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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 16/12/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER I6, 1721. Weekly Journal, oR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. earl Geofry of Anjon, was Crowned at Westminster by Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury. And Henry to settle the Realm in quiet, demolish'd certain Castles, and fortified others. Some Earls unduly Created, he re- duced into a private condition, purged the Realm of Foreign Soldiers, chiefly of the Flemings. Chuse him- self a Council out of the most Eminent Persons Spiri- tual and Temporal, and restrained the Insolencies of some great Personages, which made some of them dis- contented, especially that arrogant Lord Hugh de Morti- mer, who raised a Rebellion Against whom the King went in Person, where in the Siege of Bridge- North he had been shot with an Arrow, had not Hubert de St. Claro interposed, and took the Arrow into his own Bo- som. The King having quited the Rebels, he hasted in- to France, and there did Homage to King Lewis for his French Provinces. Normandy, Aquitain, Anjou, Main and Loraine, which was partly the Inheritance of his Queen Eleanor ; settled an accord between himself and Brother Godfrey, and at his return into England entred into Amity with Malcolm King of Scots, restoring to him the Earldom of Huntingdon. Then he advanced a- gainst the Welsh, with whom fighting, his Person was in great danger, his Standard Royal cowardly abandon- ed; for the which Henry de Essex, Standard- bearer, was afterward accused by Robert de Montford, who in single Combat within Lists vanquished him at Reading, where the said Eflex was shorn a Monk. But the King at length overcame the Welsh, and returned with Triumph into England ; after which himself and his Queen Eleanor were Crowned at Worcester, where they both at the Offertory laid their Crowns upon the High Altar, vowing never to wear them after. This now was the Third time in which at Three several places, Westmin- ster. Lincoln and Worcester, he had been Crowned. Then the King cross'd the Seas into his Dukedom of Normandy , where he made Seizure of some Cities into his Hands, after his Brother Geofry's Death, and settled some Affairs, then returned. After which, and about the Year 116), began the famous Controversy betwixt the King and his Favourite Becket, whom in the begin- ning of his Reign he had advanced to be Lord Chancellor, and upon the Death of Theobald, to be Archbishop of Canterbury. Which Archbishoprick Becket at the Coun- cil of Tours, secretly delivered up to the Pope, and re- ceived It again from his Hands. But the Cause of the dissention betwixt the King and the Bishop, was the Remisness and Neglect of Becket's curbing the Disorders Price Three Half Pence. of the Church Men, which then were grown to a dan- gerous height; complaint having been made to the King, of above a Hundred Murthers, committed by the Clergy in his Reign- Which Enormities, besides many others of other kinds, not being punished by Church Censure, the King exceedingly displeased. brought them under the Civil Power, ordering that Justice should be administred to all alike, without partiality, as well Clergy as Laity, appointing Ministers of JustiCe thro' all Parts of the Land to that purpose, against which Becket opposed him- self, peremptorily defending the pretended Rights of the Clergy, and his See of Canterbury ; yea so far, as that he challenged from the CroWn the Custody of Rochester Castle, and other Forts, which the King for securing his State had resumed into his own Hands. Hereupon the King assembling his Bishops at Westminster, it was there agreed, That none should appeal to the See of Rome in any case, without the King's leave. That no Archbishop or Bishop, upon the Pope's Summons, should go out of the Realm without the King's Licence. That no Bishop should excommunicate any holding of the King in Chief, or put any cf his Officers under Interdict, without the King's Licence. That Clerks criminous should be tryed before secular Judges, Unto which Articles the King peremptorily urged Becket to yield, without any Reser- vation of saving in all things his Order and Right of the Church. But Becket utterly refused, sending Com- plaints thereupon to the Pope, who very desirous to keep the King's Favour, required the Bishop to yield unto the King without any Salvo's or Exceptions. So Becket, though with much Reluctancy, at length did swear in verbo Sacerdotali & de plano, that he would obserVe the Laws which the King intituled Avitte, of his Grandfather, the like to which did all other Bishops and Nobility. But notwithstanding, Becket refused to set his Seal to the Instrument wherein these Customs were comprehended, alledging that he did promise it only to do the King some Honour in word, but not with intent to confirm the said Articles. Whereupon the King sent to Pope Alexander III. thinking by his means to have subjected the Prelate. But he passing it by, the King undertook the Case himself, and by his Peers and Bishops, had all Becket's moveable Goads condemned to his Mercy ; they all adjudging him Guilty of Perjury. The Bishops did, by the Mouth of the Bishop of Chichester, disclaim thenceforward all Obedience to him st their Archbishop. And the next