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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 07/07/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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A D. 1422; Queen Catherine passed beyond the Seas to the King in France, and there in the louvre, king Henry and his Queen Catherine at the festival of Pentecost, sate in their Royal Robes, with their imperial Crowns on their Heads, and kept their Court with Confluence of People. But shortly after, this renowned Prince fell sick of a burning Fever and Flux, whereof he died, August 31 1422. His Bowels SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1722. Have already observed that the Doctrine of the Divine, Hereditary, and Unalienable Right of Princes, was first coin'd in the Hands of our High Church Priests, and that it was they only who taught the common peo- ple to embrace it in Op- position to that Parlia- mentary Right which has settled the Crown in the Illustrious Line of Hanover. I have likewise prov'd that they have no Foundation for those Doctrines, ei- ther in the Scriptures, the Laws of the Land, or the Reason and Sense of Mankind ; and therefore I think it plainly appears that their present Design in teaching fsuch Doctrines to the Laity, can be with no other In- tent but to condemn the Revolution, and impeach the Wisdom and justice of the Legislature who have often confirm'd and justified that glorious Deed. It is no News to say, they mean the Pretender, be cause they are forward enough to own it in all suitable Company, and glory in the perfidious Defign ; they know if they can but persuade Men that the Revolu- tion was unjust in itself, they will find it an easy Task to invalidate the Justice of the Protestant Suc- cession, because the latter was only the natural Conse- quence of the former. But is it not very hard that after 30 Years Time, we should yet find it necessary to vindicate that righte- ous Act, which secured to us all those Religious and Civil Rights that we now enjoy : And is it not harder yet, that we should be obliged to vindicate it, not only against Papists' and Nonjurors, but even against such as are if our own Communion ? And not only against great Numbers of the Laity ; but also against many of the Clergy who have taken the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Abjuration, and yet plead the Cause of that person whom they have so solemnly Abjur'd- But as Dr. Tillotson says, It might well seem strange if any Man should write a Book, to prove that an Egg is not an Elephant, or that a Musket Ball is not a Pike Staff. And yet it is every whit as hard a Case to be obliged to prove that the Protestant Succession is the greatest Blessing that we can enjoy in this World ; and that it is also just and necessary for a Protestant Nation to support and maintain it: It is hard I say, to be put to prove what Is so self evident ; but yet, that such Men may re- main without all manner of Excuse for their Infidelity in so plain a Case, I will mention some Authors of undoubted Reputation to prove the Justice and Ne- cessity of the Revolution, on which the Protestant Suc- cession depends. Therefore, you that condemn the Means that were used to bring about the Revolution ; hear what the Present Bishop of Rochester ( Dr. Atterbury) says in a learned and judicious Sermon that he preach'd to the Convocation But when and upon what causes may be lawful to' oppose the Power of the Prince and assert our Liberties the Scriptures do not say ; unless in Cases when when that shall happen st Peter tell us what we must do, ( price three Halfpence) we must obey God before Men But in such Cases you must advise with the Lawyers and those learned in Politicks ; [ Note, he does not say the Clergy.] and have Recourse to the Laws and Constitutions peculiar to each several Country, as to the Springs and Fountains of this Knowledge. Now, it according to this learned Bishop's Advice, we consult those Men who are learned in the Laws of of Nations and Politicks; we shall find that Grotius is of as good Authority on these Subjects as any that have Wrote about them. He has ever been reckoned a Favourer of Monarchy, and held in great repute amongst the best and greatest Divines of the Church of England. This Man in his excellent Treatise. de jure Belli ac Pacis, says, if the King hath one Part of the Su- pream Power, and that the other Part is in the Senate, or People, when such a King shall invade that Part which doth not belong to him it shall be lawful t0 oppose a just force to him, because his Power doth not extend so far; Which Position I hold to be true, even though the Power of making War should be vested only in the King, which must be understood to re- late only to Foreign war For at for Home, it is impossible for any to have a Share of the Supream Power, and not to have likewise a Right to defend that Share. And what Englishman can be ignorant that this was our Case with King James j and this Passage is exactly adapted to the Constitution of this Kingdom, and the latter Part of it is perfectly agreeable to what the Lawyers often quote as a Maxim of our Laws, That whereever there is a Right, there is a Remedy we know that the Peers have a Right the Commons have a Right, and every Subject of this Kingdom has particular Rights belonging to him. Now to say that, when a Prince shall invade all these Rights at once, the whole collective Body has no way to vindicate those Rights, is so inconsistent, so contrary to Reason, that ' tis to be greatly wonder'd how it could ever enter into the Mind of Man to dispute it. And thus having by good Authority, vindicated the justice and Necessity of the Revolution ; I shall conclude Willi the Words of Dr Sharp ( late Archbishop of York) in his Sermon preach'd before