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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 03/03/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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Ki m GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation Of the Life of HENRY III. King of England. HIS Wife was Eleanor, ths Daughter of Raymond. Earl of Provence His Issue was Edward, Edmond, sir named Crouchback Rich- ard, who died young as also John, William, and Henry. Margaret, married to Alexander III. King of Scotland ; Beatrice, married to John the First, Duke of Brerain, . Katherine, who died young. This King laid the first Stone of the new Work of the Abbey- Church at Westminster. He founded the House of Converts, where such as forsook the Jewish Religion, had Provi- sions for Maintenance. He also erected and endowed a famous Hospital at Oxford, both for the Entertainment of Foreigners and Pilgrims, and for Relief of such as were diseased. He was so disposed to performing Acts of Charity, that he made Leoline, Prince of Wales ( Montford's Confederate) when he was threatened hardly, if he would not live at Peace, to answer thus, I more fear the Alms Deeds of the King, than all the Men oF War which he hath, and his Clergy to boot. King Henry, because Thomas de la Linde killed a white Hart at Blackmore Forest, which he much fancied, set a perpetual Fine upou the Land, which at this Day is called White Hart Silver. In the 17th Year of his Reign, four Mock Suns were seen from Morning till Evening, after which followed so great a Dearth, that People were forced to eat Horse. Flesh and Barks of Trees, and in London twenty Thou- sand were famished. In this Famine, which was about A. D. 1235, certain poor People of Aboldeslia ( so called then) in Cambridgshire, whilst Corn was green, pluck'd the Ears in the common Fields to sustain their Lives, whereupon ths Owners call upon and compel the Priest to curse them all ; but one amongst them more humane than the rest, adjured the Priest in the Name of God, to exempt his Corn from the Sentence, saying, It pleased him well that the Poor for their necessity had took of his Corn ; and so commended that which they had left to God, who miraculously preserved it when as all the others Corn ( amongst which his grew) was utterly de- stroyed by terrible Lightning, Wind, Hail and Rain, whilst the Priest was about to denounce ths Curfe. A. D. 1241, certain Jews of Norwich were hanged for the Cir- cumcising a Christian Child, and their House called the Thor, was destroyed. A Scholar of Oxford, who attempted to kill the King in his Chamber at Wood- stock, was pulled in Pieces by wild Horses. Now arose in England a most monstrous Impostor, who pretended Himself to be Christ, procuring himself to be wounded in the Hands, Feet, and side, thinking thereby the more easily to delude the People ; his Punishment was immu- ring between two Walls, together with an old Hag, Pretending herself to be the Virgin Mary, there to pine to Death. In this King's Reign flourished in England, the Irre- fragable Doctor Alexander de Hales, who was School. ( Price Three Half- Pence.; Master to the Angelick Doctor Thomas Aquinas. Now also lived Robert Grosthead. Bishop of Lincoln, called Romanorum Malleus, who wrote boldly against the Pope, reproving his arrogrant ( to call them no worse) Practices. At Sorbiodunum, or Salisbury, Richard Poor, then Bishop of Sarum, built that stately Church, which hath in it as many Windows as are Days in the Year, as many Marble Pillars as Hours, as many Doors as Months. magna Charta containing the Sum of all the written Laws of England, was ordained in the 9th Year of Henry III. The Walls and Bulwarks raised about the Tower of London, were thrown down by an Earthquake. Eighteen Jews were executed for crucifying a Child at Lincoln. And in London was slain of Jews, to the number of 700, their Wares spoiled, and their Syna- gogues defaced, because a Jew would have forced one Christian Man to have paid more than two- pence the Week, for the Use of Twenty Shillings. EDWARD I. King of England. A D. edward, sir named Longshanks, at his Father > 27* Henry's Death, was employed in the Holy Wars, wherein he so excellently behaved himself, that he gained the Repute of a most valiant Soldier. At Acon an Assassin wounded him with a poisioned Knife, which Wounds his Queen Eleanor daily licked with her Tongue, till therewith the Poyson was extracted, and the Wounds healed ; herself receiving no harm thereby. When the News of his Father's Death came to his Ears, he grieved much more, than for the Death of his son, who died a little before, saying to the King of Sicily, who wondred thereat, That the loss of Sons is but light, because they are multiplied every Day, but the Death of Parents is irremediable, because they can never be had again. At his Arrival in England he was most joyfully welcomed, and with his dearest Eleanor was crowned at Westminster by Robert Kilwarby, Archbishop of Can. terbury. When for the more Royal Celebration of the Coronation Feast of so Martial a Prince, there were five Hundred great Horses let loose, every one to take them for his own, who could. The first Matter of Re- mark done by King Edward, after his Coronation, was the subduing of Wales, whose Prince Lewelin, the last Prince of Britain's Blood had refused to do him Homage; but being slain, his Head crowned with Ivy, was set upon the Tower of London. In his stead the King created his own Son Edward ( whom he caused to be born at Caernarvan) Prince of Wales To whom the Welsh patiently submitted, as being a Prince born in their Nation ; and the ancient Race of their Princes be- ing extinguish'd , they acknowledg'd the Soveraignty of England, and did Homage to this Prince. Thus Wales being settled in quiet, the King repaired into France, where he set in Person with the French King in his Par- liament at Paris, as a Peer of thac Realm, in respect of such Lands as he held