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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 30/12/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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ISO OR, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1721. < t'$ r< lU G R E A T B R I T A I N; The Continuation of the Life of HENRY II. King of England. THE younger of which, in a Turnament at Paris, was trod to Death under the Horses Feet, but the Elder lived to the father Grief of his Father. For joining himself with Philip of France, forced his Father out of the City of Mentz, ( the City where he Was born, and loved above all others) which made King Henry to utter these Words against him, That since his Son Richard had taken from him that day, the thing which he moft loved in the World, he would requite him, for after that Day he would deprive him of that thing which in him should best please a Child namely his Heart And afterwards finding his Son John first in the Catalogue of the Conspirators against him in that Action, he bitterly cursed the Hour of his Birrh, lay- ing God's Curse and his upon his Sons, which he would never recal by any Perswasions. But coming to Chiron, he there fell desperately sick;, and feeling Death approach, caused himself to be born into the Church before the Alter, where, after humble Confession and Sorrow for his Sins, he yielded up his Soul. A. D. 1189, and was buried at Font Everard. His Wife Eleanor was the Sole Heir of William the Fifth of that Name Duke of Aquitain. She was first married to Lewis King of France, and after his Death to this King Henry ; she died 1: 04. His Issue was William, who died 1156, Henry, Rich- ard, JeofFry, Philip, who died very young; John; Maud, married to Henry, Sir- named the Lion, Duke of Saxony, eleanor, married to Alphonso, Sir- named the Good King of Castile. Joan, first merried to William King of Sicily, and afterwards to Raimond, the fourth Earl of Tholouse. His base Issue William, Sir named Longspur, and Jeoffry, Archbishop of York. These two by fair Rosa- mund, and Morgan by another Woman Rosamund, his beloved Concubine, was the Daughrer of the Lord Clifford, whom to keep safe from the Envy of Queen Eleanor, he placed io a Labyrinth, which he built for her at Woodstock, with such Windings and Turnings, that none could come at her retiring Room, save the King, or whom he instructed. Howbeit the jealous Eye of Queen Eleanor found her out by a Clew of Silk, which Rosamund let fall as. she fat to take the Air. For she suddeniy fleeing to escape being seen. the end of the Silk fastned to her Foot, and the Clew still unwinding ; which the Queen followed till she had found the lovely rosamund, whom she so dealt with ( giving her Poison) that she ended her Days, whose Body was buried at God- stow with this Epitaph upon her Tomb, He jacet in Tumba Rosa mundi, non Rosa munda, Non redolet, sed olet, quae redolere solet. King Henry divided England into Circuits, oppoint- ing that Two of his Judges should, twice in the Year, in each Circuit, adminster Justice. Price Three Half- Pence< In the Year 1164, he called an Assembly of the States at Clarendon in Wilts, where ( amongst other matters) it was decreed, That all the Clergy should, Bona Fide, swear Allegiance to the King, and should appeal but unto the Archbishop, or from him finally to the King, without particular Licence. In the beginning of his Reign, one Nicholas Break- spear, an English Man, was elected Pope, by the. Name Of Adrian the Fourth, who in the Fifth Year of his Popedom , was choaked with a Fly. He sent the Lord's. Prayer ( in this manner) from Rome, to be taught the English People. Ure Fadyr in Heaven rich, Thy Name be halyeo'! over lich, Thou bring us thy michel bless, Als hit in Heaven y doe, Evar in yearth been it also. That holy Bread that lasteth ay, Thou Send it ous this ilke Day. Forgive ous all that we have don, As we forgive uch other mon. No let Ous fall into no f0unding Ae shield ous from the foul thing. In the Isle of Wight it rained Blood, the Shower con- tinuing for the Space of Two Hours together. A great Earthquake in Ely, Norfolk and Suffolk, which made the Bells to ring in the Steeples. At St. Olyphs in Essex, was seen a Dragon of marvellous bigness, which by moving burned Houses. Another great Earthquake which overthrew many Buildings, and amongst the rest, rent in Pieces Lincoln Cathedral. At Oreford in Suffolk, a certain hairy Creature perfectly resembling Man in all Parts and Proportions, was taken out of the Sea by Fish- ers in a Net, who after he had been kept a while, se- cretly slip d away into the Sea again. A. D. 1174 By the King's command, was the City of Leicester set on Fire, the Walls and Castle razed, and the Inhabitants expulsed for their Disobedience towards the King. RICHARD 71. A D RIchard, from his exceeding Valour, Sir- nam- 1185 ed Coeur de Lion, was Crowned at West- minster by Baldwin Archbishop of Canterbury. At which Time a great Number of the Jews Were in tu- multuous Sort slaughtered by the common People, for which many of them suffered Death. The Coronation Rites performed. Richard with all speed prepares for his Voyage into the