The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 09/06/1722
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A Memorial for the 10th 0f June. SIR, SINCE our High Church- men, who call themselves Proteftants, are bewitcht to the Pretender's Inte- rest, and are stupidly deaf to all the most ratio- nal Arguments that have been ofFer'd against that Idol ; I will for once en- deavour to please them, and suppose their Darling will succeed in this new Conspiracy to obtain the Crown. And because I know they love and observe all lucky Days, I will oblige them so far as to suppose the 10th of June, Instant, the Beginning of his Reign. But then if I can prove that instead of a Blessing, his Reign will intail a Curse upon all Ranks and Degrees of Men
( the Roman Priests only excepted,) I hope they will grant that they have been greatly deceived in their Expectations of Happiness. In order to this, I must desire they will do the Pre- tender so much Justice, as to own he is a Papist. And those that deny it do tacitly proclaim him one of the greatest Hypocrites under Heaven ; because he has not only made that his constant Profession from his Infancy, but did also promise King James upon his Death Bed, that he would never change his Religion for the sake of a Crown. And when he was lately in Scot- land, we know he refused to be crown'd by the Rebel Clergy, because they
would oblige him by his Coro- nation Oath to defend and maintain the Protestant Re- ligion, ( which regard to his Oath should have made them blush for their own horrid Perjury to God and Man) but he thac denies the Truth of these particu. lar Facts, may with as good a Grace deny that two and two make four, or that our Reason is of any Use to us in distinguishing Truth from Falshood. I was going to argue with these Men upon the Prin- ciples of Interest, as well as Self Prefervation ; but upon Recollection, I found the first Part of that Ar- gument would be useless to the major Part of the Pre- tender's Disciples, because they
have no Church Lands to forfeit to the Roman Clergy, and but very few that have any Annuities in the Publick Funds to forfeit co their King. For the Pretender's Interest lies chiefly in the poorest Part of the People, and he has few to fa- vour his Designs, but such as have none, or but despe- rate Fortunes to loose. But in so populous a Nation as ours, we cannot doubt but such Men are numerous, and as Multitudes add to the Riches of a Nation, so do they likewise add to the Strength of it ( when uni. ted) and therefore I chuse to reason with such, upon the Principles of Self Preservation. And if it be granted ( as I am sure it
ought,) thac the Pretender. is a Zealous Roman Catholick We have great Reason to conclude that he will re establish that Religion as soon as possible, and with that, the ancient Rights of the Church which the Priests enjoyed before the Reformation. This I think is natural for us to ex- pect, because ( without any Obligation to it) we know that every Man is diligent in propagating his own Principles, and no one is abridg'd of that Liberty any further than he offends against those Laws which were ( Price Three Half Pence ) made to secure our Religious or Civil Rights, and Popery being excluded by all those Laws, the Preten- der
cannot legally establish it. And while any Liberty or Property remains, he knows the far greater Part of his Subjects will oppose his Attempts. Therefore his Zeal for Religion will oblige him to make use of such other Means as are most likely to accomplish his De- signs, and as we know he cannot obtain the Crown without the Assistance of a foreign Popish Army, so likewise we see he cannot establish his re ligion without their Assistance : But his Conscience * will oblige him to use those Means, and when any Prince has establish'd himself by Force, then Self Pre- servation makes it necessary for that Force to be con- tinued.
And while we are govern'd by such an Ar- my, we may be sure the Roman Priests will do them- selves Justice. The one thing necessary for them to do, is to seize on the impropriated Patrimony of the Church, which for some Ages has been sacrilegiously kept from them by our Lay Nobility and Gentry. And I doubt they will find it an unequal task, who are obliged to account with a Priest for the Arrears of his Patrimony, because if he cannot pay the Ballance, he will deliver him | to the Tormentors ; who will not release him till he has paid the utmost Farthing. And on the other Hand it is but Justice for their King to shut up the
Issues of the Exchequer, and to convert all the Receipts of the appropriated Fund's to his own Ufe ( in which consists the Substance of most of his Protestant Subjects) I say, this is but Justice. because all the Loans on those Funds were emoloy'd against his pretended Father and himfelf This is {•' « • - fir Scene of our new Tragedy, and he second the Reformation of Heresies in the Church ,' Judgment begins in the House of God', where the will the Ungodly or High Church perjur'd Priests ap- pear? For if any of them should have so much Con- science left as will not let them readily embrace Po- pery ; they will not only be
deprived of the Livings, but after they are condemn'd for Herecick', be de- liver'd over to the secular Power to be hang'd or burnt. And those who do embrace it ( if married) will likewise be deprived of their Temporalities. For the Church of Rome has long since decreed, That Marriage ( not Adultery or Fornication) in the Priest- hood, is a damnable Heresy. And if any married Priests should be excused on Account of some signal , Services they had done for their King, yet they must put away their Wives ( some perhaps gladly) and be they never so good and virtuous, they and their Chil- dren must be turn'd out to Want and Infamy.
