The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 10/02/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love; I humbly beg the Favour of your Lordship and the Court ( as you were pleas'd to promise me the first Day,) that you will be of Council for me, for you are Judges both of Law and Fact, and I desire you will put the most favourable Construction on what I've done, and what the Witnesses have depos'd ; I acknowledge my Desire that the King and Scots should agree, because I believ'd it much beter for our Religion, and for the good of the Nation, than that he should join with the Irish Rebels, or give up his Interest to the Turks or Spaniards ; and as a Clause in the Covenant is to
seek the Union and Good of both Nations; and as the Scots had declar'd him their King, I believ'd it consonant to the Covenant, to desire an Agreement betwixt them ; and according to your Lordship's Expression at Guild- hall, Non est reus, nisi Mens sit rea. I desire your Lordship will not hearken to any poli- tick Suggestions, as that it will not be for the Honour and Interest of the State to save me , it was suggested to Pilate, if thou sparest that Man thou art no Friend to Caesar. And so it may have been insinuated to you, that you are not Friends to them from whom you derive your Authority, if do not condemn me: But be Friends
to yourselves and Families, and take heed that you bring not guiltless Blood upon you : I do acknowledge, that as to the concealing and not revealing these Things, I am obnoxious to your Acts; and for this Misprision I humbly beg your Mercy. And if my Crime should be thought to deserve Death, yet if you condemn me ra- ther upon a political Interest, than the Merit of Fact, the Scripture accounts not that Justice, but Murder ; and let there be some little Regard had to my Function, and to what I have done and suffer'd : Let it be remem- ber'd what Solomon said in a like Case to Abiathar the Priest, viz. Thou art worthy of Death,
but I will not at this Time put thee to Death, because thou bearest the Ark of the Lord God before David my Father ; and because thou hast been afflicted in all wherein my Father was afflicted. Many things may be said to exasperate you, and to induce you to pass a doleful Sentence upon me, which I hope you cannot, and for the Fear of the Lord your dare not pronounce; but if it fall our otherwise, I will say to you as Jeremiah did to the Rulers of Israel, Ye shall surely bring Innocent Blood upon yourselves ; and so I commit my. self to God and your Consciences. Mr. Attorney reply'd. That Mr. Love had confess'd much more than
Misprision ; and that the frequent Re- petition and long Concealment of these Acts was Trea- son; and as to the Ingenuity of his Confession, he thought there was little Ingenuity in making it, after it was plainly prov'd upon him ; that his Imprecations, calling God to Witness he never wrote or sent a Letter, or lent Money, when it appear'd he had mov'd others to write, and to lend Money, were shameful Equivoca- tions, especially in a Minister of the Gospel, but that the Eyes of Justice were not to be blinded by such im- pious Arts: That this Gentleman had been guilty cf the higheft Ingratitude, and studied the Destruction of the
State, without any Provocation : That he was not only permitted to enjoy his Life and Liberty under this Government, but, by his own Confession, had one of the best Preferments in London, and never receiv'd the least Trouble or Interruption from the State ; and what had he to do to interpose and disquiet himself with the Management of the Commonwealth ? That he had dar'd to charge his Blood upon the Court ; but it had been well if he had thought of Blood, before he had been in- strumental in spilling so much in Scotland That there would be no living in Society, if such Incendiaries were not brought to Justice ; and that it was
better one Man than a State should perish ; and hop'd the Court would consider what Justice was due to the Commonwealth. That the Prisoner having had three Days time allow'd him to prepare his Defence and run thro' the Evidence, he should say no more to it at present ; but mov'd that the Court would appoint another Day for the Council for the State to make their Reply to the Prisoner's Defence. To be continu'd. The FAIRYTATLER, N0. 1o, A Pattern of Love exemplify'd in the Tragical LOve Story of Ceremila and Roderiff'. WHEN Ethelstan the Saxon was King of Britain there liv'd a Nobleman nam'd Scardeline much was
he belov'd by the King and Subjects, of whose Courage in War, and Council in Peace, they had both receiv'd often, and serviceable Assistances; nor was he valued more for his Merits, than he was envied for his Happiness: All the Eyes and Wishes of the Court were fixed upon his Daughter Ceremila, whose Beauties of Body, and inward Accomplishments, render'd her the the just Wonder of all who knew or had seen her, and made many court her Father's Friendship and Favour above the highest Honours from the Throne. Yet she ( tho' her Charms had made so sensible a Con- quest where ever they shone:) neither regarded
