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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 12/05/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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t sip) bout 60000 marched to Bristol, besieged the Castle and took it and therein two Knights of the King's Council Bushy and Green. whose Heads were cut off at the Request of the Rabble The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty nine Regicides! Mr. George Masterson sworn. He depos'd, That the Day the Sentence was given against his Majesty. he heard Cook demand in the Name of the Commons assembled in Parliament, and of all the good People of England, Judgment upon the Prisoner at the Bar, pointing to the King. Mr. Burden was sworn; He depos'd, That Cook gave him, and eight or nine more, their Oaths in the High- Court of Justice, and examin'd them as to their seeing the King in Action, in his Army, and at Nottingham- Mr. Starkey sworn. He depos'd, That he was a Student of Gray's Inn, and that he owed all his Knowledge of the Law to Mr. Cook; but that Cook was in Debt, and had de- sir'd the Deponent to assist him in getting a Protecti- on, and they were very intimate. That about the time of the erecting the High- Court of Justice, he had some Discouse with Cook about it; and Cook said ; he thought the Council at Westminfter were all mad ; and he look'd upon their Proceedings as very ridicu- lous; and he instane'd in a Fellow who cried out to the Lord Fairfax, that if he did not consent to the Proceeding, he would kill Christ and him; but that notwithstanding a few Days after the Deponent un- derstood that Cook acted a Part of Solicitor General; and that he questioning Cook about it, he answer'd, He was serving the People, and told the Deponent, He would see strange things, and he must wait upon God. That Cook did acknowledge the King was a wise and gracious Prince; but the Deponent asking him if he thought he would suffer, Cook told the De- ponent, He must die, and Monarchy must die with him. And that this was a little before the Sentence. Then Mr. Cook enter'd upon his Defence: And first, he acknowledge his Majesty's Favour that he had been sent to the Tower, and not laid in Irons in a Dungeon ; and confess'd, that had they been charg'd with such a Crime in another Nation, they had pro- bably been serv'd as John Baptist was in Prison. He thank'd the Court that he had a fair Tryal; and said, he did not doubt but those Lords who sat upon him, and were under no Obligation but their Honours, would do him Justice as well as the Judges, who were by their Oaths to do equal Right and Justice. That his Plea was much of the same Nature with St. Paul's, Against the Law, and against Caesar, he hop'd he had not offended at all. He said, that upon the ninth of January 1648, there was a Proclamation for the Tryal of his late Majesty ; that upon the tenth Mr. Steel, Dr. Dorislaus, Mr. Ask, and himself, were ordered to be of Council, and to draw up the Charge, That therefore he thought he would not be said to do it maliciously or advisedly, or with a wicked Intention, he being commanded to do what he did, and acting only within his own Sphere as a Counsellor. 1, He insisted, that Words would not amount to Treason ; and that nothing was to be accounted Treason that was not within the 15th of Edw. III; and that the principal thing against him was, that these were Words put in Writing; but he thought it did not appear to be his Hand, the Witnesses only swearirg that they believ'd it to be his Hand. And further, that he who writes Words that are dictated by ano- ther, though they might be in their own Nature trea- sonable, yet he only speaking them after another, and taking them upon Rebound, that was not Treason • because they did not discover a traitorous Heart . That the 25th of Edw. III, related to the secret Ima- ginations of the Heart, and they must be manifest by some Overt Act : What was dictated to him, and what he did not invent, could not be stil'd malicious- neither could the demanding of Justice be call'd Trea- son; those Gentlemen ( the Regicides; had his Ma- jesty then in their Power a Prisoner, and he hop'd it would appear he gave bonum & fidele Confilium. He said, he was Utterly against a long Charge, and did not invent one Word himself, but what was express'd in the Act for the Tryal; and that when he pray'd Justice, he hop'd it would not be infer'd there was any Intention of doing Injustice. The next thing he insisted on was, that in all judicial Proceedings there were but four Actors, viz. the Accusers or Witnesses the Jury, the Judges, and the Executioner; and if he was none of these, he could not be guilty of trea- son : He was but Council, and pray'd Justice and if Injufsice was done, he was not answerable for it and he appeal'd to God if he ever us'd one irreverent Expression to his Majesty, or stil'd him the Prisoner at the Bar, as the Witnesses had sworn. That if it were held to be Treason to plead against his Majesty, then it must be Felony to