The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 19/05/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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C 2237 ) THE OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1722. GREAT. BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of RICHARD the IId. King of England. THE Duke cf York, whom King Richard had left behind him to govern England, could gain but small Assistance against Lancaster nor could the King at his Return into England find many Friends, therefore he be- took himself to a parly with his Enemies; the Sum of his Demands be- ing, That if himself and eight more whom he should name might have honour- able Allowance, with the Assurance of a private quiet Life, he
would resign the Crown This was promi- ed him ; whereupon he put himself into the Duke of Lancaster's Hands, who conducted him out of the West t0 London, where he was lodged in the Tower. And now a Parliament is summoned in the King's Name to be held at Westminster, in which Parlia- ment King Richard was charged with the Breach of his Coronation Oath in Thirty two Articles: His abuse of the publick Treasure, waste of the Crown- Land, loss of Honour Abroad ; and that at Home he was guilty of Falshood, Injustice, Treason against the Rights of the Crown, and what not, that Ambition and Envy could invent against
him. The Result whereof was, he resigned his Crown to the Duke of Lancaster; which Resignation the whole Body of the Parliament did particularly accept, saving Tho. Merks, Bishop of Carlisle, A. D. 1399. Sept. 29. His first Wife was Anne, Daughter to the Emperor Charles IV. His Second Wife Isabel, was Daughter to Charles VI. King of France. In the very beginning of this King's Reign, one John Philpot, a private Citizen of London, at his own Charge, manned out a Fleet to Sea, for the Guarding of borh Land and Sea from the Enemy ; and was so successful, that withiq a short Space he took Fifteen Ships of the Spaniards
fraught wich rich Mer- chandze. By a Tempest were cast away at Sea, Four Knights, ard above a Thousand Englishmen in their Passage to Bretaigne in France. In the Year 1391, the Londoners were so unkind to the King, that they refused to supply him with the Loan but of a Thousand Pound ; and because a cer- tain Lombard offered to lend the same, they abused and almost killed him, for which the King took away their Charter. The Year of Christ, 1394, was famous or notable for the Deaths of many great Ladies, and amongst the rest of Qreen Anne the King's first Wife, whom, it is said, he loved to a kind of Madness, When
she died at Shene in Surry, he both cursed the Place, and alfo out of madness overthrew the whole House. In the same Year that the King was deposed, the Bay or Laurel Trees withered all over England and after- wards re flourished ; and on the first of January, near Bedford Town. the river where it was deepest, did ( Price Three Half Pence ) on a sudden stand still, and so divided it self, that the Bottom remained dry for about three Miles. Now flourished Sir John Hawkwood, whose Chivalry had made him Renowned through the Christian World. Sir Jeoffry Chaucer, Poet Laureat, now also lived. Queen Anne, Wife to King
Richard II, first taught English Women to ride on Side- Saddles, when as be. fore that Time they rid Astride. She also brought in High head Attire piked with Horns, and long- trained Gowns for Women. Lineof LANCASTER.' HENRY IV. A D. 1399 Son 0 i HENRY of Bollingbrooke, the John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the third Son of King Edward III. was crowned at West- minster, by Thomas Arundel Archbishop of Canter- bury. His Cousin, the late King Richard, seemed so little concern'd for the Loss of his CroWn, that when it was told him of Bollingbrooke's being excepted by Parliament for King in his stead, he only used
these Words ; I look not after such things but my hope is that after all this, my Cousin will be my good Lord and Friend But now Henty seated in Richard's throne, used all the best means to retain the Hearts of the People that sided with him, and to Weaken the opposite Party, and withal, sent Ambassadors to foreign Princes to justife his unjust Proceedings. But the King of France and People of Aquitain, would not allow of his Pretences, and the Citizens of Bourdeaux openly said, That since the World began, there was never a more cruel, ' unreasona- ble, nor wicked Fact done : That the good Prince was betrayed by faithless
Men, and that all Law was vio- lated. In England were many that inclined and Con- trived to set King Richard again upon his rightful Throne, ( though to seek a Captive King's Deliverance doth commonly hasten his Death.) The principal Conspirators were John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon, Thomas Holland Earl of Kent, the Dukes of Surry Excester and Aumarl, John Montacute Earl of Salis- bury, Thomas Spencer Earl of Glocester, and the Bishop of Carlisle. Their Plot was to kill Henry Bullingbrooke, and his Son Henry ; but before the Time of intended Execution was come, the whole Conjuration was discovered. Many Attempts
