The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 14/04/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 6
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J3S inioi, ( only St'*' British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, APRIL 14 1722. G R E A T. B R I T A I N. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD the IIId. King of England. TO remedy which Wrongs the King of England had addressed his Ambassa- dors, but in vain ; that the WorId might take notice of his just Pro- ceedings, he, in a large Letter directed to the College of Cardinals, justifies his Design upon France to be equal and honest. First, because himself of any Male liv- ing was the nearest in Blood to the late King Charles his Uncle. Secondly, because the French had refused to put
his Cause to civil Trial, Thirdly, for that the Process of the twelve Peers, in giving the Crown from him when he was under Ags, was by all Laws void and frustrate. Fourthly, for that Philip of Va- lois had invaded Aquitain, which belonged to the Crown of England, and detained such Places as he had wrongfully gained therein. Fifthly, for that the said Philip had aided the Scots in their rising against him. Edward having done this, he next makes a Confede- ration with the High and Low Dutch, and other Fo- reigners, then prepared a brave Army, his English Subjects contributing liberally for the carrying on of the War. And to make his
Coffers the fuller, he made bold with the Lombards, and the moveable Goods of such Priories in England, as were Cells to Monasteries in France Thus provided of Men and Monies, King Edward sailed with his Forces to Ant- werp, and by the Importunity of the Flemings, he first assumed the Title and Armories of the Realm of France, quartering the Flower de Lis with the Lions. And entring France, he burnt and spoiled the North Parts thereof up as far as Turwin, and then returning t0 Antwerp, he there kept his Christmass with his Queen Philippe, from whence about Candlemas he set sail for England, where in a Parliament
holden at Westminster he obtained liberal Aids, for suppor- tion of his designed Conquest. In lieu of which, he granted a general Pardon of Trespasses and other Dues to him, and confirmed Magna Charta, and Charta de Foresti, with some others. Then upon June 13. hi Shipped from Harwich to Sluys in Flanders, near which Place the French lay in wait with a Navy of 400 Ships, with Intent to intercept him ; but Edward having the Advantage of Wind and Sun, furiously set upon the French Ships, putting the Monsieurs so hard to it, that a great Number of them chose to cast themselves into the Sea, rather than to become Priso ners, Thirty Thousand of them are confessed to have been slain and drowned, and more than half of their shiPs were either sunk or taken. The Loss was so very great on the French side, that lest the News there- of might too much afflict the King of France, his Jester disclosed to him, by often times repeating this saying in his hearing ; Cowardly Englishmen, Dastardly Englishmen; Faint hearted Englishmen Why ? said the King at length : Because, said the Jester, They durst not ( Price Three Half- Pence ) leap out of their Ships into the Sea, as our brave French Men did. From which saying the King took a Hint of the
Overthrow. After which famous Sea Victory obtained by the English, puissant King Edward with his host, consisting of near an Hundred Thousand Men, set down before Tournay, from whence he sent to the French King, whom he saluted only by the Name of Philip of Valois, challenging him to fight! him Hand to Hand in single Combat; or if that pleased not, then each to bring an Hundred Men into thc Field and try the Event with so small an Hazard; or otherwise within Ten Days to join full Battle with all their Forces near Tournay. To which Philip made n0 direct Answer, that the Letters were not sent to him, the King of France,
but barely to Philip of Valois. Nevertheless he brought his Army in fight, of the English Host, but by the Mediation of Queen Philippe's Mother, and two Cardinals, a Truce was concluded between the two Kings till Midsummer next following. The main Reason induccing King Edward to yield hereunto, was the want of Supplies of Money, thro' the fault of his Officers in England, whom he severely punished at his Return. And now to weaken gren Edward's Strength, the Pope put Flanders under Interdict, as having disloyally left their own Earl, and chief Lord, Philip King of France. And Lewis the Emperor breaking League with the
King of England, took part with France; which when King Edward understood, he angrily said, I will fight them both And not long after he was upon the sea with a very great Fleet, none knowing whi- ther he would steer his Course ; but in Normandy he landed, where he took the populous rich City of Caen, and with his dreadful Host, burning and spoiling round about, marched up almost as far as the Walls of Paris. Where with his Army, in an Enemies Country between two Rivers Seine and Soame, ( the Bridges being broke down by the French) Edward de- signed at low Water to have passed over a Ford be- tween Abbeville
