The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 23/12/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 4
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Weekly Journal: oR, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1721. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY II. King of England. COmmanded his JusTices to apprehend and secur all such as should bring any Interdict into England, till the King's Pleasure was farther known. On the o- ther hand, Becket in France, by special Authority from the Pope, Excommunicated the Bishop of London, and proceeded so far with o- thers, that there was scarce found in the King's Chap- pel such as might perform the wonted Service. Here, upon the King sends again
to the Pope, to send him Le- gates which might absolve his Excommunicated Subjects, and settle a Peace. But the Pope's Legate:, whom he sent, did not effect a Reconciliation, by reaso of Beck- et's Perversness. Some conjecture, that in Contempt of Becket ( whose Office it was as Archbishop of Canter- bury, to Crown the King) King Henry caused his eldest Son Henry to be Crowned King of England by Roger Archbishop of York. At whose Coronation Feast, the Father King himself carrying up the first Dish of Meat, the Archbishop pleasantly said to the young King, Re- Joice, my fair Son, for there is no Prince in the World
that hath such a Servitor attending at his Table as you have. To whom the proud young King answer'd, Why wonder you at that I My Father knows that he doth nothing unbeseeming him, for asmuch as he is Royal born on one side, but our self are Royal born both by Father and Mother. Not long after this, by Mediation of some Friends, a Reconciliation between the King and Becket was efFected ; and Beckst was permitted to have the full use of his Metropolitan See, and all the Profits thereof, with the Arrearages. Which he had not long repossessed, e'er he published the Pope's Letters, by which Roger Archbishop of York, and
Hugh Bishop of Durham, were suspended from their Episcopal Function for Crowning the young King in Prejudice of the See of Canterbury And the Bishops of London, Sarum and Exeter, cut ofF from the Church by Censure, for assisting therein ; when Becket would not absolve at the young King's Request, but under Conditions : Which the old King, then in Normandy, hearing of, let fall some Words, intimating his high Displeasure against the Archbishop, and desire to be rid of him Whereupon Hugh Norvil, William Tracie, Hugh Brito, and Richard Fitz Urse, Kaights and Cour- tiers, hasted into England, and murthered the
Archbishop in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, as he stood in the Evening service time before the Altar. Which done, the Parricides fled, and Thomas was reputed for a most Glorious Saint and Marty; and strange Miracles ( beyond my Creed) are reported to have been done by this dead Roman Saint and his Blood. Amongst other Epitaphs made at his Death, this is one .- Quis moritur ? praesul. Cur? pro greeg, Qualiter? ense. Quando Natali. Quis locus Ara Dei Price Three Half Pence But the News of this vile Act coming to the Ears of the old King, he was exceedingly troubled; and to take off the Imputation of Guilt from
himself, he protested that he would submit himself to the Judgment of such Cardinal Legates as the Pope should send to enquire of the Fact. And to calm his own Perturbations, and avert Men's Thoughts from the Considations of that Trage- dy he undertook the Conquest of Ireland which he ef- fected ( being helped forward therein by the Civil Dissen- tions then amonst the Irish petty Kings.) Where having caused a Reformation of the Irish Church, and settled Affairs therein to his Conveniency, he returned into England, and from thence posted into Normandy ; where attended for his Arrival two Cardinal Legates ( sent at his
own Reguest for his Purgation, concerning Thomas a Becket's Death) by whom he was absolved : Having first given Oath, that he was no way consenting to the Fact, and declared his Sorrow for having in his Anger given Occasion by rash Words for others to do the Deed, and engaged to perform injoyned Penances The Con- ditions of his Absolution were, that at his own Charge he should maintain 200 Soldiers a whole Year, for the Defence of the Holy Land, That he should suffer Ap- peals to be made freely. That he should revoke all Customs introduced to the Prejudice of the Church's Li- berty. That he should restore and
