The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 13/01/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1722. Faith and Peace to him, if he would render to every of them their Rights. He was crowned at Westminster bv Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury. His Reign throughout was attended with great Troubles: For first the King of France took upon him to establish young Arthur in the Kingdom ; tho after I while for his own Advantage he delivered the Prince into his. Uncle's Hands. Then the King of Scots procured some Distur- bances ; but an Accord was shortly made, the two Kings of England and Scotland swearing faithful Love to each other upon the Crosier of Archbishop Hubert. Presently after
which these two Kings, with the King of South Wales, expressed their great Humility, by helping to carry the Corps of Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, on their Shoulders to the Place, of Interment. then the Clergy disturbed the Peace, opposimg the King's Royal Title to a Benefice, locking the Church doors against his Presentee. scorning his Princely Letters, fencing the Church with armed Men against his Officers assailing his Sheriff, moving the Pope to excomunicate all their Opposers: yea, caused the King himself to be accused to the Pope for a Tyrant. The whole Cister. cian Order denied the Payment of a Subsidy granted the King.
The Canons of Lincoln refused to accept of him for their Bishop, whom the King had appointed in he Place of him deceased. Hubert, Archbishop, called a general Council in his Province without the King's Per- mission, and then disdained the Kings Prohibition there- of. The Lay Peers they came in also to act a Part, and at a Time, when the King stood in need of their Help against the Poictovins and French, refused to attend the King in his Wars against them Howbeit, King John put forth to Sea, arrived in Normandy, and in battel overthrew his Nephew Arthur, and by Valour recovered all the Provinces which had revolted ;
Prince Arthur, and all the Peers of Poictou, above 200 French Knights, and others of Command, he took Prisoners. Not long after which, young Arthur died, not without Suspicion of Violence. Which gave a fresh Occasion to some of the disaffected Peers to bandy against the King, whom the King of France now cited as his Homager for the Dukedom of Normandy, to appear at a set Day to be tryed by his Peers upon Point of Murther and Treason. And King John not appearing at the appointed Time, was by the King and Peers of France disinherited and condemned, and according to the Sentence they proceed- ed against. him ;
and what by the King's Remissness, the Treachery of his People, and Power of his Enemies, he lost a great part of his strongest Town and Castles in the French Territories. But the delinquent Peers and Barons King John put to their Fines; and for the carrying on of the Wars against France, had a Subsidy granted him, which moved the People to think hardly of him. The King of France, who had been too successful of late against the English, sent a braving Champion over into England, to justify by Duel his Proceedings in King John's French Dominions; with whom John Curcy, Earl of Ulster, undertook to Combet. This Curcy
was a Man of Giantlike Limbs and Strength, and of some Conditions not despicable, had they not been savaged with too much rudeness: Which appeared not only in his wild Speeches touching the King Misusage of his Nephew Arthur but even then, when the King de- mended of him whether he would Combat in his Quar- rel ; he answer'd No not in thy Quarrel, nor for thy sake; yet for the Kingdom's Right I will fight to the Death. To be continu'd. . Weekly journal: British Gazetteer. GREAT. BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of RICHARD I. King of England. AND the Justice of God in it, for that the King, he said, had slain his
Father, and two Brothers with his own Hands. Yet did the magnanimous King forgive this Bertram de Guidon the Fact, gave him an Hundred Shillings, and set him at liberty. But Captain Mar- kadey after the King was dead; took him, flea'd him alive, and then hang'd him. When Couer de Lion perceived the certain approach of Death, with Contrition, Confession and Participation of the Sacrement, he prepared himself for another Life, and died of his Wounds, April 6. A D. 1199 And according to his command, his Bowels were buried at Charron amongst the Rebellious Poictovins, as those who had only deserved his worst Parts;
his Heart at Roan, as the City which for her constant Loyalty had merited the same ; and his Corps were intomed at Font. Everard, at the Feet of his Father, to whom he had sometime been disobedient. He was contracted to Alice, the Daughter of Lewis VII King of France. He Married Berengeria, the Daughter of Sanches VI. King of Navarre. His natural Issue were Philip and Isabel. This Prince is said to have been Of such Prowess, that he was more feared and redoubted amongst the Saracens, then ever was any Christian Piince : Insomuch that when their little Children at any time began to cry, the Mo- thers, to make them
hold their Peace, would say to them, King Richard Cometh and will have you. In the first Year of his Reign ( as some write) he ap- pointed Henry Fitz Alwin to be Mayor of London, that Honourable City having been formerly governed by Port- graves, or Portreves. He caused Money to be coined, f held in great Request for its purity) by the Easterlings, a People of Germany, afterwards current Money, and called Sterling, from the Easterlings. When this King was in France, ore Fulk, a Priest, told him, that he kept Three Daughters, which if he did not dismiss, they would procure him God's Wrath. Why, Hypocrite, said the King, all
the World knows that I never had a Child. Yea, said Fulk, you have Three, and their Names are Pride, Covetousness and Lechery. Is it so, said the King ? You shall see me presently dispose them- The Knights Templars shall hive Pride, the White Monks Covetousness, and the Clergy Lechery ; and there have you my Three Daughters bestowed amongst you. Now lived Robin Hood, an out lawed Noble, and Lit- tle John, who with an Hundred stout Fellows, more, molested all Passengers by the way, yet only robbed and made prey of the rich, selling good Pennyworths when they had done. JOHN. A. D JOHN ( tho' that Arthur
his Brother Jeoffry's 1199. Son was living yet) by the Assistance of his Mother Eleanor and other Noble Friends, was by the great Council of the Realm admitted King : To whom they then sware only a conditional Fealty, viz, To keep PriceThree Half Pence.