Holy Land, appointing William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely his chief Justiciar, and Lord Chancellor, joining with him Hugh Bishop of Durham, for the Parts beyond Humber; associating to those Bishops, divers Temporal Lords for the Defence and Preservation of Justice. And with the King of Scots he concluded from Friendship. Which done, with a Royal Navy he put out to Sea, and by the way to the Holy Land he seized on the Island Cyprus, where he solemnly took to Wife his beloved Lady Berengaria. The Island he committed to the keeping of his own De- puties, permitting the Islanders to enjoy all such Laws and Liberties, as they held in the time of Emanuel the Emperor Farther in his way he conquer'd a mighty Argosey, called a DromOnd. wherein were aboard a Thousand Five Hundred Saracens ( disguised under French Flags) furnished, besides all other Provisions, with Fire, works. Barrels or Cages of venomous Serpents, for the use of the Saracens at Ptolemais, since called Acon Of the Sarazens he killed and drowncd 1300 and then sailed safely to Acon j before which lay these Christian Nations, the Genouese and Florentines, Flem- ings, Almains, Danes, Dutch, Pisans, Friezlanders, Lom- bards and the English under Hubert, Bifhop of Sarum. To be continu'd, The f 1* ,. 1 '! ' I III ?! I]' ft h 1 1 ' md'/- The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love. Mr. Att. Gen. I may, by asking Questions; was there not a Meeting after Alford's Return, and Instruc- tions given for a Commission to Breda ? and did not Mr. Love correct them ? Capt. Potter. I never saw any Commission or In- structionS, but have heard there were both directed to my Lord Willoughby of Parham, Colonel Graves, Ma- jor- General Massey, Captain Titus and Alderman Bunce, and think William Drake told me, but am not positive. Mr. Att. Gen. Did not Mr. Love tell you ? and were you not then at his House ? Cnpt. Potter. I don't remember I was there, and am sure he never told me so. Mr. Att. Gen. Were not you at Mr. Love's House, and with whom, when Letters were agreed to be sent to Massey, Bailey, and Titus ? f Capt. Potter. I have been several Times at Mr. Love's with Mr. Jackson, Mr. Robinson, Major Alford, Mr, Drake, and Mr. Gibbons, on a Friendly or a Christian Account, and sometimes to hear and tell News; and have heard of such Letters; but really I have a bad Memory, I cannot say more to it. Ld. President. Between whom was the Correspon- dence held ? and what Money was collected ? Capr. Potter. Between Titus there, and Drake here; but I know of no Money, I never contributed a Penny. Mr. Att. Gen. What not 101. upon an Occasion, and brought it into Mr. Love's Parlour ? Capt. Potter. I own that, and that William Drake was writing Letters in his Table Book, which he said were writ in Sack, that they might not be discover'd ; and that one was for Titus, and the other for Bailey in Scotland ; and after Drake absconded, we met often at Mr. Love's, and several Letters have been read, but from whom or to whom I know not, nor did Mr Love ever give me any Reason for those Meetings, or ask me to contribute Money. Mr. Att. Gen. Were there not private Fasts for a Blessing on the Treaty at Breda ? Capt. Potter. There were Fasts for averting the Sins of and Judgments on the Nation, where Mr. Love had preach'd and pray'd, but they were for no other Oc- casion. Mr. Att. Gen.. What Letters were read at Mr. Love's House after the fight at Dunbar ? Capr. Potter. I have heard from Alford or Adams, that there were Letters from Bailey, Titus, and Massey ; and that the Messenger who brought them had five Pounds, of which I gave ten Shillings; but can't say ' twas at Mr. Love's, or that he gave any Money. I have also heard of Letters from the State and Church of Scotland, for Money and Arms; and that Arms were promis'd, but know not by whom, or who writ the Let- ter, or to whom they were directed, nor can I remem- ber who told me so. Mr. Att. Gen. Was there not a Letter with L upon it? Capt. Potter. I receiv'd that Letter, and thinking by the Letter L, that it belong'd to Mr. Love, I carried it thither, where ' twas open'd I can't say by whom) and in it was a Narrative of two Sheets of the Affairs of Scotland since Dunbar Fight ; and an anonymous Let- ter, as we suppos'd, from the Lords of Argyle, Lowden, and Lothian, and Mr. Bailey, who writ for 1oooo 1. to buy Arms and hire Ships, which ( Mr. Jaquel and Drake being there) we refus'd, but agreed to raise Money for Bamfield ( who sent it) and the Messenger that brought them ; and I fetch'd 10 1, and laid down in Mr. Love's Parlour. Mr. Att. Gen. Did not you then give Mr. Love a twitch by the Hand ? Cape. Potter. I can't say I did, or that Mr. Love gave any thing. [ His Examination was read again.] Ld. President. Is this Examination true of your own Knowledge ? Capt. Potter. The Substance is true, that I left the Money, but I can't say Mr. Love drew up, or receiv'd any Letter from Titus or Bailey ; neither do I think that Part of the Examination is of my writing. Mr. Ate. Gen. Do you know of any Correspondence settled by way of Kendal ? Capt. Potter. I have heard so, but can't tell by whom I knew Groves went thither