The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic
Date of Article: 18/11/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1721. shire he founded the Abbey of St. Germans at Exeter the Priory of St. Nicholas, and at Caen in Normandy the Mo- nastery of St. Stephens ; and to the Church and College of St. Martins le Grand in London, he gave both large Privileges and much Land. In his Time it was decreed, at Rome, that the See of York should be stiled Primus Angliae, and the See of Canterbury Primus totius Angliae. The setting Seals to Bonds and Writings was now first used in England, there being before only Witnesses to them. Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury, was deposed by the Conqueror, and died in
Prison. The Abbot of St Albans told this King, that the Reason why he gain- ed England in one Battle, which the Danes could not do in many, was, because the Maintenance of Martial Men, with a Part of the Land's Revenues, was conver- ted to maintain Religious Men, and to Religious Uses. In the Time of this King's Reign befel a most fearful Earthquake; strange burning Fevers very mortal, Mur- rains, causing a great Dearth among Cattel, extraordinary Rains, Water floods incredible, which so softened the the Hills to the Foundations, that some of them fell, and overwhelmed the Villages near them. Most of the principal Cities
were endamaged by Fire. S'o great a Fire happened in London, that it consumed Houses and Churches all the Way from the West- Gate to the East. Gate. And ' tis said, that tame and Domestick Fowls became Wild, flying to the Woods, William RUFUS. A- D. william, sir- named Rufus, notwithstanding 1087. that Robert Courtoise, his eldest Brother, was living, yet by the Mediation and Assistance of Lanlfrank, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Wolstane, he gained the Voices of the Council, and was crowned A. D. 1087. But Odo, Bishop of Bayeux ( to take the Re- venge for his Suffering under the Conqueror) instigated Duke
Robert to repair into England, and recover his Right, which he promised should soon be effected. Now Robert, that Money, the Sinews of War, might not be wanting for the carrying on of this Design, mortgaged the Province of Constantine to his Brother Henry ; and with him many of the English sided. William on the other Hand, by fairly promising to abolish the over- hard Laws made by his Father, and to take off the Taxes and Imposts, drew the People generally to stand in his De- fence ; by whose Aids he regained divers strong Holds that the Nobles had seized for Duke Robert. He also ( Price Three Half- pence.) i besieged
Rochester, wherein Odo was ; from which Siege he sent forth his Proclamation throughout the Land, commanding all Men to repair thereto ; and that whosoever would not, should be reputed a Niding. A Word so disgraceful and hateful to the English ( signify- ing a Coward or base- hearted Fellow) that made Multi- tudes haste withal speed to that Service.. Whereupon the Castle was yielded, and Odo banished, and his Goods confiscated. But whilst these things were acting, Robert, Duke of Normandy, landed at Southampton, and very shortly returned again in his own Territories, upon his Brother William's Promise to pay him
Three Thousand Marks Yearly, and to resign the Kingdom to him, or his HeirS, at his Death. About this Time Lanlfrank Archbishop of Canterbury died and the King kept that See vacant above four Years. So did he by many other Ecclesiastical Promotions, and set to Sale the Rights of the Church preferring those therein that would give the most : and yet his Exchequer became never the Richer. He was wont to say, That Christ's Bread is sweet dainty, and most delicate for Kings : Howbeit, to his Praise, let this be remembred of him, that when two Monks were at Drop Bezantine ( then currant Gold) before him for an Abbey, he
spied a third Monk of their Company , standing in a Corner, to whom King William said, And what wilt thou give to be Abbot? Not one Farthing ( answered he) for I renounced the World and Riches, that I might serve God more sincerely. Then said the King, Thou art worthy to be made Abbot, and the Abbey thou shalt have. His Brother Robert's Territories in Nor- mandy he invaded, taking divers strong Holds and Castles, inforcing Robert to make a Peace with him. After which these two Brother unite their Forces against their Brother Henry : But he fearing Afterclaps, had strongly fortified the Castle of Mount St. Michael in
Normandy, wherein they besieged him. In which Time of Siege, King William's Life was in great hazard ; for some of the Besieged sallying forth, William more boldly than wisely, rode against them, and a Knight encoun- tring him, slew his Horse under him, and had slain him too, had he not made himself known by his Voice. Whereupon the armed Men, with great Reverence, took him up, and brought him another Horse, when the King not staying for the Stirrup, sprang into the Saddle, and with angry Ceuntenance, demanded who it was that over, threw him ; and the Knight as boldly answered, and shewed himself who he was.
