The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 24/03/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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C 5 THE Weekly Journal: OR, Britifh Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATurdAY , MaRcH 24, 1722. The Continuation of life of EDWARD the IId. King of England. hErefore to repress Gave- ston's Exorbitances, the Lords in Parliament procured ( though with no Good will of the king) that Gaveston Earl of Cornwall should be perpetually banished, they gratifying the King with a subsidy of the : Part of the Subjects Goods. Howbeit, shortly after, the King, contrary to his Oath made unto the Parliament, called Earl Gaveston Home out of Ireland, himself meet- ing him at Flint Castle, and then bestowing
on him to Wife, Joan of Acres. Countess of Gloucester his Sister's Daughter ; resolving for this lewd Man's sake. to put Crown Life, and all in Hazard And now the insolent Earl strives to outgo himself in his former Course , consum- ing the King's Treasures and MeanS, so that there was not sufficient left for the Necessities of the Court ; and drawing the King into such Debaucheries, that the Queen conceiv'd herself injured thereby, as well as the Nobles. Whereupon Gaveston is a third Time forced out of the Realm ; into which again returned the follow- ing Christmas, when the King welcomed him as an An- gel from Heaven,
and forthwith advanced him to be principal Secretary; but the Lords, as well Ecclesiastical as Temporal, resolved by Force of Arms utterly to ex- tirpue him, chusing for their Leader in this Design, Thomas Earl of Lancaster. And at Dathington, this in- famous Earl Gaveston was surpriz'd by Guy, Earl of Warwick; who conveyed him to Warwick Castle, and in a Place called Blacklow, ( afterward Gaveshead) caused his Head to be cut off, as a Subverter of the laws, and an open Traytor to the Kingdom Which Act caused a lasting Hatred in the King to his Nobles, though for the present the King's Displeasure was allayed by the
Mediation of the Prelates, and especially of Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester, who stood Neutral. But whilst the English King minded only his Pleasure, undaunted Bruce ( nowthe received King of Scotland) industriously prosecuted his Design for setting his Country at Liberty from the English, driving them out of most Places of his Realm, and making great Spoil in Northumberland : which awakening King Edward, he marched with a Very great Army against him, tho' many of the Nobles refused to attend him in this Service, because he delayed to ratify their desired Liberties, and Provisions for better Government, so often consented
unto by himself. At Bannocksbourn the English and Scots Armies came in Sight of each other, when the Enemy left nothing un. done might be for their Advantage, digging before their Battalions certain Trenches, wherein they stuck sharp Stakes, covering them with Hurdles, which miserably afflicted the English Cavalry, falling into them at una- wares, thereby procuring to the Scots the greatest Victory that ever they had over the English. In this Fight, King Edward did gallantly behave himself; nor would he fly, till by the Importunity of Friends he was thereunto forced for his Preservation. Now was slain the Earl of Gloucester, the
Lord Clifford, with other Lords, and ( Price Three Half. Pence ) about 700 Knights, Esquires, and Men of Armories; Humphrey de Bohun was taken Prisoner. and a great Booty the Scots gained ; for the English in this Expedtion had adorned themselves as for a Triumph, with all sorts of Riches, Gold, Silver, and the like, in a kind of wan- ton manner, corresponding to the Prince they followed. In those Times the Scots made such like scoffing Rhimes as this on the english, Long Beards Heartless painted Hoods Witless. Gay Coats Graceless, makes England thriftless. This Conquest encouraged the Scots to make Inroads into the
English Northern Countries, where they made great Spoil, some ot the Disloyal Englishmen joining with them. The King nevertheless could not forget his Gaveston, whosc Body with great Pomp he caused to be transferred from Oxford to Kings Langley in Hartford. shire, himself in Person honouring the Exequies then in Pierce Gaveston's Place, the King advanced into his Favour the two Spencers, Father and Son, whose intolle- rable Insolecies and Oppressions seemed to exceed those of Gaveston's; against whom the Barons did swell with such Impatience, that not content with the Waste of their Lands, by Threats of Civil