And thus they justly enjoy the Reward of their Perjury in this World, but as they are wholsome Severities, I hope their Loyalty will not suffer them to complain like Bungey, that they are in Perils among false Brethren ? ' Tis true their Master was heretofore obliged to encourage their Treason and Disloyalty to a King of their own Religion ; yet now that he his obtain d his Ends by those Means, he cannot in good Policy put any Trust in such Traytors ( it being a Maxim in Po- licicks, To love the Treason and hate the Traytor) well knowing that the same Principles will prompt them to rebel against him ( whenever they dislike his
Proceed- ings) as they did against King George And it would be happy for Great Britain if the High Priests were the only Sufferers. ( They indeed justly) But alas, there are Numbers of pious Clergymen, and Millions of 15 U Protestant SATURDAY, JUNE 9,1722. THE C R, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick.
Protestant Laymen who sooner or later, must unjustly endure that firy Tryal there may be few indeed, that will be hung'd or burnt for Politicians, but there will be many, whose want of Policy ( when they let the Priests lead them blindfold) was the Cause of their suffering now ; and all this Distress is come upon their innocent Brethren through their Means. Let any Man but read the History of France, from the Reign of Henry the 4th, ( who was a Protestant King) or our own History of Queen Mary the 1st ; and they will soon find that all these Evils are unavoida- ble while a Roman Catholick sits 0n the Throne of a Protestant Nation.
And the Pretender's Reign will be much worse than theirs, because we know he can- not govern us without a standing Army, and in such Governments there can be no Liberty or Property, and when those dear Blessings are gone, the Roman Catholick Lay- man must also have a Share in the com- mon Calamity of his Country ; only with this Diffe- rence, that the faithful Protestant may expect the Hap- piness of being soon out of the Way. And thus I think I have made good my Assertion, viz That if the Pretender was set upon the Throne he would prove a Curse to all Ranks and degrees of Men, except the Roman Priests. They
would truly Lord it over us, and who dare say unto them, what dost thou ? Behold O ye Protestants! these are some of the numberless Evils that attend a Popish Government, and if King James had had a Popish, instead of a Pro- testant Army; the Protestant Religion must long since have been banish'd these Kingdoms: But the Preten- der having known the Error, we may be sure he will amend it, if ever God in his Wrath should give us such a King. . I should not have taken so much Pains to prove what is so well known to all that dare take the Liberty of reading and judging for themselves; did not the insolent and impudent
Behaviour of many of the High Church Clergy make it necessary, because they deny and hide the Knowledge of these things from the Laity, and they are taught not to judge of the Scriptures without an Interpreter. But in the Scriptures, I con. fess their Ignorance is pretty equal : ( Like Priest, like People) And a High Church Priest needs no greater Qualification, than to have Arch- Bishop Laud's Eccle- siastical Polity by heart, and to be well read in the Tem- poral Rights of the Church for his own Benefit And as for preaching, we know the Homilies were com- piled for the Use of such Priests as are ignorant of the Gospel, and are
to be read instead of Sermons; and all that indulge them in these things, are deem'd good Churchmen. And if any Disciple happens to have so much Faith as to believe, the Moon is made of Green Cheese, that the Precender has a Divine Right to go- vern us, that he resolves to believe all the Priests would have him, or some such pretty Conceits; he is still the more Orthodox for it. Shall not all that know the Ignorance of these Priests, or the wicked Consequences of their Doct- rines, despise them for the one and abhor them for the other; they surely must, when they see that both do naturally lead us into all that Misery, which I
have prov'd must attend a Popish Government. If the Ro- mish Religion inspire Men with so much Cruelty; how can Men, who have the least Sense of Humanity, do any thing that may promote the Pretender's Cause, which will infallibly bring us back into the House of Bondage ? Popery was a Yoke which our Fathers were not able to bear ; and will ic not sit as uneasy on our Shoulders as it did on theirs ? Undoubtedly it will It cost thousands of them their Lives before they could root it out: Then surely we should beware how we countenance those who would bring it in again Is It become a more harmless and innocent Thing
than f'ormerly that cannot Possibly be ; for Popery Is still full of deadly Evil, and this is the bitter Curse that at- tends the ProfessorS of it, that when the Priests ad- Vise and tell them ' tis for the good of the Catholick Cause they are obliged to commit Murder. Witness their Gunpowder Treason, when Sir Everard Didby ( one of the trayrors) was imprisoned, he writ an Ac- count of it to a Friend, wherein he calls it the best Cause and concludes with these Words- In how full joy should I die if I could do any thing for the cause which I love more than my Life 1 Who Would not be afraid to be of such a religion that teaches us not to be
