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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 17/03/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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f ) THE OR, British Gazetteer, Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1722. GREAT. BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD the Ist King of England. POPE Boniface VIII, per- ceiving these high Resoluti- ons, and having enough to do with the King of France, left the Scots to look to themselves as well as they could. Over whom King Edward had appointed the valiant Lord Segrave Custos; but notwithstanding his Va- lour, the Scots discomfited him, and took him Prisoner, whom Sir Robert de Neville rescued, as also the rest of the Prisoners, without , the Loss of one Man of his own. When the Report of this Success of the Scots came to Edward's Ears, he went in Person with a great Army, piercing therewith thro' all Scotland, from Roxborough to Cathness, being about three hundred Miles, not an Enemy appearing with Power to obstruct him, but all either submitting, or betaking themselves with their Captain Wallis, to the Woods and Mountains. King Edward after he had set- tled Affairs in that Nation to his best Conveniency, re- turned to London, whither not long after, Captain Wal- lis, a Knight's Son, having been betrayed, was brought Prisoner, and at Westminster, for Treason, and other Crimes tried, found guilty, and adjudged to Death, which Sentence was executed on him, and his Quarters fet up in divers Parts of Scotland. After this Man's Death, Generous Bruce ( who attained the Crown of Scotland) headed his Countrymen the. Scots, and was put to Flight by Aymery de Valence' and forced into the utmost Isles of Scotland, where for a while he lived in great Distress, till seeing his Time, he appeared in an hostile Manner, doing many Things above the Opinion of his Means. This induced Martial King Edward to advance towards Scotland, but in his March he fell sick ar Carlisle, where ( amongst other Things given in Charge) he commanded his Son Ed- ward that he should be industrious in carrying on his design against the Scots, and that he should carry his Skeleton along with him thro' the Scotish Nation : For, the King, ' Whilst thou hast my Bones with thee, non shall be able to overcome thee. " He likewise Commanded the Prince on Pain of his Curse , not with- out common Consent to recall Pierce Gaveston. who for abusing the Prince's tender Years with wicked Va- nities, by common Decree was banished. He charged the Prince too, That he should send his Heart into the Holy- Land, accompanied with 140 Knights, and their retinues, for whose Support he had provided thirty two thousand Pounds of Silver. Lastly, he charged him That upon pain of Eternal Damnation, the said monies should not be expended upon any other Uses. this Heroick King died of a Dissentery at Burgh upon A. D- 1307, and was buried at Westminsler. His first Wife Eleanor, was the Daughter of Ferdinand the third King of Castile; his second Wife was Margaret, the Daughter of Philip the Hardy, King of France. His issue by Queen Eleanor, was John, Henry, Alphonso, who all died young ; Edward, who succeeded him ; ( Price Three Half. Pence.; Eleanor married to Henry III. Earl of Barrie ; Joan mar- ried to Gilbert Clare, earl of Glocester and Hereford Margaret, married to John the second Duke of Brabant ; Berenger and Alice, then Mary, who at ten years of Age, was veiled a Nun in the Monastery of Ambresbury in Wilts, at the earnest Desire of her Grandmother Queen Eleanor, who was first married to John the first Earl of Holland and Zealand, then to Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex ; then Beatrice and Blanch. By Queen Margaret he had Issue, Thomas, created Earl of Kent; and Eleanor, who died young. When the King took his long and dangerous Voyage into the Holy Land, his Queen Eleanor would by 110 Means be perswaded to stay behind him, but would needs accompany him, saying, ' Nothing must part them ' whom God hath joined, and the Way to Heaven is as ' near in the Holy Land, ( if not nearer) as in England or Spain In Remembrance of his first Wife, Queen Eleanor who died at Herdeby in Lincolnshire, he erected Crosses between that and Westminster, in all Places where her Hearse rested ; namely, ac Lincoln, Grantham, Stanford, Geddington, Northampton, Stony- Stratford, Dunstable, St Albans, Waltham, Westminster, called Charing- Cross, all adorned with her Arms of Castile, Leon, and the County of Pontiou, which by her Right was annexed to the Crown of England. ' Tis said, that he built Hull in Yorkshire, which was afterwerd beautified with fair Buildings by Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk. in the eighth Year of his Reign, he sent out his Writ Quo Warranto to examine by what Title Men held their Lands, which brought him in much Money, till John Earl of Warren, being called to shew his Title drew out an old rusty Sword, and said, he held his Land by that, and by that would hold it till his Death. In a Synod holden at Reading, it was ordained, That no Ecclesiastical Per- son should have more than one Benefice, to which be- longed the Cure of Souls. There was executed at Lon- don 297 Jews at one Time, for defacing the King's Coin. A D 1288. was the Summer so excessive Hot, that many Men died with the Extremiry thereof, and yet Wheat sold at London for three Shillings four pence the Quarter. Now flourished Roger Bacon, a Franciscan Friar, an excellent Philosopher and Mathematician. EDWARD II. A. D. EDward, called Caenarvan, after that he had • 3° 7. C. provided for the Affairs of Scotland, and had Homage done him by many of the Scottish Lords at Dumfres, he next took ( unjust) Revenge of Walter Langton, Bishop