the Lords on the 30th of January 1700, They, says He. are the Facti- ous. they are the Setters Up or Abetters of Parties, who en- deavour to destroy or unsettle, or disparage or at least to hurt and weaken the Government and the Laws as they are establish'd; let the Principles upon which they go, or the Pre- tences they make, be what they will This Sermon waS preach'd since the Revolution, and therefore is justly applicable to the disaffected Clergy, as well as the Laity j and their having taken the Oaths of Allegi- ance and Abjuration, is a most intollerable Aggrava- tion of their Guilt. But, Lord have Mercy upon them i is the sincere Prayer of SIR. Jun' 30. Your most humble Servant, 1722. OCTOBER GREENWOOD; The Continuation of the Life of HENRY V. King of ENGLAND. A. D. HEnry of Windsor, was crowned about the 1422 eighth Month of his Age. The Guard and Custody of this Royal Infant, was committed to Thomas Duke of Exeter; the Nurture and Education to his Mother the Queen Dowager; the Government of England, to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester; and the Regency of France to John Duke of Bedford. The first Disadvantage that befel the English Cause after the late King's Decease, was the Death of Charles the French King, who survived Henry but fifty three Days ; for the Imbecilities of this Prince were a Strength to the English ; on the other Side, the Infancy of young Henry was an Advantage to young Charles, by them of his Party now called King of France, tho' by the English he was called only King of Berry, because little else was left unto him. How. best now he seeks to enlarge his Dominions, having received Aids from Italy and Scotland. And not far from the Town of Vernoil, his and the Regent's Forces joined Battle, when the English inured to the French Wars having born the first Heat of the Enemy's Encounter, by Perseverance utterly broke them, and put them to Flight. The Regent himself fought most fiercely, winning unto himself a lasting Honour. On the Enemy's part was slain the Constable and Lieutenant of France, the Earls of Wigton and Van- tadour, with above five Thousand others. Prisoners taken, were the Duke of Alanxon himself, with about two hundred others of special Account. After this Victory, the Regent besieged Nants and Main, and with Ordnance beat down part of the the Walls, whereupon it was yielded : this being one of the Ar- ticles at the Surrender, ( which perhaps might be upon The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty nine Regicides. He observ'd that Burden depos'd no more than that he heard that the Prisoner sent Elisha Axtel for the Executioner, and hearsay was not to be admitted as Evidence in Treason, and urg'd that Elisha Axtel was but in Ireland, and if he was so material a Witness, he ought to have been brought over as well as this Man, who repeated but what he heard from him. Then he objected that his Majesty had declar'd he would pardon all that were not excepted by Parlia- ment; now this he thought must be intended of such • Parliament as was call'd by the King's Writ, which this was not. The Court told him this Exception had been over- rul'd already. That the King's Declaration Pardon in Law, tho' it ought to bind in Honour; and further, that it appear'd plainly that the King by his Declaration meant that Convention or Assembly of Lords and Commons, to whom he directed the Declaration; that those were accepted and acknow- ledge by the King as a Parliament, and these were the Persons who had excepted him out of the Act ot Indemnity. .. Then Mr. Axtel left himself to the Jury, and told them, he hop'd they would remember their Ancestors and their Posterity ; that his Life, his little 0nes and his Family, were all in their Hands, and he never heard before that Words would amount to Treason. 1 Then the Lord Chief Baron directed the Jury, who afterwards went together, and after a short recess brought the prisoner in Guilty. jj. Were buried at St. Mauro de Fosses, his Body at West- minster, next beneath the Tomb of Edward the Con- fessor. Upon his Tomb Queen Catherine caused a Royal Picture to be laid, covered all over with Silver. Plate Gilt, the Head whereof was wholly of Massy Silver. All which at the Abby's Suppression was sa- Crilegiously broken off and taken away. His issue was only Henry of Windsor. ' Tis said of him, that he was a Prince godly in Heart, sober in Speech, spar- ing of Words, resolute in Deeds, provident in Counsel, prudent in Judgment, modest in Countenance, mag- nanimous in Action, constant in Undertaking, a great Alms Giver, devout to Godward, a renowned Soldier, fortunate in Field, from whence he never returned without Vistory. He erected the Monasteries of Beth- lem and Bridget, near unto Richmond, gave princely Gifts to the Church of Westminster, and Brotherhood of St. Giles's without Cripple- Gate, London. He first Instituted Garter principal King at Arms, besides other Augmentations to the Order of St. George. A. D. 1414 Sigismond the Emperor came into England, desiring to make Peace betwixt the two Na- tions of France and England, but when that could not be effected, be entred into a League with the English himself. Sir Roger Acton, Beverly, Murley, and some Others were strangled and burned for an unlaw- ful Meeting in St- Giles's- Fields. A. D 1417. Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, was adjudged as a Traytor to the King and Realm, to be drawn thro' the Streets to St. Giles's Fields by London, and there to be hang'd and burnt. Three Popes were now at once mounted into St. Peter's Chair, namely Benedict, Gregory and John, therefore for Prevention of mischiefs to the Church by this Schism, a Council was held at Constance in Germany, whether King Henry sent nine English Pre- lates, one of which, to wit, Richard Clifford, Bishop nf London, was the first Nominated by the Council to be Pope, and he first nominated him that succeed ed, which was Otho Columa, by the Name of Martin the Fifth. In the third Year of this King's Reign, and on Candlemas. Day, seven Dolphins came up the river Thames, four of which were taken An Act made in Parliament holden at Leicester, that such who maintained Wickliff's Doctrine were Hereticks and Traytors, and to be hanged and burned. By which Law, Sir Roger Acton, with divers Others, as also Lord Cobham, were put to Death. HENRY VI. every like Occasion) that if any Perfon Was found within the City which had been consenting to the Murther of John Duke of Burgundy, Father to Philip Duke of Burgoigne, that they should simply be at the Regent's Mercy. Some Time after this, and not much, Thomas Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, with a dreadful puis- sance, besieged the City of Orleans, and so enforced it, that the Inhabitants were willing to articulate and to yield themselves to the Duke of Burgundy' then being in his Company; But the Earl highly dis daining theiear, said ( in the English Proverb, I will not beat the Bush, and another shall have the Bird. Which proverbial Speech, ' tis said, so offended the Duke that it wholly alienated his Mind from the English to their great Loss in all the French Wars following! And now appeared that famous French Shepherdress Joan of Lorain, about 18 Years Of Age, Daughter to James of Arcke. This Maid, to comfort Charles of France, presented her self to him at Chinon, bidding him to be of good Courage, and constantly affirming, that God had sent her to deliver the Realm of France from the English Yoke, and to restore him to the Fullness of his Fortunes. Then she armed herself like a Man and required to have that Sword which at that time did hang in St. Catherine's Church of Firebois in Tourain ; and being warlikely array'd, she gets into Orleans, which did greatly animate the fainting French. From Orleans the Maid of God, ( for so the French called he ) sent a Letter to de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, in Words to this Effect: King of England do Reason to the King of Heaven for his Blood Royal; yield up to the Virgin the Keys of all the good Ci- ties which you have forced & c I am the Chief 0f this War ; wheresoever I encounter your Men in France, I will chase them will they nill they & c The Virgin comes from Heaven to drive you out of France ; It not obstinate, for you shall not hold France of the King of Heaven the Son of St. Mary, but Charles shall enjoy it, the King and lawful Heir to whom God hath given it. He shall enter Paris with a good Train. & c Understand these News of God and the Virgin; spare innocent Blood, leave OrleanS at' Liberty, This Letter was entertained of the English with laughter, and Joan reputed of them no better than a Bedlam, or Inchantress. But be she what she would, yet by her Encouragements and Conduct, the English had Orleans pluck'd out of their Hopes, and with much Loss were driven to raise the Siege. In all Adventures Joan was one, and the foremost. To be continu'd. t § i ) ' the 15th of October, 1660 the Tryal of Colonel Francis Hawker came on, and a Jury was sworn, the prisoner making no Challenges to any of them: And, Mr. Serjeant Kelynge having open'd the Indictment the Kings Witnesses were call'd. Colonel Tomlinson sworn. He depos'd that he was of the Guard that was ap- pointed for the Security of the King's Person ; That the Orders for removing the King ( when he was to be brought to Westminster, & c.) were always directed to himself and three more, but that there was a Party of Halbardeers appointed to be more immediately about his Majesty, to prevent too great Access of people to him, and for the stricter observing the other Guards: That of these Halbardeers Colonel Hacker was one ; and when Serjeant Dendy us'd to come to Cotton- house, and demand that the King should be brought to the High Court of Justice, Colonel Hacker with the other Halbardeers us'd to guard his Majesty thither, and the Deponent us'd to wait at Cotton, house till the King was brought back: That there were many Indignities offer'd his Majesty during his Confinement, that the Soldiers would come into the Room where he was with their Hats on, smoaking Tobacco; & c which the Deponent always check'd them for, which his Majesty took so kindly, that he communicated several Things to him before his Death, and gave the Deponent a Gold Toothpick i and Cafe, and desir'd he would not leave him at his j Execution. That the Day appointed for the King to die, a ' Warrant came to bring him from St James's, and the Halbardeers had his Majesty thro' the Park ; that the Bishop of London and the Deponent attended on him, and the King discoursed of his Burial, and wish'd that the Duke of Richmond and some others might have the Care of it; and his Majesty told the Depo. nent he had some Thoughts his Son might come to bury him, and therefore desir'd he might not be buried suddenly. That when the King came to White hall he was carried into a Room in the Gallery, called the Horn. , Chamber, and that Mr Seymour desiring leave to pre- ' sent a Letter from the Prince to his Majesty, the De- ponent introduc'd him; and that the King having read the Letter, and given Mr. Seymour some Things, in Charge, he was pleas'd to mention the Deponent's Civility to him: That as soon as Mr. Seymour was gone, Colonel Hacker ( the Prisoner) and two others named in the Warrant came in, and as the Deponent remembers, Colonel Hacker produc'd the Warrant, whereby the Orders for the Security of the King's Per- son were to cease: And that afterwards Colonel Hacker, by Virtue of this Warrant, went into the Inner Room where the King was, and led him out, and the Bishop of London