The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 30/06/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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THE Weekly Journal: oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1722. I have had many Occasions to discourse with Persons tainted with those wicked Principles and I do affirm it, that the greatest Prejudice these Persons have at Religion, at the Clergy, and at the publick worship of God, is this, that they say, they see Clergymen take Oaths, and use all Prayers, both ordinary and extraordinary for the Government, and yet in their Actings and Discourses, and of late in their Sermons, they shew visibly that they look another Way, -[ to the Pre- tender] from whence they
conclude, They are Mercenary sort of People without Conscience. I hope there are not many that are so corrupted and so scandalous: I am sure I know a great many that are far otherwise, who preach, speak and act as they swear and pray ; but those who all in another Way, are Noisy and Im- pudent, and so bring an Imputation on the whole Body ; and unless an effectual stop is put to this Distemper, it is not pos- sible to foresee all the ill Consequences that may follow upon it. Did we not see and hear these things from their own Mouths, one would think it morally impossible for humane Nature to be guilty of so much Impiety,
and much less could we believe it of those Men, who are set apart from the World on purpose to instruct Men in the Ways of Righteousness, by the Soundness of their Doctrines and the Holiness of their Lives: It iS true, they are Men of like Passions with our selves, and surrounded with the same, or greater Temptati- ons to Evil than we are ; and therefore that Man is highly to blame, that is severe in his Animadversions on those Infirmities in them, which are so common to our selves : But when they presume to teach such Doctrines as disturb the Peace of the Kingdom in which they live : Then I am sure ' tis the Duty of every
good Subject to expose not only the Falshood of such Doctrines ; but also the scandalous immorality of their Lives, that all Men may know that such wicked Prin- ciples do not proceed from good, but from none but ungodly Clergymen ? And that more especially, when all unnatural conspiracy is on foot against the Govern- ment, which has been promoted by them, and is the genuine Fruit of their Doctrines. And I dare say my Life upon it, that there never was a pious or godly Clergyman that ever took the Oath of Abjuration, whose Conscience would suffer him to premote the Pretender's, Interest either by preaching, writing, or
teaching in Conversation. I am, SIR, June aj, Your humble Servant, 17. OCTOBER GREENWOOD. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY V. King of ENGLAND. In January the strong Town and Castle of Fallors was delivered to the King ; after which he divided his Army into several Parts, under the Conduct of che Dukes of Clarence and Gloucester, and Earl of War- wick, who took sundry GarrisonS The King the while besieged Roan, which after about a Twelve- Month's Siege, was delivered to him upon Terms, a 1. That the Burgesses should pay unto him Three Hun- dred Fifty Six Thousand Crowns of Gold ; should swear
Faith and Loyalty to him and his Successors, & c. A. D, 1418. Immediately after the Surrender of this, sundry other Places of Note yielded themselves, wherein King Henry- placed Garrisons. And now france trembling at the English Successes and their 1) Z own WHEN Men of weak Judg. ment and strong Passions, are once resolv'd and fix'd in wrong Principles, it is not easy to reclaim them from their Errors; but when Religion and Politicks are artfully in- terwoven in their Creed, then let the Consquency of their Principles be ne- ver so mischievous to the Welfare of a Nation : yet all is sanctified by the venerable Name of
Religion : And whatever Evil flows from thence, it is only the Produce of their Consciences. Thus we see many of the common People who call themselves Members of the Reform'd Church of Eng- land, who yet are greatly disaffected to the Protestant Succession as now happily establish'd ; they are taught that another Person has an Hereditary Right to the Crown, altho' they know that not only he, but all others of the Roman Religion are excluded by the Laws of their Country, not for their Religion, but on Account of their Civil Incapacity to govern a Pro- testant Nation. But notwithstanding these Laws were made by their own
Sufferage ; yet how many Thou- sands of them engaged in the late unnatural Rebellion in order to set a Papist on the Throne ? And tis to be fear'd that there are many of them engaged in the present Conspiracy for the same Purpose, and that they wish well to all such Attempts, is Matter of daily Ob- servation to all that have any Dealings or Conversation with them. It is true we find but very few Men of any Rank or Figure among them and for that Reason this Account of their Numbers seems almost incredi- ble to those, whose greater Distance deprives them of a more perfect Knowledge of them. Now from whence could these
People learn such pernicious Principles, that not only tend to disturb the Peace of the Kingdom, but when put in Practice, do ever terminate in their own Ruin ? I say, where could they possibly learn thefe eVil Doctrines, but from the Pulpits or the Conversation of those, who yet de- sire to be reverenced as the Ambassadors of the Prince of Peace ; for the Truth of this interrogatory Asser- tion. I need only appeal to all those who have had any Conversation with such, who are distinguished by the Name of High Church Priests, and I am sure my own Heart does not reproach me, when I affirm that I have heard many of them
attempt to maintain and Vindicate those Doctrines. These Men have taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration, but surely they do not consider what a grievous Scandal their present Behaviour brings upon their Holy Order in particular, and upon Religion in general. Thev would do well to examine what the late Bishop of Salisbury did affirm at the Tryal of Dr. Sacheverell, and see how far they are concern'd in it. His Words are these. I am very sensible there is a great deal of Impiety and Infidelty now spread through the Nation : That gives every good Mind all possible Horror ; but I must tell your Lordships on what a great Part
of it it founded-, for since my Conversation with Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, ( Price Three Half Pence.)