make up the Posses- sions of the Church of Canterbury. That he should freely receive all such as were in Banishment for Becket's Cause ; and besides these, the Legates enjoyned him some other secretly, which came not to our knowledge, saith the Author of Becket's Life And now this Cloud thus blown over, another succeeds in its place, for his unnatural Son, young King Henry ( by the Instigation of his Mother, Queen Eleanor) conspired against him, having for his Confederates, the Kings of France and Scotland, his two Brothers Richard and Jeoffry, with many of the English Nobles. Against whom the Father with a bleeding
Heart for his Son's ungraciousness, pre- pared himself, and was very successful in Little Britain, where himself was in Person ; also in England by his faithful Subjects. For Humphrey de Bohun, High Con- stable of the Realm, with other Nobles, vanquished Robert Earl of Leicester, and took him Prisoner; which moved Lewis of France to seek a Truce, of him for Six Months ; whereunto King Henry yielded; then ship'd for England, landing at the Port of Hampton. From whence he took his Journey towards Canterbury, and be- ing come within about Three Miles thereof, he went bare footed, the hard Stones so cutting his tender
Feet, that the Ground was stained with his Blood. And after be came to Canterbury, and was entred into the Chapter House of the Monks, he most humbly prostrated him- self on the Ground, begged Pardon, and by the instance of his own Petition, was by all the Brethren corrected with Rods. The number of Lashes which he received on his bare Flesh amounted to Fourscoce. Likely this Penance was that, which the Legates injoyned secretly. About this time William King of Scots, that had lately entred England, was taken Prisoner. and young King Henry was with Storms driven back into France, and his Fleet scattered ; shortly
after which, Peace was con. eluded betwixt his Father and him. But yet again he fought his father's Ruin, tho' before he could effect it, he was prevented by the King of Terrors, Death, A. D, 1183. The following Year Herachus, Patriarch of Je- rusalem, arrived in England, solliciting the King to un- dertake the Holy War in his own Person, which by the 13 W Advice
( 2 i i 2 ) Advice of his Lords he refused, yet yielded to aid the Cause with Money, and gave them leave to go, that were disposed thereto. His Son John ( whom he exceed- ingly loved, and commonly in Jest call'd Sans Terre without Land; he made Lord of Ireland assuring unto him also Lands and Rents in England and Normandy , Richard and Jeoffry, his Sons, rebelling again against him. To be continu d. The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love; Ld President. The Court will not be directed by Mr. Attorney, but by the Evidence ; that, indeed, may be too hard for you; but the Court are Men of Con- science, and won't let
you receive any Prejudice. Love. I conceive if I plead to the Charge, I allow it to be legal, and desire Council may be allow'd me. Mr. Steel, Recorder. In respect to your Calling, you have had more Favour than I ever knew allow'd to any Man ; but you must of necessity plead either generally or specially ; if you put in a special Plea, the Court will consider it, and assign you Council ; but if you put nei- ther a general or special Plea, to what purpose should Council be assign'd you ? Love. Sir, if a Man be charg'd with any thing not cognizable by the Court, he may demur, AS to that Par- ticular, tho' not to the Jurisdiction of the Court
in ge- neral. , Mr. Recorder. Mr. Love, the Court can neither judge of your Objection, nor whether Law does arise till you have pleaded to the Fact ; if it be prov'd to be done before the Act made, the Court will not regard it, but strike it off, and then you will not need Council. Love. It can be no Prejudice to the Court to allow me one Day to advise with Council. Ld. President. We have shown you more Favour than perhaps became us, and nothing but Repetition of the same thing over and over again will satisfy you. Love. You accepted a special Plea in Sir John Sto- wel's Case, and if my Ignorance does not permit me to put it into