in those Parts ; and being returned into England, he addressed himself to purge his State from the Oppressions under which it groaned. Fifteen Thousand of the extorting Jews he banished out of the Land, confiscating their Goods. His corrupt Justiciars he displaced, and fined, and constrained all his Justices to swear that from that time, they would take no Fee, Pension, or Gift of any Man, except only a Breakfast, or like Present. To be continued, The 1 » • it 1 iu 1! ilJ v m i M / \ 4 f Uli < 1 j Weekly Journal: oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1722. The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love Secondly, That the Act of che 30th of January 1648 says, That no Person do presume to proclaim or publish, or any way promote Charles Stuart to be King, & c. Exception. That the Prisoner is not expresly charg'd to have done this after the Act made ; neither did the Charge pursue the Words or Intent of the said Act. Thirdly, the Act of the 17th of july 1649. says, That if any Person shall procure, invite, and or assist any Fo- reigner or strangers to invade England 0r Ireland, or shall adhere to any Forces raised by the Enemies of the Parliament, & c, every such Offence shall be Treason. Exception 1 That it is not alledg'd who in parti- cular were the Strangers that were invited to invade Eng- land. 2. It is not alledg'd, that at the Times of the In- Vitement, Aid and Assistance, laid in the Charge, the Scots were Stranger's. 3. That it is not alledg'd particularly, to the Forces of what Enemies rais'd against the Parliament Christo- pher Love did adhere 4 It charges the Prisoner with a treasonable Assist- ance in some Years that were before the said Act of the 17th of July 1649 was made. y. It charges him with advancing the said traiterous and wicked Design, when several Charges of Treason, being before express'd, it is uncertain to which Design it refers. Fourthly, By the Act of the 26th of March 1650, the Matters there pohibited are not made Treason. Except. 1 That the Charge is mislaid, the Offence being charg'd to be done traiterously. 2 The Charge is uncertain, being alledg'd in the disjunctive ( or otherwise,) and shews not in what other manner Fifthly, The Act of the 2d of August 1650, says, That every Person who shall hold Correspondence, & c. with any Person of the Scotish Nacion residing in Scot- land, without Licence of Parliament, the Council or State, or the Lord General ; or with any Person of the Scotish, or any other Nation, whom they shall know to adhere to the scotish Nation, in this War against the Parliament. Except. 1. That it is not laid that the Persons of the Scotish Nation, mention'd in the Charge, were re- siding in Scotland, nor expresly alledg'd he did adhere. 2. It does not aver, that such Correspondence was held without the Licence of Parliament, & c. nor in what War the Correspondence was held, 3. It is not laid with what particular Persons of any other Nation, adhering to the Scotish Nation, Corres- pondence was held, or of what Nacion they were. 4. This Correspondence is not laid to be after the fifth of August 1650, mentioned in the said Act made the second of August 1650, but refers to a Time prece- ding that Act. Sixthly, The Act of the second of August 1650, is, That no Person, who shall abet, assist, & c the scotish Nation, or any other Persons adhering to them, under their Power, or in Confederacy with them, without the Licence of the Parliament of England, Gouncil of State appointed by their Authority, and of the Captain- Gene- ral of the Parliament's Forces, as aforesaid Except. 1. That there are no particular Persons named, who were abetted, affisted, See. neither of the Scotish Nation, or of any other Persons adhering to them. 2. In the Charge, the sending Money. See. is laid to be done without the Licence of Parliament, or Coun. cil of State, & c. 3. The Time to which it refers is between the 29th of March 1650, and the first of June I65I, part of which Time is before the Act of the second of August 1650 was made. And that no Witness prov'd more thin a Conceal. Chr. Love. As' this Case is stated, we conceive these Questions ma/ whether these be lawful and sufficient Witnesses? Whether there be two lawful Witnesses? 3 Whether a Concealment of Treason be Treason within the late Acts ? Upon the Copies we have seen the Charge ( none of which indeed are authentick) we conceive it fit to ten- der thefe Matters and Exceptions to the Court ; and shall be ready to speak to any of them the Court shall direct. Matthew Hale, John Archer, Tho. Waller. Allegations by Chriftopher Love, touching the Matters and Proof upon the Charge. That one of tbe Witnesses had been promis'd a Re- ward, and menac'd with Punishment. That one of them had receiv'd extraoroinary Re- wards. That several of them were Participes Criminis That no two prove any one treasonable fact. The Court being set in Westminfter- Hall, and Mr. Love brought to the Bar, Mr. Archer and Mr. Waller, his Council, appeared ; but Mr. Attorney demanding, if they had taken the Engagement ? and they answering in the Negative, the Court would not permit them to speak : Whereupon they withdrew; and Mr. Hale was sent for, and the Courc demanded of him also, if he had taken the Engagement ? and he answered, he had and mov'd, that his Client might have a Copy of the Charge, and Time allow'd to prepare themselves to ar- gue the Exceptions ; and said, it was common to grant a Copy of that Part of the Indictment whereon the Ex- cepcions were grounded, if the Court did not think fit to grant a Copy of the whole Charge ; but said in the Case of Strafford and Archbishop Laud, there was a Copy of the whole Charge granted. To be continu'd. The FAIRYTATLER. No 13. The Story of Ceremila and Roderiff continued. SOON as she was recover'd and the Servants were withdrawn, Roderiff seating himself by her on a Couch that stood in the Room, began to enquire of her who was in the House, and whether she might be in any Danger of being discover'd by his Entrance or Stay. Ceremila told him all that had past, and what Part of the Family were with her, urging farther too, that if he pleas'd she wou'd retire with him some small distance, to a neighbouring Wood, were they might be more free from Observation. There they went, but O his Ceremila ! his cruel , Cere- mila seem'd insensible to his Passion Absence had al- ter'd him ; Care had alter'd him ; every thing had alter'd him in her Eyes. Roderiff found nothing different in her from what she was before .