The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 28/04/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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OR, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1722. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD the IIId. King of England. PRince Edward after his late Victory, marchcd with Joy and Triumph to Bourdeaux, where ha- ving refreshed his wearied Soldiers, he took his Leave of France, though not of the King thereof; for him he brought with him a Captive to Lon. don, whither the Prince was welcomed with ex- quiste Honour by Henry Picard, then Lord Mayor Which said Picard after, terwards at one Time feasted at his own Charge the Kings of England, France, Scotland and
Cyprus. King Edward ordered that eight Days should be spent in giving God the Glory for the Victory ; and not long after, with a Fleet of one thousand one hundred Sail, he passed over from Sandwich to a fresh InVasion ; and being come before the Walls of Paris he honoured four hundred Esquires. Ample Conditions were offered by the French unto the King of England, to which he would not at pre. sent listen ; yet at length was perswaded to an Accord on these Conditions; That himself and Son Edward should for ever release unto King John and his Heirs the Right and Claim which they had unto the Crown of france, Dutchy
of Normandy See. That King John and his Son should for them and their Heirs release unto King Edward and his Heirs the whole Country of Ponthieu, & c. the proper Inheritance of Queen Isabel,, King Edward's Mother. That King John should pay for his Ransom the Sum of Thirty Hun. dred Thousand Schutes of Gold, every two of which should be six Shillings Eight Pence Sterling : With some other Conditions. . All which were ratified with Hands, Seals and Oaths at Callais, though by the Falshood of the French K; ng, this Amity continued not many Years ; for King John by underhand Deal- ing sought t0 alienate the Hearts of
King Edward's Foreign Subjects from him, and the County of Pon. thieu he surprized before King Edward heard thereof. Wherefore the King sent over John Duke of Lancaster, and Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hrrtford, to invade France, who pierced up as far as Rohan; and after them the King sent that renowned Captain, Sir Robert Knolls, who went on very prosperously till by the Instigation of Sir John Menst worth, and some others ( who thought themselves better thin Sir Robert a Division was made in the Army, whereby the English Fortunes were hindred ; for the which Mensterworth paid the Loss of his Head. About the
same Time also some great Officers of the King's, as John Duke of Lancaster, the Lord Latimer, and Sir John Sterrie were complained of for Fraudulency to the State, and at the Request of the Parliament, called The Good, were displaced But that which caused the greatest Grief to englishmen, was the Loss of their Martial Prince Edward who left this Life upen Trinity Sun. day, i- about his Age 46. and was buried at Can- ' tee Three. Half Pence.) terbury. Nor did his Martial Father long survive him, he died at Shene in Surry, and was buried at West- minster. His Wife was Philippe the Daughter of William, Earl of Hainault and
Holland; her Mother was Sister to Philip of Valois, King of france. His Issue Were Edward the Black Prince, so called for his dreadful valourous Acts; William of Hatfield ; Lionel, Duke of Clarence; John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster; Edward, Earl of Cambridge, and Duke of York ; William of Windsor; Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester ; the Earldoms also of Essex and North- ampton, and the Constableship of England, came to him by Right of his Wife Eleanor, the sole Heir of Humphiey de Bohun, Earl of Essex. Isabel was married to Ingelram of Guis-. ES, Earl of Soissen, and Arch. Duke of Austria ; Joan was espoused
by Proxy, with Alphonso thc eleventh King of Castile and Leon, but died before the Espousals were solemenized.- Blanch died young; Mary was married to John Mont- ford, Duke of Britain : Margaret was married to John de Hastings, Earl of Pembroke. He built Queen borough in Kent, in Honour of Queen Philippe . his Wife. He erected a Building at Windsor Castle, whose Circumference was six hundred Foot, where Knights and Men of War were to have their Entertainment of Diet at his Charge ; and begun a magnificent Church. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary which King Henry the eighth, and Sir Reginald Bray finished He is
also said to be the Founder of the most Noble Order of the Garter ; ; so intituled; perhaps from the Garter he took up of the Countess Of Salisbury's which slip- ped off in a Dance ; perhaps for that in a Battle where, in he was victorious, Garter was the Word or Signal. But some will have this King to be only the Reviver of this Order; and Richard the first to be the Institutor of it. King Edward confimed Magna Charta about twelve times. He restrained the Pope from conferring English Benefices on Strangers. He invited Cloath- workers to repair hither out of Foreign Parts to whom he granted sundry Privileges The Staple cf Wool,