and the Sea, whom to intercept, the French King had sent thither before him Godnor du Foy, with a Thousand Horse, and six Thoufand Foot. Howbeit undaunted Edward entred himself into the Ford, crying, He that loves me, let him follow me, as one resolved to pass over, or there to die, the first of which he did ; for his Soldiers following him, won the Passage, putting du Foy to flight. And now King Edward being come near to Cressie in Ponthieu, lying between the Rivers of Soame and Anthy, he there most vigilantly provided for his Defence against: King Philip, who was advancing towards him with an Hundred Thousand Men
and upward. When rhe two Armies were within sight of each other, the King of England, after he had called upon God, disposed his Host into three Battels. To his Son Edward the black Prince, he gave Order of the Van ; the second Battel the Earls of Northampton and Arundel com. manded ; the third himself And as if he meant to Barricado his Army from flying, he caused his Carri- ages to be placed in the Rear thereof, and Trees to be plashed and felled, to stop up the Way behind his Host : Commanding withal, that all should forsake their Horses, and leaving them amongst the Carriages
The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty- nine Regicides. Mr. Clark being sworn, and deposing, that he saw Mr. Scroop sit in the High Court of Justice ; Mr. Scroop said it was needless to examine any more Witnesses to that Point, for he acknowledg'd he sat in the Court of Justice, but would not confess he stood up as assenting to the Sentence. Mr. Clark depos'd, That, to his Apprehension, they all stood up, he did not observe any one fit. Mr. Carr was call'd. He depos'd, That he saw Mr. Scroop in the Court Of Justice the nd, 23d and 17th of January 1648, thac he heard the Members call'd over, and Mr Scroop answer'd to
his Name, but he did not remember where abouts Mr. Scroop sat. Mr. Kirk was call'd. He depos'd, Thac he saw Mr. Scroop sitting in the High Court of Justice the 27th of January 1648, and he took particular Notice of it, not expecting him there and Mr. Scroop asking what Employment he had there, the Deponent answer'd, he was but a Spectator and took Notes. The Court told Mr. Scroop he ought not to reflect on the Witnesses. Mr. Scroop answer'd, if he had an Employment, he was not fit to be a Witness against him ; but the Court told him he was the fitter Mr. Coytmore sworn. He depos'd, That he saw the Prisoner, Mr.
Scroop sit once or twice in the High Court of Justice. Mr. Nutley was sworn. He depos'd, That he heard Mr. Scroop answer to his Name as one of the Judges in the High- Court of Justice. • - Mr. Baker was sworn. He depos'd, That he heard Mr Scroop answer to his Name in the High COurt of Justice, the 23d of January. Then the Warrants for summoning the High- Court of Justice, and the Warrants for the King's Execution being shewn Mr. Scroop, he acknowledg'd his Hand was set to both. Major General Brown, the Lord Mayor elect sworn. He depos'd, That since the King came in, the De- ponent saying to the Prisoner Mr.
Scroop, what a sad Condition the Nation was reduc'd to by the Murder of the King. Mr. Scroop said, some are of one Opinion and some of another; and the Deponent asking Mr. Scroop if he thought it well done, Mr. Scroop an- swer'd, he would not make the Deponent his Con- fessor ; from whence Mr. Solicitor observ'd, that nei- ther Time nor the Hand of God appearing in this Business, nor the Condition he was in, could bring the Prisoner to any Sense or Sorrow for his Offence. Mr. Scroop said in his Defence, that he was not of the Parliament which erected the High- Court of Justice; and as for what that Court had done, '
twas done by a Commission from the Parliament, who Were then the Supreme Authority of the Nation, and gene- rally submitted to by the Nation as such ; that he having receiv'd a Command from that Authority, what he did was in Obedience to that Authority ; and be desir'd he might be allow'd Time and Council to argue the Matter of Law ; that what he said was not to justify himself, but in Justification of the Fact The Lord Chief Baion answer'd, That there was no need of Council in what he had offer'd ; that his Defence tended rather to aggravate than extenuate his his Crime; that he, as well as others, was mistaken in the
Word Parliament; that there was not one Pre- cedent where the House of Commons had taken upon them a Legislative Power, and to make such an Act as this, for the erecting a Court of Justice ; and besides, there was but 46 even of the Commons that sat, 240 being excluded ; so that they had no Pretence to be call d a House. That the House of Lords were then in being, and rejected this pretended Act, under which they would shelter themselves ; and of the 46 Members that remain'd in the Commons House, not more , than 20 or 26 voted for it, and these Men had taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and sworn
to defend the King, his Crown and Rights against all Persons whatever j ( and not only against the Pope, as they had interpreted it) for the Words of the Oath were, or otherwise ; that they had acknow ledg'd in the Oath of Supremacy, that the King the Supreme Governor of these Nations, and sworn that they would maintain all the Privileges, Immuni- ties, and Preheminences annex'd to tha Imperial Crown of this Realm ; and now to say, that Men, by breaking through all the Ties and Obligations of Alle- giance, could gain any lawful Authority, he that justi- fied it must justify it against the Light of Conscience and all Laws. As to
