The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 14/07/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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Weekly Journal; oR, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SIR, that reads the English Annals, cannot be igno. rant that the Return and encrease of Popish Prin- ciples In this Kingdom since the Reformation, has chiefly proceeded from the Marriage of Our former Kings with Ro- man Catholick Ladies; For when ever such Matches were made, it appears that there were always great Advantages and Privileges stipulated for that Interest in the Marriage Articles, and were such as gave Encouragement to the Priests and Jesuits to come over and propagate their Principles here, with Hopes of Impunity:
And History does testify, they were not mistaken in their Hopes. For if we read only the History of King James the 1st, we shall there find that he, in order to obtain a Match for his Son Charles, with the Infanta of Spain ; did not only tole- rate the Roman Catholicks in this Kingdom, but did likewise discountenance and abandon the Protestant Interest Abroad, by tamely suffering the Emperor to oppress and ruin his Son and Daughter that were then at the Head of the united Princes of that Religi- on in Germany, and did severely reprimand his Par. liament for PRESUMING to advise him by an hum- ble Address to break off that
Match, and enter into a War to recover the lost Dominions of his Children. But what made those unnatural Proceedings the more remarkable was, that all that Indulgence to Papists was shewn, even after the Discovery of their Hellish Plot, call'd. GUNPOWDER TREASON, in which, their Design was to blow up the whole Legislature, when assembled in Parliament. This indeed, was a Master- piece of POpish Iniquity; and unless we be. lieve that our Princes had been beguil'd into a great Degree of good liking to that Religion, by the cun- ning Craftiness of its Missionaries, how can we otherwise account for all that Complaisance
and Fa- Vour, which we afterwards Often find they shew'd to its Professors ? For we find the Prince was as fond of that unequal Match as his Father, and to shew that he was in good earnest, he made a Tour to the Spanish Court to forward it. And while he was there, the pope out of his paternal Affection, sends him a Letter with his apostolical Benediction, wherein he very Pathetically exhorts and beseeches him to do his ut- most Endeavours to reduce this Nation to its primitive Obedience of the Roman Pontiff: And the Prince in a filual Manner returns the Holy Father this memora- ble answer. . Most holy Father. I receiv'd the
Dispatch from your Holiness with great Content, and with that Res- pect which the Piety and Care wherewith your Ho- liness writes, doth require. It was an unspeakable pleasure to me. to read the generous Exploits of the Kings my Predecessors. to whose Memory Posterity hath not given those Praises and Eulogies of Honour that were due to them. I do believe that your Ho. liness hath set their Example before my Eyes, to the end that I might imitate them in all my Price Three Halfpence.) " Actions, for in Truth they have often exposed their Estates and Lives for the Exaltation of the Holy Chair; and the Courage with which they
have assaulted the Enemies of the Cross of Jesus Christ, " hath not been less than the Care and Thought which ' " I have ; to the End that the Peace and Intelligence, " which hath hitherto been wanting in Christendom, might be bound with a Bond of true Concord: For like as the common Enemy of Peace watcheth al- ways to put Hatred and Dissention between Christian Princes ; so I believe that the Glory of God requires that we should endeavour to unite them. And I do nor esteem it a greater Honour to be descended from so great Princes, than to imitate them in the Zeal of their Piety. In which it helps me very much to have
known the Mind and Will of our Thrice Honoured Lord and Father, and the holy In- tentions of his Catholick Majesty to give a happy Concurrence to so laudablea Design .-' For it grieves him extreamly to see the great Evil that grows from the Division of Christian Princes, which the Wis- dom of your Holiness foresaw when it judged the Marriage which you pleased to design between the Infanta of Spain and my self, to be necessary to pro, cure so great a good ; for ' tis very certain, that I shall never be so extreamly affectionate to any thing in the World, as to endeavour Alliance with a Prince that hath the same Appehension of
the true " Religion with my self. Therefore to intreat your Holiness to believe that I have been always far from encouraging Novelties, or to be a Partisan of any Faction against the Catholick, Apostolick, Roman Religion. but on the contrary, I have sought all Occasions to take away the Suspicion that might rest upon me ; and that I will employ my self for the Time to come, to have but one Religion and one Faith, seeing that we all believe in one Jesus Christ, having resolved in my self to spare nothing that I may have in the World, and to suffer all manner of Discommodities, even to the hazarding of my Estate and Life, for a thing
so pleasing unto God. It rests only that I thank your Holiness for the Per- mission which you have been pleased to afford me, and that I may pray God to give you a blessed Health here, and his Glory, after so much Travel which your Holiness takes within his Church. Sign'd, Anno 1623. Charles Stuart. This Letter is transcrib'd from Wilson's History of King James the 1st. and it looks so much like the Hand Writing upon Belshazzer's Wall, that it makes me almost sweat for Fear, least some Protestant Lay- man should presume to interpret the meaning of this royal epistle, without the Assistance of some Sooth. sayer, or High
Church Priest. But after that Match was broke off and the Spani- ard had plainly discovered that his Designs in that Treaty, were only to amuse King James until the Ruin of his Children in Germany could be compleat- ed ; I say after all this experience of Catholick perfidy, his son Charles ( our Martyr) was so intent on a Po- pish Match, that he marri'd a Daughter of France soon after his Father's Death ; and from that time the Roman Religion did daily gain Ground in these kingdoms. till the Revolution in 1688 After which, its Votaries lay Dormant, and in all probability had slept to Death, if they had not been aWakened by Dr. i
SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1722.