Form, why should I be refus'd the Aid of Council ? Ld. President, Sir John Stowel insisted on special Matter he had to plead ; so did Duke Hamilton and others; if there be any thing dubious in the Plea, the Court assigns Council, but not for Trifles, and we do no otherwise by you. Mr. Att. Gen. My Lord, since Arguments won't prevail, I desire you'll give Judgment as the Law di- rects. Love. I may demur to the Charge, yet not refuse to plead. Ld. President. By doing that, you confess the Charge. Clerk, read the Act. [ The Clerk reads part of the Act about refusing to plead] Love. My Lord, I desire but a Day's time to consult with
Council. Ld. President. The Court are of Opinion that you plead presently, or you shall have Judgment. Love. I will plead, if you'll promise me Council to hear the Witnesses. Ld. President. We promise you Justice. Read the , Sentence. Love. Not Guilty. Mr. Att. Gen. My Lord, in behalf of the Common- wealth, we de aver that he is guilty of the Treasons laid to his Charge ; and when the Nature of the Evi- dence is open'd, I will produce Witnesses to make it good against him. Mr. Solicitor General open'd the Nature and Course of the Evidence ; and Mr Attorney afterwards observ'd the Heinousness of the Crime ; that several of the
Con- spirators had fled for it, and others were so ingenuous as to confess; but that this Man, tho' a Minister of the Gospel, and a Seducer of others, persisted in denying it; notwithstanding he must know in his Conscinece that the Fact would be prov'd upon him. Ld. President. Mr. Love, you cannot but be sensible of your Privity to these Things which have been open'd, and you cannot do better than to confess them. Love. I protest, in the Prefence of God and this As- sembly, that I never wrote any Letter to, or receiv'd any Letter from, or collected or gave any Money, to be sent to the King of Scotland, or Queen his Mother, or the
State or Church of Scotland In general, or to any particular Person of the Scotish Nation, since the Wars began ; nor ever saw Titus, or receiv'd any thing from Mr. Att. Geo, My Lord, we shall produce our Wit- nesses ; call Captain Potter. Love. I except against him, he hath made a Con- fession which is equal to a Conviction, and I hope the Court won't admit him. Mr. Att. Gen. I have more Reason than Mr. Love to object against him, because he has been a Party, but I desire he may be admitted. Captain Potter sworn. Love. Let him he ask'd if he was not threaten'd with Death unless he would testify against me. Ld. president.
Your over Importunity shall not pre- vail with us. Relate what you know of this Treason that hath been carried on these two Years by the Pres- byterian Party. Capt. Potter. In my former Examination I related several Things by Hearsay, and on Belief, but desire now I am sworn, that I may be ask'd nothing but what relates to my own Knowledge. Mr. Att Gen. Speak what you know of sending to and from Scotland, and from whom you know it. Capt. Porter; I was not privy to the first Tranfaction, I said Drake told if me; but I am not positive, and may err; therefore I desire to answer only what I can affirm upon Oath. Mr. Att. Gen.
What do you know of Mason's com- ing, and the Answer that was return'd him ? Capt. Potter. I can say nothing of my own Know, ledge, but was told that Mason came from my Lord Piercy to sound the Tempers of the People, and found it more adviseable that the King should join with the Scots than with the Cavaliers. Mr. Att. Gen. You were invited to the Meetings; who was there, and what Discourse had you ? Capt. Potter. I think William Drake, Captain Al- ford, Mason and Titus were there ; but I cannot be cer- tain, and we had only common Discourse. Ld. President. Were not you mov'd to go to Jersey ? and did not Titus
offer to go? Capt. Potter. I was not, but have heard Titus was to go. Mr. Att Gen. Let him declare if he was not present in Mr. Love's Study when a Letter came from Titus, what were the Contents of it, and who was there; and what Debates were had on it. * Capt. Potter. I have either seen or heard of a Letter from Titus ( I know not which) for some one to come to Calais about the Treaty; and remember Major Alford told me he went over to him ; but I cannot say it was * either in Mr. Love's Study, or in his House, or whether he was present, but believe he was not. [ Mr. Attorney produces his Examination, and the Clerk reads to
