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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 06/01/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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- - C V21 ) THE Weekly Journal; or, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign an d Domestick. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1722. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of RICHARD I. King of England. BEsides the Knights Temp- lars collected out of all ; Nations, and also the Aids ) of the Asians. The King { of France also came to the Siege. Where whilst the Christians lay, Sultan Sala- din's cut off the Heads of 15oo Christian Captives; in Revenge whereof, King Richard, in fight of Sala- din's Host, cut off above 2500 of the Heads of Tur- kish Slaves. The Siege before Acon was so well plied, ( not withstanding sundry Dissentions betwixt King Rich and and Philip King of France, the two Competitors of Glory in this Siege) that the City of Acon was surren- dred upon Articles. Which done, the French King en- vying the English King's noble Exploits, ( tho' contrary to the French Man's Will) returned into France, having first given Oath to the King of England, that he would well and faithfully keep the Land and Subjects of King Richard, and neither do Damage to them himself, nor suffer others to do it till Richard's return. Howbeit, whilst Richard was busied in the Holy War, the King of France, after his return home, devised how to trouble and endamage his Dominions, but was hindred by his own Nobles. In England the Peers and People were much discontented at the incredible Insolencies and into- lerable Tyrannies of the Chancellor, which tho' King Richard heard of, yet kept he himself employed in the War, wherein he performed many Heroick Acts, With- in sight of Jerusalem he encountred Saladin, slew a great Number of his Soldiers, took 3000 Camels, 4ooo Horses and Mules, took his Carriage richly laden from Baby- lon, rescued joppa, repulsing Saladin from thence. He also essayed to regain Jerusalem ; but being in that En- terprize abandoned by the Duke of Burgundy, he was persuaded to accept Saladin's Offers for a three Years Truce. Which having concluded, and settled his Affairs in the East, he set sail homeward ; where in his Passage his Ships were scattered by Tempest, and driven hither and thither; but he happily gaining the Shore, hoped in disguise as a Merchant to have free Journeying through Germany. But he being by the way over free in his Expenccs, became suspected for another kind of Man than a Merchant; and near to Vienna was dis- covered, and imprisoned by the Arch Duke of Austria, under pretence that he was Guilty of the Death of the Marquiss Conrade at Tyre Then the Person of this famous King being thought too great a Booty for the Duke, was gained into the Emperor's Hands, whofe Usage towards him was Very cruel, and the Ransom re- quired for him most unreasonable, being 100000 Marks Sterling to himself, and 50000 more to himself and the Duke, besides other Conditions. All which being yield- ed unto, and Engagement given for the Performance, after Fifteen Months Imprisonment, he was set at liberty, to the great Joy of many Princes in those Parts, and the unspeakable Joy of his own Subjects in general, tho' nor of his Brother John, who with the King of France (' tis said) were some Instruments for the procur- PriceThree Half- Pence. ing of his unhandsome Usage. But Coeur de Lion ( es- caping the way layings of the Emperor, who sent to re- take him after his release.) safely landed at Sandwich, whither Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury, that had been with him in the Holy Land, came with a joyful Heart to meet him, whom when the King saw, he dis- mounted, bowed his Knee, then fell upon the earth. In like sort the Bishop lay upon the Ground over against him, till at last both of them raising up, ran into each other Arms, comforting themselves with mutual Embra- ces, and weeping for Joy. His brother John, who had been false to him, Would that thy Fault may so be forgotten of me, as that thy self may keep in memory thou hast done. and after this the King restored his forfeited Possessions to his Brother John, who from that time be- came faithful to him, and did him very noble Services, especially against the French, with whom Richard then Warred., In which Wars, this John, Earl of Morton, and Markidy, Captain of the Routs, had made an In- cursion up to Beauvais, where the Bishop being also a Peer of the Royal Blood) Valiantly fighting, was taken in the Skirmish, armed at all Points, on whose behalf the Pope wrote somewhat earnestly to King Richard, to set his very dear Son ( for so he call'd the Bishop) at li- berty. The King, in a kind of pleasant earnestness, caused the Habergeon and Curiasses of the Bishop to be presented the Pope, with this Question, See whether this be thy Son's Coat or nOt ? Whereupon the Pope replied, That he was neither his Son, nor the Son of the Church, and therefore should be ransomed at the Kings Pleasure, because he was rather to be judged a Servitor of Mars, than a Soldier of Christ In this War with the French, the King amongst other Victories obtained one of Fame ; taking an Hun- dred Knights and Servitors on Horseback, and Footmen without Number. Thirty Men of Arms, also 203 Great Horse, whereof 140 had Barbs and