of Chester, by imprisoning him, and seizing all hisTemporal Goods and Credits ; because that in his Father King Edward's Life time, the Bishop had gravely reproved him for his Misdeamenors, and had complained on Pierce Gaveston, whereon ensued young Edward's Imprisonment, and Gaveston's Banishment. Then he sailed into France, where, at Boleine, with wonderful Magnificence he was married to young Isabel Daughter of Philip the Fair, and at his Return for England brought back with him his beloved Minion Pierce Gavest- on, who was a Gentleman Stranger brought up with him. Which Gaveston the King suffered now to lord it over the chief Nobles, to fill the Court with Buffoons and Parasites, and the like pernicious Instrumencs, to waste the Wealth of the Kingdom in ReVellings and riotous Courses, to transport Riches into foreign Parts, bestow- 1J t ing ing upon him his own Jewels, and Ancestors and Trea- sures, and even the Crown it self of his victorious Fa- ther. Not sticking to profess, That if it lay in his Power, he should succeed him in the Kingdom, being wholly ruled by him. To be continu'd. » The Remainder of the Tryal of Christopher Love. As to the other Paper of Exceptions Mr. Love had given in concerning Concealment of Treason, and the Competency of the Witnesses, the Court acquainted Mr. Hale that he need not argue them ; for as to Conceal, ment, whether it were Treason or no, did not come in in question now, many other treasonable Acts have been prov'd against Mr. Love, and these Exceptions to the Witnesses had been before over- rul'd, viz. That one who had confess'd himself Farticeps Criminis was a good Wit- ness: That one Witness to one Fact, and another to ano- ther, tending to prove one Species of Treason, were two Witnesses in Law : And that the Testimony of a Witness was not to be rejected, tho' the Government gave him a Reward for making the Discovery, for that had ever been held legal in case of an Approver. Mr. Hale said, he was still of Opinion, that one who was threaten'd with Death if he did not give Evidence against another, was not a legal Witness; and that the Case that had been put, concerning an Approver, did not come up to the Question ; for tho' it was true at Com- mon Law, an Approver might be a Witness, yet now the Witnesses ought to be such as were requir'd by the Statutes of Edw. VI, viz. lawful and sufficient Witnesses, which he did not think these were. That at Common Law the Defendant might either wage his Battel, or put himself upon his Country ; and then it was in the Breast of the Jury whether they would believe the Ap- prover no: But by the Acts of the first and fifth of Ed- ward VI, it is expresly said, There shall be two suffici- ent Witnesses in Case of Treason ; and this had made an Alteration in the Common Law ; one Witness was enough before, but now two were requisite j and he con- ceiv'd the Words lawful and sufficient excluded such Per- sons as Approvers were especially in a Case where the Court were both Judge and Jury, and try'd Fact as well as Law; And as to the Plurality of Witnesses, he said, where a Man was indicted upon one Act of Treason, two Witnesses were requir'd; and held, that if the Charge were upon several Acts of Treason, then there must be two Witnesses to bring the Party within any one of those Acts. And he held further, that where a Per son is indicted upon one Act, two Witnesses were re- quir'd to some one Overt Act ; and that one Witness to one Overt Act, and another to another, of the same Species of Treason, weie not two Witnesses as the Law requir'd. Mr. Love desir'd, that since two of his Council were rejected, and another could not come and that Mr. Hale came unprepar'd, the Prisoner having not seen him till that Morning ; and since he could produce Evidence, that several of the Witnesses were induced to swear against him in particular, by Threats and Promises of Reward ; he desir'd he might have three other Council added to Mr. Hale, and a Copy of the Charge, and lon- ger Time to argue the Exceptions. But the Court told him there was nothing further to be debated ; and if he had Witnesses he ought to have produc'd them before ; and that it would be endless to defer Matters upon such Suggestions. Then the Prisoner was remanded, and the court adjourn'd. Sixth Day. July 1651. This Day Mr. Attorney mov'd the Court that they would proceed to Sentence against Love ; whereupon the President demanded of the Prisoner what he had to say why Sentence should not be pass'd upon him. Mr. Love insisting still on more Time, that Motion was re. jected ; and after a Spech made by the President, he command the Clerk to read the Sentence, which was as follows; ' Whereas Christopher Love, the Prisoner at the Bar, stands charg'd on behalf the Keepers of the Liberties of England Sec. of High Treason, and other High Crimes and Offences, See. [ Here the Charge is recited] For all which Treasons and traiterous and wicked Practices of him the said Christopher Love, this Court doth adjudge him to suffer the Pains of Death, by ha- ving his Head sever'd from his Body. After which Mr. LoVe said, My Lord, tho' you have condemn'd me, yet this I can say, that neither God nor my own Conscience doth condemn me. Then he was remanded to the Tower. The FAIRY TATLER No 15. The Story of Ceremila and Roderiff continu'd. OWho, but in the utmost axtremity of Despair and Anguish, can guess at the Torment Roderiff was in, at reading what Ceremila had written, he smote his Breast, he tore his Hair, and ran up and down the House, lost in Destractions. The Family who knew not for what Cause ( except it was Ceremilia's Ab- senced he was thus disturb'd ; strove all they could to quiet him, with many Perswasions and gentle Entreaties he grew calmer, and taking his Kinsman by the Hand, ( in whose