which had been in Flanders, he revoked, esta- blishing the same in Westminster, Canterbury, Chi- chester, Bristol, Lincoln, and Hull The famous Custom of the Kings of England Wash- ing, Feeding and Cloathing of as many poor People upon Maundy- Thursday as they were Years old, is referred to the Celebration which this King made of his fifth Year. His Concubine Alice Pierce was so insolent, that she would go into the Courts of Justice, where sitting by the Judges and Doctors, she would proudly perswade or disswade for her most Ad- vantage, therefore was Complained of in Parliament, and removed from the Person of
the King. At a Par. liament held the thirty seventh of his Reign, Gold and Silver, Silks and rich Furs were forbidden to be worn by any but eminent Persons ; also the Labourer and Husbands man was limited tO the Eating of such certain meat. An Act was likewise made, that no common Whore should wear any Hood, except striped with divers Colours, nor Furs, but Garments with the wrong Side outward. At Stamford in Lincolnshire an Uni- versity was instituted, but of short Continuance. To be continu'd. 1 1
C 1 1 2 0 ) The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty, nine Regicides. Court acquainted the Prisoner, that these Things had been urg'd already, but they were clearly satisfied that such an Act couid not be done by any Parliamen- tary Power whatever; and that no single Person or Community, neither the People Collectively or Repre- sentatively, had any coercive Power over the King. And further, that this Convention, who made this Act, were not an eighth Part of the Commons House ; there were but forty six at the Debate, and but twenty six who voted it ; and that the House of Lords was then sitting, and rejected it; so that
there was nothing like Parliamentary Authority to justify it. That it was no Derogation to Parliaments that the Courts of Law took upon them to judge of Statutes, and whe- ther such or such a thing was an Act of Parliament or not: And that forty Men met together at Shooter's- Hill, might as well pretend to Authority of Parliament as that little Convention at Westminster. That the vulgar Acceptation of the Word Parliament, had led many into Mistakes; but that nothing could properly be said to be done by King, Lords and Commons And as to what the Prisoner had mention'd of the Bishops, it was not at all to the purpose ; for that was
done by an Act of Parliament, with the Consent of the King, Lords and Commons. Mr. Annesly remembred the Prisoner, That the Secluded Members had alwas refus'd to own that Remnant at Westminster for a Parliament; and because they could not acknowledge their Authority, for many Years lay under Sufferings and in Obscurity. That the Prisoner might remember when there was a jealousy in the People, that they intended to change the Government of King, Lords, and Commons: The Parliament call'd it a black Scandal cast upon them : And the two Houses caus'd a Declaration to be affix'd on all the Churches in England,
that they held the Government of King, Lords, and Commons to be the Fundamental Government of this Kingdom. Mr. Scot desir'd to know what Law or Statute he had transgress'd. The Court told him the Law of God and Man, and particularly the 15th of Edw. III which says, If any Man do compass or imagine the King's Death, it is Treason. Mr. Scot demanded, if the King would be a Traitor if he should compass the Death of the Queen. The Court answer'd the Queen was a Subject: Scot said, he was not yet convinc'd. Mr. Scot then said, he came within his Majesty's Pardon. The Court said, it was very odd to talk of a Pardon
after such a Justification ; but that the King's Procla- mation could not be pleaded in Bar to their Proceed- ings; they could take no Notice of a Pardon that was not under the Broad Seal ; tho' they did not doubt but his Majesty would inviolably make it good if he ap. pear'd to be within it. ' Then the Lord Chief Baron directed the Jury as he had done in the former Tryals, and took particular Notice of those aggravating Expressions in the Priso- ner's Case ; such as his justifying the King's Murder, and wishing the Action might be engraven on his Tomb stone. The Jury having consulted together a little time, brought the Prisoner in
Guilty. Gregory Clement being then brought to the Bar, de- livered a Petition into the Court, and desir'd to retract his Plea, and plead Guilty. And he was set aside. John Jones was then set to the Bar, and would have made a partial Confession, which the Court told him they could not accept: Whereupon a Jury was sworn. and charg'd with him. And the Witnesses depos'd, that Colonel Jones sat several Times in the High Court of Justice, but they could not say they saw him there the 27th His Hand was also prov'd to the Warrant for summoning the Court, and to the Warrant for executing the late King And the Priso- ner confess'd
he sitting in the Court, and said the Hand to the Warrants was like his, but did not re- member he sign'd it. And being ask'd what he had to say in his Defence ; he said he was not fit to speak to the Points of Law, and must throw himself upon the Court and Jury. The Lord Chief. Baron then directed the Jury, told them the Prisoner having confess'd his sitting in the High Court of Justice, that was sufficient to prove his Design of compassing the King's Death ; and that there was no Occasion for them to stir from the Bar The Jury having withdrawn for a short time brought Colonel Jones in Guilty. Then all the Prisoners who had been