have pleaded against a Man unjustly condemn'd for Felony. that a Counsellor was to make the best of his Client's Cause, and leave it to the Court; and Counsellors do frequently engage in Business before they rightly un- derstand the Fact; and he appeal'd to the Council, if they had not many times been sorry that a Verdict has been given for their Clients when they discover'd the Right lay on the other side, and so might he in this Case : That had this been in time of Peace, he acknowledged it would have been Treason; but his Majesty being then in the Power of the Army, the drawing up a Charge against him, and desiring Ju- stice, and that he might be brought to a speady Tryal in order to his Acquittal, was rather a Service to his Majesty than any Treason against him. Then he laid hold of the Act of Indemnity; and though he was one of the Persons by Name excepted, he hop'd the Parliament did not intend to except him ; for the Act afterwards says, All which Persons, for their execrable Treason in sentencing to Death, signing the Instru- ment, or being instrumental in taking away the King's Life, are left to be proceeded against as Traitors. He said he was not at all concern'd either in the sign- ing or sentencing ; and as to the being Instrumental he took it only in a limited Sense to relate to those who were afterwards concern'd in the King's Executi. on ; for if they took the Word Instrumental in the utmost Latitude, and gave it a Retrospect, they would make the Act of Indemnity extend to very few: And he hop'd the Jury would consider, whether all that had any ways counsel'd or been instrumental in bring, ing his Majesty to that unfortunate End, were intend, ed to be excepted. And he added, that if the Word Instrumental was to be taken in its utmost Latitude, then the words sentencing and signing were wholly useless; and it was not to bo suppos'd that any one Word in in Act of Parliament should be frustrate and insignificant. He said further, That what he did in that Matter was for his Fee, and not of Malice; and tho'it might be call'd Avaritia, it could not be call'd Malitia; that he did nothing judicially, but ministerially only, and it was false to say he had given any Man his Oath; possibly they might be sworn in Court, and he might examine them as to some things. Then he said he laid hold on his Majesty's Declaration at Breda ; wherein he promised to pardon all who were not excepted in a free Parliament: Now he said this Parliament was not call'd by the King's Writ ( tho' he had been pleas'd to confirm it,) and he conceiv'd their were not such a Parliament as could make the Exception.—— That indeed the Earls of Essex and Southampton were adjudg'd Traitors for conspiring to take her Majesty Prisoner: But here his Majesty being already a Priso- ner, without any Hand of his, and he giving no other Advice than what was dictated to him, to bring his Majesty to his Tryal, whereby he might have been acquitted and set at liberty, he hop'd he could not be said to be instrumental: That the High Court of ju- stice was a Court de facto, had all the Officers and For- malities requisite to a Court; and he hop'd that one who acted in such a Court, within his Sphere, as a Counsellor, would not bo look'd upon as a Traitor, but that the Order of the then Power in being would bear him out. To be continu'd. f ) be conn' [ au' 4- The Ship ' - Capt. Fletcher, laden with Coals for France, was lately cast away on the Breaks near An Aviso from Carthagena is arrived at Cadiz with 160 Sern of Cocheneal. A few Nights ago, a New- born Child, wrapt up in handsome Linnen , was dropt in Hart's Court in Fleetstreet: The Parents not being discover'd, the Pa- rish was oblig'd to keep it : Whereupon some of the honest Churchwardens would needs have it nam'd Moses Hart; Moses, in regard this Discovery, as he said bore some Resemblance to that of Moses when an Infant ; and Hart, because it was found in Hart. Court; and it is call'd Moses Hart accordingly; a Name well known in the Synagogue and Change. Alley We have an Account from Tiverton, in Devonshire, that they hive difcover'd a Coal Mine within a quar- ter of a Mile of that Place, which they hope will be of great Use to the whole Country, Coals being at prefent a very dear Commodity in those Parts. One Mr. Prentice, of Maidstone, having taken a House at Sandlin, near a Mile from that Town, and digging a Well there, the Earth sunk under him, and he with it; so that he was smother'd. The Lord Harley is now buying up a Library, in which, ' tis said. his Lordship will lay out Ten Thou- sand Pounds. A very ancient and valuable Bible has been bought for his Use, which, we hear, cost Thirty Pounds. We hear from Bowley in Hampshire, that the Ma- nufacture lately set up there for Shags, Stuffs, & c. is carried on with the greatest Application and Success. The Work it furnishes to the Poor in all the Neigh- boring Villages, the Circulation of Money it pro. motes there, with the other Advantages attending this Undertaking, have put Affairs in the happiest Posture they