture and Sacred Obligation of an Oath, so long the Occasional Imposition of it will prove to be the best Means that Humane Wisdom could find out to secure the Subject's Obedience. But of late Years we have such an infamous Party of Men sprung up among us, as are the utmost Dis- grace to Humane Nature ; whose Profession is to de- ceive, and who make no Conscience of Abjuring the Pretender in the most awful and solemn form of Words that can be devised, while yet their Hearts are entirely devoted to him. This is such a Mystery of Iniquity, as hath been hid from Ages and from Generati- ons, and was never made known to the Sons of Men, untill it was discovered in the Practices of our High Church Priests and their Disciples. How safely then may we appeal to Heaven and Earth, for the Justice and Equity of our Proceedings against such Men for the Breach of their Oaths? It was never heard, till of late Years, that any People Nition or Language, held it lawful to take a false Oath upon any Account whatever, or to break an Oath, which they knew to be just and true when they took it. So that these Monsters of Impiety stand condemn'd by the eternal Rule of Justice the Revealed Will of God. and the Reason and Practice of all Mankind. And however, wicked Men have been in other Cases, yet in this, they were al- ways innocent; surely all Men, who have any Know, ledge of Christianity, and whose Consciences are touched with the least Sense of the Nature of it. will tremble at the very Proposal of such a Doctrine to them, which stands condemned and branded with In. ( Price Three Half pence.) famy, by the whole Creation ; but least any Man, who has taken the Abjuration Oath, should pretend ignorance or forgetfulness of what he has sworn ; I have here transcribed that Oath for his serious Perusal: And be it at his Peril, who makes a false Interpreta- tion of it. " I A B. Do truly and sincerely acknowledge, pro- sess, testify and declare in my Conscience, before God and the World, that our Sovereign Lord King George is lawful and rightful King of this Realm, and of all Other his Majesty's Dominions and Coun- tries thereunto belonging ; and I do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I do believe in my Consci- ence the Person pretended to be Prince of Wales, during the Life of the late King James, and since his decease pretending to be, and taking upon himself the Stile and title of King of England, by the Name of James the Third, or of Scotland, by the Name of James the Eighth, or the Stile and Title of King of Great Britain, hath not any Right or Title whatsoever to the Crown of this Realm, or any other the Dominions therunto belonging . And I do renounce, refuse, and abjure any Allegiance or Obedience to him ; and I do sweir that I will bear " Faith and true Allegiance to his Majesty King " George, and him will defend to the utmost of my " Power against all traiterous Conspiracies and At- " tempts whatsoever, which shall be made against his " Person, Crown or Dignity, and I will do my best " Endeavour to disclose and make known to his Ma- " jesty, and his Successors, all Treasons and traiterous " Conspiracies, which I shall know to be against him, " or any of them ; and I do faithfully promise to the " utmost of my Power, to support, maintain and de- " fend the Succession of the Crown against him the " said James, and all other Persons whatsoever, which " Succession, by an Act entituled, an Act for the fur- " ther Limitation of the Crown, and better securing " the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, is, and ' stands limited to the Princess Sophia, Electoress and " Dutchess Dowager of Hanover, and the Heirs of her " Body, being Protestant. And all these things I do ." plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear ac- " Cording to these express Words by me spoken, " and according to the plain and common Sense " and Understanding of the same Words, wirhout any " Equivocation, Mental Evasion. or secret Reservation " whatsoever. And I do make this Recognition, " knowledgment, Abjuration: Renunciation, and pro- " mise heartily, willingly and truly, upon the Faith " of a Christian, So help me God. This Oath was imposed by Queen Anne as well as King George, neither did she admit any Man into the least Office in Church or State, who refused to take it. From whence it appears that she thought it a just Security for the Protestant Succession ; which Succession, she often declared to have at Heart. And therefore those who have the least Regard to her Honour, ought to abhor the Pretender if it were only for the Sake of what he has scandaliz'd her with in his publick Declaration before he landed in Scot- She intended ( says he) to ( establish and per- petunte the Peace which she had given to those Kingdoms, by destroying for ever all Competition to the Succession of the Crown, and by securing to us at last the Enjoyment of that Inheritance out of which we had been so long kept, which C IJ her I her Conscience must Inform her was our Due, and which her Principles must bend her to desire that we might obtain Surely the Pretender forgot that the Queen had ever declared her great Affection to the Protestant Suc- cession ; and it we believe she had that most