Day, whilst they were consulting concern- ing him, the Bishop caused to be sung before him at the Altar ; The Princes sit and speak against me, and the Ungodly persecute me, 8cc and forthwith taking his Silver Crosier in his Hands, be entred therewith into the King's Pre- sence. But the King enraged at his Boldness, command- ed his Peers to sit in Judgment on him, and they adjudg- ed him as a Traytor and Perjured Person, to be apprehend- ed and cast into Prifon. To prevent which, Becket fled into Flanders, the Pope now 0penly siding with him, and also Lewis the French K'ng But Henry, to let the Ser- vant of Servants know that he was Supreme in his own Kingdom, and that he liked not his taking part with a Subject against his Sovereign Lord, commanded the Sheriffs to attack such as did appeal to the Court of Rome, with the Relations of all such of the English Clergy as were with Becket, and to put them under Suri- ties : Also to seize their Revenues, Goods and Chattels. The King likewise seized all the Archbishop's Goods and Profits, banished his kindred, prohibiting his beirg pub- lickly Prayed for as Archbishop. ii U The GREAT BRITAIN. The Life of HENRY II. King of England. HENRY Plantagenet, the Son of Maud the empress, ( who was the Daughter of K. Henry 1. by Maud his first Wife, who was the Daughter of Malcolm, King of Scotland, by St. Mar- garet Daughter to Edward, Son of Ed- ward, Son of Ed- mund Ironside) and ( iic6 ) The Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love. Mr. Att. Gen. My Lord, I act only according to Law, and the Duty of my Place, and alledge nothing against him but what he stands charg'd with ; I desire he may be held to his Duty as a Prisoner, viz. to plead and put himself on his Tryal, and let him talk to clear himself afterwards. Love. Mr. Lilburne did not plead first, I desire the same Liberty. „ , , ,, Clerk reads. Christopher Love, you stand charg'd & c. Love. If Matter of Law arise in the Indictment, I have Liberty to move for Council, for it's said in Co. 3. inst. [ The Prisoner, when he pleads Not Guilty, where, by he denies the Fact, after the Plea of Not Guilty, can have no Council ; but if he have any Matter of Law to plead before, he may urge it ) And says further [ that the safest way is to plead the special Matter for overthrow- ing of the Indictment ; and to require Council, and a Copy of so much of the Indictment as is requisite to frame his Plea on, both which ought to be granted, be- cause the Indictment is commonly found in his Absence ] Ld. President. But yours is in your Presence, neither is it more than a written Parchment till you have plead- ed. Love. Sir, I think there are several Matters of Law arise in the Indictment, to which I desire Council assign'd me, for the Act 26 Mar. 1650, only forbids the Mission and Receipt of Letters, & c. to and from England or Ireland, which I conceive does not include Scotland. Mr Att. Gen. Then you acknowledge the Receipt and Mission, of Letters to Scotland ? Love Sir I do, not own it. Mr. Att. Gen There was an Act read that relates to Scotland; but if he'll acknowledge the Fact, and demur to its being within Cognizance of the Act , or Power of this Court, I'll join with him. Love. Sir, the same Act prohibits corresponding with any in Arms against the Parliament; now, I question whether the Scots were arm'd in opposition to the Par- liament of England, or in their own Defence. I also question, from your Lordship's own Affirmation at the Tryal of Lilburne, that according to the Forms of Law, he must say he would be try'd by God and his Country, viz. by a jury ; why am I try'd otherwise ? if that was Law in Guild Hall, why not Law likewise in Westminster Hall ? Ld. President. That Tryal was by the antient Laws, this by Statutes newly made, to proceed against such Persons as yourself; and here you have twenty or forty of your Neighbours according to Law. Love. Sir, were I try'd by a Jury, I have Power to except against 35 ; and that being always allow'd a le- gal way of Tryal; and the House having declar'd the 9th of February 1648, that they would preserve the Fun- damental Laws for Preservation of People's Liberties; & c. why am I now try'd contrary to that legal funda- mental Method, viz. by a jury. Mr. Atr. Gen. My Lord, the Parliament have not nor cannot restrain their own Power; they have given him this way of Tryal, and should he except against 35, here Would not be a Court left ; a Prisoner ought not to be allow'd this Liberty ; if he refuse to plead, let him plainly say it, and I shall answer accordingly. Love. I refuse not a Tryal, if you allow me legal Li- berties ; I therefore desire Council here and in my Cham- ber, and then I'll plead. Mr. Att. Gen He has had a Fortnight's Notice, and Council not deny'd him, and has made Preparation, as is evident by the Acts he has perus'd : Council was re- fus'd at Lilburne's Tryal, where he was present to make Observations, in order to his Defence, and ( as I am in- form'd; Lilburne has been with him as Council in the Tower. Love, There's more Law arises in the Charge against me, than in Lilburne's Case ; several Things are laid to be done before the 29th of March, which are not within the Cognizance of the Court, and I desire to have Coun- cil assign'd by the Court, for those I sent to, would not come to me unless they were ; neither