The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
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The Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful Account of All Publick Transactions both Foreign and Domestick together with Remarks on Trade
Date of Article: 02/11/1721
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T H E Weekly Courant Containing a Faithful ACCOUNT of All Publick Transactions , - BOTH FOREIGN and DOMESTICK. TOGETHER WITH Remarks on TRADE. Thursday Nov . 2 1721 VOL- X. NUMB. 12 To be continu'd WEEKLY NOTTINGHAM: Printed and Sold by Anne AYSCOugH in Brindlesmithgate, and by Mr. Martin Bookseller in Leiceister; Mr. Canterell ' and Mr. Allestree Booksellers in Derby, Mr. Hoyle brassfounder in York, -———- Mr. Carlton in Gainsborought Mr. Dixon in Mansfield, D. Watson in Ashby- da- la- Zoucb, Mr. Farnsworth in Newark, Mr. Bradley in Chesterfield, Mrs. Taylor in Doncaster. Mr. Barber
in Wake- field, Mr. Swale in Leeds, and at his Shop in Wakefield, Mr. Austin in Rip- pon. and at his Shop in Richmond, Mr. Dyson in Halifax, Rich. Tatter- shall in Ashbourn, Wm. Green in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham, Mr. Bartlet and Mr. Greenwood in Bradford, Mr. Ryles Bookseller in Hull, Mr. Hostead in Melton, Fr. Woodhouse in Redford, and Mr. Bloom in Pontefract. At all which Places Advertisements are taken in at two Shillings each. )
( 2 r A Catalogue OF BOOKS publish'd, at London since our last. I. A Brief Journal of what passed in the City of Marselles, while it * * was Afflicted with the Plague, n the Year 1720. II. Carmina Comrtialia Cantabrigiensia ; Editore, V. B. Col. Trin. Socio. III. The Use of the Sector in the Constrution of Solar Eclipses, wherein as a proper . Example is contain'd the Construction of the great Eclipse which will happen May 11th, 1724 for London, Edinburgh. Home and Genoa. IV. Dissertations upon the Ingraftment of the Small Pox, according to the Method of Turkey. And upon other useful Topicks relating to the Animal Oeconomy,
and in particular thro' the State of our Fluids and Vessels in Feyers. V. Two Letters on the Subject of the Divinity of the Son of God, One to the Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham, and the other to the Reverend Mr. Whitton. London Bill of Mortality from October to, to October 17. 1721. Rheumatism — Riikets Small Pox — Stilborn Stone x ABortive- Aged 1 I 59 Apoplexy — I 1 Asthma 5 Cancer ' — —— 1 Childbed 6 Chin Cough • 1 Chrisom —• 4 Consumption 65 Convulsions— 119 —— H Evil; « -—• I Fever * - 84 French Pox- Gout Gravel Griping in the Guts 14 Headmouldshot a Horshoehead - - ot Horshoehead 1
Jaundice —-— 1 Imposthume —— z Infants -— 1 Lunatick 1 Mortification — 8 Purples 1 1 « • x 11 2, Stopage i'th Stomach x Suddenly ? £ Teeth — ,5 Thrush j Tiffick . IO Ulcers __ Water in the Head Worms a ot 1 C A S U A L T I ES. Drowned in the River of Thamrs 5, One at St. Olave in Southwark, One at St. Saviour in Southwark, and One at St. Katherine by the Tower Murder'd 2, One at St. Giles's in the Fields, and One at St. Clemens Danes. Overlaid 1. deceased — 387 Buried 490. Decreased in the Burials this Week 70
The Weekly Courant, & c. From the Whitehall Evening Post, Rome, Sept. 30.. TE Pope to please the Pretender, desires him to name some Person to be preferred at the next Promotion of Cardinals; be- cause in the Year 1712 the Abbot de Polignac was advanced by his Recommendation to that Dignity. The Cardinals Fabroni, Vailemani are gone to Albano, to spend some time in the neighbouring Country. The Inhabitants of Avignon, who are afflicted with the " Plague, have desired this Court to advance them a Loan of 100,000l ' upon interest, in their calamitous Condition, but the Treasury of the Roman See, as is pretended,
is so exhausted, that only 12,000 Crowns " can be furnished for their Relief, whatever their Necessities be. Petersburgh. Sept. 25. Yesterday an Express arrived here from Neu- flat with the Ratifications of the Treaty of Peace concluded with the Crown of Sweden, upon which the Artillery was discharged thrice by the Czar's Order, who went on board a Man of War lately launched to see the Illuminations and Fireworks, which were play'd off in the Evening when abundance of Barrels of Pitch were set on Fire. The 22d of next Month the Rejoicings will be universal and very Magnificent in thu City, and in all the Czar's Dominions.
