The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 26/05/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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1 7 4 ( 2243 3 THE Weekly jounal: oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1722. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY IV. King of ENGLAND. THE Bishop of Carlisle was, by the King's Cle- mency, saved after his Condemnation. King Ri- chard did not long sur- vive his Friends, but at Pontefract Castle was put out of the Way by hun- ger, cold and great Tor- ments, tho' the Scots have untruly writ, that he escaped cut of Prison, and led a solitary and vertuous Life in Scotland, and there died, and was buried at the Black- fryers, in Sterling. After Ri- chard,
Murder at Pontefract, King Henry caused his dead Body to be brought up to London, where in St. Paul'', with his Face uncovered, he lay for aTime exposed to the View of all Men ; then was his Body transported to Langley in Hartfordshire, where it lay buried till Henry V. in the first Year of his Reign, caused the Royal Remains of his Body to be translated to Westminster. That beautiful Picture of a King sitting Crowned in a Chair of State at the upper end of the Choir in Westminster Abbey, is said to be of him. And now King Henry, to divert the Thoughts of the People from his Predecessor's Tragedy, prepared a puissunt Army,
and marched with it into Scotland, where he only did some Hurt, by wasting the Coun- try, and then returned. Shortly after which, he ad- vanced against Owen Glendour, that had raised a Rebellion in Wales ; but Glendour against the King's coming had withdrawn himself, with his surest Friends, into the Fastnesses of Snowden ; wherefore the King only made some Spoil in the Country, and returned. Many were the Plots that were still made against the King, but the Contrivers were discovered and put to Death, among whom were many Monks. And now Glendour having taken the Lord Mortimer Prisoner, with no small
Slaughter of his Hereford, shire Men ; the King marched again into Wales, Where while he stayed he was n great Danger to have perished by sudden Storms and Rains the like whereof his People had never seen or felt. The common Fame went that Glendour was a Conjurer, and had raised those hideous Tempests by hellish Arts. In the North. King Henry's Forces were more fortunate a- gainst the Scots ; for at Halidon- Hill, Henry Hot- spur, Lord Piercy, obtained a great Victory, taking Prisoners the Earls of Douglas, Fife, Angus, Murray, and Orkney, the Lord Montgomery, Erskin and Grave, with about eighty Knights, besides
esquires and Gen- tlemen. And besides what Scots were slain in Battle there were about Five Hundred of those which fled . from the Fight drowned in the River Tweed. But that Henry might have little Joy of his ill gotten Greatness. the Piercies raise a dangerous Rebellion, wherein indeed they pretended a Care for the Com- mon- wealth's Reformation, tho* they really intended the Advancement of their one private Interests; for ( price Three Half Pence ) it was agreed amongst the Conspirators, that the King- dom should be shared betwixt Mortimer Earl of March, Henry Piercy Earl of Northumberland, and 0wen Glendour. South-
England to Mortimer, North. England to Piercy, and Wales beyond Severn to Glen- dour, and ArChebald Earl of Douglas was allowed as a sharer to be freed from Ransom, and to have Ber- wick for his own, Thus agreed, they fortified Shrewsbury, whither the King adVanceth with hiS Army, where a terrible Battle was fought, and therein Hot spur was slain, and his Host vanquished. The Earls of Douglas, Worcester, Sir Richard Vernon, and Baron Kindleton, with divers others were taken, tho not without great Danger of the King's Life, and the Death of many Persons of Quality on his side. Henry Hot- spur's Body was drawn out
of the Grave, be- headed and quartered, and the Parts sent to be set up in divers Places of the Kingdom. Thomas Piercy, Earl of Worcester, with Vernon and Kendleton, were beheaded. The Earl of Northumberland, who was taken by the Way as he was bringing Forces out of the North to join with those at Shrewsbury, had his pardon. The Year following a Parliament was holden at Coventry called the Lack- learning Parliament, either for th unlearnedness of the Persons, or for their Ma- lice to learned Men. For in order to supply the King's Wants, a Bill was exhibited against the Tem- poralities of the Clergy, but by the Courage
of the: Archbishop of Canterbury, and the King's Care of the Church, their Motion was fruitless. A. D. 1405. Another Conspiracy was made against King Henry, the chief in which Conspiracy were Tho- mas Mowbray, Earl Marshal, and Richard le Scrope Archbishop of York, who being taken, were both, beheaded. But the Pope excommunicated all such that had a Hand in putting the Archbishop to Death. Another fresh Report of King Richard's being alive was aga'n spread Abroad, when the Earl of Northum- berland and and Lord Bardolph sought to raise an Ar- my in the North, but were encountered by the She- riff of Yorkshire,
who after a sharp Conflict slew the Earl in the Field, and mortally wounded the Lord Bardolph. The Earl's Head was cut off, and after it had been ignomiously carried through London, was fixed on the Bridge. A D. 1413 The King fell sick. and as some re- port, in this his last Sickness he caused his Crown to be set on a Pillow at his Bed's head, when suddenly the Pangs of his Apoplexy seized on him so violently, that all supposed him to be dead. At which instant Prince Henry coming in, took away the Crown ; but his Father recovering out of his Fit, quickly missing it, and understanding who had taken it away, caused his Son to