ths Conspirators made to effect the Re- establishing of Ri- chard, and amongst the rest, they procured one Maud- len, King Richard's Chaplain, to personate his Lord; but this with all the rest of their Projects failed. The Townsmen of Cyrencester assail'd and took some of the discontented Lords, and then cut off their Heads, because some of their Followers set fire to Cyrencester, thinking that whilst the Townsmen were busied in quenching the Fire, they might set their Lords at Li- berty. The Commons in Essex took the Earl of Hun- tingdon and cut off his Head, in Revenge of the Duke of Glocester's Death, which he had a Hand
in. The Lord Spencer the Commons beheaded at Bristol. Some others of them were put to Death at Oxford, some at London, where also John Maudlen, the Coun- terfeit Richard ( a goodly Personage) and one William Forby, were Hang'd and Quartered. The Bishop of Carlisle was, by the King's Clemency, saved after his Condemnation. To be continu'd. j 5 R The I I i > * I1;,: I f'i t \ [ i II ft I \ k
The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty nine Regicides. ' -! he added, that human Justice did never punish so much for Expiation as for Prevention ; that others mighy be deter'd from committing such Acts, and that now all Things were well settled, there could be no Danger in sparing him ; the like Case could never happen again. Mr Solicitor reply'd, That what the Prisoner had offer'd was like a Lawyer, the best that his Case would bear ; but that it was a high Aggravation of his Crime, that he who knew the Law so well should so much transgress it: That the Prisoner mistook his Charge if he thought it was only for Words, it
was for compassing and imagining the King's Death; and the Evidence of that Charge was his meeting in that Assembly, of the Regicides, and the Part he bore in that Assembly, nor was it to be receiv'd as a general Rule that Words were no Treason ; for if a Man shall declare the Imagination of his Heart by exhorting and persuading Men to kill the King, there could not be a greater Overt Act than such Words, or a clearer Evidence of his traiterous Imagination : As to his Innocence in simply demanding Justice, he desir'd the Jury to observe that the subject Matter was a Charge of High Treason against the King, and he pray'd
that the King as a Traitor might be brought to Ju. stice, that he press'd the Charge might be taken pro Confesso, and whether Mr. Cook could intend this in Order to the Acquittal of his Majesty, he left them to determine. As to his saying there were but four Actors in this Case, he did but beg the Question, he himself was an Instrument in that Assembly, who met in Order to take away the King's Life, and his Gloss amounted to no more than this: I am none of those four Ranks; there were others worse than myself, and therefore I am none at all. And as for his not being excepted in the Act of Indempnity, he was expresly excepted
by Name; and tho' it should be admitted he was not within the Reason of the Excep- tion, that would not avail him, he could only say the Parliament were mistaken in their Reason, but not in the Conclusion ; and tho' he would restrain the Word Instrumental, the very penning of that Proviso shew'd that it was the Judgment of the Parliament that he was one of those whom they look'd upon as Instru- mental in the King's Death; nor had the King been sentenc'd if he had not been instrumental in exhibit, ing the Charge, and praying Judgment against him. As to the Prisoner's laying hold on his Majesty's Letter from Breda, that could
not amount to a Par- don, not being under the Broad Seal; neither would the Words it contain'd have amounted to a Pardon if they had been under the Broad Seal, for a Pardon could not be by Implication, but must have positive Words; as in the Case of Sir Walter Raleigh, who had a Commission directed to our well beloved Sub- jedt, and yet it was held that would not amount to a Pardon of the treason, for which he was condemn'd ; but further, that it appear'd by the King's Letter that he intended such as should be excepted by that very Parliament his Letter was directed to, and therefore his Majesty was not oblig'd even in Ho.
nour to spare the Prisoner, he having been excepted by Name by that Parliament whom the King had made the Dispencers of his Mercy and Justice in this Particular. As to the Prisoner's acting in his Profession as a . Council, no Man could have a lawful Calling to pur- sue the Life of his King; and as to that Part of his Justification that he acted in a Court, and was not answerable for the Conftitution of it, and that their Order would bear him out; This was in good Man. ners to justify Treason, and to say that a few Per- fons who first made themselves a Parliament might lawfully constitute such a Court; for if the Autho- rity was not
lawful, he must be answerable to the Laws for what he had done, and it was one Part of his Treason that he did assist in such an Assembly. Then Mr. Soliciter address'd himself to the Jury, and told them it was their own Case : That the Pri- soner had exhibited a Charge against his late Majesty in the Name of all the People of England, of whom they were Part, and he hop'd they Would let the World know that the People of England had no Hand in that Charge, that they should consider how the pri- soner had hunted after their King's Life, how he had fish'd for Evidence against him, and examin'd Wit- nesses, as to his Majesty's