at Heart, it is certain that what the Pretender says of her, can- not be true ; unless at the same Time, we believe that when she said the Protestant Succession was most at her Heart, her meaning was, that it was most at her Heart to defeat it. But who can believe such Contra- dictions ? And yet the Jacobites have the Credulity to believe it, and the Impudence to affirm it for Truth. They believe that how much soever the Queen and the Pretender's Declarations may have differ'd in the Letter of them; yet the Spirit of both were still the same. And because they are guilty of swearing one thing and meaning another, they are so wicked as to believe the Queen likewise mean'd the pretender's In. terest, even at those Times when she most solemnly declared against it. But whenever they have the Assurance to tell me so ; my Answer is, That her Motto Was Semper Eadem. I am, SIR, Jah 14. 1721. Your most humble Servant, OCTOBER GREENWOOD. The Continuation of the life of HENRY VI. King of ENGLAND. His Servants Sir Roger Chamberlaine, Richard Middleton, Thomas Herbert, Arthur Tursey, En- quires, and Richard Needham, Gent, were condemned of High Treason, and this unexampled Punishment. They were drawn from the Tower to Tyburn, there hang'd, let down quick, stript naked, mark'd with a Knife to be quartered, and then a Charter of Pardon for their Lives was shewed by the Marquiss of Suffolk. Thomas Wild the Duke's Servant also being condemn, ed and pardoned, had for a Preamble in his Letters Patents, Words importing, That he had been one among other Traytors against the King with Duke Humphry, who went about and practised to deliver Eleanor, late Wife to the Duke, out of Prison, for which purpose he had gathered a great Power and Number of Men to come to the Parliament at Bury, there to have contrived the King's Destruction Such was the End of this Great Prince, who by the People of England was thought to be doubly murther'd by De- traction and deadly Practice. He was not only a true Lover of Learned Men, but himself was also learned and a Father of his Country. And now the whole Frame of Government seemed to repose it self on the Queen, and such Favourites as the King by her Com- mendations liked. The. Affairs of France were neglected. And the Duke of York perceiving the King to be ruled, and not to rule, began secretly to allure his Friends and No- bility, and privily declared to them his Title to the Crown, as likewise he did to certain Governours of Cities and Towns. Which Attempt was so politickly and closely carried, that his Provision was ready, be- fore his Purpose was publick. The very State of things invited this fatal Conspiracy, there being a milder King than England was worthy of, a Council out of Favour with the People, manifold Losses and Dishonours Abroad, a turbulent and jealous Condi- tion of things at Home. Of all which the Duke of York had made his Use cherishing the popular Discon- tents ; and instead of seeking and redressing any Evils in the State, he represented them to be worse than they were, thereby to ripen that Breach of Loyalty in the Hearts of Men, which his Ambition wrought upon. In France matters went on very unhappily on the English side; for the Duke of Somerset during the Truce suffered a Town of Breraign to be surprized, denying Restitution thereof, cherished his Soldiers in their Riot and Disorders. The French therefore making this their Example, surprized Town after Town till they had gained all Normandy, and within few Years ex. torted the Dutchy of Gascoign out of the English Possession. In the mean Time the Duke of York raised his esteem in England, by his appeasing of a Tumult which happened in Ireland. And at a Parliament holden at Westminster; many Articles were exhibited by the Lower House against the Duke of Suffolk wherein he was charged with evil Demeanour Mis- prision, and committed Prisoner to the Tower' from whence he was discharged within a few Weeks after About this Time Adam Moii. is, Bishop 0f Chi- chester, and Keeper of the Privy Seal ( a wise and stout Man) stood in the Duke of York's Way to the Crown ; therefore he procured him to be slain, at Portsmouth by certain Ship men. And in a Parlia- ment holden at Leicester the Duke of Suffolk, a prin-' cipal Pillar of King Henry's Safety, was set at again by the Yorkists. They charge that for a Crime on him ( namely the Delivery of Anjou and Main which themselves had universally in a former Parliiment assented unto and ratified. This they prosecuted so effectually ( tho' unjustly) against him, that he was condemned to be banished for five Years; but in his Way to Banishment he was, by some employed on purpose, taken at Dover Read, where they struck off his Head at the side of a Cock- boat ; nor was his Death, much lamented of the People, because he was thought t0 have been a private Actor in the Death of the No- ble Duke of Glocester- Now the Yorkists having thus rid Suffolk out of the Way, think it no unfit Time to begin to put their Designs in Practice; so induce the Commons of Kent to make an Insurrection. The Captain of the Rebels was a Villain named Jack Cade whom some by contraries call John Amend all. Their Demands were, This the Duke of York, now in Ire. land, might be