By Luke's Face, quoth the King, thou shalt be my Knight, and be enrolled in my Check, with a Fee answerable to thy Worth. Prince Henry, in the Time of this Siege, being sorely distressed for Water, sent to his Brother Robert ( know, ing him to be of the better Temper) desiring him, that he might have that permitted him which God had made common. Duke Robert commanded him to be supplied ; whereat King William was wroth To whom Robert said, And dost thou esteem more of Water. which is every where to be got. than of a Brother, having no more but him and me ? In short Time after, these Three Brethren were
reconciled, and in short Time after that, the two Elder again disagreed. The Peace of England was also di- sturb'd by Malcolm, King of Scots; but by the Am- bushment of Mowbray Eark of Northumberland, he was slain with Son his Edward. Then Mowbray, grown proud, turns Rebel; but was taken and committed to Windsor. To be continu'd. 14 Q The ( 2C8l ) Weekly Journal: o R, British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. The Continuation of the Life of William the Conque- ror, a Norman. N D amongst these Two, that if any Murtherer or other Felon, for fear of Death fled thither, he should be freed
from all Punishment: And that it should be lawful for the Abbot of that Place, to de- liver any Thief or Robber from the Gallows, if he should chance to pass where any such Execution was in Hand. At Selby in York
( ) The Continuation of the Tryal of Col. John Lilburne. Ld. Keble. You have spent Time to no purpose ; I thought you had known Law better. L. Col. Lilb. I shall now, Sir, proceed to Matter of Fact; and desire the Jury will take Notice, that by the Statutes of r Edw. VI. ch. II, and 5 and 6 of Edw. VI. ch. 11 no Man shall be condemn'd of Treason, but by the clear Proof of two legal Witnesses ; and in Coke, 3 Instit. ch. High- Treason, fol. 12. it is said it must be by the direct and sufficient Proof of two Witnesses, and not on Surmises, or conjectural Inferences ; and that he be attainted by due Course of Law, and by no abso. lute Power,
or other means whatsoever ; and in fol. 24. that there must be two lawful Witnesses, as well on the Tryal as Indictment; and in fol 240, he says the same Attainders of Treason must be upon plain direct Evi- dence ; for though Restitution of Lands may be had, there can be none of Life. Ld. Keble. The Proof has been so plain as ( I hope; it will convince the Jury, and that they will find the Prisoner Guilty. Judge Jermin. What you have urg'd makes much for the Jury. . . , L. Col. lilb. I shall now answer your Proof in the same Manner the Witnesses swore. Mr. Newcomb swears I was with Captain Jones from whom he receiv'd the
Outcry ; that Captain Jones ( not I) agreed for the Printing, and that I took away a single Sheet before ' twas corrected, which was useless, and no true Copy of that charg'd in the Indictment; neither was the Title there, or knows he if the first Part of the Book had any De- pendance on that Sheet; so that ' tis uncertain whether that Sheet be Part of the Book contain'd in the Indict- ment ; neither is there more than one Witness to this ; and if it be the same, I was only present with my Friend, accompanying him, and you may find the Names of ten that own the Book; so it does not affect me. The three Soldiers depose the same in
Substance, that I gave Lewis one out of my Pocket, and told him where I believ'd he might buy more ; they were publickly sold all over the City ; so, I hope, the jury, being Men of Conscience, will not think that, or giving away a Sheet and half of Paper, or drinking with an Acquaintance, Crime sufficient to take away my Life : For though they . say I ask'd them a Question, viz. when they received any Pay, yet I us'd not aggravating Expressions, or mutinous Provocations, or malicious Council to incense them against their Officers, or stir them to Rebellion ; so that it is no Evidence of Treason against me. The next Thing charg'd is,
the Salva Libertate, which the Lieutenant of the Tower says I deliver'd to him ; he is but one Witness: And as I have a Suit now de- pending against him for four or five thousand Pound, he is a profess'd Adversary, therefore no good Witness; nei- ther does he swear the Hand is mine, or that I writ it; so his Testimony is invalid. I likewise commenc'd a Suit against Colonel Titchburn for the like Sum ; so that as he is my Adversary, he is no legal Judge- And I desire he may be order'd off the Bench. I believe likewise that Part of the Tower, where the Lieutenant says I gave him those Papers, is not within the Liberties of the City, then
why should I be try'd by a London Jury ? not that I have any Objections against the Gentlemen of the Jury , but if the Fact be committed in Middlesex, the Tryal ought to be by a Jury of the same County. Thomas Daffern deposes; that he went with me to Winchester House in Southwark, where I deliver'd him a Book to carry to Col. Ayres ; he doth not say the Book, is mine, or of my Writing ; but however Winchester- House being in Surrey, is not tryable by a London Jury, therefore I shall say no more to that; neither need I give any Answer to the Testimony of the Marshal, or Governor of Warwick Castle; or to the Evidence of
Colonel Purefoy. The next Charge is, the Preparative to an Hue and Cry, & c. which the Lieutenant of the Tower says I gave him in the Tower, which I am certain is in Middlesex, so not to be try'd by a Jury of Citizens of London ; neither knows he if this be the same Book I deliver'd him. James Nutleigh and Edward Radley depose, they saw me deliver a Preparative to their Master's Hands, and say 1 own'd if to be mine, the Printer's Errata's excepted ; which the Lieutenant of the Tower swears I express'd to be many. Now I question Whether the temple be within the Liberties of London ; however, the Errata's which are many, for
ought the Witnesses or Jury know, may be those very Clauses with which charg'd, for they are not prov'd to be otherwise ; so that they not proving six Lines thereof. to be mine ; and I owning no more than was free from the Errata's, were many, their Testimonies are of no Weight. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Dedication of the Independent Whig. But our High Priests, as they have observ'd neither Measure nor Mercy in their Demands upon us; so nei- ther have they made them at due and discreet Intervals* By overloading the Cart, they have overturn'd ir They have frighten'd us with the broad and black Cloud of their