Try'd this Day, were set to the Bar; and the Lord Chief Baron acquainted Mr. Scot, that though Judgment pass'd upon him, the Court would respite the Execution, to give him an Opportunity to shew if he was compre. hended in the King's Proclamation ; and the same he said to Mr. Scroop. It being demanded of Adrian Scroop, and the other Prisoners reflectively, what they could say why Judg- ment should not pass upon them to die, according To Law. Mr. Scroop answered, he did humbly submit to his Majesty's Mercy. John Carew answer'd, I commit my Cause unto the Lord. Mr Scot said, he cast himself upon the King's Mer cy, and pray'd Mercy. Jones said he pray'd his Majesty's Clemency; and • » Clement pray'd Mercy from the King. Then the Lord Chief Baron made a Speech to the Prisoners, and represented to them the Foulness of this Crime they stood convicted of. He told them that the King they had murder'd, as they that were personally acquainted with him could testify, was a Person of eminent Parts snd Virtues, which would have render'd him admir'd even in a private Station: That his Clemency appear'd in the Beginning of his Reign ; and if they look'd back, they would find the People enjoy'd greater Peace and Prosperity in those Days
than in the Reigns of former Princes: No Nobleman had been put to Death but one, and that for an Offence which Ought not to be nam'd. That they might remember, before the Wars the King had redress'd all the Grievances they could complain of: The Star Chamber, High Commission, Ship money, the Claim of Stannery, & c. were all taken away. That they would do well also to reflect: what Concessions he made at the Isle of White ; how he woo'd and courted his PeopIe for Peace: And that they should kill their King, they ought to lay it to their Hearts, and con- sider with themselves; for though they pretended Con- science,
they should remember what our Saviour said, That the Time will come when they will persecute you, and kill you, and think they do God good Ser- vice. That there was such a thing as Spiritual Pride, and Men might be over run with an Opinion of their own Holiness, and go by pretended Revelations, and say they have pray'd about such a thing and find no Remorse or Reluctance. As the Man in Shropshire who murder'd his Father and Mother, when he was question'd for it, alledg'd he had pray'd against it, and could not understand it to be a Sin .- And therefore he exhorted the Criminals to try their own Spirits, and examine the
Fact by the Word of God, and not think every Fancy and Imagination to be Conscience. And having pray'd that God would have Mercy on their Souls, he pronounc'd Senrence on them as Traitors; and the Court adjourn'd till next Morning. October 14. 1660. Mr. John Cook ( Solicitor- Ge- neral to the Regicides was brought upon his Tryal. A Jury being sworn, Mr. Cook desir'd the Sheriff might be ask'd, if he had heard any of them express any Prejudice to him. for he had not challeng'd any of them. The Lord Chief. Baron told the Prisoner the Officer read the Names of the jurors out of his Paper as they came, and he wassfure he
would do the Priso- ner no wrong; whereupon Mr. Cook said he satisfied. To be continued
C 2221 ) Last Saturday Joseph Jackson a Butcher, fined 59 I. and order'd 3 Years Imprisonment, for attempting to rob on Finchly Common, died in Newgate. Alderman Barber is set out for Naples, as it is pre- tended, for the Recovery of his Health. Monday her Grace the Dutchess Dowa£ er of Buck- ingham made a Visit to her Royal Highness the Prin- cess of Wales at Leicester House, and was receiv'd with great Marks of Esteem and Favour. M. Robethon, one of his Majesty's private Secreta- ries for the Affairs of HanoVer. died lately at Chelsea. Monday Night the Wife of M. Lockman the Princesse's Dresser, and daughter of
John Gumley, Esq; was in- terr'd at Isleworth, she dying some Days before in Child bed. We hear that the Sailors who served on board the Fleet in the Mediterranean, in the Engagement with the Spaniards off of Cape Passaro, having petitioned his Majesty for the Payment of the Prize Money due to them, his Majesty was graciously pleased to order their Complaints to be heard and Justice done them, and their Complaints having been heard accordingly, their Agent Mr. Poley has been obliged to lay his Ac- counts before the proper Persons, so that ' tis expected Payment will speedily be made. The Rev. Mr. Maurice Vaughan,
one of the Pre- bendaries of Windsor, died toward the close of last Week. On Saturday last Dr. Brabant, Rector of St. Mary- Axe, died at Birkhamstead ; which Living is in the Gift of the Lord Bishop of London .- And we hear the Reverend Mr. Berryman, Chaplain to his Lordship, is like to succeed him. Monday Morning last the Hon. Daniel Smith, Esq; Governor of Nevis, died at Battersea On Thursday 7 Night the Clerks at the Banquetting House finish'd the new Lottery Tickets, and sent them to the Bank: They have likewise begun to prepare Duplicates of all the Annuities subscribed at the South- Sea House, which are to be