own Losses, sought a Peace from King henry who yielded to a personal Conference to be held at Melun, whither Charles the French King, his Queen Isabel, the Princess Catherine, Duke of Burgundy, Count of St Paul, with a Thousand Horse, came first; King Henry, his Brothers of Clarence and Glocester, attended likewise with a Thousand Horse met them, wherein much Conference passed, but nothing was concluded, which did not well please the King of England : Wherefore ready to depart, he thus spoke to Burgundy, Cousin, I may not well digest this Refusal; but be ye assured, that either I will have your King's Daughter,
and all my Demands, or else I will banish both you and them out of France. " You may speak your Pleasure, answered the Duke ; But before you shall thrust us out of France, you shall be weary ot the EnterpriZe. " The Treaty thus broke, Burgundy reconciled himself with the Dauphin, and Henry dis- pleased here with, prosecuted the War more sharply, set upon Ponthois the last of July, and in a few Hours gained the Town, wherein great Spoils fell to the Sol- diers Shares. The News of this made King Charles to remove his Court from Paris to Troys in Champaigne, whilst Henry went forward with his intended Enter- prizes, he
and his Generals winning many Strong- Holds. And to make the more Way for the English Successes, the Dauphin and his Mother the Queen fell at great Variance, when the Queen by the Procure- ment of Burgundy ( the King being very infirm) was made Regent of France, whose Female Authority, and the Hatred to her own Son the Dauphin, did not a little Prejudice to the Crown of France. And to the greater Advantage of the English the Dauphin caused John Duke of Burgundy to be treacherously slain, ( for that the said Duke had procured Lewis Duke of Or- leans to be barbaroudy Murthered, thinking that then he might
easily compass to rule all under a weak King) whereupon the Queen and young Duke of Bur. gundy persuaded King Charles to disinherit the Dau- phin his Son, and to give the Lady Catherine in Mar- riage unto the King of England; which accordingly was done, and a Peace was concluded betwixt the two Kings of England and France. The prime Arti- cles were these That Charles and Isabel should retain the Name of King and Queen, and should hold all their Dignities, Rents and Possessions during their Na- tural Lives. That after the Death of Charles the pre. sent King of France, the Crown and Realm of France should with all
Rights and Appurtenances remain unto the King of England, and his Heirs forever, That because of King Charles his infirmness, and Incapacity to dispose the Affairs of the Realm of France, there- fore during his Life the Government thereof should be and abide to King Henry ; so that thenceforth he should govern the Realm, and admit to his Council and Assistance wirh the Council of France, such of the English Nobility as he should think fit, & c. The Number of Articles were Thirty Three, which were sworn unto at Troys, May 1420, the same being proclaimed in London, the 20th of June following. These Articles were
concluded betwixt the two Kings in the Presence of divers of the Chief Nobility both of England and France, Homage being sworn unto King Henry, and he proclaimed Regent of France. And on the third of June the Marriage of Henry and Catherine was with all pompous Solemnity celebrated at Troys, the Bishop of that See performing the Cere, monies. From Troys the King of England and his Queen rode to Paris, where great Entertainment was given; and the more to weaken the Dauphin's Inter- est, a Parliament of Three Estates was assembled in Paris, where the Disinherison of the Dauphin was confirmed. In this
Parliament was also the final Ac- cord betwixt the two Kings acknowledged by the French King, as made by his free Consent and Liking and with Advice of the Council of France ; where- upon it was likewise there ratified by the general States of that Realm, and sworn unto particularly upon the Holy Evengelists by the French Nobles and Rulers Spiritual and Secular, who also set their Seals to the Instruments thereof. Which Instruments were sent into England to be kept in the King's Exchequer at Westminster, Things now settled in France as well as that unsettled Time would permit; King Henry leaves the Duke of Clarence to
he his Lieutenant there, and hastens for England with his Queen, whom he caused to be crowned at Westminster in little Time after their Arrival in England. Then calling s Parliament in order to the raising of Monies for the continuing of the Conquest in France ; but some Men minding more their private Interest than the Publick instead of being free thereto to contribute, they peti- tioned the King to commiserate the Poverty of the Commons, which as they pleaded, were beggar'd by the Wars ; wherefore without farther pressing for any Aid, the King again pawned his Crown to his rich Uncle Cardinal Beauford, for Twenty
Thousand Pounds, and then returned into France with four Thousand Horse, and twenty four Thousand Foot. And time it was, for the Dauphin's Party was grown considerably strong by Aids sent from Scotland under the Conduct of the Earl Bucquhanan and Archibald Douglas, who had given a Defeat to a Party of the English, therein killing the valiant Duke of Clarence, and taking Prisoner the Earls of Huntingdon and' Somerset, and Thomas Beaufort. After which the Dauphinois had laid Siege to Alenzo, and strained the City of Paris, by withholding Provisions from it; but when victorious Henry appeared, the Enemy betook