for Letters, and I paid him io Pounds for going, 2o Shillings of which I receiv'd again of Gibbons, Far, and Alford, but I never had any Money from Mr. Love ; neither can I tell whether he knew of Grove's going. Mr. Att. Gen. Was there any Answer return'd to Bamfield's Letter? Capt. Potter, A Letter directed to Bamfield was left in my Shop, I know not by whom, but suppose it came from Mr. Love or Dr. Drake, because I think ' twas agreed that they should draw up the Answer, and I sent the Letter. Mr. Att. Gen. What Discourse pass'd betwixt Mr. Love and you, when you sent for him since you were in Prison? Capt. Potter. I acquainted him with my Examina- tion, as to Cook's business, and he exhorted me to Christian Patience, and to bear my Afflictions with Pru- dence and Fortitude and said Titus's Man had convey'd some Letters from his Master, but he thought they did not concern me ; and told me he had been at a fast where I was remember'd. Mr. Att. Gen. Whae hath Mrs. Love said to you? Cape. Potter. She beg'd me not to discover any thing to prejudice her Husband. Mr. Att. Gen. After I had taken his Examination in the Tower, he affirm'd the Truth of it before the Com- mittee to his own Knowledge ; and as this Man is brought upon his Life on his Information, it's an Abuse to the State, as well as to the Court, and Mr. Love, and he ought to be punish'd, for accusing a Man before Au- thority , and denying it on Oath. Capt. Potter. Some things I have heard and believe, and some I know, and think it's all true, but there's difference betwixt my Belief and being positive upon Oath. Potter withdraws, and Major Alford is call'd and sworn, Mr. Att. Gen. Give an Account of all you know re- lating to this Affair. Alford. I went with William Drake to the Swan at Dowgate to meet Captain Titus, who told us, that ( if the Prince was assur'd of a considerable Party in Eng- land, that would strictly adhere to the Ends of the Cove- nant) the Prince himself was inclineable to take it; and we that were there ( I have forgot the Persons) believing ourselves oblig'd to further it, Captain Titus propos'd another Meeting, and said that he would draw up a Pe- tition to that Purpose. Accordingly we met at the Bear in Bread street, where Titus read the Paper he had drawn, which was to desire the Prince to relinquish the Cavaliers, and to take and prosecute the Ends of the Covenant, which we afterwards agreed should be sent to the Prince, and Titus engag'd to do it; and that my Lord Piercy should satisfy the Prince that it came from the Presbyterian Party, and that the Ministers were en- gag'd in it: Ticus afterwards, having learn'd from my Lord Piercy that ' twas necessary he should be there himself before the Scotch Commissioners went over, set forward, and had 30 Pounds of William Drake to bear his Expences; but having notice that his Agency was discover'd, he writ to Drake, that some Person might be sent over to Calais, to take an Account from him of what had been transacted ; and by Drake's Persuasions I went to Calais, where he told me of the Hardships he he had suffer'd at Jersey from the Cavaliers, and of his Imprisonment, and being threaten'd to be try'd for a Spy, till by the Arrival of the Lord Liberton che Scotch Com- missioner, he got Access to and Favour with the Prince, but said that the Prince's Adherents were averse to the Covenant ; and this Accounc Titus gave in Writing, directed to Drake, and I deliver'd it to him, who after, wards carried it to, and read it at Mr. Love's House, where were present Mr. Love, Dr. Drake, Mr. Case, Major Adams, Mr. Gibbons, and Captain Far. After this we agreed to send over a Commisson for my Lord Willoughby of Parham, Massey, Graves, and Titus , to consult the Scotch Commissioners at Breda, and act there for the Presbyterian Party of England. Drake afterwards read a Letter to me, which he said be design'd for the Queen, to persuade the Prince to close with the Scots; and told me he held a Correspondence with Bai- ley in Scotland, and thac the Business had been expen- sive, and desir'd me to let him have 10 Pounds ( which I think I did) and he said, if he could raise a Sum amongst his other Acquaintance, I should have Part return'd. To be continu'd. The The FAIRY TATLERNo. 4. * If all the Perfections in the World, can he found in one Person, certainly they may in Chloe ; she has good Nature, Wit, Judgment, and Modesty : Sufficient to intitle her to the highest Character, her chiefest Fault ( if it is not wronging her to call it so) is her over Mo- desty, and the little Opinion she has of herself. I have seen her try a thousand Ways to shun Applause, when she has worthily deserv'd it, nothing but the Rashness of her Father, and the Envy of a few prejudic'd Ac- quaintance, wou'd strive to sully her Innocence, or lessen her immortal Merits to the World. As I have taken up the Cause of the fair Sex in this Paper, and design chiefly to engage in their Defence throughout ev'ry thing, I shall Write of this kind; I shou'd do a manifest Wrong to her, if I did not espouse her Interest, and raise her from those unjust Depressions at this Time, to which she is expos'd, and under which she suffers. Daphnis and she are