called Home ; and that he with some others, whom Cade named, might be principally used in Council: That those Guilty of good Duke Hum- phrey's Death, might receive due Punishment. That the Grievances of the People might be redressed. These Kentish Rebels ( with whom others from Essex joined) after they had commuted some Outrages in and about London, as the Beheading the Lord Say, Treasurer of England, Mr. Cromer, High Sheriff, plundring many of the Citizens, & c. upon the King's Proclamation and Assurance of Pardon, returned to to their Homes. But Cade afterward attempting to raise new Troubles, was slain by Mr. Edan a Kentish Gentleman. The Duke of York finding the Humours of the popular Body fitted for his purpose, came sud- denly out of Ireland, and Confederated with divers Noblemen to take the Crown from Henry's Head, and to set it on his own. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty- nine Regicides. That about half a Year afterwards, talking with the Prisoner of the King's Death ; the Prisoner said ' twas true, he was one of the Persons who was disguis'd upon the Scaffold; and that if the King had refus'd to submit to the Block, there were Staples plac'd about the Scaffold ; and he had that about him which would have compell'd him. That on another Occasion also the Prisoner said, he should not deny the Business of the King's Death, call him to an Account when they would ; and the Deponent added, that he had heard him in Ireland call'd Grandsire Greybeard. The Prisoner said, ' twas true he was in same Regi- ment with this Witness, but he never discours'd of the King's Death with any one, unless once with Stam- mers; who charging him with being one of the Vi- zors ; the Prisoner answer'd, you do me wrong; and Stammers saying, it was a just Act; the Prisoner replied, whether it was so or no, he had nothing to do to justify it. Walter Davis sworn. ,..•„ « He depos'd, That about two Years since, drinking with Captain Hulet in a Tavern at Dublin, he desir'd the Captain to resolve him whether the Report was true, that he took up the King's Head, and said be- hold the Head of a Traitor : The Captain answer'd it was a Question he never resolv'd any Man, though often demanded ; that whoever said it, It matter'd not : I say it now, It was the Head of a Traitor. Hulet said, he acknowledges Drinking With the Witness, but he denied the Words- lieu- m t f iMi 3 lieutenant Colonel Kelson sworn. He depos'd, That discoursing with Colonel Axtel about six Years, and asking him who were the Persons disguis'd upon the Scaffold ; Colonel Axtel said, that they would not employ Persons of low Spirits they did not know, and therefore they pitch'd upon Hulet and Walker, two stout Fellows who were there Ser- jeants : That Walker gave the blow, and Hulet held up the Head, and they had either 30 1. a- piece, or \ o 1. between them for their Pains; but that the De- ponent heard in Ireland from Colonel Pretty that Hu- let gave the Blow ; and that Pretty was still living In Ireland. Colonel Tomlinson was sworn. He depos'd, That at he remembered both the Vi- tors had Garments close to their Bodies, and had Hair on their Faces, the one Grey, and the other flaxen ; and he thought it was the Man with the Grey who struck the blow. _ Ben. Harris was call'd again. He depos'd, That both the Vizors were cloath'd alike, in Woollen Frocks, close to their Bodies like Butchers; one had a black Hat cock'd up, . and a black Beard ; and the other a Grey grisled Peruke, that hung very low ; that he that cut off the King's Head was in the Grey Peruke, and his Beard of the same Colour, if he had any; and he was about the Size of Hulet the Prisoner. Burden depos'd further, That Hulet the Prisoner was not seen upon the Guard either the Day the King was beheaded, or the Day after. The Prisoner said in his Defence, That he could prove he was in another Place when the King died ; for himself) and seven or eight Serjeants more, were made close Prisoners that Day, becaus'd they refus'd to be upon The Scaffold, and that he could prove by forty Witnesses, if they would give him Time, that it was another Man that did the Fact ; and he insisted , that Colonel Hacker, Huncks, and Phayre, might be examin'd as to this Matter. The Lord Chief- Baron told him Phayre and Hacker were in the same Condition with himself, and so could not be Witnesses ; and besides Hacker had deny'd he knew who the Person was. A Sheriff's Officer was call'd as a Witness for the Prisoner. He depos'd, That he was drinking with the com- mon Hangman a little after the King died, and asking him if he did the Fact; the Hangman answer'd, God forgive me, I did it ; and I had forty half Crowns for my Pains. Abraham Smith was call'd. He depos'd, That as soon as the Blow was given, he was walking in Whitehall, and a File of Musque- teers came dawn, and put the Hangman into the De. ponent's Boat, and the Hangman gave the Soldiers half a Crown, and the Soldiers said, Waterman, away with him quickly: That when they had got the Hang- man some Distance from the Shore, they ask'd him if it was he that cut off the King's Heid ; and he an- swered, no, as I am a Sinner to God, and trembled every Joynt of him ; and on their further examining of him, he told