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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 10/03/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
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' J? * V * f 2? 77 ) THE Weekly Journal: oR, British Gazetteer, Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, MARCH IO, 1722. G R E A T. B R I T A I N. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD the Ist. King of england. hE alfo appointed that Justices Itinerants, should go their several Circuts at such cer- tain Times of the Year. And now the Crown of Scotland by the Death of Alexander the Third being destitute of any apparent Heir, by the Umpirage of King Edward. it was settled on the Head of John Baliol who did Homage to Ed- ward ( against the Minds of the Scots) for the whole Kingdom of Scotland. But shortly after Baliol, to regain the Affections of his Peo- ple, combined with the French against the English; wherefore the King advanced against the Scots with a puissant Army, drove the Scots out of the North Parts of England, where they . had done much Mischief, took Berwick Town and Castle, had Dunbar yielded to him and after a cruel Fight, obtained a Victory of great Im- portance, took the Castle of Roxbrow had Edinburgh render'd to him, fo brought Baliol to sue for Mercy ; which was granted on condition, that the Scots should submit to him as their Sovereign And accordingly the Nobles of Scotland, at a Parlia- ment holden at Berwick, did swear to be true Subjects to Edward for ever after, and hereof a solemn Instru- ment was there sealed by them. John the late King was sent to the Tower of London, and the Custody of Scotland was committed to John de Warren, Earl of Surry and Sussex. Out of Edinburgh, Edward took the Crown, Scepter and Cloth of State. Burnt their Re- cords, abrogated their Laws, alter'd the Form of their Divine Service, transplanted their learned Men unto Oxford. The Marble Chair in the Abbey of Schone, wherein the Kings of Scotland were wont to be crowned, he sent unto Westminster. This is the Chair upon which was Engraven the famous prophetical Distich. Ni fallat fatum, Scoti quocumque locatum Invenient lapidim, regnare tenentur ibidem. That the Scots should reign wheresoever that Chair should be ; verified in King James. But King Edward drawn beyond the Seas, by occasion of Wars in Gas- coign, and for aid of Friends in Flanders, one William wallis, Captain of the discontented Scots, put Earl War- ren to flight in Scotland, and all the English Forces that were with him, taking them at an Advantage as they were passing over a narrow Bridge near Striveling, where the Slaughter of the English was not small. Hugh de Cressingham, Treasurer of Scotland for King Edward, was there slain, whose dead Body the Scots did flay, di- Viding his Skin amongst them. But King Edward being returned into England, he summoned a Parliament to York, giving the Scots a Day to appear ac it; which they not doing, nor acknowledging that they ought so to do he entred Scotland with a mighty Army, where when he was near the Enemy, as he was putting his foot into the Stirrup, his Horse being affrighted with ( Price Three Halt Pence.)) the sudden Shout of the Scotch Army, threw him down and striking with his Heels, broke two of the King's Ribs, who nevertheless proceeded to Battel: Captain Wallis encouraged his Men with this short Speech, I have brought you to the King, hop gif ye kun. In this Battle, fought at a Place called Fawkirk, the English slew of the Scots 70000. After which Victory King Edward took sundry Places in Scotland, then returned into England, where in a Parliament, holden at London and Stamford, he confirmed Magna Charta and Charta de Foresta, and yielded that there should be no Subsidy or Taxation levied upon the People, without Consent of the Prelates, Peers and People. And for the more am- ple Satisfaction of some then disconcented, he left out this Clause in the End of his Grants. Salvo jure Corona nostra Saving the Right of our Crown. Upon the Pope's Request he set John late King of Scotland at Li- berty, who departed into France' And then the King made it his whole Affair to finish the Annexation of Scotland to the Crown or England; to which End, he passed with a dreadful Army into Scotland, where the Scots not being able to withstand him by Force of Arms procured inhibitory Letters from the Pope; but these the King set light by, swearing per sanguinem Dei that he would not desist. And when the Scots threat- ned that he would not desist his Hostility, the Pope would take the Matter upon him ; the King with a disdainful Smile answered, ' Have ye done Homage to ' me as to the chief Lord of the Kingdom of Scotland, ' and do you now suppose that I can be terrified with ' threatning Lyes, as if ( like one that had no Power to ' compel would let the Right which I have, to go out ' of my Hand ?" Let me hear no more of this, for if I do, ' I swear by the Lord, I will consume all Scotland ' from Sea to Sea. To which the Scots replied,' That ' in Defence of Justice, and their Country's Rights, they ' would shed their Blood. Howbeit, that the King might not seem altogether to neglect the Court of Rome, he sent the Earl of Lincoln in Justification of his Pro- ceedings, and at the Instance of the Pope, he granted Truce to