and the Deponent follow'd his Majesty to the Scaffold : That the King look'd about a little, as if he intended to have spoken to the People, ( as he had intimated to the Deponent the Night before he design'd) but that his Majesty turn'd and directed his Speech to the Deponent, who stood at the Entrance on the Scaffold. Hercules Huncks sworn. He depos'd, That a little before the Hour the King was murder'd he was in Ireton's Chamber, where were also Ireton, Harrison, Cromwell, Hacker, Co- lonel Phayre, and Axtel, and that the Warrant for the Execution of his Majesty was produc'd ; and as Mr. Hacker, the Prisoner was reading the Warrant, Cromwell commanded the Deponent by Virtue of that Warrant to draw up an Order for the Executioner; which the Deponent refusing, some hard Words pass'd between him and Cromwel; And Cromwel took a Pen and Ink and wrote something himself, (' which the Deponent believ'd to be an Order to the Execu- tioner) and when Cromwel had done writing, he gave the Pen to the Prisoner Hacker, who stoop'd down and wrote his Name ( as the Deponent thought) on the same Paper, and then they all went out; and immediately after the King was brought upon the Scaffold and murder'd. To be continu'd. Mr. Harrison, Clerk to the King's Foreign Ap- poser, is made Register of the Exchequer Office, in the King's Bench Walks, in the room of Mr. Oli- phant. Mr. Reeves, one of the King's Council, has re- ceiv'd a Warrant, constituting him Attorney- General of the Dutchy of Lancaster, in the room of Alexan- der Denton, Esq; now a Judge. The Lady Teynham is dead. Last Friday 7 Night a poor Labouring Man was found dead in St. James's Park, with his throat cut. Thursday 7 Night last was buried in Bunhill. Fields, Mr. Joseph Jacobs, a Preacher much talk'd of in this City. He was commonly call'd Whisker Jacobs, because himself and the Men of His Congre- gation were distinguish'd by wearing Mustaehoes. As he was singular in his Life, so was he at his Death, having given Orders that no Mourning should be used at his Funeral: Accordingly they gave the Com- pany Rings and white Gloves, but no Scaffs nor Hat- bands. The Montross, Capt. Lyndsey, bound from Ham. burgh to Philadelphia, was lost on the 10th of March last on St. Michael, one of the Tercera Islands There is Advice from China, that two English Ships were preparing to sail for London. Last Monday the Earl Cadogan was in Hide Park, where the First Regiment of fooot Guards, of which his Lordship is Colonel, was exercised, each Soldier firing seven Cartridges of Powder. Last Week Mr Cotton, who is a Practitioner in the Law, going to Colebrock and Slow, near which Pla- ces Child and another were Hang'd in Chains for robbing the Bristol Mails, in his Return to London, was assaulted by two Highwaymen, who used him ci- villy, tho' he had no more about him than 4s. 6d in Money, and a Pair of Silver Buckles. He went out of Town to find out the Persons who apprehended and abused a Gentleman of 500 1 a Year, on Suspi- cion of being a Highwayman ; but finding them, selves mistaken, they let him go, without carrying him before a Justice of Peace. They write from Dartmouth, that a small VesseI, suppos'd to be a Smuggler, was forc'd ashoar on a Sand about a Mile to the Eastward of the Slert. They went immediately to land the Cargo, which consisted of small Casks of Brandy, and having taken out 24 of them, buried them in the Sand, and then sought for Assistance, and going to the next House, which prov'd to be a Custom- house Officer's, call'd him out of his Bed, who came to them immediately, and sus- pecting ' em, got his Brother Officers together, and seiz'd all they had hid on Shoar. When the Seamen found they were discover'd, they got into the Vessel, and threw what they had not landed, over. board, that the Vessel might not be in Danger, which was about as many more. The Vessel was brought into Dart- mouth, and bought by a Merchant of that Town- Monday Morning early, about 80 Convicts were carried from Newgate to Black- Fryers Stairs, in or- der to be put on Board a Ship to be transported, ac- cording to their Sentence, to the Plantations. Last Sunday Morning between Three and Four William Yonge, Esq; coming in a Chair from Southamp- ton- Street, was attack'd in Great Queen- street by two Robbers, who took from him 45 Guineas, a Repeating Gold Watch, a Silver- Hilted Sword, and some Silver. The Chairmen defended themselves and their Master as long as they were able, but were at last overpow- er'd by two other Villains that were at hand ; three of them got away with the Plunder, which they shar'd in a Publick House, but the 4th lagging be- hind, and no- body pursuing him, a Mastiff Dog laid hold of him, and afterwards he was knock'd down by a Man, who accidentally pass'd that way ; it seems he was the Person thar first stopt the Chair, and as soon as he was apprehended, he impeach'd his Ac- complices, for whom diligent Search was made all that Day in Wild street, Drury- Lane, and all the Pla- ces thereabouts. A Gentleman who was going the other Nighy from the Strand to Threadneedle Street in a Hackney Coach, with a large Sum of Money, was dogged by some Rogues who cut the Harnesses, and were about to ( 2282 ) to rob him, When he threw himself out of the Coach into the Street and call'd out for the Watch, which Obliged them to retire in a precipitate manner . A List is given in of 15 Persons whose sole Business is to rob about the Streets of London, their Chief stiles himself Major, and has been try'd in Surry and The Rev. Mr. William Randolph is presented by the Lord Chancellor to the Rectory of St. Mary le Bow in the County of Durham, and Diocese of the The Chancellor of the Exchequer the Lord Bishop of Rochester, and the Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, have appointed. William