could they advise me, not having a Copy of the Charge. Mr. Att. Gen. My Lord, it's unusual to have Coun- cil, until out of the Matter of Fact some Point of Law arise , and for a Copy of the Charge it was never de- manded before. Ld. President. You might have had a Copy If you had ask'd it; and tho' a Tryal by Commission of Oyer and Terminer be by Grand and Petit Jury ( both which are included in this Court) yet the Proceedings to plead are the same here as in that Method of Tryal ; and you must first plead and hear the Evidence, and if Matter of Law arise upon it, we will assign you Council. Love. In ordinary Courts the Judges are Council for the Prisoner ; but you here are Judges both of Law and Fact, and I can't consult with you ; therefore I desire a Copy of the Charge and Council. Mr. Att. Gen. ' Twas never granted ; and if you will not plead, I shall move for Justice. Another Member. Mr. Love, your urging that cor- responding with Scotland is not cognizable by this Court, is questioning the Power of the Court, which we shan't allow Council to dispute. Love If a Man be charg'd with Treason in the Court of Common- Pleas he may demur to the juris- diction of the Court; so here, if I am charg'd with some Things not cognizable here, I may demur to the Jurisdiction, as to that Particular. There are some things in the Charge said to be done before the Act for constituting the Court was made. Mr. Att. Gen. The Act expresses, that Offences re- lating to Scotland shall be tried as other Offences in the High- Court of Justice. Love. The Asts mention, that if a Man be not pro- secuted within a Year, the Accusation is void ; now my Charge looking back to 1648 and 1649, I may demur to the Charge. Ld. President. If the Evidence speak not to any thing since that time, your Exception's good ; but that's unknown till we hear the Evidence. Love. Whatever the Witnesses prove, yet being charg'd for Facts in 1648 and 1649, I am indicted for those Things I ought not ; therefore desire Council to advise me if I may not acknowledge some part, and de- mur to some part of the Indictment. A Member. My Lord his Arguments proceed from his Ignorance, for Law cannot arise before the Fact be in question ; for whether his Misson of Letters, at such a Time, be a Crime, will arise after the Fact is prov'd which will be sav'd to him ; but before that, his Request cannot be granted. Love. I desire then to know the meaning of these Words in Co. Inst. [ That the Prisoner at the Bar may, have Council to overthrow the Indictment] it cannot be after pleading, for then the Witnesses are produc'd. Mr. Att. Gen. The Indictment may be overthrown by the Witness; but sure he cannot think to have Law Lectures read and explain'd to him here: As to his Offences, they are laid from 1648 to 1651, and I shall apply the Evidence to such Times as are within the Time limited by the Statute. My Lord, I shall prove that he has continued in a Series of treasonable Practices from 1648, till since the Time of his Imprisonment. Love. Sir, though I expect not the Explanation, I expest the Benefit of the Law ; and since that allows me Council to overthrow the Indictment, . why should I be refus'd it ? A Member. Mr. Love, whether you have done the Facts charg'd against you, we know not, or whether you have done ' em contrary to Law, we know not, till we apply the Evidence to the Acts of Parliament; there- fore do not insist on your Demand out of time, lest you are refus'd it in time, for it can't be allow'd till Matter of Law arise upon the Evidence. Ld. President. If each Felon at the Old- Bailey was allow'd Council before he pleaded, there would be no end of the Sessions. Love. The Jury there are Judges of Fact, but you here, of both Law and Fact. Pray, Sir, satisfy me ( in what I find by Judge Coke) whether an Indictment can't be overthrown before pleaded to ? Ld. President. You have taken no notice of what has been said to you. Read his Charge once more; if you'll not plead, we proceed to Judgment. Clerk. Christopher Love, you stand charg'd, See. Love. I still believe Law does arise from the Charge, and desire Council. Mr. Att Gen. I desire Council may be refus'd him till he has pleaded. Love. Mr. Attorney makes those Words good he told me in the Tower, viz. Tho' you are too hard for me in the Pulpit, I'll be too hard for you at the Bar. To be continu'd. The ( ) The FAIRY TATLER. No. II. LOve, of all the Passions, is the most Noble and Use- ful ; it refines the Corruptions of our Nature ; it sweetens and corroborates the Soul with that Meek- ness and Sagacity, that nothing but it self can, and makes a compleat and bewitching Harmony throughout the various Organs of it. Yet true and genuine Love is as uncommon, and as difficult to be met with, as it is distinguish'd from all other Kinds of Love. Pygmalion Cou'd not have any AffectionS towards a cold Statue, for any thing but its Shape and Proportion, or the Agreeableness of some particular Features ; if nothing but the outward Charms of the Face or Person was requisite in the fixing this Passion in the Soul, we shou'd have no need to use our internal Faculties, but please and satisfie our selves with the Use of our Eyes and Hands only ; but it is Sympathy of Souls rais'd first by the Agreement of the Eye, and propagated by the Ear and the Understanding. Will. Ditto, an