Cruel and to commit Murder to promote its Interest in the World ? These are the Doctrines which the Pope hath Sanctified and made Holy, and as Dr Tillotson says on that Occasion ; although I could not prove that he is the Very Antichrist whom the Scriptures mention ; yet sure I am that I may defy Antichrist himself who ever he be, and when- ever he comes to do worse and wickeder things than these Will not the Hearing of these things make the Ears of all Protestants tingle? And shall they not abhor the principles and detest the Practices of all such High Churchmen that plead the Pretender's Cause ? He who is trained up in
Tyranny, and the aforesaid ac- cursed Doctrines of the Romish Religion; shall he reign over us ? No my Brethren, it cannot be, with- out your Aid ; But if it were possible for you to be so unnatural, how justly would your Posterity curse you for it, and the noble Blood of your Fathers rise up in Judgment against you ? If the Pretender's Ac- cession to the Throne, will produce all the aforesaid Evils, ( as I have prov'd it will) how shall we observe the 1oth of June ? would that be a day of Joy and Gladness to Protestants ? Would it not rather be a Day on which a Man should afflict his Soul, and weep bitterly for the distress of his
unhappy Country ? Must not the annual Return of that Day, make us sigh out our Souls with Grief? And what Sorrow can be like that Sorrow which bring to Remembrance the happy Days that we once enjoy'd under a Protestant King? Many of our Brethren, with our Princes, our Judges, and the Heads of our Tribes are destroy'd by a ty- rant, and the sorrowful sighing of Prisoners is not re- garded by him. We are so emphatically miserable, that no Language under Heaven can describe it. All Speech of Men or Angels is useless, and silence itself, ( the most expressive of Sorrow,) cannot convey an Adequate Noticn of it to chose
who never lost their Livetry So true is that of the Poer And who attempts to draw our sad distress, Must know himself, that Weight he would express: With Grief familiar, Stranger to delight, [ write Feel what he would describe ; and be what he would The Black Prince. But, O my Brethren ! far be these wretched Days from us And how should our Hearts rejoyce, to find ourselves still happy in the Possession of all that is dear and valuable to us, as freeborn Men and Christi- ans; we have no leading into Captivity, nor any complaining in our Streets. There is nothing but our Sins ( the Cause of our unnatural Divisions) can ever
deprive us of these great Blessings. And there- fore we give grear Thanks to thee, O King of Kings! forgiving us a Protestant Prince, who loveth our Nation, and delighteth to make us happy. We are govern'd by Laws of our own making, and have a King who desires no other Obedience to him, than what those Laws have prescrib'd. And what People under Heaven can desire to live under a more happy Constitution than ours? It is agreeable to the Dignity of Humane Nature, and every way form'd to make Men happy. How justly then may all Nati- ons say of us ; Happy are the People that are in such a Case : Yea blessed are the
People who have King George for their King. And let all his Subjects say, Amen I I am, SIR, June, 1. Your most humble Servant, 1722. ' OCTOBER GREENWOOD. It being requested that the Letters of October Green- wood, Esq; might begin our Paper, which obliges us to put the History of England and State Tryals after them. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY V. King of ENGLAND. As for the Salique Law, alledged against the Eng- lish Claim, he affirmed, that the Text touched only those Parts of Germany which lay betwixt the RiverS Elbe and Sala, conquered by Charles the Great, who placing the French there to in
habit, because of the Dishonest Lives of those German Women, made this Law, In terram Salicam mulieres ne succedant which the Gloss did falsly expound for the whole Kingdom of France, whose Practice notwithstanding he shewed to
be contrary, by many Experiences both in King Pe- pin descended of Blithud, Daughter to Clothair the first, and by Hugh Capet, as Heir to the Lady Lin- gard, Daughter to Charlemain so King Lewis, called the Saint : And beside, that this Exclusion is contrary to the Word of God, which alloweth Women to suc- ceed in their Father's Inheritance , Numb. 17. King Henry now sends a Summons, and Demand in the first Place his Dutchies of Normandy, Aquitain Guyen and Anjou ; to which the Dauphin of France in Derision sent him for a Present a Tun of Paris Ten- nis Balls ; but the King returned for Answer, " That he would shortly
send him London Balls, which would shake Paris Walls. " Whilst the English were making Provision against the French, Sir Robert Humfreville gave the Scots a considerable Defeat, which the French understanding, the great Preparations Henry of England was making against them, they sent over Ambassadors, who at Winchester made Offer of Money and some Territories ; also the Princess kathe- rine to be given in Marriage to King Henry, so that he would conclude a Peace ; but it was answered, That without the Delivery of the other Dominions belonging to the King's Progenitors, no Pacification was to be made. And when