return'd into the Exche- quer, as the Act of Parliament in that Case directs. The William and Elizabeth, Capt. Basnet is arrived in the Downs from St. Christophers, who was taken and plunder'd by the Pyrates two Days after she had set sail from the said Island. On Sunday last a Pleasure Boat that had been at Chiswick, was in its return to London overset in Chelsea Reach by a sudden Gust of Wind, the Main. sail, Foresail and Gib being all fasten'd. There were on Board four Gentlemen, a Waterman and a Boy, but none of them could swim ; however, two Boats coming by very fortunately took em up, and landed them safe on
Battersea Shore. Last Sunday the Reverend Dr. Smallbrook, one of the Prebends of Hereford, preached before the King and their Royal Highnesses ; the Lord Tenam carried the Sword of State. The Barons Sparre and Solenthal, Ministers of Swe- den and Denmark, and other Foreign Envoys are pre. paring to go to Germany soon after the King sets out for that Country. The Packet Boat for Lisbon, having on board Mr. Worsley, who is appointed Governor of Barbadoes is impatiently expected ; but ' tis thought the same has been detained by reason of the arrival of the Brasil Fleet. * We hear the Bank offers to advance to such
Persons as shall desire it, in the second Payment in the present Lottery upon Malt, any Sum not less than 501. at 5 per Cent upon the Security and Deposit of the Re- ceipts for the first Payment to be repaid on or before the 1oth of June next. By the Death of the late Earl of Sunderland, Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, a second Stall is become vacant in the Royal Chappel of that Order at Windsor. Mr. Lesley the Nonjuror, formerly Chancellor of the Cathedral of Down and Connor, and famous for his Rehearsals and other Writings in Defence of the Hierarchy and of Perkin's Monarchy, dyed lately in Ireland his
native Country. Mr. Man, a Paymaster of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea. was robb'd of 6 Guineas, by 3 Foot Pads, who assaulted him last Saturday Night near Hyde Park Corner. tis said the South Sea Company are busy in buying Merchandizes, to be embarked in a large Ship, called the Royal Prince, designed for the Spanish Weet In- dies, and that the Cargo will amount to 3 30000 I. Last Saturday died the late Earl of Sunderland's Son, aged about two Years, by his Third Wife the Lady Titchburn ; who had the Small- Pox Inoculated upon him some Days before. The Lord Batersea has a Child under the Destemper of the
Small Pox, imposed on the infant by inocula- tion. Mrs. Titchburne, Daughter of the Lord Moles- worth, has two Children under the same misfortune at her Apartment in Sommerset House. Friday 7- Night dyed at his Seat at Hatch in the Coun- ty of Wilts, Robert Hyde, Esq; one of the Representa- tives for the said County in the last Parliament, and_ rechose there for the ensuing. By his Death, part of his Estate in that County falls to Edmund Waller, Esq; of Beconsfield, a worthy Gentleman, Member of the ensuing Parliament for Great Marlow in the County of Bucks. Last Week the Lady Falmouth was brought to Bed of a Son.
which we hear is her 13th Child. Last Week died Joseph Cranmer, Esq; first Se- condary of the Pipe- Office in the Exchequer. His Body was buried in the Parishi Church of Micham in Surrey, the Burying Place of his Family. ' tis said that John Cotton, Esq; who was taken Prisoner at Preston in the late Rebellion with Robert Cotton, Esq; his Father, and brought with him up to Town, and who formerly professed himself a most Zealous Patriot among the Nonjurors, is lately turned a Roman Catholick. Boston in New England, Feb. 20. The Ship call'd Hanover, which sometime since sailed from Gravesend in the River of Thames,
mounted with six Guns, and loaden with English Goods nnd Merchandizes for this Town, after seven Weeks Voyage, came in Sight of the Lighthouse ; but by a violent Gale of Wind at N. N. W. and severe cold Weather, several of the Ship's Company were, by Numbness, disabled from working the Ship, which was clogg'd with Ice. They stood out to Sea again when the Weather was so exces- sive cold, that the Men kept the Deck with the great- est Hazard and Difficulty imaginable; however, they made Cape Cod Harbour, and shortly after sailing thence, such a terrible Storm happen'd, with such a Fall of Snow, that the
Company could not see the Length of the Ship, which at last struck upon the Rocks of Scituare Harbour; but only one Passenger and one Sailor were drown'd. Last Week the Right. Honourable the Lord VI- scount Townshend came to Town from his Seat at Rainham in Norfolk On Saturday last died at her House in Great Russel- street the Lady Lemon, Mother to Sir William Le- mon, Bart. An Express is gone to Rome to acquaint the Lord Spencer, now Earl of Sunderland, with the News of the Death of his Father, and both his Lordship and the Lord Rialton are sent for home. On Saturday Night last, a Waiter at Young Man's
Coffee- house, Charing Cross, went up Stairs to go to Bed in extraordinary good Health, and died as he was undressing himself We hear from Dublin, that great Preparations are making there for celebrating his Majesty's Birth Day with extraordinary Magnificence. The Sixteen Stew- ards of the City have club'd Forty Pounds a piece t0- wards a publick Entertainment on that Day, for the Citizens ; an the Equestrian Statue of his Majesty, sent thither from hence some time ago, is then to be set up in the Liffey. on a Pedestal planted in that River, nigh the Great Bridge, and rais'd as high as the Bridge. Se- veral curious Fire Works