Bilboa, Sept 29. All the Ships which have received their Ladings, are sailed for England and Holland. The Inhabitants of this Town, who are on the Frontiers of France, are not yet permitted to return hi- ther. Geneva, Oct. 11. Letters from Avignon of the 1st Inst. import, that the Plague still rages in that Town, so that between 30 and 4.0 People die in a Day, and the other Places in that County are likewise infected. The Reason of this Calamity is, humanely speaking, attributed to the eating of Mutton, and Cheese made of the Milk of unsound Sheep, be ought thither from Aunergne, by way of Languedoc. It may likewise be imputed
to the fatal Negligence of the Magistrates, in not providing the necessary Provisions, which they might have done time enough , so that more People are snatch'd away for want of Necessaries than by the Plague. From
From Miller's Letter, Oct. 26. The Mails from France and Holland are duly come in this Week; the former continue to give us melancholly Accounts of the Plague, though not altogether so bad as they have been. Avignon indeed is kill ina most deplorable Condition, without any visible Appearance of Relict; but Toulon, Marseilles, and most of the other great Towns where it be- gun, with the Country adjoining, are now in a manner entirely deliver'd, and they seem to hope, that if they can but matter it in Avignon, and by the Care they take, and by the tines they have drawn, confine it there, and prevent its spreading further into the
inland Parts of France, the whole Kingdom may be entirely freed from it in a very few Months $ but whether they are not too forward in thus flattering themselves with Expeditions of Deliverance, as is but too common in, the like sad Cir- cumStances, we must leave' for the Event to determine; But this dreadful Enemy has it seems begun another Progress, and in a Situation which, without due Care, may prove as destructive to the trading Parts of the World especially, as if it was to continue in France ; for they write us now, that it is broke out again at Constantinople ; that one whole Street was infected, and that it gains upon
them there in a most threatning manner : However, though the Malady is so dread- ful in it self, and so alarming to every Body, the Infidels themselves seem to make nothing of it, but rather treat it as what they are most subject to, and indeed, as if ' twas what they had but little Expectation of being long without. By Yesterday's Lisbon Mail there are Letters which says, that Mr. Wingfield was continued a Prisoner, and had the Liberty of going some- times to his own House, but under a strong Guard. They write from Falmouth, that two of his Majesty's Messengers; who were sent with Dispatches to Mr. Worsley, at Lisbon, relating
to the seizing of the above said Gentleman, were drove in from Sea, and de- tained there by contrary Winds. Since the arrival of Mr. Law in this Kingdom, ' tis observed that South Sea Stock is risen, and some of the Jobbers in the Alley give out, that he designs to purchase 6oooool. of it, which, if true, will be a Means of rasing Stocks speedily above Par. Sir Thomas Wheat is chosen Member of Parliament for Woodstock, in the room of his Father deceas'd, in Opposition of Mr. Crisp, who was recommended by the Dutchess of Marlborough, and, ' tis said, that at the Election 30 Guineas were offered for one Vote in his Favour. *
Whas is most remarhable, we see here Persons daily, who were rank Whigs upon his Majesty's Accession to the Throne, and who made it their Business in running up and down this City, & c. in railing against
5 Administration of the late Government, in preposessing the Minds of the People with strange Actions, these Wretches begin now to tack about, which gives room to suspect that the Court is resolved to have a new Par- liament. From the Evening Post. Marseilles, Oct. 12 Thanks be to God, we are in as good a State of Health as any City of Europe, having not had these four Months past on single Person attacked with any Contagious Distemper. We have twice perform'd Quarantain, twice sung Te Deum, and made a general Procession, People transact Business as formerly; The Plague has been so violent, that ' tis computed