the Ambassadors had their Answer given them, the King sent Antilop his Pursuivant at Arms unto Charles King of France with Letters of Defiance ; next made Queen Joan his Mo- ther in Law Regent of the Realm, then drew his For- ces to Southampton, commanding his Followers there to attend him on such a Day. The King of France on the other Part makes all the Preparation he could to defend himself, and to offend, the King of England. To Grey, a Privy- Counsellor ; Scroop, Lord Treasurer ; and the Earl of Cambridge Son of Edmund, Duke of York ; he sent, ' tis said, a Million of Gold to betray King Henry into his Hands, or
else to murther him ; but their Treason being dis- covered, they received the just Reward of Traytors. On the 7th of August, 1414. the King of England with 1500 Sail took to the Seas, attended with Thirty Thousand Soldiers, belides Gunners, Engineers, Arti- ficers, and Labourers, a great Number. And the 15th Day of the same Month he cast Anchor in the Mouth of the Seyne, about three Miles from Harfleu ; where landing his Men, he fell devoutly on his Knees, desiring God's Assistance to the gaining of his Right. Then made Proclamation, That on pain of Death, Churches, Church- men, Women and Children should be spared
from Violence. And after due Encourage. ment to his Followers, he made Harfleu the first Essay of his Fortunes in France, it being a Port conveniently seated upon the Mouth of the River Seyne, and a safe Entrance into his intended Conquest, as well for the Landing of Men as to hinder the Passage unto Roan and Paris, both which received Traffick by the same River. This Town of Harfleu was surrended to King The Continuation of the tryal of the twenty nine Regicides. But the Court told him they did not call him to an account for his Good Actions, but for the Evil he had done ; and reminded him of the Facts that had been
prov'd against him; and gave him to understand. that the consulting and meeting together about the King's Death, tho' he did not sit or sentence him, or the giv- ing Aid, Ccmfort, or Encouragement to these trai- tors, made him guilty of the whole Charge in Law, and that whatever Speeches he had utter'd, either out of the Pulpit or in the Pulpit, tending to Sedition, they were Overt- Acts, and prov'd the treasonable Imagination of his Heart, with which he was charg'd. Then the Lord Chief Baron, having repeated the SUB- Stance of the Evidence, demanded of Mr. Peters what he had further to say for himself. Mr. Peters answer'd,
there was but a single Wit- ness to any one Fact. The Chief Baron acquainted him, that tho' there ought to be two Witnesses in treason, there need not be two to every Fact; but here there had been several Witnesses produc'd to one thing, so that his Objection could carry no Weight. Mr. Solicitor also observ'd, that there had been many witnesses to every Fact, vir. That the Prisoner had been in Arms, that he had call'd the Day of his Majesty's Tryal a glorious Day, and resembled it to that wherein the Saints should judge the World ; that he had often preach'd and pray'd for it, and, in short, that no Man could be said more justly
to have contriv'd the Death Henry, September 22, into which when he first enter, ed, he parted along the Streets barefooted until he came to the Church of St. Martin, where with great Devotion he gave most humble Thanks unto Almighty God, for that his achieved Enterprize. When the King had continued at Harfleur about fourteen Days, he marched 2oco Horse, and 13000 Foot, thro' Caux and Eu, towards Callais; in which March the French used all their Endeavours to endamage him ; for besides many Skirmishes, they broke down the Bridges where he was to pass, plashed the Woods, entrenched the wayS, stuck Stakes in
the Fords and in Places of Ad. Vantage laid Store of Soldiers to impede his Passage ; conveyed all Victuals out of the Countries through which he sh u'd go, and at Blanchetague, where he had purposed to have passed over the River Soame, there the French had fortified against him ; for which Cause he marched by Worms, with intent to have passed the River at Port le Remy ; but finding that also guarded he kept along the River to Hargest ; the french army marching on the other side. Therefore he still marched on by the River side, till he came to Bathen Court, where he got over his feeble and wearied Army, proceeding on
his March till he came to Azin, or Agin Court, which was upon Octb, 24. To be continu'd. of the King than this miserable Priest had done ; that the Honour of the Pulpit waS to be vindicated, and the Death of this Man would preach better than his Life had done; it might be a means to convert many a miserable Man whom his Preaching had seduc'd, for many came before the Court, who said they did it in the fear of the Lord and now it was discover'd who taught them ; and he hop'd the Court would make an Example of this car- nal Prophet , _ Then the Jury withdrew, and, in a very short time, return'd and brought the Prisoner in
Guilty. Then the King's Council mov'd that Mr Cook and Peters might receive Judgment togother; and Mr: Cook being set to the Bar, he mov'd in arrest of Judgment, that it was not aver'd in the Indictment that he was the same John Cook that was excepted in the Act of Indemnity ; but the Court told him he had admitted it by pleading to the Indictment Then he objected that the Overt Acts should have been particularly laid in the indictment; but Was . told that this neither could not be alledg'd in arrest of Judgement, after the Jury had convicted him of com- passing the King's Death. He then repeated some of those Exceptions he