\ i Dr. Hermodactle and his mercenary Associates in 1710 They got into Power and mounted the stage by some of the vilest Artifice under Heaven and did so reinfect the common People with the Notion of the Pretender's Hereditary and Jure divino right that I fear it will be some Years before that Evil Spi- rit can be cast out, because it seems to be of that sort which cometh out only by hanging. I am, SIR ,../„ , ' Your most humble Servant, OCTOBER GREENWOOD. the Continuation of the Life of HENRY VI. King of ENGLAND. But the common Enemey, the Turk, increased in Strength, Ambassadors were sent from all Parts to
termine these bloody Differences betwixt the Nations of France and England, whereupon a Truce was taken by the two Kings for eighteen Months- A . D. 1444- was King Henry married with Marga- ret the Daughter of Renate, Duke of Anjou and Lo- raine; In which Marriage, say some, begun the mournful Tragedies of our Country: For after this Day, the Fortune of the World began to decline the King; so that he lost his Friends in England, and Re venues in France ; for shortly all was ruled by the Queen and her Council to the great Disprofit of the King and his Realm, and to the Infamy and obloquy of the Queen herself, who had
many a wrong and false Report made of her. A. D. 1447, Good Duke Humphrey's Death was efFected. He was much hated by the Queen and her Party, as the only Man who by his Prudence, as also by the Honour and Authority of his Birth and place seemed to impeach that Sovereign Command, which they pretended to sfettle in the King but meant in- deed ( as the manner is under soft Princes) to reign themselves in another's Name. Many great Lords were drawn in ( at the Time of a Parliament then holden at St. Edmondsbury) to concur for his De- struction, not perceiving that thereby they pluckt up the Flood- Gate, at
which the Duke of York should enter. This great Duke being come to attend in this Parliament, was arrested of High- Treason by john Lord Beaumont High Constable of England, the Dukes of Buckingham, Somerset and others ; and to guard him certain of the King's Houshold were appointed; but it was not long before he was found dead, whose Body was shewed to the Lords and Commons, as if he had died of a Palsy or imposthume. To be continu'd. At one Sally, she being shot through the Arm, said to her Followers, Come, this is a Favour, let us go on, they cannot escape the Hand of God. The English lost at this Siege the
Earl of Salisbury, the Lord Moline, the Lord Poynings, Sir Thomas Gargrave ; and of all sorts ( if you believe the Enemy) were slain in such Sallies as the Martial Maid made, 8ooo; our own writers say but 600. After the raising of this Siege, some Towns were took by the English ; but at a Vil- lage called Potay, the. French coming upon them before the Archers could fortifie their Battles with an Em- palement of Stakes, the English after three Hours bloody Resistance, were put to the Worst : The Lords Talbot, Scales, Hungerford, and Sir Thomas Ramp- stone, were taken Prisoners. Which Loss was fol- lowed with the sudden
Revolt of sundry Towns. Nor was it long e'er Charles recovered Auxerre and Rhiems ; in the last of which, according to the Maid's Direction, he was solemnly Crowned King of France. Hitherto the Virgin had been very Lucky: But com- ing to the Rescue of Champagne, distressed by the English and Burgundians, she was taken by a Burgun- dian Knight, who sold her to the English, and they sent her to Roan, where she was burnt for Sorcery, Bloodshed, and unnatural use of Man like Apparel and Habiliments, contrary to her Sex. The Rumour of whose Death, and ignominious Cause thereof, was something incommodious to
Charles's Affairs for a Time ; and it was thought, that the coming of young King Henry into France would be much more, who December 7. 1431. was Crowned King of France in Paris, by the Cardinal of Winchester. At which Time such of the French Nobility as were present, did their Homage to him. The King's Patents, and Grants touching French Matters, passed under the Seal and Style of Henry, King of the Frenchmen, and of England. And about this Time the English Affairs succeeded pretty fortunately in France. The Earl of Arundel and Lord Talbot, carry about victorious Arms, and terrify Main, Anjou, and other Places,
with their Successes. A. D. 1435. that famous Patriot and General, John Duke of Bedford, died at Paris. Upon which many Towns voluntarily yielded, and Multitudes of the French forsook the English to join with Charles. And though the English Forces then in France were not al- together slothful, yet through a fatal Security or Neg- ligence, or both, at Home there was not speedy Sufficiencies of Resistance ministred. Richard, Duke of York, was created Regent of France : but before he arrived there, Paris was lost by the Treachery of the Citizens, Feb. = 7. 143d. And Philip, Duke of Burgundy, now in Person gives Proof of his
Dissatis- factions to the English, bringing his Forces before the Town of Callais; for the Relief of which Place the Protector, Humphry Duke of Gloucester, passed with a great Army ; but Burgundy had withdrawn his Forces before the Duke arrived. Howbeit, the Duke took some Revenge on him, by wasting Part of his Dominions; which done, he with Hononr returned to his Charge in England. In France the Earl of Warwick was Very active driving the Duke of Burgundy's Forces from Crotoy' freeing Albeville from the Danger of a Bastile • for twenty Days spoiling the Country of Picard about Amiens and Artois The Duke of