Caparisons armed with Iron. The King in his own Person did most no- bly, for with one Spear he threw to the Earth Matthew de Mummerancy. Akan de Rusci, and Fulk de Giservall, and took them So have we vanquished the King of France at Gysors howbeit we have not done it, but God and our right by us, said the King in his Letter to the' Bishop of Dur- ham. But the fatal accident is at Hand, which put an end to this Renowned Warriour; for the Viscount of Limoges, having found a great hoard of Silver and Gold, sent a great part thereof to King Richard, as chief Lord; with which the King being not contented, came with some Forces to the Castle of Chaluz belonging to the Viscount, where he supposed the Riches were : the Garrison of which Place, offer'd to yield the same to him, and all therein, if only their lives and Limbs might be saved ; but the King would accept of no Con- ditions, bidding them to defend themselves as they could, for he would enter by the Sword, and Hang them all. Whereupon an Albalaster standing upon the Wall, and seeing his time, charged his Steel bow with a Square Arrow, making first his Prayer to God, that he would direct that Shot, and diliver the Innocency of the Be- sieged from Oppresion ; then discharging it, as the King was taking a view of the Castle mortally wounded him in the left Shoulder the Anguish and Peril whereof, was extreamly increased by the unskilfulness of the Chirur- geon. The Castle by continual Assualts was taken, and by the King's command none left alive, save this too skilful Archer, who neither denied, nor excused the Fact; but alledged the necessity of his Case. To be continu'd. 13 Y . The The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love After Dunbar Fight, several of us being at Mr Love's, a Letter was read which ( as was said) came from Massey, and related the Action, and desir'd Arms might be sent ( by way of Holland) and Money to supply the Necessi- ties of him and Titus ; there was no Agreement as to Arms, but that each should, by himself and Friends, raise what Money he could. Mr. Att. Gen. Did not you bring a Copy of a Letter from the King? Alford. Titus shew'd me a Letter, which he said was from the King, and sent a Copy of it, which I gave to Drake, and the same ( I believe) was read ' at Mr. Love's, the Substance was, that he took the Petition kindly, and when he was in a Condition, should think Mr. Att. Gen. Did not you make a Narrative by word of Mouth at Mr. Love's? Alford. Perhaps I might to the same Purpose I have told you. _ Mr- Atr. Gen. Was the Commission to the Lord Willoughby, & c. read in Mr. Love's Study? Alford. It was read there, and Mr. Love was pre- sent; but I can't say Mr. Love either was concern'd in the Direction or Correction of those Instructions. Mr. Att. Gen. To what Purpose were the Instructions that were sent with the Commission ? Alford. They were of the same Substance with that I mention'd in the Petition. Mr. Att. Gen. Who went with Mason when he car- ried those Papers? Alford. None but myself; ' and two or three Days after Mr. Gibbons brought them from Drake at Graves- end, and deliver'd ' em to Mason. Mr. Att. Gen. What Sum was propos'd to be rais'd to relieve the Necessities of Titus, See ? Alford. Mr. Love mov'd us to contribute towards it; at first 500 Pounds were mention'd, but that being too much for Men in our Circumstances to raise, ' twas lower'd to two or 300 Pounds; I promis'd 10 Pounds, and my Man paid it; and I heard 30 Pounds were sent to Titus. Mr. Love. Did I send you to Titus ? or was I present at the reading the Letter you brought from him ? Alford. I never was at your House, or ever saw you till after my Return from Calais; but the Letter was read in your Study, whether you were at the reading I know not. Love. How long ago was this Lettet ? and was it sent to me ? • Alford. ' Twas about two Years ago ; the Letter was sent to Drake, and two or three Days after he receiv'd it, he brought the Papers to your House. Major Alford withdraws, and Major Huntington sworn Ld. President. What do you know concerning Mr- Love, the Commission, and Captain Titus? Major Huntington. About March 1648, I met Cap- tain Titus at the swan Tavern at Dowgate, where were Colonel Barton, Colonel Vaughan, Captain Massey, and Lieutenant Colonel Bains; Titus very much extoll'd the Prince, but said, notwithstanding his Qualifications, he was like to be drawn into ill Courses by the Malignant Party, and join with the Iresh Rebels, unless they, and some Perfons of Honour he would get, could persuade him, by Letter, into a good Opinion of the Scots, and to take the Covenant. About a Fortnight after I met them again at the White Hart in Bread street, where Titus declar'd he had Letters from Persons of Honour to my Lord Piercy, and hop'd they would join in the De- sign ; and read a Paper, importing, that if the King would join with the Scots, they were bound in Con- science and Honour to help him to, and maintain him in his Right ; but Colonel Bains saying ' twas a malignant Business, and he would not be concern'd in it, the Meet- ing broke up, and they were fearful Colonel Bains would betray them. Major Alford told me afterwards, the Letter was sent in the Names of the secluded Members, Ministers, Citizens, Soldiery and Noblemen; and that the Prince storm'd when he saw it, and said, Who are these Noblemen? can they raise me 10000 Men ? whereupon there was nothing