him ] Capt. Potter. ' I verily believe the Substance of that Examination to be true upon my Conscience, but can- not swear to my Knowledge of it. Mr. Att. Gen. How many Days were betwixt Al- ford's going to and return from Calais and where did he return the Answer he brought from Titus ? Capt. Potter. I think ' twas about a Week, and be- lieve he made a Relation at Mr. Love's, and in his Pre- sence, but am not sure whether ' twas there or any where else. [ His Examination was read again.] , , Mr. Att. Gen. What was the Substance of the King's Letter ? Capt. Potter. I scarce remember there was a Letter, but have heard there
was; and the Examination you shew me was not of my framing. Mr. Att. Gen. My Lord, he perus'd other Men's In- formations, and by them added and amended his own and, when corrected, brought these very Things written with his own Hand. Capt. Potter. I acknowledge the Hand, and believe it to be true, as I have heard. . . Mr Att. Gen. On the Oath you have taken, is it not true of your own Knowledge? Capt. Porter. I can't say I saw the King's Letter, of heard it read, or whether Alford told me, tho' I think he did. Love. Is it fair for Mr. Attorney to help the Wit- ness ? To be continu'd
the FAIRY TATLER. No. 2. CHaracters of Persons as they seldom reach right, or aim well, but are either Flatteries, or Reproach- es ten Times to one, where they are naked and open Truths, are of Consequence, but of little Service to the World.' And till Men are brought to forsake Interest for Honesty, and Prejudice for Truth, they will ever be as they are, and continue to lead the Beliefs of others in Error, and Perplexity, in blindness and falshood. Chloe as she cannot be flatter'd so, she is too engaging and good Natur'd, to suffer the Reproach and false Ac- cusations of any. Even her Enemies, ( if a Creature so Perfect and
Innocent as she is, can have any,) are too tender to Revile her Publickly, or at all. Lady Scornful, who is the worst she has, speaks never diminutively of her, but with the greatest Reserve and Modesty she is Mistress off Poor Chloe has the Love and Respect of most at the Tea Table, the Ladies are all her Friends, and the Men her Admirers. Daphnis who has for some time made pressing Pretentions to her, gives her the best Character in the World, yet no better a one than she de- serves; he calls her his Angel, his Charmer, his Happi- ness, snd a thousand such fond Names when ever he is with her. The Girl, I am apt to think,
is sensible of his Passion, and repays it with an equal Fondness. They Love mutually, and happily. Poor Chloe has been trou- bled at some Disturbances he has lately met with from his Friends upon her Account. The other Day Daphnis found her reading a few Lines of her own Composing. The Sentiments were soft and tender, the Poetry smooth and natural, and the disorder and grief of her Mind, seem to run quite thro' the whole. The Verses were these, Where shall I now retire for Ease, No Peace or Joy I find. My Life Aides from me by Degrees O Fortune most unkind. I'll search the World, and see if I, With one so curst can
meet, Then Lowly on the Earth will lye; And our sad Woes repeat. No help thro' all this Grove I see, Nor one to please my Cry; I'll make my Grave beneath this Tree And full of Grief I'll die. Daphnis was sensibly affected at the reading of this, he felt something beyond Expression at her Constancy ; a thousand and a thousand Times he kiss'd the dear Paper, but ten thousand thousand Times oft'ner her much dearer self ; his Joy had run to an Extravagance, if he had not been forc'd to recover himself at the sight of Company, who were just entring the Room, and had like to have surpris'd him in that languishing Posture, however