Wynne, Esq; to be Treasurer and Pay- Master of the Moneys given by Act of Parliament for the Repairs of Westminster. Abbey, in the room of Charles Batteley, Esq; deceased. The Duke of Richmond is so well recover'd, that his Grace was last Monday at Kensington to wait on his Majesty. The Convocations of Canterbury and York are pro- rogued from the 19th of last Month, to Friday the 31st of August next. On Saturday last, a Proclamation was publish'd, summoning the Peers of Scotland to meet at Holy. Rood House in Edinburgh on the 15th of August afore- said, to elect a Peer to sit in Parliament, in the room of John Earl of Rothes, deceased. - His Excellency the Lord Whitworth will in a few Days set out for Cambray, taking his Way by Paris. We hear the Admiralty have received a Confirma- tion of the Murder of Capt. Walrond, Commander of his Majesty's Ship the Greyhound, and 9 or 10 of his Men; by the Spaniards ; who after securing the rest of the Crew, carry'd off in Specie, & c. to the Value of 10000I. We hear that one Capt. Henry Curl, and not Capt. Peter Solgard as some Papers say, is order'd to the West Indies to command His Majesty's Ship the Greyhound, in the room of Capt. Walrond, who was lately most barbarously murder'd by some Spaniards, whom he had courteously entertain'd on board hiS Ship. The following Account is taken from the Boston Gazettee of May 7, viz. That when the Greyhound Ship was taken, as mention'd in our former Paper of this Day Sennight, which had made a stout Resistance, they also took seven other Vessels, two of which were Brigantines belonging to Boston; after they had plun- der'd them, they burnt one, and sunk the other. Capt. Ayre's Sloop of Connecticut they also burnt; Captain Hamilton's Sloop of Jamaica they carry'd with them, a Sloop belonging to Virginia they empty'd and gave to the Captain again ; another was a Sloop of 80 Tons from Rhode- Island, on which they mounted Guns for their own Service; but the 7th they give no Account of. They forced away from the Greyhound Christopher Atwel, Chief Mate, born in the West of England ; Charles Harris, 2d Mate, born in London ; Henry Smith, Carpenter, born in Boston ; Joseph Willis, Ap- prentice to the Captain, born in London ; David Lind- sey, born in Scotland; then burnt the said Ship. Those Pyrates went afterwards to Port Mahon in the Gulph of Montick, to careen ; and having carried most of the Goods on Shoar, the Country- People came down and surprized them, so that they were forced to burn the Ship that was upon the Heel, and betake them, selves to their Sloops and make off. We hear that two Patents under the Great Seal are ordered for Coyning Brass Money in Ireland, and the West Indies; and that his Majesty has granted a Pen- sion of 1000 1. per Annum to Sir John Blencow, who lately surrender'd his Place of one of the Judges of the Common Pleas Saturday last William Ereskin, Esq; lately brought up from Scotland in Custody of one of the King's Mes- sengers, was admitted to Bail at the Secretary's Office A few Days ago Henry Worseley, Efq; Governor of Barbadoes, received his Commission at the Admi- ralty as Vice Admiral also of the said Island, and was there sworn accordingly. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Benjamin Brigantine, Capt. Payne, from the Leeward Islands Was destroy'd by the Pirates off of Diseada ' last Week one of the Keepers of Bushy Park in Hertfordshire, climbing up a Tree to shoot a Deer, his Piece fell out of his Hand on the Butt End, and went off so that the Bullet palled thro' one of his Feet graz'd his other Leg, and went slanting up his Thigh into the Fob of his Breeches, where it met with Money which stopp'd it from entring his Body. ' About the same time, two Boys belonging to a Cha rity School in Southwark, playing upon a Wharf there one of them fell into the River, upon which the other gave a terrible Shriek and dyed with the Fright, while People came to the Assistance of his Playfellow, who was taken out alive. Friday 7- Night some of the Westminster Scholars assaulted a Turner in Thieving- Lane, for refusing to make them short Truncheons at their Price, doing great Damage to his House, and his Wife being big with Child, was so much affrighted, that we hear she has miscarried and lies most dangeroufly ill. The very Night following, the Scholars again assaulted a Hack- ney- Coachman in Deans. Yard, who much ado getting off with his Life, fled into the House of one Mr. Page a Victualler against the Bishop of London's House, of which the Rioters having Notice, they came and at- tackt the Alehouse, breaking his Sash Windows, and being oppos'd in their outrageous Proceedings, a great Fray ensu'd between the Scholars and other People, in which several are very dangerously wounded on both Sides. Tho the following Verses cannot be recommended for the Politeness of the Diction, or the Smoothness of the Metre, yet as the Spirit of Anacreon may be di- stinguish'd in every Line, they are worthy to be communicated to the World. Upon the Death of the Duke of MARLBOROUGH Marlb'rough's Soul has ta'en its flight: Who shall now our Battles fight ? Who the Britons bold shall lead, Now their valiant Captain's dead ? The martial Trumpet and the Drum, Are following Marlb'rough to his Tomb And in saddest Accents show Ev'ry British Soldier's Woe; Griev'd to see their Gen'ral yield; Griev'd to see him quit the Field. The glorious Marlborough till now Always triumph'd o'er the Foe ; But the Guards of Life were grown Too weak ; so Death the Battle won : Yet his Laurels ne'er will fade, Though the Godlike Hero's dead. Last Tuesday his Grace the Duke of Portland took his Leave of his Majesty at Kensington, intending to imbark very speedily for his Government of Jamaica. Francis Capper of Lincoln's- Inn, Esq; is appointed one of the