Pretensions, and made Men unanimously oppose that Heap of' Claims and Absurdities, which, had they been wise, we might have been brought to swallow singly. They wanted Patience, as well as Policy. We were not yet ripe for Popery. We had judgment enough to see that all these Claims, all those near Doctrines, evidently and solely tended to the Clergy's Advantage, and our Undoing ; And we thought it was as consistent with natural Equity and common Sense, that we should be Judges in our own Case, as that you should be in yours. Indeed, if any amongst you had maintain'd Doctrines evidently grievous to your selves,
and manifestly tending to the Knowledge and external , Happiness of the People, we should at least have thought you in Earnest. If, for Example, you had contended, that the Priests should fast Three Days in the Week, and the Laity only when they pleas'd ; that the Priests should be entirely at the Mercy of the People for a Mainte- nance ; and shou'd be restrain'd from taking above Thir- ty or Forty Pounds a Year Sallary ; and forbid all Pomp and Affluence, because they vitiate the Mind, and breed Pride and Laziness, two Faults heinous in a Minister of God : I say, if you had contended for such Liberty in the Laity, and for such
rigorous Restraints upon your selves, it wou'd have carried in it the Face of Sincerity and Self- Denial, But, for Priests, who are known to have been, at first. the Alms- men of the People, ( and who mostly are still educated by the Charity, and main, tain'd by the Benevolence of the Laity.) to talk of Pala- ces, Revenues, nay Thrones and Principalities, and be for assuming Empire over their Masters, and growing great by the Poverty of the People, is such a stretch of Arrogance and Folly, as cannot be aggravated, as it would not be credible, did we not see it. The Preten- sions of the great Turk are not half so detestable. Who
would not rather be a Slave to a Monarch, than a Monk? The Oppression of Temporal Tyrants never has been, and never can be so great as the Oppression of Priests. Temporal Tyrants only make their Slaves as miserable as Laymen can do. They take almost their All ; but the little that is left, they leave them to use as they please : Whereas the Priest, where he has Power enough, exercises his Tyranny over the Bellies and Pa- lates of his more miserable Vassals, and suffers them to eat ( if he leaves them any Thing to eat) but what he pleases, and when he pleases. In Truth, the Subjects of Priests Abroad, are in a viler
State than the Priests Black Cattle : They are worse fed, and not more knowing. Can you deny, Gentlemen, that the more Power the Priest possesses, just so much the more Men suffer in their Souls and Bodies ? Nor can it be otherwise ; Pow- er produces Pride and Debauchery in the Clergy, and Vassallage begets Baseness and Poverty in the People. Whatever is gain'd to the Clergy, is gain'd from the Laity ; so that for them to be rich, we must be Beggars ; and that they may be Lords, we must be Slaves. This I take to be self evident. Will you, or can you say, Gentlemen, that those Claims conducing to the Welfare of
Mankind : which, where- ever they prevail, do effectually divest Mankind of every Thing that sweetens human Life ; and renders it desirable, or indeed supportable ? Is that Power for our Benefit, which disarms us of our Faculties, cows our Minds with slavish Fears and gives us up a Prey to those Men whose Strength lies in our Weakness, and whose Prosperity is owing to our Undoing ? This is what it has always done, and what ic does at this Day ifl
in Spain, Italy, and other Priest ridden Countries : And_ this is what it would as effectually do in England, if Englishmen would suffer it. These Claims of yours, Gentlemen, have done you great Prejudice. They have made Men afraid of your Spirit, which seems to them to be merciless and insati- able. So that, if you are begrudg'd what you have, you may thank your selves; it is owing to your claiming what you ought not to have. If a Clergyman enjoys the Tythes of Part of my Estate, by Virtue of the Law ; and not content with that, would have Tythes of the Whole, in Spite of the Law ; it is natural enough for me to think that the
Man is a Knave, who would have no Man's Property secur'd by the Law but his own. Nothing is more common with you than to call the Impropriations of the Abbey- Lands, by the dreadful Name of Sacrilege. You say, and some of you have said it in Print, and many more in the Pulpit, that such Im- propriation was robbing the Church. What Church, Gentlemen ? Was it not the Church of Rome ? And are you of that Church ? It is certain, that the reform'd Pro- testant Church of England never possess'd any of these Lands. And how you, who are Protestants, and not Suc- cessors to the Monks, can hold from the Popish Monks, by
divine Right, Lands and Immunities, which these glut- tonous and cheating Vermin acquir'd by diabolical Rogueries is such a Riddle as can only come from Ec- clesiasticks, but can never be solved by Laymen. Did you ever hear, Gentlemen, that the primitive Preachers of Christ, set up for being Heirs to the Riches and Reve- nues of the Heathen Temples, when they were deserted or demolish'd ? And, in my Opinion, these Pagan Revenues were more honestly got, as well as more innocently us'd, than the Lands and Income of the Popish Monasteries. Our Gentlemen of this Cast have long provok'd one Part of the World, and
deceiv'd the other, by their Cant of Divine Right ; which, tho' a very Jest in it self, and long since exploded, is a Title they clap to all their Pos- sessions, let them come by them how they will. This is shameful Boldness. It is certain the Gospel has not given you one Foot of Land, or one Shilling of Money ; nor did ever God Almighty appear personally to do it by Word of Mouth. Your Church is a Creature of the Constitution, and you are the Creatures of the Law : And you most evidently belie Divine Right, if you pretend to derive from thence, what all the World sees you owe to secular Bounty ; I will not say to devout Frauds. If you