his acting by Command, where a Court exceeds its Jurisdiction, he that obeys the Command is punishable; as where the Common Pleas shall condemn a Man in an Appeal of Murder, he that executes their Sentence is guilty of Murder; and where Men will assume an Authority never heard of before, those who countenance their Acts, by obeying them, can never plead that as an Excuse, such a plea is but an Aggravation of the Crime. Mr. Scroop beg'd leave to say, that if he had been misled he was not the only Person; and altho' it did not become him to say so, he saw a great many Faces that were misled as well as himself;
and he hop'd an Error of Judgment would not be accounced Malice, or an Error of the Will; and that in truth he never went to the Work with a malicious Heart, he never bore Malice to his late Majesty. The Lord Chief Baron said, that might be some kind of Excuse to God, but in Law the fact itself im- plied Malice. Mr. Scroop added, that he did not remember the Words my Lord Mayor elect had fworn ; and he was sure he never intended to justify the Fact by any Dis- course he had with him, however he was understood, tho he found that very Discourse was the Occasion of his being excepted out of the Act of Indemnity; that he
was not excepted when he came in upon the Pro- clamation, and never was determin'd to be excepted till the very last Day of passing that Act ; that his was the Case of many other Gentlemen; and desir'd the Court would take his Case in Consideration as they would their own, and pray'd God to direct them. Then the Lord Chief Baron directed the Jury, and told them, that it was the imagining and compassing the King's Death that was the Treason ; and the Facts laid in the indictment were the Overt- Acts of than Treason ; and that if any one of them were prov'd, it would support the Indictment; but in this Case they had been all
prov'd so plainly, that there was no oc- casion to go from the Bar. The Jury having consulted a short time together, sound Mr. Scroop Guilty. Then Mr. John Carew was brought upon his Tryal, and the Jurors being call'd, Mr. Carew challeng'd 23. At length 12 Gentlemen being sworn and charg'd with the Prisoner, Sir Edward Turner open'd the Indictment; and the King's Witnesses being call'd, then Mr. Masterson, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Kirk were sworn. They depos'd, That they saw the Prisoner sit several Days in the High- Court of Justice, as one of the King's Judges, and particularly on the 27th of january, being the Day of the
Sentence ; and Kirk added, that he saw the Prifoner rise up as assenting to the Sen- tence. Then the two Warrants for the summoning the High- Court of Justice, and for the King's Execution, were produc'd ; and Mr Kirk and Mr Farrington de- pos'd, that they knew the Prisoner Mr. Scroop's Hand, and they believ'd that his Name, which was set to each Warrant, was his own Hand writing ; and Kirk depos'd further, that Mr. Carew was a Member of the Long Parliament. To be continu'd » We have receivd the following LETTER foom Coventry; T Coventry, Tuesday, April 3. 1722 THis Morning our Election of Representatives for this
City began, the Candidates were Sir FUL- WAR SKIPWITH and Mr. CRAVEN. and Sir ADOLPHUS OUGHTON and Mr. NEALE. The Poll was open'd about Ten in the Morning, but did not last much above an Hour, long enough however, to have one of the Sheriffs severely beat, during its Continuance little more than One Hun- dred,
dred, out of near eighteen Hundred, having Voted, the Rage and Riot of the Mob being so beyond all measure, violent, that it was absolutety impossible for the Sheriffs to proceed in taking the Poll, without the most imminent Hazard of their Lives or Limbs; for this Reason ( and because the Authority of the Magi- strates was totally suppress'd, divers of themselves, and most of their Officers having been knock'd down and disabled in endeavouring to keep the Peace) the Court was, by Consent, adjourn'd for an Hour, in order to attempt some Method of suppressing them, by the In. fluence of their Leaders, but either none, or Very
fee- ble ones were used. so that when the Candidates re- turned to the Booth, at the Expiration of the Time of adjournment, Matters were in a much worse Condition than before, and Stones, Brickbats, and Sticks flew so thick in and about the Booth, that neither Sheriffs, Clerks, nor inspectors could be prevail'd with upon any Account whatsoever to return again into Court. This situation of Affairs brought on, at length, a Treaty and Agree ment betwixt all Parties to adjourn the Poll till To- mor- row Morning, and Sir Thomas Gery undertook to draw off the Mob to make the Sheriff's way to, and continu. ance in the Court, free and