- She was the same fair, charming, but not kind Ceremila ; what cou'd be the Cause of her Indifference ? cou'd he be so changd in a few Months, nay, or a few Years ? he poor Youth ! was too griev'd to say much, he only took her Hand, and looking languishing upon her, dropt it again with a sudden Sigh, and wou'd then have departed; but she was resolv'd to reconcile herself to him first, she held him, she entreated him not to leave her, she told him her real Sentiments. All her Soul now was Roderiff's her Pity had overcome her, his Merits reflected to her Mind. How cou'd she be enough fond of him ? she call'd him a thousand endearing Names, she told him her Life and disposal were in his Hands, and that if he wou'd that instant marry her, and retire to some Place, where her Father or Scardeline might never find her, she wou'd forsake all che World and only follow him. Rode- riff grew ravish'd with this pleasing change of her Tem per, but more with the generous Offer she had made him. Now he had nothing to do but to take the safest Methods to secure her and himself from the Rage and Violence of an injur'd Father, and an incens'd Lover; with all the Speed he cou'd, after he had made her his own by the Assistance of a neighbouring Priest, he set forward to take Shipping for France with his beauteous Charge : It was a tedious and long Way they must pass to arrive at any Seaport Town, that wou'd serve ' em with a Vessel to that Part ; after some Days they arrriv'd to one proper for their Design, and taking Pluces for themselves in a Ship that was just preparing to leave the Harbour, they in a short Time arriv'd there, and from thence travell'd by Land to a small Town within a League from Paris, where Roderiff had a Brother alive Who rejoyced to see him, and to hear his Fortune. 1 Matthew Hale, \ C 2 1 7 3 ) But the Servants who were left behind in the House, by this Time had been acquainted a long while with her Flight, they were all in the utmost surprizing Con- sternation about it: Scardeline must not know it, Seffolden must not know it, no- body must know it, unless they meant at once to suffer the highest Displeasure and Re- sentment. They made search ev'ry where for her. but to no purpose, sometimes they feared she might be mur- dered and her Body bury'd privately, at other Times they thought she might have absconded herself purely to frighten ' em, and gone privately to Court; but as all these were uncertainty and cou'd not satisfy them any thing to the purpose, they were but the more uneasy by ' em. By this Time her Father had News of it, for we shou'd have told you before, that upon her Departure from England, she wrote him a very pathetick Letter, in which she informed him she was married to a certain young Gentleman, and was gone with him from her Native Country never to return more. To be continu'd. Letters from Bern say, That on the 19th past in the Morning they saw a great Globe of Fire, which fell from the Sky towards the Neighbouring Mountain with a terrible Noise, and at the same time they felt a slight Earthquake. This Phenomenon was preceded by some Claps of thunder and Lightning and those who saw it, affirm'd, that it look'd as if the Element was on Fire. ' Tis remarkable, that some Days before, four or five of these Phaenomenons were observ'd towards Signaw, but they seem'd to be all swallow'd, as it were, in this great one, which by little and little disappear'd. PROLOGUE. Spoken by Mr. Wilks, in the Play call'd the BRITON. VErtues, and Vices are to Realms confin'd ; And, Climates give a Tincture to the Mind. Still This, or That, peculiar Inclination Remains, unalter'd; and denotes a Nation. Thus Rivers flow ; thus Mountains, ever, stand ; The marks, through every Age, of every Land. Britons, you'll see, when Vanoc comes before yee, The Love of Freedom is your ancient Glory. The Romans, first, this Native Vertue broke ; Made us Polite; and bow'd us to the Yoke. The Saxons, then, Unpolish'd . greatly Rude, Strangers to Luxury, and Servitude, Reviv'd the British Manliness of Soul, That spurns at Tyranny, nor brookes controul. In Time, another Set of Romans came ; [ the Name: And brought worse Slavery : . Though they chang'd Tamed us with Luxuries of a different Kind ; And made plain Truth distasteful to the Mind. By Nassaw's Aid, at last, we drive them, hence ; And, once again, return to common Sense. In Britain, ever may it keep Possession ! Establish'd, by the Protestant Succession. Blest in a Prince, whose high traced Lineage springs From the famed Race of our old Saxon Kings ; Our Zeal for Liberty we safely, own : ——— He makes it the firm Basis of his Throne. Remember, then, the Dangers, you have past : — And, let your Earliest Virtue be your Last. EPILOGUE. Spoken by Mrs. Younger, in the same Play. WHAT Tragick Bustle in this British Play ! But, I am told, ' tis writ the ancient Way- Nay, That it is not Modern, is plain Fact There's not one Simile, to close an Act But, let me see — What other Art is wanting ? In Tragedy, there ought to be some Ranting: Something, so exquisite ; so Very Good ; - It cannot, possibly, be understood ! But, Gwendolen's hard Fate I censure, most. . The blooming Princess, Fair, as any Toast ;— Captive to Valens ; Yvor's promis'd Bride ; Between two, bashful Knights, a Virgin died. Three Hours, unblest, with Italian pass'd ! No warbling Lover could have been more chaste Our keener Sportsmen would have seiz'd the Quarry .