could be but perswaded to reconcile your Prin- ciples and Pretensions to the Security and Happiness of Mankind, and all Mankind be reconcil'd to you and your Pretensions. I do not remember to have ever heard the Clergy contemn'd where they did not first deserve Contempt. When any of them depart from the Meek- ness of Ministers, no Body will pay them the Regard due to Ministers ; such who intermeddle in every Thing, will be respected in nothing. Such who oppose every publick Good, and every Action favourable to Liberty, and beneficent to the World, will be deem'd Foes to Li- berty, and to the World. Such who
promote Strife, and Persecution, will be reckon'd Enemies to Peace and Cha- rity ; and those who are at the Head of all publick Mischiefs, will themselves be thought a publick Mifchief. If they promote the known Principles, and endeavour to support the main Pillars of Popery, can they expect to be treated as Protestants ? If they promote Rebellion, and practice Perjury, can they either be accounted good Sub- jects or Christians ? And if they are the Patrons of Ty- ranny, and the Promoters of Immorality, what Quarter can they expect to find in a Free Country, or amongst Men of Virtue, If you ask me, why all this from a Layman
to his ghostly Guides ? The Answer is ready The Work was" necessary ; and, Gentlemen, those of your Order made it necessary : The Interest of Truth and Liberty was con- cern'd ; and, indeed, at Stake ; by the constant Attacks of those of your Robe upon them Which Attacks were so far from being disavowed by you, that the wicked Authors of them were not only treated as the Chief Champions of the Church's Cause ; but all who oppos'd them have been fallen upon with the sternest Outrage, and the utmost Bitterness of Spirit ; together with lying Calumnies, uncharitable Suggestions, and base and bru- tish Language; their
usual Weapons, Offensive and De- fensive. It is worth while to mention the great Want of Sin- cerity in the Conduct of such Men on this Occasion. Whenever they think it seasonable in Conversation, to uphold the mad Principles or Hickes, and of the other Protestant Papists and Nonjurors, ( tho'; if ever there was such a Thing as Blasphemy in the World, it is to be met with in their Writings, in the most daring Co- lours) they never fail to shew themselves their Advo- cates. But when they, think that a Defence of these Reveries will do a Prejudice to the Cause, with those of your People, who have a Notion of Religion and the
Reformation; or among Men who they know can expose these Reveries : Then, Gentlemen, they either shamelessly deny that these Writers maintain what they do maintain ; or say, that the Clergy are not answerable for the Whimsies of particular Doctors. These dishonest Shifts, these base Practices, compound, ed of Knavery and Lies, are common amongst too ma- ny of your Order. Yes, Gentlemen, to the Disgrace of common Candour, and the Reproach of Religion, they are very common amongst the High Clergy I my self have found them; and, I believe, everyone who has had any Convention with them, has as frequently.
found them. Now that these Principles are asserted in the Books of your Non- swearing and Forswearing Brethren, I ap. peal to the Books themselves : That they are impious, false, Antichristian, and Destructive of Human Society, of all Social Virtues, and all Social Happiness, I appeal to common Sense, and to the known State of those mi- serable Countries where they prevail : And that they have been either adopted, or approved by all the High Clergy, I appeal to their many Quotations from them, and to their constantly opposing every Proceeding a- gainst them. Gentlemen, it is of much Consequence to you, to clear your
selves from the Imputation of maintaining or adhering to such ungodly, such mischievous Tenets : Tenets, which without consulting the revealed Will of God, appear detestable to the common Light of Reason. Tenets, which abrogate the Justice and Mercy of God, and call his very Being in Question ; and Tenets, which would for Ever banish all Peace and Security from a- mongst Men, and from the Face of the Earth, Con- sider that you cannot take one Step in asserting or coun- tenancing them, without direct Perjury. You have upon Oath, renounc'd all Power of any kind or sort whatsoever, but what you receive from the King
and the Law : Will you, after this solemn Appeal to God, by an Oath sacred among Barbarians and Infidels, appeal to all the World that you are Perjur'd, by maintaining, as too many do in their Writings and Sermons, that they have a Power, which they neither derive from the King nor the Law ? Sure it must be a melancholly Reflection to these Gentlemen, in Point of Credit and Reputation ( for 1 say nothing of Conscience) that, whilst they thus di- stinguish themselves from Low Churchmen, whose great Crime consists in not mocking God, and leaping over Conscience and Oaths; they do, at the same time,' di- stinguish
themselves from Christianity it self, which, a- bove all other Religions, disclaims Power, and more than all other Religions, abhors Insincerity and False Swearing, Can you, Gentlemen, reconcile their Behaviour, since the Revolution, to the Understanding of the People, or to any Man's Conscience but their own ? If the Doctrine of Hereditary Right is true, as many of them eternally and fiercely contend, how could they swear to Princes made by - Act of Parliament} And if the Doctrine of Passive Obedience is true, how came they to swear to a Government founded upon open and evident Resistance. and to be instrumental
themselves i- a that Resistance ? Their particular Behaviour to His present Majesty, can- not yet be forgot. Be so good to let us know, what Security He found from their Oaths ; or what Assistance the High Clergy gave Him against the late Rebellion, in pursuance of these Oaths ? Can Men, who shew, by glaring Actions, that they value not their own Souls, do any Good to the Souls of other Men ? If you would clear your selves from the Imputation of supporting or favouring such monstrous Principles, you must do it openly and avowedly, in full and express Words, free from that Equivocation which some of your Order are much
suspected of, upon the most solemn and sacred Occasions. You have been ready enough to cen- sure many good Books, and many worthy Propositions Be ingenous for this once, Gentlemen ; expose the Blasphe. mies of those of your own Body, and brand the Authors of