done; and Titus retir'd to his Mother's House, and there liv'd about three Quarters of a Year, when he came to Town to solicit his own Business. ) A little after this ( upon the business of the Scots) Alford and Drake told me another Letter was sent, and Titus with a Sum of Money after it; I went to Love's Where Drake read a Paper, importing a Commission to my Lord Willoughby, See. in behalf of the well- affected Party in England to join with the Scotch Commissioners in order to a Treaty, according to Instructions there- with inclos'd. And Drake said. We have the King's Command, and a prudent Parliament Man's Authority ( whom I esteem beyond the present Power) to empower us to give such Commission. And Mr. Love said, Well well, let it go. Lieutenant. Colonel Bains sworn, Ld. President. Declare your Knowledge in this Af- fair. Bains. My Lord, I was at two Meetings at Dow- gate ; at the first there were Nine or Ten of us, and a Gentleman, who I was afterwards told was Colonel Ti- tus, propos'd to address the King ( as he call'd him) by way of Petition, as the only way to preserve the Pres- byterian Interest in Fngland, for that that would assure him he had a considerable Party here, and said' twas 1 Duty incumhent on us by our Covenant. At the second Meeting, he produc'd a Paper, and be- fore he read it, began to praise the King ; and ' twas de- bated whether it should be sign'd or not ; but two others and myself dislik'd it, and I never heard more of it; I can't remember the Heads of the Petition, but the Sub- stance is in this Paper, and this I deliver upon Oath, but say nothing as to the Gentleman at the Bar. Major Adams sworn. Mr. Att. Gen. What do you know of Mason, and of Letters sent by him ? Adams. Mason communicated Letters to Mr. Drake, Alford, Potter, Far, and myself, which he had came from my Lord Piercy ; and Answers were sent back, but I know not by whom. Ld. President. What do you know of the Meeting at the Swan at Dowgate ? Adams. I was at a Meeting, with Mr. Drake, Titus, Alford, Far, and Potter, but have forgot where or when; and ' twas agreed at that Meeting, that Titus should go to Jersey, to endeavour an Agreement, according to the Covenant between the King and the Scots; and they pro- mis'd to furnish Titus with about 100 Pounds to defray the Charges of his Journey, of which I paid so Pounds but I cannot say Mr. Love knew any thing of it. Mr. Att. Gen. What Answer did Titus return ? Adams. He sent Word that the Council had Know- ledge of his being there, and desir'd some one might be sent to Calais, to whom he would communicate what he dar'd not trust to Writing ; and ' twas propos'd in Mr. Love's Chamber for me to go ; but Alford went and return'd with a Narrative, and a Copy of a Letter from the King. In that Letter the King expressed much AfFection to the Ministry, promis'd them his Favour when he should be in a Condition, and desir'd them to continue stedfast; and the Narrative gave an Account of Titus's ill Usage at Jerfey, & c. These were read in Mr. Love's Study, but I can't say he was present. There was a Motion likewise made to return Titus Thanks for his Management, and to send him more Money, to which I paid 10 1. to Mr. Drake at his Father's Shop. ' Twas also there proposed, that a Commission, and in- structions, should be sent over, and a rough Draught of the Commission was afterwards brought to Mr. Love's Study by Mr. Gibbons, and was there read by Mr. Drake, and was to this Effect; ' That We the Presby- terians of England, did authorize the Lord Willoughby of Parham, Edward Massey, See. to assist our Brethren the Scotch Commissioners in their Treaty with the King, according to the Instructions annex'd. The Substance of the Instructions was to move the King to satisfy the Scots, and take the Covenant; and ' twas debated, whe- ther we should act in the Name of the Secluded Mem- bers, or of some others. I think Mr. Love was present at this Meeting part of the time, but I know not the particular time. Mr. Att. Gen Was there not a Letter from Piercy that a Sum of Money ought to be sent to the King ? Adams. There was ; and Mafon shew'd me the An swer, that Money should be rais'd when the King had agreed with the Scots ; and I heard of a Letter from Massey, complaining he had Enemies in Scotland, and could not be prefer'd there. To be continue. Mr The FAIRY TATLER. No. 5. Discoursing the other Evening with a Young Lady, amongst other Things, she told me, That she thought it wou'd be much better for the World, if every one knew all those future Events which shou'd happen to ' em, in the Course of their Lives. This she deliver'd as her Opinion, and I believe, she wou'd have consulted a cunning Man the next Morning, had I not perswaded her from it. I am ever unwilling to contradict a Wo- men in innocent Errors ; but this I thought my self obliged to oppose, not only as a Reflection on the Wis- dom of the Almighty Disposer of all Things) but as an Evil that fills our Minds with a great many Supernume- rary troublesome Thoughts. ^ . I argued, that if we were possess'd with the Faculty of Prescience, it would but make us a thousaud times more uneasy than we are, for shou'd I know indeed, that in such a Year of my Life, I shou'd meet with a great deal of Success in Business, enjoy a fair Estate, or the like, wou'd not that impatience of Mind, so natural to all Men , be like Racks and Tortures to my Spirit, till