the Praise or Love of the most Gallant and charming of her Admirers; it was in vain for them to urge their Passions and to sue for Pity or Favour from her, Ceremila was too far gone to be recover'd, an insensible absent Object had taken up every Part of Heart, her whole Soul WAS Roderiff's, the dear lovely victorious Roderiff ! In vain she strove to forget him, tho' he had been from her more than three Years, yet his Image was as fresh and lively in her Breast as in the Day the happy pleasing Day! When the lov'd Youth first told his darling Passion, A long War with the Welch, had been the Cause of his leaving her, none knew,
but she herself, he had ever made love to her, tho' the Eye of her Father, and the Spies of an old Nobleman, who made earnest Suit to her, were Dayly and Nightly Abroad, to hinder any Attempts from whoever might venture to lay Claim to so charming a Possession. After her Roderiff's Departure from her and the Court, she, to shun the Importunities of his hired Rival, beg'd Leave to retire to a Country Seat of her Father's, about 100 Miles from the City , this, tho' unwillingly granted by her Father, who was too fearful of her design, she obtain'd. It is easy to conceive the Joy that she felt at this happy Success, and willing to make
use of so fair an Opportunity, she the next Day took her Leave of the Court, and with a few Attendants, only sufficient to serve for Conveniency, she prepared for her Depar- ture. Roderiff in the mean while thought of nothing but his Ceremila, his Troubles were too strong to let him rest Day and Night ; the dear Charmer dwelt in his Mind, he fear'd she might be lost ; But oh ! how little wou'd he have fear'd had he but known the Truck of his absent Mistress. Often wou'd he sigh her Name, and bemoan the unhappy Occasion that drew him from her, when Love and she invited him to stay, and Joy stood ready crown'd to lead ' em
forth. — It was some time when the fatal bloody Day decided the Victory, Ethelstan was the Conqueror, and Roderiff the Champion. In all the Camp none behav'd himself so well and bravely as Roderiff', every one prais'd his Conduct, and pity'd that so great a Man was not plac'd in a more distinguishing Degree, and rewarded with something answerable to his Desert. The News of this joyful Victory, in which, the Welch King himself was taken Prisoner ; it soon reach'd the Ears of the Court. The Action was applauded, and a Day of solemn Triumph appointed, in Justice to the Bravery of those great Defenders of their Country,
who had freed her from the Butchery and Slavery of a proud and cruel Invader, and fix'd her Laurels safe upon her before drooping, and afflicted Brow. To be continued. Continuation of the Benefit of Farting Explain'd. Secondly, Having explain'd the Nature and Essence a FART, I shall next enquire into the ill Consequences of suppressing it, which are almost obvious to eVery one's Experience; for in its Retrogradation, it causes Cho- licks, Hystericks, Rumblings, Belchings, Spleen, & c but in Women of a more strong Constitution, it vents itsfelf intirely in Talkativeness ; hence we have a Rea
son, why Women are more Talkative than Men; for as the Poet observes. • Words own Wind to be their Mother, ' Which stop't at one end burst out at t'other. Hence comes the usual Saying, Tell a tale, or let a FART, implying the Necessity of Vent, one Way or t'other. The remarkable Taciturnity of the late Widow Fart- Well, is a convincing Proof of this Doctrine ; for having her Posteriours much dilated and relaxed by a too fre- quent Use of Clysters in her Younger Days, was so de- bilitated in her retentive Faculty, that her Wind passing too freely that Way, there wanted a sufficient Supply to set the Wind Mill of her Tongue a
going. The frequent Fitts of Laughing and Crying, without any sensible Cause, ( Symptoms common to such as are troubled with the Vapours,) are plainly accountable from this Suppression ; for the Windy Vapour getting into the Muscles that assist in Laughing, inflates them, and occasions their Laughing ; but if this Vapour, when rais'd to the Head, is there condensed by a cold melan- choly Constitution, it distills thro' the Eyes in Form of Tears. Thirdly, As for the Lawfulness of Farting, none I hope will dispute that Point with me, till they shew me a Law against it, which I am satisfied they can't do; and, where there is no Law,
there can be no Trans- gression. The Cannon Law ( if I mistake not.) is loudly for it, and the Law of Nature seems to be of our Side, and tho' it seems to be against the Civil Law, yet the Severity of that Law was provided against, by King James the first; for a Gentleman dying by Suppressing a FART in his Presence, the King had immediately wrote over the Gate in Capital Letters this Inscription. HERE ALL FARTS ARE FREE. And Cambden observes the Ancient Esteem FARTS were in, by Lands held by one Baldwin ( le Pettour, i. e. the Farter) at Hemingston in Suffolk, by the Tenure of coming into Court on a certain Day,
performing Saltus, Sufflatus, & Bumbulus, i. e. Capering, Puffing, and Fart- ing. Cambd. p. 464. Its being contrary to Custom is n0 Plea, since the same Authority which introduced Hoop'd Petticoats, can also bring Farting in Fashion; and there wants nothing more to make it pass current, than some celebrated Toast of the Town to begin an Example. We are very forward in imitating our Neigh- bouring Nations in their Fashion and Dress, tho' never so ridiculous, but Backward in this Point, which would be much more for our Advantage For a FART is a Freeman in all the Towns Corporate thro' Holland. Yfro Blowza Van Funck, a