are likewise getting ready for that Occasion. • Members returned for the ensuing Parliament. Those mark'd thus * were not Members of the last. County of Montgomery ; Hon. Price Devereux. County of Pembroke ; Sir Arthur Owen, Bart. Glasgow ; Daniel Campbell, Esq; Shire of Inverness * Laird of Grant. St. Ives
\ St. Ives. Sir John Hobart' — Norris, Esq; Bossiney Henry Kelsale, Robert Coker Esqs; Camelford. * Earl of Drogheda of Ireland, William Sloper, Esq; . _ r sterling, & c. Henry Cunningham, esq; Linlithgo, & c. Capt. Weil Tregony " John Merril, Esq; James Cook, Esq; Carnarvonshire. John Griffith, Esq; of Lyn. Carnarvan Town. Thomas Wynn, esq; of Bodyan, Equerry to the Prince. Inverness, * Alexander Gordon, Esq; of Arduch. Selkirk. * Daniel Ver, Esq; of Stonbeyers- The select Men of Boston in New England, being informed, That several Ministers there encouraged People in the Country, to come thither to be Inocula- ted
for the Small- Pox, contrary to the Vote of their Town, desired those Ministers to meet them at the Town- House, Which they did accordingly, and after some hot Discourse on both Sides, they protested that they had not received or encouraged any Person in the Country to be Inoculated there sinCe the Vote was published. Last March some Villains attempted to destroy the Sign of Mr. Samuel Furey, one of their publick Notaries, by lawful Authority admitted and sworn. The Disputes, who are for or against Inoccu- lation, are carried on with great Animosity: The Anti Inoculators endeavour to prove by several Passa- ges in Holy
Scripture, ( which perhaps are misapply'd in this Case,) That it is unlawful and sinful Practice ; That we ought to submit to the Course or rather, the God of Nature, alledging, That they have on their Side, a Scriptum est, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Mr. Sharp the Printer, and Mr. Payne the Pub- lisher are both taken into Custody, for the scurrilous Paper of Wednesday, call'd the Freeholders Journal. The Dividend Warrants on all the Annuities, trans- ferrable at the Bank, are ready to be deliver'd out and paid. We hear that none shall be in the Foot- Guards, who are under five Foot four Inches, nor any Irish Soldiers who
have serv'd the Spanish King in Sicily. The Person who is seiz'd for robbing the Bristol. Mail, is one Wilson lately an Attorney's Clerk ; and we hear another Person was seiz'd last Wednesday near Billingsgate, upon Suspicion of the like Practice. Orders are daily expected for founding several Pieces of Cannon. Bankrupts since our last. Edward Spragg of Kingstreet, Chapman. James King of the Parish of Clerkenwell, in the County of Middlesex, Distiller. Joshua Amery, late of the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, Orange Merchant Edward Loder, late of East Smithfield, in the County of Middlesex, Oylman. Richard Bishop, of
Gracechurch Street, London, A- pothecary. Henry Taylor of Liverpool, in the County of Lan- caster, Woollen Draper. Samuel Vernon of Namptwich, in the County of Chester, Chapman or Cheese Factor. Tho. Serjeant, late of Stowerbridge, in the County of Worcester, Malster. John Gibbons, of the Parish of St. Giles's Cripple- gate, London, Cheesemonger. John Green the Younger, of King's Lynn, in the County of Norfolk, Grocer. Last Week ihe Bury Coach was robb'd between Ep- ping and Bone- Bridge by 3 Highwaymen, who took , but a small matter from the Passengers and were going off, when a Pedlar Woman near the
Coach side cry'd out to the People, that she knew the Rogues, which made them turn back, and one of them put a Pistol to her Head, asking her if she would choose to die on the Spot or suffer her Tongue to be cut out of her Head, • which last after many Tears and Entreaties she sub- mitted to, and they accordingly executed their rash Resolution, and threw the Woman's Tongue into the Road We hear, forty Persons in the Blacksmiths Compa- ny are detected for false Pollers, upon the Election of the City of London. A List of the PEERS elected for SCOTLAND April 21. 1722. ' ' I Duke of Montrose. * Earl of Selkirk. Duke of
Roxburgh. Earl of Orkney. * Marquis of Tweddale. Earl of Stairs Earl of Sutherland. Earl Deloraine. Earl of Rothes. Earl of Islay. Earl of Loudoun. ' * Earl of Hopton. Earl of Haddington. Earl of Bute, Earl of Buchan. Earl of Aberdeen. On Saturday last his Grace the Duke of Bolton came into the New- Forrest in Hampshire ; where he was met by a great Number of Gentlemen and Free holders, and by the Mayor and Burgesses of Liming- ton. On Tuesday last died the Lady Mertins, Wife to Sir George Mertins, Kt. and Alderman, and one of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Constantine
Capt. Neale, from Virginia to Bristol, was lately lost off of Camerford ; all the Men sav'd, but the Ship and Cargo lost. 1 Tuesday the Earl of Burlington laid the first Stone of the new Dormitory for the King's Scholars at West- minder: Some of whom were next Day Elected for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Wednesday Night the King and Prince of Wales saw an Opera call'd Floridante, at the Theatre in the Hay- Market; her Royal Highness went to see the two Young Princesses, upon whom the Small Pox appear'd on Tuesday Night, and not before, without feeling' the usual dangerous Concomitants of that Distemper A