these mighty Expectations shou'd be accomplish'd or if there were some very dark Shades in the Scene of my Life as broken Limbs, loss of Sight, acute and, long Pains, & c. wou'd not these be ev'ry whit as intolerable in the Expectation, as when actually in- flicted it is therefore much better that we are in this Respect left in the Dark we ought to be contented with our Circumstances, be they never so un- grateful, but where is the Man that thus behaves? There may indeed be some Allowances made for our Wishes, provided they be well regulated we may desire and reach such Circumstances as are attainable, and have any particular Excellence in ' em. I shall here present my fair Readers with some Lines of a Relation of mine, call'd the Wish, which I think are a modest and reasonable Expression of his Desires, and may be useful to all the Verses, are this Day Publish'd amongst several other good Pieces of my Kinsman's. They are entitled Poems on several Occasions, together with the Apparition, a Merry- Tale. Printed for John Duick at Milton's Head in Red Lion Street Clerkenwell The WISH Might I my highest Wish of Heav'n obtain, A Mind contented, and a tuneful Vein ; Contentment that from true Religion Springs, And Polsie that still unwearied Sings, Who wou'd, might covet Wealth and Luxury, Here wou'd be Happiness enough for me. What winding Mazes shou'd my Fancy roam, And still bring something new and pleasing home; In Sylvan Scenes and Groves, whose solemn Shade, For Study seem, and Contemplation made, My busy Soul such Numbers shou'd prepare, As might be pleasing to th' Almighty's Ear; His Praise befure shou'd wing my highest Strains, And pious Eccho's reach the distant Plains; . The distant Plains and everlasting Hills, _ Deep Forests, Flow'ry Vales, and Mur'mring Rills, And Torrents that impetuous roll along, Shou'd furnish ample Subjects for my Song, Nor shou'd it be confin'd to earthly Things, The Muse shou'd shake her Plumes and stretch her Wings, And urge her way to those Empyreal Groves, Where Poet Angels Sing their heav'nly Loves; There wou'd some social Spirit deign t'impart, The Rudiments of their Caelestial Art: Joyful the Muse shou'd leave the happy Place, In pity to the Savage human Race, And with the Potent Musick of her Lyre, With Love and Friendship ev'ry Breast inspire, Amphion thus began his sacred Song, The Woods and Rocks, and Mountains Dance along , And Streams thac roar'd with an impetuous Tide, Without a Murmur thro' the Vallies Glide. On Sunday Morning last an Express arrived at the Admiralty with the Melancholly News, as we are in. form'd, that on the 7th past, His Majesty's Ship the Hind, Capt. Furzer, a 6th Rate, of 10 Guns, struck upon a Rock in jersey road ( the Portfniouth Letter says within half a Musket Shot of Guernsey Castle) and was lost ; by which unhappy Accident 21 Persons were Drown'd, among whom are the said Captain, his Son, his Brother, and the Chaplain ; 67 of the Ship's Company were saved, and are now on Board the Jane, Capt. Carpell, and the William, Captain Poop, both from Guernsey, performing Quarentine at the Mother Bank. We hear that the above- mentioned Di- saster happened through the Ignorance of the Pilot. Monday being New- Year's- Day, was preach'd the Annual Sermon to the Societies for the Reformation of Manners , at Bow Church, by the Rev. Mr. Butler; where were present the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, and Sir John Fryer, Bart, and Alderman, with several of His Majesty's Juftices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex. Last Sunday the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Pomfret carried the Sword of State before His Majesty, to the Royal Chappel at St . James's. Monday being New Year's Day, His Majesty and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess, received the usual Compliments on the Day. On Saturday Morning last, Sir Thomas Rous, Bart. one of the Commissioners of the Salt Office, departed this Life, at his House in Bond Street. Dr. Musgrave, F. R. S. an eminent Physician at Exe- ter, is Dead. Friday 7. night, last a Committee of Council met at the Cock Pit, to consider of the Complaint of Mr. Cook, against Robert Lowther, Esq; late Governor of Barba- does, for Arbitary Proceedings against the said Cook ; and Yesterday there was a re hearing of that Case, of which their Lordships will speedily give their Determination. In the Quarantine Bill now depending in Parliament, it is made Felony without Benefit of Clergy, for any Infected Person to escape from any Ship, House, or Laza- ret, where they shall be put to perform Quarantine, and the Watchmen & c. appointed to guard such Ships Houses, Lazarets, Lines, or Increnchments, have Power to use any kind of Violence against Perfons endeavouring to escape from them, such as the Occasion shall require : His Ma- jesty has Power, by this Bill, to cast up any Lines or In- trenchments round any Cities or Towns in Great Bri- tain, or Ireland, which shall happen to be infected with the Plague. Dear Read, _ Jan. 2. 