The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 21/04/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
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f ) THE Weekly journal: OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1722. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD the IIId. King of England. IN the Enemies Part, the King of Bohemia and Earl of Alenson had charge of the Van guard, King Philip was in the Battle, and the Earl of Savoy commanded the Rear. The sign of Bat- tle being given by King Philip, a bloody fight ensued, wherein the Black Prince was very hard beset, therefore his Father was sent for to rescue ; who upon the Hillock of a Windmill stood to behold the Fight, be. ing in Readiness to
enter thereinto, when just occa- sion should invite him. But at that Time he refused to go, returning the Messengers with this Answer, Let them send no more to me for any Advanture that may befal, while my Son is alive ; but let him either vanquish or die, because the Honour of this brave Day shall be his, if God suffer him to survive.' Which he did, and beat the French out of the Field. Thereupon King Edward with his untouched Bat- tle advanced towards his victorious Son, afFectionately embracing and kissing him, said, ' Fair Son, God sent ' perseverance to such prosperous beginnings you have ' nobly acquitted your self,
and are well worthy to ' have the Governance of a Kingdom intrusted unto ' you for your Valour: " In the Field were found the dead Bodies of eleven Great Princes ; and of Barons, Knights, and Men of Arms, about fifteen Hundred. There was slain the King of Bohemia, King of Ma- jorca, Earl of Alenson, Duke of Lorrain, Duke of Bourbon. Earl of Flanders, Earl of Savoy, the Dau- phin of Viennois, Earl of Sancerre and Harcourt, Earls of Aumarl, Nevers, Six Earls of Almain, besides others of great Account, with the Grand Prior of France, and Archbishop of Roan. Of the Com- mons then fell about 30000 of the English side, not one
Man of Note or Honour was slain. A. D. 1346. From the Forest of Cressie, King Ed- Ward marched to Callais, and besieged it. In the Time of which Siege, the Governor thereof, for the sparing of Food thrust forth of the Town above fif- teen Hundred of the poor impotent People, whom this Christian King Edward turned not back, but suffered them freely to pass thro' his Camp, relieving them with fresh Victuals, and giving two Pence a- piece Sterling to each of them; But whilst the King was busied Abroad in France, the Scots ( in Favour of the French) invaded England, advancing as far as Durham, where the English encountring
them, over, came them, took David their King Prisoner at Ne- Vil's Cross by Durham. There lay dead in the Field the Earl of Murray and Strathern, the Constable, Marshal, the Chamberlain and Chancellor of Scotland, With many other Nobles. Prisoners taken besides the King. where the Earls of Douglafs, Fife, Southerland, Wigton, and Mentieth. In this Battle on the English were many Spiritual Persons who for the De- ( Price ThreeHalf- Pence.) fence of their Country made use of carnal Weapons. And as King Edward's Friends were successful in Eng- land, so were they also in Foreign Parts : For in Britaign, Sir Thomas
Dagworth overthrew the Lord Charles Blois, tho' he had much the Odds of him as to Number of Men. In Gascoign and those Parts, Henry, Earl of Derby ard LAncaster, worsted the Duke of Normandy, took sundry Places of great Im- portance ; amongst the rest, that considerable Town of Brigerac, where he permitted every Soldier to seize any House, and convert all therein to his own Profit. Whereupon it happened, thac a certain Soldier called Reth, having broke into a House where the Moneyers had for Safety stowed the Money of that Country in great long Sacks, he acquainted the Earl therewith, supposing that the Earl
intended not so great a trea- sure for a privare Share ; but the Earl told him, That accordingly as he had at first proclaimed, let the Trea- sure be worth what it would, yet was it all his own. And now after almost a YearS Siege, Caliais was de- livered to King Edward's Mercy. In Little- Britain the King's Warden thereof, Sir Walter de Bendly, van- quished the Marshal of France in Fight, slew 13 Lords, 14c Knights, 100 Esquires, and took Prisoners nine Lords, besides many Knights and Esquires. At length, afrer much Spoil made upon the French, a Peace was concluded 011 betwixt the two Kings, tho' it continued not long e'er the
French broke the Agreement. In Revenge whereof, Edward presently entered France with an Army, and spoiled it where he came ; and after his Return into England again, when he heard that John the new King of France had given to Charles the Dauphin the Dutchy of Aquitain, King Edward bestowed the same upon the Black Prince, commanding him to defend that Right with the Sword. The Prince thereupon furnished with a gal- lant Army, set tail towards France, where he took many Towns and Prisoners, advanced into the Bosom , of France up to the very Gates of Burges in Berry : from whence wheeling about to return to
his chief City Bourdeaux, John King of France encountred him with a great Army, having the Odds of six to one ; not withstanding which, the Victorious Prince of Wales discomfited the French, took Prisoners King John and Philip his youngest Son, the Archbi- shop of Sens, and many great Lords, and about two Thousand Knights, Esquires: and Gentlemen bearing Armories And slew in Fight above fifty two Lords, and seventeen Hundred Knghts, Esquires, and Gen- tlemen, with Sir Reginald Camian, who that Day bore the Orsiamb , or French Ensign ; and of the com- mon Soldiers about six Thousand. To James Lord Audley,
who in this Fight received many Wounds, the Prince gave 500 Marks Land in Fee- Simple, which said Land the Lord Audley bestowed on his four Es- quires that had continued with him in all the Brunt and Fury of Danger King Edward the father, whilst his Son was thuS prosperously busied in France, pro- ceeded in hostile Sort against the Scots, and bronght King Baliol at Roxborough to make a Surrender at his Crown to him. To be continu'd.