the Scots from All Saints to Whitsontide. But the Pope not long satisfied with this, directly opposed the King in his Martial Proceedings against that Nation ; wherefore the King in a Parliament holden at Lincoln by the Consent of the whole Representative Body of the Realm, returned a copious Defence of his whole Proceed, ings, with Protestations, first, That he did not exhibit any thing as in Form of Judgment or Trial of' his Cause, but for Satisfaction of his holy Fatherhood's Con- science, and not otherwise. And because the Pope re- quired that rhe King should stand to his Decision for Matter of Claim, the Earls and Peers ( to whom the King wholly referred it) with one Mind directly signified; That their King was not to answer in Judgment for any Rights of the Crown of England, before any Tribu- nal under Heaven, and that he should not ( by sending Deputies and Attornies to such an End) make the said Truth doubtful, because it manifestly tended to the Disinherison of the said Crown; which with the Help of God, they would resolutely, and with all their Power, maintain against all Men. To which they all ( being 100 Peers) subscribed their Names. Dated at Lin- coln, 1301. To be continued. is H The Continuation of the Tryal of Christlopher Love. Mr. Attorney answer'd, That Parliamentary Proceed, ings were no Rule for other Courts: And besides, the Prisoner was question'd for offending against known Laws, whereas my Lord Strafford and the Archbishop were not charg'd with Treason committted against any positive Law; but that the Parliament, for several accumulated Facts under the Degree of Treason, did ad- judge them guilty of Treason; and therefore they had much more Reason to have a Copy of their Charge than Then the court propos'd. That the Charge, and the seve- ral Acts, and the Exceptions, should be compared toge- ther in Court, to see if there was any real Foundation for the Exceptions which had been offer'd. And it appear'd, That the first Exception was founded on a Mistake, for the Word malitiously was in the Charge. And as to the second, the Words plot, con- trive and endeavour were also found to be in. As to that Exception, that to make it Treason within the Act, on which the first Part of the Charge was found, ed, some Overt Act ought to have been laid ; Mr. Attorney answer'd, there were several Overt- Acts mentioned afterwards in the Charge, which were to be applied to the whole. Mr. Hale answer'd, that this was a distinct Treason from what follow'd ; and that the holding Correspon- dence by Letters, & c. could not be an Overt- Act of Treason relating to the first Charge. The President said, Thac the Charge was founded upon four Statutes; and if it was laid that the Prisoner had offended against the first, second, third and fourth and then it was concluded generally, that to accomplish his aforesaid Treasons he held Correspondence by Letters, & c. that would relate to every one of them. Mr. Attorney added, That all the Treasons mentioned in the Charge ( though against four several Acts tended to the Subversion of the Government. This was the Foundation of the whole, and the Charge concluding, that those several Practices and Designs were against the Form of the several Statutes in that Case made and pro- vided, ( and not particularly against that of the 17th of July, or the second of August) it was sufficient: Besides that, in Impeachments they were not tied up to those nice and formal Rules as upon Indictments. Mr. Hale notwithstanding held, That where a sub- stantial Part of the Charge was omitted, which out to have been alledg'd in Fact, it was not the Conclusion, that contrary to the Form of the Statutes in this Case made and provided, would help it: He said he acknow- ledg'd, that the Formalities concerning the Tryal were not the same as upon Indictments : But for such Mat- ters as were especially and substantially requir'd by the Act of Parliament, those ought no more to be supplied by Intendment in a Charge before this Court, than in an Indictment for Treason. And that Sir Edward Coke, in his Comment on the 25 Edw. Ill, where there are several Species of Treason enumerated; one, the Com- passing the King's Death ; another, Levying War, & c. says, that one Treason in an Indictment shall not be con- strued an Overt Act of another ; because all are made equally traiterous: So here, if the former Treason charg'd be not a Treason able to support it self, this sub- sequent Act shall not serve as a Bolster to uphold it, and to supply that which is laid as a distinct Treason of it self. And therefore he insisted on these three Points, i. That an Overt Act was necessary to be laid; 2. That it could not be supplied by a general Conclusion: 3. That this Overt Act of Correspondence could refer no more to the first Design, than to the second or third, which were charg'd as distinct Treasons. But the Lord Prefident over ruled this Exception, and said, That since the Treasons were all of one Nature or Species, and the Overt- Acts laid were Overt- Acts, or a Manifestation of every Charge laid, it is well enough; and the Overt Acts laid in the subsequent Charge might refer to them that went before. The next Exception Mr. Hale insisted on, was, That there was a treasonable Assistance charg'd in some Years, that were before the making the Act that did prohibit