- But, thus it is, — when Men design to marry. Still harder Fate ! If Druid Songs be true, She must, for ever! Her first Flame renew. Such monst'rous Constancy let Heathen Schools Injoin : We, Christian Maids, are no such Fools.' One Month,— at most, — we can a Husband bear • —. There's not Two Honey Moons, in a Year. Then; what a Brute is Vanoc ! What a Pother ! How could she help it, if she lov'd another ? Poor Cartismand !— There's nor a Man, now living, But would, have seem'd, at least, far more forgiving. What ?— Not connive at One ? — or Two ?— or Three ?-- Well ! Britain never, till of late, was Free 1 How would his British Blood be set a madding, Had he, in Masquerades beheld her, gadding But, why does Vellocad not, once, appear ? He was a pretty Fellow ! you mav swear! And. what though Vanoc says, He could not fight ? Is that the Way to to a Lady, R ght? Since those rude Times, Husbands are more discreet' And know their Cue, to Wink at what is meet. Then, take us as we are. ' Tis no great Matter : For Women will be frail, while Men can flatter. On Thursday 7 Night James Mills, a Victualler in good Business at the Fountain in Stocks. Market, and John Spry, a Poulterer in Leadenhall Market, having attack'd a young Lady in her Coach near Egham, and robb'd her of her Watch, Rings, and Money, were pursued and taken, and next Day committed to the Marshalsea, and we hear' that on Wednesday last they were car- ry'd by a Habeas Corpus to Winton, to be try'd at the Assizes there, which begun to be held the same Day, before Mr. Justice Eyre and Mr. Baron Mon- tague. On Saturday last the Rev. Dr Calamy presented his Volume of Sermons on the Trinity, to the King, being introduc'd by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Visc. Townshend. His Majesty having been pleased to appoint Edward Richard Ld. Hinchinbrook Lieutenant of the County of Huntingdon ; his Lordship has taken the Oaths appoint- ed to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Conyers Dar- cy, Esq; to be Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the North- Riding of the County of York, in the room of the Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Holderness, his Brother, lately deceased. They write from Portsmouth, that the Hon. Colonel Lumley, Brother of the Earl of Scarborough, is arriv'd there, and embark'd on Board the Lime Man of War, the Lord Vere Beauclair Commander, waiting for a fair Wind to proceed to Lisbon, as His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the Crown of Portugal ; and the Hon. Henry Worseley, Esq; whom he succeeds, is to return to England in the same Ship On Saturday last their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess went to Dinner at Richmond, from whence they returned in the Evening. Mr. Stanley is made a Land- waiter of the Customs in the room of Mr. Greenwood, deceased. The Royal African Company have made an Agree, ment with the South- Sea Company, to furnish them with Negroes to answer their Assiento Contract Tuesday the Body of Alderman Heysham's Lady, de- ceaed, was carried from his House in Billiter- Square, into Hertfordshire, to be interr'd; two Hundred of the BIuecoat- Boys attended the Corpse thro' the City, to the Town's End, singing all the Way, and follow'd by a great Train of Mourning Coaches, & c. Last Week dy'd Richard Seabright, Esq; Uncle to Sir Thomas Seabright of Hertfordshire, Bart. We hear that the York Buildings Company are taking in Subscriptions for their new Lotrery. Last Monday at the General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace for this City, holden at Guildhall John Knott, and Frances Underwood his sister, were convicted of a Con- spiracy in falsely and wickedly charging the Rev Dr. James, Rector of St. Hellen's, with begetting a Bastard Child on the Body of she said Underwood, in order to extort from him a Sum of Money. The Court consider- ing the Heinouness of the Offence, sentenced them to stand in the Pillory in Bishopsgate- Street; to suffer three. Months Imprisonment in Newgate, and Knott to give Security for his Good Behaviour during Twelve Months after. The ( 2 1 7 4 ) The Remainder of Dr: Prideaux's judgment, & c. against the London Journal. What this Writer wants in Reasons, he thinks, he sup- plies in Precedents : But of what Use are Precedents, if if they did come up, as his do not, to the present Case ; if they are not supported by Reason ? But because he says, There's an Instance in the Roman History, that will set this Matter yet in a fuller Light; it is the Story of Spartacns, a Thracian Slave, Gladiator, who bid fair for being Lord of the Roman World. And then, after giving an Account, how in several Battles he defeated the Romans, says, ' Now I will ask the Ad- vocates of lawless Power, the Friends to the Life and Name of Caesar, Whether Spartacus, if he had succeeded, wou'd have been lawful, and irresistible King of Rome ? And whether the Senate, with the greatest Part of the known World, wou'd have ow'd him Allegiance ? or wou'd he not continu'd still a Thief, and a Robber ? It was a constant Practice among the Romans, to make those Captives they took in War, whom they did not reserve for their Drudgery, either to mangle, and cut one another to Pieces; or else to expose themselves to be torn by wild Beasts in their Amphi- Theatres. This Inhuman, and horrid Spectacle was their grand Diver- sion. Spartacus with seventy of his Companions, ha- ving broke Prison, exhorted them rather to sacrifice their Lives in Defence of their Liberties, than submit tamely to dye, for the cruel Diversion of their wicked Masters: Which, certainly, he had a Right to do ; except Whips, and Chains, and a Design to put those to Death, whom the Chance of War had put into their Hands, is Govern- ment or makes Allegiance due: And if a few naked Slaves destitute of all, cou'd raise such Numbers of raw Men, as cou'd defeat two Prators, and two Consuls, with all their disciplin'd Troops; it shews how