them to their strong Holds, many of which he gained in a short Time. A- D. 1421, and December the 6th, whilst King Henry lay before Meaux, News was brought him, that his Queen at the Castle of Windsor was delivered of a Son, at which he exceedingly rejoyced, yet said, he liked not the Place of her Delivery, having before commanded that she should not be delivered there ; and withal predicted that what Henry of Monmouth should gain, Henry of Windsor should lose. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty nine Regicides. The King's Council said, they did not charge him with what he did by virtue of his
Commission, but those violent Acts of encouraging the Soldiers to cry Justice, Justice, Execution, Execution, and those other Actions which evidenc'd his Malice against the King; and that they had not indicted him for levying War, but for compassing the King's Death, and had given in Evidence those Overt- Acts to prove it. The Court added, that there could be no Excuse for Treason, his Commission could not warrant his doing a treasonable Act; that he was oblig'd to take Notice of the Authority by which he acted, whether it was good or no; and further, that his Commission did not empower him to put the King tO Death, but to
preserve him ; that those very Lords and Commons, under whom he would shelter himself, made Protesta- tions, Declarations, and Oaths for Preservation of the King's Person, which he could not but take Notice of; and he could not but remember that the Army came with their Swords in their Hands, and turn'd out whom they pleas'd, they excluded the greatest Part of the Members, and laid the Lords aside; and then 46 of the Commons took them to sit, and - 5 of them voted this Ordinance, which he pretended to act in Obedi- ence to ; and as for the obeying his General, he was not charg'd with levying War, but for these
violent Acts, for which his Commission or his Orders gave him no Colour, as for crying out Justice and Execution, and sending for the Hang- man, & c. Mr. Axtel still insisted, that he had not advis'd or compass'd the King's Death, he neither sentenc'd him or sign'd the Warrant for his Execution; that he was not concern'd in that Violence put upon the House of Commons, they were Persons superior to him, he was but an inferior Officer. As to that Particular sworn against him, viz that he silenc'd a Lady who made some Disturbance, he said, if a Lady did talk imper- tinently, and he desir'd her to hold her Tongue, he hop'd was no
Treason, especially being commanded, upon pain of Death, to preserve the Peace: And as to what Colonel Huncks depos'd he should say, viz. I am asham'd of you, the Ship is now coming into Harbour, and will you strike Sail before we come to Anchor ? in the first Place, he absolutely denied the Words; but admitting them
* > w A 2273 j them to be spoke, here was no Person or Fact named ; and to say that they were an Evidence of his imagi- ning the King's Death, he thought the Inference very remote and strain'd; and according to Sir Edward Coke, the Evidence in High- Treason ought to be as clear as the Noon- day Sun ; and he desir'd Colonel Phayre and Colonel Hacker, who were said to be in the Room when the Words were spoken, might be ad. mitted as Witnesses in this Case ; and he did not doubt but they would clear him. The Court told him, that Phayre and Hacker were in the same Condition with himself, and could not be Witnesses
for him ; and if they could, they must swear to a Negative, which would be of little Weight a- gainst a positive Witness. Colonel Axtel proceeded in his Defence, and said, as to what Colonel Temple had depos'd, viz That he observ'd him laughing while others sigh'd ; he did not remember he saw this Witness there ; and how- ever, Smiling was no Treason, if he did so; but he believ'd he had as deep a Sense of what was transacted that Day as others. As to what had been depos'd concerning his bidding the Soldiers cry out Justice, Justice, it might proceed from an easy Mistake of the Witnesses, who seeing him beat the Soldiers,
and telling them, he would teach them to cry Justice, Justice, & c. the Witnesses hearing him take the Words at the Rebound, might imagine he bid them cry Justice, See. when he intended nothing less; besides, admitting the Words to be spo- ken, none of the Witnesses said against whom Justice was demanded ; and barely to desire Justice, ( one of the great Attributes of god) he thought could be no Crime. As to the King's being carried away in a Se- dan, he was carried off by the Guard of Halbardeers, among whom Colonel Huncks was one, and not by him. As to the word Execution, this also he said he might rake by
Rebound from the Soldiers, and the Witnesses might misunderstand him, as they did in Relation to the words Justice, Justice, for which he corrected the Soldiers; and added, that however the Execution of Justice was a glorious Thing, and the bare desiring of it could never be construed High Treason: As to Burden's Testimony, he appear'd to be a Pri- soner, and might say what he did to extricate himself; and besides, he was prejudic'd against him, having complain'd of Hardships from him, and therefore he hop'd his Evidence would be of no weight: He said, It was impossible he might be upon Duty with his Regiment in the