it Mr. Attorney answered, that there was a Law in 1648 , that forbid the promoting the Interest of Charles Stuart, and consequently the Calling in foreign Aid ; that did not charge this to be an Offence against this or that Act, but concluded generally, that these Trea- sons were committed against the said ACt; and if they were against all, or any one, it was well enough. To which Mr. Hale reply'd, as in the other Case, that was not sufficient, because it was a Charge of Treason in itself, and therefore could not be made an Additional and Supplemental Charge to make out another. The President said, That indeed where the destroying the King, and levying War, were laid as two distinct Treasons, the one should not serve as an Overt- Act of the other; but thac levying War might be laid as an Overt Act of a Design to destroy the King ; and that here all these Overt Acts were laid as conducing to that general Design of subverting the Government; and so well enough. The next Exception Mr, Hale insisted on was, That they had laid this Correspondence to be traiterously held, when the Act against Correspondence does not make it Treason: Mr. Attorney admitted, that it was not ex- press'd in the Act of the 29th of March 1650, what the Offence should be ; but he said, that this was an Offence also against the first Act of the 30th of January 1648( which makes the promoting the Interest of Charles Stu- art High- Treason. Mr. Hale said, that was but by way of Interpreta- tion, or Inference: But the Court over- rul'd him, and held it was not interpretative, but positive. The next Exception insisted on was, that it is charg'd, that within the several Days and Times, in the respective Years afore said, he held Correspondence, & c. and the Times aforesaid ( last mention'd,} are between the 29th of March 1650, and June 1651 ; whereas the Act which makes the Correspondence treasonable, does not take Place till the fifth of August 1650 ; so that it might be within the Times aforesaid ; ( viz ) between the 29th of March 1650, and June 1651, and yet not contrary to the Act of August 1650 ; it might be as well before the making of the Act as after it. Sir T. Witherington said, they had laid it both within and without the Time ; and the Witness having been prov'd it to be within the Time prohibited by the Act, it was well enough. To which Mr Hale answer'd,, That the Proof should never supply the Infufficiency of the Charge ; and that what might be alledg'd against the Charge before the Proof made, might as well be alledg'd afterwards. The President held, that since it appeared by the Proof, that this Correspondence was since the Time prohibited by the Act, it was sufficient. Mr. Hale still insisted, that in a Cafe of this Nature, the Time must be precisely laid: And as the Statute of the 29th Eliz, enacts, That whoever entertains a Jesuit knowingly, shall be guilty of Treason; if it should be said in the Indictment that such a Man be. tween the 28th of November, in the 28th Year of the Queen, and the 28th of December, in the 29th Year of the Queen, did entertain a fuch Jesuit, the Indictment would be naught, because it takes in a Time not pro- hibited by the Statute; and the concluding that it was contrary to the Form of the Statute,, would not help it, since it might be done before the Statute was in- Force. Mr. Attorney said, this Corresponding being an Offence against every one of the Acts mention'd in the Charge, he did not lay it as an Offence against this or that Law in particular; and if it were Treason by any one of them, it was sufficient to support the Charge. The last Exception was, as to the relieving Titus, and Sterks a Scotchman ; that this was said to be done trai- terously, whereas it was but Felony. To which the President answer'd, That if a Statute make a thing Felony that was not Felony, or recites a thing which was Felony, and says it shall be punish'd with Death; there, indeed, the Offence was but Felony; but where the Statute recites an Offence, which before was Treason, and says that the Offender shall suffer Death for it, whoever is guilty of such an Offence shall be adjugd'd a Traitor on such a Statute. The Remainder in our next. Last Week died at the Lord Coningsby's, the Lady Bladen, Relict of Dr. Bladen, and Daughter to the Earl or Blaney of the Kingdom of Ireland The late Earl of Suffolk and Bindon was bury'd this week near Henbury in Gloucestershire, Where his Lordship died. The < ^ The FAIRY TATLER. No 14. The Story of Ceremila and Roderiff continued. FOR some time Roderiff was in the full and unfear'd Possession of his dear Ceremila, but Oh the Incon- stancy of Woman's Heart! the Unstability of their Passi- ons ! her Love for him now began to decline, she that a little more than a Year before doated, nay, liv'd on his Sight, now shun'd his Prefence, and chose lonely Walks to indulge her impure Thoughts, and give way to her imposing Wishes. A young French Nobleman call'd Le Brun, of no ex- traordinary Accomplishments, either in Body or Mind, but of a light and airy Carriage, had made pressing and prevailing Suit to her , she was taken with the Richness of his Dress, and the Splendour of his Retinue, the No- bleness of his Title, and the other outward Allurements of his Grandeur; Nothing cou'd satisfy her but him, her whole Thoughts were upon him, by Night