War, they proceed their Banishment. The Queen, who hitherto had been a Mediatrix betwixt the King and hiS Lords, having re- ceived the Denial of one Night's Lodging at the Castle of Leeds in Kert, which belonged to one Of the Barons, whom she perceived to take too much upon them, now turned her spleen against them: incensing the King her Husband against them so highly, that King Edward re- solved to die in the Quarrel, or to bring the FACTIOUS Lords into a more becoming Carriage towards him. The Judgment given against the Spencers, he procured to be reversed. Some of the delinquent Lords render'd them selves to the King ; others of them were apprehended, amongst whom were the two Roger Mortimers, father and Son, who were committed to the Tower. Howbeit the Earl of Lancaster in the North, resolved with what Forces he couid procure, to fight for his Security; against whom the King marched, and at Burrow- Bridge en- countered him ; where Humphrey de Bohun was slain with a Spear from under the Brdge ; and the Earl of Lancaster, with other principal Men. BaronS and Knights, to the Number of above Ninety, were taken by Andrew de Herkly, Captain of Carlisle, afterward created Earl of that Place, The Earl of
Lancaster, a few Days after, was beheaded at Pontfract, the Barons and Knights were drawn, hang'd and quarter'd. The Lord Badlesmere, who refused to let the Queen lodge ar Leeds was exe- cuted at Canterbury: Never did English Earth at one Time drink so much Blood of her N0bles, as at this Time in so vile a Manner shed One Earl and fourteen Lords suffering Desth, most of them by the Halter. But that this Tragedy of the Lords was exploited by others, and not by the King's free inclinations, ap- pears; for that when some of the Courtiers and Favou- rites pleaded for the Life of one of a mean Family, con- demned for
being engaged in the Rebellion, the King fiercely answered, " A Plague upon you for cursed WhispererS, malicious Backbiters, wicked Counsellors; intreat you so for the Life of a most notorious Knave, who would not speak one Word for the Life of my most near Kinsman, that most noble Knight Earl Tho- mas ; By the Soul of God, this Fellow shall die the Death he hath deserved. To be continu'd. ijK The
The Tryals of the Twenty- nine REGICIDES for High Treason. which begun at the Old- Baily, London, the 10th of October, 12 Car. 2. 1660. THE Lord Chief Baron gave the Charge to the Grand- Jury the 9th of OCtober at Hicks's- Hall, therein he tells them that the Statute 25 Ed. 3 was but declarative of the ancient Common Law, whereby it was High Treason to compass or imagine the Death of the King : ( That in no Case else the Imagination or In- tention without effecting the intended Design, was pu- nishable by our Law,); but here, if the Imagination, or Intention, manifested it self by Words, or otherwise, which the Law calls
an Overt ACt, it was held to be High- Treason, and punish'd accordingly: And if the Imagination was Treason, what must they be guilty of who took upon them to judge, condemn, and put their King to Death ? It having been declared and enaCted by the Legislature, That no Authority, no single Person, no Community of Persons; neither the People collectively or representatively have any coercive Power over the King. That in King Richard II's Time the Treason of the Spencers was their maintaining that all Homage and Al- legiance was due to the King by Reason of his Crown, and if the King did not demean himself as he ought,
since he could not be reform'd by Law, he might by sharp Imprisonment; but this had been adjudg'd to be Treason by two ACts of Parliament, That our Law Books style the King the Lieutenant of God: That 1 Hen. 7. says that the King is immediate from God, and hath no Superior ; That the Crown of England was imperial, and subjeCt to no human Judica- ture ; but notwithstanding the People had no coercive Power over the Person of the King; and it was a Max- im in our Law that the King could do no Wrong, and consequently could not be punish'd for any Wrong ; it did not follow that he was absolute, for if his Ministers did
Wrong by his Command, they were punishable, ( and the King could do but little Injury in his own Person.) And that as the King could not arrest a Man himself, so neither could his Person be arrested ; and if he arrest me by another Person, I have a Remedy against that Person. That if the King claim'd a Right, he must sue for it according to Law ; his Possessions must be tried by Ju- ries: And in all Actions between Party and Party the King could not judge in Person, but by his Judges, who were upon their Oaths; so that tho' this was a Monar- chy, yet the People, as to their Lives, Liberties, and Properties, were as well secured
as the King. And that the sharing the Government would not at all promote the Liberty or Advantage of the People : And he ap. peal'd to the Audience, If when the Fatness of the Olive was laid aside, and they were govern'd by Bram- bles, they did not only tear their Skin, but tore their very Flesh to the Bone. That it was horrible to think, that a few Members of the Commons- House, who had sworn to defend the King and his Heirs against all Conspiracies and Attempts whatsoever, should assume to themselves an Authority to ereCt a Court of Justice, and by Colour thereof sen- tence their King, their Sovereign Liege Lord, and