( 2084 ) of them with those Names of Infamy which they de- serve, and which you never want whenever you think fit to call Names. And if you fairly renounce ill Com- pany, you will not be censur'd, as you have been, for not censuring their Impieties. The Convocation at Oxford, in the Days of Tyranny, were sufficiently forward and explicite in damning, by their detestable Decree, since worthily burnt by ihe proper Hand of the common Hangman, by Order of the Legislature ; I say, that black Assembly were forwardand clear enough in damning all Principles of Liberty, which have been and ever will be the Principles of Wise Men
and Free Men. Consult your own Reputation and the Welfare of Mankind, by tread- ing Antipodes to that wicked Assembly. The Remainder in our next. There is much Talk here of a Lottery going to be established in France, where there will be but two Blanks to a Prize. ' tis said, the Duties on Soap and Candles will very speedily be lessen'd, We hear, that James Watson, His Majesty's Printer for the Kingdom of Scotland, died lately at Edinburgh. The Lord Bishop of Norwich is to preach before the House of Lords on the 8th of December next, being the Fast Day appointed by Authority. The Reverend Mr. Baily is to preach before
tha Ox- ford Society at their ensuing Feast. ' Tis reported that an Act will be passed this Session for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, and that it will be much more extensive and beneficial to those poor distress- ed People than any passed for these many Years. We hear the poor French Refugees have lately received out of the Exchequer, by Order of Mr. Walpole, a Year and three Quarter Pensions of the Fifteen Thousand Pounds per Ann. allowed them by the Government for their Subsistance ; there was due to them before this Payment, a Year in the Reign of King William, one in the Reign of Queen Anne, and three in the
Reign of his present Majesty, being in the Whole Seventy five Thou, sand Pounds. Dublin, Nov 7. On the id Instant a Proclamation was publish'd here by Order of the Lord Lieut, and Council, commanding a General Fast to be observed throughout this Kingdom, on the 8th of December next, to put up Prayers to Almighty God, to implore His Pro- tection and Blessing, to avert all those Judgments which our manifold Sins have deserved, especially, in deliver- ing us from the Plague, which continues grievously to afflict several Parts beyond Seas, and to continue His Mercies, and to perpetuate the Enjoyment of the Pro- testant
Religion among us, and Safety and Prosperity to His Majesty's Kingdoms and Dominions, & c. On Saturday the Duke of Chandos took the Oaths as Ld. Lieutenant of the County of Hereford and Rad- nor. Last Week the Lord Carteret had a Conference with the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the Emper, the most Christian King, and the King of Spain ; when the Ministers of his Imperial Majesty, and of his Catholick Majesty, exchang'd their respective Ma- sters Ratifications ; and received from the Lord Carte- ret, and the French Minister, their Britannick and most Christian Majesties Guarantees of the said Renunciati- ons. Henry
D'Avenant, Esq; Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Tuscany, is recall'd, John Basset of Heanton- Court, in the County of De- von, and Member of Parliament for the Borough of Barnstaple in that County, is lately deceased ; and a new Writ is order'd for Electing a Member in his room. A Monument is preparing to be set up in Westmin- ster Abbey, in Memory of the late Bishop of Roche- ster, and his Son, Mr. Archdeacon Sprat, at the Expence of Dr. Friend the Physician. There is committed to Oxford Goal, on Brinley, for the Murder of his own Father at a Place call'd Lin- nenston Luffeld , near Buckingham, a Part of this Town,
where rhis murder was committed, being in this County. This Young Man was Apprentice at a Neighbouring Town call'd Northam, and his Father al- low'd him Eighteen pence a Week for Expences, which he not thinking Sufficient, came to his Father as he was at Work in his own Ground, and with a Bill, after some Words, clove him down the Head, giving him se- ven or eight Blows. Last Week the New born Son of the Lord Archibald Hamilton, was Baptiz'd by tbe Name of George, His Majesty being Godfather represented by the Earl of Sel- kirk, the Earl of Orkney the other Godfather, and the Countess of Abercorne
Godmother. • We hear the Earl of Belcarras died lately at his Seat in Scotland. The Reverend Mr. Massey is appointed to preach at the Cathedral of St. Paul's, befoie the Lord Mayor, on the 8th of December next, being the Fast- Day appointed by Authority. On Sunday last the Reverend Mr. Allen, Archdeacon of Stafford, kiss'd his Majesty's Hand for the Deanary of Chester. On Friday 7. Night died the Reverend Dr. Maplethorp. Rector of Sr. Lawrence Jewry : Which Living is in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. There is Advice that the John and Mary of Preston Tho. Mills Master, bound to Dantroon in Norway, with
Tobacco and other Goods, Stranded in a Storm near the Sound, but all the Men, and most of the Car- goe were sav'd. On Sunday Morning early a Fire broke out at one Mr. Ashursts a Sugar Bakers in little Distaff Lane, which consum'd a new built Sugar House, with a large Quan- tity of Sugar, damag'd the Dwelling and the next ad. joyning, but was happily extinguish'd before it got to a greater Head. The Cargoe of the Hartford, from Fort St. George, arrived for Account of the United Company of Met. chants Trading to the East- Indies ; viz. Piece' Allejars Bettellees Pullicar — Callowaypooses — Chints Moorees Ginghams
painted Ditto striped — Longcloth Ditto Blue . Besides several Moorees — Romalls — Sacerguntees Sallampores . 1. 41000 Pepper. 40000 Redwood. 137000 Saltpetre. the Particulars Parcels of Goods, whereof are not yet known. Letters from Avignon say, That on the 1st Instant one of the Bearers of the Dead was Shot in that City, for having fled into the Country ; he was taken about Two Leagues off, and brought back there to be Executed. Good Order begins to be re established in that City, and many poor Families receive Succour, which were lately destitute. It is amazing to think how that City is able to satisfy the