Commissioners for Licensing and Regulating Hackney Coaches and Chairs, in the Room of More Molineux, Esq; who hath resign'd. A very fine Monument for the late Duke of Buck- ingham is finish'd, and is going to be erected near King Henry VII's Chapel in Westminster Abbey. Mr Kennedy Page of Honour to her Royal High- ness the Princess, and Son to the Countess Dowiger of Casses, died lately in Scotland. Last Monday died Mr. John Blenner, one of the Chamber Keepers to the Lord Carteret's Office, the Place worth about 2oo I per Ann. is given to Mr. Joseph Noble, one of his Lordship's Domesticks. There is an Account from Falmouth by the last Post that the Mary, a Brigantine of Southampton, was in her Passage to Lisbon chafed by an Algerine Rover, which in firing the first Gun at her blew up; where- upon the said Brigantine pursued her Voyage. The Will of the late William Charles Van Huls, Esq; is contested, a Lady has sent to Demand his Coach and Horses, Chair, & c. as her Property. The Mary Yacht is order'd to keep in readiness to fetch the Marquiss of Blandford from such Port, as his Lordship shall arrive at to Embarque for England- We hear the Earl of Clencarty's Pension will be aug- mented co 3000 I. per Annum. — .. On Wednesday last died at her House in St. James's Square. the Marchioness de Gouverner, a French lady. Aged 86, Tuesday am not Married according to the LAWS of this PRO- vince, and throw my self intirely upon your Ho. nours; and if your Honours will give me your Word, that you will not prosecute the Gentleman that married me, I'll tell you his Name. I have thrown my self upon your Honours, and I value Fifty Pounds no more than I value Fifty Farthings. This impudent Speech reflects not only upon the Town in general, but in a particular Manner upon the Judges and Jury. Besides this his Crime, it is ob- serv'd, that a Woman who was presented by the Grand- Jury at the same Sessions, for having a Ba- stard- Child, declar'd in open Court, that he Was the Father of it. Letters from Brussels say, that the Roads between this Place and Leige are almost become impracticable, by reason of the great Number of Highwaymen, who t'other Day robb'd a Nobleman's Servant, stript him quite Naked, and then Murther'd him ; but some of the Rogues have been taken up, and brought prisoners here. Letters from Paris say, that they continue every Day not only here, but in the Provinces also, the Execution of the Cartouchians: two of them have been broke upon the Wheel at the Grieve, and two more hang'd. They are also drawing up an Inventory of all the Goods, & c. which have been taken in their Possession and confiscated ; and they assure us they amount to a Very considerable Sum of Money. We hear the Captain, who sometime ago killed a. Watchmaker ( Son of Mr. Bass at the White- Swan) is still in Nottingham Jayl; but ' tis not known when the Opinion of the Judges upon the Special Verdict will be given. Admiralty- Office, July 1722. Captain Barlow, Commander of the Royal African Company's Ship call'd the Whydah Frigate, being just arriv'd in the River of Thames, sailed from Barbadoes the 11th of May last, and the Day before came to that Island the jason, commanded by Captain Plummer of Bristol, who confirm'd Captain Ogle of the Swallow Man of War taking three Pyrate Ships, as mention'd in our last, and saw on board of him 170 Prisoners. Letters from Genoa say, that his Britannick Ma- jesty's Ship th- Dragon commanded by Captain Scot, arriv'd there the 2d of june last our Style, from Port Mahon, having been at Lisbon, Cadiz, and Gibraltar. Last Thursday Mr. Criswell, a Domestick of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, was chosen Captain of Clarkenwell Bridewell by the Justices at Hick's. Hall in the Room of Captain Harker, lately deceas'd! Tuesday last in the Afternoon about two, died the Lady Philadelphia Lockart, Relict of Sir George Lockart of Carnwath in Scotland, and of Captain John Ramsey, Son to the late Bishop of Rosse in the said Kingdom, she was Daughter of Philip late Lord Wharton, and Sister to Thomas late Marquis of Whar- ton, she had the' Misfortune to lose one of her Sons, by being shot to Death at Preston, for his Attach, ment to the Interest of the Pretender She has left an excellent Character behind her, and her Enemies if any, can't Gainsay it without Partiality. Thursday a considerable quantity of Jamaica Sugar was exposed to Sale at the south- Sea House. The greatest Assiduity imaginable is continued at the Herald's Office and Exeter Exchange for the Funeral of the late Duke of Marlborough, whose Corpse will be convey'd to his late Dwelling house near St. James's Palace, when all the rooms there are hung in Mourn- ing. We hear that at the Funeral the Knights of the Garter are to wear the Star. and other Ensigns on the outside of their Cloaks. The Earl Godolphin, who has the Management of the Funeral Pomp, has ordered Escutcheons to be made, representing the Colours and Standards taken by the late Duke at the Battle of Blenheim. • Wednesday the Lord Whitworth took leave of His Majesty at Kensington, having received his Instructi- ons relating to the ensuing Congress at Cambray, for which Place his Lordship sets out on Monday next by way of Paris. The Earl Cadogan is preparing to set out for the Hague, with the Character of His Majesty's Ambas- sador Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiary to the States Wednesday The Happy Return; Capt. Breed, having been plun- der'd by the Pirates, is arriv'd at Dublin. Wednesday General Willis set out for Salisbury- plain to review the Forces encamp'd there. The following high Prizes Were drawn last Wed- nesday at Guildhall, viz. No. 25,091, 3000I. No. 58.225 16oo I. and No. 62,138, 500. Wednesday about One a. Clock a sad Accident hap- pen'd at the Sign of the