honest good- natur'd Fellow, but one who little troubles himself with Thinking, will have the Parents of Love to be nothing but a soft Gripe, and a warm Kiss or two. Will will- swear he loves half a Dozen in less than half a Minute, ay, and infinitely too. I remember, at a Visit my Lady whisp'erd him, to desire his Company presently in the Park ; away goes my Lady, away follows my Gentleman; she was pun- ctual to a Moment, so was he too ; but Lord the Sur- prize ! instead of being alone with him, as she expected, he had brought all the Company after him to wait upon her ; he thinks there is no Musick ( as he calls it) in the Conversation of less than half a Score, when one that truly loves, loves only the dear Familiarity of One. Chloe is fitted in every Part for this singular Plea- sure ; she has all the Acquirements of Dress, Person, and Carriage, to make her Charming, and Wit, Good- Nature, and Knowledge, to make her Particular ; I love her for ' em both, but most for the latter, tho' it is hard to determine whether her internal or external Qua- lifications are greatest ; her Endowments of Person can. not any Way be attain'd to by another ; but the Ex- cellencies of her Mind, by observing cautiously and wisely, we may in time know how, in some Measure, tO acquire, and how to use ' em. But who can such a Tow'ring Height attain, Or climb the Hills, that fears to walk the Plain ? If we by just Degrees wou'd reach the Sky, We must not ( at the first) attempt too high ; But at a lower Mark, and humbler Distance fly. O Chloe, Chloe, wou'd my Fate ordain To me so great and promising a Gain ; Were I but happy in a Wit like thine, And O wer't thou but constituted mine ! Let feeble Empire unrequested go, ( know. I greater Joys in Thee, than Reigning Kings shou'd Dear to my Soul ! If thou on Earth can'st see A Thing more precious than thy self to me ; If ever since for Thee my Passion grew, Hy Heart another pleasing Object knew, O precious Lov'd, and Dear to me, may I Unpity'd lose thee, and untimely Die. But whilst my Passion may deserve your Care, And your sweet Image in my Breast I bear, O give that Heart you cruelly confine, Or stamp my Form in yours, as you are stampt in mine. A Person of Quality of St. James's having Occasion lately to speak with a Jeweller, who liv'd at the other End of the Town, writ a Letter to him which he design'd to send by the Penny Post, but not knowing exactIy how to direcl it, he call'd for an Irish Footman he kept, who had once or twice been at the Jeweller's House, to ask him the Question, Teague answer'd, that he did not know, but he wou'd go and see prefently. The Gentleman supposing he had been only gone down Stairs to enquire among the Family, Seal'd up his Letter, laid it ready for writing the Superscription upon Teague's coming up again, and so went to his Tea, not remembring it again for sometime. In about an Hour's time, or little more, in comes Teague sweating, and blowing, and up he go's to his Master, who now began to enquire for him. How now says the Gentleman, where have you been ? to which Teague replied ce have been to know trot how you must shend your Letter. Let- ter! says the Gentleman, why you might have been at Aldgate by this time. Hoo, by my Shoul, answer'd Teague; ee have been furder than Algate too: Ee have been in Good, Good Good be Creest ee have forgot what Naum they do put upon the Plash, but ee will go back again. In the in- terim comes up the Jeweller, who the Gentleman seeing, left off Interogatories with Teague, and told him he was glad he was come so luckily, for he wanted to speak with him, and was just going to write to him to call to Morrow. I guess'd you wanted me answer'd the Jeweller, because honest Teague here was at my House just now ( he living in Goodmans Fields) to know how you might direct a Penny Post Letter to me? The Jest compounded for Teagues Ignorance, and put the whole Family into a ge- neral Laughter; and his Master tells him, that in consi- deration of his extraordinary Genius and Qualifications, he wiil prick him down for a small Place at Court, or recommend him at the next Election for Representing the Wise and Antient Borough of Goatham. An EPILOGUE spoke to a Play call'd the Alchymist. OL D Surly Ben, to Night , hath let us know, ? That in this Isle a Plenteous Crop did Grow S Of Knaves and Fools a Hundred Years ago: J Chymists, Bawds, Gamesters, and a Numerous Train Of humble Rogues, content with moderate Gain, The Poet had he liv'd to see this Age, Had brought Sublimer Villains on the Stage; Our Knaves sin higher Now than those of Old, Kingdoms, not Private Men, are Bought and Sold, Witness the South Sea Project, which hath shown ? How, far Pihlosophers may he out done > By Modern St- sm - n that have found the stOne. j Well might it take it's Title from the Main, That Rose so swift and Sunk so soon again; Fools have been always Bit by artful Lyes, But here the Cautions were deceivd and wise, And yet, in these Flagitious Monstrous Times, The Knaves detected Triumph in their Crimes, Wallow in Wealth, have all things at Command, And Brave the Vengeance of an Injur'd Land ; Well ! since we've learn d Experience at our Co st Let us preserve the Remnant not yet Lost, > Though L- w, from France, be landed on the Coast, By Sober Arts aspire to Guiltless Fame. And prove that Virtue's not an Empty Name. Monday dy'd Sir John Shaw at Eltam in Kent, Col- lector of the Customs Inwards in the Port of London. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Hamilton from Jamaica to Bristol, Capt. Smith, hath been taken in her Passage by a Spanish Ship, ( on what Account we know not,) and that soon after both were taken by a Pyrate, plunder'd and burnt. We hear that Mr. Benj. Woolmer, Surgeon at the Bath, and late Servant to Robert Gay, Esq; Representa- tive of the said City, died the 6th Instant, by several Bruises received by the overturning of a Chariot, in his Journey from Bath to the Hon. Sir William Wyndham's. The Admirals Hosier and Wager, are returned to Town from Portsmouth and Chatham, whither they went to forward the Squadron intended for a Secret Ex- pedition. The Directors of the Welsh Copper Company were impower'd at their last General Court, to make a Call of one Pound per Share ; but for the Ease of the Mem- bers, they have agreed to call in no more than ten Shil. lings per Share, which is to be paid this Week. A Receipt to make an Oat- meal Pudding. OF Oats decorticated take two Pound, And of new Milk enough the same to drown'd Of Raisons of the Sun, ston'd, Ounces eight. Of Currants, cleanly pick'd, an equal Weight Of Sewet, finely slic'd, an Ounce, at least, And six Eggs, newly taken from the Nest : Season this Mixture well, with Salt and Spice, " Twill make a Pudding far exceeding Rice ; And you may safely feed on it like Farmers, For the Receipt is Learned Dr. Harmer's. A Receipt to make a Sack Posset. FRom far Barbadoes, on the Western Main, Fetch Sugar half a Pound, fetch Sack from Spain A Pint ; then fetch , from India's fertile Coast, Nutmeg, the Glory of the British Toast. The c aio8 ) The Lady's Looking Glass. CElia and I the other Day Walk'd o'er the Sand- hill to the Seas: Thc letting Sun adorn'd the Coast, His Beams entire, his Fierceness lost ; And on the Surface of the Deep, The Winds lay only not asleep : The Prospect and the Nymph were gay f With silent Joy I heard her say, > That we shou'd walk there ev'ry Day. y But oh ! the Change ! the Winds grew high, Impending Tempests charge the Sky ; The Light'ning flies, the Thunder roars, And big Waves lash the frigh'ned Shoars. Struck with the Horror of the Sight, She turns her Head and wings her Flight, And trembling vows she ne'er again, Will press the Shoar or see the Main. Look back at least once more, said I, Thy self in that great Glass descry ; When thou are in good Humour drest When gentle Reason rules thy Breast, The Sun upon the calmest Sea Appears not half so bright as Thee: ' Tis then that with Delight I rove, Upon the boundless depth of Love; I bless my Chain, I hand my Oar, Nor think on all I left on Shoar. But when vain Doubts and groundless Fear, Do that dear foolish Bosom tear, When the big Lip and watry Eye Tell me the rising Storm is nigh ' Tis then thou art yon angry Main, Deform'd by Winds, and dash'd by Rain j And the poor Sailor that must try, Its Fury, labours less than I. Shipwreck'd, in vain to Land I make, While Love and Fate still drive me back ; Fore'd to doat on thee thy own way, I chide the first and then obey, Wretched when from thee, vear when nigh, I With thee or without thee die. Charity ; a Paraphrase on the Thirteenth Chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. DID sweeter Sounds adorn my flowing Tongue, Than ever Men pronoune'd or Angels sung -• Had I all Knowledge Humane and Divine, That Thought can reach, 0r Science can define ; And had I Pow'r to give that Knowledge Birth, In all the Speeches of the babling Earth : Did Shadrack's Zeal my glowing Breast inspire, To weary Tortures and rejoice in Fire : Or had I Faith like that which Israel saw, When Moses gave them Miracles and Law : Yet, Gracious Charity, indulgent Guest, Were not thy Pow'r exerted in my Breast, Those Speeches would send up unheeded Pray'r; That scorn of Life wou'd be but wild Despair : A Tymbal's sound were better than my Voice, My Faith were Form, my Eloquence mere Noise. Charity, Decent, Modest, Easie, Kind, Softens the High, and rears the Abject Mind ; Knows with just Reins and gentle Hand to guide, Betwixt vile Shame and arbitary Pride. Nor soon provok'd, she easily forgives, And much she suffers, as she much believes. Soft Peace she brings where ever she arrives, She builds or Quiet, as she forms our Lives, Lays the rough Paths of peevish Nature ev'n, And opens in each Heart a little Heav'n. Each other Gift Which God on Man bestows, Its proper Bounds and due Restriction knows; To one fixt purpose dedicates its Pow'r, And finishing its Act, exists no more. Thus, in Obedience to what Heav'n decrees, Knowledge shall fail, and Prophecy shall cease ; But lasting Charity's more ample sway, Nor bound by Time, nor subject to decay, In happy Triumph shall for ever live, And endless Good difFuse, and endless Praise receive As thro' the Artist's intervening Glass, Our Eye observes the distant Planets pass, A little we discover, but allow, That more remain unseen than Art can show; So whilst our Mind its Knowledge wou'd improve, ( its feeble Eye intent on things above) High as we may we lift our Reason up, By Faith directed, and confirm'd by Hope. Yet are we able only to survey Dawnings of Beams and Promises of Day; Heav'n's fuller Effluence mocks our dazl'd Sight, Too