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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News

Date of Article: 15/02/1722
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Nottingham Mercury: OS, A GENERAL VIEW OF THE Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN BEING A Weekly Account of News. Thursday, February. 15. 1722. NOTTINGHAM: Printed by JOHN COLLYER at the Hen- Cross near the Old Booksellers Shop. Where is Sold the Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, plain and purging, at 1s the Bottle r • From St. James's Evening Post, LONDON, February 8 On Tuesday Niht Last, died Sir Thomas Abney, Knight and Al- derman of Bridge Ward. Tis said, a Treaty of Marriage is near concluded between the Hon, Henry Pelham, Esq; Brother to the Duke of Newcastle, and one ot the Lords of the TreasUry, and the Lady Catherine Manners, Sister to the present Duke of Rutland. ' Tis like wise said, that a Match is on Foot between the Duke of Bridgewater and the Marchioness of An- nandale. Yesterday the four Malefactors order'd for Execution to Day, form'd a Design to make their Escapes, which they were to put in Practice at the Time they were to be carried out of the Condemn'd Hold to Chappel, about; three in the Afternoon, to which End, some who resorted to them, had furnish'd them with Pistols, and proper Implimetnts for filing off their Fetters: But the Keepers having Intimation of this, took an Opportunity to search them, and found the Pistols which were taken from them. Soon after Jonas Burgess, one of these Malefactors, having conceal a Penknife cut his own Throat very dangerously, so that ' twas thought he cou'd hardly live to be Executed. Tis likwise said, that Colethurst, another of those Wretches, took a large Dose of Laudinum to dispatch himself, but Burgess had before this wrote to a Secretary of State pretending to make a Discovery of a Conspiracy against the Life of his Majesty, but Upon his bring ordered to be examin'd by the Recorder it ap- pear'd to be only an Artifice, to elude or protract his Execution. The South Seas Treaty with the Bank is come to nothing. It's said the Parliament will rise in about a Fortnight. South- Sea Stock 97. ? a? k " I'i^ V4* advertisement. * WHEREAS the Town of Nottingham is not only thought bu * also agreed upon by most Chapmen both Buyers and Sellers ot convenient Market for Cattle: This is therefore to givef Beasts, to be a very of Persons Trading in that Way, that a Market for the Notice to all manner the Town of Nottingham aforesaid, on Sale February 1722, and to be continued c: :; rSm g till Midsummer next, and so Yearly for ever hereafter. • ^ # t 4 . 3) The Nottingham Mercury, & c From St. James's Evening Post, February 8. Rome, Jan. 24. THE first of this Month,. Cardinal Aquaviva gave a magnificent Entertainment on Occasion of the Marri- age between the Prince of Asturias, and the Princess of Orleans ; and tho' the Concourse of the Nobility was great on this Occasion, there was Plenty of Refreshments distributed without the least Hurry or Confusion. The Holy College, Prelates, and Chief Lords of this City were there, but the Ladies were not invited. In the Middle of the Palace of Spain, which was illuminated, the Cardinal caus'd an Amphitheatre to be erected, and a magnificent Throne, on which was two Statues, one representing France, the other Spain with flying Genius's which united them, the Four Quarters of the World paying them Tribute; Heresie and Ma- hometism trampled under their Feet, Faith Triumphant, and Her- cules combating against a Hydra, being placed on two Pillars at some Distance from the Throne. About nine they play'd off their Fire- Works, which lasted half an Hour, and were very extraordinary; the Chevalier St. George and his Spouse saw this from the Windows of the Palace de Propoganda Fide. Hague, Feb. 13 Instead of fitting out a Squadron against the Al gerines for the Year ensuing, it is now thought the Zealand Priva- teers will be employed in that Service, provided they have some Ad- vantages allow'd them, besides being paid for fitting out and Victu- alling their Ships. 