being at Nottingham, and in the Army ; how he had aggravated the Charge he exhibited against his Majesty, was afflicted at the De- lays, and how angry he was when he was interrupted and desir'd they would observe the last Thing that had been prov'd against the Prisoner, that he had said His Majesty must die, and Monarchy perish with him. Sir Edward Turner added, in Answer to that part of his Defence, That he pleaded for his Fee; That Judas too had a Fee of thirty Pieces of Silver, for which he hang'd himself. And tho' the Prisoner. might repent himself, as he hop'd he did, yet he must pray that their Lordships would do
Justice in terrorem. And as the Prisoner would not allow it to be Treason to demand Justice against the King, so Sir Edward hop'd he would not think it any Unkindness in him that he demanded Judgment against him, because it was just. Mr. Wadham Windham observ d, As to the Priso- ner's sheltering himself under his Profession, it was the highest Disgrace he could throw upon the long Robe : And that this was indeed an Aggravation of his Crime, that if one shall come to ask Counsel of me, and I shall counsel him to kill a Man ; if the Fact follows, I am as guilty as if I did the Fact ; and if Mr. Cook advis'd that Act, he was as
instrumental, and as much a Traitor as the Man in the Frock, who did the Execution : He did not think indeed that a Councilor was always bound to know the Judges Patent; but here was no Colour of a legal Proceed- ing: Nothing but a mock Court of Justice, such a one as Mr. Cook never met with in all his reading, nor did he know of any Law under Heaven for putting the King to Death ; and that this was to shelter a Man's self, under Colour of Justice, to do the most execrable Treason in the World. The Lord Chief Baron, in his Directions to the Juiy, told them, That for a Man to deliver in a Instrument wherein the King is call'd a
Tyrant, Traitor, and Murderer, and implacable Enemy; ( as were the Words of the Charge exhibited by Mr. Cook) and praying it might be read, and it is read accordingly- If this was not an Overt Act of imagining and com. passing the King's Death, he did not know what was: That this tended to stir up Hatred in the People, and the Consequences of that Hatred is the Death of the Prince. As to what the Prisoner said, That he demanded but Justice, that was after he had charged the King as a Tyrant, Traitor, Murderer, and common Enemy: That those who spit in the King's Face also demanded but Justice; but every one knew what
they meant by that Justice: That the Prisoner had also said, That it was not so much he, as the blood that had been shed that cry'd for Judgment; and whether the Pri- soner meant a Judgment for the King's Acquittal, he must leave to the Jury : He took Notice also of the Prisoner's Answers, to his old Acquaintance' Starkey, when he expostulated with him as to his being con- cern'd in the Business, viz. You shall see strange Things you must wait upon God. This the Chief Baron observ'd was then the canting Language of those who were about to commit some horrid Impiety ; that from that Expression, The King must die and
Monarchy with him, it appear'd it was Monarchy and Government they hated, Many of those that sate upon the King said he was a gracious Prince, they did not hate his Per- son any more than the Prisoner, but Monarch was the Thing they would behead. As to what Mr. Cook urg'd that he acted by the Authority of the Powers in being, and the 11 H. V having provided, That he who serv'd the King for the Time being in his Wars should not be punish'd and therefore he hop'd in Equity he ought not to be question'd, but ought to have the Benefit of that Act The Chief Baron answer'd, That the Meaning of that Act was against him. To
be Continue The
Vo r ) sIR IT is with Grief and Pity that I behold a great ma- ny profest Protestants joyning with their common Enemies, ( Papists and Nonjurors) in affronting and speaking disrespectfully of his Majesty King George and his Government I grieve to see how successful our Adversaries are in making Proselites; and I pity the Ignorance of those unhappy Protestants, who are so weak to believe, that their Religious or Civil Rights may be better secured under the Government of such a Monster as a Papist. But indeed, this unnatural disafFection of the un- learned Multitude, is entirely owing to the wicked Doctines that have been lately
taught from the Pul- pit of our modern Scribes and Pharisees ( woe unto them !) such as the Divine, Unalienable, Indefeasible and Hereditary Right of the Princes of our Blood. Royal, without any Exception to their Religious or Civil Incapacities to govern a Protestant Nation. I chuse to rank our modern high Priests with the anci- ent Scribes and Pharisees, upon Account of their Hypocrisy ; for they also teach such Doctrines to the Laiety, as themselves did never put in Practice when, ever it came to their turn. Witness their resisting King James, and helping to bring in King William in Opposition to the aforesaid Doctrines, and also
to that dear and peculiar Doctrine of Passive Obedience and Non Resistance. Nay, Queen Anne herself ( that nursing Mother of the Church,) had not always the Happiness of being in their good Graces. For twice they attempted, in Holy Convocation, to take away her Supremacy in Ecclesiastical Affairs, while a cer- tain Person publickly preach'd up the Divine Right of their Independance on the Crown, and told the Clergy ( his chief Auditors,) that they ought earnestly to con- tender that Right, and resist, even unto Blood. And when she had call'd such Men to her Councils and Posts of Honour, that were Enemies to the French