he still finds the dear pleasing Satisfaction he at first receiv'd from it, and waits but the favourable Time to make her his own, in Spite of Friends, Fortune, and all other Oppositions. Will Ditto in the mean while still continues in his old Road, Thirty two Conquests and a half ( as Mr. Cowley says,) according to wills way of Reckoning, he made lately in one Night, the Devil a Farthing tho' he cares for e'er a one of ' em, if you'll believe him; however he'll be as Courteous and Charitable to his whole Seraglio ( he promisses) in general, as a new Candidate for a Shire; upon an Election Day. I have not learnt yet how he behaves himself
in his New Government, but before when that comes to my Hands, as well as the Success of Chloe, whom I wou'd fain eftablish in favour with the Ladies, my Fairy Readers shall be sure to hear of it. Mr. READ, AS yours is the only Journal which those who dare, even in these Days of murmuring and repining, openly Evince their unfeign'd and inviolate Integrity to the present Government and Ministry, I flatter my self that you will want no Arguments to perswade you to do Justice on that Occasion. In reality, Mr. Read, the Spirit of Faction, Sedition, aud Discontent are grown so powerful, that a mild Government, or a moderate
way of Reasoning, are but impotent Remedies for such a growing Evil, which ought to have been pull'd up by the Roots, when It was first shooting up it's Head This makes it high Time to shake off little Effeminate Tales, and nobly rowze your self in defence of your King and Country. To put you in a Method to do this; I shall consider in chief Articles which the dissafected, and disgusted Party make use of to found their pretend- ed Complaints on. First, His Majesty on his coming to the Crown resolv'd to have a set of Ministers and servants a- bout him, whom he cou'd confide in liew of those, gave just Reason to suspect their
favouring another Interest, and whom he appears resolv'd never to trust whilst he lives. This was call'd turning out the Church, tho' they were every Whit as good Churchmen who were put in their Places. Secondly, He call'd some to Account by the known Laws of the Land, and by that Means drove their Idol Ormond and Bullingbroke into Banishment. Thirdly, He won't let the Convocation sit, because he apprehends they wou'd do more Harm than Good by their imperious Proceedings, and in regard, the Church is more peace, ably govern'd without them. Fourthly, That after the Rebellion he lopt off the Heads of one favourite
Popish, and one Jacobite Protestant Lord, against the powerful Solicitations of some tender hearted Christians, and lukewarm Whigs, to shew that he was a Prince of Re- solution, and fit to Reign, and not a feeble- hearted Mo- narch plac'd on a Throne, to be Wound up and set Right like a Finger- Clock, set up only for Show and Ornament.' Fifthly, That in pursuance of the Faith and Honour of Treaties, and With a Spirit worthy a British King, he sent his Fleet into the Mediterranean, took and destroy'd the Spanish Fleet, and totally Suppress'd the Neval Power of that Kingdom, the growing Strength of which seem'd to threaten
both our Trade, and Liberties, and put a final stop to their Designs of throwing the Pretender in upon Us, either then, or at any Time hereafter, if they shou'd be so inclin'd, and in the End brought down King1 Philip's Stomach to an Honourable and Advan- tageous Peace. without giving up Gibraltar and Port- Mahon ; and so got over that Stumbling Block, which . our Enemies thought had been immoveably thrown in the Way. Sixthly, That he sent a Squadron every Year to the Baltick, both to protect our Trade, and preserve the Kingdom of Sweden from falling into the Hands of its Enemies, by that means keeping up the Balance
of Power in the North, preserving the Protestant Interest, intimidating our Enemies, and cherishing and encou- raging our Friends, and making the Name of Great. Britain formidable to all the World. Seventhly That he continues to confer all Civil and Ecclesiastical Posts and Benefices, on such as distinguish themselves by their Zeal for his Person and Government, and particularly in con- tempt of the good Wishes of his Disafected High flying Subjects, he did make the Lord Pelham a Duke, and Dr. Headly a Bishop. Eightly and Lastly, That the late Di- rectors of the South- Sea, were a pack of Villains, that many by their Losses