great its Swiftness, and too strong its Light But soon the Mediate Clouds shall be dispell'd, The Sun shall soon be Face to Face beheld, With all his Robes, with all his Glory on, Seated Sublime on his Meridian Throne. Then constant Faith and holy Hope shall die, One loft in Certainty, and one in Joy : Whilst thou, more happy Pow'r, fair Charity, Triumphant Sister, greatest of the Three ; Thy Office and thy Nature still the same, Lasting thy Lamp, and unconsum'd thy Flame Shalt still survive Shalt stand before the Host of Heav'n confest, For ever blessing, and for ever blest. Letters from Avignon of Nov. the 19th say, that last Week the Contagion carried off fifty Persons in a Day, and upwards of 68 died Yesterday ; the Num. ber of those fallen sick, is in Proportion. The latter end of the Quarantain was but indifferently observ'd; but if greater Regularity be not had for the future, they shou'd be plung'd into the utmost confusion, or their pre- vention must be Miraculous : The Plague has begun to infect the Bake- houses and the Shambles that were set up in different Parts of the City ; in short, their State grows worse and worse. Good Order is very easily pre- serv'd while the appearance of Danger is not great, but when it becomes general, the Publick is no more mind, ed, every one then endeavouring to save himself. Extract of the Advices relating to the Plague, The Duke de Roquelaure writes the 24th of Novem- ber, That he had Advice from M. la Deveze of the 14th and 19th, that the Upper Gevaudan is in a good State of Health. He had caused a Tailor, an Inahbitant of Mende, who had escap'd from thence, to be shot dead. In Ville Rousser, none had fallen ill within forty Days past, nor at Chapginiez within 55 St. Latyer de Peyre 145 Persons had died. Richiniac, Valendo, and Chabalier had not had any Inhabitants taken Sick in se- Veral Days. Of the 120 Inhabitants of Chabalier, 11 were dead. At Mende two died on the 13th one the 16th, 4 the 17th, and none from thence to the 19th, The five Villages of Hamlets in the Neighbourhood of Mende, which were infected, are well again. The Di- stemper has intirely ceas'd at Montrodat. Griles in the Neighbourhood of Marvejols is much in the same Con- dition it was ; at Marvejols one died on the 13th, three on the 14th, none on the 15th, 16th, and 17th. The Sickness has ceas'd in the three Hamlets of the Parish of Allier, as also in those within the Neighbourhood of la Canourgue : and of Causse towards Rouergue one Village of six Houses excepted in the Parish of St. George, where are some sick, and the Place is well block'd up. At Neujols a Man died three Weeks ago, and a Girl on the 16th of November, There are 172 Parishes of the Diocese of Mende. which have not been at all infected. La Canourgue will be disinfected the 20th. For eight Days past no Person has died of fallen ill at St. Paul la Coste. On the 17th eight Per- sons died at Alais, in the Infirmary in the Suburbs ; on the 18th a Man and Child died there; on the 19th and 10th none died or fell sick either in the Town, or in the Suburb, or in the Houses of Quarantain. It is ad- vised from Avignon, that the great Lazaretto of that Place had been set on Fire by Accident, and that above 400 Perfons had perished in the Flames. The Distem- per continues to rage there with very great Violence. They write from the Hague, that Complaint hav- ing been made of the unkind Treatment lately shewn at the Cape of Goodhope, by the Government « the Dutch East- India Company, to the British Ships of War sent into those Parts against the Pirates, that Company here is requir'd to lay before the States the Particulars thereof, and to give 0rders immediately, that, for the future, all British Ships, in particular the aforesaid Men of War, may treated treated with all Respect suitable to the Friendship and good Alliance subsisting between the two Nations. It is reported, that a Number of Light Frigats will be fitted out neXt Spring, against the Algerines, instead of the heavy sailors sent on that Service last Summer, to an. swer that Design more successfully than before, Justice Blackerby of Westminster is appointed Trea- surer to the Commissioners for Building the 50 new ChUrches, in the Room of Justice Le Craft, lately de- ceas'd. We hear that the AfFair of Mr. Wingfield, the Eng- lish Merchant at Lisbon, is not yet accommodated at that Court, as hath been given out. The Rev. Mr. Manning, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, succeeds the Rev. Mr. Vernon, as Rector of Buckland in the County of Hertford, that Living being in the Gift of the said College. A Marriage is on Foot between Richard Lee of Win- slade in devonshire, Esq; a young Gentleman of a 1000 I. a Year, and a Daughter of Sir Robert Eyre, Knt. one of the Judges of the King's- Bench. The Right Hon the Lord Baltimore and Henry Tem- ple of Sheen, Esq; stand Candidates for Knights of the Shire for the County of Surry, at the next new Election for Parliament Men. As also the Hon. Spencer Compton, Esq; the present Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Hon. Mr. Pelham, one of the Lords of the Treasury, and Brother to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, for Sussex- ' tis also said, that the Son of the Rt. Hon, the Lord High Chancellor of Great- Britain, and the Hon. Sir John D'Oyly of