( af § a ) The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love's. Mr. Att. Gen. What do you know of Sterks the Scotch Agent ? , Adams. He was sometimes at our Meetings at Mr. Love's, and we all apprehended him to be the Scotch Agent ; and when ' twas enacted that the Scotch should be banish'd, there was a Collection for his Charges, to Which I contributed ten or twelve Shillings. Ld. President. Was not Money propounded to be rais'd for Massey and Titus in Mr. Love's Study ? Adams. I rather think ' twas in his lower Room ; but he was present. „ , Mr. Atr. Gen. Was not a Letter writ by Mr. Love, and Dr. Drake? Adams. I
thought it of their penning by the Lan- guage, only ' twas directed to the General Assembly and Kirk of Scotland. It was to promote the Ends of the Covenant, and took Notice of Massey, and the english not being respected by them, and of the Scots being beaten ; but said, that they could not promise any con. siderable sums of Money. Mr. Att. Gen. This was after we were engaged in Blood, after Durbar Fight. What do you know of a Correspondency settled by way of Kendal ? Adams. I believe such a thing was, but don't know " Mr. Att. Gen. What did Mr. Love tell you if the Presbyterians got the upper Hand ? Adams. I think he
said, if the Presbyterians were in Arms, the Cavaliering Party might be hinder'd from bearing the Sway. Love My Lord, I desire he may be askd, if I ever Writ or receiv'd any of these supposed Letters. Adams. I cannot say you did. Love Did I consent to the sending the Commission and Instructions, as they are call'd? Adams. I will nor swear it. Ld. President. Will you not ? Was not he privy to them ? Did he. declare any Dissent ? Adams I cannot say he did. Love. He never read any of these Letters mention'd, only heard them read. Ld. President. Where there is such a Correspondency, and a confiding Man reads them, it is a Hear
say that ought to be taken Notice of. Love. Let him prove a Correspondency on my Part. Ld. President. They met, receiv'd Instructions, and debated together, therefore he was a Correspondent. Love. Was not you threatned with Death if you would not, and ofFer'd Favour if you would be Evidence against me ? I can prove you confess'd it. Adams. I told Percival, if I was not ingenuous on my Examination, I was threaten'd to be hang'd. Love. Have not you receiv'd Money to testify against me ? Adams. Upon my Oath I have not. Love. I desire Major Cobbet may be call'd [ who was sworn ] Pray have not you within three Months
given Major Adams Money to inform Mr. Scot, or the Coun- cil of State, of this Business? Cobbet. I have long known Major Adams, and com- miserating him as a Prisoner, lent him 10I. but not to betray you or any Man ; I paid it to his Wife. Love. You paid it to her to cover the Bribery Did not you offer him Preferment if he would discover what he knew ? And say Mr. Scot should gratify him if he Would reVeal it ? Cobbet. Being persuaded there was Matter of dan- gerous Import to the Commonwealth, I thought it my Duty to gratify those who would take Pains to discover it; and advis'd Major Adams to reveal what he knew ; and
told him if he would ingenuously confess, I would serVe him to the utmost of my Power. Love. You have carried him to Mr. Scot, and pro- mis'd him Preferment. [ Then the Court adjourn'd till the Morrow, and the Prisoner was remanded to the Tower ] The second Day's Proceedings, July 21. 1651. Mr. Jaquel was call'd, and the Oath being tender'd him, he would have excus'd himself from taking it, say. ing, that he waS accuSed of the same crimeS, and so was not a good Witness ) and that be could not in Conscience swear against Mr. Love; and said, that he would declare what he knew as faithfully as if he was sworn, and per sisted some time in his Refusal 1 But on the Court's threat tening to fine him 1oo1. he consented to be sworn, pro- vided he might lay his Hand only on his Buttons, in- stead of the Book ; which the Court consented to, upon his professing he thought himself under an Oath. Ld. President. Give Account of what you know of this Matter. Jaquel. I went with William Drake to a Cheese- monger's House in Newgate Market, and there saw Ti- tus, who said he lately came from Holland, and gave great Commendations of the King; but said, the People about him, especially the Ministers, were Very wicked ; and I saw him no more
afterwards. Mr. Att. Gen. What do you know of Money pro- pos'd for Titus. and of Alford's being sent for to Ca- lais ? Jaquel. When Alford return'd, I went with William Drake to Mr. Love's House, where were Alford, Potter, Watson, Mr. Love, and several others; where a Narra- tive was read, importing, that Titus had been at jersey, and found the King inclinable to agree with the Scots Commissioners, but that the People about him prevented it ; and ' twas there mov'd by Captain Potter, that 4o 1. might be rais'd for Titus, but ' twas not agreed on. Mr. Att. Gen. Was Mr. Love present at the Read- ing ? Jaquel. He was sometimes