had taken at his Tryal, but waS told they had been over- rul'd already : And the Chief- Baron made a short Speech to Mr. Cook and Mr. Peters, telling them yhat as they had had a liberal Education, they could not be insensible how they had transgress'd the Laws of God and the Kingdom, in being so instrumenral in the King's Murder; and hav- ing shew'd with what Aggravations their Crimes were attended, he pronoune'd Sentence on them as Trai- tors. October 15, 166o, William Hewlet was arraignd, and pleaded Not Guilty. After which Daniel Axtel was brought upon his Tryal, and a Jury being sworn and charg'd with him, the
King's Council open'd the Indictment and the Evidence; and Holland Simpson was sworn. He depos'd, That Colonel Stubbers and the Pri- soner commanded the Guards who were drawn up in Westminster- hall, for the Security of the High Court of Justice; and that upon the exhibiting the Charge against the King, in the Name of all the Com- mons of England, a Lady ( he understood it was the Lady Fairfax cried out, It is a Lie, not Half nor a Quarter of the People, Oliver Cromwel was a Rogue and a Traitor; whereupon the Court call'd to the Guard, and the Prisoner brought up some Musqueteers, and made them present their
Pieces, and bid them fire at the Lady ) and commanded her to unmask. To be continu'd The
C 32 The Artillery Company's Address to His Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, YOur Majesty's Goodness and Benevolence, your tender and paternal Care and Protection of the Laws of the Realm, and of the Properties of your Subjects, are Virtues known to be peculiarly inherent in your Majesty. But Benevolence and Goodness, and all that tend to make a Prince beloved by honest and grateful Sub- jects, are the very Things that make him less fear'd by those that are ungrateful and wicked ; Mercy and Lenity, it seems, are now the Causes and Springs of Rebellion: And since these are the Causes of Rebellion in impious
Subjects, give us Leave, most Excellent Prince, to assure your Majesty, That we are amongst the Number of such as highly admire those Prince like Qualities, which are so naturally inherent in your Sacred Person, that by the Lustre and Excellency of them, we are incited to assure your Majesty, that we will use our Arms in Defence of your Royal Per- son, Crown, and Dignity, against all Popish Preten- ders, and other your Majesty's Enemies, and their Traiterous Abettors. To which His Majesty was pleased to return the following most Gracious Answer. IThank you for this Dutiful and Loyal Address, in which you express so
much Zeal and Affection for my Person and Government. On Sunday last died in the Marshalsea- Prison, John Basire, Esq; in the 8oth Year of his Age, formerly Receiver- General of the four Northern Counties: He was Son of the Reverend and Learned Divine, Isaac Basire, D D. Prebendary of Durham , Archdeacon of Northumberland, & c. We hear His Majesty hath given express Orders that all the Chaplains belonging to the Camp, shall attend every Day at Hide Park, to perform Divine Service, at Eleven a- Clock. Last Week Col. Churchill returned hither from France, and has given his Majesty an Account of his late
Negociation A certain English Captain, who is reckon'd the best Builder of Ships, has obtain'd a Grant from the King of Prussia to sell, at a certain Price, as many Oak Trees, as he wants, in the Forests belonging to that Monarch, to be sent to Great- Britain ; but Endeavours will b; first used by the said Captain, to get an Act of Par- liament the next Sessions in his Behalf, for lessening at least the Duties on Oak imported. There is Advice from Malaga, that the Susanna, a Merchant Ship from London, was arrived there, ha- ving met, not far from Gibraltar, two Rovers of Al- giers, who inform'd the English Captain, that they had
taken no Prizes in three Weeks Cruize. As the Spaniards have kept Secret these two Hun- dred Years that beneficial and advantagious Knowledge, of cultivating and curing the Cochineal, which now at last is discovercd by Mr. George Sinclair, who professes Physick and Chirurgery, and was taken Pri- soner into Mexico, afterwards admitted Physician to the Viceroy there. Now we are well inform'd, that his Britannick Majesty has been pleased to grant him his Letters Patent for that Purpose, and several other Advantages in that Patent mention'd ; and several of the Great Men of this Realm encourages the same for the Benefit
of the Nation in general. The Regiment of Foot brought from Ireland to Bristol, by Gen. Maccartney, is order'd to march to Salisbury. And that M. Van Hulse will be appointed their High Mightinesses Resident here, in the room of M Van Borsellen, who is recall'd. Most of the Foreign Ministers have hir'd Lodgings about Hampton- Court, because His Majesty has re- solved to pass the Summer there. The Forces appointed by the States to be in a rea- diness to embark for Great Britain, if requir'd, con- sist of one Battallion of Keppel, one of Jonkheer. one of Swartsenberg, two of Wetmuller, one of Gau- moins, one of Vander Duyn,
Dragoons ; they are to be commandedJby. Major General KePPel Brigadier d'Abbadie, and Captain Philip Alberti as Major of Brigade ' Sir Charles Hotham's Regiment of Dragoons is en. camp'd at Durham, and some Camps are going to be formed in North- Britain. 53 J Last Monday Mr. Sharpe was remov'd by Habeas Corpus, from Newgate to the King's- Bench Bar t0 be Bail'd for the Freeholders Journal of Wednesday May 23. where the Attorney and Solicitor General with most of the King's Council, appear'd, to dispute' the Bail; but after long Arguments of boch Sides he was admitted to Bail in the Sum of 2oo0l. ' A private