Two Chairmen, a Victual- ling House in Glasshouse street near Pickadilly. One Anne Tanner, a Lodger in the said House, having a Nurse Child, a Boy of five Months old, left him asleep in the Cradle while she went out to fetch a Pail full of Water, in which Interval of Time some Shavings that were laid in the Chimney Corner took Fire, and fired the Cradle that stood near them, whereby the poor Infant was burnt to Death in a most miserable Man- ner: The Woman was thereupon apprehended and committed to the Round- house belonging ro St. James's Parish, till such Time as the Coroner's Inquest should sit upon the Body. Monday Night last some Persons in the Out- Parts, were taken up for Singing Seditious Ballads. Last Week the Oxford Flying Coach was robb'd near Uxbridge, and was attack d again two Days after, but the Passengers being Fort- arm'd as well as Fore- warn'd, seiz'd the Highwayman, ty'd him behind the Coach, and brought. him Prisoner to Newgate. They write from Rhode- Island, May 3, that the Day before being the Anniversary for chusing their Magistrates for the Year ensuing, the Honouraole Sa- muel Cranston, Esq; was chosen Governor, and Joseph Ginks, Esq; Deputy Governor. We hear that Thomas Crawford, Esq; Secretary of the British Embassy at Parisf is appointed Resident at that Court. His Grace the Duke of Kingston has presented the Reverend Mr. john Disney to the Rectory of St. Mary's in Nottingham Wednesday the three young Princesses went to Rich- mond, and returned in the Evening to the Royal Palace at Kensington. Last Tuesday Mr. Tryan, a Gentleman about 6000 I. per Ann was marry'd at Fulham to the Lady Mary Sherley Daughter of the late Earl of Ferrers, by his second Wife. Thursday the Plate and Household Goods of Robert Chester, Esq; one of the late Directors of the South- Sea Company, in Crutched- Fryars; as also his Goods at Brigins, in Hartforshire, which are of a con- siderable Value, were sold at the South- Sea- House by Allotment; and likewise the Goods of Charles Joye, esq; late Deputy Governor, at his Lodgings in Mincing lane Wednesday the City Trumpets, Drums, and other Musick complimented Humphrey Parsons, and Fran- cis Child, esq ; upon their being chosen Sheriffs for the ensuing Year, which Office they will stand. Last Tuesday was exported for Rotterdam 3500 Ounces of Foreign Silver, and 129 Ounces of Foreign Gold. Baron Hattorf, Secretary for his Majesty's Domi- nions in Germany, is daily expected here again from Hanover. Boston in New- England, April 16, ' Tis confirm'd by Letters from Honduras, that Capt, Ewers, with a Vessel belonging to this Town, was attack'd in that Bay by Lowder the Pyrate, and that after a long and stout Refiftance, our Men were at last oblig'd to yield, and were very barbarously used. The Vessel was burnt, and most of the Men forc'd on Board the Pyrate sloop. At a late Quarter Sessi- ons a certain Lawyer, who is verv Litgious, and ve- ifies the Proverb, which saith, That a good Lawyer is commonly a bad neighbour, came on his Tryal for cohabi- ting with a Woman as his Wife, without being mar- red to her according to the Laws of this Province, all the Defence he made, was this: ' Please your Honours, I have been render'd odious by a Compa- ny of scandalous Writers, which I need not wonder at when even his Excellency himself, and all that is dear and sacred to your Honours, has not escap'd the Lash of these sorry Scriblers ; and since the , Town is much biass'd by their Writings, I chose not to be Try'd by the Jury, but freely confess I Wednefday a boat overset in Long- reach, whereby three Persons were Drown'd. „ On Tuesday Horatio Walpole, Esq; was at Ken- sington, to give His Majesty an Account of his Ne- gociations at the Hague. Humphrey Parsons, and Francis Child, Esqrs; have given Bonds to hold the Office of Sheriffs of the City of London, and County of Middlesex, for the His Majesty has promis'd the Reward of fifty Pounds to any that shall discover the Person or Per- sons who directed a Letter to Sir John Gonson, a Ju- stice of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, and City and Liberty of Westminster, and which being thruft in under the Door of his Chambers in the Temple, on Thursday the 28th of June last ; the Contents thereof threatens the Life of the said Sir John Gonson, for doing his Duty in the Discharge of his Office, in endeavouring to suppress unlawful Ga- ming. ; Saturday last the Mayor and Corporation of St. Al- ban's chose the M. of Blandford their High Steward, in the room of the Duke of Marlborough deceased On Monday last James Kerrick, one of those that robb'd William Yonge, Esq; in little Queen Street, the Day before, was taken at a Sale- Shop in Monmouth Street, as he was going to furnish himself with a new Suit of Cloaths The said Gentleman's Gold Watch and Snuff Box being found upon him, as were also a good Parcel of Guineas, that he could give no Account how he came by, when examm'd be. fore two cf his Majesty's Justices of the Peace ; and being charg'd on Oath with the said Robbery, he was by them committed to newgate.