were ever known be in, in that Part of the Country. The Act of Parliament for the present State- Lot. tery appoints the Drawing of it to begin on or before the 22d of November. They write from Chichester, thac the Small- Pox rages there with greater violence than has been known, great Numbers dying daily of that Distemper, info, much that the Gentry and richer sort fly the City to the adjacent Towns. Last Week a Woman well dress'd went to a great Lace- Shop in Lombard Street and having bar. gained for a Parcel of fine Lace, to a considerable Va- lue, she drew out her Money in order to pay for it, which was all in Silver; which the Shopkeeper ex- amining, found a great Part of it to be counterfeit : Upon which he caused her to be committed to New. gate, on Suspicion of Coining We hear, the City of London, in regard of the eminent and faithful Services of Sir William Thomp- son, Kt. their Recorder, and in Consideration of his not meeting with Employment elsewhere, suitable to his great Merit and Abilities, have been pleased to augment his Sallary to 400 I. per Annum, and have made him a Present of two hundred Guineas, as a Mark of their Gratitude and Esteem for so worthy a Gentleman Charles Battely, Esq; ( Brother to Dr. Battely. late Arch- Deacon of Canterbury) a Justice of the Peace, one of the Secondaries of the Remembrance- Office an the Exchequer, and Receiver of the College Rents in Westminster, died lately at the Bath. We hear a Prosecution is order'd against the Au- thor of the Political State of Great- Britain for tbe Month of Match. Great Preparations are making for celebrating His Majesty's Birth- Day with the greatest Magnificence. Sir James Mruntague hat kiss'd the King's Hand for the Place of Ld. Chief Baron of the Exchequer. On Saturday last their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess, went to Richmond co Dinner, and re. turn'd Home to Leicester- House in the Evening. Sunday last the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Pomfret carried the Sword of State before His Majesty, and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess, at St James's when the Rev. Dr. Davis Preach'd- The same Day his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, set out for his Country Seat at Clare- Mount, where tis thought he will spend the rest of the Summer As likewise the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lincoln, to that of Waybridge in Surrey. We hear six Regiments are order'd hither from Ire. land. Two Expresses arrived on Sunday from Scotland. Monday being the last Day of the Term, a great Number of Printers, 6cc. appear'd upon their Recog- nizances, for Misdemeanors t some were discharg'd, and others continued. Mr. Richard Wilkins, a Book- seller, was committed to the King's- Bench Prison, for publishing a Book highly reflecting on the Courts of Justice, & c. On Monday, about Noon, two Gentlemen who were going thro' the Mint, in order to take Horse for the Country, seeing a Pig in a Cook's Shop, which they liked, went in to eat some, and were shewn into a Room, where two other Persons were at Dinner i Soon after they had sat down, and their Dinner was brought, a Constable and a great Company came in Pursuit of the two others as Highwaymen ; upon which, they suspecting the two Gentlemen to become with Design to Set them, drew their Swords, and without any Words or Provocation, as they were at Dinner, stabb'd them in several Parts of their Bodies ; and particularly, gave one of them two dangeroui Wounds under the Left Pap, several Inches deep, and did a great deal of Mifchief to other Persons'; but being over, power'd, after a desperate Resistance, they were carried before a Justice of the Peace, who hath committed them the Marshalsea On Friday the 27th of April last, one Henry Cooley was try'd at the King's. Bench Bar at Dublin, for killing his Wife the February before, in his Cellar ac Cork- Hill; but it appearing by the Physician, Sur- geon, and other material Witnesses, that her Death was occasion'd by an Asthma, a violent Cold, and natural voiding of Blood downwards, the Jury brought him in not guilty. The Ld. Maurice Nassau, Brother to the Earl of Grantham, is lately arrived here from Holland, and waited on the King, who was pleas'd to receive him with particular Marks of Esteem. Tuesday last there was a General Council at White- hall. The same Day General Maccartney set out for Ire- land. On Monday at the Court of King's Bench Mr. Bol- ton, Sword- Cutler and Haberdasher of Hats on Lud. gate- Hill, who on Friday last was taken up by a Messenger on Account of a Treasonable Motto on three Sword Blades, which we hear were brought him by a Gentleman to be mounted with Hilts, and were by him sent to a Workman to be fitted up, ap- peared upon his Recognizance, and was continued. On Saturday last died at his House in Fenchurch- Street, Sir Benjamin Ayloffe, Knt. an eminent Mer- chant and Common- Council- Man. We hear that Velturs Cornwall, Esq; Member for Herefordshire, is lately married to Mrs Judith Pow- ell, Daughter and