it has sWept away above Sixty Thousand Souls in this City and the neighbouring Country. However many who were reported to be dead are returned, and abundance of People daily arrive here from the other Parts of Provence, or Languedoc, to settle themselves here, where they find great Encouragement; however our Ma- gistrates oblige them to a Quarantain of 10 Days. By these Mean* ouc City is in a great Degree re- peopled. Within these six Months paft we have received from the Levant or Spain above five Millions of Livres in Gold or Silver, which is the return of Goods we had sent into those Parts, which was
converted into Gold because they could not bring any Merchandizes. The Ducats were taken at 9 Livres 1o Sols each, and sold here at 14 Livres, and the Pistoles which were taken in Payment of the faid Goods at 16 Livres 17 Sols, were fold here at 16 Livres. For Fif- teen or Twenty Days the Merchandizes have been bought and fold at 30 per Cent above the usual Price ; this begins to be somewhat over, but as every thing sells for ready Money, we see nothing but Pistoles, Ducats,, Moydores and Pieces of Eight, which foreign Coin is as current as our own. Lisbon, Oct. 13. Here is Advice from St. Ubes, that a Dutch Ship
loaded with Salt, which in her Passage from France to Holland, was ta- ken by a Corfair of Barbary, having been forced by Stress of Weather to put into that Port, the Barbarians on board the same were all secured, and put into the Prison of that City. v Brussels, Oft 17. They begin to talk again of erecting an East In- dia Company at Ostend, for which ' tis said an English Gentleman ha « delivered a new Scheme to the MarquiS de Prie, which is reported to be more practicable than any of the former • Whatever there be in it, ' tis certain several Ships are fitting out, in order to sail next Spring. St Sebastian, Oct. 24., Fresh Orders
are come from the Court of Ma- drid for augmenting the Precautions taken against tho bringing in of the Contagion, by the Importation of Merchandise from France either by Sea 0r Land. LONDO N,
' .6 „ From Fox's Letter, Oct. 28. Yesterday the House of Commons in a Committee upon the Supply re- solved that only 7000 Seamen be kept in pay for 1722,, it bring a price- able Year, they also resolved to raise a Supply of one Million of Money, towards paying off the Navy Debts, mentioned in his Majesty's Speech and ordered an Address to his Majesty, to know how the said Debt ari- ses, by reason the Parliament has every Year provided for the Navy, after- which they adjourn'd to Tuesday next, by reason Monday is the Prince's Birth Day, and they design to pay their Compliments to him, This Day Navy and Victualling
Bills, that were discounted at 14 per Cent, fell to 8 or 9 per Cent, and in a little time they will be as good as Par, by reason the Parliament designs to enable the Bank to pay off the Navy Debt, amounting to 2 Millions Sterling. Thursday last Earl Coningsby made a short Speech against Mr. Law's - coming hither, saying, he was the greatest Villain in Europe, or that Ef- fect, and that he hoped the Commons would take Notice of him by an Impeachment, & c The Lord Chancellor has wrote circular Letters to all the Peers, re- quiring their Attendance in 14 Days, upon a Business of Consequence, We are told the Parliament Intends to
give to the South Sea Company in consideration of their Losses, that Part of St. Christopher's Island which was yielded by France to Great Britain, and some other Priviled- ges, which will raise their Stock to 140. LONDON, Oct. 28, Yesterday upon a Motion made by the Solicitor General at the Bar of the Exchequer, the Barons were pleased to order that Tomkins, a noth- rious Owler arid Smugler, who was lately brought from SufTex to ths Fleet Prifon, should be transported to his Majesty's Plantations in Ame- rica, pursuant to the late Act for Transportation of Felons, he having been twice convicted of clandestinely exporting