them he was fetch'd by a Troop of Horse, and kept close Prisoner in Whitehall, and truly he did not do it, but they had his Instruments , That the Deponent told him he would sink his Boat if he did not tell him true, and the Hangman persisted to deny it with several Protestations. William Cox call'd. He depos'd, That when Duke Hamilton, the Earl ® f Holland and my Lord Capel, were beheaded in Palace Yard, Westminster, my Lord Capel ask'd the common Hangman, if he did not cut off his Master's Head, and the Hangman said Yes; and told him, that was the Ax, and thereupon the Lord Capel took the Ax and kiss'd it; and gave the Hangman five Pieces of Gold and said, Sirrah, wer't thou not afraid ? and the Hangmnn answer'd, they made me Cut it off; and I had thirty Pounds for my Pains. Richard Abell call'd. He depos'd. That he heard Gregory confess he cut off the King's Head. to be continu'd A Letter from the Ld. Viscount Townshead to His Majesty Justices of the Peace for the County if Middlesex in Quar- ter- Sessions assembled. Whitehall, July 4. 1723. Gentlemen, HIS Majesty has commanded me to signify to you his Approbation of your Endeavours for sup- pressing unlawful Gaming, which of late hath encrea- sed in a most extraordinary and scandalous Manner. His Majesty looks upon this good Work to be of such Consequence to the Morals as well as to the For- tunes of his Subjects, that he expects you will apply yourselves to it with all possible Diligence, that you. will lay before him from time to time an Account of your Proceedings, taking particular Notice of the Dif- ficulties and Obstructions you meet with, from what- ever Quarter they may arise, and that you take Care to give to the inferiour Officers of the Peace who shall appear most active on this Occasion, all sitting Countenance and Protection. His Majesty's gracious Acceptance of the Pains you have already taken in this Service, ought to be an En- couragement to you to carry it on with Unanimity and Vigour ; and those who will distinguish them, felves by their Zeal in on Undertaking so acceptable to His Majesty, and so necessary and useful to their Country, will thereby become more particularly enti- tled to his Majesty's Favour. I am, & c. TOWNSHEND. At a General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, held for the County of Middlesex, at Hicks's Hall in St. John's Street, in the County aforesaid, by Adjournment, on Thurs- day the 5th of july, in the 8th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, King of Great Bri- tain, France, and Ireland, before several of His Ma- jesty's Justices of the Peace, See. iT is order'd by this Court, that John Milner Esq Chairman of this Court be, and he is hereby desir'd to wait on the Rt Honourable Charles Lord Viscount Townshend, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries Of State, and to express the dutiful Sense this Court hath of His Majesty's most Gracious Acceptance of their Endeavours for suppressing unlawful Gaming and to desire his Lordship to assure His Majesty of their Zeal to observe and perform His Majesty's Commands contain'd in his Lordship's Letter, and that his Lord- ship will be pleas'd to give Leave for Printing the same in the London Gazette, and to declare to his Lordship their unanimous Resolution to proceed with the utmost Diligence and Vigour to suppress Gaming- Houses, and to give all sitting Countenance and Pro. tection to their inferiour Officers in doing their Duty therein : And this Court doth direct that these Reso- lutions be laid before his Lordship, and doth desire of his Lordship, that the same may be Printed with his said Letter in the London Gazette Per Cur' Harcourt The like Letter being directed to His Majesty's Ju- stices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of West- minster, was deliver'd to them in open Sessions on Friday last, and being read in Court, the following Order was made thereupon. At a General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of our So. vereign Lord the King, held at Westminster, for the Liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Colle- giate Church of St. Peter at Westminster, the City, Borough, and Village of Westminster. in the Coun. ty of Middlesex, and of St. Martin le Grand in Lon- don, by Adjournment, on Friday the 13th of july, in the 8th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, GEORGE, by the Grace of God King of Great- Britain, France, and Ireland, before several of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, & c. IT is order'd by this Court, that Leonard Streate; Esq; Chairman of this Court, be, and he is hereby desir'd to wait on the Right Hon the Lord Viscount Townshend, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, &:. to express the high Sense this Court hath of His Majesty's great Grace and Favour to the Justi ces of the Peace of the City and Liberty of Westmin- ster, set forth in the Letter they had the Honour this Day to receive from his Lordship by His Maje- sty's Commands, and to assure his Lordship that they are fully determined to exert their utmost Power for the Attainment of the good and laudable ends in the said Letter mentioned, and will for that Purpose give all fitting Encouragement to