King, and Zealous in the common Cause of Europe ; they were so angry that they lost all Patience, and af- ter they had exposed her Motto of Semper Eadem, upon a Weather- Cock at Oxford ; they joyn'd in writing and publishing a very memorable Pamphlet, intituled, The Memorial of the Church of England, wherein they make great Complaints against her Ministry, and At last could not forbear telling her, that altho' they pro- fest the Doctrine of absolute Passive Obedience and Non Resistance;- yet if she proceeded in these Mea- sures, it might provoke them so far as to make Nature Rebel against Principle. Thus they served
Queen Anne at first, and if you want to know how she came after- wards to be restored to their Favour, you may enquire of Doctor Hermodactile, Harry Gambol, Frank Scammony, or the young Chevalier, and they, or any of them, can further inform you. By this short Account of their Behaviour, any one may see how unsafe it is for Prince or People, to put any trust in the Principles of such Men ; for they will no longer be led by the Spirit, than till an Op- portunity offers them to fulfill the Lusts of the Flesh : And ' tis by such Fruits that we know them. Methinks, one need only publish their Doctrines and inconsistant Practices, to
make them abhorr'd by all Men. And yet so easily are some weak Men se- duced by those Blood- Hounds; that I fear, least some of them should be found in the present unnatural Con- spiracy, and so come to be hang'd instead of their Teachers. ( Such Honour have all their Saints ) For you must know that our high Priests do not aim at the Honour of Martyrdom for themselves; but generously resign that Title to their dull disciples I hope we are not so far degenerated since the Year 1688, but that we may in general be called a Protest- ant Nation And if we are ; then let us countenance no other Distinction than that of Protestant
and Papist, ( we ought not to separate the Nonjurors from the Pa- Pists, because they closely unite, and greedily joyn with them in all their Measures to set a Papist on the Throne) for every Man that speaks against the present Government, ought to be stigmatized with the odious name of Papist. And that being the worst of Names under Heaven ; every one that would have a Papist King, ought in Justice to be branded with if. But where is that noble Spirit fled that inspired the Peo- ple and the Heads of their Tribes, at the happy Re- volution ? are we ashamed ; or do we reprent of that glorious Deed ? If not, why then do we
suffer our Enemies to triumph over us, and patiently sit and hear the King and his Family abused in our Streets ? How rudely has the Pretenders Disciples insulted us in the choice of our Representatives? and we like Gallio car'd for none of those things. These things were not done in a Corner, nor in the Country Towns only, but they did them openly, and at Noon- Day in the Heart of our Metropolis For shame, O ye Britons, and Protestants! suffer not your selves to be thus insulted by a PopiSh Rab- ble; but whenever they dare appear in that seditious Manner again, rouse up your Spirits and associate your selves in behalf of
our gracious King and his Go- vernment. Let the British Lyons but roar, and tho - Enemies of our Peace, shall tremble at the Sight of them Let all out Friends exert themselves on occa- sion of the present unnatural Conspiracy, and do what in them lies to detect their Enemies, and bring them to condign Punishment. Let us rejoyce and be glad that their villainous Designs are discovered SIR, May, 14. Your humble Servant; 1722 October Greenwood.- The John Galley, Capt. Pierce, from Jamaica, which arriv'd in the Downs two Days ago, hath been above 16 Weeks upon the Voyage homewards, and was sup- pos'd to be lost, to
that some of the Merchants con- cern'd had insur'd upon her 60 1. per Cent. On Saturday his Royal Highness in his Way to Richmond, passed by the Camp in Hyde Park ; and Monday the Duke of Marlborough took a View of the same : from whence we hear a small Detachment will be made to a Camp intended to be formed on Salisbury- Plain. , The Lord Forbes is daily expected here from Vien- na, but last from Holland; the Emperor has given his Lordship 2000 Ducats to defray the Charges of his Journey hither. Orders are sent to the Custom Officers at thr Sea- Ports of this Kingdom, to be very watchful of all Persons going
beyond Sea, or coming from thence. Yesterday, begun to be sold by Auction some House- hold Goods of Mr. Robert Knight, late Cashier of the South- Sea Company at his late ( unfinished) House at Luxborough in Essex ; the whole amounting in Allot- ments ( unappraised) to abouc 435, so that perhaps the Furnitures and other EfFects will be sold for as much more. There is an Account from Rome, that a certain Nurse, who was entrusted with the care of the Pre- tender's Child, has been dismissed, meerly upon Sus- picion of a Contrivance to dispatch the Babe; and that a Scots Woman lately arriv'd there, was put in her
room. Self- Murders are still frequent in France, and on the 15th the Landlord of the Three Bottles Tavern in Paris stabb'd himself three times with a Knife, in his Counting- House, about nine of the Clock in the Morning, and died the same Afternoon. Their Royal Highnesses will pass the Summer at Hampton- Court; the Duke of Newcastle having been to view the Lodgings there for that Purpose. The Rt. Hon. the Earl Cadogan visits the Camp in Hyde- Park every Morning by eight of the Clock. On Sunday a Person from the City was put under Arrest in the Camp at Hyde- Park, for insulting the Drummer to the Fourth Troop of