she dreamt of him, by Day she sigh'd for him, Roderiff was worth her minding, at Dinner she left him, at Times of Recreation she left him, her Rest was irksome while he ( once so much admired and sought after) lay by her Side. It must have been a Blindness, indeed, in Roderiff if he cou'd not have seen a visible Coldness in her to- wards him ; sometimes he thought it might be Coun- terfeit, and only feign'd to try his Love, at other Times he thought ( she being then very big with Child) it might proceed from that natural indifference most Women at that Time show to every thing. One Night as he was in Bed with her, observing her to sigh pretty often, he turning to'ards her, began to enquire what was the Cause of her, so sudden, Alteration. She with the last Efforts of a decaying Tenderness, taking his Hand and squeezing it to her Bosom with a Flood of Tears cry'd, 0 Roderiff ! you have undone me, and that Instant she threw herself from him, who was unable thro' his Surprize to say any thing more for the present, till recovering his Temper ; and forcing her wet Breast bedew'd with her Teats to his, again he kiss'd her glowing Cheeks and rosey Lips, asking her a thousand Times what was the Occasion of those unkind Words she us'd to him so little a Time before, and pressing her to discover it. But she was resolv'd to hide it as a Secret from him and ev'ry one else she had told him; and after a long Silence inter- rupted by his Groans and a frequent catching her to his languishing Bosom, she fell fast a sleep in his Arms. The Day no sooner dawn'd but with all the Silence he could he arose; and putting only a loose Garment, for it was the extream Heat of the Summer at that Time, he walk'd out a little Way by himself, full of careful Thoughts. Ceremila ( began he with a mournful Sigh) now hates me ? ' tis plain she grudges me that Happiness I enjoy'd in the quiet of my Heart and the Possession of her. But oh Ceremila ! O thou unkind one ( how can I upbraid thee! have a care of killing me; be not so cruel thou false Charmer, howsoe'er thou deal'st beside with my poor Soul ! there he broke of, and set. ting himself down by the Side of a clear Brook, oppress'd with Trouble and his melancholy Reflections he fell a sleep, and lay till ' twas quite Night, before he ' woke Surpris'd to find himself be- nighted and in so strange Place, he with the utmost Speed made towards Home, and came there by that Time the Family were preparing for Rest. But to his first Surprize, there suc- ceeded a ten times greater one when they told him she had left the Houfe, and had not been seen since the Eve- ning With all Diligence he enquir'd after her among her Neighbours and Acquaintance, but to no purpose, no one cou'd give him any Account of her. Returning Home with a heavy Pace ( about Midnight) despairng to find her, and going to his Chamber he found upon the Toilet, this Letter wrapp'd up and seal'd with a locktet on which was engrav'd Hatred and falshood pulling a Heart in Flames out of a great Fire, with two Cupids sat blowing of. Trembling he broke it open, and in it read these few Lines. Not that I love you Roderiff have I left this, but to satisfy you that I am gone where you may never hope to ses me again to the arms of him whom you wou'd hate to know, since I adore — Ceremila. To be continu'd. ' Tis advis'd from Moscow, that the Emperor continues to establish better Order in the Civil Government of his Dominions, and has made several Changes in the Admi nistration of Affairs. They add, that his Imperial Ma- jesty intends to institute a new Order of knights of St. Alexander of Neva, which, nevertheless, is to be infe- rior to that of the Order of St. Andrew ; and that he causes a diligent Enquiry to be made of the Antiquity of Noble Families, that he may distinguish them from such whose Claim to Nobility is of late Date. The Advices brought by the last Post concerning the Contagion in France, give Reason to believe, that that Country will soon be delivered from it, as we have Hopes Avignon will likewise be, where it is considera- bly abated. Letters from Dorsetshire say, that on Friday Night, the pth of February, seven Waggons were loaded at a Place near Pool, with run Goods and guarded by 15 Men, of which the Officers of the Revenue at Blandford ha- ving Information, attempted to get the Assistance of the Troop quarter'd in that Town, but the same being to be muster'd next Day, the Colonel did not let them go, so that the Officers of the Revenue were obliged to go with only their small Force of ten or twelve Men, Which was too weak to do any Business. However, they have heard since, that two of the Waggons have been taken at Fordingbridge, and one more at another Place in Hampshire, so that four went off clear. According to some Letters from Cambray, the Con- gress will not be open'd till the Month of May next. Letters from Paris say, The Lord Polwarth has had a private Audience of the most Christian King : His Ex- cellency will set out for the Congress at Cambray the Middle of next Week. Letters from Paris say, that the Deputies of the Parlia- ment waited on the Infant Queen, and made her the following Compliment .