House we before told you he resided.) Cousin, . said he, ( with a dejected Countenance and Voice) I know my Irregularities are criminal and insufferable, my Obligations to you are many, and my Nature is more generous than to acquiesce with my Disorder, think it only the Result of a disturb'd Soul, and the last dying Agony of a broken Heart, and there he threw him. self on his weeping Friend's Bosom, who gently raising him, enquir'd what had happen'd, but Roderiff was too griev'd to tell him O how he sigh'd, mourn'd and rav'd, the hardest Heart had bled to hear his Anguish, and view the Throws of his Tempestive Mind. *. To make short, the Night was half spent, when on a sudden his weary Thoughts grew slow ; he had now the Time to reflect on his Misfortunes more deliberately, and begging Leave to retire to his Chamber, he was at- tended there by his sorrowful Kinsman, who after he had us'd many Arguments to disswade him from doing any Mischief to himself. and securing ev'ry Thing that; might be of service to such an Intention, wish'd him a good Night, and departed. The Morning was return'd, but no Ease, no Hopes came with it, all the Day long like one struck speechless with some deep Affliction, folding his Arms, and sighing without Comfort, he sat. No Sleep cou'd close his weep, ing Eyes, the busy Brain that with a thousand and thousand sad Reflections reem'd, kept waking his heavy Despair and heavy Heart. O cruel Ceremila! was the lost Youth not worth one kind Remembrance, had'st thou no Tenderness to think what Trouble wou'd ring his poor cold Breast, when thou wert gone, when thou wert false, and he was left to die! To go back a little, we shou'd have told you that Ceremila had a De- sign to leave him after she had written those few Lines, which were the Cause of his Distress. In the Habit of a Nun went to a Masqueride, where that Night she had appointed to meet her young Suiter, he presently knew her, and with all the Privacy and Caution that befitted such an Affair, he convey'd her instantly to his House, where was all things fit for her Reception, and after a splendid Banquet, in which was nothing failing that might kindle the Blood for the expected Pleasure, his Friends retir'd to their Apartments, waiting the same Entertainment on the succeeding Day, while the beau- teous, inconstant, was lodg'd and left in the Bed, in the Arms of her enamour'd Conqueror. Ye Virgins who yet boast of your ancient Love, for Innocence and Virtue : O when you read this black, but faithful Story, loath the false Charmer, blot her hated Name from forth the purer Annals of your Sex, and brand her with the stain of her Inconstancy. After a little more than a Week's Stay, leaving the House and the Keys of ev'ry rich Appartment, in the Hands of a trusty Servant, who was order'd to tarry be- hind alone in charge of all Things ; there her young Darling went with her about twenty Miles from paris to a Country Seat he had there, to make Preparations for her approaching Delivery, which no sooner was accom- plish'd, and she well again, but disposing of the Infant in the Hands of a waiting Gentlewoman who was House keeper there, they return'd privately to the City. For many a Night and Day had he the free Possession of her, he accounted her as his own, and she him as hers, nothing was remember'd of poor Roderiff, at least, if she ever did remember him, she crush'd the growing Thought, and stiffled it. In a short space she prov'd with Child again, and after a very little Stay, went again to her her Country Retirement, to spend her Time till her second Delivery. But now the Scene was alter'd, for Le Brun begun to grow weary of her, carrying it cold and indifferent at all Times towards her, she perceiv'd it, but wou'd not seem to do so, tho' often, Very often she now wou'd privately retire and weep, and think on Roderiff who me she'd undone. The Remainder in our next. The Speaker of the House of Commons his Speech to his Majesty, at the Prorogation of the Parliament. Most gracious Sovereign, THIS is the seventh Year in which your Majesty's faithful Commons, without Burthening your Peo- ple with any new or unsual Taxes, have readily and chearfully granted to your Majesty the necessary Sup- plies, not only for carrying on the Ordinary Expences of the Government, but for the Maintaining the Ho- nour and Dignity of the Crown ; and at the same Time they have omitted no Opportunity of easing the Publick Incumbrances, and of putting the National Debt into a Method of Payment: For, no sooner had your Majesty, by the Vigilance of your Councils, and the Success of your Arms, restored and secured the Publick Peace and Tranquility, but your Commons immediately found Means to reduce the Interest of the National Debt, and thereby set apart a Fond, which, by a further Reduction of Interest since made by your Commons, will, in a few Years, be considerably increased, and the Payment of the Principal become practicable ; and from which your Majesty's Trading Subjects have already reaped this im- mediate Benefit, thac your Commons have been enabled, during this Session, without endangering the Security of any Parliamentary Engagements, to take off such Du- ties as were found by Experience to be most prejudicial to the Trade and Manufactures of your Kingdoms. And as your Commons were apprehensive, that the Debt of the Navy was rising to such an Heighth, as would, if not timely prevented, necessarily affect and depreciate all other Publick Credit ; and which would inevitably increase the Charge and Expence of the Current Service ; they have therefore Unanimously agreed On such Me- thods of discharging so much of that Debt, as will efFectually prevent the Mischiefs they apprehended, and can be no Ways burthensome to their Fellow Subjects. Thus have your Commons fully