Guards, and using opprobrious Expressions against the Government. By the King of Spain's Order, Communication is open'd between the Spanish Camp, and the Garrison of Gibralter. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to confer the Dignity of a Peer of Great. Britain on David Gra- ham, Esq; commonly call'd Marquiss Graham, eldest Son of the Duke of Montrose, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Graham, and Earl Graham of Belford, in the County of Northumberland : As also, On Robert Ker, Esq; commonly call'd Marquiss Bowmont, only Son of the Duke of Roxburg, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Ker, and
Earl Ker of Wakefield, in ths County of York. TI » u t ' 9
/ • Tis said, the King has laid aside his Intention of going to Hanover this Summer. Sunday last being a high Festival there, was a splen- did Court at St. James's. The Duke of Dorset carry'd the Sword of State before his Mayesty to the Royal Chapel and the Bishop of Salisbury preach d upon that Occasion ; and it being Collar Day, the Sovereign and Knights Companions of the Garter, wore the Collar belonging to that most noble Order. On Saturday last about 10 at Night, the Passage over London- Bridge was shut up, in order to take up the old Draw Bridge, ( which was laid down in the Whitson- Holidays 51 Years ago, and
appeared to be now decay'd) and to lay down a new one in the room thereof, which will be a great deal stronger than the other, both as to the Wooden and Iron- Work, and the same was finish'd on Thursday. The Lieutenancy of this City are, by Order from above, making Search after the Horses and Arms of Papists, and other suspicious Persons. And the Justices of the Peace for Middlesex and Westminster have re. ceiv'd Orders to suppress all riotous Assemblies, and the vending of scandalous and seditious Ballads. Last Tuesday a Train of Artillery, consisting of 21 Field- Pieces, was drawn from the Tower to the Camp in
Hide- Park. Great Quantities of Accoutrements and other Ne- cessaries, are preparing to be sent to the Forces in Scot- land- 1 . Some Letters from France say, that the Plague is again broke out, and makes great Havock in the poor City of Marseilles, The Rev. Dr. Lupton preach'd his sixth Sermon in Vindication of our Saviour's Divinity, at St. Paul's Church, Monday Morning. Friday 7. Night Mr. John Moor, formerly an Up. holsterer in Pater- Noster- Row, who by Extravagance was reduc'd to Poverty, and by Poverty brought to Distraction and Despair, hang'd himself at the Bear Alehouse in Bowstreet, Covent- Garden : Before
he did it, he wrote two Letters, one to his Mother, and another to a Woman with whom, it is said, he kept Company, charging the Bearer not to deliver them till an Hour after ; which was accordingly observ'd. Therein, we are told, he bids them an everlasting Farewell ; signifying, that Death to him was more eligible than Life; and that, therefore, by the Time they should receive those Lines, he should be dead ; which, by the Event, they found true. The Coro- ner's Inquest having sate upon the Bedy, brought in their Verdict, Lunacy. On Sunday last a Detachment of the Foot- Guards march'd to Greenwich. The same Day a Man and
Woman, as they were viewing the Camp on Horseback in Hyde Park, fell down and broke their Necks, and died instantly on the Spot. Sir Robert Sutton is sworn one of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, and hath taken his Place at the Board accordingly. On Sunday Morning a Captain with 70 of the Foot- Guards march'd from the Camp at Hyde Park, to re. inforce the Detachment commanded by Col. Carpen- ter at the Tower, and to remain with him till farther Orders. Tuesday the Duke of Portland set out for Ports- mouth in order to embark for Jamaica. The Houshold Troops encamp'd in Hyde- Park are as follows,
viz. First Troop of Horse Guards, consisting of 156 pri. vate Gentlemen, 1 Captain, a Lieutenants, or Lieu. tenant- Colonels, 1 Corporal, i Guidon, 4 Exempts, 4 Brigadiers, 4 Sub Brigadiers, 1 Chaplain, 1 Adju. taut, 1 Surgeon, 4 Trumpeters, 1 Kettle- Drummer: in all 181. Second Troop of Horse Guards of the same Number of private Gentlemen and Officers. Third Troop of Horse- Guards, the same Number. Fourth Troop of Horse- Guards the same Number. First Troop of Grenadier. Guards, consisting of 14; private Men, 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, or Lieutenant. Colonel, 1 Major, 2 Lieutenants and Captains, r Gui. don and
Captain, 2 Sub Lieutenants, 1 Chaplain, 1 Surgeon, 1 Adjutant, 6 Serjeants, 6 Corporals, 4 Drummers, 4 Hautboys ; in all 176. Second Troop of Grenadier Guards, consisting of the same Number. " A Marshal to the Horse and Grenadier Guards FOOT. First Regiment of Foot Guards, consisting of Private Men , in 28 Companies, t Colonel, One Major, 1 second Major, 1 Chaplain, r Surgeon. 2 Mates, 3 Adjutants, 2 Quarter Masters, 1 Solicitor to the Regiment, 1 Drum- Major, 1 Deputy- Marshal, 3 Hautboys, r Trumpeter, 24 Captains or Colonels, \ g Lieutenants or Captains, 27 Ensigns, 84 Serjeant.-, s. Corporals, 56 Drummers ;