Coheiress of Sir Thomas Powell Bart, of Colebrook in the County of Monmouth, and of Broadway in the County of Carmarthen ; a Lady of 12oo 1 per Annum. It is said that the Lord Chief Baron Gilbert of Ire- land will succeed Mr. Baron Montague, when the latter is promoted to the Post of Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Mr. Turner of King's Lyn in Norfolk, Brother to Sir Charles, is made a Commissioner of the Stamp- Office in the room of Mr Warner deceased. We hear, that in his Majesty's German Dominions above 11,000 Men, all regular Troops, are kept in readiness, besides the Country Militia, who are con. stantly exercised in the use of Arms. The Report of the Pretender's being arrived in France is too ridiculous co be credited. Monday, soon after Day break, a Highwayman well mounted, being closely pursued by two Men, near Newington- Butts, shot one of them dead, and the other was wounded ; however, he was at last seiz'd, and committed. .. Members Burghs of Aberdeen, & c. John Middleton, Esq; of Seatoun, Lieutenant Colonel of Foot, and Deputy- Governour of Tinmouth Fort. Shire of Dunbarton. Mungo Haldane, esq; Shire of Kincardine ; James Scot, Esq; Shire of Peebles. - * Douglas, Esq; By an Express from Cadiz we have News of the Arrival of an Advice- Beat which came from Vera Cruz the 6th of January last. We have an Ac- count by this Vessel, That the Spanish Galleon, and the British South- Sea Company's Ship arrived in De. cember last at Cartagena, where European Goods then bore, a very high Price. f Letters from Copehagen say, That a fresh Recruit of 500 Seamen is newly arrived there ; upon which a resolution is taken to augment with four Men of War the Fleet that is now fitting out there. All the Land and Sea Officers are order'd to be at their respective Stations against a certain limited Time, under Penalty of being cashier'd. _ Letters from Paris say, that the Son of the Kings Harbinger, being reduc'd to Despair, by having lost his whole Estate by Scock jobbing, threw himself last Week in the River ; but being immediately taken out, and let- Blood, tis hop'd he will recover But a a Gentleman of the Guards who had Beggar'd him- self by the fame Traffick, threw himself likewise, in Despair, into the Seine; and tho' he was soon taken out, yet he died in a few Hours. So many Persons have run Mad of late on the same Account, that our Petites Maisons ( Bedlam of Paris) is not capable of holding them. A certain Banker of Rome, who lent the late King James of England 25o. ooo Livres, sent a Citation to the Pretender to appear before the Parliament of Paris, and shew Cause why he should not Pay the Money : The Pretender being at Rome, sent to the Person who takes Care of his Affairs at Paris, to appear for him ; but he neglecting so to do, Judgment was given for the Plaintiff by Default: Upon which, he petitioned the Parliament for Leave to seize all the Fiefs he can find, that belong to the Pretender ; but we do not hear that the Parliament has hitherto had any Regard to his Petition. Sunday last her Royal Highness, and Princess Anne, visited the two young Princesses, who have had the Small- Pox so favourably, that they are already judg. ed to be out of all Danger. The Officers of the Army are to repair immediately to their respective Posts, on pain of being cashired, we hear that the Army will be drawn together on Salis- bury Plain, and review'd by the Earl Cadogan. On Tuesday last the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor of this City received a Letter from the Rt. Honour- able the Lord Townshend, one of His Majesty's prin. cipal Secretaries of State, which, we hear, was as follows: My Lord, HIS Majesty having nothing more at Heart than the Peace and Safety of his good City of Lon. don, the Protection of its Inhabitants, and the Sup- port of Publick Credit, hath commanded me to ac. quaint your Lordship, that he hath repeated and un- questionable Advices, that several of his Subjects, for- getting their Allegiance to him, as well as the natu- ral Love they ought to bear to their Country, have entied into a wicked Conspiracy in concert with Trai- tors abroad, to raise a Rebellion in this Kingdom in Favour of a Popish Pretender, with a traiterous De- sign to overthrow our excellent Constitution both in Church and State, and subject a Protestant People to Tyranny and Superstition: But I doubt not but it will be a great Satisfaction to your Lordship and the City, that at the same Time that I am order'd to in- form you of this Design, I am likewise commanded to acquaint you, that he is firmly assured that the Au- thors of it neither are, nor will be supported or even countenanc'd by any Foreign Power: That his Ma- jesty hath had timely Notice of their wicked Machi- nations, and hath made the proper Disposition for de- tecting them : That he hath no Reason to doubt, but by the Blessing of the Almighty, and the ready Assist- ance of his faithful Subjects, this Effect of their Ma- lice will be turn'd to their own Confusion. His Ma- jesty makes no doubt but your