Banquetting house at the Time of the King's Execution, but it was by Command of his Ge- neral, whom it was Death to disobey; but for send, ing for the Executioner he absolutely denied it, and protested he was never at any Consultation about the King s Death. The Matter he said was manag'd by Ireton, Harrison, and Cromwel, among themselves. That it was possible Colonel Temple might speak to him, to procure him access to the Place where the Kings Corps lay, and he might speak to the Halbar- deers, who had the Charge of it, to admit him ; tho' he did not remember it, neither was that Guard under his Command. As to
his telling Colonel Nelson that Hewlet was the Person who executed the King, he said, It was impossible he should, for he was perfectly ignorant what Persons were concern'd in the Execution, and hop'd the Person on whom Mr. Nelson had fix'd it would receive no Prejudice from his Testimony. He added, that the words Justice and Execution, as they were testified to be spoken without Application to any Person or Thing, were of an uncertain Signifi. cation, and might bear a good as well as a bad Con- struction, and in favour of Life, the best Sense ought to put upon them : And he urg'd further, that Words alone could not
amount to Treason, unless put in writing : Words ( he said) might have an Heretick, but not a Traitor. To be continu'd. T° the immortal Memory of the Invincible JOHN Duke . 0f MARLBOROUGH. In the Reign of King CHARLES II. PHe was AGE of Honour to the Duke of York, Ensign in the Royal Foot Guards, i Captain in the Duke of Monmouth's own Regiment. Lieut. Colonel to Sir Charles Littleton," Gentleman of the Bed Chamber, and Master of the Robes to the Duke of York, And Baron of Aymouth in Scotland. In the Reign of King James II. He was Gentleman of His Majesty's Bed- Chamber, Colonel of the Third Troop of
Guards, Baron of Sandridge in England, and Brigadier General of the Army in the West In the Reign of King William III. He was Lieutenant General of his Infantry, Gentleman of his Bed- Chamber, Earl of Marlborough, Commander of his Forces in Flanders and Ireland, Captain of a Troop of Life- Guards, Colonel of a Regiment of Fullliers, Governour to the Duke of Gloucester, One of the most Honourable Privy- Council, Thrice one of the Lords Justices, General of the Foot. Chief Commander of the English in Holland. Ambassador Extraord. and Plenipotent at the Hague. In the Reign of Queen ANNE, He was Captain General of
all her Forces, Knight of the Order of the Garter, Ambassd. Extraord and Plenipotent. to the States, General of the Dutch Forces, and Commander in Chief of the Confederates, Marquis of Blandford and Duke of MARLBOROUGH, A Member of the Privy Council, Master General of the Ordnance, Commissioner for treating of an Union with Scotland, Governour of Greenwich- Hospital, Colonel of the First Regiment of Foot. Guards, PRINCE of MINDLESHEIM, Amb. Plenipotentiary from the Queen and the States, Ld. Lieut, and Custos Rotulorum of Oxfordshire, and High Steward of St. Albans. In the Reign of King GEORGE, He
was A Member of the Privy and Cabinet. Councils, Captain General of his Forces, Colonel of the First Regiment of Foot Guards, Master General of the Ordnance, and Governour of Chelsea- Hospital, And died in the 8th Year of this Reign, June 16, 1722, Aetatis suae, 73 On Saturday last the following Address from the Town and County of Pool was presented to His Majesty by George Trenchard, Esq; one of their Re. presentatives in Parliament; being introduc'd by the Lord Viscount Townshend. To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. The Humble Address of the Mayor, Bayliffs, Burges- ses, and Inhabitants of Your Majesty's
Town and County of Pool. PErmit, Great Sir, the Inhabitants of this your ancient Borough to renew their Assurances of a firm unshaken'd Loyalty to your Majesty's Person and Government, as often as the open Attacks, or dark Designs of your Enemies make their Zeal to be sea- sonable. To the Great and Glorious WILLIAM we owe our Religion, and our Properties, and to the same we owe the Security of All, by his invaluable Legacy, the Succession in the Illustrious House of Hanover. That Legacy which he so kindly has left, we will with our Arms defend, and our Fortunes maintain, or Perish together in the common
Destruction. Our Lives without our Liberties are not worth pre- serving. Our Liberties entirely depend on the Protestant Succession. That Succession can have no Existence, but in your Majesty, and your Illustrious House. What therefore our Liberties depend on, our Lives shall be Sacrific'd in the Defence of; even your Maje. sty's Person, your Family, and your Government An
( 22 An humble Addrefs of the Mayor, Recorder Ma- gistrates, Common- Council, Clergy and other Inha- bitants of the Borough of Plymouth in the County of Devon, has been presented to His Majesty by the Earl of Berkeley first Lord Commissioner of the Ad- As also an humble Address of the High- Sheriff Deputy- Lieutenants, and Justices of the Peace of the County of Salop, presented by Robert Corbet, Bart introduc'd by the Ld. Newburgh, in the Ab- sence of the Earl of Bradford. . On Sunday the Earl of Cadogan receiv'd his Com- mission, constituting him Colonel of the First Regi- ment of Foot- Guards, in the room of the