are disgusted to the Government Poverty being a great Incentive to Railing and the Spleen; and finally that Mr. Knight is run to Rome, and Mr. Law come to England. These Complaints you will say, Mr. Read, are very heinous ones, of such and the like ingredients they make Pellets of, which being let off like Pot- Guns, in the Ears of the Ignorant, do great Execution, and have deafen'd their Sences, and perverted their Understand- ing. To give a Summary of the Blessings and Benefits of his Reign, wou'd seem naturally to follow, but his very Enemies save me that Labour, for one cannot repeat what they maliciously impute to
him as Blemishes, but it Illustrates his Virtues, and adds Glory to his Reign and Character. Nor need I be at any pains to justify his Maxims of Government, since I am well assur'd, he is resolv'd to be King of Great- Britain on his own Terms, not theirs, and that he is no more mov'd at the stupid Clamours unjustly raiss'd, than a well flesh'd Lion wou'd be at the yelping of a diminutive Cur. Europe knows and fears him, and Britain will fear and love him too, when th: y know him better, especially, when they find that he is never to be wrought upon to be what they wou'd make him. vid, Blunt. A Marble Caesar pinion'd to a Throne, The
People Regnant, and the Monarch Stone? I shall conclude this Subject with a Story I have met with of the famous Christian Queen of Sweden That ' ' Royal
( zBi6 ) being one of those who was to have been Executed, but was Yesterday Repriv'd. Christopher Samuel Graff, of St. Andrews Holborn, was indicted for a Rape, committed in and upon the Bo- dy of Sarah Pearse, Aged about 12 Years, on the nth of September last. Sarah pearse depos'd, that about three in the After- noon, the Prisoner called her up Stairs, and when she came to him, he pulled her into the Parlour, where she saw his Night- Gown lying on the Floor, at which being frightned, she cry'd out, and held by the Door, but he loosed her Hands, and told her it would signifie nothing to cry out, for no body could hear
her, and then tying a Napkin about her Head to prevent her making a Noise, he laid her upon the Floor, laid himself upon her, and thrust something up her Body, which she thought would tear her to pieces, and made her bleed so much, that when he took her up again and carried her into the Kitchen, she blooded all the Stairs as she went down. That he lighted a Fire himself, and made her pull her Cloaths off; and then he got Towels to wipe the Blood from her, and afterwards put some Flower into a couple of Napkins, and tied them fast round her Waste with a Hankerchief, which was produc'd in Court. The Pri- soner then got a
Bowl of Water and a Cloath, and washt all the Stairs down where they were Bloody; that he came to her again, and she being very cold after such a great Effusion of Blood, he told her, she must go to Bed and then she'd be better, he then wash'd her Shift and hung it to dry, and took her up to Bed ; but she bleed, ing still, he tore the Sheet and wrapt about her, and co- vered her up close to make her swear; a little while af- ter he brought her some Powder, which he gave her in a glass of Water, which made her both purge and vomit so much, that she fill'd the Chamber Pot three or four times, which the Prisoner carried down
and emptied. That afterwards he gave her two pence, bid her be a good Girl and not tell any body, and if his Wife dy'd in Childbed he'd marry her. Humphrey Cooper, Surgeon, deposed, that upon Exa- mining the Child, he found the Vagina extended, torn and bruis'd with a forcible entry. That she had been penetrated even to the inner Matrix; and that he was forc'd to use the utmost Art, both by external and inter- nal Medicines, to prevent a Mortification, and that the Child told him the Prisoner had forced her, But she was ashamed to speak of it. The Prisoner in his Defence, said that whilst the Child lived with Mrs Lee, he has
called her to him, and said, Sarah, let me feel yuo, and I'll give you a Penny, think, ing she'd run away, but she has stood quietly and let him ; that then he said to her, Sarah, go and undress your self, and come to me, and I'll give you two pence, and the Child has done so; that he had lain with her several times, before that mention'd in the Indictment, on the Table, the Dresser, and the Floor, for a Penny and Two pence a time, and that she would naturally come to him and earn a Penny after that manner, and he could not be guilty of a Rape, when' the Girl was always willing. That when his Wife next Day suspecting some. thing,