- One Lock, an Associate of his, was taken at the same time on Suspicion of other Robberies, and likewise committed to Newgate. Whoever shall apprehend Daniel Carrol, the third Person concern'd in the said Robbery, will be entitled to the Reward of 1001. promis'd by his Majesty's Pro- clamation some time since, over and above the 40 I. Reward given by Act of Parliament, which said Sums will immediately be paid upon his Conviction. ( i Wednesday the Sessions began at the Old Baily, when 103 Prisoners were carried thither from Newgate, and then Tho. Rice was convicted of Shop lifting; Sa- muel Wakelin, a Waiter at the Sword- Blade Coffee- House, for robbing his Master ; John Murphey, and — Jackson, two of the Scotch Guards, for the High- way. The next Day came on the tryal of James Carrick. and John Malony, for assaulting and robbing William Yonge, Esq; Son of Sir Walter Yonge, Bart, and Member of Parliament for Honiton, on Sunday Morn- ing last in great Queen- street, which Fact being fully proved, the Jury brought them both in Guilty. The Court of Directors of the Bank have declared, that in the taking in South- Sea Bonds Dividend War- rants, & c. No over Payment of Principal will be al- low'd ; and that the Interest of 2o per Cent, will also be excluded and accounted for afterwards, and that each List given in shall specifie the several Levies of Stock- Bonds, Warrants, & c. Wednesday the Books for transferring Bank- Stock were opened, and was clos'd again next Day. Wcdnesday there was a General Court of the Mil- lion Bank Company, wherein they chose 24 new Di- rectors for the ensuing Year, who were declared this Day. A Particular Charge is given to the Peace- Officers of London and Westminster, and Parts adjacent, to make the most diligent Search for apprehending a Gang of Street Robbers, being about 50 in Num- ber. 1. Thursday his Majesty, accompany'd with a great many Persons of Quality and General- Officers, went to review the Forces encamp'd on Hounslow Heath viz. The Duke of Bolton's and the Lord Cobham's Regiments of Horse, and Brigadier Honywood's Regi. ment of Dragoons. His Majesty afterwards din'd at Hampton- Court, lay there that Night, and return'd next Day to Kensington. Bankrupt since Our last. Boyer Ower, of Stratford, in the County of Essex, Fell- monger. Christned Males 1S2. Females 147. In all", Buried Males 107. Females 197. In all Increased in the Burials this Week 4 CASUALTIES. Found dead in St. James's Park ( buried at St Mar- garet in Westminster) 5. Hang'd herself at St. Paul in Covent Garden 1. Kill'd 2. One by a Cart at St Andrew Wardrobe, and one by a Fall from his Horse at Deptford in Kent ( buried at St. James's in West minster.) Overlaid 1. Yesterday South- Sea was 95, without the Dividend Bank 119 1 half. India 138, without the Dividend African 13. Unsubscribed Lottery Annuity 101 1 half' York Buildings 21 3 8ths Royal Exchange Assurance' S 5 8ths. L. Assurance s 1 q-. Lot. Tickets ADVERTISEMENTS. To be LETT. ||*|| A Large Farm House, with a good Malt- house, Barn, and Stables, all in good Repair, two Orchards, and seven Acres of Land lying at Sutton near Hounslow in Middlesex. Enquire of Mr. Purse a Joyner in Hounslow. Thomas Crouch, at the Bell in Pater noster Row near Cheapside, these following Books are publish'd *||* I Young Man's Calling, or, The Whole Duty of Youth, in a serious and compassionate Address to all young Persons to remember their Creator in the Days of their Youth. Together with Remarks upon the Lives of seve- ral excellent voung Persons of both Sexes, as well Ancient as Moderb, Noble, and others, who have been famous for Piety and Virtue in their Generations; with twelve curious Pictures, illustrating the several Histories; also Divine Poems, price 1 s. fid. II. Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland; containing an Account of all the Battles, Seiges, Revolutions, Accidents, and other remarkable Transactions, in Church and State, during the Reign of King Charles the first ; being an impartial View of his Life and Actions, with his Tryal at large before the pre- tended High Couit of Justice, and his last Speech at his Death, Jan. 30. 1648. Illustrated with Pictures of many notable Passa- ges; price 1 s. III. Two journies to Jerusalem; containing, 1. A strange and true Account of the Travels of two English Pilgrims some Years since, and what admirable Accidents befel them in their Journey to Jerusalem, Cairo, Alxandria, & c. - IV. The Travel, of 14 Englishmen in 1689 to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, the River Jordan, the Lake of sodom and Gomorrah.' With the Antiquities, Monuments, and memora- ble Places mention'd in Scripture. By T. B. To which are prefix'd, Memorable Remarks upon the Ancient and Modem States of the Jewish Nation. A Description of the Holy Land, Scituation, Fertility, the final Extripation and Destruction of the jews in Persia in 1666, and the Occasion thereof. Beauti- sy'd with Pictures; price 1 s. > 1, LONDON Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers Where Advertisements are taken in- " V. Wonderful Prodigies of judgment and Mercy discovers in near 300 Memorable Histories : Containing dreadful Judg- ments upon Atheists, perjur'd Persons, Blasphemers, Swearers, Cursers and Scoffers. with other remarkable Stories, with Pictures, price 1 s. the Volatile Vapour Drops from France, Vastly preferrable in Smel, Taste, and Effects, to the best Sal volatile obocum, or any other Medicine of that kind. Their Scent is to be very quick, and refreshing, and so wonderfully reviving and their Effects in a few Drops in Water or Wine for instantaneous, in rousing up the Spirits, and recover- ing People out of all manner of Fits, tho' t0 Appear ance dead, that the ablest Physicians and Midwives recommend them; and Gentlemen and Ladies of Quality, and others that have us'd them, admire them They are such Help at hand in all sudden illnesses of that sort, that nobody should be without them. ' Apoplexies, Convulsions Hysterick and other fits,' old or young, of the Brain, Nerves, Womb, or spleen They have been experienced to more than all the Courses of Physick prescrib'd in those Cares they sweeten the blood, create an Appetite, help digestion cure Heart- burn, and ill Habits of Body, and chronick Diseases, if drank with the spaw or tun- bridge Waters. Are sold only at the Golden- ball in Dean street in Fetter- Lane, Fleet- street, at 3s the Bottle ; and at no other Place besides in this king dom.
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