not more united in their Affections, than they are in their Tempers, tho' his Friends as well as hers, are the most Averse to their having one enother, it has no other prevalency over them, than to quicken their Passions, and more eagerly to entangle them. Daph. nis told her the other Day his Resolutions concerning her. Chloe ( said he leaning on her Breast, and looking with a languishing sofeness upon her) your Friends are against our Marriage you perceive, as well as mine, shall we part Chloe ? If we must part ( and there she let fall a shower of Tears, upon his Face) assure me, you will still have a value and respect for my Memory- he cou'd say no more, he now grew sensibly affected too, and paufing a while he kiss'd her dewy Cheeks a thousand Times, till Recollecting him- self a little, and Recovering from his Silence he went on ' But if you will forsake all, to be partaker of my ' Fortune, we will remain together still, and defy ' the cruelty of our Parents ; Chloe at that began to Revive, a Sparkling Joy shone in her Eyes and Face ; Daphnis ( said she) you are sensible I value you, and that my only Wish is for your Happiness, on which mine only can and must depend, if you forsake me I am sure to be undone, yet I shall ever Love your Memory. She broke off there, her Tears wou'd not permit her to go on, Daphnis did all he cou'd to Comfort her; He promis'd her never to leave her, he swore a thousand Times to make her his; in short he brought her to her self in a little while, and after a full Satisfaction on both sides, they withdrew. Chloe wou'd often repeat those Lines of Mr. Shakespear's to her Friends, when they have advis'd her to a greater Match and have made her Offers of Advancement. Tis the Mind that makes the Body rich; For as the Sun breaks thro' the thickest Cloud, So Honour, ' peareth in the meanest Habit. What is the Jay more precious than the Lark, Because his Feathers are more Beautiful ? Or is the Adder better than the Eel, Because the painted Skin contents the Eye ! I shall be sure to let my fair Readers know what For- tune these too Lovers meet with. At present let it suffice, that nothing can make ' em more unhappy then they will be if they part, and that whatever Misery they may meet with by an obstinate Constancy, it cannot be near so great as what they must enevitably suffer from the contrary, unfaithfullness. most eminent Traders, upon whose Wisdom and Integrity they cou'd most depend , and he wou'd Communicate what he had offer to ' em, and upon which he acquainted Sundry of those against him , as well as for him, with what he had to offer in Parliament this Sessions, if there were Time for it, or if not the next. And it being by all allow'd to be practica- ble, and very conducive to the effectual Obtainment of the important Ends, which his Majesty had recommend- ed in his Speech at the opening of this Sessions to have done, for THE good of his People, the Electors in general appear'd in his Interest, and after some struggle wherein they Endeavour'd to prevail with the Constables to make an undue Return, which Purpose Sir Richard defeated, he was unanimously declar'd duly Elected, and this Day was accompanied out of Town, with a great Number of Horse and Foot, and Acclamations of the People,' Men, Women and Children, greater than was ever known here before. P. S. By the News just come here from London, we hear a Complaint is made in the House of Commons, that the Writ deliver'd to Mr. Fox the 1st Instant, was not come to the Sheriff's Hand, and Proceeded upon in due Time, but whoever considers that we lye distant from London 15o Miles, and the Sherriff 5o Miles dis- tant from Us, and that there was Occasion for sending to him twice, will find that there was no time lost: If Forty Miles a Day, one Day with another, may be al. lowed- sufficient Travelling this Winter Season. It ly- ing three Days with the Sherriffs, and five Days Notice before the Pole. Saturday Evening Sir Paul Whichcot of Qui, in the County of Cambridge, Bart, was interr'd at Hendon, near Hampstead. He is succeeded in his Honour and Estate, by his only Son, now Sir Francis Whichcot, Bart. One of the Representatives in the present Parliament for Cambridgeshire, On Saturday last the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor set Out for his Country Seat at Sherburn- Castle in Oxford, shire, in order to spend the Holidays there. Monday Christopher Samuel Graff, who at the last Sessions was condemn'd for a Rape, and afterwards ob- tain'd his Majesty's Reprieve, was by virtue of an Or- der for that purpose admitted to Bail. Some Days since one Walter Shelton, who had lately undergone the Discipline of a House of Correction, was committed to Newgate, being charg'd with Felony and Burglary. About the Middle of last Week the Corpse of the Lord George Manners was interr'd in Westminster. Abbey. Our Merchants have Advice that the Rebecca, Capt. Smith, from Bilboa for Topsham, hath been lost in her Passage in the late high Winds. They have likewise Advice, that the Onslow, Capt. Gee, was taken by the Pyrates on the Coast of Guinea, who in Lieu thereof gave him an old French Vessel that . was good for little. On the 22d Instant