Expences it is hourly liable to. The Streets that are inhabited by the ordinary Sort of People, are worse treated by the Con- tagion, than those that are inhabited by People of Sub- stance. The Number of People that have died of tha Plague in that Ciry to this Day is computed to be 1600; The Czar has order'd a considerable Number of Gal- lies to Rendezvous near Astracan, the Russians de- sining to make themselves Master of an Island which will prove of very great Service to them in the Caspian Sea. Letters from Paris say, That Sir Robert Sutton, the British Envoy, has order'd his Equipage to be pack'd up with all possible
Diligence, and he intends to set out next Week in order to return to London ; mean while they are unacquainted with the occasion of his leaving them so very suddenly, and ' tis generally believed that he'll not return to France, unless it be in order to assist at the approaching Congress of Cambray. That on the roth of last Month several Waggons came to the Mint very well guarded, their Loading being Ingots of Gold; we know not whence they came, but ever since that time they have been very busy in the Mint, Night and Day, in coining Gold Species: Boston in New. England, Sept. r. Whereas his Ex- cellency the Governor has
lately received a most impu- dent Letter from the Eastern Indian Rebels, under the Signature of the Nation of the Abnaquiss, and of the Indians, their Allies, wherein his Majesty's Royal Prero- gative, and his Leige People are after a most Vile and Execrable manner treated and menaced ; and the House of Representatives highly resenting so great an Indignity to his Majesty's Prerogative, as well as their base and imperious Expressions towards his Majesty's most Dutiful Subjects at the Town of Arowsick, where they have ap. : peared in an Hostile manner under French Colours, to the
the great Annoyance and Disturbance of his Majesty's SubjecTs, there rightfully settled, directly contrary to all former Treaties and solemn Covenants heretofore made and stipulated ; and that his Majesty's Subjects may have the Certainty of their wicked Devices and audacious At- tempts, resolved that the said Letter be printed, which is TO the following effect. Great Captain of the English, THOU seest by the Treaty of Peace, of which I send thee a Copy, that thou oughtest to live peaceably with me. Is it to live in Peace with me to take away my Land, which I have received from God alone ? Consider. Great Captain, that I
have often bid thee to retire from my Land, which doth not belong to thee neither by Right of Conquest, nor by Donation, or Purchase. It is not thine by Right of Conquest, When didst thou drive me thence ? It's not thine by Dona- tion. The King of France, thou sayst, has given it to thee ; But could he give it to thee ? Am I his Subject ? The Indians have given it to thee ; Some few Indians which thou didst surprize, by causing them to drink, Could they give it thee, to the Prejudice of the whole Nation ? When did they permit thee to build Forts ? It is none of thine by Reason of Purchase : I have a Right to re- enter on an Estate,
which could not be alienated to my Prejudice, and which I have often re. conquered. I expect thy Answer in three Sabbath- Days. These are not the Words of four or five Indians, but of the whole Nation of Abnaquise and Canada, and of all the Christian Indians, and their Allies. I have a Right to demand of thee all that Space which from the River Kounibigou, as far I am, since thou possessest nothing of it but by Surprize ; but I am willing to leave thee in that Space, on Condition that there shall not be one English Man within a League of my River of Pigou. wakki. I expect thy Answer by my People that are at Boston, in French, as
I write to thee. If thou writest to me in English, I shall believe thou art not willing to be understood, or to restore what is mine, & c Know furthermore, Great Captain, that the whole Abnaquise Nation protect, that all the Acts thou hast passed hitherto with the Indians are Null, because they have not been acknowledged and received by the whole Nation. Signed by the Nations of the Abnaquise, and their Allies the Mohawks of Santi, the Mountains, and other Neighbouring Nations. N. B All these Commotions of the Eastern Indians have been hatched and promoted by the French Jesuits that are among them, and instigated by the
Savage, to surprize the Town of Arrowsick. Friday 7- Night a Marriage was consummated between Col. Fowlks, and the only Danghter of Sir Wm. In- goldsby, Burt. On Tuesday Mr Law made a Visit to the Duke of Newcastle. at his Grace's House in Lincolns- Inn- Fields. He goes frequently to the Opera, and the Playhouse. There is a Talk of his returning in a little Time to France; but what Grounds there is for that Report, we know not. We hear, that her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales has caused a List to be taken of the Names of all the Orphan Children belonging to the Parish of St. James's Westminster , in order that
all those who have not had the Small- Pox, may receive them by Inoculation at her Royal Highness's Expence. Wednesday Morning an Express arriv'd at the Admi- ralty Office, from Plymouth, being dispatch'd by Com- missioner Dove, with Advice, that he had receiv'd a Letter by Express from the Post Master of Falmouth, with the melancholly News, that His Majesty's Ship Royal Anne Galley, Captain Willis Commander, ha- ving on Board the Lord Belhaven , Governour of Bar- badoes, Sir William Savage, and Mr. MacMahon, Soli- citor of the said Island ; together with several Gen- tlemen and Merchants, Passengers to
Barbadoes, was un- fortunately lost in the Night of the tenth Instant near the Lixzard Point, and that only three of the private sailors were sav'd This News is confirm'd by the or- inary Letters Yesterday from Falmouth and Plymouth, which promise a farther Account of it next Post. It is said his lordship's eldest Son, as also the eldest Son of the late Sir David Hamilton, were on Board. His Lord- shiP was one of the sixteen Peers of Scotland, and one of the Gentlemen of the bedchamber to the prince which Post, we hear, he retain'd ( notwithstanding Government of Barbadoes Call'd him Abroad; by the Favour of his Royal