be called unto him, of whom he demanded, what he meant by bereaving him of that whereunto he had yet no Right ? The Prince boldly replied, Long may you live Sovereign father, to wear it your self; but all Men deeming that you were gone to inherit another Crown this being my Right, I took it at my own, but now do ack- nowledge it for none of mine, and therewith set the Crown where he found ir. O Son, quoth the Father, with what Right I got it, God only knoweth, who forgive me the Sin But however it was got, said the Son, / mean to keep it, and defend it ( when it shall be mine with my Sword, as you by the Sword have
obtained it; The King died at London, and was buried at Canter- 1 f S bury vni 1 '
f 3 2 4 4 ) Thomas Walkley sworn bury. His first Wife Was Mary the Daughter of Hum- phrey de Bohun Earl of EsseX, Hereford and Northamp- ton, Constable of England. His second was Joan Daughter to Charles I. King of Navarre. By Mary his first Wife he had Issue Henry Thomas Duke of Clarence, John Duke of Bedford, sometime Regent of France, Duke also of Anjou and Alanson, & c. Hum- phrey Duke of Gloucester, and Protector of the King- dom of England, & c. Blanch, married to Lewis Bar- batus, Palatine of the Rhine Prince Elector; Phillippe, married to John King of Denmark. To be continu'd The Continuation of the
Tryals of the twenty^ nine Regicides. It was made to preserve a King de fatco, how much more to preserve a King de jure : That the Person they stil'd their Prisoner was own'd by them as their King. They charg'd him as King, and sentenc'd him as King. That King Henry Vll's Care was to preserve even a King de facto, and Kingly Government. It was not in favour of an Antimonarchical Govern- ment; but they proceded against their own King as their King, and called him in their Charge Charles Stuart, King of England, and therefore he thought there was no Colour that the Prisoner should have any Benefit of the Letter, or the
Equity of the Act. Mr. Cook desir'd Leave to reply, That tho' their Lordships were pleas'd to lay no Weight upon these Orders, or the Authoriry whereby he acted, he did then act truly and conscientiously, and thought that Authority would have born him out. And tho' the Court were pleas'd to look upon them as a Parcel of People met together without Authority, his Judg- ment was not yet convinc'd as to that Point: That all the Words he spoke were dictated to him, even those. That it was not so much he as the innocent Blood cried for Justice. The Chief Baron told him he made the Matter ra. ther worse, That they had deliver'd their
Opinions already, That the acting by such an Authority was so far from an Extenuation, that it was an Aggravation of the Thing ; That his expressing his Approbation of that Power, and acting under them, was the very Thing with which he was charged. Then the Jury went together, and after a short Recess brought the Prisoner in Guilty. After which Hugh Peters was set to the Bar, and making no Challenges to the Jurors, twelve were sworn and charged with the Prisoner; and Sir Ed- ward Turner open'd the Indictment, and the King's Witnesses Were call'd. Mr. Starkey sworn. He depos'd that a little before the King's Army, the
Head Quarters of the Army was at Windsor, and that Ireton quarter'd at the Deponent's Father's House there ; and having a convenient Room, Oliver Crom- Wel and the general Officers usually held their Coun- cil of War at his Father's: That after the Council of War was over, there us'd to be a private Consult, where Cromwel, Ireton, the Prisoner Peters, Colonel Rich, and a fifth Person assisted, and they generally set up till two or three in the Morning. That some- times Peters would come in with Ireton and dine and sup with the Family ; and that they frequently talk'd of the King, and that Peters would say the King was a Tyrant
and a Fool, and nor sit to be a King, and that it was a dangerous, chargeable, and useless Office. That when the News came that the King was made a Prisoner in the Isle of Wighr, Mr. Ireton and Peters were at Supper at his Father's, and that his Father, instead of saying God save the King, Prince and Realm, as he usually did after his Grace, ( at which Ireton and Peters us'd to laugh) he said, God save the King's most excellent Majesty, and preserve him out of the Hands of all his Enemies Whereupon Peters said, Old Gen- tleman, your Idol won't stand long. That the De- ponent alwsvs look'd upon it that it was the private
Meeting of five before- mention'd,. who contriv'd the Business against the King ; and he added, that when one Mr. Bacon took Notice of some Affront the Priso- ner had put upon the King, the Prisoner rail'd at Mr Bacon, and was ready to beat him for it. He depos'd, That after the Proclamation was made for the Tryal of the King he went down to Westmin- ster, and in the painted Chamber he faw Oliver Crom- wel, John Goodwin the Prisoner, and others; and thac Goodwin made a Speech or a Prayer, after which all Strangers were order'd to avoid the Room, ( tho' Oliver would have had them staid) That the Depo- nent staid about
the Door till they rose, and saw the Prisoner come out with the rest : That when the King was brought up to London, the Deponent saw the Pri- soner riding triumphantly before the Coach his Ma- jesty was in, and that another Time he saw Peters marshalling the Soldiers in St. James's Park, and he heard Peters say in Westminster hall, If we can keep up our Army but seven Tears longer, we need not can for the King and all his Posterity. Mr. Proctor sworn : He depos'd, That he met the King about Brentford, as they were bringing him up to London, and that the Prisoner rode immediately before the Coach, and that the Deponent
pulling off his Hat to his Majesty, the Troopers threw him into the Ditch Horse and all.' Mr. Hardwick sworn : He depos'd, That being in Westminster hall when the Proclamation was made for trying the King, the Prisoner Peters went out afterwards into the Palace. Yard and said, Gentlemen, this is worth nothing unless you proclaim it at Cheapside and at the Old- Exchange. Holland Simpson sworn: He depos'd, That he saw the Prisoner at the Consul- tations about the King both in the painted Chamber and in the Court, ( but he did not sit there as Judge) and that at the King's Tryal he heard the Prisoner bid Colonel Stubberd