desperate, cruel Usage had made People, since they, if they did not succeed , cou'd expect nothing less than Crucifixion. Had the Success of Spartacus continu'd, had he taken the Romans under his Protection, and they had done as much to acknowledge his Government, as they did Casar's, they wou'd have ow'd him Allegiance seven tho' he had been as great a Robber as the Founder of Rome I can see nothing to hinder Spartacus from Founding a just Government ; but what wou'd hold more strongly against the first Romans, a Pack of Thieves and Rogues, who, having with them neither Women, or Children, withdrew from the Neighbouring States, with no other View, but to plunder those, to whom they ow'd Al- legiance. And as it was by their usual Trade, that they got Women, so as their Strength encreas'd by their Robberies, their Robberies encreas'd likewise; till they oppress'd the best Parts of the known World: Whom, if spartacus, by subduing the Romans, had set free, he Wou'd justly have been esteem'd a great Deliverer, and Benefactor to Mankind I desire to know of Cato what Spartacus was to do, if be had conquer. d the Romans, and found them to be of those Principles which he defends in the Conspirators ? Wou'd not the Law of Self Preservation, oblige him to take all proper Methods, tho' ever so severe, as wou'd prevent his being assassinated ? or his People massacred ? The same Answer will serve to all he says about Massenello, and others, who cou'd not be worse Scoundrels than Romulus ; whom the Chief of his Gang murder'd, as he had his own Brother; and then perswaded the rest, that he was translated to Heaven. And tho' it might have been lawful, for any Roman to have slain Brennus, an open Enrmy, will it, therefore, prove it lawful to assassinate a Prince, arknowledg'd as Caesar was? What he says of the Gauls Violating the Laws ot Nations, is contrary to all History, which imputes ' that Crime to the Romans, and, consequently, Brennus, after having been refus'd Satisfaction, had a just Cause of War. Tho' Cato says, ' That D. Prideaux has not told us, what i was, that in his Opinion, render'd the Person of Caesar so very inviolable ; ' yet as tho' he was argu- ing against him, he says, ' That God ( a great Discovery indeed ! ) made Adders as well as Caesar ; and that ' tis lawful to discharge a great Gun to disperse a Storm ; and resist a Plague by Diets and Antidotes; and that ( wherein, no doubt he thinks, he has maul'd both Casar, and the Doctoe) he says,' the Devil has much greater Abilities than Casar had; and is, also, a very great Prince, and an Executioner of God's Judgments; and yet are we not to resist him ? That the Devil has Power, certain Weekly Papers are perhaps, no small Proof of it; but that he is a very great Prince, I leave him to dispute it with a late Au- thor who, in his Boylean Lectures about the Origin 0f Evil will by no Means allow it ; and, indeed, the Rea- son for Resisting him will not prove it: Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.. But they, who had the Misfor- tune to resist the other Prince, were themselves forc'd to He says, The most celebrated Heroes of Anti- quity destroy'd, and expell'd Tyrants and Usurpers, the pests, the Burdens, and Butchers of Mankind : " This may very well be, and yet not approve of what the Conspirators did ; who after having so long own'd a Government, the mildest and gentlest that ever was known, and had accepted of the chief Posts in it, shou'd yet assassinate their Benefactor, for executing that very Power, he exercis'd by their Consent, so solemnly given, Besides, it wou'd be no Wonder, if Men bred up in Republican Notions, with such an hatred to Monarchy, as to make no Distinction between King and Tyrants shou'd carry this Point too far; especially, considering a Senate, or Democracy, cou'd not be assassinated like a single Person: But under Monarchical Governments, such a Principle ought sure to be abhorr'd, as wou'd endanger the Lives of all the Kings in the World; since one may venture to affirm, there is no Kingdom, but where there are some odd turn'd Heads ; who, if this Principle was allow'd, wou'd think it Heroick to dispatch their sovereign ; be- cause they thought, he either Wanted a just Title to his Crown, or had done something after he came to it, to forfeit it There's more Reason now than formerly, to condemn this detestable Principle ;' there being Numbers brought up in a Belief, that there's an Interest superior to That of the State; to which, all Things ought to give Place; and that he is the greatest Usurper and Tyrant who usurps on what they call the Rights of God's Holy Church ; to which, they say, all Kings ought to be sub- ject. Whoever asserts. that they, who are in the Right, may persecute those in the Wrong, encourages an uni- versal Persecution; because all Parties take themselves to be in the Right : And does not he, who recommends the Assassinating Caesar, as an Heroic Action, encourage all those , who think they have as just a Cause to murder their King ? And are there not, and Will there not al- ways be Bigots; who will conclude, that their King, if he is not of their Persuasion, is a Traitor to God ? and an Enemy to the Only True Religion ? and acts contrary to that holy End, for which Kings were chiefly instituted? And that ' tis a greater merit to assassinate such a Prince, than any, who only usurps upon the Ci- vil Rights of the People ? We find in a Neighbouring Country, that two Successive Princes were assassinated on this Account; tho' no Attempt, as far as I can find, was made on any Pretence of Usurping on the Civil Liber- ties of the People. This Principle will justify the Assassinating, not only of Ministers, as Felton did Buckingham, but all Men whatever; if it be thought, that they can't be reach'd by Law ; or that the Law will not do Justice : So that I can't see, who almost can be safe, if this detestable Doctrine is allow'd of. Who can answer for the Whimsical Enthusiasm of a single