Highness. Wednesday was held according to Adjournment from the 9th Instant, a Sessions of Oyer and terminer at The Old Bailey for the Admiralty of England, for trial of Offences committed on the High Seas, when Capt. John Shepherd, who stood charg'd with the Murder of Robert Mayer was brought to the bar; but none appearing a- gainst him he was acquitted : Capt Joseph Stratton was also brought to the Bar j but none appearing against him, he was acquitted We hear from Dublin, that Capt. Perry, who lately stopt Dagenham Breach, has laid Proposals before the House of Commons there, for the Improvement of that
Harbour; which have been very well receiv'd, and like, ly to be put in Practice Wednesday Morning his Majesty's Letter Patent passed the Great Seal for creating the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor, Earl of Macclesfield, & c His Lordship was the same Day introduc'd as such into the House of Peers, between the Right Honourable the Earl of Sun- derland, and the Right Honourable the Earl of Lincoln The following is an exact Translation of the Preamble to his Patent. AS no Part of Regal- Power is more agreeable than that of rewarding Men of Merit; so nothing more becomes a King, than to be constant in bestowing
Favours upon those who are constant in deserving them. We therefore formerly advanced Our Right Trusty, and Well beloved Counsellor Thomas Lord Parker to the Dignity of a Baron of this Realm, upon Account of the many Virtues by which he had recommended himself to Us and Our People; but especially of the eminent inte- grity and Knowledge of the Laws with which he adorn- ed the Station of Chief Justice of the King's Bench.' And We afterwards rais'd him to the Office of High- Chancellor of Great- Britain; which he declined, indeed, out of too great a Distrust of his Abilities j but at length accepted, in Obedience to Our
Commands : And now, that he has worthily discharged his Great Em- ployment for above three Years, seeing more clearly his Prudence, Fidelity and Courage in the management of the weighty Affairs of Our State : Knowing wiyh how much Reputation he brings rhe Administration of justice a happy Sagacity, joyn'd with an invincible Patience in hearing; great Skill in the Common Law, with the Knowledge of seasonably applying Equity, to repress Fraud, or soften the Rigour of the Law ; a sound Judg- ment, together with a Mind not to be biass'd by Re- wards or Entreaties, by Hatred or Affection ; and to the Discharge of every
Part of that very busy and almost infinitely laborious Province, a Diligence which may well be reckon'd amongst the greatest Virtues: Moved moreover by his vigorous and uninterrupted Zeal for Us and Our Family, and the perpetual Regard which he has to Our Dignity, and at the same Time to the Welfare of Our Subjects; rightly preserving those two Things united, which it would be highly ungrateful to Us ever to see separated : We have determined to advance to higher Titles, One who approves himself to Us by so many and so great Instances of Merits. Know ye there- fore & c. Sir Hugh Achland, Bart stands Candidate for
Mem. ber of Parliament for Barnstaple in the County of Devon in the room of John Basset, Esq; deceas'd. On Tuesday last Robert Heysham, Esq; was chosen President of Christ's- Hospital, in the room of Sir Robert Child, lately deceased The Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital have presented the Rev. Thomas Saul Hancock to the Rectory of Wormshill in Kent. Last Sunday died Colonel John Bristow, formerly Co- lonel of one of the Companies of Grenadiers in the First Regiment of Guards. We hear, the Rev. and Hon. Dr. Henry Bridges, Brother to the Duke of Chandos, is presented. by Mr. Drake, to the. Living of
Agmondesham in Bucks va- lued at about 400 1. per Annum- They write from Scotland, that one of the Collectors of the Rents of the Estate of the late Earl of Seaforth had been shot Dead by the Highlanders, in the Discharge of his Trust. In a few Days will be held a General Court of the York- Buildings Company, to declare a Dividend of 3
( 2O86 ; per Cent, and to appoint Managers and Directors for drawing their Lottery, for which the necessary Prepara- tions are making with all Expedition; His Majesty hath been pleased to grant his Letters Parents to Mr. Orlebar, ( a near Relation of the Master in Chancery of that Name, lately deceas'd.) for the sole Use and Benefit of a new invented Engine for raising Water for any Purposes: The same is chiefly design'd for the Service of the Mines ; as also instead of Pumps, where Quantities of Water are to be raised high, and With little Strength. They write from Horsham in Sussex, that Lt. JeKyll of Brigadier Grove's
Regiment, who is grown the Ter- ror of the Smuglers and Owleis in those Parts, has now taken one Jervoise a notorious, Fellow of that Clan, and said to be the Bastard Son of old Gib. Tompkins ; who he has been in quest of some time, and was the Person that fired at him formerly when he took some o- thers. This he Effected by a Stratagem, having pre- Vail'd with JerVoises's Mistress to take a Bribe. Last Tuesday Evening Capt Shaw, an Exon in the 3d Troop of Guards Shot himself, at his Lodgings in Queen- street, near Golden Square : He came off of the Guard that Morning, and coming Home to his Lodgings sent for the
Barber to Shave him, and after some little Time went to bed and shot himself. He was Nephew, or Kinsman to Sir John Shaw, Bart Collector of the Customs, and was esteemed a Man of a good Fortune We hear the Lord Polwarth is appointed his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of France. We hear the Earl of Eglinton will put up as Candi- date for one of the 16 Peers of Scotland, in the room of the Lord Belhaven. ' Tis said Brigadier Stanwix has been nominated for the Government of Barbadoes, and that Sir Nicholas Laws will be continued Governor of Jamaica. The Son of Sir Hugh Dalrymple, who was to have gone
with the Lord Belhaven on board the Royal Anne- Galley to Barbadoes, his Affairs not permitting him to tarry for his Lordship, Very luckily took the Opportu- nity of going away IN a Sloop about three Weeks before the misfortune happened. CASUALTIES. Drown'd accidentally in the Dock at st. Mary at Ro- therith i. Found dead in the River of Thames at St. Botolph without Aldgate i. Murder'd at St. Giles's in the Fields i. Overlaid 4. South Sea Stock 97 5 8ths: Bank 123 3 qrs. India 143 1 half. African 16 1 half. Unsubscribed Lottery Annuity 98. York Buildings 34 i half. Royal Ex. change Assurance 8 1 8th. London Assurance 6.