safe, till they could adjourn it; but no sooner was one of them got into the Booth, and before the Cryer could hove quite perform'd his Office, but the Agents for Sir FULWAR SKIPWITH and Mr. CRAVEN, cry'd out, that they would not stand to their Agreement, and inclosing him in the midst of them would, by violence, have compell'd him to open the Poll again ; but he being equally exas- perated at their Perfidiousness and terrify'd and frighted at the Danger he perceiv'd himself in, found Means to leap over the Bar, and escape out of their Hands into an Inn adjoining to the Poll Booth, where, being join'd by his Associate, it is said
they will continue, and make their Return upon the Majority of the few already Polled, sinc. e they find it utterly impracticable to pro- ceed in the further discharge of their Office, without exposing their Lives to the extreamest and most apparent Danger. All this Disorder was introduced and occasioned by a sort of Military Entry made the Day before by a Neigh- bouring Lord of the Realm, on behalf of two of the Candidates, who went and lay out of the City on Sunday Night on purpose to procure it; his Lordship was pleas'd to put himself at the Head of at least a Thousand Rabble, Horse and Foot, arm'd with Clubs, Sticks, and
Staves, and with Trumpets sounding, Drums beating, and Co- lours flying, to ride through almost every Street of this great City in the most tumultuous and formidable Man- ner. As this Shew of a Mob, animated by such Leaders, was very justly frightful to the Inhabitants, so was the Be- haviour of it suitable to the Appearance, for they made it their Business, as they rode and march'd along, to break the Windows of such as they knew disaffected to their Leaders Cause, and the Heads of those, who wou'd not join with them in their seditious Crys, of Down with the Rump, Down with the Round Heads, No Hanover, Down with the
King's Head, and so forth: When they came to the Market Place, they immediately fell upon one of the Sheriffs, who was standing with his Workmen, and giving Directions about their building the Booth, knock'd him down, and broke his Head ; and nor being satisfy'd with that, and clearing the Streets with their Clubs, fell immediately upon doing the like by the Houses, with Stones and Brickbats. particularly Mr. Mayor's, which they effectually perform'd, driving his Family out, wounding himself, and shattering his Windows all to pieces: After these riotous Proceedings had continued many Hours, one of the Magistrates ad. ventur'd
to get upon the Cross and read the Proclama- tion, but this instead of suppressing them, enraged them but the more, insomuch that he narrowly escaped having his Brains beat out himself. In a Word, the civil law. ful Authority o'f the Magistrates of this City is, at this time, totally at an End, and we are for the present in a state of Anarchy, and under the sole Influence and Go- vernment of an arm'd Mob. P. S I had like to have forgot to tell you that in obedience to a Proclamation made by the Magistrate's order throughout the City, forbidding all manner of Persons to carry any Clubs or Sticks in the Streets, the Friends of the other
Candidates appear'd, during all the time, without so mnch as a Twigg in their Hands ; which submission to Authority cost them very dear, seve- flnt r • .; ralI of them having their Eyes quite knock'd out, and Vast Numbers have been otherways most barbarously and desperately maimed and wounded. To George, King of Great- Britain, & c. The Humble Address of His Protestant Subjects cal- led Quakers in London. Excellent and Renowned Prince, THE gracious Favour and legal Relief which Hath so lately been granted to us, whereby such of our Friends as were subjected to Difficulty, Suffering, or hindrance in their Business or
civil Concerns, are now made easie, doth lay us under the greatest Sense of Duty and Thankfulness to acknowledge the same; The Necessity of many of our Brethren, the mu- tual Desire of Peace and Harmony in all, Reasons in themselves powerful when exercised only in Humane Affairs, but more so when referred to Religious Con- cerns, were our common Inducement to Petition this Relief which the Legislature hath been graciously pleased to grant us ; and which, after putting up due Praises to Almighty God,, highly calls for the Tribute of our humble thanks to the King, whom we justly do esteem Father of his Country, a
Lover of Man- kind, and Defender of their Civil and Religious Rights, not only in his own Diminions, but also by a Chri- stian Interposition with other Princes on the Behalf of their oppressed Subjects. These are Princely Qualities, in themselves amiable, and which must render the King renowned in future as well as present Annals, and give him the glorious Satisfaction that herein he hath for Pattern the Father of the Universe the God of Peace. Our earnest Petitions to the Almighty are, that Thou, Great Prince, may'st long enjoy the pleasant Fruit of that Peace Thou hast been instrumental to establish at Home and Abroad, and
with Ease and Delight govern a happy, thankful, and free People, and by the Royal Issue transmit those inestimable Blessings to latest Po- sterity. His Majesty's most Gracious Answer. 1Thank you for this dutiful Address. I readily gave my Assent to the Act passed in your Favour, being convinced by your past Conduct, that you would make no other than an Honest and a Con- scientious Use of this farther Indulgence given you. Monday Mr. Gortz an Half- Pay Officer, was made a Tide- Surveyor in the Port of London, in the room of one dismiss'd for ill Practices. Thursday 7- Night at Newmarket, the Duke of Rut- land's Fox beat