- ' Madam, the King's Letter has inform'd us of the Subject of your Arrival ; his Example and his Command have made us determine to anticipate the paying the Respects that are destin'd for you. You are the Seal of Peace between two Great Kingdoms ; may you long preserVe that august Character ! May the Innocence of your Days draW. down on this State the Blessings of Heaven ! The late Duke of Ormond's House near Richmond, which was purchased by the Prince of Wales for one Life, and falling to the Crown after that Demise, hiS Majesty was pleased on Thurfday last, being the Birth- Day of the Princess of Wales, to give the same after the said Demise, to his Royal Highness then to her Royal Highness, and afterwards to the Princess Anne, for their Lives respectively. On the 2d Instant James Mills, a Victualler at the Fountain in Stocks Market, and John Spry, a Journey- man Poulterer in Leadenhall- Maiket. were try'd at the Assizes at Winchester, for robbing a young Lady in her Coach a few Days before ; and being found Guilty, re- ceived Sentence of Death ; the former is to be executed there this Day, and the latter is reprieved for a Fort- night longer. The Rev. Dr. Cannon, Dean of Lincoln, who was re- ported to be dead, is somewhat recover'd from a dange- rous Indisposition ; and on Sunday there was Hopes he would intirely overcome it. On the Marriages at Marseilles, for re- peopling the King- dom after the Desolation of the Plague : Or An Epi- stle to the Ladies of Ireland. From a true Copy Prin- ted at Dublin. FRIEND Harry, when you go to Pue's, You'll find a Piece of wonderous News ; Look at Marseilles, it happen'd there. Eight Days have joined nine hundred Pair, The Town's infected o'er again, With Pleasure now as once with Pain, And all the Terorrs of a Plague Have kindly ended in Intreague. Man, has a sec'ret Spring in Nature, That steers him to his Fellow Creature : But in a Season of Distress, It always works with more Success, At such a Time endearing Love, Seems a strong Impulse from above, To mend the bitter Cup of Life, ' By sweet Consent of Man and Wife, in In France this Truth is Very clear,' All run at once into the Snare; Their Spirits in a Transport roll, . And raise such Warmth in every Soul, They think they can't begin too soon, To use the Life they feel their own They long impatiently to try, What were the Glances of the Eye ; What was the Language which of old, Did all their secret Cares unfold, Whether they still are Flesh and Blood, And still have Power to make it good., Lo ! Here was no deceitful Art To manage, and play off the Heart; The Pert Coquet such Passion felt, She quite forgot she was a Jilt, And the once Coy dissembling Prude Resolv'd to be no longer rude. Beauty was not exposed to Sale, Nor did the coursest Visage fail; The sordid Soul disown'd the Name, And yielded to a generous Flame; The Young with Hands and Hearts agreed, That Love shou'd quicken Nature's speed The Old reviv'd decay'd Desire, And rak'd the Embers for some Fire. Thus every Sex, and Rank, and Age Was acted by one common Rage, And will our noble Race restore, As fast as ' twas destroy'd before: Tell it to Maids of fifty Years. Grown old in Solitude and Tears,' Who pin'd in vain for Joys unknown, And were by Numbers quite undone ; Comfort the false and artful Dame, Who sported with a weavering Flame, And pleas'd herself, in giving Pain, Till she was punish'd with Disdain ; Inform the Wretch, that worships Gold, Whose griping Passion must be fold, That he may hope to raise his store, By making Love to Chests of Ore And bid the Libertines prepare, With Licence to enjoy the Fair; for private and impure Desire, Most quickly in a Dearth expire. As for the Wives, who all bestow In Gawdy Dress and Glittering Show," Pronounce good Housewifery a Jest, And Children but a Curse at best ; Use the poor Husband as a Cloak, And keep their Hearts for other Folk ; Who change the Course of Night and Day: The last for sleep, the first for Play, Take Pleasure in a private Sett, Where they may laugh and run in Debt; Spend their own Fortune in a trice, With a smart Youth at Cards and Dice, Till Vertue must be stak'd at last, To quit the Score for all that's past ; Teach them what Evils must ensue, If Men shou'd happen to be few. And the young Virgins who are taught To call old Innocence a Fault. Place all Perfection in a Fan, Gracefully flirted at a Man ; Spare no Expence for gilded Clock,' Or Lace to furnish Head and Smock ; Think it fine Breeding to be free To bare the Breast, and shew the Knee, Are Thoughtless, Giddy, Pert and Vain; With full Desires, but empty Brain; And wou'd make bold try that same, If they cou'd cheat malicious Fame. Let them be told, a Time may come, When present Lovers may be dumb; That Fops may be reform'd or dye, Or they in vain may roll the Eye, Thar a new Race of Men may rise, Who shall such Airs and Modes despise ; For Impotent is Beauty's Power, When Vice and Folly blast the Flower; A Plague ( you see) must mend the Age, By sweeping Thousands off the Stage; The Sins of some this must destroy, And others Wants as well supply; (' ii. 86 ) Compleat our Hopes our Tears remove; Bring us all back to honest Love And make us, as our Founders were, With mutual Passion, equal Care, A Fond, a Chaste, and prudent Pair. On Saturday last, in the Afternoon, the Sessions end- ed in the Old- Bailey, when 13 Convicts received Sen- tence of Death, viz. William Burridge for the Highway . this Man had been an Evidence, and broke out of