Somerset, Lords Talbot and Willoughby were also busied in other Pla ces for the Security of what the English had gained" The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty nine Regicides. Mr. Secretary Morrice sworn. He depos'd, That by an Older of Council Mr. An. nesly, Sir Anth. Ashly Cooper, and himself, went to the Tower to examine Colonel Huncks, who was the King's Executioner. ( He being appointed with two others by a Warrant from the High Court of justice to see the Execution done ) And having examin'd Colonel Huncks, he told them, that he refus'd to sign the Order to the Executioner, but that the Prisoner Hacker
sign'd it; whereupon Hacker was examin'd, and at first deny'd he sign'd it, but on their telling him it would be prov'd by Colonel Huncks, Hacker said, I do believe I did sign the Warrant for appointing the executioner. Lord Annesly sworn. He depos'd, That he was of the Committee of Council who went to the Tower to examine Huncks and others, and that Huncks acquitted himself of signing the Warrant, but said that Hacker sign'd it; whereupon Hacker, who till then remain'd an Officer in the Army, was taken up and brought before the Council. And being examin'd privately ( by the same Committee who had examin'd Huncks)
concerning the Man that cut off the King's Head ; he at length did tell them that he believ'd he did sign the Warrant, and that the Warrant was read to him, wherein there might be the Executioner's Name ; but that he could not now remember the Name. Benjamin Francis was sworn _ He depos'd that he was coming from Westminster at the Time the King was executed, and he saw the Prisoner, Colonel Hacker, upon the Scaffold, and that he seem'd to have the principal Command there'' The Court demanding of Colonel Hacker what he had to say in his Defence; He said that he waS a sol- dier, and under Command, and what
he had done was by Virtue of the Warrant from the High court of justice; but that he did not deliver any Warrant or Order to the Executioner, or knew who he was That he was neither Counsellor, Advisor, or Abettor of the Fact, and what he had done was only obe- dience to the Command of those above him. Then the Chief Baron directed the Jury,
them, That if the prisoner who brought the King to the Scaffold, and who had the Care and Management of the Business, and sign'd the Warrant to the ExecU- tioner, was not guilty of compassing the King's Death, no Man could be said to be guilty. The Jury having withdrawn a very little Time, brought in their Verdict that the Prisoner Was Guilty. Then William Hulet was brought upon his Tryal ; and a Jury being charg'd with him, Sir Edward Tur- ner open'd the Evidence, wherein he acquaints the Jury, that this was the Man in the Frock and Vizard who gave the fatal Stroak. Richard Gittens sworn. He depos'd. That the Prisoner '
Hulet and himself in Thieving lane at Westminster, drinking treasona- ble Healths, and saying. That the late King William and the present King George, had no Right to the Crown ; she was apprehended, and committed by the worshipful Justice Blackerby to the Gatehouse. were Serjeants in the same Regiment: twelve or thir- teen Years. That a Day or two before the King was murder'd, Colonel Hewson commanded thirty eight of them to take an Oath of Secrecy ( among whom were the Deponent and the Prisoner:) And when they were sworn, he demanded if any of them would undertake the Execution, and he should have
100 1. Reward, and Preferment in the Army, and that every Man refus'd ; but that afterwards they understood Hulet accepted it: That the Day the King was executed, the Depo- nent was one of the Guard that was drawn up in the Banquerting house, and he got to the Scaffold ; and when the King CAme upon the Scaffold, he said Exe- cutioner, Is the Block fast ? And Hulet ( as the Depo- nent guess'd) was the Man who fell on his Knees and ask'd his Majesty fOrgiveness; The Deponent thought it was Hulet by his Speech, and the Proportion of his Body; and besides, he was nor seen in the Regiment that Day: That Hulet had a
Pair of freeze Trunk Breeches and a Vizard on with a grey Beard ; and and Colonel Hewson us'd afterwards to call him Father grey Beard, as did most of the Army. Stanmers sworn. He depos'd, That the Prisoner. Hulet was Captain. Lieutenant of Colonel Hewson's Troop, and that the Deponent about nine or ten Years ago enter'd himself in the same Troop at Dublin in Ireland : That the Troop quartering at Lutterels Town, about five Miles from Dublin; the Prisoner sent for the Depo- nent to his Chamber, and ask'd him where he had serv'd, and amongst other Conversation told him he was the Man that beheaded King Charles,