Burgomaster's Wife of Rotterdam, values her self as much upon the good Report of her Bum- Battery, as one of our Ladies would for a sweet Voice, or an agreeable Lisp, and is as industrious in shewing her Performance that Way, as the other in shewing a white Hand, a rich Ring, or a neat SnufF Box. And the Ladies in France maintain, that a promis- cuous Conversation on a Bog House, favours as little of Impudence or Impiety as over a Tea Table. Having proved the Lawfulness of Farting, and the ill Consequence of suppressing it, I shall proceed, Fourthly, to set down the Advantages the Ladies are likely to reap by an
unlimited Freedom that Way. For first, It frees them from that long- winded Catalogue of Distem- pers already mentioned, and prov'd to proceed from this Cause, which Benefit alone were sufficient to recom- mend it to all those who value their Health; but be- sides this, ' twill render Peas- Porridge as wholesome as Ginger bread, and Bottl'd Cyder as innocent at Ratasia ' twill also lower the Price of Daffy's Elixir, and save them a vast yearly Expence in Ars a Foetida, and Spirits of Harts Horn, to guard them from the Vapours, since hereby they become their own Apothecaries, to prepare a Medicine will twitch them by the Nose
every whit as well as their smelling- Bottle. ' Tis also a great Promo- ter of Mirth, for I have known one single FART, that made an Escape raise a Laugh of half an Hour; and the Celebrated Author of a Bock, called, Laugh and Be Fat, proves Laughing to be a very wholsome Exercise. Dr. Blow in his Treatise of the Fdndimentalls of Musick asserts. that the first Discovery of Harmony was owing to an Observation of Persons of different Sizes sounding different Notes in Musick, by Farting; for while one farted in Bfa bimi. another was observ'd to answer in F faut. and make that agreeable Concord call'd a fifth, whence that Musical
Part had its Name of Bum fiddle, and the first Invention of the Double Curtell was owing to this Observation: By this Rule it would be an easy Matter to form a Farting Consort, by ranging Persons of different Sizes in Order, as you would a Ring of Bells, or a Sett of Organ- Pipes, which Entertainment would prove much more Diverting round a Tea Table, than the usual one of Scandal, since the sweetest Har- mony is allow'd to proceed from the Guts. Then that Lady will be reckoned the most agreeable in Company, who is the readiest at Reportee; and, to have a good Report behind her Back would be allow'd a Strong Ar- gument
of her Merit. Having thus explain'd the many Benefits that will at- tend a Free Practice of Farting. I think I need use no other Arguments to the Ladies, since their own Case, Interest, and Diversion plead in its Favour. I shall therefore Wind up my Bottom, and conclude. We've often heard how the imprison'd Wind, When in the Bowels of the Earth confin'd, And wanting Vent, whate'er resists, it tears, And overturns what th' Earth above it bears, Whole Towns and People in the wide Rupture fall Tho one small Vent, at first, had sav'd than all. So in the Microcosm of Man we find, The like ill Fate attends a FART confin'd. For Cholick,
Vapours Spleen and Melancholy Do wreck those who suppress it, for their Folly. Hence learn what great Effects small Things product The Capitol was sav'd from taking by a Goose. Thin don't admire that one small whiffling FART Can guard from Spleen the Citadel your Heart. And though a Goose, let me in time persuade you, To guard from Foes, which do behind invade you, That being of such appris'd, you may prepare. With Speed to plant your Roaring Cannons there. Some time ago died Sir John Wittewrong Bart. Member of Parliament for the Borough of Chip- png Wiccombe, in the County of Bucks, and Colonel of a
Regiment late on the Irish Establishment. He is succeeded in Honour and Estate by his Son now Abroad, and we hear, Mr. O' Neal ftands Candidate for Wic- combe in Sir John's Room. On Monday his Grace the Duke of Bolton took the Oaths and his Seat in the House of Peers. The Right Honourable the House of Lords have pass'd a Resolution, That if after the Death of any Lord of that House, any Person presume to publish in Print his Works, or any Part of them, not publish'd in his Life- time, or his Life or Last Will, without Consent of his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, that the same is a Breach of the Privilege of
the said House. At the Court held at Guildhall on Friday last was Sev'night, John Barton, Esq; was sworn into his Place of Sword- Bearer for this City, in which he had officiated for some Time past. — Deale, Esq; succeeds him in the Place of Common Hunt, and was accordingly sworn in at the same Time. Monday the Corpe of John Hanbury, Esq; one of the King's Serjeants at Law, was carry'd out of Town, in order to be interr'd in Northamptonshire The same Day the Corpse of Sir John Wittewrong was carry'd out of Town in order to be interr'd in the Vault of his Ancestors, near his Seat in the County of Bucks. Our Merchants