4 Paris, Feb. u. It is assured, that the Cardinal de Noailles has re. new'd his Appeal since the Cardinal de Rohan's Return from Rome who, ' tis said, has brought with him two Briefs little far our able to the appealing Cardinal. The Court has granted a safe Conduct to Mr. Wm. Law for three Months, to go quietly and at Liberty, about his Business; which has occasioned a Report, that Mr. John Law his Brother, now in England, had obtain'd a Passport to return to Franco. LONDON, February 8. Our Merchants have Advice, that a Ship was lately lost near Swanzey, and all the Men drown'd, which, by a Pocket- Book cast on Shore, is suppos'd to be the Victory belonging to London. On Sunday last, a Deal Hooker, laden with Corn, was cast away near Gravesend, and Richard Tomlin the Master, his Boy, and two Women Passengers were drown'd. The Vessel is since weigh'd up, and the two Women were taken out of the Cabin, and buried at Gravesend on Tuesday Night last. The Court here gees into Mourning next Sunday for the Death of the Dutchess Dowager of Zell, mention'd in our last. On Monday last, died at his House in the Tower, Brigadier Rich- ards, Survey0r General of His Majesty's Ordnance, Stores, and Pro- visions of War; by whose Death a great Estate falls to his three Nei- ces, the Daughters ol the late Mr. Craggs of the Post Office. It is believed he will be succeeded by Col Armstrong, chief Engimer ; and that Col. Lassels will succeed the latter. Robert Ringrose, Gilbert Purden, and one Maocave, being charged as Principals concern'd in promoting and fomenting the late Riot which happened on the 21st of December last in the Playhouse- Passage in Drury Lane, and being since fled from Justice, His Majesty has been pleas'd to promise a Reward of 501. for apprehending each of them, to be paid 0n their respective Convictions, The Circuits for the Lent Assizes are appointed as follow, t Norfolk Circuit. Lord Chief Justice King. Lord Chief Baron Bury, Monday, February 26, at Aylesbury. * Wednefday, February 28, at Bedford. Friday, March 2, at Huntingdon. Saturday, March 3, at Cambridge Wednesday Wednesday, March 7, at Thetford. Saturday, March 10, at Bury St. Edmonds. Western Circuit. Mr. Justice Eyres. Mr. Baron Mountague. Wednesday, Feb. 2, at the Castle of Winton Saturday, March 3, at New Sarum. Thursday, March 8, at Dorchester. Monday, March 12, at Taunton. Monday, March 1 % at Launceston. Friday, March 23, at the Guild- hall of Exeter. The same Day at the Castle of Exeter. Home Circuit. Lord Chief Justice Pratt. Mr. Justice Powis. Hertfordshire, Monday March5- at Hertford, Essex, Wednesday March 7, at Chelmsford. Sussex, Monday March 12, at East Grinstead. Surry, Wednesday March 14., at Croydon. Kent, Monday March 19, at Maidstone. Midland Circuit. Mr. Justice Tracy. Mr. Justice Fortescue. Northamptonshire. Tues Feb. 27, at Northampton. Rutlandshire, Friday March 2, at Oakham. Lincolnshire, Mond. March 5, at the Cattle of Uacola. The same Day at the City of Lincoln Nottinghamshire, Thurs. March $, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham, March 9, at Nottingham'. Derbyshire, Saturday March to, at Derby. Leicestershire, Wed. March 14, at the Castle of Leiceft.. The next Day at the Borough of Leicester. Coventry, Saturday March 17, at Coventry. Warwickshire, the same Day at Warwick. Oxford Circuit. Mr. Baron Price. Mr. Justice Dormer. Berks, Monday March 5, at Wallingford. Oxon, Wednesday March 7, at Oxford. Gloucestershire, Sat. March 10, at Gloucester. The same Day at the City of Gloucester. Monmouthshire, Thurf. March 15, at Monmouth. . 6 . Herefordshire, Saturday March 17, at Hereford. Salop, Friday March 22, at Salop. Staffordshire, Wednesday March 28, at Stafford, Worcestershire, Monday April 2, at Worcester. The same Day at the City of Worcester. Northern Circuit. . Mr. Justice Blencowe. Mr. Baron Page. City of York, Mond. March at the City of York, Yorkshire, the same Day at the Castle of York. Lancaster, Friday March 16, at the Castle of Lancaster. From the London Journal, London, February 10. On Thursday Sev'night last began to be paid at the Pay- Office in Broad- street, the Short Allowance Money of Thirty Men of War, and will . Continue to be paid on Tuesdays and Thursdays till the whole are paid. The Jews of the City have made their Present to the Lord- Mayor, according to. annual Custom, of a Plate Value Sixty Pounds, and Half a Hundred of the best Chocolate. A few Nights age, a young Gentlewoman coming out of the New Play- Houle in Lincolns Inn Fields, was tost by an unkown Hand into a Gentleman's Coach, which drove forthwith with the greatest hast into Claremarket, where the young Lady Cry'd so loud for Help, that in a Minute there were Fifty Butchers, and a great Rab- ble after the Coach : Whereupon , our Spark who had thus furprized the young Lady, and was in the Coach with her, threw himself out in the Street, and ran into Bear- Court, where he found shelter, up- on which the young Lady got out of the Coach, and after giving abundance of Thanks to the People for her happy Deliverance, went safe off. On Sunday Night last, a Servant to an Apothecary in White Cross- street, was attack'd by two Foot pads ( accompanied by a Female) who pluck'd two Rings off of his Finger, and riffled his Pockets. Young Galen, it seems, suffer'd most from the Woman, who bestow'd plenty of Curses - and Kicks on him. On Monday Se'night three Farmers of Hendon, on their return from Smithfield, were in the Evening set on by, one Highwayman in Hampstead Road, two of which delivered 3l to him, which whilst they they were about, the other dismounted and dropt - his Purse in the Road, the Highwayman then coming up to him, he pleaded Pover- ty, but a Pistol being snapt at him, he was about to squeak, when same Travellers coming by, he rode off, and so the Farmer saved his Purse wherein was 13]. On Saturday Night Mr. Thomas Dusdule, Master of His Majesty's Ship the Somerset, and his Servant, going down the river in a small Boat for Woolwich, happened to run her on the Ooze near Black- wall. The Boy waded through the Mudd, and saved himself, but his Master was loft. It seems he had been on Board a West India. Ship, where ' tis probable he had been too free with the Bottle, and was thereby incapacitated for helping himself, which, he otherwise. might have done. The Person that we mention'd in our last to be killed in a Duel near Newington Green, proves to be one Mr. David Moreton, for- merly a Surgeon at Fort St. George : His Antagonist is not yet dis- cover'd. ' Tis reported that just before he expired he said to those a- bout him, that nothing concern'd him so much as that the Villain stabb'd him basely, after his Sword was broke; but who that Villain was he would not tell. Last Week the Coffin- Maker who went to Newington Green to take Measure of Mr. Moreton for a Coffin, with two Neighbours of the former, who out of Curiosity, went with him to see the Body, were attack'd as they returned in the Dusk of the Evening, by three Foot pads, who plundered them of every Thing of Value about them. Mr. Crispe of Bury St. Edmonds, notwithstanding his being so cru- elly mangled, is likely to do well. We hear there is a fresh Charge against his Brother- in- Law Coke, his wicked Journeyman Woodburn having made a second Confession, whereby it appears that Three of Mr. Crisp's Children have been cut off by some fatal Dose, before their Time. The three Highwaymen that we mentioned in our News of the 27th of last Month to be in the Goal there, are charged with fresh Robberies, particularly with one by a Doctor of Physick, whofe House they robbed, having bound him and his Servants. By Letters from Italy we have an Account that Mr. Robert Knight, late Cashier of the South- Sea Company has been at Rome, and met with a cold Reception there, both from the Pope and Pretender, whole Protection he was so far from obtaining, that he has been or order'd to depart the Ecclesiastical Territories; and ' tis said he is ac- ordingly gone ; but whither is not yet known. Thus loaded with Guilt, may the abandon'd Wretch wander from Place to Place, and find no Assylum. and at last be made so sensible of his Crimes as to open that Scene of Mischief to his injured Country, wherein he had So great a Part. we hear that two Centinals in the Foot Guards are committed to the Savoy, in order to be try'd by a Court Martial, for raising a non- sensical Story of an Apparition of several Men appearing without Heads in St. James's Park. A Gentleman at Leicester having lately lost a valuable Horse, sent the Marks of it up to his Friend here in Town 5 who, the ist Instant, coming out of a CofFee- House in Bond- street, happen'd to see it pass by, upon which he dogged the Rider to the Falcon Inn, near Hyde Park Corner, where he put up; where attempting to| seize him, the Desperado drew out a Pistol, and vowed Death to the first who should touch him, and then took to his Heels; but being followed by nlany, and finding; no possibility of escaping, he at last surrendered himself to a Sawyer. His Name is Burridge, a noted Offender, and is likely to follow the Fate of some of his Comrades, who, it seems, he had made himself an Evedence against. We hear that a Gentleman on Tower- Hill, has lately finished a new Invention for improving Agriculture, by which the Business of Plowing, Sowing and Harrowing, is done all at the same Time, and with wonderful exactness and Expedition, as has been seen in some Experiments already made with this Machine. Last Week two Pidgeons taken, one from a Dove- House in Half- Moon Alley in Moorfields, the other from a Dove- House in Red Cross street. were carried in proper Conveniences to Windsor, and there let fly again upon a Wager of Ten Pounds, which should push Home soonest. That in Half- Moon Alley arrived safe in One Hour and a Quarter, the other in an Hour and an Half. In the Rubbish of an old Seat that is now pulling down at Eltham in Kent, belonging to one Mr. Hencker of that Place, was found a few Days ago, a very rich Moveable, resembling a Shepherds Hook, enammel'd and set with very valuable