his Majesty in Council was pleas'd to change the following Sheriffs, viz. Essex, Richard Chamberlaine, Esq; Northumber' William Charlton of Hesleside, Esq; Nottingham, John Grundy of Bleasby, Esq; Wales. Carmarthen, John Griffiths, Esq; Cardigan, William Lloyd, Esq; An humble Address to His Majesty from the Gover- nour, Council and Assembly of the Bermuda or Sommer Islands in America, having been transmitted from thence, and delivered by Sir John Bennet, the said Governour's Brother, to the Rt. Honourable the Ld. Cartaret, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, has been presented by his Lordship to His Majesty, who was pleased to receive it very graciously. On Sunday the Bishop of London ordain'd at St. Paul's, Deacons and Priests 31 ; the Bishop of Ely at Ely Chapel 7 ; and the Bishop of Norwich at the Taber- nacle in St. Martin's in the Fields ii. Last Saturday dy'd Mrs. Cadogan, Mother to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Cadogan. On Saturday last the Rr. Hon. the Lord Mayor went to the several Markets of this City to collect the Charity of well dispos'd Persons for the poor City Prisoners, ( ac- cording to an ancient Custom on the Eves of Great Festi- vals) and what with Meat and Money, we hear his Lord, ship hath sent in very considerable as well as seasonable supplies to those miserable People, Last SIR, Minehead, Dec. 19. 1721. YEsterday came on the Election for a Member of Par- liament in the room of James Milner, Esq; de- ceased. The Candidates were the Lord Mansel's eldest Son, and Sir Richard Lane, Merchant; great Interest was made for the former, upon the Recommendation of a Baronet near us, before the other came here. But Sir Richard meeting some Masters of Vessels, and Sai- lors, together with many that are concerned in the Woo- len Manufacture. ( upon which, the Trade and Navigation this Borough depends) He told them, that he had some. what to offer in Parliament very much to the Advan- tage of the Trade of this Kingdom, and which wou'd suit, particularly with the Interest of this Borough, and desir'd they wou'd make Choice of some of their last Week a merry Wager was row'd from London bridge to Mortlack by two Pair of Oars, viz. One Thompson and Wagstaff against one Daniel James, his Highlander. It was thought the former had so much odds on their Side, that one John Wayman, Wa- terman at the Old Swan, laid his Boat and Oars against a Quartern of Brandy and lost them ; another laid 10 Guineas against two, and had the same Fate. Monday being Collar Day, the Kinghts of the Most Noble Order of the Garter appeared at Court, to con- gratulate the King upon the Solemnity of the Day, as did likewise the Ministers of State, the Foreign Ministers, and other Persons of Distinction. The Earl of Orkney, • with the Sword of State, attended his Majesty to the Royal Chapel at St. James's, where his Majesty receiv'd the Holy Communion from the Lord Bishop of Lincoln. The Lord Bishop of Gloucester preached the Sermon be- fore his Majesty and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. Letters from lisbon, of the 18th of last Month, say that the English envoy there had made farther remon- strances concerning the Affair of Mr. Wingfield, but the Answer was not known. We have an Account of the Apprehending of one Benjimin Child , who has several times robb'd the Bristol Mail, by the Information of Capt. Bell, Comptroller of the Post Office ; upon which, the Re- corder's Warrant was issued ; searching his Lodgings at an Inn in this Town, they found 6000 l in Bills and Notes, which had been taken out of the Mail : They likewife seiz'd his Mother and Sister , and searching their Lodgings, found Letters from him, naming the several places he shou'd be at such and such Days; by which Directions several Messengers were dispatch'd af- ter him, who seiz'd him at Salisbury, and presently put him into Irons. He has already discovered six High- waymen, with whom he was concern'd, as they were making Merry over a Bowl of Punch. ' Tis said, this Child writes eight several Hands, and went by as many several Names, the better to carry on his villainous Designs. f A Gentleman of Quality happening to buy a Wea- ther Glass last Week of one Mr. Naylor , at the Black Lyon in Long. Acre, a Dealer in curious Clocks, Watches and all kinds of Curiosities, and in a particu- lar Manner Weacher- Glasses, it occasion'd a very curious Wager ; That for every Day it Rains or Snows this Year, as much as will wet a Holland Handkerchief through, within twenty Miles of London, Mr. Naylor forfeits Five Guineas, and for every fair Day he is to have One: And likewise Mr. Naylor has laid ten Gui- neas there will be neither Snow nor Rain this Year; which Mr. Naytor grounds his Judgment upon an Im- provement that he has of the Weather- Glass, and better Observations than ever before was made. Last Thursday 7 Night there happened a Riot in the Play House Passage in Drury- Lane, occasioned by a Re- sistance made in one of the Gaming- Houses against the Constables, who came with a Warrant under the Hands' and Seals of ten Justices of the Peace, to search for, and seize such common Gamesters as they should find ; and also another