Chislehampton in Oxfordshire, Baronet; ( in which Capacity, as well as in a higher Station, as Lords of Parliament in the House of Peers, several of his Ancestors have formerly serv'd their Country) design to stand for the County of Oxon. And Sir George Cook, Knight, and Henry Barker, Esq; for the County of Middlesex. Out Merchants have Advice, that the Rebecca, Capt. Harrison from Petersburg, was lately lost near Born- holm. On Tuesday Evening the Balloting at the South Sea House, for and against any Ingraftment, was concluded, and stood as follows: For the Question, and against any Ingraftment, 1619 Against the Question, and for an Ingraftment, 1441 AMajority for the Question 178 Before calling up the Ballot, great Debates arose, some for deferring it till next Morning, and others for doing it immediately, for which there was a great Majority. Mr Ellis, late Fellow of King's College, is presented by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Chancellor, to the Rectory of Marston in Leicestershire, Last Monday a Tryal came on at Doctors Commons, between the Church Wardens of St Andrew's Holbourn, and Dr. Sacheverel's Footman, in relation to the latter's being chosen Sexton of that Parish, and the Election was declar'd Void. We hear a Detachment of Soldiers will be put on board the Squadron now fitting out. It is confidently reported, that Sir John Austin, Bart, stands Candidate at the ensuing Election for the County of Middlesex. The Master, Wardens and Assistants of Trinity House have given Notice to the Northern Traders that the Black- Tail Beacon being broke away in the late Storm, and that they have order'd a Black Buoy to be lain in the Place, till they can have an Opportunity to erect anorher. Sir John Shaw. Barr. lately deceas'd, is succeeded in the Office of Collector Inwards, in the Port of London, by Henry Hare, and Robert Man, Esqs; by virtue of a Reversionary Grant made to them and their Heirs, in the 3 d Y ear of His Present Majesty's Reign, during the Lives of Robert Walpole, Jun. and Edward Warpole, Esqs; Sons of the Rt. Hon. Robert Walpole, Esq; Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, and first Lord of the Treasury Monday the York Buildings Company began draw, ing their Lottery, and we hear that having reserv'd one half of their Tickets, they design to compleat in a little time the Sale of 13,000 1 per Ann. and for that end will take the blanks in the present Lottery in Payment at such a Price, as will much lessen the Loss of the Unfortunate. On Saturday last Mr. Mist appear'd again at the Old Bailey, in pursuance of his Plea for the Benefit of the late Act of Grace, but as he had before pleaded to his Indictment. he cou'd not regularly be dischargd till a Jury was charg'd with him, which was done; but it be- ing fruitless to give Evidence, the Person was entitled to the said Act, he was discharg'd, as was also Mr. Wilkin- son his Kinsman. The same Day Nath. Hawes, who had formerly been admitted an Evidence, and lately broke out of New Pri- son, and who a few Days after, attempted to rob one Hall upon Finchly- Common, who overcame, and took him, being brought to the Bar he refus'd to plead, till he Was order'd tc be carried back to Newgate to be press'd, where he endur'd 2 or 300 lb Weight upon his Breast for five or six minutes, but then alter'd his Note, and came back and pleaded not Guilty. Yesterday he was try d and convicted for the aforesaid Fact. Parker the Solicitor, who was lately Pillory'd and Whipt, for Perjury, and Subornation of Perjury, was again convicted of Suburnation of Perjury,- was fin'd 20 ). and to give Security for his good Behaviour for three Years. George DufFus a Weaver was try'd for Sodomy; but the Jury finding some Difficulty in the Matter, brought in their Verdict Special. Wednesday Night the Sessions ended at the Old- Baily, when Eleven Persons recev'd Sentence or Death, viz. Arthur Gray the Footman, for breaking into a Lady's Room and attempting to ravish her, Christopher Samuel Graff a German, for a Rape ; Nathaniel Hawes, and James Wright, for the Highway ; Samuel Lawes, for stealing Cork to the Value of 15 1 John Jones for Street. Robbery; Robert Walton, for Horse stealing George Baker, for slealing of Goods out of a Boat, and also re- turning from Transportation ; Sarah Herbert, Elizabeth Mobbs, and Eliz. Head : The former was found Quick with Child. Seven were burnt in the Hand ; and 27 order'd for Transportation. Thursday there was a General Council at St. James's, for pricking the Sheriff, for the Year ensuing, and tho List of their Names shall be inserted in our next. Thursday being the Anniversary Feast of the Sons of the Clergy about a 100 of them met, and proceeded in a Body from Merchant Taylors Hall to St Paul's Ca- thedral, where Mr. Purcell's Te Deum was Vocally and Instrumentally performed by the best Masters, and an Excellent Sermon preached before them, afterwards they returned in Order to Merchant Taylors Hall accompa- ny'd by a Considerable number of Nobility and Gentry, when a very magnificent Entertainment was prepared for them; at which his Majesty, the Prince and Princess, with several other Loyal Healths went about, the Solem- nly Concluded with he utmost Decorum Last Thursday the Sub and Deputy Governours and Directors of the South sea Company presented an hum- ble Address to