^ Continuation of theTryal of the twenty, nine Regicides. Mr. Carew said in his Defence, That whereas it was charg'd he had not the Fear of God before his Eyes, but was mov'd by the Devil ; and that what he had done was with a traiterous, malicious and devilish Heart; he could say, in the Presence of the Lord, who was the Searcher of al Hearts, that what he had done was in the Fear of the Lord, and in O- bedience to his holy and righteous Laws He said when his Name was first inserted among those who were to constitute the High Court of Justice, he struck it out, thinking it might be a thing of great weight, and that there
were Men enough of greater Experience than himself, tho' he was satisfy'd of the Authority; that his Name being put in again, he con- sented to be one, First, In Obedience to the Lord : Se- condly, In Obedience to that which was then, the Supreme Authority of the Nation ; that the Matter in question had been controverted in the Face of the whole World, in several Nations, and the Lord had given an Answer upon solemn Appeals to these things; Then he would have enter'd into the Grounds and Reasons of the War between the King and Parlia. ment ; but he was interrupted by the Court, and told, that they must not hear him
make Discourses in Justi- cation of a horrid and notorious Treason ; and as to his having acted in the Fear of the Lord, they bid him remember that thc Devil appear'd sometimes in the Habit of an Angel of Light ; that he must not be suffer'd to cast in Bones of Contention, to revive those Differences which were but just laid asleep. That this Treason had no relation to what was done by the Lords and Commons in the Beginning of the War; the Act under which he pretended to skreen himself, was not made by the Authority of either House ; there were but 46 of the Commons who sat in the House when ' twas debated; and not
more than 26 who Voted it ; that this could never be understood by any one to be an Act of Parliament, being no more than an Order of fome few of the Commons, after they had forcibly excluded a great Majority. Mr. Carew acknowledg'd his Hand was to the War. rant for summoning the High Court of Justice, and to the other Warrant for the King's Execution; but still insisted that they acted under the then Supreme Authority of the Nation, and sand, since they would not suffer him to open the true Nature of these Things, and the Grounds he went on, which satisfied his own Conscience that what he did was from the Lord ; he left
his Cause tO the Jury, adding again, that the Au- thority he spoke of was a rightful Authority ; it was the Supreme Power, and it was well known what they were ; and concluded, that he had desir'd to speak the Words of Truth and Soberness, but had been hinder'd. The Lord Chief- Baron, in his Directions to the Jury, told them the Treason was so fully prov'd, as well by Witnesses as the Prisoner's Confession, that they need not stir from the Bar; whereupon the Jury laying their Heads together a little time, found the Prisoner, Mr. Carew, Guilty, without going from the Bar; and then the Court adjourn'd. October 12, 1660. The Court
being set, Thomas Scot was brought to the Bar, and the Jurors were call'd, of whom the Prisoner challeng'd several; and a Jury being at length sworn, and Mr. Solicitor ha. ving open'd the Indictment, thc King's Witnesses were call'd ; and first, Mr. Masterson, Mr. Kirk, and Mr. Clark, were sworn. They depos'd, that they saw the Prisoner, Mr. Scot, sit several Days as a Judge in the High- Court of Jus- tice ; and particularly, on the 27th of January, when all the Court stood up, as expressing their Assent to the Sentence against his late Majesty. Mr. Farrington and Mr. Nutley were sworn They depos'd, That they knew Mr. Scot's
Hand • and that they believ'd Mr. Scot's Name, which was' subscrib d to the Warrant for the Execution of his Majesty, was Mr. Scot's Hand writing. Sir Theophilus Biddolph sworn. He depos'd, That he heard Mr. Scot, the Prisoner say, in Richard's Parliament, January or February twelve- month, that he sat as one of the Judges on the late King; and he was so far from repenting of it that he desir'd this Inscription might be upon his Tombstone, viz. Here lies Thomas Scot, who adjudg'd to Death the late King. Colonel Coply was sworn. He also depos'd, That he heard the Prisoner in April last use the same Expression, desiring such
an Inscription on his Tombstone; and said he hop'd he should never repent of the King's Death. The Lord Mayor elect sworn. He depos'd, That upon the last Day of the sitting of the Parliament, a little before his Majesty's Return, Mr. Scot seeing the House must break, said, Their Heads must be laid to the Block if there was a new Parlia- ment; I confess ( said he) I had a Hand in putting the King to Death ; and I desire all the world may take Notice of it and I desire, when I die. it may be written on my tomb ; I do not repent of any thing I have done, if it were to do I could do it again. William Lenthall, Esq sworn. He depos'd, That