ADVERTISEMENTS. MAtthew West, Goldsmith, Clarestreet, Clare Mar- ket, gives Notice, That his Tickets are all come over from Holland ; those Persons that have any Re- ceips of mine, are desir'd to bring them, and take their Tickets. The ioth Class begins Drawing on Monday the 20th Instant. I have whole Tickets, and Shares of Tickets to dispose of in this 1oth Class ; those that have not Exchanged their Shares, are desired TO be speedy. Note, I have whole Tickets, and Shares of Tickets to dispose of in the York Buildings Lottery, at my House aforesaid, and at North's Coffeehouse in Kingstreet, near Guildhall, and at my
Office the Seven Stars in Pope's Head Alley, near the Royal Exchange; At which Places Proposals may be had Gratis; where books will be kept for the Drawing of the Lotteries, To prevent the Publick's being imposed on by Counterfeits. THE true Royal Chymical Washball, as it was from the first Author, without the least Grain of Mercury, or any thing Prejudicial; highly recommend, ed by those that use them, for Beautifying the Hands and Face, and making the Skin so Soft and Smooth as not to be parallel'd by Wash- Powder or Cosmetick, & c. and is a real Beautifier of the skin, by taking off all De- formities, Tettars,
Ringworms, Morphew, Sunburn, Scurf, Pimples, Pits or Redness of the Small- Pox, keep- ing it of a lasting and extream Whiteness. It soon alterS any Rough Hands, and is admirable in Shaving the Head, which not only gives an exquisite Sharpness to the Razor, but so comforts the Brain and Nerves, as to prevent catching Cold and is of a greatful and pleasant Scent. It is sold by Mr. Lambert, Gloveseller at the Corner of Popes- Head Alley in Cornhill over against the Royal- Exchange, the same Shop where it has been sold above 16 years ; and at Mr. King's Toy Shop, in Westminster Hall. Price One Shilling each, and Allow ance by the Dozen. Beware of Counterfeits. On Wednesday Morning last a Greenwich Boat com- ing from Gravesend, was overset by a suden Flurry of Wind ; by which unfortunate Accident five or six Passen- gers and a Son of the Waterman's were lost Last Sunday one William Lankey, a Marshals Court Officer, was committed to Newgate, on Suspicion of Murder. On Tuesday Sarah Clark and Margaret Hill wee committed to the same Goal, for picking a Gen- tleman's Pocket of 4 s. and 6 d. and a Bank- Note of 70 I. The same Day Robert Holmes was committed by justice Fuller, for stealing 12 Sheep Skins. On Thurs- day
was committed one James Jackson, for stealing out of a Ship at Billingsgate, a Silver Watch value 7 1, and 17 s. in Money. There was taken at the House of Squire Keck in Gloucestershire, a very monstrous Fish ; which was, a Pike, a Yard and a half, and some Inches long, as big as an ordinary Porpoise ; he weigh'd upwards of 37 pounds, 24 inches in Girth, and had, at the Time he was taken, another Fish in his Gorge, of the same Species that weigh'd four Pound : This Fish, as a great rarity, Mr. Keck presented to the Duke of Marlbo- rough, and Numbers of People came to see it ; and his Grace has order'd the Picture of it
to be Drawn at Blenheim House. One Evening this Week, a Person Booted and Spurr'd, like a Gentleman of fashion, came to a Watchmaker near Temple- Bar, telling him, he was recommended to him to buy a good Silver Watch, and desir'd to see one, which was shew'd him, lik'd, and the Price, which Was 12 Guineas, agreed on. this done, the Watchma- ker went with his Chap to the Bell- Inn in Bell- Yard, tO receive his Money, where a Pint of Wine was call'd for, when the the pretended Gentleman desir'd to have the Watch to shew to a Friend in the next Room ; instead of which, he shew'd the Watchmaker a Trick, snd
whipt out of Doors with the Tattler, leaving the other to drink his Wine by himself, and pay for it when he had done. We having receiv'd several Letters from our Readers this Week, but for want of room, shall be inserted in our next Christned Males 183. Females 18c. In all 363. Buried Males 237. Females 212. In all 449. decreased in the Burials this Week 41 This Bock is given Gratis, Up one Pair of Stairs at the Sign of the Anodyne Necklace without Temple at Mr. Greg's Bookseller next to Northumberland- House at Charing Cross ; and at Mrs. Garway's at the Royal Exchange. Gate which is next to Cornhill. /, Where is also
given Gratis the Treatise on the Use, TOBACCO, as to Smoaking. Chewing, and taking SnufF: Also on Tea, coffee, Chocolate, and Drams, LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street