1722." IWill not ( according to usual Custom) make a long Essay upon your Merits, or launch into vain Enco- miums or insipid Tautology, which is not my Talent. But, in short, as you pretend to be, and have really prov'd your self, a Defender of the Rights, Liberties, and Properties of your Countrymen : These. therefore, are to desire and intreat you ( in the Name of my self in particular, and the most part of the Youth of this Age in general) that in your Next you will make a gen- tle Turn of Thought on the present Treatment of Pa- rents towards their Children ; as to their allowing ( ac- cording to their Abilities suitable and necessary sup- plies fitting an Heir's gentile Conversation, the want of which has often prov'd the Abortion of many a bright Genius that might have been of Service to the universal Publick Good ; for want of which Supplies, having been made utterly incapable not only of Con- versation in particular, but Business in general; besides leaving them unguarded against the polite Stratagems of the Female Sex, of which my self proves a fatal Instance. I am the Son of an honest, and not mean, Merchant, who put me Apprentice to a certain Linnen- Draper in Cornhill, where, for want of the aforemen- tion'd Supplies, I was oblig'd to lead a melancholly and retir'd Life, always at Home; the which having inur'd me to the usual Conversation of a Servant- Maid See. I being fir'd with Desire, which, by the Cunning Arti- fice of my Master's Chambermaid, was blown up to a Flame ; in the heighth of which we made a silent Trip to the Fleet, where, at once, I was made to know the Difference between the Use and the Want of Liberty and Money, See The Consequences of which being so fatal, and my natural Genius leading me to Honour and Honesty, to deter others from the same Fault, and for the / kt^ XW (' ii. 86 ) the Good of the Publick ( without any Regard of my own Character, it being now no Secret, and hoping a liberal Distention of my Father's Purse strings; desire you will Publish the same according as your own wis- dom shall direct, and in so doing, you will infinitely oblige your devoted Servant, ^ As a present Answer ro our Friendly Correspondent, we must say, that it is often but just enough to ascribe those fatal Consequences he mentions, to the too narrow Allowance of a close Fisted Parent, especially where their Children have had a Taste of Liberal Education, and full Tables; but then the Spirit and Genius of the Son is to be consider'd, a Dis regard of which, may turn the Current the wrong Way. and instead of answering the good Design of a handsome Allowance, may put them into the Road of Extravagance, and then, what is prescrib'd as a Remedy, proves worse than the Disease. The moderate Use of Money is a Science pretty hard to be understood, and the Knowledge of it seldom attain'd to, till Men come to Years of Discretion : Covetous- ness and Extravagancy are inconvenient, as well as wicked Extreams ; so the indulging a Spendthrift, is of as ill Effect, as disencouraging for Want of a reasonable Allowance, a frugal and thrifty Genius ; but every Young Man is to remember, that he is not to be his own Judge. We read of a Young Man lately in Ox. fordshire, who made an Instance of that Kind very fa- tal. His Birth was no higher than what promoted him to be put Apprentice to a joyner, or Carpenter, and not thinking an Allowance of Eighteen- pence a Week sufficient, took upon himfelf to decide the Matter be. tween him and his Father, by his own unbridled Appe- tite ; for expostulating with the Old- Man about it, and being told by him, that he could afford to allow him no more, he prov'd Executioner as weil as Judge , and clove his Father's Scull with a Bill: We mean to apply this Story no otherwise, than to shew that the Tem- pers Of young People are to be consider'd, as well as making such necessary Allowances as may put th: m above the Thoughts of mean or base Actions, in such or the like Instances our Correspondent has given ; who having put us upon the Subject of Education, which may prove both very useful and entertaining, we shall, in our next, go a little farther on this Head. The Conclusion of the Nightingale's TALE. To tell you now what farther pass'd, To say how often they embrac'd, How many Ways they closely join, Their Lips, their Souls, their Bodies twine, Wou'd waste your Time; for Doctors prove But Dunces when they talk of Love: Our Nightingale sung all the Night, Each Note gave ravishing Delight ; But see how mortal Bliss is cross'd, In their soft Pleasures wholly lost, Now slacken'd Nature nods a while, Till the recruited Spirits boil, Lock'd in each others Arms they lay, And sweetly stept: The breaking Day. Appear'd, when tired with dear possessing They slept, their Features still expressing, The Father rose ; let's see, said he, What great Effect this Gallery, The Song, forsooth, o'th' Nightingale, And Change of Bed must much avail. He came and saw with much Surprise ( Yet hardly crediting his Eyes) The sleeping Pair: No Coverture The panting Lovers cou'd endure ; Expos'd and naked every Feature, As in the State of simple Nature; Restraining Rage, and stifling Pain, He to his Wife returns again ; Rise, my good Woman, rise, quoth he, And you the finest Sight shall see ; Your Daugh'er was i'th' Right to lie In yonder pleasant Gallery; The Nightingale is caught, I vow, she has him in her Hand ev'n now The Mother rose and said, while Joy Stood in Drops on either Eye; A pretty Nightingale. oh, Lord ; Poor Child ! how did it catch the Bird ? Is it a great one ? Does it feed ? Will it get little ones? and breed ? Be patient, Wife, and you shall see, Reply'd the Man, this Mystery ; Yet lest the Bird shou'd take its Flight, In Silence let us steal the Sight. Griev'd and