command the Soldiers to cry out Justice, Justice against the Traitor at the Bar, and that the Soldiers did cry Out as they were bid ; and as the King was going back to Sir Robert Cotton's, some of them spit in his Face, and the King wip'd it off with his Handkerchief and smil'd: He added, that he had seen the Prisoner in Consultation with Brad- shaw, and that he saw no. body but Brereton and the Prisoner, who were admitted to Bradshaw, when he lay at the Dean's House. Thomas Richardson sworn : He depos'd, That he saw the Prisoner and some others standing in the High Court of Justice, and heard him commend
Bradshaw's Carriage at the Tryal, and another commended Cook ; and the Prisoner hold- ing up his Hands said, This is a most glorious beginning of the Work. Sir Jeremy Whitshcott sworn: He depos'd that he had heard the Prisoner speak very scurrilously of the King, and thac the Prisoner relating that if Cromwel had not gone away sud- denly he had been clapt up in the Tower and declar'd a Traitor: He added, there was a meeting of the> Officers of the Army, And there ( says the Prisoner) We did resolve to set aside the King. That at another Time, speaking of the High Court of Justice, the Pri- soner said, I cannot but look
upon this Court with great Reverence, for it doth resemble in some Measure the Tryal that shall be at the End of the World by the Saints. That the Prisoner seldom spoke of the King but he call'd him The Tyrant ; at the Time he said he would have preach'd before him, but the poor Wretch would not hear him. Richard Nunnelly sworn : He depos'd, That being admitted into the Banquet- ing- House by Oliver Cromwel, about an Hour before the King was beheaded, there the Deponent saw Hugh Peters, and that Peters meeting Tench, a Joiner, ( who was concern'd in erecting the Scaffold) whisper'd him in the Ear, and immediately
Tench went and knock'd four Staples into the Scaffold, and the Deponent ask- ing tench if he would turn Hangman, he answer'd this will be a happy Day ; That Peters went upon the Scaffold, and came off again ; and that after the King's Head was cut off, the Deponent saw the Vizards go into a Chamber, and about an Hour after he saw Hugh Peters in his black Cloak and broad Hat come | out of that Chamher, ( as the Deponent thinks) with the Hangman; but he is sure he saw him go along with the Hangman to take Water. To be continu'd. Whitehall,
f ) Whitehall, May 18 0n the 1oth instant the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland met at Edin- burgh, and chose for their Moderator Mr. William Mitchell. His Majesty's Commission to the Right Honourable the Earl of Loudoun was read, as was likewise His Majesty's most gracious Letter to the Assembly. His Majesty's High Commissioner made a Speech to the Assembly, which was answered on their Part by the Moderator ; and a Committee was ap. pointed to draw up a dutiful Answer to His Majesty's most gracious Letter, which being reported on the 12th, was unanimously approved with very great Demonstration of
Affection to His Majesty's Person and Government ; and having been transmitted by the High Commissioner to the Right Honourable the Lord Cartaret, one of His Majesty's Principal Secre- taries of State, has been presented to His Majesty, and is as follows : May it please Your Majesty, THis new Opportunity we have of meeting in a Geaeral Assembly, honour'd with the re- newed Assurances in so ample a Manner of your Ma- jesty's Royal Favour, lays us under the strongest ties of Gratitude to our Gracious God, and the most du- tiful Sense of your Majesty's great Goodness. The inviolable Obligations we are under to do our
utmost to preserve our Holy Religion, would have render'd us inexcusable, if we had neglected any Op- portunity in the most difficult Times, to give Proof of our Hearty Zeal for the Protestant Interest, the Suc- cession to the Crown of these Dominions in your Majesty's Royal Family, and of our most cordial Af- fection to your Majesty's person and Government, whose Interests are so inseparably connected with those of the Reformed Churches ; and we hope from the Assistance of our God , that neither Force and Violence of open Enemies, nor the artful Contri. vances of factious and ill designing Men shall be able to divert us
from those Principles of Loyalty, which, by the Blessing of God, we have hitherto pursued. The Approbation your Majesty is hitherto pleased to give of our Behaviour on former Occasions, as Dutiful and Prudent, is an additional Engagement to the Ties which our Interest and Regard to our Cha- racter bring us under to behave our selves with the greatest Temper and Unanimity we are capable of in this our present Assembly We do humbly rely upon your Majesty's most gra- cious and repeated Assurances of your unalterable Resolution to maintain the Established Church of Scotland in the full Enjoyment of all their Rights and
Privileges, and do esteem your Majesty's Royal Favour, and the Succession to the Crown in your Royal Family, as our greatest Security under God. The Earl of Loudoun's known Concern for this Church, in which he follows the Example of his no- ble Ancestors, as well as his Zeal for your Majesty's Service, render your Majesty's Choice of him to re- present your Royal Person in this Assembly very ac- ceptable to us. The Care your Majesty hath shewed in your wise and just Administration ever since your happy Acces- sion to the Crown, for preserving of Peace, and the publick Tranquillity both in Church and State, your
Majesty's having so much at Heart the promoting true Religion, and preventing the Growth of Popery, together with you gracious Assurances of your Royal Concern for the Advancement for the same good and glorious Ends, leave us no ground to doubt, that your Majesty will favourably countenance such Me- thods as may tend to the preventing the Growth of Popery, the Encrease of which we humbly believe is dangerous to the Interests of your Majesty's Govern, ment, as well as to those of our holy Religion. We are firmly resolved, through the Grace of our God, in order to the promoting those great and good Ends which your