the Lord Hillsborough's Witty Gel- ding for ioco 1. which Lord also lost about 4000I. more in other Betts on this Match. And the Earl Godol- phin's Bobsy won then the King's Plate. Monday Night the Princess made a Visit to the Earl of Strafford's Lady, to compliment her on her Recove- ry of having lately lain in ; and by his Lordship's Com- mand her Royal Highness's Servants, and those of her Retinue, were handsomely entertain'd The Man call'd Alexander, who was lately retaken for formerly vending the treasonable Pamphlet, intituled Vox Populi, has been discharg'd out of the Custody of a Messenger, upon his own
recognizince. Monday a fine Straw Hat was presented to the Princess by Thomas Burch, Humphry Daniels, Emor Firth, John Miller, and Zachary Wallis, Dealers in Straw HatS, in the Market of Hemelhempsted, in the County of Hertford r Which Hat was deliver'd to her Royal Highness, by the Hon. MrS. Tichborne, and her Royal Highness was graciously pleased to accept the same, and immediately gave Orders for twelve more such to be made It is Mr. Richard Machen ( not Mitchel) that is made Marshal of the King's. Bench Prison, in the room of Mr. Crawford deceased. On May Day next, such Seamen as are minuted to be
received in the Royal Hospital at Greenwich, are then to attend the Lords Commissioners of the Admi- ralty at their Office by Charing Cross. The Lords of the Treasury have appointed Money for paying of the Half Pay to Sea Officers, from the 30th of June 1721, to the 31st of December last, in order
order to which the Payments will begin at the Navy Office in Broadstreet, on Monday the 16th Instant for Captains; Tuesday the 17th for Lieutenants; and Wednefday the 18th for Masters. The Foot. Guards are order'd to be kept strictly to their Discipline, their Officers being obliged to exer- cise the several Guards and Garrisons of the Day, every Morning in the Park, which has occasioned the Time of their Mounting to be two Hours later than usual. The Election of a Vicar to succeed Dr. Cannon, lately deceas'd, in the Vicaridge of Christ Church, London ( in the Gift of the Governours of St. Bar- tholomew's- Hospital) is not yet
decided, and the Rev. Mr. Bridgen, a Gentleman of a sober Life and Con- versation, sound Learning, and well affected to the present Government, stands fair to succeed to the said Vicaridge. Charlotte Platen, Countess of Leinster in Ireland, is created an English Peerefs, by the Title of Baroness Branford and Countess of Darlington in the County of Durham. Madam Schulemburgh, Niece to the Dutchess of Kendall, is created Baroness Aldborough and Countess of Walsingham. On Saturday last died the Lady Furnese, Mother to Sir Robert Furnese, Bart. Some Days ago Capt Lister of Virginia street, a Gentleman of a plentiful
Estate, as he was walking on Tower- Wharf, was suddenly seiz'd with an Apo- plectick Fit, of which he instantly died. A great Fire happen'd lately in the City of Ham- burgh, which, among others, burnt down the fine House of M. Natorp, one of the greatest Merchants there, in which and the Warehouses adjoyning, was consumed a vast Quantity of Drugs and other Mer- chandizes; insomuch that his Loss alone is computed at above 60000 1. Last Week one John Marriat, a Tallow Chandler's Apprentice, near the Ship- Tavern in Butcher- Row, was Apprehended by Justice Brice, for throwing Dirt at the Gentlemen that attended Sir
Tho. Crosse and Mr. Lownds, to Westminster Election ; he was the same Perfon that in a Blue Frock flung the Dirt from behind the Coach in St. Clement's Churchyard, there spoil'd a great many Suits of Cloaths, was then Ap- prehended by the Justice, who alighted from his Horse, and took him in the Fact, but was rescu'd from him by the Mob, and the Justice well Dirtied by them, for daring to lay hold on so good a Supporter of the Cause. He has given 40o 1. undeniable Bail for his Appearance next Sessions, • A Reward of 5oo 1 is offer'd for the apprehending and securing of Weston, formerly Clerk of Gray's- Inn Chappel,
who is charged upon Oath with pub- lishing a Treasonable Libel intituled, The Advantages accruing by the Hanover Succession. Members returned for the ensuing Parliament. Those mark'd thus. * were not Members of the last. Norwich. Waller Bacon, Robert Britiffe, Esqs; County of Bedford Hon. Charles Leigh, * Sir Rowland Alston, Bart. County of Rutland. Sir Thomas Mackworth, Daniel Lord Finch. Bristol. Joseph Earle, Esq; * Sir Abraham Elton. Pembroke Town. Brigadier Ferrers. Carmarthen Town. Richard Vaughan, Esq, County cf Buckingham, Montague Gerrard Drake, Esq; Sir Thomas Lee, Bart. Lincoln. " John Morgan
Esq; Sir John Tyrwit, Bart. Shire of Berwick. George Bailie, Esq; Shire of Hadington. John Cockburne Esq; Mid- Lothian * Dundass, Esq; Lord Advocate. County of Kent. Sir Edward Knatchbusl, * Sir Tho- mas Twisden, Barts. Pool. * Thomas Ridge, George Trenchard, Esqs-, Coventry. Sir Adolphus Oughton, Kt. * John Neal, County of Worcester. Sir Thomas Littleton, Sir John Packington, Barts. county, of Leicester. Lord Manners, * . Mor- ris, Esq; County of Lancaster. Sir John Bland, Bart. Richard Shuttleworth, Esq- County of Derby John Curzon, Godfrey Clark, Esq: County of Westmoreland. Hon. Anthony Lowther James