such inferiour Officers of the Peace as shall distinguish themselves on that Occa. sion bv their Zeal, and that they will be careful to lay before His Majesty ( as they are directed) an Ac- count of their Proceedings, taking particular notice of all Discouragements and Obstructions they have received or may meet with in the Premisses from what Quarter soever arising Per Cur Middleron. On Saturday last the Coroner's Inquest having sate upon the Body of Mr. Chamberlain the Brass Button- maker, who lately hang'd himself at his House in the Strand, brought in their Verdict Lunacy. Mr. Neale, Purser of the Windsor, is made Purser of the Burford that is now rebuilding at Deptford, and Mr. Timel succeeds him as Purser of the Wind- sor, having formerly bore the same Office in the. Mil- ford that was cast away in the Gulph of Florida, who, together with a blind Cook, were saved by climbing up a steep Rock in a dark pitchy Night. On Monday Morning last about three a- Clock, at his Seat at Enfield, died Sir Robert Nightingale, Bart, one of the Directors of the East India Company, and has left his Estate, ( which is very considerable) be- tween the two Sons of the late Rev. Dr. Gascoigne, who are his nearest Relations; one of which he hath appointed by his Will to take the Name of Nightin- gale They write from Allanby near Cockermouth in Cumberland, that a great Whale was taken on that Coast near Sixty Foot long, and Jaw Bone four Yards long and all parts proportionally, on Wcdnesday the fourth of this Instant, by the famous John Beeby of of Allanby Capt of the Friendship. They write from Boston in New England that at Bo- hemia in Maryland on the 17th of March last, a Fire broke out in the Night Time, which consumed two large Barns, in one of which a young marry'd Wo- man, a Negroe Girl, and 28 Milch Cows and Calves were consumed : In the other, five fine Horses and some Sheep Those Letters add, that a French Fly. boat of 400 Tuns, put in at New York on the 17th of May last, having been taken by the Pyrates in her Passage from France to Missisippi, with above 200 Passengers, many of the Men the Pyrates murther'd, and the Women they barbarously abused, so that there were not then above 50 of the aforesaid Number left alive. The Earl Cadogan is admitte'd one of the Lords of the Cabinet Council. ' Tis said the Dartmouth and the King George, two a Homeward- bound East- India Ships, have been lost in a Storm near Maderas. Last Week an eminent Merchant in Gracechurch- street, going to his Country- House near Clapham, dy'd soon after he arrived there. Last Saturday a noted Offender was surpriz'd in Sut- ton- Court in Bishopsgate- street, but to avoid being taken he jumpt down naked from his Lodging, and got into the Cellar of a Neighbouring House, inhabi- ted by Mr. Cox, a Linnendraper, where he hid him- self under a Washing Tub, but being seiz'd and per- mitted to dress himself, he was soon after committed to Newgate. Last Monday Night one Brinsden a Cloth Drawer in Ireland Yard in Blac. Fryers, stabb'd his Wife with a Knife, whereof she immediately died; leaving six small Children behind her. He was committed to Newgate on Wednesday last by Sir Francis Forbes. The Coroners inquest having sate on her Body, have brought in their Verdict Wilfuul Murder. The Close of last Week a Woman near the Hay. Marker, passing along about 11 at Night, some Link. Boys set fire to her Calicoe Gown and Petticoat, which blazing fiercely upwards, she was burnt to that de- gree, that she died the next Day. Last sunday Night two Foot- Pads robbing a Man of his Hat and Peruke, betwixt the two Stone Gates near the Cockpit at Whitehall, were secur'd in the Gatehouse, and Monday Morning were committed to Newgate; as also another Fellow for attempting to break open a House near Temple Bar. We hear, that a French Ship a: St. Malo returning Home from Cork with Butter, Cheese, Hides, & t00k four Irishmen on Board as Passengers, who murder'd the Master and his Men, threw them into the Sea carried the Ship into Ostend, sold all her Cargo there and that having disguis'd her so as she may not be known, they have brought her into some of our Ports where Orders have been sent to seize them. ' The King has purchas'd the Ld. Chetwind's House adjoining to St james's Palace. friday 7- Night at the Quarter- Sessions held at West- minster Hall, the Duke of Queensbury, the Ld. Whit- worth, and Henry Worsely, Efq; took the Oaths; the firrt as Ld. Admiral of Scotland, in the room of the late Earl of Rothes; the second as Ambassador and Plenipotentiary at the Congress at Cambray, and the last as Governour of Barbadoes. Monday Morning Mr Underwood, a Gentleman of the 2d Troop of Life Guards shot himself in his Tent in the Camp with a Pistol loaden with two Slugs, which went thro' his Body ; and he died in the Afternoon of the Wound. He had been Melancholly for about a Fortnight. The Civil List Annuity Dividend Warrants at the Bank for the Midsummer Half Year, are ready to be delivered and paid. Tuesday two Foot Pads were committed to New. gate by Sir Francis Forbes, having robbed and very much abused a Gentleman, just out of Town. The 4th of the next Month the King and the three Young princesses in end to go to Hampton Court. Wednesday