Call of Serjeants, was on Thursday last when the Lord Chief Baron Gilbert and Alexander Denton of the Middle Temple, Esq; was honour'd with the Coif. Rings were given to the judges, ser- jeants, and some others, as customary on that Occa- sion ; and a splendid Entertainment was provided at Serjeants Inn in Fleet street, and at Serjeants Inn in Chancery- Lane ; at the former, for the Lord Chan- cellor, Judges, Serjeants at Law, Attorney and Solici- tor General, King's Council, and other eminent Gen. tlemen of the Long Robe, and at the latter, for their Clerks. On the 27th of May being Sunday, was read an Act in all Churches
throughout Scotland, which contain'd an Abhorrence of Popery, and Jacobitism in Favour of a Pretender, against whom they will expose both Lives and Fortunes in Allegiance to His Most Sacred Majesty King George; and in Testimony of their Sincerity and Loyalty, they order'd a general Fast [ 0 be observ'd the Thursday following thro' the whole Kingdom of North Britain William Aislabie, Esq; ( Nephew to William Aisla- bie, Esq; late Chancellor of the Exchequer) Cornet in the Lord Cobham's Regiment, succeeds Charles Dilkes, Esq; in his Post of Exempt in his Majesty's 4th Troop of Guards. On Saturday last the four following
Guardships were order'd to enter Men to their middle Comple. ment, viz the Torbay and Essex at Chatham, the Ipswich and Bredah at Portsmouth. On Sunday last Charles Maccave died in Newgate where he was Prisoner on Account of the Riot in Play house Passage, Drury- Lane. On Sunday - Sev'night last, the Reverend and Learned Mr. Anthony William Boehm, one of the Chaplains to his Majesty's German Chapel at St. James's, died at Greenwich after three or four Days Illness. He was born' at Pyrmont in a Country belonging to Prince Waldeck, May 27, 1673, and died on his Birth. Day. About 20 Years since he came to
Eng- land. and soon after was made Chaplain to his late Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark, who had a great Esteem for him. He was a Man of uncom- mon Piety and Charity, always studying to relieve the Distress'd, of every Denomination among Christians, and such as were Strangers and Friendless, the poor Palatines especially found a Father in him. On the 13th of May last, the Ship Gilbert, Othniel Beale Master, from Boston in New- England, on his Passage from South Carolina for London, was taken in the English Channel by an Algerine of 38 Guns and 400 Men, who took out some of the said Ship's Cargoe
and all her Men, excepting the Master, a Mate, and a Boy, and put on board the Second Cap- tain of the said Algerine and 13 Men, in order to carry her as a Prize to Algiers; upon which they made the best of their Way for the Coast of Barbary, leaving the Privateer in the Channel. They prose- cuted their Voyage for 12 Days, when the Master, by a Stratagem, regain'd Possession of his Ship, and brought her safe to the River of Thames, with the said 14 Turks onboard. Mr. Scott, his Majesty's Envoy at the Court of Po- land, is to succeed the Lord Whitworth at Berlin, and the Katherine Yacht is gone Holland to bring his Lord,
ship over to England. Letters from Cork say, that the Grand Jury there hive found Bills against above 1oo Persons in the County for High Treason, some of whom have been try'd and found Guilty, and were to suffer as on Sa- turday next. A great many more might have been brought to Tryal, only there was an Inclination in the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer to shew Mercy and make but a few Examples out of a vast Number of Offenders. The Commissioners are gone upon the same Account from Cork to Waterford. , The Countess of Coventry is brought to Bed 0f a Son. At
3 oo At a General Court held on Thursday at Merchant. Taylors Hall, Sir John Eyles, Bart. Sub Governor of the South Sea Company, open'd tbe Court in Substance as follows, viz. Gentlemen, BY the Minutes of the last General Court now Read, you observe the Resolution you then came to, was as follows, viz. ' That the Court of Directors are hereby empower'd to consider of proper Methods for disposing Part of their Stock by way of Lottery or Subscription, in order to discharge their Debts, and that they do not Treat with the Bank of England for the Sale of any Part of their Fund, Annuity or Stock, unless the said Company shall
first make a just and reasonable Satisfaction to this Company, upon Account of their Contract. By which Resolution the Powers given for the pur- pose of paying your Debts, are confined to the Sale of Stock only, and that by way of Lottery or Subscrip. tion ; the Act of Parliament which enables the Com- pany to take either of those Ways, has Provided that you may if it should be found more Eligible, dispose of a certain Proportion of your Fund or Annuity to any Perfon or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, but the Condition you have Annex'd to any Treaty with the Bank, which is the most likely