and that he had ioo 1. for it Hulet. How long had you been In the Troop be- fore ? Stammers. About a Fortnight. Hulet.' Tis strange! I desire his Examination in Ireland may be read, [ which being read, agreed with the Evidence the Witness gave in Court] and I desire he may mention the Man I sent for him. Stammers. I cannot remember the Man. Captain Toogood sworn. He depos'd, That in September as he was discoursing with Colonel Hewson in Dublin Castle, Captain Hulet the the Prisoner came in, and the De- ponent observing an extraordinary Familiarity be- tween them; he ask'd Colonel Hewson, when Hulet was gone,
who he was; and Colonel Hewson an. swer'd he had made him his Lieutenant frcm a Ser- jeant ; that he Was a mettled Fellow, and it was he that did the King's Business upon the Scaffold : That there being a disbanding of Part of the Army in 1653. the Prisoner was continued Captain- Lieutenant in Colonel Pretty's Regiment ; and that the Deponent discoursing Colonel Pretty about the King's Death ; Pretty said he was assured by Colonel Hewson, that Hulet either cut off the King's Head, or held it up and said, Behold the Head of a Traitor. That at Carlow in Ireland, the Deponent talking with the Prisoner himself this Matter and
asking him if he was the Man that cut off the King's Head ; the Prisoner answer'd, Well, what I did. I will not be asham'd of; if it were to do again, I would do it- To be continu'd. Monday a Coal Merchant's Servant at the Wool- staple- Stairs, by New Palace Yard, falling off a Ligh- ter into the Thames, was drown'd before any Help could come to his Assistance. Last Monday Night one Eleanor Griffith, with two others who made their Escape, being at an Alehouse Hague, July r4. N. S. The Memorial with which Mr. Walpole the other Day took his Leave of the States. General, was as follows- High and Mighty Lords, THE under written Minister Plenipotentiary having obtain'd the King his Master's Leave t0 return to England, he did at the same Time receive Orders to declare to your High Mightinesses his Mi- jasty's entire Satisfaction in your resolution to assist him against his Enemies, in case of Need, conforma- bly to the Treaties; and also in the Choice you were pleas'd to make of the Generals and Regiments to be employ'd, and in the Orders that were immediately given them to hold themselves in a Readiness to be transported into England upon the first Notice. Tho' the Measures and Precautions, which his Majesty hath taken in his Dominions, do
at present give ground to hope he will have no Occasion to demand the Em- barkation of those Troops; he is nevertheless obliged to your High Mightinesses for your good Intentions, and for that Zeal and Affection with which you con- tinue to give him Proofs of your Friendship And this affords him the greater Pleasure, because he takes it to proceed from your Ready Observation of that Fundamental Maxim, That the Safety of either of the Two Nations depends upon the Safety of the other ; and that their Interests are so firmly united, as nothing will ever be able to separate them: A Maxim from which it is his Majesty's
Resolution never to depart. These, HigH and Mighty Lords, are the real SentimentS of the King my Master; and I think myself very happy in being charged with Orders in all respects so agreeable to me, and which give me an Opportunity at the same time of returning Thanks to your High- Mightinesses for thr kind Reception I have met with during the short Time I have had the Honour to be employ'd at this Place. I shall always gratefully acknowledge it; and know no better way to convince you hereof, than by assuring your High Mightiness, that by the faithful and exact Account I shall give his Majesty of your Zeal and Affection
for the Advancement of his Service, I shall contribute what is in my Power toward main- taining and cultivating the Friendship and good In- telligence that now appear so happily to reign between the Two Nations ; and that I shall never cease sin- cerely to wish Prosperity to your High- Mightineses and to your Government. Done at the Hague, July the 6th, 1722. H WALPOLE. Whereupon the States General resolv'd ' the same Day to answer Mr. Walpole's Memorial, " That their High Mightinesses are very glad, that thro' his Ma- jesty's wise Measures and Precautions, Affairs are so order'd, as his Majesty can for the present
dispense with the assistance and Troops of the state : That they hope and wish, his Majesty may never have Occasion for them, and that his Majesty's Govern- ment may never be disturb'd by any Enemy either within or without the Kingdom : That in the mean while, their High Mightinesses see with Pleasure, that his Majesty took in good part their sincere In- tention to satisfy their Engagements in case of Need That they are entirely of his Majesty's Sentiment, with relation to the Fundamental Maxim. That the Safety of both Nations depends entirely upon their Union ; that the one cannot subsist without the other; and that their
Interests are inseparable for the mutual Preservation of their Liberty and Religion : That his Majesty may assure himself, their High Mightinesses will as stea- dily pursue this Maxim, as himself; and that they will upon all Occasions endeavour to give his Ma- jesty Proofs of the high Esteem they have of his Per- son and his Friendship. That for the rest, their High Mightiness wish Mr. Walpole a good Voyage assuring him that his Person and Conduct were agreeable to them & c. On Wednesday the 1st of August. the cOat and Silver Badge is to be Row'd for by six watermen who are