Lordship in Conjuncti- on with the other Magistrates of his City of London", will, with the utmost Care and Vigilance, exert your Authority for the Preservation of the Publick Peace and the Security of the City at so important a Con- juncture. Iam, My Lord, & c. Upon the Receipt of the aforesaid Letter, the May- or and Aldermen met Yesterday at Guildhall, and in the Evening waited on his Majesty at St. James's, with a Loyal and Dutiful Address on thac Occasion : Which is as follows : To the King's most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, YOUR Majesty having been graciously pleased to signify to the Lord Mayor, how much you have at Heart the Peace and Safety of your City of London, the Protection of its Inhabitants, and the Support of Publick Credit, and that your Majesty has unquestionable Advices of a wicked Conspiracy, entred into by some of your Majesty's Subjects, in Concert with Traytors abroad, for raising a Rebellion in this Kingdom^ Favour of a Popish Pretender to your Majesty's Crown, We the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of this City, most humbly intreat your Majesty's Permission, to make this our immediate Approach to your Royal Presence, that we may return our most humble and unfeigned Thanks for this Instance of your Majesty's tender and indulgent Regard to your faith- ful and dutiful Subjects of this City, and that we may have Leave to give your Majesty Assurances of our steady and unal- terable Affection and Zeal for your Royal Person and Govern, ment, and for the Continuance of the Protestant Succession in your Royal Family. And it is on unspeakable Satisfaction to us, that we can at the same time congratulate your Majesty on the happy Success of those Negotiations, which have procured Assurances, that these wicked and traiterous Purposes will not be supported or countenanced by any Foreign Power. When we reflect on the many Blessings which Britons enjoy, under the Protection of a Prince, who makes the Laws of this Land his Rule for the Government of his People; when we consider that neither the Civil, or Religious Rights of your Majesty's Subjects have met with the least Instance of Viola- tion, since your Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne of these Realms; when we recollect your Majesty's Royal Cle- mency and Benevolence, ( since the last Rebellion) to Numbers of those who had offended in the highest Degeee, against their King and the Laws of their Country, we cannot but ex- press the utmost Abhorrence of those vile and detestable Per- sons, who shall again conspire and attempt to bring a free and happy People under the Yoke and Tyranny of Superstition, and to involve this Nation in a State of Blood, Misery, and the utmost Confusion.' And as these must be the unavoidable Consequences attend, ing any Enterprize to alter our present happy Establishment, and to introduce a Popish one ; As Englishmen that value our Liberties; as honest Men that have sWorn Allegiance to your Majesty, and who have abjured and renounced the Pretender, and as real Friends to our ex- cellent Constitution in Church and State, ( with a Protestant Prince at the Head of it,) we beg Leave in the most solemn Manner, to declare to your Majesty, that as we are bound in Gratitude, we will exert our selves in our several Stations, with the utmost Care and Vigilance, for the Preservation of the Publick Peace and Tranquility, and for the restoring of Publick Credit, and that we will use our sincere and hearty En- deavours for the firm Support of your Majesty upon the Throne, and for the making your Reign easy and happy. And we doubt not, but by the Blessing of Almighty God upon the Wisdom and Conduct of your Majesty, and the Vi- gilance of your Counsels, and the ready and chearful Assist- ance of your Majesty's faithful Subjects, your Majesty will en- tirely defeat and frustrate the Malice and Efforts of all your Enemies, their Aiders and Abetters, and that their wicked Machinations will be turned to their own Confusion. Stracey. To which His Majesty was pleased to return the following most gracious Answer. YOUR Affectionate and Cordial Assurances, upon this im- portant Occasion, of an unshaken Zeal and Fidelity to my Person and Government, give me the greatest Satisfaction. Your Interest and mine are and ever must be inseparable and I doubt not but that, with the Blessing of God, the Precautions I have taken, and your firm Adherence to our just Cause, will soon convince our Enemies that their wicked Designs can end in no thing but their own Confusion. You may depend upon my constant Care and utmost Endeavours to support the Publick Credit, to protect the Privileges and Pro- perties of this great and opulent City, and to maintain the Re- ligion, Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom. After which the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs had the Honour to kiss His Majesty's Hand ; and His Majesty was pleased to confer the Honour of Knighthood on Edward Beecher, Esq; one of the Sheriffs. They 31) 0 3 f 22? j 3 