in all 1669. Coldstream, or Second Regiment of Foot Guards consisting of 865 private Men in 18 Companies, and Officers accordingly ; in all 1072; Third Regiment of Foot Guards, of the same Num. ber with the last. Total 4893. We hear, the Earl of Peterborough has 4000 1 per Annum assign'd him as Captain- General of the Ma- rines ; and that a Reinforcement of Troops will be shortly sent to the Garrisons at Gibraltar and Port. Mahon. Last Week a Custom- house Officer seiz'd onboard a Corn- Hoy 100 Sacks of Coffee, hid under the Corn. On Tuesday the Body of the late Lord Chief Baron Bury was carry'd out of Town, and
his Funeral Pro- cession from Serjeants- Inn in Chancery- Lane, thro' the City towards Grantham in Lincolnshire where he is to be interr'd, was in the following manner, j. Two Men a foot with Staves mournfully decorated. Five Mourners in mourning Cloaks on Horseback 3. A Man on Horseback bearing a double Streamer' follow'd by two Mourners. 4 One carrying the' Gloves of Chivalry and Gantlets, follow'd by two Mourners on Horseback. y. One carrying the Sur- coat, follow'd by two Mourners on Horseback. 6. One carrying the Sword of Knighthood, follow'd by two Mourners. 7. One carrying the Crest, which was a Griffin,
follow'd by two Mourners. 8. One carrying his Coat of Arms, which was a Field Argent, sprinkled with Cloves Sable, three Flower- de- luces in a Bend descending from the dexter Side of the Field, deckt with Gules and Azure, follow'd by two Mourners. 9. Two Persons on Horseback with Truncheons, pre. ceeded the Herse, adorn'd with Plumes of Feathers and Escutcheons. 10. Twenty Mourning Coaches, each drawn with six Horses ; in the six first were the De- ceased's Relations, attended with a Footman in Black at each Door; and in the other Coaches were the Judges, Attorney and Sollicitor- General, the King's Council,
Serjeants at Law, and many other Gentle, men of the Long- Robe On Monday last Mr. John Strange of the Middle Temple, was marry'd to a Daughter of Mr. Strong, the Mason, at St. Bride's Church in Fleet- Street, with whom, ' tis said, he will have 7000 1. Wednesday the Proprietors of the Success and Speed- well, two Privateers commission'd by his Imperial Majesty, and which went a crusing Voyage about two Years since under Captain Clipperton, receiv'd the melancholly News that the latter was cast away on the Island of John Fernandes in the East Indies; best Part of the Cargo, (" which was very rich) was lost, but all
the Men were saved, and that the Suc- cess was safely arrived at Amoy, near China, but was so much damaged, that her Cargo must be put on board other Ships to be brought home. The Right Honourable John Lessly, Earl of Rothes, and one of the sixteen Peers lately chosen to represent the Peerage of Scotland died last Week at his Seat there. Last Week died at his Seat at Langley in rhe County of Middlesex, Abraham Houblon, Esq; in the 83d Year of his Age. He is to be interr'd on Wednesday next at Langley. We hear the Reverend Mr. James King is leaving his Lectureship of St. Martin's Ludgate ; and Mr. Webster, one
of the Curates of St Dunstan's in the West, stands Candidate. The new Chappel by Lamb's Conduit, Red Lyon Fields, being near finish'd, will be open'd next Month ; and the Ministers of the Chappel are to be the Reverend Dr. Marshal, jun. and the Reverend Dr. Rogers, Lecturer of St. Clement's. A
neot'S' A Letter from his Majesty King George to the Pro- testant Cantons of Swisserland, relating to the For- mulary intituled the Consensus: or Agreement. GEORGE, by the Grace of God, King of Great. Britain, & c. To the Illustrious and Magnifi- cent Lords the Burgo masters, Avoyers, Landmans and Counsellors of the Protestant Cantons of Swisser- land, viz Zurich, Berne, Glaris, Basil, Schaffhausen, Appcnzel, St. Gall and Bienne our most Dear Friends, Greeting. _ As nothing can give as greater Pleasure than to see a firm and constant Union advance as far as possible amongst all those who profess the true Faith, so we
could not but be extreamly sorry to hear that a cer- tain Paper called Formula Consensus, which has been received for several Years in certain Parts of Swisser- land, has caused abundance of Confusion and Trouble among the Protestants of Germany, and given Birth to uneasy Scruples in their Minds: which is certainly a very great Hindrance to that strict Union which there ought to be among our Brethren who in other respects agree together in the Profession of the pure and true Religion. We therefore, such is the Love we bear you, and the Concern we have in whatsoever affects your Inte. rests, could not refrain from
amicably exhorting all of you together, but more especially the Cantons of Zurich and Berne, that you will have so much Regard for the Peace and Tranquility of the Reformed Church, as to force No body to Sign the said Formulary, the rather because such a Proceeding would not be con- fident with your usual Moderation in the like Cases j but that on the Contrary you will check such Persons, who under pretence of Propagating the Confession of the True Faith, go about to trouble the Peace of the Church, by unreasonable Disputes about Matters too sublime or obscure, and on which ( in the Judgment of very many) Eternal