present, I can't say at the Reading, he being often call'd out. Mr. Att Gen. What say you to Sterks the Scotch Agent ? Jaquel. I only know he was a Scotchman; and that four or five Pounds Were collected for him, of which I contributed ten Shillings? Mr. Act. Gen What Fasts was you at, and what was the Occasion of them Jaquel. I was at Major Adams's, and Col. Barton's, where Mr. Love and Mr. Jenkns have officiated, and the Intent was to pray for the good of both Nations. Mr. Att Gen. Was it not for an Agreement between the King and the Scots ? Jaquel. Since the Difference betwixt England and Scotland, I have been at
twenty Fasts ; and as both Na- tions are the Church of God, I think it my Duty to pray for the Good of both. Mr. Att. Gen. What do you know of Letters from Bamfield ? And where were they read ? Jaquel.. Captain Potter desir'd me to go with him to Mr. Love's, and said he had receiv'd Letters from Bam- field, which after Mr. Drake came in, were read ; but Mr. Love declar'd he never saw or heard of the Man be- fore : The Letter mention'd that Hamilton and his Par- ty were for the King ; Argyle and Lesley for King and Kirk ; and Straughan and Car for neither King nor Kirk. And there was something of the King's Escape, but it's
said he was fetch'd back again ; ard that they had now agreed to receive in the whole Nation, except those who were very scandalous and excommunicated} and that my Lord Suffolk, my Lord Warwick, and Lord Manchester, or one of them, were fittest to command in England. Mr. Att. Gen. What Money was propos'd to be rais'd for Bamfield. Jaquel. Captain Potter motion'd 301. for Bamfield. and 10 1. for his Man ; and said if we agreed to it, he would deposite 10 1. to the Man, but no Agreement was made. Mr. Att. Gen. When Mr. Love, Drake, and Potter, thought it fit, did not you all agree ? Jaquel. There was no Agreement,
but all present thought it convenient- Mr. Att. Gen. How much have you given in all, and for what Uses? Jaquel. I paid Drake two ; I. for charitable Uses; but understood afterwards some was sent to Titus.! Love. I would ask him if he has given this is a meet Relation, or on his Oath. , Mr Att. Gen. That is past, he has acknowledg'd he was under Oath. To be continu'd. The 1
& ( 2 i 5 i The fairy TAtler. No. 6. Colonel knight, a Gentleman of a great Estate in the Isle of Wight, Coming to Town lately, to visit some Relations, died suddenly at his Lodgings in the Strand last Week. We hear a Man of War is order'd to be got ready to carry the Duke of Portland to his Govern- ment of Jamaica, and that his Grace , with Colo- nel Du Bourgay, who Will be going In a short time, the Orders for his InstructionS being naw preparing. On Monday the 1st Instant, between the Hours of Ten and Eleven at Night, Edward Crispe of Bury St Ed- mund's, in the County of Suffolk, Esq; was assaulted in the Church Yard
there, and knock'd down by Persons un- known, and dragg'd to a Dunghill, where he was most barbarously cut and mangled, his Nose slit, one of his Cheeks cut to pieces, his Teeth and jaw bone laid bare, one of his Shoulders wounded to the Bone, and his Throat cut in two Places, and Was there left for Dead; Whereupon his Majesty promises a Pardon and 20ol. Reward, and Mr. Crispe 1oo Guineas Reward, to any one of the Accomplices who shall discover the other Per- sons concern'd, so as they, or any of them, be appre- hended and convicted. It has been thought fit for the further Satisfaction of Mankind, to inform the
Publick, that Mr. John Colt in Clement's Lane, Lombard- street, had, the 17th of De- cember last past, two of his Children Inoculated of the Small Pox, by Mr. Maitland, one a Boy of near Seven, the other a Girl of about four Years of Age ; that the Small Pox came out well, appear'd fair, round and yellow and regularly with regard to time, like the true natural distinct Kind, as can be attested by several eminent Phy- sicians and others in the City : That the said Children are now perfectly recovered ; and what is particularly remarkable, that during the whole process, they were never affected with any of the usual Disorders and bad
Consequences, that commonly attend that very Loath- some and Dangerous Disease. Our Merchants have received the following Advices from St. Christopher's, dated Oct. ij. That they were in daily Expectation there of the Arrival of their new Governor, with some Men of war along with him, which they very much wanted : That the Hector Man of War, Capt. Brand, having bury'd most of her Crew, could do them but little Service: That several Pyrate Ships infested that Coast, whereof one carry'd 50 Guns and 400 Men; and some Days before had engag'd two French Men of War, with a black Flag at her Top mast- Head, off of