Grahme, Esq; • Newcastle upon Tine. * William Carr, Esq SirWilliam Blacket, Bart. _ Newton. Sir Francis Leicester, Bart. Will. Shippen Nottinghamshire. * Lord Howe, * Sir Robert Sutton' Kt County of Chester * Cha. Cholmondley, * John Crew, Esqs-, Corfe Castle. Dennis Bond, John Bankes, Esqs-, Montgomery Town John Pugh, Esq; Radnor Town Thomas Lewis, Esq; Cardigan town Stephen Parry, Esq; Haverford West* Francis Edwards, Esq, County of Northumberland. Earl of Hertford, Sir John Middleton, Bart. Bankrupts since our last List. Charles Lambert, of Tower Hill, London, Vintne and Coffee Man. , Richard Gilbert,
of Uxbridge in the County of Mid. dlesex. Butcher and Slaughterman. Christian Wegerstoff, of Marine Square, in the County of Middlesex, Merchant: George Howard, of London, Chapman. Richard Warden, of West Smithfield, London, Chapman. Robert Stogdon, late of Cornhill, London, Woollen' Draper. George Cant, of Bell Yard, in the Parish of St. Dun. stan in the West, London, Cutler. Robert Thomas, late of Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, Mason. We hear that the Roebuck. Capt. Williams, a 5th Rate, will soon be put in Commission to carry over the Duke of Portland to his Government of Jamaica, in the Beginning of
May next ; the Queen Elizabeth, Capt. Beale, having already set sail with Stores and Baggage belonging to his Grace. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Neptune, Capt. Gallop, from London to Venice, was lately lost off of Avero. Some Days ago one John Baily was committed to Newgate, for insulting Justice Johnson in the Exe. cution of his Office, as he was examining certain Wo- men for singing and vending a seditious Ballad, enti- tied A Dialogue between two Horses, & c. His Excellency Monsieur Van Borssellen, Resident of their High Mightinesses the States General at this Court; having received the usual Presents, is
on the Point of returning home. Wednesday being the first Day of the Term, a great many Persons bound over for Practices against the Go- vernment, appear'd on their Recognizances at the King's Bench Bar at Westminster, and were continued till the last Day of the Term. We are inform'd Mr. Hutcheson had alter'd his Re- solution of making his Election for the City of West- minster, and intends to serve for Hasting; by Reason, it is thought it will be a Work of less Difficulty to obtain a Seat for a Gentleman of Mr Hutcheson's Sen- timents from that City, than from the Port of Hasting. The Rev. Mr Jones, Chaplain to the Bishop of
Ely, is made a Prebendary of Ely, in the room of Dr. Cannon deceased. The Right Honourable the Lord Powys's Father's Attainder was last Wednesday reserved by the Court of King's Bench, by which this present Lord Powys is restored to his Father's Honours. ( As a merry Poem, intituled the Parish Gutlers, is late- ly publish'd, and finds a kind Reception in the World, we shall oblige our Readers with the most diverting Part of it, as follows. AS Nations oft by cunning Knaves, Are made consenting Fools and Slaves," And tempted by delusive Arts, To wrong themselves, with willing Hearts, Till Poverty creeps on at last, And
minds them of their Follies past. And Fraud of those they've rais'd aloft. Who then too late behold the Craft So /
So Vestries that are still'd Select Whom many blame, but few respect, and surly Sots and greedy Hounds, Whose Wisdom lies in Pence and Pounds, O'er injur'd Parishes preside, And all their sufF'ring Neighbours ride, Oppress the Humble, wrong the Poor, And half the Parish Dues devour, Feast their own Guts, like brawny Boars, And starve the hungry Pensioners, Frequent the Taverns Night and Day, And live in Pomp on Parish Pay, Surfeit with Sausages and Fowls, And drown their poor neglected Souls In costly Wines, which few can drink, Bur those that deal in publick Chink. Nor are they thus content, alone, To guzzle
down what's not their own, But mend their Fortunes, which is worse, By tamp'ring with the Parish Purse. If Peggy, Betty, Nanny, Kather'n, Or any tallow- fac'd young Slattern, That pines at Heart and grieves in Thought, For want or knowing what is what, If her old Father's Shop or stall Stands but without the City Wall, When he's Church- Ward'n, she need not fear A Husband in that joyful Year, And if a Dowry with his Daughter Be wanting, to cement the Matter, He'll raise a Bag and richly cloath her, By some damn'd Over Rate ot other. Nah! grind the Poor behind the Curtain, Rather than not advance a Fortune. And thus by
Rogu'ry and Extortion, Make the whole Parish pay the Portion. So Bakers think it no Collusion, To raise, by way of Contribution, A Sunday s Pudding, by partaking Of e'ery one that's brought to baking. They for their Int'rest and their Ease, Imploy two difF'rent Consciences, One very large, to rob the Spittle, The other very dark and little, The most capacious, to be sure, They use when they defraud the Poor, Because they never think, in such Affairs, they serve themselves too much: The same good Conscience gives DirectionS In all Assessments and Collections, And dictates what they ought to do, In Vestry and in Tavern too.