the House being about to dissolve itself, Mr. Scot made a Speech, justifying the putting the King to Death, but be did not remember the par. ticular Expressions mention'd by the other Witnesses. The Lord Mayor elect depos'd further, That Mr. Scot concluded his Speech in the House thus. Being it is your Pleasure to have it so ( the House dissolv'd) I know not how to hinder it, but when that is done, I know not where to hide this hated Head of mine. Mr. Baker was sworn. He depos'd, That he perfectly remember'd that Mr; Scot sat in the High- Court of Justice two Rows above Mr. Bradshaw on the left Hand ; thac the Deponent
having occasion to discourse with Mr. Scot, in the time that Richard's Parliament sat, Mr. Scot said, he . had cut off one Tyrant's Head, and he hop'd to cut of ano- ther Mr. Scot, in his Defence, insisted, that for what Words he had spoken in Parliament, he was not to answer in an inferior Court, it was a Breach of Pri- vilege. The Council answer'd, there was no Privilege of Parliament for Treason ; and besides, the Parliament where they were spoken was Richard's Parliament, whom he did not own as a Parliament. Mr Scot reply'd, he thought that Convention of the People ought to have the Privilege of Parliament as well as
another ; and that tho' one might be secur'd in Case of Treason, till the Parliament was acquainted with it, yet he could not be finally concluded till the Parliament had heard it. The Lord Chief Baron told the Prisoner, That for Treason or Felony committed even in the Parliament. House, they were not to be tried in Parliament, but according to the Rule of Common Law; and put him in Mind that this was far from being the only thing in his Case.- There was other Evidence of his com- pacting and imagining the King's Death. Mr. Scot proceeded in his Defence, and said, He never said, He hop'd be should never repent of the King's
Death, as had been sworn; but on the contrary, the thing having been well spoken of by some, and ill by others, he had often, by Prayers and Tears, be. sought the Lord, that if there were any Iniqurty in it he would shew it him And added, that it was by Command and Authority of a Parliamentary Power that he sat as one of the King's Judges, and this would justify him whatever the Nature of the Fact was: And that this Court could not take Cognizance . whether they were a Parliament or no; and he did not know but it might be as lawful for them to make Laws as the late Parliament, being call'd by the Keep- ers of the Liberties of
England: That if they were not properly a Parliament, they were the Legislative Power, and their Acts as binding : That if two Estates might exclude the third, as they had done the Bishops; if the second did not continue to exercise their Trust, he that was in by Occupancy might have a Title to the Whole; and he would still insist he had a Parliamentary Authority, a Legislative Power to justify him. To be contiu'd. Mr.'
Mr. Marquot, a Mercer on Ludgate Hill, is made Keeper of New- Prison in Clerkenwell in the room of his Brother.. Thursday 7- Night a Bailiff having attack'd a poor Man for a small Sum, near St. John's- Street, the lat- ter made his Escape from him, but the Officer soon coming up with him, gave him such a violent Blow on the Head with a Cane, that he died on the spot ; the Bailiff is committed to Newgate. Waterman was last Week committed, be- ing charged by the Master of a Collier, with the Mur- der of a Woman, by knocking her on the Head and throwing her over board ; which the Colliers seeing at a Distance, they pursued,
and with much ado took on the 8th and 9th of May next, the Companies of the Worcester and Flamborough, who were at the taking of Powder and Shot from the Rebels at Donan Castle in Scotland . will he paid their respective Shares of the Product of the same, at Mr. Henshaw's House in George- Yard, Little Tower- hill. Tuesday 7 Night at 5 in the Morning, a Cowkeeper's Man near the Dog Row at Mile- End, happen'd to kick against a Bag of Money that lay in the Road, and upon hearing it chink, took it up, finding in it ( as we are inform'd) about 50 Guineas, & c. but the fellow, whose Tongue is a little too long, blabb'd it all
about the Neighbourhood ; and the Account com- ing to the Lord of the Mannor, he thought fit to find for him and secure the Money, doubtless for the right Owner, a's soon as he comes to make out his Property thereunto. Last Sunday the Reverend Dr. Marshal Junior, who is made a Prebend of Windsor, preached before the King, and their Royal Highnesses. The Earl of Warrington carry'd the Sword of State. After Ser- mon, at his Majesty's Return from the Royal Chapel, there was a great Concourse of the Nobility, as usual,' and among them was Mr. John Law's Son, who makes a considerable Figure. The Report founded
upon some late News from Pa- ris, by Way of Holland of a certain Person's being expected in some Maritime Town of France, is e- qually groundless and ridiculous. Monday Morning about two the Bristol and GIou- cester Mails were robbed near Longford by two High- waymen, who bound the Post Boy and a Gentleman, that followed him, to a Tree ; they carried off the Baggs of Bristol, Marlborough, Calne, Gloucester, Hereford, Bath, Abington, Wantage and Hunger- ford, as also a Parcel of Letters from Bradford; Wells and other Towns. At the Bank of England the Civil List Annuities Dividend- warrants are now promptly