by the disorder of the Room and Bed- Cloaths, ask'd the Girl, if any body had been rude with her, she said, No ; that when feveral others ask'd her the same Question, and tax'd her with it closely, she answer'd no. That the next Morning, being Tuesday after the Fact, she, the Child, walk'd with her Mistress as far as Shoreditch ; that on Wednesday, he sent her with some Pills to Mrs. Talbot's, who ask'd her how she liked her new Master, and the Girl said very well. This Mrs. Talbot Swore to in court, That if any harm had been done to the Child, it would have shew'd it self sooner. That the Child's Mother offer'd to make it up with
him for five Guineas ; and that Mrs. Loe had quarrell'd with his Wife, and threaten'd to Hang him- Dr. Dearing depos'd, that going, at the Prisoner's Re- quest, to see what Damage was done the Child, the Mo- ther refus'd to let him, saying, that they had already employ'd an able Surgeon, who was Master of his Busi- ness. This Deponent added, That it was next to im- possible the wounded Parts of the Child should be in any danger of a Mortification ( as the former Surgeon depos'd.) for a Mortification can't easily ensue after such an EfFu- LONDO N: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Sreet. Where
Advertisements are taken in. sion of Blood, and where the Parts are not expos'd to the Air; and had there been any thing like a Mortifica- tion, the friction of those external Parts would have fretted, and made them so sore, that the Child could not possibly have gone so far as Shoreditch. The Prisoner brought several to swear, that they had heard the Child say, the Prisoner had lain with her seve- ral times before, and giving her Money for so doing; but at last he call'd one to his Reputation, who depos'd, that the Prisoner was a Man of such extraordinary Mo- desty, that being at the Christning of this Deponent's Child, he had not
Boldness enough to kiss the Gossips, but they were forc'd to kiss him. The Jury considering the whole, found him Guilty. Death. Yesterday four of the Condemn'd Malefactors were Executed at Tyburn, it is very remarkable that one of them went in his Shroud. Upon hearing that the King had granted his most Gracious Pardon to Gray, the Scotch Footman, who made an Attempt on Mrs. Murray's Chastity. Great, Good, and Gracious Monarch ; how shall I Refound thy Matchless Praises thro' the Sky .- Ages to come shall Celebrate thy Fame; Your Mercy shall for Ever be their Theme. SIR, Decem. 1721. THE Jacobites, who, yon
know, were always the merriest People in his Majesty's Dominions, seem at this Time to be stung with a Tarantula, which has set them a Capering and Laughing like mad : Nothing will serve them but that their Chevalier Don Fugitive is coming into France to be near the Sea side to watch any Advantage that may happen for his Interest on the Election of a New Parliament. A merry Whim enough; but as neither you nor I may have Leisure to throw a- way our Time in serious Arguments, to shew the Sim- plicity of this Megrim that is got into their Noddles, I shall e'en answer it in a suitable Manner, in the fol- lowing Lines, set to a
merry Psalm Tune, which some of them may chance to sing a doleful Stave or two to, at a certain Place, if they don't take Care. The Man is Blest, that hath a Chest, Well stor'd with Wealth, they say ; So he's i'th' right, that will not Fight, In time, to run away. As't do's appear, did Chevalier, Upon a certain Day. Pope's Bulls may roar, the Jacks may soar, and keep a mighty Din, But Perkin he may scratch his a- se, And claw off all the Skin, And they be Bang'd, again, and Hang'd Before they bring him in. Sic cecinit, Robertus Whiglove. Christned, Males 171. Females, 175. In all 347 Buried, Males 272. Females, 274. In all 546.
Increas'd in the Burials this Week 30. CASUALTIES, Excessive Drinking r OverIaid y. South Sea Stock was 94. Bank 123. India Book shut. African 23. Unsubscribed Lottery Annuity 100. York Buildings 28 1 half. Royal Exchange Assurance 7 5 Sths. London Assurance 5 1 half.