Diamonds, which ' tis supposed may have lam concealed this Hundred Years. On L 9 J On Saturday last, Hugh Reason and Robert Tranter, the two Bailiffs were Try'd at the King's- Bench Bar, for the Murder of Mr. Lutterel. The Councel for the Prosecutor were Sir John cheshire, Mr. Hungerford, Mr. Reeve, and Mr. Strange. For the Prisoners, Serjeant Dranal, Mr. Kettleby and Mr. Banes. Upon the Evidence for the King, it appeared, That the Defendants having arrested Mr. Lutterel, he desired them to go with him to his Lodgings, and he would pay the Money; whereupon, Rea- son went with him, and Tranter was sent to the Attorney's for a Bill of the Charges. As soon as Mr. Lutterel and Reason got up Stairs, form Words passed between them about Civility Money, which Mr. Lutterel re- fused to give; and thereupon Mr. Lutterel went up another pair of Stairs to order his Lady to tell out the Money, and returned again to Reason with two Pistols in his Breast, which ( upon the Importunity of the Maid) he laid down upon the Table, and retir'd a good distance to the Fire: By this time Tranter knocked at the Door, and being let in by the Boy, went di- rectly up Stairs to his Partner, the Boy following him. Immediately up- on Tranter's coming into the Room, a Blow was heard, and a Scuffle en- suing, the Boy went in and found his Master held against the Closet Door by Tranter, and Reason at the same Time making a Pass at him with his Sword, which went through him, and the Boy catching hold of his Sword- Arm, Reason shifted the Sword into his other Hand, threatning to kill the Boy if he opposed him. The Boy calling for Help, the Maid came in, and then Mr. Lutterel was lying on the Floor upon his Back begging for Mercy, and Reason standing over him, stabbing him in nine places. Upon this the Boy and the Maid both quitted the Room, and presently one of the Pistols was heard to go off, and a Minute after the Second; which a Woman looking out of a Window over the way, eroved to be fired by Reason. It appeared likewise by the Evidence of Mr. Peters, the Curate of St. Clements, That upon his administring the Sacrament n Mr. Lutterel, be denied that be fired either of the Pistols, or gave them any Provocation : But it being proved on behalf of the Defendants by one of the Surgeons, that Mr. Lutterel afterwards confessed to him, that he struck one of them with his Cane, and that Tranter had a Scratch upon his Forehead ( which was probably the Stroke which the Boy heard before the Scuffle began) The Court directed the Jury that if they believed Mr. Lutterel made the first Assault upon the Bailiffs, it would be but Man-, slaughter, and they brought in their Verditl accordingly: Whereupon the Defendants pleaded the Benefit of the Clergy, which was allowed; and on Monday last they were burnt in the Hand. The Tryal lasted several Hours B They „ C ) They write from Paris, that one of their Clergy has lately preach- ed so Zealously against Luxury and Profuseness, that aeveral Ladies of his Audience sent him part of their Jewels and Plate-; of which he will make us Lottery in order to distribute the Money ariaing thence among the Poor. The same Letters mention., that several Warlike Engines us'd in the Time of Julius Caesar, have been found under Ground; an Expe- riment has been of them, one of which threw ( without the Help of Powder,) a Ball of half a Pound Weight, 435 Paces; another which is but two Foot Diameter discharged an Arrow, and hit the Mark , tho: at 80 Paces distant. From St. James's Evening Post, Feb. 13. Copenhagen, Feb. 10. We have Advice from Schonen, that the Murrain which rages there among the Horses, and all other sorts of Cattle, both great and small, is enereas'd to that Degree, that even the very skins of those Beasts are infected ; Wherefore the King has publish'd an Ordinance in Zeeland and the neighbouring Districts, forbidding, under rigorous Penalties, all manner of Persons to allow Entrance to any Horses, or other Beasts, great or small ; as likewise to slaughter'd Flesh, that shall come, or be brought out of that Province; enjoining moreover, that all Horses, or other Cattle, that shall be offered to be brought from thence, shall be kill'd and buried immediately 5 ail dead Flesh to be buried likewise, but the Skins or Hides to be burnt. Rome, Jan 31. The Wound which the Chevalier de St. George receiv'd by the Fall of a Picture upon his Head, has caused a great Alarm here, and he was lain to be immediately blooded to prevent ' a Fever, All the sacred College have sent to enquire of his Health, Except the Cardinals dependent on the House of Austria, and the Crown of Portugal. LONDON, February 13, Yesterday the Rt. Hon. James Ld. Waldegrave ( having qualify'd himself by entering into the Communion