delivered and paid ; as are the Dividend- warrants for 910 000 1 commonly called the Bank Annuities at 5 per Cent, Three Men of War are to sail for the Mediteranean, and several others will be put in Commission. Monday two Blackmoors were committed to New- gate, one for stealing Weights off the Custom House Key; the other for stealing four Silver Candlesticks and other Pieces of Plate from his Master. Lately one Hayns, otherwise call'd Hays, a Barber living in Joyner Street in Southwark, was committed to the Marshalsea Prison for Sodomy. Capt. Molloy ( we hear) set sail last Monday with the Mary Yacht for Holland,
having on board the King's Secretary : His Majesty designing to see out for Han- over on the 19th or 20th of May. Orders have been sent down to Portsmouth, to dock and clean the Yarmouth, Breda, and Ipswich Guard- Ships ; and ' tis expected that Directions will soon be given to fit them for Sea- Service. On Saturday last died the Lady Shadwell, Wife to Sir john Shadwell, Kt. Physician to His Majesty.- The same Day died the Lady of Col. Stanly, Bro- ther of Sir John Stanley, Bart. Several People are brought to Town in Custody from Greenwich, from whence we hear that Mr. Skerret, the Clergyman, who promoted the interest
0f Mr. Guy for Church- warden, dares not to stir out Night or Day for fear of the populace, who threaten his Life. The Dispute between the Crown and the Mercers Company about the Right of Presentation to the Living of St. Mildred's in the Poultry, hath lately been decided in Doctors Commons in Favour of the former. Accordingly the Reverend Mr. Britain, who was presented by the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor in Right of the Crown, having' got Insti- tution and Induction, did on Wednesday last take Possession of the faid Church : But whether the Mat- ter will be further contested at Common Law, we know not. There is
Advice that the Oxford, Capt. Taylor ; Charles, Capt. Beasly ; Speedwell, Capt. James; Brad- ley, Capt. Finch; Booth, Capt. Willis; Seahorse; Capt. Smith ; Providence, Capt. Pearson ; and the Strong and Thomas, Capt. Clare, all from London, are arrived at Maryland. The Pompey, Capt. Den, and the Mermaid, Capt Jeffreys, being arriv'd at Cagliari, sailed thence for Smyrna on the 25th of February, N. S. We hear that the York- Buildings Company having disposed of most of their Lottery Tickets, design spee- dily to shut their Subscription Books. Monday died the Reverend Dr. Freeman, Vicar of St. Botolph's without Aldersgate,
which is an Im- propriation in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Saturday last dyed at his House at Hoxton, Tho. Hardwick. Esq; belonging to the Custom house, and one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Tower Liberty, and Major of the First Regiment in the Royal Hamlets of the Tower. His Wife died two Days before him, and were both be bury'd last Thursday at Shoreditch' Church. The same Day several People singing seditious Bal- lads in White Chappel, were committed to the House of Correction by Mr. Justice Perry, as have been se- veral more such Persons of late, from several Parts of this
City, by Sir John Fryer, & c. The Lord Bishop of Hereford is made Master of St. Catherine Hospital near the Tower, in ReversiOn. John Jacob, Esq; is made Inspector General of the Accounts of the Out Ports of England, in the room Robert Jacomb, Esq The last Advices from Edingburgh say, That the Rt. Hon the Earl of of Lowdoun, will represent his Majesty as High Commissioner to the ensuing Gene- ral Assembly. Last Week William Hill, a Soldier in the second Regiment of Foot- Guards, being at Play with his Comrade, William Twidee, at a Publick- House in Downing Street, Westminster, and presenting his Piece at him in
Jest, shot him Dead upon the Spot, for which he was committed to the Gatehouse. Tuesday the Sheriffs at Guildhall declar'd the fol- lowing Gentlemen duly Elected for Members to serve for the City of London, in the ensuing Parliament, viz Richard Lockwood, Esq John Barnard, Esq; Pe- ter Godfrey, Esq; and Alderman Child ; when a Scrutiny was demanded by Robert Heysham, Esq; against the latter. N. B. It appears that Mr. Lockwood his Polled 401. more than Sir Richard Hoar did 1713, when there was the greatest Poll that had ever been known, the Total amounting to 7467 ; but this consists of 7816, which exceeds it by
349 ' Tis obserVable also, that Mr Child has Polled 286 more than was Polled by Mr Heysham at the last Election, when he was the highest of all the Candidates, and that the present Poll exceeds the last by 1535- Members return'd for the ensuing Parliament. Those mark'd thus * were not Members of the last. Stirling. * Graham, Esq; Aberdeen. * Grant, Esq; Thomas Strangewayes, George Chafin, esqs; . Sir Rich. Howe, Bart. Rob. Hide. Esq Ld. Molesworth John Leigh, Esq a double — Lehoop. * West, Esq; Return. Sir John Eden, Bart. John Heworth, Esq; St. Germain:. * Ld. Binney. Philip Cavendish, Esq Kellington Tho.