are out of their Time within the Year ; Mr. Dogget, who is deceas'd, having left a sufficicient Annuity tor the Custom to be held for Ever. This is the eighth Badge which will be Row'd for ; and the Custom is celebrated to the auspicious Blessing of His Majesty's Ascension to the Throne on the Day abovesaid. Or. Saturday Night last the Lord William Paw- let's Physicians had good Hopes of his Lordship's Recovery ; at the same time his Head, that was much Bruifed by the Fall, was laid open by an able Surgeon. The Lady Pawlet hath made a handsome Present of Guineas to William Tuder, the Foot- man, who notwithstanding the
Surprize he was in at that unfortunate Accident, had the Presence of Mind to pull his Lordship immediately by the Neck, whereby one of the Vertebrae of the Neck that was dislocated, was set right. His Lordship hath also thank'd him, and given him Assurance, that if he lives, he will take Care of him. His Majesty has given a Plate of 100 Guineas to be Run for at Winchester, on Tuesday the 21st of Au- gust ' Tis said, that Col. Sinclair, Son of the Lord Sin- clair, succeeds Col. Robert Murray, Member for Wot- ton Bassey, as Major of the 3d Reg ment of Foot- Guards, and that the latter has bought the Regiment which was the
Lord Hinchinbrooke's. The Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for raising Money upon the Eftates of the late South Sea Directors, See. have chosen Mr. Jeremy Marlowe of Lombard Street, to appraise and fell by publick Cant or Auction, the Jewels and other Curiosities late be- longing to those Gentlemen ; he being a Person well. Skill'd in such Affairs, and of good Reputation. We hear that Money is order'd, to pay in a Fort- night's Time, the Bills made our for Navy Contracts for ten Months, beginning from December, 1720. Last Week a new Ccmmission passed the Seals, in favour of Thomas Hancock, Esq; Comptroller of
the Wine License Office, whereby his Salary of 100 1. is advanced to 300 I. per Annum On Sunday the Duke of Somerset arrived in Town from his Seat at Petworth in Sussex. Fr day 7 Night last the Right Honourable Edward Southwell, Esq; Principal Secietary of State for Ire- land, embarked with his Son, at Bristol, for that Kingdom. On Sunday Morning died suddenly, at her House in Broadstreet, the Relict of the late General Hamil- ton, Governor of the Leeward Islands. She was Mo- ther of Sir Themas Stapylton, Bart. His Majesty hath begun to drink the Waters of Pyr- mont, after which he will go to Hampton- Court. Two
Highwaymen have been taken, who robb'd last Thursday fe'nnight, between Coney and South Mims, upon the Road to St Albans, viz Luke Storey Friday 7- Night, and one Gascoigne Saturday Morn, ing 2 o'Clock. They are both in St. Alban's Goal. General Sabine is set out for Scotland, his Regi- ment being there. The three Aldermen of St. Albans, against whom an Indictment had been laid for Perjury, travers'd the fine at the Assizes at Hertford on Tuesday last; when Sir Samuel Gerrard, Bart. Senior Alderman of Lon- don, and Ralph Freeman, Esq; Knight of the Shire of Hereford, readily undertOok to be their Bail. One
Thomas Etheridge was lately apprehended rear Highgate, on Suspicion of the Highway, and being carry'd before a Magistrate. and charg'd with a Rob- bery between London and Hampstead, was on Satur- day laft committed to Newgate. Letters from Rhode Island of the 3d of May last bring Advice, that Capt Samuel Parsons, and Capt. Isaac Parker, two Masters of Ships, having had some Difference on Board, challeng'd one another to Fight at Firelock; accordingly they went on Shore and at a little Distance, presenred their Pieces and fired, whereby the former shot the latter in the Breast of which he died soon after; the other
made his Escape • Thereupon both their Vessels were seiz'd We hear a Council has lately been held in Relation to the Affair of establishing at Gibraltar and Minorca, Courts of Civil Judicature and Government, where n all controversies for small Debts, or other Matters of difference may be dctermin'd. We hear, that the 5000 I. Prize drawn on Satur- day in the State Lottery, fell to one Mr. Soulier, a French Merchant, living near the Royal Exchange We hear from Wisbich that a Disturbance has late, ly happen'd there, on the Account of imbanking of Salt Marshes near Bedford Level, 5000 Acres of Land having been drown'd, and
notwithstanding the Num- ber of Workmen employ'd to make the Banks and erect the Sluices, the People to a great Body assembled, and vi & Armis broke down and destroy'd all the said Works; whereupon the Proclamation against Rioters was read, but they did not disperse till they thought Propcr- /-. Weymouth, July 4. Yesterday Captain Smith of the Sarah Galley, bound for Limeric to Fish Up a Wreck there, putting off with his Boat to go on Board his Ship, a Squall of Wind blew from off the Hills, which overset the Boat and drowned the Captain, but all the rest of the Men were saved by Boats which went off immediately to