put him to Death, even as their King, at Noon- Day, before the Gates of his own Palace. That this was such an Ag- gravation of Villany, as no Story, or fabulous Romance could parallel: And if any one should endeavour to ex- cuse himself as aCting under such a pretended Authority, that would be but an Addition of his Guilt. He tells the Grand Jury; That they were now to enquire of Blood, of Royal Blood, of Sacred Blood, Blood like that of the Saints under the Altar, crying, How long Lord, & c. That that Bleed cry'd for Vengeance, and would not be appeas d without a bloody Sacrifice ; That he who favours the Guilt of Blood,
takes it upon himself; and concluded, that they would do well to observe that the Jews, who said, " Let his Blood be on us and our Chil- dren," their Posterity felt the Effects of it at this Day. The Witnesses being fworn, the Grand- Jury found the Bill. The 10th of October, 1660, Sir John Robinson, Lieu- tenant of the Tower, in Pursuance of a Warrant for that Purpose, deliver'd the Prisoners to the Sheriff, they were brought to Newgate, and from thence to their Arraingment at the Old- Bailey the some Day; where the Commission of Oyer and Terminer being read, Sir Hardress Waller, Colonel Thomas Harrison, and Mr, Hevingham
were set to the Bar, and the Indictment was read to them. The Treason laid in the Indictment was the com- passing and imagining the Death of the late King Charles; and the sitting in Judgment, and signing the Warrant for the Execution of his Majesty, & c. were laid as Overt Acts of their treasonable Imagination. Sir Hardress Waller being arraign'd, and ask'd if he was Guilty or not Guilty; he would have pleaded Guilty to Part, and Not guilty to the rest of the Charge; but being told he must either plead Guilty, or not Guilty to the Whole, he at length pleaded Guilty. Colonel Thomas Harrison being arraign'd, insisted also, that he
might answer in his own Words ; but was told he muft answer in the Words the Law prescrib'd; whereupon he at last pleaded Not Guilty, and was with much ado prevail'd upon to say he would be try'd by God and his Country, tho' he insisted much that they were but vain Words. Mr. Heveningham being arraign'd, without any He- sitation pleaded Not Guilty, and put himself upon his Country in the usual Form. Then Isaac Pennington, Esq; Henry Marten, Esq; Gilbert Millington, Gent. Robert Titchbourne, Esq; Owen Roe, Esq; and Robert Lilburn, Gent, were set to the Bar, and the Indictment read to them. Isaac Pennington, Esq;
being arraign'd, pleaded Not Guilty, and put himself upon his Country. Henry Marten, Esq; being arraign'd, desir'd he might have the Benefit of the Act of Oblivion ; but was told, if he demanded the Benefit of that Act, it amounted to a Confession that he was guilty, and that he Was excepted out of the Act : The Prisoner answer'd, his Name was Marten, and not Martin, as in the Indictment; but was told that was not such a Misnomer as would avail him, the Sound being much the same, and that if he should be over rul'd, it would be fatal to him ; whereupon he pleaded Nor Guilty, and put himself upon his Country. Gilbert Millington
being arraign'd, would have plead, ed Guilty to Part, aud Not Guilty Part; but that not being accepted, he pleaded Not Guilty. Robert Titchbourne being arraign'd, desir'd Council ; which being refus'd, he said, That in the Manner and Form he stood indicted he was Not Guilty. Owen Rowe being arraign'd, also, That in the Man- ner and Form he stood indicted he was Not Guilty. Robert Lilburn being arraign'd, pleaded Not Guilty also in like Manner. Then Adrian Scroop, John Carew, John Jones, Tho- mas Scot, Gregory Clement, and John Cook, were set to the Bar, and the Indictment was read to them. Adrian Scroop being
arraign'd ; but being interrupt- ed, he pleaded Not Guilty. John Carew being arraign'd, after a Saving to our Lord Jesus Christ his Right to the Government of these Kingdoms pleaded Not Guilty. John Jones being Arraign'd, pleaded not guilty. Thomas Scot, being arraign'd, said, Because he could not call the Thing Treason, he pleaded Not Guilty. Gregory Clement being arraign'd, pleaded Not Guilty. John Cook being arraign'd, pleaded Not Guilty. Then Edmund Harvey, Henry Smith, John Downs, Vincent Porter, and Augustin Garland, were set to the Bar, and the Indictment was read to them. Edmund Harvey being arraign'd,
pleaded Nor. Guilty. Henry Smith, John Downs, , ( Vincent Porter, and < Augustin Garland, being arraign'd, pleaded Not Guilty. Then George Fleetwood, Simon Meyn, James Temple, Peter Temple, Thomas Wyat. Hugh Peters, Francis Hacker, and Daniel Axtel were set to the Bar, and the Indictment was read to them. George Fleetwood being arraign'd, pleaded Guilty, and was set aside. Simon Meyn, James Temple and Peter Temple. > being arraign'd, pleaded Not Guilty. ( To be continued.-,) • \