have Advice, that the Ship Heywood, Capt. Lancelot from London for Jamaica, was lately lost in the Harbour of Baltimore in Ireland. They have likewise Advice, that the Mary and Eliza- beth, Capt. Man, homeward bound from Maryland to London, was about the same Time lost on the Coast of Ireland afore- mention'd. The Reverend Dr. Trimnel, Brother to the Bishop of Salisbury, is appointed Dean of WinChester, in the Room of Dr. Wickart, deceas'd On the 5th Instant, N. S died Eleonora, Dutchess Dowager of Zell, at her Caftle of Zell, whose Death is universally lamented : She was Daughter of Alexander Desiniers, Baron of
Olbrence in France, and Relict of George William Duke of Zell, by whom she had only one Daughter, Sophia Dorothy, born 166o, and mar- ried 1682, to George Lewis, then Electoral Prince of Hanover, and now King of Great- Britain, by which Marriage the two Dukedoms of Hanover and Zell be- came united, after the Death of Duke George William, in 1705, who was younger Brother to His Majesty's Father. This Court goes into Mourning to morrow. The
f 2156 ) The Continuation of Dr. Prideaux's Judgment, & c, I grant, thac as long as any one uses those, he by Force gets into his Power otherwise than is consistent with the Nature of Civil Government, he has no Right to their Obedience; this Right does not commence till he takes them into his Protection, and they are willing to have Recourse to him, for the Benefits that flow from Civil Government. . If the People of Rome were not under Government, When Caesar was at the Head of their Affairs, there never was any such Thing as Owning a Government, if what they did was not Owning that of Caesar's; since the Bulk of
Mankind never own'd any Government, but by accepting Protection under it ; and where are Verbal Assurances given, as all possible were given by the Con- spirators and Senate, that does not grant a new Right ; but only a fresh Assurance to pay that Obedience due for the sake of that Protection ; which, without it, was impossible to be had. If Caesar was incapable of having his Government convey to him, by People own'd to be in a State of Na- ture; it either must be, because he unjustly gain'd that Power, by which he dissolv'd the former Government; which wou'd make all his Successors as incapable, who, as unjustly kept
that Power he unjustly gain'd ; and a Continuance in Wrong will never make Wrong become Right; and consequently, the Right of the former Go- vernors, whether single Persons, Senate, or People, and those who were to succeed them, will continue as long as any of them continue in Being. there have been many, very many, as unjustifiable Turns in every Nation, as well as in this at Rome by Caesar ; and yet there is no Instance, that ever any People scrupl'd to own those for their Sovereigns; who, by destroying the former Government, got into their Hands the Power of Protecting them : And if what the People of Rome,
especially the Conspirators did, was not trying them- selves down to Obedience, three can be no Ties between Governors and Governed; and nothing can follow, but an universal Anarchy and Confusion. They who are uppermost, upon any Revolution, are, for their own Safety, oblig'd to treat those as their irre- concileable Enemies; who, after they have giv'n them such Pledges of Faith and Security for Obedience, as the Conspirators gave to Caesar, shall think it an Heroick Account to destroy them ; either by open Rebellion, or private Assassination. This is such a Doctrine, as wou'd quickly turn Frontier Places, which often
change Masters, into meer Deserts, and, by Degrees, thin the rest of the World; and consequently, the Promoters of this Principle must be esteem'd Enemies of Mankind. If what the Conspirators acted, did occasion infinite Mischiefs; If the Proscription, which follow'd, was so extreamly bloody; was it not all owing to this? The Triumvirate, after this Act, cou'd not think themselves safe, as long ss any surviv'd, thac cou'd give Disturb- ance ; and the succeeding Emperors, if ever they were enclin'd to Mercy, were, no doubt, check'd by the Thoughts of what Casar sufFer'd for his Clemency ; and and it is not unlikely, the Governors of
other Nations have reason'd after the same Manner. Jealousy is, almost, inseparable from Power; and ' tis easy to imagine what Thoughts they had, when they consider'd, that if Julius cou'd not disarm his Enemies by Clemency, and numberless good Offices; if Octavius was safe by a bloody Proscription ; if Julius lost his Life by parting with his Guards, and putting his Per- son in the Power of Men, who broke thorow all the lies of Fidelity and Gratitude, to murder him ; cou'd they, in common Prudence, disarm themselves, and trust to the Protestations of ungrateful, and perfidious Citizens ? I wou'd know from Cato, to what other
End his Praise of the Conspirators, and commending what they did, can tend ; but to encourage bloody Proscripti- ons on one Hand, and other Villanous Assassinations, even in all Places ; except there be a Place, where no- body disapproves the Right and Title of the Governor. But because this Writer, out of his peculiar Modesty, assumes the Name of Cato ; let us see, whether the true Cato wou'd have acted this Part. It had been Folly, or Madness, in him to destroy himself, if he thought it brave and heroick, to act for a long Time together with vile and base Dissimulation ; and scruple at no means whatever, to gain a