and happily compleated every Thing which your Majesty was graciously pleased to recommend to them at the Beginning of this Session; and whenever your Majesty, in your Royal Wisdom, shall again think it proper to meet your People in Parlia- ment, may they imitate your present House of Commons in our Duty and AfFection to your Majesty, in our Stea- diness and Resolution to support your Government! May they continue, with the like Application and Dili- gence, to extend Trade Commerce, the true and natural Source of Wealth and Plenty in these Kingdoms! And we should think our selves happy, if even our Mistakes might be of Service to your Majesty, by being a Warn- ing to those that come after us; And that when the Wis- dom of your Majesty's Councils, and the Steadiness of your Administration, shall have restored Credit to its for- mer flourishing Condition, they may not grow Wanton with too much Prosperity, but may proceed with such Caution and Prudence in their Endeavours to lessen the National Debt, as may put it out of the Power of any Set of Men to produce Misery and Distress from what shall be proposed for the Ease and Benefit of your People: And that, by the Blessing and Assistance of Divine Pro- vidence, they may so effectually unite the AfFections of your People, and firmly establish your Majesty's Throne, That the Sceptre may not depart from your Royal House, nor a Law giver from between your Feet ! That the ancient legal Constitution of this Kingdom, in King, Lords, and Com- mons, may be perpetuated in your Majesty, and your Royal Posterity, till time shall be no more. Your Majesty having been, at different Times in the Course of this Session, graciously pleased to accept such Supplies, as your Commons offered to your Majesty for the Service of this Year, they do . now humbly pray your Majesty's like gracious Acceptance of a Bill they have prepared for discharging the Debt of the Navy, Entitu- led, An act for Paying off, and cancelling One Million of Ex- chequer Bills, • t - ' • It Last Saturday in the Afternoon the Assizes ended at Chelmsford, where seven Persons received Sentence of Death ; one for the Highway, three Men and a Wo- man for Felony and Burglary, and two Boys for robbing their Master to the Value of 72 1. Charlesworth and Bird, who were try'd for the Highway on the Evidence of one Everett, were acquitted by the Jury, to the Wonder of some who heard the Tryal. A Woman was also try'd and acquitted for the Murder of her Bastard Child, which was found smother'd in a House of Office. Two were order'd to be Whipt, and two to be Trans- ported. His Majesty hath been pleased to appoint the Rt. Ho nourable the Lord Thomond Lord Lieutenant, and Cu- stos Rotulorum of the County of essex. There is Advice from Dartmouth of, the 9th Instant, that the Prince Frederick of and for Topsham, Jethro Furbur, Master, arrived there that Day from Lisbon with Wine and Salt. The Master whereof confirms, that the Brasil Fleet ( in which our Merchants are vastly concern'd) was arriv'd at Lisbon aforemention'd on the 3d Instant N. S. adding these further Particulars, viz That it consisted of 15 Sail of Merchant Ships and two Men of War; That they had brought over 13 Millions of Money ( Pieces of Eight) besides a great Quantity of Gold Dust and other rich Commodities 9 and that the Men of War had taken two Pyrate Ships on the Coast of Brasil, one of 31 Guns and the other of 24. James Mills the Victualler at the Fountain in Stocks. Market, and John Spry the1 Poulterer of Leadenhall- Market, who were lately condemn'd ac the Assizes held at Winchester, for a Robbery committed on the High-, way, were both executed there on Saturday last, Charles Stanhope, Esq; is appointed Treasurer of the Chamber, in the room of Henry Pelham, Esq; to which Place he has been nominated some time. George Gregory, Esq; is appointed Store keeper of the Ordnance, in the room of Sir Thomas Wheate; Bart. Stephen Bysse, Esq; before one of the Commissioners of Equivalent, is made one of the Commissioners of the Victualling- Office, in the room of Hugh Cholmley, Esq; We hear that the Ministers of several Maritime Powers residing here, have been consulted in relation to the Quota of Ships, which their respective Principals are willing to furnish toward destroying the Pyrates, who commit spoil on the Subjects of all trading Nations in general. The Lord Chief Baron Bury, who was oblig'd thro an Indisposition to return to Town from the Norfolk Circuit, is upon the mending Hand We hear Mr. John Toland, well known by his Wri- tings, died last Saturday at Putney. Last Friday was 7- Night one Bruckfield a Trooper,' was try'd and convicted at the Assizes held at Dorchester, for robbing the Western Mail near sherburn, the other Man apprehended for the same Fact, appearing to be a harmless Fellow drawn in by Bruckfield, under pretence of rid- ing out with him, he was admitted an Evidence against him : Bruckfield was to be executed the next Market Day but one, and afterwards hang'd in Chains: The Gentle- men of the Post- Office who went down to manage this Tryal, went afterwards to Taunton to try one Norman, who rob'd the Mail before in Somersetshire. They write from Cambray, that the Emperor's Pleni- potentiaries deliver'd the following Declaration, to those of Spain, and other Potentates. WHereas his Imperial Majesty desires nothing more than to perpetuate by a solemn Treaty the Peace happly made between him and the King of Spain, accor- ding to the Convention that has been approved, first at London and afterwards at the Hague, nor than to confirm and strengthen bv all imaginable Means the Peace that now blooms in Europe, and have to this Pur- pose sent his Plenipotentiaries to the Congress at Cam- bray: They therefore, in order to begin the Confe- rences, the sooner the better, declare themselves ready and willing to shew their Full Powers against those of the other Ministers, and to spare no Labour or Pains to at- tain so salutary an End ; nothing doubting, but that his Catholick Majesty is of the same Mind with the Em- peror. and that the Ally'd Crowns, desiring one and the same Thing, have also given the like Instructions to their Plenipotentiaries : Of which, the underwritten Plenipotentiaries, according to the Answer they shall (' i i . 