Coppleston, Tho. Lutwych, Esqs; Lescard Edward Elliot, . Whitworth, Esqs:
Launceton. Alexander Pendarvis, esq; Dr. John Friend. Penryn * Sidney Meadows, * Edward Vernon, EsqS; Truro. Spencer Cowper, Tho. Wyndham, esqs; St Michael. * Charles Selwyn. John Hedges, esqs; Fowey. Nicholas Vincent, * John Goodall. esqs; West- Low. Sir John Trelawney, Bart. George Delavall, Esq- East Low. John Smith, Horatio Walpole, Esqs; Saltash. * Thomas Swanton. * Edward hughes, Esq ' County of Flint. Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart. Shire of Dumfries * Charles Erskin, Esq; Shire of Angus James Scot, Jun. of Loggie, Esq; Shire of Sutherland. Sir Wm Gordon, Bart. Shire of Perth. Ld James Murray. County
of Huntingdon. Ld. Hinchingbroke, John Bigg, Esq; Ryegate. Sir Joseph Jekyll, Kt. James Cocks, Esq; County of Salop John Kynaston, - Lloyd, Esqs; Beaumaris, Hon. Henry Berty, Esq; County of Anglesey. Lord Bulkeley. County of Cardigan. * Francis Cornwallis, Esq; Helston. Sir Rob, Raymond, Kt. * Walter CareW, Esq When I within my peaceful Grave am laid. For ever to Eternity to lie, No more of Love, and Misery afraid. Oh happy ! happy State of those that die Sidney Godolphin Esq- Samuel Travers Esq, Fran Scobel. Esq; Bened Ithell, Esq; Return'd by one Mayor May he that shall possess her beauteous Charms, If
possible prove worthy of her Love. May he b' inparidis'd within her Arms! For ever loyal, ever constant prove, Bankruptcies since our last. William Hammond or Exchange- Alley, Goldsmith and Banker. Robert Reynolds, of the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, Bricklayer. Henry Cairnes, of King's- Arms Yard in Coleman. Street, London, Merchant. John Dobbins, late of the City of Gloucester, Innhol- der. George Gibbs of Charmouth, in the County of Dor- set, Clothier. Edward Vincent, late of London, Goldsmith. We hear the Attorney General hath orders to pro- ceed against the Persons concern'd in
the Riot which happen'd at Greenwich, about Captain Guy, Com- mander of the Carolina Yatcht, being nominated by County of Radnor. County of Brecon, * Sir Humphrey Howarth, Bart Wm. Gwyn Vaughan. Esq; The Lord Powis has been to wait on his Majesty to return him Thanks for the Favour of Reversing the the Attainder against his late Father. We hear a Treaty of Marriage is on foot between the eldest Son of the Rt. Hon. Rob. Walpole, Esq; and the Countess Von Platten, lately created Coun- tess of Walsingham. SIR, April the 17th IF you think the following Poem will contribute any thing to the Entertainment of your
Readers, in publishing it in your next Journal, you will very much oblige, Your humble Servant, L. B On SILVIA. WHO can describe my lovely charming Fair, Her charming Beauty, and each lovely Grace ; Her black and sparkling Eyes, her charming Hair, And every beauteous Feature of her Face ? If from her sparkling Eyes we could escape, What Mortal could resist her other Charms ? Who could resist the Beauty of her Shape, Her heaving snowy Breasts, and beauteous Arms ? How senceless must that Mortal be ? how dull ? That such bright Charms as these han't Power to A most insensible and stupid Fool, [ move That can
behold my Silvia without Love. Kind Venus, lovely Goddess ! Heav'nly bright ! The beauteous Parent; both of Men and Gods : Of Gods and Men the principle Delight! And the chief Glory of the blest Abodes; To thee, oh Goddess! I my Pray'r direct ; From thee alone I do expect Relief; From thee, oh Goddef ! Pity I expect ; Thro' thee it is, I hope t' asswage my Grief. Why does my lovely Silvia cruel prove ? Why so insensible's my charming Fair ? Why naught, but Scorn does she return for Love ? Oh ! why does she refuse to hear my Pray'r ? If that it is decreed by cruel Fate, The charming Maid I never must enjoy • But still must
be the Object of her Hate, And still Afflictions must my Mind employ ; Oh grant that she may ever happy prove I Her Happiness debas'd by no Alloy. Let Happiness attend on her I love .' For ever may she Happiness enjoy Sir John Jennings to be Church Warden of that Town, which was vehemently opposed by many of the Inha- bitants. We hear, the Directors of the South- Sea Company have appointed the ;, 2d Instant for Sale of several Parts of Ships belonging to some of the late Directors. .' Tis said, that 15 Men of War are to sail to the Baltick, some of which are to convoy His Majesty to Holland. Since the 12th Instant, has
been exported to Hol- land, 11154 Ounces of Foreign Gold, and 7000 of Foreign Silver. A Report is spread, that a Dutch Ship bound to Rouan, stranded lately near Calais ; as did likewise two English Vessels; and the Crew of one of the latter were drown'd. SIR. AFTER all the Rabbling and Noise that has been made at and about your Guildhall, on Ac- count of the Elections of Parliament- Men, we are told it is to be decided by a Scrutiny .- That is to say, that the Party excluded being not yet satisfied with the Fairness of the Poll, believing several have poll'd who had no Right, or that several had poll'd more than once, are