their Assistance. The sud- den Alarm which the Town took, and the Crowds of Men, Women and Children running all Ways some up the Hills, others along the Peer head, give a very shocking, but true Idea of a Wreck. On Tuesday last, the following Address from the City of Coventry was presented to His Majesty, by the Honourable Sir Adolphus Oughton Bart, and John Neale, esq; Members of Parliament for the said City, being introduc'd by his Grace the Duke of Grafton Recorder of the same. To the King's most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Sub. jects, the Mayor,
Bayliffs, & c. of this Your Majesty's most ancient City humbly crave leave, ( though with the latest in Time, yet with the fore- most in Zeal) to express our Abhorrence and Detesta- tion of those unnatural Designs and Practices, which Your Majesty has discover'd to be carrying on, in con. cert with Traitors Abroad, by some of your wicked and ungrateful Subjects at Home, in order to disturb the Peace of Your Majesty's Government, and by ex- citing and promoting another Rebellion, to subvert and destroy that happy Constitution, both in Church and State, of which God's Providence has made Your Majesty the Sovereign and
Protector, and Your own Roval Vertues the principal and most shining Ornament. WE beg leave Sir, upon this Occasion, to renew to Your Majesty the most sincere and hearty Assuran- ces of our most affectionate Zeal for Your Royal Per- son and Family, and inviolable Attachment to all your Interests, for the Support and Maintanance of which, as We have in all the worst of Times past, Eminently distinguish'd ourselves, so We will ever be ready upon this, and all other Occasions, chearfully to hazard for the same Cause, all that is most near and dear to Us AS the Riots and Seditious Tumults, which were upon a late Occasion
stirr'd up, and promoted through, out the whole Kingdom, did doubtless incourage the Enemies of your Majesty's Government in their trai- terous Attempts, to disturb the Peace, and subvert the Foundations of it, so the universal Agreement in all Places in the same marks of Distinction, and the same seditious Cries make it but too probable, that they were wickedly design'd to produce that Effect WE therefore Sir, further beg Leave to assure Your Majesty, that as we esteem all our dearest interests both Religious and Temporal, to depend next under God, upon the Preservation of Your Majesty and Your Royal Family amongst
us. We will never be s0 wanting to our selves, nor so defective in our Duties to our Cruntry, as not to exert to the utmost, that Power the Law has entrusted Us with, to discounte- nance and suppress such Practices, as have a Tendancy to deprive Us of such invaluable Blessings, and to chastise and punish those Ungrateful Authors of them, whom all Your Majesty's Act of Clemency, and Grace, have not been able to reduce to their Duty nor restrain from endeavouring to disturb again the Peace and Happiness of their Native Country. TO these Instances of Our most affectionate Zeal and Duty to Your Majesty, We will never
cease add- ing
ing, that of our most ardent Prayers to the Almighty; that he Would preserve and defend Your Sacred Per- son from all Your Enemies, whether Foreign or Do- mestick, and that there may be neVer wanting one of Your Royal Race, to govern these Free Protestant Countries, and secure them from all ( both Ecclesiasti- cal and Civil) Slavery, till Time shall be no more. Wednesday a Man well dress'd, was taken up drown'd In the New River, suppos'd to be voluntarily done by himself, he being observ'd to have walk'd about that place, the Day before, for several Hours. In the Five Fields near Holloway, a Child was found dead last
Wednesday in a Coffin. The Son of Mr. Flood, Keeper of the Clink Pri- son, with another BailifF, were committed to the Marshalsea, for wounding a Woman, Who ( we hear) is since dead. Walter Price, Esq; of Cursitors Alley, is appointed Under Sheriff of the County of Middlesex and City of London, for the Year ensuing. On Sunday last died at his House in Crutched Fry- ers, John Ludlow, Esq; an eminent Lisbon Merchant. On Tuesday Night the Corpse of the Marchioness de Gouverder, a French Lady, was interr'd in West- minster- Abbey. The same Day the Reverend Dr. Waterland arriv'd from Cambridge in good Health.
Matthew Sefton, who formerly kept the Red Lion at Whetston, and was Try'd for Robbing on the High, way, hath stood in the Pillory twice at Barnet for Deer- stealing. Tis said, if the intended Reduction of the Troops of France be put in Execution, the Gang of the late Cartouche will be very much recruited, who are still so numerous, that for one that has been Executed, ten others have been seized; so that one of our Hospitals will probably be converted into a Prison. ' Twas re- markable, that when three Robbers were broke alive upon the Wheel, they would not suffer any Priests to come near them, alledging, that they hop'd for
Sal- vation without them, because they pretend to absolve Men, whether they repent or not. The 9th and ioth Instant was exported for Hol- land 1ooo Ounces of Foreign Gold, and iojo of Fo- reign Silver, Last Tuesday there was Advice, that several Dutch India Ships have been cast away in their Return to Holland. About nine or ten English Merchant- Ships belonging to the East- India Company, are daily ex- pected from thence The Coffin that is to enclose another, in which the Body of the late Duke of Marlborough is laid, is rea- dy at Exeter Exchange ; and the new open Hearse which is making by —— Awberry, Esq; the