the Bricklayers. Masons, and other Arti- ficers employ'd in the King's Palaces, and Houses, were paid Half a Year's Arrears. Last Saturday a Gentlewoman coming from Isling- ton, for London, over the Fields, was set upon at Noon Day by two Persons, who took from her a Smelling- Bottle, a Snuff Box, and nine Shillings in Money ; but being in haste they did not search her under- Petticoat, in which she had nine Guineas. On Sunday last died Mr. Harwar, President of Mag- dalen- College in Oxford. On Monday last a great Gang of Gamesters were seiz'd and committed by the Justices for the Liber, ty of Westminster; and dispositions are making for attacking the Gamesters at the Tilt Yard, and at the Opera House in the Hay. Market, which have hither- to been thought impregnable, by the Nature of their Situation Wednesday the Duke of Portland took Leave of His Majesty. and the young Princesses at Kensington ; the King wish'd his Grace and his Family a good Voyage, and Health and happiness on the Island. They write from Atherstone in Warwickshire, that Roman Catholick Gentleman had been committed to the Castle of Warwick for dressing himself in a white Sheet, and appearing frequently in the Street at Midnight, to the great Terror of all the Squires and Yeomen in ihi Town, who concluded it to be the Ghost of a deceas'd Barrister at Law. His Majesty's Ships the Burford of 80 Guns, and the Scarborough,, was launch'd Yesterday at Deptford. On Thursday last two Patents pass'd the Great Seal for W. Wood, Esq; to make Copper Money for the Kingdom of Ireland, and Half Pence, Pence, and Two Pences of fine mix'd Metal, for the Use of his Majesty's Dominions in America, for the Term of 14 Years. On Monday Night last died Dr. Gibson, Physician General to the Army. Two Foot Pads, Irishmen. are committed to New. gate for robbing Mr. Ackersly, a Musician, near Ken- tish Town. - There is now erecting, and almost finish'd a most Noble and Magnificent Monument for his Grace John Sheffield, late Duke of Buckinghamshire and Norman- by, in the North- easT Window; at the End of king Henry VII's Chappel. It consists of a large plain Ground of Dove colour'd Marble, extending itself in Breadth above ten Foot, and whose Elevation is about 17 Foot, with a Border of vein'd Italian marble, en- compassing the whole. Upon the Top of the Border are placed their Graces Arms. Against the r of the Ground, upon a large Pedestal of Vein'd Mar- ble, stands the Figure of Time, having under his Right Arm a plain Oval Sheet of Marble, with a Head of a beautiful Boy carv'd on it, and in his Left Hand he holds another with the Heads of two Female Children; and at his Right Hand stands a young Angel holding another Head, all in Basso Relievo re- presenting four of his Grace's Children, already bury'd in the same Vault with himself. Below the Figure of Time upon a large Altar Tomb of Italian Marble is placed a Mattress, whereon is recumbent the Figure of his Grace, reposing on his Right Arm, being dress'd in a Roman Habit. At his Feet sits a Figure repre- senting her Grace the present Dutchess Dowager in a Mourning Posture, bewailing the Loss of her Lord and Children. All the Figures being carv'd in a Sta. tuary Marble, and as big as the Life. On each side of the Monument is a large Pedestal of italian Marble, supporting a Group of Roman Trophies. The whole being a most curious Piece of Workmanship which for its Excellency seems to vye with any of our Mo- dern Performances, being executed by Mr Delvo and Mr. Sheemaker living near Milbank, Westminster. There is a Shield of Statuary Marble fix'd on the Altar Tomb for his Grace's Epitaph, which is not as yet inscribed. There is likewise a very magnificent Monument erecting in the North- Cross- Isle of the Abbey, for his Grace the late Duke of Newcastle. at the sole Charge of the Rt. Hon the Lord Harley, which will be finish'd this Summer. The Workmanship of it being perform'd by that excellent and justly celebrated Ar- tist, Mr. Bird. Wednesday the five Malefactors, mention'd in our former, were executed at Tyburn, viz John Melony, James Carrick, Nathaniel. Jackson, Thomas Butlock, alias Futloin, and Thomas Rice, alias Williams. Letters by the last Poll; from the North of England say, they hive had such Storms and Inundations at Durham, Newcastle upon Tine, and other Places in those Parts, that the like have not been known there in the Memory of Man; insomuch that ( besides a world of other Damages) the Bridge in the middle of Durham Was not passable for several Hours, and the Staiths erected for the Coals which are shipped at Newcastle, were broke down, as likewise several of those called Waggon Ways much damaged, to the great Detriment of some of the Coal- Owners particularly my Lady Clavering. The Grantham, Greenwich, and London, from Bombay, arrived for Account of the East India Com- pany, have brought 4300I. of Alloes Socatrina, 83001. of Carmenia Wool, 617000!. of Coffee, 2o5ooo 1. of CowrieS: 84030 I. of Pepper, beside's a great Quantity of Chints Muslins, Silks, Stuffs and other Parcels of Goods. The Duke of Marlborough's Funeral will be per- formed. as wc are told, after the following Manner; The Body is to be received into an open Hearse with a Velvet Canopy