Warrant to seize two Persons, who have been accused upon Oath, with cheating and defrauding a young Gentleman of Six Hundred Pounds and upwards, at Play with a false Box and Dice ; though the Consta- bles proceeded regularly with a lawful Authority, yet the Riot went so far, that the Constables were impri- soned, and in great Danger of their Lives, that it was thought necessary, upon repeated Cries of Murder, to apply for the Assistance of the Guard at Somerset House, who being incapable of putting an End to the Riot, which lasted three Hours, further Application was made to the Guard at Leicester- House, and the commanding Officer there ordered a Serjeant and 12 Men to go and assist the Conftables in quelling the Riot ; but before they came up, the Affair was over; for one of the Sol- diers that came from Somerset- House being extreamly abused, and several Swords drawn upon him and the Constables, and a Prisoner, who was the Boxkeeper, be- ing rescu'd, the Soldier fired his Piece, and one Henry Bowes was kill'd, who was a Boxkeeper to another Hazard Table ; upon which the Rioters dispersed. We have Advice that the Plague in Languedoc spreads itself more and more towards the Sea Coast, As well as towards Montpellier , so that they will be necessitated to throw up new Lines to inclose that The Nightingale a TALE. IN Italy there is a Town, A Village, but of small Renown, Where liv'd a Maid for Beauty famed, Verambon was her Father named, Her Mother is upon Record, In Boccace, by no other Word: Their Daughter, whom we Catherine call, Who of our Tale is All in All : Now Richard, youthful Richard, came, He saw the Fair, and felt a Flame, He try'd, in short, all Ways to move her, And took the usual Oaths as Lover ; His Eyes grew wild, and quick his Breath, He sigh'd, and swore, and talk'd of Death : One Obstacle there was, and this, Delay'd a while our Lover's Bliss, Her Mother doated so upon Sweet Kitty, she was ne'er alone. In Day light Miss was always ty'd, Just like her Tweezers, to her Side. At Night lock'd up, the Virgin lay, I'th' Room with Mamma and Papa ; She not one Moment cou'd employ With Richard, now her only Joy : Sometimes indeed, the Youth an Eye Or Smile might steal, the Mother by; Or press her Hand, or snatch a Kiss But this was All; and what was this; One happy Day, unknown to either. They found themselves alone together ; Alone, no Mother's jealous Ear The mutual Lovers Plaints to hear : When Richard What avails this Flame, That quickens thus our mutual Frame ? That I love you, and you again Feel and compassionate my Pain, Can't we devise to see each other, Without this watchful Spy, your Mother ? Is it impossible.' oh say, Can't you contrive ? is there no Way ? Dear Kitty, were this Heart of thine Warm'd but with half the Heat of mine, Suppose then you contrive to lie. In that adjacent Gallery, There I may nightly see my Dear, And no suspecting Parent near; For I've a thousand Things to say, That can't be said in open Day. She smil'd blush'd ; and promis'd too, What was Within her Power, to do. To Bed she went, but not one Winking Of Sleep cou'd Kitty get for thinking ; When Morning came .... Mamma, she cry'd, Last Night, I thought I should have dy'd ; This Room more stifling grows than ever, I certainly shall have a Fever: Pray, may not, if you please, my Bed In our Long Gallery be made; In this most sultry Season there Comes from the Citron Grove, an Air; That will refresh me, with its Breese, The Nightingale among the Trees: There chaunts its Love song too, and I, Mamma, in Paradise shall lie. Soon the Good Woman gave Consent, And soon to her Good Man she went: Your Daughter Kitty ( Child,) wou'd lie, If we think fit, i'th' Gallery ; She'll sleep all Night in Fresco there, And hear the Nightingale so clear. Against a Woman's Will, quoth he, We Husbands know no Remedy, Do then your Pleasure. take your Fancy, For so you will, say what I can say : The Father; thus constrain'd, approves, Miss, and her Furniture removes; The Bed waS made, the Sign was given,' And Richard had his Pass for Heaven. At length Night came, the Sash left ope, Our Lover, and the Ladder- Rope, Were ready borh ; he leap'd, he fled Into her Bosom. and her Bed. The Remainder in our next. Province, the better to proteft the Province of Guienne from that direful Calamity. Last Thursday there was a General Council at St. James's for the Dispatch of some Bills transmitted from Ireland The Lord William Johnston is to bo interr'd in West- minster- Abbey; by his Death an Estate of 600 1. per . Annum, and a fine Seat in Scotland devolves to his Bro- ther the Marquis of Annandale. A Journeyman Plumber in Holbourn, having mur- der'd his Wire, by breaking her Skull with a Poker, is fled. The Coroners Inquest have brought in their Ver- dict wilful Murder. The Earl of Loudon is arriv'd in Town from Scotland. They Write from East Barnet, that the People upon hearing the News of Arthur Gray the Footman's being Repriev'd, made Bonfires, Illuminations and other De. monstrations of Joy. ' Tis said the Squadron design'd for the secret Expedi. tion, has Orders to Sail the Week after next. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Charlotte, Capt. Parker, homeward- bound from Jamaica for Lon- don, hath been lost in the late Stormy Winds on the Coast of France, and all the Men drown'd ; and that her Name, & c. was discover'd by some Things found among the Wreck. SCHEME of a Lottery for 700,000 1. proposed to be raised on the Credit of the Duty on Malt for the Year 1711. SEventy Thousand Tickets to be issued at 10 1. per Ticket, is 7o0, ooo 1, The Distribution of Prizes and Blanks. This Advance of 35,300 1. is in Lieu of Interest for the first Year. The Money 40 be contributed in two Payments, at such Times and with such Discount for prompt Payment, as the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury shall direct The Certificates made out for the Blanks in the Lot. tery on Malt, Anno. 1721, to be taken in Payment for Contributions on this Lottery ar Par. The Blanks are to be paid of first, and afterwards the Prizes, in Course. The Courses of Payment to be settled by a second Drawing of 1000 Tickets in a Courfe, as usual. The Duty on Malt Anno. 1722, to be appropriated for Payment thereof : And if any Deficiency appears at Michalmas 1723, such Deficiency to be transferred to the first Supplies to be granted the next Sessions of Parliament. The Money arising from that Duty to be paid by the Exchequer Weekly to the Bank, and by them applied to the paying the Blanks and Prizes, in Course, as fast as it arises. Such of the Blanks and Prizes as shall not be paid off on or before the 24th of June 1723, to carrry interest from that Time at 4 per Cent per Annum till paid off, Letters from Stockholm say, That a General Thanks- giving was to be observed throughout Sweden, for the Peace concluded with the Czar, after an expensive War of zi Years, which had opened Commerce again with Muscovy. We are advised from Dresden, that the King of Polond being desir'd to acknowledge the Czar as Emperor of Great Russia, his Majesty replied that that Affair required the Consideration 0f the Republick. Letters from Warsaw say, That a Merchant of Elbin- gen. who had been at Marienwerden Fair and taken a great deal of Money, was robb'd in a Wood not far di- stant from the Place by six Highwaymen ; that Night they lodgd in the same Inn with a Gentleman who was going to the Tribunal of Peterkau. In pursuit of his journey, M. Cielsky ( for that was the Gentleman's Name) going thro' Thorn, saw three of the Rogues in a Woollen- Draper's Shop, buying Cloth and Trimming for 12 Suits of Cloaths, and immediately knowing them, he inform'd against them, and they weie taken up, and be- ing strictly examin'd, they confess'd the Crime, and d- ded, that their three Companions were at a Corn Mill hard by Thorn ; upon which, some Soldiers were sent to Apprehend them, but three Rogues hearing the whole Story of their Companions being taken, and having im- peached them, left the Mill, and the Soldiers missing them laid hold of the Miller, and carried him before the justice, where he confess'd, that the Thieves were retir'd into the Neighbouring Wood. Upon this, several Persons were sent after them, and having overtaken them near a Bog, the Rogues put themselvcs in a posture of De- fence, and wounded one of those who pursu'd them ; but after some Resistance, two were caken and the other made his escape. These two were carried to Kavolowo, where they Were try'd, and on the 28th they were Exe- cuted, the one Beheaded the other, who was Convicted not only of Robbing, but also of having committed se- veral Murders was torn in Pieces by 4 Horses his Quarters hung up, and his Head placed upon the same Gibbet. Letters from Ratisbon say, That the Ministers who compose the Evangelick Body have sent to their Princi- pals, Copies of an unanimous Resolution they have taken, the Professor Edzardi and Doctor Newmester, both of them Lutheran Pastors at Hambourg, who treat the Reform'd even worse than the Turks could do, de- siring also their Principals to send them Instructions for their future Conduct in that Affair. They have likewise printed and publish'd the Greivances of those of their Communion in the Principality of Baden, which has al ready had so good an Effect, that the chief Magistrate of the Lordship of Malberg has revoked an Ordinance, by which it was expressly forbid to the Protestants in those Parts, to buy of the Roman Catholicks, directly or indirectly, any Goods, either Moveable or Immovea- b'e. The Lutherans in the Palatinate, no longer insist so obstinately as they have done, to be put in Possession of Part of the Revenues of the Reform'd in that Coun- try, being fully convinc'd that those who advis'd them to take that Step, are the common Enemies, and that their whole Aim in so doing, was to sow Discord among them, that they might the better compass their Ends of ruining them all alike. His Majesty hath been pleased to appoint the Earl of Scarborough to succeed his Father lately deceased, in the Commissions of Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotu- lorum of the County of Northumberland, and of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne: Also the Bishop of Durham to be Lord Lieutenant, and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Durham, in the room of the said