King's Coachmaker, near Charing- Cross, will be finished in two or three Days, when the Time will be fix'd for the Funeral. On Tuesday Tho. Hesketh, Esq; Member of Par- liament for Preston in Lancashire was married to Mrs. St. Amand, a Lady of a considerable Fortune. A House is fitted up in Kingstreet, near St. Jamss's- Square, for Count Conrade Staremberg, who is daily expected here from the Hague, in the Quality of En. Voy from the Emperor. Baron Sparre, the Swedish Ambassador, designs, as we are inform'd, to return to Stockholm ; but the Time of his Departure is not yet fixed. His Excel- lency's Secretary is to
manage the Affairs of Sweden during his Absence, which will not be long. On Tuesday was held a General Court of the Bank of England, when Sir. Tho. Scawen acquainted them, that the Subscription taken in for 3,400,0001. was fill'd. The following Question was afterwards propo- sed to the Court, viz. That the Court of Directors be, and be hereby impower'd to make an Agreement with the Lords of the Treasury for circulating 1.919,912 1 10 s- in Exchequer. Bills, pursuant to a Clause in an Act of Parliament pass'd last Sessions, and to take in a Subscription for such a Sum, and on such Terms as they shall think necessary, for
the better enabling them to support such Agreement. The said Question was carried in the Affirmative with little Opposition. Notwithstanding so many haVe lately been executed for robbihg the Mails, and the handsome reward which is offer'd daily by the Government for bringing those to justice who dare to commit that Crime for the future, yet Wednesday Morning betwixt the Hours of 12 and 1 the Bristol Mail was robbed again near Longford, by one Highway Man, who took away all the Bags. We hear that betwixt five and six that Morning, one of those who looks after Coomb Wood near Kingston in Surry, surpriz'd a Person
opening ths Letters near one of the Vermin Traps; upon which he immediately rode off, and tho' he was met some time after by a Gentleman, of whom he asked the Way out of the Wood, yet he had the Fortune to es- cape but some Persons who know that County, are sent from the Poft Office in quest of him. On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Massey preach'd an excellent Sermon at St. Andrews Holbourn, against the dangerous and sinful Practice of Inoculating the Small Pox. We hear that on Tuesday last the Rev. Mr. Tho. Bradbury preach'd his Farewel Sermon at Pinners Hall, having resigned that Lectureship on Account of
some late Differences between him and the Congrega. tion. On Monday last the Earl of Tankerville and his la- dy set out from their Seat at Doyley in Middlesex, to their Seat in the West of England. His Lordship's Brother, Mr. Bennet; is preparing to go to the Bath for the Recovery of his Health. " We hear a Proclamation will soon be issued. re- quiring all Passes formerly granted to Ships and Vessels trading in the Way of the Algerine Cruisers, to be re. turned into the Admiralty Office, and others of a new Form to be issued in their stead. The Rev. Mr. Asslin, who was lately presented to the Rectory of Gayton- Thorp in Norfolk,
has resign'd his Morning Lectureship at St. Antholin's. The highest Prizes drawn Wednesday in the State Lottery were 56799, 1000 1. 25924, 500 I. On Tuesday last the Lords of the Treasury met, pursuant to their Adjournment. The same Evening the Rt. Hon. Robert Walpole, Esq; return'd to Town from his Country Seat. Yesterday the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Scarborough; Colonel of the 2d Regiment of Foot Guards, did re- view the same in Hyde Park. The Hannah, Capt. Wm Eade. of 300 Tons, and eight Guns, is to set Sail on Sunday neXt with Stores for Port- Mahon. On Sunday last the ReV. Dr. Johnson, Chaplain to her Royal
Highness. set out for his Rectory in the County of Durham, having perform'd so many surpri- zing Cures during his Stay here, that his Retirement is very much lamented. His Excellency General Nicholson ( to shew his Re- ligious Regard for the House of God) has sent from South Carolina, of which Place he is Governor, all Charges defray'd, a Present of 24 large Planks and four Pillars of Cedar- Wood; to build an Altar Piece in the New Church of St. Martin's in the Fields; which is received accordingly. Charles Town in South Carolina, March 19, 1722. The Chiefs of the four Indian Nations who lately came hither to wait upon his
Excellency, Francis Nichol- son, Esq; Governour of this Province, to regulate the Terms of Agreement between them and the Inhabi- tants of these Parts, being preparing to return to their respective Countries, have taken their Leaves of his Excellency, who had the following Discourse made to him by one of the Indian Chiefs, viz. The Discourse of Wootassitaw, chief King or Go- vernour of the Lower and Middle Settlements of the Charilkees, to O- sy- con- no- weskee ( good Speak, er to all our Towns) out beloved Father, Francis Nicholson, Esq; WE look upon you as one of the great Kings ( of the other Side the Water) beloved
Chil- dren, and understand that the great King has sent us these Goods which you have given us in his Name, and desire all our hearty Thanks to be returned to the great King for the same.