over it in St. James's Park, part of the Garden Wall belonging to his Grace's late Dwel- ling- House being first taken down. The Funeral Pro. cession, ( which will be the most Pompuous and Mag- nificent that hath been seen for many Years) to pass thro' St. James's Park, up Constitution- Hill to Hyde- Park Corner, so thro' Part of Piccadilly, down St. James's Street, Pallmall, Charing Cross, and King. Street, to Westminster Abbey. A little Time before the Arrival of the Body at the Park Gate, the Army in Hyde Park, both Horse and Foot, will, upon Firing a Cannon, be commanded out to March before the Funeral Cavalcade of their late most Noble and Victorious General The Tower Guns to be fired by the Minute at four or five of the Clock, being the Time of the said Cavalcade ; and after the Body is interr'd, and Garter King at Arms hath proclaimed ' he Stile of the Deceas'd, the Trumpets will Sound, and the whole Army will make three Discharges with their Fire Arms. 4coo Medals are to be struck, in or- der t0 be given away at the Solemnity. The Pall is be supported by eight Knights of the Garter seventy Three poor OId Men ( being Number or his Grace's years) to walk in new mourning with Badges of his grace's Arms in the procession. None to be admitted to see the Body lying in state but Quality; Persons of Distinction, and such as are furnish'd with Tickets The whole Expence, ' tis thought, will amount to 10,000 I. which will be all defray'd by his Grace's Fa- mily. On Tuesday last Sir Edward Beecher, one of the Sheriffs of this City, gave his Voluntier Feast to his Friends at Merchant Taylors Hall, at which We hear divers of the Nobility were present. Captain Kirby of the Greenwich East india Ship, newly arriv'd, died in the Voyage, and was succeeded by Capt. Barnes. They write from Durham July 13, that on the Evening before, the Ld. Bishop of that Diocese ar- rived there, it being the first Time since his Transla- tion to that See : His Lordship was met on the Road by some Hundreds of People on Horseback and on Foot, and conducted into the City with great State and Ceremony. The Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and other Officers preceded at the Entry, and ry Persons bear- ing Banners display'd, belonging to the several Trades, being followed by the Drums, Trumpets, and City Musick, and the Apparitor in his Gown, bearing the Mace: Then came his Lordship on Horseback being accompanied with the Prebendaries of the Cathedral and a great Number of Gentlemen and Clergy. When his Lordship came in Sight, all the Bells of the Place were, set a ringing, snd upon his Arrival the Mayor and Aldermen waited on him with their Com. pliments of Congratulation ; as did likewise the Ju- stices of the Peace assembled at the Quarter Sessions having for that End adjourn'd the same till next Day. When his Lordship enter'd the Ciry, he went directly to the Cathedral Church; Where Te Deum and a fine Anthem were sung on that Occasion. The Soldiers imprison'd in the Savoy, upon Suspi-, on of traiterous Practices, are, Arthur Cavanaugh of Lord Dunmore's Company, Peter Masterson of the Lord Frederick Howard's Company, and MaUriCe Rouke of Colonel Stuart's Coropr. ny. One Mark Der- man, who was seiz'd upon Suspicion, hath been dis charged. 1 Bankrupts since our last. William Williams of St. Martin's Lane, CannOn Street, London, Packer, Robert Ebborne, of the Parish of St. Giles Crip- plegete, London, Threadmaker. John Spakman, late of Cambridge, Brasier. Benjamin Dipple, of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, Victualler. Thomas Harman, late of Chancery Lane, London, Vintner. Peter Towers, of Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland, Roper. Abel Makepeace, of Dysert, in the County of Flint, Merchant Letters of the 12th instant from Avignon say that the City is mOre afflicted now by the Plague than it has been this Year past ; that the Con. tagion rages there by the Negligence of the Ma- gistrates, and the little Care they take in seeing the necessary Orders pur in Execution to prevent the entire Destruction of the Inhabitants, of whom above 8: 00 are already dead ; nevertheless, ' tis hop'd, that the Approach of the Troops of France will constrain the Vice Legate to give Entrance to the necessary Suc- cours. especially Physicians and Surgeons. and to force the Inhabitants to shut themselves up under Quaran- tine. and also to perfume their Houses, which are the only Methods for putting a Stop to this terrible Sick- ness. SIR, Rahit sua quemque voluptas. • Every Man you know has a Taste to a particular or gene- ral Recreation ; some love Hunting, others Hawking . others Shooting or Fishing, some love Chucking, others; Cricket, & c. on which last Subject I desire you'll print the following Account, viz. On Friday the 6th Instant, at a Meeting ( for that Purpose) at the Three Tons and Rummer, in Grace- church- Street: a Match at Cricket was made between the little Parish of Dartford in kent. and the Gentle- men known bv the Name of the London Club, who are compos'd of several Parishes in London Southwark, & c and being compos'd of several Parishes, generously ' lilt I 1 ! l allow'd them of the little Town of Dartford two Men from any other Parish