Goal; Edward Claxton, James Landman, and Samuel Arm- strong, alias Welchman, all three Boys; George Bishop, Reignolds Winter, John James, James Applebee, Tho- mas Picket, William Edwards, John Douse, Robert Drummond, and Thomas Brownford, for Street Rob- beries, Felonies, or Burglaries. Burnt in the Hand four, viz three Men and one Wo- man. To be Whipt six, viz. four Men and two Women; and several order'd for Transportation. The same Day Maccave, Dun, and Galloway, indicted for a Misdemeanor concerning the late Riot in Play, house Passage, Drury Lane, and found Guilty, receiv'd Sentence, the first to pay a Fine of 100 I. to suffer three Years Imprisonment, and to find Securities for his good Behaviour for four Years after ; the other two fin'd 50I. each, and one Year's Imprisonmenr, and to find Securia ties for their good Behaviour for two Years. . George Duffus, against whom a Special Verdict was lately given, on account of a Tryal had for the actual Crime of Buggery on the Person of Nicholas Leader, was convicted of an Attempt to commit Sodomy on another person, was sentenced to stand once in the PiL- lory at the end of Old Gravel- Lane in Ratcliff, to pay a Fine of 2o Marks, and also to find securities for his good Behaviour. The two Footpads that lately robb'd the Western Mail near Sherburn, are both taken, ( the one having in; form'd against the other) and was carry'd down on Thursday to Dorchester to be try'd there. We hear they are Troopers. Wm Yonge, Esq; is appointed Secretary for Ireland. Wednesday his Majesty went to the House of Peers and gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills, viz; To the Bill for prolonging the Times for determining claims before the Trustees, in whom the Estates of the late South- Sea Directors, and of John Aislabie, and James Craggs, Sen. Esqrs; are vested : To the South- Sea Lottery Bill : To the Bill against forging of Powers for transferring South- Sea Stock : To the Bill for the more effectual Suppression of Py- racy : To the Bill to prevent the clandestine running of Goods, and Danger of Infection thereby: To a Bill for encouraging the Silk Manufacture: To a Bill for taking off the Duty on Salt in curing White Herrings, & c. To a Bill for the better supplying Westminster with Water : To a Bill for the better Recovery of the Penalties inflicted upon Persons who destroy the Game: To a Bill for supplying the Records lost at Aberdeen; and to 14 private Bills. / Afterwards his Majesty made the following Speech to both Houses of Parliaments My Lords and Gentlemen, YO U could not have given me a mote acceptable Instance of your Zeal and AffeCtion, than by dis- patching with so much Unanimity, the several Particu- lars I recommended to you at the Beginning of this Session, for the Ease and Advantage of my People. The many and great Encouragements you have given to our Trade and Manufactures, and the Provision you have made for our being supplied with Naval Stores from our own Plantations, will, I make no Doubt, ex- cite the Industry of my Subjects, employ a greater Num- ber of the Poor, increase our Navigation, and be a con- siderable Addition to the Riches and Strength of this Nation. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, The raising the current Supplies of the Year, and the making a Provision for the Discharge of so considerable a Part of the Debt of the Navy, is a farther Proof, of your Affection to me, and your Regard for the Publick; and C n8i ) and your doing it in a Manner so little Burthensome to People, gives me the greatest Satisfaction. My Lords and Gentlemen, I cannot in justice part with this Parliament, without returning you my sincerest thanks for your steady and resolute Adherence to my Person and Goverment, and to the Interest of the Protestant Cause, both at Home and Abroad. The Enemies of our happy Constitution have given the strongest and most honourable Testimony to your Behaviour in these Particulars, by the implaca- ble Malice, which they have upon all Occasions, ex- pressed against y0u. You must all be sensible, that they are at this juncture Reviving, with the the greatest Industry, the same wicked Arts of Calumny and Defamation, which have been the constant Preludes to publick Troubles and Dis- orders; And such is their Infatuation, that they flatter themselves, the grossest Misrepresentation will turn t0 their Advantage. and give them an Opportunity of re- commending themselves to the Favour and good Opinion of my People. But I have so just a Confidence in the AffeCtion of my Subject, and in their Regard for their own Welfare, that I am persuaded they will not suffer themselves to be thus imposed upon, and betrayed into their own Destruction. . , For my Part, as the Preservation of the Constitution in Church and State shall always be my care, I am firmly determined to continue to Countenance such, as have manifested their Zeal for the present Establishment, and have the Religious and Civil Rights of all my Subjects truly at Heart ; And I question not but that Behaviour, which has justly recommended them to me, wille effectu- ally secure to them the Good Will of all that are well affected to my Government; and will convince the World, that the Expectations of those are very ill- ground. ed, who hope to prevail with a Protestant Free People, to give up their Religion and