Corporation to make an Agreement with, is a Difficulty upon us, which we hope you will Re- move. Happy had it been for you and the whole Kingdom, had there been Temper enough in the early Time we first recommended the Consideration of your Debts to fall in with Propositions that might under cool and amicable Consultations, have been found Reasonable. But you have had so many unaccountable Jealousies spread among you , that you have cramp'd out Thoughts by Restrictions that make it impractica- ble for us to proceed in this great and necessary Work It is not, therefore, to be imputed to us, that your Affairs have
not long since been settled and flourish- ing, but to your want of a just and reasonable Confi- dence in us, whose Willingness to serve you in such a juncture, under Troubles and Difficulties unexpect- ed, greater than can be imagin'd by any without- Doors; and whose steddy, sincere Endeavours to pro- mote your Interest, gave Reason to expect more a- greeable Returns. Upon this Occasion, we cannot avoid saying thus much, that altho' it is our General Duty to follow your Orders, in doing which we shall ever be legally Justi- fied, we should nevertheless in a moral Sence betray our Trust by Implicitly putting in Execution,
Orders that may really be, or which to our Judgment upon Mature Deliberation, may seem to be Improper. We are entrusted with the Conduct of your Affairs in general, and as our Reputation is in Question, in whatever we propose to you, so is it in the highest Sence, our Duty to Weigh and Examine every thing that Springs from yourselves, and we should be want, ing in a faithful discharge of our Trust, if we did not Apprize you of the Error, Danger or Impracticability of what you shall at any time Propose or Require of us, upon this Principle we have acted, and it may be a happiness to us at least, that we had Steadiness enough
to do so, the best and wisest may Err, and In- fallibility belongs not to human Nature, but they are in sure Danger of failing in their Trust, and every thing they undertake, whose Thoughts are Subject to Waver thro Fear, or to be discomposed in a hurry, which is a Danger we shall always endeavour to avoid. We proceed to acquaint you, That the Method you proposed of selling Stock by Way of Lottery or Sub- scription appears to us, if not impracticable at least in every View and Shape we can put it, unadviseable, in as much as the End proposed of paying your Debts and restoring Credit, cannot, we think be in that Way so sure,
nor by a considerable Difference, so much made of the Estate you have to dispose, as it may be by a Treaty and Agreement with the Bank, by which we have a clear Prospect of selling about 1oo, ooo 1. per Annum of the Fund belonging to the Company in their Corporate Capacity, upon Terms that will be Ho. nourable and Advantagious, which will make an im- mediate Provision for all your Debts, enable us to f 1 2 5 9 ) pay off the approaching Dividend in money, as soon as possible after it comes due; and by setting a good Correspondcnce and Friendship between the twO Cor- porations, effectually restore Publick Credit,
which has lain so long in a depressed and languishing State. There is nothing wanting but your explaining or en- larging our Powers to treat with them, having some doubt, whether we had sufficient Authority by your last Resolution. If you think proper to do so, we hope to convince you that We have made the best Use of it for your Service, when we open the Result for your Approbation at the General Court, which will be held on Friday sennight, of which Notice is already given in the last Gazette After which it was moved, and unanimously resolv'd. That the Court of Directors be, and are hereby em- power'd, to treat with any
Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, for the Sale of any Sum not exceeding 2o0 ooo 1 per Annum of the Fund or Annuity belonging to this Company in their Corporate Capacity, pursuant to the Powers given by Parliament, in order to discharge the Debts of the Company, such Treaty to be laid before the Ge- neral Court for their Approbation. The Ld. Viscount Cobham's Regiment of Horse, and Brigadier Honeywood's Regiment of Dragoons are at Stains, waiting till their Tents, &:. are ready, when they ate to march to Hourslow, and encamp with the Duke of Bolton's Blue Guards on the South side of the Heath. On Monday Night last, about 12 of the Clock, a Pensioner belonging to Chelsea- Hospital, being sent from thence, arm'd with a Fuzee, to conduct Colonel Chudleigh in a Coach to his Tent in Hide. Park, no more was heard of him till the next Morning, when the poor old Wretch Was found Murder'd in a most barbarous Manner, in the Road near Pimli- coe, with several Wounds, and one or two of them through his Body ; no Account can as yet be gather'd how he came by this barbarous Treatment, but ano- ther Pensioner of the College is not a little suspected of having committed thiS cruel Crime, for the Lucre
of a Silver Watch of 6 1. Value, which the Deceas'd usually carried about him. The Governours, and o- thers of the College, have order'd a very strict Enquiry to be made into the Matter. They write from Surat, that Captain Richard Kir- by, Commander of the Greenwich, an East India Ship, died as he was sailing for Bombay. Mr. Robert Clark is appointed Surveyor of the Du- ty on Houses for Part of the County of Norfolk, in the Room of Mr. Hales. The Review of the Forces in Hyde Park by His Majesty is put off till Monday next. The Men of War that were to have Convoy'd His Majesty to Holland, in case he had gone for Hanover,