Majesty is pleased to recommend unto us, to be upon our Guard against the Practices ° f such as shall endeavour to create unhappy Divisions among us, being fully perswaded that nothing can tend more to the Welfare and Honour of this Church, than Concord and Brothely Love. That God may eminently bless your Majesty with all Spiritual Blessings in Christ, and long preserve you to reign over a People sensible of their own Happi. ness, and to be a Support to all the Protestant Chur- ches of Europe ; That he may plentifully pour out his Blessings upon their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and their Royal
Issue; That When after a long and prosperous Reign you shall receive an Immortal Crown in Heaven, you may have Successours to the latest Posterity, worthy of your self and possessed of your Royal Virtues, to inherit your Crown, is the constant, earnest and fervent Prayer of, May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's most faithful, most obedient, and most loyal Subjects, The Ministers and Ruling Elders met in this Natio- nal Assembly of the Church of Scotland, signed in our Presence, in our Name, Edinb May and at our Appointment. by 1722. Will. Mitchell, Moderator. Monday Morning between 11. and 1o'th ' Clock, Mr.
Richard Abington, a young Gentleman bred up to the Law, Nephew to Mr. Charles Abington an Attorney of New Inn, was kill'd in a Rencounter in Bridges street, by one Isaac Francis Nicholson, said to be a Surgeon. The Quarrel arose about two Women that the Deceas'd had been at the Tavern with, and was conducting home Being apprehended and carry'd before Justice Brice, he was by him committed to Newgate. Our Merchants have Advice that the George, Capt. Harris, was burnt by Accident in Kingston Road at Jamaica ; which its thought give Occasion to the Ac. count publish'd in the Boston Gazette, that the Royal
George, belonging to the SOuth Sea Company, was burnt there. There is Advice also, that the Princess, Capt. Bone, was burnt at Sea, 150 Leagues off of Boston in New. England, but all the Men saved. At which Place the Prince Frederick, Capt. Howard, and the Drake, Capt. Tucker, are safely arriv'd ; the latter brought thither the Men that were on board the Princess afore- mention'd. Private Letters from Madrid say, that the King has restored to the English South Sea Company, the Indigo and Cochineal which was seized at Cadiz, to the value of above half a Million Sterling, and that he has likewise sent Orders to restore the
Effects taken from the Company in the Spanish West- Indies. We hear that Sir Charles Hotham, one of the Mem- bers for Beverley is dead. The Earl of Sunderland is arrived in Town. The Countess Dowager of Sussex is dead, and ' tis said that the Dutchess of Shrewsbury and the Earl of Oxford are much indisposed. Brigadier Honywood's Regiment of Dragoons is to encamp near Reading, We hear that most of the Messengers belonging to the Secretary's Office are dispatched to the West and North of England. Last Sunday the Lord Castleton carried the Sword Of State before the King to the Royal Chapel. The Justices of the
Peace of Middlesex have pub- lish'd an Order against the Gaming Houses at Bellsize and Hampstead Wells. Worseley, Esq; intends to imbark in a short time for his Government of Barbadoes. Several Merchant Ships bound thither are ready to take the Be- nefit of the Convoy. We hear a Person, supposed to be an Irish Priest, lately come over from France, has been seiz'd at Rye, Several Letters were found about him. Diligent Search is made after a Person, who per- sonating a certain Merchant, lately sold and transfer- red by that base Artifice 17oo 1. of his South- Sea Stock. , Monday they began at the Banquetting- House
to roll up the Tickets for the State Lottery, which will be ready in the Wheel by the beginning of the next Month. . . . . The Duke of Queensborough is made Lord Admi- ral of Scotland, in the room of the Earl of Rothes de- ceased. ... The Lady Kingston, Widow of the Duke of King- ston's eldest Son, died last Week the
Mi The Marquis of Caernarvon; Son of his Grace the Duke of Chandois, is hourly expected here from Calais Monday the Fubbs Yacht Captain Collier was or- dered to sail immediately to Rotterdam, to bring over his Excelledcy Count Staremberg, Ambassador ex- traordinary from his Imperial Majesty to this Court Monday two Irish Gentlemen, Officers in Lieuten- ant- General Dillon's Regiment in France were seiz'd by the King's Messengers at a House in Bury- Street, St. James's, upon suspicion of traiterous Designs- Last Wednesday Night the King and their Royal Highnesses saw an Opera call'd Floridante, at the Theatre in
the Hay market. The Duke of Marlborough goes by the latter end of the next Week to Windsor, to pass the Summer tHOn Tuesday last one James Haydock, that used Ex- change- Alley, went away from the Bank with three Hundred Pounds in Silver, in a Coach. SIR WHile our Enemies the High Church- men ( in conjunaion with their elder Brethren the Papists and Nonjurors) have the Impudence to insult and ridicule the Government, I think Protestants ought not to sit silent and unconcern'd at their Beha- viour ; shall the Pretender's Tools lampoon our King and Government in their Weekly Scribble, and will not one Protestant
Writer appear to defend the Cause of God and his Annointed ? as they are diligent to convey their Poyson in the publick prints, surely we should be as diligent to convey an Antidote the same Way ; therefore knowing you to be a Friend to the Government, I chose to send you my Thoughts on this Occasion- It is certain that all these malignant Humours flow from the Doctrines and Behaviour of the High Church Priests; for though they call themselves_ Protestants, yet like the Papists, they neglect the weightier Mat- ters of the Law and the Gospel, ( to which they are Strangers) and teach for Doctrines the Commandments of Men.