Person, or of a few desperate Mad- men; who may think it their Duty, this Way to dispatch the best of Princes, as was attempted not only by Russians, in King William's Reign ; but one lately dy'd a Martyr to this Principle, who wanted only an Opportunity to give the Fatal Stab : I am ; therefore, extreamly sorry, and heartily griev'd, to see this detestable Principle maintain'd with so much Zeal and Industry in Weekly Papers, dispers'd over the whole Kingdom. The English are famous for Abhorring this Principle of Assassinating ; and therefore, scorn to take any Advantage of an Enemy that has done them the greatest Injury ; but have Recourse to the Field, fairly to decide the Quarrel: And they, who so much abhor Assassinating a private Man, much more abhor Assassinating a Magis- trate. I believe, there's no Instance of any such At- tempt, till the Gun Ponder Plot, to murder the King, Lords and Commons; and therefore, I beg Leave to say, for the Honour of our Nation, that, I hope, the Person, Person, who calls himself Cato, is no Englishman ; but one of another Country, bred up in the schools, and Notions of the Jesuits, To infamous for their Assassinating Doctrine. These are some of the Reasons, why by the Law of Nations, Poisoners and Assassinations are look'd on as most infamous; but supposing Assassination lawful in the Case above- mention'd, This will equally extend to any Prince whatever ; even tho' he shou'd be allow'd to derive his Title from Adam's Heir. If the Pretence of Caesar's superior Power cou'd not, as I think, I have fully prov'd, vacuate the Engagements the People of Rome enter'd into with him; the only Question that can re- main to be disputed, is, Whether he acted after so Ty- rannical a Manner, as gave the People in general, a Right to take up Arms ? Or the Assassinators any just Cause to murder him ? For the Determinning this Question, I refer the curious Reader to the remaining Part of the Discourse, in the Perusal of which, I dare assure him he will be well entertained. Letters from Marseilles of the 18th of last Month, advise, that the Inhabitants of that City enjoy now per. fect Health, and that they divert themselves very agree- ably. They have a Company of Comedians, who, tho' but indifferent Actors, engage a great Concourse cf People, for want of a better Amusement. The cele- bating of so many Marriages at once had never been seen there, or hardly throughout the World, as has been since New- Year's Day ; and Luxury and good Chear ne- ver reign'd so much. There's likewise an Academy of Musick, compos'd of about 50 hir'd Persons : A certain Number of People contribute to maintain it after the same Manner as was practis'd before the Plague. There's a Concert twice a Week, and a Repetition once: A cer- tain Number of Tickets are given out for the Ladies, which amount to about 60 or 70, who contribute, and 20 or 30 for Strangers It is by this Means they endea- vour to bury the woeful Remembrance of the great Ha- vock made by the Plague in that City, and from which they hope to be free for a long Time. Bankrupts this Week. Tho. Baynton and Robert Shaw, of London, Mer. chants and Co- partners. Hanah Buxton, late of Bakewell in Derbyshire, Wi- dow, Mercer and Grocer. Matthew Pope, of Bristol, Mariner. John Wheeler, of St. Andrew's Holbourn, Perriwig- Maker. George Twynihoe, late of Bristol, Grocer. Judith Wansbrough, Widow, of New. Sarum in Wilt- shire, Mercer. Nicholas Bovy, of St. Thomas's in Southwark, Cord wainer. On Tuesday last one James Ward, a Journeyman Taylor, was, by two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, committed to Clerkenwell Bridewell, there to be Put to hard Labour, for refusing to work according to the late Act of Parliament: Next Day two more of the same Profession, viz. John Gardiner and Jacob Bonvam, Were for the said Offence committed to Tottlefields Bridewell, to undergo hard Labour as aforesaid for two Months. Letters from Vienna say, that the King of Great- Britain presses the Emperor to put an End to all Diffe- rences with the Court of Rome, and others of Italy, to the End thac he may the better oppose the Designs of the Turks, in case they shou'd break the Peace, as their Armaments give Cause to apprehend. Letters from Hamburg say, that they talk of an In- terview in the Spring between the Kings of Great Britain Sweden, and Prussia, and the Landgrave of Hesse- Cassel ; as well on the Affairs of Religion, as in relation to some other Matters which occur in the present Con- juncture. The approach of the Muscovite Troops has greatly allarm'd the Poles ; tho'on the other hand, ' tis thought they are design'd to penetrate into Mecklem- C mi) e are no less than three Lotteries now on foot, . state- Lottery, the South- Sea Lottery, the York Buildings Lottery : The Tickets for the State- Lottery will be given out some time in April, and it's expected will be drawn in June. The Stock- jobbers already receive 5s Premium for the Delivery of the Tickets as s00n as they come out ; so it's not doubted but that Lottery will be full whatever becomes of the other two. His Majesty's Ships Torbay, Essex and Nassau, have been reduced again as to Guard- Ships, and now stand at 80 Men each ; the Men so reduced have been paid their Wages. As soon as the Bill for the more effectual suppressing of Pyrates is past, ' tis expected that several ships will be put into Commission. ' Tis believed the Gibralter and Roebuck will be the first that are so ; and as there are Orders for victualling the former for eight Months, ' tis thought she will accompany the Panther to Newfound- land. The under mention'd Certificates made out for Blank Tickets in the Malt Act Loccery, Anno 1721, are now in Course of Payment ac the Bank, Viz All in the first Course, all in the second, all in the third, all in the fourth, and Part of the fifth Course, to No. 27 inclusive. Last Saturday one Captain Massey was committed to Newgate, being charged on Oath with Piracy on the High Seas in the