Montserrat, but got off from them. and bore away for Antegoa: That five Men were newly come in there who did belong to the Irwin, Capt. Ross, from Cork in Ireland, having on board 600 Barrels of Beef besides other Provisions, which Ship was taken off of Martinico by a Pyrate Sloop well mounted with Guns and 140 Men : That Colonel D'oyly of Montserrat, with his Family, was on board the said Vessel, and was Very much cut and wounded by the Pyrates: That of those Brutes had forc'd a Woman Passenger one after another, and afterwards broke her Back, and flung her into the Sea. General Stewart, who hath been very ill
from the Briuses he received some Time since by the over- turning of his Chariot, is upon the mending Hand. ' Tis said the Earl of Essex, will go Ambassadour to the Court of Lisbon in the room of Mr. Worseley, but this requires Confirmation. On Sunday there was a Cabinet Council at St. James's, when we hear the final Orders for the Sailing of the Squadron now fitted out were consider'd. The Torbay, and the rest of that Squadron are at Spithead, and if the said Squadron Sails at all, Sir Charles Wager will set out on Monday at furthest , They write from Dresden , that the King of Poland has ordered his Troops to be in a Readi ness to March on the first Command. Some Advi- ces from Constantinople say, that the Mufti presses the Grand Signior to hold a new Divan, to revoke all that was done in the last, touching the Accommodation with be Republick of Venice. They add, that the Janisa- tries seem defirous of a War with the Christian Powers their Neighbours, unless the British Ministers can de- ter the Port, who has Belgrade and Temiswaer much at Heart. Friday 7- night died the Lady Bennet, Wife of Sir John Bennet, Kt. Judge of the Marshal's Court, The IT is strange to hear the different Opinion Men have of Beauty, what one Man Admires is the
Aversion or another; was not above four Days ago, when I happen'd to be in Company with some Gentlemen of my Acquaintence, who were disputing about the Cause of this, after many Arguments on both Sides, they happen'd to discourse upon the Eye, one was for a sleepy Eye, another commended a Wanton one, a third prais'd nei- ther, but own'd he was more charm'd with the Colour than the Disposition of it; a black Eye, said he, is the handsomest and most charming, it becomes a clear Skin best. Molly you know , who is a Beauty that Way, She has a sparkling wantonness that becomes her exceedingly in ev'ry Glance,
and when she leers thro' her Fan at Church, or looks down on one side, as if she wou'd be thought to observe nothing, at a young Fellow in the Boxes, she does it with so bewitching a Grace as no one can resist. ——— Pshaw cries his Friend, a grey Eye is more Wanton and Airy, and to convince ' em, he pulls out of his Pocket a Poem directed to his grey Eyed Mistress ; we all Laugh'd at the Title of it, and indeed, well we might, for we found out at last that they were Glass Eyes, however, the Poem was written with the Spirit of a blind Lover, this intro- duc'd another Performance of my Friend Ned Lovell's, who, tho' he takes
that Name upon him, purely to con- ceal the Violence of his Passion for isabella, yet it is easy to bc perceiv'd from this, as well as from his whole Carriage and Behaviour. Ned was surpris'd to find his poem brought upon the Board, and wou'd have disown'd it, but that it it was too plain for him to deny ; he is a downright merry Ingenious Fellow, and don't deserve to be blamed for being so particular in his Inclination; I must confess, I think he Judges right, and has the best Notion of real Beauty, but as fancy is the Parent of ev'ry Man's Affections, it wou'd be vain to think ev'ry one will be of his Opinion any more than mine but to the
Verses. I. The various Eyes that do appear,, In shape like the round Hemisphere, I various Colours do agree, With all the Changes there we see; II The Brown and Dull like dusky Night, When Heav'n is wholly robb'd of Light, The brisker Black they sparkling are, As when thro' Clouds there peeps a Star. III. Those Eyes which are like Morning Grey Shoot forth a Pale and languid Ray, No warmth they in the Heart infuse, To them ' tis cold as Morning Dews. IV But when I gaze with sweet Surprize, On charming Isabella's Eyes, The Beams which from their Centers Dart, With Love's soft Fires enflame my Heart. V. The Lovely
Maid's blue Eyes appear, Like Sol encircled with the Sphere, When not a Cloud in Heav'n is seen, But all is pleasant and Serene. VI. Cou'd all the Worlds to me be giv'n, That are in the blue Orb of Heav'n. The mighty Gift I wou'd despise, For one kind Glance from those fair Eyes. Monday Night about six a. Clock a Fire broke out at the House of Mr. Powel, a Turner in the Old Change, near St. Paul's, which consum'd the upper Part of the said House, and damaged some others adjoining, before it could be extinguished. We hear it began in a Lodg- er's Room , up two Pair of Stairs , and is thought to have been communicated to
the Furniture by some Shavings of Wood that were carelesly left in the Chim- ney Corner. About 80 Convicts are now in Newgate, who are to be Transported ; and a Warrant is daily expected for sending them to Jamaica.