late Duke of Marlborough. ,, We hear, the three vacant Garters will be dispos'd of to the Dukes of Bolton, Rutland, and Roxburgh. The Earl of Coventry's Son was lately Baptised, the Lord Herbert of Cherbury stood Proxy for the King, who was one of the Godfathers. We hear, that in about a Fortnight or three Weeks time the Funeral of his Grace the Duke of Marl- borough will be perform'd in a most noble, magnifi- cent, and publick Manner ; the Forces that are in- camp'd in Hide- Park being ' order'd to attend the So- lemnity, cogecher with the Officers of the Ordnance, the Heralds of Arms, with the Nobilities Coaches; which
Procession will be either from the Tower, or Sometset House in the Strand, to Westminster. Abbey, to be interr'd there. Last Monday Humphrey Parsons, Esq; and Francis . Child, Esq; Aldermen, were unanimously elected she- riffs of this City for the year ensuing. Henry Killmister was at the same time chosen Ale- Conner. Monday last the Grand Meeting of the most noble and ancient Fraternity o- f Free- Masons was kept at Stationers Hall, where they had a most sumptuous Feast, several of the Nobility, who are Members of the Society, being present, and his Grace the Duke of Wharton was then unanimously chosen
Governor of the said Fraternity. One Ross, Williams, Carlisle, and another, being found Gaming in a Night- Cellar near the End of Ca- therine- Street in che Strand, were, by the Justices, committed to Tothill- Fields Bridewell, there to be kept to Hard Labour for six Months. There are in his Majesty's Goal of Newgate, at this time, 150 Prisoners, 50 whereof are Debtors, and the rest Felons Convict, and others who lie for Tryal, and under Fines, See. Of the Felons Convict, 80 are to be sent away this Day to the Plantations. On the 30th of May last died Mary Denison of Kirbey Stephen, in the County of Westmorland, aged 131. She
was very hearty till within a few Days of her Death, and her Memory continued very good to the last. She was a Quaker. 1 His Majesty's Ship the Guernsey, Capt. Piercy, is order'd to proceed immediately to Africa, being soon to be follow'd by the Leopard, Capt. Medley, and the Chatham, Capt. Norbury. We hear, the Lords of the Admiralty have con- sulted with several Merchants trading to Africa, in re. lation to the Instructions proper to be given to the Commanders of the abovemention'd Ships of War ; to the end they may be more serviceable to the Trade, and destructive to the Pyrates. Monday in the Afternoon the Patent
pass'd the Seals, constituting Mr. Serjeant Denton one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, ( into Which Place he was sworn at the same Time before the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chancellor.) in the room of Mr. Justice Blencoe, who, on account of his great Age and Infirmities, hath resign'd. On Sunday last the Earl of March and his Lady ar- rived from Holland, on board the Mary Yatcht Capt Molloy The Ld. Whitworth and the Ld. Parker are like, wise expected very soon. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Porcupine Capt. Fletcher, was lately taken and burnt by the Py- rates on the Coast of Guinea The said Captain died
since in his Passage to Jamaica, on Board Cape. All- Wright's Ship, which is arriv'd at that Island. By Advice from Souch Carolina dated May 8 last. 76 ) by Way of Jamaica, there is the following Account concerning the Greyhound Man of War, Capt Wald- rUp, Commander, station'd at New York which ship arrived at Charles Town in South Carolina the 4th of that Month, having been trading at Pore Maria on the Island of Cuba with the Spaniards of that Island and receiv'd of them several Thousand Pieces of eight after all was over, the Capt. gave the said Spaniards a handsome Dinner, and they seeing that the Capt. put an
intire Confidence in chem, and was no ways upon his Guard, consulted to rise upon the Capt, and Com- pany by a Surprize, and rob the Ship of the Money and what else was valuable. _ And the 19th ult. there be ing about 18 or 20 Spaniards on Board secretly arm'd with Daggers and Pocket Pistols, took the Opportunity when all Hands were at Dinner, to stab the Capt killed the Doctor, dangerously wounded the Lieuten- ant, killed seven or eight Men more, secured all the" Arms that were in the Cabin, Steerage and Quarter Deck, from whence they fired upon the Men and drove them down the Hold, as they attempted to come
on the Deck, and in a quarter of an Hour made themselves Masters of the Ship, and the first thing they did, they carryed on Shore all the Money, some say to the Value of Ten Thousand Pounds. The said Greyhound had a Sloop belonging to her a: a Tender with 30 odd Men on board, which came into the said Port Maria, the very Interim of this unfortunate Ac- cident, and the Spaniards taking it to be a Sloop of Force, obliged them to quit our Man of War, and to go on Shore, and the Greyhound made the best of her Way to this Port, where the arrived in the greatest Extremity for want of Provisions and other Neces- saries. They
write from Germany, that the Electoral Prin- ces of Bavaria are returned home from their Travels in Italy That the Emperor's final Resolution about the Affairs of Religion is arrived at Ratisbon, in order to be communicated forthwith to the Dyet; and that in the Palatinate the Jesuit Party are as mischievous as ever- Among other Instances, the Ecclesiastical Coun- cil of the Calvinists are ordered from Heidelberg CO Manheim: The Papists have not only erected a High Altar in the Protestants Church at Ceutznach, but have planted so many young Trees in it that some Hundreds of the Calvinists who used to assemble there, can not