Confidence in Casar; tho' with no other View, than that, by having free Access to his Person, he might gain the fairest Opportunity of Assassi- nating him. He must have abhorr'd the Thought of such an Action, as much as the Roman did the treache- rous Proposal of the Physician of King Phrrhus which they rejected with Scorn; tho' they might by accepting it, have secur'd the Commonwealth, then in the utmost Danger, from the Arms of that King : And Cato, had he not detsted this Act, wou'd have had less Vertue than the People of Rome; who, to their Immortal Ho- nour, in a full Assembly, condemn'd those infamous Wretches,
Conspirators to Death. If Cato had thought, after what the People and Senate had done, in Owning Casar Government, that he was not a lawful Magistrate, he wou'd never have join'd with him in Sharing the Spoils of the Commenwealth and acted as his Deputy, and Instrument of his Tyranny and Usurpation ; he wou'd never have satisfy'd himself with such poor Excuses, which our Cato makes for Brutus viz. ' That those were hollow, and destructive Favours and it was Tigh- Treason to be Author of them ; and ' was nor Death signally due to such High- Treason ? ' Brutus, therefore, made the properest Return.' A mean Genius
wou'd think this but an odd Way of Ex- tolling an Hero ; and he wou'd be so weak as to ima- gine, that if it was High- Treason. in Cesar, to offer Brutus those Favours, it was no less Treason in Brutus to have accepted them. Cato says, ' It was not in the Power of Brutus to alter ' his Allegiance, which he had already engag'd to the ' Commonwealth; which had done nOthing to forfeit ' the same; for how lawful soever it maybe, for Sub- ' jects to transfer their Obedience to a Conqueror in a ' Foreign War, when the former Civil Power can no • longer protect them ; — it is ridiculous to suppose ' they can transfer it to a Domestick
Traitor.'. If the old Government was not dissolv'd, then the Power which Casar had was consistent with it; but if it was dissolv'd, and the Right which every one had in the State of Nature reverted to him; What Allegiance cou'd be due from Brutus to a Non- Entity, or a Com- monwealth not in Being ? Cou'd any Relation between Governor and governed remain, when that Government; the Foundation of this Relation, was destroy'd; and Men in a State of Nature, by which they were free to choose any other Form of Government, as that they were formerly under ? I cou'd ask this Gentleman i Number of Questions, but I shall confine
my self only to three. First, Since ' tis a Question on which a great deal de- pends in some Mens Opinions, how long Allegiance remains due to nothing, or a Government not in Being ? Secondly, If the Reason, why Obedience is no longer due to a former Government, when the People are un- der the Power of a Foreign Conqueror, is, because the former Civil Power can no longer protect them; Why does not the Reason equally hold, when by Means of a Domestick Enemy, the former Civil Power can no longer protect the People? In either Case, the People, for whose sake Government is instituted, have the same need of a
new Protector; and if they may lawfully transfer their Allegiance to a Conqueror, tho he unjustly de- stroy'd the former Government, Why shou'd the In- justice in the other Case, hinder the People from taking Care of their own Safety, by submitting to that PoWer which can protect them ? Thirdly, If ' tis impossible to pay any Allegiance to a dissolv'd Government, whether dissolv'd by a Foreign or Domestick Enemy ; Can what is impossible to be done be requir'd more in one Case than the other ? Cato says, ' That it is a most wiked, and absurd Position, to say, That a whole People can ever be in such a Scituation, as not to have a
Right to protect and defend themselves. ' If this be most wicked and and absurd, it is, certainly, equally so to suppose, the whole People can be in such a Scituation, where there is a Power to defend them ; and yet thus it must be if it be unlawful, to pay their Allegiance, without which no Protection can be had, to this Power: And even this Right wou'd be in vain, if every Man might take upon him, of his own Head, to murder their Protector; and thereby involve the People in all the Miseries of a Civil War. To be continu'd. They
C = * 57 j They write from Waltham Abbey in Essex, that one holmes of that Town above 70 Years of Age, has ra- vish'd a Girl between five and six, for which he is fled. That on Friday Nighc last, one Williams a Shop keeper was drown'd by a Fall from his Horse betwcen that Town and Waltham Cross, the Waters being out. Letters from Alaix say, that the Sickness decreases so there is but few sick or dead. Next to God they owe their Safety to the Bishop, whose Care has been great over that Town. People begin no longer to frighten themselves with Apprehensions of the Plague ; they treat this like other Distempers; the
Shops are open ; they walk the Streets; they do and Trade as at other Times; and yet a less Number has died there than else where. His Majesty has been pleas'd to appoint his Grace William Duke of Manchester, to be one of the Gentle- men of his Bed- Chamber, in the Room of the late Duke his Father. His Majesty has also been pleas'd to appoint Talbot Yelverton, Earl of Sussex, to be another of the Gentle- men of the Bed Chamber, in the Room of the Earl of Holderness, deceas'd. The Lord Viscount Hinchinbroke is appointed Lieu- tenant, and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Hun- tingdon, in the Room of the late Duke