What else is all that gibberish about the the Divine, Indefeasible, Hereditary and Unalienable Right of Princes to sit on the British Throne ? I am sure they cannot find such Words in the Scriptures, nor any Expressions that imply them. Our Saviour and his Apostles preach'd Obedience to such Powers as they found in being ( which were various) but did not confine that Obedience to one form of Govern- ment more than another. Neither have they said any thing to prevent any Nation in the Choice of such o- ther Form as they might hereafter be willing to make ; and indeed, as they always declared that their King- dom was not of
this World, so is it unreasonable, to expect, that they should concern themselves so far as to leave any Political Instructions for the Govern- ment of it. They left that to the Discretion of all Nations, whom they knew in those Affairs, were guided by the ordinary Conduct of Providence, and if this Doctrine be true ( as I am sure it is) why should this Kingdom be excepted out of the general Rule ? What Roman Catholick Nation is there, that will suffer a Protestant Head to govern it ? But if they only have a Right to chuse for themselves, then surely we Protestants, are of all Men most miserable Who sees not the Absurdity and
mischievous Conse- quences of this Doctrine ? and yet these Men are not afraid or ashamed to patronize it. And when we ex- hort People to search the Scriptures to see if we speak truth, they have the Impudence to tell them, that they neither can, nor ought to Judge for themselves without an Interpreter. If we ask who should inter- pret for us? they tell us the Orthodox Clergy ; and if we ask who are the Orthodox Clergy? they say themselves. And what can a Roman Priest say more for his Authority? or rather, what Difference is there in their Arguments for that Right of Interpretation ? Therefore let all Men that value the
Protestant Re- ligion, beware of the leaven of our High Church Priests, and of their cunning Craftiness, whereby they lye in wait to deceive. We see their Doctrines directly lead to the Pretender, and consequently to the De- struction of the Protestant Religion in this Kingdom • their only Design is to enrich themselves with the restoration of the impropriated Patrimony of the Words, as cannot be mistaken by the meanest Capacity that can but read. The Gospel was preach'd by our Saviour and his Apostles to the Illiterate, as well as to the Learned of those Times, in the same Stile and Manner as they are convey'd down to us ; and
there fore I hope we cannot think but that the unlearned of our Times are equally capable of judging for them- selves : No Man can possibly mistake any necessary Truth, till he be wilfully blinded by his Vices. And I believe most Men have observed, that what immo. rallty is found in the Priesthood ; the far greater Part is found among the High Church Clergy. I am, SIR, May, 19. Your humble Servant OCTOBER GREENWOOD. St James's May 21. On the 19th Instant the following humble Address was presented to His Majesty by the Deputy Lieute. nants of the Tower- Hamlets, being introduc'd by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Carteret,
one of His Majesty's Principal Secretarie s of State. To the King's most Excellent Majesty.' The humble Address of the Deputy Lieutenants of the Tower- Hamlets. Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your Majesty's most faithful and loyal Sub- jects, being thus permitted to approach your Royal Throne, beg Leave to declare our just Abhor- rence of that wicked Conspiracy which several of your Majesty's Subjects, contrary to their Allegiance, have entred into, in Concert with Traitors Abroad, for raising a Rebellion in favour of a Popish Pretender, and to overthrow our excellent Constitution in Church and StaTe. This traiterous Design
being so early discovered, is a fresh Instance of your great Wisdom to prevent the dismal Calamities which would necessarily attend such horrid Rebellion ; and we cannot express the Happi- ness of your faithful Subjects under the Administra- tion of so gracious a Prince, always watchful for the Good and lasting Welfare of his People. Your Maje- sty's frequent Clemency, even to your worst Enemies, might demand a suitable Return of grateful Submis- sion ; but these restless Spirits cannot be satisfied with the Peace and Plenty they might enjoy, while the be- nign Influence of your mild Government extends to the utmost Limits
of your Kingdoms, and to every Subject therein. As we are arm'd by the Laws of the Land, and the Authority of your Majesty's Commission, we are firmly resolved to exert our selves in your Majesty's Service, and to be vigilant in suppressing all tumultu- ous Assemblies, and riotous Persons, who shall dare to disturb your Majesty's Peace, violate the Honour, and hazard the Safety of your Sacred Person, and Royal Family, the great Defence and Bulwark, under Di- vine Providence, of our Religious and Civil Liberties, with all that is valuable and dear to us. And we beg Leave to assure your Majesty, that we shall always esteem