f * t? t ) the FAIRY TATLER. No. 16. The Conclusion of the Story of Ceremila and Roderiff ROderiff. who by this time had a little recover'd himself from the Trouble Ceremila s Unkindness caused in him, was preparing to return to his Na- tive England. despairing ever to find his false Charmer more, when on the instant he received a Letter, which, by the Superscription, he knew to be hers; at first an Icy Chillness ran thro' his Heart and Brain ; he started and tiembled, and with a Pleasure undiscribable, ea- gerly open'd it ; he was struck with Confusion at the Contents, to Hear her in so deplorabe a Condition, es- pecially too, to
find her in the Hands of one he at first had the strongest Antipathy to, and whose Inclinations, he fear'd, were to ruin her. In her Letter she told him the Harshness of his Carri- age to her was Intolerable ; acquainted him with her Confinement by him, and last of all entreated, that tho' she had been a very worthless Wretch, and left a Hus- band who was too indulgent of her, thro' the Vanity and Ambition of her Heart. she hop'd he'd not forget she had been his, but overcome his Wrongs with Ge- nerosity : After many more penitent Acknowledgments of her Faults and Importunities, that he wou'd contrive some Way t0 release her,
she concluded with these Lines. Gentle Youth, if this my Woe, Fix d within thy Heart can grow ; If thy lender Heart can spare ~ One sad Thought on my Despair, C And restore me to thy Care: S Gentle Youth ah ! do not wrest Yerning Nature from thy Breast, J. But indulge her soft Request } Force her not from thee to fly, Leave me not unblest to Die, > But have Pity on my Cry. ^ Oh have Pity gentle Youth, Full of Love, and full of Truth ; Pity Save, and set me free And make my Life a Debt to Thee. As Roderiff read this, he found his Soul stirring in her Behalf, with all the speed he could, that Night he re- solv'd, if possible, to
deliver her; and it being the Fore part of the Day when he receiv'd this Letter, he thought he might have Time to take a full View of the Place where Le Brun resided, and to see what might be the greatest Difficulty in his Attempt. before he set a- bout it; at least, he hop'd, by some Means or other he might convey a Letter to Ceremila. discovering his In- tentions to her, if they could not by any Means, from some Window, or private Place, enjoy a Personal Con- ference. He knew, indeed, the Law might demand her, but Le Brun being a chief Peer, and under the Wing of the Royal Presence himself, it would be hard to come at
justice, or if not hard, Ceremila's Character and his own must suffer by it; rather therefore to res- cue her, than to satisfy his just Vengeance, he pre- Par'd for his Enterprize, and went ( without acquaint. ing any one) to purfue his Cogitations, and lay the Ground work for his succeeding Action. But mark the Adversity of Humane Fortune ; Le Brun who was not a little Jealous of Ceremila, kept daily Watch lest any one she might pitch her unsettled Fancy on, might endeavour to release her, and rob him of a Conquest he before had made his, and now re- solv'd to make the Object of his Tyranny. No sooner had Roderiff arrived at
the Place, but he met with the Servant who had that Day brought him the Letter ; he was a Trusty Friend to Ceremila, and therefore Roderiff took the Opportuniry of ac- quainting him with his Design : Ihe Servant, after be had heard him, told him Ceremila was indeed, pret- ty closely confin'd, but, however, if he would run the Hazard, he would venture to convey him to her, which accepted, in they went a Back way ; but as they were going[ through a Passage, they were met by Le Brun, who knowing Roderiff, and hastening upon him, in a Rage commanded him to be Bound ; Ceremila, whom he had just before left, hearing a
Noise. ran down, and seeingRoderiff Bound Bloody with the Wounds that Le . had given him. she swoon'd on the Floor, but soon recovering. Le Brun gave her his Dagger, swearing, that if she did not strike it in Roderiff's Breast, he shou'd be Murder'd by piece meal before her Eyes. She with a smiling Willingness, took the Dagger, and pretending to stub Roderiff, who fix'd his Eyes upbraidingly upon her, she struck it into it Brun's Breast, who, before he fell, having strength left to catch it from her, struck it into Roderiff's Brain- Pan, of which he died immedi- ately, only he had Life enough first to dagger to Cere- mila and fall at her
Feet, : Ceremila seeing him Dead, tore her Hair, rav'd, and wept, embrac'd his dear lov'd Body, curs'd her Unkindness, Fickleness, and Pride j and to close the sad Scene, put an End, at last, to her wretched Life with her own Hand. Thus died Ceremila and Roderiff. who might have been a happy Pair, of Pride and Ambition, the often De- lusion of Women, and Destruction of the World, had not robb'd her of that Innocence that should have compleated their Felicity. THE END- Bury St. Edmond's, March 14. _ " THE Court having finished the ordinary Tryals for _ Robbery, Felony, & c. on Monday Night the Ld. Chief Justice King