8 6 ) hereto receive, are extreamly desirous to be enabled to give farther Assurance to their mofs potent and Impe- rial Master, Sign'd, Count Windisgratz. Cambray, Feb. 28. 1722, L. Baron Pentenriedter. To which, ' tis said, the Spanish Plenipotentiaries an- swer'd, that they were as ready at, the Imperialists to be- gin the Conferences, See. Some Days ago a single Man on Horseback stopt a Countryman within Call of the Turnpike at Kingsland, only it being dark, they were not in sight ; the Country- man had Money about him in a Bag, and had pull'd out the Bag to give it to the Thief, when at the very Mo- ment five or six Horfcmen came up just in hearing, which made the Highwayman brush off, not so much as staying to take the Man's Money, and for haste dropt his Pistol, riding away behind the Hospital at Kinsland towards islington: The Countryman coming up to the Turn- pike told ' em the Story, and they having a Speaking. Trumpet, kept on purpose to call to the other Turnpike, which is at the Turning towards Newington- Green, made Use of it accordingly, and call'd out to the Man at the Turnpike to keep fast and stop Thief. The Mo- roi r hearing the Call, and knowing what he was to ex- pect, made his Way over the Banks on the Left Hand, and by the goodness of his Horse got into the Road again between the said last Turnpike and Iflingron, and robb'd a Gentleman of twenty Guineas and his Watch, just at the End of the Town of Islington. and not venturing to go thro' Islington Town, where he might have been stopt again at the Grand Turnkpike at the hither end of the Town, he turn'd Northward towards Holloway, and Very unhappily chops upon a Gentleman's Coach going late home towards Highgate, and robb'd them, and after- wards went off clear. Two Days after, on the same Road where he first stopt the Countryman, only nearer to London, the same Fel- low, by the Description given him, robb'd the Newing- ton Stage- Coach ; it was observable, that when he first came up, the Coachman whipt on, endeavouring to have got up to the Watch- house, which was near him, upon which he ask'd him if he had a Mind to fool away his Life to saVe his Passengers a little Pocket Money, and threatning too shoot him, call'd him by his Name. which is Frank, so that it seems to be some Rogue who is no Stranger to that side of the Country. He robb'd three Men in the Coach, but, not being strict in searching them they sav'd their Watches, and he got not above three Pounds odd Money from them all, and bad them Very civilly good Night. On Saturday the Honourable Conyers D'Arcy was sworn in Council, Lord Lieutenant of the East Riding of the County of York. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint the Right Honourable Spencer Compton, esq; Receiver and Pay. master General of all His Majesty's Guards and Garri- sons ; as also Paymaster of the Royal Hospital at Chel- sea. , His Majesty has been pleas'd to to constitute Waller Bacon, Esq; ( before one of the Commissioners of the Victualling- Office) Commissary- General of his Majesty's Stores of War and Provisions in the Island of Minorca We hear that the Election of Representatives in the ensuing Parliament for Westminster, is to be some time next Week. On the 13th Instant a Ship from Ireland laden with Hydes and Tallow, was lost near Plymouth, and all the Men drowned. By a Ship that set Sail from Oporto on the ist Instant, and arrived at Weymouth on the 12th ditto, there is Advice, that no new Wines would be permitted to be shipp'd off at the said Port ( Oporto) till the 15th of April next. On Wednesday six condemn'd Malefactors, were execu- ted at Tyburn. .( The Lady Wenman, who hath been a Prisoner within the Rules of the Fleet for above seven Weeks last past, for a Contempt of the Court of Chancery, was on Tues- day last removed by the Warden's Officers from her Lodgings on Ludgate Hill within the Walls of the said Prison. John Jones, Esq; is appointed Receiver General for the County of Montgomery, in the room of John Me- redith, Esq; And Thomas Lewis, Esq; is apointed Receiver General for the County of Radnor, in the room of John Chaloner Sir john Jennings, Master of the Royal Hospital, and Keeper of His Majesty's House and Park at Green- wich is appointed High Steward of His Majesty's Lordships and Mannors of West Greenwich, East- Greenwich, and Lee, in the County of Kent, and chief Steward of the Lordships, Mannors, and Towns of Deptford, Stroud, and High Bailiff of the Town and Lordship of East Greenwich ; and Mr. Thomas Smith, Solicitor to the Principal Officers of His Maje- sty's Ordnance , is appointed by him Deputy Stew- ard and Deputy Bailiff of the aforesaid Lordships and Mannors Last Tuesday there was a General Council at St. James's, when His Majesty in Council was pleased to order a Proclamation to be issued forthwith, which was published the same Night, declaring, That he has gi- ven Orders to the Lord Chancellor of Great- Britain to issue out Writs in due Form for calling a New Parlia- ment ; the Writs to bear Teste the 14th, and to be re- turnable the 10th of May next._ A Proclamation was also order'd, and publish'd at the same time, for electing 16 Peers cf Scotland, who are to Sit in the House of Peers of GreatBritain, which is to be done 21st of April next. The Duke of Canbridge, and the Sea- Horse, are