Present of a great Quantity of Champagne and Burgundy from the Most Christian King to his Maje- sty and their Royal Highnesses, is coming over from Calais. On Tuesday the first of May the Officers and Com- panieS of the Panther and Chatham Men of War are to receive their Shares of the several Prizes taken by them in the Baltick, at Mr. Edward Jasper's Office in Savage Garden, near Tower- hill. The next Day at the same Place, the Strafford, Severn, and Lynn Men of War, are to receive their Shares. And such Persons as are not then paid, may have their Money the first Friday in every Month, during the Space of three
Years. Doctor Galyard, the Printer of Mist's Journal, is taken into Custody of a Messenger, on account of a Letter in last Saturday's Paper, from a Freeholder to the new Representatives return'd for the ensuing Par- liament. Mr. Mist being in Dorsetshire, the Marshal of the King's- Bench Pridon has been examin'd before a Secretary of State on account of Mr. Mist's having that Liberty On Monday Night last died Mr. Warner, an emi- nent Goldsmith and Banker in the Strand. ' Tis generally believed that the Rt. Hon. Spencer Compton, Esq; will be again chosen Speaker of the new House of Commons Henry Pantoune. Esq; is
appointed Secretary to his Grace the Duke of Portland, as Governor of Jamaica, in the room of Mr. Bret, deceas'd. They write from Antegoa, that his Excellency John Hart, Esq; Governor of the Leward Islands, arrived there on the 19th of December last, after a Passage of seven Weeks from Great Britain They add, that the Pyrates do not shew themselves in these Seas, His Majesty having two Men of War on that Station ; the Hector of 40 Guns, and the Shark Sloop of 20. Friday 7 - Night six of the Lord Bathurst's Children had the Small. Pox inoculated upon them by Mr. A- miens the Surgeon Tuesday Mornirg about two a-
Clock, a fire broke out at Mrs. Spicer's, a Cork- Cutter in Parrot Alley, near West Smithfield, which burnt down a- bout six or seven Houses before it could be extin- guished. About the same time another Fire broke out at a Baker's in Burleigh- Street, near Exeter- Exchange; but the same was soon extinguish'd by the Diligence of the Sun- Fire Office Men. , Edward Ashly, Esq; is appointed Commissioner of the Salt- Office, in the room of Sir Thomas Rous, Bart, who died about three Months ago. j
( fiz last Saturday was open'd to publick View, the Tomb of John Smith, Esq; which is reckon'd, for its Device of Effigy, and Contrivance of Sculpture, as well as Performance of the Carver, to be the finest Monument in the common Part of the Abbey ; on it is the fol- lowing Inscription. Hic juxta inhumatus Johannes Smith armiger, de Lon- dino, in adisiciis Beaufordianis prosapia Smithorum Lin- colniensium oriundus, qui obiit 6 Julii, 1718, superstitos reliquit duas filias, quorum Anna natu maximo nupsit pri- mum Hugonis Parker, Heningtoniae in comitatu War- wicensi Baronetti, eique plures peperit liberos : Dein Ho- noratissimo
Michaeli domino Dunkessin filio natu maximo honoratissmi comitis Clanrickardie ' regno Hibernia, ex quo filium filiamque reliquit superstites. Hic etiam sepultus est honorabilis Johannes Burke. filius natu maximus praedictorum domini dominaeque Dunkellin, qui obiit Dec. 28 1719. Maria altera filia praedicti Johannis Smith armigeri, nupsit domino Edvardo Desboverie de Longford in agro Wiltonensi Bartnetto, & nulla prole supersite decessit. Thus english'd. Here lies interr'd the Body of John Smith of Beau- fort Buildings in London, Esq; descended of the Smiths of Lincolnshire, who died the 6th of july 1718. He left two Daughters
surviving, of which Anne the eldest wss first m « rried to Hugh Parker, of Henington, in the County of Warwick Baronet, by whom she had several Children ; and afterwards was espous'd to the most honourable Michael Lord Dunkellin, eldest Son of the Right Honourable the Earl of Clenrickard in the Kingdom of Ireland, by whom she left living a Son and a Daughter. Here also lies interr'd the Honourable John Burke, eldest Son of the aforesaid Lord and Lady Dunkellin. who died December 28 1719 The second Daughter of the abovesaid John Smith, Esq; married Sir Edward Desboverie, of Longford, in the County of Wilts, Bart,
and died without leaving any Issue surviving. Hamburg, April 24. They write from Petersburg, that the five Regiments which lately march'd out of that Place, will probably march into Courland to join the Forces which are there, and that the Czar will return about the latter- end of April to Revel, to meet the Duke of Mecklemburg, who is already there. Paris, May 2. M. le Blanc, Secretary at War, whose Health is restored, has sent circular Letters to all the Officers of Foot Regiments, requiring them to be at their several Posts against the 1st Instant, in or. der to be present at the Review which is to be made by the Inspectors General
at the Time they reduce the Troops. Stockholm, April 8, ' Tis reported that his Swedish Majesty will go into Germany much sooner than was expected, and there has been a Talk for some Days past, of an Interview that is to be between his Majesty and the Kings of Great- Britain, Prussia and Poland. Copenhagen, April 14. The British Minister had a long Audience of his Majesty last Week, upon the Arrival of some fresh Dispatches from London. Letters from Pequin ( the Capital City of China) of Jan. 12 1721. say, that on the 11th of July last, about Sun set, they began to feel an Earthquake there, which however, did not grow