Now we desire, you being the King's Beloved Child, that we have made you our great Governour in the great King's stead, and shall now call you by a Name in our Language, which is O sy- con- no weskee to all our Towns. We desire, as we take you for our Father and great Governour, that you will take that Care of us, that we may not want for a good Trade of Goods from this Country ; and that, for the future, we shall be loving and kind to all such Traders as you shall send among us. x We have been down here some considerable Time, and shall be ready to depart from hence in two Days. We acknowledge to have received
Abun. dance of Civilities, more than ever before, for which we return you all our hearty Thanks, and desire to know where we shall get Provisions to carry u$ Home ; and also we beg to know what Traders is now going up, and desire that Captain Hatton and Mr. Wigan may go with us in Company ; for we hear the Creeks lie in the Road waiting for us, and do desire that they may be well supplied with Am- munition by the Traders that is now going up, that we may be at all times able to defend ourselves and you. Now we bid you Farewell, and at all times shall be sure and punctual in obeying your Commands, and do expect to
hear from you every Opportunity that presents. We asked you for some of our People to go Home to see our great King, but have not had your An- swer. We desire to hear all News every Opportunity that presents, and shall at all times let you know what News there is among us. That at all times when you write us any News, let us know if you are disturb'd by any Enemies, for we shall be at all times ready to come down in a Bo- dy to your Assistance. Eleazer Wigan, Interpr. A true Copy, March 19, 1721. Examin'd by n , Char. Hart. Secr. Bankrupts since our last. William Ball, of Thames- Street, Dyer. Francis Jones, of
Dartmouth, in the County of Devon, Merchant or Chapman. Strickland Biddle, of Maidstone, in the County of Kent, Vintner. Jane Carr, of Tavestock Street, in the Parish of St Paul Covent Garden, in the County of Middlesex Chapwoman. Richard Hawten, of Banbury, in the County of Oxon, Maltster. y 0t A DREAM ; or, The Wife's Resentment. By T. H WIFE TO me y've made a thousand Vows, A thousand tender Things have said ; I give you all that Love allows, The naked Pleasure of the Bed. But now my Eyes have lost their Charms, Or you abate in your Desire : You dream y've Celia in your Arms, And burn with an
unhallow'd Fire. Aloud you name her In your Sleep ; And if t'wurds me y'are pleas'd to stir ; ( A Kindness that but makes me weep) ' tis only when you think of her. HUSBAND. That charming Celia I admire, I must with Pleasure own it true : But had I ten Times more Desire, How cou'd my passion injure you ? Love is the sacred Tree of Life. And up to Heav'n its Branches rears ; Sweet Admiration's but the Leaf, Enjoyment is the Fruit it bears. Last Saturday the Sessions ended at the Old- Baily when seven persons receiv'd Sentence of Death; viz Thomas Wakelin, alias John Hawkins, for robbing his Master Isaac Branch, who
keeps the Sword- Blade Coffee- House in Birchin. Lane, of 76 Pounds in Gold on Sunday the 3d of June last._ Thomas Rice, alias Williams, was indicted for privately stealing out of the Shop of John Albright two Gold Rings, value 38 s, John Murphew, and Nathaniel Jackson, for robbing on the Highway betwixt Tottenham- Court and Hamp- stead one Richard Dennis, of two Shirts Value 10 s. a' Coat and Wastcoat 20 s six Lemons 2 s. five Ounces of human Hair 10 s a Handkerchief 6d. and 13d. in Money, on the 20th of June last. John Molony and James Carrick, for robbing William Yong, Esq; Lit- tle Queen, street, near the
Duke of Newcastle's House as he was carrying in a Chair, of a Gold repeating Watch value 50 1. a Chrystal SnufF Box 3l, a Silver hilted Sword 3 1. and 42 1. in Money, on the 1st in- stant. And Thomas Butlock. alias Futlock, alias Butloyn, alias Futloin, for robbing his Master of 72 Guineas, on the 20th of May last:. Five were burnt in the Hand, viz John Nichols, for the Murder of Isaac Hanock, in Hyde- Park, Isaac Francis Nicholson, for the Murder of Richard Abing- ton, in Bridges- Street near Covent- Garden, William Lee, Edward Winright and Hannah Blake, the two last having been former Convicts. Three former Convicts
order'd to be whipt. Order'd for Transportation 35, among whom is one Hugh Mattison, for buying stoln Books; and com- monly known by rhe Name of Sir Anthony Title Page, Alderman of Lincolns- Inn. Fields, since his selling old Books there. Lavinia Anderson, fin'd 10 Marks, and six Months Imprisonment, for buying stoln Goods. Elizabeth Lewis, fin'd five Marks, and three Months Imprisonment, for receiving stoln Goods. Robert Murray to stand in the Pillory within Tem- ple- Bar ; Charles Jennison, to stand in the Pillory at King street End in Cheapside; Richard Harrison, to stand in the Pillory in St. Paul's Church. Yard, near
Doctors- Commons; and George Glover to stand in the Pillory in the Hay market ; fin'd 501. apiece, and two Years Imprisonment each, for wilful and corrupt Perjury. The next ensuing Sessions begins on Friday the 7th of September next. Last Thurfday a Person who had the Aspect of a Gentleman, went to the House of Mr. Trim in Che- ney- Row at Chelsea, under pretence of hiring Lodg- ings, and while the Family were busie in putting the Rooms in order, took the Opportunity to steal a pair Silver- Snuffers, but being discover'd, he was carried before a Justice, who took care to provide convenient Apartments for so worthy a
Tenant. A Mill near the Isle of Dogs, as also a House was thrown down in the Storm of Thunder, which hap- pen'd on Sunday last. We hear the Leopard, Guernfev. and Chatham Men of War, will be put in Commiffion, in order to fail for the Weft. Indies againft the Pyrates in Ame- rica. Christned Males 170. Females 157.' In all 3l7.; Buried Males 21; Females 200 In all 415. Increafed in the Burials this Week 11. CASUALTIES. Burnt to Death accidentally at St James's in West- minster 1 Drown'd at St. Dunstan at Stepney 2. Murder'd at St. Olave in Southwark 1. Overlaid 3- South Sea 95 1 8ih, with the Dividend. Bank 118 1 half.
India 137 1 half. African 13. Unsubscribed Lot. Annuity 102. York- Buildings 20 7 8ths- : o 1 half to 20 3 qrs. Royal Exchange Assurance 5 5 8chs. London Assurance 5 3 8ths. New Lot. Tickets 11 4 s. to ii 1. 5 s. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in Then while you raise this vain Dispute, Your Fondness but itself deceives; When you yourself haVe all the Fruit, What need you envy her the Leaves ?