in Kent, the Match for a Guinea per Head. , t . Well ! But where shall they play ? or when ? why there gene'ous Gentlemen resolving to put the poor Dartfordians to as much Fatigue as they cou'd, ( al- though the Match was formerly propos'd on Wal- worth Common near Cambewell) now say they, We'll make them walk four or five Miles further, we'll meet at Islignton agreed, but now the Time when ? why we'll give these poor Lads bur little Time to pick out their two Men, Wednesday last was the Day appointed, and agreed on. The Day came, and these Lads came from Dartford that Morning, and were at the Place at eleven in the Morning. But now follows the Generosity of th « London Club, the Field is to be seen ; the Dartfordians play generally on a Place they call the Brink a Place at smoo'h as a London Bowling Green, so say these Gentlemen, we'll carry them to a Field as rough as if it was plough'd last Summer; and they not being us'd to such rough Usage, when they see the Field will refuse to play ; so we shall get the Deposits and come off with Credit. This fail'd, for after the Dart- fordians had shewn some small Resentment to such gross Usage, they condescended to play ; this unex- pected Condescention put them on other Projects, one of which took ;' twas this. Come let's see your Men! agreed ; and up cock'd a little Taylor, a Country Taylor good Lord, wou'd not one expect that these pretended Heroes wou'd objected against him, and disdainfully have said You promis'd to bring eleven Men, but you have bought but ten and one eighth Part of a Man ; we scorn to play unless you take eight Taylors more to compleat him a Man But alas.' I am asham'd to tell you, the Taylor, the Country Taylor with his Batt Rampant and his Cucumber Couchant ( which by the Bye they took to be 8 Ball) so affrighted them ; they swore they wou'd not play unless the Taylor ty'd one Hand behind him, take me right, the Taylor was a good Bowler, and they wou'd not suffer him to bowl, which being his Master piece, is the same thing as tying one Hand behind him the Dartfordiant insisted on their Man, their Taylor I mean; the London Gentry was affrighted at his ter- rible vult, turn'd their Balls to Quips and their Batts to Quibbles, and wou'd not turn themselves to any thing, not even to play for half a Guinea, a Crown, nay Half a Crown, which the Dartfordians offer'd rather than come in vain, so they were oblig'd to return. O Taylor! What have you done, thou certainly hast affrighted almost as many Men as thy Countryman Wat Tyler did, and perhaps with the same Weapon? But rather O ye Londoners, what have ye done ? ye have made the poor Wed's mees of Dartford take a Journey of 36 Miles in vain. — The Country has lost a good Taylor, who will certainly now believe himself to be a Man, and I hope he will put a Basket Hilt to his Buckram Needle, and by the Help of his Yard and Steel, come up and revenge himself on your Wives and your selves, whose Back sides he has already made make Buttons, at the Sight of his Batt and Cucumber. Farewell. Revenge brave Taylor, this absurd Abuse, With Thimble, Needle, Sheers and Warlike Goose. On Wednesday a Centinel belonging to the Scotch Regiment of Foot Guards, who has been in Service near 18 Years and all along pretended to be a Protestant, but being discover'd on suspicion of treasonable Practices, at length owned himself a papist, was whipt in Hyde- l'ark, and drummed out of the Re- The dutChess of OrleanS has made a Present t0 the Infanta Queen of a wax w° rk Baby 3 Foot in Hei8ht with Ear- rings, aPearl- Necklace and a Diamond crucifix, with a ' toilet set with plate 2 China Coffers full of Baby- clouts and veral Suits of Cloaths for it. Letters from Paris say, That on the 13th Instant at Night the Lightning fell upon the Village of Bailly, consisting of o Houses , situated within four Leagues of Auxetre, which in the Space of two Hours were all burnt to the Ground ; three or four of the Inhabitants perished in the Flames, and several are by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet Where Advertisements are taken in bruised; those that escapcd have been to ask Charity of the King, who has ordered a Sum to be given them, and some of the Nobility have also given them Money towards rebuilding Fridays- Night, the Assizes for the County of Essex ended at Brentwood, when three Persons receiv'd Sentence of Death viz. One Green for Horse- stealing, and two Highwaymen one of them, whose Name was Sampson, some time a Bai- liff's Follower, was convicted for robbing the Saffron- Walden Coach; and the other for robbing the Bishop's Stratford Coach- an old Man of 75, was found guilty of an Assault on the Body of a Girl of 5 Years old, with an Intent to ravish her, and was fined; three others were order'd for Transportation for stealing of Plate. C A S U A L T I E S. Burnt to Death at St. James's in Westminster 1, Drown'd 3. one accidentally in the River of Thames at St. John at Wapping, one in the New River, ( bu- ried at St. Mary at Islington,) and one in the River of Thames at Sr. Margaret in Westminster. Hang'd himself 1. and kill'd accidentally by a Fall down Stairs 1: at St. Leonard in Shoreditch. Overlaid i.
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