our selves oblig'd to maintain and defend your rightful and lawful Title to the Cro « n 0 these Realms, to the utmost of our Power, against all the secret and open Attempts of a Popish or Rebelli- ous Faction, which would turn our happy Constitu- tion, Church ; and to repossess themselves of their ancient Independency on the Crown, which they had before the Reformation, and which they have greatly STRUG- gled for ever since the Revolution. They are PRO- testants in name, in order to carry on the aforesaid Designs ; but inwardly are Ravening Wolves alias Therefore let all Protestants be diligent in reading the Scriptures, for
in them only, is our holy Religion to be found : And by them we shall be able to judge of the Doctrines of our High Church Priests, whether' they are of God, or of such crafty designing Men as themselves. They know the it Political Doctrines are not to be found in those holy Writings, and therefore they wisely oppose the reading of them, without their own Interpretations. The Scriptures are an Appeal to the Reason and Senses of Mankind; and all that relates to Faith and Practice is delivered by such plain
C 22 4? ) The Small Pox have been Inoculated on the Lord Dursley, and the Lady Elizabeth, Children of the Earl of Berkely. i A Footman belonging to the Lord Bathust, who had the same Distemper Inoculated upon him, died last Saturday; but his Lordship's six Children, who underwent the same Operation, are all perfectly re- covered. Wednesday two Ballad- singers were taken up in Pater Noster Row, for singing and vending scan- dalous and seditious Songs, and were conVey'd to the Compter, in order to be sent to the House of Correction. The same Day a Man walking under Lincoln's. Inn Chappel, made an Attempt to cut
his Throat with a Penknife, in the View of the People, who therefore secur'd him, and carry'd him before Justice Hungerford, and being ask'd the Reason for SO rash an Action, told his Worship, He had been undone by engaging in the Common Calamity, and having a very large Family to provide for. Was driven, to De- spair: The Justice, after some proper Admonitions, dismiss'd him. The same Day one Cheesborough was committed to Newgate, by Sir John Gunaon, Kt. being charged up. on Oath, wich having Sold and Transferred a con- siderable Quantity of South. Sea Stock, which was none of his Property ; he was the
same Day charg'd with several other Fraudulent and Felonious Practi- Ces of the same Nature, by which Means he had acquired an Estate. He will be Prosecuted upon the late Act of Parliament, which makes those Offences Capital ; he is double Iron'd, and order'd to be strict- ly look'd after. One Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Rump are taken into Custody of Messengers. The Rev. Mr. Mentzet, Minister of the German, vulgarly called the Swedish Church in Trinity Lane, is gone from thence to Brunswick Lunenburgh, to take Possession of a more profitable Living : And we hear, the Minister of the Danish Church designs to go to his own
Country, where he is to have a better Benefice. Diligent Search is still made after Mr. Harris, a Glover, in whose House was lately found abundance of Arms, Bankrupts since our last. Christopher French, of Port Isaac, in the County of Cornwal, Merchant. William Dove, of the Town and County of New castle upon Tyne, Baker and Brewer. Last Monday Evening the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Tankerville, Lord Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre of all His Majesty's Chaces, Warrens, and Parks, South of Trent, and one of the Privy- Council, de- parted this Life at his Seat at Dawley in Middlesex, and is succeeded in Honour and Estate by
his eldest Son, the Earl of Ossulston. An Account of the Robberies lately committed by John Hawkins and George Sympson, who were exe- cuted last Monday at Tyburn. Sir Dennis Dutry of a Dutch Piece of Plate. A Coach on Hounslow Heath, taking from the Passengers about r 1 Pounds. Earl of Burlington and Lord Bruce, in Richmond Lane, of 201. two Gold Wacches, and a Saphire Ring, sold for 40 Pounds. Sir David Dalrymple, by Winstanly's Water- Works, near Hide- Park, of 3 1. a Snuff Box, and Pocket- Book. Mr. Hide of Hackney, of 10 1. A Coach against the dead Wall in Chancery- Lane. A Coach in Lincolns- Inn-
Fields. The Earl of Westmorland, tho' his Lordship had three Footmen behind his Coach. Colonel Archibald Hamilton. Cirencester, Worcester, Glocester, Oxford, Bristol, Ipswich, Colchester, Portsmouth, and Bury Coaches. Richard West, Esq; of a Gold Watch behind Buck- ingham House. , . Mr. Green the Brewer, and his Lady, in their Coach behind Buckingham House. Coaches betwixt London and Hampstead , Hackney Bow, and Richmond. ... General Evans's Servant murder d by John Hawkins Now / tion, Ecclesiastical and CiVil, into Tyranny and Su- That yOur Majesty, the best of Kings, may be long preserved, by Divine
Protection, for the Safety and Prosperity of your faithful People ; and that the like Blessings may be convey'd down to the latest Posteri- ty by Princes descending from you, and inheriting your Majesty's Royal Virtues, is the hearty Prayer, May it please your Majesty, of your Majesty's most dutiful and most obedient Subjects. To which His Majesty was pleased to return the following most gracious Answer: Thank you for this dutiful and loyal address, and am I justy perswaded of your Zeal and Affection for my Per- son and Government. After which they had the Honour to kiss his Majesty's Hand : And His Majesty was pleased to