They write from Spain that the Marquiss de Grim- aldo who is secretary of State and Prime Minister to his Catholick Majesty, has in his Master's Name, and by his Order, assured our Minister Mr. Stanhope that the armament which is making in that Kingdom shall not be employed in any Expedition contrary to- the engagements between Spain and Great Britain. And from Paris we are assured, that all the Irish Re- giments quartered near the French Coasts, are by the Regent's Order removed up into the Inland Country, and that no other Person must come over from thence without a Passport from that Court. Wednesday Francis Child, Esq; Alderman, and Peter Godrey, Richard Lockwood, and John Barnard, Esqs; Commoners, were after the Scrutiny, declared duly elected Representatives of this City. John Turner, efq Brother of Sir Charles Turner, is made a Commissioner of the Stamp- Office, in the room of Mr Warner, deceas'd. The late Earl of Sunderland, by his Will, left in Specie, Exchequer, and Bank Bills, 90000 1. to his Lady and Children. Thursday 7 Night died in the Mint, Henry Monk, Esq; younger Brother of Christopher Monk, Esq; de- ceased ; he was the Son of Col. Tho. Monk, was the last in the Entail of the Duke of Albermarle's Estate, by his Will, lineally descended from the Plantagenet Family, and was interr'd 0n Sunday Night in St. George's Church, Southwark The Rev. Mr. Moore, Rector of Chiselhurst in Kent, is presented by the Dean and Chapter of Westminfter, to the Living of St. Botolph without Aldersgate. Six Regiments of Foot are sent for from Ireland: And all the Forces near London are order'd to come to Town upon seven Days Notice, Orders are given, that no Person whatsoever shall go up the Back Stairs of the Palace at St. James's. Wednesday about seven in the Evening Mr. Baron Montague's Patent as Lord Chief Baron of the Exche- quer pass'd the Great Seal; and at the same Time his Lordship was sworn into that Place before the Right Hon the Lord Chancellor, at his House in Lincolns Inn fields. , Sir Godrey Kneller, Kt. is dangerously ill- Last Week one John Rogers of Hastings , and a Custom house Officer, seized one Samuel Skoulding's Vessel, which imported such large Quantities of Tea at Ashurst ; and on the 14th of last Month, Capt. Sax- by and the said Rogers, with the Assistance of some custom- House Officers, seiz'd 29 Horses for carrying Brandies, at Hastings Bankrupt since our last. Joseph Alford and John Alford of Andover, in the County of Southampton, Shalloon Makers, and Part- ners. Edmund Haywood of Northwalsham, in the County of Norfolk, Milliner. George Vincent, oF Thames street, London, Distiller. Thomas Smith, late of Golden. Lyon Court, in Al- dersgate- street London, Cutler and Broker. James Carrick, late of Bromesgrove, in the County of Worcester, Chapman. George Maychell, late of Tetle- Bank, within For- nese Fells, in the County of Lancaster, Mariner. Advices from Paris of the 14th say, it was at length finally resolved to crown the King on the 15th of octo- ber next. Among other great Officers who are to assist at that Ceremony, Prince Charles of Lorrain is to bear up the Train of the Royal Mantle : The Mar. quels de Nesse is to bear it up the next at the Ceremony of the Creation of the Knights of the Holy Ghost. This Function gives that Nobleman a Dispensation as to his Minority, and qualifies him to be a Knight Of that Order. The four Bearers of the Sainte Ampoulle are to be the Marquesses de Beaveau, d'Aligre, d'Ar- tainy' and de Pris' The stainte ampoulle is a Vial of Balsam, which an Angel is feign'd to have brought from Heaven to St. Remigius at the Baptizing of Clo- vis I King of France, and with which Balsam they pretend that all their Kings ever since have been anointed at their Coronation, Monday His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales attended by several Of the Nobility and General- Offi- cers, view'd on Horseback the Ground in Hyde. Park for the making out a Camp, which began to be pitch'd there on Tuesday by three Regiments of Foot- Guards. As they march'd thro'. St. James's Park, his Majesty ( without any one Person attending him) re- view'd them from the Garden Wall of the Royal Pal- ace for near an Hour and half, and return'd the Com- pliments of the Officers, with the greatest Affability j the numerous Crouds of Spectators were exceedingly pleased with his Majesty's Complacency and good Temper, and there was an universal Cry, of God pre- serve his Majesty, & c. His Royal Highness was at the same Time on Horseback. Thursday two Troops of Horse Guards and one of Horse Grenadiers, march'd to the Camp. His Majesty view'd them from the Terrass Walk in the Privy- Garden as they pass'd by. Yesterday the other three Troops of Guards march'd thither. We hear three Battalions of the Guards will be sent to Salisbury, and that some particular Regiments are to Encamp at Datchett Common, near Windsor, On Marlborough Downs, and near Winchester. And that several Camps will be form'd in Ireland, and in Scotland. On Thursday the Parliament met according to the Returns of the Writs, and both Houses were prorogu'd to the 5th of next Month, and the Convocation to the 29th. The following Guardships are order'd to be fitted out, to get their Complement of Men and Guns, and to be ready to put t0 Sea with all Expedition, viz. the Bredah, Nassau, Jersey, Yarmouth and Deptford. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Hereford is pre. paring to set out for his Diocese. On Tuesday Morning next, the Lord Chief Baron Bury's Corpse is to be carried out of Town in order to be interr'd at Grantham in Lincolnshire. Yesterday Brigadier Gore set out for the West, in order to form a Camp there. We hear that on Saturday last a Motion was made at the King's Bench Bar, for a Mandamus to be grant- ed to command the University of Cambridge to restore Dr Bently to his Degrees in thac University, and A Rule was made for the Vice- Chancellor, & c. to show Cause to the contrary in the next Term. His Excellency Baron Sparre, Ambassador extraor- dinary from the King of Sweden to this Court, is pre- paring to return home- The Reverend Mr. Phineas Piclat, succeeds the de- ceas'd Mr. Nucella as Dutch Chaplain to his Majesty. On Wednesday Night his Majesty went to see the Opera in the Hay market, as did likewise the Prince and Princess. The Justices of the Peace for Middlesex, and West- minster have receiv'd Orders to Suppress all RiotouS Assemblies, and the Vending of scandalous and sediti- ous Ballads. & c. within their respective Jurisdictions. On Thursday a Gentlewoman, who came to Town in the York Coach, was robb'd of her Trunk, in which was the Value of 1000 I, by a Woman Passenger, who came with her to the Black Swan Inn in Holbourn, where she hired a Porter to carry off the Gentlewo- man's Trunk, and left her own. SIR, IHinted to you in a Letter which you printed some time ago, that a War of Religion was talk'd of in the World, and that many People were very much terrify'd with the Apprehensions of it. I rang'd the Powers one against the another, who, in case of such a War, Would be most likely to be concern'd in it ; but I do not find that a bare drawing them up one against by Name is Satisfactory to our frighted Christians in these Parts, because there are many Circumstances which they understand not, which byasses the Princes, and lessens and encreases the Weight of Interest in one Scale or another, and this I shall state is right as I can. I judge the Interest of any Prince, with Respect to a Religious War, especially in Germany to stand on the side not which the People are of, but on the side which the Prince takes in the War, and this relates to the following Princes, who, to the great Lofs and weakening of the Protestant Interest, are Sovereigns over a Protestant People for it if the Unhappiness of UL by the Protestants at this time, that several very powerful Countries, which are Protestants are fallen into the Hands of Popish Princes, and who by that Means are lost to the Protestant Interest entirely and I will give you my Reasons why I say so after I have nam'd the Places. The Principality of Transilvania is fallen to the Emperor of Germany, which was formerly go- Vern'd by Protestant Princes, as also several Portions of Hungary belonging to Count Teckely and other Princes, who were Independent of the Popish Go- vernment. . 2. Bohemia, formerly Protestant, yielded to the Emperor by the Treaty of Westphalia, or rather lost to the Emperor by the great Battle of Prague ; in which whole Kingdom the Papists boast now they have not left one Protestant Family. 3 Saxony, whose Elector and his Heir Apparent, are already Popish. 4. The Electorate called the Palatinate, formerly govern'd by Protestants, till the Succession fell to the House of Newburgh, who are now Zealous Persecut- ing Papists. 5 The Dutchy of Deux Ponts, by the Death of the late King of Sweden, devolv'd to a Popish Prince, generally Protestants. 6. The Princes of the House of Baden are two Pro- testants, one Popish. the Subjects mixt. There are several Princes of the House of Nassau, and of Hesse, and even of the House of Lunenbergh, but few of them have any Forces, and none of them considerable. To confirm what I say as to my placing those Powers to the Popish side, whose Princes are Popish, tho' their Subjects are Protestants, I refer to the History of the Wars of Germany, where the Elector of Saxony, tho' a Protestant, being disgusted at the Swedes, and jealous of their Success, tho' the Swedes were at first the saving him and his Country from Ruin, fell off from them, and joined the Popish Im- perial Army; and tho' the War was truly Religious, for it was begun meerly on that Account, yet did the Elector carry his Protestant Troops all over to the Imperialists, and fought against those very Swedes whose Monarch's Blood was spent in the Protestant Cause, for he was kill'd fighting even for Saxony, at the great Battle of Lutzem, yet the Elector facing about to the Popish Cause, carried his Protestant Sub- jects to fight for the Emperor against the Swedes. This is an