now for want of Room : That besides, the Pa- pists exercise their Religion in the same Church, and when the Calvinist Minister is at his Prayers, Popish Women kneel down at the Altar, and tell over their Beads so loud, that the Protestants cannot hear what their Pastor says. They write from Hanover, that a little Fort was built near Herrenhausen and attacked on purpose both to instruct and divert Prince Frederick. The Attack lasted three Hours, in which both the Horse and Foot did Wonders under the Command of his High, ness in Person, who gives vast Hopes that if he lives but to the Years, he will be adorned with all the Vir tues of his Royal Ancestors. The Lords and others Commissioners for the Affairs of the Royal Hospital near Chelsea ( we are assur'd) have given Notice, that all the Out- Pensioners, as well Lettermen as others residing in London, or within 10 Miles thereof, must make their personal Appearance before the 25 th of August, at the Secretary's Office in the said Hospital; or upon their being further off to send Affidavit, that they belong to this Hospital, and then upon their Appearance and Return of such Affidavits, the Warrant for Payment of the said Out- Pensioners will be made out to the 24th of June 17:'. Last Saturday the three
young Princesses went to Richmond and returned to Kenfington in the Evening. The Envoy from Tunis, who lately arrived here, having obtained a reasonable Satisfaction with respeCt to what Money he pretends to be due to his since Reign of the late King William, is preparing to return home. . The Black Buoy ( we are inform'd) lately on we North End of corten Sand, is now shifted, and laid in the room of the White Buoy, that was on the Ridge of Sand of st Nicholas Gate. Weare informed that Capt. Rogers, Capt. Redman, capt. Smith, Capt, Goswel, Capt. Allen, Capt Jervis • J*
Vis Capt. Gabriel, and Capt. Crockenden, all belong- ing to Bristol, are safely arrived at Barbadoes. Letters from Cadiz say, that an Advice- Boat arrived there from Cartagena brings News, that a British Ship of 64 Guns, belonging to the South Sea Company, is arrived there with a very great Cargo. The Dutch Consul received a Letter last Week fiom the Morocco Admiral Abel Padel- Perez, giving an Account, that his Master the Emperour of Morocco is disposed to make Peace with the Dutch, and to give Liberty upon the usual Terms to the Slaves of that Nation. Letters from Rome say, that the Pretender came thither from
Albano, and having sent his usual Com- pliment to the Pope, was regal'd at Dinner by Cardi- nal Gualtieri, and return'd the same Evening to Al- bino. On the 7th Instant, at eight in Morning, there happen'd at Elchingen, an Imperial Convent within a League of Ulm, in Germany, one of the most furious Tempests that has been known in the Memory of Man, having intirely destroy'd the Fruits of the Earth for ten Leagues of Country on each side of the Danube. Letters from Paris of July 4. say, that The Prepara- tions for the King's Coronation goes on very fast, and on the ad Instant, M de Cosses Comptroller of the Works, set out
Post from hence for RheimS, to vis sit and repair the Lodgings in that Place. The Par. liament granted an Arret on the 26th past, at the Re- quest of Madame de St Ciran, to dissolve the Mar- riage of her Son M. de St. Ciran, a Councellour of the Court, who in Minority married a Woman of low Birth and bad Character, against the Content of his Mother and Relations: By this Arret, the young Woman is condemn'd to three Years Confinement. Since Judgment has been given in the Case between tween the Prince and Princess of Conti, that Princess has entered a protest before a Publick Notary, decla- ring, that what Discourse
soever she may have with the Prince her Husband, when he visits her during her Stay in the Convent, it shall not for the future be had in Evidence to her Prejudice The Gallows and Wheel are in daily Use with dispatching the Follow- ers of Cartouche ; but such a Number of Criminals are still brought to the Prisons of this City, that ' tis believed all the Execucions cannot be finished in two Years: Six were brought in a Cart the 30th past from Lyons, and among them a young Lady masked, and very handsomely drest ; ' tis said she was Mistress to Pellicier, one of the the chief Rogues in Confederacy with Cartouche. Horatio
Walpole, Esq; having finish'd his Commis- sion with the States General, is expected Home with the first fair Wind. ' Tis said, that His Majesty will shortly go to view the Troops encamp'd on Hounslow Heath, and Salis- bury Plain They write from Dublin, that a new Company of Grenadiers is form'd there of an extraordinary Stature, which make a very bold Figure, being cloath'd after the Manner of the Swiss Guards at Paris, with Fur- Caps, Double- Breasted Button- Holes and Loops, and Turkish Scymitars. They add, that the Lord Ty- rawley is dangerously indispos'd, and that Captain Luke Dillon, of the Family of Lord Dillon in