The Hopeful Bargain, or a Blessed Week's work. The following TALE will need no Comment, HE THAT MARRIES IN HASTE, MAY AT LEIZURE [ REPENT. ON Monday I one Day, A Courting first went, On Tuesday, a loose Day, My Service I sent. On Wensday, as Men say I begg'd to be Sped, , And on Thursday, ( ah curs'd Day,) She yielded to Wed ; On Fryday at High Day, I Din'd with my Bride, And on Saturday, the matter lay, Where the Knot shou'd be ty'd. On Sunday, E'er Noon Day, To'th Parson we Went. And by that time a Monday, I'd cause to repent. } Thus in seven whole Days, ( too late to recall) I Woo'd, Wedded,
Bedded, repented, and all. In half Seven more, I grew tir'd of my Spouse, In twice as much time cou'd have alter'd the Nooze, For Halter or Wife, I scarce knew which to Chuse, E'er a Month came about ( to my very great Joy,) She father'd upon me a Chopping fine Boy. I bore it with Patience but hark you me, Honey Says I, you breed faster than any Tame Coney. Pish, Husband cry'd she, you don't understand, Your own Good you've a Son ready got to your. ( Hand. A hopeful young Heir to Inherit your Land, And how many Men, wou'd give more than I'll Name, if their dear Virtuous Spouses wou'd do just the same? Besides
tho' before hand, a false step I made, I cannot be charg'd with defiling your Bed. If any good Neighbour has trespass'd upon me, E'er the Purchase was Yours Pray Where's the Harm [ done ye ? The Fences lay open But if they shou'd Enter The premsies now you have seal'd the INDENTURE, I grant you'd have very great Cause to complain, By if you'd no future Damage sustain, > Do but Plough the Soil well, and your Fears will be Vain Is this the Case Wife ? Prithee spouse never doubt it, Nor Cudgel thy Brains any longer about it Pray where lies the wonder . . Let any one say, When a hundred such Things are done e'ry
Day! Ah Husband the World wou'd be well strung together, if ev ry Child shou'd own its right Father. Then kiss the dear Babe and ne'er scruple the Matter For tho' for nine Days,' tis made matter of Laughter, ' Twill soon be blown o'er ... and trust me for hereafter. SIR, THE late corrupt Notions of the London Journal, should not have mov'd me to take up any room In your Paper, so many Answers also having been pub- lished to it in other Papers, had not the base Principles started there seem'd to be made more Popular, by bring, ing the Tragedy of Cato to be acted just now upon the Stage, at the Juncture when they have
pretended to exalt the Character of the Cowardly Self- murtherer by the Title of GOD LIKE But such Things as these are light Matters with the London journal. and I only touch at that Part now ; but I think there is something to be said to the Character of Cato that will take off all the Applause which these foo- lish Men endeavour to put upon his Actions, and will render Cato really a most Contemptible Person ; and for this we need only to look a little into his History, and into the Roman History of his Time. 1 After Julius Caesar had defeated Pompey in the Fields of Pharsalia, push'd 0n his Victory, taken Alexandria, and reduc'd all
Egypt to his Obedience, and had been at Rome again. where he composed all the Disorders of the Citi- zens, he found that he had still a doubtful War to carry on in two several Places, viz. I. in Spain, where the two Sons of Pompey had Possession of the whole Country, and that all the old Veteran Legions, with which their Father had conquered that Country, were under their Command, consisting, With the Auxiliaries, of about 76000 Men And, 1. In Africa, where Scipio command- ed, and under him Labienus Virgilins and Marcus with seven Legions, besides the Alliance of Juba King of the Numidians, who join'd them with
10oooo Numi- dians, Getulians and Moors, at Mauritanians. Scipio com- manded, the Army in the Field, Virgilus in the City Thapsus, and Cato in Utica, where for his Cruelty and se- Verity to the Citizens, he was so hated, that when caesar approach'd he was forc'd to disarm the Townsmen cause them to lye without the Gates, expos'd Romans. When Caesar, after almost a Year's War had, at last entirely defeated Scipio and King Juba. and overthrown, their conjoyn'd Forces in the great Battle of Thapsus he sat down before the Town to besiege it; but not being able to take it, he left it block'd up, and advanc'd t0 Utica Cato with
all the Remains of Scipio's Army, that were fled to him, made very little Resistance, they being di- vided among themselves, and irresolute; but in the mean time he furnish'd those that were Willing to make their Escape, with Ships to go whither they pleased By this tis plain, he had Ships, and might have gone away himself also whither he had pleased : so that all the Flourishes that Mr. Addison, and others, make for him of his resolving to dye a free Man and not to be led to Rome in Chains to grace Caesar s Triumph, is nothing but a Poetical Flourish, and a Fiction, or, if you please, a Falshood rather. But Cato, discourag'd and
broken Hearted, mad with Pride and Envy at Caesars Success, not able to bear the Mortification of Caesar s Fortune, basely abandoning any farther Defence of his Country ( which he might have carried on much farther, the two Sons of Pompey having a Gallant Army of Veteran Soldiers still in spain as above) I say basely abandoning the Defence of his Country, he. in Despair, kill'd himself. Now this was, First, a trayterous Deserting of his Country, robbing the Common. wealth of his Service, discouraging those that were still in Arms in Spain. giving Caesar a more easy Victory than otherwise he would have had. And in the