confer the Honour of Knighthood on Daniel Dolins and Isaac Tilliard, Esqs; two of the said Deputy Lieutenants. Whereas in several of the News Papers an im- perfect Account has been given of the Murder of Isaac Hancock, Esq by Mr. Nicolls, late a Lieutenant in the Guards; by the Information of a Gentleman who attended the Coroner's Inquest, I send you a true Account of it. Tuesday Se'nnight Mr. Hancock. Mr. Nicolls, and ano- ther Gentleman came from Twittenham together, to see the Camp in Hyde Park, where they. and some other Gentlemen were entertain'd at an Officer's Tent, where they staid several Hours. About
One in the Morning the Company broke up, and Mr. Nicolls, Mr. Hancock, and the said other Gentleman, walk'd in the Park, between the Tents, towards the Coach that was to carry them back to Twittenham, and all of a sudden Mr. Nicolls furiously assaulted Mr. Han- cock with a Cutting Swords and run him into the Body in two Places on the Right side, and one on the Left, before he could draw his Sword to make a De- fence. This was prov'd by several Persons before the Coroner, and the Jury thereupon brought it in Will- ful Murder. Mr. Hancock's Cane was hack'd very much, and his Cloaths cut in several Places, and one of
his Fingers almost cut off; and just before he died ( which was a few Minutes after he receiv'd the said Wounds) he declar'd to an Officer then present, that he had receiv'd his Death's Wound ( being a Wound under his Ribs on the Right side, that was three quar- ters of an Inch broad, and six Inches deep, that pene- trated his Liver, as the Surgeon depos'd) before he cou'd draw his Sword. This last Particular of Mr. Hancock's Declaration was sworn to before the Co. roner, by a Person of Honour, who would no more conceal a Murder, than he would commit One. Mr. John Law, who is remov'd from his Lodgings In St. James's
Street, to a House in Duke- Street, West- minster, appears frequently in the Park, and sometimes at Court. Yesterday the Plate, Jewels, Effects, and Hou- shold- Goods of Richard Houlditch, Esq; one of the late Directors of the South- Sea Company ( Being ap- praised) begun to be Sold by Auction in the Hall of the South- Sea House, the whole amounting to about 1831. The Cargoes of the Macklesfield and Morrice, two Ships lately return'd Home from China, have on Board 26,000 Pound weight of Tea Bing, 292,0oo ditto Bo- hea, 310,000 ditto Congoo, 281,000 Singlo, and 9000 weight of Sago; 360 Chests and r 123 Bundles
of Chi- na Ware, besides several Parcels of Goods; the Parti- culars whereof are not yet known. The Queen Elizabeth, David Creton Master, from Guinea, and the Charles Town, Marmaduke Pain Master, from Antegoa, both of and for London, are arrived at Dartmouth. The two young Princesses lately inoculated for the Small. Pox, are so well recover'd, that some Days ago they took the Air in the Park with their eldest Sister the Princess Anne. The Detachment from the three Regiments of Foot Guards, commanded by Colonel Carpenter, at the Tower, which was to have been reliev'd Ye- sterday, is to remain in Garrison there
till further Orders; and ' tis generally thought they will not March to Camp till the middle of June.
Now we shall give some Account of these Persons With the greatest Impartiality, that the World may not be impos'd upon by the many printed Relations BUTLEr FOX was a Porter in Milk street, had a Wife and three children ; Will. Hawk. ns came acquainted with him at C House by London- Wall, a Nest for Highwaymen. Upon his Tryal he appeared to have a good Reputation, tho certainly he was guilty of the two Robberies he was acquitted of that at the Old Bailey, and I am satisfy'd he was never guilty of more. Will. Hawkins, after he had drawn this poor Fellow into these two Robberies, made his boast that he had no farther
Occasion for him, and when his Necessicies required, he would make use of After which he was acquitted, which baulk'd the Expectations of Sir Edward Lawrence's Footmen, who took him, they trump'd up the Robbery of Colonel Arch. Hamilton against him, which jack Hawkins and George Sympson were guilty of. This Hawkins swears himself and Fox into the Robbery, tho' neither of them were there ; notwithstanding that he suffered for it at Croydon, declaring wiih his last Words, that he was innocent. Some People may ask, If Hawkins himself was not there, how came he to know so many Circumstances? This is easily
answered, for Hawkins and Sympson told him every particular that very Night. I have heard Hawkins exclaim against his Brother very often both before and after Fox's Con- viction, for swearing Fox into this Robbery, which he and Sympson did, and nobody else. There is one thing that convinces me what they said was true, which is this: When Hawkins was ask'd what be. came of the rifled barrell'd Gun they took from the Colonel, he answered, that he threw it away just after the Robbery. Now this was a Lye to my cercain knowledge, for I had that same Gun in my Hand last Christmass, and saw the silk they took in Hawkins's