surpriz'd, Mamma, beheld The Nightingale which Kitty held ; And as she call'd her Names' by Dozens, Wife, quoth the Man, Rage Reason cozens; Learn we the Injuries we bear Wifely to suffer, or repair , Send for a Licence and a Priest, And of the Worst let's make the Best. While thus they talk, young Richard wakes; The Sun now gilds with ruddy Streaks. His opening Eyes ; he starts, with Fear His Heart beats high Kitty, my Fair, The Day is come what muft we do. My Love, my Dear, how shall I go ? All will go well enough, reply'd The Father, standing by his Side, His Dagger drawn It is in vain To rage, or of my Wrong complain ; I'm injur'd, but Ive found a Way . To right my self, without delay ; This Dagger, or my Daughter have, Espouse your Mistress, or the Grave: Stir not, speak not, make no Noise, This, or This, must be your Choice. Between the Matrimonial Noose, And Death, it was not hard to chuse ; At Wife and Hymen never starting, Dick knew no other Fear but parting; While thus for Life he vow'd his Joys. Kitty waking, heard the Voice Of her Papa —— she clos'd again Her trembling Eyes now Sleep to feign; The Bird was loos'd on his Parole, Beneath the Cloaths she gently stole, And as she hid her glowing Charms, Her Breasts heave quick with strange Alarms, Oblig'd to wake, oblig'd to know What both were instantly to do; Papa, without Reproach, declar'd The business; she obedient heard. The Priest now came, the Knot was ty'd, And Kitty bedded, and a Bride, At once Transported with Success, Their Father stretch'd his Hand to bless, And having bless'd the new- made Pair, Said, turning to his Wife, See there : We'll tame your Nightingale, dear Wife, He's in a Cage to sing for Life. A certain Gentleman, Musician to a noble Peer, was lately going to be marry'd to a Gentlewoman of 500 I. per Annum Fortune ; but the following Letter broke it off. Dear Madam, Dec 28, 1721 THE Rehearsal of a new Opera will hinder my com- ing to take a Breakfast with you to Morrow accord ing to Promise ; but about four of the Clock in the Af- ternoon I hope to have the Honour of waiting on you, and to have such another Discourse of Musick as we had last Time. Madam, Your desiring me to leave off this Art, makes me almost as uneasy as if you had de- sired me to leave off Eating and Drinking ; because this revives but the Body, the other the Soul. Dr. Luther used to say, Ubi Musica, ibi non Diabolus : Where Musick is, the Devil is not. That appears by the Example of David and Saul. Dear Madam, I had a very good Rea- son to leave off preaching in Germany, and to take uP the Profession of a Musican in England, because I was under a Necessity to preach several Things to others, that I did not believe my self; and it was against my Conscience so to do : But Musick is a free Exercise, the right Use of which is no ways contrary to Divinity, as I will prove when I shall present my self to Morrow in the Afternoon. Dear Madam, As your most humble Servant. When the Gentleman appear'd next Day, his Mistress put him off with an absolute Refusal of Marriage ; but he hav- ing a competent Estate of his own, is not much concern'd about Our WHEN the three greateat Beauties of the Skies, Contended Naked for the Golden prize, If Charming Chloe, also had been there, The Lot had never fall'n to Venns, Share. What Angels are, is in Dear Chloe xeen, Their awful Glories and Majestick Mien: Her Actions, She, with watchful Care surveys, Her Passions rules, and ev'ry Motion sways not the least Failure in her Conduct lies, I She's gayly Modest, and sincerely Wise. J Mr. READ, SEveral Letters and Pieces have been lately Publish'd, pointing at the strange Manner of Writing the London Joumal, and some of them, at the same time that they explode his Subject, pay great Compliments to the genius of the Authors, at the same time that he is En- couraging and fomenting the Infamous Practice of king- killing When in former Times we had Princes who really in- vaded the Liberties of the People, and overturn'd the laws, then that effeminate Creature, for he is well known, study'd his Prudentials, left honest and brave spirits to suffer unvindicated, and the Liberties of his country to sink, without one Sheet printed in their De- fence: But as soon as a gallant and generous Prince came to reign, that ventur'd his Life ( where this Pe- sant, now affecting to be Popular, durst never shew his face) for the Honour and Liberties of the Nation, he as the first that suggested Tyranny upon him, and lly'd him with the Supposition of being an Enemy to le Country he had fav'd. . He does the like now by King GEORGE, but slily, and ( as he flatters himself unperceiv'd ; but he is blown, and his Enterprize too, and the Corruption of his Prin- ciples, of which I shall give you a few Instances. : In justifying the assassinating of Julius Caesar, he en- ters into that old Jacobite Distinction of a King de Jure, and a King de Facto, he will not pretend that to assas- inate a lawful prince, a King de Jure, is to be justified; , it a Tyrant, that is, a King or Prince de Facto may be urther'd, because ( says he) against one exercising lawless rce, Force may be used Julius Caesar was a King, or Prince, or Magistrate ( call which you will) de Facto : The Army had given him the Title of Imperator the people of Rome had created The Lady Nightingale, Wife to Sir Robert Nightin- gale. and Daughter to the lace Sir Ambrose Crawley, dy'd lately