Wool to France. ' Tis reported that Samuel Heathcot, Esq; and Anne Fletcher, his Servant, are included in the late Act of Indemnity ; and some will have it that Mr. Lowther's Case, late Governour of Berbadoes, is such, that he cannot come into the Number of those who are pardoned by the said Act, because there would be shortly another Hearing against him before the Lords of the Council, on the Affair of Mr. Gook. There has lately been bought up here hy Commissioners from Spain great Quantities of our Manufacturies, besides above 16ooo Hogsheads of Tobacco, and several Thousand Casks of Rice, which latter Goods
are to be exported to Bayonne, and thence to France, where those Commodities seem to be much wanted, on the Account of the Conta
Tbe Spanish Ambassador has taken Possession ef his House in Pall Mall, where he hath built a fine Chapel, which will be opened by the middle of next Month, but as. for his Excellency's publick Entry there is as yet no time fixt, Which makes some People think that the same will not be so soon as ' twas expected, by reason the Preparations that were or- dered to be made for it are countermanded. Mr. Johnson, an Atturney, has made his Exit with a Rope about his ; Neck, at his House in Chancery Lane. S I R, To the Author of the London Journal. Iam just now come from Doway in French Flanders, from whence take • the folio
wing Story, which depend upon to be genuine. The Case is thus: A Gentleman of the Temple, who was lately in the English Con-, vent of Regulates at Doway, being acquainted with one of the Fathers, and permitted more Immunities and Priviledge than is usual in those Pla- ces, did, by some Stratagem, ( as ' twas thought in the Habit ot a Capu- chine) convey one of the Nuns, who was upon Liking, out of the said Convent, and took her clean off as far as Bethune, where she was at the Golden Spread Eagle, and there discovered by a Father Confessor, that had officiated in the Convent, who well knew the Lady, because she
had Confessed in a peculiar Manner some time before, that her Nature was so rebellious, that she feared she could not bring it under Subjection enough to spend her Days in a Cloyster.- She being asked for her Liberatio as usual, or Discharge, could not produce it, so was ordered to be stop'd, & in the mean time her Lover made his Escape to Calais, so got fate over, or else he might have had some sour Sauce to his sweet Meat , which at present this from Yours, . H. M. The Fathers ordered her to be examined by a Jury of Lady Abbesses, before she was re- admitted, for fear a young Capuchine might be laid up- on their
Shoulders, We hear that many Persons who have sued at Law for Performances of disadvantagious Contracts, have been stop'd by virtue ot the late Injun- ction Act. We hear, that a certain great Man in, or near the Temple, who has gained Sixty thousand Pounds by the Stocks, and lost Twenty of it by Contracts, intends this Term to bring Bills in the Exchequer for Re- lief, Last Week Colonel Gosby's Lady, and another Lady with her, were going to Wind for in her Coach, with four of her Servants mounted on Horseback; as soon as they came to Hounslow Heath, the Butler desired the
( 8 - : the Groom to see if his Pistols were prim'd, and as he had one in his Hand, and near the Back of the Coach, his Horse mounted his Head and struck the Pistol loaded with two Slugs, and it went off and shot through the Back of the Coach, betwixt the two Ladies shoulders, but did no other Damage. Not long sinces a School Master at Edinburg was executed for frequent- ly lying with a Child of 8 Years of Age, that was his Scholar ; this Fa- miliarity was discovered by the Girl being with Child : When the Time of her Delivery came, they were obliged to cut her open, and took Twins out of her. Not long since a Bailiff and his
Follower went to arrest a Person in or near Dean s Yard in Westminster, and the King's Scholars being aware of it, aand not approving of the Company of such Fellows in their Terri- tories, got together, in order to give him a Taste of the necessary Disci- pline of the Place, the Bailif himself having perceived their Design. wisely betook himself to his Heels, but the Follower stood his Ground very impudently, and treated them very scurriously , however his Back suffer'd for't, for they whipt him till the Blood followed the Rod. We ar inform'd that a Petition will be presented from the City of Lon- don, to repeal the Clause of a late Act