Liberties into the Hands of such as are Enemies to both. And then the Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's Com- mand, said, My Lords and Gentlemen, , IT is his Majesty's Royal Will and Pleasure, That this Parliament be Prorogued to Thursday the fifteenth day of this Instant March ; and this Parliament is accor- dingly Prorogued to Thursday the fifteenth Day of this Instant March. A Patent is passing the Great Seal, granting unto Dr. Eaton for the Term of Fourteen Years, the sole Benefit and Profit: arising from a certain Stiptick that he has in- vented, which effectually stops all external an internal Bleedings. which has been approved of by the College of Physicians . Justice Cook of Stoke- Newington was lately married to the only Daughter of Sir Nathaniel Gould of the same Place, with whom he has about 2ooool. Portion. Before the Prorogation of the Parliament, the Mem- bers of the House of Commons, had their Letters taken frequently out of the Boxes in the Lobby, no doubt but by some industrious Hands, to discover the state of their Affairs in the Country, in relation to the Elections. A new Device. Several Hawkers have been taken up in the Streets and committed to Tottlefields Bridewell, to receive the Correction of the House, for crying about a scandalous Ballad call'd, a Dialogue between two Horses. An Extent being brought upon the Estate late of Ben- jamin Blundel, Esq; Receiver General for the County of Leicester, and of Benjamin Blundel senior, his Security j the same is to be sold on the 19th Instant before the Com- missioners for Taxes, at their Office in St. Stephen's. Court in Westminster Hall. Mr. Howard, a Coachmaker in Long Acre, bearing the Office of a Constable, having a Person in his Custody with a Mittimus to carry him to the Gatehouse, West- minster, but contrary to the Commitment, carrying the Prisoner before another Justice by whom he was admit- ted to Bail, was bound over for the said Offence, to ans- wer for the same at the next Sessions at Westminster. . Last Thusday Mr. Samuel Burton who has been some time in Custody of the Black Rod for a Breach of Pri- vilege in causing the Goods of the Tenants of the Duke of Chandos to be distrain'd by an Extent, receiv'd a Re- primand on his Knees from the Lord Chancellor, and was discharg'd out of Custody, paying his Fees. Last Wednesday Morning William Chetwynd, Esq; set out for Wotton Basset in Wiltshire, where he stands for Member in the ensuing Parliament ; the other Can- didates are Colonel Murray, Mr Brinsden, ( a Dependent to the late Lord Bollingbroke) and Mr. Northey, Son to Sir Edward Northey. Last Friday the Coroners Jury finish'd their Inquest, in relation to the Death of the Woman, found dead on the Bed in an indecent Posture, in White- Swan Alley in Bishopsgate- Street, as mention'd in our last, and brought it in, that she died with Drining Geneva ; so that the Man that was in her Company was set at Liberty, contrary as we bear to the Opinion of some of the Jury Men: However he is still liable to an Action at Com- mon Law, in the Husband's Name. Wednesday one Charlesworth. a Sollicitor, and one Bird, were remov'd by a Habeas corpus from newgate to Chelmsford, in order to be Try'd at the Assizes there, upon the Information of John Everet, for a Rob- bery on the Highway, in the County of Essex. A Habeas Corpus is likewise granted for removing Butler Fox to Croydon in Surry, to be Try'd at the Assizes there, upon the Information of one Hawkins, for a Robbery committed on Colonel Archibald Hamil- ton in the said County. Benjamin Child, lately condemn'd ar Ailesbury for robbing the Bristol Mail, Will be Executed this Day and afterwards hang'd in Chains, as formerly men- tioned. on the Road between Slough and Colebrook The Right Hon. James Earl of Berkley is elected Ld. High Steward of Plimouth, being vacant by the Death of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl of Stamford. On Sunday the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Durham, Lord Lieutenant of the County Palatine of Durham, was, in Council, sworn into that Office. One Alexander, who was formerly taken up upon Ac- count of the Vox Populi, and escap'd out of the Messen- gers Hands, is again retaken, and put into Custody of the same Messenger; and, ' tis said, is charg'd with High Treason. There was, the Week before last, a very remarkable Trial at the Exchequer, upon a Prosecut'on of one Dias, a Jew, for adulterating Snuff with unwholesome Mix. tures, viz. Rotten Wood, Moss of Oak, Tobacco, Sand, and Dung of all sorts, especially Cat's Dung. The Evi- dence against him was his own Servant, who prov'd, that he had put off 2ooo Weight of it; But it seems he came off upon this, that there was not an Ounce of true Snuff in it. so there was no adulterate Mixture, as the Indictment set forth. Wednesday the several Troops of Horse Guards and Gre- nadiers were muster'd in Hide Park, when a Centinel of Foot was tied to a Tree, and whipt by 300 Men, for insulting, and striking a Lieutenant- Colonel in Half- Pay. We hear, David Crawford, Esq; Marshal of the King's. Bench Prison, is made a Justice of Peace for the Coun- ties of Surry, Middlesex, and Kent. Last Tuesday the Brewhouse and Utensils of Am- brose Page, Esq; one of the late Directors of the South- Sea Company, were sold at the South Sea