resolv'd to have the Poll. Books exa- min'd by the Lists of the Livery in every Company, to find out the Knavery, if any has been practised, and do themselves Justice. That a Scrutiny has been often made in the like Cases, I do not deny ; tho' I think I cannot remem- ber that ever an Election in London was recover'd by a Scrutiny; But there is another Thing to be said of a Scrutiny, which gives me always a secret Aversion to the Thing in general, namely, that it discovers so much of the Corruption of the Times, and so much of the Knavery of honest Men, if it be proper to speak after that Manner, that ic is a Scandal even to the
City itself, and to the very Name of London. 1 I remember once on an Election in this City, in the Reign of the late Queen, a Scrutiny was demanded ; and r must confess there was some Mirth in the very Reason that was given for it, namely, that the Poll consisted of more Names than the whole Body of the Livery Men in this City amounted to : And it was much wondered how it would come out, upon an Ex- amination of the Books, collating them with the Lists of the Livery. But when the Scrutiny was gone through, there appear'd, as I remember, something above 600 wrong Pollers on one side, and something under 300 on the
other side. By wrong Pollers was then, as it is now, understood such as these. I Some that poll'd but were not Livery- Men. II. Some that poll'd in the Names of Livery Men who they knew were not there, and could not come up, and I think some were found who poll'd in the Name of Persons dead and bury'd. III. Some,
C 11* 7 ) III. Some, that being really Livery- Men, poll'd several times over, come one Day to one Book, and one Day to another, even to four or five times over. Now upon casting up the Books after a Scrutiny, Pray what was the Discovery ? Not that one Side was Innocent and Honest, and the other Guilty and Kna- vish ; but in short, that both Sides were Knaves ; for by the way, he who is serv'd by the Forgery, is cer- tainly as Guilty as he that forges it for his Use, if he accepts it, knowing it be to so. And I remember, an honest Citizen happening to be in North's Coffeehouse when the Product of that Scrutiny was brought into
the Room, stood up, and said to an eminent City Knight, that was mighty forward in demanding the Operation, You have made a fine Piece of Work with the Scrutiny, for after a your Pains, the Upshot is no more than this, that there are more Rogues on one Side, than the other; but in short, that there are a great many Rogues on both Sides practis'd the Cheat, only one Side could not find so many wicked Instru- ments as the other. How far this is the present Case, and how it will appear upon the Scrutiny nOW in hand, cannot yet be determined. If all the false Pollers should be found on one Side, and none on the other,
something indeed may be said ; but I doubt we shall only discover that there are Rogues on both Sides. There is one Method m: ght be proposed to put an end to this vile Practice, and that is, in short, to get an Act of Parliament for this particular Case, enacting, That every Livery Man that polls, should be sworn at the Book, that he is a Livery- Man, that he is the very Person in whose Name he gives his Vote, and that he has not poll'd before ; and the same Act should make that Perjury, if legally prov'd, be Felony without Benefit of Clergy. This and two or three Dozen of good Examples made , would put an End to it effectually.
Your Servant, & c. N. B. It would be as easy to swear the Livery. Men, as it is to swear the Freeholders, which is done on every County Election. Letters from France say, that a certain Person hav- ing a Secret for softening of Iron, and rendring it white, like Pewter, has discover'd it to M Amelot, President of the Board of Trade ; who, after seeing some Experiments, has given it his Approbation ; and it is said, a Manufactory of this Sort will be set up in the general Hospital, and that the Poor are to be employ'd in Working there. Thursday one Madam Caruthers stood in the Pillory near Doctor's- Commons, for willful and corrupt
Per- jury, in making a false Affidavit in the Prerogative- Court of Canterbury, for Probation of a Will: And this Day one John Dicks, lately a Coachman, is to perform the like Pennance without Temple. Bar, for attempting to commit the unnatural Sin of So- domy, on the Body of John Meeson. A General Meeting of the Members of the Union Fire- Office, will be held at their Office in Gutter- Lane, in Cheapside, on Wednesday the :; th Instant at four in the Afternoon. Last Tuesday Night the Corpse of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Rosewell, was interr'd in the Dissenters burying Place by Bunhil- Fields; and we hear his Fu- neral Sermon