violent till about Midnight ; but continued till Seven the next Evening. The several Heavings and Shocks of the Earth, of which the last was the most violent, overthrew a con- siderable Number of Temples, and other publick Buildings, under the Ruins of which perished a great many of the Inhabitants. This Earthquake has been felt by Turns in the several Eastern and Western Pro- vinces of this Kingdom. On the 14th of August fol- lowing the Consternation in which the People were on account of this Earthquake, was increas'd by an almost Total Eclipse of the Sun, which began at 43 Minutes after Ten in the Morning, and
continued till 42 Minutes after One. On Saturday last as a Workman was casting up a Ditch not far from Kentish Town, he found near the Surface of the Earth the Body of a Man with an Iron Doublet on, which prov'd to be that of John Shaw, who sometime ago was executed for a Robbery and Murder committed on Mr. Philip Potts, and after. ** 3 wards hang'd in Chains, but taken down in the Night by some of his Accomplices, and slenderly buried as above, according to the Roman Wish, Sit tibi terra levis, that is, Let the Earth be light. We hear he was buried at Old Bedlam on Monday last. SIR, ITalk'd to you, in one of my late
Scribbles to you of the Possibility of a religious War in Europe, and that this alone was the thing which might involve Great Britain in the Qarrels that are in View : pray take it with you, ( for we must be very shy of double Enrendres and Misconstruction) that I did not lay the Pro- bability, but the Possibility : And indeed I do not see that the Popish Powers we are to speak of, are in Terms good enough with one another to enter upon a War of Religion, yet may they never understand one another better; I say, they that endeavour to make them better Friends than they are, should consider whether it is not promoting that Union that
alone can be dangerous to The Popish Powers and Princes of Europe, are as follows. 1. The Emperor of Germany 2. The King of France 3. The King of Spain 4. The King of Portugal 5. The King of Sardinia 6. The King of Poland Bavaria, * 7. The Elect Palatine of the Rhine ors of ( Mentz Trier and Cologne 1 8: The Bishop of Munster 9. The Pope and Italian Princes 10. The Duke of Lorrain The Prince Po- pish, but the ) People Protest- ants. jr. Petty German Princes who have standing Forces. r The Bishop of Bamberg 1. The Bishop of Wartzburgh / The Duke of Wirtemberg \ The Duke of Deux- Ponts / The Popish Cantons „
The Republick of Venice] Of these, the Emperor and the King of France and Spain, are the most considerable, and were they all three unanimous in a Cause, they are able to bring Very powerful Armies into the Field, and of very good Troops also, especially the two first, all this is acknowledg'd. Buc I see against them, the Kings of Great- Britain Sweden and Prussia, and the States- General; the King of Denmark, I set against the King of Sardinia, their Strength by Land being much alike. Two things are on the Procestant Side that out does them all, and under God will conquer them all ; and that is, the Sea and the Trade :
Victory is not carried now, as it was in the Time of the Roman Empire, when the Poverty of the Northern Nations made them formidable, and sent them the Protestant Interest. May God's Enemies always Quarrel with one another, " that God's Friends may be 0ut of their Danger. But because some People are very Phlegmatick upon this Subject of a religious War, and think Popery is now in such a formidable flourishing Condition, that fright them with Apprehensions of a Crusado; and that the Church of Rome should Arm against all her Dissenters and Convert the World, An Coup de Mous- quette. I say, for this reason, and, and
because I am of the Opinion, thac there is no Ground for their Fears on that account ; and if a War of Religion was to be- gin this very Day. the Protestants would beat the Pa- pists out of the Field, and out of the World: I say, for this reason, I promised to draw up the Nations in Order of War, and Calculate the strength of both Sides, by which it will appear whether the Protestant Reli- gion be in any Danger or no. The Procestant Powers and Princes of Europe, are as follows. The King of Great Britain. Ths Czar of Muscovy, 3. The
3- < 5, The King of Sweden, The King of Denmark. The King of Prussia, The States General. Hannover; 7 clorates of' Saxony the People are Protestants, tho' their Prince is not. 8. The Duke of Holstein. 9. The Swiss and Grisons. 10. The Landgrave of Hesse Cassell. fi 3 Princes of the House of Saxony ' 4 of the House of Brandenburgh 3 of the House of Hesse 3 of the House of Baden j of the House of Nassau_ 2 of the House of Holstein 6 of the House of Lunenburg and Mecklenberg Si. Petty German Princes who have standing Forces, < abroad for Conquest and Plunder. ' Tis the Money now carries the Day, he that has the
Money shall have the Men ; if any one Prince in the World had all the Money, he would have all the Men Soldiers I mean) of the World: The Money Guides the War, the Trade draws the Money, and the Navigation carries on the Trade. The Sea and the Trade is on the Pro. testant Side, and consequently the Wealth, and with that the War, It is evident in many Particulars, but in clearer than in that of Spain and Portugal. They have the Money originally, yet how does all the World draw it from them in Trade, and how weak are they left in Matters of War? whilst then the Protestants have the Trade and the Money, let Hell and Rome