of Manchester. Last Saturday, after a Tryal of six Hours, Reason and Tranter the two Bailiffs, were found Guilty of Man- slaughter : And on Monday they were Burnt in the Hand in the Court of King's- Bench, pursuant to the said Sentence, and discharg'd from Confinement Letters from Rome say, that the Chevalier, and Ma- dam de St. George had an Audience of the Pope the 23d past at the Quirinal. And by the Chevaliers Order, his Son, tho' but a Year old, is carry'd every Day to the Royal Chappel, where he hears Mass celebrated by a Dominican Fryer. Last Week a Drawer belonging to the Sun Tavern behind the Royal-
Exchange passing over Tower- hill, was met by two Gentlemen of the Faculty, who desiring his Directions to Thames Street, and the young Fellow being naturally of an obliging Temper, very readily stept out of his Way to instruct them ; he had not con- ducted them far e're they ingeniously discovered to him their Profession, and required an immediate Inventory of his personal Estate, which amounting to about 12 Shillings, they made Seizure thereof, and were about to make a farther Progress, but that some Lights ap- proach'd, wherefore they first stabb'd, and then roul'd him down the Hill, while they in the mean time went off
with their Plunder. Mr. Crispe of Bury St. Edmunds, notwithstanding his being so cruelly mangled, is likely to do well. We hear there is a fresh Charge against his Brother- in- Law Coke, his wicked Journeyman Woodburn having made a second Confession, whereby it appears that three of Mr. Crispe's Children have been cut off by some fatal Dose before their Time. We hear the Right Honourable the Earl of Inchiqueen of the Kingdom of Ireland, and the Earl of Burford, eldest Son an Heir apparent of the Duke of St. Albans, stand Candidates for the Borough of New Windsor in Berkshire at the ensuing Election. To- morrow there
will be two Charity Sermons preach'd at the Parish Church of St. Swithin at London Stone, that in the Morning by the most Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of York; and that in the Afternoon by the Reverend Mr. Wheatley, Lectu- rer of St. Mildred Poultry, for the benefit of ; o poor Children. A great Number of Gentlemen, Clergymen and Free- holders, met at Pontacks on the 7th of this Instant Febru- ary, having with great Uanimity agreed to use their Interest for the Lord Castlemain The Directors of the South- Sea Company and these of the Bank have had several Meetings, pursuant to the Resolutions of the the
last General Courts of the said companies; but we do not find that they have yet come to any Agreement Letters from Madrid say, that another Match between a Prince of Spain ( either Don Ferdinand or Don Carlos) and a young Daughter of the Duke of Orleans. Last Saturday in Council His Majesty was pleased to appoint Walter Lloyd, Esq; of Coedmore, Sheriff of the County of Cardigan. Last Sunday Night her Grace the Dutchess of Grafton arrived in Town from Ireland, The Circuits appointed for the Lent AssizeS.' Home Circuit.. Lord Chief Justice Pratt. Mr. Justice Powis, Hertfordshire, Monday March 5, at Hertford. Essex,
Wednesday March 7, at Chelmsford. 1 Sussex, Monday March 12, at East Grinstead. Surry, Wednesday March 14, at Croydon. Kent, Monday March 19, at Maidstone. Oxford Circuit. Mr. Baron Price Mr. Justice Dormer. Berks, Monday March 5, at Wallingford. Oxon, Wednesday March 7, at Oxford. Gloucestershire, Sat. March to, at Gloucester; The same day at the City of Gloucester. Monmouthshire, Thurs. March 15, at Monmouth. Herefordshire, Saturday March 17, at Hereford. Salop, Friday March 23, at Salop. Staffordshire, Wednesday March 2S, at Stafford. Worcestershire, Monday April 2, at Worcester. The same Day at
the City of Worcester; Midland Circuit. Mr. Justice Tracy. Mr. Justice Fortescue. Northamptonshire, Tues. Feb. 27, ac Northampton. Rutlandshire, Friday March 2, at Oakham. Lincolnshire, Mond. March 5, at the Castle of Linc. The same Day at the City of Lincoln. Nottinghamshire, Thurs. March 8, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham, March 9, ac Nottingham. Derbyshire, Sat. March 10, at Derby. Leicestershire, Wed. March 14. at the Castle of Leicest. The next Day at the Borough of Leicester. Coventry, Saturday March 17, at Coventry. Warwickshire, the same Day at Warwick. Norfolk Circuit. Lord Chief Justice King. Lord Chief
Baron Bury. Monday, February 26, at Aylesbury, Wednesday, Feb. 18, at Bedford. Friday, March 2, at Huntingdon. Saturday, March 3, at Cambridge. Wednesday. March 7, at Thetford. Saturday, March 10, at Bury St. Edmonds. Western Circuit. Mr. Justice Eyres. Mr. Baron Mountague. Wednesday, Feb. 2, at the Castle of Winton: t Saturday, March 3, at New Sarum. Thursday, March 8, at Dorchester. Monday, March 12, at Taunton. Monday, March 19, at Launceston Friday, March 23, at the Guild- hall of Exeterr The same Day at the Castle of Exeter. Northern Circuit. Mr. Justice Blencowe. Mr. Baron Page. City of York, Mond.