Instance so well known in History, that it cannot be contradicted, and eminently forbids us to hope for any Help from those Protestant Countries whose Princes are Popish, let their Subjects be what they will. Of what Use in the Protestant Cause can the Protestants be in Poland, in the Upper Hungary, in the Valley of Piedmont, in the Bishoprick of Spires, and the Circles of Suabia and Franconia ? They are all, with the Articles above, of no Weight at all, neither is any to be expected from them any more than from the poor abandon'd Hugonots of France. And notwithstanding this prodigious Loss which the Protestant Interest has sustain'd such is the In- crease of Wealth and Power in the few Kingdoms that are left, that I see no Cause to apprehend any Thing fatal from a Religious War, happen when it will. I shall desend to farther Particulars in my next. Your Humble Servant,' & c. N. B. It may be observ'd, that I have rated the Czar of Muscovy as nothing in all this Calculation ; but I shall state that Part of the Case by it self, and show you that it must be his Czarish Majesty's In- terest always to take Part with the Protestants, and that he can do no otherwise without Ruin to his Subjects. Yesterday the Goods of Mr. Tillard and Mr. Saw- bridge, two of the late South Sea Directors, where Sold by Auction at the South Sea House, by order of the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament, and we hear that the most considerable part of the said Goods were purchased again by them, at the Price they were Appraised, LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. S I R, YO U are desired to print the following c Verses, made by a Lover on the Story of Venus: and Adonis painted on his Mistresses Fan, it seems the Lady is one of your constant Readers, and therefore the Verses are to be put into your Paper, that they may do the Lover a Service. Yours & c, V At Venus's Feet Adonis lies, The lovely Boy lamented dies; See Venus new in wild Dispair, She claps her Hands and rends her Hair. Much envy d Youth how blest thy State, Oh ! could I meet an equal Fate For know, my brighter Venus you, In me the painted Story's, true : See at your Feet I Prostrate lye. Lament, and sigh, and groan and dye. Adonis I, you Venus are. Be but as kind, for you're as fair; for him she cries and grieves in vain, For nought can make him live again; But one kind Glance from you would save Your dying Lover from the Grave. I Mighty moving truly, it the Lady has so little Wis- dom as to beleive him, I fancy it will be a Match, tho the following Copy of Verses handed to me, will in all Probability do more Execution, for few Women are touch'd with the dismal Look of a Lover, when a great many of them may be catch'd by flattery. To Belinda on the Loss of her Diamond Buckle, From Grief my fair Belinda cease, Let Tears no more bedew thy Face Ten Thousand Diamonds can't repair, The losing of a single Tear. Thrice happy Gems you now may boast, The precious Tears that you have cost ; Who would not wish to be like you, Thus lost and thus lamented too. Yesterday at the Sessions held at Justice Hall in the Old- Baily, where six Persons were convicted for capi- tal Crimes; namely, Leonard Hendry, John Mack- pharson alias Mepheson, and Mary Hamilton for Felony, Thomas Smith alias Newcomb for Felony . and Burglary, Jeremiah Rand for a Street Robbery, and John Bootin a Lad of about 16 Years of Age for a Rape, committed on a Child of about six Years old, to whom he gave the foul Disease. Also came on the Tryal of Hawkins and Sympson, for robbing of the Bristol Mail, which holding for about four Hours, when the Jury upon them being continued upon other Tryals, their Verdict not being brought in, we shall defer their Matter to our next Paper. _ Yesterday was issued out a Proclamation, for put- ting the Laws in Execution against Papists, and Non- jurors, and for commanding all Papists, and reputed Papists to depart from the Cities of London and West- minster, and from within 1o Miles of the same, and for confining Papists, and reputed Papists, to their Habitations ; and for putting in Execution the Laws against Riots and Rioters And Accordingly the Acts to be reviv'd and put in Force against them are two Acts made in the first Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, That made in the 30th Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second. Another made in the first Year of King William and Queen Mary. And another made in the first Year of the Reign of King George, intituled, An Act for the further Security of his Ma- jesty's Person and Government, and the Succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being Protestants, and for extinguishing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his open and secret Abettors. • Christned Males 163. Females 166- In all 3: 9. Buried Males 214. Females 201. I 1 all 4ij. Decreased in the Burials this Week 5. CASUALTIES. Executed 4. Hang'd herself at Sc. Giles's without Cripplegate 1. Overlaid 2.
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