Salvation has not much Depen. dence ; a Practice which if tolerated any longer, may be very prejudicial both to the State and to Religion. We need not point out to you how useful, how wholesom, and even how necessary this Advice is, es- pecially in the present Juncture of Affairs. Your great Piety, and your Wisdom will convince you of it fully. ' Tis enough to say, that by conforming to it, you will act both for your Interest, and for the Interest of Pro- testants in general ; and we perswade ourselves, that you will the more willingly adhere to it, because thereby you will do what will be extremely agreeable to us, and at the same
time contribute effectually to the Peace and Security of the Reformed Churches. For the rest, we recommend you heartily, both you and all that belong to you, to the Protection of Al- mighty God. St. James's April 10. 1722. in the 8th of our Reign. Your good Friend, GEORGE, Rex. Underneath, Carteret. " St. James's, May 14. The following humble Address of the Lord Lieu- tenant and Custos Rotulorum, Deputy Lieutenants, and Justices of the Peace of the County of Mid- dlesex, and City and Liberty of Westminster, has been presented to His Majesty by john Milner Esq; Chairman of the Quarter- Sessions, accompanied by the
Deputy- Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace for the said County of Middlesex, and City and Liberty of Westminster ; being introduc'd by his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Middlesex and City and Liberty of Westminster, and Lord Chamberlain of His Majesty's Houshold. To the King's most Excellent Majesty. Gracious Sovereign, youR Majesty having been graciously pleased to signifie to us your Majesty's most Dutiful Loyal Subjects. that you have received repeated and unquesstionable Advices, that several of Your Majesty's Subjects, forgetting the Allegiance they owe
to Your Majesty, as well as the natural Love they ought to bear to their Country, have enter'd into a wicked Conspiracy, in Concert with Traitors A- broad, for raising a Rebellion in this Kingdom, in fa- Vour of a popish Pretender, with a traiterous Design to overthrow Our excellent Constitution in Church and State ; we beg Leave in the most humble Man- ner ( on this important Occasion) to renew our De- clarations of an Inviolable Zeal and Affection for your Royal Person and Family. When we reflect on the many Riots and Tumuls of late, industriously pro- moted and carried on, in open Defiance of Law, we cannot but believe that
they have too much encou- rag'd those wicked and traiterous Designs ; we there- fore beg Leave to assure Your Majesty, that we shall not want either Diligence or Resolution, to put the Laws effectually in Execution, for the sup- pressing of Practices so destructive to the Peace and Quiet of our Country. As Your Majesty's Reign has been a Series of Goodness and Favour to all your faithful Subjects, it has also been attended with daily Instances of Mercy and Grace to obstinate and perverse Enemies ; and tho' such repeated Acts of Royal Clemency have not had the due Effect upon those who have receiv'd the Benefit of them,
we can- not but hope, that they will raise a just Indignation in all honest Men against such ungrateful and base Attempts. We further beg Leave to assure Your Majesty, That as we value the Protestant Religion, and Ci- vil Liberties of Free born Englishmen, transmitted down to us by our Ancestors , above all other Blessings whatsoever, we will use all the Authority we are by Law invested with, to preserve the same, and are determined at the utmost Hazard of all that is dear to us, to stand by your Majesty and ycur Royal Family, as the grand Security and De- fence of both, and as the most effectual means to frustrate the vile
Designs of our Enemies, who would subject a Protestant Free People, to all the Miseries of Tyranny and Superstition. To which His Majesty was pleas'd to return the fol- lowing most gracious Answer. IThank you for your Dutiful and Loyal Address, and depend upon your Care in putting the Laws in Execu- tion for the Security of the Government, and the Preserva- tion of the Publick Peace. His Majesty hath been pleased to appoint George Harrison, Esq; to be Superintendant of the Foun- deries, one of the Place: some time since vacant by the Death of Brigadier Richards. The Rev. Mr Cowper, Son to Spencer Cowper, Esq; and
Nephew to the Lord Cowper, is by his Royal Highness presented to the Rectory of Barkham- stead, vacant by the Death of the late Dr. Brabant. Wednesday Morning, about One a- CIock, one Mr. Hancock, Son of Justice Hancock, was kill'd in the Camp in Hide Park, by one Mr Nichols, Son of an Apothecery in Westminster, lately a Lieutenant of a Company in the 1st Regiment of Guards. The De- ceased had seven Wounds, three of which were mor- tal. Nichols was seized by Colonel Murray, and be- ing carried before a Justice of the Peace, was commit- ted to the Gatehouse. Colonel Murray is Major of the Regiment of Scots
Guards, who hearing a clash- ing of Swords near his Tent, rose out of his Bed, and seiz'd Nichols. Hancock died in a quarter of an Hour. . They write from Boston in New England, that they had Advice from Virginia, that three Ships going out of the River, for England, and another Vessel from England, Inward- bound, were all cast away there. Wednesday the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor went up by Water to Putney and Fulham, and in the Morn- ing held his Court of Conservation for the River of Thames at the former Place, and in the Afternoon at the latter. On the 8th of this Instant May, being Tuesday, came on the Trial of Mr.