next Place, it was a cow- ardly despairing Action ; a meer Act of Desperation and Madness, which is below a wise and gallant Man, , Next I shall prove, under the London Journal's own Hand, that he could not be a honest Man. No Man says he, has Power over his own Life, and cannot Transfer the Power to any Body else. Vid London Journal, Dec o- Pag I. Col. Line it 12 Ex Ore tUo Out of thy own Mouth thou shalt be condemned, If he has not Power over it, he cannot destroy it, or cut it off, with- out an injury to those who have the Right; a Breach of the Law of Nature, and Of the Justice, that says, a Man's Life is nor his own,
but is intrusted with him the Service of his Country. Letters from Rome say that the Abbot Tancin has no- tified to the Sacred College, the Double Marriages between France and Spain, upon which there have been great Re- joicing, especially at the Chevalier de st. George's House, and at those of the Spanish and Portugueze Ministers and Cardinals, and other Foreign Ambassadors. A Re- port is spread, that Mr. Knight, formerly Cashire of the South- Sea Company in England, is in this City in- cognito. Letters from Stockholm say, that Mr. Finch, Minster of Great- Britain, has deliver'd a Memorial in favour the English
Merchants, settled at Gottemburg, complain of having their EfFects seiz'd under frivolouS Pretences. The 26th we celebrated here the Thanksgi- ving for the Late Peace concluded with the Czar with great Rejoicings There is Advice from Diepe, that a Ship going thence for Lisbon, was destroyed the 24th past by an accidental Fire, but 36 Seamen saved themselves in a Sloop, and being tossed at Sea 32 Hours without Provisions, at last taken on board a Dutch Ship, that came from Bourdeaux. . ,1 Letters from Lisbon say, That the Express which M Worseley, the British Minister, lately received from this Court, concerning M.
Wingfield, an English mer- chant, who is still confined, is sent back to London with the King's Answer, containing in Substance, that the Manner of Apprehending him is not contrary to the
( i ' 3 3) Wednesday the Right honourable the earls of Scar- borough and Pomfret, alias Pontefract, were introduc'd into the House of Peers, and their Lordships took the Oaths and their Seats in Parliament. The same Day upon a Petition of the Duke of Chan- dos to the House of Peers, complaining of a Breach of Privilege, See. the Receiver General and Under- Sheriff for the County of Radnor, were order'd into Custody. On Saturday the 30th of December last, the Rt Hon. the Earl of TankerVille entertain'd, at his Seat at Daw- ley in Middlesex, the freeholders of the adjacent parish- es. And on Thursday last, the 4th of this
instant Ja- nuary, his Lordship gave a very plentiful Entertainment at Uxbridge, to all the Freeholders within some Miles of that Place ; as also to several Hundred of other Peo- ple : Where, besides what Wine they could drink within Doors, there were several Pipes of Stout and Strong Beer set a broach in the Streets for all that pleas'd to drink, a whole Ox dress'd, & c And the next Day near Forty of the principal Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood were splendidly entertain'd by his Lordship at Dawley. His Majesty has been pleased to order Letters Patents to be passed under the Great Seal of Ireland, containing a Grant of the
Dignity of a Baron of that Kingdom unto James O Hara, Esq; eldest Son of the Right Ho- nourable Charles Lord Tyrawley, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Killmaine of Killmaine in the County of Mayo in the said Kingdom. Last Tuesday in the Afternoon Isuf Coggia, Envoy from the Bey of Tunis, arriv'd here, having three fine Horses, and other Presents for His Majesty. The Honourable Mr Mansel is vOted duly elected for the Borough of Minehead, in the room of Mr Milner deceased. Treaties, since it was done by an express Order of the King and an Officer of the Court ; besides, it is urged that this Merchant has
transgressed the Laws of this Country, and that the Treaties cannot be available to him in this Affair : Which therefore, as is supposed, Will be tried and decided in an ordinary Process. The Lady Wood Relict of Sir Edward Wood, and Sister of the Lord Bishop of London, is lately deceas'd. Last Monday died the Lady Russel, Relict of the Lord Robert Russel, younger Brother of Wm. Lord Russel, Grandfather of the present Earl of Bedford. We hear his Grace the Duke of Bolton is very much indispos'd, and that His Majesty has sent his own Phy- sicians to visit him ; but his Grace is in a fair Way of recovery. The Right Hon. the
Earl of Bradford is dangerously Ill. It is said here, that Mr. Crispe, who was barbarously Assassinated ot St. edmonds Bury, is since dead of his Wounds. ' The Justices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster continue to meet frequently, in order to the suppressing of Gaming- Houses, and among other Particu. lars that have appeared before them in their Enquiries into the most pernicious Practices of those who keep such Houses. those which follow, may perhaps be a means to warn Gentlemen of the Abuses put upon them in those Places. There are in the Parish of Covent- Garden only, 12 such Houses, some of