at Enfield. Last Thursday the Lords Commissioners of the Trea- sury met, pursuant to their late Adjournment. There is Advice from Plymouth, thac on the 30th past his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin came in there from Lisbon, and next Day set sail for Shichead, in Company with the Worcester and Lime. We hear that the Trustees at the South Sea House have prepared a new Bill of Attainder against Mr. Asla- bie, and the Heirs of Mr. Cragg's, in order to take away such part of their Estates as were saved to them by the late Act of Parliament, and to invest themselves with Powers and Penalties of Pillory and Imprisonment, and to send for Persons, Papers, and Records. To- Morrow there will be two Charity Sermons preach'd at the Parish Church of St. Mary at Hill, for the Benefit of the Charity Children of Billingsgate Ward; that in the Morning by the most Reverend Father in God, William Lord Archbishop of York, and that in he Afternoon by the Reverend Mr. Massey. Last Thursday Sennight in the Evening, both the Rumford Coaches were rob'd going thither, and last Saturday Night one of them was again set on, and rob'd, and one of the Horses Shot, and they took from the Passengers their Money, Watches, Rings, It being about eight in the Evening, and Dark, the Robbers made off without being pursu'd. We hear His Grace the Duke of Marlborough has lately had some Symptoms of a Lethargy, for which his Physicians have prescribed Exercise, and the Air. They write from Portsmouth of the 3d Instant, that three Men of War were just come in there from che Eastward, but their Names they had not then learnt. They are supposed to be the three Men of War afore- named. Some Days ago the Man that kept the Mitre at Stand- gate, near Lambeth, being at Play at Ninepins with some Company, left them on a sudden and cut his own Throat in three several Places, of which Wounds he died on Christmas Day. On Tuesday last one Thomas Chethan was committed to the Gatehouse, Westminster, by Nathaniel Blackerby, Esq; on Suspicion of breaking open the House of Thomas Walker, Esq; in Lambeth Marsh, On Our last Advices from the Dutchy of Mecklenburg say, that they continued to examine the Prisoners at Domitz very severely, and that besides the eight Soldiers mentioned in our last, a Burgher- Master, and several Other Persons, were broken upon the Wheel, for being engaged in a Plot which was discover'd in the following Manner. " A Woman one Night carrying a joynt of ' roast Meat to the Secretary Scharp, who was detailed ' in Prison, was met by the Duke of Mecklemburg, who, ' took it from her, and carrying it into his own Appart- ' ment, cut it up, and in it found a Note directed to that ' Secretary, informing him, that he shou'd make it his ' Business to get out of the Place where he was, for the Match under the Powder- Room was burnt within a ' Finger's length ; and the Duke having sent to examine ' into the Matter, found it true'. to this, some add, That the Conspirators had determined to set Fire to the four Corners of the Town, that the Prisoners might make their Escape whilst all the Inhabitants were busy in quenching the Fire. Letters from Lisbon, say, That the Envoy of Great. Britain had another Audience of the King, in relation to Mr. Wingfield and his Partner's Business : He has had also several Conferences with M. Mendoza, Secretary of State, ' tis said, that this Envoy refers particularly to the 6th Article of the Treaty of Commerce, concluded between the two Nations, in the Year, 1641, and re- new'd in 1709, by which the Conduct of these Prisoners is justify'd, as to their Commerce in Gold Dust and Ingots ; and upon this, the Business has been refer'd to the Judge or Conservator of the English Nation ; inso- much, that in all probability, this Affair will have a good Issue. London Jan. 3. 1722. SIR, IF you insert the following Poem in your next Jour- nal, you will extreamly oblige your constant Reader and Admirer J. g by. him, or accepted turn as Perpetual Dictator • Several other Powers he possess'd, so that he was, de Facto, a Su- pream Magistrate. He was, they say, an Usurper of Power, which was not intended to be given him That may be so, but he was General of the Army by the Direction, Choice, and Appointment of the Senate and People. The very Ar- my were, in one Sense, the People of Rome ; all their Historians agree, that the Roman Legions were free De- nizens of the City; they were, Citizens of Rome, many of the Senators were Officers, Colonels, and Command- ers of Legions in the Army. This is manifest in the se- veral Lustrations. or Musters of the Citizens, before and after Hanibals coming into, and going away from Italy, when by the several Battles with Hanibal, and Slaugh- ters of their Soldiers in those Battles, the Number of Citizens was sunk and lessen'd from 317000 to 137108 Citizens, Vid. Tit. Liv. lib. 37. And this Army Vested him with Power ; it was on their Pikes that he was car- ried into the City, it was at their Head that be pass'd the Rubicon, and invaded the Liberties of the Romans; so that the Romans, in short, invaded the Romans, and gave up their Liberty to Julius Caesar. How then was Julius Caesar more an Usurper than other Princes in the World have been? The Citizens of Rome, that is to say, part of them, strengthen'd by their Arms and Auxiliaries, made him Head of the People of Rome, and hs was so, de Facto, when he was