that Kingdom, is Dead. Friday 7- Night the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge, in the Names of the University, the King, Prince, and Princess, and other Benefaftors, laid the four first Stones for the Foundation of a New Theatre. We hear, that on Thursday 7 Night last, a Fire hap- pen'd at an Inn in Ailesbury, which consum'd several Stables, Zi Horses, and two Waggons, and that there was another in the Yard with above an Hundred Weight of Gunpowder, which they made a shift to get out in Time. Late on Monday Night last another Fire happen'd at Bromley- House, near Bow, which, we hear, was burnt down. We are inform'd, that
Capt. Carew, of Soho, late of the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Horse, swam from Whitehall to the Bishop of London's Stairs at Fulham, for a wager of 1oo Guineas, which he won : He was follow'd by a great Number of Boats, and when he came to Putney ( his Native Town) he was received with Acclamation of Joy, Ringing of Bells,&:. Monday last the Rev. Mr. Neal preach'd an excel- lent Sermon at Salter's- Hall, before the Societies for Reformation of Manners. A new engraven Stone is laid in Westminster- Ab- bey, over the Burial- Place of Thomas Par, born at Salop, in 1483;. and burying in 1635, aged 152 Years, after
having liv'd in ten Kings Reigns. viz. those of King Edward IV. Edw. V, Richard III. King Henry VII. K Hen. VIII. Edward VI Q Mary, Q EliZa. beth, King James, and King Charles. ' Tis said, her Grace the Dutchess dowager of Marlborough will receive no Compliments of Con- dolence, nor Visits, till after the Funeral of her de. ceas'd Illustrious Consort. Last Monday the Royal Prince, the Annual Trading Ship to the Sourh Sea, set sail from Greenwich, to proceed on that Voyage. Letters from Rhode Island, dated the 25th of last Month, say, that an Ounce of Silver in New- York is valued at 5s. 6d. and in New- England at 13s. 3 d.
Abundance of Pyrmont Waters have of late been imported frcm Germany, which is reckon'd more Me- dicinal than other Waters used here and in Foreign Parts at this Season of the Year. Thursday seven Persons were admitted into the Charter house as Pensioners; and four of the Schol- ars are sent from thence to the two Universities, to pursue their Studies there. The latter End of last Week died at Henbury in the County of Gloucester, Arabella Countess of Suffolk Relict of the late Earl of Suffolk and Bindon. On Tuesday last died at Hampstead, the Lasy Vis- countess Faulkland, a Scotch Peeress. The young Duke of
Buckingham's Illness, which by the Eruptions that attended it was at firs thought to be the Small Pox, prov'd to be a Rash, of which his Grace is pretty well recover'd. On the 2oth Instant died Philip Herbert of Riggles- worth in the County of Bedford, Esq; The Young Robert, Capt Fell, newly arriv'd in the River from Barbadoes, met a French Ship from Mar- tinico in the Latitude of 42, the Master whereof in- form'd him, thar before he came aWay from the said Island, a Vessel was arrived there from the Coast of Africa, with the agreeable News of the Swallow Man of War's having destroy'd the Nest of Pyrates on the said Coast.
Nothing material hath yet happen'd to shake the Credit of that Account. Wednesday a Boy ( 4 Years old) of one Sutton, a Sawyer, was kill'd, near Puddle Dock, by a Cart loaded with Coals. The poor Child was stooping down to take up something from the Ground' when the Cart Wheel ran over his Head and crush'd it to Pieces. The Carman is absconded. On Saturday last as the Duke of Bolton and Gene- ral Honywood were crossng the Thames at Shipper- ton in a Coach and Six. upon the Chains breaking the Ferry- Boat went ofF, before the Hind- Wheels of the Coach were got in it, whereby the Coach and hindmost Horse
fell back into the Water; however; one of the Gentlemen jump'd into the Boat, and the other having fallen into the Water was taken up ; and all the Damage that happ: n'd was the Loss of one of their best Horses. . , Wednesday the Earl Cadogan received his Patent for the Office of Master- General ot the Ordinance. His Lordship hath now the supreme Power and superin- tendancy over his Majesty's Office of Ordinance, which is the standing and grand Magazine of War, as well bv Sea as Land, not only for those lodged in the Tower, but in all the Garrisons , Castles, Forts, in England, from whence as occasion requires his
Majesty's Armies, are supply'd ; from him are deriv'd all Orders and Dispatches relating to the same, as the Service shall best require It is a Place of very great Honour and Trust, and of late Years has seldom failed of being annex'd to the Office of General and Commander in chief of the Army the Sallery is 15oo I; per Ann. besides some Perquisites worth receiving. Direstions have been given for stately Monument to be prepared and erected in Westminster Abby, sa- cred to the Memory of the Duke of Marlborough, which we hear will cost his Majesty 25oo. erecting Colonel
Last Monday a Young Man, whose Father WAS MA- ster of a Vessel lying near Deptford, fell 0ver board and was Drown'd before any Help could be got The Directors of the Million Bank have declar'd that the Transfer Books of that Company which were clos'd the nd Inftant, will be open'd the 5th of July and that a General Court will be held the 4th of july for the choice of Directors for the ensfuing Year who are to be declar'd the 5th. The Directors of the Bank have declar'd that in the first Pay to the Subscription, the Interest due on South Sea Bonds, wiil be allow'd to the 24th Instant. Christned, Males 138. Females 163. In all.