his Majesty, praying, as we are inform'd, That his Majefty will be graciously pleased to recom- mend to the Parliament the Remission of the Two Mil. lions, which with a proportionable Part of their yearly Fund, will be annihilated the Midsummer next; or • such other Relief as his Majesty in his great Wisdom and Goodness shall think meet, in Considention of the Suf- ferings of the unhappy Proprietors by the Execution of the South- Sea Scheme Thomas Mac and Elizabeth Merret were lately com- mitted to the Gatehouse for keeping a Gaming Table in Covent- Garden ; and likewise for hindring the proper Officers from apprehending a certain Person in their House, tho' they had a legal Authority for so doing. By the Flanders Mails which came on Wednesday, there is repeated Advice that Mr. Knight is got to Rome, and has waited on the Pretender, who receiv'd him very graciously, On Wednesday the House of Lords Adjourn'd to Tues- day next. We hear the Lord Viscount Hatton, and the Bishop of Ely, having had a Suit at Law about the Chappel begun to be built some Years ago in Hatton Garden, and not finish'd, the Dispute being on which of their Lordship's Ground it was built, the Cause is decided in favour of the Bishop, who ' tis said h » s given it to the Parish of St. Andrew's Holbourn for a Charity school for the Children of that Parish. as likewise a piece of Ground adjoining for a Burial Place, the Church- Yard of St. Andrew's be- ing choak'd up with Dead Bodies, and they are now raising LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Sreet. Where Advertisements are taken in. raising Money to put the Charity- School In Hand, which will cost about 20oo 1. to compleat i! t, the lower part be- ing to be mide into an Appartment for the Residence of the Master and Mistresses. They are going now forward with the Chappel, in Lambs Conduit Fields, in order to get it finish'd by Lady. Day next. Last Sunday the Reverend Dr Trimnel preached be- fore the King, and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales: The Lord Effingham Howard carried the Sword of State. In the Evening the Council con- sidered of several Bills transmitted hither from Ireland for His Majesty s Approbation. The Transfer Books of the East- India Company will be shut from the 20th Instant, to the 32d of January, and the Annuity Warrants will be ready to be deliver'd to the Adventures on the 31st of January. A General Court of the said Company will likewise be held at their House in Leadenhall- street the 22d Instant Last Monday Dr. Lupton preach'd his first Sermon at St. Paul's in Defence of the Trinity. They write from Philadelphia in Pensylvania, October 12. That Dr. Evan Evans, who had been Minister of the Episcopal Church in that Town for 2o Years, and had lately removed to Maryland ; who upon returning to visit his Friends in the faid Town, and performing Divine Service amongst them, he was suddenly seized with an Appoleftick Fit, of which he instantly died, Very much lamented. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Rebecca. Capt. Harrison, from Petersbourg, was lately lost near Born- holm. The Time limited by Act of Parliament for the Bor- rowers of the South Sea Company on the Loan, to make their first Payment of s per Cent. ( Part of the 10 per Cent ) in order to be discharged from the fsid Loan, de- termines on the 15th of this Instant December. The Governour and Court of Directors of the Royal Academy of Musick, have appointed a General Court to be held on Wednesday the 10th Instant. Thursday one Robinson was Whipt thro' the Town of Kensington. The same Day was committed by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Mary Walker for taking out of the House of Margaret Walter three Surplices, and a Callicoe- Gown. Letters from France continue to give a miserable Ac- count of the Plague, that as fast as it cease sat one Place, it breaks out at another : Anduse and Usez are reported to be infected, which has so scar'd the Inhabitants, thac they arc fled from their Farms, and the Country looks like a Desart. However at Paris little Notice is taken of this, and they continue there to be as Gay and Chearful as ever. A British Merchant Ship going from Amsterdam, having lost her Rudder, and suffered much in the late bad Weather, was cast away near Schevening, within half a League of the Hague, but the Crew is saved. The overflowing of the Waters which happened on the 17th Instant, was greater than' any that has been seen here in 30 Years past; ' tis thought the Damage done to the Arsenal and Citadel will take up some Years in repair- ing. The Letter from our Friend Britanicus, shall be inserted in our next. Christned Males 21?. Females 177. In all 394. • Buried Males 241. Females 27J. In all 516. Increased in the Burials this Week 131. CASUALTIES. Drown'd 2. One in the River of Thames at St. Olave in Southwark, and one at St. Mary at Lambeth. Found dead 3 One at S'r Lawrence Jewry, ( buried at Allhal- lows the Great) One at Sr. Ann within Aldersgate, and one in the River of Thames at St. John at Wappin. Kill'd by a Coach at St. Mary at Whitechappel 1. South Sea Sotck wss 94. Bank 124. India ; 4o 3 qrs. African 23 1 half. Unsubscribed Lottery Annuity 101. Y0rk- Buildings 28 1 qr Royal Exchange 7 ; 8ths. Lon- don Assurance 5 1 qr.
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