To all wise Men of London Town, And grave old Dunces, be it known, Without that Gate that bears the Title Of Rev'rend leading to the Spittle There lies an ancient ill pav'd, hobbling Out Parish, fam'd of late for squabbling, Which has more Courts and Allies in it, Then I could name by this Day sennit, Stuff'd with such People and such Matter, That would disgrace the lowest Satyr. Not but each open Street abound. With Men of Sense and Men of Pounds, But Gossips, Trulls, and Marshal's Baili's, Affect to dwell in Nooks and Allies, As Owls and other Birds of Night, In Barns and hollow Trees delight. This ancient Parish, partly
nam'd Before, for present Discord fam'd, Is wisely govern'd by the Mastry Of those that call themselves a Vestry, Their Number, by their own Accounts, To about Twenty six amounts ; A small Detachment out of which, More sly, more crafty, and more rich, Govern the rest by Tavern Treats, And thus they carry on their Cheats. So Statesmen make whole Nations fools, When Ays and Noes become their Tools. Nor are these Corm'rants of the Parish, Content to guttle, swill, and cherish their own immod'rate Appetites, With costly Wines and dainty Bits; But the Church- Ward'n, when e'ery Sinner Has cramn'd his stretching Guts at
Dinner t m\ Must send the Remnants of each Goose And other Fragments to his House, Which ought to be at Tavern Door Dispos'd of to the hungry Poor, Because their Money often pays Th' Expence of those devouring Days And therefore, have undoubted Titles At Feasts, to all their broken Vict'als. Nah! if the Wrecches had their due, Should really sit at Table too; For they, whose Money makes the Feast, Should have an ample Share at least. But Slaves and Beggars always must Be wrong'd by chose they're forc'd to trust. In Hospitals, if well endow'd, The Stewards all grow rich and proud, Whilst the poor Pensioners are
fed, With half their due of Flesh and Bread; Nah .' punish'd, if they scatter Words, Because their Servants are their Lords. Our Parish Beadles, heretofore, Were Beggars, now they're Men in Pow'r And, often by the Choice of Fools, Are made illit'rate Constables, Who with their mercenary Staves Protect Night- walking Sluts and Knaves, For Bribes, and always are as ready T'oppress the Honest and the Needy. Thus some who wear the Parish Cloth Sworn Constables, and Beadles both, Shall make, by the Abuse of Pow'r, A Hundred Pounds a Year, or more And in the Parish take more Freedom, Than those that pay to clothe
and feed ' em Can swear, forswear, present, indict, For Int'rest some, and some for Spight ; And as Church- Ward'ns direct their Mouths, Can misapply both Lyes and Truths, To stem the Laws, or puzzle all ' The justices at Hick's Hall, • And by false Oaths Convict, or save The poor old Bawd, or guilty Knave And as their Palms are greas'd, can make Th' Offender either white or black. These are the Vestry Lacques, dress'd Like Apes, in Hats and Jackets lac'd That when the Parish Gluttons meet, O'er Pigs and Geese to swill and eat, Tom Gripe, in all his liv'ry Pomp, May wait at Mr. Church Ward'ns Rump, And let his Tun- Gut
Master see, What ' tis to dine like Quality ; Besides, he is a useful Tool, To slide away a good fat Fowl," Or Slice of Ven'son, and a Bottle, To Mr. Church Ward'ns Tittle Tattle ; Who sits at home adorn'd, tho' old, With spreading Hoop and Chain of Gold, One monstrous wide about her Placket, The other fasten'd by a Locket; As if these Gugaws, which the Fair, Around their Tails and Necks do wear, Are only meant to let us know, Tho' chain'd above, they're loose below.' Thus English Wives are for submitting, To wear such Lockets as are fitting, But scorn, like tame Italian Hussies, To suffer their cross jealous Spouses To padlock
up their Tuzzy- Muzzies For British Ladies will defend Their ancient Rights from End to End, And will not be deny'd the Freedom ( Of Tongue, or Tail, when e're they heed em; ' Tis true some Men has been too free Of that dear Blessing, Liberty, And sold their native Rights for less, Than hungry Esau's dainty Mess ; Fair Madams, therefore, be no Slaves To selling Fools, or buying Knaves, But wear the Breeches if you can, And tyrannize o'er silly Man, Who sure would, rather of the two, Be govern'd, and enslav'd by you, Than barrack'd by the Lord knows who; I