ar- rived in the Downs from Turkey, and are to perform Quarantine at Stangate Creek. On the 4th Instant, died in a very advanced Age, the Reverend and Learned Mr. Barrow, Head Master of Manchester School ; which Place he had enjoy'd about 46 Years. He was a Gentleman of exemplary Piety and extensive Charity, an indefatigable Schoolmaster, and an excellent Grecian. About a Month before died Mr. Thompson, second Master of the some School, an ex- cellent Grammarian, and a skilful Latinist. The Rev. Dr. Mather. President of Corpus Christi College in Oxon, ( who was a Scholar of the late Mr. Barrows) is Patron of the School. Statutes of Bankrupts since our last. John Glass of Taunton in the County of Somerset, Fuller James Reynolds, late of London Bridge, Haberdasher of Small Wares. Samuel Orme, late of Breadstreet, London, Hosier. Robert Bradford of Ratcliff; Highway in the County of Middlesex, Joiner. Andrew Euderupe of St John Wapping, Merchant. Bruckfield the Trooper, condemn'd for robbing the WeStern Mail at Dorchester, is to be Hang'd this Day, and afterwards to be put up in Chains. Last Tuesday the Assizes for the County of Sussex end- ed at East- Grinstead, where one Person receiv'd Sen. tence for Horse- stealing ; and two were Cast upon the late Act against Smugling, and order'd to be Transported. On Wednesday the Winchester, and some other Stage- Coaches on that Road, were rob'd on Hounslow- Heath. Last Week died Dr. Peter Dresincourt, Son of the fa- mous French Divine at Charenton, who wrote the Trea- tise on Death, so much esteem'd by the Reform'd abroad : He was Preceptor to the late Duke of Ormond in his Infancy, and promoted by his Grandfather to the Dean- ery of Armagh 2nd Precentorship of Christ Church, Dublin .- He left behind him one Daughter, the Child of his Old Age, and to her a Fortune of 30000 1. Wednesday one Mrs. Lapworth, who keeps a Pam- phlet Shop, was taken into Custody of a Messenger, for vending a Pamphlet call'd, The Advantages accruing to England by the Hanover Succession, & c. On Saturday last Sir Alexander Cairne's Lady being to visit Mr. Bateman's Lady at Pottidger beyond Barnet, and designing to pass some Days there, the Rev. Mr. Benson, Chaplain to the Earl of Pomfret. and Mrs. Ni- chols, the Lady Bateman's Woman, took the Opportunity of coming to Town in the Lady Cairne's Chariot, when between Highgate and London they were stopt by two Highwaymen about the Dusk of the Evening, who beat the Coachman in a most violent manner for refusing to stand, and shot one of the Horses, and then came to the Coach side and robb'd Mr. Benson and Mrs. Nichols of their Gold Watches and Money, and because the former complained of the ill Usage, they also beat him very barbarously, and tore his Cassock off of his Back, and dismounted a Person riding by the Chariot, and cut the Horse's Bridle to prevent a Pursuit, and then they rode off. Mr. 3/ 8 r 3 1 8 7 ) yrnJ the If- { » nd M'-' j : OfP0"^ 1 fcthf^ 5 > ? Mr. READ, TIS at this Time very unfashionable, as well as very unedifying, to write upon any SubjeCt but that of Elections ; all the Discourse for some Time will turn upon the memorable Event of choosing a Par- liament and ' tis ten to one whether a great many will be pleas'd with it when it is chose. A great ma- ny Pamphlets and Papers have already been Publish'd upon the SubjeCt, but generally such as have run in a Vein of Party, aggravating our Misfortunes, and glos- sing them over with such specious Colours, as may tend to raise a Ferment in the Nation, tho' some of them may be intended honestly ; but whilst they are multi- plying Complaints, they propose but few Remedies. I believe it will be as suitable to your Journal. as to the Times, to give the following Hints a Place there. I make Choice of the Recommendatory Part of the Advertisement relating to the Nomination of the four City Members made at Skinner's Hall, viz. Who are Gentlemen of known Affection to His Majesty King GEORGE, and our Happy Constitution in Church and State, and zealous Assertors of the Rights and Privileges, of their Fellow Citizens. It were to be wish'd Men of such characters were chose all over the Kingdom, and that in Parliament it may be fullfill'd in a Literal Sense ; which, we think, we need not doubted, the Affair being too serious to be trifled with. The Parliament is justly said to be the Bulwark of the Rights and Liberties of the People, and that every Member chosen by them, is intrusted with the Nation's Interest, and therefore the making this Choice, ought to be attended with the most serious Regard, and well- weigh'd Consideration. I shall avoid mentioning any Distinction of Parties, farther, than as they regard the Protestant Succession, as being the Nation's Blessing, and Security, if whether they be Tories or Whigs, matters not, so they be honest Men; and as the City Members recommend themselves by their known Affection to King GEORGE, and our happy Constitution in Church and State ; for it must be allow'd there are Good and Bad of both Denominations, but the Force of Prejudice and Violence does very of- ten interupt the free Voice of an honest Elector, that he is led to dislike a Good Man, perhaps, upon wrong Information, and to embrace a Bad One on the very same Reason. Notwithstanding our late Misfortunes, ' tis a Comfort to refleCt, That we live at present under a Government which allows us ( and has promised to support us in,) our just Rights and Liberties ; and left, at any Time, their should be private endeavours to disturb our Peace, to serve Party Rage, or private Persons, it is the Indis- pensible Duty of all True Englishmen, to maintain the Privileges convey'd from their Aucestors, through so many Generations, inviolable ; upon which all our ( Earth- ly, and in a great Measure our