West- Indies. Enter'd at the Custom- House for Exportation, viz. 21st past to Holland 7 500 Ounces of Foreign Silver: Rotter- dam 700 ditto ; 22d to the East- Indies 1046 ditto ; To Rotterdam 45 Ounces of Foreign Gold ; To Holland 17800 of Foreign Silver; 23d to Holland 2000 Ounces of Foreign Silver ; Ditto 180 of Foreign Gold only; 27th jco Ounces ditto for France, and ; o for Holland. The Duke of Norfolk hath purchased the Duke of P0rtland's House in St. James's- Square. On Sunday Night last, happen'd a Very odd and Me- lancholly Accident, in Old- Swan Yard in Bishopsgate. Street: A Man who drives a Hackney Coach, having that Day a Job out of Town ; one who lives where his Horses usually stand, went and paid his Wife a Visit in his Absence: What was transacted between them must be guess'd at; but it is certain, the Woman was found dead in a very indecent Posture, and he in the like, for a Child of four or five Years old running out, and crying a Man was going to kill his Mother, brought those in who discover'd the Matter. The Man was sent to the Compter, and the next Day he was Examin'd be- fore Sir Francis Forbes, concerning the Death of the Women. He said that he came accidentally to see her, and that they drank between them two Quarts of Gene- va, which she club'd with him for, and that she com- plain'd she was sick and he took her in his Arms and lifted her Upon the Bed : But he was ask'd how she came to be found in that Posture, and he with his Breeches down, to which he answer'd, that in lifting her she be- ing too heavy for him. the former might happen, and the latter by straining himself, notwithstanding which Answer, he was again sent to the Compter, till the Coro- ner has finish'd his Inquest. Last Thursday ended the Hearing, before the Lord Chancellor, between the Dean and Chapter of Westmin- ster, and the Reverend Mr. Herbert, who had Possession of the Chapel, in the Broad Way, Westminster, by vir- tue of the Heirs of Sir Robert Pye, and the Vestry of the said Chapel, and a Decree passed in favour of the Dean and Chapter; and Dr Broderick, who was present- ed, will be put into Possession accordingly. Monday Morning early Benjamin Child and Wm. Wade, who stood charg'd with robbing the Bristol Mail, were removed by a Habeas Corpus from Newgate to Ailesbury, under a good Guard, to be try'd at the Assizes there, before the Lord Chief Justice King and the Lord Chief Baron Bury. On Tuesday he was try'd and found Guilty : Wm Wade was admitted Edvidence against him, and was brought back to Newgate The said Child is to be hang'd in Chains between Slow and Colebrook. Thursday being the Birth- Day of her Royal Highness the Princess, when she enter'd into the 40th Year of her Age, ( being born Anno Dom. 1681 ) she received the Compli- ments of the Court and Foreign Ministers, See. the Guns were fir'd at Noon ; and at Night there was a Ball at St. James's The same Day the Society of Ancient Britons having heard a suitable Sermon in the British Language at Christ's Church in Newgate- street, walk'd in good Order to their Feast at Leatherseller's Hall in Bishopsgate street, about 50 poor Children that are cloathed and put to School at the Charge of the said Society walking before them. . Edward Powis, Esq one of the Clerks of the Treasury, and Brother of Sir Littleton Powis, Kt is added to the Managers of the State Lottery. , j An Account of the infant Queen's Entry Into Paris. The Infanta Queen being expected to make her Pub- lick Entry on the id Instant, the Regiments were or- der'd out early in the Morning to line the Streets the Was to pass through, and accordingly took their seVeral Posts. The Entrance of the Fauxbourg St. Jacques was taken up by the City Guards on Horseback the Com- pany of the Lieutenant Criminal of the Short Robe and that of the Provost of the Mint, were formed in two Ranks as far as the Barier of St. Jacques. A Batallion of the King's own Regiment was drawn up in two Lines on each side the great Street of that Fauxbourg, extending to the cross Street de I'Estrapade, and there a Company ot his Majesty's Fusileers were posted. The Regiments of French and Swiss Guirds joined the two Lines of the Battallion of the King's own Regiment on both Sides the Street, from the little Chatalet to the Old Louvre, where the Court was filled with the rest of these Regiments ranged in Battalia. The Mayor and Sheriffs of Paris had prepared five Trium- phal Arches ; the first raised in the Street where formerly stood St. James's Gate, was a Portico of Noble ArchiteCture, with the Arms of France and Spain a- top , and on the Sides two Figures repre senting Hymen and Plenty. The Obelisk before . the little Chatelet Prison, sustain'd for its Emblem the Morning Star, promising the happy Day so much wish'd for by Frenchmen, and so favourable to the Prisoners set at Liberty. On the Portico rear'd at the End of the Bridge of Notre Dame, were represented the River Seine with her Nymphs, who desirous to attend the In- fanta on her Passage, had throng'd together to pay Ho- mage to the Princess. The Triumphal Arch erected in the Street de la Feronerre, had a Ship's Stern for Part of its Design ; Mercury and the Goddess of Navigation ' were figured on each Side ; and various Emblems were the Subject of a Multitude of Ingenious Inscrip- tions, foretelling the Subjects of France and Spain what mighty Good this new Alliance of the two Crowns would procure them. The last Triumphal Arch set up at the Entrance of the Street du Chantre, bore the Re- presentation of a Cloud, with Deities descending to re- ceive the Infanta in the Neighbourhood of the Louvre, the Place of her Residence. The City Archers had the Guard of these Triumphal Structures, Amphitheatres were built on each Side, where the Musick was placed. Besides these Preparations, the Citizens added every thing in their Power to augment the Pomp and Mag- nificence of the Entry, and therefore adorned the Streets and Windows with rich Carpets, and all