are order'd to sail immediately for the Coast of Gui- nea, the Station which was formerly appointed them, to check the Insolence of the Pirates, who are grown very Numerous in those Parts- Last Tuesday Night Mr, Erskin, who was lately apprehended in Scotland for Treasonable Practices, was brought up to Town in Custody of a Messenger. Wednesday their Royal Highnesses were at Kensing- ton to see the Young Princesses, who are all in perfect Health ; and that Morning the Duke and Dutchess of Marlborough went to St. Albans to pass the Summer there. The Earl of March and his Lady are arrived in Town. They write
from Neath, May : S that the following Vessels were lately arrived there with Copper and Lead Ores belonging to the Welch Copper Company, from Cornwal and Devonshire, viz the Desire of Yar- mouth, Arthur Curtis, Master, with 30 Tons of Lead Ore, and 13 Tons of Copper Ore ; the Beginning of Swanzey, Tho. Banbury, Master, with 40 Tons of Copper Ore; the Success — Richards, Master with ij Tons of Copper Ore ; and the Prince George, Somers, Master, with 40 Tons of Copper Ore. The Fourteenth Class of the Dutch Lottery drawn at the Hague, was to be finished Wednesday, in which the English Adventurers have
had no great Success, and it is not yet known who has got the biggest Prize of 72000 Guilders Wednes
Wednesday a considerable Sum of Money was sent from the Bank to the Exchequer. A boy about 15 Years of Age living at the SwOrd- Blade Coffee House, lately went off with 90 Pounds of his Master and another Gentleman's, but being taken a little Way out of Town, he is committed to Newgate. Bankrupts since our last. Thomas Bailies, late of Martin- Hall, in the County of Chester, Ironmonger. Josiah Maber, of Leadenhall street, London, Broker. Benjamin Cole, of Cornhill, London, Hosier. Tho. Orme, of Long Lane , near West smithfield. London, Salesman. like Soldiers. IV. Of their Immodest wearing of Hoop- Petticoats. To
which is added, A new Satyr, for the Use of the Female Voluntiers in Hyde- Park, Printed for Sam. Brisco: at the Bell Savage upon Lud- gate Hill ; also at the Sun against John's Coffee House in Swithen's Alley, Cornhill; price is. .' ' Where may be had. - - The Parish Gutlers, a merry Poem, price 1 s. ThesTale of the Two Bridges, a merry Poem, priced 6d. The Northern Cuckold, a Poetical Novel; The Delights of the Bottle, price 1 s. 6d. The Conference betwixt the Duke of Buckingham and a jesuit. LONDON Printed and Sold by J. RE A D, in While- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Mr. R E A D, Th E Loss of so many Great Men, who
have di- ed of the Plurisy, looks as if most of the Phy- sicians were unacquainted with proper Remedies in that Distemper, which has proved so fatal of late. I am the more surprized to find that a Person who has cured so many without Bleeding, to the great Amazement of Doctor Garth, who said he never knew the like done by any Man living, shou'd not see oftnr call'd for on this Occasion.) i am sure I may say the same of this Gentleman, for I have seen it performed three several Times in my own Family'; therefore I think my self obliged to let you know it, that if you think fit, you may, for the Benefit of your Readers, acquaint
them, that they may by God's Assist- ance, find Relief from Dr. Nash of Bromly in Kent, who seldom fails of Success: By this. Sir, you may do good to many, who now linger under violent Pains, who venture to lose their Blood in Hopes of some Respite, but seldom find any ; such wilt have Sufficient Cause to thank you for this Information. Yours J. T. On Wednesday last the Rev. Mr. Higgett was cho- sen Lecturer of the United Parishes of St. Andrew's Wardrobe, and St. Anne's Black Fryers, in the room of the Rev. Mr. Dunstan, deceas'd. The same Day between the Hours of One and Two, an Officer in the Army, accompanied
by two other persons came in a Hackney- Coach to the House of Mrs. Broughton ( Relict of the late Reverend Mr. Broughton, Lecturer of St. Andrews Holborn) in Hatton Garden, the Captain disguised in the Ha- bit of a Clergyman, and when the Door open'd , rush'd in hastily with his Companions, armed with Swords and Pistols, with an Intention to Murder the whole Family ; the Coachman, who oppos'd their going up Stairs, was shot through the Hand, and Mr. Cooper, an Apothecary in the Neighbourhood, was also much wounded in interfering, but the whole Place being allarm'd, the Ruffians could not effect their wicked
Purpose, but were all secur'd, and car- ried before Justice Milner, who committed them all to New- Prison : It seems the Officer had mar- ried a Daughter of Mr Broughton, but not living contentedly together, her Mother took her Home again, with two Children, and almost ready to Lie- in with a Third, which is the only Pretence he could offer for so unparallel'd a Villany. Christned Males 180. Females 170. In all 350. Buried Males 207, Females 13c. In all 437. Increas'd in the Burials this Week 56. CASUALTIES. Cut his Throat ( being LunatickJ at St. James's in Westminster 1. Drown'd at St. Mary at Lambeth 1.
ADVERTISEMENTS: This Day is publish'd, WHIPPING- TOM; or, a Rod for a proud LADY, bundled up in four feeling Discour- ses, both Serious and Merry, in order to touch the Fair Sex to the Quick I. Of the Foppish Mode of taking snuff. II. Of the Expensive Use of drinking Tea. III Of their ridiculous Walking in red Cloaks,