appointed the Tryal of Coke and Woodburne, for the barbarous Attempt on the Life of Edward Crispe, on the ift of Jaouary last, to come on the next Day at ten a Clock precisely. The Indictment, to which they pleaded Not Guilty, was founded on the Coventry Act, 22d and 23d of Charles the 2d. There was some Cause to apprehend that they had been tam- pering with the jury return'd on the Crown Side; and the Ld. Chief Justice being, just before the Tryal came on, trying a Cause on the Nisi prius side the jury when they had done, were sworn to try the Cause between the King and Prisoners. As the King was wholly at the
Expence of the Trial, His Majesty's Council were there to argue on the Tryal, as was likwise Mr. Paxton ( not Panton,) Deputy Solicitor of the Crown, to manage the Indictment. The first Ev'dence call'd, was Mr Crispe ; who said, That he and his Wife, and some other Friends, were in- vited to Supper at Coke's on the ist of January last that they went to Supper about 7 a Clock; that about Ten Mr. Coke ask'd Mr. Crispe if he would go and see Mrs. Phanny Monk ( a young Lady living near them) to which Mr. Crispe consented, and they went thither; that they took three or four Turns by the Dead Wall in the Churchyard, it being dark,
and then Coke made a Noise like a Hallowing, at which Crispe began to he afraid ; upon which a Man came to him and gave him a Blow on the Head with a Hedge- Bill, Coke being present, but did not knock him down, but at the second Blow he fell, and lost his Senses, and knew not what was done to him afterwards; that some time after Coke and Woodburn were gone, he reviv'd a little, and being very weak, with Difficulty got to Coke's House, where one Mr Sturgeon a surgeon, came to him in about half an Hour, and dress'd his Wounds. Mr. Brown ( who married Mr. Coke's Sister) said, that upon an Invitation, he was at
Supper at Mr Coke's on the said 1st of January, and that some considerable Time after Supper, he thought he heard Mr. Coke call Mr, Crispe to go out with him ; and that they went out to- gether ; that about half an Hour afterwards, Coke came Home again a little out of Breath, and drank a Bumper of Wine, and was ask'd where Mr. Crispe was; Coke said he believ'd he was gone Home in the Dark ; and that about ten Minutes afterwards, Mr Crispe came into the House, his Face being almost cover'd with Blood and Wounds. Mr. Brown being ask'd by the Court, said, that Mr. Crispe had no Children of his own, nor Grand
Children, nor Brothers, but three Sisters ; and that upon Mr. Crispe's Demise, about a Hundred Pound per Annum would come to Mr, Coke, in Right of his Wife Mr. Sturgeon the Surgeon swore, that about eleven at Night, on the first of January, he was sent for to Mr. Coke's House, where he found Mr. Crispe in a weak and mangled Condition ; that he had one Wound from his right Ear to his right Nostril, but did not touch it, which laid open the great Teeth and Jaw- Bone. Ano- ther which cut through his right Nostril, cross the other Wound, and almost as far as the Under Jaw. Another deep one under his Chin, which reached
from the right Under Jaw, very near the left Under Jaw, ending to- wards the left Cheek. A small one in the left Cheek. Another
Another upon his Upper Lip and another on his left Temple. Mr Charles Willet, the Constable, said. that upon a Warrant from Mr. Alderman Wright, he apprehended Woodburn, who confess'd he gave Crispe three or four Blows before Coke left him, that he did it by the Church Yard Wall, with a Hedge- Hook, which he said Was ground for that Purpose, but the Children had spOil- ed the Edge with cutting Sticks ; that it was at his own House, where the Conftable found it, and Woodburn owned that before Alderman Wright, to be the Instru- ment. Mr Wetherell the Goaler said that the next Day after Coke's Commitment, he owned,
that he and Wood- burn had a design to kill Crispe, and desired the Goaler to get Woodburn secured ; and afterwards said, that if Woodburn had done as he ( Coke) had ordered him, Crispe would not have told Tales, for he had given him Directions to cut his Weasand or Throat. Robert Moon, a Taylor said, that hearing of the Fact committed, guess'd that Coke was the Actor, or employ'd another, because about three Years and a half ago he was sent for by Coke, who after other Discourse, said, he wish'd Mr Crispe out of the World, and that some body wou'd knock him on the head, for that his Estate wou'd come to the said