Hands. All that I can say more to this Matter, is, That the Colonel's Coachman had good Eyes, that he could swear to a Man he never saw in his Life before : I cannot think he had any of the Reward for that Ser- Vice, which, I believe, was divided amongst Sir Ed- ward's Servants. Last Monday 6 of the Malefactors formerly mention, ed were executed at Tyburn. The two abovementi- oned Persons were afterwards hang'd in Chains, Thomas Smith alias Newcomb, one of them who suffer'd, was the eldest Son of Sir Thomas Newcomb, Bart of the Kingdom of Ireland. Next Monday being the King's Birth- Day, the No- bility and
Foreign Ministers are preparing to appear in Very great Splendor, and in the Evening there will be a Magnificent Ball, besides other Courtly Diver- sions. There are to be extraordinary Rejoycings in the Camp in Hide Park the same Day, the Earl Cadogan gives three or four Oxen to be Roasted Whole for the Soldiers ; as does the Lord Herbert and Others to their Troops and Regiments; the Artillery is to be Discharged several times, and the Regiments are all to be drawn up and to Fire in Vollies The Messenger of the Press has caused fourteen Per- sons to be sent to the House of Correction, for crying about the City,
Scandalous and Trayterous Songs. On Wednesday the several Persons who were aiding and assisting in the Apprehending and Convicting of Hawkins and Simpson, Executed for Robbing the Bristol, were paid by the Receiver General of the Post Office their several Shares of the Money promis'd in the Gazette, & c. The Coroner's Inquest have not as yet finish'd their Enquiry in relation to the Death of Mr Abingdon who was kill'd last Sunday Night in Catherine- Street but it is believed, that according to what Evidence' has already been given, they will bring it in wilful Murder The Beginning of this Week an Ensign belonging to
the third Regiment of Guards, was charg'd with uttering seditious Words against the Government, for which be is confin d upon the Quarter Guard The Prices of Goods at Bear. Key, were as follows Wheat 20 s. to 30 s. per Quarter. Barley 10 s. to IJS. Oats 1: s. to 16 s. Beans 15 s. to 22 s. Pease 18 s. to 25 s. Rape seed. None in the Market.' Hops 30 s to 6; s. per Cwt. Coals u to 25 per Chaldron.' Christen'd Males 199 Females In all Buried Males 213 Females 106. In all 419, Increas'd in the Burials this Week 33. CASUALTIES; Drown'd 2. One at St. Dunstan at Stepney, and one at St. Martin's in the Fields. Kill'd 3 One by a
Kick of a Horse at Allhallows the Less, One accidentally by a Horse at St. Mary at Whitechappel, and one with a Sword at St. James's in Westminster Overlaid 1. South Sea Stock 89 1 qr. 89 > 0 90, 1 qr. Bank 11J I half India 139 ro 139 1 half. African 13 1 half to 14 Unsubscribd Lot. Annuity 100. York Buildings II 1 qr. 21 1 half, 21, to 21 1 half. Royal Exchange Assurance j 3 qis. London Assurance 5 3 qrs New Lot. Tickets 10 1.11 s. to 10 1 10 s. ADVERTISEMENT. MATTHEW WEST, Goldsmith, at the Seven Stars in Clare- street Clare Market, gives Notice that he is impower'd by the Director of the Lottery, set forth by the
States of Groningen in Holland, to dispose of 10000 Tickers, viz. from N° 16001 to 26000 inclusive, it being the most advantageous that hath been set on Foot, consisting of 250000 Tickets being Prizes, and 7000 Premiums which are given in gratis. This Lottery is divided into 10 Classes, the Subscribers only paying 5 s. in the 1st Class, 10 s. for the z d. 1 s s>. for the 3 d. i 1. for the 4th, and 11 5 s< for the 5th Class: Credit is given by the States for the other 5 Classes; and may gain by one Ticket from 1000 1. to 9000 I. or upwards as may be seen by the Scheme at large, given gratis at my House aforesaid, at my Offices at
North's Coffee, house in King street near Guildhall, and a: John's Coffee house in Ex- change. Alley ; like- wise at Mr. Isaac Barbutt's Mer- chant at the Blue Ball . in Great St. Hellens, Bisfhops- gate street, who is impower'd by the Director to dis- pose of the like Number, viz- from 38001 to 48°°° inclusive. LONDO N Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. The three Regiments of Foot Guards will be new cloath'd against his Majesty's Birth Day being Mon- day next. It is believ'd that his Majesty will go to his Palace at Kensington soon after the Birth - Day. , lt6 Their Royal Highnesses will go to their
County Seat near Richmond on Wednesday next , necessary Orders are given for that Purpose. Windsor Sands, Esq; being nominated by the pre- sent Lord Mayor for one of the Sheriffs of this City for the Year ensuing, has last Thursday paid his Fine into the Chamber of London, to be excused serving the said Office. Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland, which . brings the following Advice from Leghorn, that' Spanish Ships with Provisions and Warlike stores7 are arrived there from Barcelona for Porto Longone which Place the Spaniards designed for the lodging of Arms, and for the quartering their Troops, And that a
considerable Number of them were actually em- ployed in building a new Fort, and augmenting the Fortifications thereof.