is to be Preach'd in Silver street on Sun- day next in the Afternoon, by the Rev. Mr. Jeremiah Smith The Coroner's Inquest have sate on the Body of the Man kill'd by the Bailiff in Clerkenwell Parish, and brought it in Manslaughter. The Ld. Polwarth, his British Majesty's Plenipo. tentiary at the Congress of Cambray, has received from Edinburgh the News of his Lady's Death. On Tuesday Night last the Small Pox was Inocu- lated upon the two young Princesses, Amelia and Ca- rolina, at St. James's. The Scrutiny between Mr. Heysham and Alderman Child, begins next Tuesday in the Mayor's Court at Guildhall ; the Expence
whereof is to be defray'd by the six Candidates, according to an Agreement; four Managers are appointed on the Behalf of Mr. Hey- sham , and as many on the Behalf of Mr. Child. The Earl of Tankerville, is given over by his Phy- sicians. The two German Ladies have received their Patents for creating them English Peeresses. On Wednesday last the Turkey Company made Choice of Bodington, Esq; to go Consul to Aleppo. We hear, his Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon goes with His Majesty to Hanover. The Election for the 16 Scotch Peers will be this Day at Edinburgh; from whence some People who pretend to
great Knowledge in that Affair, write That seven of the old ones will not be able to Carry their Election. • The - Bristol and Gloucester Mails were Robb'd again by two Highwaymen on Wednesday Morn- ing last at Langley- Broom, by three Highwaymen,- who ty'd the Post- Boy, and took the Bath and Bristol Bags, within Sight of the very Gibbet where Child hangs for the like Crime. A Reward of 2oo Pounds is to be Paid by the Receiver General of the Post- Office, to any Person that shall Convict them, besides the Reward directed by the Act of Parliament for ap. prehending Highwaymen. And also the same Re- ward will be paid
to any Person for convicting one or more Highwaymen, who have robb'd any of the Mails before those of this Week. ' Tis said, Sir Thomas Cross, and William Lownds Esq; will Petition against the Election for Westmin- ster; there being such Mobbing, that several of their Friends could not come to Poll. We hear, Sir John Jennings is to command the Squadron that is to convoy the King to Holland ; and several of the Nobility are preparing to go over with His Majesty. Last Week the Rt. Hon. the Lady Viscountess Grimston was brought to Bed of a Son, which liv'd but few Hours. Letters from Paris say, the King is so pleased with
his Going to Versailles, that he wishes all things were in- stantly there for his Residence. At the Time the Mem- bers of the French Academy waited upon the Infanta, to pay her their Compliments, M. Malet, their Chan- cellor, spake as follows: Madam, IT seems that an Union between France and Spain confirms the Happiness and Tranquility of both Kingdoms. The two last Minorities ended by a Mar- riage of our Kings with two Infanta's, and the Po- licy of former Reigns judg'd those Alliances advanta- geous to both Crowns. Since the House of France reigns over one and the other Monarchy, the Ties of Blood, and the general
Good of the People requires that this Minority should end by a double Alliance, which should again set an Infanta of Spain on the Throne of France. Our Wishes are accomplish'd ; and if a King, young, lovely, and in whom appears the Majesty and Virtues of his Great Grandfather, be an assured Presage of your Prosperity and Glory ; you are likewise for us, Madam, an assured Pledge of solid Union between the two Nations. That over which you are now come to reign, has nothing in it strange to you : Its People are, in a manner, your own natural Subjects, and you change Climates, only to re- enter your own Country. May you,
Madam, by the wise Councils of that illustrious Person, accustomed to form Minds truly Royal, join to the Beauties and Graces you have receiv'd of Nature, all the Qualities, and all the Virtues necessary to support so eminent a Destiny ; and may the French Academy, by celebra- ting them hereafter, give you fresh Marks of its Zeal and most profound Respect. Letters from Vienna say, that Neither that Court nor the Venetians, seem to lay much Stress upon the Pa- cifick Declarations of the Ottoman Porte ; but dili- gently pursue the approv'd Maxim, Si vis pacem, para bellum that is, If you'll have Peace, prepare to War. Thy write
from Schaffhausen of April 19 that the French in the Sundtgau, are apprehensive of fresh Troubles in Italy : and as the Imperialists are arming in Brisac and Friburg, so the former are securing their Frontier Towns. Spain is making Prepara- tions both by Sea and Land, and hath now an Army of about 70,000 Men. ' Tis supposed, that in the next Assembly of the States of Guelderland. a Motion will be made to give to the young Prince of Nassau Diers, the Title of Stad- tholder of Holland, which was enjoy'd by the late King William Wednesday \> if • .