of the Church of England) took the Oaths and his Seat in the House of Peers. Yesterday his Majesty came to the House of Peers, and the Roy- al Agent to the following Acts, viz. to- the Malt Act : To an Act for taking off the Duty on Salt used in curing Red Herrings, and lay- ing the same on Red- Herrings confirmed at Home only 3 To an act to enable his Majesty to prohibit Commerce with any Nation infect- ed With the Plague; To the Act for repealing several Clauses in the Quarentine J ( » ) Quarantine Act: To the Act for the further Encouragement of the Importation of Naval Stores To the Act for altering the Form of the Quakers Affirmation: To the Portugal Merchants Act; To the Act for repairing the Pier of Bridgeport: To an Act for building au Exchange at Bristol ; To several Acts for better repairing the High- ways, and also to some other publick and several private Ads. Three several Fires broke out last Week in the Town of St. Albans, one on Tuesday Night on Holloway Hill, another on Thursday Night in School- Home Lane, and a third on Saturday last, at Alderman Carter's Brew- House : Considerable Damage was done by all three, chiefly by the last. The House where the first happen'd, was at- tempted to be broke open on the three foregoing Nights succeffively and is therefore believed to be designedly fired, in order to be plun- der'd; and the better to succeed in their villainous Attempt, the Rogues had cut off the Well Rope from the Bucket. On Thursday last dy'd at his Seat in Gloucestershire, the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Suffolk and Bindon, Lord Liuetenant of the County of Essex, in the 26th Year of his Age ; His Lordship dy- ing without Issue, is succeeded in the Honour and Estate by his Un- cle the Honourable Charles Howard, Esq one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to the King. ( From Jackson's Letter. The Commons on a Petition of the Mer- chants, have ordered in a Bill to be brought in for the better suppressing of Pyrates. By a Holland Mail we have an Account that the Plague not only con- times in some Places of Provence, but spreads in that County and in Languedoc. The Commons order'd that the late South sea Directors be examined touching their estates, and that a Bill be brought in to give further Pow- er to the Trustees, who have acquainted the house that most of the said Director's Estates are now under the Hands of proper Persons, and en- quiry making into their Value in order in their being sold. On Tuesday the Lords read a second time the Eledion Bill, and on Speeches made by the Lord Sunderland and others, it was rejected. Newark, Feb. On Monday last, intimation being given that Brigadier Sutton and James Pelham Esq; were coming to this Town, and design'd to join as Candidates to represent this Burrough in the ensuing Election; about 300 Gentlemen and others went out to meet - thtm, them, and came into Town in a Body with them, the Bells ringing, Drums beating, the Musick playing, and the Town's Colours car- ry'd before them, and Joy in every Face seem'd to anticipate so good a Choice, of Which we have no room to doubt. They treated the Gentlemen very splendidly at their Inns, and gave twenty Shil- lings to every publick House for all the Inhabitants to drink their Healths, and at Night were such illuminations as has seldom been seen here on any Occasion. South Sea Stock 97. Bank 122. India 141. Nottingham, February 15. The Bill of Mortality for this Town, from Wednefday Night the 7 of February , to Wednesday Night the 14. of February. Buried in St. Maries Parish 9 In St. Peters 1 In St. Nicholas 1 In all this Week • 11 ADVERTISEMENT. Anodyne ELixiR, deservedly famous in the Cure of A- Cholicks, of the Breast and Bowels, it never fails to. take office most violent Cough, or Cold, and that at once taking; and is a certain Remedy in the Strangury, or Gravel in the Kidneys ; it Cures all manner of Pains in the Limbs, or Joints, and what is most wonderfull, you find Benefit within 20 or 30 Mi- nuites after taken • in a Word, nothing in Nature can equal this medicine; it works by moderate Sweat and Urine: Sold by Mrs. Garway at the Royal Exchange Gate, and several other Persons in London-, likewise by John Collyer, Bookseller in Nottingham'. Where is to be Sold also, the Royal Bitter Drops-, or Anti- Pestilen- tial Elixir; a few Drops of which make the most pleasant Bitter in the World, is not only an admirable Stomachick, but useful against Infection and several Distempers, being taken according to the Bill of Directions given along with it. . Price one Shilling- the Bottle. likwise the Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, plain and purgings at one '
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