of Parliament, which stops Exe- cutions in cases of Contracts, by reason that many Persons engag'd there- in have sent away their Effects, with Design, as ' tis thought, to follow after. Last Week an Apothecary in King- street Covent Garden, who mar- ry'd. the Widow of Town the Tallow Chandler, ( who was hang'd upon the Bankrupcy Act for concealing his Effects) was committed to the Gatehouse, his Wife having sworn the Peace against him, Last Week a Boat coming through bridge with three Men and two Wo. men from Horn Fair, a Lighter being sunk in the Lock, and the Water- man drunk, the Boat over- set, and one of
the Women were drowned. The Cargo of the Royal George, belonging to the South Sea Company and now bound to the South Seas, amounts in Value to upwards of Three Hundred Thousand Pounds. Last Saturday six Persons , at the Feather's Tavern in Cheapside. took Eighty Guineas, in case the Ten Thousand Pounds Prize be drawn by Tuesday Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, being the Time they usual- ly shut the Wheels for the Day. Three hundred Guineas have been likewise laid to Two Hundred, that the said Price of Ten Thousand Pounds does not rise to any of the Tickets reserved to the Government. On
Tuesday the 31st Inst. will begin at the Pay- Office in Broad street, tha Recal of his Majesty's Ship the Phenix. From
9 From Fox's Letter; Oct. 26. Sunday last came in a Dutch Post, advising from Portugal, that the Af- fair of the English Merchants transporting their Coin, was not yet com- posed ; and that Mr, Wingfield and his Clerks were confined in the com- mon Goal ; and that 9 Algerine Pirates, with 5 from Sallee, are cruizing on their Coast, to seize Merchant Snips, From Turkey, That the Venetian Ambassador is threatned to be confi- ned in the 7 Towers, if the Venetians do not immediately deliver up all the Turks Slaves they have, for burning a Vessel of Turkey in one of their Harbours. From Vienna, That the British Envoy has not been
able to compose the Differences between the Emperor and the King of Prussia, and that the Pruffian Envoy was gone home in disgust, and the Emperor is dissa- tisfied with his Carriage. They add, that the Emperor is disbanding 12 Regiments in Austria and Hungary, and 6 in Italy, for want of Money to support them From the North, That the Czar ha assured the Duke of Holstein that he will get him Satisfaction, as to his Demands, when there is a Con- grels at Brunswick. That the Emperor's Ambassador had made his publick Entry, and had a publick Audience of the Czar in the Council Chamber at - Peters- burgh, the Throne
being of Massy Silver, and all the State Officers standing by;$ that the Ambassador made his Speech in Latin, and when he had done the Czar pulled off his Hat, standing up, asking after the Health of his Brother Emperor. Yesterday Sir William Stewart was sworn Lord Mayor, and some Per- sons list the late Lord Mayor. This Day the Commons went into a Committee, and voted the same Number of Land Forces as last Year, viz, 14200, and proved further On Thursday. Some Speeches were made to lessen their Number, but to no pur- pose. From the Whitehall Evening Post. Turin, Oct. 13. A Boy and a Girl in th s Country,
hearing that their Father was come to Savoy, out of France, and fell Six, ventur'd upon a pious Visit to him, and by favour of the Night stipt by the Guards ; but bring discover'd they were shot to Death, without regard to their Prayers and Protestations. This Severity, tho' much deplored, is extreamly ne- cessary, and it the like Rigour had been practis'd in Time, ' tis more than probable the Lives of a multitude of People might have escaped the Plague. Dresden, Oct. 13. The 17th the Hereditary Princess of Saxony was B unexpectedly
10 unexpectedly brought to Bed of a Son, who was immediately baptized; and pass'd Joseph Augustus. Vienna, Oct. 21. The Electoral Prince of Bavaria is shortly expect ed here to adjust the Matrimonial Contract with one of the Arch Dutches- ses. Hamburgh, Oct. 22 They write from Warsaw, that the Poles are extreamly glad to hear, that not only the Turks on the side of Choczim are gone into Winter Quarters, but likewise the Muscovites in Courland, and the neighbouring Parts. We hear from Berlin; that the Queen of Prussia is again with Child. LONDON, Oct. 31 They write from Portsmouth in New England,: Aug. 18. that