assassina- ted ; so that any Prince de Facto may be assassinated as well as Julius Caesar ; and thus the Jacobite Party, who deny the Rightful Title of King GEORGE. and grant him to be no more than a King de Facto, are encourag'd to Treason and Murder by one that calls himself a Pa- tron for Liberty. I must tell you, an Author in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, had his Right Hand chopt off upon a Block, for much less than this; and if such Writing as this can go unpunish'd, it may, with much Truth, be said, that Liberty of Speech is allow'd to an Extremity in this Nation, Yours, & c. ( 21 i 8 ) On New- Years Day His Majesty receiv d the Compli- ments of the Nobility and Gentry ; after which, having attended Divince Service at the Chapel Royal, together with the Piince and Princess, his Majesty, their Royal Highnesses, and the young PrinCesses, heard an Ode per- form'd to Musick, as usual. On Monday next the Rev. Dr. Lupton is to preach his second Sermon at St. Paul's, at the Lady Moyer's Lecture in Defence of the Divinity of our Blessed Saviour. On Tuesday the Number 9338 was drawn a Prize of 200 1. per Annum in the York Buildings Lottery. And Wednesday came up No. ( S308 100I. per Annum. Mr. John Cordwell succeeds his Uncle as City Car- penter. The Rev Mr. Capoon is lately presented to a Living in Suffolk by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. They write from Edinburg, that the Lord Faukland having resigned his Place as one of the Lords of the Sessions, Mr. Pater Haldane was presented by the King to succeed him , but the Advocates, as also the Lords of the Sessions. rejected him Benj. Child the Highwayman is by a Habeas Cor- pus removed from Salisbury to Newgate, whither he was brought last Tuesday Nignt ; and was Wednesday exa- min'd before the Postmaster- General. Last Saturday Night a Man Well dress'd went into a Barber's- Shop, and taking a Razor, cut his own Throat before any Body cou'd be appriz'd of his Design. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Mary, Captain Swinford from Nevis, was cast away the 14th of De. cember last on the Rocks of Scilly. Alfo that the Brunswick, Capt. Murfitt from London for Lisbon, was cast away on the Coast of Portugal This Week one Baldwin and Hewson were committed to Newgate, being Parties concern'd in some Gaming. Houses near Covent- Garden. One Edward Galloway is also commitred to the said Goal on Account of the Riot that lately happen'd at a Gaming- House in Play house Yard, Drury Lane, when Mr. Bowes, the Taylor, who we hear was likewise a Gamester, lost his Life Last Thursday one Edward Dun, a Perriwig- maket, was Committed to Newgate by virtue of a Warrant un- der the Hands of several of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for being concern'd in the late Riot at the Gaming House in Play- house Yard, Drury. Lane. The Interest due on Army Debentures, is now paying at the Exchequer. We hear, that one Moses Wagg, a Jew, who Sold some time ago 330 1. of Bank- Stock, by the means of a forged Letter of Attorney, and afterwards ran away to Frankfort, has been taken there, and is order'd to be brought over, in order to be Try'd. Arthur Gray, the Footman, is to be Transported for his Life, to His Majesty's Plantations. Last Thursday 7 Night died Mr. John Peter Nusella, Minister of the Dutch chappel at St. James's, not Dutch or German Chaplain to His Majesty, as has been sug- gested. On the 29th of last Month, the Lords of the Committee met, and heard a Petition of one Bernard Cook of Bar- bados, Butcher, complaining of Mr, Lowther, and some Justices of the Sessions in that Island, for Sentencing him to be Whipt for reflecting on the Wives of two consi- derable Gentlemen in that Island, and after a first Hear- ing, it appear'd the said Mr. Lowther was not at all concern'd in the Affair, but only the Justices of the Sessions. An Account of the Foreign Chapels at St. James's, which are and have been in constant Establishment, viz. The private German Chapel belonging to his Royal Highness the Prince ; there are two Preachers, who have a Salary of 100 1. per Annum, a Chapel- Keeper of 60 I. per Annum, and a Necessary Wcman of 16 1. per An- num, who have been establish'd ever since the Time of his Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark to which his present Majesty has been pleas'd to add a Reader of the Common- Prayer in the German Language, accord- ing to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as also a Porter with a Sallary of 20 1. per Annum. The Royal French Chapel, which has two Preachers, a d the Dutch Chapel the same, but these are not pro- perly call'd his Majesty's German, French or Dutch Chaplains ; there are also two Readers, and a Sexton to both Congregations; and his Majesty allows f0r BREAD and Wine, and other Contigencies about 30]. per An- num, besides Salaries. The Copy of Verses sent us, call'd, The Hopeful Bargain, or a blessed Week's Work, shall be inserted in our next." '' LONDO N: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street' Where Advertisements are taken in. CASUALTIES. Cut their Throats One at Sc. Dunftan at Stepnty and one (" being Lunatic.!:) at S'. Msry at Lambeth. EI( l' cuted 1. Hang'd himfelf at Sc. Dunftan in the Wei;" Murder'd at Sr. Andrew in Holborn r. Overlaid i Stabb'd herfeif at St. Dunftanac btepney 1. I
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