Coke, and said, he did not value 10 or 20 Guineas, if the said Moon wou'd do it, but that he refused. Carter, a Blacksmith, deposed, That Coke sent Wood- burn to him, and when he came to Coke, Coke talked a little about Horses, and Carter was to help to one for his Weight ; that then Coke said, Carter, I think you have met with Losses lately, you are in want of Iron and Coals, and are afraid of a Jail ; if you will do one Piece of Service for me, I will make a Man of you as long as you live: Can you keep a Secret, one of the biggest in the World. Carter assur'd him. as well as any Man either to serve himself 0r Friend. Well then,
reply'd Coke, Can you cut six or seven Mens Heads off without making any Confcience of it ? Carter return'd, That's too much for any Man to bear. Coke then ask'd, Whether he should not like him for a Landlord, and if he thought he could cut one Man's Head off? No Pho, say? Coke, do you consider what has been doing Above, and do you make a Scruple of cutting one Man's Head off? I suppose, said Carter, you mean the South Sea Gentry I do so, said Coke; consider how many Fami. lies they have ruin'd, and brought Gentlemen of good Estates to Beggary: Think what it is, continued Coke, to have Plenty of Iron and
Coals, and to have all your Debts paid, and b: able to look the World in the Face. Nay. said Coke, you need not to work any more as long as you live. If you can't cut a Man's Head off, bring it to me in a Napkin, and lay it on the Table, you are no Man for me. I suppose. Master Coke, said Carter, you are in Jest. You Fool, says Coke, do you think I send for you to joke with? Consider again, what it is to live well, and come to me two Days hence. Carter reply'd, he could do no such thing. Why then, says Coke send Woodburn to me, find him out wherever he is, for I must send him to buy some Larks. Woodburn being as'd what he
could say for himself, laid all the Blame upon Coke; that Coke had been tempting and soliciting him for several Years past to do it, but he constantly refused ; that the first Thoughts he had of complying, was when his Wife died, and he wanted a Crown to set out the Bell for her. That Coke bid him feveral times be sure he did not strike him in. stead of Crispe : That he came at the Whistle. Coke took him by the Sleeve, pull'd him up to Crispe behind, and then stept back a Step or two : Coke was there till three or four Blows struck ; and that he, Woodburn left him for dead. That the Day after Woodburn was first examin'd Coke
came to him and said, Woodburn, you have kept to your Story well, go about your Work and look bold ; for if you look down, they'll suspect you We shall be examin'd again and again perhaps- but keep you to your Text, and I'll bear you out. We shall have him another time. Coke only repeated that it was a very Penal Act, and that no body had ever been executed upon it, and insisted that his Intention was not to maim or disfigure, but to kill; and pray'd his Council, who were Mr Price of Colchester, and Mr. Harvey of Bury, might have Leave to speak to that. But. he was answer'd, that his In- tention must be left to the Jury. That
he might have two Intentions, to Murder and to Maim and that tho' one was not executed, and the other was, that it was impossible to intend to Murder in that manner, or with that Instrument, without an Intention to maim or disfigure He that intends the end, intends the ne- Cessary Means; but concluded that this was a Fact to be left to the Jury. The Jury in a quarter of an Hour turned, and brought them both in Guilty. This Day, at Twelve, they were call'd to the Bar, to shew Cause why Sentence of Death shoUld not pass upon them Mr, Coke desir'd Council, but was refus'd it, unless he men- tion'd some Points of Law, which he
did, and the Points insisted on were chiefly these ; That his Offence should be Identically the same with that described in the review of the Statute; and that all the same Circumstances should concur to constitute the same Offence. That the Confessions ought to have been read ; and that so, taken Together, it was apparent, the Intention was to kill, not to disfigure ; and for this purpose, cited the Case of a Woman indicted for the murder of another. It appear'd the deceased was her mistress, which makes the OfFence Petit Treason, and therefore she was acquitted of the in- dictment for Murder, That the Intention in this Case, is
Matter of Law, the Facts being agreed; and that there- fore he hoped he should have the same Advantage after Verdict as before. The Substance of the King's Council's Answer to it was, that the Jury had found him Guilty of the Offence in the Indictment contra Form. Stat. And that the Court could now take notice of nothing but Defects in the Indictment. Coke's Behaviour was very submissive both before and after Tryal: He appear'd in deep Mourning, and is a Tall personable Man, but ut- terly dejected at the Thoughts of Death, he weeps con- stantly, and earnestly begs Life on any rate, Woodburn is very Penitent. We hear