March 5, at the City of York. Yorkshire, the same Day at the Castle of York. Lancaster, Friday March 16, at the Castle of Lancaster. On Tuesday Night last Sir Thomas Abney, Knight and Alderman of Bridge Ward, _ Senior Alderman of this City, departed this Life at his Seat at Theobalds in Hert- fordshire, aged 81 Years. His Estate, said to be very great, falls to his Widow and three Maiden Daughters. He has left behind him the Character of an honest Gen- tleman and a good Magistrate. The Vacancy in the said Ward is usually supply'd either by the Lord Mayor himself. resigning his own Ward, or the Senior Alder- man
resigning his : Sir Samuel Garrard is the next Al- derman in Seniority. We hear from Dublin, that the Lord Chancellor cf Ireland is dangerously ill. Our Merchants have Advice, that a Ship was lately lost near Swanzey. and all the Men drown'd, which, by a Pocket Book cast on Shore, is suppos'd to be the Victory belonging to London. On Sunday last a Deal Hooker, laden with Corn, was cast away near Gravesend, and Richard Tomlin the Ma- ster, his Boy, and two Women Passengers were drown'd. The Vessel is since weigh'd up, and the two Women were taken out of the Cabbin, and buried at Gravesend on Tuesday Night last.
( 2 1 5 3 ; " We hear a Bill is drawn in order to be presented to the Parliament, for laying certain Penalties on all Per- sons whatsoever, who shall presume to personate any of the real Proprietors in Transferring Stock : Several Frauds and Abuses having been of late committed touch- ing that Affair. ' . And ' tis assured that another Bill is likewise preparing to be presented to the House of Commons , for enabling the Directors of the South Sea Company, to dispose by Sale, of such a Quantity of Stock of the said Com- pany, as shall be sufficient to satisfy their Debts t0 the Publick, which will be without doubt of great Advan- tage
in retrieving the Credit, and enhauncing the Value of the Companys Stock. On Monday last died at his House in the Tower, Bri- gadier Richards, Surveyor- General of His Majesty's Ord- nance, Stores, and Provisions of War ; by whose Death a great Estate falls to his three Neices, the Daughters of the late Mr. Craggs of the Post Office. It is believed he will be succeedcd by Col. Armstrong, chief Engineer ; and that Col. Lassels will succeed the latter. Wednesday being Ash- Wednesday, the Lord Bishop of Lincoln preach'd before the King in the Royal Chappel at St. James's, and Dr. Finch, Dean of York, preach'd there
Yesterday. Robert Ringrose, Gilbert Purden. and one Maccave, being charged as Principals concern'd in promoting and fomenting the late Riot which happened on the 21st of December last in the Playhouse Passage in Drury Lane, and being since fled from Justice, His Majesty has been pleas'd to promise a Reward of 50 I. for apprehending each of them, to be paid on their respective Convictions. Wednesday the four Malefactors ( order'd for Execution on Thursday.) form'd a Design to make their Escapes, which they were to put in Practice at the Time they were to be carried out of the Condemn'd Hold to Chappel, about
three in the Afternoon, to which End, some who resorted to them, had furnish'd them with Pistols, and proper Implements for filing off their Fetters : But the Keepers having some Intimation of this, took an Oppor- tunity to search them, and found the Pistols, which were taken from them. Soon after Jonas Burgess , one of these Malefactors, having conceal'd a Penknife, cut his own Throat very dangerously, so that ' twas thought he cou'd hardly live to be executed ' Tis likewise said, that Colethorst, another of these Wretches, took a large Dose of Laudinum to dispatch himself, but without Effect. Burgess had before this, wrote to a
Secretary of State, pretending to make a Discovery of a conspiracy against the Life of his Majesty ; but, upon his being order'd to be examin'd by the Recorder, it appear'd to be only an Artifice to elude or protract his Execution. Thursday they were Executed at Tyburn, and the Bo- dy of Shaw, for the Murder of Mr. Potts, was afterwards hang'd in Chains in the Lane between Pancrass and Kentish- Town. Next Wednesday Henry Barker, Esq; gives an Enter- tainment, at the Half- Moon Tavern in Grace- Church- street in the Evening, to the Freeholders in the County of Middlesex, he offering his Service to stand Candi- date for
Knight of the Shire. Christned Males 184. Females 19;. In all 379. Buried Males 232. Females 258. In all 490. Increased in the Burials this Week 16. CASUALTIES. Cut her Throat ( being Lunatick St. Dunstan the East r, Drowned in the River of Thames ( buried at St. Dionis Back- Church 1.) Kill'd with a Sword at St. Mary at islington, 1. Overlaid 5. The two Letters which we promis'd to Insert this Week, shall be inserted in our next without fail. South- Sea Stock was 97 1 half, 97 3 qrs. 96 3 qrs. to 98, with the Dividend. Bank 123. India 141, 1 half. African 21 1 qr. Unsubscribed Lottery Annuity 101 I half. York- buidings 27 3 qrs.