Spiritual,) Happiness, Safety, and Well- being depends ; nor can any Man in his Senses but acknowledge, That the only right Way to attain the End, is, to look well to the Means; and that is, by taking due Care what Persons we chuse for our Representatives ; with whom we must trust our E- states, Lives, and Liberties. Now, in this Government of a Prince, by and with Parliaments, whenever the Condition and the Necessities of the State require them, however, according to it's Primitive Institutions, it was the best of all others, yet, as well in that as Christianity it self, there have been round out Ways of Corruption ; and that is, when ei- ther they sit too long, or too seldom, or are too fre- quently dissolv'd: Too frequent Dissolutions being no less dangerous to the SubjeCt, than too long Sessions. nevertheless, It may be in the Electors Power, to avoid Inconveniencies of both ; and, that is, by making a good Choice. Whereas, If the Countiy People will sell All that they have, for present sensual Gratifications, or corrupt allurements, chusing Him that give; most To- Day, tho' they know him to be a Person, who will sell their Re- ligion Liberties and Fortunes To Morrow, then freqent Dissolutions will of Necessity ruin us, and debauch our COnstitution : For, the honest Country Gentleman . de- signing no other private Advantage, but the true Service, of his King and Country, hath no Reason, nor is he able frequently, to spend large Sums of Money, only to pur- chase a Place full of Labour, Charge, Trouble, and Dan- ger, without any Profit to himself, meerly to serve those who put him to so unkind Expence : And when honest Gentlemen are thus discourag'd, if this extravagant Hu- mour amongst Electors continue, the Papists and their FaCtion, or Necessitous Persons, of prostituted Consci- ences, will carry their Votes; for they can afford to buy them at large Rates, being resolv'd to repay themselveS tho' with the Ruin of the Nation. Therefore, that Person who does wilfully give his Voice for a Knave, or Fool, does his Endeavours to ruin not only his Country, and himself, but his Posterity, and to be as bad or worse than the Person he chuses; and if the Majority of the House happen to be wiser, or ho- nester, no Thanks are due to him; he did as much as he cou'd to debauch it; and therefore, for his Part, if none else were concern'd with him, it were no Matter, if he were forthwith made a Slave, to suffer the Effects of his own Mercenary Folly.. Consider, The Representativcs of a Nation ought to consist of the most wise, sober, wealthy, and couragi- ous of the People ; not Men of mean Spirits, and sor- did Passions. that would dispose of your Interests for their own Use ; or be subject to the Direction . of any Great Man, to obtain some profitable Employment. Those that have ample Estates, do, in some Manner, give Hostages to their Country ; and such must probably become Fools themselves, before they can be made Knaves to assist in their Country's Ruin j But, what cares the Needy Senator how his Country fares, provi- ded he thrives himself ? And, what Good or Service can we expeCt from those, who ( it may be) cannot well ap- pear without a Protection, either in or our of Parlia- ment ? Shall we untrust our most Valuable Treasure with Persons surrounded by gaping Creditors, or with prodigal Spendthrifts ? who being base in Principle and Action, will readily submit to any Measurses that may tempt'em to repair and enlarge their ill manag'd For- tunes, tho' it were heartily to assist in the Publick Ruin : Besides, chusing Men of broken Fortunes. is the Way to make Trade decay, and bring whole Families to Misery and Want; if Beggars should become Sena- tors, they will not be so apt to judge what is expedient for the Nation to spare, but by what Means they may get enough to spend. Methinks it wou'd look like an Affront, ( if Experi- ence did not shew that it is become necessary,) to tell an Englishman. he ought not to receive any Bribe or Gra- tuity from Persons who with large Purses and eXtrava- gant Treats, only entice you, to prostitute your Voices for their Elections ; for you may be assur'd, they would never bid so high for your Votes, if they had not laid Schemes to recover the expence. Rather, therefore, chuse a modest deserving Man, with known Integrity, than the obsequious or compli- mental Person, whose more than ordinary Forwardness plainly foretells, he seeks not your Good, but his own, separate from the Pubiick. By all Means, Let us not play either the Fool, or Knave, to neglect or betray the common Interest of our Country, by a base Election 5 Let neither Fear, Flattery, nor Gain, biass us: Let us but consider what Losers we shall be, if for a few Days Mirth, the Person we chuse shou'd contribute to whole Years of Mourning, which we and our Posterity may groan under. Hence it evidently appears, Of what vast Importance it is at all Times, whenever his Majesty pleases to issue his Writs for a Parliament, to chuse ( as much as in us lies) a good House of Commons ; as we tender our Religion, Liberties, Estates, and Posterity ; upon our well or ill chusing, depends our well or ill being : ' Tis here, as in War, or Marriages, there it no room for second Errors ; one Act may ruin a Nation beyond Re- trieve. Your humble Servant, M. S. We hear the EleCtion at St. Albans comes on next Wednesday, where William Clayton, Esq, and Wm. Gore, Esq; oppose Mr. Lomax, and the Lord Viscount Grimstone ; the former put up by the Dutchess, in Con- junction with the last, on the Interest of Mr. Gape. On Wednesday Night Mr Samuel Redmain was seized by the King's Messengers, for printing certain Pamphlets reflecting on his Majesty and the Ministry Letters I \ J Letters from Philadelphia of November 13, say, that Joseph Pyle of Chester County had, on