they will be Executed next Saturday. Monday the Right Reverend Dr. Willis, Lord Al- moner, by the Command and on the Behalf of his Ma- jesty laid the first Stone . at the Foundation of his Ma- jesty's Parish Church of St. Martin's in the Fields, on the South East Corner thereof. His Lordship was accom- pany'd thither from the Library in Castle street by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Norwich, and attended by feveral Clergymen, the Beadles, Constables, the Offi- cers of the said Church and Vestrymen walking before them in an orderly Procession : When they came to the Place, the Stone was laid, and his Lordship having le vell'd it, gave it two or three knocks with a Mallet; upon which the Trumpets sounded, and the Multitude, which was very great made loud Acclamations of Joy. Afterward his Lordship laid upon it a Purse of 1oo Guineas, being a Present from his Majesty for the Use of the Workmen, and to be disposed by the Vestry. A competent Proportion whereof being given for their Rejoycing on that Occasion, the rest was laid up for a Fund to answer future Contingencies amongst them, such as Sickness, Bruises, & c. The following Inscription is cut in the Stone, and a Sheet of Lead laid over it. D. S. Serenissimus Rex, Georgius Per
Deputatum suum Reverendum admodum in Christo Patrem Richardum Episcopum Salisburiensem Summum suum Eleemosynarium, Adsistente ( Regis Jussu) Domino Tho. Hewrt Esu. Aur ' aEdifictorum Regiorum curatore Principali Primum hujus Ecclesia Lapidem Posuit. _ Martij 19". Anno Dom 1722. Annoq, Regni sui 8'. English'd thus: D S His most Excellent Majesty King GEORGE, By his Proxy The Right Reverend Father in God Richard Lord Bishop of Salisbury, His Majesty's Chief Almoner, ( By the Command of his Majesty) Assisted by Sir Thomas Hewet, Knt. Principal Surveyor of his Majesty's Royal Buildings, laid
the First Stone of this Church; March 19. 1721, in the 8th Year of . „ his Majesty's Reign. Monday
Monday last the Rt. Rev Dr. Bradford, Bishop of Car- lisle preach'd the Spital Sermon before the Lord Mayor at St. Brides ; as did on Tuesday the. Rev. Dr. Moss, Dean of Ely; and on Wednesday the Rev. Dr. Marshal, Junior. .. A True Report of the great Number- of Poor Children, and other poor People, Maintain'd in the several Hos- pitals, under the Pious Care of the Lord- Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the City of London, the Year last past. Children put forth Apprentices, and discharg'd out of Christs Hospital the Year last past 153; ten thereof being instructed in the Mathematicks and Na- Vigation. • Children Buried the
Year last past 8. Children now remaining under the Care and Charge of the said Hospital, 881. THere have been Cured and Discharged from St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the Year last past, of Wounded, Maimed, Sick, and Disased Persons, out of this great City, and several other Parts of his Majesty's Dominions and Foreign Parts 3265, many of whom have been relieved with Money and other Necessaries to accommodate and support them in their Return to their several Habitations. , „ , Buried this Year, after much Charge in the time of their Illness, 213. Remaining under Cure at the Charge of the said Hospital, at. THere
have been Cur'd and Discharg'd from St. Thomas's Hospital in Southwark, this last Year, of Wounded, Maimed, Sick and Diseased Persons, out of this great City, and several other Parts of his Ma. jesty's Dominions, and Foreign Parts, 4434 many of whom have been relieved with Money and Necessaries at their departure to accommodate and support them in their Journyes to their several Countries and Habita- tions. Buried from thence this Year after much Charge in their Sickness, 331. Remaining under Cure at the Charge of the said Hos- pital, 630. So that there are, or have been this Year, of poor miserable Objects under
the Care of the said Hospital, in the whole, 5396- REceived this last Year into the Hospital of Bride, well, Vagrants and other indigent and miserable People, all which have had Physick, and such other Relief, at the Charge of the said Hospital, as their Ne- cessities required, 403. Maintained in the said Hospital, and brought up in divers Arts and Trades at the only Charge of the said Hospital, Apprentices, 106. ADmitted into the Hospital of Bethlem this last Year, Distracted Men and Women, 76. Cured of their Lunacy, and discharged thence the said Year, several of which were Reliev'd with Cloath- ing and Money at their
Departure, 59. Distracted Persons Buried the last Year, after much Charge bestow'd upon them in their Lunacy and Sick. ness, 11. Now remaining in the said Hospital under Cure, and provided for with Physick, Dyet and other Relief, at the Charge of the said Hospital, I40. There has been also this last Year Expended several Considerable Sums of Money in the necessary Repairs of both the said Hospitals, of Bridewell and Bethlem. On Tuesday a young Man was committed to New. gate, for the Murther of his own Mother at Ratcliff. Cross. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Leonard Smelt, Esq; Clerk of the Deliveries.