Buried, Males 211. Females 189. In all 400 * Decreased in the Burials this Week 21. CASUALTIES. Drown'd 4. two at St. Dunstan at Stepney. one ac- cidentally at St. Mary at Lambeth, and one at St. Ma- ry at Rotherhith. Found dead at St. Martin in the Fields 1. Kill'd accidentally by a Fall into the Hold of a Ship at St. John at Wapping 1. Overlaid 1 Threw himself out of a Window at St. Dunsfan's in the West ( buried at St. Bennet Paul's Wharf; A Commission of Oyer and Terminer is prepar'd in order to pass the Seals for the trying Captain Massey, and others, charged withPyracy on the High Seas. Bankrupts since our last.
Thomas Sparrow, near London Wall, in the Parish of St. Alphage, London, Chapman. John Shippen, of Gracechurch Street, London, Mer. chant. Lionel Playter and Richard Webster, of Fleet- street London, Woollen Drapers and Partners Christian Guliker, of Love- Lane, Aldermanbury, Lon- don, Merchant, and Frederick Guliker, of the City of Exeter, his Partner. John Mathews, of Almonbury, in the County of York Clothier. John Horsfield, of Stainlsnd, in the County of York, Cloth- Buyer. On Monday last Mr. Bourne an eminent and weal- thy Carpenter of Brentford in Middlesex coming to Town, his Horse unfortunately flung him
at Kensing- ton, he receiv'd so much hurt by the Fall, that he died the next Day. The Reverend Mr. Wood of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, is presented by the Lord Chancellor to the Rectory of West Beer in the County of Kent. Thursday last the Lords of the Treasury adjourn'd their Board for 10 Day. Sir Charles Holt of Aston near Birmingham, Bart, is lately dead. Last Thursday a General Council was held at Ken. sington, wherein it was order'd. That the Parliament should be further prorogued to the 2d of August next. On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Trevor, Curate of St. Alphage, going to his Desk to read Prayers, had the
Misfortune to fall and broke his Thigh, and lyes Very ill. On Tuesday Evening last Mr. Edmond Colman, a great Wholesale Grocer in Thames- street, had the Misfortune to stip down within three Doors of his own House and to break his Leg, in such a Manner that it was judg'd necessary to cut it off, and ' tis hoped he will do well again. Some Days ago an unlucky Accident happen'd to Mr. Mount, an eminent Stationer on Tower- Hill, who riding near a Cart in his Passage over Lon- don Bridge, a Stone Horse that was tied behind, kicked and broke his Leg, which has thrown him into a fever, and his Recovery is very doubtful. Last
Monday about nine or ten at Night, a Carpen- ter ( as he is suppos'd to be) being t0 view the Camp in Hyde- Park, he and a Glazier having been drinking at the Sign of the Temple Hall, from whence they went away together, when it being very dark, they mistook the Bridge, and both fell into the Brook oppo- site to Knights Bridge. Being both very wet, they return'd to the Booth from whence they came, the Glazier lay with the Landlord, who gave the Carp- ter leave to tarry there till it was Light, and about seven in the Morning the Landlord found him dead but feeling a little Warmth in him, he sent for a Sur- geon, wh0 found him
past Recovery, and deposing to the Coroner and Jury he saw no external Cause of the Deceased's Death, the Jury gave in their Verdict that he died a natural Death. LONDON; printed and Sold by J. READ in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in- Colonel Scot, Major to the third Regiment of Guard, being in Scotland, is sent for to come to his Post Tuesday Night one James Howlet, Esq; meeting a Gentleman and Gentlewoman in King- street, whom he would have taken away, they both drew their Swords, and Squire Howlet running the other through the Body, of which Wound he died on the
spot, he was presently apprehended and committed to New- We hear, a Gentleman living near the Peak in Der- byshire, has sent up co the Royal Society at Gresham- College, the Jaw- Bone of a Humane Body, about a Foot long, with teeth near four Inches about, which he discover'd to be laid a considerable Depth in the Earth, in the Side of a Hill, where the Ground was cleft, and ' tis said the other Bones are of a prodi- gious Size ; so that we may imagine it to have been a giant who liv'd in former Ages.