kinds of splen- did Ornaments. At Bourg la Reyne, the King's Houshold Troops be ing drawn up in Battallia, were order'd by his Majesty to begin the March, and preceed the Coaches of the Infanta Queen, who between three and four in the Af- ternoon arrived at Mont- rouge with the Princesses of the Blood and the Dutchess of Ventadour in the same Coach, attended by a vast Train of Nobility. At the Entrance of Mont- rouge waited the Duke de Tresmes, Governour of Paris, the Mayor, Sheriffs, and City Com- panies, to pay their Devoirs, and compliment the In- fanta Queen in behalf of the City M. de Chateauneuf and the Mayor were Speakers on this Occasion. After the Harangue, the Governour of Paris, the Mayor, Sheriffs, Attorney, Recorder, and Chamberlain, ha- ving taken their several Stations assigned them near the Infanta's Coach, the March proceeded, and a. bout four a- Clock the Infanta Queen came opposite to the Royal ObserVatory, and entred this City amidst a prodigious Multitude of People who thronged to see her, filling not only every Street but the Roads also from Berny. The March proceeded in the following Order. The Company of Inspectors de Police on Horseback with Kettle. Drums and Trumpets : At the Distance of 50 Paces, the City Guard; on Horseback with Kettle. Drums and Trumpets : The three fine Coaches belong- ing to the Duke de Tresmes, Governor of Paris; the Colonel and other Officers of the City attended by their Archers on Horseback, their Musquetoons erect ; Two Gentlemen of the Horse belonging to the Duke of Tres- mes, 12 Palfryneers in his Livery leading the Duke's Horses of State richly caparisoned ; six Pages on Horse. back, and several Gentlemen. The Duke de Tresme's Guards on HorsebacK, tWo and two, With Trumpets fore them ; the Serjeants, Tipetaffs and City Councel- lours robed, on Horseback : The Coaches that were used by the Infanta on her Journey. At some Distance, the Horse Grenadiers, their Swords drawn and Drums beating; the two Companies of Musketeers, Officers at their Head; the Gens d'Arms, and Light Horse of the King's Guard ; Detachments of the four Companies of Guards du Corps with their Standards and Kettle. Drums, Officers at their Head .- One of the King's State Coaches with the Princesses de Soubize accompanied by Sub Governesses of the Infanta- Queen ; Liverymen be- longing to the Duke de Tresmes, and Mayor of Paris, in Habits Numerous and Magnificent: The Coach in which sat the Infanta Queen, accompanied by the Dutchess of Orleans, the Princesses of the Blood, and Dutchess de Ventador : The Governours of Paris; the Mayor, Attorney, and City Recordor marching before, and on each Side the Coach, and the Detachment of Guards du Corps that attended the Princesses on her Journey. The March was closed by Companies of the Constablery, and of the Provost of the District of this City. As soon as the Infanta Queen came to the Lou- Vre, the King being already there, received the Prin- cess as she alighted out of her Coach, and led her to her Apartments; and when his Majesty returned to go to the Tuilleries, the Infanta offering to accompany him back to his Coach, his Majesty entreated her to stay in her Apartments Although the great Guns and Field Pieces, planted at the Royal Observatory, at the Greve, the Bastille, upon the Key of the Tuilleries, and at the Hotel Royal of the Invalids, were several Times dis- charged during the Infanta's Entry ; yet the Shouts and Acclamations of the People so filled the Air, there was scarcely any hearing the Thunder of the Artillery. At Night Bonfires and Illuminations were made throughout the City : And, as soon as the Infanta has had some Respite after the Fatigue of her journey, and been congratulated by all the City Companies, Royal Ban- quets are to be given, and fresh Marks of Joy. Whereas it may be thought by a Paragraph in the Daily Post of Thursday, that Mr. Meggot and Mr. Rush had join'd Interest as Candidates for Southwark at the ensuing Election of Members of Parliament; we are assur'd by Mr. Meggot himself, that he stands singly for the said Borough. We hear His Majesty has been pleased to give a great Number of Books in divers Faculties to the Cotton Li- brary, which is remov'd from Westminster to the House in the Spring Gardens, purchased by the late Mr. Se- cretary Craggs. Last Tuesday the House of Commons adjorn'd to Monday next, when, ' tis suppos'd. they will be up. The latter end of last Week the Countess of Hertford miscarried of a Son. " ' Tis said, the Teste of the Writs to be issued for cal- ling a New Parliament, will bear Date the 6th of March next. Tuesday Night the Corpse of Mr Powell, formerly a Blackwell Hall Factor, and a Separate Trader to the In- dies, having lain in State for some time at Clothwork- er's Hall, was carried to the Parish Church of St. Mary Bassishaw in Basinghall- Street, and interr'd with great Pomp and Solemnity ; the Aldermen held up the Pall, and the Bluecoat- Boys march'd in Procession before the Corpse. It is reported, that the Value of 2000 1. was gi- ven in Rings at this Funeral. On Tuesday last Richard Levett, Esq; was sworn in Alderman of Aldersgate Ward. The same Evening the Rev. Mr. Day of St. John's College, Oxon, was chosen Lecturer of Alhallows in Breadstreet, in the room of Mr. Brooke, deceased, Christned Males 215. Females 188. In all 403. Buried Males J93. Females 280. In all 573. Increased in the Burials this Week ( So. „,„,. CASUALTIES. Kill d by a Cart at Sr Dunstan at Stepney 1. Mur- der d at St. Giles in the Fields 1. Overlaid 3. South Sea Stock 96 3 qts. 95 t half to 96 3 qrs with the Dividend. Bank 119 1 half to 120 India 140 3 qr. j4o 1 qr. to i4o r half. African 18. Unsubscribed Lottery Annuity rol. York Buildings 26 1 half 26 7 8ths, to 26 1 half. Royal Exchange Assurance 6 3 3 1 half. London Affurance LONDON.- printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street' Where Advertisements are taken in.
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