Carter the Blacksmith of Bury St. Edmonds, who gave the first Information relating to the barbarous Assassina- tion of Mr. Edward Crispe of that Place, is to have the reward promised by his Majesty in the Gazette ; and the Gentry of the Country have already given him a purse of 60 Guineas; This Day Coke and Woodburn are to be hang'd at the abovesaid Place, ' We hear that Archibald Hutcheson Esq will make his Election for the City of Westminster; and recom- nend either the Lord Molesworth, or William Morice Esq; the High; Bailiff of Westminster to Hastings for which Port he is also chosen. , We receiv'd the following
Piece from Dublin by the last Post; which, for the Singularity, we recommend to our Readers. The Bishop of Dublin's PrOPHECy. Written Originally in Latin, by the Rev. Brandon Birr, a Prophet and Divinity Lecturer in the Academy of ardmagh and Cloinard, in the Year of Man's Salva- tion, One Thousand and Eighty Nine, & c. r FOrty five Years after my Decease, the Discord of Kings shall utterly destroy Kings and Kingdoms. Liberty shall be banished, and Property taken Prisoner, JACOB will be wounded in his own Country, and Pharaoh bear Rule over the Land of Canaan saying to the old Inhabitants, Get ye hence, or become
Servants to Me and Mine. J After this 60o Years, the old Religion will seem to stagger, and the Love of a Prince will beget a new One ; which flourishing, an Innocent King shall die by Iron, and his Sons be sent into Banishment. They will be called back, and will Reign, the former prosperously the latter unfortunately; who will have a Son the Theme of Nations. „ Amidst these Things a Northern 0ak shall be deliver'd of a monstrous Bear, close by a Lyon's Den; whose Birth will cause the Lyon to roar amidst his trembling Whelps ,;." . This Bear will have a Tail 1721 Miles long, with which he'll bear whole Forrests down, tread upon
the Deep, and with expanded Paws will seize tremendous Whales. A Herd of DEER will say unto the Bear ; Why do'st thou this ? But Yesterday we made it up with thee; What would you be at now? By Fire and Sword you have burnt and slain US ; We bought of you a Peace, by which our Prosperity is now yours become. You have got by far the three best Valleys of all the rest ; and three Rivulets which have no Fellows, f There the Tygers Wolves, Foxes, Bulls. Sheep and Goats quench their Thirst. We pay you Tribute and Obeisance too ; only to us remain the Icy Tops of Grass, less Mountains. We lead our Lives in the midst
of Win-, ter. Hare and Rabbits visit us but seldom. What is ours by Contract, let us have. It's no Shame for the Fox to break his Word, but the Bear ought to scorn it. To this the Bear will answer, I am your Friend what I have done was to do you Service, and the Fawn whom you deny. I tell you true, believe my Word.. By the Eagle's Talons, and the Bear's Paw, shall Ju- stice return to you. . The Rook and all his Magpies shall take Wing; and the Outlandish Lyon truckle to the Fawn, who shall get his Cottage and his Father s Chimney. l - A Kennil of Foxes shall be catched with Snares, for fleecing, mauling and pilfering all that
came in their Way. The Tigers. Wolves, and Scenting Dogs, who feed on Human Flesh, who fear'd neither Sex nor Age, shall be punished. A Lyon resting under the Cover of a Lawrel shall awake affrighted., and say to his Favourite; The Bear and the Eagle are laying Snares against us: The former has no sure Abode, the latter is a Bird of Prey ; against those let us try our Might and Main. Draw out in Arms the Pole- cats and the Hedg- hogs, armed with Pens like Porcupines, and be thou Couragious in the Field ; for whilst this Fawn lives, nothing that's near and dear to us, is Safe. . Near a Garden a famous for Food, a Bull shall
push » Leopard with his Horns; after a Cruel and Uncertain Battle, the Bull shall lose his Horns, and falling upon his Knees, shall beg for Help of Dogs. These shall be prevail'd on, and by their Prowess the Bull shall escape. This Victory will make the Cows glad ; the milky Herd, for Joy, shall Bleat, and the Wi- dow kine embrace their wandering Males with wet cheeks
these things being over the Shepherd of the Sheep shall take up their Crooks, so long unus'd. and Pan re- View the Flocks; Now Religion, Law, Truth, Justice and Safety shall flourish, and Pan give Laws to the Sheep and Shepherds Examin'd and Approv'd by the most Reverend Father in God Lawrence Toole, by Divine Providence, Second Lord Archbishop of Dublin, in the Year of Christ, 1162. Com Cork, Dublin, ELizabeth Oge, and James Orme, came this Day be- fore me, and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist, that the Deponent Oge having told the said Orme of a Dream about Money hid in the South Wall of Merrion
Church, the said Orme told her, that in his Opinion there was no Money, but believ'd there was something that would do the said Deponent good: Upon which the said Oge prevail'd upon the said Orme to go with her to the said Church, where in half an Hour's Time, they found in a Square Hole under a Sash Window, in the Inside of the said Church, an old Parchment, which they now have in their Hands upon making this Affidavit. And both farther depose, that they found this Parchment, which they are told, is an old Prophecy; the 13th of this Instant February at the Place aforesaid. Jur' Cor. me. February the 26th 1721.
Elizabeth Oge, James Orme, Tho. Quin Christen'd, Males 187. Females 161. In all 348. ' Buried, Males 286 Females 27*. In all 561. Increased in the Burials this Week 55. CASUALTIES. Hang'd herself at St. Andrew in Holborn, 1. Mor- tally Bruised at St Giles's without Cripplegate, 1. Found dead in the River of Thames at St. John at Wapping, x. Overlaid, 1 South Sea Stock 90 1 half, Bank nj t qr. India 138 I hi. African 16 3 q s Unsubscrib'd Lottery Annuity 102 1 qr. Books shut. RoyAL Exchange Assurance 6 7 8; hs Books shut. London AssUrance 6 7 8: hs. Books shut. New Lottery Tickets 10 1.4 s. 6 rl: ADVERTISEMENTS.
L0NDO N, Printed and Sold by J. R E A D, in white fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in.