Royal Exchange Assu- rance 7 3 8ths. London Assurance 4 3 Schs, The Author of the Freeholder's Jounral, N° I. dated january 31,1721, entertains his Reader, in his Introductory Discourse, with an expectation of his finding Truth, and naked Fact ( without Scandal or calumny) exposed in his present and subsequent Papers. By his saying Great is Truth, and mighty ab0Ve all things..— By his, examining carefully the Truth of the In- formation he receives By his not making his Paper the Mouth of LONDON.' Printed and Sold by J. R E A D, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. Scandal and
Calumny.---- By his hating to throw Reflections on any Body, however deserving of it - -- fOr he loves nothing upon Earth so much as Truth..- facts ( says he) shall be my Rule of judging of Men,-- and these he will be always satisfy'd in before her represents them- And yet, before he had finished that very Paper he re- lates a most scandalous Calumny, reflecting on the QUAKERS in General. His Words are, The Prevarication of that cunning Set of People call'd QUAKERS, in pretending to scruple the AFFIRMATION formerly granted to them by Law at their own Request, will appear manifest from the following Narrative ' About
two Years ago, Elizabeth Squibb, a fair QUAKER of Cork, was ravished by James Cotter, Esq; a Gentlrman of 1500l, per Annum. The Circumstances of the Rape were such that without her own Oath the Criminal could not be convicted upon which the Matter was canvass'd by the QUAKERS at their Half yearly Meeting in Dublin; where is an AssembLy compos'd of Representatives from all Parts of Europe and Ame- rica, where the Brethren have got Footing; and it was unani- mously resolved by that Assembly, that she might lawfully Swear upon that Occasion; whereupon she accordingly swore ' and the Prisoner was
condemn'd and executed.' ' This Author doubtless brings this Matter to prove the Preva- rication of the People call'd QUAKERS, which, if it appears to be false in Fact, so far as it relates to them, Prevarication may be justly return'd upon himself. ' Tis allow'd, that Elizabeth Squibb was in a violent Manner ravished and inhumanly abused by James Cotter, an Irish Papist who was condemn'd and executed for the same. But the Free- holder's asserting, the Matter was canvas'd by the QUAKERS, at their Half- yearly Meeting in Dublin, and that it was unanimously resolved by that Assembly that she might lawfully Swear upon that
Occasion, are scandalous and malicious Falshoods; for the Matter was never mention'd in that Meeting, much Less canvas'd there, or any Resolution come to thereupon. And as to his other Assertion, of that Meetings being an Assembly compos'd of Representatives from all Parts of Europe and America where the Brethren have got Footing,: This also is a great Untruth, for there never was any such Assembly of the People call'd QUAKERS in the Kingdom ot Ireland. And as this is a notorious Slander and Calumny on a Society of People, whose avowed Principle has always been not to Swear at all: This Mushroom Anthor is
here- by provoked to prove, that it was ever mention'd, in much less unanimously resolv'd by that, or any other Assembly of the said People, that they might lawfully Swear. If he doth not, let him publickly Retract the Falshoods wherewith his Narrative is load- ed, or never pretend that he hates to throw Reflections, and will not make his Paper the Mouth of Slander and Calumny. And whereas the Author of the London Mercury, of the 3d Instant, hath seemingly copy'd after this vile Slanderer ;' tis ex- pected he will do justice to the injur'd by inserting this in his next Mercury.