do the worst : " They will always be beaten. Yours, & C. By Letters from Bury St. Edmonds in Suffolk, we are inform'd that about the Close of last Week, the Daughter of one John Newton a wealthy Farmer not far from that Town, going to see some Friends about half a dozen Miles from thence, was assaulted by a Tinker and his Wife, who not only took what Money she had about her, but also stript and ty'd her; but nevertheless the Woman who was with the Tinker, thinking the Robbery might be discover'd, return'd back after they had gone off some distance, and set a Mastiff Dog upon the poor young Woman, which Tore her
all to Pieces. On Monday last, the Reverend Dr. Felton was in. stall'd Principal of Edmund- Hall in Oxford, having been unanimously elected the Thursday before, by the Provost and Fellows of Queen's College. We hear the Earl of Peterborough will be appointed Capt. General of all his Majesty's Marine Forces, The three Regiments of Foot- Guards are to be new Cloathed against his Majefty's Birth Day, and such of the Horse and Horse Grenadier Guards as mount that Day, are to have their new Cloaths delivered them. All the Yachts are order'd to be got ready with the utmost Expedition to carry his Majesty and his Re- tinue
to Holland. Thursday their Royal Highnesses diverted them, selves in Kensington Guards for three Hours. The Small- Pox come out on the two young Prin- cesses with all the favourable Symptoms imaginable. To Day Dicks the Sodomite is to stand in the Pil- lory at the new Church in the Strand, for Indorsing one Meeson, a Dyer in that Neighbourhood, pursuant to his Sentence last Sessions at the Old- Baily. We have Advice from Guinea, that the Men on board the Ship Sarah of Bristol, Capt. Lutterel Com- mander, having taken a Resolution to commence Pyrates on that Coast, mutinied and confined the Captain, the Mate,
and others, but being none of the most skilful Mariners, they soon met with great diffi- culties at Sea' and being altogether incapable to Na- vigate the Ship, they were obliged to call the Captain to their assistance, and gave him orders to carry them to the Island of Princes in Africa, the Pyrates place of Rendezvous. He assured them he would obey their Commands, but instead thereof brought them directly to St. Thomas's Island in the West- Indies, where the LOND0N, Printed and Sold BY J. READ, in White Fryers near Fleet Street Where Advertisements are taken in Governor imprisoned the whole CreW, and restored the
Captain to the Command of the Ship. Yesterday Morning about 4, Hawkins and Symp- son, 2 of the Persons concerned on robbing the Bristol Mail, were apprehended in Gracechurch- Street and examin'd before the Commissioners of the Post- Office, to whom they produc'd the several Bills and Notes for Money taken out of the Mails, but most of the Bank; Bills are burnt. The aforesaid Highwaymen, are committed to Newgate, and upon the Information of Wilson, one of their Gang who discoverd them, will be try'd at the Old Baily before the Assizes held in Berkshire, where the Robbery was committed. Enter'd at the Custom-
House for Exportation to Holland 19400 Ounces of Foreign Silver, and 270 Ounces of foreign Gold. We hear the Earl of Bristol lies dangerously ill. We hear His Majesty has bought three large Fire Engines, which are to be sent to Hanover. They write from Monserat, March the 8th, that his Excellency John Hart, Esq; Governor in Chief of the Leeward Islands, was arriv'd there from Antegoa, to view the State of that Island, and was there receiv- ed by the Inhabitants with universal Rejoycings. Christned Males 187. Females 154. In all 341; Buried Males 122. Females 242. In all 464. Decreased in the Burials this Week 24.
CASUALTIES. Drown'd in the River of Thames ( buried at St. Bo- tolph without Aldgate) 1. Overlaid 3. I flll On Thusday the 12th Instant, Jane Harding, who keeps Company with a Soldier's Wife, went away from her Lodging with her Master, taking away with her a Quantity of Linnen, which if not timely return'd, he must expect to have his Name expos'd in this next Paper: And whoever shall discover the abovesaid Jane Harding, so that she may be brought to Justice, shall have 10 Shillings Reward paid by Daniel Bangs, at the Red- Lion at Knights. Bridge. 9. A further Guide to Parish Clerks ; being a full Ac- count of all the
Psalm Tunes, and what Psalms are sung to each of them ; with an Introduction for Young Beginners price 6d. 10. Practice improv'd, or New Practice; containing various new Methods for the more expeditious casting up Merchandize, than any extant. By John Jones of Bristol. price 2S, 6d. Bound. The good spirit of the Martyrs revived ; being a Collection of the most remarkable Passages in all Ages of the World ; the 2d Edition price 3 s. 64. 13 Christ a Christians Life, or a practical Discourse of a Believers Life- by John Gammon 2 Edition. 14. All sorts of Pieces for School- Masters other Ink ' B° ttle the best of 16. Pastboard Files
for Letters. 17 Black Lines to write by. All sold as above, at the Bible in Newgate Street.