~ On Saturday the 12th of May the Draw- Bridge on London- Bridge will be taken up, to lay down a new one, On Friday last died at their House in Norfolk- street, Dorothy Clark, aged 81, and Grace Clark, aged 75 two Maiden Sisters, who having lived very lovingly together for many Years, expired within two Hours of one another, and were both buried last Thursday Night at St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet street, in one and the same Grave. The following Epitaph is to be put on their Tombstone. Two Sisters, both proceeding from one Womb, Lie here interr'd together in one Tomb ; Who, to their everlasting Memory, Did pious
Virgins live, and Virgins die ; Both on a Day, with Age b'ing weary quite. They took from Earth to Heav'n a glorious Flight, Thus frightful Death, with his destroying Dart, The Love of antient Sisters cou'd not part. On Tuesday Night last, about 11, the Right Hon. Charles Spencer, Earl of Sunderland, in the Bishoprick of Durham, and Baron Spencer of Wormleighton, having been just before to see the Small Pox Inocu- lated upon his youngest Son at a neighbouring House in Piccadilly, was taken violently ill of a Pleurisie ; which, notwithstanding all Remedies us'd by Dr. Mead, and others, continued in the highest Degree, without
Interruption, till Thursday following, about a Quarter past five in the Afternoon, when his Lord- ship departed this Life, to the inexpressible Grief of both the Courts, for the Loss of so able and faithful a Minister. He was a Peer of great Literature and excellent Parts, was by Queen Anne seat Envoy Ex- traordinary to the Emperor of Germany, and after. wards constituted Secretary of State, which Office he resign'd Anno 1710. He married, first, the Lady Ara- bella, 5th and youngest Daughter to Henry late Duke of Newcastle, and by her had. Issue one Daughter, the Lady Frances, who is married to the Lord Vis- count Morpeth,
eldest Son and Heir Apparent to the Right Honourable the Earl of Carlisle. Secondly, the Lady Anne Churchill, Daughter and one of the Coheirs of his Grace John Duke of Marlborough, and by her had Issue, Robert Lord Spencer, now abroad on his Travels in foreign Parts; also Charles and John and the Lady Anne, who is married to William Bateman, Esq; Son of the late Sir James Bateman, Knight Lord Mayor of London. Thirdly, Madam Judith Titchburn, Niece to Colonel Stanley, by whom he hath living one Son, about two Years old, nam'd William, who hath now the Small Pox, and is Inoculated as abovemention'd. His
Lordship was Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter Groom of the Stole, first Lord of the Bed- chamber to his Majesty, and Privy and Cabinet Counsellor. Mr Malden, an Undertaker in Piccadilly, has Orders for the Funeral; and ' tis said his Lordship will be in- terr'd in the same manner as the late Earl Stanhope. An Honour not too great to be paid to such a Mini, ster of State, who was not inferior to the famous Cardinal Richlieu of France for Politicks; truly loyal to his Royal Master, a worthy Patriot of his Country, and a true Lover to its Church and Constitution. He was a Nobleman of unblemish'd Morals, of a Nature
generous and noble; yet in all his Benevolence and Hospitality, there was not the least Appearance of Vanity or Ostentation. He was not only courteous and affable to all Men, but his Justice, to those with whomsoever he was concerned, can't be too much imi- tated and commended. He was a most tender and loving Husband; a kind and indulgent Father to his Children, and a generous, good, and noble Master to his Servants; with all which Actions he crown'd his End, to fit him for a Crown of Immortality above On Wednesday the 11th Instant came on the Election for a Knight of the Shire for the Coun. ty of Anglesea at
Beaumaris, where the Right Hon. the Lord Bulkeley and Owen Meyrick, Esq- were Candidates. The said Lord was attended to Town by two Thirds of the Clergy, and the greatest Appearance of the Gentry that ever were seen in the Town The Poll continued till Friday, and at the closing of the same; the Lord Bulkeley had Three to Two ; notwithstanding the Chancellour endeavour'd to intimidate the Clergy, by a pretended Disputation from the Bishop, publickly declar'd in Court against that Noble Lord, and great Promises made to several Gentlemen and others, to incline them to Vote for Mr. Meyrick, and a practising Barrister
made Sheriff, who was the only Gentleman of an Estate of Mr. Meyrick's Interest that could be made Sheriff; Not. withstanding all these Disadvantages to the Lord, the Affection of his Country was so great to him, that the Sheriff could not invent Means to declare the Majority against his Lordship ; which occasion'd the most universal Joy ever known in that County, Yesterday arrived a Mail from Holland. Constantinople, March 19. ABody of new rais'd Troops are order'd to march through the Desarts of Arabia, as a Guard to the Caravans. Vienna, April 15. We hear from Caschan, that four Emissaries of the Rebel Ragotzi are
arrested there, and Commissions found about them, for levying Men for the Turkish Service; which Proceeding has caus'd an Order for remounting the Cavalry, and augmenting our Troops. Christned Males 181. Females 205 In all 393. Buried Males 2$ Z. Females 2) 6. In all 488. increased in the Burials this Week 39. CASUALTIES. Drowned herself in the River of Thames ( being di- stracted) at Christ- Church in Surry 1. Overlaid Shot at St. Margaret in Westminster 1. South Sea Stock 89 3 qrs. 89 1 qr 89 5 8rhs, 897 Sths, to 89 1 half. Bank 114, to 113 3 qrs. India 13V 1 qr. African i$. Unsubscribed Lot. Annuity 100. York.
Buildings 2s 5 8 hs. to 25 i q-. Royal Exchange1 Assurance 5 7 8ths London Assurance 5 7 Sths. New Lot. Tickets 10 1 7 s. 6 d. || 5|| On Monday the 9th of this Instant, a fresh colour'd full Face likely Woman, with a sad colour'd Gown, of a middle Stature; took a Boat at Black- Fryers Stairs, and agreed with a Waterman's Boy, to carry her to Gravesend for two Shillings, and when she came thither she had no Money, and in coming back she left her Stays, two Petticoats, and a pair of Shoes, with the Boy for his Fare, and was landed in Ham Marsh with only her Gown and Shift, 3 Cap and a pair of blew Stockings footed with red
: She has been seen in Plastow and Ham- Marsh, If any Person give an Account of the Woman, so as she may be produc'd to Mr. Daniel Barrow, jun. Waterman, Master of the Boy, at Black- Fryers Stairs, or near the Barge House in Christ Church Parish, shall have a Guinea Reward. LONDON, Printed and by Sold J. READ, in White- Fryers neir Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. \ Wednesday last there was a Review of the Foot Guards in Hide Park.