late Earl. Thomas Farmer, Lord Lempster, is created an Earl of Great Britain, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Earl of Pomfret alias Pontefract, in the County of York. Benjamin Child, siez'd at Salisbury for robbing the Bristol Mails, is bringing up to Town, where he has impeach'd six Persons, who were apprehended last Tuesday, viz. William Wade of Mile- End, who we hear, was once before try'd for robbing the said Mail, but came off, Josiah Rhodes, Wm. Morphry , Robt. Wilkinson, Robert Simpson, and Wades Wife; the Men are committed to Newgare, and the Woman to New- Prison she being accus'd of recieving several of those Bills, knowing them to be stole. Last Week died John Cecil, Earl of Exeter, at his his Seat at Burleigh In Northamptonshire. He married 1st, Annabella, Sister to the Earl of Tankervile, by whom he had no Issue. 2dly, Elizabeth, eldest Daughter of Sir John Brownlow, of Belton, in the County of Leicester, Bart, by whom he had Issue, five Sons and one Daugh- ter, viz. John Lord Burleigh, now Earl of Exeter, born 1700 ; Brownlow, William, Francis, Charles, and Eli- zabeth. We haar that James Sheppard, Esq; of Honiton, in the County of Devon, is a Candidate at that Borough for the next Election, and that he likewise sets up at Dorche- ster, in the County of Dorset, in Opposition to Mr. Chapple of Upway, in the same County, Letters from Barbadoes of the 10th of November last bring Advice, that Capt. Gee of the Onslow, mentioned in our last, was come in there, having been taken in his Passage by the Pyrates, viz. by Roberts, who command, cd a Ship of 36 Guns, and another of 26: They like- wise took the torleton and Martha, both from Liver- pool; the Ship—— Capt Rowney of Bristol, with two others; also a French Ship, which they gave to the said Capt Gee The two Liverpool Vessels they first plunder'd, and then discharg'd, but kept the Onslow, and mounted her With 40 Guns; and were at Sestas in August last. A General Bill of all the Christn'ngs and Burials from the 27th of December, 1720. to the 26th of Decem- ber, 1721. ABortive Aged Ague Apoplexy Asthma Bedridden Bleeding Bloody flux Bursten Cancer Canker Chicken- Pox Childbed Chin Cough. Chrisoms Colick Consumption Convulsion Cough Diaberes Dropsie Evil Fever Fistula Flux French- Pox Gangrene Gout Gravel Grief Griping In the Guts Headmould- shoe Hooping Cough Horshoehead Jaundies Imposthume Infants Inflamation Leprosie Lethargy Liver grown Loosness Lunatick Malignant Fever Measles Mortification Pain in the Head Pain in the Limbs Palsie Planet Struck plurisie Purples Christnd Males 9585. Buried Males 13238 Quinfie Rafh Rheumatifm Rickets Rifing of the Lights Ruprure St. Anthony's Fire Scald Head Scarlet Fever Scurvey Small- Pox Sores and Ulcers . Spleen Spotted Fever Stilborn Stone Stoppage in the Stom. Suddenly Sofeit Spelling Teeth Thrulh Tiflick Twifting of the Guts Tympany Ulcers Vomiting Water in th: Head Wtrns CASUALTIES. BRoken Leg Sruifed bunt Concuflion in the Brain Drowned Exceflive Drinking Execued Found dead K'l|' d accidentally KiM'd by Falls K'll'd with a Sword Madi; away themfelvcs Murdered Overlaid Scalded Shot Smother'd Strangled LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. ReAD, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. The Letter sign'd J. H- with the Answer, shall be in- serted in our next. ADVERTISEMENTS WHERAS Thomas North, 19 Years of Age of Loughton, in the County of Essex, who hired himself to Thomas Finch, living in Lumbard- Street in the Mint, Southwark, Butcher, for one whole Year , t Walltom- Abbey Statue, did, upon Tuesday the 19th of this Instant, absent himself from his Master's Service. This is therefore to to give Notice to all Persons what soever, not to entertain the said Thomas North at their Peril ; and whomsoever shall secure the said Thomas North, and bring him to Mr. Thomas Finch in Lum- bard- Street in the Mint, as aforesaid, shall have reason- able Charges allowed them. This Day is published, A NEw System of the GOUT and Rheumatism : Drawn from Rea- son, Anatomical Observations, and perience. Under the following I. Some modern Observations from A. natomy that make the Cause of the Gout, which past Ages thought inexplicable, now the Subjest of even Ocular Demonstration. II. The Cause of the Gout from hence Demonstrated. III. The most Rational Method of Cure of the Gout. IV. The Man- ner explicated, how Medicines for the Gout make their Way immediately to the afflicted Joints, just as if they were sent of an Errand to them in particular, above any other Parts of the Body. V. Of the Use of Outward Applications and Opiates, How far. and in what Man- ner they give Ease in the Gout. Recommended to the unprejudiced Perusal of all Persons suffering under the Tyranny of those afflicting Distempers. This Boo lS Given Gratis Up one Pair of Stairs at the Sign of the Anodyne Necklace for Children's Teeth, without Tem- ple. Bar, & c. Where are also Given away the Treatises on the Secret Disease : Broken Constitutions: weaknesses & c in Either Sex: TOBACCO, and the PLAGUE. Dedicated to Dr. Sloane, President of the College of Phy- sicians of London.
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