which clear sometimes 100 1 and seldom less than 40 1 a Night. They have their proper Officers both Civil and Milita. ry, with Salaries proportionable to their respective De- grees, and the Importance they are of in the Service, viz. A Commissioner or Commis, who is always a Proprie- tor of the Gaming House: He looks in once a Night, and the Weeks Account is Audited by him and two other of the Proprietors. A Director, who super- intends the Room. The Operator, the Dealer at Faro. Croupees, two, who watch the Card, and gather the Money for the Bank. A Puff, one who has Money given him to Play, in order to decoy
others A Clerk who is a Check upon the Puff, to see that he sinks none of that Money. A Squib is a Puff of a lower Rank, and has half the Salary of a Puff. A Flasher, one who sits by to swear how often he has seen the bank stript. A Dunner. Waiters. An Attorney or Solicitor. A Captain, one who is to fight any Man that is pec- vish or out of humour at the loss of his Money. An Usher, who takes Care that the Porter, or Grena- dier at the Door, suffers none to come in but those he knows . A Porter, who at most of the Gaming Houses, is a Soldier hired for that purpose. A Runner to ger Intelligence of all the Meetings of the Justices
of the Peace, and when the Constables go upon the Search. Any Link- Boy, Coach Man, Chair Man, Drawer, or other Person, who gives Notice of the Constables being upon the Search, has half a Guinea. We hear that Sir Hungerford Hoskins, Sir William Goodiere, and Cornwall. Esq; will stand Can- didates at the next Election of Parliament- Men for the County of Hereford , each on his seperate Interest. That Colonel Montague, Brother to the Earl of Hal- lifax, Wilmer, and Wm Wykes. Esqs; will stand Candidates for the Town of Northampton. That the Rt. Hon. Colonel Fane. Sir Edward Knatch- bull, and DaVid Polhill, Esq; will
stand Candidates for the County of Kent. On Tuesday last the Quarterly Sessions at Westmin- ster was adjourn'd to Wednesday next. On Monday last, between M and 11 at Night, the West Mail was robb'd in the Read between Crookhorn and Sherburn. by one Foorpad, who mounted the Post Boy's Horse, and rode away with the Bags belonging to all the Towns between the Lands End and Yeovil. Last Thursday died Mr Pomfrett a Minister of the Gospel. On Sunday last, before the King went to Chappel, Mr. Law and his Son had the Honour to be introduc'd by tHe Lord Cartaret t0 kiss his Majesty's Hand. And on Wednesday
he Din'd with the Earl of Bristol. They write from Paris, that the King has grant- ed to Mrs. Law a Pension ot 12000 Livres, payable out of the Profits of the Mint. On the 12th a wanton Girl of the Town, 18 Years of Age, was brought to Bed in the Hospital Hotel Dieu, of a Female Child, who had a sort of a natural Turban round its Head; It had no Eyes, but hollow Apertures in the Places where they ought naturally to have been, only that the Situation was inverted. upwards instead of cross the Face : The Mouth was according to Nature, and so too were its Hands and Feet, except only that each of the first had six Fingers, and each
of the last six Toes. This pretty Babe lived but twice 24 hours; nor can we say, whether it proceeded from the bare Sight of the Turks who have been lately among us, or from a more intimate Conversation with those Eastern Gentle, men. Letters from Vienna say, that the Merchants who Trade in Turkey, have received Letters from Constantino- ple, giving an account, that the Mufti, prompted by his Aversion to the Chriftians, and principally to the Re- publick of Venice, notwithstanding the Agreement lately concluded by the Divan, relating to the Dulcig- nore Affair, have stirr'd up new Troubles, after he had brought over the
Janisaries to his Sentiments, who are a People naturally fond of War. Sir George Cook Kt. stands Candidate for Knight of the Shire for Middlesex ; and we hear is to have a Meet- ing this Day at Brentford, with a great Number of the principal Gentlemen of that County. To the Author of the British Gazetteer. SIR, IT is humbly presum'd by the Author of the follow- ing Poem, that much worse Copies of Verses have been inserted in your Paper, for which reason he does not intend to make any Apology for. but if it be in- ferred you may expect more of them by the same Hand, from Your humble Servant, January 2. 1721 2. T. B- To
CELIA, On the Death of her Bullfinch WHence all this Grief ? Why stream those loVely ( Eyes? Or wherefore heave that snowy Breast with Sighs ? Dares
LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. " Where Advertisements are taken in. Dares Sorrow In my Celias Bosom creep ? And must the gayest Work of Heaven weep ? Asswage thy Grief, and wipe those Tears away, Which even Nature's self can ne'er repay. And now, my lovely Celia, let me know The Cause, the cruel Cause of all thy Woe Amazing Prodigy ! Can Pity move A Heart which ever was a Foe to Love ? And canst thou thus deplore, ungenerous Maid, ( For I must thy Ingratitude upbraid,) Canst thou deplore a Bird, grieve at his Pain, And with his trickling Blood thy Bosom slain ? •