the 18th Instant, the Misfortune to have his House take Fire, whilst he and his Wife were gone to a visit a Neighbour, and left three small Children in Bed, the Eldest about six Years of Age, and only a Servant Boy at home beside, who be- ing surprized to see the House on Fire, ran to call his Master, and left the three Children to the Mercy of the Flames, who were all burnt to Ashes. It is desired, that all People may be cautioned by this fearful Instance, not to leave their Houses with careless Servants. , Old Gabriel ( alias Gib) Tomkin, of Kent, who has been a notorious Owler and Smugler for many Years, having been arrested and imprisoned for being concerned in transporting of Wool, and Judgment thereon obtained in His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, it was ordered by the Court last Michaelmas Term, that the said Tomkin, for his Offence, should be transported: And pursuant to the said Order, he was put on board a Ship at Gravesend last Saturday, in order to be transported to one of his Majesty's Plantations in America, and the Ship is sailed out of the River. The Reverend Mr. Charles Fairfax, Chaplain to his Grace the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, is preferr'd to the Deanry of Down and Connor, said to be worth about 10001. per Annum. Last Tuesday the Assizes ended at East Grindstead for the County of Sussex, where one Man was condemn'd for Horse Stealing, and two were order'd for Transpor- tation, being convicted upon the late Statute against running of Brandy. On Tuesday Night last Mr. Standfast's Shop in West- minster hall was broke open, and Toys to the Value of 60 i. were carried off by the Robbers. Bury St. Edmond's, March 16. On Monday the Court, where the Lord Chief Justice King sat single on the Bench, having finish'd the ordi- nary Tryals for Felonies, Robberies, & c. and two Per- sons were condemn'd, his Lordship appointed the Tryal of Coke and Woodburn to come on, precisely at Ten a- Clock on Tuesday Morning. The Concourse of People of all Ranks, that this memorable Tryal had brought hither from all Parts of the Neighbouring Country, is incredible ; insomuch, that the Town, tho' they had laid in a good Stock, had hardly Provision sufficient to Entertain them; and Beds Lett ordinary for 20s, the three Nights. The Charges of the Tryal, as it was carried on by His Majesty's Order, it was wholly at his Expence. His Majesty's Attorney General, his Council at Law, and Deputy Solicitor of the Crown, were here, and Manag'd the Tryal with great Exactness, insomuch that the Country express a wonderful Sence of the King's Goodness shewn on this Occasion ; for it may be said, that the People in general, from the oldest to the youngest, were greatly rejoic'd when they heard they were Condemn'd ; and when the Jury brought in their Verdict, Guilty, there was a great Shout in Court. John Woodburne, Labourer, and Arundel Coke, alias Cook, Esq; Barrister at Law, were Indicted for an Attempt to Murder Edward Crispe, Esq; founded on the Act of the 22d and 23d of King Charles the 2d, call'd, The Coventry Act, from Sir Wm. Coventry, who was held- whilst he was assaulted, had his Nose slit, and his Face otherwise grievously mangled ; which Act made it Death to slit the Nose, or otherwise disfigure the Face of any of the King's Subjects. The Chief Evidence was Mr. Crispe himself, who declar'd, That his Brother Coke drew him into the Church. Yard under Pretence of Visiting a Friend, where he was struck down, and receiv'd several ghastly Wounds, and lay some time for Dead ; but recovering a little Strength and Sence. he stagger'd to Mr. Coke's, where he came from; but had not yet recover'd Strength of Memory enough to discover his Brother Coke's Perfidiousness; but in a Day or two afterwards, as his Strength and Faculties encreas'd, he came to perfect Ideas of the whole Stratagem. Their own Confessions corroborated and confirm'd the Truth of the Fact ; and Mr. Coke, for all be was himself a Counsellor, was so struck with Guilt, that he made little or no Defence.- So that after a Tryal of about three Hours, the Jury brought them in Guilty. The next Day they were again brought into Court, and receiv'd Sentence of Death. Christen'd, Males 1S5. Females 181'. in all 366. Buried, Males 275. Females 163. In all 538. Increased in the Burials this Week s. CASUALTIES. Bruised by a Fall r. and Drowned r. at St. Dunstan at Stepney. Hang'd herself ( being LunatickJ at St. An- drew in Holborn 1. Kill'd 3. One accidentally by Part of a Distiller's Fatt falling on him at St. Olave in South, wark, one by a Fall from a Ship at St. Mary at Rother- hith, and one by a Fall from a Ladder at St. Martin in the Fields. Overlaid 3. LONDON Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near, Fleet- Street. where Advertisements are taken in. THE LORD MOLESWORTH being de- sirous to omit nothing within his Power, to con. vince his Friends, the Inhabitants of the City and Li berty of Westminster, of his Design to comply with their Requests, by offering his Service to represent them in the next Pailiament, thinks fit to inform them again in this publick Manner, That whatever Reports have been industriously spread to the contrary, he still per- sists in the same Resolution, tho' great Endeavours have been used ( by uniting even opposite Interest ) to debar him of any Opportunity of serving his Country: but notwithstanding all Discouragements , he desires his Friends to appear for him, and to be assu'd, that he determines to stand Candidate at the ensuing Election .• He hopes, that as his Love of his Country recommended him at first to their Favour, so ( if he succeeds.) his sted- dy Adherence to the Interest of it, will make them not repent their Choice,
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