House, in one Lot. The same Day began the Sale of a large Quantity of India Goods, which amounted that Day to 118010 1. Wednesday the Assizes ended at Hertford, where only one Person received Sentence of Death , viz. John Stokes, for Horse- stealing ; two are sentenc'd to Transportation, one for stealing of Timber; the other for stealing of Oxen. Two Bills were found by the Grand Jury a- gainst one Goodwin a Bailiff, for arresting a Person twice without a Writ. It is said that a Librarian of the Czar of Muscovy is now in this City, purchasing Books by his Master's Com- mand. having been before on the said Errand in France and Holland. • Mr. Sharp the Printer, and Mr. Payne the Publisher, were on Tuesday Night taken into the Custody of a Messenger, for affirming in Print, that the Archbishop of Dublin had refused to Consecrate the Lord Bishop of Leighlin and Fernes, because he had not conform'd to the Church of England. „ „ , We hear, one Bradley is likewise taken into Custody, for Exhibiting a Scandalous Libel reflecting on a great Minister, concerning Elections. Letters from Rome say, that some Days past all the City has been attentive on the Divisions of the Car- niVa nival. The Ambassadors of Portugal and Venice, gave magnificent Entertainments, where the Chevalier de St. George and his Spouse danc'd with a marvellous Grace : This occasion'd Pasquin to say, That the Pretender dances well, but his Pretensions dance ill. The Brazil Fleet arrived at Lisbon on the 3d Instant. Tuesday Night last the Marquiss of Lothian was In- terr'd with great Pomp in Henry the Eighth's Chappel in Westminster Abbey, after having lain some time in State in the Jerusalem Chamber; from whence TrO- phies of Honour were carried before him, the Choir singing all the Way The Earls of Finlater, Suther- land, Haddington, Loudon, Orkney, Orrery, Stairs, and Portmore, held up the Pall ; and a great many others, of the Nobility attended, there being nine Dukes, thirty Earls, and twenty Viscounts and Barons invited. Bankrupts declar'd since our last. George Lawson, of Kendal in Westmorland, Chap- man. Nicholas Round of Reading, in Berks, Distiller. John Lane of London, Coffee Man. John Milleof, late of London, Merchant and Broker, John Skeat, of London, Grocer. Tho. Wych, of George- Yard, Lombard. Street, Vi- ctualler Yesterday there was a General Court of the South Sea Company at Merchant- Taylors Hall, wherein it was resolved, to divide 3 per Cent among the Proprietors, for the last Christmass Half Year Dividend. Christned Males 192. Females 189. In all 381. Buried Males 271. Females 264. In all 536. Decreased in the Burials this Week 37 CASUALTIES. Bruised at St. Martin in the Fields 1. Drowned 2, one at St. Mary at Lambeth, and one at St Paul at Shad.' well. Excessive Drinking 1. Hang'd themselves 2, one at St. Giles's without Cripplegate and one at St Margaret in Westminster. Kill'd accidentally by a Fall at St. Botolph without Aldgate ( buried at Allhallows in Lombard. Street) 1. Murder'd at St. Giles's in the Fields 1 Over" laid 1. stabb'd with a Knife at St Brides 1. Whereas it has been insinuated, that the LORD MOLESWORTH did decline standing for the City of Westminster; he thinks it proper to give his Friends this publick Notice, that he had n0 such Design, but continues to offer them his Service in the approach- ing Election, for which he desires their Votes and In. terest. Just Published in Metzotinto i. Mr, Samuel Pomfret's Effigies done from the Original Painting, price 6d 2 An Elegy on the much lamented Death of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Pomfret. price 2 d, 3. Likewise there is in the Press, and will be publish'd in a short time, Mr. Pomfret's Works, intitled, a Directory for Youth, or a Discourse of Youthful Lusts; recommended by the Rev. Mr Reynolds in the Sermon he Preach'd at Mr. Pom- fret's Funeral ; the 2d Edition corrected. London. Printed for, and Sold by Joseph Marshal, at the Bible in Newgate- Street: Where may be had, 4 Dr. Owen's Works in Folio. 5. Dr. Owen's Life, and all his Sermons, printed toge- ther; with other Manuscripts in two Volumes Bvo, price 9 s. 6. Dr. Owen on the Trinity; 7th Edition, price i s. 7. Dr. Owen's Evidence of the Faith of God's Elect. 2d Edition, price r s. 8 The Singing- Master's Guide to his Scholars, with the Psalms according to the Old and New Translation. 9. A further Guide to Parish Clerks; being a full Account of all the Psalm- Tunes, and what Psalms are sung to each of them ; with an Introduction for Young Beginners, price 6 d. 10. Practice improv'd, or New Practice; containing various new Methods for the more expeditious calling up Merchandize, than any extant. By John Jones of Bristol. price 2 s. 6 d. Bound. 11. Old Mr. Dod's Sayings, first and second Sheet, price 1 d. each. 12. The Good Spirit of the Martyrs revived ; being a Collection of the most remarkable Passages in all Ages of the World ; the 2d Edition, price 3 s. 6 d. 13. Christ, a Christian's Life, or a practical Discourse of a Believer's Life; by John Gammon. 2 Edition. 14. All sorts of Pieces for School Masters. 15. The best Japan Ink, at 6d. a Bottle; with the best of other Ink. 16. Pastboard Files for Letters. 17 Black Lines to write by. All sold as above, at the Bible in Newgate Street.
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