And yet when prostrate at thy Feet I lay And beg'd one look, how would'st thou turn away .' When e'er you saw me rack'd with wild Despair, Did you permit a Sigh, or drop one Tear ? How often from my Lips have you withdrawn Your Lilly Hand, and frowning cry'd, Begone ? And when all trembling and confus'd I stood, My glowing Checks o'er flush'd with mantling Blood ; My fearful Mind with disorder seiz'd, And all for fear my Celia was displeas'd ; Thine Eyes then shew'd the Triumph of thy Heart, And thou with pleasure saw'st my racking smart. And thou my pretty little fluttering Fool, How can'st thou be so senseless and so
dull ? Why so uneasy when on Celia's Breast, The downy Seat of Happiness and Rest ? Might I but on that swelling Bosom lay, With what a transport could I die away .' And with tumultuous Sigh, and short fetch'd Breath, Enjoy th e very Thoughts, and wish for Death 1 But If, my Fair One, you reserVe your Charms, To fill another happier Mortal's Arms, When I am wasting with a ling'ring Pain, When Grief and Rage by turns alternate reign, When various Passions shall have fill'd my Breast, To see my Celia false, and Rival blest ; For me a little of this Pity show, Which thou dost now upon a Bird bestow ; Indulge a Sigh, and shed
a real Tear, TO cool my Rage, and sooth my wild Despair; ' Twould hush my Passions, and my Grief wou'd cease ; Calmly I'd bear my Pains and die in Peace: Nay, Celia, thou should'st see thy faithful Swain Smile in his Torments, and enjoy his Pain. We hear a Bill is ordered into the Honourable House of Commons, for building a Bridge over the River of Thames from Lambeth to Westminster, pursuant to the Petition of a great number of Freeholders and Inhabi- tants in the Counties of Essex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Middlesex. Early on Monday last, the Coach going to Portsmouth was Robb'd between Clapham and
Vauxhall, by three Highwaymen, who took above 100 1. from the Passen- gers. We hear there is Advice, that Sir Robert Johnson Commander of His Majesty's Ship Exeter, and Commo- dore Matthews, of His Majesty's Ship Lyon; having fought a Duel at Benoolen in the East Indies, were both kill'd, and their Seconds dangerously wounded. On Thursday an Order was sent to the Navy- Office for paying the Wages, due to the Widows, & c of the Seamen, who were lost on Board the Royal Anne Gal- ley. The same Day they concluded the Drawing of the Lottery of the Governour and Company of Underta- kers for raising the
Thames- Water in York Buildings, the last Drawn Ticket, No. 298, being entitled to an Annuity of 50I fell, we hear, to the Earl of Oxford. We hear for certain, that several Friends of the late Dr. Gale, the Anabaptist Preacher, have contributed the Sum of 400 1. towards the Relief of his Widow and Children, 300 1. of which was Collected at the Preach- ing of his second Funeral Sermon by Mr Kinch. In the foregoing Part, instead of the Earl of Essex go. ing to the Court of Lisbon , it shou'd have been, the Court of FRANCE. '_ Tis now pretty confidently assur'd, that HIS Lordship will go to the latter Coutt, to complement, in His
Majesty's Name, the young King, on his Marriage with the Infanta of Spain, & c. CASUALTIES. Hang'd himself ( being Lunatick) at St. Mary at Isling- ton One. ' v _ . ^ ... ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENT on MYSTERIES. IF he that understandeth the Mysteries of Plague and Repentance, desireth to be helped, or to help, in this other Mystery of getting Silver and Gold that may bring Lasting- Gladness to the Heart, lessen the fears of Plague, and give solace to the bitterness of Re- pentance. Leave or send your Name and where you live to this Printer within four Weeks, and you'll have an Answer within this Day six
Weeks. This Day is Published, Of A BRoken Constitution, under the following Heads. 1. Of a Consti- tution Broke by Fast Living, Former Cures, Salivations, Mercury, Courses of Physick, & c. II. Of a Constitution Broke by Hard Drinking, Late Hours, Night Work, and other Irregularities, _& c. III. Of a Consti- tutiOn Broke by Self Abuses; the Ruin and bane of the Major Part of Mankind, published in the Person of ONAN, Gen c. 38 v. 10. And. therefore the Lord slew him, because he had done a Detestable thing; clearly shewing, that such Self Defilements are the unhappy Cause of more Br0- ken Constitutions, than any other
Disorder in the World, With some Remarks on the Married State. IV. Of a Constitution Broke by mere Age only ; whether ( in any measure) Renewable or not ? Containing in the whole, an exact Account of the miserable State of those Per- sons who have prodigally Barter'd away their Innocence for a momentary Satisfaction, as Unhappy Esau did his Birthright for the Transient Sensuality or a mess of Pottage, and profusely squander'd away, Wasted and Worn themselves out by the Sins of their Youth. This Book is given Gratis Up one Pair of Stairs at he Sign of the Anodyne Necklace for Children's Teeth, without Temple Bar, &
c. Where are also given away the Trea- tises on the secret Disease. Weaknesses & c.. in either Sex ; the GOUT and Rheumatism ; TOBACCO ; and the PLAGUE; DediCated to Dr. Sloane, President of the College of Physicians of London. Publish'd for Twenty Years past, with great Success and Encouragement, The Fam'd ROYAL EYE- WATER.