I I „ The Thurf. ky Jn Eafter. Week, a Body of loyal Hotifekeepers gfcing to St. Bocolph's Church Bilhopf- Rate, teing in Number 47, to choofe a couple of ho- ncft Chuich Wardens, in oppofition to a Tory Party, who afpiros to rule ihe whole Parifli, under Denomina- tion ofa Selea Veftry. they were order'd, by oneabpve the Sexcon, to be iockc up in the Church, where they continued f, om a Quarter of an Hour before 12 at Noon to fix in the Evening, without eating or drink, ing, when being fee at Liberty, they arrefted the Per. fori that confin'd them for falfe Imprifonmenr, and are refolv'd to follow their Aflion as far as the Law will
allow. We hear the Rev. Dr. Skerrer, Minifter of Green, wich, has confirm'd the Choice of Captain Guy for Church. Warden, a Perfon who is generally approv'd, as being entirely attach'd to the True Interelt of his Sovereign and Country. Di. Friend, an eminent Phylician, ftands Candidate for one of the Reprefentatives for the Borough of Lan. cefton in the County of Cornwal, where wo hear he will be chofen without Oppnfition. The Beginning of this Week died at his Seat at Wotorp near Burleigh in Northamptonlhire, the Rt. Hon. John Cecil, Earl of Exeter and Baron of Bur. leigh, aged 21. His Lordfhip was Son to John Cecil, Earl cf
Exeter ( who di; d not many Months finer,) by his ad Lady Elizabeth, eldeft Daughter and one of the Coheirs ro Sir John Brownlow of Belton in Lin. jcolnfhire, Bart. He died unmarry'd, and is fucceeded in his Honour and Eftate by his Brother the Honoura- ble Brownlow Cecil, Efq; lately chofen one of the Reprefentatives in the eniuing Parliament for the Bo- rough ofStamford in Lincolnfhire. On Sunday lafl: rhe Dutchefs of Grafton was brought to Bed of a Daughter. We hear the Lord Powis will be created a Duke. Laft Thurfday Morning a Duel had like to have been fought, between two Perfons of the firft Rark; but the Matter coming
to hjs Majefty's Knowledge, their Defign was prevented. When the Sellions ended laft Week atJuftice. Hall in the Old. Bailey, the following MalefaQors had Sen. tence of Death pafs'd upon them. John Thcmpfon fot robbing George Curry on the Highway of an Holland Shirt, Value 15 s. a W/ g 10s. and a Hat 5 s. on the ; d of March laft. James Tims for robbing John Bonwick on the High- way of a Watch, value 5 1. a Cornelian Seal 7 s. and a Steel Seal r s. on the 7th of March laft. James Hoopst for ftealing out of the Dwelling-. Houfe of his Grace the Duke of Somerfet a Silver Plate, value 5 1. Jofeph Edwards for ftealing from
Samuel Greena- way a grey Gelding, value 61. on the 2d of Auguft laft. John Broom for ftealing a Sorrel Mare, value 8 1. from Thomas Smith. Thomas Reeves, and John Hsrtly alias Poky, for robbing Roger Worthington on the Highway of a Hat, valuer s. a Wig, 2 s. a Coat and Waiftcoat, 10 s. a Shirt, 3 s. a Neckcloth, 6 d. a Pair of Buckles, 4 d. and 2 d. in Money, on the 9th of March laft. Jar. e Behn, alias Macopey, an Ir, ilh Woman, for privately ftealing from Edward Blundel half a Guinea, and 39 s. 6 d. on the 2 d. of this inftant April ; but ple& dnrg her Belly, Sentente is refpited tillfheisdc liver'd. Alice Phenix, for privately
ftealing 49 s. and 10 d. from John Smalpit, on rhe 10th of March laft, at the Duke of Glpcefter's Head in Chelfea Fields . Hannah Anderfon who keeps the faid Alehoufe, and William Payne a Soldier being Acceflarics in this Robbery, the Court bound over the Prcfecutor ro india them next Seflions, which will begin on Thurfday the iothof MayJ Chriften'd, Males 209. Females 16$. In all 374 Buried, Males 241. Females 208. In all 449. Decreafed in the Burials this Week 25 CASUALTIES. Hung'd rhemfelves 2. one at St Dunftan at Stepney, and one ( being ... unatick; at St. Paul ac Shad well. Kil- led 3. one by a Fall out of a Window
it Chrift. L U 1\ JD 0 NPrinted and Sold by J. R E A D, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. Church Sn Suffey. OTie by a Cart at St. btinftan atStJM ney, and one by feveral Wounds a: St. James's iii Weftminfter,