William Gerish, Merchant, at the Court of Exchequer, for having in his Custody several Pieces of East. lndia Wrought Silks, and other East- India Prohibited Goods ; and after a full Hear- ing. was cast in the Penalty of 100 1. being the Sum inflicted by Act of Parliament for that Offence, be- sides the Forfeiture of the Goods. We
_ We hear from St. Albans, In the County of Hert- ford, that the 8th and 9th of this Instant, an Inqui- sition was taken, at the Sign of the Bull for Charita- ble Uses, by a Jury then return'd by the Sheriff, be- fore the Rt. Hon. Wm. Lord Viscount Grimston, Sir John Austen, Bart. & c. appointed Commissioners un- der the Great Seal, to enquire into, and redress the Abuses of Charity, See. in the said County, and that the Jurors found misconverted Money to the Amount of above 2000 1. belonging to the Church, the Poor, and the Free School of St. Alban's aforesaid. Day the Quaker is retaken, and is now in Corke Goal, who we
formerly told was Condemn'd for List- ing Men for the Pretender. They write from Yorkshire, that upon the 30th ult. came on the Election of two Members of the Lower House of Convocation within the Wapentake of Bal- mer, in the Archdeaconry of Cleveland, in the North- riding of that County; when the Rev. Mr. John Wake- field, A.' M. and the Rev. Mr. Wm. Walker, A. M. two very worthy and Orthodox Members' of the Church of England, were unanimously chosen. A Camp is formed on the South side of Hounslow- Heath. On Monday Part of the Duke of Bolton's Regiment encamp'd there, and the rest the next Day. Last
Saturday the Son- of the Lord Fairfax was mar- ried to the Lady Hungate's Daughter. The Rev. Dr. John Mandevile is made Dean of Pe- terborough, in the room of the present Bishop of Ban- gor. , When the Sessions ended last Saturday at Justice. Hall in the Old Baily, 8 Men and a Woman receiv'd Sentence of Death, the latter of which, as also one Man, is repriev'd. Burnt in the Hand 5. Whipt 1 Order'd for Transportation 19 The next ensuing Sessions to begin on Wednesday the 4th of July. Wednesday the Dead Warrant came to Newgate for the Execution of the following Malefactors, viz. Leo- nard Hendry, for Felony ; Tho.
Smith, alias New- comb, for Felony and Burglary; Jeremiah Rand, for a Street Robbery ; John Bootin, a Lad about 16 Years of Age, for a Rape on a Child of seven Years old, to whom he gave the Foul Disease ; Richard Whittingham, for Felony and Burglary ; and Haw- kins and Sympson for robbing the Bristol Mail. They die next Monday. The two last will afterwards be hung up in Chains near the Place where the said Rob- bery was committed. Mr. Justice Eyre is chosen one of the Governours of the Charter- House, in the room of the late Earl of Sunderland. The Printers of Mist's Journal are again taken into Custody of
Messengers. Bankrupts since our last. William Greirfon, and Robert Gordon, late of Lon. don, Partners. William Archer, late of Aldersgate Street, London, Victualler. On Tuesday last Mr. Kent, the Messenger of the Press, by Virtue of a Warrant from two of his Ma. jesty's justices of the Peace, made Search in the House of Thomas Harris, a Glover, in Bunhill. Fields, and found therein Swords, Belts, and other Accoutrements for about sixty Horsemen ; the Swords were perfectly new, tho' put into old Scabbards, and Harris absconds. We hear that Barracks are order'd to be erected on the Sea- Coasts of Scotland. ' Tis said for
certain that. Mr. Serjeant Cheshire will be appointed principal Serjeant at Law to the King. Private Letters from Vienna mention, that the Son of the late Earl of Sunderland lies dangerously ill there. Letters from Madrid of the 28th say, that they are Shipping off at Barcelona, Bombs, Artillery, and other warlike Stores for the Coast of Tuscany. On Friday 7 Night came on at the King's Bench. Bar Westminster, before the Lord Chief Justice Pratt the Tryal of Mr. Joseph Hetherington of Brownlow. Street, Holborn, upon an Indictment for Forging and Publishing a Bond of 500 1. under the Hand of Mrs Lucy Beighton, Widow, now Wife of
Sir Charles Peers, Knt. and Alderman of London. Sir Charles who was the Prosecutor, appeared in Court with a Number of Council, but offering no sort of Evidence whatsoever to support the Charge, the Jury, without moving from the Bar, acquitted Mr. Hetherington. It appeared the said Bond was assigned to Mr. Hethe- rington for a valuable Consideration. who after the same became due went to Sir Charles Peers at his House at Bromley to demand Payment, and Sir Charles requiring to see the Bond immediately put it into his Pocket, seiz'd and detain'd Mr. Hetherington, and carryed him before D'Oyley Mitchel, Esq; who
obliged him to enter into a Recognizance of 1000 1. and also refused him a Copy of his Bond. After Mr. Hetherington was acquitted, Sir Charles caused Mr. Mr. Mitchel to deliver the Bond to Mr. Hetherington in Court, being his Property, and Mr. Hetherington has since commenced a Prosecution against Sir Charles and Justice Mitchell. On Wednesday last about nine in the Evening, Mr. William Harbin, Son to Mr. Harbin, a Stationer, over against Lancaster- Court in the Strand, was drown'd in shooting the Bridge : His Father and he were in a Boat together, and coming up with the Tide thro' the Rock- Lock, which is not much
frequent, ed, the unfortunate young Man being surpriz'd either by the Boats hitting against the Piles, or its sudden turning with the Eddy, started and tumbled over, board. He was on Thursday taken up at the same Place where he pitch'd down. Christned Males 164 Females 157. In all 321, Buried Males 190. Females 196. In all 386. Decreased in the Burials this Week 29. CASUALTIES. Found Dead in a Pond at St. James's at Clerkenwell ( buried at St. Mary at Islington 1. Hang'd himself ( being Lunatick) at St. Paul in Covent- Garden 1. LONDON.- Printed and Sold by J. REA D, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street