three Days before. Captain William Martingal arrived there in a Sloop from Bermudus, who inform'd them, that a Martinico Sloop was at that Island, by whom they had Advice, that the Pirates, to the Number of 3 or 4 Hundred had taken the Island of Marrigeland, with the Fort and Town thereof To some of the People they gave Vessels, some they let go, and others they kept. They likewise have their Cruizers out, who had sent in several Vessels they had taken. Last Monday a Match was run at New market between the Duke of Wharton's Chesnut Horse Chanter, and the Lord Hilsborough's Carlisle, for 1oool. a Side. which was
won by the former.'. Yesterday being the Birth Day of the Prince of Wales, his Rayal High- ness received the usual Compliments, and at Night there was a Ball at St. James's Palace. All Ships of War which were under the Command of Sir John Norris, are ordered to be laid up, except 4, who are to remain in Commission. It is Thomas Crisp, Esq; and not Sir Thomas Wheat, as before men- tioned, was chosen Member of Parliament for Woodstock They write from Derby, that the famous Silk Mills which have been above seven Years erecting in that Town, are almost finish'd, containing an innumerable Variety of Motions and
mechanical Inventions, which per- forms to the Surprize and Admiration of all that see them . it is generally esteem'd the noblest Undertaking and greatest Piece of Ingenuity, as well as one of the finest Sights in Europe, above all, to be valu'd for the Employment it gives to several Hundred Poor. We hear that Robert Lowther, Esq; late Governour of Berbadoes, will, in a few Days, appear at the King's Bench Bar at Westminster, to plead his Majesty's most gracious Pardon, pursuant to the late Act of In- demnity. On Wednesday last the Lord Viscount Gage was chosen Member of Parliament for Tewkesbury. From
11) From Miller's Letter,- Ocl. z6. A private Letter from the North insinuate, that the Czar, when it Dinner, expressed himself to Count Apraxin, his Admiral: Cozen, I am now in Perfect Tranquillity with my Brother King of Sweden, and having nothing more at Heart then to let my neighbouringPrinces see that I have preserved by it a good Fleets which shall appear at Sea perhaps soon at- ter my Return from my Metropolitan City of Moscow, in Order to cruise the Ocean, and make a peaceable Progress, with design not only for me, but also for you and your Officers on Board to gain Experence in so ne cessary and laudible
Undertaking, which, if true, shews that th? Russian Monarch is very proud of his Fleet, notwithstanding the same never en- gaged wholy against its Enemies during the late War, and thus that Prince seems to be endeavouring to render it in Process of Time ( it for Service; however, ' tis thought by most of the judicious People here, that the Mari- time Powers will hardly suffer the Russian Navy to pass the Mediterranean without ther Leave, besides oblige it to strike when ever their Ships of War should meet it. It appeared that by the Dispositions taken before the Coroners Inquest that Mr, Lutterel had ten or eleven Wounds in his
Body for which Tran- ter and Reason the two Bailiffs are double Iron'd in Newgate, and stand now accused of wilful Murder of the said Gentleman, deceas'd. Last Night his Majesty was to sup with the Lady How, at her Apartment in Somerset house. South Sea Stock 9 5 one half. Bank 124. India 240. African 24. Yesterdav the Prices of the following Commodities at Bear Key were Wheat 22 s. to 25s, per Quarter \ Beans 24 s. to 26 s. Rye Barley Malt Oats 18 s. to 15 s. to 18s. 22 s to 27 s. 13s. to 16 J. Pease • 2 5 to 30s Rape Seed til. to 15I. p. LaO Hops* 21. 10 s. to 3I. ) S. p. ( Tund. Coals 22s. to 25 s. per Chaldron.
ADVERTISEMENT. LOST on Wednesday the 28th of October, a Smooth coated Spaniel Dog, of a yellowish Brown, with White in his Face, and lame of a fore Leg. Whoever gives Notice to Mr Morley at the Black Swan in Gainsbrough or to Mr Green at the Rain Deer in Newark, so at he may be had again, shall receive half a Guinea Reward. ,